Well, both Sloopy and Banjos pulled up lame this morning, so despite me being stuck in a hotel room in Atlanta-the-Damned (where it has not stopped pouring rain since I got here on Monday morning), I feel a sense of responsibility that you good folks have a place to commiserate, snark, and post links to pix of silicone and Photoshopped electronic creatures. So please forgive me for being terse and the links lacking my usual commentary- I’m supposed to be working, and my boss will be here shortly to pick me up to take me to the plant. And because this has been a work-travel week, I haven’t been around much, so if any of this has been discussed to death, I plead ignorance. Likewise, I won’t be able to drop in and comment, but I’ll be back at full strength this weekend.
At least there’s a lot of news.

Pictured here with corpse
Starting with the obvious one, from the Department of Hoist By One’s Petard. And really, read the comments- the spin by the erstwhile “believe all women” crowd is predictably hilarious.
I can’t say that I mourn when Facebook gets kicked in the nuts, but it’s particularly amusing when they handed their critics the steel-toed boots. And I notice how weird it is that when someone criticizes Sheldon Adelson for his financial support for questionable Team Red causes, the media position it as good citizenship, but when George Soros is criticized for his equally questionable Team Blue antics, OMG IT’S ANTISEMITISM! Not that I’m cynical or anything.
Speaking of Semites, the recent abortive kerfuffle between Israel and the Adjacent Jew-Haters seems to have scored a direct hit on Jerusalem. All I can say is, thank Yahweh that the US appears to be doing far less meddling there than it has in the past. Now if we can only stop our meddling in the other 7 or 8 Middle Eastern conflicts that Bush and Obama got us into…

they demand asylum from the oppressive forces of good taste
Remember all those people saying, “If Trump gets elected, I’m running to Canada!”? Apparently, that’s happening. Woops, not the same people. And predictably, not only are the actual numbers minuscule, Canada is tossing out the majority of “asylum” seekers, despite the social-signal tweets from Prime Minister Zoolander extending Canada’s welcome.
Heh, we just barely got over the massive PR campaign of a few weeks ago touting the HORRIBLE NEWS FROM SCIENTISTS that the Global Warming heat in the oceans was hugely more that anyone had thought. Front page on every newspaper and news website. For some reason, though, this latest story seems to be barely covered. I can’t imagine why not. On the one hand, it’s good that the paper’s authors acknowledged their simple and fundamental error. On the other hand, the fact that the paper’s referees didn’t catch this is a sad example of how the socio-political narrative has t-boned any actual scientific integrity in this field.
Despite the brevity of links today, you’re still getting stuck with Old Guy Music. My boss, who is also a music geek (albeit a much younger music geek) had wanted to go to Eddie’s Attic, a pretty famous music venue here in the Atlanta suburbs. He looked up who was playing there last night and despite it being someone neither of us knew, we figured, meh, it will still be fun to go there and have a few drinks after several rather grueling 12 hour workdays. Well surprise, surprise, the show was terrific. And here’s one of the songs he did. Intelligent pop-style, audience participation, high energy, a delightful transition from guitar to piano, it had it all. Standing O, and Gabe has a couple of new fans,
“Heh, we just barely got over the massive PR campaign of a few weeks ago touting the HORRIBLE NEWS FROM SCIENTISTS that the Global Warming heat in the oceans was hugely more that anyone had thought. Front page on every newspaper and news website. For some reason, though, this latest story seems to be barely covered.”
At this point I immediately assume foul play by these cultists, and expect them to be forced to retract their bullshit in time. Of course, when they do that the dnc operatives with bylines will not give that as much coverage as they did the claim we are all going to be broiled by AGW.
I love the picture of the Twink from the North with two Klingons
*Thinks about whether trashy is impugning the Minnesoda Twins*
*nods slowly*
OK, I think you didn’t mean anything by it. But you might want to watch out for Mike. He’s pretty touchy about his beloved Twinkies.
And predictably, not only are the actual numbers minuscule, Canada is tossing out the majority of “asylum” seekers, despite the social-signal tweets from Prime Minister Zoolander extending Canada’s welcome.
“When I said we have a moral responsibility to take in tens of millions of refugees, what I really meant is that YOU have a moral responsibility to take in tens of millions of refugees”
For some reason, I find this irksome.
The disaster in Butte County, which has killed at least 56 people, comes as California is experiencing a monumental housing crisis and where nearly half of the nation’s unsheltered live in cars, parks and on the streets.
Even if destitute survivors receive federal and state aid to help pay for rent, there’s no guarantee they’ll be able to find a place in the Golden State.
“The housing crisis hit us hard like everywhere else,” said Sarah Thomas, program manager of the nonprofit Chico Housing Action Team. “The vacancy rate in Chico is around 1 percent. Now that we’ve lost all these homes in Paradise, there are going to be more people struggling to find a place to live.”
I suppose, with judicious application of government policy, we can keep those people homeless forever. Because people whose houses burned down in a massive fire are just like the insane shopping cart people who shit on the sidewalk in San Francisco.
Hey, make them dependents of the state, since that will get them all motivated to keep voting for people that will give handouts.
The mentally ill are going to be an enduring problem. There are plenty of working poor without housing because California makes burdensome, expensive, and sometimes impossible to build new homes.
the spin by the erstwhile “believe all women” crowd is predictably hilarious.
Pay-walled. But anyway…So you’re saying that they don’t #believewomen in any principled way, but only when it hurts their political opposition.
Believe all true Scotsmen.
The Slate solution is to say that they never really liked Avenatti in the first place.
We are done using that tool, and are now ready to throw that asshat under the bus!
Ask Cindy Sheehan how she feels these days….
Seriously, you guys all put way too much pressure on yourselves over these links.
Except for Brett, obviously.
I have to hand it to the admin. Cranking out new material on a relentless schedule is a tough job. They do it very well.
Agreed. Lots of consistently great content. I was so busy with work last month, I missed a lot of it. trying to catch up.
Love the Glibs (and Reasonoids)!
It’s not like one of the days from TOS that shall never be forgotten. The day that Robbie didn’t do the links at all, and the day of the commenters.
Those were right up there with the day the image and blink tags worked.
I appreciate the effort, although a script that scraped the top 5 stories from Google News and inserted some random daily trivia would be sufficient for us. It’s not like anybody ever reads the links anyway, amirite?
..meekly raises hand…
I’m just going to say it. I read the links.
Whatever, Tulpa.
I do, on occasion, click on and read the linked articles.
I can’t say that I mourn when Facebook gets kicked in the nuts, but it’s particularly amusing when they handed their critics the steel-toed boots.
Facebook has released an official response: NUH UH
Zuckerberg is a secret anarcho-capitalist, right?
1. I call it Coke. I still call it Coke. I will always call it Coke. When I ask “What kind of Coke do you have?” I fully expect them to say “Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Dr Pepper, Root Beer…” etc.
You guys think that we Cokers are the weird ones, but I don’t get it. You likely say Band-Aid, Q-Tip, Xerox machine and Kleenex, so I don’t find it strange.
Come at me, bro.
(I’m coming to think that commodious spittoon and I are indeed the same person.)
2. Yes. We weren’t allowed to have unlimited access, but I don’t remember many rules about it.
3. As a kid always regular. We had friends whose parents had a Diet Coke only policy. That shit is nasty. As an adult I’ll usually get a Coke Zero unless I’m at a McDonald’s.
