The Glibening, Part Four:
Hardboiled Dick
by Tonio
Previously: Part One, Part Two, Part Three
Ramesh’s iPhone emitted the special chirp which meant that Google Alert had turned up a new hit from one of the websites his boss deemed troublesome. Crap. He grunted, then flinched as the cold water splashed up into his anus from the toilet bowl; he was glad he had pre-flushed and tried not to think about what germs were lurking in the water of the public toilet. Someday he hoped to have a corner office with a private toilet like his boss. Ramesh quickly cleaned himself and stood up. He raised his trousers, slid his arms into his suspenders, then buttoned and zipped his pinstriped trousers and put on his suit jacket. He pressed the flush handle with his shoe and exited the stall quickly before the toilet overflowed.
Practicality necessitated that public restrooms should have poop knives, but the security requirements of a federal courthouse prevented it. He walked from the innermost stall to the sink nearest to the door. As he reached the sink he heard water splashing onto the tile floor from the stalls behind him. Ramesh hurried through washing his hands – he counted to twenty as always, but much more quickly than normal. His phone kept chirping, not a good sign. He reached for a paper towel and dried his hands while looking back in the mirror at the stalls to check whether a stream of water was flowing his way – fortunately not. Finally he dried his hands and exited to the public corridor before checking his phone. A livestream from the Thought! Magazine commenters mocking the boss was going viral. He was going to be livid about that.

A collection of old kitchen knives such as are commonly repurposed as “utility” knives.
Ramesh quickly swiped through the door into the private corridor of the US Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York. He walked down the corridor and into the conference room where the Multi-Agency Task Force on Political Subversion met. The weekly meeting was about to start and the boss was chatting with the New York State Police representative.
“What is it, Rami?”
“The chippertarians just put up a snarky YouTube video taunting you. It’s like a really bad Bollywood musical number. There is nudity. It’s going viral; over eight hundred views in five minutes.”
“Well, put it up on screen.”
“We’re all friends here, and have seen far worse.”
Ramesh sat down at the crappy old computer and brought the YouTube page up on the projector.
“It’s like the Christmas pageant at a retard school.” Coyle from the Port Authority police was his usual charming self.
“That reminds me of some off-off-off-Broadway crap my wife dragged me to last year,” said the state police representative. “The theater smelled like piss.”
Let Preet now come with,
Subpoenas by the pound,
Ken shall show that mutton-
Head the law more sound.
Someone stifled a snicker, which came out like a sneeze. Ramesh suspected the state attorney general representative.
The chorus line mooned the camera. Ramesh looked nervously at his boss who grimaced slightly but remained silent.
“Where is this coming from, Rami? I mean physical location?” asked the FBI man.
“I don’t know, Agent Waters.”
“I’ll find out. Can you text me the link?”
“Here’s the URL.”
“Got it.”
The production number ended and the screen went to the static text “Fuck Off, Slavers.”
“A human pyramid with a swastika on top. Fucking Nazis.”
The boss looked at Ramesh and nodded ever so slightly at the NYPD man.
“Sergeant Murphy, the swastika is an ancient Hindu symbol which pre-dates Hitler by centuries, and the gentleman wearing the swastika headgear is dressed in the traditional manner of a village shaman of Gujarat in India.”
As far as Ramesh could tell, Murphy’s only job was to go to inter-agency meetings and report back to his captain on what other agencies were doing without letting the other agencies know what NYPD was doing.
“Nice friends you have there, Preet.” The state attorney general representative hated his federal counterparts with a passion. “Seems like you could go all Meese on them because of the mooning – I bet a frame by frame analysis would reveal something other than butt cheeks. A hundred dollars says they don’t have any proof of age forms or a designated Custodian of Records.”
“Guess what just came in to Manhattan 911?”
“Holy Shiva,” thought Ramesh. Murphy offering up anything was like Justice Thomas asking a question during oral argument.
“What is it, Mr. Murphy,” asked the boss.
