At my age, hangovers are no laughing matter, and I’m paying for getting bombed. Not that this will slow the snark. Nor the curated list of birthdays, today including one of the funniest humans ever, Sam Kinison; iodine bottle model Ann Coulter; least-talented brother Gregg Allman; highly talented dead guy Jim Morrison; and even more highly talented live guy James Galway.
France continues its silliness.
Scenes of schoolchildren kneeling with their hands behind their heads has triggered outrage as France braces itself for more violent protests this weekend. Footage, which has sparked condemnation by politicians, shows the pupils on the ground as riot police yell orders at them. The students were detained by police in the Paris suburb of Mantes-la-Jolie, in unrest that has spread to dozens of schools during three weeks of anti-government demonstrations. A total of 146 people were arrested outside the town’s Saint-Exupery high school after protesters clashed with police and burned two cars.
I remember having this happen to me at Vietnam protests. Except there was clubbing as well. And we were protesting actually killing and getting killed. Yeah, we definitely need to become more like our sophisticated betters in Europe.
Some people have humorously suggested that Occasional Cortex is the right wing’s Sarah Palin. And as the days pass (and she still hasn’t taken office yet), I’m starting to see the wisdom of that analogy.
“I have noticed that Junior here has a habit of posting nonsense about me whenever the Mueller investigation heats up,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. “Please, keep it coming Jr – it’s definitely a “very, very large brain” idea to troll a member of a body that will have subpoena power in a month. Have fun!”
“It’s worth noting that the official House Ethics Manual explicitly prohibits the kind of threat that @Ocasio2018 just issued against @DonaldJTrumpJr for his refusal to support her political agenda,” The Federalist’s Sean Davis wrote on Twitter.
As always, attention gives her power she would not have otherwise. And despite my presence on Twitter (“Not Banned Yet!”), I truly believe that it has done more to lower the intellectual level of the world than any influence since the release of Jaws.
I don’t know what’s more fun, science or The Sun.
Dr Millis, of Anderson University in Indiana, compared sex in space to having intercourse while “skydiving” but added that it was “not impossible.” He told The Sun Online: “The issues surrounding the act all revolve around the free-fall, micro-gravity, environment experienced by astronauts. Dr Millis, whose work has been funded by NASA, explains that in micro-gravity blood rises to your head, instead of your wedding tackle – making it harder for both men and women to get aroused. This low blood pressure below the waist also causes the tissue in a bloke’s proud todger to shrivel – potentially impacting an astronaut’s confidence when it comes to lift off.
State Rep. Stephanie Kifowit apologized Wednesday to outgoing Republican House Leader Peter Breen for saying she’d like to “make him a broth of legionella and pump it into the water system of his loved ones” so they could “ultimately die.”
Addressing representatives on the House floor Wednesday, Breen acknowledged Kifowit’s apology — but stopped short of accepting it. “If the representative had made her statement to me in the parking lot or left it as a phone message at my office, she would be in custody right now,” he said. “But because she made her statement on the House floor, her remarks were met with applause instead of handcuffs.”
I really can’t add anything to this shitshow other than observing that we can’t get out of this state fast enough.
And yet more Why We Can’t Get Out of Here Fast Enough.
Two Waukegan aldermanic candidates were tossed off the February 2019 primary ballot Friday for failing to meet state election requirements with their nominating petitions. The objections upheld by the Waukegan Electoral Board Friday morning in separate 3-0 votes targeted Jose A. Guzman in the 2nd Ward and Marvin Reddick in the 1st. Guzman filed candidate petitions last month to run against incumbent Pat Seger, also a Democrat, and Reddick did the same to oppose incumbent Democrat Sylvia Sims Bolton. [Emphasis mine- OMWC]
Antonio Campos filed an objection against Guzman, arguing that Guzman failed to securely bind his petition pages as required by state law. Guzman, who submitted his petition papers in a purple folder, said the papers were clipped together but said the clip had been removed, perhaps by the Clerk’s Office when stamping the petitions to mark when they had been received. The objection filed against Reddick’s petitions by Faye Ladon Luna argued that the pages failed to list what political party he was running for in the header of each page as required by state law.
Got that? Disqualified because the petitions were missing a fucking PAPER CLIP and some pages didn’t have the word “Democrat” at the top. Gee, this couldn’t be entrenched interests at work, could it?
Rapid global warming caused the largest extinction event in the Earth’s history, which wiped out the vast majority of marine and terrestrial animals on the planet, scientists have found. The mass extinction, known as the “great dying”, occurred around 252m years ago and marked the end of the Permian geologic period. The study of sediments and fossilized creatures show the event was the single greatest calamity ever to befall life on Earth, eclipsing even the extinction of the dinosaurs 65m years ago.
“It does terrify me to think we are on a trajectory similar to the Permian because we really don’t want to be on that trajectory,” [Stanford researcher Jonathan] Payne said.
“If we continue in the trajectory we are on with current emission rates, this study highlights the potential that we may see similar rates of extinction in marine species as in the end of the Permian.”
Those goddam trilobites and their gas guzzlers.
I can think of nothing positive that has ever come out of First Lady crusades. Unelected and unaccountable cunts like Nancy Reagan have used their power-by-injection to cause no end of problems for “the little people” that they feel obligated to “protect.” And while Nancy’s drug war crusade continues almost unabated, at least there’s signs that a few of Michelle Obama’s idiocies might start fading away.
School lunches are healthier than they were five years ago. But Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue says schools need more flexibility in serving meals that kids will eat.”If kids are not eating what is being served, they are not benefiting, and food is being wasted,” Perdue said in a statement announcing a rule that is set to be published later this month.”We will continue to listen to schools, and make common-sense changes as needed, to ensure they can meet the needs of their students based on their real-world experience in local communities,” Perdue wrote in a statement.
Of course, there’s bleating from the usual suspects.
“Parents will be disappointed when they learn that the meals served to their kids in school are under attack from President Trump’s de-regulatory agenda,” Margo Wootan of the Center for Science in the Public Interest said in a statement. She points out that schools now will have until the 2024-2025 school year to meet the next phase of sodium reduction that was spelled out in the rules originally developed under the Obama administration.
“Worse yet, the administration jettisoned the third and final sodium reduction targets that originally were set to go into effect school year 2022-2023,” Wootan said. “This will mean that school lunches will fail to be consistent with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, as is required by law.”
CSPI is the equivalent of SPLC. And just as successful at making their founders wealthy. There is always money to be made in destroying liberty for the sake of the children.
A 107-year-old YouTube famous Indian great-grandma died on Sunday, after launching a career as a YouTuber at the age of 105. Karre Mastanamma starred in dozens of viral cooking videos, and racked up 12 million views for cooking a chicken inside a watermelon.
I was one of the subscribers to her channel, and absolutely marveled at what she could do with only the crudest of cooking and food prep tools. Her stuff was always simple, but looked absolutely delicious. Thanks Ms. M, you brought a lot of pleasure into the lives of millions. And this is why globalization is a wonderful thing.
Fuck the news, let’s have some Old Guy Music. SP and I went to a show last week featuring a friend of ours who is a remarkable multi-instrumentalist. During the show he pulled out a tin whistle and performed an Irish traditional music solo that was… astonishing. And while I sadly failed to record that, I at least thought of something similar I’d heard on a transverse flute by Matt Molloy, who is probably the greatest Irishman to ever blow into a hole. It’s also fun seeing birthday boy James Galway staring in amazement and appreciation.
