Good morning to my Glibs, I’m not ready to get through today, but I am ready to throw together some links for you.
Today we celebrate the Birthdays of Pope Julius II, 8th US President Martin Van Buren, General Custer, Walt Disney, Singer Little Richard, Rapper Dr. Dre, and “Comedienne” Margaret Cho.
Mueller is recommending no prison time for Flynn, everyone sees this as proof of their theory being correct. With those on the right seeing proof he did nothing wrong and those on the left seeing proof that he flipped on the bad orange man and all their dreams of seeing him impeached come true.

The Weekly Standard
Warmongering shithead publication may be going under.
We can safely categorize this one as falling under Dunning-Kruger.
300 lbs woman pleads guilty to crushing boyfriend to death.
Another DOW plunge, some blame trade wars with China, others blame the bond market. Personally, I blame Winston’s mom.
That’s all I got for today. Here’s a song to get you going.
Morning Glibs. Great news about that stupid rag going under, but at the risk of going OT already, I want to ask who could have thunk that if you ignored the usual propaganda from the marxist and actually looked at the data, you would discover that most of these “asylum seekers” or “migrant workers” were really coming here for the free shit
Well, San Fransisco has all the free shit you could possibly want. They have so much free shit, it’s lining the streets.
I was in San Fran in October for an IT tech conference. I sleep very little, as I have mentioned before, so I did a lot of walking late at night. I saw people on the streets, and shitting right on the streets, all the time. The locals just act like it is not happening. I also want to point out that I got called by the San Fran PD the other day. See, on one of those late night hikes I was doing, some retard homeless guy tried to rob me with a knife. I beat the living shit out of him, then as he lay there with what I surmised was a broken knee and jaw, I went to get the cops. By the time we got back he was gone. I filed a report. Anyway, they called me to let me know they had not found the asshat, but if they did, and he was hurt, I would be held financially liable for the city having to give him medical treatment. I hung up on the mother fuckers.
You voluntarily told San Francisco cops you hurt one of their protected snowflakes? Dude.
He also failed to get his bum fight on video to monetize.
I figured reporting that this moron was robbing people and got his deserved reward for it would keep me safe from being accused of doing a bum fight, but it seems I should have 5D chessed this scenario and realized that this being San Fran, they would blame me for actually not letting the guy rob me and stab me.
Why in the fuck would you get the cops? I thought you were one of the smart ones.
He thought being connoisseurs of beatings they would enjoy seeing his work?
I laughed
*rises to applaud*
This – you’re entering a world of he said; your word against someone else. Easy way to get charges files against – you.
I had the knife and turned it in to the cops… Yeah, I now, in hind sight, realize I just should have thrown the thing into the ocean and continued my walk, but seriously, who would have thunk they would only keep investigating this so they could find a way for the city to demand financial compensation from me for defending myself. I guess I now have to just hope the bum never gets found, so they can’t pull this stunt.
It’s a damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation. If You don’t report, it makes you look suspicious. If you do, they have a target to punish.
See that was my main concern and the real reason i went to the cops. This guy could make up whatever fucking story he wanted, and while the odds were low the cops could just find me, I preferred not to have to deal with the hassle and figured I would get my side of the story in. But as Lord Humungus points out, I should have just realized that even then it would just end up a shitshow and not done it.
I guess the fact that they didn’t find the guy yet tells me they will not find him at all. My only fear is they find a body and then blame me or something.
I don’t see how they can prove a damn thing. Unless there are witnesses you don’t know about, worst case is your word against some bum’s. There’s still process-punishment, but it’s hard for me to see them doing anything.
You get robbed, thief gets just beating, and they will hold you financially liable?
Sometimes…..just wow.
Also. Stay in and read a book next time.
Man, I have too much energy and need to walk it off, but I did plenty of reading too. Next time I will just order in some lady to keep me company and work the stress of that way.
In some countries, they’ll charge you with assault for defending yourself.
In some STATES they will do that.
Never talk to the police. If they come calling for you, refer them to your lawyer. If you don’t have a lawyer, after an incident like that, I would get the name of one to call in the event the police come calling.
Oh, I contacted my lawyer, and she told me to hang up after telling them to call her if they call me again.
I think that one falls under “Well, duh.”
But animal, they’re coming here for the jobs Snooty, Lazy American’s won’t do!
*bursts out laughing*
Sorry, I couldn’t say that with a straight face.
The fact that we have douchebags telling us this with a straight face and accusing us of racism when we tell them they are lying, pisses me off.
Do you actually read the words out loud as you type them?
/my impersonation of UCS
No, I envision this site as a bunch of people screaming at each other in a darkened room.
…and blindly groping around said darkened room.
At least we aren’t hunting for a black cat that doesn’t exist…
Is that a reliable source?
I am sure that they place they got the statistics from – the US government – is unreliable.
To be fair, the gist of the message is still “We need the voters to emote to vote for us” so it’s not fully wrong.
As I pointed out when that was discussed on last night’s Swissy thread the democrats are just channeling Fredo Corleone: I AM SCHMARTH
His body language betrays his beliefs.
Brilliant acting.
I blame investors.
I blame the lack of a Powell Put. They gave on to (((Greenspan))).
I am surprised that the usual dnc operatives with bylines have not reported that confidence in the economy plummeted when the party promising to undo the tax cuts and deregulation Trump has implemented, and both raise taxes again and give more free shit to the people that vote for a living won the house and gained the ability to do these fucking shitty things along with waste our time for 2 more years trying to impeach trump as a means to exact revenge for him winning the election they thought they had rigged for Hillary.
Is this a good time to leverage short the stock market?
With the size of the index, a few hundred points isn’t much of a shift.
I am long all the time. Even when I know the market is stupidly too high. I am not smart enough to use another strategy, and this one works, for some definition of works.
The only thing I have ever wanted to short was SCO at $18. The fact that it went to $24 before going to $0 is why I don’t short things.
Long and looking for buying opportunities on the plunge.
I would be the same, but I stay fully long, so I dont have the opportunity to buy the opportunities.
I used to play FAZ and FAS trading. Think I lost more money than I made 🙁
My predictive powers of predicting market trends is poor.
That’s a lot of predicting there /running on low sleep
In my world, all these pictures of animals playing banjos are from Banjos’s personal collection. She has an entire room dedicated to animal banjo pictures and hopes to one day open a private museum of animals playing banjos.
I thought she taught the animals to play banjos and just took pictures of them.
Ooh, museum AND a sideshow of trained animal banjo players jamming! Even better. I would pay money for that. Once anyway.
It would be better if the museum was with taxidermy animals . . .
I think that was the case at the original Chuck E Cheese.
Leave me out of this.
Oh, come on, play us a tune.
Que the music from Deliverance….
It’s called Dueling Banjos, and predates the movie.
That’s a purdy mouth you got there UCS…..
You’re clearly not looking at me.
Oh yeah.
Nice link – low calories.
Yeah, but better playing than in your link.
Damn, shoulda refreshed.
I see a federal grant or two in the future.
Another DOW plunge, some blame trade wars with China, others blame the bond market. Personally, I blame Winston’s mom-
Don’t check vanguard accounts. Don’t check vanguard accounts. Don’t check…
I checked the box that automatically disables my login when the market drops by more than 3% in 24 hours.
With regard to my 401(k), I don’t worry about short-term drops in the market. I go long and my average 10-year return is 11.9%.
Here’s my ride to work song:
I prefer Ridin’ the Storm Out, but to each, his own.
I knew you were a man of excellent culture and breeding.
When I’m going Riding
300 lbs woman pleads guilty to crushing boyfriend to death. – well it seems obesity does lead tor educe lifespan…
I always warn my friends that are small and thin but like the hefty ladies that they are playing with their lives… Now here is the proof I have been right. Remind me to tell the story of one of my old buddies (5 foot 2 Mexican-American that weighed 110 lbs tops) and the 300lbs lady he tried to have have sex with in the back of a VW Beetle after getting her totally shitfaced, someday.
I like your links-style, Banjos. Speaking of parenting, I have partial custody and we like to watch a movie on the weekends sometimes. What are y’alls favorite movies when you were young, or favorite to watch with your kids these days?
If the Princess Bride hasn’t been posted here already, I’m disappointed in all of you.
Other good movies for the young ones:
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Lego Movie
Rise of the Guardians
The Incredibles
Most of the Pixar and MCU films are solid as well.
Apocalypse Now
Slap Shot
Last Tango in Paris
How young?
The Long Long Trailer with Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz.
My mother in law was talking about that movie last week. Funny how that works. You never see something your whole life and then see it multiple times.
The Adventures of Robin Hood, which leads to all the other Errol Flynn movies. And then there are the Tyrone Power swashbucklers.
Bringing Up Baby.
Buster Keaton’s “One Week” as an intro to silents.
And for a good Christian movie, “The Sign of the Cross”.
Watched “Labyrinth” with the kid last week. She liked it a lot.
Sub or dub? 😉
You’ve got the whole Studio Ghibli catalog to choose from!
I like crappy anime as well, but much of Studio Ghibli is properly compared to Disney.
Monty Python and the Holy Grail of course. Fun for all ages.
Walking Dead….
And tell the kid to root for the zombies like I do.
Our kids (8yo daughter and 5yo son) love horror: Walking Dead, some seasons of American Horror Story, Scream Queens, etc. They also LOVE Rocky Horror Picture Show.
I’ve been getting my boy (10 years old) hooked on some classics: Pink Panther movies, Smokey and the Bandit, etc. I’ll throw in an age-inappropriate one like Animal House for good measure. He liked Time Bandits, but it blew his mind a little. For some reason Cannonball Run doesn’t seem to be available anywhere.
“Eastbound and Down” makes me happy and smiley. It’s my go-to when I need a pick-me-up.
Lots of good ones for the next few years:
Johnny Dangerously, Fletch, Rocky, The Goonies, 16 Candles, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Beverly Hills Cop, Better Off Dead, The Sure Thing, Trading Places, etc.
My kid loved the ’70s and ’80s stuff.
Also, if your son likes sports: Major League, Bull Durham, Miracle, Senna, Rudy.
Better wait a few years for Slap Shot, though.
My kid loves War Games. She even took it to school on the last day so the class could watch it. Apparently it was a hit.
