There’s a concept in Judaism you’ve likely heard of called “shabbos goy.” And here’s the background to understand that concept.
In Judaism, the five books of Moshe (Torah) are supposedly IT, the words and deeds of Yahweh, directly. And the laws of Yahweh. As I’ve talked about in other Jewsday posts, over time Pharisaical Judaism arose, wherein each word and phrase in the Torah is subject to tortured analysis and a lot of new rules set by rabbis. Curiously, those rules often seem to benefit certain people, as well as establish the power of rabbis; the kosher laws are a perfect example, with varying interpretations and complex new (compared to 2000 BCE) rules in force creating much opportunity for inspection and certification firms, not to mention rabbinical counsels. Here’s an example: the Torah says that the meat of a calf cannot be cooked in its mother’s milk. Generations of Pharisaical rabbis have turned this into a complex set of regulations requiring two sets of dishes, strict separation of any dairy product from any meat product, ritual purifications, and true biological weirdness (think of how dairy and beef are raised in the modern world). The Jews who feel that the Torah says what the Torah says, and fuck rabbis trying to complexify it and work out loopholes, are referred to as Karaites and are a minuscule minority.
I think some parallels are familiar and striking.
In any case, Pharisaical thinking resulted in the institution of the shabbos goy, a non-Jew hired to perform labor on the sabbath that Yahweh forbade Jews to do. But it’s a typical rabbinical workaround, interpret the sabbath as benefiting and binding on Jews, then rule that it’s OK to make some goy do your work for you, but with a whole set of rules and loopholes around that as well. And don’t get me started on how the rabbis have interpreted the word “work.” Here’s an example of the reasoning of one orthodox Pharisaical school of thought, just so you can get a flavor of how convoluted and ridiculous this shit is. So an orthodox jew (who can’t operate light switches on shabbos) can’t say to the goy, “Please tun on the light.” But it’s A-OK for him to say, “It’s dark in here,” and the goy will then know to turn on the light. See, we have the rules worked out!
So here it is, the goy holiday, and you guys don’t have a word for the opposite of a shabbos goy, me. A Noel Hebe? Well that’s OK, you deserve a day off and it’s going to be a slow day here anyway.
After nodding to the wonderful Glibertarians’ Christmas Tradition, let’s do birthdays and links.
Birthdays are rich and thick today. Genius-among-geniuses and religious crank Isaac Newton; pioneer jazz trombonist Kid Ory; believe it or not, Robert Ripley; iconic film actor Humphrey Bogart; one of my huge influences, Gerhard Herzberg; television auteur, discoverer of The Shat, and remarkably short fellow Rod Serling; and ultra-dreamy Canadian Justin “Zoolander” Trudeau.
Now on to the news.
Progs love to talk about the death of the middle class. And they’re right. But of course, the cause is… Prog policies.
A news story with much interesting (((sociology))) in it. And a good flavor of why the orthodox are highly unpopular in Israel, yet most are afraid to buck them.
For years, I have had a set of rules about movies which generally works for me. One of them is, “Any movie by Robert Zemeckis is going to suck donkey balls.” Apparently, I was ahead of the curve.
Why is hockey so violent? Is it the pent-up rage in Canadians? The effect of puck fumes on the human brain? Or is skating itself inherently violent?
More Trump-inspired antisemitism. Wait, what? But it’s OK, his career is in no danger because of the Grievance Pyramid.
Commie Pope is commie. This is my shocked face. All yours, Catholics, hope you’re enjoying it.
Team Blue continues to eat its own.
Why anti-war folks like me are warming up to Rand Paul. The Left is, of course, appalled and are doubling down on their newly-found war boners. Hey, y’all are welcome to volunteer to go fight whatever war you want; you DID say that if Trump won, you’d leave the US. Here’s a way to feed two birds with one scone.
As much contempt as I have for Jerry Brown, at least he seems actually concerned with criminal justice. Kudos, and I wish every governor was as concerned with making sure that that people in prison are actually guilty rather than procedurally guilty.
OK, which of you is this? Fess up, you’re among friends.
How can anyone think that corporate welfare is inherently corrupt? The Tobacco Commission????
Old Guy Music today is my favorite Christmas song. SP tells me, “You’re putting up too many Jeffrey Foucault songs. People won’t click them.” This is a brilliant song, so please prove her wrong. I get chills every time I hear it and think about the wonderful poetry.
The star up above the 5th Avenue Christmas tree
Is shining tonight through the cold and the rain
To light all the faces in the live nativity
Down on the floor of the stock exchangeDark is the night, cold is the ground
The armies march out to defend
And the Ghost Repeaters of the revelators
Are singing “Peace on Earth and Good Will to all Men”
The worst thing about being in a mixed marriage and visiting family over the holidays is no chinese food and movie for Christmas.
SP is dealing with the opposite- it’s just her and me this year, and I don’t really do Christmas.
But I’ll make sure she spends the day drinking.
I’ve been told we’re joining the ((girlfriend’s)) grandmother and aunt for Chinese food tonight.
Ha, my (((gf))) just called last night and said she had Chinese food with her dad. I was singing carols and lighting candles at church with my parents.
A news story with much interesting (((sociology))) in it.
Porn mode. That’s how I looked at it.
Tried opening it in a private window and still got the paywall.
That’s because you touch yourself at night.
And you don’t?
I have never touched you, day or night.
Why are you clicking the links? Ain’t nobody got time for that.
Plus, the links overlooked one major birthday today.
Baby Jesus has a sad.