And yet more Why We Can’t Get Out of Here Fast Enough.
New York also has really insane ballot-access and petition laws.
/probably not first
I don’t know how bad old man hangovers are, but I can tell you a keto hangover is way more brutal than normal. I found out before I learned to adjust my drinking to a much lighter weight.
Oh man, I’m glad I figured out the cause of those hangovers. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results never seemed to work. I can look forward to mornings now with some sort of positive anticipation.
I can look forward to mornings now with some sort of positive anticipation.
You know it. Hair of the dog is key.
Alka Seltzer before you crash for the night.
Oh, I’m good now that I understand my new limits. Sort of ironically, I drink more frequently now than when I was bigger.
Water. Lots and lots of water. Rehydration is your friend.
Gatorade or Pedialyte.
I prefer Nuun to either of those, cheaper and not as sweet.
Sam Kinison used to be funny. In 1986. Have you listened to his stuff again, recently? Does not age well.
Jim Morrison, and the Doors are awful. Unlistenable.
Ann Coulter is a terrible person.
At least Gregg Allman knew how to party.
James Galway
Jim Morrison, and the Doors are awful. Unlistenable.
Jim Morrison, and the Doors are awful. Unlistenable.
Hear! Hear!
I still use the ABC song trick.
Did anyone ever tell you how to be a millionaire?
ABC song trick?
Oh, OK.
Not to call Kinison a thief, but didnt Eddie Murphy do a similar bit ?
Dunno, but I saw Kinison live in 1988 where he was doing that routine. The audience he drew was the scary part; my (at the time) wife and I were likely the only people there who were not on parole, escapees, or on post office pictures.
Was your wife’s pic on a milk carton?
I saw him in 88 or 89 too and it was mostly college kids.
My contention forever is had Jim Morrison lived another 20 years, the Doors would not had near level of adulation they do now. Dying young and in your prime has a way of making people exaggerate your talent and influence. See; Marilyn Monroe and Jimmy Hendrix.
Agreed. Had Morrison lived the Doors would have done a disco album in 1976. The New Wave record they would have made in 1981 would be embarrassing. Of course, that was Ray Manzarek’s stupid idea.
And Hitler.
Jimmy Hendrix was awesome. Although you have a point, listen to Jefferson Starship (from yesterdays(?) links) or Eric “No Hand” Clapton after Cream.
Jimi, please. And he was indeed awesome, no hype needed. Starship was never anything more than meh pop, Airplane was better but not exactly profound, and I have never understood the Clapton hype. Other guitarists from that genre and era (e.g., Peter Green) struck me as a whole lot better as guitarists and songwriters.
Bruce and Baker carried his ass.
Especially Bruce. SP and I saw the documentary about Ginger Baker where Bruce was interviewed. I was disappointed to find out that Bruce might have been the biggest asshole of the three, but his songwriting and playing talent cannot be denied. His Cream stuff was great, but what he did after (Things We Like, Songs for a Tailor, Harmony Row, Out of the Storm) was even better.
I like Clapton and am not afraid to admit it.
Same here. As Jeff Beck said, he knows his way around a Strat. Of course, some will probably say Jeff sucks too. WTFE.
“Jimi, please.”
Sorry, not quite awake yet.
You mean like this:
Thanks for that. I had no idea Judas Preist’s version was a cover.
Most people don’t know that Santana’s Black Magic Woman was also a Peter Green cover.
“Suthen, why dont you like classic rock ?”
“Because I listened to that shit for 50 years. I am tired of hearing it.”
I find that this applies to more than just music.
So what do you like?
I guess we’ll never know.
Come on, you’ve been around long enough. He likes:
His wife
His kids
His Catahoulas
Some Glibs
What did I miss?
Knives. Including machetes.
“What did I miss?”
Revolvers in general and S&W model 29’s in particular.
I know he likes these guys after he linked it a while back. And now I do to.
*falls out of chair*
I worked in the high school cafeteria some 65 years ago. What a great job for a teen age boy, all we could eat, the cooks were super nice to us kids. I can’t remember if it was healthy or not but the results are in, in my case. I’m going to a funeral today for one of my high school classmates, I can’t remember if he ate school lunches or not .
Do I understand correctly? You are 80?
Yes, he is. Makes me feel young and spry.
That may be his age, but in real life the guy is a dynamo. If you have the good luck to meet him, he will make you feel bad about all the time you waste in a day.
*ps. He will give you some home made honey. Don’t give it to your wife because she will rave about how good it is. And then ask why you don’t have any redeeming qualities like 4×20 has.
We’re planning on a Honey Harvest again in ’19. Glibs are invited. Always the third Sunday in Sep.
Fourscore plus 1 these days but hey, who’s counting.
I’ll second all of this.
That’s more than the French (or British or Germans or Dutch or Belgians or Swedes….) do to Muslim agitators in the streets. Or – ahem – rape gangs.
”We will continue to listen to schools, and make common-sense changes as needed, to ensure they can meet the needs of their students based on their real-world experience in local communities,” Perdue wrote in a statement.
Lotta words. Whole lotta nothing.
Center for Science in the Government Interest.
As soon as you see “common-sense,” you need to put your Bullshit Meter on its highest setting.
I read that and think, the best way to do that would be to abolish the Dept. of Ed.
You know the Federal Gov is too big when……………
You know who else adhered to strict dietary guidelines ?
Gisele Bündchen?
Jeffrey Dahmer?
Belle Knox?
Karen Carpenter?
Mahatma Ghandi?
“WordPress 5.0 is available! Please notify the site administrator.”
SP, WordPress 5.0 is available.
Oh to be 15 again.
How can we judge if the photos are obscene if they won’t show us?
Yeah, that’s total bullshit.
“…competed in the Miss America Pageant in 2015 under her maiden name of Ramsey Carpenter.”
Oh, I bet her husband is thrilled.
Maybe he is into 15 year-old boys too?
So they have outlawed kindness?
4 felonies? Not guilty. What harm is even being alleged to have been done here*?
*If it was a male teacher, or unattractive female, lock them up. Yeah, life ain’t fair.
Isn’t obscenity also in the eyes of the beholder? Now, if there was just some way we could take a poll?
“She points out that schools now will have until the 2024-2025 school year to meet the next phase of sodium reduction that was spelled out in the rules originally developed under the Obama administration.
“Worse yet, the administration jettisoned the third and final sodium reduction targets that originally were set to go into effect school year 2022-2023,” Wootan said. “This will mean that school lunches will fail to be consistent with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, as is required by law.””
Because children don’t have kidneys?
Tell them to remove all the sodium and replace it with potassium. Bet they’re still all pissy.
Sodium really only has much of an effect on blood pressure in around 20% of the population, probably a much smaller percentage of teens. Why they want to make everyone’s food bland unnecessarily is beyond me. These same people, despite all evidence to the contrary, also continue to push ‘fats bad, carbs good’, the approach likely responsible for our current national levels of obesity.
The ‘bola is back!–abc-news-topstories.html
Everyone panic.
*guy on fire runs through room and jumps through a closed windw*
Oh, goody, a replay of the panic from some of the TOS commenters during the last outbreak.
Forced inoculation and quarantine, brah
Throw in some forced sterilization for good measure, and I’m in.