My kid loves CHIPS, the series. It’s really cool because it’s like watching home movies for me. It was filmed in and around l.a. between 77 and 83. Everything looks like it did when I was a kid, all the way down to the cars. Makes me feel bad for people from other places that they can’t easily see that kinda flashback. This place was heaven back then.
My 5 year old is obsessed with Never Ending Story, obsessed. It’s all she wants to watch and talk about.
All I remember about that movie was that I watched it, and at the time the title felt accurate.
I ended up raising a Texan, great guy with only a verbal and technical heritage: he’s a good shot and his ax is sharp, but he couldn’t draw a map to my grave, has never drawn water or shat in an outhouse; maybe that’s good, I’m unsure.
Starting around his eighth year, I started working in heritage movies. For his mom’s side there was Giant; for my side it was Cool Hand Luke, Sergeant York, Shenandoah, A Time to Kill, The Color Purple, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Birth of a Nation. Each is a teaching moment about history, culture, and the limits of men and film. I never saw and so have never shown To Kill a Mockingbird on the premise that it is such an easy book that children should take on; it is a rite of passage to picture it in one’s own mind.
If you’re going to watch the Star Wars movies with the prequels, I’ll just mention my fan edits available (hopefully the links still work) in my Myth and the Mouse article.
Monster Squad
Transformers The Movie
Ghost Busters
Robo Cop
It’s always Winston’s mom. Also, huzzah, I am free. The Jacket has finally left me!
*racks shotgun*
Who is this Tulpa here?
And now a warning. You may experience , even though you have shed the jacket, feelings of unwarranted optimism and hipster cravings.
I still slightly believe in The Libertarian Moment.
*throws holy bourbon on Raphael*
I hope it wasn’t still in the bottle.
The extra force required is part of the ritual. If the exorcism doesn’t work, blunt force trauma euthenizes the victim.
Video: The exorcism of Raphael.
You iz a bitch
mmmmm… avocado toast.
*hits Not Adahn with Florida Man’s bottle of holy bourbon*
*Flings artisinal mayonnaise at UCS
That’s uncalled for.
Especially if he just hand cranked that thing…
Oh. I thought this was a food fight.
*Gumby voice* Sorry
Congrats, Raphael.
re: We can safely categorize this one as falling under Dunning-Kruger.
“And we have kind of have to tell everyone how smart we are and so we have a tendency to be very left brain.”
She went on to say how wonderful her farts smell.
I’d be far more interesting in seeing the SAT/IQ scores of those running for elected office than their tax returns. My guess is that Mazie probably doesn’t grade out as well as she thinks she does in that regard.
They keep refatoring those tests, so it’s not a uniform measure.
I also slept like crap last night… woke up at 1:30AM hearing a bunch of clunks and thumps downstairs. I was wondering if the house was being broken into.
It was my wife with some stomach problems… and the new dog following her around. But I still went and checked all the windows; the contractors left two of them unlocked. And by the time I was back in bed, even dosed up on meds, I just couldn’t fall back asleep. Eventually sort of blacked out… running on steam today.
running on steam today.-
I’ve always heard it “running on fumes”. Trains run on steam.
As so most power plants.
Give him a break, he’s out of gas.
Pity those down on their luck? I’m a capitalist, Sir! I shall exploit his need and diminished state to enrich myself.
Hope today can go easier on you and your wife.
This is the most believable story you’ll read today.
While I’m not surprised the site is blocked, I am surprised it’s classified as gambling.
Trust the government.
>>Hillary Wang
Truth is stranger than fiction
It does sound like she should be in a mental institution, not jail.
That’s a coworker that can make your day entertaining there…
That is seriously funny. I know it’s childish, but given the nature of the story… ha ha ha ha
Look at that website. Its all made up bullshit for facebook.
When you look like she/it does, you are going to have to suffice with visual mediums to get your freak in. That’s cuase real people will not want to do it with ya…
Almost any woman (of reasonable age) can go to almost any bar and get laid on almost any night as long as they’re not too picky.
Thar’s yer problem
“Entertainment News”
I suppose, yes.
“Hillary Wang”, huh? A little too on the nose.
Still waiting for a fake news story that approaches the genius of this one:
That’s got to be a fake news story. Attack squirrels? The military should take this woman and make her train animals for them to use in their spec ops.
It’s almost impossible to differentiate satire/parody from reality today.
There’s a difference?
Theft of government property. That’s the charge. For downloading dick pics. BWAH HA HA!
Hey the NSA is serious about enforcing their rights to that sort of content. Can you imagine if these employees started taking all the video of our political class getting their freak on and collecting that stuff? it would not bode well for the top men to have their lack of endowments made fun off.
Completely believable, but not true nonetheless.
Meet Hitler’s Forgotten Stealth Fighter: Could the Ho 229 Changed History?
There was a lot of real crazy shit that the Nazis built, but humanity should thank the powers that be that Hitler’s hatred of the Jews sent all the nuclear physicists/chemists packing, and that they ended up in the US on the Manhattan project.
Also be grateful that the little corporal was a terrible strategist and bad listener. In the 30’s his military staff told him they would be ready for war by 1945.
and can today be seen under restoration at the Udvar-Hazy Center of the United States Air and Space Museum in Chantilly, Virginia.
I may have to stop over there to check it out.
I have a 1:72 model kit of that plane in my to-build pile. I really need to get back into modeling.
Runway or for magazines?
Don’t mock. He’s quite striking.
Then i apologize.
Never apologize.
And to answer your question, hand model. Maybe you’ve seen my work. ?
For Mugatu?
Today in class with some middle schoolers. A kid is talking about some animal–a Korean bird of some sort. I am curious about what this bird looks like. So I get my phone and google it.
Upon opening google, my sympathetic nervous system went into full-fledged panic mode.
Being an idiot, I neglected to remember that my most-recent googlage was to indulge in the autoerotic arts. So there I am, and a girl riding a dildo– expressing a high degree of enthusiasm–sounds out through the class.
Absolutely freaked out, I mashed buttons faster than an autistic savant playing Simon. Looking at the class in horror, I noticed that they had remained in their Korean Zombie Mode through the (brief) disturbance. A total lack of comprehension or reaction.
I somehow dodged that bullet, but my brain lost the ability to think or produce coherent language for the remainder of class.
Fittingly enough, the name of the bird is the Korean crow-tit, and is maybe the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.
Bet you the kids now think you are a cool teacher man…
I’m sure some of your students wanted to meet with you after class to review some things.
I mashed buttons faster than an autistic savant playing Simon.
Me, the time that happened to me at work.
Hey, they’re the ones that told you to check out some tits.
“faster than an autistic savant playing SIMON.”
You sir, have a remarkable gift for imagery.
Your attempt to get me to click on your link at work is not convincing.
What’s the libertarian position on giving up your seat on the train to a 70 year old? I’m sitting in the priority seats, but the old guy standing in front of me reeks of booze.
I thought the only appropriate behavior on Japanese trains was to find some good looking women and then molest them? At least that’s the recurring topic from the videos I watch. Why are you as a Gaijin bothering with old dudes anyway?
The old farts always stand in front of gaijin. We give up our seats more easily.
Ah, so he is playing you…
Tell him you only want to switch seats if you get to stand next to some young and hawt piece of arse and then get to fondle her…
It’s not libertarian, but I was raised to be a southern gentleman, so I would give up the seat.
^^^Pretty much what this dude man here said. Plus, old guy might end up puking me on me too if he’s reeking of booze. Best to stay clear of that.
Yeah… I used to be this way but cut it out when everyone else on public transportation refused to do the “gentlemanly thing” even when it was easier for them.
I’d still do it for a flustered mother, but otherwise you get narry a look from me
That’s fair enough in my book at least.
He’s being a dick. I would’ve stood up but he’s drunk and expects me to. Yeah, maybe I’m being a dick, too.
*checks gentleman’s manual*
Well the only option now is a duel, but he gets to choose weapons.
Do vomit and urine count?
Pray he doesn’t ask you for a sword fight and starts dropping his drawers and brandishing his “Wakisashi” (not calling it a Katana since the stereotype of orientals is that they all suffer from small cox.
Just ask Hillary Wang.
Why are you on a train?
It’s japan, they ripped out their real roads for railroads.
/totally lying.
Japan. Tokyo to be specific.
Yep. I shudder to think what 12 hours of parking costs in Omotesando.
Have you tried biking to work?
I do if it’s under 10K. Today would’ve been 25K one way.
Have you considered not traveling so far away from your home?
Far? That’s only a little over fifteen miles.
The metric system must have ruined your spacial perception.
Well in Bucharest 25K can mean 2 hours commute
I guess that’s one advantage to eastern Montana – 45 mile (72 km) is half an hour – if you drive the speed limit.
Biking? In Tokyo? Is this a slur against his sanity?
I like the tried-and-true technique of feigning sleep and peaking out from under my eyelids to avoid any sort of human interaction.
Having said that, I religiously will give up my seat to absolutely anyone whom I deem to need it more than me.
*Exceptions: Third-world countries where a long bus/train trip is required. Those trips aren’t a joke. You don’t get a seat and you’re fucked. I will bite yo ass.
You need to learn how to fart at will. Being gaijin you don’t have to save face.
Charlottesville killer texted mom picture of Hitler, claimed he thought victims were ‘terrorists’
Dude – don’t every say anything incriminating on a jailhouse phone. Jeebus.
I’m betting Mom knew that was being recorded.
Parental malpractice! Fire that woman!
He’s despicable but that doesn’t disprove he acted in self-defense as he alleges.
It’s like he never saw an episode of Dateline.
A Mandate for Left Leadership
Lessons from the neoliberal revolution.
I’ll take “things that won’t become law” for a $400.
“In addition to a Green New Deal, they’ve backed calls for Medicare for All, abolishing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), ending cash bail, guaranteeing a federal job to anyone who wants one, raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour,”
These policies are mutually exclusive. At least Bernie was honest enough to be against open borders.
Only if you assume that resources are finite.
Why won’t anyone sign this guy? They screamed for 30 months.
Fuck that. I would rather the Skins not have a quarterback again because they all keep getting their legs broke than sign that jackass virtue signaling douche.
The CFL is done, go get one of those QB’s for a few weeks.
Mitchell in Calgary. Give him a shot.
