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What a twist!
Oh good, the blood/wine/ketchup spill from yesterday got cleaned up!
I like that we’re back to just the two originals, none of this Poochie USA hat nonsense.
One of my favorite sci-fi books, Armor showed up in my audio library and I just finished listening.
ANTS ANTS ANTS! Is very triggering.
Did you ever read Vampire$?
Nope – But I’m adding it to the queue
Excellent book, Drake. I find occasion to quote from it periodically:
You are
What you do
When it counts
I enjoyed Vampires, too. And then I think he kinda just . . . quit writing?
He’s dead now. Supposedly drafted a sequel to Armor but never finished.
Some of these panels might benefit from sound effects.
I’d prefer scratch and sniff
For some reason the first thing that came to mind while reading this comic was the Steve Vai queefing fan video from the nineties, so…ummm…no thanks.
Square! What’s life without a little adventure. 🙂
I’m….I’m…..I’m not sure what I just saw. Its like the picture of a vase, but then you can suddenly see two faces.
I feel changed.
“Why ‘social justice warriors’ are the true defenders of free speech and open debate
One prominent commentator, while decrying the seeming censorship evinced by Shepherd’s ordeal, likened Peterson’s challenge to current campus orthodoxies to the skepticism practiced by Socrates — just the kind of thing that should lead to increased knowledge. Indeed, many now insist that healthy skepticism and free inquiry, the supposed heart of the Socratic method and what Haidt labels the “disinterested pursuit of truth,” are in dire need of a revival in the academy.
I’m not so sure.
In fact, in important ways the social justice approach — which emphasizes the dynamics of power and oppression — that many fear has taken over the humanities and social sciences at its best is actually an improvement over the “disinterested pursuit of truth” and more in line with the Socratic method. In fact, rather than constituting an attack on knowledge, the social justice lens reflects new ideas generated by academic disciplines and experts within them, and generally encourages expanding our knowledge and opening up subjects to new perspectives, much like Socrates advocated.
Truth depends on different perspectives and lenses, and this is what experts in the humanities — the so-called social justice warriors — bring to education. Critical theories about race, gender and sexuality are not undermining education. Rather, they complicate and expand our understanding of familiar topics, including those in my own field of classics like ancient Roman imperialism and the nature of Greek homosexuality.”
Do you like movies about gladiators?
Yeah, we’ll just ignore the shunning, shouting down, and occasional acts of violence against people holding other viewpoints. Because they’re just so open and inclusive like that.
Uh-huh. Aggressively, cannibalistically weeding out even marginal “different perspectives and lenses” means free inquiry and expression. Fucking mook.
The generation of ideas means nothing if the ideas are all stupid. Knowledge is not a function of volume.
Peterson, whom this dipshit later maligns, brought up a good point in his most recent podcast: almost none of the voluminous output manufactured by woke academics is ever cited. I’d go one further and suggest they’re not even read past the abstract by more than dozen colleagues. They’re nothing but village idiots babbling to themselves.
I can believe it. In fact, it seems the logical endpoint to academic requirements to publish. If you have to publish to keep your job and what you have to write about is built on dubious notions to begin with, a feedback loop of bullshit starts easily.
Also, I doubt the “hot-take” Twitter culture of academia is confined to just that platform. The more outrageous and stupid your pronouncements seem to the normal world, the more attention and praise you get from your peers. Academia ends up being one big chat room of trolls screaming “CUNT, POOP. FART!” at each other and finding themselves exceeding clever indeed whilst doing so.
Is that, like a really silly version of Eat, Pray, Love?
It’s Father Hackett sliding further into mental infirmity.
I fully support this. The more the Left/Universities/Media embrace SJWs, the more they marginalize themselves from the bulk of regular people. That’s the interesting thing here, the Dems have not only moved further and further Left, they’ve tossed their masks and have embraced Bolshevik-Cultural Revolution tactics. This, understandably, alienates them from even Left-Leaning Moderates who don’t want to be associated with such insanity.
I swear that all this SJW bullshit has to be some sort of libertarian plot. I just have to assume that because Republicans aren’t that smart and even leftists are not dumb enough to have started this up with on their own. Which one of you started this? You have my vote for Supreme Overlord, so just step forth already.
even leftists are not dumb enough to have started this up with on their own
Citation needed.
