Well, my body is no longer attempting to fire my guts out my asshole every 10 minutes. So I’ve got that going for me. I still feel like hammered shit, but I won’t let that stop me.
Drag is a labor issue. (H/T SF, now you know how he gets his material)
That sonofabitch Trump wants to let trans-people die untreated if they don’t have the right religious views!
Let’s play a game: Venezuela or Whole Foods.
Brooklyn brings shower bus to homeless masses.
I’m so out of it, this finally made sense to me.
Ruthless biology repost.
Female orgasm (strictly from PiV) is correlated with male genetic superiority as measured by facial symmetry *independent of relationship quality*. Meaning, no matter how much she loves a guy, if he can’t make her cum, he is genetically inferior. This could account for the ~65-70% of women that can’t orgasm from intercourse alone; they are not, and possibly never have been, partnered with genetically superior mates. There are plenty of anecdotal tales of women who had never before had an orgasm with very much adored men, then upon sleeping with some cad she feels nothing for cums like Orgasmatron on overdrive. Mother Nature is one cruel bitch.
Prove your genetic superiority with these fine specimens.
1, 2, 12, 21, 39 and Lord have mercy 7 and 14.
This in no way explains the variance in O results I have had with different women. My genetics aren’t changing between girlfriends, I don’t think.
Refer trsh’s previous article; these are statistical averages and probabilities. It also doesn’t discount the contribution of female anatomy, ie: the hidden clitoral “wings” that are theorized to play a part in the pleasure of G-spot stimulation among some women but not others.
The More You Know
Statistics and the Bikini Model: An attributional perspective.
I’ve already shared that with some friends.
It’s more likely a bounded case of superiority, the idea is optimal combination of genetic materials. My hypothesis is that your variance in results may be driven with respect to the variance in your partners genetics. Further, you’d need to control for their use of artificial hormones.
but it may indeed be reflecting the different women’s impression of your genetics.
perhaps the ones who didn’t O with you had been exposed to superior genetics ?
the ones who did O had not and ton date you were their best ?.
Nice to know that you can be a short, fat, old dude and still be genetically superior. I think I’ll put that on my business card.
kinnath just outed himself as Ron Jeremy
Ron’s got nuthin on me.
Good for you. I wouldn’t want anything from Ron on me, either.
+1 Hedgehog
I’m not a fan of Whole Foods. I am a big fan of Trader Joe’s though.
wrong spot.
I think it fits perfectly.
That’s what she said.
Tundra, to #38:
“Can I borrow your towel? My car just hit a water buffalo.”
You know who else liked to dress in drag?
Ed Wood?
John Force?
Robin Williams?
A significant number of British guys?
1/3 of the House of Lords (at any given time since 1780)?
+1 Lumberjack
Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis?
Dustin Hoffman
Tom Hanks and Rick Moranis?
RIck Moranis? Maybe you mean Peter Scolari?
Ha! They look the same.
Rosie O’Donnell?
J. Edgar Hoover?
Corporal Maxwell Clinger?
+ Section 8
How could anyone forget MARV ALBERT?
Senator Kevin Keeley?
aerospace engineers?
Alternatively: Fishing reel designers?
Updates to Eyepiece (the less heavy and somewhat mobile friendly version of Monocle) have been posted. Fixed a few things related to the disappearance of the fancy buttons. Added some new functionality.
Thanks, Trashy. I really appreciate the work that you and others have put into those apps. Maybe someday I’ll actually try on.
so it replaces monocle? (when i installed it, they both were running simultaneously)
how is it more mobile friendly? I’ve never figured out how to run plugs in android’s chrome browser, and ffox kind of sucks on mobile.
While ff mobile sucks, it allows you to run add-ons, including tamper monkey. I’m running eyepiece on ff mobile right now
It’s technically different from Monocle, thus it doesn’t replace it. I’m not sure off the top of my head how to disable a user script on all the various browsers
so… is there any reason to run it alongside monocle on desktop browser?
If it’s less heavy shouldn’t you call it loupe?
I see what you did there.
Uh oh
Sounds too good to be true.
Yeah, probably
One of responses: “Thank you for all your work to ensure that our interests are taken care of.”
*rolls eyes*
You mean like our interests are “taken care of” **puts finger-gun to head and pulls trigger**??
…and nothing else happened. Anything that could implicate Chocolate Messiah will be swept under the rug.
That drag article is a drag.
Seriously, the self-importance of entertainers is fundamentally nauseating.
*rolls eyes so hard that they fall out*
“We have this stagnancy of queens doing the dance rather than focusing on their art.”
I’d let you watch,
I would invite you
But the queens we use
Would not excite you.
Murray Head. Well done.
a trans woman and drag queen…
I am not sure WTF that means?
I’m a boy who is really a girl who likes to dress up like a flamboyant boy pretending to be a girl?
Halloween must be a fuckin’ mess.
Julie Andrews.
Good Lord. What would those trans folks say if Victor/Victoria was released today?
The Whole Foods switch of the inventory management sounds a lot like my company’s switch to SAP. ugh. year and half later and material is still not ordered on time.
Fuckin-A right. I’ve seen these bad software implementations enough times – the especially bad ones really do make management look for someone to buy the company. in Whole Paycheck’s case, they probably figured out the bad inventory system(s) they had in place were forcing them to keep their prices high (due to waste) and they legitimately tried to address it – but management wanted results immediately and it was implemented chain-wide far too soon with poor training and poor testing.
I have a customer now that not only implemented SAP – they changed EVERY software system at the same time and have so many fires to put out their costs have ballooned. For now they are eating the increased costs in order to serve customers without too much disruption. So while their fulfillment rate might have dropped from 98% to 96% (not too bad) the costs to maintain that level have jumped and they have farmed out some of the work which costs them but keeps them from adding to payroll. (They also dumped a lot of personnel at the switchover and have had to hire some back.) Their cash flow hasn’t suffered much, but they have had problems paying some vendors not because they don’t have the money but because they aren’t getting the payments processed without mistakes. For example, they thought they could get 10,000 invoices a week paid with 10 employees instead of 20 but they have so many mistakes they had to farm out half the work to a bank and had to hire back 6 employees to work through the mistakes they have on the other half. They are making headway but it is a slow go.
And the initial mistake was they decided to go live when the training budget was depleted – rather than admit they might have severely underestimated the training and testing budgets. Made me think of the space shuttle disaster.
I hate SAP with a passion normally reserved for communists, smelly hippies, and beaurocrats. Why why why do companies keep using their crap?
Same reason dogs sniff other dogs asses.
Because even expensive, poorly working software is cheaper to buy than building from scratch (with no guarantee it would work any better).
That’s pretty much the rationale for this new product I’m building.
I’ve been meaning to ask, how’s that going?
My salaried position is keeping me a bit busy, but I’m progressing.
I’ve been doing some background research on how to avoid writing stuff when I can use web services, so I’ve been playing with SSO and third-party authentication services, etc. A friend of mine convinced me to upgrade my plans for an immutable audit trail to something approaching a blockchain – actually, master- and slave- chains (need to work on the name to avoid triggering the woke)
Come to the conclusion that maybe the most flexible way to serve up the data is via Flask-Restful (so having to learn ANOTHER scripting language), but again, doing some research on scalability, but I’m fleshing out the nuts and bolts of architecture and designing data formats at the moment.
Brooklyn brings shower bus to homeless masses.
That’s a lot of Zyklon B.
Mobile delivery is so much more efficient.
Rounding up the homeless into cattle cars is sooo 20th Century.
They used to do mobile delivery but the drivers couldn’t handle it.
Originally invented by the NKVD because of course they were.
I believe they just used the monoxide form the exhaust for the mobile showers.
Burge gives his odds on the Amazon thing.
Pros: U of Miami’s prestigious School of Tanning, exciting nightlife with lummoxes from New Jersey in rental Lambos
Cons: 87% of Floridians die from humorous causes
Odds 100-1
He knows about Florida Man.
Los Angeles
Pros: weather, chic Hollywood celebrity rapists, vibrant hordes of roving schizophrenic garbage pickers
Cons: eventual apocalyptic destruction by wrathful biblical god
Odds 100-1
I think he got the pro and con backward on Miami.
