*narrows gaze*

There, now that I have those out of the way, I think we can get on with the links. So, when you pun or screw up or shitpost, etc… just look up. Got it? Right.
- Alrighty, you stock wizards amongst us – what say ye to this? Luckily I haven’t two pins to put into the market right now. SO I will sit back and watch all of you become rich. Then you can donate and buy merch, and keep the Glibs in the style to which we are accustomed. You know, Domino’s Pizza delivered and everything!
- UN talks…ineffective?! Well, I never. I remember writing a paper on the Western Sahara in 1984…and saying it was a @#$%ing muddle. Good to see that hasn’t changed. Special guest appearance by the “European Court of Justice”.
- Missouri Woman says “Top this, Florida Woman!” Trigger Warning – Gah! Click/read at your own risk.
- Drumpf readies to cover up his crimes by…hey, what now?!
- First World Problems…. the Blitz, “Keep Calm and Carry On”. A mobile network goes out for a day… “Is London Burning?” But, credit where credit is due …. some good humor in this too.

So, uh, that’s like your links, man.
Apologies to Swiss, but this was promised in the previous thread.
Who’s your favorite commenter now?
Look up.
The narrowed gaze or the cowbutt?
As a heart attack.
/has no idea what’s going on
I’ll take 50-1. We’ll meet in the middle. (no homo)
Some of the eyebrows even match the hair. (Means either a real redhead, or great attention to detail)
Willing suspension of disbelief, man!
18 is the only one that looked real to me before I tired of scrolling down. It was the only one I noticed with the correct freckle-to-not-freckle ratio.
My favorite commenter is Ted S.
You seem biased.
What kind of emaciated critter is that pointing its nether regions at all and sundry? It looks like it’s on death’s door.
Swiss Browns look like that in the back.
No wonder beef in Europe is so stringy,
NEVER order a hamburger in Switzerland. Just. Don’t.
Or Madrid
NEVER order a hamburger in Switzerland. Just. Don’t.
When my family visited Switzerland in my childhood, my brother was given this very warning. He did not heed it, and consequently concurs with its wisdom.
Better off with the horse steak.
I thought Swiss Browns were mostly used as a dairy breed, vice meat animals.
But, I’m no expert.
So that’s why swiss cheese is incomplete – the cows are malnourished.
*polite applause*
Correct. They seem to use old dairy cattle for hamburger. Gah.
RE: UN clusterfuck.
Other than condemning Israel, what purpose does the UN serve? Just drop out and kick em off US soil, they’re useless.
Those refugee children aren’t just gonna rape themselves you know.
Graft and corruption.
They would be even more dangerous without the US vetoing the most extreme crap, and would give even more legitimacy to evil.
Best thing to do is skin suit. Lay off most of the UN staff, shut down most of the make work subagencies, tear up useless shit like UNESCO heritage lists, end diplomatic courtesy to their employees (require work visas, tax income, etc), make it clear to the SG that the payer calls the tunes with a horse head if needed, and let every third world tinpot dictator give lectures to a council chambers with the microphones and lights turned off.
Yikes! That’s a harsh 43.
That’s a harsh 83. For 43, that’s just…I have no words.
Now imagine that naked from the waist down and sitting on your face. We can only hope the guy was whacked out on meth at the time.
*shudders* What kind of incel would do this to himself?
I know a woman who is an ex Suicide Girl (as in the tattoo chick pron site) – you would never ever guess it now.
She committed suicide?
Look up and to the left.
Eye am not following.
I don’t see the point of his comment.
RE: crazy oral sex lady.
I’m surprised they didn’t arrest the dood.
Which one?
*polite applause*
Missouri Woman says “Top this, Florida Woman!” Trigger Warning – Gah! Click/read at your own risk.-
This is why you need a safe word people!
“Meth!” “METH!!!”
That’s the mating cry not the safe word.
Ah, no wonder she wouldn’t stop!
Communication is key in any relationship, but especially in a methed up sexual relationship.
The trick is to properly balance the meth with fentanyl.
Because regular speedball is too safe if you have a face tattoo?
Wait…the boyfriend is Hervé Villechaize?
Oh goddamit. It’s supposed to be “Yeth?”
Click it anyway. It’d got Madeline Kahn in it.
RE: Cell phones.
Fuck AT&T. Recent model flip phones are garbage and most older model not-garbage flip phones are strictly GSM, not 3G or greater. AT&T shut down their GSM network last year, I guess cause they assume the only people not using smartphones are old fossils who don’t care if their phone is a piece of shit.
To that end, I bought (for $160!) a Motorola KRZR K3 off ebay yesterday. It’s an updated version of the KRZR K1 and is 3G capable. Theoretically, it should work on their shitty network.
Long story short; those failures in London pissing themselves about losing 4G; I would destroy them! HAHAHAHA!
I guess cause they assume the only people not using smartphones are old fossils who don’t care if their phone is a piece of shit.
I mean, yeah.
Still have your buggy whip I see
How do you look at bewbs on a flip phone?
I have standards sir!
/not really
I take it you were the kid in elementary school who typed 80,085 into your calculator and then had a good laugh about it.
