Hey, kids!
This is short and sweet, because as you can imagine, I’m up to my…neck…in alligators, also known as packing boxes. If I just wanted to throw everything in the house into boxes and move ’em, it’d be an easy process. but I’d like to get rid of a LOT of stuff beforehand. That’s time-consuming. Still waiting on estimates from movers, too.
This coming week, we have a bit of a change-up re: content. Of course, you’ll still get links, served up by an ever-changing cast of writers, but, most likely OMWC, Brett L, Banjos, and…assorted others.
Tomorrow, of course, we have Not Adahn’s forecast for the holiday week, and the next in Nephilium’s brewing series.
Monday, we have the Glibertarians.com traditional re-telling of wchipperdove’s ‘Twas the Night before Glib-Mas! HM has promised a family friendly Christmas Eve treat, as well. (No, really, that’s what he said!)
Christmas Day, PieInTheSky brings us some festive tunes from Romania, and I think an evening Open Post will be a great opportunity for everyone to de-stress from the loving embrace of family life. Drinks optional.
Wednesday, Tonio continues The Glibening, Part the Fifth, and SugarFree has a very un-SugarFree like piece in the evening. Thursday we get back to more serious fare, with a post from trshmnstr about Chevron or something, and a philosophical piece from Bob Boberson.
Friday brings the ever-popular What Are We Reading post, and mexicansharpshooter probably has a review/not review to wrap things up on Saturday.
OK! Time to take a break, eat great pizza, drink wonderful wine, and watch football, even if it is the Ravens.
Now, open my gift to you, the Saturday Night Open Post!
Packing boxes are also known as alligators?!
It’s Science, dude!
Run your finger along the edge of a packing box and along the edge of an alligator and tell me if you feel a difference.
I thought alligators are pieces of tire tread on the road.
Last time I moved I went with those hard plastic bins. Best move evar.
^This. But can get expensive. Cardboard cushions better. Clear plastic bins make it easier to find stuff if not labelled.
Good luck!
We did the heavy duty Rubbermaid totes with handles and wheels. Between that and using Pods to ship the stuff, it was as painless as a crosscountry move could be.
Not if the bin company gets wiped out by a storm and never comes back to collect them – er, I’ve heard.
Ah, the old (((lightning)))?
The first two businessmen ask the third, “How do you fake a hurricane?”
Some people think moving is a pain in the ass. I enjoy throwing everything I have into boxes.
You could probably start by clearing out all the audio detritus in the basement.
Packing as well, thank God for beer
Roofies work better.
Bob, I guess I missed it; You find a place in Nevada?…or Arizona?…I forget where you were looking.
Az still looking
Find a job yet?
Good luck, Yuff.
Wendy has a lot of China, holy crap…….
Journalist laments comment sections that allow anyone who wants to provide feedback to do so, yearns for the days when editors handpicked letters to publish.
TW: Salon
Translation: I need a safe space where readers outside my bubble can’t rain on my parade
From there it basically devolves into a rant about Twitter being full of racists and white supremacists. This should shock nobody who realizes most journalists live on Twitter these days.
They created the environment and now they’re upset they can’t control it, so they want to put the genie back in the bottle. Ain’t happenin’. You created the monster, deal with it.
Most outlets have dealt with it by removing their comment sections.
“In the old days of print media, the only way for readers to talk back was to mail (and later email) comments to editors who would then pick and choose the most relevant or interesting ones (and weed out the racist, sexist, or just plain mean ones).”
You had to be Oliver Twist and beg the overlords. Don’t read the comments if you don’t like them.
Or, like the Phila. Inquirer, run 95% TDS letters.
Maybe he should lament how clickbait trash like Salon didn’t exist back when magazines were made out of trees, and editors picked articles to publish because it cost money.
We have a new gun safe coming next week. Delivery guys will only move it into the garage, and we have to deal with the rest. Gotta figure out how to move a 400 pound safe into a basement.
Offer them $100 to move it to the basement.
They can’t, moving company won’t allow it.
