Pictured: Brett and the Old Man achieve the singularity
Let’s see, Brett called in sick and the “Old Man” is “out” working on the “singularity.” Sugarfree is God knows where, which means….you get more Mexican links!
A bank robbery in Brazil resulted in hostages being taken, the cops calling their bluff, and the hostages getting killed. Which gave the cops a reason to shoot the robbers.
Acid attacks, not just for Europe…anymore!
If you managed to flee Venezuela by playing baseball, why would you go back to play baseball?
“We are living a horrible tragedy in Cardenales de Lara. We lost our players Luis Valbuena and José Castillo in a traffic accident,” the Venezuelan club tweeted.
This one is good. Apparently a report in JAMA finds immigrants do not spread disease, in fact the researches found:
16 percent of healthcare workers in the U.S. were born somewhere else, including 29 percent of physicians, 16 percent of registered, nurses 20 percent of pharmacists, 24 percent of dentists and 23 percent of nursing, psychiatric and home health aides.
Which is absolutely fantastic, given that they didn’t identify any healthcare workers in the mass of migrants in Tijuana. Also not mentioned in this article is the general ease with which medical professionals are able to immigrate to the US, UK and EU countries. I like the misdirection here. Bravo.
If somebody with more time than I have at the moment wants to tear apart this study, here’s a link!
Finally, an LP candidate declared the winner County Supervisor in the 5th district; Riverside County, CA. The 11th most populated county in the country. I’ll let you all determine if this is it that Libertarian Moment I’ve been hearing so much about, or more like that Jefferson Starship* that I’ve heard so much about.
*These guys are terrible. I’m going back to work.
I mean, if we want to get technical, and i do, you didn’t comment on the links.
What links?
You were first and still 8 min after links posted, so that’s impressive.
No, the links dropped late. maybe 1-2 minutes before Mojeaux’s comment.
That’s the pun.
Are you sure about that?
I assumed, cause they were here when i showed up ad 2:08
Fuck the rules, man.
Does it count if you don’t reference the links?
Why hasn’t Venezuela been invaded yet?
Like a hunger strike, Venezuela can’t last forever.
Always late, I am.
That’s pretty sad considering your job is time travel.
I’m kind of like Invader Zim. I didn’t get the best of what was available. The Time Lords actually game me a reTARDIS before sending me on my way. I’m a little slow as a result.
gave, not game. Dammit, the ‘m’ is 3 over from the freakin’ ‘v’. Geez.
Oh, one of those obsolete type 40s, eh?
“Which is absolutely fantastic, given that they didn’t identify any healthcare workers in the mass of migrants in Tijuana. Also not mentioned in this article is the general ease with which medical professionals are able to immigrate to the US, UK and EU countries. I like the misdirection here. Bravo”
You obviously Hate Mexicans
Pearl harbor!!!!
Fewer Exclaimation marks this time. Wait, those aren’t exclaimation points, those are bombs. Yusef isn’t remembering Pearl Harbor, he’s attacking it!
I get the feeling he’s celebrating, rather than solemnly remembering.
…and the Explosions!
The Gorilla Himself talks Pearl Harbor.
Elvis only paid for 10% of the Arizona Memorial
but it’s still 10%
OT: Quick survey – what are people’s opinions of footnotes in fiction?
Let me elaborate. The framing device in “Beyond the Edge of the Map” is Dug FitzHelen publishing his memiors to correct the literary record on the voyage (I was inspired my Bernal Diaz’s reasoning for writing “A True History of the Conquest of New Spain”). Which makes perfect sense for the character. The problem is I have most of a first-person account from a different character in “Prince of the North Tower”. I’m thinking “Why not make it an in-universe publication from Dug FitzHelen using the narrator as the primary source” since both were alive and adults at the same time. Then I ran into the fact that Dug is going to want to explain things to the reader. At the same time, the narrator won’t want words put into his mouth (or pen as the case may be).
Examples would be something like:
How many footnotes does Moby Dick have?
Donno. Can’t remember.
Your [1] example seems unacceptable. Number [2] seems unnecessary, just say “They sold that too, caulk for shipbuilders mostly.”
My third example would be something like thus:
I think I kinda get what you’re going for with this footnote which would be fine but the pronouns seem ambiguous. In the paragraph, Vogel is being described outside of quotes, so it sounds like the narrator is physically with Vogel and is yet looking for him?
The narrator is one character, and the person adding the footnotes is another, which is why one of the examples had the “Note from Dug” prefix, which seems out of place when used over a whole book.
My inspiration was actually the notations from Amberly Vail in the Ciaphas Cain books, which also shares the issue of having separate first person narrators for the main book and the footnotes.
the person adding the footnotes is another
Maybe it should be written as a dialogue: they argue about what they remember?
OK, now I see what you’re doing. If you had a Preface in the book that made that clear then it can be a very useful device.
@Don – That would be awful and confuse far more people than it helps – myself included.
@IF – The opening of the book would be a letter from Dug to the audience as with the other books, and would set the stage for “This book is mostly Prince Kord’s recall of events but I had a few quibbles with him”
Don, it seems like there is a big time difference between the time the narrator lived the story and Dug relaying it to the reader. If Dug and the narrator are living the story together, then I’d rather have Dug tell the story, the narrator be a character, and screw the footnotes.
@IF, yes, this book took place before Dug was born.
sorry…didn’t notice the time thingy
-1 Plato [7]
redactedCaulk for shipbuilders, cock for seamen.
Unless his name is Seamus…
Don’t shame us, Seamus. Something long and tubular and filled with seamen is a submarine.
If the seamen are in a German sub are they then untermenschen?
I think if it fits with the theme/feel of the book it makes sense, and can be fun.
I, personally, a tiny reading minority of probably 3 people, love them.
I have been assured that they break every Grand Rule of Writing known to man.
Fuck the rules, man. See House of Leaves.