“A call from a distraught young woman at Thought! Magazine. Says she’s the receptionist. And she’s batshit-crazy, or drugged. Claims someone was eaten to death by squirrels.” Murphy rolled his eyes. “Dispatch sent out an ambulance and a black and white. They are en route.”
“Today is our lucky day. Rami, get over there. If that’s okay with our NYPD friends, of course,” said the boss looking at Murphy.
“Of course, Mr. Bharara. Our federal friends are always welcome.” The NYPD might hate the feds on their turf, but the real enemy was the state. Goddamn Albany pukes trying to tell the mayor of the greatest city in the world how to run things. The mayor had more guns than the governor, but nowhere near as many as the feds.
“Switzerland, Mr. B,” said the FBI man looking up from his phone. “Those sons of a bitch are routing through Elektron AG. We could find out more, but then our state and local friends couldn’t come to the party.” The FBI man knew that the NYPD particularly hated being called locals.

The grim facade of the Daniel Patrick Moynihan federal courthouse in Foley square.
“Rami, why are you still here?”
Murphy stood up. “C’mon, kid, you can ride with me, that will be quicker.”
Ramesh got up sheepishly and headed for the door on Murphy’s heels. So, he was to have a minder to make sure he saw nothing that NYPD didn’t want him to see.
“Where are you parked, Sergeant?”
“Down in the LEO parking spots next to the prisoner transports.”
“It will be faster to take the private elevator.” The courthouse had two small private elevators used by judges and prisoners alike, but you never saw anyone else; each elevator trip was direct end-to-end with no additional stops.
Ramesh used his ID card to unlock the elevator call button. Murphy was on his cell phone.
“Manhattan Dispatch, this is Sergeant Murphy of Liaison, badge number sierra golf tango eight six four two zero. I’m en route to the ten sixty eight at one ten Fifth Avenue. I’ve got a Deputy US Attorney with me. Instruct onsite units to have EMS hold off on the thorazine until we can talk to the caller… about ten minutes. Thanks. Bye.”
The elevator car arrived and they boarded; Ramesh pushed button P1.
“One ten Fifth Avenue,” said Murphy, “that’s the Vandersnatch Building, built on the foundation of the old Vandersnatch mansion that got torched back in the twenties by Frumius Vandersnatch’s crazy granddaughter.”
“You know the city well, Sergeant.”
“I worked security details there in the eighties. It’s a lotta snooty magazines there.” Murphy slicked his hair with his hand. “I was with Celebrity Protection Unit then, kid. Got some prime pussy. Perk of the job.”
Ramesh fumed at being called “kid” by a man he suspected of being a braggart and a hack.
“I used to date Morgan Fairchild back when she was just a soap opera star here,” said Murphy as he hitched his belt up. “Met her on duty.”
Ramesh was glad when the elevator slowed down and the car doors slid open with a ding.
Murphy exited first and strode over to the security checkpoint.
“Hey, Chris. Here to get my pistol back.”
“Sarge, Mr. Gupta.”
“I’m taking Ramesh downtown to an unfolding incident,” said Murphy as he fished a key with a round metal tag out of his pocket and opened one of the deposit boxes for visitors’ guns. Murphy removed his Glock and slid it into his shoulder holster under his suit.
“Have fun, Mr. Gupta.”
“Thanks,” said Ramesh, already disliking Murphy’s company.
Ramesh followed Murphy to one of the many cop cars in the deck, a white unmarked four door.
“Buckle in and hang on once I hit Centre Street.”
Ramesh couldn’t imagine not fastening his seatbelt, and was surprised to see that Murphy didn’t use his. Murphy started the car and backed out of the parking space and headed up the ramp and onto Pearl Street, the private street for the Manhattan court, cop and jail complex. He waited for the vehicle trap to go down and turned right on to Centre Street and activated the blue flashing lights in the front windshield of the cop car. Ramesh had always wanted to be a policeman, but Professor Gupta had other ideas so Ramesh went to Hazelwood Country Day, then Woodberry Forest, William and Mary, and finally UVA Law, all on full-ride scholarship. Deputy US Attorney was as close as he could get to police work without inciting the considerable ire of his extended, degree-heavy family.
