OK, we fucked up. And so did you by trusting us. So this is a frantic, last minute post. And will be very generic because I have to, you know, work.
Still, some fun news.
What this country needs is common-sense pasta control.
Oh, wait, I meant common-sense pumpkin control.
The horrible side (and I mean REALLY horrible) of social media.
One more reason WebDom is embarrassed to be a millennial.
More stereotypes packed into one news story than I can possibly unwrap.
Why I will never tire of Florida Man stories.
Nothing like good old fashioned mob lynching/torching and a case of mistaken identity.
nobody needs an AR with high-capacity magazines.
You mean “standard-capacity” magazines. It sucks that the left gets away with defining any magazine holding more than 10 rounds as “high-capacity”.
Look, there ain’t noze such think as ‘enugh’ or ‘too much’. So this mytichal ‘hi-cap’ magazine don’t exist.
Wait isn’t the hi-cap debate an argument between intelligent 1911 fans and cretinous 9 mm fans?
I thought that was the hi-point debate.
Why not the best of both worlds? My EDC is a Para Ordnance P12; Colt Commander type frame with double stacked .45ACP.
Don’t bring your fancy science to my stupid jokes!
Luvin’ it.
I’m in the midst of converting and early Para-Ord (1992 by the serial number) to 10mm Auto. Lots of custom touches like a stainless, skeletonized hammer, Flat-top slide, etc.
Holy Mackerel! That sounds awesome. If you would be so kind as to post pictures upon its completion, I would be most appreciative.
I had no idea 10mm ammo was so cheap. I prefer old standard ammo configurations, but, if you’re stepping away from that, 10mm sure seems like a great ballistic and economic option.
Because you only need 1 round if you have a .45.
Shots miss. Especially in stressful situations.
It’s not my fault 9mm people can’t shoot.
And 9mm is about as fatal as .40 S&W is about as fatal as .45.
Shot placement.
It’s a known fact that 9mm bounces off people but they all fall to hardball.
I’d suggest another way of thinking: no pistol ammo is one-shot sure; this from a guy whose EDC recently moved from .357mag to .45ACP+P, so we’re from similar schools. Shot placement, another argument, renders .22SR as feasible, so that can’t be the answer.
I’ll work in round numbers for fast math: I submit that the real answer is around 1,000 ft*lb, somewhere in the 5.56 range; .44mag is the only common pistol round that can achieve this. .308 is over 2,500; .30-06 around 3,000; those are man-killers. If you like 4,000 ft*lb for elk, we’re agreeing on 10 fl*lb per pound, so almost 2,000 ft*lb for the typical man (admittedly very conservative).
So I’m toting well over 500 ft*lb per round and still expect to keep squeezing off until the threat is eliminated. A Moros on acid might well require more than one round.
Reminds me of The Ox-Bow Incident.
Why do you hate democracy?
Because I have met the average voter.
Half the people are below that level
One more reason WebDom is embarrassed to be a millennial.
Hey, let’s lose our collective shit over a tongue in cheek board game, that’ll show those old fucks that we aren’t humorless, fragile snowflakes.
Hasbro should have included “Safe Space” instead of “Free Parking”
And it’s not like there’s been other specialized Monopoly editions:
Scruffy wins the coveted golf clap for the thread.
Anyone who says “adulting is hard” should somehow be sent through space and time to the trenches of Verdun, and be replaced here by one of those poor boys.
They’re warriors, you know. WARRIORS!
You can leave off the “is hard” part; “adulting” is by itself offensive. Most people enjoy more leisure time and creature comforts than ever before.
Props to progressive on this one
The new version of “Operation” is called “Transition”.
Paging MLW!
(remembering her spot-on parody of Teen Vogue covers, she should take this on as a project)
Yeah, that was excellent. I shared it in social media, in hopes it would catch on.
Wait until you see the new version of “Chutes and Ladders”.
The Game of Intersectional Life!
The Imperial Patriarchs of Catan
Duh! (Clue)
I forgive you.
It’s not like you were the ones who rebooted my development reverse proxy last year.
Now my uptime is only 538 days!
roots UnCiv’s unpatched machines
Eh, it’s dev. It’s not like there’s external access.
And I’m not the one responsible for patching these boxes. I’ll have to send your hacking request to DataCenter Hosting.
The “soft, chewy middle” security model. From the people who brought you the Sony Pictures hack.
There’s never external access, until there is…
If you can get the boxes talking to each other, we’d appreciate it.
I’ll send you a recipe. For disaster!
You took over the EPA?
Uh-oh, spaghettios!
Nobody *needs* franks in their Spaghettios.
Definition of kilogram set to change
So am I losing or gaining weight in this change?
Gaining. No food for you!
Why? It’s not like it’s a useful measure. Just leave the definition at 2.2 pounds and phase it out.
*golf clap*
the General Conference on Weights and Measures, in Paris
If I recall correctly, this is the same organization that verifies who took the largest single shit in history.
Le Grande Merde
Is this the oft cited HOLY SHIT?
I’d like to see their poop knife.
It’s really more of a machete.
“That’s not a poop knife. This is a poop knife.”
How many kilograms in a couric?
Number One, take the bridge cause I got to go take a number two!
I’ll wait until the cartels weigh in, thanks.
One Chapo weighs approximately the same as four severed heads.
Are we talking base of the skull severed, or top of the shoulders severed. ‘Cause Chuy and I just settled this last week and I don’t want to get started again.
The short Chapo is at the base of the skull. The Long Chapo is at the shoulder.
So basically, you are agreeing with Chuy.
*Shoots Tejicano in proactive self-defense*
During wwII my grandfather used german prisoners for labor in his pulpwood business. The Geneva convention specified how much work prisoners were allowed to do…in the case of pulpwood they could only cut two cords per day (They were cutting with handsaws). He was having them cut three cords per day.
When they complained that my grandfather was having them cut too much wood he explained that the volume the prisoners were describing were short cords. The GC was referring to long cords.
This story is probably only funny to me because I knew him and thats just the kind of shit he would do.
Oh hell, that’s funny to me too, definitely got a chuckle.
My grandmother was the first off the farm to be educated (well, all her brothers were too, but the first generation). She went to school to be a social worker and German POWs cat-called her in their language in the way to class.
The Germans were doing work as groundskeepers or something on campus.
So your grandma…would?
MikeS: she was either very attractive, or a proto-feminist making up fake sob stories to complain about the patriarchy. You be the judge.
That’s an easy choice; I’m going with “very attractive”.
Clearly – she procreated. Feminists of that sort end up with hordes of cats rather than offspring in most cases.
Right. Grandma was incredibly tough and never bought into that crap. All the females (but not the males) in my family are pretty attractive. Sadly one or two of my generation have become unhappy, crazy, depressed feminists for some reason.
Actually I think I know the reason: listening to the idiots teaching in the elite schools they went to.
And where are they going to store this electric current for safe keeping??
Le Grande Batterie
Ugh, a kilogram isn’t defined by weight. It’s defined by mass, and that doesn’t change, unlike weight, which can change by environment. A kilogram of cocaine is still 1000 grams even on the moon, but it doesn’t weigh 2.2 lbs anymore. It’s stuff like this that shows how easily the “science correspondent” that wrote this article can be duped by the climate change charlatans. I’m not a scientist, but I fucking love science.
The issue they are fixing is that physical masses do in fact change. Particles are gained and lost over time. There is no perfectly inert substance and no perfect way to segregate an exact mass perpetually.
Well of course that coke would be 2.2lbs on the moon. Everything on the moon is measured in lbs. Everyone knows the moon has never been tainted by any metric loving idiots.
It is like a virgin lake. A lake so remote than no woman has ever seen it and the fish still smell normal.
Smells like fish, but it tastes like chicken?
Enough with your commie units.
A metal block is not a definition, it’s merely an agreed upon standard.
A definition of a kilogram would be “the weight of one liter of pure water at standard temperature; concurrently, a kcal is the amount of energy it takes to raise that liter of water by 1 degree celsius.”
Correction — “The mass of…
The problem with metric definitions, is they’re obtusely abstract. Only Celcius might be regarded as having a scale that can be measured – freezing and boiling points of water at the pressure produced by the earth’s atmosphere at sea level. But those are all variable values. So they seek ever more convoluted metrics that match the arbitrary values ‘close enough’. I just love the messy definition of ‘meter’ based upon the speed of light and some fractional value of a ‘second’. I’ll have to look up the definition for a second.
Anthropocentric mesures, though looking imprecise, are more useful to people.
this was a much better article about redefining the kilogram.
They’re convoluted measures because they don’t want to change anything, but they _do_ want to be able to accurately re-create the standard based on fundamental constants. So they’re working backwards.
Celsius isn’t the standard, it’s Kelvin (Celsius is defined in Kelvin).
It still doesn’t make the units useful.
They’re useful in the sense that you can use those fundamental units to define more human-scale appropriate units.
You’re transported to another planet, with a different rotational period than the earth and different gravity. Tell me how long a mile is? A degree of Fahrenheit?
Using those units that are defined using universal constants, you can accurate re-create any measurement you like.
Me, I’d like the metric system, except Fahrenheit for temperature (0F is pretty cold, 100F is pretty hot; 0 Celsius means I need a sweater, 100 C means I’m dead).
I especially want all recipes to be express in metric weights – fuck yo’ 1/3 of a cup, tell me how much weight.
If I’m transported to another planet without instruments that can measure temperature and distance, I have more important problems than recreating them from scratch.
And that 1/3rd cup will still be 1/3rd of a cup on that low-g planet. I don’t want to break out a scale when I can just scoop flour out of the bag, level off the measuring cup and dump it in the bowl.
So you want the least convenient method of arriving at the same results?
