The weather here sucks, I’m sleep deprived, and grumpy. You’ve been warned. I better just stick to the business at hand.

Next week right here at Glib Central, we’ve got Links served up by OMWC, Sloopy, Brett L and perhaps others of varying human form and non human form. You’ll get a poll that might actually be more useful than usual. You’re not getting a Vegan School, but you are getting a food post from CPRM in that time slot.

Not Adahn will warn you apprise you of that which is going on with the stars, and Nephilium continues his series on Enslaving Yeast. Gadianton is back with part 3 of his sub-series on the Plan of Salvation. Tuesday, Suthenboy muses and Swiss updates. Later in the week, trshmnstr tries something new, banginglc1 tells us what else the government screws up (this could be a neverending series!), and Animal brings us a history lesson. I suspect mexican sharpshooter will be along on Saturday with a review/not a review.

And perhaps, if everyone says nice things to SugarFree in the comments, we’ll get a story on Wednesday!

As always, we are actively seeking articles from the community. Join your fellow Glibs on the Contributing Writers page.

Please indulge a short personal off topic comment. It’s the gifting time of year for many folks. I’ve spoken before about my love of microfinance platform One of my favorite gifts to give (and receive) is a Kiva Card. (How many reindeer sweaters does anyone really need?) Your recipient gets the joy of choosing an entrepreneur to whom to make a loan, and the loan recipient gets a shot at realizing a goal. After the loan is repaid, your Kiva Card recipient can then re-loan that $25 again and again impacting many people around the world.

I love that it’s not a donation, it’s a loan that can really change the world one person at a time. Under my Super Secret Real Life Identity, I’ve made nearly 100 loans since joining way back when Kiva was brand spanking new.

We’ve set up a Glibertarians Kiva Lending Team. We’d love to have you join and invest in a person of your choosing. Joining a Lending Team isn’t necessary, but it’s fun to see the extra impact a group of people can have. There is a link to acquire and send a Gift Card right at the top of the Lending Team page.

(If you already lend on Kiva, here’s a tip to mask your Glibness: set up a new Kiva account and fund it with gift cards from your Real Life account.)

We now return you to your regularly scheduled Saturday Night Open Post! Have a great rest of your weekend!