The weather here sucks, I’m sleep deprived, and grumpy. You’ve been warned. I better just stick to the business at hand.
Next week right here at Glib Central, we’ve got Links served up by OMWC, Sloopy, Brett L and perhaps others of varying human form and non human form. You’ll get a poll that might actually be more useful than usual. You’re not getting a Vegan School, but you are getting a food post from CPRM in that time slot.
Not Adahn will warn you apprise you of that which is going on with the stars, and Nephilium continues his series on Enslaving Yeast. Gadianton is back with part 3 of his sub-series on the Plan of Salvation. Tuesday, Suthenboy muses and Swiss updates. Later in the week, trshmnstr tries something new, banginglc1 tells us what else the government screws up (this could be a neverending series!), and Animal brings us a history lesson. I suspect mexican sharpshooter will be along on Saturday with a review/not a review.
And perhaps, if everyone says nice things to SugarFree in the comments, we’ll get a story on Wednesday!
As always, we are actively seeking articles from the community. Join your fellow Glibs on the Contributing Writers page.
Please indulge a short personal off topic comment. It’s the gifting time of year for many folks. I’ve spoken before about my love of microfinance platform One of my favorite gifts to give (and receive) is a Kiva Card. (How many reindeer sweaters does anyone really need?) Your recipient gets the joy of choosing an entrepreneur to whom to make a loan, and the loan recipient gets a shot at realizing a goal. After the loan is repaid, your Kiva Card recipient can then re-loan that $25 again and again impacting many people around the world.
I love that it’s not a donation, it’s a loan that can really change the world one person at a time. Under my Super Secret Real Life Identity, I’ve made nearly 100 loans since joining way back when Kiva was brand spanking new.
We’ve set up a Glibertarians Kiva Lending Team. We’d love to have you join and invest in a person of your choosing. Joining a Lending Team isn’t necessary, but it’s fun to see the extra impact a group of people can have. There is a link to acquire and send a Gift Card right at the top of the Lending Team page.
(If you already lend on Kiva, here’s a tip to mask your Glibness: set up a new Kiva account and fund it with gift cards from your Real Life account.)
We now return you to your regularly scheduled Saturday Night Open Post! Have a great rest of your weekend!
Snow is falling at Albertson’s stadium.
Should make for an interesting game.
Switching between that and the Clemson/Pitt game. Pitt is losing mostly because of shooting themselves in the foot with penalties (and letting Clemson score on a long run on their first play…)
So far, the wrong Broncos have shown up tonight.
Yea you’d think Denver would crush a college team. . .
Denver has a football team?
Now how is Tres Cool supposed to give us his motherfucking theme music?
You’re welcome.
This will offend many a libertarian but, as a matter of retail politics, she is probably right.
Huh, funny that how he already labeled her loss as her failure of her not embracing him. The first to make an excuse is the one that is remembered.
She is right. People want their Mommy and Daddy to love them. It’s just that libertarians don’t view the govt as Mom and/or Dad.
I agree. Unfortunately, in American politics today it appears necessary if you want to win.
The government isn’t Mom or Dad. It’s your weird uncle Joe who wants you to think he cares, but he only comes over to rifle through the medicine cabinet and give your sister an uncomfortably long hug. Do NOT piss him off.
Sounds like identity politics to me. A party has a platform. Nothing about the red teams platform is anti black, anti woman or anti minority. Trump seems like the most inclusive president yet, what with his embrace of gay marriage even while campaigning, his hiring of various female cabinet members and his having actual orthodox jews in his family. He’s reckless and often makes wrong headed choices, but he ain’t no racist/misogynist. Women and minorities are plenty welcome in the red party.
Other than “my policies are better for your identity group”, WTF is he supposed to say that won’t be immediately shot down by Democrats looking to keep their own down?
Of course the Dems will do that. But the utter lack of effort by Trump and the Republicans is hurting them.
Fair enough, but let’s also remember Trump != Republicans.
Not patronizing is patronizing?
Yes, just today I noticed this poor usage in a show.
Why would any commentary on the outreach of the Republican Party offend libertarians?
Hit’nRunpublicans on the other hand….
