Happy Last Weekend of 2018, Glibs! (LAST weekend, not LOST weekend. YMMV.)
I was super happy to check in on Kiva.org today and see that the tiny Glibertarians Lending Team has now made 20 loans! This has directly changed the lives of 20 entrepreneurs, their families and communities. Do join us in the New Year, if you are so led. It is always a reality check for me to see how little money it takes to make an impact in many nations around the world. I feel very fortunate that–until I win the lottery–I am able to make small loans and still do something of significance to promote capitalist success for other small business owners. Hmm…maybe I’ll say I’m in international finance next time I’m asked what I do.
Anyway! What will the next week bring here on the site? Let’s see.
As ever, links by OMWC, Banjos (I think Sloopy might be permanently MIA), Brett L, various cryptids and, perhaps, random stand-ins.
Tomorrow we have the I Fucking Love Astrology forecast from Not Adahn, and no spoilers, but I’m glad we are having an intimate NYE dinner party where all guests are personally known to us. Nephilium continues your brewing education with a bitter post. Monday, PieInTheSky has another installment of Pie Ponders, and I’m gracing you with a New Year’s Eve Open Post in case you don’t have Real Life friends and want to just drink and hang out here as we toss out the old and ring in the new.
Tuesday, January 1, 2019(!), Lackadaisical gets you in the proper Glibertarian mood to begin the year with an enlightening, first-person post on the US immigration system. In the evening, OMWC is back with a special Jewsday! Wednesday, we’re hopeful that there might be a dispatch from SugarFree, and there will definitely be an evening poll from yours truly.
Fourscore stops by on Thursday with some honeyed words, and on Friday, Animal brings you lesson 3 in your six-gun history education. Saturday, of course, mexicansharpshooter will be back with another review/not a review.
And as always, the more voices that are heard on Glibertarians.com, the better for all of us and liberty. So, if you’ve been thinking about writing an article on even the most esoteric of topics, please do! Join the Contributing Writers page. Learn more here.
The Saturday Night Open Post starts now! Have a good one, Glibs.
It’s gonna bring doom, despair, and agony on me!
(tall girls)
Thought you liked wide girls.
+300lbs of LuLu Roman
He likes wide cans *and* tall cans.
RIP Roy Clark. Man that guy could shred.
Q: How do bullfighters keep their skin so young?
A: They use Oil of ¡Olé!
That was special.
That was always a great bit. That was a great show. I wasn’t into country music as a kid, but i was into Hee Haw. Funny, music, sexy hillbilly chicks. ???
Isn’t a CZ basically a Sig “clone”?
A CZ is a Czech Republic.
Currently CAN 3 CZE 1
34?We have an underwhelming team this year.
I didn’t like what they did in the Denmark game.
At around 8 or 9 nothing, Hunter should have told them to slow down.
Unless GD is a tiebreaker, then that’s on the IIHF.
GD is a tiebreaker. But lay low on the cellys, kids.
I wonder if he means “goal difference”… or that other well-known word.
Then they have no choice because if they don’t, someone else will. As it turns out no one did.
Sucks but whaddya gonna do?
The Russians look hulking and fast. The Americans are now a regular power and sound like the favourites again. I haven’t followed all that much but this Team Canada team has no star power from what I can see.
I doubt Canada is going to need a tiebreaker to make it past the group stage.
I’m following it and the Americans don’t look any better than Canada.
Ah. I think one of the guys on TSN was saying Team USA had a better team. I could be wrong.
Then it sounds like this thing is up for grabs.
I forgot Canada has Lafreniere. He’s supposed to be a good one.
That should be a penalty according to IIHF rules. Canada escaped one there.
You’re watching the Czech-Can game?
I had to look that up.
Hockey is nothing in that regard compared to… every other team sport.
And… Sweden walking all over the US as I kind of expected.
How did you guys turn a conversation about steel nines into soccer?
Fuck you, that’s how?
Ice soccer.
“Fuck you, that’s how?”
You need to take it down a notch.
Is that the name of a STAR WARS droid?
+1 Czechia
Since Tres is abdicating, hit that theme music.
But it’s self-explanatory when Raekwon robs from Phil Collins to make a hook for THIS .