I thought baby Jesus was actually born some time in the summer, and the celebration was moved to Christmas to co-opt the pagans winter solstice festivities.
Or is skating itself inherently violent?
Dammit, they don’t say what song it was.
This, of course.
I’d guess it was this:
But I’m old and I’m pretty sure it was some bullshit c-rap song.
Skating (as practiced in the late seventies on boards) is inherently violent and this was the song I remember hearing as I did it:
OK, which of you is this? Fess up, you’re among friends.
I’m not a woman, so not I.
The Post showing restraint on Christmas. Normally, that headline would’ve been “Long Island Iced Pee”.
I lol’d.
I didn’t vote for da pope, man. Cut a layman some slack, good sir.
I didn’t vote for the rabbis, either.
Aye, cheers to us gentle souls. I’ll be drinking this beer to you.
I have a growler of bock to enjoy with the Christmas ham, and I’m not even part Kraut.
I didnt technically vote for my pastor, But I have the vote with my feet option. Thanks to Martin Luthor.
That Lex’s brother?
Christmas is a messed up thing, over all, when you think of it in a non-religious way. The whole (mostly western) world decides that it’s okay to take the day “off” because of a religious holiday…. ok.
Father Joseph Nurchi, donning a yellow vest, assured protesters in Somain, northern France that “the Church is on the side of the losers” as he prepared to celebrate a mass on site late Monday.
How do you NOT read that as an insult?
Be French?
The guy couldn’t think of anything better besides loser? Yeeesh.
Perhaps he used a word in French that has more connotations than the English “loser” implies.
Please let me be shocked and disgusted immediately without thinking of the context. Jokes aside, you have a good point.
Maybe more like ‘downtrodden’, which is kind of their thing.
Les déplorables?
I too like that musical play.
Les dèrp
Well, when surrendering to various invading forces becomes accepted practice I guess “loser” doesn’t mean too much regardless of nuance.
It’s just a colloquial name for the French. Like hoser.
I read that as “hosers”. I was thinking he meant the Quebecois since he said it in French
OT: Sydney, Australia residents forced to flee apartment tower after “cracking noises” heard
For me the most frightening part of the article was this:
If some of the units are structurally unsafe, I’m not certain I’d want to return to any unit in the building.
Pardon the holy fcuk out of me – but if only two thirds of a building are found to be structurally safe, well, you don’t know anybody with enough money to pay me to be anywhere in that building for ten seconds. The world trade center was mostly structurally safe below the 93th floor after the plane hit it. A bit later, not so much.
That sounds like an apartment building that NOBODY should move into.
I heard about an apartment building in Taiwan where one resident had knocked out a wall to join two rooms to make it more livable. Others there heard about it and did the same. Turns out that wall was structural and at one point the entire structure came down.
The Jenga Tower incident.
Nakatomi Plaza?
Still safer than being outside with the Australian wildlife.
I was hiking in Australia on one of my trips there. I heard a rustle in the brush next to the trail. I stopped. A snake poked its head out of the brush and looked right at me. I waited a moment, and then continued on my way, giving the snake a wide berth. No problems.
For many Democrats, the nascent fight is counterproductive, because it distracts from the positive messages of potential candidates, including Sanders, O’Rourke and Sens. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., and Cory Booker, D-N.J.
Kind of like how an HIV test is positive.
Way to ruin Christmas. Worst Noel Heb ever.
So here it is, the goy holiday, and you guys don’t have a word for the opposite of a shabbos goy, me. A Noel Hebe? Well that’s OK, you deserve a day off and it’s going to be a slow day here anyway.
This Gentile has given up religion because these rules and their workarounds are stupid. Just live life.
Merry Christmas everyone!
After decades of sharp income erosion in the face of relentless taxes, escalating living costs and wage reductions through technological changes, the full extent of this shocking exodus is laid bare in the latest US Census data.
Huh. An ex-girlfriend assured me NYC has “great rent control laws”. I wonder how this happened…
The 1% did it?
I’m in the record store and the proprietor says Austin is ruined (fair enough) by new guys driving house prices out of reach. I suggested in an agreeing tone that everything should be stuck at 1985 prices, especially records . . .
Then silence for some reason.
Ha-ha. That made me laugh. Would have loved to see the look on his face.
Unless your ex-girlfriend inherited an apartment from her folks, it is a guarantee that she was indulging more in wishful thinking than reality. Rent control is a scam that extracts higher than market rate rents from young people in order to subsidize old people.
it is a guarantee that she was indulging more in wishful thinking than reality
We have a winner.
One of the many reasons she is an ex.
Probably the fault of real estate developers like Drumpfenhitler driving up prices.
Isn’t that basically ‘poor’? Certainly the lower end of that range, with NYC costs? Unless those folks get some sort of benefits too.
Living in NYC on $30,000 a year.. I’m not even sure that is possible. Rent would have to be 30% to 50% of that. If you own then property taxes would eat you alive. I’m sure somebody here is under-reporting.
That’s what I don’t get. They consistently rank Tokyo as one of the most expensive cities to live, yet 3 million yen a year is absolutely doable for a single person. Not glamorous, but not destitute by any stretch.
I think the expectations of what constitutes middle class in the US is more to blame.
Middle class little Timeloose’s parents had food to eat, a house over thier heads, and one to two modest cars. We went on 2 real vacations while I was a kid that did not involve visiting friends or family. We had a good savings and didn’t live hand to mouth or pay check to paycheck.
I don’t know when middle class families started thinking they should be able to have 2 new cars, a house, a summer vacation to Disney each summer, and savings for college for the kids on $60k of income.
