Boiling those things is like turning a rubber inside out to use again.
/heard it once
Now just hit that Milwaukee’s Best Ice THEME MUSIC !!
The cigarette in that video is probably more edgy to modern audiences than the strip-tease.
The oven is running, the pumpkin cheesecake is baking, the pretzel rolls are cooling, and the stuffing is cooling. Tomorrow is another bread, and mashed potato croquettes (with cheddar and bacon). Then there’s just another dessert and mac and cheese to make. Until the big day comes.
Life is good, nailed the temp on the cheesecake, it’s cooling now.
Is your “Excellent” in response to “turning a rubber inside out to use again”?
It does sound cost-effective, especially if you’re in a three-way, your girlfriend passes out, and the other girl wants to fuck but ‘only with a condom”. Well, here’s a fresh one right here!
I love a good cheesecake. Dry and crumbly.
Unfortunately, I trusted my house to be warm enough after all the baking today, and it cracked. The first guest who complains about it will be uninvited to next year’s gathering.
Aroma and color are spot on.
…Are you not supposed to do that?
Indonesian teenagers are using menstrual pads to get high by boiling the sanitary product and then drinking the water, local officials have warned.
Sounds like butt-chugging and rainbow parties.
Feature not bug ?
How in hell would anyone think of this?
Yeah, been thinking about getting high this week end.
Does your sister having any used pads, asking for a friend.
Java juice.
An important lesson for all young men: Wife Zone Chart [OFFICIAL] Find a Girlfriend Or Pick the Perfect Wife- The Wife Zone Chart
I’m glad I stayed until the end
Wow, I have had bad flights on Delta, but never anything that shitty.
It certainly did not pass the smell-test.
I think that was Delta’s overall service seeping out of the seat.
One of the many, many reasons I don’t fly. Seriously, I’d rather spend the time driving than deal with the host of shittiness that commercial flight requires. Flying sucked before the TSA happened, but that was the icing on the shit cake for me. Barring some sort of major emergency, I’ll never get on a plane again.
“we are now loading passengers in the brown section”
I actually had something like this happen on a Southwest flight. Somebody had gotten sick, and the seat belt was covered in puke. You know what they did? They got a maintenance guy onto the plane to replace the seat belt, sanitized the entire seat for me and gave me a free drink for the mild inconvenience of having to stand for 5 minutes.
Why did this story end any different than mine? Oh yeah, mine was on Southwest and this one was on Delta.
Sigh…it’s not that easy finding flights to Indianapolis that don’t route through Chicago, I’d like an airline that does it reasonably often not to be shit.
Poor guy. Delta dumped all over him.
Suspected mass serial killer admits to 90 murders
This chick has him beat: Locusta – the Poisoner of the Roman Emperors
She’s old news.
And how does that make you feel?
Not meaning to hygiene shame or point bloody fingers or anything because you know, bodily functions and all, but holy sweet mother of pearl, have you smelled a sanitary pad after it has hung out in the trash for a day or two? Anybody who drinks a boiled one of those has issues that are incurable.
Either that or they made up the story. I think the latter.
Of course. Can you think of a scenario where that would actually happen?
*paging Sugar Free*
Nuh uh, it is on the internet.
We need a Romanian point of view here….
*paging Pie….Pie to the red courtesy phone….”
Putting the “V” in a V8.
The Indonesian youth is just a bloody mess.
*narrows gaze and retches*
Wait…that WASN’T for Straff’s post??
‘Cause, seriously….DAMN.
“The used pads they took from the trash”
Ima stop you right there
Parboiled pads and plane poo.
I’m out.
Yeah. I’m trying to write my grocery list. Shudders.
Happy Friday!!!
What’s everyone drinking?
I’m drinking cheap beer and not-cheap rye whiskey.
Im on a horrid roller-coaster of beer that tastes like it was drained through a coffee filter with modeling glue and sharpies
I am an accidental hipster. Oh well.
Until PBR goes under… At which point a large number of brands die.
After I bought it I realized I made a mistake. I’ve had enough money long enough that I didn’t enjoy it anymore (my tastes have definitely changed, I haven’t had malt liquor or box wine in years).
I’m a geek, not a snob. You do you man. I’ll stick with my cellar of beer, booze, and wine.
I legitimately dislike it now. I was practically a wino in my previous life, so it tasted fine at the time.
Not a goddamn thing, god damn it.
Good beer, and Woodford Reserve right now. I’m not sure what I’m moving on to next.
Carnitas tacos for dinner, so I had a Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale and a Don Julio Reposado back.
High West Yippee Ki-Yay Rye right now. Boise State kicks off at 1900.