*shakes head*
This entire argument is always and in every case about what you are used to/grew up with. Metric is no more or less convenient than British. Decimal is not inherently better than having different named units at different scales, nor is it worse. It’s basically the same argument I was being a smartass about earlier with .45 v 9 mm. I personally prefer volume measurement in recipes to weight because it is easier to fill a cup than to recalibrate the scale every time, and I personally grew up with, and think in British, but I can multiply by 2.54, 28, 1.8 and .6 pretty easily and for my purposes that is accurate enough.
I like accuracy. And I find it easier to use a scale and a cheap disposable paper plate than to fiddle with measuring cups and spoons.
While I am a fan of accuracy, all you’re really doing is spending more time than you need for no gain in the end product.
Kitchen scales are not accurate, probably more error than eyeballing a cup for volume.
You only need to eyeball liquid measures. Just make sure the dull side of your knife is straight and not curved, and you can sweep the excess off the dry measures. And the part that is also left out is the amount of kitchen humidity will have more of an influence than the margin of error on the measuring cups/kitchen scales.
Weight measure for baking
When I make pizza, I can do 1.5 cups of water plus 4tsp (or whatever the volume measurement is) or I can do 365g in the scale’s bowl. By the way, if I’m off by a tsp, it completely fucks up the hydration ratio of the dough and makes a different style crust. Which is easier?
I can do 21oz of flour, or I can start scooping 3.5c (or whatever the volume measurement is. Again, if I’m off, it messes with the hydration ratio of the dough.
Kitchen scales are solidly in tier 2 of kitchen supplies (tier 1 is mandatory; tier 2 is very important but you can technically get away without using it; tier 3 is nice to have; tier 4 is optional but beneficial)
In dough, flour is measured by the amount needed to bring the dough into proper consistancy. there’s a reason a good amount gets left on the counter after you’ve finalized the product.
As a designer, the metric system is appealing because of its relative simplicity. Doesn’t matter what it’s based on.
Oh, wait, I meant common-sense pumpkin control. – this is probably why kids need a good ass kicking on occasion
WebDom isn’t the only one.
*takes a sigh and a swig of his beer*
I was going to say I can just include myself in the “Oregon Trail Generation” but apparently I miss the arbitrary cut-off by a year.
*Takes floppy disk** and slaps self in the face*
**not a euphemism
Ignore the people trying to retconn generational boundaries.
The millennial generation is the largest cohort on record! (nevermind that we’ve defined it as anyone born in a fucking 40 year time span)
That’s just what a millennial would say!
*recalls millennial ERG at work*
It’s only a euphemism if _you_ think it’s a euphemism.
I’ll take your floppy disk and raise you one audio cassette.
You and your fancy magnetic storage technology.
*sorts punch cards*
Punch cards? You crazy folk with your future magic. (goes back to theodolite to make artillery calculations on a drum head)
+1 Punch Card
*shakes fist at UCS*
*remembers carrying a PowerPoint presentation into 5th grade on a set of 5 floppy disks*
*remembers carrying a much larger PowerPoint presentation into 12th grade on a 1GB flash drive.
Thar’s your problem, you’ve got PowerPoint Poisoning!
*Remembers having to sweet-talk fraternity little sisters to type your term papers because there was no such thing as personal computers yet.
PowerPoint in grade school? Is your last name Jetson?
*Remembers printing out Harvard Graphics slides on my high-speed, state of the art, 5-color dot matrix printer, so that I could make slides by running printable acetate through a copier.
*To be projected on an overhead.
Police are investigating an assault involving several cans of SpaghettiOs in Pittsburgh.
That’s the classy type of stuff I expect from Pittsburgh.
Assault meaning someone tried eating that crap.
I believe assault would be offering it to someone as food.
Actually getting them to eat it constitutes battery.
My daughter loves SpaghettiOs.
My mom loved that shit. One taste and I never touched it again.
I’m tempted to go to the Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert coming thru Richmond next month. It’s been a while since I’ve had a good old fashioned triggered epileptic seizure.
I rode the Trans-Siberian Railroad back in ’93. I don’t remember any orchestra on it. But then I was on the Chinese train, not the Russian one so that may have something to do with it.
My wife has wanted to go to that for the last few years but those ticket prices are obscene
Happy Friday titties start the weekend off right.
9, 17, 26, 34 and 40 win the oppai award.
42 is the answer to life, the universe and everything.
21, 22, and 32, based on my strict criteria that they have to have a pretty face too.
Would you ever leave the farm if 17 wore that?
Looks too much like my ex for my taste. I’d run far and fast.
Her tits are about the size of my fiancees, so that’s a redeeming point.
What are they all agog about over at the Atlantic? Saving the planet.
There were some elections last week in the United States.
The results were pretty good for the climate-concerned. Democrats swept into the House of Representatives, winning nearly 40 seats in the chamber. For the first time since 2010, the chair of the House Science Committee will affirm the reality of human-caused climate change.
It was a fine Tuesday, in other words, for the day-to-day climate advocacy of the Democratic Party. And since Democrats also won a majority of state attorney-general slots, it was an even better Tuesday for their power to fight Trump’s climate agenda in court. In fact, it’s entirely possible that, for Americans who care about climate change, it was the best Tuesday since November 8, 2016.
Last Tuesday was only one election, encompassing thousands of candidates who campaigned on issues that mostly weren’t climate change. It would be ludicrous to try to extract lasting takeaways for the climate movement from that range of specific, never-to-be-repeated contests. It would generate some flawed conclusions. It might even be a fundamentally silly exercise. But let’s try it anyway.
We’re all gonna die.
For the first time since 2010, the chair of the House Science Committee will affirm the reality of human-caused climate change.
Nobody has actually managed to prove that the warming since the end of the Little Ice Age is human-caused rather than a natural cycle, but let’s just steal a base or two.
I’m just glad we’re getting an affirmation. I feel much better now.
…and it won’t matter because any legislation they come up with won’t go anywhere.
No, but what matters is that the people in power believe. Not that this a religion or anything.
“the chair of the House Science Committee will affirm the reality of human-caused climate change.”
And bigfoot. and the Loch Ness Monster.
Seriously, dont these fucknuts have windows in their houses that they can look out? There isnt any fucking statistically significant climate change. If there is someone forgot to tell the climate.
Oh, that’s right. It’s just around the corner. Any minute now it will be too late.
It’s hiding in the deep ocean.
The greatest trick AGW ever pulled was to convince man he didn’t exist.
“The nightmare corpse-city of R’lyeh was built in measureless eons behind history by the vast, loathsome shapes that seeped down from the dark stars. There lay great Cthulhu and his hordes, hidden in green slimy vaults. In his house at R’lyeh, dead Cthulhu was boiled alive while dreaming. Thank you, O Teeming Crowds of Man, for your blessing of deep ocean warming.”
Sounds like something a racist would say.
/Latest progressive unpersoning of Lovecraft
At least he didn’t sexually harass women.
Progressive eschatology.
Researchers are expected to vote to get rid of it in favour of defining a kilogram in terms of an electric current.
Sounds legit. Will the electric company charge me by the pound?
They already do if you live in England.
Good news! The electricity ration has been increased from 23 to 12 hours a day!
I have to work too… and by work mean get winter tires, wait around for boxes of wood floor delivery, take a 1/2 day, pull staples out of wooden stairs (tearing the carpet off), and be a general laz-a-bout. Oh yeah, and track down some invoicing issue at my *ahem* job.
Speaking of job – I’ve decided, next year, to hang up the IT hat and try something new. I was looking for replacement jobs and just got depressed thinking of doing the same horrible work at just a different place. Twenty-four years of IT Support, both internal and external has just burned me out. So I’m starting a LLC and will become a slum lord. ::evil libertarian cackle::
Can’t wait to hear the eviction speech Lord H!
“There have been too many late payments. Too many complaints. But I have an honorable compromise. Just move out. Give me the keys and I will let you live. Just walk away.”
Twenty four years? Sheeaiyte. I’ve been on this hamster wheel since 1976. yeah, 42 years – with only a couple breaks getting a degree here and there. I get out of bed and into the office more out of habit than anything else.
I have a sensitive soul of a poet ::runs off sobbing::
I too have to soul of a poet. I trapped it in a pylactery that I keep in my desk drawer to keep the heart of a child company.
I have the sensitive soul of a poet too. Right here… (rummages around in a pouch made from a kangaroo scrotum) Yeah, here it is!
Was there a sale?
Yes, HM got Baudelaire. SF got Villon.
More like a trade. In true shitlord fashion I ended up with a half dozen poet souls and a brace of matchlocks which rounded up nicely when I had to drop most of the lot on a deal for a good horse.
I sold mine for a handful of magic beans.
Oh, so you got the flatus-free favas?
Interesting. And good luck. Keep us posted.
*Hands LH a mustard stained wifebeater*
Your new work uniform.
I’d wear it if I could get Annette Benning in Grifters to “pay” her rent each month.
I hope things work out on your new venture!
The OMWC Urinal
>>identified as Steven Smith Jr., opened fire,
Common sense
This is my rifle, this is my gun . . .
The horrible side (and I mean REALLY horrible) of social media.
True democracy at work. The mob voted to burn those dudes.
And take pics as they did it.
That is where #metoo is headed if it doesn’t eat itself first.
“This story is part of a series by the BBC on disinformation and fake news – a global problem challenging the way we share information and perceive the world around us.”
Like calling everyone who disagrees with the narrative ‘alt-right’, Russia meddling, BS on climate change and other fake shit, right?
Fuck. You.
But what a horrific story.
Sounds like something a Russian bot would say.
The favorite shibboleth of the same group freaking out about being called NPCs.
Yup. I can’t decide if it’s irony or a sign of the end times.
The end of irony.
A leaky database of SMS text messages exposed password resets and two-factor codes
meh. This is a movie plot. The value of second channel verification is that its already so complex, the only attackers that can breach it (even with a vuln like this) are state actors and the like who are going to own you no matter what you do short of selling your smart phones, buying a bunch of flannel and Red Wing boots, and moving into an off-grid cabin.