4. Iced tea with extra lemon. As a kid Dr. Pepper. Root beer has its time and place. I’m fairly certain that 85% of my childhood, I’d make a Suicide at self-serve machines. (A little bit of each flavor. Not sure what the term is outside of my neck of the woods.)
5. My favorite? I’m gonna go with “hooch.” Coke Zero most frequent. I’d gladly take an iced tea over a Coke any day of the week.
Oh! RC Cola is bottled in Evansville. Or it was. Jokes about its inferiority wound me. It’s what we’d have after baseball games.
Grrr. Was meant to be opened with: “With the time zone shift I think I’m in the clear for posting the “soda” poll here. BTW: The Most Interesting Response Award goes to grrizzly and PieInTheSky.”
Agreed. I’ve seen some great documentaries about the Cola Wars and their spread to the Soviet Union leading to the virtual disappearance of kvass, the native cold drink. It’s a really interesting story.
kvass sucks, to be fair
Is it as bad as kombucha?
never had kombucha. I have one in the fridge for about a month or so maybe if it is not past expiration date I’ll try it
I agree with the last sentence
With the time zone shift
DST was like two weeks ago, bro.
I missed that thread yesterday. My answers:
1. Pop
2. Yes, copiously
3. Regular. Diet is horrible.
4. I was a daily Pepsi drinker until a couple years ago; now the only soda I drink is Mexican Coca Cola in my Cuba Libre on my cheat day where it accompanies my cheeseburger
5. Green River; maybe Thomas Kemper Cream Soda
RC Cola is the BEST cola; it is known. Johnny White’s in New Orleans has it on the fountain gun, yummy stuff.
The suicide terminology for a mix of all the flavors was the same here in Cleveland, though used more frequently for slushies then fountain drinks.
Hey Neph, the super-duper surprise hit of my BiF was the Citropapotamus from Terrestrial. I was prepared to not like it all that much; I love hops but find the finish in IPAs to be a bit much. this wheat IPA did not suffer that problem at all; wonderful hoppy blast up front but smooth, slightly sweet finish that didn’t leave me feeling like I ate a sour candy. Dynamite stuff sir, thank you.
Glad you enjoyed it. Terrestrial is a newer brewery in the area that has only released a couple of items in cans (they don’t have their own line, they use one of the mobile canning companies). They do a lot of off the wall beers, especially in the gose and saison realms. They’re a bit off the beaten path, but they’ve had a solid crowd the couple of times I’ve been there. They’ve got some great names too (.1 Leagues Under the Lake; Friday the 13th: Jason Gose to Cleveland; Look Shaun, I Can Make Classic German Beer Too!; Panda Tears).
lol. That might top “Citra Ass Down” for best citra-hop named beer. Zombie Dust is way down the line.
I didn’t send Lacky a CAD despite having them in my fridge because he was anti-IPA.
Suicide was also used in OK. It was sufficiently popular that people (by that I mean kids) would order it, resulting in places having an upcharge for it.
Here in my slice of SW Ohio, that term was interchangeable with ‘graveyard’.
Hey go to that dead thread and post late like everybody else. This isn’t ‘nam there are rules
but when George Soros is criticized for his equally questionable Team Blue antics, OMG IT’S ANTISEMITISM!
If leftists didn’t have double-standards they would have no standards at all.
Between double standards and projection you pretty much cover most of that ideology’s adherent’s behavior.
I haven’t kept up with Israeli politics as of late. My reading of that article is that Bibi is losing his support from the right, which is not something I would have expected. Anybody care to shed some light on his conundrum?
Yeah, his failure to keep bombing the crap out of Gaza has pissed off the folks living near that border and caused his defense minister to resign. OTOH, the response from Hamas was not exactly a surprise after the whoopsie a few days ago when a covert mission from Israel became Not Covert.
Of course, Bibi is caught between two unpleasant alternatives, so it’s also no surprise that the alternative he picked (a cease fire with Hamas) was unpleasant.
Man, I am so happy that we stayed the fuck out of this.
I’m probably displaying my government school quality geographical knowledge, but did Manhattan Player check in post fiery hellscape?
Saw a comment from him last night.
Playa Manhattan is a neighborhood in Manhattan Beach, CA.
For years I assumed he was a pimp from NYC tbh.
I always assumed he was in Manhattan Beach or Playa del Rey. If the fire reaches either of those places, LA would simply be gone.
No Shyte …
(playa = “beach” in Spanish)
It also is some guy that knows how to play the game in slang though, isn’t it? 🙂
Or the guy who likes Miller Lite?
A truly biblical end to the “City of Angels.”
Despite my love-hate relationship with LA, there are a lot of great, regular folks who live there. They and the beautiful climate ALMOST make up for all the predictable leftist asshats.
And I suppose jesse. isn’t from Manitoba? How about sloppy? He’s still an Inca from Peru, right?
So, I’m reading a Cato article on Trumpitler’s trade wars and ran across this:
My opinion that governments don’t trade and shouldn’t be involved in it at all. But what exactly does not tolerating certain behavior look like?
Full article: https://www.cato.org/publications/commentary/trumps-trade-wars-are-incoherent-angry-misguided
If I give Cato a charitable reading, they probably mean that Trump shouldn’t have tried to pick a trade fight with everyone at once and that using Europe to exert trade pressure on the the ChiComs would have been more productive.
Proxy tariffs?
The Euros are run by a credentialed bureaucratic elite class that care very little about the plebes or any long term results of their actions. Case in point Iran. It is absolutely deluded to think these shysters would risk losing their income and power to do the right thing.
I haven’t read the Cato article so I’m talking out of my ass here, but I don’t think it has much to do with European cooperation but more to do with US domestic politics. It’s easier to conduct a
tradewar against a limited number of partners at a time.Trade wars bad. Literal wars over the South China sea good.
That’s the way I read it, too.
This is about China’s blatant stealing of IP. The problem is that there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop or prevent that when it is government sanctioned & encouraged. Even the Russians have had trouble with this as China would hijack their military hardware and then sell cheap and crappy clones to previous customers. The problem is that the Chinese government is a crime syndicate (why do you think our proggies always are commenting on how they wish they could do what the Chinese do??) and we have been sold a blatant lie that they would eventually decide to become legit and quit this. That will never happen. The oligarchy running China wants to rule the world, and are prepared to do whatever it takes to do that. We are morons for thinking you can compromise or play nice with people that have a long term plan that eventually ends with them having their boots on everyone else’s neck.
You can treat them like a crime syndicate and hurt their bottom line and maybe put their power in jeopardy. Ruinous tariffs come to mind.
Actually, the Chinese economy is a paper tiger, and had been propped up by the trade western countries did with China. Even the slightest decline in that horribly titled trade system we have today would cause massive disruptions and problems for China’s economy, and result in a huge problem for the Chinese oligarchy that today, despite the inherent corruption and dysfunctional state of things, retains some level of support from the some 350-400 million Chinese that have managed to prosper because of this new economic model and have become the equivalent of a middle class. While over a billion Chinese still live by 19th century standards and have no clue what is going on, the ones that are part of the economic growth China has seen in the last few decades, expect that massive growth – and their ability to grow their own wealth – to continue indefinitely and without interruption.
