Tennis going on down under and the top seeds are all still cruising. On the ice, the Bruins, Devils, Flyers, Blue Jackets, Blues, Predators, Avalanche, Penguins, Rangers and Las Vegas won. But the big NHL news was off the ice, as the league are taking the unawake AF position of standing by Kid Rock amid all the backlash of him playing at the All Star Game even though he’s been a supporter of President Trump and has displayed the confederate flag at his concerts and written misogynistic lyrics. Jeez, I’d hate to see what the backlash over at ESPN would be if the NBA chose, saaaaaay, Jay Z to perform. Or maybe to own a sizable share of a team. LOL, just kidding. Everybody knows that opening “an escort service for all the right reasons” is way worse than“You know I, thug em’, fuck em’, love em’, leave em’, cause’ I don’t fuckin’ need em.” Way to be stunning and brave, ESPN.
Does that count as a rant? It might count as a rant. Not too sure, but let’s count it as my rant for the morning and move into…the links!

“I am so high right now. Where the fuck are we, Chile? Hand me my mitre and point me to the stage. Oh man, am I so fucking baked right now.”
The Pope wraps up his visit to Chile by running a 105 fever, doing six shots of everclear, taking a couple hits of acid and then giving a speech. I mean, what other explanation can there be for saying that?
You know who else treated their pets well relative to children in their charge? Yeah. You know.
I know he’s campaigning, but does this guy know who he’s dealing with? I mean…that’s a bold statement coming from the man wanting to head a country whose entire economy is dependent on the nation whose executive branch, not to mention immigration policy, is led by the person he plans to get into a public feud with. I wish him the best of luck.
This is what a shitshow looks like:
Govt official and head of non-profit regularly meet alone. Govt official secures publicly-funded loan to non-profit even though they shouldn’t have qualified for it and over the objection of other government officials (who were not meeting the head of the non-profit in private).
Other govt official: hey, your group needs to pay us the money it owes.
Non-profit head: one of your people sexually harassed me! But I just never mentioned it until now.
Other govt official: Fuck you, pay me.
Yet another govt official: We need to actually take a look at the creepy fuck who pissed taxpayer money away to a chick he was probably boning on the side.

“You mean I’ve got to pay the taxpayer money back?”
Welcome top Bay Area Political Science 101. Hell, or just ask Kamala Harris. She can explain that this is how things work up there.
Looks like Newsweek might have some splainin’ to do. I’m thankful it was the Manhattan DA and not the feds. Anyway, maybe all us Glibs can pool our resources and buy the place for a song when this is over with.
Hey look, a Chicago politician weighing how a decision will effect her political future before going public with it. Not surprising at all. What is surprising is that she bothered to charge the murderous bastard at all.. But the worst part of the story is this:
While City Hall paid more than $500 million in settlements and legal expenses over allegations of abuses by police officers in recent years, Alvarez’s office rarely prosecuted them, records showed.
Now that’s the Chicago way!
You think things are tense enough in the world? Kashmir says “Hold my beer.”
I’ve got something for ya, darlin’!
Good luck out there today and through the weekend. Make the best of it!
The Pope wraps up his visit to Chile by running a 105 fever, doing six shots of ever clear, taking a couple hits of acid and then giving a speech. I mean, what other explanation can there be for saying that? – woke pope no more?
This pope is merely a convenient ally for the progressives because he’s a commie. They hate him on everything else: abortion, the child sex scandal, believing in God, etc.
You know who else was merely a convenient ally for the progressives…
*slow clap*
John McCain?
Winner, right here.
Nicolas Sawark?
Jethro Tull?
Joe Scarborough?
If he was really a commie, wouldn’t he be saying shit like
“You don’t necessarily need a choice of 23 altar boys when children are hungry in this country,”
I blame Trump.
That Commie Pope always reminds me of the guy at the party that hits on everyone else’s girlfriends.
Curse you, Pie!
C’mon, Sloop! How’zabout a reach around, just for old time’s sake?
Wait, how did I get involved here? Maybe the Glibs Gods will give you a second prize.
A just and fitting sentence. I accept my fate with dignity and a covert wink to all the ladies in the room.
96) Trump officials weigh keeping national parks open even if government shuts down
The difference between the Obama administration and the Trump administration encapsulated.
Meh. It was an obvious move.
There are a lot of obvious moves that somehow seem to have eluded the previous president.
Obvious or not, we’ll take not batshit evil at this point.
Just don’t lock the gate and post armed guards and we’ll take it from there. Thanks
That was pretty infuriating during the last shutdown. They took obscure, ordinarily unmanned parks and historic sites and paid guards to KEEP PEOPLE OUT. Clearly not a cost-savings measure, just a big EFF YOU from Obama.
Yeah, barriers at monuments, ffs.
He was a shitstain of epic proportions.
Nearly divided the country as badly as Lincoln. The “Mary Todd Lincoln” Presidency.
One of the WW2 Honor Flights groups just casually moved the barricades at the WW2 memorial and went in anyway, past the nonplussed guards who weren’t about to be filmed physically restraining a bunch of guys in their 90s. There was an apocryphal account of one old guy saying, “Yeah, Normandy was closed when we got there, too.”
IIRC, Pelosi was attending an immigration march at the same time and called this a political stunt.
I was thinking yesterday that I’d like to see Trump engineer a shutdown, and then start issuing refund checks for the money saved on “non-essential” salaries.
That would be very Trump-like, when Trump is at his best.
I’m curious to know how many of the people who lost their jobs when he closed the Y2K office last year have managed to weasel their way back into “civil service” so far.
Good question. Imma guess 90-100%.
Does TOS have a bunch of articles about how the Dems are idiots for shutting down gov’t and how bad it’s going to hurt them at the polls? Because I remember some articles…
That was some of the derpiest derp that TOS put out. Well that and the breathless “Occupy Wall Street” coverage.
Oh god, those were the worst. Who wrote those, anyway? I don’t remember. Weigel was gone by then, right?
I did see someone on twitter remark about the KMW promotion to editor of Reason’s entire operation and Gillespie taking in the “new role” of Editor at large.
The words I saw were “Out of touch baby boomer gets fired”.
I admit, I lolled. And I like Nick, fwiw. He always retweets my anti-TSUN tweets and adds Justin Amash to them in order to rile him up.
Sounds familiar
Given that it is winter, visitation is practically zilch right now so a shutdown of the parks would except maybe the DC museums, be largely unnoticed.
Sometimes I interact with rangers a lot, and sometimes I hardly ever see them.
On my most recent vacation I visited 4 national parks and one national monument. Pretty much the only time I ever saw NPS Rangers was at an entrance gate or visitor center.
The only rangers I interacted with for information was at the monument because it was a cave and they have rangers conducting the tours.
I’ll bet you’d have seen a ranger if you had tried to steal a pickanick basket.
Or cracked a beer.
Drinking ain’t against the rules in national parks.
To some extent I kinda wish they would ban it in campgrounds though. Somehow I frequently find myself next to groups of college kids with lots of cheep beer.
+1 smarter than the average bear
I don’t want to inflate the WaPo’s stats by following the link, but I’m guessing they find some way to demonstrate how this is a nefarious plot by Trump to line his own pockets while taking advantage of the poor and PoC. Or wamen. Maybe wamen of color.
If you add rel=”nofollow” to your links it doesn’t improve their SEO stats …though they do still get a hit.
Tennis going on down under and the top seeds are all still cruising. – Romanians are oscillating between Halep is great and Halep sucks depending on how she is running.
As an aside, there’s an old joke gesture the comedians use around here about Comanechi. Something like this. I don’t remember her leotard riding up so high in the crotch, but that’s the image. Still see comedians doing that today.
thats not how you spell that
Googled it even. Give a Romania ignoramus a hand.
I believe you can do it
ナディア コマネチ.
you take that back !
Halep’s breast reduction makes me sad.
Truly the most selfish surgery.
Francis said that until he sees proof that Bishop Juan Barros was complicit in covering up the sex crimes of the Rev. Fernando Karadima, such accusations against Barros are “all calumny.”
Pics preferably, right Francis?
I want to see the reaction if the city of San Leandro makes a similar statement with a demand notice for the taxpayer money they were conned into essentially giving away.
“Tennis going on down under and the top seeds are all still cruising.”
Now I know this is a euphemism, right?
And it’s said that Trump is the one that is having a mental breakdown…
Shoots self in foot. Stops, reloads, shoots other foot.
Suppose he could’ve said, “Got rid of the proof? How? Like with a cloth?”
Choir boy robes?
Makes you wonder, is he personal friends with this Barrow guy, doesn’t want to believe in the rampant abuse, has something to hide himself, or what?
Why say anything at all when the wounds were kinda on their way to healing?
Is hayeksplosives Judge N’s ghost writer?
The Judge, a devout Catholic, would know better than to mock the pontiff.
What, is he Mohammad?
I’m only saying that it is rare to hear a traditional Catholic, such as the Judge, mock the pope (even this one, who is unpopular among the traditionalist wing of the Church).
Snark aside, what is the dogma on mocking the Pope? Since he is infallible, does mocking him = mocking G-d?
Sensible Popes clarified that infallability to “Matters of doctrine”. Basically the ecclesiatical supreme court.
The Pope is not infallible at all times. And there is no requirement that you never mock the Pope. It’s more just through tradition. You’re not suppose to mock clergy in general.
Ahh. Ok, thanks guys.
You guys need to get a better class of Pope to follow. Like me for example.
I’m infallible in all matters at all thymes.
Sage advice.
I’m only saying that it is rare to hear a traditional Catholic, such as the Judge, mock the pope
Even the “check in on Christmas/Easter” types such as myself typically don’t go there.
You’re not suppose to mock clergy in general.
I understand that that is the accepted rule. But, I honestly don’t see the sense in it. A priest, a rabbi, a minister, and even a pope are human beings. They most certainly are fallible. Trying to make out like they are above mockery seems a little blasphemous.
I’m not a Catholic, so I’m gonna bite my tongue. Too bad Eddie is gone.
*narrows gaze*
Let me amend that, too bad Eddie is too Eddie.
Nope. I’m grateful that he and John are gone.
What did Eddie ever do to offend? (pre-meltdown)
Geez, associating John with Eddie is a bit of a stretch
I think they both assumed bad faith on the part of anyone arguing with them. Eddie less than John, but both were unpleasant. I just want the site founders to know somebody is grateful for their work to keep this site a good place to spend time.
I like both those guys, though they have their obvious flaws. I’ll definitely take them over the dregs of TOS like Hank Phillips, Chipper Morning Wood, Stormy Dragon, etc.