SMS just isn’t that secure and you don’t need to be a state actor to exploit it – e.g., Known as the SS7 network, that network is shared by every telecom to manage calls and texts between phone numbers. There are a number of known SS7 vulnerabilities, and while access to the SS7 network is theoretically restricted to telecom companies, hijacking services are frequently available on criminal marketplaces.
OTP is a much better option – though still vulnerable to attacks by state actors.
Well, state actors or slacker 20-year olds.
SMS is bottom-tier 2FA.
This was the link that ghosted on me.
And yet you miss the point. Any attacker sophisticated enough to figure out what a particular target is using for 2FA is sophisticated enough to own weaker links in the attack surface.
You, and the original link, are conflating authentication security with systemic risk. They are =/=.
In these cases, the use of SMS for 2FA *was* the weakest link. That’s why they exploited it.
The teenagers stealing bitcoins didn’t exploit the weaknesses of telco processes and the resulting problems of SMS-based 2FA because it was fun, nor were they particularly sophisticated.
It’s not a “movie plot”, it actual people doing actual theft in a very ham-handed way. If these victims were using better 2FA, they wouldn’t have been targets in the first place.
When there is a breach, there is literally always “something” that allows it. Saying that if it wasn’t “this thing” it would be “something else” is meaningless.
I can’t tell if you didn’t read the article, or if you don’t understand what the article said.
There was no actual people doing actual theft. There was an actual security researcher that reported a finding, and a poorly written article what would have a naive reader think that this put people’s data at risk but actually contains a list of bombshell examples that actually show that all the data being sent was temporial.
As long as temporial data is being sent over SMS, the security model already assumes it’s leaky at rest.
I encourage you to read about Schneier’s conception of a Movie Plot Threat.
I am fully aware of Bruce and his quotable quotes.
near-real-time access to SMS messages is not a movie plot threat. Krebs’ article shows in great detail what access to SMS messages actually results in.
Your original statement:
I understand this sentence, and it is incorrect.
One strategy of attack is to select a target, then identify ways to compromise it. This is hard, and it sounds like that’s why you mention “state actors”. I think most people believe this is how things get breached.
Another strategy of attack is to discover or develop a method of compromise, and then find targets vulnerable to it. This is the way most real-world attacks happen.
In the case of this database, it is a method of compromise, and anyone exploiting it would go looking for targets.
This statement from the article is true. The best part is that determining if it was ever misused is incredibly difficult. We know for sure that at least one person came across it and understood the implications.
After reading everything after “Another strategy” I now understand better what you are saying, and I think I agree with you.
I just stand by my original statement. “Meh.” This is a thing, and its very important for those involved. Quite probably someone should lose their job.
Its just not news. TechCrunch, as is their nature, is sensationalizing it and turning it into a movie plot.
You aren’t.
Broward recount updates
tl;dr: Nelson doesn’t have a chance, because the no-votes, shockingly, were actually no-votes.
After all the conspiracy talk Nelson LOST votes in the machine recount (Gillum gained a grand total of ONE vote state-wide).
Both candidates lost votes in the machine recount.
Then Broward went “No, wait, we were two minutes late go with the original number”
I meant Nelson lost margin.
And given that this is Broward, I’m 100% positive that was due to incompetence. Our entire city government should burn to the ground*
*Dear FBI and BSO: This is not a threat. Pls no arrest.
That is true, he lost more votes in the recount than the other candidate. I suspect that is why the counters went “No, wait, we were late go with the other number, so Palm Beach doesn’t need to ‘find’ as many!”
If it’s not a threat, that means it’s a promise, right?
I’m standing by my prediction: Snipes/Avenatti 2020.
Alway bet on black!
Always bet on black … eyes.
Cassius called this tactic the rope-a-dope.
Which Roman emperor was he?
The greatest one!
That stung like a butterfly.
This counting over/under votes is horse shit. If you fuck up and mistakenly mark the wrong box and don’t get a fresh ballot and start over your vote should not count because you are a dumb fuck. If you didn’t vote in a race, it should be assumed it was intentional because you think both candidates aren’t worth a bag of dicks because in most cases that is in fact true.
My ballot’s somewhere in one of those piles because I skipped the Governor and Senate races for that exact reason.
It is my understanding that now some lawyer will argue, based on your other votes and where your precinct is located that you would have/should have voted for one of them. Given it is Broward county they will argue you are a Democrat because most people are Democrat in Broward. It is criminal that they will now vote for you.
AFAIK they’re not ascribing any intent to completely skipped votes (no “hanging chads” like in 2000). Only to people who were too stupid to vote (like they circled the line instead of bubbling it).
Either way it’s not going to come remotely close to moving the line enough to give the election to Nelson.
I hope they are not ascribing intent for skips. That is messed up.
This is why I never leave a blank entry on a ballot. I will write in my own name if everyone else is a shit-bag.
For US Senate from Florida I bubbled the write-in, and put the name “ANYONE ELSE”. I’m not from Broward so mine’s not in that pile, though.
Atanarjuat votes for Stalin!
Yeah, I’ve learned my lesson. In the future I’m bubbling the write-in line and writing “None of the Above”
I wrote in Anton Chigurh for US Senate from Virginia.
I voted for Larry Sharpe (L) for Guv of NY; for every other post I voted for my preferred write-in – “the exhumed corpse of Barry Goldwater”.Also, My slimy shit-heeled Congresscritter, Greg Meeks (D-NY5) (his District Office is just down the block from my house), ran unopposed. Sigh…
Half my ballot was unopposed Dems. Yay, one-party state.
Why didn’t you run so people could at least do protest votes? Not like you’re forced to campaign.
Dayum… even I had both a Dem and a Rep to choose from in Brooklyn (thanks, Staten Island!). Of course, the fucking Dems flipped it.
If I am not mistaken, the phone booths with mechanical switches that NY dumped in favor of this same bubble tech didn’t even allow “overvoting”. There was no physical evidence of a vote, so no recounts.
Sex has never been easier to find. Why aren’t young people having it?
More Aspies!
Probably because they’re afraid to.
Asking for preferred pronouns before sex is a boner killer.
Asking for consent for each new area you touch is also a boner killer.
Asking? Hell, they practically have to google for the proper PDF for the correct consent form to print out and sign every time their actions escalate to the next level.
I wonder if #MeToo and after-the-fact withdrawal of consent has anything to do with it?
That’s just a coincidence I’m sure. I’m curious which religion prevents more teen sex: Progressivism or Evangelical Christianity.
From my observations as an evangelical Christian teen, I would venture to say that evangelical Christianity has probably caused exponentially more teen sex than it’s prevented.
*looks at STD rates, body mutilation trends, & #metoo”
Yep. No rational explanation at all.
Title IX kangaroo courts, false accusations from crazies…
Led by the amiable and alluring Armenians Kasparian and Sarkeesian.
When you take away the taboo of certain things they become less appealing to young people who want to buck tradition. Same thing will happen with pot if/when it’s broadly legalized. AIDS and the wild proliferation of the lesser STDs (which are becoming drug resistant) probably doesn’t help either. And then probably the biggest driver, sucking all of the joy out of sex (and life in general) with constant haranguing about intersectional feminism. Particularly when there’s instant and free access to any sort of porn that tickles your fancy. Human beings respond to incentives. Go figure.
Quite literally, what the fuck?
I blame childhood obesity.
A security lapse has exposed a massive database containing tens of millions of text messages, including password reset links, two-factor codes, shipping notifications and more.
Oh, goody. More celebrity sexts and dick pics.
Driverless vehicles will lead to more sex in cars, study finds
Millions of Americans could one day be ‘baking cookies’ in self-driving vehicles.
This seems to contradict the story saying no one is engaging in such behaviour.
It’s because you have to have two hands on the wheel now.
gives a whole new meaning to “no glove, no love”
Dammit Kif.
Auto-detailing is going to be a filthier job than motel housekeeping.
Or cleaning roadside restrooms. . .
Such as the George Michael Memorial Interstate Stop & Plop Center.
And this would be yet another good reason why Ron Bailey’s fever dreams of no private vehicle ownership and giant fleets of autonomous rides for hire is a bad idea.
Makes me wonder if the man never worked anyplace where things were rented out.
Clearly he has not. When I used to work in construction equipment rental, one of our drivers used to say “One thing you’ll never hear on a job site – ‘careful with that, it’s rented!'” every time he had to pick up some fucked up excavator or boom lift. We had an almost brand new Lull reach forklift that was turned into the world’s largest paperweight by guys who decided diesel would be a fine substitute for hydraulic fluid.
+1 Beat it like a rented mule.
The stories I could tell….
Some of my favorites are about workers sabotaging equipment (in the original Dutch sense) so they could go home early on Friday.
That…that…is genius. It never would have occurred to me that you could use diesel instead of hydraulic fluid. I’m going to save sooo much money from now on!
Bailey will believe whatever he is told to believe. Hence his mental gymnastics about how, regardless of regulation, it was actually the free market that was killing coal so we could all just ignore all the regulatory burdens.
But only the fucking Palestinian people, not the celibate ones.
I love a “human rights” lawyer calling for people the be shot. That there is pure gold Jerry.
So the dude that screamed “HEIL HITLER! HEIL TRUMP!” at a Baltimore performance of Fiddler on the Roof was actually a drunk resister.
Well, yeah. I mean, the actual count of Nazis in this country is maybe pushing triple digits. Probability says something like that is from people who see Nazis in anyone who disagrees with them
If we judge Nazi as meaning a belief in favoring a certain racial group over another, we’ve probably got a lot more than that.
I was going by the metric “Self-avowed, public Nazis who revere Hitler”.
You’re a thin “N” Nazi. I’m more inclusive and go with the thick “N”.
I thought we were all little L nazi’s and only a few of us were Big L nazi’s.