Hah! Nice.
“Cons: 87% of Floridians die from humorous causes
Odds 100-1”
Heh, heh!
Pros: beautiful mid September to late mid September weather, deathbed-level desperation
Cons: Building costs 5x national average due to bribery and kevlar
Odds: 20-1
What he forgot to mention is that due to the bribery the Kevlar is linothorax or linen armor.
Pros: tax package includes 3 free murders per employee clause; Chris Christie now available for motivational speeches
Cons: for God’s sake I only have 280 characters here
Odds: 200-1
10 replies 57 retweets 322 likes
Pros: tax package includes 3 free murders per employee clause; Chris Christie now available for motivational speeches
Cons: for God’s sake I only have 280 characters here
Odds: 200-1
Nashville wins.
I think so too. There already is a distribution center east of town. That area has lots of vacant land ready for development, somewhat affordable housing, and decent interstate/highway infrastructure.
I meant Iowahawk’s analysis:
Pros: bargain basement Austin
Cons: lured by the bright lights of Music City, Amazon tragically dies face down in the back seat of a Cadillac, clutching a gun and bottle of whiskey in a rhinestone suit
Odds: 20-1
But, yes, I think they have a great shot at getting it, too.
Ha! Hadn’t read Iowahawks analysis but I suppose that is a distinct possibility.
Does it have mass transit? Because all the pols in Michigan are blaming them not choosing Detroit on the lack of mass transit. Strangely enough, they just added a proposition to the fall ballot to raise taxes for mass transit…
Sort of. There is a subsidized commuter rail in the area but it would not get used unless people lived downtown and reverse commuted to one of the stops. Unless they built a high rise downtown, but I think the HQ is suppose to have 50k jobs?
Call me crazy, but I think they’re going to pick a red state. They’d be stupid not to.
Depends on what kind of favors Bezos is shopping for and selling. Congressscum from a losing blue state may decide to introduce some Amazon-hate legislation. So he might go bluish. They might accept high taxes and construction costs if the full-time labor costs are low enough otherwise. That’s actually why I think some of the “hotter” markets have a slight disadvantage – less need for local pols to negotiate on taxes, and increasing demand for labor will jack up Amazon’s costs which is one thing they can’t lobby their way out of.
And you have to consider why they don’t just expand their existing HQ. The socialist tendencies in Seattle (a “hot” market) are probably a large factor driving this. At least in a blue-but-dying market the politicians can be bought off easier.
I think the socialist bullshit in Seattle is what is driving this.
They need an insurance policy, and it isn’t in California.
I saw that on Twitter earlier today. One of his best threads.
You know who else liked to dress in drag?
Don Garlits?
+1 Big Daddy
Whole Foods ran out of avocado last time I was there. All I could buy was bread. Which is useless without avocado.
Suthenboy feels your pain.
I now know what it is like in Venezuela
I heard they have it so bad in Venezuela they were beating avocados to death with rocks
The people of Venezuela don’t know the struggle of enduring by hipsters in Brooklyn
Hell, it ain’t even mayonnaise…
Use the bread to wipe your ass.
Compared to Wegmans, Whole Foods is mediocre.
Full disclosure: I’m joking. I haven’t been to a Whole Foods in six years. But, Wegmans sounds lame too.
There are Whole Foods, Wegmans and Aldi on my drive to the closest Costco. Once Wegmans opened I stopped visiting the other two grocery stores.
East coast elitist
*flashes Aldi gang signs*
/Westside Aldi
What the fuck is wrong with you people?
Bagging one’s own groceries is a level of barbarism equal to female genital mutilation.
Bags? Ooooh, aren’t we fancy?
/Costco shopper
Lidl would like a word….
Wegmans is a one stop shop for anything, and their quality is good. OTOH, we spend 30% less when we use Aldi as our primary grocery store.
I just never buy meat there, because I’m weird
Aldi salmon has been a weekly treat for us. $7 feeds both of us, and it tastes damn good pan fried.
Wegmans is like a normal grocery store but with the produce section of a WF.
And usually a lot of Milfs in yoga pants…
Go on.
Same here with Aldi’s. We save about 30% or more over Kroger.
Some of the food is really good, but some is quite bad. It’s just hit or miss as we try everything. I agree with on not buying fresh meat there, but make an exception for the seafood which is pretty good. I don’t care for seafood but the wife enjoys it.
We try to buy meat at Costco when one of us is near it. I’d do it weekly, but it’s too far (I’ll grudgingly concede a disadvantage here for rural living). Otherwise I might run just to the meat counter at Kroger or there’s a local country store nearby that grinds their own beef onsite.
Our nearest Costco is over an hour away.
That sucks big time. Our Costco is about 10 minutes away. We save so much money buying our meat, poultry, fish (and lots of other stuff) there.
Aldi meats are trash. Wegmans meats are great but really expensive.
Wegmans has a good beer selection, which is unique in Pennsylvania. Any beer in a grocery store is unique in Pennsylvania.
I end up shopping for meats and produce at the local restaurant supply store and go to Aldi for everything else.
I have become my mother.
Aldi just doesn’t work for me. They never have celery. What kind of grocery store doesn’t have celery?
There were a couple of Aldi’s in my hometown (Aurora, IL). They were always trashed, with stuff all over the floor. Gave me a bad impression.
Hadn’t seen one for years until they started building one in Lancaster, just before we moved out of the high desert.
Whole Foods has good beer at reasonable prices.
Do they let the Weimaraners run through the aisles?
Does this help?
I miss Wegmans…
The Nick G of grocery stores?
You’re a fan of avocado toast?
That explains so much.
Watch it. I was joking. I would sooner punch a man in the face for offering me avocado toast than buying it
I just picked up 2 perfectly ripe Avocados for Tonight’s Guacamole, From WalMart, 68 cents each
My little Walmart has a great produce section, unlike WF apparently
Brooklyn bringing shower bus, and DiBlasio opening a men’s homeless shelter at the Park Savoy in Manhattan. Power Lunch reported that the Mayor’s office stated they “don’t care” about lost tax revenue, every neighborhood has a moral imperative to provide shelters.
“a moral imperative” eh? Mr. DiBlasio needs to bone up on his philosophy…
You know who else had a moral imperative?
(True story, I knew a steam tunnel genius in college.)
Office Manager Mohammed?
I Am Here, I Am Listening, All INFIDELS shall Die in a Fire of Nuclear Destruction! (only in Hawaii)
Office Manager Mohammed Has Spoken! AALILAAaOOO!
Note that the moral imperative does not include things like single-room occupancy hotels or privately-owned flophouses.
Put the homeless in Gracie Mansion and use eminent domain to buy DeBlasio’s residence.
You can bet it would be as close to Staten Island as they could get away with.
My wife has some relatives on the Persian side of her family that are pretty much a household name in NYC real estate. I know for a fact that they voted for DeBlasio.
It would make my year knowing that they opened up a homeless shelter on their block.
Tax cuts improving Republican’s odds
Here’s the thing about the House: opposition party is always energized, so they generally have the upper hand in midterms. Traditional math would then say that the Democrats are going to cream in November, and to be sure that is a possibility, because their base is unbelievably deranged and rabid right now. One difference between the vast majority of presidents and Trump, however, is that most presidents don’t intentionally animate their own base as well as Trump can, so if anybody can whip up their particular support group enough to cancel out the blue wave, it’s probably Trump.
so what. they’re not getting Gorsuch back.
If RBG would hurry up and kick off, could have another.
what a legacy that would be.
a big deal was made recently about Kennedy hiring clerks for 2018. apparently if he was going to retire, then he would not have gone through the process.
sounds like somebody at WFs is about to get shitcanned over that OTS nonsense.
These acronyms…..
Of all things to get wrong. Inventory should not be that hard. I can see wanting to reduce waste, but come on, being out of onions and potatoes? You know those are going to move.
I’d understand if it was something like cilantro, but onions and potatoes seem like they do a good job of sitting there until purchased.
“Drag is a labor issue.”