John just couldn’t keep his mouth shut. You would think with a new site and new admins he would learn to scale it back a little. But no, his asshole-ish “gotta win the argument at all costs” lawyer side just had to come out.
Always wondered whether Bo was John’s excuse to argue with himself when nobody else would.
Did he and Eddie get banned? For all the time I spend here I’m totally out of the loop.
John definitely got banned.
I’m not sure whether Eddie actually got banned, my impression is there was a big tiff and he banned himself.
Eddie got a timeout, threw a massive hissy fit about it, then demanded the mods remove all of his pieces from the site, thus banned. John just was John, thus also banned.
Honestly, I agree with John a helluva lot more than I disagree with him, and some of his posts were excellent, but goddamn that guy only had one speed on his transmission. Every dispute, every debate was scorched earth.
I think Eddie was self-imposed exile at first, but he kept writing assholish emails to Swiss (and whoever else) and thus was banned officially.
As I understand it, there was a time early in the tiff when Eddie could have stayed. However, he felt slighted (not completely without reason, IMHO) and went full-retard basically begging to be banned. He was shitposting in the comments right up to the moment he was booted.
I confess, I missed that episode. I dropped out half way through season 1.
I wonder how the Merseybeat dudes feel about that album cover today…
Happy and Proud. And richer.
I mean…that’s a bold statement coming from the man wanting to head a country whose entire economy is dependent – of come on that is a bit much. Mexico is a big country. It can do great without the US
It can, but it won’t.
It has the ability to do great on its own. But for some reason it never has evolved beyond a corrupt backwater who derives 81.25% of its trade with the USA and receives $24Bn in remittances annually and has a per capita GDP of $8100 relative to $57500 in the USA. Hell, they get more money coming back from the USA than they do oil production revenues.
Yeah, I think calling their economy wholly dependent on the USA is pretty much right on the mark.
Corrupt is the problem. At this point it’s practically a “narcostate”. And the only way to “Make Mexico Spain Again” is to legalize drugs.
Legalize drugs? You trying to turn it into some kind of shithole?
The corruption there goes well beyond the narcotics issue. Their entire oil industry, which supposedly is one of the country’s largest sources of income, is just as bad. not as bad as Venezuela, but if they decided to go even harder proggie, like a lot of South and Central America has been doing, they could catch up fast.
If all their citizenry illegally in the US was returned, they would be strained pretty hard – from the loss of income, and suddenly having their population swell.
Al-Qaida moves in to recruit from Islamic State and its affiliates
Switch of loyalties seen as a key indicator of resilience of Isis as it evolves after territorial collapse
Unexpected development …
So the varsity coaches are looking over the junior varsity team for hot picks?
It’s not an on/off switch like Germany circa May 1945? Shocked and appalled.
Shocked and appalled
Rumsfeld’s B-strategy?
Totally unpredictable
“Dispersal Draft”
Am I the only one sorta disappointed by the collapse of ISIS?
So, a quick update on my interview situation. Yesterday I spoke with my manager who told me that the person who interviewed me called him to ask some more questions about me. Apparently he told my manager that I “interviewed well.” My manager told me he put in a good word for me. So I guess this might actually happen, and I might be going out of this shithole state and into Texas.
And you didn’t believe me.
It’s just a matter of me always assuming the worst. Can’t be disappointed if you already expect the most negative outcome. On the bright side for you, it will mean that Pacific Time will no longer be real time.
Left Coast time was never real time.
And here I am aspiring to move to a job on the Left Coast.
It all balances out somewhere, I guess.
I’m not saying you can’t move or live there, I’m just saying it’s on fake time.
Eastern is the one true time. Why can’t people scheduling meetings out west understand that?
Eastern STANDARD is the one true time.
Tell me about it; I live in the Pacific time zone. I’ts out of whack with everywhere else in the world.
Yeah but neither is central time. Mountain or get out. Am I right Q?
It’s always Mountin’ time
*cracks Coors Light, immediately regrets choice*
It’s real time as long as I live in it.
But as far as I can tell, you’re a figment of my imagination.
We’re all a figment of Tulpa’s imagination.
You are starting to get it now.
Please. Is mountain a real time zone anyway?
Nope. Central is THE timezone.
Ah, I was thinking based on your response to leon above that you must also be in mountain time. But you’re close. Central might become THE time zone soon. We’ll see. For now, Pacific remains the one true time.
Nope, response to Leon was pure, juvenile humor.
Good luck with the job. I know you’ll love Central time.
Yes, it is. Everyone knows Central Time is the Nick Gillespie of time zones.
::fingers crossed::
Indeed. It’ll be a bit scary at first for me, living so far away from any family, but it’ll mean I finally achieved the dream of getting out of California.
Closeted Anti-LGBTQ Politicians May Not Survive The #MeToo Movement
The whole “outing” movement has always been about punishing the people that they think should be “allies”. Soon there will be no true fags and everyone will be a fag, just like libertarians. That said, Spacey sounds like a creep and I would have put him in the hospital if he ever acted that way toward me.
A lesbian relationship is the elephant in the room.
both homophobia and fat shaming. You know fat shaming is illegal in Japan don’t you?
Sumo is not a comedy show.
Probably Canada too. Do your worst, Justin, my days are numbered anyways.
Lol, I like how these writers are justifying their silence about sexual assault by saying their policy on not outing people prevented them from reporting on harassment. They even papered over Spacey’s all-but-admitted physical detention and attack on Rapp by calling it harassment in their attempt to justify them not saying shit.
I ran it through the bullshit translator and what came out the other end was: we like the access we have, so we ignored reporting on sexual abuse so we could keep getting it, damn the consequences to the victims of it.
It’s a shame that we’ve lost Spacey, creep or no. A singularly talented actor but apparently a freakazoid. That guy was good in everything. Sad.
And that’s exactly and precisely what sports writers did (and do) when it comes to stories like the baseball steroids scandal.
What I find most appalling is people like Wilbon who had all these connections and access never said jack shit or investigated and then have the balls to chastise bloggers who used to push the issue. And then, when it blew up, jerk offs who should HAVE DONE THEIR JOBS IN TH FIRST PLACE vow to never vote for players who cheated.
They didn’t because, as you said, they love their access.
And after not saying or writing a word, they refuse to vote them into the HoF.
Yeh, that’s what I meant.
Every time I hear their self-righteous dreck I want to punch them.
I had the same thought about Lance Armstrong. It’s hard to imagine that, at the rate he was doping, no one ever knew about it – even if cycling attracts less coverage.
Sorry, I don’t get the analogy at all. I have no problem with a person taking drugs. I have a problem with a person assaulting another person.
I do get the “not ratting because I want access” bit, but one example is not ratting out consenting adults and the other is not ratting out abuse that one party is not consenting to.
I get that sportswriters have an annoying “I must uphold the sanctity of the game” agenda and then don’t apply it consistently, but nobody is getting coerced.
And it’s ridiculous because, though he never said so publicly, there was no mystery as to Spacey’s orientation. The public has known he’s gay for quite a while.
An actor is gay? NEVAH!
Analysis and Qualitative Effects of Large Breasts on Aerodynamic Performance and Wake of a “Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid” Character
SO manga/anime based research is gaining steam
Also speaking of weird Japanese memes, Q earth wants YOU to recycle
So much for a flat earth. Everyone on her sidebar is some cosplayer with huge weaboobs.
I see you are familiar with the tenets of my religion.
Nice to see someone quantitatively prove my qualitative suppositions regarding Whitcomb’s Area Rule and the female body.
<a href=""TV film crew arrested at airport trying to sneak fake explosive through security
We finally did it! We found a bomb! What’s that? It’s a fake?
Damn it that’s two HTML fails in a row. I need to rethink my life…
Make sure to use the preview button!
Preview button?
*cough* Monocle *cough*
I heard about that this morning. The real reason they were arrested: Embarrassing the TSA. ‘Course, the TSA doesn’t need any help in that department.
10 Guys Describe The Most Memorable Orgasm They’ve Ever Had
SugarFree to the white courtesy phone!
“One time I was hiking and got really horny so I went off into the woods a little ways and jacked off in the forest.”
Gotta be careful STEVE SMITH might be lurking.
Who in fuck are these people? Illicit orgasms with flesh units are clearly superior *beep boop*
The beaten path less travelled.
*throws out STEVE SMITH jokes, crawls back on hot rock*
I give up
Finland’s ‘Game of Thrones’ ice hotel – in pictures
We have ice hotels in Romania but it never seemed confortable to me. Maybe a new couple who want to keep each other very warm, althoug I dislike cuddled sleeping
If there’s any possibility of waking up with my balls frozen to the mattress I ain’t staying there.
So Minnesota’s out then.
It’s no big deal. Just keep a heat gun near the bed.
Too rough.. go for a blow dryer..
Automation is destroying all the good union jobs!
“The company is stable and on a firm financial footing,” said Dev Pragad, chief executive of Newsweek Media Group. “In December, we saw the largest audience and revenue numbers in our history.” He declined to comment further.
“I told those guys we should go all in on the TDS bandwagon. It’s really paying off.”
Newsweek is “going through a lot of transition, and it’s been difficult,” he said. “I think that’s true of almost every journalistic organization I know of.”
Even the media is gender fluid.
Quick Trump, say something crazy so nobody notices you’re winning!
The new director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau just requested zero dollars from public money in his budget.
They extorted so much over the Obama years they can coast on past plunder?
That is exactly what they article says.
I think they’re planning to all but shutter the “agency”.
Lower the Pirate Flag, Matey!
Screw Elizabeth Warren’s pet department.
These euphemisms…
This is the largest budget reduction of a government agency in my lifetime. I wan’t wait to read about it on ToS…
First Headline: The Gen X vs. Millennials War Over #MeToo
God damn it. Well, I’m sure they will cover it on the Fifth Column…
Latest Episode: “Episode 88: “Deepest Shithole Imaginable”
Why Americans Are So Divided Politically, and How to Help Fix the Problem
Let me guess, the solution ISN’T to ratchet back leviathan’s power by 97% and let everyone go their separate ways and live their lives as they please?
You’re on the wrong side of History, Shitlord!
This is demonstrably correct.
The more powerful the government the bigger the stakes. If the winner get to use violence to impose his views on the loser you can not be anything but divided,.
When government is expected to pick winners and losers, we all lose.
B-b-but what about Libertarian Socialists?
And, again, there’s only one ideology which, if it had it’s way, would allow people to follow those other ideologies freely, provided they didn’t infringe on anyone else. In other words, if I win you still get to be a Progressive.
if I win you still get to be a Progressive.
Not really, progressivism is about lording over inferiors. The ability to only lord over yourself and your kin isn’t progressivism, it’s libertarianism.
