“You shall not do as they do in the land of Egypt, where you lived, and you shall not do as they do in the land of Canaan, to which I am bringing you. You shall not walk in their statutes.”
The excerpt is from Leviticus 18, and is often interpreted by the Orthodox to mean, “Don’t do goyish shit.” That means no Christmas trees, Easter eggs, or… Thanksgiving. Now indeed, it’s not as simple as that, and various Orthodox authorities come down on both sides of the “Can Jews do the turkey thing?” issue. The folks who wish to avoid the controversy figure, “Well, we always have a Shabbos dinner on Friday night, so we’ll just do all the turkey, green bean casserole, candied sweet potatoes, and cranberry sauce then, and Yahweh will be none the wiser.”
Don’t try to fool Yahweh. He can get pretty nasty if he feels like you’re trying to get around his commandments.
But really, is that commandment all that it’s claimed to be? And is Thanksgiving kosher?
We’ll start with the latter. First, could Thanksgiving be considered a religious holiday? If so, it’s definitely forbidden to celebrate. One could say, nah, it’s a totally secular American thing, no Jesus, no crosses. On the other hand, its origins are in religious Protestant practice. Two Jews, three opinions, and of course, rabbis have come down on both sides of this. However, most lean toward, “Not Christian, at least not explicitly, so we can pretend. Turkey is kosher if a Jew slaughterer offed it. And as long as we’re doing the dinner all kosher-food-like and aren’t sitting at a table with people who are going to worship idols like Jesus, we’re cool with Yahweh.” Whew.
But wait! Some rabbis have pointed out that because Thanksgiving follows the Christian calendar (“Third Thursday in November”) and is not at a fixed date according to the Jewish (lunar) calendar, the default is, “It’s goyish and we shouldn’t go near it.” Shit.
Anyway, bottom line of that side of things is that there’s no definitive answer. For whatever reason, Yahweh didn’t mention the Pilgrims to Moses.
But the former question, what does the commandment in Leviticus 18:3 really mean, is to me a more interesting question. Traditionally, it’s interpreted as I said before, don’t do any kind of goyish shit. But it’s tough to read it in context and come away with that conclusion. This chapter is one of the juicier set of rules, and it makes you wonder if Egypt and Canaan were actually Arkansas and West Virginia. Here’s the rules from Leviticus 18, in order:
- Don’t follow Egyptian or Canaanite rules
- Follow Yahweh’s rules
- Don’t fuck any close relatives
- Don’t fuck your mother
- Don’t fuck any of your father’s other wives
- Don’t fuck your sister or half sister, even if you grew up in separate households
- Don’t fuck your grandkids
- Don’t fuck your stepsister
- Don’t fuck your aunt on your father’s side
- Don’t fuck your aunt on your mother’s side
- Don’t fuck your father’s sister-in-law
- Don’t fuck your daughter-in-law
- Don’t fuck your sister-in-law
- If you fuck a woman, don’t fuck her daughter, daughter-in-law, or granddaughter
- And if you marry a woman, don’t marry her sister (more about this one in a bit)
- Don’t fuck a woman on the rag
- Don’t fuck your neighbor’s wife
- Don’t burn up your kids if there’s some other god involved
- Don’t fuck men (assuming you’re a dude)
- Don’t fuck animals
At least to non-rabbinical me, it’s clear that Leviticus 18:3 cited by the more obstreperous rabbis isn’t about holiday dinners, it’s about fucking. By all rights, Leviticus 18 ought to be called The Fucking Chapter; there’s only a short diversion from fucking to a quick mention about not burning your kids, then it goes right back to fucking. So unless you intend to violate the turkey’s cavity in front of guests, or toss your kids into the oven while invoking Jesus, I think Yahweh’s rules just aren’t in force here. Turkeys are kosher, and as long as you follow the rest of the kosher rules for the dinner and don’t pray to Jesus, it’s unlikely to offend Yahweh that there’s a Christian calendar involved.
