*narrows gaze*








There, now that I have those out of the way, I think we can get on with the links. So, when you pun or screw up or shitpost, etc… just look up. Got it? Right.

  • Alrighty, you stock wizards amongst us – what say ye to this? Luckily I haven’t two pins to put into the market right now. SO I will sit back and watch all of you become rich. Then you can donate and buy merch, and keep the Glibs in the style to which we are accustomed. You know, Domino’s Pizza delivered and everything!
  • UN talks…ineffective?! Well, I never. I remember writing a paper on the Western Sahara in 1984…and saying it was a @#$%ing muddle. Good to see that hasn’t changed. Special guest appearance by the “European Court of Justice”.
  • Missouri Woman says “Top this, Florida Woman!” Trigger Warning – Gah! Click/read at your own risk.
  • Drumpf readies to cover up his crimes by…hey, what now?!
  • First World Problems…. the Blitz, “Keep Calm and Carry On”. A mobile network goes out for a day… “Is London Burning?” But, credit where credit is due …. some good humor in this too.

So, uh, that’s like your links, man.