Sometimes the news comes fast and furious. And it’s almost always a delight to cynics like me. I mean, really, how do you do better than making an entire state shit its collective pants? Oh, I know, blame it on Trump!
Cindy Varner
Stupid f##king traitor presinfant trump for putting us all in this situation. People in Hilo were getting alerts on phone and radio, scaring the hell out of folks driving, trying to get home to see loved ones before it hit (12-15 minutes?). Craziness!!!
How brave and eloquent. And clever! Though the Trump presidency has as many shortcomings as the Obama administration, it’s certainly upped the derangement level in a most entertaining way. Never mind that there’s no federal involvement in Hawaii’s rather badly designed warning system, there’s OUTRAGE THAT MUST BE SHARED. SP predicted that the Team Blue idiots would exhaust themselves by now, ping-ponging from one outrage to another on a daily basis, but I think she may have underestimated the Power of Derp. Interestingly enough, the wizards who put this warning system in place have responded by now requiring two different signoffs before an alert can be issued. Which of course will, ahh, somewhat negate the value (such as it is) of a fast response system. My take: You get that alert…what’s your first thought? Do you think there is an actual nuclear attack on the US or do you think some government idiot fucked up?
I guess puppet heads and stupid slogans have now been replaced by higher tech versions of useless symbolism. Moral preening is always a way to persuade.
In the meantime, Team Red shows again that it’s the Stupid Party, and the circular firing squad is setting up once again.
“I think a lot of serious conservatives will realize that [this is Roy Moore being replayed] and reject his candidacy.”
Where do I find these “serious conservatives”? I thought they were extinct? They certainly don’t seem to be voting much in Team Red primaries.
An unnecessary revival of an unnecessary remake is about to pollute the cableworld. Critical mass of smug from a third-rate scientist who stopped doing science decades ago may cause brain hazards in the IFSL crowd (I should mention this wonderful takedown of IFSL and NdGT). But what the fuck would I know about it? Anecdote: I was at a party a few weeks ago and a group of arts-types were talking about how amazingly wonderful and brilliant Tyson was. Two mistakes then followed: they asked my opinion of him, “…since you’re a scientist. Isn’t he brilliant and amazing?” Mistake Two: I answered honestly, “He’s never let his bigotry and lack of knowledge stand in the way of his role as a public ‘intellectual.’ The guy couldn’t even do a basic freshman physics calculation but still felt it was important to tell the world his incorrect conclusions about deflated footballs.” The uncomfortable silence that followed was uncomfortable. CP Snow, cleanup needed on Aisle 8!
Don’t you just hate it when someone with tits that spectacular and a long track record of terrific work feels that it’s important to show the world that she’s as dumb as a post?
OK, Old Man Music, in this case another regional band (in this case, from Buffalo) that should have, in a just world, achieved widespread fame and fortune. Give it a listen, they were terrific. I met their vocalist/guitarist/harp player in Austin where he was doing some gigs at the Elephant Room (one of my favorite clubs there), or I would have never heard of this great group.
“Moral preening is always a way to persuade.”
Is there someone out there that doesnt think Haiti is not a shithole?
Well look at that.
Good morning all.
Is there someone out there that doesnt think Haiti is not a shithole?
The Haitian politicians and NGO leaders who have been raking in that sweet sweet aid money for the past fifty years?
Uhmmmm….uh….good point.
I suspect they still think it is and needs to stay a shithole so they can keep the gravy train choo chooing..
The before and after pictures of Haiti look the same
The Clinton Global Initiative balance sheet doesn’t though. Or, I should say didn’t since it is now defunct.
They know it’s a shithole and would like to keep it that way otherwise they’d have to actually be productive.
Per capita GDP: $1,800
Unemployment Rate: 40.8 percent
Literacy Rate: 60.7 percent
Shithole status confirmed.
SP predicted that the Team Blue idiots would exhaust themselves by now, ping-ponging from one outrage to another on a daily basis
Unfortunately, it’s more like a self-winding watch.
If there was ever a perpetual motion machine this is it.
Hey now, even self winding watches eventually run out of power.
I just saw the wretched news about our resident steel-making electro-wizard. Lach, wifey and I are weeping… been there… sending our love and prayers. Stay strong.
I’m afraid to ask. Update for those who don’t know?
Lachowsky’s wife lost their kid only a couple of days after finding out that she was pregnant.
Wait – they lost a child after finding out that she’s pregnant with another one, or she found out she’s pregnant then miscarried?
The latter. Really, really sucks.
It does. Hope the two of them are holding up OK.
The latter.
Horrible. My sympathies to Lachowsky’s if he’s reading.
My heart goes out to you and your family Lachowsky.
Lachowsky we are thinking of you, are praying for you. Deepest sympathies
That’s a kick to the balls. The missus and I went through that twice before our son was born. All the sympathy imaginable from us because we know what that’s like.
My take: You get that alert…what’s your first thought? Do you think there is an actual nuclear attack on the US or do you think some government idiot fucked up?
Back in the waning days of the Cold War, attending college just a few miles from Cheyenne Mountain, the consensus of opinion among my friends and I was that, in the event of The Big One, we would gather up as much beer as we could, and go up on a roof to watch the rockets coming down.
Same attitude here man…
Bradley Manning or Chelsea, is running for the Senate in Maryland. So, the Sheriff and Manning could both end up as Senators.
Again, in hindsight, Senator Kid Rock doesn’t sound so bad anymore
Ain’t that the truth?
The intro to his most famous song would make for a hell of an entrance to that vaunted chamber –
Bawitdaba da bang a dang diggy diggy diggy said the boogy said up jump the boogy
Bawitdaba da bang a dang diggy diggy diggy said the boogy said up jump the boogy
Bawitdaba da bang a dang diggy diggy diggy said the boogy said up jump the boogy
Bawitdaba da bang a dang diggy diggy diggy said the boogy said up jump the boogy
Bawitdaba da bang a dang diggy diggy diggy said the boogy said up jump the boogy
Bawitdaba da bang a dang diggy diggy diggy said the boogy said up jump the boogy
Bawitdaba da bang a dang diggy diggy diggy said the boogy said up jump the boogy
(Get Ready)
My name is KIIIIIIIIIIIID…Kid Rock”
Can you transcribe the lyrics to “Louie, Louie” and “Informer”?
A committee should look into the feasibility of transcribing such complex masterpieces.
If I wasn’t on my phone I’d link to “The Ballad of the Kingsmen” right here.
There was only one thing I could do was ding a ding dang my dang a long ling long.
Very apropos on a Sunday morning.
And I suppose that “ooo eeee oooo ah ah, ting tang walla walla bing bang” is some lyrical chopped liver?
No, love advice from a proto-Alvin.
Rock on.
Ministry for the win.
“SP predicted that the Team Blue idiots would exhaust themselves by now, ping-ponging from one outrage to another on a daily basis, but I think she may have underestimated the Power of Derp.”
“President Trump is the most despicable human being that could possibly walk the earth!” – Maxine Waters, yesterday.
She was working herself into a frenzy, practically foaming at the mouth. Get that? Trump is worse than Hitler. Worse than an ISIS executioner that drills holes in a baby’s skull. Worse than Jeffery Dahmer. She never does say exactly what Trump is doing that makes him the personification of evil, but I think I can guess.
If she’s working herself into a frenzy, then she’s not mentally fit to serve. Is there an equivalent of the 25A for legislators?
(Not fully serious, of course.)
I love how they toss out Maxine Waters as some sort of counter to someone they consider to be insane and unfit for office.
Peach fawty five!
Well, this is embarrassing.
I thought high school basketball games were too local to post about.
When I was a kid, my friends and I got a job running the clocks and keeping score books for the local adult basketball league.
One night almost the exact same thing happened. R. Steck (never sure what his first name was. Everyone just called him Steck) drove the lane one night and Shorty Johanson lowered the boom on him and knocked a very nice rug clean off his head. I say it was a nice rug because before that moment I don’t think anyone knew he was wearing one.
Shorty was removed from the game, not because the foul was so flagrant, but because he was laughing so hard that he couldn’t move or catch his breath. Poor Steck was mortified, he rushed off the court the color of a tomato.
Don’t you just hate it when someone with tits that spectacular and a long track record of terrific work feels that it’s important to show the world that she’s as dumb as a post?
Yes, yes it is a shame. Jamie Lee in Trading Places………*swoon
They are pretenders and self-promoters why should we expect anything less?
Ecco le due cupole del catedrale di Milano!
Gratzie a dio!
