Turkey is defrosting, step-daughter is home from college, children home from school. Definitely feeling a lot like Thanksgiving. Let’s see if I can can get any work done today.
Today in birthdays we have Voltaire, actress Goldie Hawn, actor Harold Ramis, weirdo Bjork, and for our target audience: singer Carly Rae Jepsen.
American adventurer killed by the native population with an arrow while trying to visit remote island.
Trump and his attorneys submitted written responses to Mueller’s questions.
Why am I not a socialist? Because I want to walk dogs, not eat them.
An environmentalist with a large carbon footprint? Why, I never!
Sarah Palin and Sarah Palin of the left having an online battle.
That’s all I got for today folks. If this doesn’t brighten your day, I have no idea what would.
Work, work, work.
/Orc Peon
Zug zug.
Good morning, Banjos!
Thanks for stepping up for the lynx this week.
Is your little drummer girl playing along with your daily music choices yet?
She lost interest. but my middle has been taking interest as of late.
Any piano yet? That seems to be the gateway instrument to a percussion life.
I got to watch mine jam the other night at a jazz concert. She tells me that heels no longer hinder her playing. I think she’s just showing off.
I’ve actually been looking into getting them a keyboard to see if any of them take interest. Right now my oldest has been more interested in art and crafts. My middle is more interested in finding creative combinations of bad words to try to upset me, my youngest is more interested in physical activities like playing on trampolines and tricycles. I’m fairly hands off. I just throw things at them and see if they take interest.
Which one has taking up bricklaying?
We put both of ours in piano lessons early. My rule was lessons until 6th grade, then they could decide if they wanted to continue. Both did and both are drummers. Daughter is way more into it than my son was, but even he likes to sit down at a piano and play (especially when there are girls around).
Music is a forever skill, so I didn’t mind pushing it a little more aggressively.
I took piano lessons for a year or so. Difficulty: we had an organ at home, not a piano. When I got to the point where I had to learn to use the pedals, I couldn’t practice at home anymore.
My mom is a piano teacher, so I took lessons through 5th or 6th grade. I want to get a keyboard and relearn some of what I’ve lost. It’s much easier to practice keyboard than getting the trumpet out and waking the dead.
I know they are out there, but I have yet to meet someone that did not rue the day they quit taking music lessons. My ex let my daughter quit violin lessons when she was 11 and she now regrets that decision. She wasn’t a prodigy but definitely had enough talent to be proficient.
*raises hand*
I sucked at music. Still do. Don’t regret leaving as I was just wasting time.
I’m one of them. Which is why I didn’t have any qualms about starting mine early. I can still play a little, but nowhere near what my kids can do.
My wife also plays and is still really good. It’s good to have lots of music in the house.
I wish my family would’ve sent me to piano lessons. Instead I picked up a bass later and sounded horrible but decent enough to play in bars.
I expected this!
Instead I picked up a bass later and sounded horrible
Actual video of bacon performing
I don’t rue that day at all. I stuck with piano lessons for a year, and hated every second of it. I wish I would have spent more time learning to read music, or to sing, or learning music theory or history. But producing music held and holds no interest for me.
On one hand its a bit odd, since I listen to music for maybe 50 hours a week. But maybe not because I am not a huge fan of live music.
I will also raise my hand. I played piano from 6 to 20 and then every so often even now when called upon at church. I also played high school clarinet.
I’m pretty good at it. If I had put my back into it, I’d be spectacular. But I didn’t enjoy one minute of it, I perform under pressure, and I competed under pressure (hence, I mostly came in 2nd place, without fail).
I’d have rather spent my time in art where I could learn how to put the images in my head on paper.
Deftones rock!
Disregard the Deftones comment…had Diamond Eyes playing on Iheart radio when I opened your link. (mute your link and play that song over it…much better)
I did the same with mine re music lessons, but let them decide at 13. My daughter still messes with the guitar and my son now regrets that he decided to give up drumming.
Get them in a group music class that teaches pitch recognition and singing. This is the absolute best thing you can do for any future music endeavors. Once they hit 7 years old or so, they either can recognize pitch or not. You absolutely cannot learn that skill later.
That was a clunky sentence. Rephrased:
You can’t learn pitch recognition after 7 years old. Get the training in early through group music classes, usually keyboards, percussion and singing combined.
My older brother started drumming in middle school. I started when I was 10, with some obvious be-like-older brother syndrome going on. Somehow in four years he became much better than I am now after technically 20 years of playing. But he never has time to play.
I just had a gig and another one in 4 weeks, though, so who’s laughing now? I would say that about 10-15% of the enjoyment I get out of life comes from drumming. The instrument/skill that can be found everywhere you go. You also piss people off quite a bit. Current Lady and ex would yell at me “I AM NOT A DRUM!” Yes, you are, silly goose.
I can’t listen to new music, though. It’s kinda sad. If I listen to stuff at home I can’t concentrate on anything else. If I listen out in public I start drumming/dancing/making a scene, and I can’t have that. I miss getting a new album and driving around by myself listening to it. The best amphitheater in the world.
I’m going to come out and admit–Call Me Maybe is an incredibly addictive song. I respect songs like that. They are very difficult to write.
She is also hot as fuck in that video. Call me dubious, but I’m fairly certain a girl looking like that would have any trouble getting any breathing man to call her.
Although in the video the hottie dude turns out to be gay! So clever!!! Right?!?!?!?!!
/valley girl
Face like a car accident, IMO, but there’s no accounting for taste.
Most people have trouble looking away from car accidents.
El Oh Fcuking-El
Ouch. I was going to go point out she is usually sporting a terrible hair-cut.
The absolute horror.
That checks all of my boxes. More for me.
Bad haircut masked by dorothy braids. +1
All yours, E.
For the older guys.
You are dubious
Fun Fact: Our very own, yet sadly long lost, Dagny T. went to high school with Jepsen.
Gotye/Call Me Maybe mashup by Pomplamoose. I dunno either. It was 2012. You’d have to have been there.
Squirrel Nut Zippers- nice.
One of those one-hit-wonders I downloaded a couple phones ago and can no longer find in any of my music files. (Try to explain that to 1979)
With way more than 1 good song though!
Almost everything in their catalog is good, great even. They deserved more than one hit.
She later tweeted: “For those who need their jokes explained to them: surprise! This tweet thread is humorous! The emoji in the original tweet signals that humor is indicated in the statement. 🙂 (You know, because Lieberman killed the public option for healthcare and endorses Republicans).”
No, everybody got it. That’s not why they weren’t laughing.
I’ve heard guys say before that women don’t have a sense of humor, and I’ve never really thought it’s true. There are lots of funny women. I know where this attitude comes from though, because there’s also a type of woman who is not funny at all but doesn’t realize it. A few men like that, but it’s far more common among the ladies. And Ocasia-Cortez is one of those. Thinks she has a sense of humor, but can’t make anything funny come out of her mouth no matter how hard she tries.
Well, not intentionally. She’s said a lot which has made me laugh at her. Though nothing that has made me laugh with her.
Mission accomplished. Well done, Mr. Adventure!
So, this is really just a case of being shot for tresspassing.
Veni, vidi, morti.
(I don’t know Latin so I probably got the last one wrong)
“Veni, vidi, mortuus est”
“Right, now write it a hundred times and if you do it again, I’ll cut your balls off.”
That’s a participle. Even I know that. I’m looking for the straight up past tense.
Perivi (passed away) morior is a deponent verb (doesn’t take active forms even when used as an active verb)
Full disclosure my latin is almost non existent now so I looked this up because I vaguely remembered that Morior was always passive, it is deponent which is not quite the same as always passive.
Re: Andaman Islanders:
And they are basically the only stone age people still controlling their own territory… Maybe the whole peacefully greeting visitors idea is not all it is cracked up to be…
Of course in the eighteenth or nineteenth centuries the visitors would have just shot them. Timing is everything.
I know I am a century or more too late but I look back on the era when embarking on a lengthy journey, having the proper firearms was more important than the proper stamps in your passport. Heck, further back being armed was more of a necessity than a passport.
Wow, from PGA star to minor police official in a remote island chain….how the mighty have fallen
*Rises to begin thunderous and prolonged ovation*
C’mon. Vijay Singh is the Indian equivalent to John Smith.
The slide started when he broke out the belly putter.
I remember when the Bolivarian train started rolling and people here, including the MSM, were fawning over Chavez. I got a lot of dirty looks when I said “How stupid do you have to be to be a socialist?”
I was also referring to Obama.
It worked out exactly as I predicted and all I hear now are crickets.
Well it worked as most non lefties predicted. But for a few glorious years, before bad luck reared it’s ugly head, it was totes working (although me, I am not sure it was working back then outside official statistics)
Yes, until they ran out of other people’s money.
Of course now they insist “IT WASN’T REAL SOCIALISM!!111!!!! Or sometimes “IT WAS WORKING UNTIL AMERICA SABOTAGED IT!!111!!!
Because they are dishonest ignorant twats.
Ive been told its actually state capitalism thats causing them to eat their pets.
I wish I could remember who posted it first here, but I love the line that the difference between socialism and fascism is that nobody claims real fascism has never been tried.
Why am I not a socialist? Because I want to walk dogs, not eat them.
There must be other reasons though. South Koreans eat dogs and they are not socialists…
There’s a difference between wanting and needing. The Venezuelans need to eat something, and the dogs are all that’s left. The South Koreans want to eat dog.
Who needs dozens of dog breeds when children are starving?
Eat the children? They are probably more tender and succulent.
Well, they are socialist adjacent.
I’ll say it again, Pol Thot really is the gift that keeps on giving. Keep the popcorn and tweet threads going. Also nice music, gonna have to give the band a lookie because I’m digging their style.