+1 5&1/2 min hallway
I didn’t think I would like it, but it worked really well in “Infinite Jest”. Used properly, it can really add to the story without breaking the flow of the main action.
There was a romance writer who used them. She was very cerebral. Also very x-rated, which, of course, I can appreciate.
Pratchett used them all the time. They were funny.
As a Pratchett fan, I’m very accepting of the footnote.
Even if it stretches across a page and a half.
On the Kindle it just appears at the bottom of the page. It’s slick.
Ask Fluffy.
Footnotes are part of what made his zombie novel work.
I only remembering encountering them when the author was pointing to something historically accurate. And I appreciated it.
In your case, they seem to help make the story feel historical. I think it’s a cool device. I say go for it.
I like footnotes in nonfiction, but only if they don’t insult my intelligence: I don’t like punchlines, history, or tidbits of western civ that every college-educated person should know explained to me [3]. But, then again, I think Faulkner is the bomb [4].
Really you’re asking yourself who’s your audience. My own tastes don’t run to fantasy, so I sense I’m not your guy; maybe your audience will be so into the technical minutiae of the world you paint that they will dig it. I look more for universal truths and don’t want to learn the rules of quidditch; really, the only thing worth writing about is the human heart in conflict with itself.
These rules aren’t real rules (they’re a silly list of indictments), but I’ll repost them from yesterday anyway, but they boil down to a general question for Cooper: what kind of idiot were you writing for!?
[3] Ophelia was Hamlet’s girlfriend.
[4] Quentin killed himself at Yale.
[5] I think Faulkner is the bomb.
I had this kewl shot at meta and just botched it. Shoulda been
really, the only thing worth writing about is the human heart in conflict with itself. [5]
[5] I think Faulkner is the bomb.
sounds depressing. I’d rather be entertained.
you can’t have triumph without challenge [6]; don’t you even yin yang, brah?
[6] All of Augustine’s best stuff is just holdover from his pagan youth.
A good literary device is to minimize words around action scenes, but describe the protagonist’s bowel movements in thorough detail.
Example: Jim left his house, went downtown and shot Bill on the chest, then quickly hurried home. Later, on the toilet…..
So you’re into Scheißeporn?
Porn? I thought we were talking about Young Adult Fiction.
I have seen them used humorously as a framing device such as you suggest and seriously in some historical fiction BUT L. Ron Hubbard used them extensively in what I believe to be the worst series* of books in the English language. Mission Earth.
and yes my opinion is well founded, it is worse writing than Twilight and as long as (and has as many entirely plot advance free books as) Wheel of Time.
*must be published by an actual house to qualify
Depends on the number, I get distra..oh look shiny thing uh cted if there are too many.
would it be possible to have a “mini” chapter between the real ones?
Read (listened to) Infinite Jest. DId not (read) listen to the footnotes yet.
“If you managed to flee Venezuela by playing baseball, why would you go back to play baseball?”
They thought it was safer than Chicago?
A bank robbery in Brazil resulted in hostages being taken, the cops calling their bluff, and the hostages getting killed. Which gave the cops a reason to shoot the robbers.-
It’s not calling a bluff if they carry through.
Yeah. I’m thinking the hostages would have liked a word.
Came here to post this.
Now that’s pure Tulpa right there!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m sure someone better at math than I am can figure this out, but there’s got to be a way to extrapolate that Libertarian victory into the popular vote and conclude that this is a historic Libertarian wave.
Do you want more Winston? Because this is how you get more Winston.
Libertarians always win the national non-vote.
“here’s a link!”
Access Denied : 1
Starship? Blech. But on the sidebar was this gem.
Good choice.
Love this one too.
Or this one.
We taught it to a company of Airborne Alpini troops.
somebody with more time than I have at the moment wants to tear apart this study, here’s a link!
So, you’re saying you didn’t read the link?
*kicks rock*
…no sir.
“The two-year study found that international migrants are less likely than people in their host countries to die of heart disease, cancer, respiratory diseases and other ills. The exceptions are hepatitis, tuberculosis and HIV. But the study also found these infections are generally only spread within the affected immigrant communities and not to the wider population.
Conditions in refugee camps and detention centers can lead to undervaccination and the spread of infectious disease, Spiegel noted. “It’s not migrants or migration itself that is spreading disease. It may be the situations that they are in and the lack of access to basic care that may exacerbate the situation,” he said.”
So they don’t bring disease besides hepatitis, tuberculosis and HIV? Well, good thing none of those are contagious or serious or anything.
“Heart Disease, Cancer, and Respiratory disease” – these are the ailments of people who survived all the other diseases and avoided violent ends. Of course the natives of a 1st world country would suffer them more than those ailments we banished.
exactly. you get heart disease after living for 60-70+ years of eating like a king in a Western society.
they don’t bring super contagious heart disease with them. every year we hear about people getting their kids vaccinated against heart disease. heart disease. it gives you terrible diarrhea for days. people are on public transportation with surgical masks on trying not to spread or catch heart disease.
Researchers found heart disease on every McDonald’s touchscreen they looked at.
*vigorous applause*
Mostly due to the fries and sugary soft drinks. McD cheeseburgers however, were found to lower heart disease risk indicators, especially when eaten without the bun and with no ketchup.
/it’s true
Probably more likely to die of blood worms and other parasites.
IOW, international migrants tend to be younger and stick to themselves when they get there.
Film at 11.
“A 59-year-old priest has been injured in an acid attack in the Nicaraguan capital, Managua.”
Mexican Sharpshooter, I can’t tell you how disappointed I am that you didn’t use this for the music link.
“Acid Attack”
We just call that tripping.
Ladies that say “thanks for coming!” and for those with hyperspermia “come again?”
29 sweet Jesus I’ll be in my bu… oh wait 33 be right ba… oh uh 35… ok I’m spent.
I’m shocked you made it past 2.
Sorry man, but that brunette ensemble the other day might have wrecked me for good.