As they approached the intersection with Worth Street, Murphy sounded the siren. A man in a wheelchair worked his arms furiously to propel himself out of the crosswalk onto the relative safety of the sidewalk outside Thomas Paine Park.
“Them wheelchair guys got some guns on them,” said Murphy. “Do you lift, kid?”
“I do some reps on the machines.”
“Better than nothing. Of course you federal prosecutors don’t collar a lot of perps. The ladies like it, though. You married?” Murphy turned left onto Leonard Street.
“No.” Ramesh was dreading the forthcoming trip “home” to his grandparents’ village in Gujarat to marry a girl he barely knew.
“Lucky you.”
Murphy sped down the street with lights but no siren. A bike messenger rode in the right lane. Murphy eased off on the gas and drifted rightwards until his driver side tires were straddling the lane markers for the right lane. Twelve feet behind the cyclist he activated the siren for a brief whoop. The bike messenger raised his left hand with the middle finger already extended. Murphy simultaneously accelerated and did a quick wheel movement, swiping the cyclist with the side of the cop car and launching him curbward. Murphy then quickly swerved left, tires squealing, to move out of the curbside lane to avoid the rapidly approaching Jersey barrier closing the lane for a construction site. Ramesh turned to look at the speedometer, it was approaching forty and the needle continued moving to the right.
Murphy looked out the rearview mirror, then the side mirror. “Smooches, punk.”
When Ramesh could no longer see the messenger he turned and looked at Murphy. “You struck and injured the cyclist,” Ramesh said with a mixture of disbelief and loathing.
Not just any cyclist, kid, a bike messenger – they’re like rats on wheels. And I personally know that the little anarchist punk once busted a cop car window with his bike lock. Few scratches, maybe a couple stitches – he’ll be fine. You have to consider the totality of circumstances. Not all justice is dispensed in the courtrooms.”
“How will you explain that?”
Murphy said nothing and reached for the Motorola radio mic, moved it to his face and mashed in the button and started talking.
“Dispatch, this is Sergeant Murphy with Liaison, over.”
“This is Dispatch, go ahead Murphy.”
“I’m on Sixth between Prince and King and there’s a cyclist down. He was riding erratically and weaved into my lane as I was transporting a VIP with lights and siren… Yeah, an ambulance, too. Make sure they charge him with interference before EMS loads him up. And not wearing his helmet, poor kid …Probably. You can’t charge them if they’re not. Murphy out.”
To be continued…
I hate the cold water splash.
The Dark Kiss
I think HM uses that name for something different, yet similar.
The sensation is extremely similar.
Except the water is disturbingly and almost uncomfortably, warm.
OT: I hate meaningless abstraction. I’m 20 minutes into a presentation, and literally nothing of consequence has been said.
Time to start fidgeting and loudly yawning.
I would, but I’m working from home
Time to start surfing the internet… ah, you’re way ahead of us.
That made me laugh.
“A human pyramid with a swastika on top. Fucking Nazis.”
The boss looked at Ramesh and nodded ever so slightly at the NYPD man.
“Sergeant Murphy, the swastika is an ancient Hindu symbol which pre-dates Hitler by centuries, and the gentleman wearing the swastika headgear is dressed in the traditional manner of a village shaman of Gujarat in India.”
Brilliant! Thanks, Tonio, many laugh out loud moments in this one.
Well that was a fun read. I missed the first two parts by a couple weeks. Glad to be acquainted!
Callooh! Callay! Glad this series is back. Looking forward to more.
This bit was nearly as chilling as SugarFree Work, in some ways worse because it isn’t really fiction:
The portrayal of local politics IS eerily accurate.
You have to consider the totality of circumstances.
*sudden flashback* *shudders*
Hey, how about a trigger warning.