Get that shithole language out of here
Referring to his advanced age, Mr. Arpaio added: “I carried a gun and a badge up until not long ago, so age means nothing. I have life experience and common sense, which I intend to use for the people of Arizona.”
As always, delusional thinking and lack of self awareness are not limited to actors of any one team or tribe.
So, pink undies and bologna in every pot?
I didn’t need that visual.
Hunting Wild Bologna
They sound a lot like Maine folk.
(What do they call themselves?)
I think they might be Newfies.
Yeah they’re Newfies, but they sound like Mainlanders (new vocab word from Gordilocks)
Maine folk jus’ mainlanders, ‘by.
That was…disturbing.
Although I am not sure if the wild bologna is native to Newfoundland.
Also, there’s an app for that.
Highly specialized. Why the heck not, though?
So, pink undies and bologna in every pot
Gatorade. He also made sure they had gatorade.
The difficulties facing activists who want to limit presidential power — most recently a mix of conservative libertarians (those untouched by Trumpism) and leftists, along with sympathetic lawmakers — are manifold. Executive power grew by leaps and bounds during the Bush administration, usually under the shady auspices of the post-9/11 war on terror. The Obama White House, most notably with its drone program, carried on down a similar path.
Trump is now pursuing his own goals, using many of the tools bequeathed to him by his predecessors, at a time when global illiberalism is on the march.
“…and leftists…”
No doubt many of whom were calling for emperor-like power and lifetime appointment for BO.
“…conservative libertarians (those untouched by Trumpism), along with sympathetic lawmakers…”
No doubt many of whom facilitated the massive expansion of power under Bush.
The underpinnings of our constitution, that is the concept that a system that disperses power to keep any one individual from getting their hands on too much of it completely escapes these morons. ‘If only we could get the right man in there and give him total power Daddy would fix everything’. Is it really that difficult to understand? Is team mentality really that blinding? I guess it is. Congratulations fellas. You shit the bed, now we all have to lay in it.
I don’t think libertarians are calling for expansion of presidential power. GOPe, on the other hand….
No, they are not but people who call themselves libertarians are.
Whoops- I fucked that up.
Take two-
A tiny glimmer of understanding? Probably not.
The difficulties facing activists who want to limit presidential power — most recently a mix of conservative libertarians (those untouched by Trumpism) and leftists, along with sympathetic lawmakers — are manifold. Executive power grew by leaps and bounds during the Bush administration, usually under the shady auspices of the post-9/11 war on terror. The Obama White House, most notably with its drone program, carried on down a similar path.
Trump is now pursuing his own goals, using many of the tools bequeathed to him by his predecessors, at a time when global illiberalism is on the march.
The gathering wave of tribalism in American politics, atop which Trump surfs past dangers other presidents might have turned hard to avoid, is only reinforcing his power, the historians agreed, and degrading the apparatus for crafting reform, now or in the future.
“The more polarized the political landscape, the less possibility there is for cross-party dialogue,” Ben-Ghiat said, “and initiatives of the type that one needs to safeguard democracy and limit executive overreach.”
CNN wonders if Trump will alert the nation t the dangers of our imperial Presidency. It seems unlikely. Our next (Democratic) President will need near-dictatorial powers to undo the nihilistic damage wrought by Trump.
The Obama White House, most notably with its drone program, carried on down a similar path.
That is the most notable Executive over reach of Obama? I think his disregard for constitutional limits as it pertains to making law was “President If Congress won’t act I will” most notable abuses. The drone program and other Executive gains that Obama continued were given to Bush by Congress because Congress is ran by a bunch of fucking morons with the foresight of a kindergarten class and lacking the balls to admit when they have mistakenly given up their constitutional duties to the Executive.
Executing American citizens without trial.
fucking morons with the foresight of a kindergarten class
Or, as we like to say, “top men”.
What about the fact he used government law enforcement agencies and our intelligence orgs to spy and undermine the political campaign of an opponent of the other party? This they find no problem with after months of the marxism loving Russiagate shit from the proggosphere?
So the leftists and other TDS sufferors blame not the Bill Clinton, W, and Obama* policy of rewarding NORK saber rattling with monetary gifts, they blame Trump for not caving in?
And then Kim Jong Un stomps his feet, and Trump still doesn’t cave, so the leftists blame him even more? Have these people ever tried to raise children? Or dogs?
*Obama gets as asterisk for actively encouraging the Next of Kim to build his arsenal and essentially legitimizing it.
I have a mental image of Kim and Trump hoisting a few drinks together while laughing hysterically. “Those idiots bought it! Holy shit, they’re stupid! Hahahahahah!!!”
OK, Diet Cokes, maybe. But you get the idea.
Trump gets the Diet Coke, Kim gets a Twinkie smoothie.
But yeah, they have a little something in common.
“Why would Kim Jong-un insult me by calling me old, when I would never insult him by calling him short and fat? I try so hard to be his friend.”
“Twinkie smoothie”
*digs out blender*
Have these people ever tried to raise children? Or dogs?
I can deal with their dogs; the children on the other hand will eventually vote.
Since this one has been so quiet for a while, here comes some shocking (not) news.
Girlfriend of Vegas shooter may have known something after all?
What happened to Omar Mateen’s girlfriend?
That is a great question. She kind of vanished didn’t she.
Didn’t she escape to some middle east shithole?
She’s hiding from his wife?
The wife’s trial is scheduled for March.
Huh. Last I heard she had fled to San Fran (I think) and then no more news. I didn’t even know they charged her.
This article had a link to another article about the missing 30,000 Clinton emails. Turns out the exhaustive investigation which decided Clinton and her associates had not criminal intent consisted of asking the subjects of the investigation if they had any evidence that might incriminate them. And not much else.
After reading that article I feel much more confident in their conclusions …. not.
It’s awfully hypocritical of Jamie Lee Curtis to blame someone for fostering nuclear war when her biggest contribution to do the opposite was to accidentally drop an Uzi down some stairs.
I just had an apostrophe…catastrophe…no…epiphany!
We must harness the derp. They are swinging back and forth so quickly that it seems to he some sort of perpetual derp wave. There must be some way we can harness the energy from all this. Glibs…we stand on the cusp of a derp fusion reactor. It was written by the prophet Rand and now the time has come!
From Raw Story comments:
“Iconoclast Six Guest • 8 hours ago
You got what you wanted: ” small government.” I hope you go broke. I hope it hurts.
Oh wait. You’re going to have one of those sweet jobs mining all that coal.
Again, fuck you.”
Anecdote: When my sister used to edit for a living she would sometimes end up on the set of a show produce by the CBC. She observed one time, four guys on one camera. Literally, just taking turns. In other words, when one was operating it, the other three were picking their noses or asses or both – and probably with each other.
I’m sure Derpboy up top is okay with that kind of grotesque and wasteful redundancy.
“You got what you wanted: ” small government.”
When did this happen? Did I sleep through it? Or is he talking about Somalia?
Didn’t you hear, Trump cut all the things eleventy bajillion percent? The government’s gone!
Once could just wish that were so..
I think I got about 1 minute into NdT’s Cosmos before changing the channel.
Now I’m going to get back to enjoying this weekend rental in GA by pre-heating the hot tub and racking up the pool table. Suckas.
When I play pool, I always try to put my balls in the side pocket. Then everybody starts yelling at me, “Hey dipshit! Take your balls out of the side pocket, zip your pants up, and grab a cue. It’s your shot!”
Talk to Jamie Lee Curtis in Italian.
Fa mi un bocchino!
Maybe the Hawaii thing was a test. To see public reaction to an actual launch.
Or someone did it for the lulz.
Someone would rather Mike Rowe for president than Oprah.
He couldn’t run as a Democrat.
He doesn’t seem like the type that would be interested in running for office, not enough of a narcissistic asshole.
I follow him on Facebook. My conclusion from reading his scribblings: he’s a libertarian who keeps it secret since it’s common knowledge would kill his ratings.
It’s a shame about Rowe (cue The Lemonheads) because he’s going to be put in that group of celebrities who want power.
Clooney, Oprah etc.
Except he’s far better than those two.
Some of us call that supper lady.
Sorry if I missed a post…how’s your health, ‘Splosives? Did the cheeboorger help?
Hmmm. More and more sites are aggressively blocking me because of my ad blocker. I wonder if it has ever occurred to any of those marketing wizards that I might not feel the need for an ad blocker if their ads weren’t so obnoxious and intrusive.
Me too, can anyone recommend an ad blocker blocker blocker?