There’s a reason Atlantic City and the Borscht Belt were a thing.
Agreed, Atlantic City and the Jersey shore are still relatively affordable for middle class to drive to and enjoy a vacation.
The Catskills always seemed like it was a bit more expensive, the poconos were always an option.
And the house has to have one more bathroom than bedrooms (and at least 3 bedrooms) kitchens four times the size of the one their mother had; full of granite countertops and commercial quality stainless steel appliances. What is considered a “starter home” has drastically changed in the last decade or two.
I’d consider 30-45 poor, and 45 to be low middle class. Of course I live in fly over country so I’m not adjusting for the NYC tax.
(Also I’m thinking for a family, for a single guy with a roommate, 30k ain’t that bad.)
Yes, at 30K you’d have to have a roommate. That’s how I and everyone else I know here did it.
However, two witnesses told TV station WFXR “a song came on that stirred local gang tension” in a crowd that included youths as young as 13. The song wasn’t identified, but “gang signs soon led to 95 percent of the room” hitting each other, the station said.
Maybe it’s not skating that’s violent, it’s the song!
Goddamn it not even Christmas can we get away from the (((you know who)))
Merry Boozeday glibs. If non drinking glibs feel othered well good!
The food and wine today was decidedly more mediocre then yesterday and the various spawn were more active but I got away from some peace and quit. Currently sipping bad whiskey.
Goddamn it not even Christmas can we get away from the (((you know who)))
Sylvanian Blue Dots.
I can never get away from Moldovans either.
True story: I once had 5 Moldovans living with me.
/looks at calendar
It’s Christmas… and oi to the world.
The combative couple were taken to the East Meadow Barracks, where Alexandra threw her soiled intimates and shoes and spat on troopers, officials said.
But their attorney, Marc Gann, told The Post he didn’t think Alexandra “threw anything” and accused the cops of not letting her use the bathroom.
Why can’t they all lose?
Why anti-war folks like me are warming up to Rand Paul.
“Aren’t these people going to stand up and now fight for themselves?” he asked. “Can they not do anything?”
while I think pulling out of syria is good, these comments annoy me in the sense that if this was US from the start good, but you come in start shit and then leave…
Hilary started shit. That cunt.
Knowing Rand, I think it was more of a jab at the left, who often think that the white man must come and help the brown man for their own good.
White man’s burden, they used to call it. And yes, the leftists still feel that way.
it’s just reparations mkay…
Well, the Euros gave a Nobel Peace Prize to the guy who got the US involved in Syria, stepped up the war in Afghanistan, and started another half-dozen wars.
So if the only alternatives are keep the wars going or get out, I would still believe that “get out” is the less bad option. And hopefully stop electing idiots like Bush and Obama.
the Euros gave – Sweden is like soy Europe not the real deal
Speaking of Rand Paul, his stream of consciousness tweets the last day or two have been fantastic.
He has either decided he’ll never be elected president due to being short/ having goofy hair /etc or he was drunk.
But it was an epic twitter rant for sure.
I remember the neocons itching for a fight with Syria way back in 2001 or so. Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan were the top three that had to be toppled. Then it was Syria and Libya. Rand never supported the intervention in Syria as far as I can recall.
Syria is the gateway fight to Iran – which is the heroin of war.
Thanks to some Glib cimment the other day my fate on the 27th is to watch the WWI documentary in the theater, whereupon a complete meltdown is safely predicted.
So for two days I will eat, drink, and be Merry!
Take care, all!
You changed your Avatar significantly, and now I’m confused. I don’t like being confused, so I’m petitioning for a law against changing avatars.
Few people liked my Maleficint, so I decided not to change for Christmas.
I don’t particularly care the content of the Avatar, it’s just that I often “read” the Avatar rather than the name.
For example, that’s how I know it’s “Just Say’n” rather than some en vouge apologist
I liked Malificent
Same, albeit I believe I was still a shy lurker at the time.
My Christmas one is a selfi of me at 32 in a red corset.
Oooh…corsets. I love ‘em. You’ll have to share again.
You’re adorably bad-ass.
I’ll share when I get to my PC. Still in post-present-opening afterglow.
So, we’re just done with phrasing right? That’s not a thing anymore?
I save my clever on dits for my books.
What you cant see in that pic is that the bracer on my left arm is a superhero-worthy thing for seamstresses! It sports thread of many colors, buttons, snaps, a thimble, the honest-to-goodness stork scissors, brass safety pins, etc.
I have rescued many a gal at the rennie with that puppy. Even a bride on her wedding day!!
I will have to take a pic of it.
Not a chatelaine?
I want to see your bracer.
I love historical clothing, mostly 1700s-1890s.
I also want to put together a suit like Oddjob from James Bond (I kinda want to be Oddjob in general – an egg-shaped mass of muscle who can crush golf balls with his hand).
I haven’t changed mine yet – it’s me at Christmas at the in-laws about 4 years ago. They gave me a top hat, so I thought – libertarian, top hat, good to me.
Hayeksplosives’ Christmas avatar
This is exactly how I visualize her.
Oh my.
I see you’ve met my husband.
I think it’ll be a good experience. Our theater last week was actually packed (contrasted with the 50th anniversary screening of Bullitt that had 10 folks watching).
In before the kids get up, Merry Christmas!
Wow. Kid beat me up this morning. Wait, that doesn’t sound right.
Jeez and I thought my Christmas was pretty rough.
Serves you right for leaving age-appropriate blunt instruments strewn about your residence.
Will come back for lynx.