Well, I don’t have a citation. But you know, it’s like some things you have to assume. For instance, gravity must be real because I don’t fall off the planet. And no one can be that fucking stupid. The Democrats already had the only thing they needed, more free shit. That was it, it was too simple and it worked. When someone has something that easy and that successful, why would they just throw it all away to embrace a bunch of complete retards who are a very small, yet vocal, minority of the population who are driving normal people away from them?
No, it’s just too bizarre to accept.
You probably think we live on a globe too.
*nods sagely*
No. The globe sits in the corner of my office.
I live on a planet.
Why ‘social justice warriors’ are the true defenders of free speech and open debate
I already posted this yesterday, but this seems the ideal place to post again.
John T. McFarland sounds like a wonderful, caring human being.
The left is capable of limitless violence. Since the French Revolution, every time they gained complete power, they went on rampages that resulted in mountains of dead.
They never met up with a heavily armed populace who oppose them, yet.
That’s why they need to disarm the populace.
Well, you also need some kind of competent leadership.
/Russian White Army
True in this country but not everywhere. You damn well win if you fight them.
better win…
Truth depends on different perspectives and lenses, and this is what experts in the humanities — the so-called social justice warriors — bring to education.
Which is why the humanities have been rendered actively destructive to the intellect. This is absolute garbage. And the pretense that, not only do you not know the truth, but can say with absolute certainty that the truth doesn’t even exist (in itself an inherent contradiction) is precisely the sort of destruction of reason and intellect that can allow someone to say that the suppression of speech constitutes the championing of open debate.
When you can make anything you like be true and anything you dislike be false, regardless of reality, I think truth no longer exists.
The self-awareness makes this one great, and a nice reminder that we don’t take ourselves too seriously here. Unlike pretty much anyone else who discusses politics.
Do they still do Friday Funnies at TOS?
Any good libertarian joke should begin with ambivalence toward your audience and include references to obscure concepts like praxeology. Then, without fail, the punchline should always be: “Bill Weld ran on the Libertarian Party ticket”.
Throwing a curveball with “Bob Barr also ran on the Libertarian ticket” is also an acceptable punchline, to keep the audience on their toes.
Bob Barr is Nick Gillespie of punchlines.
That made no sense to me. If there’s any politician who’s obviously an elephant, its’ Bob Barr.
Sillier ticket – Barr/Root ’08 or Johnson/Weld ’16?
That’s a tough call. Barr and Root quickly abandoned the Libertarian Party after that race and tried to get back in with the Republicans. They were both basically interventionist knuckleheads at a time when the country wanted an anti-war alternative.
Johnson didn’t know what he was talking about half the time and the other half the time he made asinine remarks who endorsed concepts like “Nazi cakes”, “burka bans”, “forced inoculation”, and “humanitarian wars”. And Bill Weld was basically ousted from the Republican Party for being too much of a big government east coast Republican (think about that for a second).
Still, I’m going to say that Barr/Root was the ultimate shit show. But, Weld being on the Libertarian ticket is the ultimate embarrassment.
It’s close, but Barr/Root.
Finally. I don’t get why the Hair has been looking like a gold cover for a dinner plate on the previous ones.
Guys, anchor babies are now problematic.
The new “Birther” conspiracy.
I think this country could use some more Russian milfs.
That’s the problem, though. The smokin’ hot Russian moms go back to Russia with their dual-citizenshipped spawn.
Elena Dementieva.
Anastasia Myskina.
I find the repulsive term “anchor babies” to be highly problematic. Report to this evening’s struggle session.
“James Damore’s lawsuit against Google has a lot of interesting material from inside the company:
Page 27, Footnote 3: “For instance, an employee who sexually identifies as ‘a yellow-scaled wingless dragonkin’ and ‘an expansive ornate building’ presented a talk entitled ‘Living as a Plural Being’ at an internal company event.””
I can’t tell if that’s a joke.
Punching back twice as hard. I tip my hat to Damore.
“a yellow-scaled wingless dragonkin”
That kinda describes our supply clerks. Although I’m not sure why we would be using them for infiltration work…
There is always some Supply Guy who thinks he is Super Bad-Ass Ranger SF James Bond.