How is that? I haven’t had that one yet. To date the High West’s I’ve had are Double and Rendezvous.
I like it. It’s a whiskey to ponder. The vermouth and Pinot barrel finish works.
Had a Celebration Ale when I got home from Happy Hour with Future Mrs. Pi (after having 3 Butler’s Basins – local concoction comprised of the, Cointreau, some other other orange flavored stuff).
Anchor Steam Christmas is on the shelve ‘rounf my parts (north Baltimore County).
Almost Old Rasputin season.
Comprised of *rye*
Cellar Box Chardonnay. It’s…well…chardonnay…kindof. I take it on ice and it is ok. I can’t always afford my #1 beer (Guinness) or my #1 wine (Naked Grape*, steel > oak).
*Which I know is not expensive as far as wine goes, but I am also kind of cheap.
Wait a couple weeks, and you may see a write up about making your own.
Oddly, I’m drinking a cabernet sauvignon. I get a number of different subscription box things, and one of them came with a big fat discount for a wine club thing. Now, I’m not against wine, but I’m not a wine guy by any means. I know a couple of general kinds that I like, but mostly I’m a philistine when it comes to discerning anything beyond whether something is dry or not. But, I do know a reasonable deal when I see one, and the intro deal was about $100 for 12 bottles of various wines delivered to the house. It’s a once-every-three-months deal apparently. I’m on board for boxes full of semi-surprise booze, and if it turns me into a cultured wine aficionado, great.
cultured wine aficionado
These do not exist. I have been to enough wine tastings to know that the “good for your pallet” crap is just that, it’s crap. They tell you what to taste as you sip it. That, said, there are distinctions in types of wine. For instance, Cabsauv stands apart from even other reds as a very discernible (and somewhat acquired) taste. I like it, myself, as a winter wine. There are few distinctions I can tell between wines, type is one, and aging method is another. But between brands? This, that, or the other earthy** and chocolaty and whatever tones. Idk. Wine snobs are snobs. ///endrant
**Once met a woman (recently married and moving to CA with hubby) at a vineyard. She was in the process of establishing routine wine deliveries from VA to CA because CA wine “tastes like dirt”. I like VA and VA wine alright (the climate makes each years product unique), but I had never heard someone say that. Interesting experience. Everyone’s taste is different.
They couldn’t even spot something wrong with a white wine dyed red.
I do think that wines on the level of Boone’s Farm or Gallo do have a bad taste. But once you get into mid-range wines, yea, I think they’re all more or less the same. I get Cavit brand; $10 or so for a 750mL, and it’s great to drink and cook with (often at the same time). I have no motivation to spend any more on wine than that.
I’ve told the story before, but it entertains me (hopefully it entertains someone else here). There’s a local wine shop that is also very well known for their beer selection. For several years, during Cleveland Beer Week, they’ve done the wine and beer tasting extravaganza. It’s usually about 30 some beers, and 50 some wines available for sampling (and light food) for $25 a person. One of the years, I had stopped at a table with both wine and beer and was chatting with the person pouring about my likes and dislikes flavor wise. While we were talking about it, some woman walked up and looked at what was being poured, and proudly declared that she was only interested in wine, since beer was too simple. The guy pouring at the table (without missing a beat) turned to her, and explained that beer is a more complex product, being made of a minimum of four ingredients while wine is generally only 2. Beer is also expected to be consistent year to year by adjusting to the differences in agricultural products, while wine is just allowed to be different each year. He then turned back to me and asked what I wanted a pour of.
I chose Orval.
Snobs gotta snob. And I agree that beer is more complex.
I was more impressed by the guy pouring. He had no reason to go on the rant, or ignore her to pour my drink first. And there’s a reason I say I’m a beer geek, not a beer snob.
Regardless, Orval is awesome.
I heard it put thusly once: “Making wine’s easy; anybody can let grape juice go bad.” I think there’s some truth at the core of that. Most of the wine making happens in the growing. Making beer is way, way more complex. There are so many variables just in the brewing process alone, never mind all the various ingredients. I mean, it’s easy to make beer, but it’s hard to make good beer, and it’s hard to make the same beer twice. I mean, don’t get me started about trying to find a substitute for the Boddington’s yeast because the local homebrew store ran out and doesn’t expect any more in for a month.
You haven’t built your own house yeast strain up yet? I’ve learned that the Ommegang yeast is an insane beast and will rip through sugars like you wouldn’t believe (it finished off a +7% Tripel I maid in less then a week).
My lambic blend is open to any who want it.