Yeah, it’s going to be funny when they join the Teamsters and half of their existing members quit, because everything is stupid now
Several neighborhood residents expressed shock and disbelief to the New York Post when they were told of the city’s plan to open a homeless shelter near them.
“The city has a homeless epidemic and there seems to be no solution,” area resident Patricia Jenkins told the Post. “I don’t have an answer, but I know I do not want a homeless shelter in my neighborhood.”
“Why can’t they go live in Scarsdale, with the other poor people?”
I bet she bitches about those racist Rs who hate the poor the rest of the day.
NYC voting map
Even discounting Staten Island that’s more red than I would have thought.
Staten Island’s mainly cops and families. Just like in Chicago those are the parts of the City that vote Republican. Families are already more inclined to vote Republican (according to voting patterns), which partially explains why as cities have seen a decrease in families they have become more liberal in their politics
Re Whole Foods: If those two pineapples and lonely banana could talk….
“I wish you were a coconut.”
“Back at you two.”
What other president would have had the balls to give awards for fake news? None.
He’s going to drive a ton of people to the polls.
Plus, I think the perception that Trump is standing up against the establishment will push Trump voters to the polls. That said, I can also see the possibility that Trump backers who live in places where an eGOP rep is trashing him may not vote.
At this point I think it would drive people TO vote. “Sorry local eGOP’er, I’m voting for Trump and not voting for your office at all.”
I was thinking this year but you’re probably correct for 2020.
But even for this year there are enough offices that Trump supporters would want to make it easier for him rather than harder. I’m in Illinois and that fact that any Pritzker is still drawing breath is enough to get me to the polls to vote in opposition.
“Drag queens, Oliver notes, aren’t unionized, leaving them vulnerable to shady business dealings, managers, and those who would prey on their lack of experience in order to get over.”
Well then they should unionize. I can’t imagine what the problem might be with that.
Better yet, let’s make dressing in drag a *right* and create a cumbersome bureaucracy to support an agency with a $50 billion budget to ensure drag access to everyone.
Graphic Designers aren’t unionized either and no one gives a shit about them.
I give a shit about graphic designers – that’s f’r sure.
Well, the ones we use all have to join IATSE (not my choice, or my call).
From the makers of the Babylon Bee comes
The Drudge ReportThe Christian Daily ReporterI missed the FLW/Fallingwater subthread this morning. I have the lego model of Fallingwater, but I like it mostly for the water not the structure. The wiki article has tons of detail on those shitty concrete balconies, fun read.
Hey Brett, on the plus side, we’re way ahead in the Glibs weight loss competition.
Your order of Clen is on the way.
My target weight was 185. The flu put me at 181. I need some anabolic horse feed.
This ‘Flu’ thing?
Where can I get it and how much does it cost?
You don’t want it. It’s the sickest I’ve been in a decade.
Q can hook you up with some C diff. It’s far more pleasant.
Normal people just have E. Coli.
I’m an asymptomatic C. Diff carrier, so no buttsecks for me. However, it really blows when my immune system gets a bit compromised because there’s always the risk of … ::dons sunglasses:: — blowback.
I mean, if you really wanna lose weight fast, cancer’s the way to go. Only if you’ve tried everything else though.
Yeah, but then you’re eating for two.
A can also highly recommend amoebic dysentery.
I picked that up at the ripe old age of 23 and went from a solid 190 lb down to 145 lb in about 2 weeks, and once I was in recovery, I couldn’t regain the body mass. I’ve caught back up now (and then some), but I can’t help feeling that whole business set me up for all the subsequent stuff with C. diff, etc.
Acute depression with suicidal ideation took me from 190 down to 150. But I wouldn’t recommend it.
I’m not nearly as sick as you, but am definitely hoping this lack of appetite continues.
Retard claims that the world doesn’t get nihilism and vows to explain the truth. Explains incorrectly.
It seems like he is describing the Russian Nihilist movement which isn’t really related with the philosophy of nihilism or the accepted definition of nihilism today
He’s just pretending to know what he’s talking about to try and get laid.
/been there
Works every time, 60% of the time
Shut the fuck up Donny.
I am the walrus?
What he describes is more of a bastardization of the ubermensch, not a nihilist. As stated in my earlier article, existentialists (and Nietzsche in particular) fought tooth and nail against nihilism. Nihilism is the complete absence of meaning and purpose; claiming that to be the goal is something the existentialists would balk at. He gets one thing right; existentialists believe in untethering yourself from metanarrative, but you must explicitly *avoid* nihilism. Again, retard says retarded things.
He has one follower. And despite the name, what’s the betting he’s a privileged white middle-class kid who has appropriated some brown person’s identity?
Such munificence!
Yeah, ok. Whatever you say man.
Who wants the job cleaning the homeless shower bus?
I assume they will be gender neutral.
Disposable bus?
The wiki article has tons of detail on those shitty concrete balconies, fun read.
That place started to fall apart before the concrete was completely cured. I don’t remember the whole story, anymore.
Good article on the structural problems.
I still think the thing is fucking cool.
Great art, shitty architecture. He had much better pieces. Not my particular style, but I’m not fully onboard the UCS FLW hate train. When he remembered that a building needs to be functional first and pleasing second he did some really cool things, and he was certainly a giant in the field and incredibly influential. He just needed to be grounded back to reality sometimes.
Well at some point you have to wonder if he was hard-selling the customer on certain bad ideas or if the customer was adamant on certain bad ideas and FLW decided to just take the money rather than fight.
How is Frank Gehry’s stuff holding up?
How is Frank Gehry’s stuff holding up?
Too well.
Two things popped in my head –
Civil engineer #1: “There are no aggregates in the middle east that dont react with concrete. You have to import aggregates.”
Civil engineer #2: “When you draw up any design for concrete put three times as much steel in it as you need. The contractor is going to steal 2/3s of it.”
Oh, and this: My brother is a civil engineer, probably one of the best in his field. No shit.
He never says the word ‘architect’ without using the qualifier ‘faggy assed’.
Hah. I’ll have to remember that one.
It makes me view TOWERING INFERNO and THE FOUNTAINHEAD in a new light.
Well, the architect/designer always has to consider structural integrity, and if he can’t do it himself (and usually, he can’t) , he should ensure he has some one who can, that he can trust.
A former employer of mine lived in a famous Le Corbusier landmark in Paris for a number of years and ye gods, given that the old fraud’s whole thesis was to create spaces that were meant to be functional spaces for meaningful life, the place really sucked. Maintaining the roof against the perennial leaks alone was a major budget item. The reason rich people buy these places is because only rich people can afford the upkeep. The one point in the plans where we could build out a riser was pretty inaccessible, but when the builders opened the wall, there was about 20 years’ worth of water damage. They ended up rebuilding it from the inside and lining it with shark board and mortar.
I have no idea if it’s a systematic failing, but I remember that the budget for exterior stucco repair alone was higher than my salary. One remodel inside the space (it hadn’t at that point been turned into a World Heritage site) involved removing what the engineers expected to be a 6in I-beam, that was actually a wooden component that looked like a pair of 2x10s sandwiching a 1/4″ steel plate. The French engineers laughed when I said the whole thing looked jerry-rigged (accidental humor on my part) and said that they’d been doing structural work on the building for years, and they always found that the work was shoddy, the original design was usually fanciful more than practical, and they made a lot of money fixing problems that shouldn’t have been there in the first place.
All these celebrity architects can go suck a dick. Even Moscow’s brutalist school and their acolytes could do better.
Chris Christie stopped while trying to skip TSA security line at Newark Airport
I thought the pols were given automatic nobility for life. Apparently Christie did too.
This sounds an awful lot like TSA propaganda to me.
I just got an email from my state rep.
“Independent Office of the Repealer” – I like the sound of that. I also like the direction they are taking with regulations.
The Repealer won’t stay independent for very long.
“Independent Office of the Repealer”
I read that at first as Independent Office of the Reaper, which would also be fitting. Good to see PA is making some beneficial movements.
Millennials ruin everything.
It’s the UK. Fuck em.
Man, Jenny Aniston just keeps delivering the goods.
I think she’s even hotter now.
stop that. I have a blanket policy of not developing a crush on celebrity chicks.
*hides photo of Aniston*
I suggest they watch Sanford and Son instead.