My Samsung/Verizon flip phone continues to hum along after 15 or so years. I catch a lot of grief for it, but when you own a flip phone everyone is your servant. I can just ask a question in a room (“What’s the weather going to be like this weekend?” “Who is the leading rookie rusher in NFL history?”) and everyone quickly fetches the answer for me.
LOL. I’ve started doing this recently. “y’all have smartphones, look it up…”
One big downside to smart phones; They were the death of the “bar bet”.
Bar bets are why Guinness started publishing their book of world records.
I assume sales of that book have cratered in recent years.
I search around to see if the book is even still published (it is) and get a link with HM bait right in the beginning.
That book went downhill long before the rise of the smartphone. I flipped through one at a bookstore 20 years or so ago and they had dumbed it down to a small fraction of the size of the one I had from the 70s.
That is spelled “HM bate”.
Just two hours?
Once they made it into a syndicated TV show where people could set world records every episode “most dollops of shave cream rubbed into kneecap in 30 seconds” that were just meaningless, the whole concept kind of lost its interest. Though I do believe they still have GWR museums in tourist districts, right between the wax museum and Ripley’s Believe it or Not!.
I used to read it for nuggets like “language with the fewest vowels”. All that sort of thing was jettisoned in favor of stupid human tricks.
A record should have to be an actual activity people engage in, with only conditions that are in some way relevant to that activity.
Here’s your bluetooth
Without the rotary base it just doesn’t have the same panache.
I liked the wired one, because you could leave your phone in your pocket and have the wire going there as you’re talking.
Now I know what I want for X-mas.
I’m pretty sure they’ve been discontinued for a while. I’ve got one kicking around here if you really want it. They recharge using mini-USB, and don’t have the right weight (most of the inside is hollow).
If they use regular screw, you can add weights to adjust that.
I’m pretty sure they’ve been discontinued for a while
That brand maybe, but there is a whole page of similar retro phones on Amazon.
Millions of 02 customers are to face more misery as the mobile network says its 4G data services are not expected to be ‘fully restored’ until tomorrow morning. –
I don’t think it is physiologically possible to go 24 hours without O2.
Look up and to the left.
That wasn’t a pun, it was willful misreading!
Then look up and to the right for being difficult!
Look up and to the left.
I’m surprised your Swiss masters tolerate such inefficiency. “Look up and to the left” is 4 words/9 characters longer than “*narrows gaze*”. You’re going to wear out your keyboard by the end of this thread.
“Is London Burning?”
No, but it’s calling.
Eerily (get it? RTFA if you don’t) related to the Missouri Woman story above.
Her name is Windi Thomas? *checks top of post* I got nuthin’.
Did she at least tell him that trump was being impeached before he died? so he could die in peace?
He’s gonna be buried by the Browns.
At least it’s only a quick road trip for them.
Definitely in favor of ending the dual sovereignty loophole in charging people. Too bad the real issue won’t be addressed. The Federal government shouldn’t have so many laws on the books anyway and stick to the listed powers in the US Constitution.
Yeah, that’s a really shitty way around the 5th amendment.
Yeah, and its the kind of reasoning that makes people hate lawyers. The double jeopardy clause says you can’t be tried twice for the same “offense”. Normal people think the “offense” is what you did that’s against the law. The courts have said that the offense isn’t what you did that’s against the law, its breaking a particular law. Because state law and federal law are different, trying somebody under both federal law and state law is not trying them for the same offense because they broke two different laws.
So, a state could say “Thou shalt not kill”. The feds could say “Thou shalt not kill.” You get acquitted in state court, but can be tried again in federal court for the exact same actions under a law that reads exactly the same, and that’s not double jeopardy.
We’re a pseudo-Weimar Republic now anyway, so all bets are off.
No we aren’t. Venesuela however
So, a state could say “Thou shalt not kill”. The feds could say “Thou shalt not kill.” You get acquitted in state court, but can be tried again in federal court for the exact same actions under a law that reads exactly the same, and that’s not double jeopardy.
Even worse,
You can be acquitted of rape in state court. You can be acquitted of (insert federal sex crime here) in federal court. You could then be brought up in front of your government-run university’s discipline board, convicted in a quasi-judicial administrative hearing without being allowed to confront your accusor and without being allowed to introduce your own evidence or use an advocate of your choice, and be expelled from school.
The administrative branch of the government is the most powerful branch.
Alles in ordnung.
I think Warren might be a secret genius (even to herself.) Rather than talking about how she scammed Harvard and denied actual Natives a shot at the prestigious positions she occupied like a one-woman colonial power, we’re discussing what a terrible mistake her stunt was.
Warren didn’t scam Harvard. Harvard was more than happy to play along.
Indeed they were. They desperately wanted to check the box. She helped them check the box. Nobody cared if she was really Native American or not (and she didn’t qualify under the standards at the time by any measure). She got what she wanted, Harvard got what it wanted.
They knew it was bullshit.
She took a slot that was specifically set aside for injuns?
No, but by ticking the diversity box, Harvard didn’t have to go looking for a real Native American to tick off its arbitrary box.
Harvard is more in the “you’re not wrong, just an asshole” area here.
Look up.