Yeah, I tend to think it’s a little bit of a show myself. I have no doubt that there are a bunch of different flavors in wines as with anything else, but I also know that if you have to tell someone what they’re going to taste (“Pay attention to the spicy tobacco notes in the finish!”) it may be a shade bullshit. Eh, maybe that’s strong, but as a mostly former smoker I know damn well what tobacco tastes like, and wine doesn’t taste like tobacco. It tastes like wine. I know there are differences between varietals and I can usually pick out the ones I like best, like Sangioveses, or the ones that are especially distinctive, like Chardonnays, but mostly whether or not I like it is as far as my palate goes.
Funny you mention VA wines. There are a few wineries in MD that show up pretty regularly at festivals and in local stores who I think make some good stuff. The funny thing is a couple of them have crossed over into beer as well because they’re having some success growing hops on the same land as their grapes.
I am for whatever reason mixing eggnog with some cheap, barely drinkable whiskey. And pondering where my life went so wrong that this is my Friday night…drinking unenjoyable alcohol and talking to you people.
Ooh! That reminds me; time to make a batch of DblEagle’s aged eggnog!
It could be worse. Actually, no. Bad booze and leaning up against a dumpster beats conversing with this crowd.
_You_ people?!?!
Bell’s winter white, victory at Sea, and a bourbon barrel victory at Sea. Then bourbon. What’s me name again?
Boxed pinot noir.
The next decision was Bulleit 10 year. I may move back to Raging Bitch next.
Ah, you know one of my ex wives.
It’s a solid Belgian IPA that I buy more often then I probably should because they’re full on 1st Amendment supporters (more even then the ACLU). They work with Ralph Stedman, have a beer named after Hunter, and dropped out of the BA due to a beer name rule.
Badge Chardonnay with the pizza (was originally supposed to be a frittata tonight), to be followed by some Michter’s Rye.
Nazi president threatens to liquidate insolent journalists
“A federal judge who you appointed has just ruled that you must give CNN reporter Jim Acosta his press pass back,” Fox News Chris Wallace said. “Your reaction to the ruling, sir.”
“Yeah, it’s fine I mean it’s not a big deal,” Trump responded. “What they said though is that we have to create rules and regulations for conduct etc. etc.”
“We’re doing that, were going to write them up right now,” Trump continued. “It’s not a big deal and if he misbehaves we’ll throw him out or we’ll stop the news conference.”
“What are your rules going to be?” Wallace responded. “What is it that you’re saying?”
“We’re writing them now. We’ll have rules of decorum you know you can’t keep asking questions,” Trump replied. “We had a lot of reporters in that room, many many reporters in that room and they were unable to ask questions because this guy gets up and starts you know doing what he’s supposed to be doing for him and for CNN and you know just shouting out questions and making statements too.”
“But I will say this look, nobody believes in the First Amendment more than I do and if I think somebody is acting out of sorts I will leave I will say thank you very much, everybody, I appreciate you coming and I’ll leave,” Trump concluded. “And those reporters will not be too friendly to whoever it is that’s acting up.”
We live in the best timeline.
+44D Chess
44D is an odd bra size judging by boobpedia entries.
Melania is not that big. But she can hold her own (and wood, repeatedly, with all the world watching…) In other news, all FLOTUS’s have their pet projects, but at least Melania is not trying to starve children.
They… do realize that she and Donald are two separate people, right?
Trump has done much worse poking than that, and she took it in stride.
34D according to Boobpedia.
I just wonder how self-aware Melania is when she does something like that. Is she trolling everyone else, or her husband’s critics? Does Trump even know or care? Is she just a hapless idiot completely oblivious to it all?
It is possible that she is part of the troll-machine that is Tump. I also maintain the possibility that Stormy Daniels is part of the troll-machine that is Trump. **removes tinfoil hat**
Could be she’d be out of there if not for a prenup tighter than her butt when she met Trump, and she’s rebelling in small ways after he humiliated her with Stormy Daniels shit.
nobody believes in the First Amendment more than I do
Stick to believable lies, Mr Orange Man. Like “we’ll build the wall” or “I have class”.
Flouncing out of the room because he doesn’t like the question is an alpha move, though. It will generate at least 12 cPG* of outrage.
*centi Pussy Grab, my proposed measure for Trump Outrages.
In his defense, there’s nothing in the First Amendment that requires him to answer questions, he just can’t stop people from asking them.
Agreed – to assert Trump is anti-1A is absurd – it’s what allows Trump to be Trump.
I’m just saying, the number of people who believe more in the First Amendment than he does probably dwarfs The Apprentice audience at its peak.
Him packing up and leaving mid-conference is good showmanship, though. I certainly wasn’t casting aspersions on that part.
For sure, while I’m happy to be proven wrong, I don’t pick up a strong, principled stance on the First Amendment from Trump. I do pick up a “My house, my rules” vibe from him, and while I’m not wild about it I do enjoy a touch of schadenfreude as much as the next man, so long as it happens to people like Jim Acosta.