I’ve have great success since I switched to uBlock Origin. Almost no anti-blocker shit at all any more.
it’s pretty easy. if they have the pop up warning me about it, I don’t go to their site.
Same here. It turns out that pissing off your potential readers is a step too far for me. Who would have guessed.
^^this^^ I turned off my ad-blocker a few months back, and I don’t miss it, I find the ads these days have gotten less obtrusive and the “turn off your ad blocker” pop ups were worse than just ignoring the ads, I can only think off one or two times the ads made me leave a site and I can’t recall what those sites were, other than not very important apparently.
You have way more tolerance than I do. Trying to read a page with ads all over it is like watching a TV show with the right edge of the screen filled with commercials.
I have two reasons for using an ad-blocker:
1. ads that make sites unusuable (used to be, you could just block Flash and that was good enough, but hooray HTML5)
2. ads that distribute malware (I’ve gotten hit twice by this, only way I’ve ever gotten it)
Your eyes are on the internet merely as a means for people to command you to buy their wares. Did you think there was some other purpose?
The worst are the sites that are so bloated with ads that don’t even work if you turn off your adblocker, who then won’t let you read their site with the adblocker. So either wy you can’t read their content. Brilliant.
those are the ones that I don’t go to now.
For me it’s the animated ads. If they just stayed still like the regular print ads I’ve been seeing in newspapers and magazines all along, I probably wouldn’t have installed ad blocker.
Even worse than the ads is the insistent “We’d like to send you notifications!” bullshit. You know, I just came to your site for the very first (and now last) time because some depraved goon on Glibertarians posted a link. No, I don’t need you pushing your bullshit at me forevermore. I don’t need you tracking my location. And I certainly don’t have any desire to download your app.
More from Raw Stupid:
“Don Anderson • 13 hours ago
WTF, we have to live through this nightmare with this shit head…. Are the effing republicans happy with this? Effing cultists!”
Never mind that the current governor is a D in a state that generally votes D.
These people, despite owning these failed blue cities and states, continue to pretend the problem is the other side and claim the solution is to let them double down on the shit that wrecked the place in the first place.
What is the definition of insanity again?
I was going to read a storY about how Stephen Hawking wants to ship all the Climut Deniurz to Venus, so they can experience firsthand the fate which awaits Earth because of theirwillfully destructive obsession with modernity and always-available energy.
But- No ad blockers. This means me.
Yeh, what’s his shtick these days?
Poor Stephen, his mind has finally started to go now. Did he forget the part about Venus being millions of miles closer to the sun than the earth is?
Not to mention Venus’ atmosphere being 95% CO2 instead of .04%
Maybe he’s talking about the point when the sun starts to go into the red giant phase, and forgot that’s a billion years or so from today.
Yep, because Hawking doesn’t benefit in any way from modern science and always-available energy.
Hawking is in his 70s now, and would have died in mute misery 40 years ago were it not for all this modernity.
This is apparently horrifying to some people. Why should anyone have to work when there are already enough people to tax to pay for all these benefits? This is no different than just making colored folk slaves again.
“WASHINGTON — Kentucky will be the first state to require many of its Medicaid recipients to work or face losing their benefits after the Trump administration approved its plan on Friday.
Advocates for the poor threatened lawsuits, while Gov. Matt Bevin, a Republican, celebrated the approval as “the most transformational entitlement reform that has been seen in a quarter of a century.”
The plan calls for most Medicaid recipients who are not disabled and aged 19 to 64 to work at least 20 hours a week, beginning in July. In addition to paid jobs, they could meet the requirement through volunteer work, job training, searching for a job, taking classes or caring for someone elderly or disabled. “
“In addition to paid jobs, they could meet the requirement through volunteer work, job training, searching for a job, taking classes or caring for someone elderly or disabled.”
Good Lord, it’s literally Nazi Germany and I say that with no hyperbole whatsoever.
To go by the comments over at DU, it’s even worse than Nazi Germany. Trump won’t be happy until he’s killed all the colored folk and chained all the wiminz to a hot stove and all the chillins is dead in the streets.
WTF, we have to live through this nightmare with this shit head…. Are the effing republicans happy with this? Effing cultists!”
Which nightmare? There are too many to keep track of.
And- “cultists”? yeah.
I’m not sure how this nightmare isn’t affecting me any. Maybe I’m the only one, must be all this privilege, but I can’t tell that anything has changed in the past year.
A great article at FEE illustrating the legal obstacles that had to be overcome in order to bring the standardized shipping container to market.
That is good.
I was recently talking to a coworker who had design influence in the building of an arena for sporting events somewhere in China. He was there for the construction and was floored by the fact there was zero heavy equipment on the job. Everything was done by man power down to even digging deep drainage. It was all done by shovels with the guys stepping it off and shoveling dirt to the shelf above them for the next guy to shovel it to the shelf above him and so on until the depth was achieved. He said he finally asked one of the foreman if they had ever heard of something as simple as a cordless drill. The foreman said they could not afford to use equipment and tools like that, it would put too many people out of work.
I was recently talking to a coworker who had design influence in the building of an arena for sporting events somewhere in China. He was there for the construction and was floored by the fact there was zero heavy equipment on the job.
It’s going to be a long time before the legacies of Mao (and Pol Pot) stop having influence on those societies. Tragic.
Isn’t the loading and unloading of trailers ran by local bosses and a tightly controlled group of workers for the most part? I only heard stories of dealing with them from the enclosed trailer guys as my extremely short trucking career was done entirely behind the wheel of a truck pulling a flatbed.
I’m not sure. As far as the packing and unpacking of shipping containers, that all happens wherever the freight ends up. The Longshoreman’s Union controls all of the ports where they go on to ships, that’s for sure.
I was hauling biodiesel and motor oil from a couple of different liquid transloading facilities in New Jersey for awhile, mostly at Bayonne. The employees at those places were the laziest, whiniest fucks ever, and their hourly rate was double mine, and they barely worked at all. I had waits of up to six hours trying to get loaded sometimes; contrast that with self-service loading at most fuel refineries, where I could load a super B double tanker with 50,000 liters of fuel in about 25 minutes.
Fuck the longshoreman’s union with a rusty sewer pipe.
Got to keep the plebes busy or they might revolt now that they have seen what prosperity could look like..
I remember having a drink in a hotel bar in China once. There were like six bartenders. I was the only customer. And it was like that everywhere.
Did each one put an ice cube in your drink?
i went to the fanciest restaurant in Lisbon w/ my girlfriend. it was empty. we were surrounded by like 8 waiters. it was extremely unpleasant and uncomfortable. i actually told the maitre de (on his 5th visit, attempting to certify we were pleased) to tell them all to fuck off and go take a smoke-break. they were basically embarrassed that the place was empty, and were overcompensating to the point of absurdity. cloying service is the worst.
Thanks, G! Great article. I love FEE.
Here’s one for you.
Excellent. Sending to several leftist friends I am trying to bring away from the dark side.
This is covered in some detail in Marc Levinson’s The Box, which is a book on the invention and spread of container shipping. It’s a good, and fairly quick, read.
When I was a kid a friend of my parents was a steavadore. Whenever they’d go over to his place he’d show off the latest stuff he’d “brought home from work”. Like TVs kind of stuff.
Shocking revelation from the “Walmart is the Devil Incarnate” desk
As ThinkProgress reported, while the bonus announcement looked amazing it was much more complicated than it first sounded.
Walmart employees are eligible for the $1,000 bonus only if they’ve worked at the company for 20 years. Most Walmart employees, of course, haven’t worked there that long. Those employees will receive a smaller bonus based on seniority. Walmart didn’t explain exactly how the sliding scale will work, but said the total value of the bonuses will be $400 million. Walmart has about 2.1 million employees, which works out to be an average bonus of about $190.
How dare they distribute bonuses based on time of service and level of responsibility? They should just give every single employee a bonus. And $1000 is peanuts; chump change. Make it $10,000, or $50,000.
Still up + $200 though.
Wal-Mart does give every store employee a bonus. Every quarter.
Well, 99% of them.
South Korean Top. Men. back off bitcoin ban boner
Asia and Bitcoin/crypto are an interesting brew.
there is huge interest in it, as well as huge opposition. i suspect it will be the locus of some serious shit in the near future. as in, mass crackdown, or civil unrest, or gigantic fraud. something, but big.
I think you are correct.
The major population center in places like South Korea and Japan are just about as “cyberpunk” as it gets, and as a result, penetration of crypto is bound to be more pervasive than pretty much anywhere else. As a result, it is highly gratifying to see the populations there push back hard enough to make Top. Men. walk back some of their statements almost immediately.