*loud “klong!” as shovel hits head*
Update on my meeting this morning with Mr. Rich Fancy Pants investor…
Not good, but thinking back on it, I shouldn’t be too surprised. He’s pretty damn obsessed with having something that is proprietary that can be patented, or something that exists within an industry where the barriers to entry are really high. In other words, like most rich people, he doesn’t want competition. He’s not interested in the idea of being first at something and then capturing enough of the market to make it hard for others to compete against you (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, AirBnB). Shouldn’t be surprised that someone who made millions in the airline industry hates competition and likes barriers to entry.
That’s ok. I think I can get by on self-funding for the most part. Was hoping to get some money to offset the risk just a little bit and possibly hire a person or two to work exclusively on this so that we could roll out the product sooner, but it looks like it’s up to me. Looking forward to many long nights at the office over the next year.
He’s pretty damn obsessed with having something that is proprietary that can be patented, or something that exists within an industry where the barriers to entry are really high.
Yup, thats where the “easy” money is. I have to chuckle at the investors who are constantly asking “do you have a patent?” as if the mere granting of some patent related to the tech is the end all be all.
How did he make millions in the airline industry? Was he a billionaire?
Crowd funding?
Don’t think I need it. I think I can probably get it done with $200k cash and a $500k revolving line of credit.
Just how many sexbots is your brothel going to have?
At that budget a patent application is cheap insurance. No reason not to.
I wonder if I’m allowed to freelance.
*goes to check employment contract*
I’m sure some Glibs could contribute. I have a spare $ or two.
*looks forlornly at merch and donate accounts*
I strongly avoid paypal.
Is there a p.o. box or somewhere I could mail a check?
Bootstrap if you can. Don’t quit the day job.
Wait…does that mean no yearly Glib parties on your yacht?!
*wails in despair*
nah, it just means it will be a year or two more than expected.
Barriers to entry (or threat of new entrants) is one of the five forces. Airlines aren’t that difficult to start up relatively speaking, which is one reason why the marginal producers are always going bankrupt.
Taking that literally, if you’re working late in your present employers office on work unrelated to your employment – reconsider. Lest your employer bring a claim of ownership in your new endeavor.
Definitely a legitimate concern. However, I am my own employer.
Fancy Pants at least gave you some excellent warnings. Few organizations do this formally, internally, but you might get some savvy friends to help you develop and maintain a SWOT analysis. Since my thinker is very different from others, I’m really good at Weaknesses and Threats: maybe it comes from chess, biz school, or just being a paranoid ScotsIrish hillbilly (but I repeat myself . . serially). Sometimes it helps to have someone at the strategy table who is strictly responsible for empathizing with the competition, whose only job is to think like the firms that might attack you and the products, channels, and marketing they might use.
Guess I won’t make any puns, Swissy sounds serious. Let’s look at the first link:
Perhaps they’ll put the brakes on their plans after the signs of an impending bear market.
True, it looks like we may have a market crash soon.
I hope they don’t go all woke and start advocating for special tranny privileges.
Hey, I didn’t write it…I narrowed my gaze at UPI too!
Lance Armstrong credits his Uber investment as saving his family. Interesting story
I remember writing a paper on the Western Sahara in 1984…and saying it was a @#$%ing muddle
So you’re saying I can still acquire 100 child soldiers.
Too gross, couldn’t get through the article. Luckily all my embarrassing adult pants-shitting moments have been fairly private. I thought I was going to shit my pants in a car full of people in Korea (I caught something while I was there) but luckily the driver noticed a public toilet just as we drove past a toll, he had to make a very hard right across 3 lanes of traffic but he kept me from having a horrifyingly embarrassing story told about me for the rest of my life for which I am still grateful.
That’s worth a $20-40 tip
After she worked so hard to be low key and stay under the radar.
Where do you have to be in life to decide that’s a good idea?
It says right in the link that it was Ohio.
Can I get a “look up and to the left” over here?
Good God why?
“they also found a hypodermic needle, methamphetamine and a Suboxone”
What are you supposed to do with “a” suboxone?
That is clearly not enough.
Raiders of the Lost Ark 5: Kingdom of the Crystal Meth.
*ponders instructing “look up and to the left”, but instead applauds*
I knew Austintown sounded familiar. She was just arrested a couple of weeks ago.
“Re-think your life” has seldom been a more appropriate phrase.
And that’s coming from someone who needs to re-think his life.
“Milo Yiannopoulos Was Kicked Off Patreon After One Day, Is Still in Millions of Dollars of Debt
The alt-right provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos is in trouble. Thanks to an Australian lawsuit, his finances were made public for the first time this week, and folks… they’re not good. The one-time Breitbart writer owes at least $2 million in debt to various lawyers and funders, including $400,000 to right-wing billionaires the Mercers, The Guardian reports (in a snarky Instagram post, Yiannopoulos claimed it is actually $4 million). In order to pay off this debt, like any good Extremely Online millennial, he turned to Patreon.
This experiment in crowdfunding—titled “Milo is creating his marvelous 2019 comeback”—didn’t last long. The comeback lasted … less than 24 hours: within a day, Yiannopoulos’ page was pulled from the website, according to The Verge (you can view an archived version here).