Before we go, I want to point out that this week’s Sedra, Vayeitzei, is apropos to the rules. It’s the story of Yaakov, Leah, and Ruchel. You’ll remember that Yaakov went to work for his Uncle Laban, tending sheep. The agreement was, tend the sheep for 7 years and Yaakov could marry Ruchel, Laban’s cute younger daughter. He does the herding work, and the morning after the wedding and the consummation, Yaakov wakes up to discover… oh shit, it’s the older, uglier sister. I FUCKED LEAH! THAT WAS NOT THE DEAL! Laban, who is clearly a major dick, tells him, basically, “Tough noogies, you married her, you fucked her, she’s yours. Now, if you still want cute little Ruchel, I think that another 7 year hitch ought to do it.” Yaakov realizes that if he wants to bang some higher quality trim, he’s going to have to go back to the sheep. But he’s no dummy- he says, “Look, I’ll do it, but if we wait yet another 7 years, Ruchel will be past her use-by date. How about I marry and fuck her now, and I’ll pledge to put in the sheep time after the punga punga?” Laban agrees, Yaakov now is married to and banging both sisters. Oh, and as a bonus, he also gets to bang each sister’s handmaid.
Damn, 14 years of sheep doesn’t seem like such a bad deal, in perspective.
Note though, that Yaakov lucked out and managed all this before the rules kicked in. Otherwise, he’d be in clear violation of at least three of them. I guess Yahweh just got prissier in Mosaic times.
Have a great Thanksgiving, and don’t forget the yarmulkes. And the fucking.
Mazel Tov.
Now hit that mother-fkin’ THEME MUSIC !
Not kosher. We just had an entire post about this.
[golf clap]
News are funny, think Mel and his friends,
Eat more Turkey
“That means no Christmas trees, Easter eggs, or… Thanksgiving.”
Progs approve. Or well, you can do that stuff, but you need to call them something that’s not so racist.
II hate phones Jews are funny
“Don’t fuck a woman on the rag”
Wait, what?
-1 bloodhound
+1 wash your face
I thought that was part of the regular muff diving rules. I don’t even, ewww!
She should be sent outside the camp. To be honest, I think that was just an excuse to get these raggy women out of their hair for a week or so. I totally get it.
They’re ritually unclean until they purify themselves in a mikvah.
-1 Red Wings
That is a long list of don’t fucks and from what I have seen, Pornhub’s main page adheres to none of them.
I have missed Jewsday. Good stuff.
That is a long list of don’t fucks and from what I have seen, Pornhub’s main page adheres to none of them.
Good to know I’m not the only one that noticed that.
I missed Jewsday too.
It’s the fourth Thursday, not the third, in November because FDR wanted another week where people could buy shit. Prior to that, the day was set by the states.
I thought it was the last Thursday until one year during the Depression (either 1933 or 1934) it fell on the 29th or 30th, so FDR moved it up one week.
Whatever, it’s still a goy calendar. And you know who ELSE followed a goy calendar?
Pope Gregory XIII?
“And you know who ELSE followed a goy calendar?”
How could we know that? Before I started hanging out here, I thought a goy is a colorful fish that people keep in backyard ponds.
The ultimate winners, ‘Murhica.
something something imperial measures something moon
Every Jew alive who owns a clothing store and has a Black Friday sale?
Liberace? Oh wait, that’s a gay calendar!
It was either the fourth Thursday or the last Thursday, or the second to last Thursday. It wasn’t until FDR that Congress passed a federal law codifying it as the fourth Thursday nationally.
*shhhh! if you don’t point it out maybe he’ll keep doing it on the wrong day!*
OMWC, you should just do a regular column and name it something like ‘What Yahweh Say’. So we hedonist Goyim can ask questions about really imporant Jew things that we don’t know about. You know, like ‘Do the Jewish ladies shave down there, and if so, are there certain days only that they can do so?’. And ‘How can I make the best garlic pickles?’. And also ‘What is that weird fish stuff in a jar, cause that looks gross!?’.
Do they squeak when they come?
Yahweh v. Zardoz. v. Dear Abby.
“Don’t follow Egyptian or Canaanite rules
Follow Yahweh’s rules
Don’t fuck any close relatives
Don’t fuck your mother
Don’t fuck any of your father’s other wives
Don’t fuck your sister or half sister, even if you grew up in separate households
Don’t fuck your grandkids
Don’t fuck your stepsister
Don’t fuck your aunt on your father’s side
Don’t fuck your aunt on your mother’s side
Don’t fuck your father’s sister-in-law
Don’t fuck your daughter-in-law
Don’t fuck your sister-in-law
If you fuck a woman, don’t fuck her daughter, daughter-in-law, or granddaughter
And if you marry a woman, don’t marry her sister (more about this one in a bit)”
Are these known as the ‘Appalachia Rulez’ or the ‘Pakastani Rulez’?