Warning: Do not put your finger on the trigger unless you are ready to shoot
Always be ready to shoot.
Do not miss your opportunity.
OMG that DOES happen. So that office memo which I laughed off asking men to stop doing that was for real??
No way in hell I’m reaching over to flush.
Check your mail for a bill to cover the cost of fixing the next broken toilet….
Tragedy of the Commons my man.
You don’t have to kick it like Murphy performing a dynamic entry to serve a warrant, ffs.
Seems like it would just add time having to take your shoe off.
Feel free to touch that thing with your hand. Me, I’m putting the rubber to it.
That’s a fucked up fetish.
Don’t judge me!
Just make sure to clean up after wanking it on a dirty public toilet’s flush handle.
I always shower afterwards.
There’s a bowl of clean water right there!
Add me to the dirty foot, clean hands clan.
Wiping my ass > touching the flush handle.
Do you guys not wash your hands right after?
*golf clap*
Just to give something new a try I wiped with my feet and flushed with my butt.
Good thing the Blue Wave has put Dem majorities in all branches of the state government so now Albany and NYC can march forward to progress in lock-step!
I think reading this caused physical damage to my brain.
Response from emu
An important component of Newspeak is the ability to utter sentences (and entire paragraphs) that contain no meaning whatsoever.
It takes a special kind of stupid.
like… on a lathe? Cause you don’t want them not centered that’s gonna make them hard to turn.
I read that as “monetized.”
Doubleplusgood duckspeak.
I want Eve Ensler’s take on her demotion. She’s fully vested in the smash the patriarchy and capitalism crap. It’s sweet, sweet schadenfreude to see her crowning achievement being destroyed from within.
I was drug kicking and screaming to a local theater production of the pussy lectures because my sister was one of the performers. I’m quite sure that 90 minutes took years off my life. So much derp in such a short period of time.
SEARING HOT TAKE: California wildfires caused by directed energy weapon to clear path for high-speed rail line.
The stupid, it burns!
I am “rate limited”. WTF, I don’t twatter.
OK I’m on.
LOL they show a map of the fires north of SF – where the HSR is NOT going.
I’m almost always “rate limited” until I refresh. I think it’s a courtesy they reserve for people who aren’t logged in, for some reason.
Ah. I deliberately do not log in.
best response
Its been a long time since I watched that movie. That is the winner.
I also liked this comment: “Jet Fuel can’t melt autism vaccines.”
Dem’s are pushing a “Stop Walmart Act” directed at all companies with over 500 employees. Stock buy backs would be prohibited UNLESS worker are paid $15/hr, have 7 days paid leave, and CEO pay is less than 150x median employee pay.
Is that the “democratic” or the “socialism”?
Companies can’t give stock to employees unless they own stock they can give to employees. So Bernie want to kill contributions to 401ks and profit sharing schemes.
That’s going to be great for employees.
Of course, the employees should just own the means of production, then they don’t need stock.
Walmart owned by the employees where every decision is dictated by majority vote would be run into the ground in a couple years, tops.
You’d see federal bailouts under a Democrat president before that happened. And Dems wouldn’t even bat an eye.
Two-day work-week: PASSED
500% raises across the board: PASSED
100% employee discount: PASSED
Mr Democrat-Socialist should explain why he’s wasting taxpayer dollars throwing shit at a wall to see what sticks.
Those dumb companies will never be able to figure out that they can just give dividends instead!
I like the Dumphy references in Officer Murphy.
OT: Florida has treated lobster girl poorly.
Man shouts ‘Heil Hitler, Heil Trump,’ does Nazi salute during Baltimore performance of ‘Fiddler on the Roof’
False flag?
Ah, another round of legit nazi or prog performance art!
In Baltimore?
It’s either a false flag, or a long, long repressed KKK resident of Hampden.
Wouldn’t surprise me one bit.
It’s the stupidest false flag ever flown, or it’s some moron’s idea of performance art. “Heil Trump”?? Come the fuck on.