Patreon tweeted that the profile was suspended because the website doesn’t “allow association with or supporting hate groups.” While Yiannopoulos never openly called himself a white supremacist, leaked emails published last year linked him with white nationalists, as did a video in which he sang karaoke at a party with neo-Nazi Richard Spencer while the crowd gave Nazi salutes. He also previously associated with the Proud Boys, who are designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a hate group.”
Have we been designated by the SPLC as a hate group yet?
If they knew about us we would be.
I’m not sure they have a “hate group” definition other than “has political views somewhat to the right of Joseph Stalin”
Irrelevance has its benefits.
He’s not a white supremacist. Maybe this is a brilliant ploy to lay the grounds for a lucrative defamation lawsuit.
Remember that European Court of Human Rights ruling a couple of months back that more or less backed up blasphemy laws?
It shouldn’t be a surprise that Pakistan is pointing to it so they can say “See? See? It’s totally great that we have blasphemy laws!”
Also some terrible history lessons.
Dammit to hell.
The “Liberal* Order”
*Minus freedom and economic liberty
Of course not. We still have our family friendly status.
hate group? isn’t Milo married to a black dude? he’s a damn good troll that targets progs and.. aw fuck it. this SJW virus is too dense.
i assume his mountain of debt is from living way beyond his means.
I’m sure being de-monetized and deplatformed from every social media platform took its toll. I’m sure much of his finances and projects were predicated on that income stream. Did Amazon stop selling his books? I quit paying attention.
They’ve been banning a lot of books recently. That Roosh guy or whatever had all of his books banned suddenly. I wonder why the held off on Milo.
When do we get to start burning them?
I remember back in the 1930’s when the liberal position was to say “If they own the books they have a right to burn them”.
Or am I wrong here? I can’t recall what excuse we’re suppose to be making now for illiberalism.
Indeed. His book was self-published (which means he got a much larger cut) and sold a ton of copies. He should have no problems financially unless he’s just a shitty money manager.
“24 Amazon workers sent to hospital after robot accidentally unleashes bear spray”
TW: autoplay
Jesse hardest hit?
Still better than Axe.
It was still better than being at work.
Seriously? I always assumed bear spray was a joke.
Today’s meaningless pablum award goes to… Senator JillyBrand!
Honestly, I have no idea what this even means, but she’s clearly ingratiating herself to the feral prog base for a Presidential run.
Someone posted this yesterday. The reply are pretty good for the most part. Turns out there are still some shitlords left on twitter who don’t applaud such nonsense.
23rd !
(where’s my dancing number thing ?)
How about, Sup Tres instead.
No one needs to be 23rd
5 o’clock….time for shitty beer
Oh, Nate
“There’s something very (Hillary) Clinton-esque about the Warren DNA test story and the way the press is handling it.
—Yeah she showed poor judgement.
—But it’s a minor story treated like a major crisis.
—Probably a proxy for other concerns (and/or biases).”
You get it? The NYT is trying to sabotage Democratic nominees, because their conservative, obviously. Super smart.
Solid thought:
Replying to @NateSilver538
Saying it was poor judgement is also reminiscent of the anti-Clinton pundits.
She responded to years of negative accusations by using science and getting data.
Except you know, One was truely a lapse in judgment and bad political strategy, and the other was a high crime for which many have gone to prison for many years for doing less. But you know it’s just a minor story, and not actual espionage. I mean the clintons are the state, so they can’t commit treason against themselves. GO FUCK YOURSELF NATE SLIVER/ Rant
sorry i get really riled up when people act like Hillary’s complete flaunting of National Security protocol for personal gain was “just emails,”. Fucking Edward Snowden has to live in Russia for the rest of his life because he revealed the government was spying on the people, but Hillary gives the FOIA and Security a big FU and almost becomes the God Damned president of the United States.
It’s hard to argue with the second point though.
On Warren maybe (although she made it a story by taking the Trump’s bait), but I don’t think that applies to the Clinton story. There was an obvious double standard in the prosecution.
If she hadn’t used her heritage for personal gain, it wouldn’t be a big deal. She could just say, “Well maybe our family legends aren’t quite accurate.” That’s probably true for a lot of families. But she did use it for personal gain and supports a platform that would allow her and other scammers to continue to do so. So screw her (figuratively, of course).
she did use it for personal gain
She never identified as Native American until she was a professor. Harvard used her as an example that they have a diverse staff
She either had a belated racial awakening in her late 30’s or she realized that this would help her professional career
Right, Harvard ‘profited’ if checking some arbitrary box equals profiting*. I’m still not convinced she gamed the system, from everything I’ve heard, she got the job and then they started touting** her heritage.
*begging for a 1,2,3,???, PROFIT joke
** I think they listed her as a minority in some ‘Who’s Who’ and she had a recipe in an ethnic cookbook or something. I don’t recall that Harvard or anyone else put out full page ads with her face saying “Come to Harvard we got us an Injun!”
Then maybe it had nothing to do with career advancement and she just decided that she was Native American in her late 30’s. But, that seems almost less possible than the alternative explanation
Right, Harvard ‘profited’ if checking some arbitrary box equals profiting*.