They had their own version, which I think Sanford and Son was based on.
Steptoe & Son. If possible, even more triggering than Sanford & Son.
I weep for my people. Once upon a time they used to laugh at ‘Till Death Do us Part.
From the country that gave us Benny Hill…
Correct. Sanford and Son actually had an episode parodying their origins where a producer makes a show seemingly based on Fred Sanford but made him a Jewish guy.
“based on.”
In some cases the scripts were lifted pretty much word-for-word.
Same with Three’s Company/Man About the House.
Second best show of the ’70s.
What about Friends isn’t politically correct?
Too many straight white people?
My daughter watches ‘Friends’ on Netflix and she loves it. She’s 13.
The problem is we always think we’re more ‘progressive’ than the last generation. But the SJW millennials are really retarded.
Fat jokes (really funny ones too) on old episodes of “Friends” are super offensive though.
Looking at old pictures:
Monica: “The camera adds 10 pounds.”
Chandler: “Just how many cameras were on you?”
There was a decent joke on Friends? I might have to watch with the sound on now.
One of the more hilarious things is that in UK (the home of Monty Python, Young Ones, Blackadder, Yes, Minister and fuck you all Benny Hill), Friends was considered an excellent, sophisticated sitcom, at least on the sites I read (BBC, Spectator, Telegraph and links to few blogs and reviews).
Seinfeld I don’t think was quite as appreciated, even though it’s clearly superior. Some things just cross cultural boundaries easier, I guess.
I know this comes up frequently, but decent Scotch recommendations for gifting? Under $80-100 range…
The Balvenie double wood 12 yr
Lagavulin 16 yr
Went with the double wood because the state limited liquor store I went to sucks and had limited selection.
Also got a pint of Bullit to try that.
Thanks all for the suggestions! Going to put them on my list for later use.
Solid choice on the double wood.
Bulleit is just ok to my tastes, so I don’t buy it often. I liked their rye a little better, but even that I still don’t buy too often.
Laphroaig or Highland Park
Glenlivet 50 Year
Depends if you’re a lover of peat.
If so, best bang for the buck is Laphroaig, in my humbly opinion.
Bunnahabhain may not have the name recognition, but it really is a nice smooth scotch. Even the eight year is spectacular. Not peaty enough for my taste, but so be it.
Balvenie’s Single Barrel is also amazing. Aged it rum barrels, it has some fruity notes that really come out.
Caol Ila 12
Kilchoman Machir (if you can find it)
Cragganmore 12
Ardbeg 10
Coor’s Light, 40 oz. Paper sack.
You brown bag in your own house?
His Mom’s House
I always wear a brown bag when I’m there too.
The paper sack, while unnecessary in Ohio winters, adds class and ambiance.
Colt 45 or GTFO
Ripple or nothin’.
Well if it’s Malt Liquor, your Talking Ice Cold King Cobraaaaa!
Dont diss “Anaconda”
I meant this….same movie tho’
I’m partial to Crazy Horse.
Get good bourbon instead.
Jefferson Ocean
Four Roses Single Barrel
Why drink something that tastes like it’s been strained through an ashtray.
Get steak instead.
1. Ribeye
2. Filet
3. Porterhouse
See? I’m just as helpful as Bobarian!
Except the Filet should be #1, you tyro.
When you’re wrong, you’re wrong.
And you’re very wrong.
I’d put Porterhouse second and filet third.
Yep. I wasn’t really keeping track after #1.
But… when a steak requires added fat…..
What happened to the site font? And grey on grey in the text entry box? Is Playa’s brain fever spreading?
And it’s gone. I must be coming down with something. No pink elephants so far…
Nah. You’re right. It’s kind of trippy.
Happened to me about 3-4 times today.
I’m holding steady at 99.5 today.
You now identify as a bar of Ivory soap?
+99 44/100%
OMWC hardest hit:
No First Amendment Right to Display Van as “Lawn Ornament”
I mean, I almost get embarrassed for the reporter because she’s so pathetically outclassed. But it goes to demonstrate the only thing Ben Rhodes ever got right “they literally know nothing.”
I knew it was that link. That URL’s a frickin’ keeper.
CN: “How can you come here and say that?”
JP: “You invited me here”
That was gold. And a good example why staying cool is so important when dealing with psychos.
Crab People, Crab People
I still think the thing is fucking cool.
Absolutely. Falling Water is sweet. Just needed a better engineer, I guess.
Well, it was suggested to Frank that he grossly underspec’d the cantilevers, but he wouldn’t change it. Also, the technologies then weren’t the greatest.
Update issue:
For some reason the “home” button doesn’t scroll to the top. “end” still scrolls to the bottom and ctrl+”home” still goes to the top but “home” is no go. Win10 + chrome.
I missed the tail end of previous thread due to a meeting. I brought up an “Elwick” because I’m a stupid moron who hasn’t had enough coffee and has besmirched the good name of late, great St Godfrey Elfwick of the Internet.
He was a Twitter troll posting most inane progressive talking points that, if you look at twice or over a period of time, were straight-up trolling. Others have done such in the past (c.f. Blighter of the MacArdle commenters) but he was a master.
His supporters claim that his greatest moment was getting The Grauniad to print This anonymous article on their website
Sadly, he flew too close to the Sun, and used the British “hello” (i.e. the dreaded C-word) on Twitter which led to his permaban.
Thanks – good stuff.
Oh wow, he got Glen Greenwald with that one, making him retardedly sling shit at Sam Harris because muh Islamophobias!
What happened to the handy numbering that ran down the left-hand side of the page?
Weird with the new layout. Need the numbers back. Also, anyone else been getting a little bug when the page won’t always refresh – just hangs, and you gotta stop and refresh it a 2nd time? I’m not losing comments that way, but it’ weird to refresh, skim another tab, come back and see it hanging/waiting.
BTW – for the afternoon crowd – being the last post of the night thread is getting me zero views. Check out my nifty new review. https://youtu.be/rcJF1EQhr-w Seriously – this is a tight film and highly recommended (better if you’ve also watched “In China They Eat Dogs” – and/or my review of it – but good all the same)!
I’ve lost a number of comments because of it ‘hanging’.
Earlier it told me that I was double posting, but the original post never went up either.
Definitely weird today.
Good Review Fish!
Gracias. Lots of weirdness with the Danes. I’m also thinking about hitting up Nordkraft, Adam’s Apples, the Pusher trilogy, and Princess in the next year…but I’m not touching anything by Von Trier anytime soon (although I do want to watch Dancer in the Dark eventually).
Yup, that’s some good stuff. Probably too strong for my blood, but.
BTW, hopefully your Marathon Family saga finally concludes. Hit me up if you have questions.
Added to my long list of must views. Thanks for all the cool recommendations!
Something which occurred to me, looking at that little Gorsuch/ Supreme Court exchange up above:
For the next thirty years or so, Gorsuch will be “Donald Trump Appointee Neil Gorsuch” as if a big red asterisk is required, denoting Juicer/Cheater/Fraud. Same with any other Trump appointees.
Fine by me as long as they write the proper opinions. Far left “historians” can take a long walk off a short pier.
“When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.”
-Marcus Aurelius
Pft. White privilege.
That’s some gay-ass shit.
I thought stoics were more stoic than that.
I just watched the movie Bone Tomahawk. I usually enjoy Kurt Russell in just about anything – but not this plodding movie. And one scene even turned my hardened stomach.
“Bone Tomahawk”
New official nickname for Q jr.
I blame the direction… Thought it was a good idea, but definitely poorly paced
“Burrowers” is also on my “weird western” list that I’ve been meaning to check out for years – netflix soon at a minimum. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0445939/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1
Damn near anything with Kurt Russell is worth watching, including OVERBOARD, CAPTAIN RON, and, God help me, SOLDIER.
I just watched the movie Bone Tomahawk.
Yeah, it was weak. Really weak.
I just started watching Justified, from the beginning. I guess I never saw the first season; I forgot what an entertaining show that is.
I loved Justified – for the first few seasons. Then I got tired of it and didn’t finish. Should I go back and give the last couple seasons another look?