Holy $#@&!!!! You just described Eric Dondero.
Speaking of queef tacos…
+1, Unabashedly unabashed, crying bald eagle
We just called em “PX Solders”. You’d see pics of guys on leave in their class A’s, and they’d have more medals on their chest than an african dictator.
The Army gives out ribbons and medals for everything. When I hit my EAS, as a fairly average Marine, I had six ribbons on my rack with a couple of stars. If I were in the Army, I would have looked like Chesty Puller.
So you’re saying it’s exactly like this?
Hey, its the Chaplin’s Assistant.
“Hey Pvt Lytton, how much does 10 pounds of cool shit gear weigh?” -one of my first team leaders
Was it named Stormy?
“That’s nice there, Buckingham Palace, now get back to coding.”
Speaking of Buckingham palace, a bunch of Brits just set fire to a trashcan outside my office building by improperly disposing of their cigarette butts. Watching them try to put it out by shoving snow into the bin while shouting in their silly accents is probably going to be the highlight of my month.
No, no…
I read the whole complaint, along with the exhibits during a bout of insomnia.
Google is fucked…. they have senior managers openly plotting to racially discriminate in making promotion decisions. Some of the mid level managers are openly debating how to identify people who voted for Trump and drive them out of the company. And when these discussions are reported to senior management and to HR, not only is noting done, but there’s retaliation against the people reporting the discussions. The management aren’t in a gray area. They are blatantly violating California’s employment law.
Moreover, the placing of conservative speakers who haven’t actually done anything to justify being banned from the google campus on a security watchlist and instructing security to evict one from the premises after his name shows up on the visitor’s list for a meeting with an employee does provide compelling evidence that they were trying to make a hostile work environment for people who had the wrong political views.
Party of
sciencefree speech!https://www.scribd.com/document/368692388/James-Damore-Lawsuit
The whole things comes across as a bunch of morons. “Best and the Brightest”. Again.
1/3 through. Take off and nuke Google from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.
Into the exhibits. Google needs adult supervision. ‘Get back to work and shut the fuck up about politics, it’s unprofessional in the workplace and has absolutely zero to do with your job.’
My favorite bit from Exhibit B on the reactions to the pc memo; a person complaining that something is wrong with Google’s search results, because when she googled some of his ‘wrong’ assertions, the highest ranked search results were in agreement with Damore. She asks if they can ‘correct’ the results to drive wrongthink off the first page.
Hubris. Pure hubris.
It’s funny because it makes the case for actual diversity of thought, not the phony demographic diversity Google pursues, right there. Google generally hires pretty smart people. I’d bet most of them, outside of their bubble, would know better. But, they only hear their own biases and assumptions confirmed daily, and the thinking of all of them falls below the level of thinking of any of them.
The most ardent defenders and advocates of diversity rarely, if ever, really are pushing for any diversity. Diversity today is code for what the left wants and believes. Everything else is wrong think and rooted in one of the evil “isms” the left projects their own biases on others with.
Here’s the thing though – would you trust a California court to actually apply the law?
No. See below.
“They are blatantly violating California’s employment law”
But they’re violating it in the right way, ergo, completely ok. I think Google’s gonna get off scot free from a legal standpoint because judges in Kalifornia are Grand Inquisitors. However, the more it drags Google’s name through the mud, publicly shames them and shines light on Silicon Valley’s intellectual conformity, the better. That will be the true victory.
I wonder if this clusterfuck had anything to do with Schmidt leaving.
My favorite snippet is the security email alerting personnel that Curtis Yavin (aka Moldbug) had been registered as a guest for lunch with a Googler and that if it wasn’t a name coincidence he would be escorted off the premises. Cyberpunk as fuck.
Related: Porn scenes in which the woman queefs are funny.
The day that Twitter banned Godfrey is the darkest day in the history of our nation.
Only because the day Iowahawk left Twitter precipitated the day he turned.
SF, I just emailed you a couple things.
Can you send a queef as an email attachment?
I didn’t have any of those laying around.
*taps foot impatiently*
Well…go find some!
