Congratulations!! We have made it through another session of glibfit!! I hope you achieved your goals, or at least learned something!
If anybody is interested in taking the reins for the next round of GlibFit, let me or SP or somebody know. I’m thinking that late March or early April is a good starting point for the next GlibFit, but I don’t really want to lead the next one. Frankly, I’m running out of material.
Happy Thanksgiving and happy GlibFitting from me and Mrs. trshmnstr!!
Fit Glibs.
Faake, we know there are no women here.
Thanks for doing these trashy!
Weight is down 10 lbs, lifts are up. Doing more cardio and really dialed in my diet. I am gonna keep going and see if I can drop another 10-15 lbs.
Do it! I’m holding off on any gym or workout. Just trying to add anything to me. Maybe by the new year I can start rock climbing again.
Weight: 153.1#, HR: 51bpm
Today: 6.47 mile run, 40# pack, 56:07, 147bpm, 8:40 min/mile
Saturday was a La Luz run, 9.86 mile, 35# pack, 131bpm, 14:10 min/mile
Monday was 13.11 mi (including intervals), 40#, 2:09:37, 130bpm, 9:53 min/mi
Saturday was my first mountain (2,300 ft. gain, 2,300 ft. loss) pack run of this year’s BMDM training cycle. I short-changed myself on calories, which is why my HR was so low.
Monday was my first time ever doing interval training with a 40. It went very well and gave me a PR for that 13.1 mile route at a 130bpm average HR.
Today, I technically improved ten seconds per mile over last week. However, last week I had to wait a minute at a stoplight.
My weight gain this week is ephemeral. I went out yesterday evening with my Team RWB buddies and drank a bunch of beer and then ate past my normal solid food cutoff time.
Friday is a 4 mile race. I will try to break 29 minutes. Saturday I’m running (but not racing, per-se) a 50k. I will try to break five hours.
You are amazing.
Good luck this weekend!
I’m working on my 6-pack. . .I’ve got a few left. . .
Amateur. I’ve got enough beer kegged up that it’ll be impossible for me to drink it all before the guests arrive tomorrow.
Same here, but there are no guests coming to mooch my delicious beer off of me.
Did you figure out your carbonation and serving levels for your kegs?
Yeah, I’m running it at 3psi right now, and that’s about right. Before the next batch, I’ll get a proper fountain setup (8 to 10 feet of beer line) and possibly get the kegerator set up (I need to buy a new thermostat, scrub the refrigerator out, and drill a few holes).
Well the good news is I hit 160 finally. Consistently over 3k calories is hard, I won’t lie.
Then yesterday I forgot my lunch at home. Back to 157.
Hopefully the four day weekend I have now should let me have plenty of time to eat an actual ton. I think with some effort I can get 3500 in a day. No idea what Thanksgiving numbers will be. High.
What’s your goal, Doom? I would think you are tall enough to carry 20 more pounds easily.
Goal is consistently 160-165 then start working out and trying to get up past 170 as a standard. My whole family is rather stringbean like, so I don’t expect to get too much higher than that without it becoming my only focus in life.
I could be 190 and not be fat. My bmi is currently on the line of acceptable.
Good work, fitness Glibs!! Keep it up!
I’ve been trying to get my arms and pectorals bigger. I have a bigass muscle gut from doing compound lifts, but it looks kind of goofy because my arms and chest look undersized by comparison. In the past year, I’ve gained about 20 pounds, so I’m around 260 now. Some of it is obviously fat, but there’s been muscle growth as well.
I was doing an ABA/BAB split, but I added a third workout that is upright rows, French press, and barbell curls. I’m getting some good results. I noticed that I was finally able to get my bench press up to 275 for 3 sets of 5, and some of my shirt sleeves feel tighter.
I think my ultimate fitness goal would be to get a physique something like this. Noticeably muscular, but not so big that you can’t run for shit. I want to strike a good balance between having a lot of muscle and being able to run fast and/or far.
I’ve really been amping up my protein intake as well (protip: a great breakfast is fried eggs, broiled salmon, plain Greek yogurt drizzled with olive oil, and a modest amount of tabbouleh).
Finally, I was thinking about getting a punching bag as a form of indoor cardio (and stress relief from my stupid job). I see that they are sold by weight… Anyone know what weight I should start out on?
I’ve sat on the couch most of the last 12 weeks post surgery. So far I’ve only gained three pounds. I consider that a victory.