Of course, progressivism is patently evil and should be stamped out like a roach in a food truck.
Yup. Progressivism minus control over others isn’t progressivism at all.
Sure, but you’ll still be able to buy locally sourced, free range, artisanal mayonnaise from farmers market at the local park and feel good about it.
What good does that do me if I can’t force you to do it too?
No, you could. You could form your own little Progressive commune. Within that, you and everyone else who wants to live that way can be as Progressive as you want. Outside of it, you can still advocate for Progressivism to your heart’s content. If that means you can’t have the Progressivism you want, well, to paraphrase Frank, “That’s your problem.”
If the record has shown anything its that progressives can’t live in little enclaves, they need to expand a rule over others. Elsewhere they’d be content pushing federalism and just having prog states in places in California.
These sort of things always end like this
Ima pedant this, but I think it’s important. Just like libertarianism and libertinism are different, progressivism and crunchy critical theory secular humanism are different. Progressivism requires legal force, or else it’s just free market capitalism.
To throw in with what others have said, Progressivism without the ability to conform non-progressives to your ideology is empty.
I don’t think libertarians assert a moral superiority so much as they assert that their consciences are clean. Progressives and conservatives assert moral superiority precisely BECAUSE their consciences aren’t clean.
This is, by the way, a very, *very* good book. I’ve only read a small handful of books twice, and I’ve read this one three times. Its free in digital and audio format.
New York tries to kill it’s last industry.
Cuomo Targets Hedge Fund Managers With 17% “Fairness Fix” Tax
I mean I did the math and fair would be 28.37 not 17
Hedge Fund Managers are good at math too. So they’ll soon be moving to Florida.
Well FloridaMan would like to move on to a more stable cocaine trade.
Or Texas. I could see them all relocating to Houston or DFW, or even Austin.
I have often wondering why Wall Street hasn’t picked up and moved as a whole.
What, you think you can just manage a hedge fund from anywhere? Nonsense.
I forget that NYC is magic financial dirt.
You have to be close enough to Wall Street to actually smell those trendlines changing direction.
Handicapping the Amazon HQ2 Final 20 (1/21)
@Number6 I just read your response to my inquiry yesterday. For scalability have you thought about using Amazon lambda? I don’t know if it fits your purposes. I kinda like it. The upside is you don’t have to worry a bunch about server maintenance, but the downside (?) Is you pretty much have to develop inside a docker container. (For testing)
The chief of police who requisitioned them actually ended up being able to afford his own yacht.
Grrr wrong spot
Anyway, maybe all us Glibs can pool our resources and buy the place for a song when this is over with.
Sorry, I don’t want a shithole.
And here I am aspiring to move to a job on the Left Coast.
I’m not gonna tell you you’re crazy, but…
*taps temple with finger, rolls eyes*
LAPD’s Multi-million Dollar Electric Fleet Allegedly Goes Unused and Unloved
If you were the sort of person who signed up to join the LAPD, would you want to drive a hatchback? Especially an electric hatchback?
I’m surprised they didn’t have an unexpectedly high number of crashes.
They probably couldn’t be tacticool and carry their AR in the trunk because of the hatch, so they went with the older gas guzzlers in case they needed to put 20 rounds into a puppy somewhere.
The chief of police who requisitioned them actually ended up being able to afford his own yacht.
“…the LAPD isn’t driving them. ”
So apparently, whatever else the LAPD might be, “pussies” they are not.
In case you Greenwald was sane.
He edited Salon into to the derp-well that it became and ran away with his Latin Lover. Of course he’s a little bit “flighty’.
“Manning, a whistleblower who served seven years in a U.S. military brig for exposing systemic U.S. war crimes, was held under prison conditions so brutal that the United Nations formally denounced them as “inhumane.”.
Apparently Fort Leavenworth is the Black Dolphin of the United States?
Imma keep a tube of lipstick in the cubby just in case I get pulled over.
“Whistleblower” is a pretty term to use for “traitor who dumped data indiscriminately because he was having a mental breakdown.”
Manning wasn’t a whistleblower. Snowden was.
Agreed. I don’t think Snowden was as pure as some might believe but Manning is a shit-stain. The fact that Obama chose to pardon him instead of Snowden tells you everything you need to know about the deep state under Barack. *Daffy Voice* Despicable!
Exactly. Snowden was making bank as a contractor with clearance, which is basically like having a license to print money. He had everything going for him, and he became an actual whistleblower out of ethical considerations. Not everyone agrees with his principles, but he had them. Manning’s principles were that he was getting bullied for being transgender or whatever and wanted to pitch a fit. If it wasn’t Wikileaks it could just as easily have been any foreign government willing to help Manning get back at those mean ol’ bullies.
I think Snowden likes to pump up his own importance, but I think he’s basically honest about his motives.
Chelsea’s Manning had no clue what he was doing and she doesn’t deserve any equal footing to Edward Snowden.
Glenn is that buddy who you really like most of the time, but occasionally goes off his meds and freaks everyone out.
Like you’re at a strip club and he drinks too much and suddenly wants to suck every ones’ cock, all at the same time? I can feature Greenwald doing that. The next morning he’d blame American interests in the third world or some shit but you’d know. You’d know.
I’m sure this has been mentioned, but the display is changing – once I post or refresh – all the time from normal to some gray scale with shrunken text.
Take some Viagra.
Shit. I need some, too. My rods and cones are all fucked up now.
Fifties stag films?
Oymyakon: Freezing temperatures breaks thermometer in world’s coldest village at -62C
Hope them sneaky ruskies don’t seed some of that cold air round these parts in February like they sometimes do.
Bloke ‘MISSING’ after ‘opening portal of time and space’ in his bedroom
Sedona . . . color me surprised.
Ha. Taos would have worked too.
Those idiots have been saying Sedona is some kind of energy vortex for years. Turned a perfectly good tourist trap into a hippie and John McCain infested shithole.
Banging hippy chicks at Beltane was pretty great though.
Kevin from Time Bandits?
Man that’s some fucked up story about the kids in captivity.
Check the picture of the two of them at Disney. Creeeee-pay.
I’ve been trying as hard as I can to avoid learning anything about that story. Just put it in the vague mental folder marked “Disgusting Humans I Don’t Want to Learn About” folder.
I cringe at the picture of the children.
Since my daughter was born, I’m incapable of watching and struggle to read about anything harming kids. It bothers me to no end. Heck, every now and then I think about Sandy Hook and it blows me away.
Looking at a car crash and thinking, “Wow, I should watch out for drivers like that” and “You see the way those brains came out?” are worlds apart. A lot of the media interest seems to be leaning towards the latter.
Ditto. My wife is a big “Intervention” fan, and there was one about a guy who lived in some state where the liquor stores close at some early time of day by state law, maybe Virginia. He’d been drinking all day and was out of vodka, so he was in a hurry to get to the liquor store before it closed. Hopped in his truck and gunned it back down the driveway and wound up running over his toddler daughter. Personally, I was a little surprised he didn’t just kill himself that day. I’m pretty sure I would.
Same here. My guilty pleasure is true crime stories, Investigation Discovery type shows. After my son was born, I’ve never watched one of those that involves children. I turn it right off.
I would be incapable of moving on with life if my boy died.
think about Sandy Hook and it blows me away.
Mick Mulvaney’s budget request for CFPB is zero dollars and zero cents. I like this guy’s style
I heard this guy in Oregon died happy, knowing that Trump was being impeached.
And some guy in Cleveland was let down.
And angry. Steamed, even.
No Dirty Sanchez?
So, I assume this has already been posted multiple times. Well it’s news to me so shut-up.
*runs away*
Rats. Pilot light in the hot water heater is out. Turned to off; now I have to wait 10 min before I can try to re-light. Then forever before I have a tank of hot water.
Think I will work from home this morning.
Furnace purge set points are written in blood*
Halp her, Yusef, wherever you are!
Turn on, wait until you smell gas, light match. It’s easy, people.
Mine is electric. Have to turn it off for 10 minutes (circuit has a timer, so you can’t fake it). then hold it to “pilot” and click a button once a second up to 90 seconds until a light starts to blink. If it doesn’t make it in 90 seconds, you have to wait another 10 minutes.
It lit up in about 30 pushes this morning. Probably enough for hot showers now too. Yay!
(starter is electric, I should say.)
(starter is electric, I should say.)
That’s good, because an electric shower is not a great idea.
It’s easy, people
Never mind the big fireball, the smell of burnt hair and your now sexy, smooth forearms.
I’m late, so I’m not Thread fucking
Hedge Fund Managers are good at math too. So they’ll soon be moving to Florida.
Cuomo’s way ahead of you.
“By imposing a 17 percent “Fairness Fix,” every hedge fund manager working in New York State – including those living outside of the state – will be required to pay their fair share and losses under the federal tax code will be compensated. This proposal could raise nearly $1.1 billion annually and help ease the impacts of the federal tax plan.”
It sounds to me that they will at least try to include “telecommuters” who use the exchanges in New York to conduct their business, regardless of place of residence.
Also- “losses under the federal tax code”? WTF?
I’m curious as to what ability a state has to tax an individual who works within it but lives without it.
They do it with professional athletes already.
But those states only tax the share of income those athletes earn while actually playing in the state. They’re not trying to charge them income tax in New York because the NFL is headquartered there and the servers used to make schedules and store company data are located there. That’s what this dickhead Cuomo is doing.
By his reasoning, he should be able to tax any transaction that passes through a server, router, etc in the state.
Time to start the Glibertarian Stock Exchange.
New York Taxes income earned within the state by out of state residents. They get around kerfuffles by limiting it to that income, and not all of that person’s income.
This is not new, as a lot of downstaters live in Conn or Jersey.
I don’t doubt it, but I wonder where the authority to do that comes from. Do the states have reciprocal agreements, or is there some federal statute that specifically allows for this?
I know that in Michigan cities can tax non-residents who work in the city, but that’s because state law specifically provides for it.
Their authority comes from the fact they said so buster…
The old man would refuse to pay local taxes in the city he worked in but did not reside in. Basically a “come and get it”.
As far as I know nothing happened.
Lord, don’t get me started. The city I work in (but not live in) makes a whole bunch of noise every three years threatening to implement a tax on non-residents. And of course, the city residents are all enthusiatically in favor, because I’m using their resources without paying anything !!!11!!1.
Because my very large, commercial employer probably doesn’t pay any taxes, or something.
That should be interesting. How long till the exchanges move?
Wait, they’re saying they can tax people who merely trade on exchanges whose servers are located in the state? That sounds legally dubious. Can California tax all amazon purchases because the servers are in CA? Can they tax every google employee who telecommutes from their home office or even a satellite office in another state?