The kind of people who aren’t outraged at this sign.
“More should have been done,” said Dana Vickers Shelley, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Maryland.
While such speech is protected under the First Amendment, the man could easily have been charged with disorderly conduct for the act of disrupting the play, Shelley said. Instead, he was given, she said, “what sounds like a ticket for jaywalking — or less.”
of course the ACLU would take this position.
The ACLU has been skinsuited for a while now.
The ACLU was always pure prog. Skokie was an aberration and purely to give them something to point to to deflect criticism of the group as partisan. Their founders were a socialist who’s who.
The ACLU started life as the legal defense arm of the Communist Party of the United States of America. ACLU co-founder Roger Nash Baldwin wrote the following in 1934 –
Yes, but a lot of early free-speech activism was done on the behalf of trade unionist (particularly the Industrial Workers of the World) and communists.
True dat! And, of course, unpleasant speech is what usually needs defending.
What a disgraceful organization
No shit?
“There were some people in tears.”
Never. Win. Another. War.
The picture accompanying this article is changing my Would to “Run Away”
Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez Says People in D.C. Keep Mistaking Her for an Intern
Somebody get the Holy Hand Grenade.
Well, that’s no ordinary rabbit. That’s the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on!
You tit! I soiled my armor I was so scared!
Look, that rabbit’s got a vicious streak a mile wide! It’s a killer!
btw, that looks like a Gucci watch. My wife has one that looks quite a bit like that.
Just imagine how stupid HER interns are going to be.
She might actually attract the bright interns, if she has the sense to realize she can’t read or comprehend the legislation and needs someone to do that for her.
I did that for years for a state senator who was great at getting votes but at sea when it came to reading legislation or seeing the unintended consequences.
I don’t think that is one of her strong suits.
Someone should warn them to look out for the facehuggers.
“People keep giving me directions to the spouse and intern events instead of the ones for members of Congress,”
Maybe they meant internment events.
I thought you were supposed to keep the wife and mistresses from meeting up.They have mixers in DC?
Good point. Didn’t de Gaulle’s wifstress stand next to each other at his funeral?
wife and mistress. “wifstress”. I think I created a new gender category.
Humble brag
To quote Butt-head, she has more teeth than normal people.
Or normal alligators.
The 29-year-old Democratic Socialist, who made history last week when she became the youngest person ever elected to Congress
I know it’s just People magazine, so expecting them to check their facts is too much to ask, but it’s just especially glaring when you basically start your article off on the wrong foot with a falsehood. Ocasio-Cortez is the youngest woman ever elected to Congress, not the youngest person. The last time someone as young as her was elected to Congress was all the way back in…2012. In ye olden days it was not uncommon to see people elected at the minimum age of 25, and in fact a few people were even elected at 24 under cover of the fact that they would turn 25 before (or even shortly after) being seated in the House.
Men aren’t people.
Oops turns out there were no such events at the same time. Karla Marx is lying… again.
My initial reaction was “Things that never happened for $500, Alex.”
From that Atlantic article about the battle to save the planet:
Some have argued that fossil-fuel companies are key to combatting climate change. Exxon, BP, and Shell have all called for a carbon tax in the United States. Last year, ExxonMobil even donated $1 million to the nonprofit that supports that plan; BP’s chief executive has promised to cut emissions and made concerned noises about climate change to The New York Times.
“A company getting behind its product being taxed is a very rare thing,” remarked Lawrence Summers, the Harvard economist and former treasury secretary, last month. “This reflects a new and important awareness that we have to do big things about climate.”
Yet those same fossil-fuel companies bankrolled the campaign against Washington’s proposed carbon tax. BP dumped $13 million into the state in order to block the measure—even though it claims to support a carbon tax. Overall, a handful of oil companies spent $31 million to defeat the initiative, making it the most expensive ballot-question fight in Washington State history.
What are the odds that Exxon and friends, if you were to do a little spelunking in the fine print, are really trying to offload their tax liabilities onto the consumer even more than they already have?
If Larry Summers likes it, it’s only prudent to assume we’re going to get screwed.
Isn’t he one of those guys who over saw a failed economy or something? Or was it the bail outs? I forget. Either way, I don’t recall him having done good.
But he has all the proper accreditation in place so….MAGIC!
And there is the heart of the matter. A tax. Money. Give us money.
But it’s totally not a scam.
Friday Lingerie Links:
Q’s not going to be happy with you for intruding on his sacred ground, mang.
Q mostly does titties on skinny white girls. I try for booties and thiccer girls who have seen the sun. Lot of room for coexistence.
We should do a “Ladies of Glibs” calendar. Each month will be a full-page off-white Behr swatch.
#7 is a man, baby!
#17 crawled out of the 1980s (still wood)
#19 looks underage (feels dirty)
#24 would snuggle up with her to read a good book
19 is from this site that does hot skinny Russian and Ukranian girls from dirt poor villages where food isn’t readily available, so prolly 18+ but looks pervy young.
Mostly too skinny and melanin deprived for me, but 11 looks a bit like a Japanese surfer girl GF I had, and 24 looks adorable in those glasses. And 56 is thicc AF.
Not the best shot of Abella Danger (43), but if ever Jewish looking porn gets a niche, it’ll be mostly her.
#12 is a man too, #13 is eastern European heroin user.
Not seeing anything definitive on 12, though apparently a startlingly high percentage of models for clothing are extremely passable trannies.
Related: Daniel Clowes on Ugly Girls – The more makeup a girl has on the more I wonder if it is a guy in drag
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Reason 172 that Jeff Flake is the most aptly named politician.
Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) today vowed to block all judicial nominees after Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) blocked his effort to bring a bipartisan bill to the floor to protect the special counsel.
Flake, along with Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.), asked for consent to bring the bill to the floor, but McConnell exercised the rule by which one senator can block the request.
McConnell had told reporters earlier that he continues to believe legislation to protect Robert Mueller’s Russia probe isn’t necessary.
Flake, though, noted that the bill passed the Judiciary Committee on a bipartisan vote in April.
“This bill is designed to do one thing: protect the integrity of the Special Counsel’s investigation, and spare it of any interference from the executive branch, including from those who may themselves be subjects of the investigation,” he said on the Senate floor after McConnell’s objection.
“How such an investigation could be a cause of controversy is beyond me – surely we all recognize that it is essential to understand this new form of foreign aggression so that we might better defend America against such attacks in the future, right?” he asked. “One would think that there would be unanimous national resolve to get to the bottom of such aggression from an enemy foreign power, especially a foreign power with whom we spent much of the second half of the 20th century locked in a global ideological struggle, especially when in their renewed aggression toward us they have targeted the institution that we have and they don’t – free and fair elections.”
“…But some of us in Washington have seemed strangely incurious about just what the Russian malefactors did to America in 2016 at the direction of Vladimir Putin.”
Get this lame cuck out of here.
“McConnell exercised the rule by which one senator can block the request”
By which they mean, invoking the hold on cloture rule to allow extended debate unless 60 votes can be mustered. No really blocking debate, but rather enabling lots of it.
Jeff Flake can almost taste that gig on Morning Joe. He’s *so* close.
Jeff Flake can almost taste that gig on Morning Joe.
Ima say . . . euphemism.
Protect the integrity of the special council. I think he would have to have integrity for it to be protected.
A good one: The police chief in Republic, Washington said on social media that he won’t allow his department to enforce the regulations passed by voters under Initiative 1639, saying the new gun laws violate the 2nd amendment.
There goes his pension.
Cheers to that guy.
What are the new regulations? I am sure they are common sense, but I am curious
from the linked article:
“Initiative 1639 makes Washington’s gun laws some of the most strict in the nation. It raises the age limit for some gun purchases; it has a safe storage provision that can lead to criminal charges if gun owners allow someone not authorized to access a gun displays it or uses it to commit a crime; and puts an enhanced background check and waiting period in place for people who want to buy a semi-automatic rifle.”
So, takes away gun rights for young people, requires locking guns away where can’t be accessed if a burglar breaks in, charges the owner of a gun if someone else commits a crime with it, and basically requires bureaucrat approval which might not be forthcoming if you want to buy pretty much ANY rifle, cause prog voters don’t understand or care that “semi-automatic” is pretty much all guns manufactured now.
All the residents in that town are Republicans.
Once again, the Indiana story happened a stone’s throw (a pumpkin’s throw?) from where I live. I’m beginning to think “Northwest Indiana Man” is putting up a challenge to “Florida Man”.
Isn’t is more like dumb-ass teenager?
To paraphrase Larry the Cable guy, drive 30 minutes outside of any large city and you are in redneck country, no matter what region of the world you’re in.
/checks maps
*whew* I’m only 20 minutes outside of Cleveland.
Exception to the rule?
I would also have accepted that Cleveland isn’t a large city.
It’s large enough. I’d venture that the same law applies to cities of any size, with suitable adjustments of the 30 minute drive.
The kindly Minnesoda Senator Amy Klobuchar is going to call Face Book into her office for a stern talking to.
How dare Face Book try to
defend itselfretaliate against public officials?What incentive do Republican legislators still have to protect these companies from regulation? And don’t say principles, because no one in Washington has those
Stock value, maybe.
I’d think that their stock price would go up if regulation were introduced. Investors are smart enough to realize that regulation protects the large actors and disadvantages the small actors.
For the same reason that Avenatti supporters might be frantically trying to rethink that “Believe All Woman With Credible Unsubstantiated and Proofless Allegations” thing — if you stand by while First Amendment stuff is trampled on for Facebook, Fox News is up next.
Course, that would involve the sort of long term principled thinking that isn’t common in DC.
Speak of the devil.
Due process is not served by unevidenced, clearly bogus allegations brought up decades later, asshole. At some point it’s no longer seeking justice, it’s just throwing spanners.
And that point is not long after the first “rape soiree” your lunatic client claims she attended, if not the following nine, but certainly not decades (and a couple amended statements) later.
