My dog has some boxer in her
My ex-wife wasn’t much of a wrestler, but you really shoulda seen her BOX !
*narrows gaze*
fun fact- she actually took up boxing on a regional, amateur, level
So…who is missing from the commentriat/streaker community?
*Looks innocently skyward*
“A British man who has streaked at more than 500 events around the world has only been arrested a handful of times and convicted of a crime at least three times.”
That’s some dedication though.
True story:
When I was a pledge, we did one of those traditional things where you streak some of the sorority houses. One of my pledge brothers is Italian. The next day in class, one of the sorority members asked me who the pledge in the sweater was.
Was he built like Adonis? No? Wasn’t me.
“NFL collisions are similar to car crashes. Two fast-moving parties smashing together, smashing their pads and sometimes smacking heads that results in brain injuries. A 2014 study reported in the American Surgeon suggested that THC can protect neurons during traumatic brain injuries, like those caused by traffic accidents.
Trauma surgeon David Plurad led a review of 446 traumatic brain injury cases at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center from January 2010 through December 2012, finding that the patients who tested positive for THC had a mortality rate of 2.4 percent, while those who did not have THC in their system had a mortality rate nearly five times higher.”
So smoking weed makes driving safer?
People with THC in their blood drive at 7 miles an hour.
Time is just like a concept, man.
Time is a flat circle.
All circles are flat
Not if the plane is warped.
That’s not a circle
Sure it is. It’s the same thing as measuring the angles of a triangle to determine how flat the underlying space is.
So, unsafe if not in a parking lot.
“Traffic looks heavy, think I’ll pull out tomorrow.”
– George Carlin
I can’t read that Daily Fail headline.
“Riders with packs of hounds – following scent trails laid in advance to comply with the 2004 Hunting Act forbidding the hunting of foxes with hounds”
So are they hunting with hounds or not?
Sounds like it’s all for show – and the antifa types are still going apeshit over it.
Even in the US I believe the common practice is to catch a fox, put it in a cage, and then take it out to a hiding spot to be “hunted”, at which point the fox is released elsewhere. Kind of like playing tag. I think actually hunting and killing a fox with hounds is pretty unusual in practice. Of course, there’s always going to be a group of people who will protest anything that even mildly inconveniences an animal.
Interesting. So yeah whether it’s for show or not isn’t even the issue, so much as certain elements of society deciding to throw a fit because someone is doing something legal which they disapprove of.
So, LFC looking good at this point.
Oh hell yeah! Some real tests coming up.
Yeah, Jan. 3 had suddenly become a must win for MC.
Still got more due process than some women want accused rapists to get?
That article gave exactly 0 information on what an “intracellular” helmet is :/. I know journalists aren’t the brightest tool in the shed, but they could have at least quoted someone who is able to operate at better than an 9th grade education level.
I don’t know anything about furners. Does fox hunting serve the same ecological niche that deer hunting does in the US? That is, would an un-hunted fox population lead to an overgrowth of foxes and starvation, etc that happens when deer or bear populations aren’t hunted in GODS OWN COUNTRY?
Typical poorly written article. It appears to state that actual fox hunting is banned and the hounds are just following a scent trailed placed for the event.
So the fox is not “proper fucked”?
I thought it was ‘right fooked’?
I don’t get what they are protesting.
I don’t get how there can be a “saboteurs association.”
A bunch of fifth columnists? Have you seen the Alfred Hitchcock movie Saboteur?
Norman Lloyd, who plays the ground-level saboteur and falls off the Statue of Liberty for his trouble, is still alive at the age of 104.
They are protesting that the bad people didn’t repent.
Thanks, I thought I might have CTE because I learned nothing from that mess.
Just one yeti’s opinion: downsize the armor the players wear. Up the financial penalties for retarded hits. Removing contact from the game is silly, but I still think there is a lot of room for improvement.
Risk homeostasis. How does it work? I don’t think you can limit the injuries as long as football players have no other options for fame, money, and especially glory. Given that for 99.999% of the people playing, football is the path for those things, I don’t think you’ll see a change in injury rates unless the game is radically altered.
The first time I strapped on an Air helmet at 14 years old, I knew I was going to run into things with it head first.
The physics of two 300lbmuscular people hitting each other at full speed is not the same as two Glibs in a similar situation. I wonder if the NFL could just limits the top weight of players? I met Ray Nitschke and Bart Starr and while they were fit they were not huge like the current players. William “the Refrigerator” Perry was considered a freak because he weighed over 300lbs and that in now standard.