In terms of fraud, I don’t think there’s going to be anything particuarly surprising, just a new set of media to do so.
I’m not all super-hip to the crypto scene, but i vaguely recall that the Mt Gox-ish failures happened because of some…. clusterfuck w/ asian financial institutions.
there’s huge amounts of money in Asia trying to launder itself and weasel its way from one place to another. crypto is like the idea goldmine for the zaibatsu/korean-family-owned-conglomerates/chinese state-supported trusts, etc. I think the reason the mkt cap of Crypto has skyrocketed is because there’s a few billion in shady asia corp money (plus billions in tech insider money) propping it all up. the percentage of actual “retail investors” is neigh impossible to estimate.
i think this guy helped prompt some of the awareness of how fucked up/incestuous it all is over there
Great link, thanks.
That is a great link, very informative.
Unless I read it incorrectly, the only complaint I had with the piece was the “climate change” shit. Excellent read overall.
I don’t consider myself particuarly “hip” either. What I do know is that a medium of exchange of value has only as much integrity as it is recognised as such – how much net buy-in there is – there’s way too much real capital value locked up in these markets to be curb-stomped at this point, unless all global governments want to coordinate to stomp them to death and piss off lots of active and casual investors.
And speaking of shady money, one of the things that I think is interesting about crypto is the very significant role that eastern bloc crime and oligarch money – specifically Russian/Ukranian/Belarussian shady capital has contributed to establishing the bedrock of cryptocurrencies.
meh. the history of financial markets is the history of bubbles and crashes, just as the history of nations is war.
I’m personally doubtful that criminalizing cryptocurrencies, at least bitcoin, has any future*. That being said, I do think we will see a large correction of some kind in 2018.
*PRC as a wildcard
What’s the difference exactly between osteopathy and chiropractors?
Most osteopaths have actual medical training.
I’ve been told that’s the case.I went to an osteopath years ago who was a doctor.
But I’m guessing if you complete a 3-year program to be an osteopath doesn’t make you a doctor. So at this point are they one step better than a chiropractor; on the same level?
One is a massage therapist, some of whom have medical degrees and the other believe in magic undetectable humors.
At this point, there’s little distinction- DOs go through the same medical training as MDs, plus some manipulation methods, and have full practice and prescription rights.
Chiropractors are basically quacks, but can be useful for back pain and similar ailments.
Osteopaths (DOs) and medical doctors (MDs) have exactly the same physician’s license. DOs are slower to recommend surgery or prescriptions; I don’t think they can get boarded in many specialties. They usually have general/family/internal medicine practices.
Dr Groovus was an DO.
Was? Did I miss something?
Sorry, is. I used the past tense because of his lack of presence here for a long time.
We (DO) can get boarded in all the same specialties. I’m boarded in internal medicine and nephrology
I’m a DO. Omwc is correct. We have the same training as MD degrees plus half a day a week we would learn manipulation techniques. Some of them work. Some are insane. I’m a nephrologist so I have nothing to do with manipulation any more. I wouldn’t completely trust the DOs that only do manipulation as they tend to lean towards quackery in my experience
There’s no way they’ll have energy through the midterms.
i hope.
Let me just pop that balloon for you.
What we are seeing here is indistinguishable from actual mental illness because it is actual mental illness. Genuine mental illness doesnt get tired. I fully expect more violence.
You’re welcome.
Well, they have shot and assaulted legislators already.
In another situation I’d disagree with you, but in this case I think you’re spot on. I think there are swaths of the Far Left that have actually had nervous breakdowns over this. The conspiracy theories get more and more bizarre, the overreactions to things get bigger and bigger and the illogic of blaming Trump for everything gets more outrageous. They’ve always been pretty unstable, I guess they just needed that push to go over the edge.
I think it’s bad but not quite as bad as y’all make out. Sure, some of these people are in the depths of mass hysteria and are hopeless, as seems to happen with all presidents now, but a lot of this is just social signaling for social media accolades. Reasonable criticisms don’t get thumbs ups or whatever the hell it is you get on Facebook and Twitter.
Social signal enough and you start believing it.
It’s worse than Bush Deranged Syndrome.
70s porn?
Nothing wrong with a full muff.
I just saw one of those videos of Clinton sycophants crying and some of them actually puking on election night. How can a sane person be so emotionally invested in a candidate that seeing them lose makes them toss their cookies?
I think many of them are clinically insane.
So many here that I don’t know if ever DEG has the stamina for an orgy.
Special callouts to 1, 13, 31, 40, 45, 48, 50, 65, 74.
#1. Ah, undergrad.
*feels old*
Youth is wasted on the young.
Every one of them is fit, happy and adorable.
I think I’ll choose Liz Hurley today, thanks.
Oh Sweet Jesus, what a wonderful collection.
And to hell with the wingman, I’m being greedy with this lot.
The Meet the Press mob is on the dogwhistle beat. Trump be RACIST, yo.
They’re the ones who see the world as: shithole = excrement = brown = brown people. We’ve learned a lesson who the real racists are.
Weird, my poop is green, sometimes blue, and occasionally purple.
Check out this dude. He poops skittles.
Or he’s a clown.
Or he’s the unicorn that farts rainbows. OUR ENERGY PROBLEMS ARE OVER!
Accusations of thought crime with no honest mention of the practical outcomes of his policies.
The shithole scandal is a perfect example. He called Haiti a shithole so RACIST!, but no mention of his actual question which was ‘ Why should we have an immigration policy that does not serve the interests of the United States?’. That has simply not been addressed.
They HAVE to make it about race. They can’t possibly argue that these places AREN’T objectively shitholes…can they?
When you can’t argue with the facts or the merits, resort to bullshit..
mm? really? i would have thought NORAD was the boss of everyone. Satellites and shit.
Exactly. What’s the point of spending zillions on a fancy ass Missile Warning System if it doesn’t deliver when it needs to?
And to think a Canadian sometimes is in control of NORAD.
So I had and interesting (read: not fun) night last night. Started off with champagne, then moved on to gin, then moved on to beer. Somewhere in the middle there, went out and got some truly spectacular prime rib. Fast forward to 1:30 am, my stomach is doing somersaults and I have a splitting headache. Get up and vomit up half digested spectacular prime rib for about a half hour. I feel surprisingly good this morning though. Half digested prime rib in reverse does not taste good and it looks like that “pink slime” the media panicked about a couple years ago.
A French 75 is a gin and champagne cocktail known to produce spectacular drunken antics and even more spectacular hangovers.
one of my favorites, though.
I had three White Russians last night, but I put a little too much vodka in them.
I’ve been cutting back on the drinking lately. I haven’t puked or passed the 10-drink mark for about a year or so, which is good. Being positively shitfaced doesn’t even feel good anymore.
Welcome to getting old.
Well I did turn 30 not too long ago, so yea, I’m pretty much an old fogey.
I think a lot of it is just being burned out on drunkenness. I started boozing it up when I was about 16, but it was held in check by the difficulty I had in finding a person of legal age to buy it for me. I actually started brewing wine when I was 19, but that was a lot of work. After I turned 21, I got blackout drunk every night for about five months, then decided that I had to cut back. I restricted the drinking to weekends, but even then, I would drink way too much in one night.
It’s nice to have a few drinks on the weekend, but I’m not going to waste half the day (or the entire day) nursing a hangover anymore.
OMG a baby
I’m pushing 50 and my tolerance seems to be way down from the old days. And I drink every night. Just not to get drunk.
That’s why I dropped out 35years ago….
Too much hooch? Caution: Viruses infect cells during which you are usually asymptomatic. After it has reproduced enough to rupture the cell new viruses and toxins are released into your system. In practical terms this means cyclic symptoms.
There is a bad flu going around. Or it could be the champagne.
“Is the President redeemable?
Judge not, Chuck.
Isn’t the need for redemption a fundamentally religious construct? With what almighty God are you concerned there Chuck? The Prognomicon?
Jesus christ.
i feel like “Shitholegate” should wake up some small number of people to the fact that our news cycle is built entirely around trivialities, but increasingly realize there’s no hope at all.
Agreed. Iran is still falling apart, they’re rioting in Tunisia now (anyone covering that? no?), earthquake in Peru and we (read: our corrupt DNC media) care about more “locker room talk” and “vulgar language” that is utterly irrelevant to any policy discussion. As Suthen said, no one is even trying to answer the question he posed; why *should* we be giving preference to low-skilled labor over high skilled labor? Never mind the fact that Haiti is so bad we’ve been giving them status as refugees for years (I’d say that qualifies it as a shithole).
yeah, that’s what i mean. there’s no “news” anymore. You have to go scraping international publications to get away from the inane bullshit.