Sp ? OMWC ?
Lights Great Pyrennes signal .
That was Maggie the dog….she made it 12 years.
Awwwww. She is much more neatly groomed than our pup!
Awwwwwwww, Maggie!
She taught me a lot about patience, and how Pyrenees do things their own way, mostly when they feel like it.
Oh, my, yes.
Give them a job and they will go about it exactly as and when they like, and ignore everything else that interferes with said job.
The aspies of the K9 world.
No, because they understand emotional cues, they just don’t give a shit. So, honey badgers.
Or, assholes.
Aww sweet fluffer pup
Jewish Dilemma: Free Ham
We always go for the classics.
Ha! Never seen that. Merry Thanksgiving!
You gotta love a debauched TV show that could get Robert Goulet on board.
/Always a classic:
“Your manager says for you to SHUT UP!”
“Vera said that??“
TV Funhouse was the best thing on TV ever. And destined to fail. Like Fawltey Towers, only a handful of shows, but each one was perfect.
Cause the air is free !
Don’t fuck a woman on the rag
Especially in the vicinity of bears.
Don’t fuck your neighbor’s wife
Ah, the part edited out of the Ten Commandments.
Do not covet thy neighbor
or thy neighbor’s wife.So I was going to do ham steaks and potatoes au gratin tonight. Instead, I cubed up the ham, potatoes, onions, and layered them with the cheese. Awesome results. Roasted Brussels sprouts on the side and I can confirm that the 2018 Debouf Beaujolais Nouveau is one of the best I’ve had. $11 and a good turkey wine.
You missed shellfish.
Does using the same cutting board for the ham and the cheese make up for it?
still think it strange,
photo of cops gun
Same here. I guess it has something to do with hitting the plastic holster before the metal slide (bullets on steel will fracture and break causing shrapnel, contrary to the “shoot the gun out of the perps hand” thing you see in westerns.). And I haven’t gotten all the details about why it was holstered at the time.
Also, can anyone identify the caliber? I haven’t gotten anything concrete on the weapon used.
wgn says glock but no caliber
also saying he shot himself.
If it’s a Glock, why does the 2nd picture show a pistol that clearly says “Smith & Wesson” on the barrel?
And, this is about the hospital shooting? What is the controversy-that he had a weapon malfunction and couldn’t have shot himself?
/New to the story
Looks like a 9mm. I believe this is known as “Glock leg”.
ya, the odds of that are 1 in a squillion, and what caliber was buddy shooting? The slug looks like it would have to be like 1 1/2 inches long.
aiming for the waist is a tried and true way to win gun fights.
/no one
People tend to shoot low in actual gunfights. People tend to shoot low even when target shooting under time pressure.
“grazing fire”!
Note the ripstop tactical pants, nylon belt & kydex, but tennis shoes or hiking boots & a sweater. “Plainclothes” or “uniform”?
Thanksgiving Dinner with the Internet
That’s good.
OT: the Thanksgiving recipe post is now back online.
Nephilium, if you’re reading this, it’d be awesome if you’d send that croquette recipe along to be added. 🙂
sp@ thiswebsite
It’s more of a guideline then a recipe. But I can throw something together. 🙂
Something has been thrown together and sent.
Awesome. Thanks!
Wow, that was quick. Appreciate all of the work you put in on this site SP.
Thank you – I have an orphan vegan coming to dinner and need some inspiration!
Our main dish could be made vegan: mushrooms en croute (in non-butter puff pastry shell). Could be “beefed” up with lentils.
Interesting idea – what are your thoughts on using a vegan “Chick’n”?
I am in favor. You know the synthetic meat technologies far better than I do, but all I can say is, delicious is delicious.
The main issue for my wild mushrooms en croute is making a good roux without butter for the red wine gravy. Maybe a neutral oil with a dose of diacetyl?
What kind of person would have diacetyl in their HOME…oh, wait.
Like nobody else has 1,2-diketone on their Whole Foods list.
1, 2…3,4 – pre-law, pre-med – what’s the difference?
We know you far too well.
/hides strange vials in cabinets and refrigerator.