This is just a reminder that Obama in his second term went something crazy like a year and a half without answering a single question at a press conference. This from a guy who got fawning coverage. It takes a special breed of sorts to do what Trump does. Most people would not be able to handle that hostility and abuse, especially when in that position of authority. I’m not saying he’s a good breed, but a special one.
The no press conference run of Obama has been memory holed.
I seem to remember a lot of friction between him and Fox News as well, but strangely enough, the “progressives” weren’t accusing him of being hostile to a free press… I wonder why.
hostile to a free press
On that note, call me when Trump is threatening to prosecute reporters for espionage for reporting things that the admin finds uncomfortable.
The thing is that is not 1A issue either. It is a transparency issue.
ZARDOZ seems to prefer British guns, but perhaps he would be interested in a Swiss gun factory?
That is cool af, and my take away is the sound effects in the Bourne movies are accurate.
Skimming through the video, I do not understand why anyone would do that to a K31.
For the record, I endorse Red Letter Media here. “Overlord” is a great flick and definitely worth catching while it’s in the theater – which won’t be very much longer given the low box office and holiday season ramping up. I can see where it had ties to Cloverfield originally – that look like they were edited or cut back for reference purposes outside of a couple scenes – but it wound up being a perfectly solid standalone flick on it’s own. Highly recommended!
They’re ‘The Last Jedi’ take was epic.
Overlord looks interesting to me. But the sale failed with the girlfriend. So waiting for streaming will probably be the best option for me.
I was already intrigued by their review, and it doesn’t seem to be a zombie movie proper. Hopefully I’ll be able to make matinee before it dies out of theatres.
I know Red Letter Media won’t touch the black guy in the lead role thing. But this is supposed to be played as a straight WW2 movie, just with zombies, where you have a black guy and apparently a French woman being air dropped behind enemy lines.
Also, I was certain the black guy was the same black guy from Star Wars when I saw the first trailer. Or Idris Elba. Or Michae B. Jordan. Where’d they get another black actor who isn’t Denzel Washington from?
Not sure. I don’t recognize the name, but he looks a lot like the guy from “Get Out” – but he isn’t. Basically out of a platoon in the plane at the beginning, only a handful even make it to the ground before they run into the French girl – and even fewer make it to the main setpiece. So it starts with a big scope and winds up being a pretty tight/compressed picture really fast. Great set-pieces though and excellent action film-making. Had to admit it’s a few steps above “Frankenstein’s Army”.
Basically it’s a WWII commando raid flick that runs into a really crazy scenario – but rolls with it as a conventional concept. (since I think they took out a few metaphysical concepts/references that would have tied it more to Cloverfield). Legit zombies though…
Far as I understood, French woman lived there, so we just have to go with standard Hollywood trope that 20% of french male and 80% of french female population worked in active opposition to the Nazis.
Black guy, I rolled my eyes when I saw the trailer, but then it told me this is Cloverfield Universe, and sure, it’s a US military in alternate timeline, it can be integrated, or have a black specialist attached for the mission.
heh, he played the kid in ‘Fences’ which Denzel directed, so I guess Denzel found him. 😛
He was also one of the recurring characters in The Leftovers though not one of the more memorable characters, tbh.
A cop shot a kid in a North Dakota town this summer. After first trying to ignore it away, they finally closed the case and released the dash cam video. Of course, it was ruled justified.
It’s tough to say with certainty, but it looks like manslaughter to me.
You tell me.
If I point a gun at someone, with my finger on the trigger, and then…..
“Because the contraction of the trigger finger is involuntary, not only does the user of the handgun not will it to happen, but conversely, he cannot will it not to happen,” the memo said. “Under the criminal laws of the State of North Dakota, this would negate the requirement of the intent needed for a criminal act.”
Huh. I’m certain that excuse would work for people like me.
Sounds like it was an accident, even the cop didn’t think deadly force was necessary.
The video sucks, but that is how I’d lean. Murder if the force he was using was unnecessary (looked like 2 cops vs. one guy, with more on the way. Why do you need your gun?). Do cops not have billy clubs anymore?
Why do you need your gun?
And why pistol-whip with your finger on the trigger?
Because of the totality of circs?
Keep your finger straight and off the trigger until you intend to fire. It ain’t rocket science.
Right? We are told constantly that cops are highly trained experts with firearms. If that is so, it should -at a bare minimum- be manslaughter because a cop should know to keep his damn finger off the trigger while pistol whipping someone.
Because fuck you, that’s why?
He was off-duty, so he didn’t have any of the usually non-lethal options.
