This week already feels weird. It feels like a Tuesday. No wait, it feels like a Friday. Or a Monday. Or…well anything but a Wednesday. Damn, its hard together back in the work mode. Which is probably not what RichRod was thinking when he checked his email this morning or late last night in N. Nogales, AZ. This is sure one hell of a weird way to lose your job. And one hell of a way for a school to let you go for losing to Purdue. Because from what I can read of the story, the “shocking” headline notwithstanding, they’re paying him as if he was fired without cause, the “accuser” refused to cooperate or hand over anything to substantiate her claim of…what exactly? And they never once mention anything he might have done wrong.

Ooh, that’s gonna leave a mark.
His workday was marginally worse than the grounds crew in Melbourne, after the ICC rated the MCG “poor” following an uninspired fourth test draw in the Ashes series. The Limeys have already been embarrassed in the five match series, having failed to retain (correction from earlier post there) the silverware or even be competitive, but this at least moves the spotlight away from their poor play and onto someone else.
The Las Vegas hockey team keeps rolling. As does Man City in soccer, who all but have the EPL locked up just over halfway through the season. Crystal Palace and West Ham also won to move further away from the bottom of the table. And Kansas looks to be in jeopardy of not winning the Big 12 (with ten teams) this year after dropping another conference game at home.
That was a schizo sports update, I know. But most of you don’t come here for that anyway. You come for…the links!
Replying with all the seriousness Kim Jong Un deserves, Donald Trump takes to twitter after Kim’s “I’ve got a button” remarks. LOL. I mean, that’s all I can do is laugh. If we’d have had this kind of statesmanship instead of bowing and scraping and giving free food and aid every time the little nutcase made a threat while building nukes, perhaps we wouldn’t be dealing with a little nutcase with nukes making threats now.

Where’s the button, fat boy?
Germany doesn’t believe in free speech. Because those poor, sensitive immigrants wan’t read words like this without getting bomb-y. But the words are the problem…not the ensuing bombiness, right Merkel? Not to be outdone, England piles on the anti-speech wagon too. Funny that the guy is tagged with being right-wing when the real Nazis were socialists in every sense of the word, which last time I checked was pretty far on the right side of the spectrum. ooh, maybe the Commies and Socialists “switched sides” like the Dems and GOP are said to have done sometime right before or after a majority of Dems voted against the civil rights bill.
Dammit, Jim. I told you to delete everything once we were done! That’s what I’m imagining the latest correspondence between a certain woodland walker from New York and a certain unemployed former civil “servant” went like. I’m grabbing the popcorn.
Doing their best to fuck up the gravy train, the union representing the snowplow and trash truck drivers in Chicago set a strike vote for Sunday. I don’t get it. Does the city manage all trash service exclusively? Because in a city that is rapidly growing and will be larger than Chicago very soon, we let neighborhoods or individuals negotiate with competitive trash service.I know their users pay a fairly low rate, but perhaps opening it to competition and getting rid of the legacy costs might be worth considering. As to the low rate, I pay about $100 a year for trash service that comes twice a week for garbage and once a month for large items.

An Oregonian attempting to fill his tank.
More hilarity as Oregonians voice their displeasure at having to learn a new skill. If you can’t pump gas or change a tire (sorry to any people out there who lack the basic skill or cognitive ability to learn how to work a jack or lug wrench), you shouldn’t be able to drive a car.
OK, this is a dick move. But I’m having a hard time ginning up too much anger at the offending party when the masses of the “aggrieved” are such assclowns.
Trying to keep the music going strong early in 2018.
Have a great day, friends!
Germany doesn’t believe in free speech. – it does, just government approved free speech.
Freedom is, after all, listening to your betters. You americans failed to learn this important fact.
…and asking permission. Don’t forget asking permission!
If it pleases the Crown…
Germany: We are distancing ourselves from our NAZI past by doing… Well doing what the NAZI’s did.
Hey – big difference! Now they are international socialist who cozy up to the Muslims and rule Europe.
IAZI doesn’t have the ring to it.
It sounds like a dice game.
IAZI doesn’t make sense because NAZI is not an acronym.
It would be Internazi. Although I agree it doesn’t have the same ring to it.
Hey, you can have all of the approved free speech you want as long as your papers are in order
Mark Steyn would be locked in a dungeon over there.
The amazing part of the article – the Swedes now have special semen-sniffing dogs to track down rapists.
Where are the “fuck you, I’m Millwall” types in all of this? It seems like there must be at least a few guys who are doing some vigilant justice, but you never hear about it.
Soldiers of Odin is a spreading backlash.
Probably. It is Chicago. I wouldn’t be surprised if being a trash collector is outlawed if you’re not on the city payroll.
Chicago glibs should form a gang rent a limo and do a door to door trash service for the rich.
Monocle Hauling Corporation, “Trash Haulers for the Elite!”
Heh, I just watched that episode the other day.
We had that debate when i was living in Atlanta. Mayoral candidate Bill Campbell promised Buckhead voters that he would privatize services such as trash collection if elected. They wanted back door pickup like their neighbors to the north. Unsurprisingly, it didn’t happen.
Here in south Florida, I pay the city about 4x your annual hundred bucks for curbside service.
On the other hand, when I lived in the city of Middletown, KY (pop: 5000) my total tax bill to the city, which provided trash pickup, was less than what my parents paid for private tax pickup in an unincorporated part of the county.
It was a private company, so the power of group purchasing can be used by a city. Probably only a small city though, as you need a small enough part of the market to allow competitors to exist, but large enough to get a bulk discount.
7,218 pop in 2010 census, so I was a bit off. But order of magnitude was right.
Hardin County contracts with a trash hauler for certain terms that are then available to everyone in the county.
It’s a qualified monopoly for residential service.
I believe the contract is re-let every 3 years.
My city contracts waste pickup also (pop 10,500 or so)
$12 to 18 a month depending on the size of your garbage tote, for weekly pickup of waste and recyclables and twice a year they do bulk collection
They use the grappling arm thing on trucks so a single driver can do the pickup quickly and easily.
I’ve no complaints.
Best I ever found when living in an unincorporated suburb of Chicago was $50 a month a few years back. Before I found that company the previous provider charged 70 a month.
We’re about $200 annually, and the city contracts with a single private company. $200 beats the cost of hauling your own, for sure, but a few years ago they cut service down to once a week (from twice) and stopped doing stuff like vacuuming leaf piles at the road side. The predictable result is that once a week there are enormous piles of refuse and in the fall the streets mysteriously fill with leaves, giving the street cleaners hell.
Chicago uses city workers for residential trash pickup. Commercial and apartments use private.
I don’t know if its changed recently, but last I heard they used 3 workers per truck, more than likely because of union rules.
3 workers per Stop/Slow sign, per side, per road-work site, sure, that’s union rules.
3 workers per trash truck, if they’re manually transferring from your bin to the truck, isn’t unreasonable. If they use the arm thing, well, I suppose you still need another guy around besides the driver incase someone doesn’t put their bin at the curb properly (or they just skip it, I dunno?).
Last summer in Silver Spring, I saw a crew of 25-30 guys working to re-pave over some water lines in an intersection. Took them like 4 days….1 day per patch of 3lanesX2ft.
people should just start using metal cans and setting the garbage on fire
Burning cans of garbage spawn homeless people.
Not as well as burning a house does.
No, no, it’s just as effectaticous. Plop down a burning barrel, and in minutes you’ll have three ofr four homeless people congregating around it. Burn a house and you’ll have three or four homeless people wandering the area.
Spontaneous generation, but for street people. I like it.
When I lived in Memphis, the trash collection was run by the city union and it was great. It was also heavily subsidized. You know why? Because MLK was assassinated in Memphis while there to support a strike by the trash collectors’ union.
Now they are untouchable because to trim their budget would be like spitting on MLK’s legacy.
I grew up in the badlands between Raleigh and Frayser.
Right on. (former resident of Millington)
Ride marks anniversary of Wounded Knee Massacre
STEVE SMITH is an Injun?
You know what they called him in private?
More hilarity as Oregonians voice their displeasure at having to learn a new skill. If you can’t pump gas or change a tire (sorry to any people out there who lack the basic skill or cognitive ability to learn how to work a jack or lug wrench), you shouldn’t be able to drive a car. – how em I supposed to know where the hose goes? How much gas I should put in? What is gas anyway?
Or you can write for TOS.
First rule of tire changing is always check your hair to maximum windswept look.
The funniest thing is that the gas stations aren’t required to offer self service. If you’re too goddamned retarded to stick a nozzle in a fuel tank like the rest of the world has been doing for a century, you can always find a station gouging you for an extra 50 cents a gallon so some high school dropout can do it for minimum wage.
And only in certain parts of the state:
To be clear, the new law only applies to the 15 least-dense of Oregon’s 36 counties and it doesn’t even force residents in those areas to pump their own gas. It simply gives them the option to.
THIS – Plus the condescending clucking, “Businesses and customers PREFER to have full service, and are willing to pay extra for it” – right, which is why as soon as it isn’t required, 99% of the stations go back to self-serve.
“How much gas I should put in? ”
Just hold a lighter up to the nozzle so you can see the level. There, problem solved.
Given that most pumps auto-stop when the tank fills up, I’m still trying to figure out how the one time I overfilled a tank happened. It was one of the first times I’d pumped gas, so I could have restarted the pump manually.
I wanna be sure I get it right. You mean like this?
Now THAT’s peak derp.
I love the guy’s reaction, it’s exactly what I’d do. “…huh. Ok, let’s go somewhere else before she makes eye contact or explodes.”
A company I worked for years ago had a claim where a girl working at a marina filled the fresh water tank with fuel. She spilled some into the boat and tried to clean it with a vacuum cleaner. It sparked and the boat went up. She was blown over the stern and wasn’t injured.
Have these helpless Oregonians never gone on an out of state road trip?
Only to New Jersey, apparently.
On one tank of gas.
Last September when I was on vacation, one of the stops we had planned was in Oregon. We found one of the few self service pumps in the state at the campground at Crater Lake.
Unfortunately because I was towing a trailer, I needed to stop and let someone else fill up the tank about 100miles from the border of Idaho. So close
Ultimately the Oregon leg of our vacation was a bust because Crater Lake was filled with smoke from nearby fires.
My wife’s car was in the shop twice last year for a “check-engine” light with an emissions error. Probably because the idiot at the gas station can’t properly replace a gas cap.
A year or so ago there was supposed to be a deal in NJ where they would raise the gas tax and drop the full-service only law, Then our politicians came to their senses, raised the tax and kept the full-service because fuck you, you live in NJ.
Fuck Oregon.
I once had the misfortune of having to stop for gas in New Jersey, and was pissed off that I had to deal with some lunkhead bumbler rather than just doing it myself. Unlike grocery store checkouts, pumping gas is something the customer should do, since it puts them in direct control of the quantity added.
I like to keep one of my orphans in the trunk for just that purpose.
Trunk Monkey.