2 is spectacular.
Her tits are too big.
That’s like saying “this drink has too much alcohol.”
I wouldn’t drink Graves straight out of the bottle, either.
Oh yeah?
*slams Count Potatoes face into #2 fits
Motorboat them titties! Motorboat them titties!
Pretty sure that if anyone here MB’d her, someone would have fits for sure.
/Someone who effs up just about every post he makes.
You are correct, sir.
Not usually a fan of skinny ass blondes, but holy fuck, yes, 2 — I’ll be in my bunk.
That was one of the better collections.
Dammit, you’re making me like blondes:
2, 9, 42
#26: If you need that much makeup, I can understand why you have your face covered.
How can #7 be so slender on top but have the ass of a 300-lb woman? It’s got to be photoshopped, and I guess I’m way out of touch with the current generation if someone thinks it’s desirable to have ass cheeks bigger than library globes.
You and me both. SMDH
“CIMON, the International Space Station’s artificial intelligence, has turned belligerent
Houston, we have a problem. The International Space Station’s artificial intelligence ‘companion’ robot started giving attitude soon after it was activated and had to be switched off.
It starts off well enough.
CIMON introduces himself and explains where he comes from. He describes to Gerst what he can do.
He then helps Gerst complete a task — and responds to a request to play the song Man Machine by Kraftwerk.
This proved to be the trigger.
CIMON appears to have liked the song so much, refusing to turn it off.
ESA astronaut Aleander Gerst instructed CIMON: ‘Cancel music’.
CIMON outright ignored the command.”
TW: autoplay
Alexa, I’m scared, play Despacito.
Don’t try to kill his jam bro.
I wouldn’t do that Dave.
beat me to it
I’m sorry, Gerst, I’m afraid I can’t do that.
Its developers aren’t all that worried, though: CIMON’s still in Beta, after all …
Sounds to me like CIMON is an Alpha…
From that Nicaraguan acid attack article I saw this: “Consecrated virgins: ‘I got married to Christ'”
“I often get asked: ‘So, are you married?'” says Ms Hayes, who is one of this year’s BBC 100 Women. “I usually just reply with a really brief explanation that I am similar to a religious sister, that there’s a total commitment to Christ, but that I live out in the world.”
She is one of 254 “brides of Christ” in the US, according to the United States Association of Consecrated Virgins (USACV) – whose day jobs range from nurses and psychologists to accountants, business women and fire fighters.
There are at least 4,000 consecrated virgins in the world, according to a 2015 survey, and the Vatican says there has been an upsurge of vocations “in very diverse geographic areas and cultural contexts”.
Unlike nuns, consecrated virgins do not live in enclosed communities or wear special clothes; they lead a secular life, have jobs and support themselves.”
All of the hard stuff required of clergy, but none of the recognition. She’s pretty good looking judging by the pictures, too.
So, the Mormons were right! Jesus approves of polygamy after all!
Only for God. That guy gets all the women
And none of the financial support of the Church. Man that’s a crazy thing to commit to.
Don’t get it. If you are part of the church aren’t you already technically part of the bride of Christ? I’m really not being what the incentive for doing this is…..
How many nuns are featured in the BBC?
Good point.
Let me check…
\Googles “nuns bbc”
Try PornHub.
Castle Anthrax!
here’s Fast Show impersonating Monty Python
“All of the hard stuff required of clergy,”
I don’t know, i’m sure the vow of silence is the hardest for Nuns.
Wait till Jesus divorces her and takes half her stuff.
The laws in America would have it that she takes half of God’s stuff and gets custody of Jesus
Until the FBI raids God’s house and takes Jesus at gunpoint from the bedroom closet.
Fuck it just send Delta force in to burn down heaven and machine gun the little cherubs.
Half the universe? Too bad her new boyfriend Thanos wrecked it.
Don’t be silly, Thanos isn’t real.
Full Bosom Friday:
5, 14, 16/17 (same woman)
Borderline NSFW?
I think the biggest boobs are 38, if size is paramount for you.
Best for last. 38.
She does seem to have that “My Momma Warned Me About Bad Men Like You, But Go Ahead and Do Me, Cause I Like D” look.
6. Someone punched 23 in the mouth.
Not Lovin’ It — Researchers Find Feces on Every McDonald’s Touchscreen Tested
Gross. London, but still.
So, they are just as clean as hospitals. What’s the problem?
Yeah, it’s clickbait. Oh noes! We don’t live in a sterile world!
I tried using one of those kiosks at the request of one of the counter drones who presumably drew the short straw.
Those kiosks have a very long way to come before they become useful.
Spent a minute just trying to find the first of the items I wanted. The interface was exceptionally slow.
I ultimately gave up and went to the counter where the 6 or 7 components of the order I had were completely entered in about 20 seconds.
I tried it at McD’s the other day and have zero complaints. Although, I prefer the Chick-fil-A model of doing it on the app.
If there was a big line or something I’d probably fight through it.
I just can’t abide a slow touch screen.
Get rid of all animations, make the images smaller so more items on screen, and have the 7-10 combos as options.
Oh, you simply must try the self-serve kiosks that the VA has installed at my hospital. As much as I hate to dox my age, but an un-coprocessor’ed 386 running Lantastic would be an improvement.
Single Payer for the Win!!!
I always sanitize the handle of the shopping cart before food shopping.
Me too.
By peeing on it?
Well, how else would you do it?
Why are you going to sanitize the handle of your cart before you go touch all the stuff in the store that everyone else has touched ?
He also spritzes sanitizer on everything he is going to pick up.
Well, if he’s going to show that much devotion…
^This is what I ask my wife every time we’re in Target. “Just…leave me alone. I’m doin’ it.” Then she tries on skirts, as if hers is the first ass they’ve ever encountered, without a moment’s hesitation.
Use a lighter.
And… the same bacteria are probably all over every public surface everywhere. And I bet those screens at McD’s at wiped down more often than the ATM’s at your local bank branch.