Look for a secondary company once it’s in the garage. I hired a company to move my safe from one part of the garage to another. Cost me $150 but it took them 15 minutes, where it would have taken me much longer and potential disaster.
You may be able to rent a powered stair climbing dolly.
This and a pair of ratchet straps?
Yeah, an appliance cart and some friends is the way to go. Many hardware stores rent appliance carts for $20-$30 a day.
Besides buying a serious hand truck as trashmonster suggests, I’m sure there are companies that move heavy things for money.
Where does Amy Shumer buy her panties?
I left mine in the cardboard box and just slid it down the basement steps.
Mine is full now, so I have been thinking of either buying a bigger one or buying another one
The plumbing company that installed my boiler used a hand cart, a series of straps, one guy up top one guy obove the top of the cart, and two guys below the cart. The guy up to had belts with straps connected to the cart and used them to lower the cart and keep it from falling. The guys below guided the cart and kept it steady.
stair climber
Found one but the rental cost would be just as much as hiring it done. Was thinking of DYI but now I’ll probably just hire it done and save my back.
DAY ONE: My family has continued on with their every day lives during this most distressing shutdown of our United States. The markets were still well stocked but we indulged in buying obscure items such as a case of beer, fresh vegetables, a roast for dinner…we can only hope this holds us over for the coming doom that is near.
I pray these words are reaching out as I am unsure how long my electricity will be on..I turn off the computer at 10pm.
Godspeed, Own’emy. Godspeed.
I fear we shall never see ‘is like again.
The government shut down? I didn’t notice.
I know word has not reached t’wards the lesser parts of the country. We have made dire preparations, ensuring our house is comfortable at 68 degrees and our milk has not soured.
The kids are scrounging for food at a birthday party and i expect much bounty to continue our stocks
Been hearing nothing but sirens all day in my neighborhood. Oh wait,it was just the fire company Santa making his rounds and tossing candy to the kids. Probably the only treat they’ll get this Christmas unless the complete collapse of civilization causes President Grinch to relent and restore our faithful civil servants to their positions over us.
Pitch perfect.
We had family over for Christmas.
And somehow I spent the day at the local library playing board games.
Swiss: Azul is a great light weight game. And if you want a game to destroy families, Chinatown is a fantastic economic negotiation game.
Any golfers here?
Drive for show, putt for dough.
What if you can’t do either? (Asking for a friend)
Looks better than the topped shot Jack hit on tv during the father/son event. Kid needs a good nickname. Tiger, Bear, Shark already taken.
Went with my folks one time. Was bored out of my fucking gourd. Never again.
You gotta go with buddies. Case of beer in cart. It’s not the US Open, so why even pretend. Just enjoy.
I was like 14 at the time, so yeah no beer. I’d rather do putt-putt anyway – that seems more fun, with or without fuel.
But putt putt doesn’t have hot beer cart girls
Well hit drive in golf. All net 3 pointer in basketball. Line drive in the gap in baseball. Things in sports that are near orgasmic. Putt Putt doesn’t have that, unless I’ve been doing it wrong.
We honeymooned on Lanai. I played the course there designed by Nicklaus. The signature hole is a par three from one side of a cove to another, with a 100’ straight drop to the ocean on both sides. 205 yards.
I nailed a five wood and dropped it six feet from the cup. I’m doing war whoops, dancing, with both fists in the air in victory and absolutely nobody else in the area to witness it. Didn’t matter. I could have died a happy man at that moment.
Missed the putt, didn’t you?
Ignore my comment. Creech drained a 20 footer with that.
Oh hell yeah. I was putting on glass. Par didn’t mar the glory though.
If I could ever figure out how to straighten my slice, 205 may be possible. But yeah, when that ball takes of like a rocket and lands where you want it…heavenly.
Putt Putt doesn’t have that, unless I’ve been doing it wrong.
A 2 or 3 banker hole-in-one. The kind where you know it has a chance right after it leaves the face of the putter, but everything still has to fall into place.