NSFW “urban” lyrics
I always liked Weezer better anyway.
My bunk. Where I will be.
Ugh, you again?
You again?
Here she comes again
Here she comes again
There She Goes https://youtu.be/6nxFheKM4Sc
There She Goes
There She (originally) Goes https://youtu.be/wpEUNFUWd74
She Don’t Know Why I’m Here https://youtu.be/EzegbWsVH_k
I’m reminded of that Natalie Imbruglia song that was a good cover but the original was terrible, not that this original is terrible. It is fine, and it makes sense with a guy singing about a girl.
That’s SugarFree’s favorite song.
I love Dolly like her goddaughter.
Wow. I… don’t remember that. … Oh, I was living in Germany then. Pop culture crap that happened while I was away seems like from an alternate universe.
Oh there they are.
Tou may be time traveling, bro. Unplug the flux capacitor.
_ I S H
L _ _ _
So you’re saying you’re a gay fish?
You can buy another vowel for $250.
My neighbor taught me how to make brioche and Swedish Rye bread this afternoon. We haven’t tucked in to the rye yet, but the brioche slathered with butter is very good.
I am not doing so hot with the whole low carb thing this week.
I think you need to check your bread privilege, asshole. Baking Swedish rye is culturally insensitive, and “brioche” is harmfully close to “bro,” which is toxic.
So does David Gates.
Brioche done right is bread of the gods. Lobster roll in a toasted brioche bun, thick juicy burger set up on a fresh brioche bun, French toast, you name it.
Qu’ils mangent de la brioche, et de l’homard.
My neighbor taught me…tucked in…slathered with butter.
Go on.
+1 Last Tango in Paris
Hyperbole can has the food kink.
It’s Food https://youtu.be/8N9YelymXXg
These euphemisms keep evolving.
You can do it!
/<50g-carb/day since Aug 15th
Making good brioche isn’t easy. Kudos.
I don’t get Kiva.
Then again, I don’t get much.
Try working for once!
Sounds like someone needs a new year’s resolution. ‘BE NICE TO RUFUS’.
Rufus needs a new year’s resolution to ‘STFU and WORK!’ (sorry if dat was harsh, I’m naught usta bein mean, dontchaknow)
Hickok is a cat person. And I’m jealous of his cat (the first one). Both of mine have yellow eyes instead of that cold blue. Though I am not a fan of the long hair.
Weird. “Copy video url” grabbed it at t=3:49. Move it back to the beginning I guess.
Nah. Watching road rage clips.
Why do so many Americans have dash cams? I thought that was a Russian thing.
Because they don’t trust the pigs?
I bought mine after I got run off the road by a cement truck
The first guy got passed by an Odyssey, cut off, and subsequently wrecked. I have experienced assholes* on the road, but never a mini-van that would do that while utilizing the shoulder.
I thought that was a Russian thing.
Me too. No link on hand, but I have seen some doozies where people throw themselves at cars in attempts to gain “evidence” to sue.
*Primarily an unmarked statey that tailgated me until I had notched my speed up to 80 in a 65 in an attempt to create a buffer zone between our cars. I now coast when people tailgate me…then floor it when they finally try to just go around like they should have in the first place considering that I am usually already
slightlyover the suggested speed.Ugg. Ditto. I drive a midrange truck. Nothing pisses me off more than when I’m doing two over the limit and some jerk tailgates me for miles then passes me to go below the limit.
I think Sloopy might be permanently MIA
Navigating SoCal freeways just seems like forever.
Isn’t he in Houston? Not that their traffic isn’t terrible.
No Traffic https://youtu.be/D6eAIQ4uSRE
Cause you’re going to Reseda? Everyone is going to Reseda.
You’re Cadillac breathes 400 horses across blue lines….
Man, you ain’t kidding. For 4 years I had a 70 mile commute – one way – on SoCal freeways. How shall I put it? It sucked.
Yes. They are.
Hard pass.
Ginger gets TRIGGERED by Trump Supporter at Vape Shop
I usually have a different thing in mind when I think of a ginger snap.
All I’m going to say about this… is that the person involved was right to do the thing that person did. And while it may not have been what I’d do, you would be entirely within your rights to do what this person did.
No, as I commented before, they’re both assholes that needed to be dragged into a public area for tarring/feathering.