In the trunk? You’re such a sweetheart. I just drag mine behind the car.
That happened to me the first time I was in NJ. I get out and start pumping and a guys runs out yelling at me that I can’t do that. I was dumbfounded.
Same exact thing happened to me. I stood by next to him watching…in disbelief.
NJ is for retards.
Yeah, well Canada is the Nick Gillespie of nations.
Sure but NJ is the Shika Dalmia of states
Rasilio is the MNG of commenters.
Last time I had to fill up in NJ, my credit card got hit twice for the same charge. I don’t know whether the idiot couldn’t use the slot right or was deliberately trying to scam customers. Took me a whole round of correspondence with the credit card company (“how do we know you didn’t use the card for your wife who might be filling her car up behind you at the same time and day?) Thanks for the “convenience” NJ.
I had no idea this was even a thing. How many states have a law like this?
Just Oregon and Jersey
They say its a safety thing, which we all know is BS.
I’d heard, and this was confirmed in a sense by one of the quoted tweets, that it’s a labor law thing. Allowing people to pump their own gas would result in the loss of filling station jobs. The corollary being, of course, that people so overwhelmingly prefer to pump their own gas (and scan their own groceries, park their own cars, etc.) that it wouldn’t be worth the cost to keep a pump operator on the payroll. In other words, you have to force people to accept and pay for a “service” they don’t want in order to keep people employed as menial laborers that nobody actually needs.
Reminds me of a story. I was using the self-check out cash at a store. This place has an over-bearing woman checking in on patrons to the point you want to yell at her to back off. She’s also loud. One of the times I was there she said, ‘please use the self-serve something, something to protect my job.’
It was a strange statement to make publicly. Never mind she didn’t see the irony that the point is to eventually eradicate cashiers.
There will always* be a lackey hanging around ready to show grandma how to ring up her Braeburn apples, or to tell the computer that, yes, I am old enough to buy spray paint. She is angling to be the head lackey.
*For a long time anyway. Long after human cashiers are gone, an overseer will still be there.
Of course, we’d make the system idiot proof, except then the idiots couldn’t buy things.
Two – Oregon and New Jersey.
Thanks guys. I now see the article stated that.
Something is screwy with my work PC and some sites (including the SF Gate) take literally 5-10 minutes to load (I’m still trying to get the Hill article to open). It finally opened and I see there isn’t anything to read that you all haven’t already commented. That’s the last link I ever open!
Try this article at Jalopnik. It contains the same quotes from the befuddled Oregonians.
Funny! My favorite snark quote from the author:
But NY doesn’t allow the use of the fill-up nozzle lock. Which in the winter is utter bullshit.
There was a recent article in a our daily birdcage liner advocating that people in Portland should tip the pump jockeys because it is ‘hard work in rough weather’. Uh, no. I am not tipping for a service I am required by law to receive and that actually costs me the most precious of all valuable commodities; my time. I blew it off as just click bait.
Until later that day when the pump jockey had obviously read the article asked for a tip. I told him, “I’m the dalai lama. On your deathbed you shall receive enlightenment. So now you’ve got that going for you.”
Did he get the reference?
“That’s what I’m imagining the latest correspondence between a certain woodland walker from New York and a certain unemployed former civil “servant” went like. ”
Will there be a SugaFree version?
Hillary and Comey must have the weirdest relationship ever. He kept her out of jail–which kept her in the presidential race–and spiked her chances at the last minute with the Huma emails on Carlos Danger’s computer, but then at least tried to fuck over Trump’s hollow victory over the only person he could have beaten, the most hated shrew in America. It’s almost classic negging behavior. But why would anyone try to get into Hillary’s polyester pants? That’s the undiscovered country, from whose bourn no traveler returns. It puzzles the will…
The only reason Comey talked about the Huma emails on Carlos Danger’s computer was because the NYPD also had gotten that info, and Comey couldn’t risk them breaking it and revealing the Comey cover-up.
But why would anyone try to get into Hillary’s polyester pants?
The pseudo-penis beckons, like a syrene on the ocean breeze.
Comey had his staff chain him to the mast, but once he heard its call, there was no going back.
Great. Now I’m going to be hearing the creepy “Lady of the Lake” singing from Excalibur all day.
The heart wants what the heart wants.
Woman cooks with her mouth
Fun fact: that’s the traditional way to make sake.
And an ancient ale called Chicha.
dammit. But I included the enzyme factoid.
I did include the link… if I wasn’t at work, I may have tried to hunt down the video of the entire staff keeping a bucket of masticated corn under their desks.
That was amusing.
I was disappointed the link wasn’t to a chicharia (sp?) in Peru though.
Also Chicha beer.
There is a enzyme in women’s saliva (and some men’s saliva) that gets the mash going.
Have you tried Huma beer?
Huma Weiner?
My Old Kentoki Home
Kentoki, as it’s known in Yiddish, first published serially in 1921–22, is largely forgotten today, revived only in translator Gertrude Dubrovsky’s 1990 English rendering published by the University of Alabama Press (and quoted here). But this vast lyrical masterwork was once required reading in Jewish schools from Lithuania to Argentina and was even set to music performed by Yiddish choirs around the world, providing an entire generation of Jews with their first glimpse of a wider America. Reading Kentoki today is an unsettling experience, not only because of its lyrical heights, but also because its America isn’t the “Golden Land” of sweatshop ancestors who made this country their own. Instead, Kentoki, with its rich beauty, racial tensions, and dramas of assimilation and return, feels weirdly familiar—a drill-down to the sources of the intertwined ease and discomfort that characterize Jewish life in America today.
Y.Y. Shvarts (often called “I.J. Schwartz” in English) was a Yiddish poet whose trajectory was entirely typical of his generation until he crossed the Mason–Dixon Line. Born in a shtetl near Kovno, Lithuania, in 1884, in 1906 Shvarts followed the mob to America, where he continued his career as a Yiddish poet and translator, producing Yiddish editions of medieval and modern Hebrew poets as well as Shakespeare, Milton, and his greatest influence, Walt Whitman. He lived long enough to enjoy his generation’s ultimate Eden: retirement in Florida. But it was his move to Lexington, Kentucky, at the age of 33 that left its mark on the Jewish American epic. And Kentoki is an epic in the largest sense.
I Believe in Intelligent Design … for Robots
Almost all the objects.
What came first, the penis or the hand?
“People often say that the human hand is the perfect tool for handling objects,” says Loeb of Syntouch. “No. What it is, is that almost all the objects that we handle in civilization were designed to be handled by the human hand.”
Pretty sure the hand predates the objects, so that kinda makes sense don’t it? The hand wouldn’t have developed that way if it weren’t advantageous on all its own.
But it makes sense that the objects we built, we built to be easy to manipulate with our hands.
According to the article (I know, I’m breaking all my rules today), the vegan themselves order the tomato pie containing regular cheese. So really, the chef did nothing but fill the order.
As a former line cook, it’s not my job or, frankly, ambition, to make sure you’re adhering to your asinine, nonsensical, self-imposed dietary restrictions. I bust the balls of vegetarians on a pretty routine basis, but all of the ones I know personally aren’t dicks about it. If they find out something was cooked in chicken broth at a restaurant, they mark it down as a lesson learned and move on. They tell servers that they’re vegetarians and assume everyone is operating in good faith, and 99.9% of the time everyone walks away happy. Even the “ethical” vegetarians I know aren’t preachy. They’ve made a decision to live a certain way for their own reasons, and if other people do different things, that’s fine.
Every single vegan I’ve ever met, on the other hand…
Also people should come to my house to tie my shoes
Think of it as evolution in action.
Take the warning labels off all the bottles and let nature take its course?
To be fair, everything in California can kill you, according to the government.
Christmas Lingerie Party Ends With 70 Arrested On Pot Charges
I’m certain their investigation is ongoing. Pay no attention to those drums of lube showing up at the police station.
No pics? I am disappoint.
Why are there no pictures with that story?
All the pics are on the cops phones
The trash story minds me of someplace I lived, where there were competing private trash services. I’m not sure where it was, but one company’s trucks had, “Satisfaction guaranteed, or double your garbage back” on them.
Did they get that from the Sopranos?
::Emilio Estevez-style high fives Count Potato with trash can lid::
Crowded hospitals ‘put patients at risk’
Maybe the UK should join the rest of the civilized world offering high quality socialized health care.
Evil Tories under-funding the system.
I often hear healthcare is cheaper in the EU and then about delays and such well right wing governments underfunded the system. Well if it were fully funded it would not be some much cheaper, would it?
But i thought that since it was socialism, that it was free, how could it be expensive?
Or the U.S. with its wonderful certificate of need regimes.
“”But instead when they did come in they only ordered two dishes off the a standard menu, a roasted cauliflower dish and a margherita pizza which obviously has buffalo mozzarella cheese.
“When one of the waitresses came into the kitchen she commented that she thought one of the vegans had been eating the pizza. The comment came from that.”
So it doesn’t sound like she spiked anything.
Really bad twitter comment by the chef though.
The definition of a margherita pizza is a pizza with sliced tomatoes, basil, and fresh buffalo mozzarella. That’s what makes it a margherita pizza. Remove the cheese and it’s something else. Some sort of flatbread appetizer, perhaps. It reminds me of the Red Dwarf episode where Rimmer sends his gazpacho back because it’s cold.
Nuh-uh. Crushed San Marzanos, fior di latte (there’s controversy about using bufala on a Margherita vera).
Oh, well, San Marzanos on the right side of the tracks, I suppose…
The investigators also confirmed that the FBI began drafting a statement exonerating Clinton of any crimes while evidence responsive to subpoenas was still outstanding and before agents had interviewed more than a dozen key witnesses.
Sounds familiar.
The idea behind all this was obviously to really half-ass a biased investigation because Clinton was going to win and the investigation wouldn’t ever be scrutinized. Too bad for them that didn’t quite work out.
“I don’t even know HOW to pump gas and I am 62, native Oregonian…..I say NO THANKS!” said Sandy Franklin on Facebook, in response to a post by local news station KTVL that asked for viewers’ opinions on the new law.
“Many people are not capable of knowing how to pump gas and the hazards of not doing it correctly. Besides I don’t want to go to work smelling of gas when I get it on my hands or clothes,” wrote Tina Good.
Mike Perrone said he’s been living in Oregon his whole life and refuses to pump his own gas. The reason?
“I had to do it once in California while visiting my brother and almost died doing it.”
That’s… special.
Yet, 48 states of your fellow Americans have no trouble filling their own tanks and not spilling it all over themselves. Is your assertation that Oregonians are too stupid to operate a gas pump?
With a name like Tina Good, maybe she’s used to riding in the passenger seat.
I wear a Tyvek suit whenever I pump gas just in case I pull the nozzle out of the tank and point it at myself and squeeze the handle and hold it that way. Getting gas takes an extra half an hour this way, but at least I can be assured that my hands and clothes won’t smell.