Q Continuum, you have a call on the pink courtesy phone, Q to the pink courtesy phone please.
the old, “Private? Go up to the orderly room and get me a box of grid squares. Ask 1Sgt.”
You can imagine her queefing on you I guess.
“Go down to the squadron HQ building and get us a stack of ID ten T forms.”
At my first station we had an Airman that was dumb. Impressively dumb.
One of us found the number to Captain D’s, a fish and chips joint. He was then told he needs to contact a “Captain Dees” at Med Group, and schedule an appointment for a pap smear.
Sure enough, he called the fish and chips joint and asked to schedule a pap smear. He was somewhat embarrassed, but ultimately he made enough of a stink to the Shirt that we were no longer allowed to use his stupidity against him like that.
I’m still looking for some chemlight batteries. They’re always out when I ask the supply sgt.
+1 left-handed smoke shifter
I also need some elbow grease and headlight fluid.
I used to work in an airport maintenance hangar and we had a delightful Asian kid who spoke English well but was not familiar with plenty of technical terms. We’d send him over to the parts department and instruct him to bring back 10 feet of Fallopian tube, or a gallon of wing wash. He’d leave, we’d hear the parts guy laughing hysterically, and he’d come back looking all sheepish. “You guys tricked me again!”
Go out on the bow and look out for the mail buoy!
Is it unusual to start presidential race polling three years before an election?
Please, make it stop…
Not to worry, I’m sure these results are just as accurate as the ones right before the last election.
Here’s a 538 story from 2013 on 2016: https://fivethirtyeight.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/03/14/is-it-too-early-for-2016-polls/
They tried to kill him twice and the man is still threatening to stand and filibuster- broken ribs or not
Hard to Kill reboot?
Good for Rand, it won’t make a damn bit of difference but good for him.
JeannieB needs to find a sharp, rusty piece of farming equipment and sit on it. Might I suggest an old thresher.
I’d have suggested a woodchipper.
Dismantle the entire FISA court system. A free nation should not have secret courts conducting sessions behind closed doors.
Definitely not with the top men we have…
Ok, cue the left to go batshit insane against prison reform in 3…2…1 because
JOOOOOSSS!!!TRUMP!!!!Really, I don’t know exactly what Kushner’s agenda is here, I just know that if he’s for it, the left are going to be against it, I don’t care what it is. If there’s one thing the left are, it’s predictable.
I said something like this in the morning links, but the brilliance of Trump is that while everyone is focused on his tweets, he’s addressing issues that nobody else has taken on. It probably helps that both parties hate him, so they are confused on whether or not to oppose something he does based on party lines.
I’m sure Rand would team up with them on this effort, but they won’t get any help from Democrats because RESISTING!!!
Rand does have his ear on a few things. Recently they announced some health care regulations that will make it easier for small businesses to combine forces and get insurance plans.
Correction: He is proposing those changes, but in the NYT article Rand is standing right behind him.
And yet there are people who hate Rand for voting against a bill that might have decreased Medicaid spending by $0.01 while increasing spending elsewhere by eleventy kajillion.
“Sure, Trump is only doing this so it isn’t so bad when HE gets sent to prison!!!11!!!1”
That and the fact that Kushner is the anti-christ. Did you know he bought a building with the number 666 AND he’s a JOO wanting to make a peace deal in the middle east? Coincidence? I think not!
*opera applause*
Now the hair looks a little like sushi.
I can do better. I swear.
Jeffrey Tucker now believes that Trump is more atone to a ‘clown’ than a ‘burgeoning authoritarian’. Which, of course, would make Tucker ‘literally Hitler’ now
That is an extremely positive interpretation of Trump from the book.
Yes. Almost ‘Sean Hannity Positive’. The surprising thing is who wrote it
Not that I’ve even read the book, but I know how excited Democrats were getting.
David Brooks called it ‘resistance porn’ and Jake Tapper said that there were obvious falsehoods in the book. I don’t really care.
I’ve always thought that the logic that the president was equal parts a bafon and ‘literally Hitler’ made about as much sense as when the same poor logic was used against George W. Bush, and Reagan, and pretty much every Republican president or presidential candidate ever.
Trump’s a clown. We should laugh
Lefties weeping into their Cheerios is what makes me laugh.