I was hoping people would realize this blatant phenomenon of the gatekeepers picking what news we would be allowed to hear about, and with what spin, that has now gone on since Trump got elected would make a lot of people see the light and stop taking this shit seriously, but instead what it has done is affirm my suspicion that there are just too many idiot sheeple out there.
Well, these are the same people who think that corporations should operate like charities and ignore the wishes of the shareholders. It’s only natural for them to think that a nation-state is supposed to be some kind of welfare organization rather than protect the rights of its own citizens.
The funny part is that when you ask them if these rules should apply to them and their ability to earn a living, they are adamantly opposed to the shit they want others to be subjected to…
Well, here’s a plot twist for you: A few years ago, I was in a job that paid $11 per hour (thankfully, I have a much better job now) and I was forced to purchase a health plan on the “marketplace”. The cheapest one was $135 per month.
When I mentioned this to a staunch ObamaCare supporter, he replied, “well, it’s better to spread the costs of healthcare to all of society anyway”. Gosh, that’s not what was promised when this thing was being debated! It was supposed to be only those evil rich people who would pay a cent more, and everyone else’s healthcare would be virtually free, right? What happened?
And now the evil republicans are taking away that healthcare from people making 11 an hour! by not forcing them to buy it!
“well, it’s better to spread the costs of healthcare to all of society anyway”
you punched them after that, right?
Everything the left does is a means to redistribute wealth from one group to another under the guise of doing something noble. Obamacare was a nefarious plot to destroy the American healthcare system by attacking both the availability of quality care and driving the cost up so high for people that would have otherwise opted out that the whole thing would end up collapsing. Then, with no other option supposedly left, the left would force us on a single payer system where the government bureaucrats would then pick who got care or not based on the criteria the left uses today to decide who is a good-thinker and who is not.
These people are evil.
Why should “we” be giving preference to anyone at all? Who is the government to determine my business needs? My widget factory needs janitors. Why do your preferences outweigh mine?
Exactly the kind of discussion that gets derailed by the outrage machine. There’s nothing inherently better or worse about some class of people (if you want to collectivize) and there are valid reasons, as you’re citing, that low-skilled people (given whatever market conditions exist) would be better. My point is that no one is even engaging in any kind of good faith debate, it’s all buried beneath the 20 foot high pile of bullshit our elite better throw at us.
They projected Fuck Trump in a building in Atlanta the night of the National Championship.
I guess it’s what they have and what they’ve come too. Temporary graffiti of profanities.
That’s the Resistance in a nutshell
The counter is always ‘yeh but conservatives were just as bad to Obama.’
My response is while there was harsh criticism on no level were they this stupid.
I musta missed the part where they plastered ‘Fuck Obama’ on the side of a building.
Or watched a talk show host ever criticize him. I mean, eight years and you couldn’t find a single thing to make fun of the guy?
as tho “conservatives” controlled the media, and turned it into a nonstop exhortation of horror at the leadership
But the media is impartial, you see, and on occasion they really stuck it to Obama by not sucking his dick as hard as he wanted them to.
“Better educated voters trend blue.”
Take that, you hillbilly ignoramuses.
“Better credentialed voters trend blue”
FIFT. Their tendency to vote for policies that are proven failures seems to undermine their claim of being “educated”.
proven failures
(a country which has no minimum wage)
And a lower corporate tax rate than the US.
One of the most interesting conversations I ever had was at a gas station in the east end of Montreal (known to be filled with Quebec nationalists….and I-talians) with the attendant. It was one of those lazy days and he came out and offered to pump gas so I let him. He just started talking about politics. I braced myself for the anti-Canada-Anglo rhetoric. Instead, I got a reasoned and intelligent take on things. Essentially, he hated nationalists because they were preventing him from learning proper English and giving him the right to send his school to English school. He argued it was all to keep people like him (low income) from moving ahead and to keep voting for the PQ agenda.
They’re not stupid. The left just talks as if they are.
“his kids to english school.”
So wait, he’s prevented from sending his kids to an English-speaking school? Is that situation the same for you?
It’s complicated.
There’s a history as to why I can and why French-Canadians can’t.
Bill 101 prevents French-Canadians from going to school in English. Yes.
But we’re free to send our kids anywhere. The sad thing is Quebecers don’t seem to realize it until they want to send their kids to English school only to find out the state tells them they can’t. And it pisses them off.
I’m almost certain that law has an unintended consequences on people considering to relocate here.
Oh and new immigrants can’t either. So if you’re American and you have a kid in the 3rd grade and your company sends you here the government puts your kid in French school.
Enlightened shit like that.
That’s astonishing. What if your kid is “mixed”? Do they have a one-drop rule?
If one parent went to school in English then you have a choice.
So a guy like me I have the choice. My neighbour doesn’t. And they don’t realize the government controls their choice in education. It’s pathetic.
Again, there’s a reason why we ‘ethnics’ have a ‘pass’.
You know I was thinking about this the last time we discussed it in person. The next best thing to “choose wherever the fuck you want” would be uniform mandate on fully bilingual schools.
I’ve always wanted to watch someone suck themselves up their own ass, so by all means, please continue.
didn’t college educated whites go trump?
<a href="" title="
” target=”_blank” >
IIRC the trend reverses at master’s degrees and above, but people with bachelor’s degrees make up a much larger share.
well, that got weird. my bad.
I refuse to put my name to this mess
all I wanted was to have a blockquote be a link to my source!
Looks like you Doomed it.
I’d fix it, but it’s funnier the way it is.
what, is this because I didn’t finish college?
It’s because you touch yourself at night.
Doom, you can get past that stigma by touching yourself during the day too.
I think they mean “more educated”.
Better educated is awfully presumptuous. “People who spend longer in academia trend blue” is more accurate.
You can’t reach pinnacle stupid without going to college to be brainwashed.
Define ‘better educated’.
Projecting Fuck Trump on buildings in major cities. And Trump is the vulgar one?
Well, yes he is, but they are also and they did it in public.
Somewhere around here I have Maddox’ Alphabet of Manliness.
Lol, my Bloody Marys last night started with a spicy mix that had jalapeño and cayenne, added the juice from hot pickles that had habaneros in it, Tabasco, and black pepper.
I would not be surprised if hitting that emergency alert button was not an accident, and the whole goal was to make an issue of the Norko situation.
That seems fairly likely. It’s almost as likely as said employee not being fired.
Y’know, I’ve always thought McArdle was marginally less retarded than most “journalists”; but when you’re citing Karl Marx in a column titled “The Real Reason Walmart Raised its Wages” you’re down the rabbit hole of moronic TDS. Yes, maybe some of her points are valid, but it’s just a *coincidence* they raised their wages right after getting a huge tax cut. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
because the labor market is tight, because more people are employed because of tax cuts?
It is also just a coincidence that all of those companies employing about 2 million people announced that they were doing it specifically because of the tax cuts right after the tax cuts. Just a coincidence.
An emergency meeting of African UN ambassadors!
That’s it, then. Game over.
Wow, a meeting of tin-pot dictators in a body that has no real power other than as a money laundering scheme for NGO money? STOP. THE. PRESSES.
In regards to the government emergency warning system:
Two days before the devestating fires nearby in Napa and Sonoma counties I was relaxing watching the Warriors play on the teevee. It was about 930 and was quiet in the house, kids in bed and wife was snoozing. All of a sudden that calm was rudely interrupted by a horrible screeching racket coming from both of our cell phones. It was an Amber Alert for some beige Toyota that had taken a kid in a likely custody dispute. The first thing I did after the infernal racket stop was look up if there was any way to turn the noise down or just get it as a text. Not possible so I turned it off. Two days later those massive fires killed dozens and burned thousands of homes and businesses. There was no alert given because they “didn’t want to alarm anyone unnecessarily.”
To paraphrase Stalin, one little girl gets abducted and murdered it’s a tragedy. Dozens die and millions of dollars in property is destroyed, it’s a statistic.
I get Amber alerts from Milwaukee, 150 miles away.
Yup, this one was from Sacramento, which is about 75 miles away. They also stopped the television transmission twice to give the alert. The kid and her relative were found a hundred miles away safe.
Wasn’t that the same reason given for the late alert for the mudslides too?