I remember some comedian back in the day joking about stopping at the gas station on the way home from the strip club, and splashing some gasoline on to cover the scent of strippers from his girlfriend/wife.
How many of those people voted for Clinton and believe that people in Arkansas, Alabama, Texas, etc., are stupid, mouth-breathing in-bred hicks? I’m going for 100%. I may have to revise my “State Least Likely to Visit – West Coast” award. California’s government is stunningly idiotic and it seems like a lot of the people are suffering from Stockholm syndrome, but Oregonians might be so stupid they actually require a nanny state.
Addiction stats say U.S. is failing — bigly
If you can’t exercise enough personal responsibility to keep yourself off drugs I frankly don’t give a fuck whether you live or die – that’s on you. Can I get part of that billion dollar check?
Cry, baby, cry.
First, you must convince me that Congress is well-equipped to handle addiction crises.
“Experts say the need requires tens of billions of dollars — each and every year.”
These experts wouldn’t happen to be receiving some of these monies would they? Because that would be a ‘conflict of interest’.
Why no, of course not, why would you think that?
*starts Ferrari, speeds off*
we — for some perverse notion — value the material wealth of our nation’s richest one percent over the well-being of a neighbor, a friend, a family member, a community. – I hate to go all cliche but who is this we that we value things? And what does me valuing someones wealth has to to with him being allowed to keep it?
This topic comes up sometimes in my AA meetings, because we have a lot of NA’s come in lately due to the rise in opioid abuse locally.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned from listening to the opioid users that have managed to stay clean, it is that these addiction treatment centers and rehab facilities DO NOT WORK!!! They’re places for addicts to go to manage withdrawal symptoms until they find the money to go out and use again. So I laugh when people say “we need more money for (this or that)”. Like they fucking know. And it’s always a family member of an addict or some busy-body do-gooder calling for this shit. You know who isn’t calling for more money for rehab facilities or treatment centers? Actual addicts. You know why? Deep down, they know they don’t fucking work.
Affordable Care Act — our nation’s health insurance policy
Except for Medicaid, Medicare, ERs, HMOs, and you know, actual health insurance. Otherwise, it’s a total wasteland of dying people out here!
That was a schizo sports update, I know. But most of you don’t come here for that anyway.
Which is true because none of that was actual sports.
I was hoping some of you could offer advice on a situation. I have been dating a young lady for a short time, and things are going well. She is fun, better looking than me, and even open to libertarian politics. We’ve been dating about 5 months but were friends before that. Now it’s getting a bit more serious and she told me she is in love with me. The only problem is she is a DACA “dreamer”. I’ve heard ending DACA might be Trump’s next legislative priority. I want to help her stay here and fix her citizenship issues (she has no passport), which really are her parents’ fault, as she was 5 when they came here. It’s a little early to propose marriage, but I could certainly see myself doing that if necessary, which I’ve considered because a friend married a Filipino woman, and he told me there is some sort of status even for the fiancee of a US citizen.
K-1 visa is for fiances. It expires after 90 days if you don’t tie the knot.
I thought you were telling him to go on ’90-Day Fiance’.
Best I can tell that would be a K-1 visa. Don’t know if it may require some shenanigans with briefly returning to the country of origin to avoid complications or not – I am not an immigration expert, and the law is a mess. If she doesn’t have any documentation from her country of origin, you might have more problems.
and she told me she is in love with me
Aren’t we missing some kind of response here?
He’s a cold Aspie… like the rest of us…
It’s not stimming if your hands are in your pants.
Although I do feel the same way toward her.
You still haven’t said it.
Ok, I’m in love with the girl, happy?
Not to ME, to HER. *SMDH*
Seriously though, you know her. If you think you can trust her, then do what it takes. Also, I doubt Trump is going to actually wind up kicking the dreamers out. At least I hope he isn’t that much of an asshole.
It wouldn’t be Trump kicking the “Dreamers” out, it would be the congress that wrote the law.
*arches eyebrow*
“I….love you.”
“I’m hungry. Let’s get something to eat.”
Get to it, boy.
Wow, that really displays way more personal info than I expected.
Have the bosses nuke it.
Yes, please and thank you. Sorry for the bother.
Want me to kill the post?
Oops, replied in the wrong spot. Yes, please.
*updates stalking target list*
Do you want that comment zorched?
Zorch away. Thanks.
I like this one, too.
Now you’re just showing off, asshole 😉
50 Shades of Gray audition? Kidding. She’s a cutie.
You need to lock that shit down, bruh.
More seriously, consider whether she would be OK with you sharing that.
She is fun, better looking than me, and even open to libertarian politics. We’ve been dating about 5 months but were friends before that. Now it’s getting a bit more serious and she told me she is in love with me.
You’ll find out if it’s really love after she gets the green card. Los Doyers can tell you all about this- he’s working on a green card for a tranny.
I see no one’s commented on this and it’s nearing noon in the east. Please tell me this has a hilarious backstory.
I have footage from their third date.
Consult an immigration attorney.
Its a trap.
and traps are gay. so it is very gay
We’ve been dating about 5 months
It’s a little early to propose marriage
::Does not compute. Does not compute. Error! Errrrr-oooorrrrrrrrr!::
Be fair, Sloop. 20 minutes into the first dat e is a little speedy for most people.
I don’t get all this formal, Victorian-level courtship here.
“Ooh, look at us! We’re gonna date for more than a month before getting married.”
Damn puritans.
More then a month… I’ve been dating the girlfriend for 5 years now.
/checks for buckles on shoes
Thank you all for your advice, (which autocorrected to abuse) and compliments as well.
*NOTE* Too much info comment and all those following have been removed at request – you are not missing time, and aliens did not abduct you.
That’s not what the History guy says.
Yeah, it was noticed and appreciated.
I missed the first picture? *shakes fist at Swiss*
Wait and Ask Zardoz
Zardoz was hurt when he was young, and still quite bitter. Why else think the penis is evil?
He’s a Malthusian Feminist?
I dont know either of you well enough to give you advice on romance. I will just tell you this: I dated my wife for less than a year. We have been married 20? years, maybe 22, I cant remember and neither can she. It has been the best two decades of my life by a long shot. Before I was married I catted around quite a bit. I was miserable and didn’t realize how miserable I was until I found this one. Take SugarFree’s advice. Lock that shit down and dont look back.
woah , woah, WOAH! take a step back after saying such a thing and re-evaluate.
I’ll take Sentences That Have Never Been Uttered Before In The History Of English for $500, Alex.
She is fun, better looking than me, and even open to libertarian politics.
So mythical, then? Well, you’ve got no problem.
The Mellon Tax Cuts of the 1920s
“Opponents of tax cuts claim that the large income tax cuts in the 1920s caused increased inequality and the Great Depression
On the other hand, proponents of tax cuts have used the 1920s tax cuts (sometimes referred to as the Mellon after the Secretary of the Treasury Andrew Mellon) to illustrate how tax cuts can fuel so much economic growth that they generate increases in revenue
I am not persuaded that either of these stories clearly establishes connections between cause (tax cuts) and effect (inequality, economic growth, Great Depression). “
I love how the left’s solution to inequality is world war. Nothing equalizes the human race like mass suffering and death.
Love it or hate it, bitcoin represents a market out of control
In its harshest rendering, those strong free market principals oppose taxation as a form of theft and see the ideal world through a lens of social Darwinism where people should “eat what they kill” and devil take the hindmost.
He’s got that strawman on the ropes.
I was about to say the same thing.
This makes the least sense to me. If you think Bitcoin is a bad bet, then don’t put money into it.
Market out of control = Free market.
The horror.
Hitler reacts to the Big 10 bowl season.
For Sloopy.
Oh man. That’s a really good one. Thanks for sharing.
Urban Meyer is Hitler?
Only to you, Ted. Only to you.
Get ready to look at some women with lust.
17, 22, 27, 36, 39
39 is pretty. 40 has the best smile.
What’s a cold ass honky?
A working plumber?
7 34 and 55
#33 has a nice pussy
Do I even have to look?
Does #45 come with the beer?
Give #17 a Phillies cap and I’m up for her.
Can’t put my finger on it, but I got to 2 and didn’t need to see any other candidates.
a girl working at a marina filled the fresh water tank with fuel. She spilled some into the boat and tried to clean it with a vacuum cleaner. It sparked and the boat went up. She was blown over the stern and wasn’t injured.
You made that up!
No need, while Florida Woman exists.
The nation’s drug addiction will be impossible to crack if we — for some perverse notion — value the material wealth of our nation’s richest one percent over the well-being of a neighbor, a friend, a family member, a community.
“cost”? So, if not forced to get it, they simply won’t do so on their own? Are they forbidden?
Stop trying to inject your hetero-normative view of what is happening. If people are not forced to buy a product, then people are being excluded from healthcare.
“value the material wealth of our nation’s richest one percent over the well-being of a neighbor, a friend, a family member, a community.”
Here’s an idea, instead of using a middleman, just form a charity and ask the One percent for some money. You will find that they are generous to a worthy cause. Or is it that they aren’t willing to give “tens of billions” so that you can live a lavish lifestyle while pretending to help the drug addicts.
Also a lot of my research indicates that there is a significant overlap between the rich and the addicted. So you are asking the government to steal money from addicts and then use it to try to ‘help’ them.
You know, I can go over a list of reasons I might have an axe to grind over my neighbor, a friend or family member. Funny thing, that guy in my building driving an Audi R8 didn’t do anything to me.
He even said hello at the elevator.
“More hilarity as Oregonians voice their displeasure at having to learn a new skill.”
Luddites. Maybe they can attack the pumps with pitchforks.
The patriarchs are falling. The patriarchy is stronger than ever
It means an end to personal and dependent exemptions (a disaster for minimum-wage workers, nearly two-thirds of whom are women)
I’m sure all those minimum wage single moms are itemizing too. Surely the doubling of the standard deduction will bypass them entirely.
Didn’t you hear the part about how only white males can get that doubling of the standard deduction? My wife actually told me about some dummies on derpbook who were saying that the tax cuts are only for white people. What? That isn’t true?
Oh muh gawds, does this mean we’re going to see a decrease in crack hoes cranking out welfare babies? Oh noes! Orphans, man the tear barrels!
So he threw a bomb, and lobbed a grenade?
Of course there is nothing patriarchal about Big Daddy government paying your way.
Needing 100 million men to take care of you instead of just one is true grrrl power.
But you see, the solitary man would expect something in return.
Stealing this
The classic hag frag.
Delta Sued – 4 Flight Attendants Unite Against Alleged Anti-Semitism
Sounds fishy. How many Jews fly from New York to Israel?
Isn’t that somthing like 150% of the NYC-Israel air traffic?
I get Rico to pump my gas.
what is the mileage on a nice white van anyway?
well maybe that wan was to. You don’t know romanian euphemisms
“OK, this is a dick move. But I’m having a hard time ginning up too much anger at the offending party when the masses of the “aggrieved” are such assclowns.”