That too
Insty had an amusing comment when he noted that the left is going to need to do a reboot of the old Phil Hartman as Reagan SNL skit, where Reagan was a cunning mastermind behind a façade of a doddering old man.
Reagan was Chance the gardener!
Bill Kristol has a “war boner” (to quote ENB) over this report.
Fact: When Bill Kristol is pleased- someone in the Middle East dies
I thought the ’80s wanted their foreign policy back?
Slurpee lovers hardest hit
Anyone get a comment from Joe Biden?
He was last seen crying while attempting to do burnouts in an old Trans-Am. He declined to make a statement.
“Anti-Vegetarianism Is Sexism in Disguise
Our culture feminizes compassion. It also masculinizes meat-eating. Women become easy targets.
“Vegetarian” is not synonymous with “holier-than-thou”; in my experience, the opposite is true: It’s meat-eaters who are more likely to do the condemning. And then to accuse vegetarians of condemning them. It’s classic deflection, textbook self-victimizing, a transparent disguise for selfishness. It’s what many of Trump’s supporters do to Trump’s detractors. Instead of owning that their politics are self-serving, they attack those who suggest that their politics are self-serving. And consider the feminized insults they sling: if we disagree with Donald Trump’s tax plan, with his unwillingness to fight climate change, with his refusal to denounce neo-Nazis, we’re “special snowflakes,” we’re “triggered,” we’re “irrational libs.” They don’t say, I want my taxes lowered, even at the expense of those less fortunate.
To deny that veg-shaming is vag-shaming, to deny that meat-splaining is man-splaining, reeks of the “it’s not that she’s a woman, it’s that she’s careless with her emails” argument. Case in point: Under the Huffington Post article about the male/female vegetarian ratio, a male commenter wrote, “Because women are emotionally irrational.” Another wrote, “So glad I was born a man. Enjoy your beans and salads, ladies.” And a third man chimed in with the most well-crafted and honest response: “Vegetarians scare me.”
What’s scary, really, is the idea in the ether that compassion is effeminate and thereby un-American. “Socialist.” “Stupid.” “Snow flake-y.” That destroying the environment is man’s God-given right. That black lives should remain inferior to white lives. That refugees are terrorists. That immigrants are criminals. That sick people are scourges. That women have victim complexes and their concern for their safety and rights are invalid. That steak is patriotic.
“The subtext is this: ‘Vegetarians are crazy.’ Or women are.”
Or maybe it’s not scary. Maybe it’s encouraging. If these antiquated beliefs weren’t verging on extinction, why would anyone have to defend them so vociferously? Why would white supremacists need parades? Why would anti-vegetarians become increasingly obnoxious? Why would powerful men have to shout, hysterically, that women are hysterical? Perhaps their fighting words are just death rattles.”
“Vegetarian” is not synonymous with “holier-than-thou”; in my experience, the opposite is true: It’s meat-eaters who are more likely to do the condemning.”
Yeah, I know, right? Have you seen all of those meat eaters dressing up as a broccoli and terrorizing clients at vegan restaurants? It’s all over the news!
You know, it’s pretty funny. The article complains about normal people being dismissive of vegetarians and proceeds to confirm every stereotype of vegetarians in the book.
Some people obviously do not do the self awareness thing.
For instance.
To deny that veg-shaming is vag-shaming, to deny that meat-splaining is man-splaining
How can anyone now be aware how utterly stupid that sounds to sane people?
Considering 1/3 of the assemblages of letters in that phrase aren’t even actually words, its no wonder that meaning won’t adhere to it.
Also, make me a sammich, cunt, with MEAT!
+1, ecofeminism.
I’ve been to a shitload of movies in my life, yet I’ve never seen more impressive projection than this.
the idea in the ether that compassion is effeminate
Uh, yeah, that would be due to a generation or more of, wait for it, feminists asserting that women have a near-monopoly on the virtue of compassion (as well as other virtues).
and thereby un-American
For an idea that is supposedly widespread, I have no run across either the claim that compassion is un-American, or that effeminate behavior is un-American. Iconic American things include motherhood and apple pie, right?
Shut up misogynist shitlord. Back to your cage.
Even Harper’s Bazaar has lost their shit.
Shorter: “Journalist” writes “article” in “magazine”.