Neiman Marxist.
I like that one, I’ll add that to my list.
Someone here coined it, I think.
I have seen it used in memes on social media, fwiw.
I usually don’t get into political name mocking, but she’s got some funny ones. She Guevara, Karla Marx, etc.
I remember a poster on TOS named Skid Marx.
She’s abusing the shit out of the “Everyone makes a mistake” privilege
And the whataboutism with “well look at Trump talking!”
Damn. Now I just feel old, it was near impossible to avoid this song in the late 90’s.
American adventurer killed by the native population with an arrow while trying to visit remote island.
I think this is more Darwin award worthy than most things
He was dying to meet them.
[golf clap]
Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer. The slings and arrows of outrageous stoneage tribesmen, Or to fly commercial coach,
At least they didn’t Shakespeare at him.
Sarah Palin and Sarah Palin of the left having an online battle.
Tard Wars, Episode X: My Twitter Sucks Harder Than Your Twitter.
Trump and his attorneys submitted written responses to Mueller’s questions.
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
[ ] Maybe
[x] I invoke my Fifth Amendment Right against Self Incrimination.
[ ] I got nukes.
+1 Bigger Red Button
Fine, here’s all the semi autos!!!
Does Trump like Mueller or like like him?
[ ] Your mom was really classy in the sack, the classiest
“Trump and his attorneys submitted written responses to Mueller’s questions.”
It they didn’t write in “What, like with a cloth?” for every question, they missed a hell of an opportunity.
An environmentalist with a large carbon footprint? Why, I never!
He has absolution from his sins by his good works.
How is he going to save the world if he can’t see it first. The top men Can’t be expected to stay at less than a 5 star hotel and resort to encourage everyone to expect less.
You used to have to say Our Father’s and Hail Marys; now you buy carbon credits.
You’re not looking at the right analogy, Mike.
Carbon Credits are Indulgences
*when it was still normal to sell them.
That’s what I was refering to. From the article:
I’m protestant, my greatest grasp of catholic terminology comes from their misdeeds. How is it an indulgance if you’re actually being penitant?
Not sure. I was raised Lutheran. We need Just Say’n to school us on this.
The Crazypants Caucus is here.
But several Democratic staffers I talked to, who spoke on the condition of anonymity in order to speak frankly, expressed their agreement with Pallone. Experimenting with committee structure just as the Democrats are reclaiming the House majority is “not the most informed choice,” said one House leadership aide. Of course, the aide added, the new members’ excitement is understandable—they just “haven’t learned how everything works yet.”
they just “haven’t learned how everything works yet.”
Hahahahaha. Rules are for squares, Man. We’re going to get things done.
The Dems do committee chairs based solely on seniority – first come, first serve. So the new kids get the scraps and the old timers get the plumb chairmanships.
So Romanian politicians decided to give free honey monthly – 350 grams of it – to all primary school children. Really?
Why do school children need a honey ration?
How long have you been standing in line?
Since before the fall of the communist bloc. these are third generation line-waiters.
350 grams… of honey.
How much is that? Pint, quart, gallon? I need something real here!
12 ounces.
And where does this honey come from?
Nature. It’s just out there man, free for the taking.
If your hungry you just reach up for an apple and you eat it, if your thirsty you just put your face in a stream and drink it. No rules no hassles, your free maaann!
Sounds an awful lot like gamboling.
I think it’s more like capering.
Hyjinks-laden larcenies of institutions run by cartoonish bad guys?
And then Eve eats the wrong damn apple and it all goes to shit
Pretty much, if beers can do it, so can we.
bears, dammit.
I rather like your first reply.
Typos are the humorous cure for what ales us.
I am so sick of these puns. I swear if anyone makes another one, we’re going to need a porter to carry your body out of here.
It takes a stout man to take such a stance.
I’m too stout for that.
UCS makes me bitter by double hopping my pun.
You know what they say what gose around comes around. I’ll be a bit late one of these days
You know, when we do this, we drive Swissy firkin crazy
That old growler? He’s just here to ferment dissent.
IPAlot when I drink it.
Actually the reason I asked is because the honey market is lousy with cheap chinese honey. They mass produce it and then mix it with corn syrup. A lot of honey is actually less than 50% honey. Because of hormones and antibiotics many countries do not allow chinese honey to be imported, so they just launder it through India and the Phillipines.
I doubt this honey ration is going to be pure, Romanian honey.
Yep, and if you don’t purchase pure honey on a regular basis, you’ll get a case of sticker shock when you see how much it costs.
So there is no sugar in that honey?
I’m thinking the opposite. This is probably a way to prop up domestic honey production. On the other hand, there will probably be lots of graft in the process, so they probably will cut it with cheap Chinese honey.
How many cheeseburgers can you trade that shit for?
No Romaine lettuce tomorrow – the Mexicans are pooping in the fields again I assume.
How would you taste the difference? Even Kale tastes better than romaine.
What? Do you just prefer iceberg for it’s zesty flavor?
No, I prefer iceberg for its lack of offensive flavors. It’s like celery, you can bulk up the volume without changing the real flavors.
Spinach, arugula, radicchio, butterhead, endive, etc.
I only use iceberg for wraps.
Reading that comment, I envisioned you wrapping the other leaf greens in a single larger iceberg leaf to make a lettuce roll.
Hmmm. Add some meat, cheese, peppers and mayo and you might be on to something!
Throw out all the green stuff, and it would be perfect.
Smash all that in between two slices of rye, and now we are talking.
This is a strong contender for the most UCS statement of all time.
Iceberg on white bread is probably the big staple in his diet.
You left out the tomato, pickles, banana peppers, mayo, cheese and meat.
I like iceberg for the crunch factor but I normally use green and red leaf and boston lettuce for salads. I hate when uppity dining places pass off weeds as some kind of exotic salad nonsense.
I can’t believe I like Kale.
And wiping their asses with the leaves.
Fun Fact! – When stationed at Ft. Ord we would convoy down to Ft. Hunter -Ligget for our field training and live-fire exercises. We would pull off to the side of the road at the halfway point for a latrine break and hundreds, sometimes thousands, of soldiers waded out into the endless, massive asparagus fields to relieve themselves. I always thoroughly wash my asparagus.
I was at Monterey when they had people dying from salmonella from spinach.
Turns out, wild pigs from old FT Ord were shitting in the organic spinach field on the Salinas edge of FT Ord.
Would irradiating lettuce, etc. kill ecoli germs? If so, why aren’t “we” doing it for safety’s sake? Oh, I forgot, then we will all be glowing green and have three heads or something.
I woke up early and wandered around the interwebs, settling in an old Glibz thread. Noticed a link to the 40 worst aspects of the current Brexit deal.
That’s a truly brazen “Fuck You, our animals are more equal than others” from Brussels.
Judge dismisses female genital mutilation charges in historic case
U.S. District Judge Bernard Friedman concluded that “as despicable as this practice may be,” Congress did not have the authority to pass the 22-year-old federal law that criminalizes female genital mutilation, and that FGM is for the states to regulate.
Abortion and genital mutilation have always been inalienable rights.
Also inb4 circumcision.
This is both hideous and 100% the correct decision.
There’s no federal jurisdiction here. Even with the absolutely tortured reading of the commerce clause we use nowadays there’s no federal jurisdiction here.
Yep – just as correct as it would have been if Roe v. Wade was tossed back to the states.
What if they were selling the scraped off parts?
+1 pair Clitoris Earrings
Worst 3 bean salad ever?
God’s teeth, man… that was Sugarfree-ish.
*projectile vomits*
I think I deserve one of them fancy animated gifs for this achievement. Some sort of victory dance or something.
No, a shoggoth butt would be more apt.
(insert puke gif here)
As much as I hate the result, the ruling is probably correct. although some of the girls were brought across state lines, so I don’t know why they couldn’t prosecute under the Mann Act or something like that.
It’s not widely known, but some years back one of those longevity researchers was working with porpoises. He discovered something odd; if he fed the small cetaceans a diet of nothing but sea birds, they did not appear to age at all.
But on a trip back from the coast where he was obtaining birds for his research, he was arrested and charged under the Mann Act.
See, he was transporting gulls across a state line for immortal porpoises.
*narrows gaze*
Yep. Also all intoxicants (Including alcohol & tobacco), abortion, prostitution….
Ok, I’m not proud, I’ll ask. WTF does that mean?
Old people forward chain emails that end up with 50 “Re:” and “Fwd:” in the subject line instead of just plastering their entire lives on social media like civilized people.
Of course, a few years ago teh millenialz were reposting some shit about Bill Gates giving away his money to anyone who shared the post. I’m sure she did not take part.
In the before time, in the long long ago, before the rise of Twitter and Facebook, the same bullshit stories were forwarded again and again by gullible people over this thing called e-mail.
Before even e-mail those same stories were blasted through newsgroups. Then came the Eternal September.
political email forwards. Typically done by the old, technology behind about a decade or so ago. They still might be doing them, but I haven’t asked my dad.
It was Occasional Cortex quoting a tweet which contained a YouTube video of her gaffes. Cotex’ followers otherwise never would have seen it, safe in their ideological bubbles, if she hadn’t quoted Palin’s tweet.
Aaaah, ok, got it. Ya, she is hilarious. If congress doesn’t work out she go on a stand up tour making fun of old people.
So, Ageism isn’t a thing among the SJW identities?
As with all their isms the point is to favor the chosen group at the expense of the icky group. Ageism is prejudice against the young and hip by the old icky wreckers.