If that gravy train stops, there will be hell to play. The problem is that there is no way this is not going to be the case in the next 5-10 years. The Chinese oligarchy knows their economy is about to not just stall, but sink. That’s because of the bullshit the Chinese have done (like lying about what their GDP really is as they propped those numbers up and all that IP stealing) to prop their economy up. It is also precisely why we are seeing a shift of the political strategy which had the Chinese playing the long game – where they simply would end up on top as China’s economy would surpass everyone else’s by 2030 and thus making it by default the de facto top dog without ever needing to fire a shot – to calls for military action by 2020, to not just bring Taiwan back under the Chicomm boot, but to put the entire South China sea under Chinese control.
Trump’s move to cock block them has put even more pressure on them. Their new militaristic stance is akin to that of a desperate Argentina back when they invaded the Falklands and a play on the people’s nationalism. The days when pussies like Bush and Obama would then bow out and kowtow to Chinese demands are gone now, and that has really left the Chicomm leadership in a bad spot.
“This is about China’s blatant stealing of IP”
That, and China’s pretentions to muscle up militarily. They’ve been trying to act like the big dog in Asia not realizing that those actions depend on maintaining their economic lead. Losing that lead puts them behind on the military side of things.
Funny thing is that the Chinese have had a strategy of stealing Western IP for the past 150 or so years. Imperial Japan did, too, with regard to British ships especially. In China, the expression used is often something like “Western X with Chinese Characteristics”, the idea being that the west has some interesting technical tidbits or, in the case of socialism or Marxism, philosophical insights, but Chinese culture is far superior, so the strategy is to take the inferior-but-necessary input from outside of China and improve it by making it Chinese. So, they were hot to get their hands on Russian hardware back when Lenin was alive. In fact, the Soviets tended to prefer sending “advisors” in order to have some control over what (and how) the Chinese were developing.
LOL……..unless you are Micheal Mann, and then everybody, including the IPCC use your horse shit as verified fact even when it has been destroyed by critics.
Or if you’re East Anglia and you hide/destroy your original datasets and vilify anyone who asks for them.
Thot Thursday bounces, jiggles and squeezes into your week.
I’d like to help 8 warm up.
9 arouses within me an interest in horticulture. 20 pretends to like comic book shit so she could probably appreciate a cultured nerd such as myself.
But what exactly does not tolerating certain behavior look like?
Global thermonuclear war.
Would you like to play a game?
Good morning, OM!
Thanks for pinch hitting on the lynx.
I have no idea what the hell is going on in Israel.
You spelled “illegally” wrong.
You fucked up. You trusted him.
Old guy music today is really good. The kid is talented and the guitar is awesome. Anyone know what it is?
“those fleeing persecution, terror and war”
Who are these people, how did they get here and what is their status in the US?
“Most of the Americans applying for refugee status are the children of non-residents,” says Stéphane Handfield, a Montreal-based immigration lawyer. “They are US citizens because they were born there, but they come across the border with their parents because they don’t want to be separated.”
Tiroude and Gislyne fled Haiti for Brazil in 2014, in search of work and safety after Gislyne was targeted for her advocacy.
Two and a half years later, they headed north after Tiroude lost his job, entering the United States in November 2017 – just as the Trump government announced that it wanted 59,000 Haitians living legally in the US to leave the country.
In May, the couple moved again – this time with a newborn baby – becoming some of the roughly 6,000 Haitian asylum seekers who fled the US for Canada last year.”
Leave Haiti in search of work. Leave Brazil after losing a job. Leave the US because might be deported for being here illegally.
I dont see any war, terror or persecution. I see illegals drawn here for economic reasons, cutting the line for legal immigrants and encouraged by leftist american politicians anxious to import as many commie votes as possible.
What a fucking shitshow. 100% of the blame lies with congress.
I get moving to a different country for political and economic reasons. My grandfather moved here from NL in the 1920’s, choosing the U.S. over S.A. for better opportunities and frankly to move a little farther away from Germany.
But is the normal reaction to losing a job to move to a different country?
Asylum is granted to escape war, terror or persecution, not so the seeker can get a better job.
Or free shit. Too many of the people coming over, especially the ones bringing families, are not coming for jobs, but free shit these days. The ones coming to work don’t bring their families.
It’s too bad that the videos and recording can’t capture the sheer energy of his performances and the really impressive keyboard skills. If he comes through TC, you owe it to yourself to go to his show.
Steel dobro. Not sure what specific brand.
Though this one looks pretty similar.
Check this out. I’m not sure which model, but I’m willing to bet it’s one of this company’s guitars. The one I linked to above is the wrong model because it doesn’t have the “Les Paul” cutaway. Reso Rocket ‘N’ & Style 1 Cutaway are both good contenders.
When he did the song last night, he used a miniature wood-body six string for the opening before switching to piano.
I’ve never found that big of a difference in sound between standard acoustics and dobros. That said, I’d never slag a man or woman from using the instrument that they love best. From personal experience in front of crowds – if the only thing it gives you is confidence, that can really matter.
It’s much more distinguishable when playing slide dobro: https://www.facebook.com/RAFountainGeneralStore/videos/1536566486458407/
Yeah, the (dobro) style is also called a “resonator”. So I can see how that would be. Almost like playing an acoustic pedal steel that you could wrap around your shoulders.
Japan’s new cybersecurity minister admits he’s never used a computer
Actually he is the Olympics minister.
He is chief of the cybersecurity strategy office.
Separate things it seems
Although I can’t find it right now, John Podesta was a cyber-security expert in DC for quite a while.
That’s why he’s secure.
I call bullshit, since I have been assured that Japanese defecation involves using computers.
I thought it was the Germans who had more about defecation on their computers?
/lights Yusef signal.
I’ll probably have to re-post this as I know he’s on some weird other that eastern time frame.
I have an older (91) gas furnace. It runs perfectly, up to temp. As soon as it reaches temp, it cycles exactly two times for about one second each time. It doesn’t have a flame sensor probe (it looks like that may be built into pilot). I cannot find anything online with my exact issue. Everything talks about short cycling, which it isn’t doing. I replaced the thermostat and have a hygrometer sitting on top verifying the room temp matches. Any suggestions?
At least you got the thermostat out of the way right off of the bat.
Do you have a blocked exhaust vent that is tripping the over temp sensor on the exhaust/chimney. Or a bad over temp switch that might need to be replaced? It would be on or in the metal exhaust and have two wires connected to it possibly with a button.
I just looked and do have that button sensor. That could be it or some small block. I’m wondering if the sensor thinks it’s detecting some gas or heat and then cycles quickly to try to clear it.
I’ve had the heat running for 45 minutes with no issue. It must be something like that.
The way the sensor works is if it reaches a certain temp, then it assumes there is a blockage or overheat condition, as it should not get up to that temp if the hot gasses are exiting fast enough. It then pops and has to be reset. It would typically not allow the gas to flow once it has tripped however.
Who would want to flee to Canada? Unless you’re an avid lover of snow.
People wanting to break into the barley farming world? Poutine lovers?
Potheads who like Chinese girls.
You wouldn’t ask this if you’ve had all-dress chips before.
Lay’s now sells All-Dressed in stores around us. At first, they were amazing, but now they’re just another flavor.
You want the best healthcare in the world, no?
Fuck freezing rain in the neck, the only thing worse than freezing rain is freezing fog. Turned around to work from home after seeing the third accident on the freeway. Come on people, this was predicted, get the damned de-icer down.
I have only seen freezing rain a few times in OK, and ya, the hell with driving in that.
One of the scarier drives I had was a trip to Lansing where it was exactly 32F out and raining. It would kinda-sorta freeze on the highway. Lots of vehicles (including AWD and 4WDs) in the ditch because the idiot drivers thought “hey it’s just rain”. I was driving a RWD BMW – fitted with Blizzak winter tires – and didn’t have any problem. But I was keeping my speed at moderate levels. I eventually got off the highway and stuck to the country roads.