But the crew back at Hit’n’Run have assured me everyone here is just a Trumpsucker!
From my point of view, the Jedi are evil!
“I have the high ground!”
The work of a clear case of a Trump fan #StartingSaturday
Anakin witnessed the Jedi breaking their own rules, which made him disillusioned and led him to the dark side.
What rules were those? None mentioned in the actual stories as far as I can tell.
I’m sure that’s what he told himself, but the motherfucker was in a secret marriage long before he saw Mace, Ki Adi Mundi, etc. get all “pragmatic” during the Clone Wars.
If anything by the Jedi led him to the dark side, it was them taking him from his mother and leaving her to eventually die at the hands of the Sand People.
See Mikey’s comment above.
Point taken. I just note a number of glibs are conservatarians or libs making a temporary home with Team R because of the current excesses of Team D.
I wonder if Betsy DeVos and Ben Carson agree with Mia on this. If anyone’s making them feel unwelcome, it’s not coming from the right.
“I remember growing up and going over to friends’ homes that didn’t necessarily look like me. And it was always in the back of your mind, if that face that they were putting in front of you is the same face that they had when they were talking to their children when you were out the door — whether it was people that I have dated in high school or friends,” Love said. “You need to feel that somebody really trusts you, that you are really taking them home.”
If I lived my life letting poisonous thoughts like that fester in my head, I would be totally miserable. IDGAF about what people may be thinking in the privacy of their own head as long as they treat me fairly.
Sometimes I think the whole point of being a lefty is to vomit out your inner-most fears, admit you’re much too pussy to deal with them, and encourage others to be every bit as afraid as you are.
Some dude bumped into me on the platform yesterday. Do I jump to the conclusion that he did it on purpose? Do I assume it was an accident? Or do I just keep on walking and ignore it because it wasn’t a big deal? I went with the last choice.
That’s the sort of thing that keeps these people up at night. Did I do something to provoke him bumping in to me? Oh, why can’t I blend into the crowd better and not draw attention to myself? Damn individuality! Always causing me to microagress!
Yes, I remember those thoughts to, as white boy growing up in Wisconsin. Bigotry cuts both ways, but only one way is acceptable to talk about.
I’ve been reading that quote, trying to come up with snark… and I can’t. I thought I wasn’t good in social situations, but I’ve never been that bad. Fuck, I dated a girl in high school who’s father was in the KKK and threatened to beat me up once. Me being a punk ass skinny teenager offered him the first swing. He never took it, and we found reasons to not be in the same room going forward.
She’s positing a frame of mind that makes it a Catch-22 for everyone around her. If she’s always suspecting that you’re in the KKK, there’s nothing you can say or do about it.
Boo hoo hoo… I didn’t get picked for the travel team even though I have a mediocre bat and questionable defensive skills. Boo hoo hoo…
That CPRM post is just gonna be trash, hard pass from me.
Who really needs this many posts on how to make your own alcohol anyways?
On my to do list for weeks now is ordering a carboy and yeast. I bought honey last week.
Very nice. Do you have a recipe that you’re planning on using?
I generally test my mead concepts out at the 1 gallon level, that way if something doesn’t work out as expected, it’s not as costly of a mistake. It also means drinking the mistakes is much easier. Of course, sometimes what I consider a mistake is someone else’s ambrosia. I did a coffee mead once with cold extract coffee, honey, and then a touch of lactose to add body and some sweetness. The coffee flavor was there, but it wound up too sweet for my tastes. Those who prefer their coffee to come in milkshake form from Starbucks loved it.
I was going to follow the one you posted.
The Joe’s Ancient Orange Mead? Then stick with the bread yeast for that one. It’s strange, but that entire recipe is a list of things not to do that all cancel each other out and make a balanced drink.
Yep. As I know you know, it’s a very tried and true recipe that has been around for at least a decade or two. It’s a wonderful introduction to mead making.
When you first posted that recipe here, someone commented a plea for people to use a better yeast. While I understand an experienced mead maker’s knee-jerk reaction to feel that way, that recipe is what it is for a very good reason. It is an extremely simple way to get people introduced to making mead at home. And it makes good mead, to boot.
Better a carboy than a pool boy.