You don’t get as big as some of these players are without a multi year program. If younger players knew to be competitive they needed to build strength but a team wouldn’t draft you if you weighed over ZZZ pounds you would still get the athleticism of the current players but without the heavy masses.
It is better that the NFL determines a fix than the government kills the sport.
As far as the brain is concerned, it doesn’t really matter. Coup contrecoups happen in peewee football.
There is already a helment that is designedvto fix the problem but no one will wear them because they look goofy.
Steve Young of 49ers fame had a helment built with foam padding on the outside to absorb impacts before thry rattle the brain.
He had had multiple concussions and this helment sucessfully him getting more.
There may be some youtube videos but I dont know how to post links from a phone.
I have brought this to the attention of a couple of ex nflers but they dismissed the idea out of hand.
My guess is that foxes don’t have much in the way of natural predators in Airstrip One these days, aside from Land Rovers and the odd hawk or eagle. In God’s America coyotes are a big one, as are bobcats, hawks, and eagles. But I’m sure hunting in the UK is high on the list of Bad Things that the left wants to regulate out of existence since there’s a class element there as well.
Quantum helmets or GTFO
OK, I laughed at the “elf on a shelf/cunt on a hunt” sign
That’s some good kek.
I read “inter-cellular helmet” and I imagine them putting wee helmets on each brain cell.
I thought they had phones in them so they could text while playing
The helmets connect the cells.
I guess it’s official:
“Miley Cyrus shares touching photos from her surprise wedding to Liam Hemsworth in Tennessee”
That is not the kind of touching I was hoping for.
“We don’t pay you to play, we pay you to win’: Banned captain Steve Smith reveals how the ball tampering scandal began with a dressing room lecture from angry cricket bosses after a string of defeats
Steve Smith has shed further light on the role former Cricket Australia executives James Sutherland and Pat Howard played in establishing a toxic culture of winning without counting the costs.
Smith was stripped of the captaincy and issued a year-long suspension by CA for his role in the Cape Town cheating saga, having stumbled across an illegal ploy to alter the ball in the Newlands dressing room before walking away and taking no action.”
And by stumbling across an illegal ploy to alter the ball you mean?
Joe Flacco misses him badly.
Flacco likes to be raped by STEVE SMITH?
STEVE SMITH SENIOR raped about every safety and corner who tried to cover him.
No libertarian moments in China, ever.
It is a progressive paradise
And the Left never learns. They always believe the people in power failed. They never recognize it’s the system that failed.
I don’t know, from what I’ve heard you can purchase human organs over there…don’t look too closely into how they get them though.
I did a job recently for a Falun Gong member who immigrated to SF shortly after the Cultural Revolution. She gave me a bunch of stories of organ trafficking by the Chinese government. “I can’t beleive they want to go down the same path here that we went down on China”. Preach it grandma.
Don’t know how truthful this is but here you go:
Sounds like Falun Gong has it pretty rough over there along with the Uighurs.
Sr. Wendy Beckett dies at 88
(Safe for work, and no titties.)
there is no chance that link would lead to something NSFW.
Nude Nuns with Big Guns trailer
Interestingly, was in the sidebar.
Shit, I SFed the link:
Sr. Wendy Beckett dies at 88
At 88 there better not be any topless photos.
All of the goods would be well south of the top by then.
(Safe for work, and no
tittiesnothing.)I think I’m all tittied out after yesterday.
That may work on your side of the fence but think of the rest of us.
Sober Hayeksplosives whistles and skips away down the lane…
I’ve got some screen shots for sale…
Aww. That’s sweet you took screenshots.
I’m so happy to be disqualified from running for any public office.
How come no one ever finds a dead Bigfoot’s carcass in the woods? Are they immortal?
They are so delicious that they are instantly devoured by scavengers.
Bacon flavored?
Chipotle pineapple.
Jacks Links
Jesus hides the fossils, just like he did with the dinosaurs.
The Vatican allegedly is in possession of some choice fossils. No scientific value by now since they weren’t properly excavated but I’d still like to see ‘em.
I reckon dinosaur fossils were the origin of the idea and basic form of dragons, in Europe and in China.
The most devious aspect of STEVE SMITH is that he can convince you he doesn’t exist.