In law school, there are 3 things that matter to admissions. 1) Undergrad GPA; 2) LSAT score; 3) underrepresented minority status. Everything else (major, work experience, etc) has minimal impact.
Why is this? Because the US News and World Report ranking of law schools (which is important because preftige) takes LSAT and GPA admissions scores disproportionately weightily.
URM isn’t measured directly in the ranking, but law schools are woke as fuck and like to advertise their diversity as a selling point. Harvard had a ~6 pt LSAT boost and a 0.15 GPA point boost for minority candidates, with the boost shifting slightly based on where you land in the oppression hierarchy.
It’s completely plausible that HLS hired the native American to boost their woke cred.
like to advertise their diversity as a selling point
So you can link to some Harvard ad campaign that bragged about the feather not dot injun they had on staff?
I’m not saying Liz should get a free pass for whatever role she might have played in the farce, I just don’t see any evidence that ‘she kept a real Cherokee from teaching at Harvard’ or that somehow she or Harvard was raking in the sweet sweet Cherokee money because of the deception. It’s a big yawner. As I’ve opined before there are plenty of reasons to dislike Warren, but like going after Trump for hating dogs or burning his steaks, this one is way down the list.
But this one is effective and keeping Warren out of the White House is something I think anyone sane can agree is a good thing. Of course it isn’t as significant an issue as her economic idiocy, lust for power, hatred of western civilization or other substantive beliefs, but it is the issue that is torpedoing her dream of power.
Politics is not a philosophical debate. Pointing out logical flaws, tracing the consequences of policy proposals, or doing math to show the cost of liberal wish lists does not sway the public. Use what works.
Wrong. It’s related to discriminating people because of their race and skin color. It matters, while whether Trump prefers a well-done steak doesn’t. At the time Harvard Law School was besieged by their woke students who demanded a colored woman on the faculty. By extending an offer to Warren HLS was able to shut up their pesky woke customers.
At the time Harvard Law School was besieged by their woke students who demanded a colored woman on the faculty.
do you have any source there? or is it complete conjecture on your part.
It’s not the first time you act like an asshole implying that I lied about something I posted.
Here’s a link to the Boston Globe story from May 2012.
Say what now? I guess I’m not surprised but the fact that this Orwellian shit goes back to 1990 and beyond is eye-opening.
It’s not the first time you act like an asshole
Who said I was acting?
implying that I lied
If I did that I apologize.
Derrick Bell
You’re using a race baiter as evidence on a site that rejects race baiting unequivocally
12 students sued the law schoo
12 whole students Eddie?
In recent weeks, Warren has repeatedly said that her race was not a factor in her hiring at Harvard or elsewhere, a point that several colleagues and supervisors at the schools have publicly supported. There is nothing in the federally required documents that contradicts those statements.
Huh, wonder why you left that part of the article out?
So you can link to some Harvard ad campaign that bragged about the feather not dot injun they had on staff?
This seems to fit the bill
Now dismiss it because it is not an ad campaign, or because it is just in a student paper, give a half hearted apology for accusing someone of lying followed by a strong implication that they are misleading.
All right, It’s not an ad campaign, and it’s just in the student paper. However, I hereby rescind my half-hearted apology, I have nothing to apologize for. accusing someone of conjecture is not calling them a liar. And I wasn’t strongly implying that he was misleading I was stating that he was misleading, one race-baiting professor and 12 students isn’t a besiegement.
I intended to let it slide but you’re not arguing in good faith. At all. You asked for evidence that HLS students demanded hiring non-white women: you got it. Not only activist students but faculty members and the federal government wanted HLS to hire a female minority. Self-serving statements by Warren are well known and not relevant to the discussion in this thread. Of course, she never admitted that her fake Indian helped her with employment. That’s not news. People supporting affirmative action always try to minimize its real-life consequences. Thus, boilerplate claims by Warren’s colleagues and equally self-serving.
Your style of arguing is intellectually dishonest. Though, it’s possible you’re really dumb and/or uninformed. In any case I’ll treat your accordingly.
I’m not going to drag this into the next thread, but I never asked for evidence that “students demanded hiring non-white women” I asked for evidence that “Harvard Law School was besieged by their woke students.” You linked an article that cited one faculty member and twelve students, Does good faith mean I have to accept any ‘proof’ you put forth? can I not question whether Harvard was so concerned with this one professor’s demands that they hired Lizzie after they fired him, or that 12 kvetching kids does not a besiegement make. I guess Good faith means rejecting critical thinking as soon as Grizzly puts forth an argument.
I’m replying with substance to your baseless bad faith attacks because it’s easy to find support for what I said. (I learned about the circumstances of this case years ago.) According to Merriam-Webster, to besiege means to press with requests. This account, as well as the previous one, surely qualifies.
I think she started touting her Indian heritage before she even got to Harvard. They say it made no difference in her hiring, but that smells like BS. Harvard participated in the charade, so it was win-win for Warren and Harvard, but that doesn’t make it better.
Not a fan of high cheekbones?
Not that I ever really had a question, but pretty sure Im on a list somewhere. This gem was in my YT ‘recommended for you’.
“Published on Feb 16, 2018”
Glad you finally found it.
Mueller to release info on Friday. Which tells me that it is going to be chalk full of nothing. Or that it is HUGE and the admin strongarmed him to release it at a good time for them.