Subtext is that it’s meant to be beyond the pale to hire a Republican firm.
She also has a bill out there that has “common sense” regulation of social media campaign ads.
She was really outraged that she could spend $20 on an ad on Facebook and get lots of traction. What she really meant is that if it only takes $20 any rube might actually be able to run a viable campaign against her.
To be sure
Protests like these, that target people’s private lives, are wrong. They violate fundamental principles of civil disobedience, as understood by its most eminent practitioners and theorists. And they threaten the very norms of human decency that Trump and his supporters have done so much to erode.
Conservatives, of course, aren’t the only ones who endure intimidation in their personal lives. Since Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony against Brett Kavanaugh, harassment has forced her family to move four times, prevented her from returning to work and required her to hire private security. In October, a Donald Trump supporter sent pipe bombs to the homes of George Soros, Hillary Clinton and Robert De Niro, along with other targets. In June, conservatives grew irate after Representative Maxine Waters told a crowd that “If you see anybody from that [Trump’s] cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd, and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.” But while Waters urged progressives to intrude upon the private lives of their political opponents, she did not endorse physical attacks, something Trump has done repeatedly.
And the people who scream at Tucker Carlson or Kirstjen Nielsen or Ted Cruz have good reason to be angry. The president of the United States is a bigot. He spreads conspiracy theories; he treats the rule of law with contempt. His policies, whether in Yemen, Puerto Rico, or on America’s southern border, leave vulnerable people brutalized or dead. Carlson, Nielsen, and Cruz are all—in different ways—Trump’s agents. Nothing they have endured remotely compares to the suffering that they have helped to inflict.
a Donald Trump supporter sent pipe bombs– Has this been established with any degree of certainty? Or do we assume that all crazy people were driven to madness by Trump?
On the one hand, this behavior is corrosive and unseemly. On the other, how can we expect a True American Patriot to stand idly by as democracy is destroyed and millions are sent to slave labor camps or shoved into the ovens?
Yeah, the dude who sent pipe bombs was a Trump supporter.
There are violent idiots on all sides.
I suppose the question is whether he was just the world’s shittiest bombmaker (pipe bombs with no detonator made of PVC?) or if he was just a jackass trying to scare people.
Technically, I’m more afraid of a mob showing up at my house than the lone bomber lunatic.
To the extent that he was able to support anything given the state of his mental health, that is. I know there’s a lot we don’t yet know, but just on what’s been reported I’m willing to entertain the possibility that dude is batshit crazy and only lightly tethered to reality.
“And the people who scream at Tucker Carlson or Kirstjen Nielsen or Ted Cruz have good reason to be angry.”
In reality, they really don’t. Rich white kids have absolutely nothing to complain about. If you can take time out of your day to harass your ideological opponents then you are living your best life.
They don’t a single reason to be angry, and definitely not that angry, They’re spoiled assholes who believe that intimidation and violence is the path to a better world of their design.
Or you have absolutely no idea how best to prioritize your time and effort, which is a luxury few can afford other than people who know that there will always be someone to protect them from the consequences of their terrible decisions.
And the people who scream at Tucker Carlson or Kirstjen Nielsen or Ted Cruz have good reason to be angry. The president of the United States is a bigot. He spreads conspiracy theories; he treats the rule of law with contempt. His policies, whether in Yemen, Puerto Rico, or on America’s southern border, leave vulnerable people brutalized or dead. Carlson, Nielsen, and Cruz are all—in different ways—Trump’s agents.
This from the same retards who think the NPC meme is dehumanizing.
a Donald Trump supporter sent pipe bombs
Technically he only sent things that look sorta like pipe bombs.
And the people who scream at Tucker Carlson or Kirstjen Nielsen or Ted Cruz have good reason to be angry.
Not really.
The president of the United States is a bigot.
Barry is still in office?
Technically he only sent things that look sorta like pipe bombs.
What he sent were inert fireworks. If he actually thought they had any potential to explode then he was nearly as stupid as he was crazy. But by all means let’s stack one meathead nutter living in his van up against a national movement of many thousands of activists with hundreds of millions of dollars in capitalization from left wing political advocacy organizations and pretend they’re the same thing.
There is this idea that if you repeat something often enough, people will accept it as truth. This is a perfect example. There is no evidence at all that Trump is racist or a bigot.
No. He collectivises people. There is a difference, and he’s no white supremicist.
I’m a little more concerned with the people eagerly associating mundane nationalism with white supremacy… they might actually give white supremacy the cachet white supremacists can’t muster.
Forty fucking years the guy has been in the public eye. He sued his HOA decades ago to force them to let blacks move into his neighborhood. No one called him a racist or even hinted at it.
He became a racist on June 16, 2015.
“And the people who scream at Tucker Carlson or Kirstjen Nielsen or Ted Cruz have good reason to be angry. The president of the United States is a bigot.”
No they don’t and this sentence alone negates his overall point of civility.
‘I believe in civility…but”
How about, fuck you Peter? No ‘qualifiers’. No ‘yeah buts’.
What your side does is wrong. The side that continuously yaps on about divisiveness and ‘f they go low you go high’.
Once again, progressives show they have no principles. The smarter ones among them ‘kinda get it’ but then they pull this crap.
If I was a more paranoid person, I’d look at Antifa and co., I’d look at public figures from the Progressive Left advocating mob harassment, violence, etc., then I’d look at the sorriest pipe-bomber in America getting picked up in a newish van covered in Trump bumper stickers and think, “Funny how just when it starts to become more popular to advocate for real, actual civility in politics along comes this dope in Florida and all of a sudden the Left’s shitty and irresponsible behavior is justified.”
This mendacious fuck has the temerity to bring up Yemen!?
Driver plays trumpet behind the wheel on busy highway
Meanwhile, blow into this Breathalyzer every ten minutes.
Ugh. Been there done that. It wasn’t every ten minutes but random. Imagine sexing up the Wife and suddenly bells and whistles start going off unless you blow in her ear. That’s what driving with an interlock is like, Baby! Drive-throughs are a no-go zone.
Having to borrow my brother’s truck when I carless was awful enough. Intermixing shame, blowing out my lungs while trying to drive, and another man’s dried spit.
You quickly learn to park far away from the shop doors. Shame is a wondrous incentive.
I had a girlfriend who was fond of playing the skin flute while I drove.
….To the tune of Twin Peaks.
If he closed his eyes there appeared a dancing dwarf?
Danger! Danger! Will Robinson! I damn near drove in the ditch and Garped meself.
“fond” or “willing”?
When you hold the gun, you get to decide.
Because of the implication
Harry James, no!
Words I half expect to see together:
Words I do not expect to see together:
Pittsburgh woman’s car damaged in SpaghettiOs assault
Back in the day (as in just ten years ago), Ireland was one of the few European countries that did not have hate speech laws or never enforced such laws. But, that was a different country then. Now Ireland is as Catholic as France and as unique a country in Europe as Germany. Just another region of the EU now.
So changing avatars is the cool thing to do now? Should I change?
Avatars are fluid.
I don’t think it’s the cool thing to do. Just say’n.
I was thinking of changing my name to Courtesy Flush.
That would be a great album name.
You’ll always be smoked belly boy to us.
Just listen to your Mommies, they’ll have you best interests at heart.
The victim says the suspect tried stabbing her with a knife, and she was sliced in the finger.
Police say the victim managed to get away, taking the attacker’s purse with her.
We sure this attempted murder wasn’t actually a successful mugging?
Nah, definitely attempted murder. It’s only a clear cut case of burglary gone bad when the victim is shot 10 times in the back and left with an expensive watch and a wallet full of money and credit cards.
Pelosi: ‘Every Place I Go’
statues crumble for mePeople Say ‘Thank You for Saving America’House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said today that “every place” she goes people tell her “thank you for saving America.”
“Winning 23 seats in a voter-suppressed, gerrymandered map was a wave — was a wave. I’d always knew we would win that, but now we’re getting up to 40,” she said of the still-undecided races. “That’s really a very big — almost a tsunami. We’ll see.”
“The thrill of it all is that 30 — half the members — the new members in our Democratic class are women,” she added. “One on the Republican side — happy for that one person, but sad to say just one.”
So far, 17 House Democrats have pledged in a letter to vote against Pelosi for speaker in the 116th Congress. Pelosi told reporters at today’s Capitol Hill press conference that she was “largely responsible for most of the resources that went into those campaigns” of the reticent freshmen lawmakers.
“That didn’t matter to me. I just said, ‘Just win — just win, baby,'” she said.
With rumblings that even more Dems will vote against her for speaker, Pelosi said she’s still confident she has the votes to win, though she said there are “certainly” other people in the caucus who could fill the role.
Asked if she would “accept Republican help to win the gavel,” Pelosi dismissively responded, “Oh, please.”
“No, never, never, never,” she added.
“I intend to win the speakership with Democratic votes… I happen to think that I — at this point, I’m the best person for that.”
I think Team Red should vote unanimously for Pelosi as speaker. Either that or they should vote unanimously for Alexandria Occluded Cotex.
There is no vote. OK, technically there is, but for Team Blue, the committee rules are based on seniority. If she wants the job. It’s hers.
Team Red put in term limits on chairs to force an attempt at fresh blood in the Party and in the positions.
‘Every Place I Go’ – San Francisco and DC?
And anyone she lets through her protective detail zone of isolation.
“People with Down syndrome apply to be first humans on endangered list”
This is going to make a lot of people uncomfortable
We’re all
Naziseugenicists now?Given that Downs is caused by genetic abnormality, there’s no way for it to go extinct outside of the death of the species. Sure, people may be murdering downs syndrome people at atrocious rates, but that doesn’t stop more from cropping up.
“A ‘Moral’ Duty”
Why would people be upset?