Jeff Garcia was pretty good when he came over from the CFL.
Seriously. As time goes on, it’s hard to believe Kaepernick will not regret his actions as he matures.
What a dumbass.
Kaepernick hasn’t taken a snap in over two years and sucked so much that he was benched for Blaine fuckin’ Gabbert….but yeah, he’d totally waltz right in and lead them to the playoffs, because WOKE, YO!
There has to be a breaking point though. Kaepernick is better than Mark Sanchez and Josh Johnson. Johnson hasn’t been on the field since 2011.
Kapernick at his best is better than Sanchez, maybe. Sanchez is by no stretch a good QB but he isn’t as mad as the media has made him out to be. The question however is how long till Kapernick would be at his best.
Hah, I was getting ready to post the same story but from the BBC:
They continue to obsess over Kape, while being a little loose with how they present the facts, e.g. “Kaepernick has not played since January 2017 after protesting against racial injustice and police brutality by kneeling during the US national anthem.” A little further down they mention him opting out of his contract but still…
No better than Tim Tebow.
Are you ready for Beto?
Former President Barack Obama recently commented on that charisma, saying O’Rourke sort of reminds him of himself. “The reason I was able to make a connection with a sizable portion of the country was because people had a sense that I said what I meant,” Obama told his former strategist David Axelrod in an interview for “The Axe Files” podcast. “What I oftentimes am looking for first and foremost is, do you seem to mean it? Are you in this thing because you have a strong set of convictions that you are willing to risk things for? What I liked most about [O’Rourke’s] race was that it didn’t feel constantly poll-tested. It felt as if he based his statements and his positions on what he believed.”
Obama’s aides have reportedly been saying similar things. “We’ve had a lot of former Obama alumni saying: ‘If we can be helpful as you think about this, let us know. If you want our perspective on what it’s like to run a national campaign, let us know,'” a former O’Rourke aide said, NBC News reports.
The public praise from team Obama follows a private meeting between the former president and the potential candidate that has just come to light. On Tuesday, The Washington Post reported that O’Rourke met with Obama at his offices in D.C. on November 16 to discuss a presidential run.
“The meeting was the first sign of Obama getting personally involved in conversations with O’Rourke, who, despite his November loss in a U.S. Senate race in Texas, has triggered more recent discussion and speculation than any other candidate in the burgeoning 2020 field,” the Post reports.
Right. What we really need is another hip, neo-marxist, empty suit that can read a teleprompter and who is oh so dreamy.
And war will be cool again!
“saying O’Rourke sort of reminds him of himself. ”
The best praise Obama can give.
Trayvon Martin?
I grew up in similar circumstances a few miles from where this Beto dude grew up. There is no way in Hell I would use a Hispanic nickname (I use the moniker here but never in real life) in an attempt to take on the veneer of ethnicity. To me it speaks volumes on his scrambled identity. If you’re a white dude it doesn’t matter if you grew up steeped in a non-white environment like I did – you are still a white dude. Your words and actions can show you understand and appreciate that culture but you don’t own one iota of it – it isn’t yours.
I heard democrats get an exemption from these sort of rules, which only apply to their political enemies. See Dolezal, Rachel and countless others.
That’s skirting awfully close to the cultural appropriation argument.
I disdain the “cultural appropriation” argument when it is about clothing or hairstyles – as long as the choice is sensible (No, a non-Japanese wearing full-on Kimono, Tabi, Geta, etc. in public is just strange – sorry). Copying some tribal-esque pattern in a tattoo is no big deal to me.
But presenting oneself to the world using a nickname which is very specific to an ethnicity which one cannot claim by blood? That’s just scrambled.
Culture is not genetic.
Yes, but if the parents who raised you came from “Culture A” how can you claim “Culture B”?
When in Rome…
“Do as…” not “pretend to be…”
A distinction without a difference
“Do what the Romans do” is quite different from “Claim to be a Roman”
His name is Robert and he’s from El Paso, Texas. Sounds like he has a rather common shortening of his name for the area.
He’s not claiming to be Hispanic, He’s claiming to be from El Paso.
Feel free to make a mountain out of a molehill.
So Ivy Leaguer Robert Francis O’Rourke is a dude from the barrio? It’s fraud more than anything else.
Attending the weed-riddled schools has nothing to do with it.
While I don’t believe Bobby Frank is hispanic, the principle behind the argument being made struck me as wrong.
I never called the neighborhood where I grew up as a Barrio – until they spray painted “Barrio Cinco” on our garage. (Which is mostly a joke as the “gang” with the spray paint weren’t as hard core and they wanted to be)
Know another Hispanic man who got himself diverted into treatment after being popped for drunk driving, courtesy of his influential father?
Or being married into a billionaire family, John Kerry style. Yeah, that’s authenticity personified.
What a crock.
This is very central to my life experience. I grew up a white guy on a heavily Hispanic neighborhood. It actually gave me a lot of freedom because I wasn’t necessarily tied to the culture of my environment. It was easier to define “me” as opposed to how the cultural environment defined many around me.
The cost was that I could not claim the culture I was experiencing every day – and this was my childhood and the only childhood I will have. I could show that I understood the culture and language and had a deep affinity for the people – but I cannot and would not claim them as mine. A deeper cost came when I started working in a primarily WASP environment – and really didn’t understand a lot of what was going on around me.
I have come to realize this is part of why I have chosen to live in a completely different country. Here they correctly assume I did not grow up here but they understand – by my ability in the language – that I have some level of understanding of the language/culture and accept me on that.
Here is where I disagree with that. Obviously the left is being hypocritical about this shit. But Latinos have no monopoly on the nickname Beto, and if a white guy wants to use their culture to get elected (or in this case, fail at getting elected) then more power to him. It’s more evidence that the “structural power of white men” is BS because the guy feels compelled to do this.
I do find it funny that the GOP is deemed the party of white racists because the white guys are just themselves, but that the Dems aren’t, when multiple white people feel the need to accept other ethnicities.
“But Latinos have no monopoly on the nickname Beto”
I would disagree. What other ethnicity uses this nickname?
Are Portuguese considered Latinos?
And in Arabic it doesn’t mean what people think it means…
I had always figured the word “Latino” is used mostly to include Brazilians since “Hispanic” tends to exclude them. So, yes, I believe Portugese would be Latino.
I’m white. My Mexican friends call me Aguacate.
Wait, not Mantquilla or Cabron?
If you knew my last name, you’d understand 🙂
I can’t imagine this as a national persona for these same reasons.
But I don’t know who gave him the nickname or why. If that’s what all the kids called him in the neighborhood, then he shouldn’t shush wellwishers chanting it at a rally, but I still wouldn’t put it on a billboard just as a matter of formality.
From Tiger Woods to Dutch Reagan, nickname stories can be respectful and charming. And sometimes the language just fits: I’ve long since appropriated lariat, casa, no se, ramada, que pasó and like amigo when I hear it. Scheiße und genau still work from Schertz to Fredericksburg; i was never given a German nickname, but if I had I’d be almost afraid not to use it . . . where appropriate.
I find Beto’s story fits well within the American and Texan narratives. I don’t know if it’s sincere, but I don’t care what folks call him. I simply have no use for his agenda.
I do because if Ted Cruz eats at Taco Bell, the same crowd screams about cultural appropriation.
That’s because he’s Cuban-Canadian and that’s American food!
I think you’re in the majority here in regard to the crowd. I try to focus on my own philosophy, to not be so driven to postures that so closely mirror #Resist.
In fairness to you, half of what is written here is blowing off steam; how else could libertarians come to have so many opinions about how others earn their livings or nickname themselves? A lot of it depends on whose ox is being gored, thinly veiled partisanship; I have the advantage of hating everyone.
Good news: the standard for critique of the crowd has risen above “punchable face” for a good month or so now.
UCS had the best answer: just be funny. That’s the best thing about Glibs: brilliant humor (and some humour as well).
I try to focus on my own philosophy, to not be so driven to postures that so closely mirror #Resist.
*insert Leo cheers meme here*
Is it hypocritical of the left to swoon over beto and hold Cruz in contempt for any attempt to embrace Hispanic culture? Of course. Is this anything more than the day-to-day churn of TEAM politics? Not in the slightest.
The democrats are hypocrites of the highest degree. The Republicans are only less so to the extent that the powerful cultural institutions call them on their bullshit more than they do the left. Unplugging from this daily bullshit will do wonders to your blood pressure.
God fucken dammit he’s such a narcissistic shit stain Obama.
‘He remind me of….ME!’
‘He coulda been my son…’
Fuck off already you fucken degenerate.
/continues reading recipe for arancini.
‘He coulda been my son…’
So you are saying he is going to get shot by an actual white hispanic?
What I’m saying is the publisher who gave that vapid douchebag $65 million is going to regret it.
I like to think there are limits to people will accept – like the protestors in Paris over the carbon tax. There has to be a point where people just tune out and don’t buy. They can listen to his crap but won’t necessarily pay to read it.
I think. I hope. I wish.
“I think. I hope. I wish”
Not quite the same verve as “I came. I saw. I conquered” (or was that supposed to be “I saw. I conquered. I came.”?) but I guess it depends on how the wind was blowing…
Words matter, and as our understanding of social justice evolves, our language evolves along with it. Here’s how to remove speciesism from your daily conversations.
Has PETA stopped funding domestic terrorism yet?
They try to free the cows on campus. I mean, they’re too stupid to realize they keep breaking in to the labs that study things about the cows.but they try. The farm is down the road. It’s amazing, really.
The only cow I saw in Vermont was one of these. I didn’t even know that wooly ginger cows existed until I saw one standing more or less directly in front of me. Luckily, it wasn’t in the road, but just past the bend in the road on the other side of a wire fence.
Wait we were talking about PETA’s people being too stupid to ecoterror right.
(The incident I refer to, however, is bankrolling a serial arsonist and then paying him to give instructional talks to budding ecoterrorists)
Holy moly. That’s just bonkers.
Which part, the cows, or PETA’s terrorists?
“Feed two birds with one scone”. I’ll use that. Pretty good.
Get two birds stoned at once.
But that’s only worst case Ontario.
I’ll feed you two birds (that I killed with a stone) on one scone
“Bring home the bagels”
So, anti-semitism is OK?