Merry Christmas!!! Kids’ presents went over a treat and I almost don’t care what I got because it was so fun watching them.
I am sure it is much better when the kids are yours but when not it gets tiresome. Especially 7 year old nephews waning you to play hide an seek with them when you have a bunch of food and booze in you.
Strangely I noticed in Romania kids wanting to play with adults not among themselves.
Go for a walk outside, and they won’t find you.
“Strangely I noticed in Romania kids wanting to play with adults not among themselves.”
I think this is fairly common for the younger kids. Kinda like how your cool if you hang with the older kids.
I’m happy when the nephews want to do stuff with me. I realize that for the most part, I’m old and boring.
Jingle tits, jingle tits, jingle all the way…
Those would make nice stocking stuffers.
1, 34, 52, whew man. Could use that warmth this Christmas.
meh not great for my tastes… 21 31 work maybe 48 or 63
For Pie.
That is what I like about you Q you go the extra mile to make original jokes
Miss Romania 2014.
I’m gonna need to see her in hooker boots.
Mammary Christmas!
Consider it your Christmas bonus.
Some borderline NSFW.
Bless, I wasn’t expecting a bonus this year so this is wonderful.
Hey Q, hit me up at my handle @ protonmail if you’d like to see the splosives side of Hayek 😉
I keed, I keed.
MMerry Christmas one and all. Thanks everyone for all you do. I learn much here. Every day something new.
Merry Christmas to you too…Tulpa?
Where’s my fainting couch!
I don’t see anything wrong here.
Sure, it’s legal and been that way forever, but we never imagined a bunch of whiny idiots would see pictures of it. We’ll get right to work changing the legal status to placate them.
Those people are completely insane.
The Scots, I mean.
Mount Etna has ‘flank eruption’ – BBC News
not that impressive really
Ho ho ho. A non-oppressive Xermas to xee and xers.
May all your grievances be subject to retributive justice by the collective.
Xerxes was ahead of his time.
Opera applause
And in local ornithological news Richard’s pipit was observed for the first time in Romania
White privilege.
So… the Christmas ham. Is it just rubbing ((their)) noses in it? Today we celebrate the savior, and eat this delicious meat product that is forbidden to you!
Happy holidays all.
The Paper of Record ladies and gentlemen.
I blame Kenny.
They should ban credit cards. Problem solved. Right?!
Um… except you do exactly that whenever the government “suggests” it.
The main line of attack against O’Rourke is that he isn’t progressive enough — that he’s been too close to Republicans in Congress, too close to corporate donors and not willing enough to use his star power to help fellow Democrats — and it is being pushed almost exclusively by Sanders supporters online and in print.
His lack of maniacal faith disturbs them.
And in local ornithological news Richard’s pipit was observed for the first time in Romania
How did it taste?
Prediction: like chicken..
And actually on topic:
I’ve looked into Karaite Judaism since I think it actually makes more sense to dispense with Rabbis. I’m capable of reading and interpreting the Torah myself thankyouverymuch. Also, if the Torah is the literal word of G-d, why would you need an intercessor?
Unfortunately, as you said, good luck finding a Karaite shul anywhere; they make up 0.01% of Jews or something.
It’s the same with the Catholics. There is no bible in the pews only a well curated selection of what the corporate church is promoting this week. We need an expert to translate, interperate, and relate the word of the lord.
Top Men.
At the moment of Christ’s death on the cross, Per King James translation, “And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom”
This passage is far more significant than is often realized. The veil in the temple separated the rabbis who did the readings and the rituals and intervened with God from the common folk.
When Christ died, there was no longer a need for separation because the perfect sacrifice had been given for all time.
The tearing of the veil paved the way eventually to “All men are created equal and endowed by their creator…”
Whether you believe in God or not, it was a sea change scriptural teaching.
Thank you for that insight. My studies of the Christian faith ended when I was 14 with my confirmation.
If you can find it streaming, I highly recommend “Secrets of the Dead: Battle for the Bible” episode.
It’s about the literal life and death struggle to get an English vernacular translation of the Bible into England.
Seriously, dudes were burned at the stake for trying to get God’s word into the hands of the common man without Top Men “interpreting”.
The early stirrings of the Enlightenment, IMHO
They still had Latin masses in my early days. They also had Polish ones as well. I’ll look for it thanks.
It’s probably about licensing and stuff but it comes and goes from Netflix. it is currently available to stream the full hour episode on Youtube.
So does the leagal term “Piercing the Veil” originate from this interpretation?
Not directly, I’d guess–certainly not in a spiritual since. But perhaps they have a common etymology, since piercing the corporate veil means the Top Men are held to the same rules as the schlubs…maybe you’re right.
Oddly enough, my parent’s church has bibles in the pews, which is odd for Catholics. And lately, thanks to going to masses named in memory of my dad, I notice that the readings are “interpreted” before they are read. Which is also new, and odd for Catholics.
I went to a Catholic wedding mass last week and noticed that they changed a lot of the liturgy since I last went. One thing they didn’t was ‘Catholics only’ communion.
Contrast that with last night at my Lutheran service with its ‘Everyone is Welcome’ communion.
It bugged me more than it should have.
Weird, growing up our Lutheran (Missouri Synod) church was very exclusive about communion.
I don’t recall ever hearing/ seeing a Catholics only communion when I went as a kid at multiple churches ( or the last time at my sister’s wedding). It was probably the assumption but no one said said anything and left it up to the person receiving to do so. I’m a lapsed catholic so I just received a blessing instead of communion for that wedding.