Fuck the employee for being a whiny bitch, and fuck the MAGA guy for turning it to 11.
Moral equivalence is a fallacy, not a valid argument form.
In hindsight? Thats a fully stocked vape-appliance outlet it seems. And there’s only the 2 patrons (1 of color) and the “manager”.
I’m calling BS on it.
That’s always a strong possibility.
Like Trump needs bad publicity. All publicity for Trump is bad. Hey, jackass, mail some fake pipebombs to a bunch of people, that’s sure to help Trump.
Despite everyone screaming that they “were calling the cops”, there were never any police there.
Fake af.
S/he-man from the game store was more convincingly masculine. S/he had some real rage. That laddie er excuse me lady had some balls.
I think I see what you did there.
What you see here isn’t necessarily what I’d do in that situation, but it’s entirely within my rights to have done it.
I did too. Both assholes but both within their rights. But I assert and will maintain that one asshole was worse than the other with that being the shop owner acting like a petulant toddler incapable of controlling his emotions, however misplaced and ill-informed they were. Of course, I could be biased in that I sometimes like to push peoples buttons, especially once I find out exactly where to press. So I’m an asshole too.
Ginger snap
*sensible chuckle*
I don’t get it.
*stares out from under billows of coppery hair*
The joke is ruined if I have to explain it, but…
I really wanted to make one final cartoon for 2018, but I was too damned exhausted after work today. The Hat and the Hair shall return in 2019!
On a separate note, finally went in on vaping. 4 hrs smoke free, but when the beer started flowing I eventually needed some good ol burnt tabacky, but it’s a start.
I went back and forth for a week before I dumped cigs forever. Almost six months now.
Keep on it buddy! You can do it!
I’m still enslaved to nicotine lozenges, but not tobacco.
They’re so fucking expensive here I can’t see myself buying a pack of cigarettes again. Well, at least until my betters jack the taxes up even more.
(on vaping, that is)
The real issue was getting used to the timing. I got a bit OD’d on nicotine on just the vape, trying to figure it out. That and it went from taking 120w to get a nice hit to 14w making me cough, their might be a hitch in my giddyup somewhere.
I’m using Juul and Myle – it’s just like smoking. No math involved.
No math, just went with a higher end mod so I can adjust the hit, which is as important if not more to me than the nicotine.
I generally run 12.5 to 10W.
For the first 2hrs or so it was taking 120w for a good hit, but then I was coughing at 14w. Just odd, I’ll find my sweet spot I suppose, that’s why I decided to go with a variable watt, to make sure I can get that hit. It’s definitely more satisfying than the Blu I tried 5 years ago.
I might spin country music for a living, but This is Where My Jam Is At.
You need to get on the Hank III train
If I were going new country, I’d go Aaron Lewis, because he was the lead singer of StAiNd
Try some Lucinda Willams and erase that StAin
I loathe slow country songs. I just wish I could play some Wheeler Walker Jr. at work.
I can’t recommend Jason Isbell enough:
“I was riding on my mother’s hip
She was shorter than the corn
All the years I took from her
Just by being born”
Fucking great songwriter!
I don’t get the nuclear disarmament people any more than I get the general disarmament people. The technology exists and it is not going away. You can hope and
changedream all you want, but people, and often bad people, will have access to ever technologically advancing weaponry. As such, it behooves every decent and peaceful person to be familiar with and know how to use modern tech weapons. ///JustAThoughtNotASermonI agree and every country lies about their disarmament anyway.
Why would you tell the truth?
Mutually assured destruction lead to one of the most peaceful times in human history, sad but true.
There never was tho. At least 60% of the US was expected to survive in a cold-war nuke strike, but Moscow and the Warsaw Pact would be obliterated.
That’s what the government says. But they also say your labor belongs to them. Never know who to trust.
Citation needed.
I was in NOVA a few days ago and we visited the National Air and Space Museum. Me and my son-in-law were standing on a walk way above the first floor and there were lots of planes on the floor below. I started paying more attention and noticed a huge gleaming metal hunk of a plane right below were I was standing. I started checking it out and noted there was a name written right above and behind the cockpit: Enola Gay.
hehe, you said gay, hehe!