Great, now Im hearing “the ‘bolas back” to this tune .
You deniers don’t understand. Yes, everyone knows ebola can only live in the jungle, but with Global Warming (TM the Gore group) everything south of Juneau will be a Jungle.
They blamed the Zika migration on Global Warming and couldn’t have possibly at all been illegal immigrants, no xir, not possible.
France may be on the verge of yet another revolution. I just saw that another massive protest has turned violent with police firing tear gas into the crowd. This is almost a reversion to the mean for France.
Remember that between the French First Republic (in the early 1800s) and Charles DeGaul assuming power by popular will (in the 1950s) France cycled through five constitutions, one Bourbon restoration, one Orleans monarchy, two dictatorships under Napoleon I and Napoleon III, and that Vichy nonsense. DeGaul only assumed power after a revolt (and a threat to invade Paris by the military in Algeria) against the Fourth Republic.
Except, in contrast to previous revolts where Paris residents were the vanguard of the insurrection, the suburbs of Paris and rural areas are leading this unrest.
Trump’s asinine remarks on the trouble (tweeting that the protesters “want Trump”) may be the only thing that actually kills the momentum of the protesters. He’s trolling all wrong
This one is gaining momentum as it rolls along. Starts out with the yellow vests protesting gas prices and then gathers more people who are protesting tougher university exam scores (?) and you’ve had the odd dirtbags that just want to throw rocks at cops and burn stuff that are filling the out the ranks. I’m thinking it looks like the Peasant Revolt in England.
That one didn’t end so well. I like the comparison to the July Revolution in France. Dramatic, but ultimately futile. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
(Cue The Who)
Didn’t end well because they believed Richard’s promises. Why anyone would believe these people is beyond me. That’s what makes Grant’s treatment of Lee after the war all the more amazing. Unique.
Grant respected Lee.
Revolts are hijacked by shitbirds more times than not.
The live feed makes for some good TV, however.
Although its moving quickly, someone keeps commenting in what I assume is japanese. Thats you, isnt it ?
Nah, that’s a Japanese guy and a Chinese lobbing racist insults at each other. You see that on live streams all the time.
Let the healing begin !
There is a comforting continuity to that sort of thing. Like the non-stop Wikipedia edit wars on any article about food from the Levant or Mesopotamia “Bagels (or falafel, hummus, pita, etc.) are NOT Jew food! Is Arab food!”
So that is how long it takes to torch a mini.
I love the firefighter’s Space Helmets From The Future.
Right out of Fahrenheit 451, aren’t they.
Holy cow! Santa Claus is a yellow-vester, too!
The girl on her knees, smoking a ciggy and taunting the police? Totally WOOD!!
Is it not a war crime if you’re tear gassing your own civilians?
“Another issue is that male testosterone levels plummet in space”
Does anyone know why?
Same reason as on college campuses: Lack of resistance.
Space is gay?
Whoa now. Tiny todger and have to perform before an audience?
Yeah. It’s 6:10 am and I just cracked a Ballast Point Sculpin IPA. After the week I just survived, it’s worth it. Early morning cheers y’all! Now for a day of chores….
You guys out on the West coast are going to have another option for All Day drinking soon. Hopefully you’ll get some of their really good stuff too.
Eiffel Tower High
Both Candy Apple Gray and Warehouse Songs And Other Stories are still in heavy rotation at my house.
just when i get in a CAG (my favorite) rut, I turn on Flip Your Wig and am smacked around by stuff like this.
I’ve been grooving the New Day Rising this week. But Flip Your Wig is… for me musically, that is the primary lesson.
You and l0b0t may dig this article.
Some good backstory about Grant and Husker Du. Most of the places they talk about are long gone, but it still makes me smile remembering the time.
Thank you for sharing that. I think someone must be cutting onions in my house.
Thank you. Kind of sad, but kind of sweet. May be time for another brew.
You’re both very welcome. It has been said never to learn too much about your heroes. I read Trouble Boys: The True Story of the Replacements and came away kind of disgusted with all of them.
Grant is different. He was pretty fucked up in a lot of ways but has a weird integrity.
This. Their achievements become tainted.
“Jealous nursery nurse who stabbed her lover to death after he jumped naked into a hot tub with two barmaids is jailed for eight years
Demi Harris, 21, flew into a rage after her partner Christopher Pearson, 39, stripped off in the garden at a house party on February 18.
Mr Pearson started swinging his boxer shorts around his head before he plunged nude into the hot tub with two other women in their underwear.
Harris, a nursery nurse, poured a bottle of solvent into the jacuzzi before she was pulled into the water fully clothed and told by Mr Pearson: ‘You’re boring.’
I guess she showed him.
8 years for gutting him like a fish?
Are you shocked? The Norway dude killed 77 and got only 21 years. He will probably never be free, but still. Europe/UK just need to have a massive implosion, and we need to stay out of it. They are well and truly fucked.
I have some Scandi friends who are of the opinion that in 50 years, Europe will be a caliphate OR there will be statues of Anders Brevik in every single hamlet.
To be fair, she looks kinda boring. Id giver he a ‘maybe’ ’cause she certainly seems to have some enthusiasm.
And I had to RTWFA, but found it! “It is another sad reminder that knives ruin lives of not just the victims but the offenders too, and everyone connected to each of them.’ “
Have they banned rocks and pointy sticks yet?
“It’s another sad reminder that knives ruin lives”
Benihana hardest hit?
Let’s go back to our Australopithecine days. Back when we were pure and happy and all 40 of us lived in the rift valley because Eve hadn’t eaten the apple yet and we hadn’t
learned to makehad Indiana send us weapons.Knives Ruin Lives — band or album name?
“Miley Cyrus stuns in stylish black ensemble as she steps out in London after sharing scintillating topless photo”
Incredibly average girl.
“Retro chic: Chloe was spotted at Prada Mode Miami with Luka Sabbat on Thursday”
That hat, LOL.
“It does terrify me to think we are on a trajectory similar to the Permian because we really don’t want to be on that trajectory,” [Stanford researcher Jonathan] Payne said.”
At least ten years ago on TOS I said that the global warming scam was going to do more damage to the credibility of science than every other scandal in history combined.
They aren’t putting much effort into making it appear to be science anymore. It’s like listening to an old timey hellfire and brimstone preacher.
It does demonstrate the power of propaganda though.
It’s an overbearing faith
Where’s the massive volcanoes spewing methane and ash.
Let’s start burning all the methane we can and reduce it to CO2 to reduce our risks.
That one is a real head scratcher. These grifter’s arguments are so thin and transparently bullshit that sometimes I think they are just joking.
That, and a peek at Wikipedia “confirms” this similarity to the Permian extinction(s):
“There is evidence for one to three distinct pulses, or phases, of extinction.[8][13][14][15] Suggested mechanisms for the latter include one or more large meteor impact events, massive volcanism such as that of the Siberian Traps, and the ensuing coal or gas fires and explosions,[16] and a runaway greenhouse effect triggered by sudden release of methane from the sea floor due to methane clathrate dissociation according to the clathrate gun hypothesis or methane-producing microbes known as methanogens.[17] Possible contributing gradual changes include sea-level change, increasing anoxia, increasing aridity, and a shift in ocean circulation driven by climate change.”
Soooo, they don’t know for sure what caused it, but definitely not CO2 from SUVs.