I watched that video quite a few times, and I think I am seeing the kid sitting on the ground; the cop runs up to him and grabs him around the neck; the kid tries to stand as the cop starts pulling him by the head; the cop starts hitting the kid’s head with his gun and boom.
The video is too jumpy and from too far away to say for sure. But I am pretty damn sure, whatever it was, it wasn’t self defense.
No, I think you’re right. Look at seconds 27-30 on that video link (wait… you posted 2 links!). This cop should fry/hang/be shot (with due process).
Hard to say since we are taking the words of the cops on what happened before the video. If the dude did attack that cop, ya, they are going to shoot you. If we go by the video, it looks like an execution.
Birthday beers tonight over yakitori. Love this place. $25 and you’re stuffed and buzzed.
Would smash some meat on a stick, dumpling things and Sapporo right now.
We did a blind taste test of Japanese beers last summer. Sapporo, Kirin (Ichiban Shibori), Premium malts, Yebisu, Asahi super dry. In that order. I was surprised.
In what way?
Thought Asahi would’ve scored higher. Same with Yebisu.
Blind taste tests are a very interesting thing to me. I’ve paid good money to participate in some, just because it let me learn more about the beers I liked (and didn’t). I’ve yet to participate in a triangle test, but I’m looking forward to taking a day off of work to try for my Cicerone in a couple months.
It was nice to check my bias. I just assumed Kirin Ichiban was my favorite because that’s what I always bought. It’s not tautological if it’s not a tautology.
Super dry for my fav of the Japanese dry beers
Me too!
Is Asahi sold in the states imported or brewed there? Had a Heineken in Amsterdam that didn’t taste anything like the stuff in the states. It was actually really good.
Yes. Not sure if it is contract brewed here or not, but I’ve had it in NYC.
Imported IIRC, that may change as Sapporo bought Anchor brewing in San Francisco a couple years back. Bottles (especially clear or green) are bad for transport, you need cans or kegs for things to travel better.
Super Dry in the U.S. is brewed under contract by Molson. And it tastes like ass. I was disappoint after first trying the real stuff in Tokyo.
Molson. That’s what I thought. It’s kind of a boring beer anyways so I can’t imagine they’d improve it.
Japanese never sounded that guttural to me. Even before I studied.
If you listen to polite talking – TV news, retail interactions, strangers speaking you will here lots of “desu” and .”…masu”. They will sound closer to “dess” and “mass” with a falling softly spoken “u” sound.
After you start listening for this it will seem like you hear it just about every fifth word. My wife who speaks zero Japanese got the point she heard me use it so often she asked what “desu” means. It’s got various uses, but two common ones are the verb “to be” and it is simply added on to things for politeness.
Happy Birthday!
Happy 21st birthday.
Did you have any chicken knuckles sir.
TBH, I was gonna take you there, but it’s a half hour from Shinjuku. If you make it back, it’s worth the trip. Cheap AF, so on me.
I’ll be in the Tokyo region Q1 next year. I’ll try to link up when the date gets closer.
It’s official, for better or worse. I am now the manager of a new department at my company and have been instructed to keep hiring and growing the group.
Here goes nothin’
The best part of being a manager is the quid pro quo!
What I’m looking forward to is sexual harassment training. “It’s NOT a how-to course!”
Congrats! I’ve been a supervisor once in my life, and don’t want to get back to that role.
Thanks! I’m enjoying it. For an engineer,I have an unusually high level of caring for my fellow man.
Some of the guys have already thanked me for my safety reforms. “I feel like the company actually cares about my wellbeing.”
This might be the single most unlibertarian thing ever said around here.
Well, I’m not coddling then, but I did get high voltage safety gear, AEDs and training, and lock-out/tag-out stuff.
Using it is still up to them.
So…libertarian ish?
“Well, I’m not coddling then, but I did get high voltage safety gear, AEDs and training, and lock-out/tag-out stuff.”
Literally, worse than Hitler.
And when they leave, you laugh hysterically behind their backs, amirite?
It’s best to avoid the injury/death paperwork when possible.
hayek, after a safety meeting.
I wouldn’t have to order it. I’d just say, “Here, hold this wire for a sec.”
#metoo – I hated every minute of it.
Time for some nepotism! Let the power go into your head until they have to depose you from atop a mountain of corpses, but it’s too late, you are in charge now!
I have already poached a couple of people from my old company.
Do you need a fluffer?
There’s a fine line between “need” and “want”…
Damn it Hayek! You almost made me shoot bourbon out my nose. That would have hurt a lot!
The laughter…it burns!
I’m trying to avoid that. Bourbon is recommended for oral use only.