It’s one of the benefits, I guess, from growing up in the great white north – ice driving abilities. I got off the plane in Indy once, went to the rental car counter and the guy noted that I was from Minne. “Hey, you’re used to winter driving, how about an upgrade to a Mustang?” No problem, I’ve driven RWD in winter forever. What the little fucker neglected to tell me was that there had been an ice storm the day before. It was actually kind of fun because the traffic was really light. Sideways a few times but a successful voyage to my customer’s offices. They were suitably impressed.
One tradition here after the first snow fall along one of the freeways is to count the number of cars (almost all SUVs) that are in the ditch along 271. What adds to the fun is that there’s express lanes on the inside, then a grass median, then the regular lanes. When there’s no snow, you can see that there’s a large ditch in the middle of that median. When the snow falls, and the wind blows it over, it hides the ditch.
When I was a teenager, I drove a 1968 Firebird with godawful tires. Or my mom’s 1984 2wd Nissan truck or my dad’s 1977 Cadillac. If I had to go visit my GF, I wasn’t about to let any amount of snow stop me.
These days, even Michiganders say I’m crazy for driving a Mustang all year round. But – back in the day – RWD was a lot more standard and we somehow survived by driving more slowly and/or with extra weight in the trunk/ truck bed .
Yeah, I had a 1965 LeMans with bad (wide) tires and never let the shitty weather stop me. Later, I drove a 1984 RX-7 all year round because Pirelli made great snow tires and Mazda almost perfectly balanced that car. It was a blast!
Slow down, plan ahead and don’t be a douchebag. People are too confident in their fwd/awd. They forget that momentum and ice are real things.
btw, I saw your question on punk rock booking. Didn’t have time to respond but here we go:
It depended on the band. A lot of them were small enough that they just wanted to play somewhere and would usually do it for free (if close by or within the same state). Some wanted a guaranteed fee, often negotiable.
Something like $100 + a cut of the door.
Others, usually the “larger acts”, wanted guaranteed $200, plus door, plus food. Some of the contracts that were signed were just silly, like ten bottles of Gatorade, no lemon-lime. You could strike those provisions out if you wanted to – my wife usually did. We would buy food and drink for them, but usually cheap stuff from Aldi since our own budget was so tight.
Thanks! I’ve never really thought about the ‘business model’ of small venues.
At least you know it’s for the love of music, eh?
“Slow down, plan ahead and don’t be a douchebag.”
That disqualifies 98% of Americans. Nice try though.
I drove a Mustang GT all year until 2016. My commute to work changed and required a drive up switchbacks every day, great in the summer but less great during the winter. Clearance was an issue in deep snow, but I only had one issue and it was with black ice.
I used to weight down my Mazda 626 with 150 lbs of rock salt 50 lbs. of sand and a shovel in the trunk. You get the handling improvement from the weight and the ability to get out of the snowpile/ditch if the handling improvement wasn’t enough. My favorite winter driving moment was me puttering up Ravine Street in Cincinnati at a steady, not stopping for anything 10 mph when a jack ass whipped by in a Cherokee. 30 seconds later I puttered by him as he tried to climb out of his jeep which was leaning up against a tree.
A few year ago my dad was driving his ol’ 4WD Trailblazer to Holland and back. Big blizzard hit while he was driving. Conditions were bad enough that he was puttering along on the highway with everyone else when some fool in a Porsche Cayenne zipped by going “over 80mph”. A few miles later and there was the same Porsche, in the ditch and on it’s side. Whoops!
That is what I call social justice…
I saw something similar in central Indiana a while back. Snow/freezing rain going north on 65 near Lafayette, most traffic going along at 40~45. A red Mustang blew by, probably going about 60. Coming over a hill less than two miles ahead, here was that same car in the right side ditch, facing the other direction. The guy even had a license plate something along the lines of “IM 2 CUL”.
LOL. Did you offer to help him…. get a new vanity plate?
I’ve seen assholes do that on I-65 in white-out conditions. I’ll grant that some people can handle vehicles better than I can, but near-zero visibility due to blowing snow in rural areas is an equalizer.
I got pulled over in a Wichita snow storm for driving 3 miles UNDER the speed limit. This young cop (who grew up in the deep south) thought I was driving too fast for the conditions. I talked him out of a ticket with my Minnesota accent.
Ya sure, you betcha!
The only thing more dangerous than driving to fast in a snow storm is pulling someone over during the snow storm. Take it easy Barney and write the ticket while responding to the wreckage.
Capitalism Is Ruining Your Sex Life
We live in a time of unprecedented sexual freedom, in which people are rejecting boring conventions and prohibitions, and in which meeting a new sex partner is as simple as swiping around on your phone while you’re on the toilet. And yet, a lot of women are still very unsatisfied with the sex they’re having.
Yes, very strange indeed.
As someone in a former socialist country I called bullshit on this before and call bullshit on it now.
It’s much better under communism where the state owns your vagina and uterus. Reproduce for the glory of the State comrade.
Lavrentiy Beria approves, Comrade Nerfherder.
Under Trotsky, Beria never would have happened.
“Ruthlessness is the highest revolutionary humanism.”
You joke, but I recall a NYT article that claimed sex had been way better for the people under the yoke of marxism back in the 20th century, as a means to peddle said marxism to the masses. This article about sex sucking under capitalism must be part 2 of that effort.
We are truly in decadence. Time to start storing the guzzaline.
I said this before, the great thing about capitalism is it allows complete morons to use the internet and write books. This would not happen under other systems.
Unfortunately gas has a relatively short shelf life and goes bad in about a year although additives can extend this for an additional year
Also “the deprioritization of female pleasure under patriarchy” besides the patriarchy being bullshit, there are men who do this but many do not so I dunno more talking would help. I think the blame is shared on this one. Man 1/3 Woman 1/3 Capitalism 1/3
Isn’t one of the tenets of manliness getting your significant other off?
3 Ways Men Wanting to ‘Focus On Her Pleasure’ During Sex Can Still Be Sexist
The Andrea Dworkin / John Stoltenberger marriage is the ideal union in our modern world. She was too heinous to fuck, and he wasn’t interested anyway.
“sometimes I’ve had sex with men who said they were all about my pleasure – and in a sense, they were – yet…”
So, she’s a personality disorder (probably borderline) who should be avoided like the plague. Got it.
If females aren’t getting enough pleasure out of sex that’s 100% on them. Personal responsibility for your own happiness doesn’t only apply to men – if you aren’t satisfied with your sex life you move on to another partner.
Being married complicates it a bit but its still on you to prioritize yourself. For the rest of us, maybe stop finding partners on dating apps where literally everyone is just there to try and get themselves off.
“If females aren’t getting enough pleasure out of sex that’s 100% on them.”
I wonder how many of them realize that maybe this is happening because women are mentally different than guys when it comes to sex because of biological traits, and their adoption of the male stance of sex whenever possible has actually caused a short in their biological engine?
Personally I believe that to be the crux of the problem. Most of these unsatisfied women are unhappy because they try to adopt a male model of sexuality; feminism teaches that this is desirable.
Feminism basically shames women for being feminine. The behaviors of most feminists reveal that they believe femininity to be inferior to masculinity rather than complimentary, which drives them to pressure females to adopt more masculine behaviors while pushing males to be more feminine.