Florida man has been spotted in California.
“Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner withdraw their divorce”
Maybe Hillary’s told them about her planned comeback in 2020.
Spouses can’t be forced to testify against each other?
I have the worst [bleep]ing attorneys.
She likes him better in prison? Or, he’s so horny now, he would have sex with her?
She actually looks 14 to him now!
“Google’s New Fact-Check Feature Almost Exclusively Targets Conservative Sites
Google, the most powerful search engine in the world, is now displaying fact checks for conservative publications in its results.
No prominent liberal site receives the same treatment.
And not only is Google’s fact-checking highly partisan — perhaps reflecting the sentiments of its leaders — it is also blatantly wrong, asserting sites made “claims” they demonstrably never made.
When searching for a media outlet that leans right, like The Daily Caller (TheDC), Google gives users details on the sidebar, including what topics the site typically writes about, as well as a section titled “Reviewed Claims.”
Vox, and other left-wing outlets and blogs like Gizmodo, are not given the same fact-check treatment. When searching their names, a “Topics they write about” section appears, but there are no “Reviewed Claims.”
In fact, a review of mainstream outlets, as well as other outlets associated with liberal and conservative audiences, shows that only conservative sites feature the highly misleading, subjective analysis. Several conservative-leaning outlets like TheDC are “vetted,” while equally partisan sites like Vox, ThinkProgress, Slate, The Huffington Post, Daily Kos, Salon, Vice and Mother Jones are spared.
Occupy Democrats is apparently the only popular content provider from that end of the political spectrum with a fact-checking section.
Big name publications like The New York Times, The Washington Post, and the Los Angeles Times are even given a column showcasing all of the awards they have earned over the years.”
Vox, and other left-wing outlets and blogs like Gizmodo, are not given the same fact-check treatment.
Well, I mean how dumb do you have to be to not already know that Vox is pure bullshit? Ezra Klein for crikey sake.
Speaking of Vox, their writers aren’t happy and want to form a union. Which will probably take Vox down (and unfortunately, take SBNation down) soon.
Dammit, I’ll miss Blueshirt Banter
Fuck Vox. Whatever collateral damage is required to destroy them is worth it.
Meh, when Vox took over they drove away the original bloggers at Shakin the Southland when they refused to just pump out content for the sake of content.
I will say that, post Vox takeover, random SJW articles started popping up occasionally at BSB, and for a while they devoted an inordinate amount of coverage to the NY women’s pro team that no one cared about.
I guess content provider is one way to describe Occupy Democrats.
lulz aggregator
Brain port-a-potty?
*prolonged ovation*
Who’s doing the fact-checking? If it’s Google employees it seems problematic. If it’s just average readers it makes a little more sense: lefties seem to be obsessed with de-legitimizing the opposition. Conservatives don’t seem to even bother reading leftist websites.
“Buzzfeed News says this tweet from @KittenResistance39 is completely true”
They’re using a variety of lefty outfits like PolitiFact, Snopes, and some watermelon group called Climate Feedback, so…..yeah.
the fatal flaw of politifact and other lefty-media ‘fact checking’ blogs is they always go too far, and start trying to ‘fact check’ opinions, or arguments they might disagree with which are still based on entirely valid facts . they’re basically partisan editorialists posing as impartial referees.
All leading to inevitable absurdities like Bernie Sanders exaggerating black unemployment and getting rated “mostly true” while Donald Trump (link to follow to avoid moderation) makes basically the same exaggeration and gets rated “mostly false”.
The Trump link
Note the contradictory nature of the justifications (emphasis mine):
Wow, that is damning.
Granted, the two assessments are from two different authors, the latter of which is from their “Virginia division”. But they claim to use a 3-editor panel before approving the publishing of an assessment, and ZeroHedge (yes, yes, I know) identified this inconsistency a year and a half ago (shortly after the Trump assessment was published) yet they have issued no correction or update.
Zero Hedge itself is OK on the whole, and often runs excellent pieces. The commentariat, on the other hand……
Oh, one of (((them))) are you? I’d expose you further, but I have silver ingots to buy.
/Zero Hedge Commenter
GET (((HIM)))!!!