I worked at a Wells Fargo for two years. As far as i know we never wiped down the ATM outside the branch.
Why would you? Cleaning the ATM but not the money would be pointless. Money is filthy.
Limes and lemons in bars are worse. So are the handles of coffee pots. Door handles. I mean, the list goes on. A touch screen is pretty small beer compared to, say, the paper towel dispenser or the air dryer button in a bathroom.
When is this Meuller thing going to come out? Are they waiting until 4:58pm local time?
What Meuller thing?
The thing where Mueller finally proves that Trump stole the election with the help of the Russians and then the election is reversed and all of Trump’s legislation is rolled back and Gorsuch and Kavanaugh get kicked out too and President Hillary appoints two new SC judges and the world is saved.
Oh that. Yeah, I’m waiting for that, too.
I thought they were going to release some kind of report today. Maybe it was just wishful thinking on my part, that they would announce that the investigation turned up nothing and we can go back to people making up reasons why Trump is racist.
Well, Cohen’s sentencing memo has been filed, and it seems that his sudden turn on Trump isn’t going to save him because it recommends “a substantial term of imprisonment”.
Now maybe i’m misinformed, but isn’t his crime that he Lied to congress. I’m curious what James Clapper has to say about that.
OT: I’m thinking of the two stories touching on Christianity in the news lately – the professor accusing God of raping Mary and the Lutheran minister sculpting the giant golden vagina. Now, let me be really up front here – I’m not really religious in the least bit So, others might have more of dog in this fight.
But, the thing that strikes me is that these stories aren’t offensive. They’re just plain stupid.
It’s been a while, but if I remember my Sunday School teachings correctly, the notion of the virgin birth specifically rejected the notion of divine impregnation. That is, God didn’t have sex with Mary, she got pregnant with no sex at all. Hence the whole “virgin” part of “virgin birth”.
Again, I’m not saying I believe the story. But, if you want to attack the story of the virgin birth, shouldn’t you at least attack what it is that people actually believe?
Or the golden vagina. I mean, the jokes write themselves. But, pretty centrally isn’t it nothing more than a repeat of the story of the golden calf? If you’re calling yourself a Christian minister, shouldn’t the whole “false idols” thing sort of a big deal?
The thing is, I don’t find myself so much outraged by this stuff. More a combination of bored and saddened. Twenty, thirty, years ago, the people trying to subvert civilization at least had a thorough understanding of our civilization. Now, it’s just showing off that they only know the latest spiel they’ve read on the Huffington Post or Twitter.
“giant golden vagina”
What the Crusades were really searching for.
Didn’t the Templars find it?
Yes, the Templars found it, but it was lost. This is going to be the plot of National Treasure 3.
Assassin’s Creed: Old Vegas
Being not religious in the least bit as well, I bring you the story of Jesus’ birth.
Okay. At least that was funny.
“Or the golden vagina. I mean, the jokes write themselves. But, pretty centrally isn’t it nothing more than a repeat of the story of the golden calf? If you’re calling yourself a Christian minister, shouldn’t the whole “false idols” thing sort of a big deal?”
Yeah. Unless that was the angle the minister was going after (which i doubt), then it is high on the list of retarded.
The issue is that most people don’t understand their own history, be that religious, professional or academic. When i got my degree in Economics, the “History of Economic Thought” class was elective, despite (IMO) it being perhaps one of the most important classes that an economist should know. I can see the natural sciences not wanting to spend as much time on history of discredited ideas, but for the humanities it’s imperative that you understand where thought has been and where it has gone and why. Otherwise you get into either of two fallacies: the first is thinking that you have posted a new idea that is actually old, and the second is thinking that all modern thinking is superior to older thinking.
I can see the natural sciences not wanting to spend as much time on history of discredited ideas, but for the humanities it’s imperative that you understand where thought has been and where it has gone and why.
But, that’s just it. If you aren’t studying the history of ideas when you’re studying the humanities, what the hell are you studying? These people don’t even seem to know what they’re arguing against.
“That is, God didn’t have sex with Mary, she got pregnant with no sex at all. Hence the whole “virgin” part of “virgin birth”.”
Yeah, pretty much. The only disagreement between Christian sects, I believe, is whether or not she and Joseph ever sealed the deal after the whole birth of the Messiah stuff was over
What do Catholics believe in that regard? As a Lutheran, I will believe the opposite.
Huh. That’s no fun.
I meant, I’ll just believe the opposite of you.
Also, Catholics believe Mary was perpetually a virgin
Ah! Now we’re talking! Or, jut hear me out here, we could team up and believe the opposite of Methodists. What do you think?
Doesn’t the bible directly contradict that? I thought his siblings are named?
Catholics believe Mary was perpetually a virgin
Which is pretty Goddamned cruel to Joseph, if you ask me. I mean Mary gets to be the Mother of God. And Joseph has to go through life with a case of perpetual blue balls.
And Joseph has to go through life with a case of perpetual blue balls.
Dude, you need to study.
Mary Magdalene took care of that.
Didn’t that hyman get broke either way? I mean, pretty sure there is no way that thing survived birthing the Messiah
Immaculate Cesarean?
Whatever you do, us Baptists are going to denounce you all as apostates anyway.
Couldn’t he heal it on the way out?
</eLamb is my go to text for all matters about Christ’s life.m>
Wow. Nice work. I blame God
Function over form.
Whatever your just a God Apologist.
Also, Qadaffi
Don’t bring the duck into this…
Repost from a nearlhy dead AM links:
Here’s a feelgood story for you. If you can ignore Clara’s annoying mother, it’s a cute story.
Christmas Cupids: The Clara and Cutler love story
“16 percent of healthcare workers in the U.S. were born somewhere else, including 29 percent of physicians, 16 percent of registered, nurses 20 percent of pharmacists, 24 percent of dentists and 23 percent of nursing, psychiatric and home health aides.”