Sorry, but if the money was earned in Texas or Florida, it can’t be taxed by New York. This will be challenged vigorously, to say the least. And I can’t see New York winning merely because some servers are located within its borders. Because if they do, the consequences for more than just hedge fund managers will be cataclysmic once IL, CA and NY take policies like this to the next level in order to prop up their bankrupt legacy budgets.
I think it’s a game of chicken. They can’t afford to win the legal battle as the exchanges would pack up their shit and go. So they’ll just try to scare some players into complying in the meantime.
I don’t think all the servers moving to the Cayman Islands is that cataclysmic.
The New York will find a way to ban those companies from either trading there or will not recognize the legality of trades made in other states (unless the traders agree to pay the jizya tax they’re imposing on non-New Yorkers who dare trade.
Of course, all of this is illegal, but why would the governor of New York give a shit about the legality of his actions? Being a crook is all but a prerequisite for the fucking job.
Unfortunately it’s not. It’s convenience of the employer theory, which is complete and utter bullshit.
Basically, New York’s (and unfortunately they’re not the only state) theory is that the work is in New York state and just because the employer let’s you do it somewhere else, such as telecommuting, it’s still NY work. Also, that such an arrangement is due to the magnanimity of the employer, and not the bare minimum to get an out of state employee to work for a NY employer because if they couldn’t, they wouldn’t move to NY or live in NY and they’d work for another company.
Fox – and everybody who has seen it – are saying the FISA Memo is going to be a gigantic scandal. I’m stocking up on popcorn.
There’s Team Blue looking out for the little guy.
“It’s troubling. It is shocking,” North Carolina Rep. Mark Meadows said. “Part of me wishes that I didn’t read it because I don’t want to believe that those kinds of things could be happening in this country that I call home and love so much.”
Because that’s how reality works, if you ignore it, it never happened.
Yeah, lots of OMG, but I’ll still be surprised if it gets released.
So Democrats are voting party line to not release it, that’s a gigantic tell.
Hard to convince the hoi polloi to vote for more government when they learn how the existing government treats them.
I think it’s more along the lines of jailtime for some prominent Democrats. If it were just embarrassing they would let it go, they think very little of their constituents reasoning faculties.
jailtime for some prominent Democrat
You’d have to be Pope-level drunk to think anybody will go to hail over this.
A four-page memo circulating in Congress that reveals alleged United States government surveillance abuses is being described by lawmakers as “shocking,” “troubling” and “alarming,” with one congressman likening the details to KGB activity in Russia.
GOP is all pissed off when it’s being aimed at them. Fine, but what about when it’s aimed at the people?
It must be really bad for the Dems, because there’s not a peep about it anywhere but Fox.
Fox and Breitbart are the only ones with stories on it.
*Only news damn autocorrect
And will be the only places with stories on it, even if the memo is released.
There’s something about an adult giving another adult a mixtape that screams “I’m a serial killer”
+1 American Psycho.
It gave the songs a new sheen of consummate professionalism.
OT: my class for Communication Law is going well. The class is actually working hard on the cases and such.
So I had to go over it in my head this morning when I woke up too early.
Also, I got to put a “faculty” parking sticker on my car yesterday. And one more perk: apparently I get free access to westlaw as faculty.
Trump hates sharks, but not as much as the ‘losers and haters of the world’.
Does he read the comments/responses?
Why would he care what a bunch of haters and losers have to say?
No, but I did, and confirmed again that Twitter is a honeypot for morons.
Disarming the brits
“David Awooke
20h20 hours ago
I’ve had murders at the end of my road, The area is known for its knives. As much as I enjoy the cheeky wanker meme, it’s legit a big thing here.
2 replies 0 retweets 6 likes”
Fucken retard.
We used to joke about knife control back in the 1990s FFS. Now it’s a real thing.
America. You’re our last hope. 2A to the death.
“Richard Olsen
10h10 hours ago
Replying to @CheekiScrump @GamingAndPandas
Have you renewed your fondue fork licence?”
2A to the death.
What the hell is going on over there?! We should offer political asylum to Brits so they can escape their outright hostile government. I mean, seriously, they imprison people for tweeting things that someone might find offensive. There are rape gangs embedded in major cities but the police are worried that someone retweeted the “Remove kebab” video.
Well, we did get Charles CW Cooke, are there any left worth taking?
It’s impolite to notice the rape gangs if they are Muslim because… somebody called them Pakis once.
I’m convinced that the only reason Churchill had an enormous brass pair hangin’ is because he was half American.
More American than FDR far as I’m concerned.
A little something for the nonexistent ladies here. Are you ready for some more bare-chested Putin goodness?
It’s like he’s proud of his torso or something. Oddly proportioned and not enough hair. Thumbs down.
He must shave his chest or he has a serious testosterone deficiency
*Looks down at chest*
You don’t have to have hair on your chest to be a man!!
*runs off sobbing*
Exactly. I have no hair on my back or chest – well minus my fuzzy nipples!
He’s just part native American, no body hair.
Whadda mean not enough hair? No hair is the perfect amount of hair on a chest.
He’s old and fit. Old and small and fairly fit so every chance he gets he’s gonna show off. I’m not wee but I’m fairly fit and I’d show off like a banshee if it weren’t for Quato.
I saw on Squawk this morning – I think Putin is my husband’s man-crush…
I hate the teeny tiny reply text.
Give it five minutes, it’ll change again
the look of the site changes. Variety is the spice …
UCS hardest hit
His beige on beige scheme is not gaining traction.
It’s not the size of the text. It’s what you do with it.
Or so says every small fonted person out there. I suspect they’re just trying to make themselves feel better about it.
You just have to warm up with a little ctrl+ to get things going.
It’s a heuristic algorithm based on the value of your previous replies.
I vote for renaming it Jewsweek and putting OMWC at the top of the masthead.
Seconded. Let’s put it to a general vote.
I’m in.
Aye. Just for the lulz.
I’m uncomfortable with this.
So you’re sane. Why are you here?
You know who else was uncomfortable with Jews being in charge?
Al Sharpton?
The Muslims of Granada in 1066?
Puerto Rico?
*opera applause*
Hedley Lamarr?
Pontias Pilate?
WikiLeaks is so convinced that the Memo is so damning that they’re offering up to $1M in matching donations for its release.
That… is pretty significant…
#ReleaseTheMemo: Do you know someone who has access to the FISA abuse memo? Send them here:
WikiLeaks will match reward funds up to $1m sent to this unique Bitcoin address: 3Q2KXS8WYT6dvr91bM2RjvBHqMyx9CbPMN
or marked ‘memo2018’:
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) January 19, 2018
What’s the Clinton body count at again?
Is someone bites it’ll be quite the scoop.
I’ll say this much for Assange, he truly does seem to be nonpartisan when it comes to exposing abuse of power.
Apparently doesn’t bathe with the frequency that his hosts would find appealing. “Julian Assange Stinks!” says Wapo citing unconfirmed source.
I give him a lot of credit for that – I assumed, when I first heard about him, that he was just another OMG REPUBLICANZ jerkoff.
This thing will be public before the end of the month. The pressure building up is going to be too much. Either somebody will leak it or Trump will just declassify it and put a link in Twitter.
It’s like “Harper-Hate” here in the north but dialed up to eleven. Lefties in Canada hated Harper and I asked one why she had such a hard-on for her accountant. Blithering ensued.
Ezra Klein is officially the dumbest political pundit in America, and it’s not close
And which political party is turning DACA and CHIP into a crisis praytell lil’ Ezzy?
God, fucking dickface moron motherfucker.
We HAD “earth 2” 8 years ago, douchebag. Don’t recall seeing a lot of “criminal justice reform”, they were a bit too busy trying to implement socialist healthcare.
Robert Reich haz a sad now
Who the fuck is “we”?
Earth 2 sucked. Battlestar Galactica or GTFO.
BSG was pretentious shit. There were exactly three reasons to watch that show, none of which were related to the writing.
Q sayeth: Size does matter.
3, 8, 18, 34 (for the nerd factor), 47
Some of those ladies have fairly large breasts.
My metagame here is to see if I can pick out which ones are pros. #43 is for sure, and I’m just sayin’ I’m a huge fan.
I’m late for the office. #9 is Kate Upton. I’ll skip the orgy and take #10 and #18 to go.
I’m probably alone here, but every time I see Kate Upton I think, “Busty, hell. She’s like the bare minimum. She’s the outer edge of ‘not skinny’.”
^^^This guy gets it.
I formally extend an invitation to the Secret Society of the Boob.
Just came back and LOL’d at 34. Top notch.
Yeah. She gets to be the centerpiece of the orgy for that.
Gotta love the oh-so-subtle blowjob hinting by 3
Also, I think 43 is Angela White.
On the right, maybe. On the left is Sophie Dee. Not that I’ve seen her before or anything, of course.
Speaking of porn stars, #18 is Lacy Spice and you can find her in some rather compromising, ultra-NSFW situations with a little google fu.
It’s Sophie Dee, you philistine!
Angela White.
I stand corrected, I didn’t realize there was a knock-off Angela White roaming free but should have anticipated that.
Automakers may not have the luxury of choice as countries across the world ban gas and diesel engines to slash carbon emissions.
If each of the billion cars on the road were replaced today with a Tesla Model X, 14 million tonnes of cobalt would be needed—twice global reserves. Even a more realistic scenario for people to drive 30 million electric cars by 2030 requires output to be more than trebled, according to a study commissioned by Glencore from commodity analysts CRU Group.
The projections have made the lustrous metal, a byproduct of copper and nickel mining, into one of the most coveted commodities. Its price surged 128 percent in the past 12 months, in part because hedge funds including Swiss-based Pala Investments stockpiled thousands of tonnes of the stuff, which is used to power everything from mobile phones to home electronics.
“There just isn’t enough cobalt to go around,” said George Heppel, a consultant at CRU. “The auto companies that’ll be the most successful in maintaining long-term stability in terms of raw materials will be the ones that purchase the cobalt and then supply that to their battery manufacturer.”
Bet the farm on a technology dependent on scarce resources, with unreliable supply? Sure. Why the fuck not.
RE: Commie Pope
Is he purposely trying to destroy the Catholic Church? He’s already done more ridiculous things with his scriptural interpretations and statements (not to mention his political posturing), now he comes out and says for abuse victims to pound sand? In Latin America, the last redoubt of Catholic power? This guy is the Church’s Obama, bent on destroying the institution he was chosen to lead.
Commie Pope, the Chocolate Messiah and Hillary in Chains.
The Tour. Get your tickets!
No comment.