“Google’s New Fact-Check Feature Almost Exclusively Targets Conservative Sites”
Let’s see, where did I leave my shocked face… damn must be in the shop again!
Allow the Washington Post to prog-splain economics to you. “Libertarians don’t understand economics, you see”
There are days when I am glad that I am an old man. These people have little chance of seriously damaging what’s left of my life. But I weep for my children and grand-children.
I am always surprised to learn what I believe.
The first thing they don’t understand is that money isn’t just a store of value.
What in the actual fuck? My introduction into libertarianism wasn’t Ayn fucking Rand, it was Misesians discussing monetary theory.
The first thing we are all taught as libertarians is that money is just a store of value.
I thought it was that Somalia rocks?
Yeah, economics was probably the big push for me.
I tried reading an Ayn Rand book once in college, was bored to tears, and never tried again to this day.
Progs only know about Ayn Rand and even then they don’t know anything about Objectivism other than it’s “evil”! Mises and Rothbard are so obscure to them that they would have absolutely know idea what you were talking about if you referenced them. They also don’t understand that most Misesians would have a lot of contentions with Randians (mostly around foreign policy).
That’s why I love wearing my t-shirt that just has a silhouette of Rothbard with the phrase “Enemy of the State” underneath. Nobody has any idea what the hell the t-shirt is suppose to mean or who Murray Rothbard is. It’s glorious
Of course they know who he is!
(brief Googling)
He’s a racist!
/actual way this works
Only cosmotarians do that shit. Progs have no interest in learning about or even Googling some obscure Austrian economists (“what is an Austrian school of economics?”). They loved Rothbard not too long ago when his statements against the Kochs were used against them
Now they just think everyone is racist, so there’s no difference. Anyone to the right of Stalin is a racist
That’s it in a nutshell. The only things you need to know about Murray Rothbard are that he’s a vile racist and he hates Mother Earth.
I would honestly be surprised if they know Hayek. I wouldn’t even be surprised if they don’t know Friedman.
Oh, they know Friedman
No Pinochet references? How disappointing.
That got stupid quick.
“that day? Over Macho Grande?”
“No, I dont think Ill ever be over Macho Grande”
Howie was a rock!
“Doctor, will you give us your impressions of Ted Striker’s mental health?”
“I’m sorry, I don’t do impressions. My training’s in psychiatry.”
But he cracked up?
Buddy hung tough!
L. O. L.
To the Glibertariati: I attempted to upload a few pictures to a draft article, but WordPress says I am not allowed to do so. Tis a privilege I lack.
Now back to your regularly scheduled Hat & Hair Taco.
Not within the comments, for an article. They gave me keys to the house but not the liquor cabinet.
You’re on probation. Gotta make sure you’re not gonna burn the site to the ground.
Pagingin Straffinrun, Straffinrun to the courtesy phone, please:
Id like to blame the phone, but I’m using an actual keyboard.
Holy shit, look at this monstrosity. Ace notes this line:
Programming?? Seriously?
No pyramid? What’s a monument to an outsized ego without a pyramid?
I kinda figured his presidential library would be some beautiful, timeless piece of Art-Deco architecture with immaculately manicured grounds and once you step inside it’s one giant cavernous empty space with piles of garbage strewn about here and there.
Reminds me of this
Some of these come to mind as well.
Looks like a giant headstone, to me.
I don’t think you’re thinking of programming the way Obama is.
Let’s just say his primary interest is reprogramming
Dear Lord, pleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseprettypleaseplease let Trump do something like this.
“It isn’t the first time Prayuth — a general who seized power in a bloodless coup in 2014 — has dumbfounded the media. In the past he has fondled the ear of a sound technician for several minutes during an impromptu news conference, flung a banana peel at cameramen, and threatened, with gruff humor, to execute any journalist who criticized his government.”
I’ll say it, since everyone else is afraid to: McAfee/Prayuth2020 !
Prayut Chan-o-Cha (Prayut-chan sounds like a weirdly named character in an anime) is an ass and the worst kind of totalitarian. Fuck Thailand’s government and fuck their use of lese mageste laws to throw anyone they dislike into prison. Maybe eventually they’ll get around to holding an election like he keeps promising.