Is a crouton just a tiny croute, then??
non-butter puff pastry shell
What is the sorcery? SP outed as a witch!! That is impossible!!
Not that I watch content like this, but these did catch my eye….
oh, sorry….I was thinking ‘vegetarian’ and not the other v-word
Either way – cool video and I see he has others.
He’s handy. And you gotta love a fat cook after all.
I read quickly and miss read cook. That changes your interpretation greatly.
The Easy Vegan on YouTube is worth checking out.
Here’s an example.
There was this guy named Paul who said all them rules are void. That will be the focus of my cult…er church
My tgiving dinner is going to be smoked brisket for myself…and everyone else can suck it.
I wanted to do a brisket for my guests. No dice.
The Teva point cuts don’t show up at Trader Joe’s for a few more weeks.
No way I’m paying 10 bucks a pound on Pico for ungraded tough cuts.
I have a Glatt Kosher turkey.
Had to glove up and re-pluck.
I guess the rabbis haven’t found a loophole that prevents fuzzy poultry. Yet.
Picked-up our “fresh, refrigerated-only” turkey today – they guy at the counter said they had to “hard chill” the turkeys. Um, that is called frozen.
I saw something similar the other day. “Ice glazed”. Not frozen…. but not unfrozen.
I hope it wasn’t a pre-owned turkey.
The thing that has always bothered me about the Orthodox interpretation of the rules is that Yahweh handed down these very specific rules, said nothing at all about any expansive reading and yet the rules are interpreted in a decidedly “That which is not specifically permitted is forbidden” mode. How do you get from a prohibition on boiling a calf in its mothers milk to separate cooking utensils for meat and dairy? You get there by hating freedom. And yet, this is the God that supposedly was so all in on free will that he actually negotiated deals with his chosen people! So isn’t hating freedom hating God?
The separation has to do with heat. Cold contact is usually OK with utensils.
What I find…. frustrating… is, what’s wrong with chicken nachos? Chickens aren’t mammals. They don’t lactate. You can’t boil a chick in its mothers milk, because no such thing exists.
Fish tacos with cheese? A OK. Chicken tacos with cheese? FORBIDDEN.
Every explanation I’ve heard is unconvincing and fails to satisfy my curiosity, especially the Lubavitch version.
Petty, temperamental, ambiguous, likes to make deals?
It’s because of the Pharisees, who are big on being authorities. Karaites might be more to your taste.
I’m always amazed at the lengths that scripture is dissected and can be used to make it mean anything you want. It reminds me of another religion called government.
OT: This goy is going to make my small part of the family meal tomorrow. I have 4 little cabbages carrots and peppers. I’ll be making my wife’s grandmother’s coleslaw. Mrs time is getting foot surgery tomorrow so I have the day off to tend to her every need while the anistetic wears off.
As Black Friday approaches, I love the fact that one of the nearby breweries does a special bottle release every year, more special beers on tap, and chicken and waffles.
I still have a couple of the Batch #200 bottles kicking around… too bad the next BIF will be most likely be spring, when I wouldn’t want to ship a big heavy barrel aged imperial stout.
You can always send it down here to the SW corner. Hell, I may even meet you in C-Bus.
I’ll be down in Canal Winchester in mid-December at the Brewdog Dog House. It may fuck up your carb counting though.
Don’t gamble what you can’t lose. Definitely don’t gamble with other people’s money.
Google James Cordier if you want to sober up right now.
I probably made some money off of him this week. Such is life.
Damn. I’m not going to sober up from that, but reading the article, this part stood up as… questionable:
If the hedge fund borrowed money against the fund, how does that put the investors on the hook?
/never had enough to invest in a hedge fund
A portion of the fund almost exclusively wrote options. There are no words to describe how incredibly reckless that is.
There’s nothing wrong with writing options if you backstop them. They didn’t.
Shorting natural gas at the onset of winter? What. The. Fuck.
As far as investing goes, you generally only have the principal at stake….. unless you’re leveraged. Like… writing options.
This one weird trick to beat the market.
It always ends with jumping off of a bridge in Pasadena.
Go granny go…
That’s the part I can’t wrap my head around, were the clients of the hedge fund willingly signing up for leveraged options? Or was it the fund doing it? And if was the fund, wouldn’t that put the fund company on the hook, not the clients?
Willingly? I’m not sure. But it was definitely in the fine print, and as owners of the fund, the investors have to cover the losses.