The strange thing is that free market oriented people are most upset with this Pope because of his statements with regards to capitalism. Within the Church, his largest opposition are people and clergy who are upset about his statements regarding doctrine- they have no problem with his statements on capitalism, because it’s aligned with the Church’s long held positions. The only dispute, from within the Church, about the Pope’s economic declarations is that he doesn’t emphasize distributism enough and seems too conciliatory toward socialism.
The Acton Institute (free market Catholic think tank), of which Tom Woods, Jeffrey Tucker, and Judge Napolitano (to name a few) are apart of, is in a definite minority within the Church. Just because the Church helped defeat communism in the 20th Century, doesn’t mean they are friends to free markets.
The Catholic Church is friends with the Vatican. They have no friends.
“Is he purposely trying to destroy the Catholic Church?”
It would appear that way, yes.
If the government shuts down, who will deliver Amazon’s packages?
*blood pressure rises as I look at this week’s pile of mangled boxes and envelopes*
*part that I ordered on Friday still not delivered* Urge to kill rising, rising…
I had the pleasure of having to call the post office Wednesday morning (no mail delivery since the 18th, a package was supposed to be delivered Tuesday, and was marked No Secure Location, Action Required). Thanks to that call, I found a call center that is run more poorly then the one I support. I select my options and get greeted with, “Your estimated wait time is between 4 hours 11 minutes, and 4 hours 17 minutes”. It’s a good thing they were that precise, I mean, 4 hours 17 minutes I’d be fine with, but 4 hours 20 minutes is a bridge too far!
/hung up and filled an e-mail complaint
Holy shit, and I thought Delta customer service had ridiculously long wait times. They’re pikers compared to that!
Part sent on Tuesday. Overnight delivery within border. Waiting. Waiting. Great, make a liar of me again, powers that be! It’s awesome to under perform when the turd slides away and doesn’t even need a cursory wipe.
I’ve been dealing with a corporate expense issue since mid December for a charge from late November. It wasn’t properly crosscharged, which led to a huge friggin mess. I ended up paying off the corporate card to prevent being liable for the interest, and I’m trying to get my money back.
There’s no phone number or email address to use, just an online ticketing system. Average response time to my messages is 48-72 hours, and it’s in broken English from an obviously Indian service center. Every time they respond, they close the ticket and I have to either petition to reopen it or open a new one. I have a collection of 6 ticket numbers right now for this issue. It’ll likely be February before I get my $400 back. Should I ask them for interest on that money? I feel like 14.99% APR is fair.
I’d probably curl up into a little ball and die. That’s just me. The cats and gogs would come for a visit, so I’ve got that going for me…
I’m going to assume that you’ve already asked for an escalation, there’s no chat system, and it’s a third party doing the expenses? If you haven’t, you may want to bring it up to your boss.
Ive escalated a few days back, and haven’t heard back from them. I made my boss aware at the first sign of trouble, but it has long since passed through his mind, so I sent a reminder this morning.
There is a chat system, but it is janky and I’ve never gotten through an entire conversation without it crashing on me. Of course, then I have to start all over again because they’re not competent to pick up where the last guy left off (despite a record of the conversation retained in a resulting ticket) . I found the ticketing system to at least be technically reliable except for the slowness.
Sorry man, the only other advice I can give is to burn the whole place down.
Angry, shrill women didn’t work the first time. Let’s try it again!
They really should send Trump a bill for all the free campaigning they do for him.
They throw gas on a fire, it gets bigger, and they think the problem is that they didn’t use enough.
“this weekend’s women’s march will focus”
My Wife crocheted a dozen blankies and sewed another dozen quilts for Xmas presents last year. When it was trendy she made “Minion ” hats for every child that she knows. Who are these people? She’d make a “pussy hat” as a joke for someone, maybe.
Here you go, Friend.
The Democrats figured out how to appeal to middle America.
Aren’t drag queens seriously appropriating womyn culture?
The “freshest-take” now is that they are being forced to unionize. Don’t blame me, I read it here.
Doin’ right ain’t got no end
Almost all people interviewed declined to be quoted by name, citing concerns for their careers given Levinsohn’s current perch atop the Los Angeles Times. It is one of the most important newspapers in the country and is the most influential media organization in California, the capital to the world’s entertainment industry. His behavior, as described by those who worked with him, raises questions about how effectively he can lead the paper as it covers the #MeToo movement and such widespread harassment revelations.
Levinsohn did not respond on the record to detailed questions emailed to him and a Times spokeswoman setting out the chief allegations raised in this story. In a telephone call he initiated Wednesday with NPR’s CEO, Jarl Mohn, Levinsohn called those allegations “lies” and said he would retain legal counsel if he felt NPR had disparaged him. NPR sent detailed questions to Tronc’s chief executive and public affairs staffers early Wednesday morning. The crisis management strategist Charles Sipkins issued a statement on Tronc’s behalf Thursday afternoon saying Levinsohn had been placed under investigation by the corporation after the story was posted.
“This week, we became aware of allegations that Ross Levinsohn acted inappropriately. We are immediately launching an investigation so that we have a better understanding of what’s occurred,” the statement read. “At Tronc, we expect all employees to act in a way that supports a culture of diversity and inclusion. We will take appropriate action to address any behavior that falls short of these expectations.”
National Propaganda Radio is looking for more scalps. Frat boys beware.
If you wanna do wrong, buddy, do wrong right.
But what if
oops you can’t even do wrong right
“He got caught.” lol
Minnesoda farmers get it.
Minnesoda farmers turn down free well testing because they think the state will use the data to further regulate their farms.
Gives me hope for the future.
That’s a wise middle finger that we see so little of nowadays.
So Dave Rubin does a video called “Socialism Isn’t Cool.” – YouTube demonetized it.
There is no
Soviet domination of Eastern Europeleft-wing bias at Google.That’s hilarious. You’d think that videos supporting socialism would be the logical ones to free from the shackles of capitalism.
Jesus Christ… this comment under the video: “Rubin, you are a liar to decry socialism as the end all, be all of human ruin. Thanks to FAFSA ( a government funded program that pays for college tuition) I was able to attend college for free and get a degree. ”
FAFSA is just a form you fill out every year you motherfucking moron. How in the ever living fuck did you manage to get a university degree?
And the maximum amount of “free” money you’re getting from a FAFSA is about $6k a year (Pell Grant). Since that’s not paying for college nowadays, you’re not going for free, you’re paying back loans.
Since you mentioned it, it’s worth reposting the whole thing:
Pucking fidiots have no idea what socialism entails. It’s only ever “government pays for stuff I like.” Let’s see how you feel about it when government runs your local grocers, tovarich.
Wow, that’s exactly the type of writing you’d expect from someone who went to a free, government-sponsored college.
+1 unbuilt roads
You know it is funny. They always trot out Police, Fire, Post Office, Unemployment and the like when they want to defend Socialism.
Problem for them is last I checked Police and Fire were almost entirely funded at the local level with a little state money thrown in and maybe the occasional give of a tank from the feds. Unemployment is almost entirely funded by employers and administered by the States, the only time the Feds get involved is during a recession they sometimes kick in some money for extended benefits for the long term unemployed. The Post Office is supposed to be private and self funding.
So yeah, no one complaining about Federal taxes or power wants to take away your police, fire and unemployment they want to restrict the 47 million OTHER things the feds actually do
So thanks to socialism it took the commenter 16 years to get a 6th grade education.
He’s a gay and not a progressive. So I figured all his videos were already demonetized.
Bwahahahahahah you gotta love how stupid SJW’s are
So apparently someone has remade Heathers into a modern TV show. Only in order to increase diversity they had to change the Heathers from basic white bitches into a diverse bunch…
The new Heathers are a Fat chick, a gayl male, and an Asian chick.
So the original, which could be intrepreted as the bourgeouis rising up against the privileged upper class in solidarity with the downtrodden all of a sudden becomes the evil forces of diversity shitting all over everybody gets their comeuppnce from the white upper middle class Veronica
Gross appropriation of White Culture.
Wait, so… are they being depicted as crybully SJWs? Because that sounds watchable. I gather a lot of people hate watched Girls for similar reasons.
Hey, this is Ohio – if you’re not drinking a brewski, you may as well be wearing a dress.
No offense, but I’m always amused when y’all look at us mixed folk and just flip a coin.
With you it’s more like a 12-sided die.
I worked hard for my hit die.
“Nancy Pelosi to guest judge on #DragRace All-Stars”
I’ll never see the pope’s mug and not think of Jeffrey Tambor in a yarmulke.
“Stormy Daniels reportedly told political advisors Trump ‘had her spank him with a Forbes magazine’
The anonymous consultant told Mother Jones that Daniels told him the magazine she used had Trump on the cover; Trump was featured on the cover of a Fall 2006 issue of Forbes (shown here), pictured with two of his children, Donald Jr. and Ivanka”
The liberals will be so thrilled to finally have a president whose actions help de-stigmatize sex workers.
Anonymous source, what a surprise. *tosses in circular file*
Why don’t the collective media just do a “Titanic” and just let this one slip away into the deep?
Because they’re that cartoon cat who, even though they can see that the saw they’re using somehow appears to be cutting a circle in the floor that they’re now standing on, just have to finish cutting that hole.
Our long national nightmare is over.
Lake Calhoun in Minneapolis has now been officially been renamed to Bde Maka Ska.
No longer will the hurt of having a lake named after a pro-slavery vice president weigh heavily on the conscious of the progressives.
Fuck them all.
Said the proggie fuckwit who has never set foot on a rez. I have, many times, and “vibrant” is not an adjective I could use with a straight face.
I lived on “The Rez” for work for ten fucking years. Nasty, brutish and short would be a compliment. Barbed-wire butt-plugs for the lot of them.
I grew up in a state with one of the highest percentages of American Indians in the US and, I say with Trumpian flair, the Rez is a shithole. Most of the residents would agree that it’s a shithole. To some, it’s a shithole by design and a point of pride (refusal to integrate into the white man’s culture). There isn’t just a gap between Rez life and mainstream life, there is a canyon. I do take some pleasure in seeing old white folks taking their social security checks straight to the casinos; some sort of poetic justice there.
Approximately 13 hours, 45 minutes until the government shuts down.
Are you prepared to ride out the apocalyptic conditions that will surely ensue? I’m spending the day watching every Mad Max movie, so I know what it will be like outside tomorrow.
Come on, Trump, don’t let me down on this one. If anyone can expose “government shutdown” for the giant fucking mockery that it really is, I think it just might be him.
It’s a good thing we had Betsy DeVos, the repeal of Net Neutrality, and the Tax Cuts all happen in the space of a year to help prepare for it.