“Further evidence for environmental change around the P–Tr boundary suggests an 8 °C (14 °F) rise in temperature,[19] and an increase in CO
2 levels by 2000 ppm (for comparison, the concentration immediately before the industrial revolution was 280 ppm,[19] and the amount today is about 410 ppm[28]). There is also evidence of increased ultraviolet radiation reaching the earth, causing the mutation of plant spores.”
Yep, a 130 ppm rise in CO2 levels is exactly the same as a 2,000 ppm rise.
Well according to the models — which have been proven accurate by the people who finances depend on them — they are.
Hebrews 11:1 (I think)
“While most news organizations are focused on the Mueller/SDNY news, Fox News’ Tucker Carlson is finding time for other things. Current topic on his show? “ANTIFA TAKES OVER PORTLAND””
What do you get when you put a chemist and a biologist in a room full of lipids, simple sugars, and distilled extracts of plant based aromatics.
Answer: the hell out of there.
Christmas cookies are being generated a frantic pace at casa de Time. The wife and MIL are in their zone and I’m getting breakfast with local shit lords.
”If kids are not eating what is being served, they are not benefiting, and food is being wasted,” Perdue said
I want to live in the alternate universe where everybody who hears this just says, “No shit, Shirley” and goes right back to what they were doing.
They will eat what they are given! After a few days in the camp they will beg to eat it! And once we have them begging for food, for warmth, for an end to the beatings they will be good
citizensslaves, and we can have utopia.Well utopia for the ruling elite, probably less ideal for the people who have to fellate whatever aparatchik is in charge of deciding their fate. Liberty produces prosperity, but that is only appealing if you aren’t the Party Member/Raja/Sheik/King, they get prosperity with the fringe benefit that people will suffer any indignity to feed their kids. You can build robots that can do anything a servant does, but you can’t build them to feel the fear and despair the woman feels while begging to perform any act desired so long as the Camp guard doesn’t send her kid to the showers. These people are vile.
Listening to NPR dude just said Cohens hush payments/non disclosure to Porn hooker were serious campaign finance violations.
1. That is bullshit and a flat out lie. Cohen is a first class POS of the elite order but give me a break.
2. If we are going to go along with that bullshit interpretation then when do we get to watch the prosecution of all the members of Congress who used taxpayer dollars to pay hush money and secure non disclosure agreements? Or did they all report that on their campaign finance disclosures? Sure they did.
The only thing the Mueller circus has shown is that the entire Justice Department needs to be dismantled.
“This was always about a campaign finance violation” is a neat talking point coming from the people who saw Russian influence behind every corner for the past two years.
It’s also outside the purview of Mueller’s phony investigation.
Yep. To continue my personal disappointment/anger with CATO’s fall from grace…they had a guy on one of their podcasts a few months back who argued that paying a cover up to a porn actress was an impeachable offense because it meant him (& I assume other voters) were denied full knowledge about a candidate when making their election decisions.
And, as you point out, this from the same people who treated the Russia allegations as a serious, geopolitical crisis for months.
If I remember right, if the primary purpose of the hush money was to keep the people silent, then it needs to be reported as a campaign expenditure and if it wasn’t then that is a campaign finance violation. However it is of a type that happens frequently and usually results in a fine. I’m expecting the death penalty for Trump.
As an example of another campaign finance violation has to do with Russian collusion. The Hillary campaign reported on campaign financial reports they paid a law firm they for legal advice. That was the only money they paid the law firm for. This law firm paid Fusion GPS for opposition research. Unless the law firm paid Fusion GPS on their own initiative, they Hillary campaign also committed a campaign finance violation.
I’m here to bring peace to the Pizza War
*My Japanese in-laws once bought mayonnaise and corn pizza and I didn’t disown them.
The newest pizza fad around here is pickle pizza. I can get behind this fad. I’ll eat a pickled raccoon if it has the right spices in the brine.
mayonnaise and corn pizza and I didn’t disown them
I hope you gutted them, then dissolved the bodies in concentrated nitric acid.
To be honest, I was pretty buzzed on Japanese beer that night and I don’t think I would have been able to concentrate fully on anything, much less nitric acid.
I actually eat it with a shrug. The teriaki pizza sauce is another can of worms all together.
In 1988 we got a 96 hour leave on Team Spirit and went into Seoul. At the risk of condemning myself as a Ugly American we ended up eating at a Pizza Hut in Itaewon every single day because their pizzas tasted just like home. The sauce, the crust, the toppings everything.
We had all been stuck for a year or so eating the Japanese/Korean/Okinawans think pizza should be, so finding something just like back home was so fucking awesome that we took advantage of it.
Team Spirit ’90 was the coldest I’ve ever been in my life. The ground was frozen so we couldn’t dig our fighting positions and the engineers had to come over with their big scoop loaders and dig us in. We were sleeping in the back of our trucks and the 1st man awake had to get out of the comfort of the sleeping bag to pump up the Coleman stove before the rest of us would show our faces to the world. I never want to set foot in Korea again.
I was swingin’ with the wing, so none of those bad stories. Our biggest hardship was some dummy forgot the remote control to the vcr in our squadron
playroommaintenance tent.There is something extra cold about Korean cold. I went there in January a few years back and froze my nuts off just walking around. 5 degrees C my ass.
Our local does a Continental Pie – their yummy garlic white sauce topped with cheese, bacon, sausage, and sunny side up eggs. It’s quite yummy.
I like white sauce pizzas. Chicken Alfreda is one of my favorites.
My favorite white pizza is garlicky cheese, rosemary, and carmalized onion, with a double crust.
Add sun-dried tomatoes for me.
One of our regular spots is Transfer in Milwaukee; we usually order La Bella, which is garlic cream, cheese, onions, and artichokes. None of that double crust shit.
It’s heavenly.
What is funny about everyones evangelical attitudes about what does or does not belong on a pizza is that pizza is the Italian version of Pot Luck, Chop Suey, Goulash, etc.
It was originally made with whatever scraps of whatever was left at the end of the day. Technically there is nothing that does not belong on pizza.
In Rome, they’ll put damn near anything on pizza — potato, corn, you name it — sometimes even tomatoes. And it’s rectangular. And sold by the kilo. And FN delicious.
Tell you what Mr. Smartypants Suthen. You go eat pizza at your local mohel’s house and then come back and tell us again how anything leftover can go on a pizza.
AMEN! Our local does things like Chicken Francese Pie, Chicken Bacon Ranch Pie, Buffalo Chicken Pie, Penne ala Vodka Pie (delicious but so many carbs), Fried Calamari Pie, they are all delightful.
I dont know about AMEN. I have as strong an opinion as anyone on what should be allowed on pizza, I am just acknowledging my own silliness.
“Technically there is nothing that does not belong on pizza”
Except for beets, lima beans, liver and other nasty foods and of course pineapple.
I don’t want to read any of the coverage, for the sake of my wobbly sanity, but how in the world can that guy be guilty of Fist Degree Murder for hitting those people in Charlotte?
A cynical man might think the verdict was preordained by the Ministry of Love.
Just remember, here in Boston, they got a mob of tens of thousands to protest the white supremacism of a group of people including unitarian minister and a black man running for the NH state legislature under a black lives matter platform.
And that, boys and girls, is why I don’t care how pressing the issue, and how much I agree with the protesters, I will never set foot anywhere near a political protest if I can help it.