Yes, yes it was:
maybe the fact that we get them for amber alerts hundreds of miles away makes people not take it seriously?
Would not be surprising. I had gotten these alerts before, but on the new phones we got they were a hell of a lot louder with a very annoying tone.
Id laugh at the irony, but really it’s just sad.
The second reason given as to why there was no emergency alert given during the fires was that the system is set up to give a county wide alert. So, even though a not small portion of two counties was going up in flames at a rapid rate it couldn’t be sent out, but the results of some custody dispute could be sent out to all seven counties of the greater Bay Area. Perfect example of government at work.
Katrina, 2005. Radio stations were giving warnings, instructions and routes of escape and directions to shelters. They were interrupted repeatedly by Emergency Alert Tests. The Emergency Alert System never gave any of that, just the tests.
“…this is only a test.”
Massively helpful.
Their excuse was that those tests were required by law on a rigid schedule. They never offered any reason for not giving warnings themselves. They should all be fired.
I’ve thought about that before. They seem to do it on the same day, around the same time, every month on the radio.
if something were to happen at that time, no one would ever think it was an actual emergency.
You can’t have any deviation from the schedule. It’s written right here.
Yes, if there’s an event at 10 AM on the first Wednesday of the month (around here anyway), we would all be blissfully unaware.
Well, to be fair, an amber alert is not a situation that would have an adverse affect on the public as a whole (thereby causing panic), whereas a disaster would. I suppose some people might get the vapors over a potential kidnapping of a person they don’t know, but that would hopefully be rare.
I would not have disabled the emergency alerts from my phone if they could come in a not so obtrusive way. I would bet that is mandated. It was louder than the normal top volume that my phone can reach.
Like most things, it started with a good idea. But instead of being reasonable, with DEATH END OF THE WORLD being loud, and amber alerts and winter storm warnings being sent as text updates or adhering to what your phone is set at, everything comes in all caps.
How’s your new job going?
It’s good! I’m enjoying the university side of locksmithing. We’ll see what happens as the kids start breaking everything, but so far its been a good mix of repairs and upgrades. The paperwork is worse, and it does feel like the size of the school slows stuff down compared to being in a small shop being called to schools or hospitals.
I’ll probably take advantage of the classes next semester, too.
Nice. I imagine that you are working on good quality hardware as it’s an institution. So much better to deal with Schlage, LCN, Von Duprin and the like than crappy hardware.
I haven’t seen any defiant!
Ha! I get asked to rekey those about twice a month.
That is annoying and not being able to disable them is just wrong.
They can be disabled
In Android it will either be under Wireless and Networks, or under Alerts and Notifications
On my Pixel device its under Alerts and Notifications and it allows disabling Amber Alerts, Extreme Threats (presumably this means tornado warnings and general public safety messages), and Severe Threats (thunderstorms I guess). So you can configure which ones you want.
Not quite sure why this is on a website devoted to psychology and not biology, but interesting nonetheless.
2.) It’s a way of helping women to identify high-quality mates. An alternative theory is that the female orgasm serves as a feedback mechanism that provides women with information about the reproductive potential and quality of their partners
Well, I think I’ve learned a lot about myself.
Newsweek? SRSLY?
Now that Trump has been in office for close to a year, business people look less to his erratic foreign policy tweets and more to his steadfastness of purpose on domestic regulation.
Even without the controversial business tax cuts, the stable regulatory environment creates intangible but positive expectations that increase business confidence and open the purse strings. These new investments, present and future, create higher wages and increased consumption.
Progressive critics, of course, are never satisfied, because they still fear that minorities and the poor will miss the parade, thereby aggravating already savage inequalities in income, wealth, and opportunity.
Critics like Vanderbilt Law School Professor Ganesh Sitaraman, in his much lauded, but profoundly misguided 2017 book The Crisis of the Middle-Class Constitution: Why Economic Inequality Threatens Our Republic , argues that this situation will lead to wholesale class warfare or even violence.
But Sitaraman only reflects the confusion of his mentor, Elizabeth Warren, who thinks that the only way the rich get richer is for the poor to get poorer.
This article first appeared on the Hoover Institution site. Phew.
Deregulation is making things better. Progressives complain. Who could have foreseen that?
“controversial business tax cuts”
Controversial only to you and your fellow pinkos Newsweek. Businesses and regular people *like* getting to keep more of their money.
“argues that this situation will lead to wholesale class warfare or even violence”
DNC’s reaction: fap, fap, fap, fap…
“it’s only like $100 a month!”
If only rich people would stop keeping the secrets of how to be not poor from minorities and the poor.
There is only so much of that wealth pie to go around you know.
Well gosh, who are the ones telling all the poor people that there’s a causal relationship between the wealth of the Koch Brothers and their poverty?
Remember, the strongest protection for any worker is not some balky legal regime, but a growing economy that makes the threat to quit credible. Indeed, one of the reasons why private sector unionism has dropped and covers only 6 percent of workers is that just–cause provisions are always needed to protect the union’s precarious position as representative of workers, many of whom would happily do without its services.
It is critical to remember that the current labor boom is no short-term bubble. Today’s improvements rest on solid productivity gains.
The same employers who fiercely resist unionization are happy to pay higher wages to workers whose efforts increase the profits and net worth of the firm, both in the short and long run.
But… but… sick days! 40 hour week!1!
Wal-Mart is vigorously anti-union, and when I worked there you had to beg to work more than 40hrs.
I was riffing on one of our friends from the Before Times who, every time you pointed how useless and corrupt unions are, would fire back with a list of all the shit they “gave” us a hundred years ago.
You like weekends, doncha?
Yes, because I hang out at TOS during work hours and it rots my brain.
See? You can thank unions for that.
That’s to avoid paying overtime. Most Walmart employees are non-exempt and thus by law have to get paid 1.5 times their normal rate for any time worked over 40 hours in a week.
On Stepahoopulis, they just showed what appeared to be college campus security cam footage from Hawaii of people running like a bunch of panicked stampeding cattle. I laughed.
Also there is a Congressperson(?) being interviewed; would.
Conyers. He’s walking around in his underwear and it’s just too seductive.
“Lives are at stake.”
People could be trampled in the panic.
Initially read that as “livers are at stake.” They are every night around here.
“At stake” implies there’s a chance for survival.
Plea for sympathy: I have spent the last two weeks and all of this weekend doing REACH compliance documentation (supposedly chemical safety for the EU). If you think regulatory stuff is horrible in the US, this will convince you that it can be much, much worse. They barely even pretend that it’s about safety any more, it’s all about mulcting money, creating work for EU compliance firms, and keeping small players out of the market (analogous to RoHS being basically the Philips NV Protection Act). So far, we’ve got about 200 man-hours into this, and we’re not even close to finished. Zero value-added.
One delightful example: if we export chemicals to the EU that contain (for example) ethanol, we have to get a separate safety registration for ethanol, even if two hundred other companies have already gotten the same safety registration for the same chemical. It becomes magically different when our company’s name is on it. That safety registration is a six figure cost.
This might be dumber than the emergency tests vs amber alerts Ksuell is talking about.
I remember reading around Brexit time something about the EU having several hundred regulations that have to be met for a pillow. That, combined with the zillions of “refugees” it’s a miracle more countries haven’t pulled a Brexit.
OTOH, stuff like this is a pure benefit to them by excluding small, agile competitors from abroad and burdening larger players with costs that their domestic suppliers don’t have to bear.
With these people it is always the illusion of law masking a system that allows them to pick the winners and losers. Nothing pisses marxists and other totalitarians more than a system that rewards people they look down upon or despise because said people prove daily that what these retards believe in is not just destructive but counterproductive.
I just had an argument with a coworker the other day that was telling me how he hated the fact that Trump’s evil and racist economic policies that hurt big government were actually spurring economic growth, while the awesome burdensome shit of the Obama era he so loves and believes in failed to work, no matter what they did to spur a just and social economy. I pointed out that reality had a shitty way of interfering with the fantasies of the socialists that thought some top men picking winners and losers somehow would make the world a better place. I then pointed out how wrong the left’s economic gurus practically always got things by reminding him of his tantrum the day after the election and the Krugabe quote about the death of the stock market. He then walked away when I finally mentioned that the connected people, the Obamas, Clintons, Pelosis, Schumers, Sanders, and so on of the world raked in the moolah, while the rest of us all scrambled for the crumbs.
I watched The Polka King last night on Netflix. So much in there I could relate to.
How is it possible to profit by exporting to the EU?