Yeah, it’s stupid. No need to worry about the vegans anyway, after a few generations of them breeding, they’ll develop a brain about the size of a bunny rabbit and we can just put them out in the field to chew on weeds.
It’s ok. I was told humans are omnivorous and were never meant to eat meat by a vegan. I’m always struck by how much knowledge vegetarians and vegans have about humans. Ever notice how they lecture about what we were *meant* to eat, or what our *original* diet was?
Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk.
I don’t think they understood what the word “Omnivorous” means then.
LOL. He understands that humans actually did eat meat, for hundreds of millions of years. He just also understands that they were not ‘meant’ to eat meat. /derp
Whenever I get the “original diet” shit (the paleos love that as well), I ask them if we really want to aim for the life expectancy of our ancestors.
I lose many friends this way.
Obviously our diet should consist mostly of jelly donuts. But I hear you. It’s like anytime I ever see an article about life extension technology and the people who are working on that, I cringe at the thought of reading the comments. If I do wade into the derp, I always point out a couple of things.
Back in the Paleolithic, the expected lifetime of a human was around 20 years. Today, in the developed world, it’s 80. That’s a 4x increase. Why is that? Technology, of course. So when you talk about using technology to add a mere 20 healthy years to the human lifespan, the Luddites and Malthusians come crawling out from under their rocks and shit all over the place. If they’re so against adding to the ‘natural’ human lifespan, why don’t they stop using AC and modern medicine. Why don’t they refrain from getting that life saving surgery? Hypocrites.
“Back in the Paleolithic, the expected lifetime of a human was around 20 years”
Is this accounting for if you made it to maturity? At
Or is it rolling infant mortality into it?
I assume that it’s a total avg and that your avg person did not make it longer because of a number of reasons, no food, the elements, death by poisoning, blunt trauma, or being eaten by a large cat or whatever. I doubt it would count infant mortality unless finding tiny soft bone is possible and I would have to think that would be very rare or not at all.
I would like to die at the same rate from being fat that they did, yes.
I hate that argument. The point of humans is to alter our environment. That’s our big-ass fangs or hump that stores water or whatever. That’s our key survival tool. Evolutionarily-speaking, we stop being scavenging monkeys with vivid imaginations once we figure out how to change our environment. All of our adaptations, from linguistic ability to bipedalism to hand-eye coordination, reinforce our ability to change our environment to better suit us.
Are we evolved or not?
Humans ate meat and that led to a large brain. That’s what I’ve heard anthropologists say, anyway. You might mention that to your friend, since I’m sure he freaking loves science. Although I’m guessing that he’d sooner believe some book written by an Indian mystic.
There are patterns of diet among primates. pairs of more herbivorous and more carnivorous primates of similar body form. The herbivores are universally more sedentary and less productive, spending most of their time chewing. They also end up more often endangered, because they are less able to move in response to changing conditions.
But the lazy leaf chewers are more in harmony with nature and stuff. They’re not out chasing that yucky material wealth by spending long hours working.
There’s a good book about the increased brain size called Fire, with some subtitle. Basic thesis is that gut, brain, and muscle are expensive. By cooking, proto-humans absorbed much more nutrition while also trading gut length for brain tissue. It isn’t meat that’s the issue, heating food to make the calories more accessible — or accessible at all in the case of many grains — is what let us develop big brains.
Yeah, this person I know went vegan several months ago. Since that time she has lost about 50lbs and developed several digestive/gut issues but can’t seem to put two and two together.
That’s the shits.
Vegans and their water drinking, man. That’s a fishes house
“Opponents of tax cuts claim that the large income tax cuts in the 1920s caused increased inequality and the Great Depression
Weren’t those cuts made because the war was over, and the revenue was no longer essential to the war effort?
Back in the days when not every everything was the responsibility of the federal government.
“Opponents of tax cuts claim that the large income tax cuts in the 1920s caused increased inequality and the Great Depression”
I want to see what papers those opponents are citing, because that isn’t close to the standard view of what caused the depression.
If companies keep giving their employees the money they should be giving the government, all hell could break loose.
American and Southwest are Bonusing All Employees $1000 Because of Tax Reform
Hey mobile users! I have a limited feature Monocle implementation that can run on mobile Firefox with tamper monkey add on installed. It may also work with other browsers that do user scripts, but I haven’t tested it. I introduce Eyepiece!
Fuck me… Of all the posts to Gilmore.
It’s the New Year and you’re getting laundry-folding robots, because the 1960s thought of everything
Skinny jeans-wearing goofballs working at Hollister hardest hit.
Maybe they can attack the pumps with pitchforks.
And torches. Don’t forget to bring torches.
That might solve a few problems.
“Emily went on to open up about developing earlier, at the age of just 12, and how this impacted her adolescence. She said: ‘I was a 12 year old [with D-cup breasts] but people looked at me as a 21 year old.
‘It was really difficult for me to understand and to come to terms with – that identity, people’s perception of me… It’s hard for a 12-year-old girl, who is basically feeling like “Why don’t you just leave me alone”.”
She was so traumatized by the experience that she grew up and had a multi-million dollar career showing her tits.
You know, back when I was a wee lass, I do remember a few girls like that in the 6th grade. Somehow, nothing really happened and those girls seemed to be really popular, for some reason.
Confirmed: Hyp is a tranny.
Pre-op or post-op?
Show us yer tittays!
I can get that.
Shut up and show us your tits.
Holy crap, folks — this is pretty big: Intel Design Flaw causes re-write of virtual memory in Windows and Linux.
Total page table isolation between kernel and user space — and the TLB flush that goes with it on every interrupt. Yeesh…
For the non-programmers — here’s my attempt at a quick explanation: Every task on your computer asks a super-task called the kernel for help when pulling data from disks/the network/whatnot [or pushing out]. Also for things like starting a new task, etc. For quite a while now, that was kept quickly by the super-task’s data being part of all tasks, just not accessible unless you made took the proper path to hand off. The bug looks like it allows operations in the task which may or may not work before a condition (like if (a) then b, else c — if the processor can have b ready before even testing a, it speeds things up) to still be visible when they shouldn’t be allowed due to data belonging to the super-task instead of the task.
The current fixes being pushed out move all the super-task data (minus a small bit to handle transitioning) outside of all tasks entirely. So every handoff between them is going to take a lot more work to switch data sets, and more importantly will flush on-chip caches that keep things speedy.
Between this and the Intel Management Engine bugs, there’s going to be a lot of people thinking AMD more I bet.
What Intel chipsets are we talking about here?
Or is this Tulpa from AMD speaking?
Aren’t we all Tulpa? 😉 [And just for the record — I do work in the tech industry, but not for Intel or AMD. Storage startup, bought by big storage recently merged with a certain Texas dude-you’re-getting-a…. if you get my drift.
Hey, we’re co-workers now!
Article just says It is understood the bug is present in modern Intel processors produced in the past decade.
Ok. I’ve never heard of it happening. And I’m not interested in any AMD garbage. I’ll take my chances.
I’m with you on taking our chances barring Intel having a swap-out with working parts.
For Linux — you can opt out (there’s a kernel command line option for nopti). For Windows, I’m betting there’s not going to be such a switch. Which means, when those patches get pushed on you (especially if you run 10 and can’t dodge them), you’re going to get the performance hit. Especially on I/O heavy jobs.
I’ve never heard of it happening.
1. It was just discovered (or at least, just revealed to the public at large)
2. It opens up a security vulnerability, so it’s not going to reveal itself to you unless you are trying to compromise your computer
3. The fix will as an unfortunate side effect slow down your system (10-25% depending) so you may notice that, but you haven’t yet because the patch hasn’t been rolled out yet
Not the chipsets, the processors. And they don’t have part number lists – but “all x64 through at least the last decade” is thrown out there. With a small exception that the Coffee Lake ones with PCID might mitigate it (assuming the Intel engineers had enough sense to not ignore PCID checks on spec loads the same way they must have ignored the protection rings!)
When I said chipsets, I mean processor. I was asking what processors, sorry for my bad terminology. Have you ever heard of this actually happening? I mean, I’ve been using Intel processors for the last decade and longer and I’ve been in IT for 20 years, first time I have ever heard about this.
I’m not any kind of expert, but ASLR might possibly mitigate the risk. It’s also possible the vulnerability didn’t make it into the wild yet.
Digging through the articles — it looks like this mainly started as a research speculation in Austria last year. They were experimenting with full isolation under the theory it could happen – but without a proof of concept.
And then late in the year, this experimental branch suddenly got escalated – the Linux core kernel developers took it on and it got pushed into the stable kernel branch (which is a big deal for a new feature). Reading between the lines, there’s a proof of concept out there and it proved how bad it could be.
Practically, I doubt anyone running home systems is going to ever be at risk. People running in Cloud environments are, though — since it isn’t what you run, it is what the jerk running on the same host is trying to do you have to worry about. Hence why folks think AWS, GCE and Azure are all coincidentally doing maintenance early this month.
And the potential performance hit for the fix is a huge fucking deal for the cloud providers. Intel is going to get a major black eye over this.
Well, it’s obvious you know a lot more about hardware than I do. I’m a software engineer. I’ve been building my own PC for 20 years, so I do have some hardware knowledge, like how to buy components and put them together, 🙂
Also, even though AMD chips don’t share the vulnerability, it’s possible they’ll still take the same performance hit unless the kernel fix is targeted to specific CPU models rather than the whole x86_64 architecture.
Linux at least already accepted a tweak that checks for AMD and skips the pti mode based on AMD stating flat out that they don’t allow speculative loads to bypass protections.
Nice. I wasn’t sure if that kind of granular control would be possible at that level.
Too bad all my systems are Intel…
The closer you get to the chip, the more granular it has to be. The closer you are to the user, the more genericized you become.
That makes sense, but I have only a very superficial understanding of kernel design so I wasn’t sure if that could be done on a chip by chip basis or if it would have to be applied across the board for all x86_64 chips. For my linux systems I’m not usually pushing performance anyway, but I’m running a 6600k for gaming on Windows. I wonder how much of a hit I’m going to see.
I don’t know. My gaming rig is a few years old, still running an i5, but my biggest resource constraint of late has been memory, not CPU.
“My gaming rig is a few years old”
Mine too, but I have an i7 and plenty of RAM. I just need to upgrade my GPU again. Was hoping that 1080ti would come down in price after the holidays, instead, it went up, A LOT. Amazon and Newegg both price gouging, obviously we need common sense GPU price control.
My 6600k is paired with 16 GB of DDR4 and a 6GB 1060, so it’s definitely going to be noticeable on certain AAA games. Fortunately I mostly play older titles. My BF1 settings are probably going to have to drop to high or medium from ultra.
Glad the NAS build I pieced together over the Newegg holiday sales is AMD.
Yeah, you’ll be fine with the 1060 if you’re only playing games that aren’t 1st or 3rd person graphically intense action games. I have 2 970s, but typically only harnessing one since SLI is rarely supported. I’m going to go for just one 1080ti, since I do play some games that need heavy lifting by the GPU.