/somebody who played in a handful of putt-putt tourneys and was 2 inches away from getting a spot in the putt-putt equivalent of the US Open (yes, it’s as pathetic as it sounds)
Play from the blue tees and I’ll kick that kids ass.
I was taught at a young age grip it and rip it, don’t worry about form… Should clarify I’m still talking about golf.
I learned how to drive from my friend in his backyard. Fucking kid (we were 14) would tee up and hit them over the bushes and at the convent down the street. He won the Punt, Pass and Kick trophy in our town. Helluva an athlete, but I’m pretty sure he’s going to hell.
I’m confused. The link didn’t have anything to do with Caddyshack and there weren’t any pictures of Paulina Gretzky.
Hope you all have enjoyed the brewing articles, I think there’s about four more I’ve got left before I’m done.
Yes, I am enjoying them.
I am just getting started with mine 😉
I’m picking up what both of you are laying down.
And I’m laying down what you’re picking up.
Good to hear.
I started four 1-gallon batches of mead today for a class I will be teaching in March. They will also be the basis for a mead article here.
Very much enjoying them. I will probably venture into my first batch after the first of the year.
SP, which would be easier on your nerves? Going through everything now or waiting till you’re moved and sorting it all out? Personally, I can’t think of a better way to drive myself crazier than I already am than to have to sort out each item as I pack.
Here’s something that might help, courtesy of one of Spider Robinson’s stories (and it does work); when you pack up a room, label your boxes according to the room and which wall you’re moving stuff from, e.g., LIVING ROOM, WEST WALL. When you arrive at your new place, all you have to do is remember where stuff is in its old location and unpack accordingly. Knowing you and OM, you probably do something like this already.
Missed this comment earlier, but let me second that it helps moving a lot.
I’m a bit ocd when it comes to moving, so I’m not allowed to have control anymore. I make an inventory list with labels corresponding to numbered boxes. Oh, you want the plastic drinking cups? They’re in box 6 in the dining room.
Takes forever to pack, but I know exactly where everything is, and unpacking is a breeze.
The Battle of Jutland: Clash of Dreadnoughts
It’s interesting to me how quickly manned flight changed naval strategy. Dreadnoughts were the big arms race until air power (and rocketry) made them practically useless.
Interesting fact from Wikipedia:
manned flight changed naval strategy
Similar thing happened on land with the development of mobile armor/artillery.
Parkland survivor David Hogg, who was mocked by Fox host over college rejections, finds Ivy League comeback
“Hogg, who claimed a 4.2 GPA and 1270 score on the SAT”
Sucks for the kid who worked their ass off only to be pushed aside for Hogg. Then again Harvard is turning into a joke so maybe it would be a blessing in disguise.
I was valedictorian and didn’t have a 4.2 GPA.
I fucked the valedictorian. Don’t know what her GPA was.
“I have a son in the high school who sold drugs to your honors student!”
Yeah. I don’t understand this >4.0 GPA nonsense.
My high school introduced +/- in my junior year (for everything except for A+’s). The + added .3 to your GPS, and a – was .3 off of your GPA. Of course, it was a Catholic college prep high school where the A zone was 100-98, A- was 97-93(?), and such.
We were similar. I can’t remember specifics, but I do remember that 74% was an F. B-D had a +/-. Straight A’s was 4.0. No matter what you did, you could not do better than 4.0
Close to mine IIRC, I think 72% was the F cut off for my school. The issue was that now to get a 4.0, you had to get above a 98% in all of your classes. I’m one of the only people from my high school who didn’t complete any higher education, and there’s been a couple of people from my class who have run for office.
We didn’t have “F”. We had “E”, which was 65%. “A” was 93%. I don’t remember the rest.
IIRC in my school honors and AP classes were 5.0 and 6.0 for an A, respectively. 4.2 would mean he was a middling honors student.
We didn’t have that and we’re the same age. 4.0 was the max. Doesn’t seem fair.
That score should exclude you from any top tier school unless you are an athlete (or, I guess, a famous anti gun guy). My son is in the middle of this, and they say don’t even bother applying to the good schools of you aren’t over 1400.