Nothing, though, puts the unity of the Democratic caucus at risk as much as a recent pledge from Ocasio-Cortez and Tlaib to primary other members of Congress. Less than two weeks after Election Day, Ocasio-Cortez announced in a press call, on Saturday, that the two will be joining with Justice Democrats to help recruit working-class challengers to more conservative Democrats. Justice Democrats calls the campaign #OurTime, and it’s asking its activists across the country to suggest possible challengers for House incumbents who are “demographically and ideologically out-of-touch with their districts.” “We need new leaders, period,” Chakrabarti said on the press call. “We gotta primary folks.”
The move has earned some praise from progressives. “I think it’s super courageous,” said the CPC staffer. But it’s highly unusual for a member of Congress to support initiatives targeting his or her own colleagues. The initiative is likely to be perceived among some Democrats as nothing less than a threat to the House majority. “Ultimately, for the Democrats to retain control over anything, the House or the Senate, you have to be a big-tent party,” said Kristen Hawn, a consultant for moderate Democrats. “Taking an approach where it’s your way or the highway isn’t good for the party and isn’t good for the long-term control.”
The future of the Democratic Party. Buy popcorn futures.
I have a feeling that by 2020 nobody will be talking to either one of them.
I’m sure they’re going to like the party leaders putting up primary opposition to them in two years, and consider it fair.
“asking its activists across the country to suggest possible challengers for House incumbents who are “demographically and ideologically out-of-touch with their districts.” ”
These people read about the Cultural Revolution and said “That sounds neat!”
She ain’t gonna last.
The town where the police have given up: Only 10 officers for a population of 90,000 people, forcing residents to patrol the streets
Gas engineer Paul Timlin captured thieves stealing all of his tools on CCTV, but was forced to solve the crime himself because police failed to turn up for two weeks. The 57-year-old grandfather was unable to work when £1,500 worth of tools were stolen from his van outside his house.
Timlin posted footage of the theft on Facebook, and when someone recognised the thieves he contacted a ‘local hard man’ who persuaded them to return the tools.
So, just as effective as fully-staffed departments.
Sounds like every police department ever.
“when someone recognised the thieves he contacted a ‘local hard man’ ”
Interesting how things have devolved to the middle ages…
At first I expected this to be Detroit, but 10 officers sounded a bit on the high side.
“Local Hard Man” was my college nickname.
I’m sure if Timlin would criticize the prophet Muhammad the po-po be right at his door.
A Chinese startup may have cracked solid-state batteries
I know a 33% increase in capacity is nothing to sneeze at, but I was hoping for an order of magnitude.
Take it from someone who worked at a Li ion battery start up, that 30% improvement is likely on a lab based sample cell.
The solid state cell is likely a solid state electrolyte, I’m curious what thier charge / discharge rate is.
I’m sure they are seeking funding.
I worked on some of the earliest polymer batteries when I was a post-doc. I remember that my boss, who was super-enthusiastic about the future of that technology, had one of his unfortunate grad students buy a walking barking dog toy, then hollow out some AA cells, rebuild them with his polymers, then stick them in the toy. All of this for a press dog and pony show. Literally (the dog part).
And as a few of us predicted (and snickered at during the press conference), when turned on, the toy dog let out a short muffled bark, took one step, and fell over.
The boss went on to win a Nobel, so what the fuck do I know anyway?
At least it didn’t short out an electrode and catch fire.
I’m calling bullshit. Chinese startups lie thru their teeth.
I’m calling bullshit.
ChinesesStartups lie thru their teeth./veteran of several startups
That “battery” is actually a can of Coke with peepee in it.
No, no! That is for cold fusion!
Bwahhaahahaha! That was funny right there!
Dear sir,
I have a most excellent proposal for you to invest your money in. Here at our prestigous research institute we have developed a new solid state battery. We are currently taking in new investors to further develop and increase the capacity of our battery. Here is the rough outline of our breakthrough technology.
If interest you please contact us for more data about investing.
*empties out 401K*
Can someone help me decipher this?
All I can think of is that he is off his meds. It is indeed a rare car and I’m tempted to go take a look, but the tone of the ad (and the zebra seat covers) give me pause.
If you read it in a Dale (from King of Hill) voice, it becomes more clear.
He sounds like a fairly typical sub-literate gearhead wannabe* that’s never been introduced to punctuation. I would go check it out, though tread very carefully when bargaining. That’s a neat car. My uncle had a ’70-ish Spitfire which I adored.
*by this I mean he probably hoards mountains of parts but never has a running car
I agree. I know some perfectly normal middle aged guys who would probably come up with something like that if they tried to write a CL ad.
You just described everyone I’ve ever bought used race car parts off of. They’re always about 6 months from getting back on the track
holyrun-onsentences, batman.
Worse than the seat covers, there are no pictures of the rear of the car. Like intentionally no pictures.
That exhaust manifold looks exhausted,
If you go look at it, be sure to check for cancer under the battery tray, under the leaky clutch cylinder, the trunk, and under the floor mats.
*rebuilt a ’76 Spitfire (and got it to pass emissions tests!)
Lol. My 78 couldn’t possibly pass emissions. Zero pollution control and only a sight muffling from manifold to tailpipe.
Just as God intended!
Yeah, there is almost no way I would restore a rusty Triumph. As Brooks mentioned, you end up into it double what it’s worth. I was lucky to find my Spitfire already restored and available at a screaming good price. Patience pays.
They make you take a 76 through emissions?
In Minneapolis 1996, yes, yes they did. It took me 3 times, but it squeaked by.
And two years later, Jesse came in and killed the emissions testing dead.
This is the real red-flag. Its like a 24 year woman posting “I don’t like drama if you wanna bring drama in I don’t need you and if you can’t handle me at my worst you don’t deserve me at my best.”
If you keep finding unwanted drama, the source isn’t the people around you. And if you can’t apologise for your worst, you don’t have a best.
Romanian politicians decided to give free honey monthly – 350 grams of it – to all primary school children.
Up from 500 grams last month?
The ration has always been 350
I wonder how they would react if a sea caravan were headed their way.
This is basically a wildlife preserve for humans. It is unseemly to me not to allow a group of people to progress naturally through contact with other people even if it’s dangerous.
I would think of all people, the commenters here would respect the islanders’ obvious wish to be left alone.
Or are you applying an open borders concept to other peoples’ lands as well?
If I knew every individual islander wanted to be left alone I would agree they should be left alone. Perhaps there are a few that would welcome some modern enhancements in their life?
Dare I say that this is one of the situations where radical individualism is a blight on libertarianism?
If I knew every individual islander wanted to be left alone I would agree they should be left alone.
Janet Reno couldn’t have said it better
Sorry. That came off unnecessarily confrontational.
No worries. It wasn’t taken that way,
To me this situation is analogous to the Feds banning doctors from talking to any member of the church of Scientology because their leaders don’t believe in vaccinations(I could be wrong on the facts here).
The analogy only holds up if the typical response to dialog is to kill the doctor instead of trying to bilk them out of money for measuring thetan levels.
To clarify, I wasn’t referring to gunning people down as providing or informing someone of modern enhancements to life.
My objection is to a government limiting the ability of someone to interact peacefully with another human being even at the risk of their own life and to the probable determent of the people on the island he may have interacted with.
I don’t feel sorry for the Chau fellow. He played a stupid game and won the appropriate prize.
The disease issue will be a tricky one. Getting medical care and supplies in will be difficult given the mistrust of outsiders.
It’d be one thing if they were amenable to contact and the Indian government shut them out, but these folks have a history of immediate and devastating engagement with all intruders.
So what you are saying is they are racists, because only racists don’t want open borders.
Isn’t this the case for most every group of people in history that was isolated geographically until they become more familiar with outsiders?
I see this as the state in which basically all humans existed until trade started to make a difference. I suppose that most first world citizens read this with a sense of amazement. But this is pretty much the norm for humans in small (less than a thousand members) groups in their traditional setting.
Kind of like Commodore Perry sailing up to Japan with a few massive warships in the early 1850s and saying “Hey guys, wanna go ahead and open up your ports to trade? That’d be great”.
Of course, that led to the Meiji Restoration, which led to about a half century of bad shit by the Japanese.
It is indeed a rare car and I’m tempted to go take a look, but the tone of the ad (and the zebra seat covers) give me pause.
500 bucks. Maybe 700 if it moves under its own power.
It looks like a rattle-can paint job (did you notice the red spring on the starboard side?), but the real question is the tin-worm situation. They are pretty sweet cars. I was at a show over the summer and a vendor had a recently restored one on display. $25K!!
China matches Nato in information arms race with deal for ‘Ferrari of war room software’
Deal with Belgian company puts China on equal footing with US
WTF Belgium and Sweden
I am guessing they slipped them a turd.
It’s war room software. I feel like we’re re-enacting Dr. Strangelove.
+1 Big Board
“Gentlemen, there is no fighting in the war room!”
I would think of all people, the commenters here would respect the islanders’ obvious wish to be left alone.
Is it the wish of the island tribe’s members, or is it the wish of some U N Cultural Attache to preserve their aboriginal innocence for study?
Given the number of dead “cultural ambassadors” and anthropologists piled up on the island, I’m comfortable saying it’s the wish of the tribe’s members.
More info on some of the contact attempts
We certainly wouldn’t want to disrupt their quaint, murderous traditions.
In Texas, they call those traditions the Castle doctrine
Airdrop iPads onto them that are pre-loaded with Candy Crush and all the episodes of Melrose Place. They’ll never stand a chance.
Just think of the future a Sentinalese(whatever they are called) youth could dream of haven been given(or having taken of a fresh corpse) a pair of driving gloves!
I’m not going anywhere near there.
Prime Directive.
Maximize the value for the shareholders? I’m not seeing what that has to do with this.