A fetus has a detectable heartbeat no later than 12 weeks and can feel pain perhaps at 20 weeks and no later than 27 weeks, but we still smash skulls and suck the little fuckers out regardless and don’t lose any sleep over it.
Who the fuck put these people up to this? I’ve worked with dozens of “Downies” and political action seemed the least important issue that they would raise. Too strong hugs and running suprisingly faster than one would suspect were my main concerns and theirs seemed to be following some joy.
I don’t know, but it’s a growing trend.
A hundred years later, eugenics seems to be less popular than it was in its first incarnation.
It’s a very happy hug… that cracks ribs.
“Retard Strong” is not just a throw away line in a bad movie. It’s real and judging by that story, it’s coming for you.
I am well aware of this. Thankfully, I have been able to disentangle from the grip before injuries were inflicted, but it always makes me wonder if there is some mechanism in their motor control faculties that makes them go from zero to everything the muscles have got rather than the necessary level of force.
I think it’s more that they don’t understand. Lenny crushing bunnies wasn’t conjured from thin air. When I was wee I picked up a puppy by the tail and it yelped. I never did that again. Some folk never learn to control their impulses. Of course, some retards are just plain assholes.
The only Downs kid I’ve known was average sized and didn’t look it. But he loved a hug for sure.
Eugenics is the most repulsive aspect of a repulsive, morally bankrupt ideology. They make me sick.
As somebody who has volunteered with special Olympics in the past, I wholeheartedly agree. Some of the most friendly, outgoing people I’ve ever met had Downs. The idea that they shouldn’t be allowed to live life like the rest of us is disgusting and horrible. It points to a condescending superiority felt by the progressives.
*rummages through archives looking for my compassion v. pity article*
Found it
This is going to make a lot of people uncomfortable
I’m down with this
*Ponders having steak and eggs for breakfast, or bacon and eggs.
Steak and eggs with bacon it is!
I’ve taken to cooking bacon to add to my sausage McMuffins. I’m decadent that way.
Bacon up that sausage, boy!
So that’s why I’ve finally gained all of that weight back! Actually, it’s the meal replacements that I drink every morning because I was becoming gaunt and skeletal. Now I’m becoming rotund.
Scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage and biscuits this morning. Yesterday it was lentil soup. (lentils, onion, garlic, salt pork in chicken stock – simple and delicious)
Now you are making me want steak. I love steak and eggs.
Fried eggs, spicy cheese, salsa verde and ham – side of sriracha. And a couple of iced americanos.
Why is my dog running away when I breathe near her?
And now I want lentils. Last night we did beef shanks (24 hours @ 165° in the sous vide, finished in a very hot skillet), roasted asparagus, fried eggs, a simple ciabatta loaf, and lots of Bearnaise. Yummy.
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops met in Baltimore this week hoping to address the sex abuse crisis. Instead, they made things worse.
But commie pope likes living wages, global warming and China, so it’s totes cool.
Geez, lighten up Francis…
Pope Psycho, I like it.
“Cardinal Daniel DiNardo announced that he’d received a letter from the Holy See the day before. It instructed them to delay consideration of two proposals that would have formed the basis for a substantive response to the sexual abuse crisis: a new code of conduct for bishops and the creation of a lay commission to investigate bishops accused of misconduct.”
But, Vigano lies, we are told.
Such a strange web, where the traditionalists in the Church are pushing against the Vatican with a black cardinal from Africa as their champion, while the liberals in the Church are defending the Vatican with an old German cardinal as their champion.
And yet you remain a steadfast believer. Hat’s off to you, Just Say’n.
I’m not as religious as some seem to believe me to be.
Only a truly religious man would seek to downplay his faith. /nods knowingly
Corrupt priests and religious bureaucrats shouldn’t affect your faith.
S’Truth. Not my cuppa tea but it’s good to have belief in something, so long as it doesn’t intrude on my selfish desires.
Wait, the Vatican trying to put the brakes on a proposal to allow the laity to exercise control over bishops? Where did I misplace my shocked face?
Conquest’s Third Law isn’t supposed to be a how-to guide.
In general I find American Catholics to be very decent people. I just cant understand their blind faith in a massive bureaucracy composed of men who have sworn off women. What kinds of men are going to be drawn to that life? It’s kind of a no-brainer.
A conference of pedo’s meets to solve the pedo problem within their organization? How else was it going to turn out?
“Super Secret Court Super Secretly Indicts Assange”
But, now who is going to leak the information to tell us about what a miscarriage of justice this farcical secret indictment is?
“Why Straight Men Hate Astrology So Much
Over the past two to three years, astrology has shifted from being a niche interest to a major point of enthusiasm for many women and queer people. Broadly, VICE’s channel geared towards women and the LGBTQ community, gets a huge amount of traffic from astrological features and horoscopes. Other media platforms for women have noticeably ramped up astrology content from filler to the forefront. In the UK, Google searches for “birth chart” doubled between November of 2013 and November of 2018. Since September of 2017, there’s been a steady increase in people searching “astrological compatibility”. All that interest has given publishing a boost: sales of mind, body and spirit books are booming; in 2017, sales rose by 13 percent in just a year.
In 2016, mental health was prime meme fodder; now, astrology memes are all over our timelines. Swipe through a dating app and you’ll soon find a woman who’s included their sign in emoji in their bio as shorthand for personality traits, likes and dislikes, and an indicator for compatibility.”
Our very own “Not Adahn” receives many side-long glances and general shuffling away…
Not Adahn is fabulous! You leave Not Adahn alone!
Or, you know, it’s because if you’re willing to buy into one sidelined fantasy (muh feminism, muh sexuality, muhpression), you’re willing to buy into others (muh crystals, muh pussy steaming, muhstrology).
They can’t help it. They hang around with the like-minded and sooner or later they just have to open a Soap shop with their sister-friend that lasts for three months and never speak to her again. It’s a fucking rite of passage, like teen-aged boys wrecking Mom’s car or pretty much everyone having wistful remembrances of their first true love. It’s the human condition and it ain’t going nowhere.
This is probably the single best argument for keeping women out of positions of power that I have ever heard.
Help Ends Women’s Suffrage
A 2017 study by Pew Research Centre found that 20 percent of adult men in the US believed in astrology, compared to 37 percent of women.
I really hope that a large proportion confused the word with astronomy. (no offense, Not Adahn)
You have too much faith in your fellow man. Homeopathic “medicine” is still a thing, as is detoxing.
But….I thought they fucking love science?
Yeah, I was going to say, given the information provided I’d bet if you dig a little deeper you’ll also find a strong correlation between progressives and astrology adherents – party of science, indeed.
Hell, what killed the so-called skeptics movement for me was that they’d beat up on all the usual villains (homeopathy, astrology, reiki, dowsing, ghost hunters, chiropractic, etc., etc.), while mainlining every progressive pet project (climate science, feminism, economic justice, oppression olympics, and no doubt transgenderism now). It’s important to have a healthy skepticism about all the obvious malefactors while you wring any skepticism for your hot-button issues out of the movement.
For me, it was along similar lines. But I got frustrated with the unthinking appeal to government standards (e.g. FDA food pyramid), treating ideas such as limited government as being akin to belief in ghosts, etc., etc.
Yep. When they back-pedaled on AWG is when they lost me. I was a subscriber for a number of years. Skeptic turned into Believer.
Oh, and their universal solvent for all problems touching on science and public ignorance: more government spending. The schools are underfunded. (Nobody gets to question what it does with the money we lavish on it already.) We need more federal outreach programs. Pump more money into Planned Parenthood and global warming advocacy groups, because these simpletons believe in life at conception but not climate change. Kansas putting silly stickers on the flyleaves of biology textbooks is why the feds should nationalize public education to an even greater degree. It’s the moral equivalent of segregation all over again down there. And, whatever you do, do not ever, ever question the wisdom or efficacy of government intervention.
Are you suggesting that Astrology isn’t science? Not Adahn is going to be very triggered.
That’s like saying that modern art isn’t really “Art”. Jackson Pollock’s mouldering corpse shitting on canvas would like a word.
Not Adahn is going to be very triggered.
Sure, but are the stars aligned for him to do anything about it?
Is it because we actually like science, you know, as a friend, and respect it?
It’s cute that Vice thinks visitors to its lady/gay pages are representative of ladies/gays in general.
“Isn’t there a vaginanet and a homo-hivemind?”
Today in Get You Some Culture, You Jejune Unlettered Motherfuckers: The Skeleton Dance.
I’ll do you one better! https://youtu.be/TmlwNrA7RfY
an unimaginably ham-fisted intervention by none other than Pope Francis himself
Funny, I cannot imagine him doing anything *not* ham-fisted and counterproductive.
The next Pope will be African. Ponder that on the tree of Whoa Nelly!
As long as the Pontiff is not a vampire
The first African Pope was elected in the second century. so not so Whoa Nelly
Someone actively working to permanently sabotage the Catholic Church could hardly do a better job than Francis.
Federal judge has ruled on narrow grounds that the White House violated the 5th amendment in taking away Acosta’s press pass without due process. No first amendment ruling yet, that will come when the trial on a permanent order (as opposed to this temporary order) comes.
ROFL….. I love watching the greatest enemy of the american people ripping itself apart.
The judiciary or the media?
The United States government.
Is there no clause to revoke passes for moral turpitude?
Ay Caramba she was hot back then! She’s still kinda doable in a granny-porn way but I’d need to have many beers and totally lose my sense of morals and ethics. Might be worth it.
I find it darkly funny that the White House can assassinate citizens with less due process that it takes to remove a press pass form an obnoxious douchebag.
This right here is the best comment I’ve read on this topic. Well done, sir
Ditto. An excellent point.
So what you’re saying is, we should murderdrone CNN?
/Cathy Newman
How does due process even apply? Are White House press passes enshrined in law?
Probably the same way at-will employment requires a discipline file a mile thick to fire someone and get it to stick.
