Hey, kids!

This is short and sweet, because as you can imagine, I’m up to my…neck…in alligators, also known as packing boxes. If I just wanted to throw everything in the house into boxes and move ’em, it’d be an easy process. but I’d like to get rid of a LOT of stuff beforehand. That’s time-consuming. Still waiting on estimates from movers, too.

This coming week, we have a bit of a change-up re: content. Of course, you’ll still get links, served up by an ever-changing cast of writers, but, most likely OMWC, Brett L, Banjos, and…assorted others.

Tomorrow, of course, we have Not Adahn’s forecast for the holiday week, and the next in Nephilium’s brewing series.

Monday, we have the Glibertarians.com traditional re-telling of wchipperdove’s ‘Twas the Night before Glib-Mas! HM has promised a family friendly Christmas Eve treat, as well. (No, really, that’s what he said!)

Christmas Day, PieInTheSky brings us some festive tunes from Romania, and I think an evening Open Post will be a great opportunity for everyone to de-stress from the loving embrace of family life. Drinks optional.

Wednesday, Tonio continues The Glibening, Part the Fifth, and SugarFree has a very un-SugarFree like piece in the evening. Thursday we get back to more serious fare, with a post from trshmnstr about Chevron or something, and a philosophical piece from Bob Boberson.

Friday brings the ever-popular What Are We Reading post, and mexicansharpshooter probably has a review/not review to wrap things up on Saturday.


OK! Time to take a break, eat great pizza, drink wonderful wine, and watch football, even if it is the Ravens.


Now, open my gift to you, the Saturday Night Open Post!