The Left’s Accusation That The Right Is Fascist Is Simply Psychological Projection
Friedrich Nietzsche cautioned those who fight monsters to take care lest they become monsters themselves. He should have also warned those pretending to fight monsters, whose imagined enemies are really projections of their own evils.
Consider Antifa, those self-styled anti-fascists who recently made headlines for harassing the family of Fox News host Tucker Carlson. The paucity of actual Nazis in this country would seem to make Antifa superfluous, but they have a talent for detecting fascists everywhere. Having determined that practically everything and everyone (themselves excepted) is fascist, they spend their free time going about in black shirts smashing things and looking for political opponents to threaten and beat up.
Proggies progject. It’s what they do. Overall a decent piece.
The link, it is missing. Sucked into the nihilist void.
It’s in the abyss. If you stare long enough you might find it.
The danger of Antifa is not that they will do much damage themselves, but that they will normalize political violence for those who would be good at it.
It’s like they read my civil war articles!
Why some people want to playact at that is mostly a psychological question, although the answers are not obscure—people crave significance, purpose, and accomplishment
That’s pretty much my only concern with them as well. Reminds me of the piece in the New Yorker by Malcolm Gladwell about the Thresholds of Violence.
And I just quoted same bit as the resident trshmnstr. Well at least our eyes were both on the prize.
You’re not the real Nick Gillespie. The real Gillespie wouldn’t be caught dead reading something from the Federalist.
I get the sense this sort of thing falls on deaf ears because lefties are smitten with their right-side-of-history bullshit, but also because they see their inevitable presidential win as the corrective for the dark age years of Republican administration. You can’t possibly vote to reduce the scale and scope of executive power, not even while it’s held by their most dreadful adversary, the Mechanazitrumputinfuhrer, because Republicans will steal all the keys off the keyboards on their way out the door and leave Democrats impotent to restore the progressive agenda. So they’ll fight to keep Trump empowered to do whatever he wants, trusting that progressive saboteurs in the judiciary will continue hemming him in, and expecting that their permanent, unquestioned subjugation of the federal apparatus is only a few elections away.
China has obtained the big screen software used by Nato and the United States for war room mapping, putting its forces on an equal organisational footing with some of the West’s elite military operations.
Jesus. “They can maybe see us coming” not same as “They can stop us”.
“Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face.”
– Mike Tyson
This is the big story in NJ this morning. A quadruple homicide and at least two house fires. The guy was some kind of tech exec. It sounds like the opening scene of a detective novel.
When I heard this yesterday, I was certain it would turn out to be murder/suicide. That, however, does not appear to be the case. It’ll be interesting to see how it shakes out.
Sounds like they burned the house down with the family in it and shot the guy in his front yard – damn cold-blooded.
Cold Blooded indeed. He got on the wrong side of somebody.
a vendor had a recently restored one on display. $25K!!
He probably has 50 in it.
They are kind of funky cars, but…
I really like them and they share most of the parts with the Spitfire, but they are really tough to find. Someday I’ll have a matched set.
Travel for any purpose to the North Sentinel island is banned, both to protect its inhabitants and because they have been known to attack outsiders in the past.
Uh huh…
Indian media reports described Mr Chau as an adventure tourist who had visited the Andaman island chain multiple times in the past. One unnamed police source told the Reuters news agency Mr Chau had shown a strong desire to meet the Sentinelese.
I suppose he had the desire even if it was the last thing he did.
How A Mysterious Tech Billionaire Created Two Fortunes—And A Global Software Sweatshop
Meh in general there is, for now, work in software to have choices if you don’t like the conditions. In Romania if you are 100% honest about your taxes it may not really be worth it, but most are not so would probably pay little tax on it. Working 200 hours which is not that excessive at 30 and hour means 6k a month mostly tax free I assume, so I see Romanians doing this. Work from home, no commute…
But know people who do contract based it work and they do not expect benefits or paid vacation. It is part of the contracting work. You take unpaid vacation during projects, but usually it pays enough so that on average over the year you are better off than working for a local company with paid vacation and benefits. And more flexible, working from home and all.
Sentinel Island was always known to be inhabited by hostile people. I know one person who managed to make contact with them without perishing.
Hard to feel sorry for people who take this chance only to die. Sucks but what the heck was he thinking?
He was saving them, dude.
The ONE time I comment on the title alone and you embarrass me like that?
I retract.
Wha? Canukistanis areally are too polite. Normal response is to double down and inisist evidence is fabricated or irrelevent.
When I’m wrong. I’m wrong.
Two traits my family, who have a hard time with me and my rational and cut-dry ways, always liked me for were:
The ability to admit when wrong and move on.
And to never let an argument go beyond than it needs to. I carry no grudges.
I’m more prone to nail my colors to the mast on the wrong hill and mix metaphors like hard liquors.
Aggh! Never MULTI-TASK! I think SN was being sarcastic?!
But it still doesn’t detract it’s illegal to go there.
First Step: Pro-Cop, Pro-Borders, Pro-Criminal Justice Reform
I’m actually a little shocked she wrote this. Good column.
I’m more than a little shocked, Malkin has a reputation for being just to the right of Duterte on most criminal matters.
We have a law ‘n order conservative in the office who has recently had a similar awakening. Eventually, the truth is just too hard to ignore.
My SoCon parents are waking up as well. The Mueller investigation opened a lot of eyes to what total sleazeballs those fuckers are, and have been for 40 years. They have been ruining peoples lives for decades because the system allows them to. I have had some interesting conversations with them recently.
I was that guy only 3 years ago. Reason articles, pushed on me by my brother, opened my eyes.
Despite his sad, Trump-inspired decline, I have to give Balko a ton of credit on this subject.
I don’t think she’s ever been quite as authoritarian as her reputation suggests, but her metamorphosis on criminal justice reform seemed to coincide with her diseased kid being successfully treated with CBD.
The awakening is often a case of ‘…not my ox!’, which this seems to be.
“My own awakening to the systemic flaws and failures of our criminal justice system came from viewing it through the eyes of the wrongfully accused and wrongfully convicted. Prosecutorial misconduct, police malfeasance, investigative bias and a guilty-until-proven-innocent agenda…”
Wow. She’s gonna find herself kicked right the hell out of the SoCon tent if she doesn’t cool it.
Yes. Malkin is usually a caricature. Good for her. Now what’s PowerLine’s excuse? As Tundra has been pointing out, Paul Mirengoff has been downright hysterical.
PL writes some good stuff, but my god do they ever embarrass themselves when the subject is cops and prosecutors.
I stand with the Scruffster on this.
Come on Republicans, get on the criminal justice reform wagon, and off the “Boys in Blue are Heroes” one. Give me a reason to vote for you.
^^ this. I think the younger generation of conservatives are much more amenable to criminal justice reform than the boomers.
She is dead on about that. I have never been accused of anything myself but a family member has. I watched the process from start to finish, including sitting in on the trial every day.
It was a cluster-fuck and a farce designed to disguise that the instant the accusation was made the outcome was a forgone conclusion.
For ESW’s contractors, there are no paid vacations, healthcare benefits or bonuses. There aren’t even company-issued PCs. Contractors use their own hardware. And when it comes to paperwork and regulations, it’s up to the contractors to report and pay taxes in their local jurisdictions.
OMFG slavery.
Sarah Palin and Sarah Palin of the left having an online battle.
So what you are saying is cripple fight.
Also, one of the comments:
2 reasons her boyfriend loves BJ. First feels good, second that 15 minuets of silence
Hey hockey guys. I had the misfortune of flipping through channels one night and left it on the Sens-Panthers game for a couple of minutes (I have Lajoie and Hoffman in my pool but I suck). that game was cursed. First, they saluted their equipment guy who had been with the team for 26 years with tributes by Alfredsson, Fischer, Spezza etc. and the entire team with the family in he crowd. Then, they stopped the first period at the 3:47 mark because of a medical emergency with a person in the crowd.
And then….VIncent Trocheck’s injury. Man was that absolutely ugly. Watching him crawl on the ice screaming like a wounded animal was horrible.
He underwent immediate surgery. No idea if he snapped his lower leg in two or if it was a complete break of the ankle.
It didn’t look bad at first, but you can see in the replay how it broke. That sucks.
Remember this one?
I was surprised Foster ever made it back.
Yes I do.
From the clip: “Broken right leg….likely out for the season”. Lol. No shit.
On Officepools reporting on Trocheck: Likely return date November 28, 2018.
Yeh-k. Good luck with that.
Probably a typo.
This has been a bad week or so for gruesome leg injuries. Trochek, Alex Smith, Caris LeVert…
That looked like a dislocated knee. Remember the Blackhawks player (I think it was Rosival?) who got the toe of his skate stuck in the ice, and broke his shin bones? You could see his foot turn in a completely wrong direction, and when they carried him off his foot was just dangling there. That was like the Joe Theisman of hockey injuries.
Found it.
I hope you don’t mind I won’t be clicking on that.
No offense taken!
You know, when you’re an accountant for a sizable construction company, you really shouldn’t set your email font to Comic Sans.
Fixed that for you. And get rid of the damned background images as well.
/shakes fist at youts
Around here, it’s the old folks who put obnoxious background images on their e-mails and futz about with font and, worse, text color.
Yep, it’s usually the 55 year old admins who have emails that look like a unicorn barfed in a glitter factory.
That’s an act of violence, and you can respond without breaking the nap.
Okay, someone explain to me the oversized hate for a font. There are far uglier and harder to read typefaces out there, why the special vitriol for comic sans?
Its cultural, not typographical. Its associated with a certain type of user from a certain period in time. Use of Comic Sans was strong with the Septemberites.
Dan Glibert?