I don’t know why I can’t reply on the subthread, so doing it here.
The Phoronix benchmarks on Linux of the change have a comment that Linux gaming at least looks less affected. I suspect that games, being what they are, tend to syscall less once they’re set up — and do most data transfer via DMA to the graphics card(s). Once the DMA is programmed into the bus controllers, the kernel doesn’t need to be involved… so if the game can keep on the cores it wants and avoid being interrupted by other OS tasks too much, it wouldn’t be as bad.
You can, sort of. Just look for the first POST COMMENT button above where you want to post. A little confusing at first.
I don’t know why I can’t reply on the subthread, so doing it here.
There’s a depth limit after which you can no longer create new subthreads. It’s better than H&R, at least, where you could create subthreads infinitely but they stopped being visually indented after a certain depth, so your comment would often seem to appear in a random location (there was a deterministic rule for the ordering, it was just confusing).
For linux, AMD submitted a patch to the fix to skip it if processor == AMD.
Patch was written by intel folks and had no such check. Given a 5-30% performance hit, this is a huge deal. I just bought my daughter a low end laptop for her birthday and am considering returning it. At $99 it was cheap enough to risk for a 7 year old, but lop off 30% from the already borderline performance and it could be unuseable when the update hits.
But cloud providers will be slammed….. suddenly needing 20% more processors… times thousands….
Read about this last night. This is a major fuck up.
And I assume that the vulnerability has been known to state actors for a while.
Found this on Phoronix comments looking at benchmarks — this was presented at
Black Hat 2016.
So yeah, apparently known for a while – certainly to state actors among others. Joy.
So, if not forced to get it, they simply won’t do so on their own? Are they forbidden?
I have have to assume, and maybe it’s just me, but for all of those who have chosen to pay a penalty, I’m betting they’ll probably be pretty damn happy about this as soon as they find out, which for most I’m sure, will be on the day they see they no longer have to pay it.
Man City did take a draw over the holidays, only their second of the season.
Teams who have taken a point off Man City:
Crystal Palace
This has been obvious for decades to anyone paying attention (read: definitely not bubble-bound East Coast journalists and urban West Coast degenerates).
You know, it’s nice to read things like this. But I don’t see much good coming out of it. Democrats will keep moving left and putting in place terrible policies that eventually drive people out of those states. The people who are drive out will go to red states and vote for Democrats. I don’t see any good outcome, and unlike Trump, most GOP are more than content to just let Democrats win.
Trying to keep the music going strong early in 2018.
Nice job!
Cue the world’s tiniest violin.
Jerry Brown looks sad, sad commie.
This is in addition to efforts to sue the federal government — as if a federal tax deduction is somehow a right.
How could they actually win that suit? Sounds absurd.
You’re surprised to see Democrats do absurd things? They think they can repeal the electoral college. They think they can impeach a duly elected president just because oh muh butthurt.
They also apparently believe that no one is going to see any benefit from these tax cuts. This mortgage deduction they’re shitting their pants over, I am assuming, would only affect more affluent people in high tax states. I thought it’s the little people they care about?
Don’t blame me. I only follow the 9th circuit.
It’s not about winning the suit, it’s about placating constituents. Especially wealthy constituents (i.e., donors) who are the hardest hit.
Well, honesty a deduction is a right. I mean if you get to keep your money from the government, I don’t care what excuse you use to keep it. I doubt that is the tack the left is taking with their arguments though.
Donald Trump threatens to withdraw all future US aid payments to Palestinians
I’m going to keep voting LP, because that’s what I do, but this guy right here… Maybe the best small government president of my lifetime (avoids glancing at military budget).
At the end of the Year in Stupid 2017, Sargon said something like “Trump is a dolt, but he’s my guy, because he sends the right people into a tizzy”.
Jesus you people want to confirm those Reason comments saying this place is just Trump apologists? Trumpy is bad mkay
Well, I did say I wouldn’t vote for him. And I’d rather hear a Harry Browne-esque “bring me a box of pens so I can start vetoing this foreign aid”, but this is almost as good because it flings poo in the face of people who resent what America stands for.
So basically you are racist sexist and hate the poor. Got it.
I find myself pickin’ up a lot of what Sargon’s puttin’ down, which I guess makes me an alt-right shitlord or something. That bit about Trump, and most of what he says about Trump, is right on. I didn’t vote for him and I part ways with him on a number of issues, but he’s right enough on enough things that I can ignore the problematic parts. And, as the saying goes, “You can always judge a man by the quality of his enemies.” I think he’s done irreparable damage to the media and the SJWs.
Apropos of nothing, I started watching “Goliath” on Amazon last night.
Much good.
I watched Zardoz the other night.
I liked it more than I expected to.
*Hat tip to whoever pointed out it was on Starz.
Is that the Billy Bob Thorton series? Great start and set up, but it was like they gave up on it half way through. disappointing finish.
Analysis of Marshall-DeKalb area, relative to similar labor markets in Alabama, 1980-2010
By Giovanni Peri with Justin Wiltshire
This short report analyzes, using Census Bureau data for 1980, 1990, 2000, and 2010, the labor market commuting zone (CZ) 6100, which includes Alabama’s Marshall, DeKalb, Jackson, and Etowah Counties. The city of Albertville is in Marshall County. Beginning in 1990, this region experienced an unusually large inflow of less-educated, foreign-born individuals—mainly from Mexico—relative to similar labor markets in Alabama. [1] We analyze whether the labor market outcomes for some groups of natives (specifically, those with low education and those working in the slaughtering sector) in this labor market diverged after 1990 from those of similar counties in Alabama. We adapt to our purpose an approach inspired by the synthetic control method.
Our analysis shows that CZ 6100 experienced extraordinary growth in immigrant population between 1990 and 2010, increasing their population share by a factor close to 10. This was very different from the experience of other counties that we take as a control group. The employment and wages of less-educated natives and of natives in the slaughtering sector, however, did not show much difference between CZ 6100 and the control group over the same period. Hence, as documented in the economic literature, there does not seem to be very much evidence of negative wage or employment effects of immigrants on natives. Immigrants not only bring labor but also local demand, and often they work in jobs differentiated from those of natives. Moreover, their presence may attract investment and bring the creation of complementary jobs for native-born workers.
The very large increase in immigrants in some counties of Alabama, especially of less-educated workers in the labor market that includes Marshall and DeKalb Counties (CZ 6100), does not seem associated with a comparable depression of native wages or employment.
Inb4 the inevitable Borjas rebuttal.
Just a heads up for those in Ohio, the state liquor control board is taking several hundred bottles off the approved list. They have however reduced the prices on those bottles (usually by about 40%).
Has the chocolate ration been increased?
Oh no, the chocolate ration is still what it was, but we’ve replaced some ungoodthinkful varieties with rightthink alternatives.
Never heard of ARDBEG AURIVERDES but it is ardbeg so must be good
On the other hand APPALACHIAN SPIT FIRE – does not sound like something a reasonable person would drink
No, but it does sound like something an awesome person would drink.
I don’t really want to know, but why?
All of the reports I was reading said that these were the slowest moving products that the state allowed. As this is a state government, this means that each different bottle size and brand need to be approved (as an example, while the 375 mL bottle of Disaronno is on the chopping block, the 750 mL bottle is not). Most of the list looks like items that I would not be purchasing anyways (although Viral Lolli Vodka sounds right up OMWC’s alley), there are a couple on there that I’ll be looking for (Tullamore Dew Phoenix and 10 year at 40% off).
Next you’ll tell me that stores can decide what sells, and what they want to keep in stock, and that way lies anarchy.
OMWC is more into wine coolers.
Mermaid Blowjobs Threatened By Climate Change
Speaking of the tax cut- I keep hearing about how the change to the mortgage interest deduction will “tank” the real estate market.
Why do liberals hate affordable housing?
Because they paid the high prices for places in New York City and San Fransisco.
If they pull this shit, I will find the absolutely heaviest demolition waste possible to fill the bins with the first day they’re back on the job.
And cover the top with Drywall dust?
The nation’s drug addiction will be impossible to crack if we — for some perverse notion — value the material wealth of our nation’s richest one percent over the well-being of a neighbor, a friend, a family member, a community.
A guy who used to work for me fatally overdosed on New Years. He showed up at my gate the day before with a presumably stolen chainsaw he wanted to sell for $40. I told my wife that I guess he found someone willing to buy it. Left behind three kids and an even more cracked out wife.
At one point, he had achieved quite a dream. Owner of a successful business pulling down $500k/year into his pocket. Then he met his future wife dancing on a pole (NTTAWWT) and she pulled him down the drug hole. He lost everything including his kids and they both went through jail like a revolving door.
At the end of the day, he did this to himself. He had more money than most people in this area will see in their entire lives and it didn’t prevent his downfall and demise. I know I’m preaching to the choir, but the addiction industry and drug warriors are nothing more than scam artists trying to use the power of the state to line their pockets.
The standard progressive’s response is to throw (other people’s) money at a problem. It shows everyone how much they care.
I double checked with the Google to verify how low rehab success rates are. Between 10%-50%. I work security at a hospital and I deal with the same group of patients over and over. Every few days they rotate through the ER high or black out drunk. They say that addicts don’t get help until they hit rock bottom but I don’t know how much farther down these people can go.
Just about 6 feet.
*opera applause*
is it me or has Chris Rock gone a little to SJWish?
He’s never exactly shied away from that though.
How so?
Not really – but about 20% of them do make north of $100k plus benefits that most people can only dream of.
I wonder how that compares to the average private wage.
Seems to match the private sector (top 20% earn >100k
You’re looking for individual income, not household income. From that page, A graph at the bottom of that page for 2014 shows 7% of individual earners in the US make 100K+.
I am all for such comparisons, there is one thing to be wary of with ‘averages’. If you aren’t careful you end up with misleading data like the gender wage gap. You have to control for variables, and you get your most accurate comparison in types of work where there is overlap between government and non government jobs. IT is a good one, clerical and managerial also show up on both sides. Things like number of hours worked should be included as well. What will screw over your numbers if you’re not careful are the sea of retail and fast food workers that exist in private industry with few comperable roles on the federal payroll.
My guess is that wages are fairly comparable in high-cost areas like DC. It’s the benefits and job security that are in a completely different realm.
Disclosure: I work for state government alongside feds in the DC area.
I’ve forgotten the website but government salaries are a matter of public record, and you can look them up online on an individual basis. Where I am, with both the feds and the state, it’s not that you’re going to make a ton of money so much as you’ll start out comfortable and stay there. Typically you’re on a scale, and there aren’t increases for merit so much as just regular increases for time in the position. You might get a promotion if you change titles, which could result in a modest bump, but mostly you’re going to be getting more or less regular, small raises. In the private sector version of comparable positions, you’d start at a lower salary and wind up making much more.
