After a night of waking up every ten minutes coughing, all I want is to go back to bed.  But I have responsibilities, entertaining you lovable bastards being one of them.


I’ll cut you, bitch!


Today in birthdays we have King James I, William Lloyd Garrison, Emily Dickinson, and drummer Meg White.


Crazy Eyes gives his equally crazy base an erection.



For the 100th time all the usual cast of players are predicting the end for bad orange man.


Unfortunately for them, wishcasting is not journalism.


Despite Macron temporarily backing down on fuel tax, riots continue, making people question the media narrative of this merely being about a fuel tax.


Daily reminder the media is fucking horrible.


Big drop in murder rate in the US.


That’s all I got for today, I now need to gulp down a bottle of Dayquil and drag my ass through the day.  Hopefully this will help.