I am looking at Sentinel Island on google earth. I see no evidence of human habitation or improvement whatever. I can only imagine what life there must be like…I am imagining something along the lines of those ’70s Italian cannibal horror movies.
It is a good thing they dont want me to visit, otherwise they would be damned disappointed.
RACIST !!!!!!!!!
On further examination I see what appears to be a footpath along the north edge of the island.
“Highway 1”
It looks like a real shithole, I bet you can’t even get dialup there.
Actually it is all a hologram and it is in fact a Wakanda like supercivilization which uses the illusion of primitive tribes to keep evil white men away.
The bows and arrows and the shameless public nudity are nice touches then.
Noble savages, Suthen.
I don’t care if they’re Dukes of the dirt pile, or princes of the primeval… Actually, thinking about it “Princes of the Primeval” would make a good title. I’m filing that one away for later.
What was I going on about again? Oh right, the ignomany of the noble savage.
One of the biggest myths ever. it’s well documented that the most primitive people’s are the most violent societies. This entire the world was a peaceful utopia before whitey showed up must be some sort of attempt as comedic parody.
I think that the best example I’ve seen of this, yet, was a documentary I saw a few years back about a tribe that was coming out of the forest near the Brazil/Peru border in the Amazon forest. They were raiding villages on the other side of the river there and disappearing back into the forest. The people living in the villages, modern Brazilians, were scared of course. So they sent out some gubmist folks to investigate, including a couple of anthropologists who were familiar with the local native languages.
Well, come to find out, the invaders only wanted one thing. The lifestyle of the villagers they were stealing from.
They did a live interview with the leader of the tribe. What he had to say was something like this:
We want to be on your side of the river. Our live’s are horrible. We are bitten by insects all day long. We cannot sleep at night because of the insects and fear we will be killed by wild beasts or people from other villages who try to kill us all the time, we live constantly in fear. We want food and clothing like you have, we never want to go back to the forest.
All of the tribe were given the choice to return to the forest or stay. Zero of them chose to go back to the forest. Well, there goes the paradise and noble savage theory.
On google earth there are 3,684 reviews for North Sentinel Island (3.9/5.0). They are hilarious.
It should be the venue for the next Fyre Festival.
I am sure that tomorrow SugarFree and HM will be sitting down to this Minnesoda Twerkey.
Those two shitlords won’t care that a male subordinate disobeyed his female boss to make the Twerkey.
That’s nice and all, but do you have a Kegmas Tree? It’s supposed to be lit up at 19:00 Eastern and is composed of 450 empty kegs.
“Damn, girl. You thighs are lookin’ fine.”
Of course you are going to say stuff like that about the dark meat.
That’s… spectacular.
When To Trust Research Findings
Decent overview, but not anything that has not already been said many times…
It seems to me that the problems he lists are more prominent in some fields than others by orders of magnitude.
Yes but nutrition and physical fitness are among the worst offenders and that is his work
common threshold is p<0.05
Even amongst legitimate results, if 100 tests p<0.05, then 5 of them are false.
5% of all PhD awarded, successful drug studies, whatever . . . are based on false results.
A much better way to experience Call Me Maybe
When did y’all start listening to bubble gum pop?
Y’all are really 14 yo girls, aren’t you?
I’ll listen to anything if I get to watch the Dolphins cheerleaders prance about in bikinis.
Fair point.
*hands Chipwooder a grape blowpop*
^^This right here.
Y’all are really 14 yo girls, aren’t you?
Why don’t you have a seat and tell us why you came here, Suthen.
Why do you think omwc hangs out here?
“Today in birthdays we have Voltaire, actress Goldie Hawn, actor Harold Ramis, weirdo Bjork, and for our target audience: singer Carly Rae Jepsen.”
there was a side by side mashup of that and some marines in Iraq doing the exact same poses
Uffda. The problem with us Minnesodans is that we are too nice.
Local lefty columnist tells a story about how Humphrey refused to use dirty campaign tactics to beat Nixon during the ’68 campaign. Sort of glosses over the fact that the dirty information came from a bug the FBI had planted in Nixon’s campaign.
“you’ll see that about 40 percent of the kids who died, died after Nixon was elected.”
Now there is a take.
So the left continues to justify any means, including lying, cheating, stealing, slander, etc. to win, because it is a moral imperative for the left to hold power.
Sure, sounds legit.
Bugging is only bad when assholes like Dick Nixon do it.
Also, the notion that Humphrey would have immediately set about dismantling the war that the two previous Dem presidents started is laughable.
Humphrey literally ran on continuing the conflict, while Nixon ran on ending the conflict (albeit with a secret plan that made no sense).
Michael Malice
The corporate press will tell you that the brouhaha with Jim Acosta is more of threat to journalistic freedom than the effective house arrest of Julian Assange.
Acosta is right people. They worked hard to become right people. Will not give it up now I dont think
They should allow Alex Jones to have a pass. Then sit back and watch.
Oh yeah, I seem to remember that when the White House gave Infowars a temporary press pass our great defenders of the First Amendment lost their shit and demanded that it be revoked.
For posterity, because it is important to remember that the difference between a bag of dicks and the corporate press is negligible.
Don’t you find that offensive to people who like to consume bags of dicks?
Assange isn’t a member of the “approved media”
They have let TDS set a horrible precedent that they are going to regret.
You’re giving them too much credit. Regret implies a sense of personal accountability that I think is lacking in a lot of these people.
JournOlistic freedom
Worse than the seat covers, there are no pictures of the rear of the car. Like intentionally no pictures.
You noticed that, too?
Wonderful Wednesday gives you cleavage before the long weekend.
Far too many good choices, but I’ll take 7 since I’m not greedy.
As instathots go, she’s pretty top shelf.
I swore I’ve seen 10 before so I can’t go with her this time (variety is the spice of life after all). 7 is life. 26 and 48 (dem freckles, swoon) are love.
While not customarily a yellow fever sufferer, 28 does something for me. Also 72.
Too many fine women to count, but 10 and 67 really hit it for me.
From yesterday’s Whomst Jewmst post: Don’t try to fool Yahweh. He can get pretty nasty if he feels like you’re trying to get around his commandments.
Yeah? Then why can you trick him by putting a timer on your oven?
The bizarre bias that affects how you shop
Problem – Who goes about asking retail staff for recommendations? Who even talks to the retail staff beyond “I would like to check out” and “Have a nice day”?
I think only people who are doing research studies to confirm their grievance issues do that. Normal people do not.
See Pie’s comment upthread.
I am calling bullshit. They either found what they wanted to find or just made it up. Could be trolling I guess.
This smells like p-hacking
given the massive replication crisis of much better studies than this I smell bullshit
“American and British lawmakers are mounting pressure on their governments to curb involvement in *Interpol *if Alexander Prokopchuk, a senior Russian police officer, is elected as its new head today. They fear his elevation would lead to Kremlin interference in the work of the international police body, whose previous boss, Meng ongwei, has been detained by Chinese authorities since September.”
This blurb from the Economist morning links basically sums-up the stupidity that rules the West today. What a farce
“Meng ongwei, has been detained by Chinese authorities since September.”
So weird that this was not a cause de celebre, but a Russia getting nominated ushered in a new round of righteous indignation
Am I reading that right? The head of INTERPOL has been detained by the Chinese government?
Old news, I thought they’d executed him already.
I missed it. How is that not a major international incident?
It’s china abusing a chinese national. The media won’t peep about it, and none of the governments really give a crap.
Because it’s China and they get a pass from the West. Much like Saudi Arabia has always gotten a pass from the US
You missed the most important part: they may nominate a Russian now (cue “Russia, Russia, Russia!”).
Russia needs to follow China’s three steps to running an authoritarian state and having the West still praise and trade with you.
(1) Build your manufacturing base
(2) Buy sovereign debt from the largest and most influential Western nations
(3) Do whatever the fuck you want, because the West is just going to ignore it now
If Tiananmen Square were to happen today, I doubt any major American news outlet would even dwell on it beyond a day. And I really doubt that China would suffer any repercussions from the West beyond maybe a reserved scolding.
Just look at the hilarious juxtaposition of the same people gnashing their teeth over Iran sanctions and Chinese tariffs when it comes to Russian sanctions. This is especially true with many woke libertarian commentators.
I had a professor who was arrested during the Tiananmen Protests for espousing Milton Freidman like economic views.
So weird that China sounds a lot like our college campuses
He was, I guess, a Chinese politician/deputy head of their Public Safety. And China was apparently using Interpol to get a hold of corruption/regime opponents. I’m not sure I’d cry any tears over that.
I’m not crying any tears over him. I’m saying that no other country would get away with that without the international community crying foul. A Russian was merely nominated and there was a outrage fest, which again did not occur when a Chinese was nominated, who also had connections with the ruling regime. Come on, the double standard here is just too obvious
Project much you ignorant piece of shit?
But of course he’s angry; his policies been totally discredited.
I will not let you sit there and malign our Engineer In Chief:
Yup, all we have to do is wait until those pesky laws of thermodynamics expire.
“Climate change, we’re going to have to come up with some new technologies to solve the problem as much as we need to,” Obama said.”
New technology. Hahahahhaaahhahaaa! Here’s a luddite who can’t even figure out how to turn the internets on and who is clinging to a century + old failed ideology. New technology, yeah right.
Greenhouse gas emissions in the US have declined since Trump took office. So by the left’s own metric, Trump is better on climate change than Obama.
Good old Obama. “You can have everything, with no tradeoffs. Just follow me this way…”
Muh legacy! The butthurt, it burns!
He is talking about Trump voters. This is just his version of ‘basket of deplorables”
I dont know who told the party of identity politics (hate and resentment politics) that trashing voters was a winning strategy but I hope they keep it up.