Yes, that’s the way I recall it, too, but this was an explicit request for us dirty former Catholics to not partake. It might be just that church or priest, but it didn’t sit well with me.
I don’t remember any of that from when I was a kid, but at some funeral masses a few years ago the priest made an announcement before Communion. It was something along the lines of “you need to be in a State of Grace to take part in Communion.”
It’s been too long since I’ve been in Catholic School so I can’t remember if there was any such requirement, and I’m not going to look it up.
Yes this was always the case.
0.01% of Jews or something
Really going for the minorest of minorities?
Rand is certainly getting shit on for being consistent. The left hates him for reminding them that they’re essentially neoconservative if the right strong man is in charge and the right that conservative doesn’t mean starting wars and rebuilding nations with debt.
Paul’s rant was my Christmas present.
We aren’t worthy to have him as president.
He can’t be elected president because he’s too soft on immigration and open on trade. Other than that, he might actually be a viable presidential candidate someday.
I’ve never been more disgusted with Democrats than I was when I heard them pissing and moaning about the withdrawal of troops.
This was pretty much the case before, but I’m never casting a vote for anyone with that affiliation as long as I live. Fuck them.
… I know Republicans are warmongers too, but I don’t recall them radically altering this view based on political expediency. I’ve always expected it from them.
Merry Christmas to all Glibs. I’m working night shifts this week and am about to crash…hell I hardly ever post anymore because usually I’m reading the threads way after the active posting has ceased, but I wanted to make sure I got in holiday greetings to some of the reasons I look forward to getting online.
It’s great to see you when you do!
“Any movie by Robert Zemeckis is going to suck donkey balls.”
*clicks link*
Wait, he directed Forrest Gump? Fuck that guy.
I thought he directed Back to the Future and then went to the Cayman Islands earning 20%?
1941, Christmas Carol remake, Contact, Death Becomes Her… it’s a legacy of suck. Only Spielberg is worse.
Used Cars – the exception that proves the rule.
Agreed. The dog trained to pretend to get run over on the test drive to seal the deal was genius.
That movie was entertaining.
Used Cars is one of my favorite movies. I don’t give a shit who directed it.
The NR review was brutal.
It has come to my attention that my avatar morphing from Renaissance Fair need to Psyduck has led to confusion. So for Christmas y’all get to see an honest to goodness pic of what I look like in real life. For now.
“Renaissance fair NERD”
I liked the Psyduck, it made me smile. You POGO?
Because I don’t comprehend POGO I’mma guess no.
According to Kelly Bundy, “Put Out or Get Out.”
So, I am a nerd.
POGO = “Pokemon Go!”
Regarding the Bernie/Beto story, those two numbnuts think they’re fighting over who becomes the next president? Wow.
That makes Trump 2020 a lock, no?
What no discussion of “Her” and the turn she deserves.
I picture her on Xmas morning, drinking bourbon already, blaming Bill, Chelsea, the dog, the postal service guy…
We got Orange Man, but we dodged a frikken bullet with Not Hillary.
I had said one time over on TOS that Trump wouldn’t win, but Hillary would lose. A couple of people got my meaning. John screamed at me for hating Trump. LOL
She comes off as a vodka drinker to me.
I hope she tapes herself like Judy Garland did.
*looks at glass of eggnog*
*shrugs. takes another drink*
Spoiler alert: because they’ve been broken since 2012. Who could have foreseen this course of events?
I think working for government requires a lack of shame in asking for money immediately after royally fucking something up and getting people killed.
So was Jesus a Karaite?
I’d never seen that term so I have to research, but kinda sounds like it.
He was pretty notorious for calling out the Rabbis on sticking to (or weaving around) the letter of the law but not the intent.
The Pharisees built their heresy case against him by pointing out such terrible things as Jesus healing on the Sabbath and forgiving an adulterous woman (“let he who without sin cast the first stone at her”) Perish the thought of mercy!
Q: What did socialists use before candles?
A: Electricity!
Merry Christmas!
What did socialists use before candles?
I watched If… last night.
I hadn’t seen it for a million years. It holds up (as entertainment, if not “social commentary”) at least as well as The Wild One. The ending would give the David Hoggs of the world the vapors.
Or is skating itself inherently violent?
Bah. It was a roller skating rink.
Fake news.
There’s been shootings here in roller rinks because – it’s supposed to be the gang-free safe space for middle schoolers & high schoolers. Well, those tend to sometimes be gang members too, so – bang bang.
The one version of this song I insist upon hearing today.
Merry Christmas, all.
My second favorite Christmas song.
Here is mine. Ever since “Die Hard”
And the contemporary from my earlier child hood.
I thought it was a platypus.
Yeah, Psyduck is a platypus with super seizure powers. When he gets a migraine/seizure he is incapacitated until a burst of energy flattens everyone.
Pretty much how this <—epileptic gal rolls.
For more rabbinical wackiness:
Set in a world in which many/most/all of Judaical mythology is true (such an Angels have no knees, and can speak every language in existence EXCEPT Aramaic). With footnotes and rationales behind said wackinesses.
In retail, cutting out the middle man is seen as a good thing. Why not religion? God needs to go DTC.
It was posted last night, but it’s so damn good – Merry Christmas!
Another fave.
One more.
I think I’m getting sick. So I made some medicine – black tea, honey, lemon, and some Water of Life (Jameson’s).
While making my medicine, I looked out my kitchen window into the woods behind my house. I saw something greyish/brownish moving. I squinted a bit. The local hawk has taken up the slack from the now missing foxes. The hawk was tearing into a squirrel. Excellent. Get more of them please.