Dude, that is just what some dumb fuck, backwoods, mouth breathing Trump supporter would say.
/angry, middle aged, barren, ham planet of indeterminate gender.
You know Nazism isn’t an actual threat right now because the media reports shit like this. If it was serious or significant, it would get suppressed instead.
4chan can ID a person wearing a mask in a crowd of masked agitators but the Baltimore Sun can’t ID somebody detained and issued a formal warning by police.
Hey, the reporter wrote an entire story about someone attending a performance of “Fiddler on the Roof” at the Hippodrome Theater and then waiting for intermission specifically in order to stand up and yell “Heil Trump” before being told off by ushers and scolded by a police officer, and the reporter did so without even once making reference to the sheer ludicrousness of taking it as anything other than a political stunt or guerilla theater. That’s solid work, IMO.
And in local news, 2″ of snow has snarled traffic in the Philly area. Accidents everywhere this afternoon.
They decided in my area that plowing and salting was unnecessary. Two inches of snow and sleet later, and the roads are a mess. Hopefully the temperature doesnt drop overnight because it’ll become a skating rink if it freezes over.
It’s coming down pretty heavy in NYC
/warm and toasty inside
So you’re saying 2 inches is all you need to create a slippery mess?
Slippery when wet
Only if you forget to plow.
Freezing rain, snow, and sleet since ~5:00 AM here. But at least we’re up to 34 degrees.
OT: City Council looking into legal ways to challenge Amazon deal
Where the fuck were these clowns when the city was giving away billions of dollars to the Yankees and the Mets?
That’s different, sportsball teams benefit everyone.
Sportsball is progspeak. WE’VE FOUND THE MOLE!
Yeah, I think Democratic Hitler gets a pass on this one.
Better luck next time, you meddling kids!
Wait a minute… your name isn’t “Bill Deblasio” by any chance…?
Why would Amazon move to Queens with this non-sense – there is no way this is a good long-term move.
Data services business for Wall Street, that’s why
if they want to change that to only one winner, VA will be happy to take another 25,000 jobs.
Fuck that, it’s only going to bring in more locusts and accelerate the progification.
And just watch. Every single one of these assholes will be totally and utterly outraged when Amazon chooses to pull out of putting up a center in Queens. No, they shouldn’t have given Amazon such a sweetheart deal. But, they’re treating getting the HQ2 as their God-given right. That was the deal it took to get Amazon to sink a few billion into LIC. Now they want to alter the terms. Screw these guys.
Every single one of them will be adequately bribed. They are whining because they didn’t get a taste.
I heard someone complaining there’s no “deal” in place to give thousands of jobs to the residents of the adjacent, massive public housing project. Ell-oh-ell.
Yep, it’s all about buying votes.
Narrative: If you don’t like YouTube censorship then create your own alternative
BitChute: OK, I will
Narrative: Nazis start online alternative to YouTube
BitChute: What? We’re not Nazis
PayPal: Get fucked, Nazi scum. We’re ending our relationship with you
BitChute: What?
Narrative: If you don’t like PayPal’s censorship then create your own alternative
*rinse and repeat*
Nothing against bitchute, but it would be nice to have a video platform that was free speech and simultaneously not overrun with nutjobs.
“to have a video platform that was free speech and simultaneously not overrun with nutjobs”
Not possible
Considering how many nutjobs fly below the radar on youtube despite the active censorship, the idea that a fringe site committed to free speech can avoid nutjobs is pure fantasy.
Gab figured it out. i assume BitChute will too.
I’ll admit that I find my principles and emotions at odds on this stuff. On one hand, self ownership is self ownership, and if the left wants to crowd dissent out by deplatforming them, I see it as evil, but not inconsistent with their ownership of the platforms.
On the other hand, we live in a cronyist market, Not a free market. Although I believe that the free market forces will eventually prevail, emotionally I want this bullshit to stop.
You don’t need to believe in regulated markets in order to criticize business practices. So many have taken some really bizarre and inconsistent stances on this topic.
