I’m not going to dig up the Mexican Flanders photo so here is an excerpt from a graphic novel featured on NPR about the life and times of Ernesto “Che” Cuevara.  Found in this article are the words, “cruelty” and “execution.”  Not found anywhere is “murderous,” “bloodthirsty,” “racist,” “asshole,” or even “Argentine.”

Methusela was sentenced to 5000 years in a Guatemalan prison for atrocities he committed during their civil war.  Yes, I linked Al Jazeera, don’t change the subject from mandatory minimums!

Lets not forget, Mexicans don’t like the refugees migrants people from “Not Mexico” being in Mexico.

Venezuela is now doing what everyone else does when they encounter economic turmoil:  seek refuge in gold!

Okay. We get it. You like to vape.

CNN digs around and finds answers to their readers queries about tear gas.  Unfortunately, their answer to the question, “Why Was Tear Gas Used” does not include the obvious answer:  its a useful tool to disperse a crowd WITHOUT KILLING THEM.  As somebody that has been exposed to tear gas let me tell you something:  there is no better agent on Earth that will clear your sinuses quicker.  I caught the flu during week 5 of basic training; I was dying for three days during a Texas Ice Storm, getting yelled at for not taking that “war” thing seriously.  Then they put me in a room filled with that crap, made me do pushups, and yanked the mask off.  Once I was done puking…I was good to go.

Finally, I thought this clip was interesting.  Sure its a couple weeks old,  but it really drives home the idea that not far from where I live…they WANT a brutal dictator.


Right, you all need tunes to get you going in the morning. Here you go.  Make hump day your bitch!