Intensifying support for populism around the world is gathering strength from three main forces – fear of the effects of immigration, technology-induced wage inequality and an “envy factor” stemming from greater visibility into the lifestyles of the superrich, according to top economist Gary Hufbauer.
“People knew who Rockefeller was,” Hufbauer said, referring to the U.S. industrialist considered to be one of the wealthiest Americans in history. “But they didn’t know the details of his lifestyle the way we know the details of people who are rich today.”
“The envy factor – thanks to social media, general media and so forth is much greater today than it had been 50 years ago,” he said. “What’s — I think — driving the politics is that today…everybody knows, who watches TV, that other people are doing better than they are.”
Gosh, I wonder how all those “populists” got the idea they were being robbed by the rich.
Silly me. I thought it was envy when lazy fucks with degrees ending in “studies” asked the government to steal my shit and give it to them.
No, no! That is “ending income inequality”…
That’s a separate (better) article.
Leave Hufbauer alone! He’s one of the good ones – a consistent advocate for free trade.
Or are we all Yellow Jackets now?
*Checks links from Ga Tech game. Gets confused.*
How come no one ever finds a dead Bigfoot’s carcass in the woods? Are they immortal?
The other bigfoots take them to the Bigfoot Burial Ground.
Everybody knows that.
All caps just the way he would want to be remembered.
Hah! Awesome.
How long you been waiting to spring that one?
At least 2 months.
Clearly, that cat works for Microsoft.
Cats are awesome. Mine, who is about 735 years old and can’t be arsed to play with anything, decided to start batting at my wife’s fabric shears when she was cutting fabric last night. Stupid cat.
We just got ice cream from the ice cream truck. Sure, it’s 70 degrees and cloudy, but you can’t pass up the ice cream truck.
I passed up the ice cream truck, it didn’t have a chance against the Challenger R/T
Not if your kids are around.
I love America.
Please come in and incriminate yourselves!
As my lawyer says, take your coffee and shut the full cup.
They can come forward at the ceremony where the local popo commit seppuku for failing to do their jobs.
This. Since they aren’t offering any medals to the brave citizens I’d say they should STFU.
Washington is an odd mix of liberal and conservative. Even on the west side there are many patches of non-progressives, but the cities are all going hard blue. Even Spokane votes blue now and our city counsel voted to go 100% renewable power.
Turn the hydropower turbines up to 11 and fuck the salmon then?
Doe he wrap them in duct tape?
Not all states consider hydropower as renewable. So far Washington does.
Not for long. The “dams are killing the salmon runs” articles are gaining lots of traction. I think the plan is to cover all of Eastern WA in solar panels and windmills – which would replace the power from the dams and fuck over all those icky republican voters at the same time.
The big three on the Columbia aren’t going anywhere. You may see a number of the smaller dams on the Snake going bye bye at some point.
They are going to need those dams for dispachable power when the wind stops blowing and the sun isn’t shining.
I know a BPA power dispatcher and was funny to hear an enviro tell him that the dams don’t produce any power.
I…. what?
Rain doesn’t fall from the sky anymore?
Marysville police Cmdr. Mark Thomas on Monday said it’s unclear if the other people involved fired their guns lawfully, as they left before law enforcement got there. Security footage showed one of them getting in a vehicle just as the first officer arrived, Thomas said.
“Anytime you’re firing a weapon in a public place, especially a few days before Christmas in a crowded parking lot, it is a grave concern,” Thomas said.
I am sure you hold your officers to this standard of concern when they discharge their weapons.
you can’t pass up the ice cream truck.
Ice Cream and cake are overrated. Pie. Pie is where it’s at.
In specific, my mother’s homemade cherry pie.
Nuh uh. SP’s peach pie.
Apple pie with a slice of cheddar cheese.
Do you put ketchup on your spaghetti too?
Pie without the cheese is like a kiss without the squeeze.
I don’t personally, but since you asked, here you go!
Yes! PREACH brother Lytton!
Coconut Cream for the win.
My cousin baked a fresh cherry pie yesterday. Very good, gone in 30 seconds.
It had a flavor I couldn’t quite identify in that context, and I had to twist his arm. He confessed that he slipped in some almond extract.
That’s the second time that I’ve accidentally come across it, the other time being semi-sweet chocolate toffee.
It’s on my shopping list.
Aka maraschino flavor.
It’s pretty damn close.
If I look it up, am I going to find that it’s the same thing?
For many, many baking things, I will put equal parts vanilla and almond in it. That combo cannot be beat.