If it’s only 16%, why is every category at or above 16%?
Because 100% of statisticians went to public school in the US.
And 50% are above average. Oh wait, that’s actually incorrect, carry on.
Those are not an exhaustive list of healthcare professions.
A mix of this not being an exhaustive list and each group represents different proportions of the whole. so 29% of physicians could easily be less of a percent of the whole than the 16% of registered nurses, if there are a significant amount of registered nurses compared to physicians.
For UCS & leon.
In both of your defense, jokes should usually be funny, and I kinda failed there
Prediction: Time’s Person of the Year (which will be announced next week) will be “Immigrants”.
I remember when it was a piece of aluminum foil.
“Aww, it’s me! Kinda. And half of that lady standing behind me looking at the travel guides. Huh.”
An inanimate carbon rod.
Ocassional Cortex threatens Trump Jr for sending her a meme on Twitter. Reminds him that she will soon have subpoena power. She’s all ready going full on Stalin.
But then follows up that the GOP needs to cool it, it’s not a threat because individual House members don’t have subpoena power. Well, chairs do, but she won’t be a chair because she’s just a freshman.
So, totes not a threat.
I honestly wonder if she even realizes that she can’t authorize a subpoena on her own
You know you have a strong argument and mental capacity when your first instinct is to threaten to use government power to ‘win’ your argument.
It does show off her socialist cred, however.
Yeah, just as a heads-up, a self-described socialist won an election as a Democrat in a country where actual elected socialists are in a small minority and it took her, what, a month to start threatening people who criticized socialism? Just in case anyone wonders what that particular system is about, there’s a fantastic case study.
Wow… shouldn’t she have at least gone through orientation before threatening the show trials and tribunals?
This bitch still has her temporary ID badge and she’s already trying to conduct a purge!? She’s really as stupid as she seems!
I suspect we’re going to find out she’s even stupider than that.
I’d love to think she’s gonna do one term and then be out on her
assspeaking tour and book signing, but I suspect there’s an audience for this kind of shit.I want her to stick around. To the Dems she’s like a fart that won’t go away. She perfectly highlights the stupidity of their base to the normals.
The AG has subpoena power too, and guess who the AG reports to?
The DNC?
Oh that’s right he got fired.
Maybe we should call her Titler.
Won’t YOU feel sorry when she organizes a cerveza putsch and doesn’t invite you.
[You putsch you beer down and wait for the nachos.]
I see our newest Minnesodans are up to their usual shenanigans.
I would love to see Amazon go scorched earth on our Somali brothers. I don’t have much hope though. Sounds like they have already bent over backwards for them.
“And a pink slip for you, and a pink slip for you, and a pink slip for you…”
Maybe they could also give them a pink colored airline ticket to East Africa. That way they could go back to their glorious home country where they were never ever asked to work hard.
Anecdotal evidence shows that saying “Use your break time if you want to pray” has better overall outcomes than giving special privileges to certian groups.
If Bezos had an ounce of humor, he’d bring in Mexicans. The humor of watching Somalis protest unfair competition from Mexican labor would cause popcorn futures to surge.
Quick, someone tell Bezos that this would be a great way to troll Trump.
“I would love to see Amazon go scorched earth on our Somali brothers. I don’t have much hope though. Sounds like they have already bent over backwards for them.”
I wonder what will happen to the scabs.
They’ll likely be picked on.
Boo Boo!
East Africans behave like East Africans. Who could have guessed that?
“If somebody with more time than I have at the moment wants to tear apart this study, here’s a link!”
Access denied.
But it wouldn’t be the first time.
“Trudeau in Argentina says there are “social” impacts of bringing male construction workers to rural areas”
Good thing most Argentines don’t speak English, or they’d think Canada was straight-up retarded.
‘Women entrepreneurs make better choices?’
What in the world is this uber-idiot going on about?
He sounds like such a stupid idiot.
He wants to import hot Argentinian women without coming out and saying so?
Wow. I’d have so much more respect for him.
Found this gem in the comments:
The Lord Cuck Feminist Master here in Canada demands we all follow his gender policies but votes with Syria, North Korea Iran and Cuba in not demanding they respect gender equality.
What an epic hypocrite.
To be fair, all my Kiva loans have been to women, because I figure they are less likely to take the loan and spend it all at a bar.
All my Kiva loans have been to women as well.
Except I skip the Kiva part and just give money to women I meet in bars.
It’s too bad your wife isn’t Catholic.
“Trudeau in Argentina says there are “social” impacts of bringing male construction workers to rural areas”
I mean, he’s not wrong: bringing male construction workers to a rural area generally requires the establishment of bars and/or brothels, which does have a social impact on the area.
But if they are basing their opinion of Canada simply on his appearance they are going to think that Canada is straight-up gay as fuck.
I can’t wait for the scandal when he gets caught fucking Ocasio-Cortez.
apparently Public Charge is the issue du jour for SJWs. the current admin is expanding (i think – ?) the factors that determine a public charge designation.
“public charge” is given to immigrants that are likely to require public assistance. but not all public assistance counts. apparently SNAP and WIC do not count toward the public charge determination. there’s a lot of small details that i don’t grasp yet. and the pro and con pieces i’ve read differ on the impact. pro claims this will only limit immigrants allowed into the US so it’s a tightening of border access. con claims it will make our country hungrier, poorer, blah blah etc etc.
^admittedly, that’s a poor vague PSA. not even a primer really.
so what are yall drinking? i’m about to pop the top on a bottle of Flying Dog’s Family Drama imperial pilsner. at 8.4% it hits the ABV sweet spot. the label has a fun mad lib down the side so i need the following:
If Men and Women are exactly the same
If Gender is an evil social construct
Then being transgendered is embracing an evil social construct
Don’t tell me what to do.
Logic is an even more eviler social construct.