That safety registration is a six figure cost.
Wow. In my previous life I obtained a NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety. (with distinction I might add) The Brits and Europe are dumb as dog shit with their safety regs. They make OSHA look like a completely rational safety org.
Good morning, shit-hole-tarians. I’m busy doing laundry, cooking chili, and spinning some records (right now it’s Tom Petty – Damn the Torpedoes).
I’ve been reading a book called The Storm Before the Storm – about the Republic of Rome before the era of Caesar and Augustus. Interesting read, especially given my love for Robert Graves book I, Claudius where he (and his father) are always pining for the days of The Republic, back before the days of the dictatorship.
Well politics being politics (and humanity in general) it wasn’t a golden age; battles – often bloody – between “The People” and those willing to exploit them, and the aristocracy are an old, old story.
I’ve found it is hard to find a good documentary that focuses on the Roman Republic, they are all obsessed with the empire.
Yes it is. I wonder if it’s because we don’t have a lot of reliable first hand accounts and sources for the Republic.
If the Muh Patriarchy crowd were at least intelligent we could get some documentaries on the founding of Rome at least. Rome was literally built on rape.
But, is that characteristic of the Republic overall, or just the last period of the Republic? My understanding is that what allowed Caesar to come to power was that the Republic itself had pretty much devolved into a shitshow. Essentially, my understanding was that trying to fit an imperial power into a republican government was ultimately a recipe for corruption and dirty dealing. Once you get that, Caesar is an inevitability.
Arpaio is not Moore, and AL is not AZ. Yes, Arpaio is an nonredeemable piece of shit, but his shtick plays much better than Moore’s so-con act.
Question: How old is Arpaio? Isn’t he in his upper 80s? How much longer is he even gonna be kicking around before shuffling off?
Wiki sayz he’s 85.
So we can hear sexual harassment claims from 60 years ago, and the media will focus on that as why he is unfit for office.
Alabama is not nearly as socon as Arizona is anti-illegal immigrant. And considering that Arpaio ‘tendencies’ are directed at actual immigration policy, rather than the indirect alleged Moore accusations, its probably to his advantage. People in Arizona LIKE that he was a petty motherfucker who thought it was funny to dress prisoners in pink.
If the media were smart, they’d play up the fact that he’s a carpetbagger from Massachusetts.
But the media isn’t smart.
I don’t know Arizona that well, but I suspect that Republicans in Arizona probably would vote for a serious conservative over Arpaio. The problem is that the kind of people who get offered up against guys like him aren’t serious conservatives. They aren’t even conservatives at all. They’re GOP apparatchiks whose major goal in the election is getting a promotion from their last job in Congress or as a Congressional liaison (e.g. McCain). In a seat that should be straightforward for a conservative Republican, they’re going to offer up a “moderate” establishmentarian because “otherwise the Democrats will win”.
Voters aren’t entirely stupid. They can sometimes tell when they’re being sold a bill of goods. And “they’ll vote for someone other than Arpaio” isn’t the same as “they’ll vote for anyone other than Arpaio”.
Sorry for the over-bolding.
Whatever hihn.
I think McSally beats Arpaio without too much trouble.
I enjoyed this
“I for one, Welcome our new Crow Overlords”
Thanks Gilmore, I larfed
Nice. I was walking to the grocery store a month ago, and there was about , shit, at least 100+ crows assembled on wires, rooftops, trees at an intersection. Probably close to 200 crows. They were squawking and kind of sparring and chasing each other. It looked like Hitchcock was filming it. I kept looking around for the dead body/dead pet that they were swarming. Couldn’t locate it. Stayed for about 15 minutes and watched the scene. Awesome, funny, kinda scary.
Sunset =Crow time, Notice they all get together at sunset and fly to a Cemetery or large park for the night, Hundreds.
My Uncle turned me on to that, pretty cool to see
Crows have a language and can recognize people based on their faces for years.
Be afraid.
A Murder of Crows is a kickass documentary.
At least it’s not pineapple.
I haven’t had Hawaiian pizza in like 13 years, but you guys talk about it so damn much that I recently began thinking about having one. This place is such a shithole.
“Male Feminist Comedian Aziz Ansari Accused Of Sexual Assault
Actor, comedian, and self proclaimed male feminist Aziz Ansari is the latest actor to face sexual assault allegations by a woman who claims the assault was “by far the worst experience with a man I’ve ever had.”
Women’s lifestyle vertical Babe published an interview on late Saturday with a pseudonymous 23-year-old woman named “Grace,” who alleges that Ansari sexually assaulted her on their first and final date when she was 22.
The publication was able to corroborate her claims by cross-referencing the phone number from which his text messages were sent to a public registry.
Grace told the publication that after dinner the couple went back to his place when he immediately started groping her. The details of the encounter are graphic—escalating from aggressive kissing to oral sex, which she says she felt aggressively pressured into performing. Although she did not say “no,” Grace did not offer enthusiastic consent.”
assault kissing?
With the thing that goes up.
I see what you did there.
I’m a little torn on this one. On one hand, “male feminists” pretty much are nothing more than sneaky fuckers. On the other hand, “Grace did not offer enthusiastic consent.” doesn’t exactly sound like a case of sexual predation to any sane person.
I think evolutionary psychology is mostly bullshit. Although I agree that men who make a show of how feminist they are more likely to mistreat women.
I’m a little torn myself. On the one hand, every time accusations like this play out the way they have in the past, it reinforces this as a normal standard. That’s not good. If I sued every woman with whom I performed some kind of sexual act with less than 100% enthusiasm because I didn’t want her to feel bad or just wanted to phone it in real quick on a work night so I could get the fuck to sleep, I’d be on a first-name basis with the Clerk of Court.
On the other hand, without “male feminists” offering their full-throated support for it, it wouldn’t be accepted, so, you know, it’s nice to see them hoisted by their own petards. And Aziz Ansari is the stereotypical example. Forgive the term, but he’s a “beta” male if ever there was one, who plays up the awkward schmuck angle in some odd strategy to appear attractive to women by being phenomenally nonthreatening. That strategy depends on implying that men who don’t play that game are basically rapists or potential rapists. So yeah, although I’m conflicted, there’s a part of me that says he has this coming *especially* if there’s nothing to the accusation.
I read through that entire article, and while he sounds like kind of a creep in that account (To Be Sure™) I don’t see anything that would be considered sexual assault. It sounds like clumsy attempts at seduction. And the woman remained with him throughout countless attempts, only offering “verbal and non-verbal cues” that she wasn’t into it.
Why didn’t she just do that at the very beginning instead of farting around with “cues”?
Verbal cues like “Hey! Stop fucking touching me!” or even the classic “No. We’re not having sex tonight.”?
Non-verbal cues like slapping his face, or call me crazy, not going back to his apartment?
I can imagine her wanting to keep the benefits of hanging out with a celebrity but not wanting to face up to the fact that there was a reason he was hanging out with her.
Have you seen the guy? I’m not terribly surprised that a young woman wouldn’t be enthusiastic about performing oral sex on him. I’m not sure he’s got enough celebrity to bump his number up in the eyes of heterosexual women.
Autistics everywhere are suddenly rapists.
Vampires was a documentary.
Dayum… maybe Liverpool should have unloaded Coutinho a long time ago.
Good to see Pep get a defeat.
(You could have coached Bayern to those Bundesliga titles, and you would have actively been coaching for Bayern to lose.)
Although she did not say “no,” Grace did not offer enthusiastic consent.”
Well, Grace, I don’t know what to tell you.
“I know I was physically giving off cues that I wasn’t interested,” said Grace.
Maybe you should try saying, “Hey, I’m gonna leave, because this isn’t really working for me.”
Nothing wrong with full muff.
As it turns out, Trump might not have even said “shithole”.
Well, um, its like something he would say! i bet he says it all the time in private at least!
its truthy.
Well when the whole firestorm is all about which shithole word he used, I would say ‘basically accurate’ doesn’t matter.
Even if he didn’t say it, it’s what he meant!!1!!
Apparently he confirmed that he called those countries shitholes. I’m not personally aware of the confirmation’s veracity, but it’s all hearsay at this point anyway. Besides, as far as I’m concerned if he didn’t refer to Africa as a shithole he’d be a damned liar.
Oh, and yes, I have confirmation that whether or not he said it doesn’t matter since it’s something he probably would say, and this is the time to be outraged by it because…reasons, apparently, and expecting any of this to make sense is the same kind of racist colonialism that Trump supports.
Trump denied it, as have others who were there.