No one’s left to die. America now belongs to the hordes of feral dogs roaming the streets, fighting for scraps of what’s left of a once great civilization.
This, and the government has already saved or killed via regulations like banning tfa’s (save) or defunding ACA/CHIP (killed – don’t event get me started on CHIP).
We’re gonna party like it’s 1999.
Please, please, please let them do this. I think the Dems have miscalculated on this. Disclaimer: I have no confidence in the stupid party’s ability to capitalize on this; but it would be *so easy* to tar and feather the Dems. “The Dems have decided to shut down the government because they care more about illegal aliens than they do about American Citizens. It’s clear where their priorities are.” Of course, the stupid party will probably fold and give them everything they want with nothing in return because *this time* Lucy won’t pull away the football.
I just saw McConnell (from the Senate floor) essentially saying – it’s not us, it’s the president…
Jesus Christ, McConnell. Someone primary that turtle-looking bitch already!
If the Stupid Party had any balls they would just change the Senate rule on this to eliminate the filibuster and pass whatever they want.
I’m trying to keep my expectations in check, but this at least has the potential to be one of the cases where Trump not actually being beholden to the stupid party works out in spectacular fashion.
Approximately 13 hours, 45 minutes until the government shuts down.
Today is Friday. Government closes down at 5pm EST — 7 hours, 20 minute until shutdown. If enough people employ the 59 minute rule it will effectively shut down in 6 hours, 19 minutes.
this one takes the cake
Being black in America is a ‘disability,’ black law professor argues
A black law professor argues that African Americans should embrace the notion that being black in America is a disability as a new legal strategy toward enacting protections for the black community against unconscious bias, stereotyping and structural inequality.
Kimani Paul-Emile, an associate professor of law at Fordham University and associate director of its law school’s Center on Race, Law & Justice, argues that while Africans Americans might initially spurn the “blackness as disability” label, it can actually be a wise courtroom plan.
Paul-Emile argues that being disabled does not have the same extreme negative connotation as it did in the past, and what’s more, disability law does not force plaintiffs to show that the harm they’ve suffered was intentional, that “discriminatory effect is almost always enough.”
“Rather than focusing on malicious intent, disability law accepts the impact of even neutral actions, policies, and programs, directly confronting the ways in which social structures, institutions, and norms can ‘substantially limit’ a person’s ability to perform ‘a major life activity.’ It thus requires that even discrimination based on unacknowledged bias be addressed,” Paul-Emile wrote in her article, a forthcoming piece in Georgetown Law Review excerpted by Fordham Law News.
With that, black people can claim “blackness as disability” as a remedial legal effort, harnessing this new paradigm to use the courts to require some sort of structural reforms that benefit the black community against what Paul-Emile contends is the limited opportunity African Americans face today due to unconscious bias, stereotyping and structural inequality.
The College Fix reached out to Paul-Emile for comment several times via email to ask her whether Hispanics or other minorities could also be labeled disabled, and what her opinion would be if a white person made the claim that black people are disabled. She did not respond.
“Blackness in the United States has an independent disabling effect distinct from the effects of socioeconomic status,” the law professor wrote.
Okay, I’ll bite: what is it about being black that ‘substantially limits’ a person’s ability to perform ‘a major life activity.’ ?
You ever try to pee when you have to stand 3 feet away from the urinal?
Yes. In middle school we had competitions for who can piss the furthest distance. It’s an offshoot of the spitting for distance game.
That reminds me of the funeral home I was at recently. I never saw a higher urinal in my life. There was no way someone like John Holmes, Otis Wilson, or anyone under 5′ 8″ could use the thing. There were kids at the wake that would go into the bathroom, look at the urinal, and pause for a few seconds before realizing they could only physically use the standard toilet.
That would explain why I see so many seemingly able-bodied black people that have handicap stickers for their cars.
That may be one of the most racist things I’ve read since The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
…so she’s saying that black Americans, like herself, are inherently less able than white Americans? And that they’d need special accommodations–separate, one might say, but equal–to those of the able colored? Hm.
Any word from actual disabled people about how they feel about this shit? How about black people who aren’t terrible shitheel academics laboring to find a way to leech tax money?
Well, they all want cake. It is known.
So you’re saying the USA elected a disabled person as it’s 44th President?
Another first for Obama!
Wasn’t FDR crippled?
Well he was certainly not our first retarded POTUS.
That guy who ran a protester over in Charlottesville? He might have just got his get-out-of-jail free card from Antifa.
Dwayne Dixon, a University of North Carolina anthropology professor and leader of the armed Antifa group Redneck Revolt, has admitted to chasing James Alex Fields Jr. with a rifle just before he drove into a group of protesters — killing Heather Heyer.
So he was trying to flee the armed mob and was reasonably in fear of his life. Sure seems like an out to me.
Especially if the guy is admitting he had a firearm. Good thing he’s in Virginia and not Kalifornia; some activist Kali judge would twist himself into knots justifying the guy chasing him with a gun.
Well, the guy who was being chased was in possession of a deadly weapon, i.e. the car, and so the chaser needed a weapon with which to defend himself as he chased the driver. Who was a Nazi shitlord. Duh.
Well, that certainly complicates the narrative.
This is my shocked face upon realizing that none of the mainstream media has picked this story up.
Rot row! There goes that narrative. No wonder the commie punks were so afraid of the grand jury.
Fields hasn’t actually run over Heather Heyer. She died because of the stampede caused by the car driven into a group of protesters. Most media accounts are carefully worded not to claim that Heyer was actually run over. I noticed it just a few months ago.
“I used this rifle to chase off James Fields from our block of 4th St before he attacked the marchers to the south.”
Wow, well that really changes the narrative a lot. What an idiot, it’s like he purposely worded the post to make it crystal clear that he chased the guy with a rifle, and in fleeing for his life, Fields ran into a group of protesters.
If this is true, doesn’t that make Professor Dixon responsible for the whole thing, and the death of Heather Heyer?
“L’Oreal cast hijab-wearing Amena Khan in their new hair campaign, and it’s perfect”
Because you can’t see her hair?
Stunning and brave!
Is that an Ohio State hijab?
“Because you can’t see her hair?”
Precisely what I was thinking. Why not run a cancer patient whose hair all fell out as your next spokesman for hair products.
There’s a reason, though, why Mia Khalifa was top trending on Pornhub for a while.
You know which video I’m talking about.
Reddit lists its Muslim/hijab porn as ‘RepressedGoneWild’ for a reason.
In a way it’s genius. “Nobody should see your hair, but use our products anyway you conceited bitch!”
In addition to not erecting barriers or actively working to keep public out of publicly owned land and no pay (including no back pay when it ends!) for no work, no pension or service credit for no work periods either. Fuck the federal employees. You don’t work, you don’t get pay or benefits for that period.
Also, Pelosi looks like the salt monster from TOS in its native form.
How dare you suggest that those poor feds not get their back pay? They probably went home and wept when they were prevented from toiling in service to their country.
You’d get even better results if the Congressional Staffers didn’t get paid (or back pay); right now they’re “essential”, but it’d be a different story if everyone of them was coming up to their boss everyday saying “when are we gonna get paid again? figure something out!”
A little red meat for you
He blowed her up real good.
So what you’re saying is that you’re in favor of the patriarchy?
I have to admit some discomfort with how quickly, and with how much enthusiasm, Peterson has assumed the mantle of “public intellectual”.
No intellectual has improved the quality of their output after prepending the term “public.”
something normally reserved for New Yorker writers after their first shitty pop-psych book?
i see it differently:
every professor – you, even – wants a bigger audience for their lectures, especially if they can get it w/o actually diluting their lectures to meaninglessness
(some dilution is necessary, probably)
Peterson has been making the same basic arguments for decades, only now he’s getting rewarded for them.
i had a celebrity-professor in college. he was/is great.
Satan in a blue vest
The Walmart heirs, a handful of people, were collectively worth in November 2017 well over $150 billion. For context, the federal minimum wage should be $19 per hour based on productivity over the last four decades. In fairness, the underpayment of workers compared to how productive they have been, and the shamefully low level of the federal minimum wage at $7.25 per hour, is a scandal engaged in by the government and sustained by thousands of companies, not just Walmart.
As the country’s largest private employer, Walmart is often pointed to as the trendsetter. That is probably true, but perhaps not in the manufactured, rosy image its corporate executives and some in the Republican Party try to project. Walmart makes its profit by exploiting poverty — the poverty of its workers and the communities where Walmart stores are often the only option. It’s a business model that has steadily robbed workers and undermined the country’s long-term prosperity.
Commie haz a sad.
And yet poor people (and anyone else) can still shop there and save money. It must be some kind of (((trick))).
Plus, only the DNC can profit by exploiting poverty.
They’re so evil they open stores in places no one else will. Sad!
How dare they offer goods at prices people can afford and pay wages that allow them to continue operating in communities that can’t support a Dean & DeLuca!
cue Peter Schiff walmart shoppers video
bahahahaha…..the picture of this guy looks exactly like you’d expect him to look.
“That is probably true, but perhaps not in the manufactured, rosy image its corporate executives and some in the Republican Party try to project”
They just couldn’t resist the partisan dig. EBIL RETHUGLIKKKANS!!!!
Reminder that it’s the Clintons that have always been cozy with Walmart and have been board members for a long time.
Even worse, Hillary’s time on the Board of Walmart was ’86-’92. When Bill was governor.
How many Huckabees have been on the Board of Walmart while Mike was governor? I’ll wait.
Do these people even attempt to factor in declining commodity prices, much less… shit, what’s the field of economics that tries to normalize prices as quality improves?
Yeah, because nothing says evil like negotiating drig prices so most prescriptions cost $5 a month. Those monsters!
Has this guy looked at the Walton’s political donations? Because IIRC, a hell of a lot of it went to Clinton (in each of her campaigns, and his too).
And wasn’t Hillary on the board of Walmart at one point? During the time period the meat counter folks tried to unionize (and so they got rid of the meat counter)?
I worked at Wal-Mart once. I hated it back then. These people make me want to shop for bullets there.
I wonder what these Russian goofballs are singing about. Stealing elections, presumably?
Not nearly enough banjo or harmonica.
Eliminate all public sector unions.
Corrupt political hack haz sadz.
The idea that this country is above reproach is as absurd as it is dangerous. To continue to believe that we’re the greatest country in the world, when all evidence points to the contrary, is to accept fiction as fact. Overlooking the myriad ways in which this government continues to fail its people, especially poor people and people of color, while simultaneously pointing a judgmental finger at other countries isn’t the mark of a great nation. It’s the mark of a deranged one. Or, to put it in terms Vice President Mike Pence can understand: “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.”