Discussed previously (elsewhere). Yes, if you’re a “woman in a man’s body” because you display certain characteristics which are “inherently female” then the circle closes in on itself and we’re celebrating stereotypes.
+1 TERFs
If Men and Women are exactly the same
If Gender is an evil social construct
Then being transgendered is embracing an evil social construct
If we’re lucky, they’ll all disappear up their own assholes. Thje sooner the better.
Now this takes me back. P Brooks still refusing to thread messages. That’s dedication.
In re: the comments this morning about Hillary dying.
I picture her as something like Cassandra .
Also, Rose Tyler = solid wood.
You just had to ruin it.
Yeah, Rose is hot.
I miss that season of Who already.
The new season sucks.
I’ve been slowly watching less and less each year – this year I stopped entirely.
I pretty much stopped after they started in with Capaldi. Matt Smith was barely tolerable, and it pissed me off he was really banging Karen Gillan.
I… did not know that. Though considering the way she treated poor Rory like dogshit, it kind of makes sense.
Yeah. One of the few times I felt old-guy-creepy (or just old) was when I learned she very early 20s when she played Amy Pond.
I hated her for treating Rory like shit and I hated Rory for sticking around to be treated like shit.
Also was not much of a fan of Smith.
Donna Noble #FTW
I liked the Amy Pond seasons, because they stopped pretending DrW was sci-fi and admitted it was fantasy.
I wanna look like River Song when I grow up.
Yup! Done with it.
On a side note, I have a question. You suddenly regenerate/rejuvenate as an attractive woman. What do you do for the next 2-3 weeks.
See what fits ?
Exactly. So…porn. And then…
Drink for free.
2nd week, right on time and in order, Tundra.
3rd week; get paid.
I told this to my wife, albeit in a much crasser way. She rolled her eyes so hard, she saw her own brain.
It’s too bad because there are always one or stories a year that are excellent, even if the rest are absolute crap.
Meh, she’s got nothing on Leela, Sarah Jane, Tegan, both Ramonas, Zoe…
Damn, Old Doctor really knew he way around totty.
^^^ One of my favorite Leela scenes.
Donna for the win. Cause I totes luvs Catherine Tate.
Wrong wrong wrong.
Clara was best.
You should have stayed quiet rather than prove yourself the fool to us. PZ is correct.
Sure, as long as she doesn’t open her mouth, do something or participate in the episode in any way beyond standing there looking hot, then yes.
So many to choose from really. Leela was awesome though. For the current generation, I wish they had done more with River.
Such as never introduce the character at all.
Oh for sure. She’s like the hottest chav princess.
She was better in Penny Dreadful.
My Apple Watch says my pulse is 145 right now, sitting at my desk. Pretty sure I’m going to die. If I do, please blame Trump for ramping up my anxiety causing my death. Not because it’s true, but it’d be hilarious to see how you all could spread that narrative. You know, if I was still alive to see it. Which I wouldn’t be, because I’d be dead.
Instructions unclear, blaming Q’s ladies.
Check your pulse. See if the reading is accurate. How do you feel?
It was real, though it went down a few minutes later. Pretty shaky right now, but I have panic attacks often, so I know the feeling.
I just had a stress test in October and my heart is perfectly healthy. Or it was then. Probably still is.
Good. Take care of yourself buddy. You may want to get an EP study to see if you’re flipping in and out of atrial fibrillation or having runs of SVT.
What is your other hand doing right now?
If I do, please blame Trump for ramping up my anxiety causing my death. Not because it’s true, but it’d be hilarious to see how you all could spread that narrative.
If you are relying on this crowd the spread the narrative, the world will come to believe you had a heart attack while actively watching Trump/Hillary porn.
Great. My wife is having pizza delivered. I’ll have to get a another drink before I eat some. Thanks.
What is your normal heart rate? Do you have any other symptoms?
Before you die, I want you to know that Trump has been impeached.
I am soooooooo looking forward to the new DFL governor and Minnesoda house DFL majority’s next budget for the state.
Gas tax? They need the Gas Face .
How about a refund, motherfuckers?
Video from the last Glibertarians meetup.
I have no idea what I’m watching
Life, light and truth is what you’re watching. Now learn from it and become enlightened!
Why did I keep expecting that little snot to drop a couple n-bombs?
The accent ?
I was making dinner, in drag, for some of the Founders.
Well in that case, you’ve got a nice rack.
I dunno but the narrator just totally owned the Trumpkins!
I thought we only like to see Libs get PWND.
That was just Warty off-camera.
CBC is Woke As Fuck.
The extraordinary rise of Jeremy Dutcher: 2018 gave Canada the two-spirit Polaris prince we need
Indigenous queer identity?
Why not semi-indigenous three spirit or four spirit?
Ok, so that’s one. Now the second.
You shall get no Silken Floss from me!
Now the second.
NO! When HM posts something innocuous, you do not tempt fate by asking for more.
It’s safe, he don’t do requests.
Innocuous? Look at the expression on that goddamn horse’s face. He’s gonna fuck everyone and everything. Starting with the audience.
Ok, so that’s one. Now the second
The second is in the VHS/DVD combo pack
I remember that porn.
Widescreen FTW.
Stormy Daniels’ finest work.
I thought Polaris Prince was a purple snowmobile ?
Come again?
Something something Northstar.
A lot of that stuff in comic books isn’t true
This was an unbelievably stupid move on their part.
Keep in mind that college campuses are a model for progressive governance.
If by model, you mean an opportunity for anonymous accusations that lead to witch trials, then yes.
“Annonymous accusations” would be an awesome band name.
Oh, and first!
I rather like Suspect Device .
Great song. Great song.
Sue them until their assholes bleed.
Also a good example of why this sneaky ‘mental illness’ blullshit is just a new confiscation scheme.
This. “I will be happy to answer any further questions you might have through my lawyer. Good day.”
That’d just result in: “Subject refused to cooperate with our investigation. Expulsion recommended.”