We’ve appropriated Bagels.
In fact, a bacon egg and cheese bagel sandwich sounds good about now.
If I ask someone to bring bacon, and they show up with bagels. They can eat those bagels on my steps, because they’re not getting into the house.
Bzzzt. If bring home the bacon is offensive to vegans, bring home the bagels would be offensive to the gluten-intolerant.
Who the hell still uses the phrase “bring home the bacon”? I still hear “makes end meet”, but I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone actually use “bring home the bacon”.
Charles of the Ritz?
Mongoloid, he was a mongoloid
And it determined what he could see
Mongoloid, he was a mongoloid
One chromosome too many
Mongoloid, he was a mongoloid
And it determined what he could see
And he wore a hat
And he had a job
And he brought home the bacon
So that no one knew
He was a mongoloid, mongoloid
C’mon Swissy, give the children a link!
Awesome song.
This will be splitting hairs, but I like this version a little more (just for how plodding and lo-fi it is):
That list is hilarious. They leave two of the saying still having animals – both of which would constitute abuse of an animal in their eyes. Birds shouldn’t be fed people food, because they become dependant and give up looking for protein that they need to survive. Feeding a full animal is how you make foie gras, which peta is opposed to.
That’s some good advocacy work there Lou.
Foie gras ducks eagerly waddle to the worker with the feeding tube when they enter the barn. They’re happy as pigs in shit until the day they are humanely dispatched and become food. Your average livestock beast lives a better life than their wild counterparts, and pets… pets have it made. They hit the animal lifestyle jackpot.
Epstein decided to settle his case out of court yesterday. If he hadn’t, he might have met the same fate as Vince Foster, Ron Brown, Paul Tulley, Ed Willey, Kathy Ferguson, Suzanne Coleman, Danny Casolaro, Barbara Wise, Barry Seal, James Milan, Seth Rich… before those women got to testify.
Jeez, Clinton flew on his plane more than two dozen times? His and Trump’s relationship with that douchebag don’t sound even remotely comparable.
Last night we started to put the room back together again – pic of the new flooring – still need to pick up the new rug, put the art on the walls, and re-assemble the stereo.
Judging from what I’ve seen on your blog, that is no small task.
and move ~1000 LPs. That’s the real back breaker.
So what you’re saying is audiophilia leads to hernia?
Nice. I like the lamp. I wish something like that would work in our house, but we’re doing more of a Craftsman thing.
The “Martian” lamp, or the more industrial lamp to the right of the sofa?
I did the Craftsman thing in my first house that was built in 1920. One thing I didn’t like about it was the lack of colors – wood and brown and muted hues can only go so far. The Mid Century Mod look is all about vibrant colors. So we have a blue front door, a sky blue wall mixed in with the light tan, along with various greens and oranges. It’s challenging to make it look good without overloading the senses.
I live in a neighborhood of some really interesting 1950s-1960s homes, some had been de-MCMd, while other owners have embraced it.
That’s hideous, but at the same time intriguing.
I would fall in that sofa pit all the time /natural born klutz
I love the reel-to-reel, the organ under the TV and the completely awesome cello in the corner!
Those trip-stools make me go “Whyyyyy????”
Aesthetically the sofa pit is fine, but functionally, it means you can never change the layout of the space without rennovating to do something about the giant hole in the floor.
The one to the left.
I hear you on the muted colors of Craftsman stuff. What makes it work for us is we have huge windows and Arizona sun, so we get a lot of light.
I had to laugh recently. I was watching one of those house hunter shows, I think in Phoenix. They were looking at Southwestern style houses, and the woman went into one and said “Oh, this is awful. I can’t stand the yellow walls and the dark wood furniture.” Our house (which is a Santa Fe style) has . . . yellow walls, and dark wood furniture.
Michigan, on the other hand, needs all the color it can get!
Lies. Michigan will have non-grey colors available for viewing as soon as May, possibly June.
Imgur is still blocked, but I like the look of dark wood funature.
Yellow walls depends on the saturation levels of the color. Muted yellow is fine. Eye-searing yellow is a problem.
Nice Mission sofa! Beautiful casa, RC.
The sofa met my main requirement: Can I stretch all the way out on it and not have my feet or my head touch the arms?
Which is a good thing, because Mrs. Dean was getting it no matter what I said.
Oh man, that looks great!
Is that a basement? Or a lower part of a split?
It’s a 1961 bi-level. So the living/family rooms and kitchen are located on the ground floor, all the bedrooms are on the top floor. No basement for storage, which sucks since the garage now gets used for overflow.
Ground floor is half buried by a hill in the front, but it’s level in the backyard so a straight walkout.
Gotcha. The lookout windows threw me.
Pretty cool, man! Nice choice on the sofa (although my guess is you had help on that one) 😉
When we first moved it, that bottom floor had a “submarine” feeling. Now I’m used to it.
To tell the truth when we first looked at the house I said “No way! We aren’t buying this!” It looks really weird on the outside – like a 1960s dentist office – and the interior is oddly laid out.
But the real estate agent convinced me that I wouldn’t find a better deal in this (upscale) suburb. And he was right. It’s been a lot of work turning a 25yo rental into something I can live with but the neighborhood has been worth it. I’m actually – yikes! – friends with several of my neighbors, and we’re shareholders in the local privately owned neighborhood pool.
Yeah, it’s sometimes tough to see beyond the shitty decisions someone else inflicted. I love houses that aren’t like the others in the neighborhood. A funky layout, too many rooms, etc. A little imagination goes a long way.
Nice job!
Digging the style. Very warm.
According to The Daily Caller, 16 FBI agents raided the Maryland home of Dennis Nathan Cain on Nov. 19. Cain’s lawyer, Michael Socarras, told the website that the agent who led the raid accused his client of possessing stolen federal property.
Such as official communications of the office of the Secretary of State?
This is what happens to whistleblowers of the federal government. You become a criminal.
The FBI isn’t the enforcement wing of the deep-state. Nope, nothing to see here.
This is what really sends me into a rage when I encounter Clinton-supporting family and friends who claim she did nothing wrong. During my career I have worked for three different federal organizations. Each time I moved to a new office, I made a copy of my .pst files so I could have access to the emails I sent and received. This has helped me (and the government) out in the past as prior bosses have reached out to me after I left to help with some of the work I had done while with them. I was told in no uncertain terms that I could go to jail for this as it is considered a theft of government property. Mind you, I didn’t take the ONLY copy of the emails. Just a personal copy. I have since deleted all my files, which has caused a fair bit of the work I did at other agency to have to be redone.
Sounds like this guy is getting raided by the FBI for the same thing. While the powerful walk away after doing much, much worse.
People wonder how I can be a libertarian working in the job that i do. I explain that working in the job that I do is what pushes me that direction…
My co-workers oft bitch about how inefficient, sloppy and downright farcical the state’s work product is, yet reman steadfastly in the “there aughta be a law” camp on so many issues. Do you really want the organization you bitch about daily handling that?
I May have picked the wrong county
French government reconsiders wealth tax as protests intensify
Solidarity tax on wealth may be reimposed amid widening gilets jaunes movement
There goes the libertarian moment
Who will they go after when all the wealthy leave?
Why do they want their economy to collapse?
Because equally poor is still equal
Best (and easiest) way to make everyone equal is to make them all equally poor and beholden to a nanny state.
Italian court says Getty Museum must surrender prized bronze Statue of a Victorious Youth
The Los Angeles institution counters that it will keep on fighting to maintain the linchpin of its collection
The ruling by the Court of Cassation was handed down Monday after a long battle over the ancient Greek bronze, which was found by Italian fishermen off the Adriatic coast in 1964 and purchased by the Getty in the UK for almost $4m in 1977. The court was rejecting the Getty’s appeal of a ruling in June by a lower court in Pesaro stating that the statue must be returned.
Despite earlier decisions to the contrary, the lower-court judge had ruled that the statue was found in Italian waters—and stated that even if the waters were not Italian, the discovery was made by individuals aboard an Italian ship, using the ship’s fishing nets, which he said would represent state territory and make the statue subject to Italian cultural heritage laws.
Something something, theft.
Setting aside the bullshit of cultural heritage laws, was the sale legal at the time it was made? According to the Italian courts, yes. Then Italy has no claim to the item. It’s beyond their purview now.
As for the nonsens of the cultural heritage laws, how old or “significant” must an item be for the state to steal the rights to it? Do these people even think that the people who now discover these items have incentive to hide or detroy them to avoid the predations and problems?
You only say that because you Americans have no culture or heritage
Yet one of our biggest exports is toxic culture.
stated that even if the waters were not Italian, the discovery was made by individuals aboard an Italian ship, using the ship’s fishing nets, which he said would represent state territory and make the statue subject to Italian cultural heritage laws.
The spirit of Mussolini lives on.
“We can safely categorize this one as falling under Dunning-Kruger.”
This has been known for quite some time, before it was labeled…
“The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.” –Shakespeare
“I know that I know nothing” – Socrates
So, Sergeant Schultz was a wise man?
… I can see that.
New theory: bringing balance to the universe.
But chrome is crap. Ignoring the background bullshit where one window with one open tab has six running processes, the UI is godawful. Then you get into the way it performs (or fails to).
Background Bullshit = Negative Mass Fluid?
The chrome code is so poorly written that I’m shocked google hasn’t been brought up on crimes against humanity for releasing it.
I think UCS Gilmored. See 30.
Mea Culpa. I hit the wrong reply button.
So I figgered, and don’t think he caught on.
Physics is racist talking about dark matter!
But… dark lives matter.
Next you are going to tell me that brown dwarfs, red giants, and black hos are all cool too…
That paper came out as a preprint a year ago, but is just being published now. The review process must have been quite lengthy and maybe even contentious.
I’ve asked this before and was told by those more knowledgeable that it’s not practical/realistic/possible, but I still wonder why it’s not possible that, instead of a unified theory, there couldn’t be more than one mathematical model, with each model acting independently in the universe but affecting matter simultaneously.
You mean like separate forces that act independently? That’s sort of what we have now (although E&M and weak have been combined and so-called Grand Unified Theories try to add the strong force to the mix). People like the idea of a unified theory because it’s simpler, at least in the sense of having fewer moving parts, so to speak. An Occam’s razor argument for how the world should work.