We shouldn’t be asking immigrants to prove their worth, when this country seems to be unworthy of them. We shouldn’t be furthering the “exceptional immigrant” narrative as if poor people must overcome all odds in order to prove they’re worthy of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness—odds the president himself has never, and will never, face.
But admitting there’s a problem is the first step towards eradicating it. America, we have a problem. Part of that problem is sitting in the White House, and a lot of racist shit is coming out of his mouth.
herpy derpy derpity doo!
“when all evidence points to the contrary”
citation needed.
Newsweek is learning all about the evidence collection process today.
I remember reading Newsweek 15ish years ago and thinking that it was a decent publication. There was a little bit of left lean to it, but for the most part it was interesting, fair journalism. Now it’s the Weekly World News of #theresistance.
Newsweek, how far you have fallen.
We used to have to read Newsweek every week in my AP Government class (2004-2005…. we’d have a quiz on certain articles each week). I agree with you. It was left-leaning, but not any more or less than most mainstream media were. Now it’s an absolute shit-rag.
The hell? Are OMWC and me the only non-12 year olds here?
No. We all just act like 12 year olds.
I take exception to that! I’m 13 in spirit.
Case in point:
I’m interested.
1. The foreground is pretty nice, but the reflection in the background is the real.
2. Not sure she isn’t a replicant.
3. Based on the image in the mirror, don’t care.
I’m much closer to 10.
We also read Newsweek in my high school government class…in 1989.
*drunkenly counts on fingers* So you’re like 15 years old?
“when this country seems to be unworthy of them”
Well we’re not be the ones trying to enter such an unworthy country.
“Or, to put it in terms Vice President Mike Pence can understand: “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.””
Oh make fun of the guy who is religious. You got us there.
The whole stupid thing is that I’d probably agree with these people if they didn’t wrap it all in crazy rhetoric.
Mick Mulvaney is giving a press conference regarding the potential shutdown – this should be fun.
“Jordan B Peterson, Critical Theory, and the New Bourgeoisie
But why have these arguments been banished? The immediate answer is social pressure. As social justice advocates have come to dominate Western culture, they’ve created a situation where interlocutors are more intent on burnishing their adherence to the correct opinions than they are about discovering something new, learning the truth, or even engaging in open and reciprocal dialogue. Hollywood actors wear political slogans to awards ceremonies, comedians lecture their audiences rather than entertain them, and television hosts go into battle with their guests rather than interview them. Naturally, this has pushed out opposing voices.
But where did the social justice advocates, and their associated attitude, come from? The answer to that, I think, is academia. A recent episode, also involving Peterson, demonstrates this.”
Great essay!
The interviewer doesn’t seem to understand that she’s out of her intellectual weight-class. She keeps filtering Peterson’s words through her leftist translator and repeating what she thinks she heard back to him. He has to keep correcting her stupid vagaries.
as i said last night (when i watched it) she says, “So what you’re saying is, _____” like 500 times. Almost every sentence out of his mouth gets strawmanned
I have a hard time watching interviewers try to take down Jordan Peterson because of what you’re saying. Whether you agree with what he says or not, he’s a very, very smart guy, and he’s operating at a level a lot of his foes will never see. In that interview, she’s just completely at sea. She’s trying to spring these gotchas on him about the tenets of social justice and intersectionality and feminism, but he doesn’t accept the premise, so she’s left stuttering while he looks like the smart person in the room.
My favorite bit actually reminds me of something I read in “The Art of the Argument” by Stefan Molyneux having to do with confusing deductive and inductive reasoning, something which the left does a lot. Peterson says something like, “Men and women are pretty much the same on average in terms of intelligence. Women are slightly more orderly on average, and men are slightly more industrious on average, but they’re pretty much the same.” She replies with something like, “Well, I know a few men who aren’t very industrious.” Right, great, I’m sure you do. That doesn’t disprove Peterson’s point. That’s like saying polar bears live in the Caribbean because you see a polar bear in Jamaica, not knowing that a ship carrying zoo animals ran aground a month prior.
That was terrific. Thanks ‘tater.
Quillette is rapidly becoming one of my favorite outlets.
So you’re saying Claire Lehmann has a decent rack?
Today, in belaboring the obvious
A single teacher can reach thousands of students in an online course, opening up a world of knowledge to anyone with an internet connection. This limitless reach also offers substantial benefits for school districts that need to save money, by reducing the number of teachers.
But in high schools and colleges, there is mounting evidence that the growth of online education is hurting a critical group: the less proficient students who are precisely those most in need of skilled classroom teachers.
Online education is still in its youth. Many approaches are possible, and some may ultimately benefit students with deep and diverse needs. As of now, however, the evidence is clear. For advanced learners, online classes are a terrific option, but academically challenged students need a classroom with a teacher’s support.
Blah blah fucking blah left behind! Students respond differently. Some seem to respond better to human interaction. Stop the fucking presses.
I guess we had better ban on line classes, just to be sure.
You know it would be great if we had some kind of system where parents could pick and choose from a host of schools all of which offered different curriculum and approaches to teaching it so they could put their child into the school which would best meet their childs needs.
You must be a racist.
stepdaughter had a high school math class two years ago. The human teacher only ran videos. Every single class – except for quizzes and tests.
Which is even worse than on-line because at least on-line you can pause and rewind. But having a human “teacher” play a video at least ensures the union gets what it wants.
I said this before: people sneering at Chelsea Manning are going to see a lot of commentators that they respect defending Manning. I fully expected this from the Mises/Paul/Rothbard people. War and government surveillance is their bread and butter. Manning people opposed to those issues, would, of course, make her a natural ally to them.
Manning may be a joke, but she’s far less dangerous than more pro-war, pro-surveillance Democrats
Are OMWC and me the only non-12 year olds here?
Come for the snark, stay for the 12 year olds.
Young AJ was the best AJ.
“California Attorney General Xavier Becerra says “we will prosecute” employers who help federal immigration authorities as they seek to enforce immigration laws.”
Sometimes amputation is the only way to save a limb.
Does that count something as simple as verifying eligibility to work in the US (the I-9)? Does it include ensuring US Citizenship for defense contractors?
These idiots might change my mind about moving to the Left Coast.
The horror! The horror!
That actually does sound pretty bad, man.
Under what authority does the government claim the right to tell business what to do? This principle should be applied all the time and not selectively, lest people rightly accuse hypocrisy
If you’re saying that states’ rights count for blue states too, then I’m all with you.
The fact is, I don’t see any reason to rent my garments over the fact that California decided to legislate that INS has to follow the 4th and 5th Amendments like normal people.
A business deciding to cooperate with the government is a violation of the 4th and 5th Amendment? Maybe, I need to re-read the document.
What California is doing is legislating what a business chooses to do. This is the other side of e-verify. Rather than the government mandating that you check the immigration status of your employees this is the government mandating that you not check the immigration status.
Perhaps you do if you’ve ever expressed outrage at ISPs sharing confidential information with the NSA as well. Considering that the Federal government already decided that I don’t have 4th and 5th Amendment rights considering that the entirety of NH is 100 miles from a national border, thus the Border Patrol can conduct warrantless searches , anyone upset at a state attempting to restore the constitutional rights of its citizenry through legislation can get fucked, in my opinion. Again, a state has every right to ensure the Feds play by their own rules. Just like an individual, if a business doesn’t like it, it can always move to Maricopa County.
So then government interference with the voluntary decisions of employers is wrong, but only sometimes?
But they didn’t legislate that, did they?
They are threatening businesses that don’t force the INS to follow those amendments.
And I’m sure the CA attorney general will be happy to assist people who get on the ICE shitlist and find themselves subject to punitive IRS audits/prosecutions for violating the FYTW clause.
These are two criminal gangs threatening people living in the disputed territory with punishment if they don’t assist the gang.
Do you lose your 4th and 5th rights when you work in the private sector? If you work in my factory and I invite ICE officers onto the floor, do they get to search your pockets?
“If you work in my factory and I invite ICE officers onto the floor, do they get to search your pockets?”
How would you inviting ICE onto the floor allow them to search my pockets without just cause? Wouldn’t that be essentially the same as if I were walking down the street and an officer decided to search me without just cause? It would fall under the same 4th Amendment protections, no?
So, do you lose 1st Amendment protections when you are employed? I don’t understand how some individual rights are lost, but others are retained
You don’t lose those rights, no.
But, here’s a scenario.
You’re running a small business. 10 employees. Half of them have worked for you for more than five years. You do the I-9 thing. You have every assurance that seine Papiere sind in Ordnung.
So the assholes from ICE show up. You want to minimize their disruption to your business. You are politically in favor of law and order and like 95% of Americans you believe the government has the power to regulate immigration appropriately.
What this state law is saying is that if you cooperate with ICE. Let them look through your files, verify your paperwork and leave, you are going to jail. Period.
But, if you piss of the ICE guys by telling them to get a warrant, and guess what, if they do get that warrant, it ain’t going to be a friendly audit, its thugs removing records, perhaps even your office admin’s computer (since she does the HR stuff you don’t outsource). Maybe they even call their friends at the IRS to queue you up for an Obama style audit!
Bluntly, and I say this as an open borders fanatic who thinks the only way to treat ICE agents with the respect they deserve is to don steel-toed boots and cunt-punt their testicles out through their ears, this is intimidation pure and simple.
You’ll notice what was absent from the press release: any offer of assistance for business owners who wanted to stay out of trouble. I’m sure the CA government is going to pay the legal costs of employers who try to fight ICE in court when the ICE starts its round of intimidation. I’m sure the CA government is going to protect business owners from being arrested for obstruction.
Even though I agree with the idea; even though if I were a CA business owner, I’d be inclined to do just what the CA authorities are threatening to jail me for not doing; even though I think it disgusting and barbaric that we, like serfs, have to get the king’s permission to earn a living, I recognize this for what it is. Intimidation. Intimidation by a particularly predatory territorial gang. Let’s not pretend it is anything but that.
Sorry,but fuck California. If they gave a fuck about the 4tg Amendment, they wouldn’t stop people entering the state and force them to open their vehicles to inspect for “agricultural products” before letting them enter.
And they wouldn’t reserve the right to enter a workplace without a warrant to ensure ADA compliance even if the workplace is a private residence.
Criminally prosecuting an employer because they want to share documents with a superseding authority the state arbitrarily chose not to recognize doesn’t sound like respecting employer rights to me.
Respecting the 4A would be allowing the employees that negotiate with the employers what they want shared, not this shit.
There are two problems with it as I see it.