Great show. Switch up the big bads each season very well. Some excellent character acting throughout. Finish the last seasons. Highly recommended.
And no idea where the Bone Tomahawk comment came from – but that is a nice, bloody, twisted Western. Direct to video pretty much, but very good. I’d almost put it as a Robert E Howard horror western – a bit more graphic than his usual, and not *quite* strange enough – but nearly there. Great Kurt Russell though!
Agreed. I didn’t find it plodding, and really liked the interplay with Jenkins and Russell. Pretty brutal finale, too.
I wasn’t a big fan of Justified – but maybe I didn’t give it a chance since I only watched the first 3-4 episodes before giving up on it.
Bone Tomahawk has a 90% Critic rating, but only a 71% Audience Score. Movies with a high divergence between critic and audience always make me nervous.
Of course some of my favorite films only score in the 7s, like To Live and Die in L.A.
Divergence will be more limited on DTV – no theatrical release so a mix of the usual critics vs more genre specialists. 20% disparity is pretty small too.
I gave up on Justified after 3-4 episodes too. I hate having to suspend that much disbelief and there’s more stuff I’d rather look for with the amount of life I have left. If I had 50 more years I’d probably have kept watching it.
Bruce Campbell and Kurt Russell in a scene together. That’s all one need know.
I just noticed the Numbers are gone, How can I screw up my threading without them?
How can I screw up my threading without them?
Just look to the master… right down there↓
I see nothing pertinent
Then I got tired of it and didn’t finish.
That’s what happened to me. We’ll see how far I get.
Same thing happened with that dumb cycle mob show. I called it “Scooter Gang Hamlet”. They went so far out into the weeds it was just dumb.
“Scooter Gang Hamlet” could have definitely cut off a season or two, but I did enjoy the last season.
I wasn’t a big fan of Justified – but maybe I didn’t give it a chance
Suspension of disbelief is definitely required, but at least the dialog is fairly snappy. In my opinion.
Weed? Check.
Butt sex? Check.
But were there Mexicans?!
In Pueblo.
I think Colorado Springs has a community.
that is a nice, bloody, twisted Western.
As they say, YMMV.
Also, I noticed a couple of comments ago, when the page goes into washed-out grey mode, the “post comment” button moves to the lower right corner of the box.
Kudos to the Gazette (which tends to be a bit cop-sucker-ish) for printing this in such a way as to highlight the injustice.
A clue to how fucked this winter has been so far:
Charleston, SC has had more snow than Colorado Springs.
Al Gore warned us all…
Al Gore caused it all…
Water twerk. Prolly made
Prolly nsfw.
uhhh, ya think? It is SugarTits after all.
Did y’all see that Kathy Mangu-Ward is now head honcho of the whole shebang at the other place?
We did some in previous thread. If only Suderman wasn’t the managing editor for the site now…
I don’t even know what that means. i thought she was made editor… like 2 years ago. is there some higher position? afaik its just a magazine, and ‘editor’ is already the boss.
**i also think the general left-hand turn the magazine took overall… esp since the hiring of soave/enb and the seeming non-stop drumbeating echo of TDS pieces and the general emphasis on ‘writing pieces which try to make libertarianism appealing to a some non-existent population of SJW’s who also want less govt in their lives’… is mostly her influence, fwiw. Or = that she was promoted to editor because thats where the Reason foundation people wanted to take it
Magazine (which I don’t read cover-to-cover, granted) is less awful than the site and she’s just been made Head In Charge of Digital.
Then again, Stephanie Slade is an editor and they let her out once a month to write a fig-leaf “Christians are people, too!” column.
(apparently that’s unfair, last year they upped her quota considerably)
She was editor in chief of the magazine. Now she’s editor in chief of the magazine, video, web site, etc.
i had just assumed that ‘editor’ is who decided on the content-agenda for all of them, and whomever was in charge of video/web was just ‘head writer’.
No, there was no way they were going to put her ahead of Gillespie until Gillespie wanted to reduce his commitment. Now it seems that he has reduced his commitment. Maybe he finally had enough of the Swarwark direction and was just waiting until he had enough other income to slither out of there. I’m probably being generous though.
i don’t think someone like Nick S. is at all a “decision maker” in the world of ‘DC libertarianism’. he’s just a flunky hired to run the LP. The Reason foundation + Cato are worlds unto themselves AFAIK.
Police chase plus PIT maneuver, Brazil-style
50/50 there are no police involved in that.
John Lurie is a painter now
i first saw an exhibit of his work like …. 12-14 years ago, @ PS1 in Long Island city. the museum would open itself up on the weekends and basically turn into an all-day DJ party. they’d turn on some sprinklers outside, and everyone would take their shirts off and dance to DJ music. you could walk around the museum with a beer and no shirt or shoes. Which i think would really improve ALL museums, to be honest.
anyway, his art is good. reminds me of Basquiat. they are best because of the titles/staplines he gives them, which are hilarious.
he is my favorite artist now. I also liked his music
Also, if you’ve never seen Fishing With John (esp on DVD where you can get drunk post-facto commentary from him and sometimes his guest and sometimes both), you really should. I liked the ice fishing one with willem defoe, and the shark-fishing with Jim Jarmusch
Had the criterion dvd once upon a time – weird as crap – funny enough but not my thing.
yeah, that’s what i’m talking about. the DVD commentary actually tells the story of how he got some crazy japanese investors to underwrite the whole project and how he arm twisted various celebrities into going fishing with him. the background stories make the video 100X more interesting /funnier
Great music choice today. It’s been awhile since I heard that song.
Agreed. I haven’t seen this video since way back in high school. Loved this band back then and I still like this album.
“Men, if you say you’re a feminist, then … like a feminist,” Bee continued. “And if you don’t want to do that, take off your … pin, because we are not your accessories.”
Whenever someone asked if I was a feminist, I’ve always responded that I am an individualist meaning that I believe that no one (negative) rights or body should violated in any way by the government, a group, or another individual. And I usually add that people should be treated as distinct individuals and have equality under the law. The fucked up thing about saying that is that people, especially the crazies like Bee and Lindy West bristle at this because they are nothing more than a bunch of asshole collectivists who gets off on dominating groups or people they don’t like. It’s no used trying to suck up to the Third Wavers especially if you’re a man because unless you subscribe to their distorted worldview without question, you will always be the enemy.
And on a side note, what’s been so disconcerting about the whole #metoo movement and the Ansari blow up is that these assholes are now ripping off their masks and are willing to destroy people’s lives even if they haven’t done anything terrible or illegal, just so they can score some victim points and settle some perceived injustice. For many years, I’ve tried to give these individuals the benefit of the doubt but for past couple of months, I have come to the conclusion that they are morally bereft and should be fought every opportunity.
As far as I’m concerned, that chick ended the #metoo movement. It’s over.
-Bee explained how people like her had to deal with a lot of terrible things in order “to build the world we now enjoy.”
Samantha Bee is Rosa Parks. Just ask her.
can’t be: Katherine Harris is already Rosa Parks.
https://www.thisamericanlife.org/226/reruns (act 3)
on a related note:
I don’t like Al Franken, because of his political views. However, I also don’t think what he did was particularly heinous. In poor taste? Yeah. Criminal? No.
In the Geneva Conventions, there is a principle called perfidy, which covers things like pretending to surrender in order to launch an ambush. Basically, it means using the humanity and good intentions of the opponent against him.
I sense perfidy in movements like this.
I thought the picture was Funny, but I have poor taste…….
Al was just flying a false flag of integrity
When he got hoisted, I shrugged. He’a really low on the list of people that deserved defending. If I were immortal, I suppose I’d get around to it at age 680 or so.
Bukharin and Zinoviev probably didn’t do the stuff they were convicted of.
Don’t mean their execution was a miscarriage of justice.
Sigh…except on maybe a literal level.
I mean “don’t mean I’d defend them” because fuck you, if your own people deal you the fate you were happy to dish out to others, get rekt.
BTW – just want to say this shutdown thing is such a pain in my ass. It’s drill weekend and while it looks like we’re “funded” for Saturday morning (and apparently Friday night berthing) – up until noon – that doesn’t really help us as far as any of the real work we have scheduled for the weekend – that’s been planned for months. We have to prep all our stuff months out before the FY even starts and we just get shunted aside because a bunch of jackasses want to grandstand.