Being an asshole on your own property, doesn’t make you any less of an asshole.
I think the inconsistency is out of a lack of faith in fellow man. It’s one thing to trust “the market” in the abstract, but when the market’s reaction is informed by millions of people who chant “hate speech is not free speech”, it’s hard to see how the tide will turn.
The hardest thing about being libertarian is accepting the timeless fact that when you give the populace enough rope, they’ll eventually use it to hang you.
Rather interesting the people who screamed about net neutrality and internet censorship are silent about this activity.
I’m so shocked that they are.
Not to mention their views on forcing businesses to provide service to all customers.
That’s because most never understood why they supported net neutrality in the first place. They just parroted the left’s social media machine as they always do.
They never could even explain what net neutrality was, nor how it would work without disrupting all VOIP and streaming.
It keeps Nazis from being able to block abortion provider websites, you Nazi!
Man. Remote medicine has really come a long way.
How deep does the government have its fingers into platforms like PayPal or the credit card companies? Surely they do a lot or business with them, and regulate the fuck out of them too. If they’re knee-deep in with the government, it is absolutely fair to call them out on censorship BS.
Operation Choke Point was in place for quite a while.
It was specifically intended to deny banking services to “risky” customers, ie gun manufacturers, tobacco processors, anybody the government didn’t like.
By the way, Trump ended it. Shame it was in place for 7 years and was probably unconstitutional.
This is the part that bothers me too. I’m not ready to call foul yet, but I suspect that the longer this goes on, the more likely it will get to the point where the government is the one pulling the strings on those service providers decisions.
If they’re knee-deep in with the government,it is absolutely fair to call them out on censorship BS.I haven’t yet had the connection made for me between government support and additional responsibility to avoid censorship. Sure, if the government were conditioning the support on the censorship, that feels like a 1A issue. However, I dont see a path from generic government support to some sort of reduction in self ownership.
I would posit that there’s implicit pressure to play nice with what the government wants. It doesn’t have to be spelled out in any contract for them to start deplatforming wrongthinkers if they think that’s what the government wants. But yeah, absent written proof, I would have to agree that I’m just spitballing.
For me, the answer is CDA Section 230. I have no problem with self-ownership. And I think the social media giants have every right to use their platforms however they feel like. What they don’t ethically or morally have is the right to their exemption to libel and copyright laws. They essentially piggybacked off of the exemption that was originally intended to protect ISPs and e-mail providers from lawsuits for what people who they had nothing to do with either way transmitted on their platform. And for a while, they played fair by those rules. But, now they want to take an editorial stance. Okay. That is absolutely their right. But, to me, that makes them a publisher. And publishers are liable for what they choose to publish and refuse to publish. And that should kill their right to Section 230 protection.
You write this over and over, and I still don’t understand your position. Help me understand what “publisher” even means and how any liability for actions accrues due to speech ever? I also don’t understand why a libertarian should jealously defend the implications of an unneeded regulation.
/ honest disagreement, but I’m listening
How is it regulation? Social media is exempt from libel and copyright laws under this provision. If I’m putting out a brick and mortar magazine and I put out an article by some idiot saying “Don Escaped Texas likes to rape little boys.”, you’d have every right to sue both the author and me. Even if the author was providing the article saying that for free. That’s because I decided that the article slandering you was okay to publish. I decided calling you a child rapist was something I was okay with my magazine being a platform for. The same would apply if some idiot decided to reprint a book you had written.
Now, you might think that’s a bad piece of law. And I’m open to that. But, its a law that is applied every day to magazines, book publishers, etc. It’s not somehow libertarian to say that just because a company has “.com” in its name, that should change any of the underlying principles. But, under this law, it does. These companies have taken it on themselves to decide what is and what isn’t acceptable to print on their sites. And again, they have every right to do that. But, if they’re saying “icky conservatives” aren’t okay to be on their sites and leaving up someone saying “Don Escaped Texas likes to rape little boys.”, then they’ve made the call that the latter is acceptable.