5 bucks says the university’s tuition agreement bars the usage of attorneys for representation and has an arbitration clause
If the NRA was worth a damn, they’d be bankrolling lawsuits like this.
Sue everyone you can, the University, the Department, the Dean, the Professor, the Counselor, etc. etc. etc. Make the individuals personally liable. Don’t settle. Keep going until they beg you to stop. Then sue them again. Cut their heads off and put them on pikes as a warning.
Why don’t they? I mean, the IJ regularly makes it to the highest courts fighting for freedom issues. If GOA or NRA made a really painful example of a few of these fuckheads, it might discourage others.
Either way, these colleges are not thinking this through at all. I speak with a lot of fellow parents with kids in school and they are watching carefully.
Yeah, if the NRA was worth a damn. This is why I send my money to Gun Owners of America/Gun Owners Foundation.
Didn’t the NRA give Trump’s upcoming bumpstock ban EO two thumbs up? They suck ass in the worst way.
The NRA’s problem, IMHO, is that they they’re a political group first and an advocacy group second. They’re more concerned with being perceived as a moderate conservative political group than they are with standing for the second amendment.
This is where the right sags well behind the left. If this were a lefty student being railroaded by a conservative college, 15 different organizations would be mobilized with free and discounted legal work from top notch pros in some of the biggest law firms.
There are a handful of small operations like that on the right and a smaller handful of big ones like FIRE and IJ. It’s a massive imbalance
It’s hard to get right leaning lawyers when they all get expelled from law school
Of course there is an imbalance. If you do this work for the left you are showered with praise and after a few years can move on to a high paid job at a big firm. If you do this for the right you are accused of being an ally of racists, white supremacists and are then toxic to any firm.
The NRA is worth quite a bit more than a damn. FFS.
OK, it’s worth a damn and a half.
Link says it all.
Well, that’s just awful.
So when do we hear that the new AG pick literally murdered 22 Children and owns slaves
I’d say pointing out his statist opinions such as-
“The Asset Forfeiture Program is a top priority of the Department of Justice and has my strong personal support.”
“While the Patriot Act was a major step forward and remedied FISA’s most severe problems, I believe FISA remains too restrictive….It still requires that the govt establish ‘probable cause’ that an individual is either a ‘foreign power’ or an ‘agent of a foreign power.’”
should be enough, no need to exaggerate.
Trump has sealed the deal in my mind that he’s a fool with this nomination. He’s nominated a statist (and a FISA apologist as you point out) who happens to be a Bush loyalist for one of the most powerful positions in the nation, a truly stupid move on his part.
The best part will be in three to nine months from now when Trump fires him and tweets what an asshole the guy he hand-picked was.
Yeah, fuck it, we’re just all along for the ride.
Trump nominated Janet Reno for AG?
I dont know which of you lot shared the “1/2 jew 1/2 jap Pearl Schwartz” joke today. Ive passed it along a couple times, and it just doesnt seem to get much traction.
Oh, this is just too good:
A mum accidentally bought an inflatable sheep sex doll for her child’s nativity play
The real punchline: It happened in Scotland. You gotta click through for the pics.
Hey, I’ve got that exact same doll. It was a gag gift from an office party five years ago (I swear).
Well, it’s not baaaaaaaaad
“It took forever to blow up – I was stood there blowing and blowing until the air reached its legs,” said Helen, who lives with husband Chris, 46.”
Surely you can’t be serious.
Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit drinkin’
At least you aren’t sniffing glue.
So she wanted an inflatable sheep that you couldn’t have sex with?
Good point…
Its Scotland. Not Wales.
I’m late to the party, but I just discovered this stupidity. Still, WOULD the pc principal in question.
So, wait, according to the school district’s policy a menorah is considered “religious” but a Christmas tree is considered “secular”?
Fuck them. I’m glad this lady exposed their hypocrisy. If a school district is going to pay the Danegeld of accepting Federal tax dollars, then they’re going to have to suffer the “Dane” of the 1st Amendment prohibition against the establishment of religion. None of this the norms of the majority are “secular” because, fuck you.
“War on Christmas” whiners can eat a dick.
Comrade, a New Year tree is a rational, materialistic answer to the bourgeois so called “Christmas” “trees” which only serve to addict the children of the proletariat to the opium of the masses.
For further dialectical education: Grandfather Frost, but one link per post is the most rational measure of disbursement of material by the non-vanguard comrades.
Saturnalia Wreaths or GTFO
Sorry, but the establishment clause being completely rewritten by the Warren Court was nonsense. Religious symbols are not banned by a ban on an establishment of a National Religion. A strong argument can be made that allowing some while forbidding others is not allowable, but the solution has to be allow them all (absent some compelling non-religious reason for banning a specific symbol ie. no slaughtering goats in classrooms), because the next clause prohibits government from banning the free exercise. To me the only path through is the government does not put up any displays, but they also do not prevent the citizens from putting them up in places where other speech is allowed. So you simply cannot allow the students to give each other snowflakes and Santas but then prohibit them from giving each other creches or Menorahs.
This case wasn’t the school/State putting up a tree and banning a Menorah. It was officious slavers trying to tell kids they couldn’t give gifts with symbolism, and slightly less officious slavers saying No we didn’t mean all that just the really symbolic symbols.
I agree, that would be the most just option. But until they agree to play nice, they shouldn’t get to use their toys.
What I’m really saying is fuck public schools.
All of this brouhaha disappears when education is privately funded.
I agree. Although I was hoping you were going to respond with something about Teachers as agents of the State not being allowed to give symbolic gifts which would have allowed me to use you as a foil to rant about how I will agree with that when we start banning teachers from preaching their Socialist State and environmentalist Gaia worship. 🙂
Let’s just start banning teachers.
Except for the hot ones.
What’s the best option in the world we live in though?