“The Porn President
Trump appreciates the power of fantasy. Con artists sell their too-good-to-be-true stories with such great ease because people want to believe them. The eagnerness to believe is what make’s a con artist’s mark a mark — the mark always participates in his own deception. Bernie Madoff ripped off a lot of well-off and financially sophisticated people and institutions who really should have known better than to trust his unwavering above-market returns, but they wanted to believe. Every basically literate person who goes to Las Vegas knows what the odds are, that past results are no guarantee of future returns, and that the stripper isn’t really in her last year of nursing school and doesn’t really think you’re a really interesting guy.
Pornography works in precisely the same way. It is an invitation to insert yourself into the fantasy of your choosing. (The migration of pornography to the Internet has made all sorts of data about our sexual fantasies readily available, and the results are not encouraging.) And that is the secret to Trump’s success both in marketing and in politics — which are, in the end, the same thing. With his phony gilt Louis XV chairs, his casinos and beauty pageants, and his succession of prom-queen-jerky paramours, Trump has spent his career performing, and the role he has chosen is that of a poor man’s idea of a rich man. He went so far as to create an imaginary friend, John Barron, to lie to the New York press about his sex life. He claimed, falsely, to have been involved with Carla Bruni, a fantasy the former first lady of France publicly ridiculed. He boasts in his memoirs about his involvement with “top women,” writing: “Oftentimes, when I was sleeping with one of the top women in the world, I would say to myself, thinking about me as a boy from Queens, ‘Can you believe what I am getting?’”
Who is “you” in that sentence? Marks. The people to whom he wants to sell ugly polyester ties and third-rate condos, with his name on the building in big gold letters.
Small world: I was at the Adult Video News conference in 2014 when Stormy Daniels was inducted into the pornographers’ hall of fame. Her charms are not what you would call subtle, but pornography is not a subtle business. It’s as subtle as Donald Trump’s gold-plated toilet and his psychotic comb-over. It’s as subtle as “s**thole” countries and “grab ’em by the p***y.”
And that’s the only part of this story that rings false to my ear: It is difficult to imagine Donald Trump paying a porn star to keep quiet about having sex with him.
Putting her on a billboard would be more in keeping with his character.”
(The migration of pornography to the Internet has made all sorts of data about our sexual fantasies readily available, and the results are not encouraging.)
Encouraging to who? Fuck directly off.
If he’s just talking about the data rather than as a ‘social issue’ I do admit I find the statistics on how many people search ‘step sister’ and ‘cartoon’ to be less than optimal.
*note to self: dont forget to delete PAWG, step-sister, cartoon, dwarf, amputee, cache
I don’t know who this Incognito guy is, but Jesus what a perv!
“I agree that Biden got ridiculously favorable press coverage because many reporters saw him as the wacky, lovable uncle who forgets to take off his pajamas and shouts crazy stuff into the turkey hole at Thanksgiving dinner.”
The Biden articles at The Onion….priceless
The John Birch Society in my area is looking for an IT intern. (browsing job postings)
You too can have a job bringing nightmares to the world!
Im too hungover to really understand what this means, but i think its funny anyway
I get to spend another night in the hospital. Joy, joy! When will the fun end?
The doc enjoyed the chart I made in excel of my lung peak flow L/min versus time.
They are doing further tests and found that the bacteria in my pneumonia is gram-positive, so now they are trying to sort strep from staph. A bunch of staph is resistant, so they want to make sure they pick the right antibiotics. If it is the resistant staph, I might be here a while.
In the meanwhile, I think we’ve found our dream house in the hills north of San Diego. Can’t wait to breathe warm air. Ready for a reboot on life. Fingers crossed that the money works out.
Doubtful that it’s resistant staph unless you have significant healthcare exposure. Id put money on strep pneumo
That’s what I’m hoping too. Plus, a few fathers of young kids had Strep at work last month.
If this is post flu then staph is more of a possibility. Still shouldn’t be resistant if community acquired though
We’ll find out. I think it’s cool that they are going through the detailed examination instead of just shotgunning it with a broad spectrum and hoping for the best. The doc knows I understand what’s what, so she is happy to share details.
She started out saying that they had stained them and looked like she was trying to figure out how to explain, and I said, gram stain? And then she said, yeah, and they were gram-positive. I said, so staph or strep then. At that point, she knew we could converse.
Pretty lucky to get a doctor who knows what she’s doing but listens and isn’t arrogant.
I hope you are feeling better.
I am, thank you! But they have to keep me around for a targeted antibiotic IV tonight and then observe tomorrow on pills only to see if I can go home. The chart is needed because inexplicably, they don’t monitor peak flows even though it’s one of the most important indicators of lung function and the direction it’s trending.
Mine is trending up now after 1.5 days of being static, and it’s only because I got a doctor who was willing to listen to me make my case for 2 minutes. She was convinced enough to order the test, and that’s how/why she diagnosed (and then treated) the pneumonia. The flu is just a minor side thing at this point.
“Amy Schumer and Seth Meyers Just Put Out a Harrowing PSA You Need to See
“Today you can go online and buy a child for sex. It’s as easy as ordering a pizza.”
The goal? To get Congress to clarify and update Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which currently protects websites from claims involving third-party content. Basically, that means that if someone says something defamatory about you on Twitter, you can sue the person who said it, but you can’t sue Twitter, according to Ars Technica. But according to the PSA, this also means that Backpage and other sites like it are protected when users post ads selling children for sex. While it’s obviously not legal to be a human trafficker, Backpage is legally protected against its own users’ postings.”
This is really bad. Look at us. It’s terrible. Awful. This needs to stop. Everyday. What are you going to do? Huh?! HUH?
Papa Johns around here is offering pizza for buy-one-get-one. Do you suppose that…..oh, nevermind
Yeah, you know, I think I’ve seen this movie before. Only last time it was called The USA PATRIOT Act, and instead of protecting children from human trafficking the excuse was protecting Americans from terrorism.
/inb4 the same celebrities express shocked indignation when this is abused by Republicans for political purposes
I need government to tell me that ordering kid-sex online is wrong.
*Disclaimer: this is not actually true
*Two-finger sternum thumps Rhywun* That’s enough out of you.
I love pizza.
After pizzagate the used pizza?? Really?
30 minutes or it’s free™.
But enough about John Podesta.
*insert Jerry Sandusky joke here*
“Today you can go online and buy a child for sex. It’s as easy as ordering a pizza.”
OMWC is intrigued.
He’s not into those new-fangled computer gizmos. He prefers the age-old tradition of panel vans and lost puppies, for that personal touch.
“I was Raped. And I Believe The Brock Turner Sentence Is a Success Story.
On the morning of June 12, 2016, a small plane circled over Stanford University’s commencement ceremony trailing a banner reading, “Protect Survivors. Not Rapists. #PerskyMustGo.”
The plane’s voyage was commissioned by feminist group UltraViolet to protest former Stanford swimmer Brock Turner’s six-month sentence handed down by Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge Aaron Persky in 2016 for sexually assaulting an unconscious woman on campus the previous year. The sentence ignited an outcry and an effort to recall Judge Persky. Over 1 million people have signed a petition to remove Judge Persky, and even members of Congress have joined the chorus. Now, Santa Clara County Assistant District Attorney Cindy Hendrickson is running to replace Judge Persky should his recall go before voters.
There have been a few voices criticizing the recall movement. Some have warned that the effort could threaten judicial independence by pushing judges to buckle under pressure from public opinion in individual cases. Others have warned that the recall could scare judges into giving harsher sentences to all defendants, which would likely disproportionately affect underprivileged and minority defendants. And others have pointed out that the recall effort creates a tension between feminist anti-rape advocacy and other progressive, anti-carceral social justice movements.
But with few exceptions, those critical of the scrutiny of Judge Persky have not defended Turner’s sentence. I will do so here. I am a rape victim engaged in a lawsuit against the Memphis Police Department for systematically failing to investigate rape cases and I believe that Judge Persky’s sentence was just.”
Verified account @ggreenwald
I’d have assumed it was some teenager that cooked up an elaborate plan to get laid.
Glen Greenwald is a national treasure.
Russian national treasure?
Ah, SCTV. Russian TV “CCCP-1”
Man, I did not know Jeff Flake could come across as any more retarded:
Apparently, Trump’s silly jabs at the media dinosaurs are straight out of Papa Joe’s playbook. Is Flake trying to ingratiate himself with Democrats, or what?
I have it on good authority that he’s the most libertarian if congressman.
Too bad he’s a senator now.