It actually seemed to work in Arizona.
The briefing was held after Erin Willey, a former deputy with the sheriff’s office, was fired in July, when photos were published of her in The Columbian wearing a Proud Boys Girls sweatshirt. The sheriff’s office said her affilaition with the group violated its nondiscrimination and anti-harrassment policies.
“The FBI categorizes the Proud Boys as an extremist group with ties to white nationalism,” an executive summary of the report read. “The Proud Boy Girls are believed to be an affiliate group of women who openly support the ideology of the Proud Boys. The FBI Seattle office is unaware of how many female members are active in the Pacific Northwest.”
The group was banned from online platforms such as Twitter and Facebook in October.
An FBI spokesperson said in an emailed statement that the agency does not launch investigations “based solely on an individual’s race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, or the exercise of First Amendment rights.”
“Our focus is not on membership in particular groups but on individuals who commit violence and criminal activity that constitutes a federal crime or poses a threat to national security,” she continued. “When it comes to domestic terrorism, our investigations focus solely on criminal activity of individuals—regardless of group membership—which appears to be intended to intimidate or coerce the civilian population or influence the policy of the government by intimidation or coercion.”
“The FBI does not and will not police ideology.”
They conveniently omit the part about “involved in violent clashes” is not necessarily the same as “initiated violence”.
The FBI does not police ideology. And there is no cannibalism in the Royal Navy.
Not much, anyway.
Has anyone given any actual examples of the proud boys doing any of the stuff they are accused of? All I have seen is hand waiving and nebulous generalities.
Their ranks are chock full of non-whites.
What is the status of AntiFa according to the FBI? Talk about false equivalence…
Honest question: Are the Proud Boys really a white nationalist group? My understanding is that they’re associated with Gavin McInnes and are something like what the “straight edge” movement was. Anti-PC, yes, but more about pro-western culture and traditional gender roles. They’re probably western chauvinists more than anything, as I understand them. Are we calling that “white supremacy” now?
Your assessment meshes with what my understanding is of the organization.
Yes, that is what they are calling white supremacy. Also in that category is meritocracy, success, logic, and in some cases even math.
It is demoralization writ large.
The left have been busy stuffing our education system, media, and all bureaucracies with far left ideologues for the last 100 years, while everyone else went about their life caring for their family. This is the expected results, everyone right of Mao will be labeled right wing extremists of whatever sort is the flavor of the day.
“White supremacist”, like “racist”, is just someone with whom the left disagrees on any particular issue.
Uncle Toms, Uncle Juans, Uncle Wongs, and the white wiminz that hang out with them, Auntie White Jemimas.
They have minority members. I saw one video where they were going to be defending against Antifa, and there were black and Hispanic members among their group.
If they’re racist, they’re doing it wrong.
So I’ve run into a problem on my WRX.
Sometimes, I can’t pull my seat belt out. It just locks up. Sometimes I can mess with it and slowly get it to give me a bit of seatbelt and then it’ll relock.
Then, seemingly at random, it goes back to normal. The only pattern I’ve noticed for it is that this seems to happen only when I have less than half a tank of gas.
Is this the solenoid in the seatbelt?
This has happened about 5 times now, usually it’ll last a few hours. About half the time I can get it to let enough seatbelt out so I can wear it.
Could it be the pretensioner? I know that they have gotten pretty sophisticated (not just inertial anymore) so possibly something is fucked up there.
Did you cruise the WRX forums?
Yeah I looked around but didn’t see much that looked like my problem exactly. I will probably end up with a whole new seatbelt.
I don’t want to go to Subaru over it. Maybe I’ll end up there, the e brake needs some looking at as well.
I believe it’s an inertial locking device – no solenoid. Probably have to take off plastic/cover the jiggle shit around and/or check for gummed up parts.
Gotta take the seat out to get the trim off, have to take the side doors off to get the seat out. This will be fun.
Replace it with a 5 point harness. It’s a WRX.
This is the answer I like the most and my girlfriend likes the least.
I need some recommendations for classics for a (very) precocious 9 year old reader. He really liked my last three recommendations – the Narnia Chronicles, Warhorse, and A Wrinkle in Time.
The list I have is as follows:
The Chronicles of Prydain
Lord of the Flies
Robinson Crusoe
The Hobbit
Red Planet (RAH’s Juvie)
Beowolf (I picked the Frederick Rebsamen, but know next to nothing about it)
What should I add? The plan is to present him with the list and read it together. I haven’t done much if any reading with my kids – I’m way dyslexic and reading out loud is very taxing. Hell, reading in general is very taxing for me. But he’s getting to the age where I want to revisit some of the novels I’ve read or fill in some gaps on stuff I missed.
Heinlein juveniles: Rolling Stones is a nice look at natural free market capitalism, Tunnel in the Sky is about self-reliance through pioneerism, and Citizen of the Galaxy is anti-slavery.
Anthologies collected from the pre-woke age of sci fi periodicals were a hit for ten-y/o me. I didn’t know it was pre-woke, of course, but I can’t imagine much gets published these days that isn’t carefully vetted by Marxists. Do they even still make sci-fi mags?
They have skinsuits walking around wearing the old titles. I think some publication claims to be Weird Tales, but is not.
Fuck, how did I not have REH’s Conan on that list. Added.
And Heavy Metal mags. Must-have. My closest friend in elementary and middle school had a stack his dad left, tactically, I can only assume, in the boys’ bathroom vanity.
Tunnel in the Sky had a profound effect on me – I read it as a Junior High /High Schooler, and it is one of the few novels that still crosses my mind to this day.
The old man and the sea. – Hemingway is good for kids. His language is straightforward and easy to follow. The lessons are important.
If I wasn’t already buzzed and half brain dead I could come up with a hundred off of the top of my head but I am just drawing a blank
Good choices.
Jack London’s Call of the Wild and White Fang are great, too.
Oh yeah, Jack London should be on the list. Kid really really like Hatchet and likes the outdoors IRL.
Suthen – I need to reread Hemmingway. I was forced to read Old Man and the Sea and For Whom the Bell tolls in highschool. I was an ornery cunt and refused to like anything I was forced to read. Most of what I went back to as an adult I still don’t like (including Grapes of Wrath) but I might give this one a shot.
I fucking hate Steinbeck, then and now, but Hemmingway holds up well.
Brain fart – I always mix those two together in my head. Had to read them back to back, and didn’t like either and they both felt “Great American Novel”ly to me.
Worse…Melville. So tedious. By the time I struggled to the end of Moby Dick I was nearly in tears. I started checking how far to finish about 3/4 the way through. “Oh thank God, only 500 more pages.”
King Kong is better. It is a shorter, easier to consume Moby Dick.
It is a short read and the lesson is invaluable: to accomplish anything you have to do it in spite of every one else and then when you have the parasites come and take it from you.
Ahhhhh. Yes, absolutely. London is a cant miss.
She – Haggerd
Kim – Kipling
Heart of Darkness – Conrad
Uh….what else did I read at that age? Besides Robert Howard I mean.
I grew up next to 100K acre abandoned army camp. People dumped a lot of garbage out there. We could find playboy, penthouse and hustler at will.
When I was a kid there was a nearby plot of land that was being developed into condos. There was as pine forest that was zigzagged with trails. And barely hidden magazine porn stashes all over the place. Not sure why anyone would let their mags get watersoaked but what do I know?
Man, I just played in a giant pile of broken porcelain outside the factory.
Huh, I always thought Heart of Darkness was a slightly more mature book. I haven’t read it. I should look into it.
You may be right. The parent should vet that one. It aint called heart of darkness for no reason. At that age I ate that shit up, but then…well, you see how I turned out.
I mean, my dad gave me a copy of Brave New World when I was 8, so yeah…
A couple more years, maybe. I think it’s more meaningful with a few miles on the odometer.
I’ve read my young boys Old Man and the Sea a half dozen times by now, they know it by heart practically. I adapted the language slightly or their age. It’s one of my all time favorites.
Not a classic, but my daughter has read and reread this a lot. I just edited an essay she wrote on it and it made me want to read it as well.
Shit, I haven’t seen that much geek porn since I watched the first live-action Hellboy movie. Sounds like its probably either very good or very, very bad.
I really enjoyed the Foundation series as a youth even though the underlying tenet sucks.
Also liked Herman Hesse although some material is quite dark. Siddhartha is an exception.
I used to read a lot of Asimov, then I couldn’t figure out why. My favorite book he wrote is actually his autobiography.
As a youngster I liked Asimov’s robot stories. Basically a robot seems to break one of the three laws, and the story revolves around figuring out what happened.
What was the danger that had the robot running circles on Mercury again?
IIRC, it was an issue with the weighting of the rules or the prioritization of the order. The humans needed some material from the surface to fix something in their base, so they sent the robot to get it. The robot would then get to a point where it was in danger of overheating, which would usually be fine. But in this case the robot knew that if it broke down, the humans would also die. So it turned around, and when its temperature dropped went back out to get the material again. This left it in a loop.
It was Selenium, the story was “Runaround”.
Thank you both. It’s been… damn, decades since I read it.
Anything by Heinlein or Asimov is a winner.
I’m going to have to vehemently disagree on the first part of that. Heinlein produced the only book I ever violently threw at the far wall.
*nods in solidarity*
In all honesty, I’ve never put down an Asimov book before finishing it. I’ve done so a few times with Heinlein.
Number of the Beast disagrees.
I enjoyed that one, but you have to have read a whole lot of the referenced material to try to keep up with what is going on.
It was Heinlein’s love letter to the sci-fi that inspired him.
He has a fun early novel about time travel/paradoxes that nobody’s ever heard of – The End of Eternity. Better than the rest IMHO. Possibly not suitable for young children.