We have a couple of fox living in the woods by the house. Nothing brings me greater joy than to see one trot by with a squirrel or bunny in its jaws.
Get better!
In Minnesota, Mr Splosives and I made our master bedroom the big basement one so we were right underneath the ground windows. One night, we awoke to the sounds of bunny screams as an owl made a meal of it, one sadistic bit at a time.
Bunny screams.
We are scarred for life.
Liar. It was the hottest sex of your life, wasn’t it? No need to feel ashamed!
Merry Christmas! Please give my best to the kilted Berserker you live with.
Merry Christmas, Tundra!
No that Bunny Scream night was not sexy.
However, my well-earned days off after acquiring vast power at work have made me a bit hungry, so Mr Splosives is actually limping a little.
But smiling.
I was in Winnemucca, NV a couple weeks ago to count alfalfa bales. 6 inches of snow overnight, and a gentle snow in the morning. Driving from farm to farm, the truck would scare the bunnies out of the road into the alfalfa fields. Look into the fields, there’s a pack of coyotes. And a golden eagle that flew about 20 feet away from the truck, outside the driver window, and stayed there for about a mile. Also, at least three red tail hawks. I was flushing bunnies into the jaws and talons of coyotes and raptors. I enjoyed it.
Also saw mountain lion tracks, and the spine, ribcage, skull of what was once a deer. Saw mountain goats, and deer grazing.
Saw a motherfucking bald eagle in Reno. Just sitting on a traffic signal arm. Beautiful.
Motherfucking eagle.
I picture him with a cigarette dangling from his beak.
“Birds of Prey know they’re cool.”
The little bunnies do that when Wonder Dog “plays” with them (a game which involves crushing them with her huge paws).
I used to cheer the pair of foxes when they were out on their hunt. After a while I stopped seeing them. I think some asshole called animal control and had them removed. Bastards. I miss the foxes.
We have a mating pair in my suburban neighborhood. Their fun to watch. Squirrels and rabbits have had it too easy since the feral cat problem moved away(crazy cat lady).
Fuck squirrels. Little fuckers ate all of my Roma tomatoes two summers in a row (and by “ate”, I mean “tore off the plant just as it was turning red, took one bite, and threw it on the ground”). Maybe I should put cat food out so that I can have yard cats who will chase them away. Either that, or construct a giant cage with chicken wire.
The Hot Toddy sounds good though. I like to put orange peel and spices like cloves, cinnamon, and allspice in there.
Deg you need some Boilo
My one grandmother grew up in the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton area and occasionally we’d be in Schuylkill County for stuff. I grew up northwest of Philly (near the Montgomery/Berks county line).
I never heard of Boilo until after I left Pennsylvania.
I think I need to make up for lost time.
OT: Christmas was thankfully politics-free last night except for one comment made by a relative: She teaches English and was thinking about going abroad again to teach, and I made the joke, “Maybe you can teach English in England because they seem to be spelling all kinds of words wrong – colour, flavour, et cetera…” And her reply was, “Well maybe I would if they weren’t leaving the European Union! I guess I could still to go Scotland…”
Leftists really are freaked out that a country democratically decided to exit a supranational bureaucracy, aren’t they? To the point where they won’t even set foot in the country? Even though in virtually every other way, that country continues to slide towards Leftist totalitarianism?
I’ve mentioned this before but I had numerous acquaintances who posted pictures of themselves crying the day after the Brexit vote. I know them well enough to know that none have family or business ties in the UK, and haven’t even traveled there that I know of. I guess they just really love supra-national authoritarianism, or at least getting worked up about things at Rachel Maddow’s direction.
I could kind of understand someone being pro-EU if they wanted free trade, easier travel for citizens within the region, and mutual national defense. I would still tell this person that you can get all of those benefits without the supranational bureaucracy (which has expanded to things like making rules on fruit and vegetable sizes).
But what angers me is that they’re actually taking an anti-democratic view in the Brexit case just because they don’t like the outcome. They’ve busted out that old line, “They voted against their own interests” and insist that “experts” should have made that decision, not the people.
And these are a lot of the exact same people (literally this same person I’m talking about, in this case) who complained that Hillary is not president despite winning the popular vote.
Leftists follow their emotions and use different logic to support it based on the situation.
Yeah, chatting with a gorgeous Welsh young woman last year, she was a bit annoyed at the prospect of losing easy travel, which is understandable, though could be accomplished without the Borg, as you say.
Lefties talk endlessly about “Democracy” but are happy about the deep state attempts to get Trump out of office, but I think it was Michael Malice who said they don’t really care about intellectual consistency anyway, so you won’t get anywhere bringing that up to them.
And it’s not like Britain is turning into Pinochet’s Argentina or something – they’re throwing people in jail for “offensive” speech, constantly cracking down on weapons, and still running “free” healthcare.
Britain is the Left’s vision for America, yet they’re still pissing and moaning because they left the EU. I don’t get it.
Pinochet’s Argentina Um…joke?
“voting against their interests” Isn’t the whole fucking point of voting to express your opinion of what exactly you believe your interests to be? If anyone decides to pre-empt your decision they are explicitly invalidating your interests and forcibly interjecting their own (see TDS for example).
Prior to the box cutter invasion, Americans traveled to and from Mexico and Canada with no real restrictions at all, without any formal “union” or additional supervisory entity. No passport or visa required. It seemed easy and safe to me.
Jews aren’t allowed to turn on lights on certain days!?
I was figuring out my oven menu (computers ruin everything) in my new house and ran across “Sabbath Mode”
Please, OMWC, enlighten us Gentiles!