Scott Adams will be shown right. It will say whatever you think it says. If you want Trump impeached it will show outright criminality. If you think the whole think is a joke you’ll see it as a big zero.
The Rorschach President.
Does Scott Adams also predict that water is wet?
Whoever runs the LP Twitter account is not good at his/her job.
“Who do you think represents the Libertarian movement well? Let us know by tagging them in the comments.”
I looked through the comments and from what I gather “Not Gary Johnson” and “Not Bill Weld” won by a landslide followed by Scott Horton and Tom Woods. Epic backfire.
You’d think people would have learned by now that doing open internet polls was just asking for it.
+1 Boaty McBoatface
Nobody associated with the LP is good at his job.
With “libertarians” like this one it’s little wonder the party is so good at being ineffectual:
Follow Follow @SamCoppinger
I’m a libertarian, and I
– Don’t like Ayn Rand
– Don’t care much for Rand or Ron Paul
– Support BLM & feminism
– Despise Jordan Peterson
– Despise conspiracy theories
– Don’t say taxation is theft
– Don’t call welfare socialism
– Watch & usually trust CNN
– Hate the NRA
Fight me
The other stuff is all opinion but:
“– Don’t say taxation is theft
– Don’t call welfare socialism”
pretty much invalidates any claim you have at being a libertarian.
Still, I’d rather have this doosh being relatively harmless by voting LP than voting for Dems.
Oh he left that one off:
– vote Dem not LP
I’d say he does more harm than D voters. Woketarians will ensure that the libertarian party never attracts anything but a very slim contingent of disillusioned Dem’s. All ten of them.
The butthurt over JP always makes me laugh.
I really do not get it. I understand if someone disagrees with him, but the hatred is bizarre,
If he says reasonable things that destroy their arguments, that would explain it.
Thoughtful people who speak calmly enrage their opposites.
And while the opinion stuff doesn’t necessarily mean ‘not-libertarian’, its safe to assume he’s a virtue signaling idiot
“Fight me”
pretty much ruins your NAP cred there bud.
If both parties agree to fight there is no violation of NAP. He’s inviting one to accept a challenge to fight, it’s perfectly cromulent.
If someone praised The Hyperbole you would post a snarky disagreement.
I would not.
you would
fight me!
In a vocal group of grumpy contrarian assholes, Hyperbole stands out.
You’re adorable.
not really; we’re all pretty sucky, just uniquely so
You’re adorable.
Why do I have the feeling that that is the Morman version of ‘Bless your heart”?
It was not. I read what you post and it makes me smile and think.
/awkward earnestness
The last position is popular with quite a few people here. So, at least he has that going for him.
I’m going to go out on a limb and guess he hates it for very different reasons than we do
But probably for significantly different reasons.
Whoever runs the LP
Twitter accountis not good at his/her job./FTFY
“Who do you think represents the Libertarian movement well? Let us know by tagging them in the comments.”
Somebody enact my labor and give Macafee some hits.
According to Saint Lena, patron saint of Millennial insufferability, defending due process is “inexcusable”.
TWs all over the place on this one.
” I did something inexcusable: I publicly spoke up in his defense. There are few acts I could ever regret more in this life”.
Stepping up to publicly defend a close friend accused of a heinous crime is WORSE than assaulting your own sister. Damn…
Remember this is the same person who is sad she hasn’t gotten pregnant, so that she could have an abortion. She’s a disgusting human being.
In all seriousness, I am certain she has a severe mental illness of some sort.
Someone in the entertainment business with a mental illness? Now I’ve heard everything.
I know right? Truly, we are living in crazy times
She should apologize for the inexcusable: being Lena Dunham.
Follow Follow @SamCoppinger
I’m a libertarian, and I
– Don’t like Ayn Rand
– Don’t care much for Rand or Ron Paul
– Support BLM & feminism
– Despise Jordan Peterson
– Despise conspiracy theories
– Don’t say taxation is theft
– Don’t call welfare socialism
– Watch & usually trust CNN
– Hate the NRA
He left out “Don’t actually know what libertarian means.”
I’m going to admit that I’m not terribly “hip” so I don’t understand what the big contention is with Jordan Peterson. I know Fonzie and Joannie take issue with him, because they are so terribly “hip” (the man wears a leather jacket for Christ’s sake!). I have a friend of mine who likes him and he’s pretty progressive (so naturally he’s ashamed of liking him).
Could someone explain why people demand that we hate him?
P.S.- I’ve never read his books, but I saw a few videos with him and he seems pretty bland and boring.
Because he supports rational thinking and striving to be something more than your basest self. Both concepts that have become verboten to your average prog.
AFAICT, it’s because he declared he wouldn’t tow the lion on using made-up pronouns, if legally compelled to.
And then calmly, logically, and intelligently lays out his reasons for why when asked. And he is asked often, it seems.
Indeed, he has said he’d use them to be polite, but would not be forced.
That’s what I fear is the real motivation behind hating him, but I don’t want to accept that, because it’s disturbing if true.
Yes, and the key is legally compelled. He didn’t say he wouldn’t use them, only that he would allow the government to force him to.