I was trying to remember why my first reaction to remembering his work is “Dry”.
I think it’s because he has a distinct bias towards dialog and is sparing on the description.
The characters in this book actually express some emotions.
I don’t remember that. They all came off a bit… robotic.
Relatively speaking, of course.
Just added Ender’s Game to the list. Not sure how I forgot that.
Because it is forgettable? I couldn’t even drag myself through the first half of the book. Keep forgetting it exists.
Maybe a little early, but Clavell ruled my life for all my teens.
Hitchhiker’s Guide, of course, but I would say that.
I liked OSC’s alternative US history/fantasy collection, The Tales of Alvin Maker, and his Homecoming series, which are based on the Book of Mormon, apparently, but at the time I had no idea. It was just an interesting story about political drama/ space adventure.
My recommendations:
Ender’s Game
Pratchett – I’d start with Guards, Guards or Soul Music
Bradbury – Any collection of short stories
Gaiman – Neverwhere or Stardust
Robert Aspirin’s Myth series and Phule’s Company are entertaining as well
Ugh. How could I forget Bradbury?
Yeah, big + here. He was amazing & perfect for that age.
Not my books, for a few years at least. Once there’s a -teen in their age or older, it boils down to the parental stance on profanity.
Your Books – I’m sure he’ll get to it before too long. I rather enjoyed them.
Profanity – He better do it in the right places and appropriately. And tell his mom that I tell him the rule is no swearing.
“The Essential SugarFree, a primer for precocious libertarians.”
I only include that caveat because some characters use… ‘authentic’ verbiage for their type. The narrator may not be profane, but the gang members are just shy of using it as punctuation.
I remember twice I got my son to laugh uncontrollably.
1. I overheard him use a curse word when he was about 7.
Me – “Goddammit, I told you to stop fuckin’ cussin’!”
After he quit laughing I did explain earnestly that there are appropriate and inappropriate times, company and places.
2. Him, completely out of the blue – “Dad, why do they call them beavers?”
Me – “What? Where did you hear that? At school? They call them beavers because they are warm and fuzzy and like to eat wood.”
Him – Wheels turning in his head, brow crinkled up, then the light comes on. I thought he was going to pass out from laughing.
That second one reminds me of a similar question I asked my dad when I was a kid. I asked him what car bras were for, and he responded “the same reason as regular bras, to hold the headlights in!”
I really wish parents would teach #1 to their kids. Being able to have a conversation without sounding like a rap song is a vastly underrated talent.
Around the time my books become suitable, you may want to look at the Ciaphas Cain series by Sandy Mitchell, for pure entertainment value.
Johnny Tremain
7th or 8th grade – I think I made it about 5 pages in.
My son loved it.
When I was 9 I read a lot of Karl May but I am not sure I would recommend
Right about that summer I read The Vicomte of Bragelonne: Ten Years Later but I think I gave up at the 5th book, it was 7 books in Romania.
Then again I was 9 just after commiedom collapsed and there were not yet that many books…
Karl May was dope and more Americans should read him!
I wouldn’t classify them as classics but Series of Unfortunate Events is hilarious in a darkly cynical sort of way. And the overarching theme of the stories is that all the adults in positions of authority are always either corrupt or clueless morons, and all plans always go to shit. It’s glorious.
Also Animal Farm
Not sure if it’s old enough to count as classic, but the Redwall series by Brian Jacques is good.
Mad Scientists’ Club. I think there are two or three of them. Boys love that crap.
Edgar Allen Poe. Maybe in a year or two.
Try Barsoom books by Burroughs. Style may or may not appeal, but damn if they weren’t influential.
I found myself reading a lot of Sherlock Holmes around that age. Everything else has already been mentioned.
The Lensman Series…
EE “Doc” Smith.
Lot of hard science concepts with a space opera pacing.
Spellsinger series from Alan Dean Foster is fun.
I think She Guevara and Hockey Mom kiss and make up.
*Oh man, that’s so hot*
Your Betterfap stream must be very weird.
It would give you nightmares
“Actually, now that Jim Acosta got his press pass back let’s stop pretending like the corporate press actually cares about the First Amendment or everyone in our industry”
“Fox News Isn’t A Normal Media Company. We Have To Stop Treating It Like One.”
“It’s hardly a bold take to say that Fox News is a problem. If you’re reading this, you probably don’t need to be told that PolitiFact ranks it the least accurate cable news network, or that its current primetime lineup features hours of barely veiled white nationalism. You probably know that President Trump and Fox exist in a perpetual feedback loop, in which an obscene talking point parroted by Fox & Friends on any given morning will be echoed by a presidential tweet within minutes and then dominate news coverage for the rest of the day.”
“Readers of this article are probably already boycotting Fox News on one level — statistically speaking, you’re unlikely to watch it, aside from the viral clips you hate-watch online to get your blood pressure up. You’re almost certainly not in Fox’s target demographic of geriatric white men, which means you probably aren’t spending a lot of money on gold coins or catheters.
But Fox has big advertisers, and pressuring them has worked in the past. Last year the civil rights group Color of Change campaigned to get advertisers to abandon Bill O’Reilly after revelations about his serial sexual harassment, and more than 60 did, resulting in O’Reilly’s long overdue firing.”
It is important to remember that the difference between a bag of dicks and the corporate press is negligible.
Obviously this includes FNC too
“Fox News Isn’t A Normal Media Company. We Have To Stop Treating It Like One.”
Translation: They don’t lean far enough left all of the time.
Wow, given the amount of absolute, verifiable horseshit, propaganda and constant language that would make Bull Connor blush on the other channels, they go after FOX.
Of course they do.
*snicker* Politifact. Sure thing Buddy.
PolitiFact ranks it the least accurate cable news network
I don’t watch FNC outside of the occasional clips from a few personalities (Gutfield, Tucker, Stossel) that come across my youtube feed, but this is total bs. They are easily the most balanced and accurate*.
*Again I don’t see the prime-time talking heads and don’t even know who is on anymore other than Tucker and Hannity (Stossel still have a weekly show?). I guess Hannity is probably still, well, Hannity. But he can’t even come close to being as mendacious as Rachel Maddow or anyone at MSDNC/CNN.
lineup features hours of barely veiled white nationalism
For some reason I am not inclined to believe this. I think I saw that Kennedy has a show still. Has she reinvented herself into a clansman?
Fox’s target demographic of geriatric white men
Good. Let the hate flow through you.
Man, someone is really upset that every other msm “news” station routinely gets their asses handed to them in the ratings.
I am not sure “undermining” America is the goal, but rather to overwhelm an already overwhelmed asylum system. It is also a fact that Democratic donors are funding it as well as Honduran commies from what I hear. Maybe no direct links to Soros, but there are links to groups he has supported in the past. Pointing this out makes you liable for the actions of some sick fuck who shot up a synagogue, but pointing out that during 2016 election all the networks where spouting that the R’s wanted to take away your access to health care and people were going to literally die which caused a Bernie Bro to shoot up a baseball practice makes you a nut.
The left is absolutely morally bankrupt. There is no lie too big, no smear too vicious. Look how they behaved towards Brett Kavanaugh…just incredible. A guy who, by accounts of people that know him, has sterling character, was smeared as a serial rapist without one scintilla of evidence. Now they claim they will impeach him.
I suspect they are going to go after FOX harder and harder as their power slips away.
They’re going after every dissenting voice.
Yay – got back from my yearly physical and no “digital exam” – I hate that, even though some people would pay for the service considering how attractive my (female) doctor is.
Tom Woods
Here’s the “Resistance” for you. Trump is 100% wrong on Saudi Arabia, obviously. But half a dozen previous presidents looked the other way at Saudi savagery, including Obama.
Your “resistance” is pathetic if it’s only two years old.
With Saudi Arabia, I expect the usual suspects to pull the exact same thing they did with Trump and North Korea. If you recall…
Noon EST: “Hey Trump! What’s with the brinksmanship thing with “Lil Kim”? Why the saber rattling? You’re going to get us all nuked!”
1 PM EST: “Meeting with Kim? Why are you cozying up to that tyrant? It’s despicable!”
I will agree with Evan upthread that Carly Rae Jepson is some Canadian magnificence. Crafting and performing a good pop song is not an easy thing and she is beyond cute in her videos. I like this one a lot, but the video could benefit from an appearance of STEVE SMITH.
Please. This is Canadian magnificence.
Real Canadian magnificence
Real Canadian Romance
Lol…the boy’s expression screams “get me out of here!”
Yes, the rebellion in that one will be epic.
His old man better get a good attorney on retainer.
What are the odds that the embarrassment at his father makes him turn sane?
Nice try. This is Canadian magnificence.
This one’s for you. Not magnificence, but definitely Canadian.
More Canadian magnificence.
That whole album kicks ass.
Some great Canuckistani hair rock there. They still aren’t as hot as Carley though.
No way!
Hey LH, thanks for the hi-fi advice the other day (and Potato and IF). I went with the Wharfedale Denton’s you recommended. I have a new Marantz receiver coming Friday, can’t wait to try it out with some records (not Carly Rae, most likely start with Segovia and some RL Burnside).
I saw RL Burnside five or six times. He was great.
Canada’s contribution to pop music officially peaked with Who Will Cut Our Hair When We’re Gone
The best Canadian singer.
Ugh. Owl City? Double ugh.
Do you guys even Glass Tiger, bro?
So with Ben McAdams Winning Against Mia Love i wanted to note that someone was questioning if parts of Utah were becoming “more” progressive. The truth is that the Seat that Mia Love had was historically Democratic (if you extend its history to the 3rd (?) district), represented by Jim Matheson.