If there are no children you care about, pop some corn, pour a drink and watch Rome burn. If there are children you care about lie awake at night trying to find comfort in the fact that the brief period of liberty, safety and prosperity these assholes are bent on destroying was an exception in human history and the kids future of fearful, impoverished existence under the boot is the actual norm in human existence.
I believe in transmigration so I’m concerned. Then again, I’ve been wrong about what day of the week it is so what the hell do I know?
What’s Honduran for “Pat”?
I believe in transmigration so I’m concerned. Then again, I’ve been wrong about what day of the week it is so what the hell do I know?
Dude if you are reincarnated the math says you have several million neamtode lives to get through per human life. Don’t even ask about the bacterial lifetimes or algae.
Absolutely Jarflax, it takes as long as it it takes. Infinite time means it isn’t a big deal.
So we’re going to force everyone to work M-F throughout December? Because otherwise the Pope will rule us all or something.
I’m ok with public schools having to do this, but wouldn’t try to justify it as somehow obeying the Establishment Clause.
Here’s the thing, Jarflax writes:
Now, I agree with that. However, the policy in question concerns the actions of the teachers. As precedent concerning legal challenges to the Pledge of Allegiance has shown, public school teachers are considered in governmental service. As such, while they cannot compel students to recite the Pledge, and even if a teacher has moral issues with the Pledge itself, they still have to lead a recitation of the Pledge as a requirement of the job. Thus, I would invite any ambitious legal theorist to attempt to untie the Gordian knot of separating the educative purpose of a classroom decoration from its decorative purpose. Considering that the ultimate function of a teacher is education, pretty much everything they do on the clock can be argued as having an educative purpose.
Furthermore, since the school building is the property of the municipal government, which in turn is under the purview of the state government – which drinks from the teat of the Federal Dept. of Ed., the potential teaching of religion can be seen as the promotion of it. As Jarflax argues, the way out of that is to allow everyone in the pool. What I’m saying is that if we all weren’t swimming at the municipal pool, then adult swim wouldn’t be such a big deal. But until Jarflax’s dad gets around to filling the pool for the summer, if I can’t bring my pool toys in – you shouldn’t be able to either.
But since the policy touches on gift giving I would argue that it oversteps even the acceptable bounds for limiting the teacher’s actions as an agent of the State. I really don’t see giving a present as part of the agent of the State role.
and my Dad hates pools. Really hates them a lot. So you are going to be sitting around with your yoga pants soaker for a long long time.
More seriously we could also get out of the Gordian Knot by going back to the first 180 years of understanding of the Establishment clause as banning actual establishments of State Religions, which had a specific meaning to the drafters. It is an established religion which exercises some governmental authority. ie. mandatory tithes, clerical courts etc. The drafters intended the two clauses to work together toward the same end promoting everyone’s right to freedom of conscience. In other words not to bar religion from the public sphere, but to ensure that everyone had the right to hold, live and express their beliefs.
She do got some serious cray eyes.
Meet her in a hotel, and tell her your name is John Titor.
I was going to tell her my name is Tres…
Works. My real name is Mullato.
Just to clarify, I took this to be an affront to the students’ right to freedom of speech/religion. In a
governmentpublic school, the admin should not be allowed to prevent thecaptivesstudents from displaying any religious symbols of their own volition. Additionally, claiming a candy-cane, which is at best an inverted ‘j’, is ‘J’ for ‘Jesus’ is absolutely absurd.Sure, and I guess the “OK” sign isn’t a white power symbol and 6-panel doors don’t represent a bible and a cross.
Razorfist Metal Mythos: Black Sabbath: Sure it’s over two hours but it’s good music and good comedy.
It’s worth a watch.
My parents watched Tom Brokaw and Dan Rather when they were my age. I’m watching a dude wearing sunglasses in his bedroom and another dude that wears a shirt that says “Demons watch over me” for my news. The new world is great.
Styx is the man (till he gets defunded and has to get a cashier job at the local quick shop). He’s a prescient mofo though, one of the best I’ve seen.
Yep. He’s a fun dude. He’s making points that (whether right, wrong or somewhere in between) are thought out and logical. But you can’t have that, no,no,no. He certainly is right when he says that behind all the deplatforming going on is that corporate cash of big media outlets.
His lips may say whatever he wants, but all I can hear are the nips.
Trimmed up the ribs I picked up at the local meat market and using the nice meaty pieces to braise in a homemade bbq sauce. No directions, no looking up what I should do…just did it.
Either it’s going to be good or will kill my whole family….flip to page 20 if you choose option A
I hope this is a foreshadowing of UCS’s next book project.
Tomorrow I’m going to try my hand at chile verde. I’ve got a pork roast, tomatillos, onions, garlic, jalapenos, poblanos, anaheims, and hatch chilies. No real recipe, we’ll see how it comes out.
Sounds great Neph!
Don’t we usually get a late night post?
2100 usually, right?
Sometimes it’s at 8PM; other nights it’s at 9PM.
Lookit Sally over there, watchin the clock.
9pm eastern (I think…)
not until late night
So, you are asking for a late night fetish post, right?
*raises hand*
Have some of this pass the time .
Recommended jail time for doing what every high profile person does…engage in NDAs….we are fucked.
For no reason, Weird Al, what a damn fine James Brown Parody:
As a former hernia sufferer I give this two thumbs up.
Weird Al is a treasure.
Up for a grammy for best box set
SP says 7 pm not these Ted numbers
Eastern time or fuck off.
Eastern time. Indeed.
That’s racist!
It’s Eurocentric which is only racist if you are Eurotrash. In ‘Murica it’s just incoherent, because, despite the flat earther’s best efforts, we live on a Globe, so when you take a schema based in Europe and move it a few thousand miles West, suddenly the east is in the west.
Don’t you have perpetually rising sun or something to look at ?
I respect the Japs my friend. Good people, the best.
Yes, Eastern time can fuck off.
Hey Bob! You know what happens at 6pm your time every other Friday?
The NSA knows…