If you can get past a feminist’s mental defenses they’ll oftentimes tell you this is what their feminist friends push on them, and in most cases they hate being pressured like this but follow along because they don’t want to lose their social status. It’s a really destructive ideology.
And it is obvious it has been nothing but disruptive and destructive, but more and more people are demanding more of it for some reason..
“I started with the conclusion I wanted. Now let me work backwards using sensationalism, fear mongering and emotional appeal to justify it.”
You think you are unhappy with your sex life now? Keep up the #MeToo and #beleiveallwomen and see what happens.
she argues that capitalism is based on exploitation
That’s a spicy assumption-ball!
All grievance groups are Marxism clothed in a thin facade of identity. Prove me wrong.
I don’t get the Avanatti thing. So his wife filed a criminal complaint against him and then retracted it. Why is the fuck stick still being charged?
I’m guessing there is a law that says he gets changed whether she wants to proceed or not.
In most (all?) states the State is also a “victim” (often the first listed victim).
I know that’s the case in Michigan. I have defended a lot of DV cases where the defendant starts out saying “she doesn’t want to press charges.” Sorry, dudarino, once she called the cops and prosecutor decided to press charges it is “state of Michigan versus you,” not girlfriend v. you.
Urban Meyer was suspended for 4 games because the wife of an assistant coach did the same thing. That’s where we are at.
It isn’t his wife, but another women. In fact, both his ex-wives say they are not the woman he assaulted.
Aaaah, I see it says it was “reported” as his estranged wife, but she says it was not her. I don’t know if it is my comprehension skills, or their writing skills that makes that confusing to me.
Several Australian universities BAN sarcasm because it’s a “form of violence.”
Whatabout being glib?
I love how these people claim they have freedom of speech.
Yeah… like that’ll work. Perhaps they’re just afraid of Sarcastro.
Oh look at you. You’re SO oppressed because of words.
This is awesome. Best news I’ve heard all day!
subtle. I like it
*taps dial*
thanks, you broke my /sarc meter.
That’ll be interesting since it’s widely accepted that sarcasm is part of the genetic make up of all Australians.
Maybe the ban is sarcastic.
“Oh sure, we’re TOTALLY banning sarcasm. Yep, that’s EXACTLY what we’re doing.”
England is banning humor. The US is banning yokels. It’s only fair that Australia joins in the fun.
Stop the fucking presses>
The best way to maintain weight loss may be to change your diet to one low in carbohydrates, according to new research.
The study, published Wednesday in the journal BMJ, involved 164 overweight or obese people. Their weight was brought down by 12%, and they were stabilized at that weight and put on a high-, medium- or low-carbohydrate diet for 20 weeks.
The diets were made up of 20% carbs and protein and 60% fat, 40% carbs and fat and 20% protein, or 60% carbs and 20% protein and fat.
“We found that the type of diet people ate had a major impact on their metabolism. Those on the low-carbohydrate diet burned about 250 calories a day more than those on the high-carbohydrate diet, even though all the groups were the same weight,” said Dr. David Ludwig, principal investigator of the study and co-director of the New Balance Foundation Obesity Prevention Center at Boston Children’s Hospital.
These findings show that all calories are not alike to the body from a metabolic perspective and that restricting carbohydrates may be a better strategy than restricting calories for long-term success,” Ludwig said.
He also believes that, without the calorie control intervention, having a low-carb diet could create spontaneous weight loss of about 20 pounds over a few years.
“This seems like an important finding BUT I would be highly cautious as the interpretation of the results seems quite incorrect,” said Naveed Sattar, professor of metabolic medicine at the University of Glasgow, in a written statement.
Fucking science. Where would we be without it?
But if people were only eating 20% of their calories from carbohydrates instead of the 60% that the USDA and Big Science has been recommending for half a century, what would become of our heroic farmers in America’s breadbasket?
* Makes toast from homemade bread
Ya, I will get on that later.
People who have never been hungry and are swimming in abundance cant figure out how to feed themselves. How about we let Darwin sort this out?
I am surprised that the marxist have not yet accused Darwin of being a heretic and demanding his name and work be stricken from history Suthen. If anybody’s work could be used to destroy the socialism ideology it is Darwin’s, which is why I am surprised they have not excommunicated him yet.
I am writing an article on that very subject…generally….as we sit here. The bulk is written, I just have to wrap it up now with a punchy conclusion.
CONCLUSIONCONCUSSION.End it with pointing out some 120 million people were recipients of the Darwin awards under communism. Some 50 million more died under fascism.
Thank god for Top. Men. Where would we be without experts?
As an aside, fat dietitians are amazingly common. It’s almost as if the conventional dietary advice is absolute garbage…
Spontaneous over several years? Huh?
Also, only took me ~6 weeks to lose those first 20 lbs.
Urging caution because the findings go against their vested interests.
Thank you guys for recommending Dan Carlin. Been listening to Blueprint For Armageddon and damn, it is wonderful.
It’s a trainwreck of a war, aint it?
He’s got some great stuff. If you want to drop a few bucks, his series on Rome was pretty entertaining as well once you get done with the hundred hours of free podcasts.
I’ve been devouring that one all week. Fucking brutal, sad, stupid, and pointless. Follow that with his King of Kings (about the Achaemenid Empire) and see that ’twas ever thus.
The Wrath of the Khans is also a good one.
The Japan in WW2 one kick started with a good episode 1, but it is so long between episodes that you forget everything.
The manner in which he delivers information just draws you in.
LH: Yeah, it’s just such a damn shame that war gets overshadowed so damn much when it’s taught. Especially considering how much it even affects today.
Chipper: I’ll definitely check that out too, guy deserves a donation or two for the quality and detail he puts into it.
l0b0: I will also check that out, never looked much into the Achaemenid Empire so that’ll be nice.
I’m finishing up my second listening of Blueprint for Armageddon this week. I also liked Ghosts of the Ostfront about the Eastern Front during WW II, but I’m a WW II buff.
the fact that the paper’s referees didn’t catch this is a sad example of how the socio-political narrative has t-boned any actual scientific integrity in this field.
It’s like you don’t even #fuckinglovescience.
I think they had no interest in catching anything that helped the narrative…
If anything, this should disabuse those that claim the stuff is peer reviewed, and hence above any reproach, from using that idiotic defense going forward…
Denmark withholds aid to Tanzania after anti-gay comments
World Bank pulls $300m Tanzania loan over pregnant schoolgirl ban
Policy that denies schooling to young mothers cited among key reasons for withdrawing education fund
Hotel owner facing child sex charges had ‘sex dungeon,’ police say
This is fucked up. Buy a doll or something
But…but… don’t we need to ban child sex dolls?
to pay for a young girl to be his sex slave
I don’t think that’s how it works.
It is if you pay a human trafficker for her. It’s not like there’s slave markets anymore (at least in this country) where you can buy them, so unless you capture one yourself you’d still have to pay someone.
If you pay the girl directly she’s just a prostitute, albeit an underaged one in this case, but the story seemed to imply he wanted to pay a trafficker.
ah, got it
Fool should have gone to Walmart and bought one there…
Kim Kardashian’s Private Firefighters Expose America’s Fault Lines
“Firefighters are consistently ranked the most beloved public servants, not just because they look good on calendars but because they treat everyone equally. Rich people don’t get their own ‘better’ firefighters, or at least they aren’t supposed to.”
Better for everyone’s houses to burn down than for greedy hoarders and wreckers to get preferential service.