Except for lemon.
Cherries naturally have arsenic in the pits which has an almond flavor.
And fuck cheese on apple pie, fwiw.
No. This time of year it’s Grape and Pear pie for the win.
/scratches head
Have all of the above.
Working in the Loin today. It is full of Christmas spirit.
Uh…Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la?
Human shit (human shit)
Smack addicts (smack addicts)
It’s Christmas time in the City.
Christmas time N-Yo City.
Here is a long but interesting article thoroughly demolishing the homeless “industry” in Seattle – I imagine everything it discusses being the same (or worse) in SF.
Thanks. Bookmarked.
The City gives away over 1 million needles a year. I wonder what the percentage of returned ones is?
There is a 5 cent deposit on cans and bottles in California. Within literally two minutes of putting out my recycling bin and there will be at least two elderly Chinese people fighting for them.
They aren’t homeless, are they? Around here it’s only women, and they don’t fight. I suspect it’s their husbands sending them out for a work shift on trash days.
It’s 95% women. And yeah, they don’t really fight as much as compete to who gets to the bin first. Winner gets the choice cans, loser is stuck with the bottles. They live in million dollar homes nearby (not exaggerating that).
That is crazy. Definitely some cultural difference going on there.
Too bad they won’t fight. I was curious whether Snake Style would defeat Crane style or not.
Bottle deposits were introduced 40 years ago here to help reduce roadside litter. Roadside litter did decrease (and I’d argue more so due to changes in cultural norms, look at the same reductions in non-bottle deposit states).
Anyways, after year of backslapping over this “great” idea, it’s now morphed into a recycling stat. But because the deposit hasn’t been indexed to inflation, and the widespread availability now of curbside recycling, redemption rates dropped. Not good enough so the legislature doubled the deposit and expanded it to even more beverage containers beyond the soda/beer bottles and cans. And as a sop to the grocery stores which have tired of dealing with returned containers, created Soviet style recycling centers. Which are as hellish, dirty, and time consuming as anyone with half a brain would predict. Ending the deposit program entirely as mission accomplished was never floated.
I hate those assholes. Every time I get my own money back from those thieves.
Here in NY, the deposit laws have remained unchanged for decades. It’s gone from people routinely taking their bottles back to I have never seen a non-homeless person even trying any more.
One of the perks of living in the frigid wastelands of mid-America is that winter keeps the homeless population some place else.
Was the same in northern NH.
I was chatting with some friends who were concerned about the environment and wildlife and etc. I suggested we needed to reintroduce the grey wolf back into Iowa, particularly in the extensive green-spaces along the river running through town. It would help to keep both the deer population and homeless population in check. Killing two birds with one stone so to speak.
The case for wolves
Merry Christmas!
Michell & Webb ?
Needz moar feesees.
Framing. I could only get one side of the tree.
Man. San Francisco has a lot of diabetics!
True story. Back in the mid ‘80s, I transported a guy to the new local trauma center over in Whiteyville who had an arm ripped off in a large compressor. As were were cleaning the ambulance, one of the nurses came outside holding a 1cc syringe. She said, “we found this in his boot, is he a diabetic?”. I just looked at her. Eventually, she just said “oh”.
Working in the Loin today. It is full of Christmas spirit.
Not clicking that.
Come on…it is simply evidence of the superiority of BLUE Cities like SF.
If I was not from here I would not currently be here. Just about all my family outside of Europe live in and around SF. It sickens me what progressives have wrought here.
I find it weird how concentrated the dysfunction is there.
I can go about my business here in NYC for a year and see nothing worse than what I would see every other day in SF. The article I linked goes into some detail about what I think might be behind that, a sort of “professional compassion” cohort. We don’t have that to the same degree here.
Competition from mobbed up grifters?
Yeah, we have that in spades.
We bailed out of the East Bay after 45 years. It’s all yours.
You’re retired, right? I will likely move to Idaho or Montana when I do. That’s still 15 years or so away for me. I’m too intimidated to do so now with young kids and start over completely. I have a biz here that’s super busy and the nearby fam is important to me for the kids’ sake.
Ya gotta do what ya gots to do.
Get thee to a fainting couch
The spectre of Donald Trump lies at the heart of ominous turbulence on the global horizon. Nearly halfway through his term, the 45th US president is helping to create a world where old rules don’t apply and long-held assumptions, such as Britain’s claim to a “special relationship” with Washington, are an anachronistic embarrassment.