Does your department need a smart ass who can cook and drinks too much. That is pretty much my CV now. Everything else is now outdated or if recent, just embarrassing.
Hire only white, straight men.
Odds are good…
But the goods are odd?
Precisely what we few female engineering students used to say.
It’s not wrong.
It’s the unofficial motto of female MIT students – “MIT men – the odds are good but the goods are odd” (like they should talk).
In college, several of the guys were surprised that I was NOT a lesbian.
I adopted the robotic answer, “Nah, I’m just not into YOU.”
Now of course I wear makeup and girly clothes and nobody would think I don’t like men.
My husband can attest to that with authority.
you’ve got the veritable pick of the litter – you can choose from all kinds of guys who have no idea how to please you
Slum brew, thanks for that link—haven’t watched it in years.
In the long version there’s also a pregnant Star Trek nerd who tells Triumph when her son, a future Jedi, is due. He says “that’s very cute. That’s the last time he’ll ever see female genitalia.”
I hadn’t watched it in a while either. I’m not sure any of the late-night crowd would have the balls to air something like that now.
The media is acting the martyr in the Acosta debacle. NyT claiming their is a sword hanging over their head? Fuck you all….you have the greatest access to a government and it’s like you are begging to be expelled…wait…makes sense.
They don’t to be expelled. I’d just imagine its very difficult for them to reconcile their own love of government and it being controlled by Trump. But I’m willing to a bet there’s a large number who secretly love it. They fantasize about the symbolic representation of our government. Donald Trump, tying them down and giving it to them short and hard with his mushroom shaped penis. It’s their dirty, shameful secret. Obama was the sensitive nice guy they say they want, but Trump is the rugged badboy of their darkest desires. The true manifestation of what they want government to be, but can’t admit.
This is, quite possibly, the most concise piece of Truth mentioned in a long time.
All Hail Brochettaward!
They spent so long covering “victims” that they are loving this. Add journalist to the intersectional chart.
Ok, I know there are a lot of you hunter types out there. My father in law gave us a cooler full of frozen venison, various cuts. My few experiences of cooking with venison have been…..lets say less than satisfactory. I’ve often been told “you just have to know how to do it “….so what way is that? I am open to all suggestions.
First step is that you have to ship it to me, once that is done we can move to step two.
Take it to the processor and make sausage. Venison tastes like ass and is why I don’t shoot deer.
Then you are shooting the wrong deer.
What do they eat in your area?
My area is a big area. Some live on sage brush and wild grass, others live off hay fields, the lucky ones corn fields and word has it giant timber bucks live up near timber line living on rock lichen and anger. On my way home a couple days ago I saw a big fat five point muley walk out of a corn field on the edge of town. Smart deer there, he hung out in town over hunting season.
I can cook anything properly, but I don’t like venison. It happens. Elk I will eat year round, but venison is ass. Ir should only be made into sausage and pepperoni sticks.
You’re doing it wrong.
What are the cuts? And what’s the complaints about venison previously?
Too gamey
Sous vide?
Depends on the cut. Backstrap gets sliced cross grain, breaded and fried. Other cuts, look for a lamb recipe braised in tomato sauce. Cut some with pork fat and turn it into burger or sausage.
Don’t understand most of that, but it sounds delicious. Raise on deer and elk meat that dad shot. Mom was a shitty cook so I can’t stand either now. Time to revisit.
I’ve used a Julia Childs recipe and substituted cubes venison shoulder for lamb. Superb. And a smoked meatloaf made with Bambi and Bullwinkle is the best I’ve ever had.
Backstraps are delicious. I like them just pan fried with a little oil and butter.
Sounds like something Ed Gein would make.
Well, he was a ‘Sconie
My dad always used to do sausage, ground, and chunked up for stew and chili. It’s super lean, so it benefits from stewing or braising. I’ve heard of doing steaks by marinating them and just making sure you don’t get any more done than the rare side of medium-rare, but I can’t speak to that from experience.
If you have to go through all that work to make it edible, what’s the point?
“It was there”?
I’m with you. Just give me a fucking beefsteak.
All that work? Making a steak to rare is easy.
The Hogg thinks he knows things about guns. Of course, he really doesn’t, like most (all?) gun-grabbers. My understanding is that the modern battle rifle premise (as has existed for decades) is that it be effective to 300 yds (900 ft). The effective range of an AR is 1600 ft? Nope. Too small a caliber. Ironically, civil war era mussel-loaders technically have an effective range of 1000 yards, but you couldn’t aim them that far because of lack of effective optics. Hell, elite soldiers in the US military in 1800 were expected to hit a parchment at 200 yards using the 1795 Springfield (a Charleville clone). Does the effective range make it “hunting” and not “defense” as the Hogg suggests? I think his premise and argument are all retarded and fucked up.