I got into an Ivy with less than 1400 but it was in 1988 so I think before several rounds of dumbing it down. (I didn’t accept.)
They moved up from a 1400 scale to an 1800 based scale about 10 years ago. I got a 1320 in 1988, which sound like crap now, but it’d be about a 1710 today.
It’s also been rescaled several times in between.
It’s out of 1600. It was 2400 for a while. It’s never been either of the things you said.
I was going to leave a smartass (pun intended) reply, but I’ll just take your word for it.
30 seconds of Wikipedia would confirm.
Aha! I was wondering why scores seemed to be so much higher now. I had a 1370 in 1994 when that meant something, and I still had zero chance of getting into an Ivy.
It is because modern students are much better educated than us old timers.
Eh, probably just some Asian kid that got pushed aside, they’ve got enough of them there already.
They’re boring anyway.
Not when they are behind the wheel.
Amirite?! Hey-ohh!
Isn’t Harvard one of the “schools” that let students out of class to protest the Kavanaugh confirmation?
Just found out Creed Bratton on The Office is played by Creed Bratton, formerly of the Grass Roots. I found that amusing.
…was played…
That’s wild. I only vaguely remember the character (and only by sight) but I totally dig the Grass Roots.
They referenced it in the show once. They found him on the album cover. That character was well done. Such a creepy wacko.
Timeloose – I haven’t watched that show through, but I’d have never guessed. Hilarious that he used his real name. Rhywun – I love Live For Today
Once it was on Netflix the wife and I watched it all. Pretty good show.
Tie between Temptation Eyes and Midnight Confessions – great pop songs.
Pro-tip: there are multiple versions of their best-of album. One is the originals and one is a version where whichever session musicians they dragged in that day smoothed out any rough edges. I had the latter one until a friend pointed this out. Night and day.
The best of Creed
They had a convention for the Office at the height of the shows popularity. The bar they went to after work was a real place. It looked identical except for 40 years of cig tar on the walls.
Creed is my role model.
Yeah, he actually shows his driver’s license in a few episodes.
Creed is hilarious.
USS Constitution – That Good or Just Lucky?
Just got back from early Christmas dinner since my family is traveling.
What did I miss?
Cal State lost.
Cal State where?
Hope and Change?
Are they saying the big O is a Japanese snow monkey?
Since it got banned, I’m guessing that’s a yes.
So insulting to snow monkeys.
Watching Miracle now. I remember that match. I’d went down to the basement to create my own “hockey stick”.Damn, what an incredible game.
The kid got lice at school. I’d shave her head, but the medicated shampoo should enough. Those little buggers are gross.
Yeah, zero positives about that. Also, she gets to hear the Japanese equivalent of “you’ve got cooties” for a year.
She’s half, so “cooties” is hate crime.
Japanese don’t seem to be the type to buy into that dreck.
Enough to get rid of the lice or enough to punish her?
Told my wife that I had cut back on masturbating once we were married. Once the daughter was born, I stopped completely. She wasn’t thrilled for some reason.
Clearly romance isn’t dead.
Not at all. I’d give her the double axel.
When I took my new job in San Diego, the company arranged and paid for the move. And paid my closing costs on the house I sold. And paid the closing costs on the house I bought.
The movers swooped in like a SWAT team and packed EVERYTHING. I am still giving stuff away that if i’d had the time to sort, I’d never have brought with me.
Life is funny. Still, I’m never moving house again until I’m dead.
Yeah, moving sucks. I’ve moved myself across the country before and had the moving companies move me. Moving company is the way to go hands down.
Jesus. *jelly*
Just submitted my immigration article… not sure it came out coherent since it took me months to write it.
You get what you pay for I guess.
Let me guess: You came at from every possible angle, incorporated objections and addressed them in a logical and dispassionate manner. Don’t do that. Half cocked and cocksure is the only way to get clicks.
You’ve got me down.
I should have just titled it “You’re all racists and you should kill yourselves”. Oh well, next time.
Happy Festivus!