No, but according to the judge, once they open up a space like the White House briefing room (or whatever its called) they can’t choose to exclude people they don’t like because they don’t like them. Also, reviewable actions have to be done ‘on the record’ and spelling out on what basis a decision is made. This avoids arbitrary decision making by the executive or judiciary making a decision.
The judge didn’t buy the government’s argument that they can ban anyone at any time for any reason.
At this link
There’s a tweet that says “Worth noting the judge says the balance of inequities would not have swung in Acosta’s favor had the White House banned him for safety or security reasons.”
So the judge doesn’t buy that Acosta was kicked out for safety and security.
So, the judge admits he had no basis in the law or constitution for his ruling.
Only if you assume the pass was the personal property of Acosta, which is ludicrous.
He acted like a dick at a private function so he gets the “bum’s rush” just like any loud, grabby asshole at the Kitty-Kat Lounge.
Yeah, taking away a press pass is the same as being put in jail.
On what basis does a press pass being revoked become a due process issue? I could be wrong, certainly, but my impression has always been that the press briefings the WH does are completely optional and at the whims of the POTUS, not some right or duty enshrined in law. There’s no obligation to provide the press with any kind of special access whatsoever, so any process that may or may not be followed is purely at the behest of the WH.
Some kind of hearing to determine if Acosta is in fact an obnoxious douchebag?
Sort of like the hearing the military is supposed to have to determine if an enemy combatant is a spy or saboteur before shooting him.
Was it at least a Hawaiian judge?
If nobody ever calls on him to ask a question, then what?
I fail to see where that guarantees the right to a White House security pass. I must be missing the special glasses I need to read the hidden text.
They didn’t compensate him for his private pass?
Is the pass Acosta’s, or CNN’s? Does CNN have more than one correspondent with a WH pass? I think Trump should tell CNN that they can send anyone but Acosta.
From what I hear, CNN has 50 people with daily press passes.
If I were Trump, I would just give it back. You know deep down he loves him there, grandstanding and making Trump’s points.
Make him sit at the back of the bus.
“Oh, joy. I got a notification that someone tried to sign me up for a site that offers “live sex cams”. I’m sure whoever is engaging in this harassment are very fine people. If one of these attempts succeeds, advance notice: it wasn’t me.”
This is going to be one of those Kurt Eichenwald moments isn’t it?
Riiiiiight. Way to get ahead of the news cycle, Paul.
“I’m more into cat porn.”
Thomas Friedman has a cam site? I guess some people will tug to anything.
Heh. “Tug”. Haven’t heard that one for awhile.
He’s going to be so pissed when that Nigerian prince doesn’t give him his cash. At least his hot Russian bride will take his mind off of it…
Plot twist: the guilty party was Drunk Paul Krugman.
TheBERN! hates poor people. (TW: Reason)
Sanders introduced The Stop Welfare for Any Large Monopoly Amassing Revenue from Taxpayers (WALMART) Act today. The bill’s goal is to force Walmart, the world’s largest retailer, to pay each of its U.S. employees at least $15 an hour. Rep. Ro Khanna (D–Calif.) released a companion bill in the House.
While the WALMART Act is aimed at Walmart, it would also affect every company with more than 500 workers. Such employers would not be able to buy back their own stock unless they raise the minimum wage to $15, give employees “up to 7 days of paid sick leave to be used to care for themselves or a family member,” and prohibit their CEOs from earning “more than 150 times the median pay of all employees,” according to the bill’s summary.
Walmart, which the summary claims has plans to “buy back $20 billion of its own stock over a two-year period,” would likely be in violation of each of those three tenets. The median Walmart worker makes just $19,000 a year, CNN reports, while CEO Doug McMillon earned $22.8 million last fiscal year. Walmart’s minimum starting wage, meanwhile, is currently $11 an hour. Finally, while the company did implement a paid sick leave program in February for workers in states with sick leave laws on the books, seven full days is not a company-wide policy.
“The American people understand that there is something totally absurd that you have large profitable corporations who make billions of dollars a year in profit who pay their workers starvations wages,” Sanders said, according to The Daily Beast. “While at the same time providing their CEOs with very, very high compensation packages,” the democratic socialist senator added, while calling Walmart the “poster child” for “corporate greed” in America.
Walmart says that’s not true. “We have increased our starting wages by more than 50 percent in the last three years while also adding new benefits like paid time off, advanced job training, paid family leave and college for $1 a day,” the company said in a statement to CNN. “In addition, our associates continue to earn quarterly cash bonuses—more than $625 million last year alone.”
These bills always have such stupid names. Anyway, leave to a socialist to try to ruin one of the greatest institutions created by the market.
How is the name alone not a prima facie admission this is a bill of attainder?
Can it be unconstitutional if you’ve never read the Constitution?
Also, how long before corporations adapt to the legislation? Walmart (Inc.? Corp.? Whatever it’s legal name is) pays McMillon the maximum amount. They also pay Walmart Executive Services Inc. $XXm for various services, whose CEO is also McMillon and receives at or below 150x of the median wages of the employees of Walmart Executive Services as well.
Sounds more complicated than just moving the corporation offshore.
It would be refactored into a requirement to do business in the US, regardless of HQ.
My first though then people brought up the idea of a maximum wage for a compan based upon what the bottom rung makes is that you would suddenly find companies breaking apart on paper and contracting each other for services. The biggest effect would be that it becomes harder to simply move up the ranks because the process is more complicated, disincentivizing promoting from ‘within’.
Temps, contractors, gig people, and robots – our new workforce.
WalMart already does that. From what I’ve been told by someone who does it, they work for a company that goes out and puts the products on the shelves at the stores, he goes to like six stores a day, 2 or 3 days a week. The number of employees in a store outside of specialized departments like pharmacy, tires, etc. is cashiers, customer service counter, and a few people to clean up messes.
Walmart stockholders are the Evul!
I really wish a spokesman for one of these companies would just come out and say “If our employees don’t like how they are compensated they can always go work somewhere else” instead of the mealy mouthed statement about how great the pay is.
My only complaint about Walmart has ever been the special treatment they would get at the hands of local politicians in terms of tax giveaways and incentives. And frankly, that is the responsibility of the pols.
I agree. Tax codes/laws are full of special treatment for others for which I might not qualify. It is indeed the responsibility/fault of politicians.
“The Thirteenth Amendment outlawed Slavery. Our employees are here by their own free will.”
While it would light the pundit and talking head circuit on fire, I think a response of this sort would actually go over pretty well in the court of public opinion, and people would rally around the company. Too bad companies are too risk averse to try such a thing.
Meanwhile, it is almost certain that WalMart provides better wages and benefits than the mom ‘n’ pop stores these types prefer – you know, the ones where the owner and his family work 80 hours a week often for next to nothing.
But once they pass the $15/Hr minimum wage that won’t be a problem anymore.
Correct, there will be no more mom ‘n’ pop stores.
Ding, ding, ding!!!
And the left doesn’t give a shit because they think it’s perfectly acceptable – hell, preferable – to become a permanent government dependent. You can’t even argue with them about putting people out of work because that’s what they want.
Transforming the American public from paid workers to paid voters is the plan. In fact we’re there already:
I’ve been to Walmart. The employees are not starving.
But, but, they all live in food deserts!
“The American people understand that there is something totally absurd that you have large profitable corporations who make billions of dollars a year in profit who pay their workers starvations wages,” Sanders said, according to The Daily Beast.
$19K per year is far, far from “starvation wages” Mr. Sanders. Within the this decade, as a young single guy I once lived on less than $12K in a year (official poverty line at the time) and ate literally whatever I wanted, as much as I wanted, while living comfortably – these things are not hard to do if you have a modicum of skill in budgeting, something Sanders, given his past, sorely lacks.
Agree. My first “real” job paid 19.5K in 2002. I couldn’t do a lot of discretionary spending but I had no trouble paying rent on a small domicile, feeding myself well, maintaining a reliable vehicle and even squirreling some money away.
Sure if you are a single parent with a couple kids or if you’ve put yourself underwater with student loan/credit card debt it’s a lot tougher…..and also in no way anyone else’s problem.
Nobody needs 6 meals a day, Bern
Activist judge orders WH to give Obnoxious Jim his pass back
A Trump-appointed judge ruled in favor of CNN’s Jim Acosta on Friday, allowing the network’s star report to temporarily regain access to his White house press credential.
“I will grant the application for the temporary restraining order I order the [government] reinstate the pass.” Judge Timothy J. Kelly said.
Judge Kelly – who rescheduled Thursday’s planned hearing for Friday morning – heard lengthy oral arguments earlier in the week about the cable news network’s request for a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction. Judge Kelly’s decision is temporary and further hearings are expected to take place in the next few weeks to determine whether or not yanking the credential violated CNN and Acosta’s First and Fifth Amendment rights.
He declared that precedent has been set that the White House should have given Acosta due process before taking away his credential and that harm to the reporter has already occurred.
What “due process” applies to this scenario?
Good question. I always thought the concept of “due process” had to do with someone being accused of a crime.
“No person shall… be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law”
-5th Amendment
I guess they’re calling the pass Acosta’s property, which seems like a stretch to me.
So he can keep the pass, he just can’t enter the White House.
the courts have found property rights in stranger intangible things.
Maybe he’s being deprived of “liberty”, but if you go down that road, does it mean every person is free to go to WH press conferences? Because I feel like I’m being deprived of that liberty too.
My guess is liberty. The press room is open to either “anyone” or “reporters that meet a particular and non-personalized criteria” or something in between. In any case, its open to a class of people to which Acosta is included. Taking away his ability to go there while other people in the class are permitted to (aka liberty) needs to be done (I’m assuming here, haven’t read anything more than the link I put above) with due process.
Yeah, that’s not what liberty means.
Are you talking about your own personalized conception of a generalized concept, or are you talking about the basis for the judges ruling (which I am not defending, since I don’t fully know what it is yet)?