Beats me. I liked his book and enjoy his lectures.
I don’t think proggies are down with improvement, self or otherwise.
It all started when he opposed a law stating that he must address someone by their preferred pronoun. His argument is that while he may do so as a matter of politeness the state shouldn’t mandate this.
Or you know what slumbrew said.
This was the interview that made him famous or rather infamous with the left.
As folks have said, the flashpoint was the pronoun bit, but the heart of the matter is that he’s a very vocal critic of post-modernism. Here’s a transcript with a video of him speaking on the topic. He has also left no doubt whatsoever about his opinion regarding most modern universities as incestuous echo-chambers for postmodernism and “neo-Marxism”.
I find what he says interesting and worthwhile on its own merits (even though I don’t always agree with him) and I also enjoy that he pisses off people I enjoy seeing pissed off. It’s annoying and disappointing to me that there are so many people who regard him as some sort of radical right-wing cult leader, because most of what he talks about is stuff like taking responsibility for improving your own situation, making choices based on long-term strategy rather than immediate gratification, exercising moderation and self-control, and being honest and realistic with yourself and others. The political correctness bit is actually newish territory for him, and it seems to have been foisted on him by people who had a problem with his positions on avoiding self-delusion and exercising personal responsibility. I’ve listened to a number of interviews and lectures he’s done and read what he’s written, and I have yet to hear or read his taking a vocal position on things like gun control, immigration, or any other political topic outside of speech laws, and even that is pretty tame.
I find him insightful, well spoken, and capable of keeping his cool under pressure. He is a genuine thinker and intellectually honest. He is not right wing by any stretch and none of what he says expresses opinions on policy or political philosophy in any substantive sense. He is hated by the left because most of the left has abandoned any pretense of debating on substance and have adopted an axiomatic belief that all ills are imposed by various demonic forces such as institutional racism, the patriarchy, and white people. Since Peterson calmly espouses reason and believes we are generally responsible for the bad things that befall us he is anathema to them even though his substantive beliefs seem very much like a left leaning democrat from a few decades back.
We live in a time when the intellectual lights of the American left from my youth, people like Daniel Moynihan, would be driven from the public sphere by their heirs. They have reached the post revolutionary ‘purge of the party’ stage.
I’ve been living down Moynihan’s law since before Watergate, and apparently it’s still consistent with the data
It involves posting old news?
You’re an idiot you mean
Yes I am and your point is…..
Did you check the thermostat?
Did you just call Swiss an idiot?
He did.
How about Sam cop a feel whatever
Are you trying to Bogart Brookses style?
Style? What is this thing of which you speak?
Ahhhhh, I see….
Assange just got screwed.
Considering that there no longer exists any pro-transparency contingency in the US don’t expect fawning apologias on his behalf.
This already covered?
A genuinely useful celebrity PSA: https://twitter.com/TomCruise/status/1070071781757616128/video/1
I was expecting something more gay.
Lotion smoothing?
What’s the best way to watch “Cocktail”?
With lotion smoothing.
Strangely, I like the effect and turn it on every tv I own.
When would I notice the difference? Tried the “demo” just now on my TV during sportspuck and I didn’t see any difference.
Should work for any non live show. To me, it makes an odd not quite 3d effect.
Now I can say….
Tall Cans!
I don’t get it.
I think it’s Miller time.
All I’ve got is whiskey.
All I’ve got is a protein shake for the liquid diet I’m on before I have surgery on Monday (diet orange pop + vanilla protein powder = tolerable dreamsicle).
Anything serious?
Neh, not serious. Thanks.
I’m more put out by this liquid diet.
Good. I’ll drink to your speedy recovery and return to solid food.
Second UCS. Hope you get better quick, Mojo
Cobra my dear confused one
I am not confused! I’m ignorant!
Cobra is the best cheap malt liquor in the World
The more You Know…….
Never heard of it. But I don’t drink malt liquor.
I am now enlightened. Thank you.
UCS: You could go for one of those high end malt liquors. It comes with it’s own branded paper bag.
I do not think you would enjoy it.
I used to have a Vietnamese engineer who drank Cobra. “See, black guys drink it, so if I do, it will make my penis larger. That’s their secret.”
Not made up.
Are you saying something about Yufus’s wedding tackle?
Same here. Boss coffee.
Pete Shelley died. https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-46476369
Fuck, that bums me out. Talked to him a couple times. Nice dude. RIP
And the Sex Pistols shouldn’t be mentioned in the same article.
I guess I’ll be spinning Heaven & the Sea later in tribute. RIP
Shoot. Saw them just last year.
Was this posted here yet?
“Facebook Also Becoming a Sexuality-Free Zone: Reason Roundup
New rules ban erotic art, talk of shared sexual interests, kink groups, and anything that “encourages sexual encounters between adults.”
Just a few days after Tumblr announced that it would ban all pornography, Facebook has pulled the proverbial hold my beer with its new “Sexual Solicitation” policy.
Facebook will now “restrict sexually explicit language”—because “some audiences within our global community may be sensitive to this type of content”—as well as talk about “partners who share sexual interests,” art featuring people posed provocatively, “sexualized slang,” and any “hints” or mentions of sexual “positions or fetish scenarios.””