The big differences are the benefits and the stability. Your job requirements won’t change, or the change will be very gradual. The pace of work is usually pretty steady and is not typically going to require routinely working past normal hours. Often you’ve got a ton of paid leave and very good health insurance, plus a very nice retirement package. And because it’s government, your position will almost certainly not go anywhere. You might get relocated or transferred to another agency, but you’ll have a job, and probably the same job. It’s very, very difficult to fire someone.
Oh, and of course there are positions that just don’t exist in much of the private sector, if anywhere. Like you’re probably not going to get hired as the Diversity Goal Coordinator outside of government, or at least not at a salary level that’s enough to live on.
Here’s a breakdown by educational attainment. At the low end, .gov workers are paid quite well. At the high end, the cut-off (% of vice-president’s salary) comes into play.
I wonder how that compares to the average private wage.
I will use me as an example.
VHA Healthcare Compliance Specialist:
I started at GS-11 Step 1 at ~$62k/year base + locality. I had TSP (basically a 401k), opted out of health insurance. Paid into FEGLI, FERS, etc. When I left 3 years later GS-11 Step 4 at ~$68k base + locality, still opted out of health insurance. Paid into FEGLI, FERS, etc.
Compliance Analyst (commercial insurance company):
$60k/year. 401K, opted out of health insurance. Paying into life insurance.
Other than the rules governing the organization, the roles are nearly identical.
Quote of the day:
“yearofthedragon Rank 88
Being 70 years old and living in New Jersey for the past four years, I can’t tell you how nice it is to have someone pump your gas for you when it’s 12 degrees with a wind chill factor of 1 degree outside and tipping a buck for not having to get out of my car to do it, isn’t going to break the bank.”
Riiight. And he needed the government to force this?
Jesus some people.
Amazingly, I can find full service pumps here in the wilds of Ohio. I can’t think of a single time I’ve ever used one, but they exist.
Really? Must be a Northern Ohio thing. I’ve never seen one when I lived in Cincy, or now in Central Ohio.
It’s not common, but I can think of maybe three stations off the top of my head that (at least) still had the signs up for Full service.
Well being 39 years old I hope I’m not such a useless pussy in 41 years.
…and hopefully better at math…
From the Clinton article:
One storyline that has emerged is that the FBI’s own documents stated there was evidence some laws had been broken, but bureau leaders declined to pursue charges on the grounds they could not prove Clinton and her aides intended to violate the law.
Good news! THE FBI WON”T PURSUE CHARGES IF YOU BROKE THE LAW ON ACCIDENT! Remember that next time you have a run-in with law enforcement.
Mens rea is a thing again. Huzzah!
It is, when some guy on Twitter says ‘Reeeeee’.
Reason championed that view. It seemed duplicitous at the time. “We shouldn’t be mad because this one politician want charged, because it means mens Rhea is back! Not that it was used as a cover for not investigating a corrupt politician.”
“Can you prove that *I* was the one who put those bricks of cocaine in my trunk, or am I free to go?”
You put them in there accidentally? Then you’re free to go, if you’re a US Congressman or a Clinton.
And thus ‘The Hillary defense strategy’ was born..
It’s so funny how they just nonchalantly included that. To me that’s about the worst statement. There’s no way they’d say that if it were one of us serfs being investigated. “He was drunk, but we can’t prove that he INTENDED to hit that other car, so we have no case.”
Intent matters in cases of treason. Otherwise, national security disclosures are strict liability crimes. In Clinton’s case, she intentionally went outside of the security safeguards and was advised against doing so. She would be guilty of violating security procedures, a crime in of itself.
The thing is, they had mens rea. Mens rea isn’t an affirmative intent to knowingly and intentionally break a law. If that were the case, then ignorance of the law would be a defense. There are levels of mens rea – sometimes its malice, but most often these days its the intent to accomplish something that is illegal. Mens rea is often inferred from the scope of the illegal activity, which is why they had it on the Clinton operation in spades.
Plus, among the many laws that the Clinton operation broke were some that had a gross negligence standard. Mens rea is not necessary to commit negligence or gross negligence.
“You fucking serious, Youtube???? LMAO
T H E D A N G E R S O F P O T A T O E S”
Judge throws out case against UVM student for ‘racist and threatening language’
This is a case that never should have been brought against him,” said Ben Luna, Wesley Richter’s lawyer.
In October, the UVM continuing education student was cited by police for a charge of disorderly conduct after university officials said he used “explicitly racist and threatening language” against black students and diversity initiatives on campus. But after nearly two months of review, a Burlington judge has decided there was no probable cause and on Tuesday dismissed the case.
Who the hell does UVM think they are? Germany? The UK?
“What we allege he did, we still allege he did. It just didn’t rise to the level of a hate crime.”
– Chittenden County State’s Attorney Sarah George
Sure, he’s not guilty of a crime or anything, no crime was committed in fact, but they’re continuing to smear him. Prosecutors really are the scum of the earth.
While courtroom discussion revealed statements were made in a phone conversation, exactly what Richter allegedly said still remains unknown. Police, prosecutors and university officials have declined to release details, and an affidavit that would have revealed them was never made public since the judge never found probable cause.
Why does the phrase “star chamber” come to mind?
Organic milk sales have cooled as the very shoppers who drove demand for the specialty product not long ago move on to newer alternatives, leaving dairy sellers and producers grappling with oversupply.
A yearslong surge in demand prompted food companies and dairy farmers to invest in organic production, which requires eschewing pesticides and antibiotics and allowing cows to graze freely. Now, organic-milk supplies have ballooned just as demand has stalled. Many shoppers have moved on to substitutes such as almond “milk,” which contain no dairy.
Part of the glib fitness challenge everyone of you must drink a gallon of organic milk per day
Organic milk? That stuff’ll kill you. I’ll stick with Raw Water.
Jesus Christ…
In a supermarket next to me something called gold water appeared, apparently containing a minute quantity of gold particles. Is is rather expensive for water.
There’s still Goldschlager.
Yeah, I’m not sold on this one. People who stuck to raw water way back when died from the plague.
Organic milk is way better than regular milk. Anyway….
“Their founder, Mukhande Singh, is a strong believer in the power of raw water.
“Tap water? You’re drinking toilet water with birth control drugs in them,” he told The New York Times.
“Chloramine, and on top of that they’re putting in fluoride. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but it’s a mind-control drug that has no benefit to our dental health.””
that has no benefit to our dental health
Paraphrase of my dental hygienist MIL: I can always tell who grew up on well water by looking at their teeth. The lack of fluoride is quite apparent.
That sounds good, but I’m going to wait until they come out with a diet version of raw water…
“All the oxygen, half the hydrogen!”
Marketed as HO Water?
Gluten free, for an extra $5 a gallon.
Another sales gimmick. Organic milk is the same as regular milk. Both are from Holsteins, are homogenized, and are pasteurized. If you want to taste something as different from store milk as a fine craft beer is to Budweiser, get some raw milk from a grass fed Jersey.
It’s actually an interesting look at large corporations using the regulatory power of government to destroy competition. Raw milk is very safe from a small farm, because the cows are hand milked so you know exactly what’s in it and can skip the cow if something is wrong. Everything goes into the milk at dairy farms, so it has to be pasteurized for safety. Cow has an infected udder? Doesn’t matter, all the infected puss goes into the milk. The dairy industry is the biggest advocates for making raw milk illegal, just like the big alcohol distributors tried to keep out craft beer start-ups.
My cows aren’t in milk right now so I buy 5 gallons a week from the grocery store just like everyone else. It sure would be nice to sell the raw milk to all these specialty shoppers in this article though.
5 GALLONS a week!?
Yep, used to be 6 but the kids are slowing down now. Just two little ones but they destroy milk.
Between my daughter and I we go through just under a gallon a day.
I’m trying to remember the last time I bought milk and I suspect it was at least 2 years ago.
Being as I started becoming lactose intolerant in the past 5 years, I hardly ever touch milk anymore.
The occasional Milkshake/Malt from Sonic or DQ is it, anymore.
I used to live on cereal, too.
My boy (9 years old) has never had a glass of milk (outside of the direct-from-the-tap stuff and formula in infancy). I think I had my last glass of milk at about 7 years old.
My husband (and kids) could go through 2 gallons a day if we bought milk. Fortunately (for our grocery budget), I convinced him that sacrificing his sinuses for the sake of his addiction was making him miserable.
I stopped drinking milk (for the most part) years ago when I started low-carbing more or less permanently, then later realized I had an intolerance to it.
We still get it, but it’s a rare treat, like breakfast cereal and milk on Christmas morning.
WTF is organic milk anyway?
Does it mean the cows are carbon based?
Or that all the inorganic material, like calcium, is removed from the milk?
I tried reason. I tried showing her studies suggesting it was bunk. Nope. My wife insists that I purchase organic milk.
Organic cheese on the other hand, is unnecessary. Though I do buy organic butter, because technically Kerrygold is organic, and it is delicious.
Kerrygold is good stuff.
A 5% pay bump plus abother bump and still sues?
Mike Tyson to Open 40-Acre Marijuana Resort ‘Tyson Ranch’ in Southern California
The latest on the saga of the screening for at-risk-of-substance-abuse/DUI of all 7th graders:
The head nurse of the school district tersely informed me via email that the district had placed my daughter on the do-not-screen list.
I also sat down with my daughter and discussed the danger of discussing potentially illegal acts with school officials while encouraging her to bring up any concerns to me, her mom, her step-mom, her therapist or her pediatrician. She understood the nuance. I explained that it is a privacy issue. That there is a danger that they might misunderstand something she says, or she might misunderstand a question, or simply they make a mistake and check the wrong boxes, and it would then start her down an intervention that was inappropriate. She absolutely understood. She promised that if they did start asking questions about drugs or other illegal stuff, she’d insist on getting my permission before answering questions. I’m very proud of her.
What is particularly upsetting about this is that if they just got rid or drug/alcohol prohibition for minors, (1) most, if not all, the problems associated with underage substance abuse would evaporate, and (2) then any residual problems would be ones where the schools could contribute to helping kids in the early stages of developing a substance abuse problem. And I would view this sort of screening in the same light as scoliosis screening. I want to encourage my kids to have an open, trusting relationship with the people educating them, but bullshit like this makes that imprudent.
So long as the commonwealth has district attorneys prosecuting children and imprisoning them in juvenile detention, and DCF breaking up families because the parents were caught with contraband, and schools inviting police to patrol the halls in search of contraband, I can’t in good conscience permit my children to answer vague questions like “how many days have you had more than a few sips of alcohol” to anyone drawing a paycheck from the government.
Under the current regime, if I were to suspect that my daughter was developing a substance abuse problem, I would work with her pediatrician and therapist to investigate and correct the problem. The last people I would involve in the matter would be people working for the state.