Did you see any of the quotes from the guy? He is batshit, howl at the moon, no-shit crazy. He needs to be in an asylum.
He’s a diagnosed schizophrenic I believe.
That is really sad. It is impossible to overstate the cost to all of us of mental illness.
It’s sad that prisons are the new asylums. The guards can’t deal with them so they end up spending all of their time in solitary confinement which makes them worse. Then those not serving life are released into the wild having little to no human contact for years and having never had their illness treated.
Yep, it’s a shame.
Yeah, I questioned the first-degree as well but some if his prior postings including those illustrating a car plowing into people certainly gave the prosecution plenty of ammo for pre-meditated.
Some of the evidence. If you post shit like this and then plow into a bunch of people, not sure what you think is going to happen.
“CNN Reporter Kaitlan Collins Apologizes For Past Gay Slurs On Twitter
The network’s White House correspondent posted the “ignorant” tweets while at the University of Alabama in 2011.
The conservative LGBTQ group Log Cabin Republicans resurfaced messages from 2011 in which Collins used the word “fag” and questioned whether she wanted to room with a lesbian, according to several outlets.”
This shit is getting ridiculous.
TW: Huffpo
Now that I see a photo of her I am thinking she was playing patty-cakes with her friends in 2011. How is that person old enough to be a CNN reporter?
She’s 26.
Republicans playing tit for tat on this bullshit is concerning to say the least.
What’s the alternative, though? Stay silent while a double standard is used to advance the cause of your enemies?
Nobody ever won a fight by unilaterally disarming. It sucks to “sink to their level”, but what really sucks is that they started a fight and you have the choice of fighting back, or losing. My personal approach to conflict is to give the other guy one or two chances to play nice, and if he doesn’t, escalate faster and harder than him.
And this right here is why she gets a pass:
Socks! (and wimmins)
16 and 9 are nerdy hot
5 and 7/8 are winners, too.
Apple removes game from App Store because it depicts the Taliban as enemies.
It looks like Tim Cook is intent on fucking it all up. Anyone want to buy a slightly used iPhone?
I am on record predicting that Apple would turn to shit without Jobs at the helm.
You’re a prophet Suthen.
After seeing so many entities die that death it’s kind of a no brainer. Want something to die? Put an MBA in a suit in charge.
Have they outsourced all of their development to Infosys yet?
Put an MBA in a suit in charge.
*checks diploma, sees “J.D.”*
Whew. Putting a lawyer in charge never goes bad.
HahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha gasp
Tim Cook is the kind of B-team employee that Steve Jobs used to spend an inordinate amount of time discovering his subordinates had hired, and then firing them.
Apple now is what happens when the innovative force behind a successful company dies, and then a behemoth slowly dies from lesser folks at the helm.
You’re not gonna believe this.
John Dingell is a senile drooling imbecile.
Today, in a nation of more than 325 million and 37 additional states, not only is that structure antiquated, it’s downright dangerous. California has almost 40 million people, while the 20 smallest states have a combined population totaling less than that. Yet because of an 18th-century political deal, those 20 states have 40 senators, while California has just two. These sparsely populated, usually conservative states can block legislation supported by a majority of the American people. That’s just plain crazy.
My friend Norm Ornstein, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, sees a demographic shift coming that will effectively transform us into two countries. He tells me that “in 2050, 70 percent of Americans will be living in just 15 states. That 70 percent will then have 30 senators, and the remaining 30 percent of the people, mainly those living in the smallest and poorest states, will have 70 senators.”
How do we fix this? Practically speaking, it will be very difficult, given the specific constitutional protection granted these small states to veto any threat to their outsize influence.
There is a solution, however, that could gain immediate popular support: Abolish the Senate.
The conduct and outcome of the 2016 presidential election have put the future of our country in mortal peril. After a lifetime spent in public service, I never believed that day would come. Yet it has. And we now find ourselves on the precipice of a great cliff. Our next step is either into the abyss or toward a higher moral ground.
How about this, John? Term limits, so delusional self-aggrandizing dipshits like you can’t burrow, tick-like, into the Body Politic and satiate their depraved lust for power for a goddam lifetime.
There’d be a violent revolution if that happened and intelligent people realize this.
Dingell is a hipster! And all the hipsters are going to give Dingell’s new book out as a xmas gift.
Is it in the remainder bin yet next to Hillary’s? Maybe there will be a twofer sale and one can give them away to people not liked.
That is the product of a man who spent 60 years not in the real world. You want your own lamp post Dingellberry? Cuz that’s how you get your own lamp post.
Will the lamp post be built in Dingell’s district? To a contractor who has
tithedcontributed to his campaign?I read that article last week. Dingell, who held onto a Congressional seat in a dying district for five decades with his teeth and claws, wants to tell us how to represent ourselves in DC. Make no mistake, he wants more of himself, invulnerable and unaccountable assholes.
And never forget, Dingell gave us Medicare.
There is a solution, however, that could gain immediate popular support: Abolish the Senate.
Well, you moron, that would require amending the Constitution, which isn’t done based on “popular support”. You’d have to get the exact people want to disempower to voluntarily cough up the main thing protecting them from being ruled by you.
He contradicts himself in his own argument with his example of Rhode Island’s fear of being bullied by larger Massachusetts. It’s exactly the same principle but somehow no longer applies because the country is bigger.
“The salt ration has been increased to 50 mg!”
“NEW VIDEO: “we totally WONT diddle your kids” ranting about the #map #nomap invasion on twitter from tumblr.”
“The Tumblr Pedo Invasion”
I am on record predicting that Apple would turn to shit without Jobs at the helm.
John Sculley couldn’t kill Apple. it’s no more killable than Beelzebub.
Or Sears and Roebuck. Or K-Mart. I have a suspicion that Wal-Mart will be on that list in the foreseeable future.
It is killable. The entire company is built on its brand, not its actual technical abilities. If your brand loses its luster, you are in big trouble.
They have always had better operating systems than Microsoft.
Locked to it’s hardware. There were two brief moments when the hardware were better, but that was very fleeting both times.
The hardware was better or just as good (ignoring the cheap keyboards of the later desktop macs), but it was more expensive.
I honestly don’t understand how people tolerate Windows. 7 was the last version that was pretty decent. My laptop with Windows 10 on it got borked while trying to update itself so I did a factory reset and wound up with Windows 8. I turned it off and put the thing back in the closet.
I think 10 is pretty good. I don’t like the slow march to locking down settings and removing control over updates that Windows has been on since XP, but I’d be surprised if Mac is any different in that regard. (Haven’t been on a Mac machine since the very early days.)
Mac updates are take-it-or-leave-it just like Windows. The difference is I have never had one brick my computer. They also don’t come in bunches of a dozen that need to be applied in some arcane order that you can only guess at. If you miss any you can just apply the next one that comes down the road, or wait for the next major release that includes all the fixes from the last one.
I don’t mean to minimize your lived experiences, but I’ve never had a Windows update brick my computer.
I think (using evidence pulled out of thin air) Windows gets bad rap as being unstable just because there are so many more users, so there are more available stories of Windows Sux!
Also so many more different hardware combinations. You know, that thing the lack of which Apple always gets a bad rap for.