Press Sabbath Mode and the oven plays this
Yep. I knew that one before I opened the box from ACME….
This crowd doesn’t disappoint. Usually.
The rabbis have interpreted the ban on starting fires as meaning that electrical switches cannot be turned on or off. This despite there being no physical similarity between a flow of electrical charge and photons generated by chemical reactions.
So the Sabbath mode is a timer system that can be set to automatically turn on and off an electrical appliance.
Oh, and there’s a bunch of weird rules about the display as well. Fucking rabbis.
The display?? SRSLY ? Now interested. But I’ll google next Saturday so as not to ask you to enact sinful labor for me.
Imma link this guy’s book.
He’s pretty cool and can hold his liquor.
Hannity-esque title. Your description of the Scottish vs French enlightenment ideas made it sound far more interesting.
I’m only about 1/4 in but am enjoying immensely. Really want to meet up again and talk.
I’d love to make it a SoCal Glibs meet up. I don’t know how busy the author is but he gets around.
We have some family coming over this afternoon. My gf is freaking out and rushing around to clean up and get everything set up. I should probably make my self a drink. All her activity is stressing me out. ?
That’s a better excuse than the one I was thinking of; I’m bored.
Or; you can’t say you drank all day if you don’t start in the morning.
Or; I got a set of Moscow Mule copper cups and I need to make sure they work properly
Huh, it looks like I have no reason to not start drinking!
I’m also trying to find the ambition to set up my new receiver.
So Trudeau Part II, The Dreamsicle, was born on the super-unwoke day of Christmas Day. That must explain his penchant for taking part in every non-Christian tradition on earth. Such woke. Much diverse.
I so wish that I had been the drunken Metis in the ring with him that night.
I’m getting ready to head for Christmas at the in laws. Ham, Mac n cheese, wine, and Pinochle.
We usually play contract tummy because we can have any number of players
Contract Tummy sounds kinda sexy, Two-lips.
My my, sir.
Sounds painful.
This is how the world ends
The lights were not twinkling. The toy trains were not whirring. Even the nearby bathrooms were locked.
The national Christmas tree, symbol of a country’s seasonal cheer, instead stood as an icon of a government in paralysis, as the partial shutdown stretched into the holiday with an array of federal services frozen, some 800,000 public servants either idled or about to be and the disruption to the broader public bound to grow when the quiet spell ends later this week.
No lights on the National Holiday Tree. Truly, Trump’s America is a dystopian nightmare. Soon the cannibal rape gangs will emerge from their subterranean lairs to wreak remorseless vengeance.
Not if the doors are locked………
Merry Christmas
They decided to give it funding. It’s lit now.
Womp womp.
Don’t be naughty, or you might spend Christmas in Jail.
I wouldn’t mind spending Christmas with the fiddle player.
That brings me back to Thanksgiving 2006!
I don’t recall posting this here; so if you need to kill some time today and would like to do so by listening to something pretty interesting.
People won’t click them.
I did. Listened through twice and loved it. Thanks!
And no Ted, I don’t need any others this morning.
The eponymous album is amazeballs. Highly recommended. Bo Ramsey is one of my favorite guitarists.
Happy Honda Days or Toyotathon, depending on how you were raised.
The skating rink story reminds me of the time that my 14 year-old buddy and me got so vodka drunk that I attempted to fireman carry him home from the skating rink. He still had his skates on. It was about five miles and I made it almost two before some of the older-older friends of my brother took pity on us and drove us to his parent’s home. I literally dropped him on the welcome mat. Funnily enough, after we got Steve squared away I sat up drinking Tom Collinses with his Mom and Dad for a few hours. I had a lot of lightweight friends like that. I used to be able to handle my booze.
Driving from farm to farm, the truck would scare the bunnies out of the road into the alfalfa fields. Look into the fields, there’s a pack of coyotes. And a golden eagle that flew about 20 feet away from the truck, outside the driver window, and stayed there for about a mile. Also, at least three red tail hawks. I was flushing bunnies into the jaws and talons of coyotes and raptors. I enjoyed it.
That reminds me of a story this girl I knew in college told me. She grew up on a big farm in Kansas, and when they were out doing stuff like raking hay the hawks would cruise along at the end of the rake because it would flush tasty little critters out of their hidey holes.
My day has some property out in the country and twice a year he’ll mow down the tall grass with his tractor. Same thing. The hawks circle just waiting.
Every boy and girl that has been haying knows this truth.
My daughter wanted a Fender Stratocaster and an amp for Christmas. She doesn’t know how to play guitar. We got her a parlor guitar with accoutrements to learn to play one first. I wasn’t going to get her a guitar at all, but my physical therapist talked me into it because she had recently gotten one and enjoyed it immensely.
My daughter is in tears.
Not of joy.
I don’t know how we did it, but we have raised an ungrateful, entitled brat.
It’s going back.
Just buy her a real one. They have decent resale value.
Oh HELL no. Her attitude is shit.
Where do you live? I’ll give you one maybe,
Kansas City. Thank you for the offer, but I am not going to reward her petulance.
How old is she?
Yeah, I’m terrified of when my girls become teenagers. They’re 3.5, 2, and 5 months right now. I have a feeling my homestead is going to be a shitshow in 12ish years.
I was a teenage girl once and I still have no idea how to deal with her.
I think my “landline theory” can help explain that.
Remind me to explain it sometime (don’t have time right now.. And posting from my phone)
Not to be confused with the telephone hour I guess
I was never a teenaged girl but I spent hours and hours tying up my Dad’s business line talking to them. All talkin’, no cockin’.