1. It leaves a hair’s width of safety room between “run afoul of Federal law” and “run afoul of state law” which is going to result in some nasty prosecutions of employers
2. It runs afoul of all sorts of jurisprudence that Democrats were previously supportive of, including Federal supremacy, Federal authority over immigration, and the implied powers doctrine. The end result is either going to be that most of the bill is struck down by the courts (oh well) or that the courts are going to find new and exciting penumbras and emanations to carve out a special exemption for this one issue and only until a Democrat is back in office.
There is no libertarian principle being fought for here, broadly, since the bill itself leaves no discretion or room for voluntary action, and Democrats will gladly continue stomping on states’ rights when it suits their purposes.
The road the hell is paved with good intentions.
Regardless of the merits, or lack thereof, of this law, it will be used by both federal and state authorities to destroy political opponents.
I wouldn’t move to CA, NY, or NJ unless my salary increased by at least two more zeros at the end.
That should really encourage people to start new businesses in CA.
I’d love to see the feds arrest and prosecute Becerra for 8 USC 1324.
“Hillary Clinton Could Still Become President if Russia Probe Finds Conspiracy Evidence”
Pure clickbait.
I mean, she could also become president if the probe doesn’t find conspiracy evidence. You know, in the next election.
The only way Hillary Clinton ends up being President is if she renegotiates the deal she made with Satan for her eternal soul.
I forgot who pointed out that Hillary’s exact words in the deal must have been, “I want more votes than my opponent”.
Well, it does assume that she won’t be charged for hiring a Russian-backed propaganda outlet to secure Russian-intelligence-sourced dirt on her political opponent. And using that same Russian disinformation to weaponize American intelligence agencies to undermine the democratic transition of power. Because gosh, that sounds an awful lot like “collusion” to me, at minimum.
All of my technicians called in sick today. So we found out: Can you replace technicians with engineers?
A: Yes, and it’s hilarious
Go on…
PhD needs some water to use as a cooling bath. Decided to fill the bath from the safety shower… which is fitted with an alarm to summon the Emergency response Team upon activation.
Take photos when the dry ice goes in the sink…
What about the Bias Response Team?
Let me guess:
Engineer – We designed this, should be easy to maintain/operate/repair
10 minutes later the same engineer – who the fuck designed this!
Without Haiti, the United States Would, in Fact, Be a Shithole
Haiti is what Ronald Reagan was dreaming of when he suggested that shrinking the state would allow the business sector to move in and replace government functions in a market economy. Haiti has a vestigial state. There is no national health care, no social security, no pensions, very little taxation, very few labor regulations, a tiny national coffer. This is the direction in which Reagan pushed us and which Trump and his people continue to move us. There is very little organized sanitation, unemployment is the norm, housing is less than substandard, and electricity is delivered in a capricious and severely limited fashion. Poverty means that people have to live day by day, earning a goud here and a goud there. It means that individual and family plans for the future are nearly impossible to make. Many of the ablest Haitians have immigrated to the United States and Canada, though Trump apparently does not appreciate their many contributions to our economy as doctors, engineers, attorneys, academics, dentists, accountants, etc.
Haitians feel the lack of a state every day and night, but they still rise indomitably to the task of living full lives. It’s rare to see a Haitian hanging around, at least in Port-au-Prince. Everyone is constantly on the move, trying to find work and make a buck. There is poetry being written and music being played. At night, students go out and sit under the light of street lamps to study for tests. Haitians are huge into basketball and ecstatic when one of their players makes it to the NBA, as several have. Haitian literature over the centuries is full of masterpieces. Dany Laferrière, a novelist of Haitian descent, was recently admitted to the elite Académie Française. Alexandre Dumas, author of The Three Musketeers, was Haitian, as was the naturalist John James Audubon.
In the camps set up by Haitians after the earthquake that struck exactly eight years ago today, I sat around with teenage boys eager to play tapes for me of the music they’d recorded. During a tropical storm, I had a camp dinner of sardines and tomatoes cooked outside a tent over a charcoal fire. I’ve watched cockfights in small stadiums, and Vodou ceremonies in the earthquake rubble. I’ve seen the dazzling paintings by Haitian masters on the walls of museums (now crumbled) and churches (also now crumbled). I’ve seen a young boy who lost both his hands and both his forearms in the earthquake learn to use prostheses and also learn to accept the care of his extended family in the countryside. I’ve seen countless examples of Haitian solidarity and community, and of course of the human hunger to learn and grow and better one’s fortunes.
Cockfights, earthquake rubble, hordes of unemployed and cripples…hmm hard to put a positive spin on that.
on the economy, wiki sez:
In the aftermath of the 1994 restoration of constitutional governance, Haitian officials have indicated their commitment to economic reform through the implementation of sound fiscal and monetary policies and the enactment of legislation mandating the modernization of state-owned enterprises. A council to guide the modernization program (CMEP) was established and a timetable was drawn up to modernize nine key parastatals. Although the state-owned flour-mill and cement plants have been transferred to private owners, progress on the other seven parastatals has stalled. The modernization of Haiti’s state-enterprises remains a controversial political issue in Haiti.
Nothing says Reaganomics like state-owned flour mills and cement plants.
state-owned flour mills and cement plants
I hope they don’t get those mixed up.
R2-D2 is a stone cold killer.
He killed the link!
*beckons thicc edit faerie*
May I subscribe to the Thicc Edit Faerie’s newsletter?
A council to guide the modernization program (CMEP) was established and a timetable was drawn up to modernize nine key parastatals.
We have a plan. It will take five years.
Canadian man gets parking ticket for ‘car’ made of snow
A Canadian man made a fake car out of snow and got a real parking ticket.
Montreal native Simon Laprise crafted a Back to the Future-style Delorean on the side of his street as part of a prank and he got the results he expected.
“It was a beautiful day,” Laprise told Vice. “So I decided to do something out of the mountain of snow, to do a little joke to the snow guys, and have fun sculpting a car. It’s not my first one, just the first I do in the street on snow removal day.”
Laprise sculpted the Delorean to look like a life-size version of Marty McFly’s ride had been parked throughout a snow storm for days. He even added indentions for the wheels and windows — and then threw a spare windshield wiper he found lying around for a special touch.
The snow car looked real enough that when police came around to look for cars parked on that side of the road during a snow plowing hours, they wrote a ticket and left it on a windshield made of snow.
Dude should show up at traffic court with a Snowman to blame as the ‘driver.”
Don’t text and boat, kids.
well knock me over with a feather- something semi-sane at CNN
For example: Sexual assault and rape are never the victim’s fault. But we cannot indiscriminately start destroying careers over consensual sexual activity, which based on her account is what this case appears to be.
When we do that, we trivialize the brave victims who are coming forward about actual sex crimes.
After reading “Grace’s” account of her date with Ansari, a male friend said to me, “It seems the price of fame is that any date that goes south will now be posted on the net for public consumption, like a Yelp review.”
Consider that if men publicly shared details about bad sexual experiences with women, we would call them misogynist monsters.
By her account, however uncomfortable she told Babe the encounter had made her, she did not stop him or leave his apartment when, she says, he performed oral sex on her. Nor did she resist or leave his apartment when he urged her to perform oral sex on him; by her own description, she complied twice.
Ansari is not Harvey Weinstein. He’s not even on the same planet. We have to differentiate between the two if our #MeToo movement is to succeed. If we don’t, no one will take our valid claims seriously and things will get worse for women.
“Grace” was not working for Ansari or looking for a job from him. He gave her white wine at his apartment; she tells Babe writer Katie Way that she would have preferred red. She could have told him that. She didn’t, then blamed him. She could have said she didn’t want to go home with him. She didn’t, then blamed him. She could have left his house at any point. She didn’t, then blamed him.
It sounds from “Grace’s” words as though they each had different expectations of the date: he, that they would have sex, she, that she might date a celebrity. Her horror appears to have stemmed from disillusionment at their differing agendas.
Some of my female friends argue that Ansari had all the power in this scenario, that as a wealthy male celebrity he is a beneficiary of the patriarchy’s privilege. But Ansari’s position is more complicated than that — he is no shoo-in with the American patriarchy.
As a man of color, he has overcome decades of racism to pave a way for leading men of South Asian descent in American entertainment. His accuser may not be giving him the benefit of the doubt as a man who has lifted up women writers and actors with his Netflix show “Master of None.”
Shorter CNN: this sort of thing was fine before it landed in our backyard.
Not sane enough for me. That last paragraph ruins it all. Basically, if you’re rich or famous than woman, being weak willed and needing protection, can’t say no, so men need to read their minds to know if they’re uncomfortable. Then the progressive stack comes around and that’s okay because he’s “of color” but a white man who did the same thing would be evil. Fuck that. He did nothing wrong and #metoo needs to die.
Consider that if men publicly shared details about bad sexual experiences with women, we would call them misogynist monsters.
And they’d be prosecuted for revenge porn.
Did I finally find where all the fun commenters from Reason went? I leave for a few months and everyone I like disappeared.
Yup! Welcome aboard. The ritual hazing will soon follow.
Hi Tulpa!
My Tulpa
Crap, Tulpa found us.
Where is Yusef to give Tulpa a proper welcome?
I remember when Tulpa used to argue in (what seemed like) good faith. It was short lived. My god I’m getting old.
Sorry, it’s getting-hid-on-the-head lessons in here.
Game of Chicken
White House budget director Mick Mulvaney said Friday that if the government shuts down, it won’t be as bad as 2013 because former President Obama’s administration did things to make it worse.
Mulvaney said “the Obama administration weaponized the shutdown in 2013” for political purposes by closing popular attractions like national parks. He claimed the Trump administration isn’t planning to do the same.
“We’re going to manage the shutdown differently, we’re not going to weaponize it,” the budget director told reporters at the White House. “We’re not going to try and hurt people, especially people who work for the federal government.”
The blame game was in full swing at the White House, just hours before government funding is set to run out.
Mulvaney said his office is “preparing for what we are calling the Schumer Shutdown,” referring to the Senate Democratic leader, Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.).
At the same time, the White House said Trump is working behind the scenes to help lawmakers strike a last-minute spending deal.
Anarchy looms.
“Schumer Shutdown.”
I like that. I also appreciate that they are pointing back to the fuckery that took place by the previous administration.
^So much this.
“We’re not going to try and hurt people, especially people who work for the federal government.”
Fuck no to the second part. I want to see them hurt in the exact opposite way their parasitism at the end of a gun barrel hurts me. No pay or benefits for not doing work. That’s my money they get for nothing after it’s over. Screw that. If they don’t like it, quit.
especially => except for
Now I’m on board.
“We’re gonna have a government shutdown that you’re absolutely gonna love!”
I can dream.
” he has overcome decades of racism”
Personally? For Ansari?