Carp, the Brooklyn College CUNY historian, needs a hearty FUCK OFF, SLAVER! Stop collectivizing individuals.
“then that threatens the democratic-republican ideal of everyone contributing their fair share for the greater needs of the commonwealth.”
I thought the
democratic-republican (as in the form of government) ideal was individual freedom and rule of law. Keep your communism/socialism to yourself.So they’re saying you shouldn’t be able to put together your own fire protection service? What about the gap between people who can and can’t afford sprinkler systems? Should we ban them because they’re not equitably distributed?
Don’t let them know that certain big companies will have their own (specially trained) private firefighters on staff as well.
I wonder if any unions might be involved in this story.
If we allow schools, libraries, policing, and firefighting to become a two-tiered system
Schools are already a two-tiered system (often three- or four-tiered really,) rich people buy their own books (and the public/university library divide is already stark) and tell me who gets treated better by the cops: the poor or the rich?
It seems more like firefighting needed to catch up.
Firefighting, in the west, already *is* a many-tiered system. Huge unincroproated tracts of land west of the Mississippi are protected by private fire-fighting forces. When a hypothetical service area is composed of three ranches, a public utility isn’t needed. And doesn’t exist.
the democratic-republican ideal of everyone contributing their fair share for the greater needs of the commonwealth
This might not be an ideal of a democratic republic. I think you mean either a people’s republic or a democratic socialist.
Nelson will likely come up short in recount battle against Scott
Sen. Bill Nelson has flooded the Florida courts with lawsuits, claiming that his Senate race against Gov. Rick Scott has been marred by an unfair treatment of absentee ballot mail-in deadlines and signature mismatches, among a host of other issues.
But experts say Nelson faces long odds in his bid to flip the results in the race, with Scott leading by 12,652 votes heading into the contest’s automatic recount, which ends Thursday and will likely lead to a manual recount next.
Nelson has two major problems, experts say: Nelson’s lawsuits were filed so late and courts generally frown on last-minute post-election changes, and the margin he trails Scott by is so big that even expanding the pool of available ballots to count makes it highly unlikely that Nelson could make up enough ground.
“A royal flush is right on the money. Nelson would have to have a perfect hand,” said Michael Morley, a Florida State University election law professor, echoing two other experts who spoke to POLITICO.
“He would have to win in every case. And even then, it would not seem to be enough to change the outcome,” Morley said. “One study that I’ve seen shows that in the 21st Century, there have only been three statewide races that have had their results changed as a result of a recount. And in each of those races, the margins were in the hundreds, not more than 12,000.”
I’m sure Team Blue can ‘find’ enough boxes of ballots.
Avis ran out of cars, sadly. Do they not know what a reservation is?
You know how to take the reservation, you just don’t know how to hold the reservation.
One time on a family trip to Seattle, the hotel we had booked like 2 months in advance lost our reservation and my dad performed that entire scene right out of the script to a lobby full of guffawing guests.
All this will do is make sure that when 2020 rolls around the democrats will have truckloads of fake ballots instead of carloads so they can nudge the election in the direction they want. But hey, RUSSIANS!
The Repubs have known the carloads or truckloads or whatever have been coming for the past two years, and they don’t seem to have done anything about it. What’s the law about foreseeable consequences?
I recall them claiming voter fraud after 2016 only to have the dnc operatives with bylines go bonkers and accuse them of voter suppression after colluding with Russia to steal the election. The fact is that one party has been horribly successful at preventing any and all attempts at reducing voter fraud – because they benefit from it – by immediately claiming the intent is voter suppression. Blaming weak-spined asshats for not wanting to fight this fight is a copout IMO. Looks at what is going on right now, and yet, we keep getting told it is all legit because every vote MUST be counted.
Deep state, seep sixed
As the East Wing prepared the flight manifest for the marquee trip, deputy national security adviser Mira Ricardel became angry that seats on the first lady’s government jet were assigned to a larger-than-usual security entourage and a small press corps with none for Ricardel or another NSC staffer, according to current U.S. officials and others familiar with the trip and its aftermath.
Policy experts from the NSC and State Department were advised to fly separately and to meet the first lady’s party on the ground, a practice the State Department had often used, but Ricardel objected strenuously, those people said. She threatened to revoke NSC resources associated with the trip, meaning no policy staff would advise the first lady during her visits to Ghana, Kenya, Malawi and Egypt.
The first lady’s decision to publicly advocate for the ouster of a senior member of her husband’s staff shows a new willingness on her part to weigh in on White House operations and marks a change from earlier in the Trump administration, when she repeatedly played down her role as an adviser to the president.
It also comes as the president is mulling personnel changes, including possibly ousting Chief of Staff John F. Kelly and firing Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen.
Anita McBride, who was chief of staff to first lady Laura Bush, says Melania Trump’s move was a dramatic show of power.
“If anyone had questions about her willingness to exert her influence, they got their answer,” she said.
Bad news, Shirley- you’re just the hired help. Don’t think you run things around here.
Maybe she can take credit for everything done by her husband’s administration and be gifted a senate seat when it’s all said and done.
She’ll need the income with as poor as they will be when they leave the white-house.
Do you know who else influenced her husband?
My wife?
Every wife going all the way back to Eve?
What Ricardel did was pretty egregious. That cant be the first time. Fire her ass.
“Ricardel belittled underlings, shouted at professional staff and was the most disliked aide in the West Wing.”
“agencies including the Commerce Department, where she worked in the first year of the Trump administration, are hesitant to take her on because of her reputation”
She sounds like a real peach.
“including possibly ousting Chief of Staff John F. Kelly ”
Wow they like to beat that drum every other week
Sooner than later they will be right, and then we will hear the constant “I told you so”… But they are top notch journalists. And unbiased too!
At least he didn’t drunkenly lay on top of her 37 years ago, allegedly.
Our sexist racist President nominates an Indian woman to replace Brett Kavanaugh on the Federal Court.
Cunning of him,. It is all a trick.
Dot or feather?
The employed type of Indian.
… savage.
It seems the common thread in Trump’s court picks is a distrust of the administrative state. Good.
“She’s going to be fantastic,” Trump said. “Great person.”
What a monster.
Can’t you hear the hatred and condescension?
Trump said he had planned to announce Rao’s nomination on Wednesday, but decided to spotlight the Indian-American’s ascension during a Diwali ceremony at the White House
“I’m not Hindu, Mr. President.”
“Sure, sure. Hey, you missed a spot,” he says, smudging her forehead with an ash thumbprint.
Clapper gets his ass handed to him
Cheney with the Vulcan mind meld yet again. Motherfucker was so devious he had Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Sandy Berger and Nancy Pelosi whipping up WMD hysteria back in 1998.
I’m not absolving the Democrats when I say that the Bush administration sought to justify war with Iraq by any means necessary.
Oh no, I wasn’t suggesting that. I’m saying Clapper trying to pawn off his deficiencies as an intelligence director to Darth Cheney are even more pathetic in historical context.
The 20 best Marvel films – ranked!
Well that is one more thing settled
You feel it should be 1?
The writing sucked.
And the portrayal of Oakland as being worse for blacks than your typical African hellhole (I’m looking at you Cape Town) was insulting.
I laughed my way through it. The whole thing was a preposterous fantasy of wishful thinking. A guy was mad that a mythical African civilization didn’t save his ancestors from slavery. As if it wasn’t Africans selling of rival tribes or rejects from their own village to the slavers.