Of course I also was planning to drill Mon-Wed next week to make up for missed drills rescheduled from last month – and I need to request orders for 2 schools next month – these things do not turn on a dime, but apparently we can turn them off just like that. Sick of this friggin BS.
I’m gonna be a Dick and say, Sounds like Poor Planning to me, You knew FY 2018 was coming, why time a Drill to coincide?
Not sure if serious…..
(and apparently the formatting changed again between my last refresh and this one…at least I didn’t get logged out)
I only see the UP arrow. Does that mean Glibs wont go……down?
“That sonofabitch Trump wants to let trans-people die untreated if they don’t have the right religious views!”
I’m just going to assume what that means is that providers wouldn’t be forced to provide sex change operations and pump people full of hormones that they won’t give to other people for actual health reasons?
Ok, yeah, a real bastard we have here.
“Let’s play a game: Venezuela or Whole Foods.”
Although I’m sure I would like Venezuelan people a lot better than the asshats that shop at Wholefoods, most of the smug douchebags not even being able to afford to shop there, I’ll still take Wholefoods since they actually have food, you know.
“Employees acknowledge that less food is spoiling in storage rooms, but they describe OTS as a “militaristic” system that crushes morale and leads to many items being out of stock.”
Welcome to Amazon!
Just to add to that, I did notice last time we were in Wholefoods last weekend, they did seem to be strangely low on produce. Also, I thought that Amazon were going to slash prices? I haven’t noticed that part, yet.
Austria: Study shows that Muslim migrants have “Medieval” views of Jews, gays, women and Infidels
In other news, water is wet.
But they’re totally compatible with so called liberalism! It’s not like they’re conservatives or anything!
“Medieval” views of Jews
Borrow 300 bucks from them, expel them so you don’t have to pay back, have your heir invite them back to re-soak?
More proof that Austria doesn’t have magic soil, unlike the US.
“medieval” – yeah that’s a poor choice of words. If today’s Muslims were like European medieval Muslims we’d all be better off.
Someone wanna help me out with this? Based on my poor education, I always thought that whatever came out of Washington was the “law of the land” (Im not getting into 10A), and states had to, at a minimum, follow along. However, states were free to make their own laws MORE stringent than Federal, but not the other way around. Having typed that out, I cant understand why this guy needs to douche the sand out of his vagina, other than “Oh….its California”.
And I meant to add this:
That video is epic.
Q, you should have a look at this…
What the fuck just happened to the site? Squirrel defense down?
Yes! Yes! Go to war with each other you statist $%@#!
Good luck with that, Becerra is an Aztlan Racist of the First order,
/Fucking Showboating Scum
I have already predicted that Sessions is prancing around in his “no-weed” prom dress is just the set-up for the Sanctuary Cities smack-down.
“you dont wanna play ball with our immigration plan? Say goodbye to your lectric-lettuce being openly legal.”
“Knock knock”
“Who is it?”
Don’t like the Law? Change it……..
i smoke Weed and I would Love to see Sessions fuck California like that,
Law=Law or something
The weed thing is actually completely harmless to the United States, while the immigration thing is the opposite. They can call it a humanitarian issue all they want, but everyone with a brain cell to spare knows that it is anything but. It’s nothing less than an attempt to put in place a permanent majority democrat voter base through mass immigration. Anyone who thinks the likes of Pelosi and Schumer care about poor immigrants is a damn fool. The Trump admin should let the weed thing go and prosecute the fuck out of them over resisting immigration enforcement. When they’re asked about the apparent contradiction, they should just say that one issue is not a threat to the USA, while the other is. Tell the fucking truth, you fuckheads.
You hit the nail right on the head with this one.
Agreed. The comments over in the WSJ are filled with Socons gleefully pointing out what they think is the hypocrisy in anyone wanting the feds to back off interfering with pot legislation but acknowledging immigration control is valid.
Control of immigration is one of the few duties that the Feds are supposed to oversee. I don’t remember reading anything in the Constitution authorizing the Feds to throw people in prison for possession of a plant. Besides of course the FYTW clause.
If they didn’t want to be stuck between contradictory laws, they shouldn’t have become exploiters of labor.
Or exploiters of lots of (D) voters.
No! It can’t be all about that!
OK, I get private businesses are not allowed to turn anyone they want away (be it for employment or service), that ship of the desert galloped off ages ago.
But now they aren’t allowed to let in anyone they want either?
w/o a warrant.
They really like 4A when it serves their purposes. But tell a cop you don’t consent to a search, and they get all pissy.
But this is more insane – you are not allowed to consent to a search, by law! Even if you want to!
They are prohibited from “providing voluntary consent”.
I dont get it. I know there’s more than 1 legal-type-person on here, so Id love a proper (and free) appraisal.
You’re looking at 5-10 years of appeals.
The Feds need to start using 8USC1324 and putting a giant fucking boot up the ass of state employees and legislators personally.
Can anyone tell me what’s up with the hand positioning for the Deadlift? The opposting grip directions between hands always strikes me as wrong.
Opposing grip allows you to lift more, but it is also more likely to cause a muscle-ripping injury:
So I’m okay with having both hands the same direction since the actual weight value being lifted is immaterial to the exercise and goals.
” since the actual weight value being lifted is immaterial to the exercise and goals.”
Yes, yes, yes, yes. 1000x yes.
I strongly recommend body weight exercises before attempting a weight lifting regimen. If you can’t move and balance yourself, there’s no way you can balance and move external weights.
better video:
$5.49 per pound for chicken breast?
These niggas is crazy.
On what planet?
Gray on gray one moment and back to normal the next. You guys trying to give me a seizure?
The squirrels have won, comrades.
We shall battle them back! We will fight them on the branches, we will fight them in the server rooms, we will fight them on the clouds and on the VMs, we will fight them with growing confidence on the ephemeral storage! We will defend our shitposts, no matter the cost.
That’s … like … so beautiful, man …
Men will say this was their finest hour!
Very very good Pan, Classic
Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.
We shall fight the squirrels on the beaches,
We shall fight the squirrels on the landing grounds,
we shall fight the squirrels in the fields and in the streets,
We shall fight the squirrels in the hills;
We shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this Island for Glibs, would carry out the struggle against the squirrels.
If any spark of life be yet remaining,
Down, down to hell, and say I sent thee thither-
I have neither pity, love, nor fear.
The Onion is spot on:
file under: the food is terrible and the portions too small
A team of professors recently criticized K-12 textbooks for failing to explore “societal power dynamics” in their depictions of women and minorities.
To the surprise of City University of New York professor Sherry Deckman and her colleagues, after reviewing nearly 1,500 images in K-12 textbooks, they discovered that not only are women and racial minorities represented parallel to their representation in the population, but are even slightly over-represented.
“To us, this research, though in a small way, is about making a better world.”
Despite this progress, since racial minorities were barely depicted in textbooks just two decades ago, the team argues that this is actually worrisome, saying the representations of minorities and women have now become “superficial” and “tokenistic.”
This is because minorities are depicted in ways that fail to challenge “societal power dynamics,” which inadvertently leads to the reification of the assumption that society is “inherently Eurocentric, male-centric, Christian-centric, [and] heterosexual-centric,” she writes.
So, does anyone remember Party of Five, a.k.a. That Show What Made Me Drool Over Neve Campbell? Well, IMDB has some news…
Party of Five Reboot Is Happening at Freeform
Just keep hammering illegal aliens. It worked out so well for SJW themes.
A reboot of a sucky show + preachy politics. I can’t wait to not watch it.
At least on the first half of that, Michale Caine had a rant about how you should remake shitty stuff, so at least no one will go “damn, remember how good the original was?” and you might make something good. I think it was about his version of Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, which was a remake of older film not many liked.
Neve Campbell is the worst actress in the history of television.
Yeah, but for some reason she was sexy as hell back then.
Worse than Jennifer Love Hewitt?
I dunno, I rate them by looks, and Neve won that one.
Since the original is obscure, the joke is that in the 90s version, their parents died in a car crash, so the young technically adult brother had to support and take care of four younger siblings, including a baby.