Depends on who you are.
I’m pretty sure his recipes involve dead critters. (We few vegetarian and vegan glibs hardest hit.)
So you’re a person with knowledge of [REDACTED]?
Serious question for the Glibertarian overlords. What is your fiscal year? I’d like to donate and know my funds will go towards your overhead rather than getting donated to charity.
This is not a knock on who you gave too. It’s just my crusty way of trying to pay my own way.
All donations should be made to 😉
Uh, see your bank account. It’s not a lot but it is recurring.
Oh, so you’re [REDACTED]? Ok, I’ll message you to see how you want to be credited then.
Donating to CPRM is a thankless gesture – you are not alone.
Wait, when did this happen? Paypal doesn’t tell me handles you know.
Paypal does allow notes “you know” – mine included a handle.
I’m sorry if I missed that, I really did not see that message. Some things get directed to my spam folder even from the same websites I’ve white listed. You’ll get a credit in the next episode. I do apologize. But, I’m still making cartoons, so hopefully you’ve gotten some entertainment for your expense.
Not quite related to your post, but any of you who shop at Amazon should take a look at Same basic site, but with .5% (yes, half of a percent) of all of your purchases being donated to a charity of your choice. The Institute for Justice is an available charity there.
Seconded. I always shop instead of the regular URL.
Thirded. And I chose IJ.
I too use IJ
Me too. I love those people.
For sure. The frustrating part is if you link to something on Amazon from another site, it doesn’t automatically get to your Smile.Amazon page. I only bring that up so everyone is aware of that.
And I will proudly say that my Smile charity is my state’s 4H clubs.
I use smile and my proceeds go to SAF.
I am not on the Board or involved in that side of things at all, so, I shall inquire of our General Counsel. It will be a while because he’s at a party drinking all the best wines. Without me.
You know how lawyers are.
Damn them. Damn them all to hell. ?
Single payer law, because no lawyer does anything worth more than minimum wage.
Interesting to see how quickly things are moving in China, etc. Glad these guys are still filming:
That was a weird setting for a discussion of international politics, yet still more informed than the corporate press.
They’re moving their media base out of China (with some hints of bad things were/threatened to happen) and doing more bike riding/exploration world wide. Haven’t watched that one, but some of their others are downright scary. Particularly how the MSM is totally blowing it Walter Duranty style. Again.
And since I haven’t seen it mentioned yet… fear our Midwestern Technical Savvy!
LOL. Could be overpaid on the date of payment and underpaid on the date of acceptance, does that mean you owe back taxes?
“You can’t hug a widow with bitcoin”
– John Kasich
5 RIDICULOUS things happening in Australia RIGHT NOW
She looks like she had a stroke.
Does declaring martial law, imposing national curfews, and closing off your borders still make a liberal state? Asking for Ukraine
“There is no Crimea in the Ukraine.” -Russia
Putin is developing new found respect for Ukrainian adversaries
I was make joke! Crime, Crimea! In Putin Russia joke make….(comrade commenter haz been
assassinatedapprehended.In Putin’s Russia, car drives you…off road into ditch in mysterious accidental death
Should only be for about a month – gotta be done well before the elections.
FWIW neither The Ukraine nor Russia have ever been on my bucket list. Have at it, lads – just leave us out please.
Well, too bad for us that Slick Willy entangled us in a mutual defense treaty with Ukraine back in ’94.
Obama decided we didn’t have to follow that so it doesn’t matter.
Thanks, Obama!
Too bad for Ukraine they believed it and gave up their nukes.
I was in Crimea when it was part of Ukraine. Yalta was absolutely gorgeous.
I’ve already traversed russia once so I have no reason to do it again. Besides, there’s no way rt could be as interesting the second time as it was the first time.
Nephilium continues his series on Enslaving Yeast.
I am falling behind. Neph is on number three, and I am still finishing up number two.
Old people get so obsessed with bathroom habits…
I don’t wanna know what Number 3 is….
It was always vomiting in my house.
A Number 4 on the other hand….
Making thick?
If it makes you feel better, I’ve got four and five as drafts already. Which gets up to extract beer. Then the fun of diving into the ingredients.