What is particularly upsetting about this is that if they just got rid or drug/alcohol prohibition for minors – Yeah I would not bet on America solving the vice thing it has going. I mean its for the children, district attorneys are doing it for their own good, no matter how many lives might be destroyed
“Oh My God, This Is So F—ed Up”: Inside Silicon Valley’s Secretive, Orgiastic Dark Side
Some of the most powerful men in Silicon Valley are regulars at exclusive, drug-fueled, sex-laced parties—gatherings they describe not as scandalous, or even secret, but as a bold, unconventional lifestyle choice. Yet, while the guys get laid, the women get screwed.
I believe there is a critical story to tell about how the women who participate in these events are often marginalized, even if they attend of their own volition.
So overall it is perfectly voluntary but some women find it icky
So, these young women would like to have a lavish lifestyle and access to lots of money, but they don’t want to put out to get it.
Got it.
These rich men should just send them money and not expect anything in return.
There’s also significant sour grapes here:
“Guys that were nerdy in High School have all the money and power now and they won’t just shut up and marry me! They want to use their money and power to play the field! MISOGYNY!”
Doubly hilarious that behavior SF Progs have been relentlessly promoting since the 60’s is now “problematic” because the wrong people are engaging in it.
“You mean smashing sexual morals means that horny men want to sleep around and don’t just settle down to support me and my kids?!? This is NOT the liberation I was promised!!!!”
NB: Who gives a shit what these people do. If you wanna spend your life trying to rack up as many bedpost notches as possible before you croak, have at it. If you wanna join a monastery and Skoptsy yourself, have at it. Progs just can’t stand leaving people alone to do what they want.
Besides the “rich people in Northern California throw Ecstasy parties” angle, that’s pretty much it.
“Yet, while the guys get laid, the women get screwed. In an adaptation from her new book, Brotopia, Emily Chang exposes the tired and toxic dynamic at play.”
“When I ask Founder X whether these men are taking advantage of women by feeding them inhibition-melting drugs at sex parties, he replies that, on the contrary, it’s women who are taking advantage of him and his tribe, preying on them for their money.
On their way up to a potential multi-million-dollar payout, some younger founders report, more and more women seem to become mysteriously attracted to them no matter how awkward, uncool, or unattractive they may be.
However many founder hounders exist, the idea of these women lives large in the minds of Silicon Valley founders, who often trade stories about women they’ve dated. As Founder X puts it, “We’ll say whether some girl is a fucking gold digger or not, so we know who to avoid.”
When I tell her this, Ava, a young female entrepreneur, rolls her eyes. According to Ava, who asked me to disguise her real identity and has dated several founders, it’s the men, not the women, who seem obsessed with displays of wealth and privilege. She tells of being flown to exotic locations, put up in fancy hotels, and other ways rich men have used their money to woo her. Backing up Ava’s view are the profiles one finds on dating apps where men routinely brag about their tech jobs or start-ups. In their online profiles, men are all but saying, “Hello, would you like to come up to my loft and see my stock options?”
In Ava’s experience, however, once men like this land a woman, they are quick to throw her back. After a few extravagant dates, Ava says, she will initiate a conversation about where the tryst is going. The men then end things, several using the same explanation. “They say, ‘I’m still catching up. I lost my virginity when I was 25,’ ” Ava tells me. “And I’ll say, ‘Well, you’re 33 now, are we all caught up yet?’ In any other context, [these fancy dates] would be romantic, but instead it’s charged because no one would fuck them in high school. . . . I honestly think what they want is a do-over because women wouldn’t bone them until now.””
Cry me a river Ava. You’re just pissed that the sisterhood sold its leverage cheap in the sexual revolution. Supply and demand sweetheart; your pussy isn’t worth as much as it used to be because it’s a buyers’ market.
She is also going on extravagant dates with guys she knows don’t want a committed relationship, instead of going on less-expensive dates with guys looking to get married.
So, basically, the author’s pissed off because guys who she wouldn’t give the time of day to when she was young are now much more eligible and are only interested in her as a cheap fling now.
I can’t say I’m particularly crazy about the guys’ choices, at least for myself. But, it’s their lives. From a moral and ethical standpoint, I’d say the girls are ultimately getting more than they deserve. The guys are rich and successful. They’re giving the women access to things they’d never be able to have on their own merits. And most of the women in question would have turned up their noses at the guys just a few years earlier.
Honestly, I don’t blame the guys one bit. The guy in the article talks about them sorting out who’s a gold-digger. But, it sounds to me like they’re all gold-diggers. As such, it’s fine to have a good time with them, but it’s not like they owe the women a lasting, committed relationship.
I can have a modicum of sympathy for the wife who gets dumped by the guy who decides he wants to trade her in for a trophy wife. These women, on the other hand, sound like they’re bitching that they don’t get to be treated like the trophy wife without the bother of being a trophy or putting in the time when the guy was starting out.
“Electrician strangles himself in self-built porn spaceship”
Excellent article about Oregon (City Journal link).
No prob. Lifelong Westerners (like myself, and my parents) have been lamenting the migration of coastal locusts for decades.
Well it was easier to beat them up and take their money back then
Gah god damn ot wrong thread
It works there too.
I think someone linked this yesterday, but my response remains the same. If the California Bureau of Investigation figures out who did this, they will go through everything in their life and end up putting them in prison for life. One does not perform Lese Majeste when it can harm California Democrats.
Fucking Trump is lying AGAIN!
Trump boasts of ‘nuclear button’ but doesn’t really have one
Get impeachment trials started now. How can our republic survive someone who lies all the time?
Because a physical button would be stupid.
I doubt Kim has one either, at least not one that functions.
“You think I’m bluffing? You think I don’t have an actual button? Is that a chance you’re willing to take?”
The button brings him a Diet Coke.
He has a metaphorical button.
The fuck’s wrong with these people?
That story is currently showing up at the top center of the local rag’s website. Where the really important stuff goes.
That is what made me giggle at it.
But the comments make it all worthwhile:
Hitler? Check.
I’m an ashamed Republican? Check.
Fox News? Check.
Russia? Check.
The press can get very pedantic when it suits the narrative. Remember that Trump got a bunch of this gruff back when he said the Obama administration was wiretapping his building. Turns out that no one went into the telephone landline bank in the building and connected some wires, so, you know…
The boss says push a button on a guy, I push a button, see senator?
This is an excellent example of Trump’s enemies taking him literally, but not seriously.
Let’s try this again.
Hey mobile users! I have a limited feature Monocle implementation that can run on mobile Firefox with tamper monkey add on installed. It may also work with other browsers that do user scripts, but I haven’t tested it. I introduce Eyepiece!
Very limited functionality. It appears that even the hide old threads button doesn’t work on mobile. (by the way, eyepiece does work on computers if you prefer the stripped down style)
Towards a Bra-free Instagram Experience
What’s really tragic is the fact that there is just no way for her to stop using Instagram. It’s on her phone forever, can never be deleted and she is forced–FORCED– to look at it multiple times a day.
It’s even worse:
She also has to compare herself to the sexy lingerie models. This is being forced on her; there is simply no way for her to avoid this line of thought.
Hey Lauren, how about stop reading it?
From one of the ads:
Yes, please.
overall it is perfectly voluntary but some women find it icky
And, of course, the people who find it icky are under no obligation to participate, but if they wouldn’t want to do it, they feel nobody should be permitted to do it.
As I have said, in the past, much of liberal paternalism is based on the premise that any activity too difficult or dangerous or icky for *somebody* is too difficult or dangerous or icky for *anybody*.
OT: job news. I was offered a class at a local university – communication law. One night, one class, one semester. Cake walk, right? 😉
Gak! hyperventilates into handy paper bag . . .
Just remember that is better to be feared than loved.
Dad? Is that you?
If you see your Mom this weekend, will you be sure and tell her… SATAN! SATAN! SATAN!
It doesn’t go away. I’ve been teaching college since 1982 and I still have weird dreams before classes start.
I love that the root cause of the Iranian protests is a leaked budget. People are pissed to discover that all their taxes are going to the mullahs, terrorist groups, and the Revolutionary Guard.
It’s always the economy, stupid.
Other people getting their free shit!
Holy shit, that Vanity Fair thing is pathetic. 21st century puritanism, in all its glory.
Also- the author, Emiily Chang? If she’s the one who works for Bloomberg?
When I tell her this, Ava, a young female entrepreneur, rolls her eyes.
*gullible nod of approval*
And one hell of a way for a school to let you go for losing to Purdue
Being a Purdue alum, I watched the entirety of that game. What’s with college bowl games and the ebb and flow? Purdue was up 3 scores going into halftime and had to rally a 2 minute drill drive to come back and win. Michigan wasn’t so lucky despite being up 3 scores. Oklahoma as well.
Halftime adjustments don’t seem to be enough of an excuse. Do the players just lack the discipline to play hard with a strong lead?
“Trump, Who Blocks Americans on Twitter, Tells Iran to Unblock Social Media During Protests”
TW: Newsweek
Everybody knows that when Trump blocks someone on Twatter, they can’t use the service at all.
More tacit media support for shit regimes because Trump doesn’t like them. They did the same damn thing with the Norks and the dotard comment and if he really caved and went after Putin they’d be singing Putin’s praises.
Oh god…
Yes, blocking someone on Twitter is censoring them. Also, I don’t think Trump has any interest in censoring his opponents – he revels in it. Half of his popularity is the fact that he sends establishment politicians and media figures into embarrassing conniption fits.
“Neo-Nazi Who Calls For ‘Slaughter’ Of Jewish Children Is Of Jewish Descent, His Mom Says
A reclusive neo-Nazi who co-runs the white supremacist Daily Stormer website, and recently said Jewish children “deserve to die,” has Jewish relatives on “both sides of his family,” his mother told Newsweek.”
TW: Newsweek
“How many transgender kids grow up to stay trans?
There are 12 such studies in all, and they all came to the very same conclusion: The majority of kids cease to feel transgender when they get older.”
But here is the important question.
How many would desist and end up happier if they were told that being transgender was a mental illness and given the option for therapy to help them recover from that illness and only engaging in the chemical and surgical processes of transitioning after that therapy failed for an extended period of time rather than having the illness indulged and told that it was a valid “life choice”
Transitioning is a valid life choice. But it’s only something that adults should choose.
Oh I agree they should be free to choose it
I just think part of that choice should require that the patient under go extensive therapy to see if the feelings can be rectified before engaging in major surgery or chemical regimes to find some resolution for the patient.
This does not mean we need to treat them as lesser people or look down on them merely acknowledge that it is a mental illness and in this case treatment failed. Also the requirement would not be a governmental thing preventing the patient from doing anything but a medical certification thing preventing the Dr from doing so and retaining his certification
In the U.S., it’s common practice that anyone medically transitioning has to see a psychiatrist.
You’re always going to be able to find a shrink who’ll sign off on it.
Fully IMO (throw rotten vegetables if you want).
It should be treated as a mental illness in all cases and any surgical/hormonal intervention should not happen for minors. Once someone reaches adulthood, then they’re free to do what they want to their own body (with their own money) but it would still be treated as a mental illness. See Body Integrity Identity Disorder:
It shares a lot of similarities with transgenderism; a feeling of being in the wrong body, a strong desire to undergo medical procedures to rectify this perception and a tiny percentage of the population suffering from it. It *is* a mental illness, but surgeons will still sometimes amputate the offending limb of these adults. I see the two disorders as almost identical.
