Well, Thanksgiving has come and gone, and now we are hard into the shopping festive season. I hate shopping forced consumerism festivities so much. Online shopping was a gift, invented for me alone. But, I don’t mind if the rest of you partake. And, apparently, you are.

Yesterday, I had to go to a CVS Minute Clinic (a topic for another time) for the next injections in two series of immunizations. (Some of you may recall the healthcare program in which I’m trying to enroll. Still trying.) This particular Minute Clinic happens to be housed in a Target near-ish our place. My appointment was (stupidly) scheduled (by me) for Black Friday. At 1500. At Target.

I left the house super early, figuring I might need to park 5 miles away and walk in. I arrived super early. To an empty parking lot. I parked in the center section. Directly in front of the doors. In the second space.


Wait, what? What’s happening on the website next week? Oh, right.

After catching you up on the minutiae of my life, I’m pressed for time this evening, so I’m afraid you’re just getting writers’ names, not attached to days. You’re going to be here every day anyway, amirite?

Links by: Sloopy, OMWC, Brett L. Assorted rap…scallions and badly formed stone sculpture. Perhaps others. Not necessarily in that order.

Regular features by: Not Adahn (even when he’s traveling, he’s a professional!); mexicansharpshooter; Web Dom; SP; SugarFree, if you’re very, very good. And also, What Are We Reading.

Special features from: Nephilium; PieInTheSky; Jarflax; banginglc1; Yusef Drives a Kia; Kinnath; and trshmnstr.

Another great week!

There are a bunch of posts languishing in draft stage. If you are the writer of one of the orphaned posts, do your fellow Glibs a solid and finish them up! We want to hear from you.

Also, if you think you might want to be on the Contributing Writers page, here’s how. The Glibertarians community relies on Glib-sourced posts, for which we are grateful. After all, there needs to be some post to ignore to provide you with a comment section.

And, speaking of comments… take it away, Saturday Night Open Post!