Wait, what? There was a Saturday Night Open Post? I was drinking cachaca and discussing world politics. Important stuff, you know. My daughter in law was trying to get me to eat endamana. And I was like, I’m not eating no nasty soy beans, that’s not even human food. And for like an hour, she’s arguing me that endamana is NOT soy beans. So, we men, serious as always are trying to do serious man like stuff, like drinking cachaca. And then my SIL finally pulls out his phone and goes ‘Hyperion is right, it’s soy beans, green soy beans’. Sadness and dejection ensued among the women folk and so I made a joke and we went back to drinking cachaca and now beer also. Harmony was restored. Until the next estrogen imbalance strikes the universe.
I think soybeans can be good if cooked right.
Just tonight, I made some rough approximation of mapo tofu, and I added two diced habeneros as well as a glug of some Jolokia-containing hot sauce that I picked up at Jungle Jim’s Weekend of Fire (a hot sauce convention). I eat a ton of super-hot food, but that made me sweat.
Soy-derived products, I should say. But one thing that is unequivocally nasty is any kind of fake meat. The only way I can tolerate fake meat is in my mom’s chili (she’s vegetarian) and even then, I still miss when she used to make it with meat.
I just logged in to say that CPRM is the Cytotoxic of food.
That is all.
Wait, are you saying my food lives in my mom’s basement?
No, I’m saying your food wants to kill all Muslims.
Which food is this? I haz confuse!
OU was making a decent attempt at a comeback but I think their time has run out.
Sigh. Another Clemson v Alabama championship game looms. My interest is nil from here on out.
Georgia would have made a much better showing than either ND or the Sooners.
The sooners tried, but there lack of a defense game them no shot. The only way they could have made a game of it was to turn Bama over a few times. They didnt not.
Even when I was in college and was friends with guys on the college football team that barely made it exciting enough to watch. I really don’t get people’s interest in college ball. The talent level in the NFL is even getting depressing.
As the spouse said right before I logged on, “Another who cares bowl.”
you gonna pass that bowl or what?! (CPRM The College Years)
That game was more boring than the previous one.
The song everyone who has been rejected should listen to.
C’mon, I’ve been up since 4am central, and yall are all asleep?!
Dumbass of the day is the cop directing traffic at a traffic accident tonight. Accident took out the lights at a four way. The cop is standing in his tactical approved dark uniform, no reflective vest or clothing, directing traffic with his pocket flashlight. Without a traffic wand on it. Thanks to the excessively blinding LED flashers of his car and the fire trucks, along with his brilliant choices, he was almost completely invisible in the pouring rain. Good job genius.
It just kills me that cops whine about how dangerous being exposed to traffic is (and it really is), yet do the opposite of the sort of thing that would mitigate that danger.
The other day two motorcycle cops had their flashers on while parked on the side of the freeway during morning commute. They didn’t have anyone pulled over. My guess is they were enforcing the move over law. Which was enacted to protect them while they were doing necessary work. In this case, they were voluntarily and unnecessarily causing the very hazard that the law was trying to avoid. And at the cost of funneling commute traffic down to one lane and inconveniencing the general public. Assholes.
Cops are So Good.
/forgets everything and stares at screen
That’s right, the hook will catch the wire. (my calming phrase from the forgotten Tom Selleck movie FOLKS)
Better cop
Heh. Jut got back from a conference of structural engineers.
One of the topics was a presenter advocating for less frequent inspections because the chance of the bridge failing and killing someone was much less than the chance of someone dying due to an accident cause by the additional traffic generated by closing lanes on bridges. Basically the cops are indirectly contributing to deaths doing such stunts (not to mention environmental and economic losses).
That’s how to close on a high note.
2, 27, 35
Hi Glibs!
As usual, I’m coming to these posts late (it’s now Sunday night on the left coast).
Anyway, I just want to let all you magnificent bastards know how much I appreciate you, and your orphans. I love the content on this site, the great comments, and Qs links. I wish I could frequent the site more often, and maybe one day I’ll get up off my ass and submit some content.
Perhaps it’s the bourbon barrel oaked Arrogant Bastard I’m enjoying. But, I just want to wish all of you and your families happy holidays, and send wishes for a kick ass 2019. Cheers!