(I still think it’d be hilarious if Trump did this, but I’m just saying, fuck that guy.)
Do that, and deliver the SOTU via Twitter, and I’ll vote for him this time.
The entire address in Morse code. Or semaphore flags.
I’m in .
He should just put a talking and very belligerent version of Trumpy bear up there. “What? Is that you, CNN? Not you, you’re fake news! Listen I’m a very stable genius!”.
I’d pay to see that.
Leftist bigots lose one
What is that thing they say about money talking and bullshit walking?
+3 Lock Box
I’m just gonna say it: Metallica is criminally overrated.
I can’t get into anything after And Justice For All.
Speaking of which, I just discovered these guys:
Iron Horse’s cover of The Thing That Should Not Be
That’s awesome! I do love me some bluegrass.
Can we expand on this list? A few from the 90s I submit are Radiohead, Weezer, and because I can’t stand the singer, Matchbox 20.
Jesus Christ, Radiohead is so fucking boring.
Add “self-congratulatory”, “pretentious”, “untalented”, “annoying”, “tone deaf” and “musically retarded” to “fucking boring” and you’re getting somewhere.
Damn Q. Tell us how you really feel.
Not a fan of everything they’ve done, but Weezer had some good songs.
Someone had to do it.
I think they’re a guilty pleasure. Sold millions of CDs, yet everybody hates them.
I like their first two albums (curb and the state). Even saw them in concert before the third album came out.
Fuck the ever-loving fuck out of Radiohead and their cadre of cult-like fanbois (sorry to any fans on here, but you have to hear this, it’s for your own good). They are not only overrated, they flat out suck. Like, I’d rather listen to a mix of Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez and cats being lit on fire on continuous repeat for 24 hours than suffer listening to one of their albums. THEY. ARE. AWFUL.
Rob Thomas gets a pass for his scene in Dennis’ Erotic Life episode
Okay, that’s pretty good. Though Sinbad owned that scene.
Fun Fact about Sinbad: He is an Air Fore vet. Once his comedy career started getting off the ground, he wanted out of the Air Force. To get them to kick him out he impersonated a General.
My favorite (undoubtedly apocryphal) story about someone trying to get themselves discharged was one I heard about a guy who pretended to be crazy by doing a bunch of things but most notably by constantly bouncing an imaginary basketball. So he goes to doctors and shrinks who finally say, fine, let’s just get rid of this guy – maybe he’s not crazy but there’s something wrong with him. He walks in to sign his discharge paperwork, dribbling the ball like always, then turns to walk out. The admin guy says “Hey, you forgot your ball!” and the guy tells him, “Nah, game’s over now”
aw, c’mon. Rob Thomas was a good sport about being on iZombie. I thought it was just a cameo when it started (since he and iZombie Rob Thomas do funny riffs on being the “other” one on Twitter sometimes) and then it just kept going. So funny. Gotta give him props for that, at least.
The first three albums are outstanding, and ….And Justice For All was good.
Everything they’ve done since is mediocre at best.
Lights FloridaMan signal:
Maybe he was just happy to see you?
I keep my ribs in my shirt, but to each his own.
I know this is from TOS, but one of our brethren just became famous. Take a bow, Fist of Ettiquette!
Are you telling me Fist isn’t Welch?
Fist is on Cumia’s network? That’s awesome!
I keep telling myself I should drop XM and subscribe to Compound media.
I’d rather focus on underrated bands. I’d say for this list, they’d need to have at least one big hit so people actually knew who they were, but people didn’t keep following them. Like Marcy Playground had a big hit with Sex and Candy, but no one knows anything they did after that, even though I liked their other albums. Case in point I love “Wave Motion Gun” off their second album.
Highly underrated: Toadies.
Grunge-wise I like Silverchair for underrated. And their lead singer used to bang Natalie Imbruglia so that’s something.
There’s another topic: names that are reliably predictive of hotness. Virtually all Natalies have been hot in my experience.
Natalies from TV shows, on the other hand…..
Hmm, I’m torn.
I can think of zero other interesting Australian bands of that generation other than Shoe though I don’t think they got any play in the U.S.
King Missile.
When Neigh means NEIGH!
Wouldn’t the horse be the victim?
Davos might actually be interesting for once.