Also, “people posed provocatively”? How about provocatively posed people? Or is it only people that have been forced to pose provocatively?
No, you’re going to provocatively restrict art featuring people posed.
Zuck is proactively prohibiting provocative poses, proving prOn perceived is problematic.
Zuck poopoos pee-pee pics.
Basically, no slang. I mean we all know that any and all plural nouns in English can mean boobs, right?
“Maine Teen Says Struggles With Gender Identity Led to Brutal Stabbing Deaths of Parents, Pet Dog
A teenager who said she killed her parents and the family’s pet dog because of struggles with her gender identity has been sentenced to 40 years in jail.
Andrea Balcer was 17 at the time when she “snapped” and fatally stabbed her parents Alice and Antonio Balcer at their home in Winthrop, Maine, on October 31, 2016.
Balcer alleged she was struggling to deal with her transition from male to female and that her family offered her no support during this time. Balcer also claimed she was molested for years by her mother and physically and mentally abused by her father, accusations the rest of the family fervently denied.
After launching the frenzied attack, which included stabbing her mother nine times, Balcer then killed the family’s chihuahua because it kept on barking, reports Central Maine.”
So some crazy basement-dwelling potato kills his parents and the dog because he’s not a woman? Why is it that I see a future with more and more of these cases coming up?
I see a future with more
Depends on whether the sentences tend more to be a prescription for zanax or tend to be something much, much stiffer
In this case my vote is for fed to wild dogs.
I can’t believe there’s so many Russian bots in the Newsweek comments.
Today, in English journalism:
“Is only hiring male Santa impersonators discrimination against women?”
“Lower voting age to six to tackle bias against young, says academic”
Choose your fighter!
I choose the first one
The North Pole is actually an engourged clitoris.
The full Cthulu mythos: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ctxyCdv8NEU
@22 hrs
Repeal day may have been yesterday, but these dumb laws are still with us.
Sorry, not meant to be a reply to Sean. But perhaps Cthulu could help to cleanse those who defend these laws.
Cry me an effin river.
Did they complain about the tax payers subsidies for their stadiums? Yeah, I didn’t think so.
The players got those subsidies? I thought that was the owners. Also if taxation is theft, these overpaid pampered athletes are getting fucked, apparently envy isn’t only a trait of the left.
Wouldn’t any subsidy provided to the owner also benefit the individual player’s salary? It’s the exact same notion as corporate tax cuts.
Is there any logical argument for why the federal government should subsidize the high taxes in some states?
You’re probably right, I’m no CPA. I just have an instinctive reaction when people are upset that someone else isn’t getting fucked properly. I guess maybe these ballers aren’t paying their fair share after all.
Did I say I was upset? If your salary is being subsidized through taxes, I don’t want to hear you whine about taxes. Advocate for a free market in sports and I’ll listen to your plight. Otherwise these clowns can take a pay cut and pay for their own playground.
If you subsidize something you get more of it. I think it’s really odd that people who understand this principle still want the federal government to subsidize high tax states.
“Also if taxation is theft, these overpaid pampered athletes are getting fucked, apparently envy isn’t only a trait of the left.”
Ahh, you completely missed the point. These pampered pos’s are for the most part sjw’s who approve of the government doing more with other people’s money. And when they find out it’s their money the government is taking, they bitch and moan. I repeat, cry me and effin river. You reap what you sow.
I doubt Hyperbole’s good faith. He pounces on anything he can possibly interpret as inconsistent with libertarian purity and posts in a sneering and belligerent tone. It has bothered me for a while, but tonight it pushed my buttons enough (or a few beers following two days of tax conference boredom/rage had me on the edge enough) that I started responding.
Ahh, you completely missed the point.
Wouldn’t be the first time. although ‘These pampered pos’s are for the most part sjw’s’ seems a bit of a stretch. I’d wager most of them are nothing more than pampered asshole who rarely give half a shits worth of attention to SJW issues or any thoughts past ‘Pussy, money, and booze/drugs’ for that matter.
Should help in leagues like the NBA where New York and LA get every free agent. They’ve lost their little tax trick.
a vocal group of grumpy contrarian assholes
Has anyone done a survey of Glibs? I’m talking about an off-site, anonymous deal.
It might be fun to see trends over the years on
* open borders
* voting
* UN
* various foreign adventures
* Russia policy
* China policy
* what else?
Is there a multiple choice serve ap where, when you don’t find the answer you like, you can add your own and everyone else can see and elect it as they go?
All of my opinions follow the Nunya protocol.
Nunya can be as open and self revelatory as me?
+1 census worker
I wanted trends, not individual data, but yours is always the right answer
maybe a trove of Glib data is not something we want to leave laying around for the Secret Service to dig through
still it would have been fun to see what the median for number of woodchippers per household was
Don’t you know that the only thing which matters is owning the libs?
If owning libs meant keeping them out of power I’d be all in.
Oh absolutely. The ‘if’ was the crux of my post.
learning . . . but apparently still get a lot of things wrong
/abandons data sandbox idea and goes back to HVAC projects and crawdad stories
Owning libs is LIFE, bro
*insert picture of Mark Dice looking angry*
HM endorses slavery.