I think a lot of bad experience with Windows comes from the same thing that makes it better, it’s not locked to propriatary components, so there are a lot of Windows machines out there that don’t actually have the specs to run Windows cleanly. (And Windows 8-10 aren’t good because they are so focused on being dual platform to run like an OS for both tablets and PCs that it fails at both.)
Feature, not bug.
Sure, if you like tinkering with hardware. Lots of people don’t.
No one needs more than 2 hardware configurations!
I’m on the Windows developers channel for updates so I get the latest beta release. There was a recent update that screwed up so badly I had to spend an afternoon formatting my main drive and installing everything from scratch. It was a PITA. Also, I get more BSOD with 10 than I ever got with XP or 8 but once it is properly tweaked to get rid of all the tablety garbage, it’s not bad.
So apparently I added Westworld to my recently reacquired Blu-ray queue. What’s the general consensus? Worth wading into? Or just drop it back in the mail and forget about it? All opinions welcome, even pineapple on pizza eaters.
Mrs. Suthenboy and I watched it. It was ok. It wont blow your socks off but not really a waste of time. They could have told the story with a lot less film. It is watchable.
The original movie was great when I was 10.
I never made it out of the first season yet. I just couldn’t get excited about it. It seems OK and it has the RDA of naked boobs in it like all the other HBO hits, so I’m not sure why it was so meh.
This, I got to about episode 7 and realized I didn’t care enough about the characters or the story to watch any more.
I only made it through like 3 episodes, it just didn’t grab me.
I loved it. It’s a mystery show if you’re into those (I am) and what makes it particularly good is that it never lies to you. Those are way too rare.
I enjoyed it. Thandie Newton was excellent.
I really liked it. Yeah, it could have been edited down, but the first season, especially, was a pretty smart look at some pretty interesting issues.
The second season was kind of a hot mess, as far as plot and editing went. At some point, you just get worn out on trying figure out how different plot lines told on different timelines match up. Still worth watching.
Thanks for the feedback all. I guess I’ll give it whirl. I meant to get back here before the new sheet posted.
I watched the original Westworld movie recently. It actually holds up reasonably well. Better than Logan’s Run. That was embarrassing.
You take that back! I will not tolerate the sullying of Jenny Agutter, unless of course I’m the one doing it.
Mmm, Jenny. I probably wouldn’t mind getting shot like a dog in an alley after a long weekend with her.
Oooh, the Werewolf in London girl…hubba hubba.
Great flick. Some genuine scares when I was little.
RIP Nicholas Roeg, who brought good things to light.
What is it with you people always besmirching my most beloved movie memories? I bet you hate The Fearless Vampire Killers too.
Good grief. I just looked at a list of the 100 biggest movies from the ’70s. That is almost 50 years ago. God I feel old. I bet my son’s generation have never heard of any of those movies.
Logan’s Run was always a terrible movie. But in the best way.
I still think replacing congress with cats is a good idea.
Logan’s Run: Jenny Agutter’s legs.
And for the other half – Michael York’s strategically ripped tunic.
Dingell, who held onto a Congressional seat in a dying district for five decades with his teeth and claws, wants to tell us how to represent ourselves in DC. Make no mistake, he wants more of himself, invulnerable and unaccountable assholes.
No kidding. FTA:
The math is even starker when you look at places like Wyoming and Vermont, each of which has fewer people in the entire state (575,000 and 625,000, respectively) than does the Twelfth Congressional District of Michigan, which I last represented
It’s not fair for some hick shithole to send some dumb fucking farmhand to Congress who can negate my enlightened understanding and judicious guidance. Some of those gomers don’t even let the UAW tell them how to vote.
Tom Woods pointed out that there’s already a chamber of Congress that gives representation based on population – it’s called the House of Representatives. It was designed that way so that there is some representation of the popular will, but the more populous states can’t just steamroll over the less populous ones, which could be completely different types of societies.
The solution is to just devolve power from the federal government back to the states, better yet the localities, and still better to the individual.
“Study: Board Games Don’t Do Enough To Reflect The Diversity Of America’s Population
Research shows that demographics within the board game industry do not directly mirror that of the population of North America. Some say this lends itself to the exclusion and “marginalization” of minorities.
Many game journalists and researchers have concluded that the video game industry is dangerously masculine. The situation is actually just as bad, if not worse, when it comes to traditional board games, according to game researcher Tanya Pobuda, who says that much like the video game community, the world of board games is a “white-male dominated space.”
Pobuda, who researches games and simulation at Ryerson University, has released a study titled Assessing Gender and Racial Representation in the Board Game Industry, which predictably concludes that the community of board game hobbyists is not only too male, but too “white” as well.”
Why is this shit always about games and comic books and movies and TV shows?
It ticks me off that my settlers are never gender queer and they’re stealing lands from the indigenous two spirits.
From color blind to a color bind: The history of multiculturalism in the US
Most of the big board game companies are European, not American. The biggest game fair is in Germany and is known in the US by the name of the town it takes place in (Essen). I’ve yet to be shunned or see any new player get shunned at any board game event I’ve been to. So, in short, fuck off, you aren’t changing my games.
Even more problematic, whitey.
you aren’t changing my games.
Sure thing. My collection is over 150 games, and those rules are already written, and printed out. Nothing is going to change them. Change the new games, and I don’t need to buy them.
Commie shitweasels have to destroy every aspect of western culture.
It’s a stupid notion that “lack of representation” in an artistic medium actually results in real-world racism.
If they had some evidence that people who play board games are more racist in real life, they might have the beginning of an argument, but as far as I know, they don’t. It’s just speculative “social science” bullshit.
“…eclipsing even the extinction of the dinosaurs 65m years ago.”
Wrong! Dinosaurs aren’t extinct. They’re all around us, every day. There are more species of dinosaurs around today than there are mammals.
We call them birds.
What about us?
You’ve got to take your skin suits off more often so we know you’re there.
The Dingell sub-thread is up there ^
Same old bullshit. Conflate how the lay person sees things with how science sees them to fear monger or drum up drama.
Big dinosaurs dying off is a dramatic extinction event that took place suddenly….over the course of ten million years. In geologic time that is ‘sudden’. To sit and watch it, not so much. A lot can happen in ten million years. My favorite is the giant meteor theory. Really…a rock crashes into the earth and it takes ten million years to kill off giant lizards. Who came up with that one? Michael Bay? Add some great tits and a member of the royal family and you have the makings of a box office hit.
Add some great tits and a member of the royal family and you have the makings of a box office hit.
*calls agent*
There are more species of dinosaurs around today than there are mammals.
I was watching a roadrunner not long ago. Holy crap, can you see the dinosaur in them if you look, especially the way they move. They really are tiny, beaked velociraptors.
So you’re the attorney for ACME products?
Only once in my life I have been lucky enought o watch a Roadrunner take on a 3 ft Diamondback. That snake put up a game defense, but it didn’t work. Once that bird went into hunter mode it largely ignored the area around it. Then when it went into berserker mode the battle quickly ended.
“People like Milo, Allsup and Sargon probably have no hope of getting a regular job, and even on the rare occasions they did get one, people would still try to get them fired. These people are trying to gatekeep the ability of these people to live a regular life, over politics.”
He’s not wrong
Couldn’t be not wronger.
What I don’t get is why Thiel, who’s on the record of being pseudo-libertarian and a Trump supporter, plays along and eliminates these people from payment processing.