I’m sure this is a dead thread, but… and maybe I don’t understand this properly… I understand the concept of multiple forces acting simultaneously on an object. I’m thinking – most likely incorrectly – that rather than forces, different overarching mathematical models would have to be applied simultaneously.
Before quantum gravity and string theory, that’s basically what you had regarding gravity and the other forces. And before quantum mechanics and quantum field theory, E&M was separate also. But as I said, physicists like to think it should be simpler, or at least with fewer distinct pieces.
Ok, cool. Thanks for the explanation!!!
From Pie’s Guardian link:
“If the measure we have taken doesn’t work, we’re not idiots, we’ll change it. But first we will have to evaluate it,” Griveaux told RTL radio, adding that the evaluation would happen next year.
Reintroducing the wealth tax has been one of the demands of parts of the gilets jaunes movement that grew out of anger at rising taxes on petrol and diesel.
They’d rather reintroduce the wealth tax? What a surprise.
In the face of climate change, ranking states by prosperity invites disaster
Forget neocolonial indices that put wealthy countries ahead of poor ones on the path to development, we’re all in this together
So ranking systems that place (largely white) European, north American and Antipodean countries at the top, and Asian and African countries at the bottom, inevitably have a whiff of neo-colonialism. They confirm what we know: there are deep and enduring inequalities in our world that reflect past power dynamics. But they also guide our present-day perceptions. They encourage us to see some nations as “advanced” and others as “backward” on the single, pre-ordained path of “development”.
With the planet burning, we need to take control ourselves
Our representatives seem to be incapable of a serious response. Schools and workplaces should become parliaments
No, we are not using climate change to push the same old socialist bullshit.
So, in that case, when is Professor Henrietta Moore moving to Haiti? Since, you know, “development” is such a terrible thing.
Actually you can social signal and go somewhere decent as Costa Rica is high in these new tops and I understand nice
What’s the libertarian position on giving up your seat on the train to a 70 year old? I’m sitting in the priority seats, but the old guy standing in front of me reeks of booze.
To follow-up, what is the libertarian position on giving up your seat to a late female coworker in a meeting at work where’s this not enough seats to go around?
My older male boss and other older male executives routinely do this. I feel pressure to as their junior, but I find it ridiculous and even a little demeaning to my female coworkers. I would expect women would want to be treated as equals in the office and not special snowflakes. Unfortunately, I bet many want to have their cake and eat it too.
It just seems so strange for 60 year old male executives to give up their seats to young female employees half their age, or expect young male employees to give up their seats at the conference table to their female competition for internal promotions and project leads.
It’s a conundrum isn’t it? At Thanksgiving, my son was telling us that in co-ed intramurals, girls’ goals count for two points. Do you want to be treated equally or do you want special treatment? It can’t be both.
I prefer to stand, so I’ll always give up a seat. Plus I’m old, so wokeness isn’t required.
Special treatment for the win
” in co-ed intramurals, girls’ goals count for two points”
Sorry, but that’s retarded.
My first reaction was “And how often do they still lose?”
The place I used to play indoor soccer had that policy a long time ago. I’m not sure when they dropped it or why, but it was completely unnecessary.
In co-ed sports you are only as good as your lady players. We had some teams with awful girls, one time none of them showed up so we had to play 5 v 7, but we won easily because they were not there to get in the way and mess up the flow.
I find myself subconsciously grouping them. Homemakers/non-corporate workers get special treatment. I try to drop that for corporate sharks.
As long as it’s done in the most ostentatious manner possible, with a lot of throat-clearing and pointed looks in an otherwise perfectly silent room, I have no problem with this.
Make it a point to work in “It’s my Privilege” somehow as you stand for them to take your seat
Wait a damn minute.
Who’s scheduling these meetings and why are they inviting more people than there are chairs in the conference room?
As a libertarian, my position is to quit scheduling meetings in rooms that don’t have adequate seating.
As a libertarian, my position is to quit scheduling meetings.
Are either of you hiring?
As an evil capitalist I would offer the women the opportunity to sit in my lap for a small fee. (unless they were super hot, in which case surge pricing goes into effect.)
Here, let me clear off a seat, young lady. {Twists mustache off to the sides, opens coat to reveal T-shirt declaring Mustache Rides 5¢}
I’d show due deference to her, if she is deceased and still made it to the meeting, that is determination. If she’s stressed about being pregnant, I’d cut her some slack.
Sure you should give it up. Aren’t you embarrassed to be making $1 for every $.49 she makes?
I work for the DoD, so male/female doesn’t matter nearly as much as rank. Oh, you are an 0-3? Sit in the back. And get me some coffee. GS-14? Eh, somewhere on the table, but toward the end.
The gilets jaunes have been calling for another day of action on Saturday while trying to organise some kind of popular leadership. Previous attempts have led to threats being made against protesters putting themselves forward to give media interviews or meet elected representatives.
André Lannée suggested organising Facebook referendums to elect two gilets jaunes representatives for every region. Once elected, he said, the group could then propose new legislation.
Facebook: mob rule from the comfort of your living room.
A parliament on every street
“two gilets jaunes representatives for every region”
Something something how this started in the 1790s.
France needs a second Vendee. Chokehold of Paris on the rest of the country has been a blight since at least the Great Terror, which killed waaay more people out in provinces, and yet everyone always focuses on executions in the capital.
This out to be fun. Winona LaDuke wants a seat on the Public Utilities Commission.
Her main goal will be to stop a big project to replace/upgrade an existing pipeline. A seat is opening up on Jan 6th. The governor gets to appoint the commissioners and I can’t tell if this will be Gov. Mumbles last fucking over of us, or if it will be cherry popping time for the new Gov.
Tundra, Leap, one of you guys should throw your hat in the ring.
451: Unavailable due to legal reasons
We recognize you are attempting to access this website from a country belonging to the European Economic Area (EEA) including the EU which enforces the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and therefore access cannot be granted at this time. For any issues, call 800-562-1758 .
Your government is preventing you from seeing that content, Pie. They signed on to make you a serf of the new totalitarian bureaucracy.
Awesome. About time someone gives Euroweenies the giant middle finger for this GDPR horse shit.
I agree. If Facebook had any brains at all, it would have shut down access from the EU.
Think the frog riots over gas taxes were bad? Wait until they couldn’t live stream it on FB!
I think we do a similar thing, although I don’t know if we have the message.
How can that fraud still be around? She was a nuisance back in the ’90s when I was involved in Indian stuff.
I can’t do it, but Leap would be perfect for the job. Shall we nominate him?
She has learned the white eyes’ ways. She knows how to work govt agencies.
But she is still true to her indian heritage. She uses ever single cent in a grant. Nothing goes to waste.
Nothing goes to waste.
I’m still giggling about your juice box comment from last week.
/easily amused.
You shut your whore mouth Tundra.
*mails in absentee ballot voting for Leap*
*shows up with a trunk load of ballots for Leap*
You’re probably lucky I drive a Mini Cooper.
Leap, think of the PUC as a scout pack. You’d be in charge of a bunch of intellectually and emotionally immature people. Your job would be to try to guide them on their journey into becoming valuable members of society.
Hey, who would have guess that a Marxist is utterly full of shit and lives in an entirely different manner than he advocates for others?
Nono they are democratic socialist reallg it’s fine
Doesn’t he own three houses?
The rest of you states can eat Minnesoda’s shiny, sunny ass.
Excel Energy promises 100% carbon free electricity by 2050.
Actually not a bad PR move. Who the fuck will remember anything you said 30 years prior. A whole new crop of crony politicians will be in charge then.
But i though unicorn farts had methane
I like how the link first brought me to an ad with a picture of a horse-drawn sleigh. Better make sure those Clydesdales aren’t exhaling CO2.
“Never ceases to amaze me that journalists who write for aging media behemouths such as the @guardian feel compelled to smear crowd-funded independents as ‘grifters’.
Nothing more ridiculous than an antifa-sympathetic leftist being condescending towards an indie journalist who crowdfunds his own work, as opposed to being employed by a multinational conglomerate and/or the government.”
You know the difference between a crowdfunded media venture and the old guard publishing/production houses?
The crowdfunded venture has an audience that willingly paid them.
who show up at protests to stir shit
Isn’t that what the “protestors” are doing?
““Everyone’s for Sale”: A Generation of Digital-Media Darlings Prepares for a Frigid Winter
Vice, Vox, and BuzzFeed, among other companies that once heralded the dawn of a new media age, are now grappling with decidedly old-media problems.
These companies, which once heralded the dawn of a new media age—replete with massive valuations, large fund-raising hauls, and millennial sex appeal—now appeared to exhibit some traits of the brands that they once attempted to disrupt. They were large, less nimble, and increasingly vulnerable to Facebook and Google. They seemed virtually encircled by competitors familiar and new. On one side was a new generation of smaller yet influential companies focused on monetizing their direct relationships with consumers, like Axios, TheSkimm, Crooked Media, and the Athletic, to name a few. On the other were a tandem of revitalized shit-kicking legacy players, such as The New York Times and The Washington Post, who were converting subscribers at unforeseen levels in the Trump era.”
Crooked Media…’s not often that an organization is so forthcoming in their appellation.
Heard about NY trying to set a minimum wage for Uber and Lyft drivers this morning and am extremely puzzled.
Don’t drivers for those companies get paid by the trip? How can you calculate an hourly wage for them? If I am an Uber driver does this mean, I can simply sign up and sit around collecting money while not driving?
Drivers incentivized to minimize and prolong fares, and a heftier rate to pay for it. What a bunch of assholes.
They are paid by the trip, and the objective is to drive ride-sharing out of the city so the medallion owners cna resume rent-seeking.
This is just the state fighting enterprise that have bypassed its ability to pick the winners & losers in the taxi driver monopoly. Fuck these asshats.
While Xcel is confident it can meet the 2030 goals [80% reduction in carbon from 2005] using current technology, it said it is counting on other technology to either be developed or made more cost-efficient to meet the 2050 goal.
Disclaimer: No guarantees, express or implied. Dependence on currently as-yet-to-be-invented technology may impair full implementation of this plan.