That being said, Ben McAdams is a royal douche from what i can tell, in the way he ran his campaign.
So Utah is becoming more progressive by replacing a black woman with a white guy?
Sounds about right.
“Mia Love”
Not a real black woman! Aunt Jemima!
“Racists in Utah Vote in White Man over Woman of Color”
Headlines we will never see about this race
Why bother with election fraud in California?
Seriously, what’s the point?
There were repubs representing Orange County.
Now there are none.
Look, you gotta have a single party system before utopia can arrive.
All the Repubs won Orange County on election day. All lost a couple weeks later.
Seems they overlooked listing any party affiliations in that piece.
L.A. County elections chief Dean Logan previously said it was unlikely the forgeries eluded his staff, who manually compare petition signatures with those on registration forms.
Sure, Dean. What’s happens when you do find mismatches? Did you bounce any of the signatures collected by the accused? Did you bounce any signatures at all?
Says something about propositions – I guess those are more competitive.
You want your Democrat to win?
Rider Univ refuses to bring Chick-Fil-A to campus, despite students’ demands
“their corporate values have not sufficiently progressed enough to align with those of Rider,”
Quality product and friendly service? Or are they referring to the private, religious beliefs of the owners? ///rhetorical
What exactly are the principles you want these young people taught? Capitalism over wokeness? Chicken over social justice? These youth must learn that sometimes your conscience must come before your patriarch chicken sammiches! Sometimes in the future, you may have to grub roots for dear leader! Now high step them jackboots, comrades!
private university = don’t care
don’t like it = change the channel
I don’t disagree with what you’re saying. My question is at what point do industries who survive off of public funds cease being called “private”? Is there a dollar amount or perhaps a public percentage that defines what is and isn’t “private” anymore?
We have companies that receive exactly zero dollars from government and yet they are forbidden from discriminating against costumers. To the point where even a party that ostensibly believes in private property hems and haws over its position on the matter.
Why then can a company (which is what colleges really are) that sustains itself on federally subsidized tuition payments; exemptions on property taxes and capital gains taxes, and is able to issue federally subsidized debt allowed to then discriminate based upon faith?
Turning every minute aspect of life into a political pissing match sure is refreshing.
I need some thoughts from the lawyer types, I was designing some merch on cafepress and got an email saying they were blocking the merch for legal reasons, explained in this tweet.
Screw that. He’s an elected office holder. Satire of an elected office holder must fall under fair use.
To be fair, though, I’m not a lawyer. But, I am a blowhard, which is a kind of lawyer I suppose
This revolves around The Hat and that it has the slogan ‘MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN’, which is obscured by his eyes, so the whole slogan isn’t even visible.
Does fair use, ahem, trump a copyright? Especially when you are attempting to profit using said copyrighted slogan? Just because much of it is obscured by his eyes doesn’t mean we don’t all know it’s there.
Not passing judgement…just asking questions.
Ya, that is BS but there ae ways around it. Check your twitter messages. I have to run errands now but will be back around later this afternoon.
“The reason we don’t do it is because we are still confused, blind, shrouded with hate, anger, racism, mommy issues.”
My mother? Lemme tell you about my mother.
stupid weather. cold and drizzle. i hate cold and drizzle
I need some recommendations for classics for a (very) precocious 9 year old reader. He really liked my last three recommendations – the Narnia Chronicles, Warhorse, and A Wrinkle in Time.
The Once and Future King
The Little Red Hen
Little Red Hen = Old Man and the Sea
I’m always late to the game, but I have to mention two more birthdays: Stan “The Man” Musial and Ken Griffey, Jr.
Donora PA represent!
Troll level: Supreme Overlord.
“I can’t guarantee that your pardons won’t be enjoined by the Ninth Circuit. Always happens,”
Best of all possible realities.
I fucking hated the Old Man and the Sea. It was unreadable. Bored the living shit out of me.
^^^This guy gets it.
What? This makes no sense to me.
My take on Hemingway-he sucked. He wrote interesting stories badly. The only Hemingway story I can think of that I actually thought was good is The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber.
But- somewhere around here I have an anthology of Hemingway’s news reporting and war correspondence. Much of it is excellent. There was a story in there about going to a bull fight (his first, I think). He describes the bull as being like some prehistoric monster, as I recall. Muy bueno.
I use to be a big Hemingway fan early on in high school (The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber was one of his few short stories that had a plot and conclusive end), but then I got more into Vonnegut and Kafka later in high school.
Then one day at a bar a couple of years back I was talking to an extremely woke man about literature. He said that Hemingway should be banned from school curriculum and libraries because of his misogyny. I laughed in his face and walked away. And now I kind of like Hemingway more so again.
The proggies do everything they can to promote incompetence and spinelessness. You cant subjugate competent, courageous people. Of course they hate Hemingway, the guy had balls.
I don’t remember the story but I do remember enjoying it in school.
Speaking of reading material, I went to my bookshelves to see what titles I have there and see that I have boxed all of the fiction up and put it in the attic. The only thing left there are college textbooks, technical books, legal crap, surveys, etc.
Except for two shelves. When my son was born I spent a few thousand on a set of Brittanicas. The expense was because it came with three other sets. 1. The 100 greatest works – novels, stories from the Greeks to today, 100 volumes. 2. The Great Ideas – philosophical writings and 3. The annals of America – 50 books containing political and philosophical writings from the Founders to the 20th century.
In 27 years of those I have not read The Annals of America. I think I should get started.
Considering that today is Voltaire’s birthday, I think it would be fitting to note that “Candide” would be a good book for young people to read. It’s short and easy to understand.
Agreed, 100%. And it is funny.
Indeed. And Voltaire is a much better French Enlightenment thinker to read than Rousseau
Walther’s saying 6-8 weeks before I get my PPS M2 back. fucking recalls.
You probably won’t even be mad any more by then!
absence makes the heart grow fonder?
Are they covering shipping costs?
Also, this is a good excuse to buy another gun…
Yes, 2-day FedEx.
I’ve had my eye on that Sig P365 “single-stack”. The mag is designed for 10 rounds. The price is right too. Buuuuuut there’s some issue with the firing pin leaving drag marks on the primer so a potential future recall there.
Ppq sc?
My brother just got one. I haven’t had a chance to shoot it yet, but he loves it.
I’m seeing VP9sk pistols for less than the P365.
I held the 365, it didn’t feel good in my hand. The bottom of the grip dug into my palm.
There are some very good double stacks out there but I like my women big in the hips, not my concealed firearm. My target is <1" width which rules out everything but single stacks.
Reading material-
When I was pre-teenish, I was a big fan of Greek mythology. Also stuff about (woo-woo) indians; Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull, those guys.
In my pre-teen years when I wasn’t reading SF I was reading the collected works of Stephen King and Dean Koontz as handed down by my mom. Literature!
I’m curious about Ruth Beebe Hill, the victim of one of the first successful PC purges for the crime of writing this book.
Ouch. I found this:
I read about her yesterday while, coincidentally, wondering whether Clavell and other colonial fiction writers had been targeted by the Marxist left for elimination. I can’t tell that there’s been much if any effort to book-burn that genre out of public consciousness, but Hill’s experience is pretty upsetting.
How anyone can stand being glad-handed like this by no-shit cultural imperialists is bewildering. Who could possibly appreciate this happy horseshit? Could you imagine if, say, Bill O’Reilly managed to get a minority author censured for the temerity of writing about the Whiskey Rebellion, or whatever? Would anyone other than these PC Marxist shitheels be content with literary segregationism, even if the book in question were authentically disparaging? Yet these book club Carrie Nation wannabes imagine they speak for aggrieved cultures. FUCK YOU.
Now I’m all het up and angry heading into class.
He just finished reading *some* greek play in school and really liked it. You can tell it sunk in, because he couldn’t remember the name of the play, who was in it, what happened, or what the moral was… I have an email in to his teacher to figure out what it was and we’ll try again with it.
He said that Hemingway should be banned from school curriculum and libraries because of his misogyny.
Yeah, like the girl in whichever book that was who had a bigger set of balls than the two male characters.
I think he was referring to Hemingway’s personal life. But, I think misogyny is just the first salvo in the criticism. They can always fall back on the fact that Hemingway (along with Frost) lobbied for Ezra Pound to be released from American custody after the war.
Hemingway was raised by a crazy woman who made him wear a dress. I would think the nutters pushing gender fluid nonsense would avoid him in conversation.
Up until the early 20th century it wasn’t uncommon for small boys to be put in dresses. I am not sure what the thinking behind that was.
Easier to change diapers under a dress. The issue was how long past the point they were out of diapers before they got real pants.
“before they got real pants”
Young boys in the early 20th Century always wore “short pants”. Long pants were reserved for adult men.
And the answer should have been “When they can claim them for their own by defeating a pants-wearing child in the arenas.”
I don’t remember the story but I do remember enjoying it in school.
They’re hunting Cape Buffalo in Africa. No spoilers. Definitely read it again.
Speaking of literature. Harlem Renaissance writers are underappreciated. A lot of their writing is more like jazz than the Beats.
Zora Neale Hurston was a proto-libertarian of the Harlem Renaissance. And Langston Hughes is one of the greatest short fiction writers of the 20th Century. It’s too bad that people are only exposed to their stuff under some identity politics moniker like “black authors” or something. They wrote some phenomenal stuff.
I was exposed to Hurston in a Women’s Studies class (yes, I took one. It was hilarious, although a couple of the books were okay)
I don’t think the teacher dug too deep into her ideas.
And Langston Hughes is one of the greatest short fiction writers of the 20th Century.
Made it back on the list for court appointment on felonies …
So, how many do you have to commit?
20 per year.