It accomplished the historical rewrite the people peddling this marxist bullshit wanted however, which is a sad thing.
My list:
1. Deadpool
2. Deadpool 2
3-20. Whatever
I agree with this list. I generally despise comic book movies, but Deadpool was funny.
I was raised as a Native American. Then a DNA test rocked my identity
Sequoya Yiaueki
My father was Susquehannock, a forgotten Indian tribe from Pennsylvania. He grew up in inner-city Philadelphia but moved west and met my mother. She has a bit of Indian blood (an eighth, a 16th, a 32nd?) from her father’s side, but otherwise she is broadly European. As a child, I clung to the extra few percentages she provided because people always reminded me I was not white.
In recent years, my mother’s sister became interested in DNA testing and she pushed my reluctant sisters to do it.
my sister found out that our grandfather was born in China and emigrated to the US in his 50s. He settled in Philadelphia. There, he opened a Chinese restaurant and started a relationship with a black teenager, our grandmother.
I was already in my 30s when my Indianness was pulled out from under me.
When I was Indian, my choice highlighted that there are many ways to perform race and that I had found my own way of performing Indianness.
One these people have an unhealthy obsession. Two, for those more woke than I, how fewer oppression points does Black Chinese have compared to Native american?
“…ways to perform race…”
Good God. If that’s not a tell, I don’t know what is.
Forgot the link
I have no doubt she’s endured a parade of Marxist professors encouraging insisting that she identify as Native, because woke whites love them some oppression by proxy.
encouragingYou can’t spell encourage without rage.
Whatever that means.
You cant spell therapist with out the rapist.
Paging Dr Fucke…
Er, Funke..
Quality Johno.
I love that Kiss song.
I was devastated when my DNA test said 2% European Jewish. MY LIFE NO LONGER MAKES SENSE!!!!!!
2%? More like (Chipwooder.
more like ‘Chipwooder.
No clue why anyone would care about ancestry other than as a topic of discussion. Are we not supposed to be judged by the content of our character and our actions instead of this shit? Oh wait…
“many ways to perform race”
Maybe if you’re Yul Brenner.
Or Emmett Miller.
(By the way, this CD cover was the very first thing that would come up in an Emmett Miller web search years ago. Took me 5 minutes of web searching to find it today. Our betters are making sure nobody has to endure uncomfortable history anymore. Look now before this one is scrubbed from the web, too.)
there’s gotta be an interesting story about how a 50something Chinese immigrant ends up with a black teenager, because wow, that’s unusual
Master Luo has the answer.
Yeah, sure they did.
Sometimes, though, I’ll hear a hetero guy talking about how important women’s pleasure is, and it leaves me cringing. Worse yet, sometimes I’ve had sex with men who said they were all about my pleasure – and in a sense, they were – yet I still ended up feeling like their feelings and needs were more important than my actual experiences.
Those goalposts are a mirage. No matter how far you think you have come, you’re no closer than you were before.
Stories like that one actually cause men to care less about women’s pleasure. It’s like Republicans trying to please Democrats – the goalpoasts keep moving; no matter how hard you try you’ll always come up short, and they’ll hold it against you either way.
There is no way to win with people like that.
When I was Indian, my choice highlighted that there are many ways to perform race and that I had found my own way of performing Indianness.
What the fuck?
I can say HM definitely found his own way of performing his heritage
I’m of Scottish/Italian descent. My way of performing my heritage is getting drunk and picking fights, then serving my opponent and his family a terrific meal.
It’s complicated to be a mutt.
Half Melungeon / Half Dutch-German-Scot
Don’t have a clue what it is supposed to mean. I guess I’m half shitlord and half meth-using aspirational victim class.
Scottish, English, Irish, in about that order, with a distant smidgeon of Norwegian (like Fauxcahontas amounts) probably by way of Scotland, possibly by way of Normandy. I drink a lot and fry things. Scots wa hae!
Scottish/Irish/German/Swiss/Eastern Europe here (based on family lore Slovak). So, drinking is my culture.
Irish/Italian/English. I was bred to hate myself.
So you guzzle Chianti, get belly to belly screaming insults in fauxtalian and then serve a haggis?
French / Irish – I was bred to surrender, then get drunk about it.
I just hope for their sake the meal is Italian and not Scottish.
I’d rather have to fight an angry Scot than what they call food
If you can’t enjoy a haggis followed by a deep-fried Snickers bar for dessert, you’re the one with the problem, pal!
I think that means that she wears a lot of buckskin and headbands and beats on a tom tom a lot.
Watched the film Billy Jack last night. I had forgotten that the film ended with everyone doing the Nazi salute.
The opening sequence gets me every time.
One of the cheesiest movies ever made. I dont think there is one scene or a single character that isnt a near parody of a stereotype used to invoke outrage.
“When policemen break the law, then there isn’t any law – just a fight for survival.”
And that whiny-assed indian needed to die.
Not a Nazi salute:
I watched it, too. The editing is awful.
100% true and unedited screen capture of Avenatti website homepage:
Trying to evoke shades of Mario Andretti?
“Don’t tell me what cases you’ve won, tell me how many offices you’ve been evicted from.”
I rushed to screen cap it before someone changes it. It is so perfect.
The next one is good too, “If you can’t take a punch, you don’t belong in the ring.”
Ya’ know, the only thing the legal profession really has is credibility. How the Bar tolerates this guy is a mystery.
the only thing the legal profession really has is credibility
The only thing they have is being made necessary by governments run by lawyers.
I assumed they’d come down on him when he starts making life inconvenient for the DNC’s 2020 pick.
Ya’ know, the only thing the legal profession really has is credibility. How the Bar tolerates this guy is a mystery.
Bewahahahahahahahahahahahaah, wait I have to type a comm… hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha seriously I have to hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Ya’ know, the only thing the legal profession really has is credibility
I doubt he beat his wife for now, but the humor of this all is great.
Detroit school board seeks to change name of Ben Carson High
Yes, this is what the Detroit school board should be spending its time on. Everything else in that district is humming along optimally, I’m sure.
If you didn’t think that the left is morally bankrupt before there should be no doubt in your mind now.
When Lamar has accomplished a hundredth of what Carson has, he might have some standing to criticize.
“It is synonymous with having Trump’s name on our school in blackface,” Detroit school board member Lamar Lemmons told The Washington Post, when asked why is he leading the charge to remove Carson’s name. – with that iron clad logic, it is little wonder Detroit leads the nation in educational achievement
May I suggest “Woodrow Wilson High”? He was a progressive Democrat.
That got a laugh out of me.
In the end these fuckers dont really care about any color but red.
The Injun girl said it all. It is a performance designed to manipulate people. It’s about control.
“It is synonymous with having Trump’s name on our school in blackface,”
So you’re saying he’s a “house-negro”? I think the only racist here is you.
Yeah, no, this is clearly racist. I have no idea how you could say otherwise
Time to remove Jackie Robinson’s name from schools since he was one of those evil Republicans and backed…..NIXON!
“It is synonymous with having Trump’s name on our school in blackface,” Detroit school board member Lamar Lemmons told The Washington Post, when asked why is he leading the charge to remove Carson’s name.
Holy shit.
They could always change the name of the school to Uncle Tom High. Their mascot could be the Jigaboos.
It’s 11 here.
We get more snow tonight. At least it’s not icy.
Norm Macdonald
Verified account
The Enlightenment turned us away from truth and toward a darkling weakening horizon, sad and grey to see. The afterglow of Christianity is near gone now, and a stygian silence lurks in wait.