OT: Now we know who pissed in my Cornflakes
People that don’t understand it is impossible to find food stuff or drinks that don’t have rodent, insect, or human poo/piss in it are always going to be surprised when stories like this come out. Assume there will be bad shit out there in everything you consume, and that it will make your immune system stronger.
There are several threads in homebrew forums with someone freaking out because they found some weevils in their malt. The best responses are those pointing out the additional protein may help head retention in the final beer.
The lesser of two weevils?
Stop it. This ant funny.
I think both of you missed the grist of my comment.
We’re not going to let you make hay out of how easily distracted- ooh shiny
Yeah, before you know it, we’ll be grubbing around for more bug puns.
Wait till they found out what the biological load of their mattress is.
heh. biological load.
I see what you did there…
“Women Are Being Asked To Record ‘Consent Videos’ And What The Hell?
Some men are going to extreme lengths to ensure they have consent.
A worrying new trend is seeing women being asked to record “consent videos” before having sex with men who fear they will be accused of assault afterward.
This dating trend involves one partner filming the other giving them verbal consent before they engage in a sexual act.”
“‘Consent videos’: why more and more men are asking women to record consent before sex”
And they say romance is dead.
I can see why women are pissed this is happening. Suddenly they might no longer be able to be a slut and take revenge on dudes that take them for the sluts they are.
80’s B sci Fi movies predicted this
Huh, who could have predicted this?
And Katy Thorne QC added that a video was nothing more than evidence and could not always determine consent.
She added: “The use of video or audio recorded consent is a very unromantic way to ask and may not be the cast iron protection the minor celebrity seeks, in fact texts and social media messages before and after the encounter might be as compelling.”
Oh, is that rich. Sulkowicz had many months’ worth of amicable text and Facebook messages with her alleged rapist, iirc, but of course that meant nothing to the kangaroo court nor the mob. And that was to ruin a nobody, a German exchange student who spurned her.
No No No you misunderstand. See they social media and texts are only compelling if they can be used to prove guilt.
So for example being a decent human being and trying to smooth things over with an upset ex by issuing a general apology for whatever thing they think you did wrong can be shown to be absolute proof that you raped them so it is much more compelling than video evidence that they actually consented
Still, Columbia’s “kangaroo court” ruled in favor of the accused — four times.
So they are admitting that giving consent prior to the act doesn’t mean shit afterwards.
Why not bring that thinking to more areas of our lives?
“Yeah, I know I promised to repay that loan, but all you have is a signed contract. My Facebook posts after I got the money where I said the loan wasn’t fair and I wan’t going to pay, proves that I am in the clear.”
You hit it on the head there Jimbo. Women complaining about this new trend, especially with the lame ass excuse that it ruins the moment, seems to me to only indicate that the real objection here is that it now prevents them from going all vindictive after the fact if the guy does anything they don’t like (like dumping them after porking them).
Thing is technically it doesn’t. So one of the things that the affirmative consent types actually have right is that consent can be removed at any point. No not retroactively but you she can consent and you can both be going to town and in the middle of it she can say stop and outside of a reasonable accommodation of time for you to comprehend what she said and that she meant it your not stopping becomes rape. So the reality is that no, just because she consented initially it does not mean you are in the clear from a false rape charge.
The only thing that might absolutely prevent a false rape charge is if you record her AFTER the fact saying she had a great time and consented to everything that just happened
Another story from a gal pal – things are getting hot ‘n’ heavy with her new fling. Before things move beyond third base (slide! slide!!!!), he stops and asks “Are you sure you want to do this?” Kind of ruined the mood but given today’s sexual climate (global cooling) it’s not a big surprise.
Adding in a video would provide a certain ah – safety net.
On a legal level it remains a terrible place that he-said-she-said isn’t always dead in the water criminally. My advice to both men and women remains to not be in private with someone who you shouldn’t be in private with: juries can’t read minds.
I also hate this on a romantic level: girls want a guy to be confident = make your move and enjoy unless she shows some other opinion; more or less kissing back and “not tonight” have been all the signal anyone has needed since the Victorians perfected our (my?) little routine. As a lapsed bachelor I can say that no women above 23 have any trouble navigating this to their satisfaction (IYKW . . . ). This situation and “solution” are, as most things go these days, contrived where simpler understanding and native instinct have always managed better.
A worrying new trend is seeing women being asked to record “consent videos” before having sex with men who fear they will be accused of assault afterward.
What exactly is “worrying” about it? For the last few years the same mendacious shits have been insisting that consent was absolutely essential for sex. Now that guys are getting it in a way they can prove, they’re “worried”? About what? About not being able to make up a false accusation about the guy after the fact?
Because they never expected an adaptation to their behaviour. They expected kowtowing and control.
insisting that consent was absolutely essential for sex
And that consent could be withdrawn at any time, including months or years afterward. And that evidence of a relationship, either before or after the fact, is not necessarily exonerating. And that, regardless of the specifics, an accusation is enough to see you fired or suspended.
I know we waited until we got married to have sex with you. I also admit my parents paid $30K for a fancy wedding where I vowed to marry you for life in front of 400 witnesses. However, I have now decided that I don’t like you and that our wedding night was totes rape.
What exactly is “worrying” about it?
It inconveniences women.
I can imagine there’s an element of “I don’t want that video floating around and I don’t trust you with it,” which, you know, says something about how we got here.
The big question is which is going down faster, the DOW or Winstons Mom
Is that a trick question? The answer is totally obvious, isn’t it?
More magical thinking about ride services
New York City’s Taxi and Limousine Commission voted today to establish a minimum wage for drivers working for companies like Uber, Lyft, Juno and Via. The city is the first in the US to set a minimum pay rate for app-based drivers. Going forward, the minimum pay will be set at $17.22 per hour after expenses, bringing it in line with the city’s $15 per hour minimum wage for typical employees, which will take effect at the end of the year. The additional $2.22 takes into account contract drivers’ payroll taxes and paid time off.
“Today we brought desperately needed relief to 80,000 working families. All workers deserve the protection of a fair, livable wage and we are proud to be setting the new bar for contractor workers’ rights in America,” Jim Conigliaro, Jr., founder of the Independent Drivers Guild, said in a statement. “We are thankful to the Mayor, Commissioner Joshi and the Taxi and Limousine Commission, City Council Member Brad Lander and all of the city officials who listened to and stood up for drivers.”
Will the law also compel people to use those ride services, after the fare increases?
Oh, no, Brookies, the goal isn’t the well-being of the Uber and Lyft drivers – it’s driving Uber and Lyft out of the market in the city.
Picking winners and losers, man…
So let me get this straight.
They don’t have set hours, they can pick and choose which fairs to take, they can even be “working ” for both companies (and heck even others) at the same time they are “on the clock”, so how exactly can the company guarantee a set hourly wage? What is to stop the driver from turning the app for both services on and leaving it on 8 hours a day, never taking a fare and spending the day driving around town doing deliveries for a messenger service?
I have to think you’re only “on the clock” from the time you accept a fare to the time you drop him off.
And if that is the case how many hours a day are you going to have to sit there waiting for fares to accumulate 8 paid hours? Sure during peak hours you probably won’t have to wait more than a few minutes between fares but you would still be looking at somewhere around 60 hours a week to generate 40 hours a week in billable hours
Today we brought desperately needed relief to 80,000 working families. All workers deserve the protection of a fair, livable wage and we are proud to be setting the new bar for contractor workers’ rights in America
Yeah, here’s a little bit of background on Jim Conigliaro. Honestly, it doesn’t look like the guy has put in a shift as an Uber or Lyft driver in his life.
“Ridesharing services vanish from NYC” .. wonder if the proles will don yellow vests and deface Gracie Mansion?
You know the idiots would be protesting Lyft and Uber for failing to accommodate NYC’s moronic, unworkable regulations.
“Among the new allegations: CBS apparently had an employee “on call” to perform oral sex on Moonves. Investigators also found that he received oral sex from four CBS employees that appeared to be “transactional.””
Those comments – comedy gold!
So they could perform a rollback on them?
How does one get that “employee on call to give head” as part of my compensation package conversation started with one’s employer? I think I want to try this…
The “Personal Services” clause isn’t legal in most states. It gets regarded as a form of prostitution.
Shit, I think I have to become a virtue signaling democrat then so I can get these sorts of bennies. I want a dress stained with my DNA in some museum and people talking about my on-call fluffer….
I think you’ve got to start your own company.
“Our future is:
Powered by our belief in one another. And we’re just getting started.”
So living in makeshift tents in the dark?
Makeshift tents? I think you give them too much credit. Try “freezing in the forest crying for Daddy to save you”.
Now that the men have done all the work, we want to take it all away from them!
John Hawkins
Verified account @johnhawkinsrwn
10h10 hours ago
Replying to @SenGillibrand
The future sounds like a bunch of dudes who don’t know what gender they are arguing over shoes.
Our future is:
Incredible. In only five words, she manages to contradict herself. You can be female, or you can be intersectional, but you can’t be both, as asserting your femalitude is denying the validity of all the male intersectionals and hyphenated intersectionals. Straight white women are nowhere near the top of the stack, sweetie.
You can either be Team Chick, or you can be Team Intersection, but in the zero sum world of identity politics, you can’t be both.
In a sane world, somewhere, 19,849,399 people are tired of her shit.
Study: More than 7-in-10 California Immigrant Households Are on Welfare
That’s a racist study.
I blame the Democrats taking back the house. Want to take a long piss on the economy? That’s as good a way as any.
Maybe. But I think speechifying about tariffs is also a factor.
I don’t know, I think the yield curve being slightly inverted spooked the market more than anything
“Steve Bannon will no longer be speaking at UM, the latest and third event to be canceled following the announcement he would be a keynote speaker at a joint conference on sex robots this month.”
Do anti-globalists dream of electric sheep?
Only the Welsh – who’ll be happy that Amazon will know when to reorder their barrels of lube, but don’t realize what other data gets collected.
“Our future is:
Powered by our belief in one another. And we’re just getting started.”
The sooner these people all disappear up their own assholes, the better.
I’ve related before that there’s a woman in my office who watches all Trump press conferences at work, with the sole purpose being to get herself into a state of anger so she can wander around and complain to coworkers about the monster. She’s analyzing the GHW Bush memorial service right now like the Zapruder film, looking for any misstep or slight by Trump. So far, all I can glean is that Melania wears too much makeup and has totally had plastic surgery.