Also, rhetorical question: how do we get from “Bake the fucking cake!” to “Host the fucking video!” or “Process the fucking payment!” I know, BECUZ NOTZEE.
She seems nice.
Her language offends me, she needs to be banned. These people just don’t get it do they?
No. They dont. I have been meaning to make a list of the concepts they dont get. I dont think it is ignorance and maybe not even stupidity. They understand it when it is happening to them but they are blind to it up to that point.
See above the moron Dingell and his ‘abolish the senate’ idiocy.
How people fail to grasp the concept of what comes around goes around baffles me.
I know. There’s an Iron Law and everything, and people still don’t get it.
You know what’s fun about Free Speech? It comes with something called consequences.
I wonder what her thoughts are on Trump suing people for defamation.
Saw an interesting observation the other day, not sure how valid, basically dating the decline of American news media back to NY v Sullivan. Turns out that allowing a major industry to operate without meaningful accountability for the damage it does isn’t good for it in the long run.
I see people claiming the free market at work, but if that were the case, they would get eliminated for having no followers, not the wrong politics.
This should help y’all’s (including my) hangovers.
1, 12, 13, 36. 2 wins the cameltoe award. Some of these chicks are scary.
Fit is great, but a little fat on top of those muscles to make them look more feminine would be a massive improvement IMO. It’s biological — at these body fat levels, these women can’t reproduce, and we’re wired to look for the opposite of that.
28 and 36 are the hottest for my tastes.
Breaking news! Wind on Mars sounds like wind!
This is what I get for procrastinating. It’s in the 20’s and my shop isn’t heated but those Crokinole boards aren’t going to build themselves by X-mas. I guess this is why god created Carhartts.
Why does God need
a starshipCarhartts?The blue-collar look helps Him relate to us mere mortals.
I had to look that one up. Pretty cool, even if it’s Canadian!
What are you making the boards from?
Wood, duh.
Sorry, I forgot you’ve got brain freeze.
Hype, from which wood species are you building your game boards?
Redwood, duh.
I came into some redwood 2×4’s on a remodel job (somebody painted them white?!) so I’m ripping them into 2×2’s and gluing up blanks.
…(somebody painted them white?!)…
That sounds cool. How will you do the lines?
My plan is to route shallow thin lines and leave them natural, although I’m looking at filling them with colored resin if I think they need to stand out more, or if the grooves interfere with the discs.
I’d love to see some photos of them when they’re done.
Or better yet, one delivered to me by my awesome new UPS guy. You (Hyperbole) have my address.
If there’s interest I might write up a Hyberbole’s How-to on the project.
Speaking of wood, I’m going to an open house at this place today.
Cool, I need to find a good wood supply house around here. There are some Amish mills but they mostly have pine, nothing exotic.
Yes please. I’ve just been looking at examples and they are pretty sweet. The game looks fun, as well.
The game is a blast, it was a big hit on Thanksgiving at my place. It goes well with drinking beer and shooting the shit. It takes up quite a bit of space, although there are accessories you can pick up if you want alternative storage for the board.
It also has my favorite rule from any game ever. The one cheek rule.
So, finger-curling.
Here’s finger curling. Well, maybe hand curling…?
Here’s the glue up
That’s gonna turn out sweet.
Beautiful. I too would like to see a write-up.
That looks very nice.
This thread is comedy gold:
Another Boo hoo hoo, life is hard when you’re a Millenial article.
Buried in there is this little “Wait, what?” nugget:
It’s also true that Millennials spend less than previous generations on transportation. But everybody is spending less; total transportation spending has declined as a share of the typical household’s budget by almost 5 percent in the past 30 years, according to the Fed. Perhaps that’s because people hold on to their car for longer, or own a more efficient car that requires fewer tune-ups. Or maybe that’s a result of the declining cost of new vehicles under the North American Free Trade Agreement, which shifted some auto-manufacturing work to Mexico.
Seriously? Cars are getting cheaper? I’d rather not see the ass they pulled that one out of, but I find it hard to believe you could claim the cost of a new car in relation to weekly wages has gone down in the last thirty years.
Poor millenials. Broke, they are.
I suspect that sudden lunge to praising NAFTA is only there because Trump got rid of it.
A “carbon” tax will take care of that reduced spending
“Danish doctor warns: Vegan food may lead to mental retardation ”
I thought it was the other way around.
Ahgk! You beat me to it.
Well, of course, a shill for Big Pastry would say something like that.
Their entire economy is based on canned cam and butter cookies.
um, ham
Now that is some first-class trolling.
I think he has that the wrong way about.
What I don’t get is why Thiel, who’s on the record of being pseudo-libertarian and a Trump supporter, plays along and eliminates these people from payment processing.
Is Thiel still involved with Paypal in a meaningful way?
“I don’t do drugs. I am drugs.”
More on millenials:
If there is one category in which the generation born between the early 1980s and the late 1990s really is different, it’s politics.
Young people are not only to the left of the country, but also to the left of previous generations of young people. In national elections, Millennials have voted for Democrats over Republicans by unprecedented margins. They are far more open to various strands of socialism—including social democracy and democratic socialism. As I wrote in summarizing their political views in 2016, Millennials “sense that they are both America’s impoverished generation and its moral guardians—absent on the payroll, but present at the revolution.”
Why would young people feel such revolutionary fervor? Maybe it’s not because Millennials have rejected the American dream, but rather because the economy has not only blocked their path to attaining it but punished them for trying to.
Millennials are the most educated generation in U.S. history to date. They bought into a social contract that said: Everything will work out, if first you go to college. But as the cost of college increased, millions of young people took on student loans to complete their degree. Graduates under 35 are almost 50 percent more likely than members of Gen X to have student loans, and their median balance is about 40 percent higher than that of the previous generation.
Sorry, dummy. Right there in the fine print of your social contract it says, “Go to school and learn something useful, and you may hope to be rewarded for it.” Nobody gives a shit about your take on homosexuality (repressed or otherwise) in the collected works of Moliere.
I demand a 100K per year job predicated on my sociology degree.
This is crap. They are not socialist because they are disillusioned. They are socialist because they have been indoctrinated by every media source and ‘educator’ they have encountered and their parents have abdicated any responsibility for instilling the basic values and reasoning skills needed to resist that indoctrination (or never learned them themselves). The ones that learned to think are no more socialist than prior generations.
Supposedly the younger-than-millennials generation is super conservative though, at least for young people.
The obvious solution to their woes is to push the policies that caused them even harder, duh.
I… ugh SMDH.
I want to retch every time I hear the term ‘democratic socialist’.
I saw on on the teevee a couple of days ago pushing the stupid ‘total renewable energy’ argument. It was pure gibberish, completely outside the realm of reality or possibility. I am certain the woman is insane.
She wants solar powered airplanes.
My 10 year old niece wants an Alicorn. I want everyone to leave everyone else the hell alone. We all have fantasies.
I had to look that up.
Flying Unicorn, sorry I wasn’t being deliberately obscure
No worries, I’m old and don’t have young relatives. I guessed it was something to to with unicorns.
We all have fantasies.
Way to light the HM signal.
What about “PARTY OF SCIENCE!!1!!11” don’t you understand?
Jordan Peterson had a great line in one of his lectures (paraphrased):
“It’s amazing to me that there are young people who feel that they are capable of designing an economic system but can’t even clean their rooms.”
Sounds aboot right to me.