It looks like a loss of 150 mil, with clients numbering 280+/-.
That’s about a half million per. Those are exactly the kind of people who will believe lies because they want a chateau on the French Riviera. Unsophisticated but climbers.
If it’s too good to be true, it is.
Thanks. I appreciate the education.
The entire concept of Ponzi schemes is amazing to me. The amount of trust people had in the people running the schemes just shocks me. If someone promises me a guaranteed return, I’m going to want to know how. I’m waiting for someone to start a Ponzi scheme claiming it’s a robo-advisor, they could probably keep that going for several decades.
If you read this interview:
It gives you an idea of what he was up to. Most of the rest of his internet presence has been scrubbed.
By writing naked options that were very far out of the money, he was basically doing what insurance companies do. Low probability, high casualty. But he did it on margin with no reserves. And that’s how you lose $400 million in one day.
My neighbor has a brother in federal prison for basically running a Ponzi scheme, but the story of how he got into that was very interesting to me:
He was a fairly successful day trader, and he would occasionally invest small sums of money on behalf of close family members. Over time, he expanded that circle to include more family and some friends, and eventually he allowed someone to post a flyer on the church bulletin board about it. Pretty soon, he was basically operating as an unlicensed stock broker for tons of people who were virtually total strangers. Everything was going well until his stocks took a dive (as they almost always do sooner or later). He didn’t have the heart to tell these people that he lost their money. Instead, he frantically recruited more people in an effort to pay his friends and family, thinking that he’ll make wiser investments, make up the losses, and pay everyone back. It didn’t work out that way. The people got angry that their money was gone, and someone must have reported him to the SEC. He got five years in federal prison.
It’s just intriguing to me because he was running a textbook Ponzi scheme, but he legitimately had good intentions. Sounds like it might make a good TV movie or something.
(Good intentions can lead to bad things… I get the feeling that I’ve observed that principle in some other area of life…)
Netflix has two movies (one fictional, the other more of a documentary) about a guy who wound up running a Ponzi scheme based on good intentions. The Polka King (fictional, entertaining, with Jack Black) and The Man Who Would be Polka King (documentary, not quite as entertaining).
But I’ve also always had a soft spot for the classic con moves. Most of the old ones played of the greed of the person getting conned. FFS, I saw some people on the Vegas Strip a couple years back running a three card monte table, with a $100 bet, and people were lining up. I stood there for probably 20 minutes just enjoying the craft. You could tell the two shills in the crowd, because they always won when they played. But so many people just stepped up tried to play, and then walked away.
We saw both of the Polka King films, too. I thought the guy was a total con artist. He set out to “make it” any way he could.
I’m not saying what he did was right, but from my take he started down that path thinking he would make it and then be able to get out of the hole (like most of the people who run Ponzi schemes). Then as the hole got bigger, he kept digging to keep himself afloat. I saw him as a sympathetic villain.
From his author blurb on Seeking Alpha (where’s my shocked face at?), “James Cordier is the founder of OptionSellers.com, an investment firm specializing exclusively in selling options. ”
No red flags there at all.
I didn’t see cousins in that list up there so I think I’m OK. Just out of curiosity, that don’t fuck animals stipulation only applies to cloven hoofed animals that don’t chew the cud, right? I’m asking for a friend.
+1 Larry Flynt
Actually, Larry was opposed to bestiality.
The Thanksgiving weather forecast is calling for 8 deg overnight. Shit I guess winter is here.
Global Cooling’s coming, look busy.
Damm lack of sunspots
Yay! Newsday Tuesday! I’ve missed these, OMWC, hope there will be more.
When time and The Muse strike. Unfortunately, I wasn’t born with SugarFree’s gift for seemingly effortless writing of top caliber. I have to sweat through even cranking out something mediocre.
Oh God that reminds me tomorrow is Wednesday.
Yes, it’s the highlight of my week.
/lays in stocks of mood elevators
mood elevators
Do you work for my HR department?
Your HR department hands out mood elevators?
He works for Otis.
No, but they’ve been pushing some crappy something or other about those damn mood elevators and finding yourself. I dunno. It’s all annoying claptrap.
I guess their idea of “mood elevator” isn’t booze. Because one of my “mood elevators” is booze. At least, for awhile.
Booze is a mood enhancer. Banned by Tour De France.