Why? Why do people want to be outraged?
I’m triggered by your lack of concern for my outrage!
Some people need drama and they aren’t getting enough at home.
Figured they could just watch soap operas or reality TV.
Women sure make bachelorism attractive. Oops, I mean botulism.
To avoid introspection and the realization of how empty and sad their lives are?
As Randal says in Clerks, “There’s nothing more exhilarating than pointing out the shortcomings of others, is there?”
The feeling of righteous indignation can be a powerful drug.
With these sorts is always comes down to providing meaning to a meaningless existence….
It is cathartic. She can be outraged over Cheeto Monster and not have to think about the panties she found in her husband’s jacket pocket last week.
This morning, the news showed a clip of Bob Dole standing & saluting (with assistance) at the memorial. Oddly, I was moved by the moment.
“Please mourn.”
(Sorry, Jeb!.)
“Follow these students’ example: If someone complains about your American flag, get a bigger one
As a story emerges about a Stanford University pooh bah advising a fraternity last year to take down an American flag for fear of offending people, please allow a brief lamentation that the fraternity’s patriotic reply appears to be an ever-rarer response from today’s generation of younger adults.
As Paul Bedard reported in these pages last week, “Younger Americans are turning on the country and forgetting its ideals, with nearly half believing that it isn’t ‘great’ and many eyeing the U.S. flag as ‘a sign of intolerance and hatred,’ according to a new and disturbing survey.”
It is heartening, then, to read that when the Stanford administrator dared “imply that the American flag, as a symbol, could be intimidating, aggressive or alienating,” the frat he was advising responded by “instead choosing to replace it with an even bigger one.””
Oh, hell yeah. That’s how you play the snowflakes: turn up the effing heat.
I think in this instance, it’s a case of old fashioned “Don’t tell us what to do”
Words I constantly had to use with my ex.
turn up the effing heat
And, apparently, take it national. I think that might be the key to winning these college wars. The people pushing campus totalitarianism hold the levers of power at the school. A broad swath of the student bodies support them. And a significant portion of the rest of the student body is either cowed or simply has much better things to do than get involved in these fights. But, colleges are notoriously publicity sensitive institutions. What they don’t want to have is their names plastered across the internet or the significant news outlets with stories about how they hate the American flag. That tends to get the attention of trustees and, especially, potential alumni donors. And not the type of attention they’re looking for.
“And a significant portion of the rest of the student body is either cowed or simply has much better things to do than get involved in these fights.”
Like graduating with and doing so with grades that make employment opportunities viable? Because this is the main reason I hear most people that know how stupid this shit is and otherwise would call the asshats out on it, go out of their way to avoid the whole mess.
” I have shot people in defense of that flag. If you try to take it down, I shit you not Sunshine, I will shoot you too.”
Ok, that might be a little too hot.
“Every generation, civilization is invaded by barbarians,” and they’re gaining ground.
Why would someone find an American flag offensive? And if they did, how do they navigate daily life, considering every single government building has one, including schools and post offices? The only reasonably legitimate argument I’ve heard about not flying a flag (aside from just not wanting to) is that the various protocols involved might be a bit much for people who just want to demonstrate their love of country.
Something something colonialism, genocide of aboriginals, oppression of black bodies, systemic white supremacy, systemic patriarchy, oppressive capitalism, income inequality, etc
Shorter SJW: mommy didn’t spank me enough as a kid
God that’s the most ridiculous bullshit I’ve ever heard. Whenever I see these idiots bitching and moaning about how terrible this country is I want to ship them off to, oh, anywhere else and call them in five years to check in. I’m not an especially patriotic person, and I know there are a lot of wonderful places in the world, but I will say this without reservation: being lucky enough to be born American is like winning the fuckin’ lottery. For as much as is wrong with this country and as much as I’d change, there is no country on Earth I’d rather live in. Shit, even among the developed, free world there’s nowhere even close to as free a place as this, and I’m even taking NY and CA into consideration when I say that.
various protocols involved might be a bit much for people who just want to demonstrate their love of country
yes: there is nothing patriotic about a ratty flag, for example; and I really hate those left out at night unlit
So I know all my Eagle Scout rules about the flag, but it’s never occurred to me to fly one at home or at work. I don’t need to signal my castle’s ownership or to rally my brigade. I can’t remember any Frenchman or Japanese wearing a lapel pin into my office; I wouldn’t hate it, but it would be odd, and I can’t imagine ever doing it. But then I don’t even do bumper stickers, and my Cardinals cap is subdued because I don’t want the top of my head lit up like a baboon’s ass in STL red. This is probably just Confederate ScotsIrish stay on your own hill and keep your head down notions I inherited that don’t apply to normal people.
Loving the US is touchy stuff; I merely love its ideals, but most of my neighbors are statist assholes, and I think that’s what the flag means to most people: center, provider, rulegiver, and church. So I don’t go in for Stars and Stripes much in the same way that militarism (and other plastic patriotisms) give on to adventurism. To the extent that it is still not widely accepted that American efforts in Asia, for example, since 1949 have been mostly stupid and unhelpful, I’m not so hot about F14 fly-overs; I came to watch a football game, not reinforce mindless loyalty to institutions that are regularly highjacked in ways that get my people taxed and killed for nothing.
But yeah, property rights first: they should do whatever they want with their property.
I’ve heard that people from other countries think it’s weird that private citizens fly the flag, the reasoning being that it’s silly to use a device intended to signal territorial possession when you’re in the middle of said territory. Like you might walk down the street and forget that you’re in the US or something.
It’s an idea and a concept on top of the soil it occupies.
Really random: Who’s missing: there was this guy who enjoyed ranting here, took some meds, maybe mildly autistic. Sadly, we were almost a sort of therapy for him (I share that, of course). Maybe had a youthful caricature as an avatar?
Sorry for this awkward post: weird caffeine schedule for me today.
Juvenile Bluster?
I saw JB last week; maybe I’m wrong; this thread is stoopid: sorry, somewhere around 100 peeps I lose track of detail
I know my best mental days are well behind me because all I’m sure of anymore is when I know something won’t work
Ranty and autistic? Doesn’t sound like anyone here.
Yeah, we’re more Apsy and Opinionated.
Yeah, way to narrow it down. Lemme guess, trends sarcastic? Doesn’t read the links?
Sounds like Tulpa.
can’t stop laughing: thanks all
Well, if we can’t laugh at ourselves, who can we laugh at?
Mazie Hirono.
You know who’s missing? Becky Hurt and Cortez Cortez, that’s who.
I had some plot fragment ideas for the sequel to “Beyond the Edge of the Map”, but most of them require that the narrator get involved with a local war that he has no good reason to meddle in. The locals have plenty of reason to want him to get involved on their side, but I am drawing a blank on how they might get him to join.
make him a distant relative of Bush
This involves personally going into dangerous situations where the primary beneficiaries are other people.
The narrator is already a well-established character (this being a sequel and all) and has a greedy, self-interested streak alloyed with pragmatism and tempered by a mote of nobility.
They off some really sweet swag.
Those would be most obvious.
If you dig around for some testimonies from North West Frontier in 19th century, I’m sure there were ways clever local chieftains got Brits onside, by goading their enemies to make a wrong step, or lying to the Brits, but the truth comes out too late.
The protagonist accidentally hurts someone or violates a harsh taboo, he may have to band with the other side for pure survival.
HIs ship/conveyance is broken and only one of the sides has the facilities to repair it? Or, he has an option of whom he’ll join but he can’t keep traveling until he gets help from one side?
No idea the broader context, but maybe some kind of false flag thing (a theft, maybe?) that the locals run to get him crossways with the other side to suck him in?
Also gives some possibilities for turnabout later, if you let him discover he’s been played.
The framework of his visit to the region is thus:
The narrator is a merchant/explorer who’s arrived on a continent that was known by earlier civilizations from his homeland but has been isolated for centuries, enough for linguistic drift to make it difficult to communicate. His measurements of his position indicate that he’s come so far east, that it would be shorter to keep going east to get home. Moreover going west takes him through more known hostile territories.
His trip east is delayed when he finds that the combination of trade winds and monsoon cycle means that there is only one viable window to sail east each year, and he arrived too late to take advantage of it. So he accepts the hospitality of the first group of locals and takes the time to pick up their language. The next complication is that the group he’s been buddy-buddy with is at war with the group whose lands border the southern passage he has to take.
Perhaps he doesn’t realize that the group he’s been duped into opposing is the same as the group whose lands he needs to cross. When he figures that out (too late), he now has to pull off a double-cross to get in tight with the group he needs to get to the southern passage. If he’s a right bastard, this would play into his established character, and should give plenty of opportunities for conflict and drama. His relative unfamiliarity with the language also adds a plausible way to set up the initial “misunderstanding” where he was duped.
Changing sides prevents the plot ideas I have from coming to pass.
Sounds like he needs to join up with the side whose land he needs to cross to get to the southern passage, which solves your motivation problem.
That side is the one least likely to cooperate, and being their friend negates the ideas.
When I was a wee lad in the early 90s, I was playing a video on the front room TV when my mom came home and told me to turn on the news. Now, I was playing Nintendo which did not allow you to save and I finally got far in the video game “Wizards and Warriors”, but my mom was insistent that I change the channel to the news, because war had been declared on Iraq. I had to turn off the video game and I never got as far in that game again. I never forgave George HW Bush for that.
But, now I have a day off because of his passing. Me and George are square now.
There’s something I don’t miss – the inability to save a game when life intrudes.
Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Genesis does what nintendon’t.
Wizards and Warriors was my nemesis. I always had a hard time getting past the level after the woods.
Oh wait. I was thinking we were discussing pr0n.
I think that was the ice level. After that was the fire level. That was as far as I got
Along those lines, Charles CW Cooke has a good comment about the over the top fetishization of the presidency.
Perfect. Of course it takes a former Englishman to say it out loud.
The stock market is closed? WTF? A day after a precipitous drop in average share prices… we used to euphemize it a banker’s holiday when the feds closed down the banks to stop a panic.
Random thought:
Permanently Ex-Prez Bush may have done us a solid. I’m thinking giving the markets a day to cool off after yesterday’s ass-whipping may not be a bad thing.