**Muzzleloader, even…
How desperate do you have to be to use mussels as ammo?
This is why it’s important for Battlefield games to not suck and remain wide-selling. BF1 fucking teaches you the difference between bolt action, shotgun and semi-auto and pros and cons of each. Also why machine-guns are not optimal murder weapons.
So you’re saying “spray-and-pray” is not an effective tactic? Funny (but sad) story: I got into it on the gun issue with a former hs acquaintance who is now (and was at the time of verbal conflict) ex-military. He is very anti-private arms ownership, which I found surprising and unsettling given his military background. The discussion escalated to him making a comment about spraying an m240 into someone’s house (it got there for all the cliche reasons that any convo with gun-grabbers gets there). I countered with a few things that addressed other things in his comment, but primarily that automatic fire is wasteful except when used as suppression so that friendly forces can be advanced. He laughed at that for some reason. I can only assume he was never in charge of strategy in the US military. God help us if he was. (point being that full auto weapons and fire have certain uses, but that ability is not applicable to gun crime in the US or reason to restrict private ownership of said type of weapons, as if either NFA is constitutional anyhow)
3 round burst for the win.
As was said earlier in a different context, “Just because you were at Normandy doesn’t mean you jumped out of a plane.” I know more than a few people who are ex-military, and while some of them were in combat a few of them never left an air-conditioned office. My wife’s uncle sometimes gets a little huffy about being a vet, which puts my wife on tilt because he was Navy in the early 80s in Okinawa. Not infiltrating secret Soviet spy rings, suffice it to say.
Hey Mike? Re: your post
I couldn’t even make it to the 30 second mark
..the cop shot the kid again
I played it over for Jugsy, and she said “what was he doing?”
Speaking of NPC’s
Jesus fucking Christ. I couldn’t last five minutes.
The worst of those people are your new under-lords. They won’t be sitting there writing laws and preening on TV, they’ll be running petty little fiefdoms in government and large companies, just making everyday life shittier for decades on end.
Don’t make me explain my thinking, you shitlord enacter of labor.
Who else hit Tres theme music, let it roll, and eventually got to this hours later?
Congressman Swalwell threatens semiauto confiscation backed by prosecution, gets called on it, plays the we have nukes card:
Come and take it
Never thought it would come to it in my lifetime but I’m starting to wonder.
keep your powder dry!
It was always said in NE PA that god help the soviets if they invaded on the Friday after thanksgiving. These polkas like thier guns, but on the first day of buck they take thier liberty out for long slow walk.
Every govt goes rogue eventually. Guaranteed to happen one day. Two and a half centuries is pretty good run historically.
Dam I didn’t think I needed to be a jackobian.
Fake News on School Shootings-FreedomToons
I’m the worlds forgotten boy, the one who’s searching, searching to destroy.
On my playlist.
Anyone happen to catch the slashing call on Marchand?. 2 minutes and a misconduct.
The Little Ball of Hate earns plenty of penalties, but that’s ridiculous.
Hockey really is soccer on ice….
Where is Tundra to drop gloves when we need him?
Watching the kid in a terrific musical.
*drops gloves*
I’m here now!
Oh, and Marchand is a piece of shit, but that’s not a penalty.
Why is there not a libertarian version of the Refusued!
Because you touch yourself at night.
…and during the day.
Not the new noise I was looking for.
MotorWeek | Retro Review: 2002 Acura NSX….I want one.
Say what you will about fascists, but at least unlike their commie fellow travelers, they kept the trains running on time. De Blasio had better take note.
Too bad billions of dollars that could have been put into fixing these issues instead go into cushy pensions – right, NYT?
But that is beside the point – there were no plows on the road and NYT wants to cover Deblasio for his incompetence (this isn’t the first time this exact story happened during his reign).
It’s amazing how Cleveland can keep the roads open during terrible snow storms. I’ve had to explain to visitors several times that nothing will be closed, because it’s just a blizzard.
Meh – I’ve lived through enough blizzards. I am quite OK with my current hometown’s tendency to be a pussy about snow.
But it’s incredible – last year he got heat for overreacting to a storm that fizzled out, like closing shit left and right for no reason. This year, this. He is either the unluckiest mayor ever, or completely incompetent. I have other supporting evidence that answers this question for me.
I’ve had to deal with offices further south closing with the possibility of an inch of snow, so I’m a bit bitter about that.
Well to be honest, they spent billions on infrastructure too. The spending just was — too put it politely — inefficient.
Right. I meant actually fixing, not the usual money pit.