Trump’s is an anarchic realm, dangerous, delusional and chaotic – comparable to a dysfunctional Florida theme park – on which a category five hurricane is bearing down. It is characterised by structural vandalism, and fuelled by self-interest, insults and lies. Trump’s ignorant, confrontational persona informs concerted US efforts to overturn or bypass the rules-based international order – he regularly attacks and undermines the United Nations, the European Union, Nato, the international criminal court, the international court of justice, the World Trade Organisation and efforts to address climate change. It encourages bad behaviour everywhere.
To survive on its own in a world full of hazards, Britain is relying on the familiar frameworks, multilateral institutions, laws, regulations, diplomatic conventions and commercial codes that have governed state-to-state relations since 1945. But it is exactly this consensual rulebook that Trump is recklessly tearing up.
Hysterical shrieking limey cries “DOOOOOOOOOOOM”.
Isn’t there a point where even derptards say “oh brother” and roll their eyes.
” such as Britain’s claim to a “special relationship” with Washington”
The last time I heard about that, we invaded Iraq.
he regularly attacks and undermines the United Nations, the European Union, Nato, the international criminal court, the international court of justice, the World Trade Organisation and efforts to address climate change.
I don’t see the problem here.
This makes me feel bad about not voting for him the 1st time.
I did for three reasons.
1)GayJay is a faux libertarian (///bakethecake) and his running mate a neo-con that couldn’t stop shilling for Her Shrillness.
2) Her Shrillness is a lying, conniving c*nt that would never be held accountable for her crimes and needed to be kept as far away from the levers of power as possible.
3) The lulz.
Also, Trump expressed skepticism of things like our foreign entanglements / military engagements, taxation and power distribution in the government (where congress has too long and too far deferred to the executive). So that was something in the right direction, even if only a little bit.
Lefties are in such a dense bubble that they think those are obviously wonderful organizations and that the only people who don’t like them are racists.
I only wish more in our government would be willing to even entertain the thought that perhaps the UN, EU, NATO, and other international organizations aren’t exactly unicorn farts and rainbows.
Setting aside my daughter’s guitar meltdown and our plumbing issues, my husband got me these for Christmas, both of which I am delighted with:
Stan Getz Serenity
House of Leaves
Sister and BIL got me The Primo Collection. They know me well.
I got sis a Mandolin Orange CD after being introduced to the group by Suthenboy, although it hasn’t gotten there yet because I suck at planning ahead. Still, thanks in advance, Suthen!
I will look those up. Thanks!
House of Leaves is an interesting one. I enjoyed my time reading through it.
A friend on Twitter rec’d it. Said it was the scariest book he’d ever read.
I’ve heard that a bunch, I’m not sure it was the scariest thing I’ve ever read, but it’s quite atmospheric and disturbing. And I don’t think it would work at all as an audio book.
I’m an ebook junkie, both consuming and creating, so I was annoyed it wasn’t in ebook. So I borrowed it from the library, then went, “Oh.”
I am also of the opinion that there are just some things that should not be put into ebook. That one CAN’T.
It is to books what Bastion and The Stanley Parable are to video games. They require the format for things to work right, and to tell the story.
I was scratching my head over these comments for a good couple minutes before I clicked on the link and realized you weren’t talking about Leaves of Grass.
LOL No. You’d have to see it to believe it.
I’m sure you have Samba Jazz, but in case not get it. I just got a record player and busted that one out along with the old collection.
I will, thanks!
Marginally related: Thievery Corporation, Saudade.
Nice. I have four of their albums and love their stuff, especially their Brazilian stuff. That one looks like it belongs in the collection. Thanks!
I listen to the album while I’m puttering around in my garage. Very Zen.
Love the Corp.
Re the bottle deposit scam. I don’t know what the economics of it is, but you can be sure somebody’s making big bank on it. Wouldn’t be surprised if the people who are are somehow associated with state legislators.
If there were any real jounos left it would make an interesting story.
Back in the college days, we would buy soda in NH, (no deposit) and drop them off in NY. (no, we would not make a trip just to buy soda)
Kramer and Newman figured out the economics of it.
Was just about to post:
California has it’s own “special” form of bottle deposits. Apparently it’s a decent amount because every once in awhile someone gets busted for smuggling empties into ca to redeem them here. I have a hard time imagining how it’s even worthwhile, but they continue to do it, so…
I imagine the state gets to keep all the non-refunded cash. So really, those little old Chinese ladies scavenging for cans are doing the right thing by keeping that cash out of the state’s grubby hands.