I think “educated” needs to be defined for this story
“Why would young people feel such revolutionary fervor?”
The Left’s long march through the institutions have ensured that their heads were filled with mush from Kindergarten through college. This isn’t rocket science.
Why would young people feel such revolutionary fervor?
They are young, stupid, inexperienced, ignorant (so far, like every generation), but uniquely burdened by a shit education, indoctrination into discredited crypto-Marxist claptrap, badly in debt, and coming out of a decades long economic slump that is their first experience of the real world.
Naturally, its capitalism’s fault.
should be “decade-long economic slump”
“like every generation”
Millennials aren’t a monolith. As with every generation, some are building and creating while others are flapping their gums. I am dear friends with about 100 Eagle Scout millennials who are PhD physicists, company officers, med school, farmers. The flakes with the Instagram accounts don’t speak for them, but those guys get all the press.
My son’s a badass. I can’t speak for all the other crappy parents.
Everyone knows this, but it needs to be retold occasionally.
Are your ears bored? Tired? Old? Good news! There is a monthly 1/2 hour podcast radio show which features 6 new indiepop songs, and one older tune. Find some new music and rejuvenate your sagging, listless ears. Enjoy.
Sounds like a real healthy corporate culture.
So ‘Don’t be evil’ has become ‘Don’t get caught’.
Burn it all down yeaahhhh
Google vs Apple, who’s the shittier company?
Google. Not even close. Although now that Apple is getting into the deplatforming game with podcasts and apps, the gap is closing.
Google apparently works you to death.
Google appears to be totally off their rocker in their culture. How long before it comes out they used access to personal Gmail accounts and search data (from the public Internet side, not their internal corporate network) to try & id the leakers, the non-Google employees they were leaking to, and/or just correlate that same data to their employees generally?
This pretty much sums it up.
If only we had mob rule like France.
Dingell agrees.
Exactly. IIRC France is essentially run by Parisians, for Parisians. Even Germany has a more or less federal system (modeled on ours, for obvious reasons).
“Two years ago creators were told two lies. 1. Deplatforming was solely going to affect those who were genuinely extremist. 2. And then only when their actions, not views, were extreme. Now people get deplatformed more or less “just cuz.” #Corporations #Censorship #Persist”
STEVE SMITH GOT TROUBLE FROM TWITTER, BY TROUBLE MEAN…he got a one day ban the other day, at least that’s what I could make out of his tweet.
“If the motion is vigorous enough it could be ejected from the surface of the body.
“That seems decidedly un-romantic while also possibly bringing challenges to physical movements.”
Rule 34.
“Nebraska principal reportedly bans candy canes, says ‘J shape’ stands for Jesus”
Oh, for Christ’s sake.
TW: autoplay
(Sorry, maybe I’m not my best this morning.)
“Decorations that included Santa, Christmas trees, reindeer, green and red colored items and even candy canes, however, were not acceptable for the elementary school.”
Well, if you know anything about Israel, it’s just crawling with reindeer.
So Silver and Gold is Ok?
Rudolph is problematic AF so no.
There is a name I haven’t heard in forever: Burl Ives.
Add some Blue and I’m with ya.
Gold and Silver is much better.
Now you’ve *really* lit the HM signal.
“Teacher arrested after video shows her appearing to forcibly cut boy’s hair while singing national anthem”
I can’t see to get the video to load…..
There is something missing from that story. Sounds like she had some kind of psychotic break or bad reaction to a drug.
I’m having Wilcoxson’s lemon custard ice cream for breakfast.
The Center for Science in the Public Interest can kiss my ass.
No MS? ZardoZ late? My world is crashing all around! Too much Pearl harbor?
Shhhhh! I like that the Saturday links aren’t dead by the time I get my coffee and come here.
It’s Mike S.’s fault for not writing up a BIF review.
*feels shame*
*points at Gordilocks* He didn’t either!
Hmmm, I see a beer post. Have you been day drinking again?
Church Christmas party tonight. There is bound to be ham and turkey and funeral potatoes and cookies, and I am on this stupid liquid diet.
I’m pretty sure I’ll be on a liquid diet tonight, as well.
“I am on this stupid liquid diet”
*swigs vodka*
*swigs diet orange pop with vanilla protein powder*
*retches quietly*
Tastes like sugar-free dreamsicle, but if you don’t like dreamsicle, then yes, it sounds disgusting.
Diet root beer with vanilla protein powder isn’t quite as good, but still tastes marginally like a root beer float.
sugar-free dreamsicle
How did you know SP’s nickname for him????
That was what we were whispering about while you and Mr. Mojeaux were talking.
Oh, and I only stumbled upon this because the first day making the protein powder with milk did a number on my innards.
So you’re in charge of the booze?
About to go help wifey chaperone a middle-school dance. My outer 47yo just wants it to end quickly so I get back to important things like repeatedly pressing F5 on this website. My inner 15yo wants to pour a bunch of Wild Turkey 101 in the punchbowl and see where the day takes us.
Shit shit shit.
About a week ago a ridgeback showed up in my yard. His mild skittishness disappeared after the first biscuit. He comes over every day and is very friendly, playful and gregarious. Beautiful dog. I thought he belonged to the neighbor but turns out he is homeless and the neighbors just give him a little charity. Now I am also giving him charity. I am gonna get stuck with this dog, aren’t I? Between fixing, exams, shots etc it will be around 1000 bucks.
I am going to try and pawn him off on my brother. He is a super big dog guy and he would love this dog to death. Now, how to get my brother to see the dog…one look and he will be hooked.
Yeah… My mom is in very rural Alabama and has a growing collection of Black & Tans because apparently, quite a few assholes think it is appropriate to simply abandon their coon hounds when they don’t perform well. She has adopted out a good dozen in the last couple years.
I live in a remotish area at the end of a dead end road. You can probably guess what that means.
Same here, I haven’t run into a stray dog yet but people use my road to dump kittens all the time.
/looks over at cat lounging on the couch that I didn’t ask for
Oh god, that would suck for me… I’d have to take in every single one of those kittens, at least until someone adopts them. And I’m allergic to dogs and cats.
I have taken an entire liter of kittens before out of the ditch and found them homes. I full acknowledge that there are too many cats and the best thing would probably be to dispatch them but I can’t do it. Fuck the people who stick strangers with having to deal with the care and adoption of their pets because they are too damn lazy and callus to care for their animals.
I wholeheartedly endorse the lamppost/branch method of dispatching those who are cruel to animals. All of our cats are rescues; 1 is a full-blood Maine Coon who, as a tiny, tiny kitten, was tromping around our old Brooklyn digs in snow drifts larger than he was. Now he is big fat 25lb. cuddleball.
Mines a somewhat petite tabby. I’m not a cat person but she’s got lots of personality and, despite the constant harassment, enjoys the company of my Blue Heeler. So inspite of my best efforts to never be a ‘cat guy’ I’m pretty sure she’s staying.
I habe a Pity that comes over almost every day to play with my dog. Luckily I’m 99% sure she’s well cared for, she just more or less gets to live the free-range life. For that I’m grateful because if she was a stray I’d adopt her in a heartbeat even though I need a second dog like I need a hole in the head.
Are there any dog rescue orgs in the area? They may let you piggyback on their bulk rates for neutering and initial examination if you’re thinking you can place this one either at your brothers home or yours.