I’ve never understood your reservation to be about libel before; that helps.
its a law that is applied every day to magazines, book publishers, etc. I”m sure you’re correct about that; but the legal theory is still a shrugger for me: media are mere tools to me, so I’m clearer on liability for the writer than for the platform. Otherwise it seems like blaming Remington for the MLK assassination.
Well, as I said, I’m open to the argument that its bad law. But, that means it should be repealed universally, not just allowing the online sources a pass.
That said, I think it’s a little different from the Remington case. Let’s say Remington had a policy in place that they’d sell their guns to some people, but not others. Some people just couldn’t be trusted with a Remington rifle. And say they had a policy of taking their rifles away from the wrong sort. It’s plausible that they would then bear some responsibility for deciding that James Earl Ray was a suitable owner for a Remington rifle.
I’ve always understood how you constructed your argument; I’ve just never bought into it.
For me, Remington can refuse to sell to anyone for any reason without importing any responsibility for those to whom they did sell. One has nothing to do with the other. JER was the bad guy, that’s all there is, all that there can be. Otherwise everyone is responsible for everything; there is no bright line for responsibility other than proximate cause: who pulled the trigger. All the other arguments smell contrived to my nose, with support swinging back and forth case by case depending on whose ox is being gored.
I still remain deeply suspicious of any argument that endorses extra rules and bureaucracy as a substitute for direct responsibility. Over-serving barmaids, product misuse, hate crimes, and similar such notions just seem made up for leverage when the direct and obvious answer didn’t deliver the desired (and probably correct) result. Yes: repeal all such universally.
Practicality necessitated that public restrooms should have poop knives
I always love a good poop knife reference. The world needs to know.
Nice work tonio!
Metropolis IL doesn’t live up to its name. Also, where are the vehicle search checkpoints? At least CA has (or had) “agriculture” inspection stations. Nothing to keep KY guns from flowing across the river as far as I can see. On their own of course, since firearms are sentient and have their own motive power.
Last time I went through KY, they had drug checkpoints on the freeway right after entering the state from TN. I think most of their government is funded through federal WOD dollars.
Metropolis IL doesn’t live up to its name. Correct; but Carbondale does.
Fun fact: the best route from Metropolis to Cairo goes through Kentucky. I grew up in the area; as a Mississippi native, the border states just never struck me as Southern.
Speaking of knives, this ended better than it could have. Kudos to the cops. Hopefully, this kid gets help.
Apparently all concerned are Japanese with pixilated faces.
I can’t imagine being suicidal at 11 years old. Terrible.
we live in a cronyist market, Not a free market. Yup
Although I believe that the free market forces will eventually prevail Sorry: America believes in government; sooner or later government uses enough screaming from some quarter to justify its interventions. I think about Bitcoin: it’s okay officially, not illegal de juris, but everyone involved has been regulated into practical paralysis.
emotionally I want this bullshit to stop Yup; this is where I come to scream into a paper bag with fellow travelers.
But your point is well taken: one can take a practical position that seems not to jive with one’s philosophy. My favorite example is by my former Legislator Wendy Davis: she filibustered safety requirements for abortion clinics in Texas. Of course, what she believes in is government-sponsored abortion on demand, where, you can be sure, she would expect all the safety requirements she fought to be in place . . . more, even.
#Resist ?
My favorite example is by my former Legislator Wendy Davis:
Ah, good old abortion barbie! I volunteered for her governor campaign. Unwittingly, of course. The opportunity was billed as a nonpartisan election monitoring gig (that counted toward my mandatory pro Bono hours at law school) . Everything except for that was left vague. When the orientation meeting came around, Collin Allred (the soon to be house rep for TX32) walked in the door decked out in Davis 2014 regalia and proceeded to hold an indoctrination session about how suppressed voters are In TX. For a non-partisan gig, I sure did have to identify myself as a Democrat party representative quite often at the polling place.
Nice work Tonio!