I’ve been binge-reading National Lampoon issues during my final week of un-productivity. The letters are the best:
There was an old woman who lived in a shoe, she had so many children
she didn’t know what to do.
So I offered to take a few of them off her hands.
Roman Polanski
Still waiting to hear back
I just remember one of the cartoons where there is a nerdy guy on a street corner with an obvious boner. There were two girls walking by with one saying to the other “I only said hi”.
Aren’t they “letters from the editor”? I do remember them as usually funny.
Yes….FROM the editors
Police State America – The Persecution of Michael Flynn
I didn’t know that he was not under oath when lying about a mundane conversation that was part of his job. I also didn’t know that “lying to the FBI” was a “crime” separate from perjury. No oath, no crime. This whole thing is insane and illegal (constitutionally speaking).
Tucker Carlson really needs to go back to regularly wearing bow ties. He’s missing the touch of whimsy that would keep him from just being another stentorian Fox News yelling person.
He and Hannity both tried to go alpha.
Then they should be wearing no ties. I mean, have you ever seen Alex Jones wear a tie?
His name is Tucker, though, so he can’t.
I’m a big fan of bowties, especially the self-tie variety. I think they’re actually easier to tie than regular ties; it’s the same as a shoelace knot, plus you don’t have to worry about tying it and then finding that one end hangs down way too low. Finally, it’s impossible for someone to strangle you with your own bowtie because the little adjustable clip in the back would just break.
The lying to the FBI crime is purely a legal entrapment designed to assist the FBI in Grand Jury investigations. It’s particularly useful because the FBI doesn’t record interviews.
In a just society, that shit charge would be thrown out and the law stricken from the books, but…
the FBI doesn’t record interviews.
This is asinine in and of itself. No record, no evidence. No evidence, no crime.
Oh, they have a record. It’s the agents’ notes. They’re considered virtually God’s Word on what transpired during the interview, even if they’re first recorded months afterwards.
Honestly, it’s an embarrassing state of affairs when the FBI’s mode of operation is no better than some Third World Hellhole.
In a just society they would be equally liable for lying to you.
Killed two birds with one stone and after I finished with my job in the Tenderloin I walked around feces and junkies for two blocks to the Federal Building. Picking up last minute passport for the middle kid so we can go to Mexico for a ten day vacation before school starts back. I was stressing that this place wouldn’t be open.
Where are you headed?
Punta Pescadero, between Cabo and La Paz. Middle of nowhere really. Rented a house on the Sea of Cortez. Swimming, chilling with the kids, fishing and drinking for ten days. Can’t friggin wait. We did it last minute and knew the kid’s passport was up. We went in a week before the shutdown. I was stressed that they wouldn’t be open with the shutdown. Thank the lord we got it!
I have very high expectations for that restaurant. Plz report back.
The Hotel one? We are staying in a house five minutes from there if that’s the one you mean. Will do. They should have some damn good fish. Hope to catch a few.
Yeah. I assume that in a location like that, they’re highly specialized. You order what they tell you to order, and it’s going to be delicious.
I wonder what kind of catch they haul in… some of the biggest squid in the world come from the Sea of Cortez.
I will report back. That area is some outstanding world class fishing. I’ve caught Marlin within a half mile off the beach and hooked on a number of species surfcasting. If you ever go to the East Cape let me know. We have been renting different houses there for years. I love that place mucho.
Beware crumbling piers
Há! Thanks Ted. If that one is on Netflix dvd it is coming down there with us.
It’s surprisingly good, although that should probably be expected from Barbara Stanwyck.
MGM’s B movies/programmers from that era are much more interesting than the Freed Unit musicals.
“SWEDEN (CBS) — Many of us have a wallet full of plastic cards, credit cards, travel cards, membership card for fitness center and so on.
It can be difficult to keep track of all the cards so thousands of Swedes have replaced one or more of the cards with a microchip – which has been shot under the skin in their hand.
The chip is about the same size as one of the legs on a normal plug and you choose yourself, where you want the chip to be put. Typically, it is placed between the forefinger and the thumb – where you have a little slack skin.
The chip can in principle replace all the cards you want.”
What could possibly go wrong?
What could possibly go wrong?
Some people want to be ruled, not governed.
The forehead would be better.
I pick up what you’re dropping down.