I’m still a fan of the F-16
Ask my wife…she is a fan of anything that goes fast and shakes her innards….all intended…I love you all
Scenes in movies that could not be made today.
Opry was everything I hoped it would be. And Rittenhouse rye is pretty darn good in this old fashioned.
Grand ole Opry?
Yep! At the Ryman Auditorium.
Lineup tonight was
John Conlee
Striking Matches
Mike Snider
Steve Wariner
Travis Denning
Charlie McCoy
Riders In The Sky
Lauren Alaina
Jeannie Seely
Charlie Daniels Band
You son of a gun!
Polish up them shitkickers, I’m taking us out on the town.
I only really know ‘Charlie Daniels Band’, and I recognize ‘ Riders In The Sky’, but I’d still go in a heartbeat.
Rittenhouse is solid, good value for the money.
Manhattan > Old Fashioned, however.
“Hot dog, please.” This is what I got.
That’s… that’s maybe a hotdog under there? But that bun… and the Doritos on top… and the sauce…
Wasn’t bad.
Also, “Hot dog, please” instantly made me think, Nigga, please
And Chappelle’s Show still feels fresh. Which is sad.
Live and learn.
I just finished scrolling upthread. Happy birthday!
Thanks and thanks to everyone else. Oyaji man.
Late to the party, straff, but I hope it’s a great one!
Damn, Roy Clark kicked it. He was a seriously underrated guitarist and from all accounts I’ve ever seen a damn nice guy:
I remember he was on Hee-Haw – the wonder of having 3 channels is that everyone watched that damn show – and he has my birthday. RIP.
Lots of reminiscing and memories of Roy Clark during the performance tonight.
William Goldman, screenwriter and author of The Princess Bride, has also died.
Sorry if this has been discussed already. This is why I’ve always been wishy-washy on anti-death penalty stuff. There are some people who just deserve to die.
Sorry if this has been discussed already. This is why I’ve always been wishy-washy on anti-death penalty stuff. There are some people who just deserve to die.
See, unlike posting, you can’t kill ’em again.
/wishy-washy, too
If they can prove you killed 5 people, I’d say you should die. The big problem as I see it is how poorly the death penalty was applied. Someone who ‘killed’ a couple on honeymoon would get fried (and then they’d find out he didn’t do it), while some asshole who murdered 20 homeless women over 15 years would get a 20 year sentence (thanks, California!)
The problem is with the “Prove” part not the number of victims. If we have multiple videos, eyewitnesses, and caught you red-handed at the scene of the crime and tons of physical evidence that you murdered (not killed) even one person I have no problem putting you down. Yes, the government could manufacture/mishandle all that evidence as they do with bad DNA evidence but if they are going to fake videos, payoff multiple ‘witnesses’ and plant evidence all just to set you up as a patsy, you’re fucked anyway. Taking the death penalty away won’t stop people with that much power from killing you if that’s their goal.
My libertarian brother ( a lawyer who has been a public defender) persuaded me against the death penalty on the grounds that the government is not competent to correctly ID and convict the guilty party.
But when I read one morning thatTim McVeigh was executed, my involuntary comment was”Good.”
So I’m wishy washy too. U
Yeah, I don’t trust the gov’t, but some people just need to die. This is (ironically for me) an issue similar to abortion. I understand both sides, and see the merit in both of them. One I’d wish would just go away. I can suck on that, cause it ain’t happening.
90’s post:
Letters to Cleo: Here and Now.
The Breeders Safari.
Dandy Warhols Bohemian Like You.
I have to add this – Be Good Tanyas Waiting Around to Die.
Goddammit. Bohemian Like You.
Well, that was weird
Well, that was weird
you can say that again
I fell like a time traveler
No shit. I started reading the comments and started having a feeling of deja vu.
I remember at least once at TOS where an old article would get reposted and one of the commentators went off on someone spoofing their handle, only to realize it themself from the first time around.
This weekend’s technical glitches were all just an elaborate ploy to deceive us into believing that the Founders are overworked and the site, underfunded. So for now on they’ll be receiving a small bi-monthly stipend from yours truly beginning today.
Well played, Glib staff, well played.
I like the implicit confession that you didn’t read the links.
Wait, some of you people read the links?!
I guess this means we still have time to get in out Thanksgiving recipes.
I should post then here, then?
this means your post leaving the site disappeared
That was a great post in spite of not being able to comment. I did not see one thing on there I didn’t want to make.
something, something, squirrels, something, something, groundhog day?
We have the best squirrels. The classiest!
Well since I have an hour to kill before leaving for work(three day work week,huzzah!) I’ll share a quick link of my own.
Pelosi’s crumbs
Steady As She Goes
The site was submarined.
I’m not saying it was Russians, but…