You’re gonna have 3 teenage daughters at the same time. Monthlies will be weekly, hysterics will be daily. I only report the news, don’t blame me.
Not to worry, in a couple days she’ll be begging for the car keys again. Teenagers haven’t changed since I was a kid.
This. Emote first, calm down and move on later.
It’s challenging, of course, but I’d consider giving her a chance to regroup.
And I agree with EDG and BP – acoustic first, lots of practice and a reward later for proficiency.
I’ll hold off for a little bit, then, and let her have her tantrum. Mr. Mojeaux is too angry to even want to discuss it or think about it further.
Something with a narrow neck and easy strings to build confidence. It shouldn’t be a chore to strum a chord. (not phrasing)
Nylon strings, FTW!
My dad had a classical guitar when I was a kid. The neck was pretty wide, but the nylon strings made it easy to play.
I sent her to Coventry. She’s already hinting she wants it back.
Tell your daughter she needs both an acoustic and an electric guitar. And here’s the thing; electric guitar can hide alot of sloppy playing and stuff because the amplifier makes everything sound cool. I write songs and play them on my acoustic. When it sounds sharp there, then I move them over to my electric.
If your playing on an acoustic is sharp, you are going to shred on an electric.
Thanks. I’ll pass it along.
Also, I don’t blame you if you don’t want to do this, but for her birthday, you could get her a Strat knockoff. Although I suspect if you got one that color, she’d be crying again. Also, a lot of music stores sell used ones for about $79-150 or so. It can come with the message “once you get good, you get a better one. For now, you have to work on it.” Also, scratch & dent can be bargains.
I got a Fender Precision copy bass for my 14th birthday, but I was stoked. I actually did a lot of work on it and made it a great playing bass. Later on, I moved up, eventually to an S & D Fender Jazz.
Ah crap. Um, edit fairy, can you help me out?
That color is awesome.
I actually don’t mind it, but I was thinking a picky teenage girl might. I don’t know if it’s worth the price difference, but you can’t go wrong with basic black.
I had a Strat knockoff (not even a Squier, lol) that looked just like that. Mine had a whammy bar, though.
It’s always good to learn to tune on the fly because your cheap guitar goes out of tune when you use the bar!
Yeah, my first bass was a Palmer. The only about it thing I didn’t like it was it had a Van Halen style paint job.
Also, a parlor guitar is fine, especially for a teenage girl. I sold off all of my dreadnoughts (full size) acoustics. I play an Epiphone el-00, which is not as small as a parlor, but is smaller than a dreadnought. It’s based on guitars from the 1930’s. I didn’t like the bulkiness of a full sized guitar. And this may sound strange, but I didn’t like the full deep tones of full size acoustics. Parlor guitars and my el-00 have a vintage, bluesy, sound. Bob Dylan circa 1962/63.
Also, it’s way easier to just grab an acoustic and start strumming. No cables, no wall sockets, no headphones.
For my birthday in September, my mom passed on her Washburn acoustic guitar to me since she doesn’t play it anymore:
It sounds great, and it would sound even better if I could do more than play three chords. I might try to play some classical stuff like Bertali’s “Ciaconna” or something.
Barre chords work on acoustics, too.
Find some music that you want to play. Put it into a spotify playlist. Obsessively listen to that playlist while you exercise, wash dishes, do laundry, etc. A year later, you’ll be able to play those songs. Also, YouTube videos are very instructive.
Here’s mine.
Built in January 1976 by a guy Named Rodney Kent Albin. I bought it in 1989 or so from a broke friend. Awesome, jangly-bright sound and has been used (by my cousin) in several professional recording sessions.
Not a bad buy – I should actually play once in awhile…
Set her to work on that basement slab and pay her half of what Jose from Guatemala would earn. That’ll learn her.
Oh that I could.
I am so happy we only had boys.
You’ll get nothing and like it!
That’s pretty much where Mr. Mojeaux and I are at right now.
I don’t know how we did it, but we have raised an ungrateful, entitled brat.
People confuse me.
This isn’t the first (or second) Christmas she’s cried over her gifts.
25 years ago I bought my ex-Wife a ski jacket and a seasons pass to a local hill. She hated the the coat so much that she never bothered to check the pockets. I returned them both.
Next year, give her coal.
That’s on the Evil Mommy Shopping List.
Teenagers are pretty fucked-up from the get go. You wanna dangle some imaginary strings in front of them? No. No you do not.
Oh my gosh. Imgur has banned me again over cleavage. Good grief, the #metoo crowd are the new prudes and chaperones.
Srsly, tho, the neoVictorian prudes are getting stale.
I’m still stuck on ‘cleavage’.
‘Splosives has an impressive and totally bad-ass rack.
No cleavage, unfortunately, but eggy-weggs, scrambled with cream cheese, and smoked salmon for breakfast. Not the best smoked salmon I’ve ever had, but there’s a lotta daylight between not the best and not good. And a “bagel” from Sara Lee. I’m stuffed.
Now I’m thinking I might just jump back in bed and find a movie to watch. It’s freezing fog out there, and I have noplace to be, anyway.
Sounds like pajamas, bed, and Netflix is exactly where you need to be. Merry Christmas!
Fucking rabbis.
They got in your garden and ate all the carrots?
Brewed some black tea. Threw a cinnamon stick in there too. Then some Jim Beam, and heavy cream. A a splash of maple syrup. This beverage is delicious. Merry Christmas to all you Glibs!