It’s Friday! The winter solstice is here, and for the next six months the days will get longer in the best hemisphere. Woohoo! OK, that seems like enough editorializing.

I imagine this guy couldn’t make the trains run on time either.

Today marks the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 8 launch. Cicero would have loved it.

Wisconsin nice.

Ignore all the BS in the article and check out these fascinating Tasmanian sea creatures.

Scientists playing god with plants!

New Horizons will fly by Ultima Thule in 10 days! And then….

Music link: On the occasion of Frank Zappa’s birthday, let go with one of the greatest live performances ever.

Bonus links: Zappa testifies in congress about record labeling, and an animated video of Frank’s business philosophy. I highly recommend this last video, even if you’re not a fan of Frank’s music.