Was Ben “Farscape” Browder the adult? I know that was his project right before the SF hit.
Wow, he was on as a guest star! I never knew.
I didn’t actually watch the show, but TV was in the same room as the computer at the time, so I got to listened to whole episodes of it (this is also how I ‘watched’ Law & Order, and how I got hooked on Seinfeld).
Easy way to keep the family together. Deport the kids too.
So simple, they’ll be able to manage the whole story arc before it’s canceled after 3 episodes.
The Anchor babies?
Trying to wrap my head around an ex.
Every night she send me about five to ten texts about how much of a fucker I am. Then, she writes a minimum of eleven paragraphs about the ways I failed her. Every. Single. night.
I thought, after a couple of weeks, she would get burnt out.
Nope. Still going on.
Memo to self. Never again date a lawyer. They’re wordy and such.
Just had to rant. Back to drinking.
Have you considered just telling that bitch to be cool? Works for Samuel L. Jackson.
Maybe she’s fishing for hate sex?
Block her number. Kill file her emails. Problem solved.
I can fix this for you right now. Block her, on all fronts, email, phone, period. End it now, you’ll thank me later. It’s not like I’ve never had to do this before. Abusive and crazy people will never stop being abusive and crazy as long as they have an open window to do so.
Hyp speaks the truth.
Cut. Her. Off. Period. Full stop. No exceptions.
do text apps not have a “block” function?
reply to her “maybe if you’d invested this much energy in our relationship, things would be better”
/drops mic
I have to agree with Hyperion.
I had a moderately long-term GF who ditched me for a ‘younger man’. 7 months later, turns up at my door on a summer evening in a dress – “wanna go out for a drink?”
First reaction was “Why?” and then curiosity got the better of me. Went out for drink, find out she’s available again. No thanks.
Didn’t rub her nose in it, but turned down her charming offer.
Back in the old days, it was easier to deal with this. Never answer the phone, always emulate Jim Rockford. Don’t answer the door. Garage the car. All I had to deal with was the mutual friends she made miserable. Don’t open letters. Don’t accept telegrams. Leave packages outside the door. The only thing that stopped her was emigrating to the US. If I hadn’t done that, she might be banging on my door now.
Ghost her utterly.
And for the record, no, I can’t QUITE lick my eyebrows.
This is what I did for every ex. Relationship over? Purge everything. I didn’t date my friends, so it wasn’t much of a loss. There was one ex that I took out to lunch because she lived two doors down and her car was broken down. Took all of about 10 minutes to get bored of it and promise myself never to do that again. Not that it was horrible, but I wasn’t over her yet and it was setting me back.
An ex that lived 2 doors down?
I woulda moved.
It was a good apartment. Sucked to watch her parade her new boyfriend around, but I had some awesome parties there.
The moving finger writes, and having writ, moves on.
I loved dating lawyers….I numbered them.
But smart women are like smart dogs:
seems like a good idea at first
but quickly turns into more work than you ever wanted.
But god knows smart women are hot.
Take her back.
I have another question!
Having read about the “undocumented” whatever that got all neck-stabby ( http://dailycaller.com/2018/01/17/exclusive-california-neck-stabber-was-illegal-immigrant-deported-7-times/ ),
say an ‘illegal’ commits a crime in the US that’s punishable by death.
Can we legally snuff out someone from another country, for violating our laws? I mean, I know *they* do it other places. But is there some kind of policy in place?
Yes. Whether they are in legally or illegally, there are foreign nationals on death row in US.
Usually their home countries try to get them back to serve time, or at least put pressure on state governments for clemency.
Nice link.
By golly, seems I learn something new every time I come to this place.
Outdone by the Irish! I haz a sad.
look up “jurisdiction”
A jurisdiction handles you by its laws
with no consideration for whether you are from there.
pro-tip: avoid jurisdictions (Indonesia, Massachusetts) if you don’t like their laws.
Stabby shithead didn’t kill someone. Now, I oppose the death penalty, but if I was asked to personally administer it to this dude – no hesitation.
State-assisted suicide then.
Dress him in a dog costume and release him near a donut shop?
I think it was someone on TOS that pointed out:
Only the state can legally steal from you.
Only the state can legally kidnap you.
Only the state can legally commit murder.
By definition, if it’s legal, it’s not kidnapping, murder or theft.
It’s good to be the King!
+1 Sovereign Immunity
If you would administer it to Shooty Gonzales over there, or ever, then you don’t oppose the death penalty.
I’m for the Death penalty in principle, because there are people who cannot be fixed, have done unforgivable things and will do more.
The debate in my mind is how to ensure only those sick fucks are offed.
Im for the death penalty, in the justice sense of eye-eye. However, given the corrupt nature of attention-seeking prosecutors that are willing to wreck/destroy/end a life over getting a check-mark in their conviction record, abetted with lying cops and false testimony, you cant ever be sure. And that, to me, is the problem of ending a life in the pursuit of justice- very rarely can you hit that 100% certainty area. And unless you’re in that zone, sooner or later, your gonna m̶u̶r̶d̶e̶r̶ administer justice to an innocent person.
However, in the case of the cop-killer that JI cited, who gleefully admitted to murder….see ya
I don’t trust the state to administer it. Since that is the ONLY way it works, I end up opposed to it.
That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t kill the SOB if it were up to me.
My modest proposal for capital punishment is to leave it to the discretion of the victim’s survivors. Though they must be willing to administer it.
Do that with welfare, too. You can get it if you’re willing to put the gun to the taxpayer’s head yourself.
Ok. Format is nearly back to normal – still missing post #s
I can live without them if the formatting stops changing from one refresh to the next.
No kidding – this is bizarre. WTF?
With WordPress, the best is to close your eyes and hope it’ll fix itself.
With Drupal, fire is the only solution.
It was perfectly normal till this afternoon – what’s going on? Something with the server patch or upgrade or whatever the founders mentioned earlier?
It was doing this since at least this morning.
Well, based on nothing more than a fevered imagination, there was a WordPress upgrade a few days ago, that broke some plugins. The response to that, if the plugins aren’t updated promptly, is to pick other plugins or write some work-arounds of your own.
Inevitably, this can cause a cascading effect that means you have to make ‘hot’ changes to a site like this, so you get the inevitable slight or not so slight changes in formatting.
That, or they’re dicking us around for shits and giggles. (WHICH I DOUBT IS THE CASE).
Based on what I was told about Drupal, nuking it from obit is the only way to be certain.
Guess what product was chosen as the standard Content Management System for New York State?
4 sets of everything, on servers that you can’t access?
Oh, that’s a given. It’s been that way forever.
But now it will be on Drupal too.
Atari 2600?
Atari didn’t contribute to Andy’s campaign fund.
Shame. They made a decent cover of Don Henley.
from NJR’s latest piece:
53% of Republicans favor stripping U.S. citizenship from people who burn the American flag.
51% of Democrats support a law that requires Americans use transgender people’s preferred gender pronouns.
47% of Republicans favor bans on building new mosques.
58% of Democrats say employers should punish employees for offensive Facebook posts.
65% of Republicans say NFL players should be fired if they refuse to stand for the national anthem.
#4 and #5 have a distinction of being legal from a constitutional standpoint.
*unless they are forced to implement such penalties.
And #5 is just good business. Of course employees should be fired when they intentionally piss off a company’s customers. I still can’t figure out why this even remotely controversial.
3 out of 4 People are Morons, there, simple
NJR makes up for at least a dozen non-morons.
Jesus Christ, authoritarians everywhere.
And that’s why we won’t ever have The Libertarian Moment!
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Thank God we aren’t a democracy.
Samantha Bee is an insufferable wrinkled bag of shit. I will never forgive Canadians for producing and then exporting that bag of shit to this country.
Hang your head in shame, Canada!
Yeah, and she’s not funny either. Unless Gary Johnson is volunteering to make a fool of himself.
If you people stopped exporting shitty ideas, we wouldn’t have to send the infected down to their source.
Whoa! the Fonts and colors just changed!
and now they are back to normal
that’s what UCS and I are saying – the refresh (or post) is cycling them – really weird.