Shit, this means I need to finish reading Water, don’t I? I will say without shame that the Brewing Elements books are dense and heavy reads that go above my head. Of course, I’m a college drop out who was going for a BA in English, so I don’t exactly have the chemistry background that’s expected from these books.
I just found out that a former co-worker just died. 39. Drank himself to death.
May sound harsh at this time, but did he have kids?
A son, 19ish.
Ugh. That’s rough. Sorry, Man. When you say, “Drank himself to death” does that mean years of heavy drinking or does that mean he just powered through way too much booze in one sitting?
Heavy, heavy drinker. I understand that toward the end he was polishing off a bottle of Jack a day.
If there were no consequences to drinking heavily (hangovers, loss of money, loss of time, health issues, family trouble), I’d drink a lot more. But I suppose that’s the point.
Sorry to hear it.
Sorry 🙁
Thanks to all for the condolences.
I have to say, though, that I have a hard time feeling sorry for the guy. He committed suicide, albeit slowly, and he was in an abusive household.
There’s a scene in The Maltese Falcon where Sam Spade is talking about his partner’s death: “He had a fat insurance policy and a wife who didn’t like him.”
My condolences, additionally.
Invasion of the curvaceous ladies on your Saturday night.
Have a drink with 24. 22 O Canada.
My policy is to scroll up from the bottom so their faces don’t ruin the beauty of their bodies. 26 is the perfect example.
I’m willing to negotiate the terms of surrender.
Meh. Not thrilled with this group.
2 looks enthused.
35, 53, 59, 63
Sign of the singularity. Those are Hillary’s measurements.
Her thorax thicc.
Her ankles thiccer..
Apparently there is a basketball world cup going on right now. I noticed that Syria is playing New Zealand. It’s interesting how Syria fields national sports teams given their current situation.
“What situation is that?” Pushes gay off roof. Blinks. “What are you talking about?”
ug, Gilmored response to Rebel Scum above.
Not P Brooksed?
I’m not even sure anymore, we’re beyond meta here.
Crap. GG Show got bumped for some 41 tribute thing. I can understand it getting bumped if there is important breaking news because it’s a news channel. But “he’s still dead” is not news.
Well, ‘Now that he’s dead he was the bested most qualified President ever’ is news, since herself was until yesterday the most qualified ever.
Wait until she dies.
*Holds breath*
I just think the show gets bumped way too often.
Golden Girls?
Greg Gutfeld
They’re similar.
Over made up carachatures telling half-baked jokes to canned laughter? Knowing the punchline even before the premise? Not GG!
Maybe I shouldn’t be piling on the dude right after he died, but these fucking assholes keep throwing out how wonderful he was and then calling us heartless bastards for pointing out the shit he did that resulted in actual deaths of average people. It’s infuriating.
Well, he did head the CIA for awhile and lefties have a new-found love for the deep state since November 9, 2016. It stands to reason.
It isn’t?
The American Revolution – OverSimplified
The Tea Act was actually a tax cut.
Thanks. That evoked some good LOL’s.
The Surrender
Might be the weekend grandmother finally goes. 96. Don’t know what to think, really.
Sorry to hear. That’s a lot of spins around the sun. The changes that she witnessed must have been mind-boggling. Best wishes CS.
96? May it be 大往生.
My grandmother died at 96. I felt so lucky to have had that much time with her.
Hope things are as good as they can be.
Who’s Who in the American Revolution: Richard Henry Lee
Fucking Boise. I want a new coaching staff.
Now that some school name tOSU has won, time to check out Fury vs Wilder for the HEAVY WEIGHT TITLE OF THE UNIVERSE. OK, not as fun as Ali vs Foreman or Tyson vs. anyone else, but so far an interesting fight.
Goddamn boxing judges do it again. A great fight, but how they score it for***** is beyond me.
She looka lika mon
Thanks for your service, Heroes in blue.
Not so sure about that. Maybe they were trying to be inclusive and progressive. Oh sure, she denied she was transgender, but that’s why we have experts, y’all: to let us know the truth about ourselves even as we deny it, and regulate—one might say perfect—our behavior. Submit to your betters.
Fuck the War on Drugs.