I don’t. While are a numerous differences between male and female brains, and transgender and cisgender brains, there is no such evidence for body integrity identity disorder.
I vaguely remember reading a study from a link here a few months back that pretty much said that prior studies that made pronouncements about being able to detect “male v. female brains” and see trans people on a FMRI were crap. I wish I even knew where to start looking for that link.
“Planned Parenthood: We Did 321,384 Abortions; Got $543.7 Million in Tax Dollars”
Yaya state funded mass murder!
So what’s the deal with the youtuber and the Japanese suicide forest?
it is memeing all over the webz
Idiot goes to where suicides are common. Finds dude hanging from a tree. Shows it. Dumbshit.
It’s because of the aliens:
Found my next camping trip. *Twists on tinfoil hat*
Many people are complaining it wasn’t demonetized, while much less offensive videos (eg. that Serbian video about potatoes) are demonetized.
Upon further review, it looks like Logan Paul never monetized it in the first place. Then he took it down himself.
“Either YouTube is **outright lying** to @CNN , or CNN is lying to the public. @TrustedFlagger ‘s screenshot indicates YouTube/Google staff reviewed Logan Paul’s video and took no action. …”
Also, it looks like his apology got over 15M views already.
“Why Logan Paul Should Really Worry Us
It’s not so much the popular, controversial YouTuber himself, but what he represents.
Are bros taking over the Internet? Well, watching any of the Paul brothers’ videos, you might be inclined to think that. (Watch Logan brag about his year. And then watch his brother do it.) But there are also all those Nazi dweebs and men’s-rights toads racking up views and swaying people to their terrible causes, and I wouldn’t exactly call them bros. We should still resist most bro culture where we can, absolutely. But it’s only one head of the hydra.
What should remain troubling is that they will be replaced. And quite likely by more and worse. YouTube culture—perhaps social media in general—exists in a state of entropy. Gamergate gave way to the alt-right, just as whatever you want to call these fratty white boys aping Jackass and appropriating dated hip-hop poses will probably lead to some other horror. Because there hasn’t actually been much done to guide or, frankly, police YouTube by anyone who might have once had the power to do so—other than the creators themselves. Which of course was the egalitarian dream of the platform, one that once sounded nice, as some utopian earlier-Internet ideal. But just as Twitter has shown—in its descent from a forum for amusing one-liners to a hellish bog of harassment and Nazism—when left nearly entirely to its own devices, the central spirit of the Internet hive mind, its great howling id, tends toward darkness.”
“YouTube represents a wild frontier where personalities can forego the old standards of media and survive violating various taboos without losing their fans. This has led many liberal journalists to view the video service as a hotbed for Nazis and other noxious forces.
“I don’t think liberals are ready for the crop of hard-right white youths born in the 21st century and receiving most of their political information from YouTube Nazis who are coming up behind the Millennials,” Vox’s Matt Yglesias wrote in a post that earned over 2000 retweets.
It’s not really true that YouTube is a hub for racism and toxic right-wing views. In the real world, YouTube censors a host of political views from the Right, including standard conservatives like Prager University.
But what upsets liberals is that they don’t have control over what goes on YouTube, and that infuriates them. That lack of control may mean evil Nazis get to spread their views, or at the very least obnoxious bros continue to make a lot of money off their videos.
While Logan Paul has absolutely no connection with the alt-right, the fact that a blonde-haired, blue-eyed bro has a lot of influence over young people is still an uncomfortable thought for the liberal critics.
They would rather have someone who is more obviously politically correct.”
“People asked me to translate the top Japanese tweets about #LoganPaul, so here you go.”
Can someone catch me up on this? I have no idea who the hell Logan Paul is or what his suicide thing is about.
Now that’s the proper response to a simpering twit.
Well played, sir.
17 points of stupidity (ORS 480.315):
(8) The hazard described in subsection (7) of this section is heightened when the customer is pregnant;
Won’t somebody think of the children!
OMWC is doing his best.
So long Rich Rod. Maybe we (class of ’00) can get Gruden. Or Chuck Pagano. Or Jack Del Rio. Or even Bruce Ariens since he already lives in Arizona.
* continues daydreaming of an Arizona natty *
If it weren’t for double standards etc. etc…
First, allow me to – once again – express my appreciation for including cricket updates in the sports news.
A minor -possible – correction to the college BB report: KU’s loss last night was their first conference home loss. The other home losses were to non-conference opponents (although, technically, the loss to Washington was on a neutral floor).
Drudge has the red banner up. “Bannon Turns. `Treason` at Trump Tower”. Looks like it’s all about that Don Jr/Russian lawyer meeting. Meh.
Re: Q’s link above about Oregon. Couple points:
1) Oregon is divided into Western & Eastern Oregon if you’re from Portland. If you want to go with two divisions, it’s the Willamette Valley and everything else. Southern Oregon is much more akin to the eastern part of the state. Really it’s five areas from blue to red: the Willamette Valley, the Coast, Central Oregon, Southern Oregon, Eastern Oregon.
2) Repeats the canard that the Endangered Species Act is responsible for Oregon’s wood products decline when it mostly the straw that broke the camel’s back
a) changes in mill technology rendered older mills obsolete and requiring far fewer workers
b) boom & bust cycle of wood products hit the bust stage in the early 1980’s, along with a) above. Never came back because it was uneconomical to do so.
c) increases trade and demand for raw logs vs finished lumber
d) decline in historically well above average cutting of federal forest lands (duh!) of the 1970’s and earlier
e) rise of cheaper alternative wood sources such as retimbering in the South, shorter cycles than fir and other NW woods (hi suthenboy!)
f) also along with a) is the change in usage of logs. Far more efficient now, and with smaller logs. Used to be a good chunk was trash and burned because there was no use for it. Aside from EPA regulations on burning, there’s far less scrap and it’s used elsewhere (laminates, particle board and similar, sawdust, barkdust, etc).
There is practically no waste now. Chip’n’saw machines make lumber out of smaller trees (notice that nearly every board at the lumber store has a center in it?) and the saw dust and waste all goes into a steam engine that supplements electricity for the mill.
The timber market cycles are a symptom of the cycles in the home building market.
As for retimbering in the south I am astonished at the amount of >10 year old timber around here. Also, mills down here have been closing like mad over the last 20 years…there just wasn’t enough timber to feed them. Now? There is going to be a glut of pine timber sometime in the next 20 years.
*I have been planting hard wood. The price of hardwood is finally on par with pine, especially yellow poplar.
Fortunately for us the price of hunting leases added up on a year by year basis is also coming close to the price of selling timber every 25 years (timber grows faster in Louisiana than anywhere else in the world) so I soon may not have to cut my trees ever again. Well, selecting a few individual trees for slabs, burl etc would be ok, but it kills me to clear cut 40 acre lots I have tended and watched grow all my life. If we could get a decent income out of hunting leases those trees would never see a saw.
“destroy the child corrupt them all but it’s converted to midi”
“Advertisement By AdRecover
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Ex-Wife of ‘Feminist’ HuffPost Writer Says He Beat Her In Front of Their Baby”
Why is someone’s messy relationship news?
Hey! Nogales is in the news!
//half my relatives
“Hipster Clothing Shop Vandalized, Labeled ‘Racist,’ Robbed and Threatened for Having a Teepee
A hipster clothing line’s Nashville shop was vandalized and robbed on Friday for having a teepee outside their storefront and in their brand’s logo. The vandals have now published a communique on an Antifa website vowing to continue the harassment unless the “racist” store owners cave to their demands.
Tribe Kelley is exactly where you would imagine annoying 20-somethings from Echo Park to go shopping for their Coachella wardrobes, but respectably — all of their products are made in the USA.
Co-founded by Brian Kelley of the country duo the Florida Georgia Line and his wife Brittney, the brand focuses on “transitional fashion pieces that are intended to keep you feeling comfortable and stylin’ from the plane to the party.”
“Creating jobs domestically and ethically producing our clothing is important to the brand. Each piece is designed with love, carefully sourced and proudly produced right here in the United States,” the website states.
Though the goal of the small business owners appears to be noble by any reasonable person’s expectation, they have found themselves under attack as “colonizers” and the victims of thieves and vandals who have vowed to continue the crimes against them.”
Man, social justice sure involves a lot or property damage…
You didn’t build that!
So they promise to come back and steal the new tipi if they put one up?
Sounds like a plan to me. Put up the new tipi, hide in the bushes with a baseball bat and hilarity ensues.
Any odds on the probability that the vandal/thief has any indian blood in them at all? (I mean real ancestry, not Liz Warren self-reported shit).
I’d take 10 to 1 odds that none of the vandals have any Native American blood, except maybe in their imaginations.
I think I posted this before, but.
I took this in Annapolis a while back in front of a shop.
Ok, sigh…
token Injun
Ah, a communique. What is it with violent leftists and communiques? Weathermen were dopes that who could only operate because of the establishment’s support for their activities. I don’t think that’s going to work so well post 9/11.
“Company Harvesting Human Body Heat to Mine Cryptocurrencies
A Dutch startup has been using the body heat of volunteers to mine cryptocurrencies in a project reminiscent of “The Matrix.”
The Institute of Human Obsolescence (IoHO), a business venture based in The Hague, Netherlands, since 2015 has utilized specially-designed bodysuits to turn excess body heat into digital currency.
“A single human body at rest radiates 100 watts of excess heat,” IoHO’s website states. “We created a body-suit that uses thermoelectric generators to harvest the temperature differential between the human body and ambient and converts it into usable electricity. The electricity generated is then fed to a computer that produces cryptocurrency.”
They oughtta be using that excess heat for the upcoming bombogenesis.
I prefer bimbogenesis.
So I caught up on the Logan Paul kerfuffle.
My take: the Left can’t stand the fact that a white cis-hetero shitlord has influence, therefore we have to start censoring youtube. The fact that he filmed a dead body in a place where people are known to commit suicide seems utterly ancillary.
Scott Adams on Trump the wrecking ball.
This might be the most surprising thing he accomplished. People hate the NFL, but love their team. It got to the point a few years back that Roger Goodell threatened to move the Super Bowl, prompting Jan Brewer to veto a bill. I don’t think he can hold that much weight anymore.
Goodell is astonishingly incompetent. He took over a league that could print cash and somehow managed to fuck it up enough to turn Jerry and the Patriots into the heroes of the story.
Absolutely. Eventually his antics were going to hit them in the wallet.
Can confirm. #Chiefs
The NFL thing is a stretch to credit only to Trump. They’ve had that coming for a while now.
Okay, WTF? I deleted it, hit the back button and revised my statement. Both appear.
Well done, squirrels.
Trump kicked them on their way down and claims victory. I’d feel worse if it was anyone else, but really, the NFL deserves it.