You new to the squirrel party, brah?
Well, this is disturbing.
“Nerkish” and “disturbing” go hand-in-hand but yes, even by his standards, that’s something.
On the other hand, this is hilarious and sooooo Canadian.
Is that the Diversity50, or the board of Cat Fanciers Magazine?
They’re the beta testers for Caput Lupinum’s and my new app.
WokeSpinster Tinder?
Nah, a couple of articles back.
An App that lets women post #MeToo data – and then lets men use the volunteered data to avoid the women. Win-win.
No more persecuted women, no more accused men.
New Nerkina video is supposedly coming this week, I am excite
As I said about another doxxing issue earlier today, this is a dangerous game they play. They’re gonna ruin somebody’s life and that person, with nothing left to lose, is going to beat them to death with a crowbar.
Well, assuming they survive the inevitable SWATting, of course.
I’m a peaceful guy and I’d be sorely tempted to do something like you just described if someone did that to me. It’ll happen sooner or later.
That’s what they want. They need bloody shirts to wave so they can shut down everyone who is to the right of Pelosi.
or worse, I member you Saying that..
The modern Left
no different than Chinese communists during the Cultural Revolution.
At least the flier cited the SPLC. I mean, since they dont have an agenda or anything…
That wasn’t Kevin Smith on the left?
the ultimate libertarian fighting machine
In 1939, when Beckmann was 14, his family fled their home in Prague, Czechoslovakia to escape the Nazis. From 1942 to 1945, he served in a Czech squadron of the RAF. He received a B.Sc. in 1949, a Ph.D. in 1955, and a D.Sc. in 1962, all from Prague’s Czech Academy of Sciences in electrical engineering. He defected to the United States in 1963 and became a Professor (later, Emeritus) of electrical engineering at the University of Colorado. In the United States, he became acquainted with novelist Ayn Rand, a contributing editor to a publication devoted to her ideas, The Intellectual Activist, and a speaker at The Thomas Jefferson School, an intellectual conference of similar purpose.
Beckmann was a prolific author; he wrote several electrical engineering textbooks and non-technical works. By 1968 he had founded Golem Press, which published most of his books, including The Health Hazards of Not Going Nuclear (1976), which argued in favor of nuclear power during the height of the anti-nuclear movement by contrasting the cost, in human terms, with the equivalent costs of the alternatives available. Beckmann also wrote A History of π, documenting the history of the calculation of π. He published his own monthly newsletter, Access to Energy, which since September 1993 has been written by Arthur B. Robinson.
In 1981, he took early retirement with Emeritus status, in order to devote himself fully to what he saw as the defense of science, technology and free enterprise, through his newsletter, Access to Energy. He founded the Golem Press in 1967, publishing more than nine books. These included The History of π, Einstein Plus Two, and The Health Hazards of Not Going Nuclear (with an Introduction by Edward Teller). He wrote more than 60 scientific papers and eight technical books. Dr. Beckmann spoke at International Society for Individual Liberty(ISIL)’s San Francisco Conference in 1990 where he received a standing ovation for his speech in which he attacked “sham environmentalists”.[1]
That’s interesting, because I had always thought that the bulk, if not all, of the RAF Kościuszko Squadrons stayed in the UK after VE-Day, because there have been sizable populations of Poles in many of the towns that had operational air bases, so he must have been repatriated to Eastern Bloc Poland after the war.
I wonder how many of the brave and effective Kościuszko Squadrons were put on buses and sent back to the welcoming embrace of democratic socialism, and how many went willingly …
Czech, not a Pole – their attitude to USSR was generally more friendly, so they’d have fewer qualms coming home. Unlike Soviet POWs, far as I know Brits didn’t repatriate any Poles by force.
Although their biggest badass pilot did say “fuck this shit” and joined the Polish Air Force, as they let him just hare off and shoot down Germans.
Oh, yeah, that was a big-ass brain fart … rewind.
Is Athena in da house? She’s doing some epic politician-trolling on the Tweeters these days.
Definitely solid work. My contributions can’t compete (https://twitter.com/FishLikesFlicks/status/953762086626250754)
I don’t use the same handle when trolling. She’s a brace woman.
the ultimate libertarian swimming machine
Stanislav Vasilyevich Kurilov (Russian: Станислав Васильевич Курилов, July 17, 1936 – January 29, 1998) was a Soviet, Canadian, and Israeli oceanographer. He escaped from the Soviet Union by jumping overboard from a cruise liner in the open ocean, and swimming to the Philippines.
Early life[edit]
Stanislav Kurilov was born in 1937 in Vladikavkaz (then known as Ordzhonikidze). He grew up in Semipalatinsk, in the Soviet Kazakhstan. As a young child, he learned to swim in secret from his own parents (who forbade him to enter open water), and at the age of 10, on a dare, he swam across the Irtysh.[1] Many years later, in one of his later stories, he described the negative environmental and public health effects of the nuclear test site that was constructed near the city during his teenage years.[2]
From his early years, Kurilov dreamed of a life of sailing the seas. However, doctors told him that due to a vision problem he would not be eligible for either a Soviet Navy or merchant marine career. After doing his military service, as a chemical warfare instructor of a sapper battalion,[3] he graduated from the Leningrad Meteorology Institute (ru) as an oceanographer. While a student, he also learned scuba diving.[4] Later, he also became interested in yoga and meditation.[5]
Kurilov worked at the Institute of Oceanology of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and at the Marine Biology Institute in Vladivostok. Even though the Soviet Union operated a large number of research vessels on a worldwide scale, the authorities decided that Kurilov was not eligible for any overseas expeditions, either because of him learning about chemical warfare during his military service,[6] because his father had been a prisoner of war during World War II,[5] or because of Kurilov’s “foreign connection”: his sister had married an Indian citizen and immigrated to India, and later to Canada.[4] Kurilov’s field work, therefore, was restricted to the Soviet Union’s coastal waters, such as the Black Sea and Sea of Japan. In particular, he worked at Soviet underwater research stations in the Black Sea.[4]
Kurilov came to resent the Soviet state even more when, starting in 1970, two of his team’s joint underwater projects with Jacques-Yves Cousteau fell through one after the other, because he was refused a passport. Instead, the Soviets sent another group, “without diving experience, but with [exit] visas”, with whom Cousteau refused to work.[4][5]
The defection[edit]
In December 1974, Kurilov boarded Soviet cruise liner Sovetsky Soyuz, leaving for a tour advertised as a “Cruise from the winter into the summer”. It was a popular “cruise to nowhere”, where a ship would depart Vladivostok, sail toward the equator, and come back without entering any foreign ports. Because of the absence of port calls, the trip required neither passport nor visas. It was known that the ship would pass within view of several foreign countries, and after studying its planned route, Kurilov decided that the best chance for an escape would be in the Philippine Sea, off the coast of Siargao Island.[1]
After sunset on December 13, in a stormy weather, Kurilov jumped overboard from the stern of the cruise ship, with a snorkeling mask and fins. Luckily, he was neither immediately noticed by the crew, nor struck by the ship’s propeller.[5] However, because of the strong currents, it took him three nights and two days to reach the land. In his own memoir, he recalls reaching the Philippine shore on his own, by swimming all the way;[1] according to an Associated Press report, based on information released by the Philippine authorities, published a few days later, he had been found by a local fisherman “clinging to a drifting fishing boat”,[7] After about six months of investigation, first in Cagayan de Oro,[7] later in Manila (the Philippine authorities may have suspected him to be a Soviet spy), Kurilov was able to leave for Canada.
Life in the West[edit]
Kurilov spent over 10 years in Canada, during which time he traveled extensively. Although not Jewish, in 1986 he moved to Israel, where he married an Israeli citizen (Lena Gendelev; after marriage, Gendelev-Kurilov) and became employed at the Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research institute in Haifa.[5]
He wrote the story of his escape,[1] as well as a number of other stories; they have been published both in Russian and in Hebrew and (partial) English translations.[5]
Jeez Derp. write your own article, you used to…….
Called the wife on my lunch break. “I just called to say I love you.” “OK, WTF did you do now?”
Stevie Wonder is full of shit.