Because I’m talking about the second one, and while the first one might be interesting, its off topic.
But if you are talking about the second one, what do you think I have wrong?
Being deprived of liberty in 5th amendment terms does not mean being deprived of a security pass to the White House. This should be so obvious it shouldn’t need explanation.
We are talking about something that which didn’t even exist prior to the early 1900’s, and only does so at the sole discretion of the president. I mean, there’s no law. This isn’t a formal institution.
The White House Correspondents Association wants to argue now that this can’t be left to the sole discretion of the president. It’s far too important. Well, I’d be suing the fuck out of the WHCA if I were a reporter they wouldn’t allow into their special little circle. They believe themselves to be some special protected class, an actual fourth branch of our government or some shit? Well, let’s see if any obligations come along with that.
I’ve read that the judge said that the president isn’t required to do this, and isn’t required to call on Acosta, but if he does give out this thing (permission, pass, whatever its being called) it must be done with generally applicable rules, which is a requirement of due process.
The fact that it didn’t exist doesn’t matter for the 5th amendment. It might for the 1st.
There are very few things done at the sole discretion of the president. And many of those require an explicit act of congress, and explicit constitutional provision, or the usurpation of both. We shouldn’t cheer another example of that just because Acosta is a woman-assaulting shit-stain.
I mean, there’s no law. This isn’t a formal institution.
These are both objectively false. There is a law; the fifth amendment. There is *nothing* the government can do that is not an action by a formal institution.
Do we have a documentation of the process used? Is there a code of conduct for press for use of the facilities? Are there policies in place already that were violated by one party or the other?
There are pertinent facts we don’t have because nobody pried into the boring, bureaucratic side of the poo-flinging.
Apparently the Court did inquire into this and was persuaded by the White House’s response. “Because I can” is not usually a winning argument. Anyway, its a temporary injunction…
USC -> No, not even the judge could get them out of the government. That either means the government was represented in a case with national scrutiny by an unprepared lawyer (not likely) or they knew it wasn’t lawful (likely)
“Whatever process occurred within the government is still so shrouded in mystery that the government could not tell me at oral argument who made the initial decision to revoke Mr. Acosta’s press pass”
That’s an interesting perspective, and by far the most compelling argument I’ve heard thus far. I think you’re kind of in the neighborhood of some of the issues with regard to social media and this administration, i.e. that, by definition, when Trump tweets something he cannot do so as anything but the POTUS, therefore his remarks are effectively official statements; he can’t take the President hat off, so to speak. When the White House holds a press briefing, no matter how informally it may have happened, it is nevertheless a government event and thus subject to the same conditions as anything else the government might do.
From the NPR link below.
I think he is saying Acosta is deprived property as in ability to do his job as a WH correspondent which is getting close to saying he is owed a job if that is in fact the argument.
We crossed into “the Constitution means whatever we want it to mean” territory a long time ago.
It was pathetic for Trump to squabble with the guy. It was pathetic for Acosta to use his press privilege as a means to filibuster the president. But easily the most pathetic part of this is Judge Kelly’s mushy interpretation of due process.
I’d say that comes closer to ‘redefining’ than mushy.
This just cries out for a Jacksonian “He’s made his ruling, now let him enforce it” moment.
Absolutely. This is stupid.
“He’s made his ruling, now let him enforce it”
This is what I was just thinking.
Ya I would just keep appealing it all the way up. Acosta might win after about 4 years of litigation.
I don’t see how he wins at SCOTUS. There is no constitutional right to a White House security pass, which is what was actually revoked.
How about we just disband the press pool? Or make it so large and all inclusive that you can’t even fit them in one room? Why not just issue press passes to everyone?
Shut it down. Have the democrat activists submit their questions via email and send Barron out in front of the cameras to answer them.
Fuck all these useless dipshits.
I would rent that as a pay-per-view.
Why not just issue press passes to everyone?
I’m in favor of this approach. Dilute their worth, then we’ll really hear some screaming from the networks.
It’d be cool to see “The Rageaholic” sitting in the first row and asking pointed questions of the rest of the press corps.
Give Infowars a press pass again, which the selective free speech absolutists in the media lost their shit over.
For posterity. Because it’s important to remember that the difference between the corporate press and a bag of dicks is negligible.
Giving a press pass to Infowars would be a worthy troll.
They should transform the press passes into a lottery system. Say, allow anyone with a news program, newspaper, blog, flier, whatever apply for a pass. Maybe make it a weighted lottery such that venues with high viewership have a greater chance of winning.
CNN would never get a pass then.
IIRC, the WH Press Room was once the swimming pool where the Kennedy boys debauched. Johnson had it filled in. Perhaps they should dig it out and hold all press events in the Rose Garden.
Do that. And the written questions and taped answers thing. And continue to snub Acosta. Embrace the inanity.
Meanwhile, expel the entire press corps from government property. Wanna talk about welfare leaches? It’s the press using taxpayer paid property to conduct their business activities on. CNN and the networks can go rent an office suite privately.
Fuck those parasites.
Exactly. I had no idea the press was housed at the WH at the taxpayers expense. At the very least they ought to be paying Pennsylvania Ave. priced rent on their offices.
Dig it out, and see how long the reporters can tread water.
And end the bullshit where certain reporters/news outlets get preferred seating. Draw numbers for seats every morning. It would be hilarious for Acosta to be sitting in the back row between Breitbart and InfoWars.
What’s wrong with first-come, first served? Make them all wait hours and hours and hours for their one childish question. Eventually even a pile of shit like CNN will figure out that they’re overpaying for those morons.
Put a ‘take a number’ machine by the door. Randomly pull numbers out of a bingo roller. The number called gets one question, then the number is set aside.
That’s the best plan so far. I don’t like the idea of less transparency, and just because parts of the press are woefully biased hacks doesn’t mean that the institution of the press isn’t valuable and an important part of a free society. So give the press access, but do it in a fair, objective way. Every press group gets to take a number, every number gets one question and a follow-up. If Ladies’ Home Journal, InfoWars, Wired, and Gavin McInnes get the first four questions while Jim Acosta and the rest seethe in their chairs, I suspect the republic won’t suffer unduly, and may even be better for it.
Trump – “No”
I don’t know if I agree with this.
Guess I should have refreshed.
It is, actually, just as dumb as the ruling that Trump couldn’t ban people from his Twitter feed. The White House press corps exists at the discretion of the president. Every president. There is no legal or constitutional requirement that he speak to the press at all. It was actually a tool by past presidents to get better control over the narrative (contrary to the loftier notions pushed by the media cretins themselves that it’s about holding these people accountable).
I’d kick all the cockroaches out.
Trump should call a press conference everyday and then just never show up. Keep the heat in the room at about 80. Just let the self important assholes sit there and sweat for a few hours until they leave. Just do that day after day after day.
See above. They won’t leave. The roaches work there.
Oh I know. I have bitched about that for years as well as flying the fuckers all over the world.
Or set up chairs in the Rose garden and let them sit out there if the temps are below 40
Or he could be like Barry and just stop having press conferences.
I don’t know, Leap’s argument is starting to convince me. I’m not sure I like the idea of the President being able to do anything at all in an unofficial capacity where it touches on official business. I don’t think Trump should have to let Jim Acosta ask him about his personal life or his favorite cereal growing up, but I’m not wild about cheering for the President using the press corps as a propaganda tool, even if it was intended as such.
It is, actually, just as dumb as the ruling that Trump couldn’t ban people from his Twitter feed.
This one was/is particularly retarded and should be ignored. It is his private account, the white house account.
Maybe they should give the pass back and let him sit there, never being called on. Give him some rope and some time, he will hang himself.
Oh fuck, he would never shut up. Back of the bus and let him yelp and jump whenever the camera gazes upon him. It’s the attention that he craves, just like plants crave Brawndo.
So, what you’re saying is, he’s loving the revocation?
Set up one of those soundproof glass enclosures for him
The cone of silence?
Sit him in the corner with a dunce hat.
large profitable corporations who make billions of dollars a year in profit who pay their workers starvations wages
The unholy miracle of consolidation. A small marginal return per employee, multiplied by hundreds of thousands of employees. The only way to cure this evil is to cap the number of business employees. I bid six.
Wouldn’t be surprised if Walmart goes with the $15 minimum wage just like Amazon. They can use it as a competitive advantage over their smaller competitors. Then they will probably start pushing more self checkout, cut other employew benefits and slow hiring.
Where’s the competitive advantage? I mean, besides the fact that it kisses political ass as an offset of a few lobbying dollars.
Raises the barrier to entry for potential competition.
Regulation doing exactly what it is designed to do
That is not “Walmart goes with the $15 company-minimum wage”. That is government forcing it and WalMart rationalizing why they won’t fight it.
In the end, if competition is stifled and price controls are set, quality and time spent will suffer. Poor people hardest hit, as they like it.
Low-skill, low-income workers hardest hit, but hey, at least a bunch of well-off whites shopping at Whole Foods in their upscale suburban neighborhoods will pat themselves on the back for
getting one over onhelping out those stupid Walmart hicks.How is it possible that Jim Acosta doesn’t look at himself in the mirror and conclude that he is the reason why Americans distrust the media more than a reality TV show president?
Because all he does is look at himself in the mirror and he doesnt see the same thing you do.
Self-awareness is a rare commodity today
something like this
Hey Suthen! I watched that Alice Phoebe Lou video the other day. I can’t look away, even though her audience is full of hippies and hipsters. Good catch!
You can put the answer to a jingle:
NPD means the problem is never Meeeeee
Acosta’s problem is that he is soft. I’d wager that that chubby little fuck has never once endured the panic and adrenaline rush of an honest to god fist-fight. You can spot these guys from miles away. Same with Anderson (Andy Vandy) Cooper. That NPC looking asshole wouldn’t know a right cross from hot cross buns.