“I have to sweat through even cranking out something mediocre.“
Actually, that seems to come naturally.
Your long history with crayons and brown paper bags is noted.
But does he share his crayons? I don’t share mine. OR ANYTHING ELSE.
/looks at SP recipes
/looks at SP
/looks back at SP recipes
/starts looking for missing ingredients or steps
Oh. I’ll share those.
The one to whom the comment was directed knows what I’m really talking about.
/lovingly strokes box containing rusty tin can lid collection
Hmm. Silence. Good tactical decision.
My wife is watching Weekend at Bernies for the first time. It doesn’t hold up as well as I remember.
You speak blasphemy! It’s one of the rules from Leviticus OMWC people hide, but it’s there.
Speaking of not eating pork…
I made some weird all-pork meatloaf tonight because I forgot to thaw the ground beef. It’s not the greatest thing I’ve ever made in my kitchen. Remind me to thaw out the damn beef next time.
… Although it could achieve salvation tomorrow morning as a sliced and fried breakfast meat (isn’t that basically what scrapple is?)
OT: Found via a bandcamp vortex… where has this song been all my life?
*does duckduckgo search of bandcamp vortex* I still don’t know what that means or how it led you found to a video that has been on youtube for 4 years with only 3 views.
Are you familiar with Bandcamp and how it links to artists you might like?
This one time at band camp…
Probably more fruitful than the Math Club.
Dammit! I wasted my lunch hours!
Lunch? It was after school… or so I’ve heard.
Our mathclub was during the school day. They made everyone in the highschool take the test and forced the people with highest scores to participate. Given no one wanted to do it and tried to fail the test, I was forced to do it with a score of like 20/100.
We… er, they… had after-school meets and shit in the City-Catholic league (i.e. same as for sports).
We got off a day of school to go take a test competing against other schools. I just wrote random things and finished before everyone. It was fun watching all the math nerds be all,”How is he done already!?” Some of them really seemed freaked out.
That makes more sense. I never heard of
Bandcamp until you mentioned it.
Alright, I’m going to need to find one of the Glib Lawyer types, I suppose none of them are on right now. I’m trying to use cafepress to make some fine merch for yall and I get this:
I would think it’s covered under the fair use statutes that protect parody. Trump is trying to kill MAGA Prime! This must be stopped!
Sounds like you need a judge from Seattle or Hawaii
I believe it is actually trademarked but I would argue that the parody is obvious enough that you are not representing the intent of the trademark.
I stayed at a Holiday Inn and not a lawyer.
And even images where MAGA Prime is there, but the slogan isn’t really readable got flagged. (And Yeah, it is trademarked, but I’m not using the trademark, I’m parodying one specific thing, the same as my caricature of Trump)
Cafepress being overly cautious or SecretNaziPresident at work…you decide
Cite Citizens United…
Citizens United doesn’t really apply, but they probably don’t know that.
I know…
I would also wager that Showtimes edgy “Our Cartoon President” utilizes a parody of MAGA somewhere. You have standing.
Huh, looking at the Glibs store, Hat and Hair merch is still shown, but won’t click through to purchase. Not sure if it is the same issue or a bug. All the new stuff was outright removed.
And, just in time for Black Friday and the holiday buying frenzy!
I think one of the others was having trouble buying H&H merch.
Sent SP what I received, hopefully we can work it out. Until then, let’s party, because Everybody Wants You.
Ah.. the days when Jo Omeara was edgy because she had that small arm tattoo. Now it would be full sleeves and a forehead ring.
If that’s the case it’s a big misstep by either merchants or Trump. Humans love people who can appreciate self depreciating humor and laugh at themselves.
One could argue that one can own the parody by openly embracing it and playing along. I know I would and it is what I teach my chillins to do
Seems plausible. The way the boards so quickly delivered Ghosn and severed their ties struck me as a little fishy.
They are playing for real if that’s true.
For all you late night Glibs:
I hate you yet love you
Insomnia sucks.
Busy mind, or something else?
/bein’ nosy
Watch Fight Club, like I’m about to do./Maladjusted Manchild/truth
A rare bit of soul.
Seems like a fuck ton of “rules” when only one is necessary: Don’t stick it in crazy.
So what you’re saying is, it’s okay to worship Moloch and cast your babies into the pyre?
/Cathy Newman