I agree. We can try a meeting of Yalta thing later.
I almost threw up at the thought of that.
Why do people hate food so much?
Looks delicious.
#43’s appearance is tricking me into thinking she’d be interesting and kind.
OK, now we’re talking. Brunettes are my kryptonite. Especially happy, normal looking ones.
Too many to choose from but since I’m required by law to pick a winner:
#6 is a good choice. I would’ve gone with her if she were a bit more top heavy.
6 has got a pretty face, but she needs more curves everywhere for my taste.
45 has too much makeup on, but day-yam, that booty is a winner
Damn, this is making me reconsider having brunettes at the bottom of my hair colour preference!
Noice. No ink. Tits aren’t too big.
What I’m listening to this morning.
I forgot how good this record is.
NewWife knows about cool new tunes and bands like this of which I would never hear given my ancient habits.
Related: I’m told tupelos grow all the way to Canada, but I’ve never seen one outside a Southern swamp.
President Trump traversed a wide political chasm Tuesday evening when he personally welcomed George W. Bush, his occasional foil, to Blair House, the presidential guest quarters across Pennsylvania Avenue from the White House.
But the actual distance was just 250 yards — a route Trump and his wife Melania traveled in the presidential parade limousine, with a motorcade of at least seven other vehicles.
The Trumps spent 23 minutes visiting with Bush and his wife, Laura, by all accounts a cordial meeting in which the former president exchanged kisses on the cheek with the current first lady at the curb.
The need for the motorcade, however, prompted questions, and a healthy dose of speculation, about why the Trumps were unable — or unwilling — to simply walk across the street.
“Presidents, including the last one, have made the walk before,” observed Edward Price, who served as National Security Council spokesman in the Obama administration.
That Trump- what a hypocrite. The Secret Service begged him to walk, but he refused.
Oh look, they dredged up that Ned Price character again, the Millennial guy who had some nothing job at NSA who somehow got a huffy WaPo editorial published about something something Orange Man Bad. Exactly why would anyone give a shit about Ned Price’s opinions about this, or anything else for that matter? Because he’s ESPECIALLY vehement about Orange Man Bad, that’s why.
Trump should get an elephant with a palanquin for local trips.
Needs moar gold.
As ridiculous as Teen Vogue is, haven’t these dooshbags ever heard of the Streisand effect? Why put this back in the news?
SoCons gonna SoCon.
NB: The first time I ever did a girl in the butt I was a teenager and I didn’t need a guide. It’s not rocket science.
whenever I see the traffic in this city I am happy I take the subway to work
The locals have plenty of reason to want him to get involved on their side, but I am drawing a blank on how they might get him to join.
False flag attack.
Get a bigger flag.
Broken clock, blind squirrel, etc. etc.
TW: Shikha.
Text formatting, how does it work?
Wait! You say this woman has a 2 on the crazy axis and a 10 on the hot axis of the hot/crazy matrix? IT’S A TRANNY MAN!
so like a normal woman only smarter
Wow. Harsh.
Last name of “Ponce”? Really?
Wow. Rudy just has no idea how any of this works, does he?
This is Precious Bodily Fluids level stupid.
AlexinCT you shoulda Mozambiqued that sumbitch. That was your mistake.
Guilty as charged.
I have to take a moment to sing the praises of free enterprise and liberty to try and fail (not gonna use the disparaging term capitalism; lot of things are tried without getting “fat cat” investors involved).
Here I sit on an airplane from San Diego to Atlanta, using wi-fi inflight. I just bought 2 Christmas presents online that will be delivered tomorrow. I used a debit card that was tucked in a hidden pocket in a scarf I got from Etsy to buy a cocktail.
I contacted my travel agent to adjust my plans slightly because my coworker emailed me he was sick. Using my phone. From a plane.
Suck it, Venezuela and other socialist pieces of idiocy/shit (“never ascribe to malice” yada yada yada).
For you.
Ok, see now we learn there is room for improvement. Can’t stream vid on the plane.
I do see however that I have wireless calling—just not going to be that annoying seat mate.
BTW Delta>>>>>American for seat comfort and room. In coach even.
It was the Who – I’m Free
And yes, Comfort Class is fine for short hops. Delta stick sucks ass, though.
Virgin America, when they were still around, was the superior choice for all domestic routes. I miss them terribly.
My last flight, my seatmate spent the entire freaking 2 hour flight recording some kind of botany lecture.
Praise Allah for Bose noise-cancelling headphones. They are the only thing that saved him from being stuffed out the window at 30,000 feet, and saved me from the paperwork that would be sure to ensue.
Good lord, I’m impressed by your restraint .
I might have had to say something and it would not have been diplomatic
Anyone who flies should get noise-cancelling headphones. The Bose ones, at least, work miracles on background noise. With the movie on and the noise cancellation cranked, his yammering was barely noticable and easily ignorable.
I don’t use noise-cancelling headphones. I just play the loudest punk music I have at a level just below the pain/permanent damage threshold, then fall asleep. Actually had a flight attendant ask me how I could sleep with that blaring in my ears….
Isn’t shit like that awesome? Every day I do something that makes me feel like I’m living in the Jetsons. I can order tailored shirts from London and have them shipped to my doorstep by tapping on pictures on my phone. I’m getting an MBA over the Internet. All of the movies I could ever possibly watch in one lifetime are delivered on demand instantly to my house through fiber optic cable. Twenty years ago that was science fiction!
High five!
Plus you can check the weather and see it is 10 degrees cooler than normal before you even step outside.
Small colleges like this are in their death throes anyway so, self-correcting problem.
RE: ridesharing above.
Wife and I had our first Lyft ride yesterday. We wanted to go to lunch while our car was being serviced and instead of Courtesy Cars the dealership uses Lyft. My question is, since the dealer paid for the ride was I obliged to tip the driver?
… Hobbit
My gut would be to tip, but that’s my default position: when in doubt, tip. In 99% of service situations it’s at least acceptable if not expected, and I’ve never met anyone who didn’t appreciate a little financial recognition.
^ agreed, but I’m a solid tipper anyway
Also, I always feel a little sorry for anyone who goes into the wear-my-car-out-for-minimum-wage model. I don’t give money to bums, but these guys are doing something, at least getting out, investing, exposing themselves to random risks, and being passably social for a few minutes, so I guess I subsidize it.
Thanks for the replies. As I mentioned, It was my first time. Normally I include the tip as part of the payment but since there was no payment I didn’t think of it until he pulled away.
I mean, I don’t think it’s like stiffing a waiter or something, I’m sure you’re not the first or last person who hasn’t tipped in that situation for the very reason you mentioned.
I assume the dealership is just having its courtesy cars do double-duty as rideshares.
If you would tip the courtesy car driver, then tip this driver. If not, then don’t.
there is nothing patriotic about a ratty flag, for example; and I really hate those left out at night unlit
There were a few times when I was a kid, riding around with my grandfather, when he’d go into a frothing rage about some raggedy old flag hanging on somebody’s porch. There were a couple of times when I seriously thought he was going to go up to the house and start banging on the door to chastise them.
A lot of companies have responded to my emails about flag protocol. Often their sites allow you to critique a location by address; sometimes that manager is making his numbers by deferring maintenance and just hasn’t been called on it. Ratty flags have been replaced immediately by Bank of America and Burger King in recent memory.
A new flag is cheaper than bad publicity.
irony de jour: my avatar here is borrowed by my school’s alums from my adopted state’s flag
it’s the most signalling I do, and I doubt anyone here noticed, has a clue, or would care . . . which is good
And all this time I thought you were some god-forsaken Nashville Predators fan
Westerners fairly feud with Nashville; there’s three stars on the flag to celebrate the distance between the parts of the state rather than their alignment
FWIW I was a Stars fan in my day; my faves were Carbonneau and Zubov.
I just thought you were an Akira Toriyama fan.
The orientation (or lack thereof IMHO) of the stars on the TN flag has always bugged the vexillological heck out of me.
Being raggedy gives proof through the night that the flag is still there.
One of the other leaders in my son’s Boy Scout troop was a former Marine. He had a habbit of going to businesses, taking down their torn flags, and giving them to the Boy Scouts to retire.
On more than one occasion, a pissed-off owner/manager would confront him and threaten to call the police. He would calmly suggest that they do call the police and then he would recite the federal flag statue and point out they were breaking the law. No one ever followed through on calling the police.
Except for the fact that the flag code is merely advisory and has no force in law. Plus he is taking their property without permission. His Theft of worn flags should have landed him in prison should the police actually be called.
Just explain that face to face with a dude whose license plate was EXJARHD.
what’s so libertarian about might makes right ?
when he’d go into a frothing rage about some raggedy old flag hanging on somebody’s porch
I responded to a story about a guy that got upset by the display of tattered flags. I told a story of another guy that got upset by the display of tattered flags.
I don’t believe I said I agreed or disagreed with his behavior.
Just noting that a guy that got shot at in Vietnam was a bit touchy about people disrespecting the American flag.
a bit touchy
I’m probably a bit touchy, too: you didn’t say it was a good thing; maybe you could have noted it is a bad thing; lacking that note, UCS wrote what I was thinking. The anecdote seemed to have drifted into endorsement of violence, but, of course, this is an unreliable medium on a good day.
I’m sticking to my guns: 4) A Scout is friendly. All that is required is a friendly email.
I’m a NAP guy; people should be held responsible for their aggression. That said, I come from hillbillies; my DNA is cannon fodder proven in ways that I respectfully but forcefully submit rivals anyone American’s; that in and of itself doesn’t remotely justify violence when I see something I don’t like, and I’d be shattered if anyone construed anything I wrote to so imply.
Along that line, I’d feel bad if I got way out of line because I misread you.
I could have noted he was a Vet from way back when I lived in Arizona.
I could have also noted that every new housing development had a model home with a flag outside. Well over half of them were torn and tattered.
I could have noted that I found his behavior both amusing and appalling. But I didn’t because I am working and posting at the same time.
Off to the lab. Won’t be back for a couple of hours.
If he gets violent, assault gets added to his list of crimes. Just randomly taking someone elses property because they offend you sensibilities is not acceptable regardless of the sensibilities in question.
4) A Scout is friendly.
A Marine is “No better friend, no worse enemy”. See, that was him being friendly.