Seriously, the lack of self awareness…
Norway is contemplating elimination of cash so that all transactions must be done through the state or banks.
Helllooooooo black markets.
It has a kill switch function?
I thought of something similar as well.
I thought of this
Or this.
Fun Fact: much of this movie is filmed at the end of LAX, in a neighborhood they stole via eminent domain. I drive past every day. When I saw the movie, I couldn’t figure out where it was because they added various skyline items , but eventually I realized it was “surfridge” and then I read about how the city stole it. It’s fascinating.
If you’re going to do that, why not put it on your phone that you carry everywhere?
I notice that the trend is to run everything through your phone. I’ve heard of key ignition in cars being replaced with smartphone activation. And of course, you can pay for things with your phone now too.
I honestly wouldn’t want any of that unless I still had car keys and a credit card. Call me old fashioned, but I don’t like the idea of being unable to contact anyone, start the car, or spend money because ONE object got lost, got stolen, ran out of batteries, etc.
I still won’t leave the house without folding money in my pocket.
I’m sure there’s a raft of reasons not to do it, but I wish badge scanners were accessible by app. I used to forget my lanyard at home all the time till I put the damned card in my wallet, but I almost never forget my phone.
I keep my badge/lanyard right next to my wallet and car keys.
Yes but if you’re going to install a chip, why bother? You already carry your phone everywhere. Put the info there.
Way to other the smartphoneless, shitlord.
Heh. I think I’ve mentioned my view on mobile games before. It wasn’t positive.
I like ’em, I guess, but, you know, there’s only so many minutes in the day you spend on the toilet.
/self-indulgent moment:
On 12/26/2006, at 6:36 pm, I was in hospice and saw Mama Tres take her last breath.
*pours out vodka*
Requiescat in pace, mom.
12 years. Did she ever get to meet her grandkids?
I like to give credit where it’s due, and the BabyMama, in a bold display of a woman that already had kids, drove through ice and freezing rain to present Tres Version 2.0 to my Mom when she was still in palliative care. That was the night she was transported to hospice, and things went off the rails shortly after. But she did.
..I meant to add “present a 5-day old kid”
I snuck my 7 day old infant into the hospital under my jacket.
Some things are worth the risk.
Sorry 🙁
Thanks. This is just my night to pout tho. Wholly childish.
Yes, but…
There’s no need to pour out perfectly good vodka.
Just a shot….”1 for my homies….”
No, I do the same thing every Rosh Hashanah, remembering my dad’s far-too-soon death. If that’s childish, then I plead guilty.
My dad’s been gone 49 years, I miss him and still remember the good times. I think we went to a bar together only one time. I was home on leave at a Christmas time, got my car serviced for MN and we went across the street and had a drink together. I knew I was a big boy then.
Not that we didn’t drink at home together often but to buy him a drink was a special occasion. Still have the memories.
Sorry to hear that Tres. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones.
They’re never really gone, are they? Particularly touching since I just got off the phone with my Mom who’s pushing 80.
*pours vodka in solidarity, gets distracted and drinks it*
Do you speak Russian?
Not really, no. A few things here and there I learned when a student in Stockholm.
I found out through Ancestry DNA that I am part Russian, specifically from the northwest adjacent to Finland.
Being otherwise Welsh, Scot, and Irish, it explains my close relationship with alcohol.
Sorry about your mom Tres. Glad she got to at least see her grandkid.
I’m so sorry, Tres.
Sorry Tres. The holidays are hard.
Yeah, when someone you’re close to dies on or around a holiday it darkens that day thereafter. Sorry, Tres.
Finally in airport heading home. Whew
Wishing you a safe and chill flight back.
Safe travels!
So I just splurged for an instant pot. I justified it by realizing I still have several gift cards from work that can cover it. Looking forward to try some dishes like soups that I haven’t attempted before.
I am so tempted, but afraid it will just be a gadget I rarely use.
Local news just reported on the status of Ruth Badger Ginsburg.
I assume Badger is an auto-correct?
Maybe the station’s autocorrect. I typed what they did.
Did she crack in half?
I was waiting for them to report she has chewed down a tree and built a dam.
Objection! The Justice is badgering the witness!
Then all her fans would talk about how marvelous it is and how younger badgers just can’t keep up with her
Check out the jaws and teeth on that old badger! Why, just yesterday she chewed through a 200-year-old tree all by herself!
Sure, let’s go with that.
SketchUp is fun and