Norm Macdonald has been reading Michel Houellebecq it would appear.
Not sure if serious
By far, the best response:
Kathy McCarty
Replying to @normmacdonald
So…you’re against THE ENLIGHTENMENT? Really? The invention of the printing press- ? The scientific method? Knowledge?
Isn’t your avatar G.K Chesterton? I can pretty easily see him saying exactly what Norm tweeted.
I’m not mocking Norm. And someone in the comments actually said “Looks like someone is reading too much Chesterton”.
To be clear, though, I am mocking this response:
“So…you’re against THE ENLIGHTENMENT? Really? The invention of the printing press- ? The scientific method? Knowledge?”
Also, puppies and sunshine were products of the Enlightenment
Vivisecting puppies, maybe.
The Enlightenment has always been natural enemies with sunshine.
Excellent link
I am also not agreeing with Norm, just an FYI.
Ah that makes more sense. That comment displays some pretty extreme timeline confusion. But hey confusing cause and effect is at least recognizing the idea of causality.
Well, this is all kinds of fucked up.
Assault by panic attack? Sevier County man stands trial after deputy opened fire, panicked
We need to shut down all police departments until we figure out what’s going on
Jesus fucking Christ.
If there is gonna be a list of people who cant have guns, I’ll make the list.
The DA’s office is really gonna try to prosecute that guy? For using a cellphone to document the police?
Huh. Me thinks it stinks because it is rotten.
Wait, what?
I can have people arrested for giving me panic attacks? Fuck, man. Either I’m going to get rid of a lot of people who cause me stress, or I’ll be rich. Either way I’ll be happier.
The police give me panic attacks. How do I get them arrested?
Did Andy let Barney have bullets again?
Laura Ingraham is such a whackadoodle
While much of the country has been celebrating the diversity of women and first-time politicians entering the national political fray following the results of the 2018 midterm elections, Fox News host Laura Ingraham spent more than 10 minutes on her show Tuesday criticizing what she called “the freshmen insurrection.”
On “The Ingraham Angle,” the Fox News star referred to Representatives-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the youngest woman ever elected to Congress; Ayanna Pressley, Massachusetts’ first black congresswoman; and Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, the first Muslim women elected to Congress, as the “four horsewomen of the apocalypse.”
“They represent some of the most radical views in Congress,” Ingraham said. “Free college for all, free health care for all, the abolishment of ICE, a Green New Deal where the U.S. depends entirely on renewable energy — have fun in those planes! And, on the foreign policy front, they’re even wackier. The anti-Israeli bias of some of these junior congresswoman-elect is downright disturbing.” (Ocasio-Cortez, Omar and Tlaid have expressed support for Palestinians.)
Instead of celebrating their diversity, she dares to criticize their stated policy preferences. Why does she hate women of color?
…“four horsewomen of the apocalypse.”
Lol. Good shot.
“Much of the country”, huh? Much of the country couldn’t pick any of those four nitwits out of a lineup.
All politics is local.
Oh, I could definitely pick out Ocasio-Cortez. She’s the woman I’d be on a date with, thinking I was lucky to get a fairly good looking Hispanic woman. Then she’d go into a political screed, and get those psycho eyes, and I’d start thinking about ways to part as quickly as possible.
End the date as quickly and publicly as possible and leave a big tip for the server. You’ll need his recollection when she tells police you assaulted her.
Occluded-Cortex would steal the tip.
Shorter: “Whycome Laura no concentrate on irrelevant immutable characteristics? What a crazy racist.”
“I’m Jeff Flake and I’m *this close* to securing that gig with MSNBC. God, do I need a job”
I LOL’d.
That douche has been a professional politician his entire adult life. I think he truly believes that he is some sort of principled actor, but his actions during the Kavanaugh hearings revealed him to be a spineless weasel. Collins showed more principles than he did by a longshot.
it feels so good knowing we’ll very soon have a Senate no longer in thrall to signaling opportunists like Flake.. and instead will be in thrall to signaling opportunists like [insert entire Senate registry here].
Has anyone noticed Nike is down to $73?
And that The Conners is tanking?
I think everyone knew The Conners was dead in the water, but Nike is interesting given the way people were huzzah-ing about their sales jumping right after the Kaepernick ad came out.
Signaling is a one off event. It does not help long term sales.
I’m going to tell my investment manager to dump the stock of any company that comes out with a highly visible social justice campaign.
I don’t like the sound of this.
Maxine Waters of California is known as a partisan firebrand who gives as good as she gets, especially where President Trump is concerned.
Now, with Democrats assuming control of the House in January, the California Democrat is about to become more visible than ever before, with the power to slow down an important part of Trump’s agenda and even shine a light on his company’s finances.
With congress divided, Waters and other Democrats are unlikely to get much legislation passed over the next two years, says Ian Katz, an analyst at Capital Alpha partners.
But as chairwoman, Waters will have the power to set the committee’s agenda, hauling bank executives and regulators before the public and drawing attention to issues she cares about, he says.
“She can’t pass laws. She can make bank executives and some of the regulators appointed by Trump very uncomfortable and create some awkward moments for them,” Katz says.
Waters can also use the committee’s power to slow down the effort by the Trump administration to deregulate banks, by writing letters to agencies such as the Federal Reserve and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and calling hearings, he says.
She’ll save us from the people who want the banks deregulated. We all know (((who))) wants that.
She’s doing the work of Bank of America. Way to stick it to the small banks…..for the benefit of big banks.
Wait, what?
Doesn’t her husband own a bank?
If memory serves, (it sometimes does) he was either an executive at one, or on the board. She went to bat for them during the housing meltdown and got them some preferential treatment that saved them. She was rebuked by the ethics committee for it. Maxine having anything to do with any banks as a congress person just shows how corrupt DC is.
Waters on TV is the best thing for Trump 2020 until Hillary declares.
“Maxine Waters….is about to become more visible than ever before.”
Trump lives in the best of all possible worlds. How often does one get the opposition party to campaign for them…for free?
“May all your enemies be idiots.”
They are idiots but their operations to fill their coffers with dirty financial industry money have been wildly successful (see: the NY state AG office). Their base has an unconditional hate for that business and is all too willing to go along.
who gives as good as she gets
hauling bank executives and regulators before the public…very uncomfortable and create some awkward moments for them
Two years of public shaming?
“A Man in Full” from the front page links image: One of my favorite books.
And “Radical Chic & Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers” is an evergreen book. Tom Wolfe was an original, which cannot be said for many artists.
Thanks for the rec. I always said I wanted to be the Tom Wolfe of romance. I’ll never be that.
“Tom Wolfe of romance”
Now that would be a fascinating combination. Sex scenes interlaced with cultural criticism.
I didn’t realize you were a writer. Do you have a link to any of your work?
Here you go: My website. You can get to the Amazon link by clicking on the covers. I critique Mormon culture (warning: a spattering of apologetics), with a side of libertarianism.
Apologetics is an underappreciated category of literature nowadays. Thanks for the link.
Thanks for asking!
You can always wear the white suits and smoke the cigars.
Newsweek explains
Antifa members are anti-fascist demonstrators who don black and argue that they must make neo-Nazis and white supremacists fearful of protesting in public in order to stop the far-right groups from growing stronger.
Trump doesn’t like them, but they’re just out there trying to beat back the tide of fascism before it engulfs us. Trump’s America is a scary place.
Nothing says Anti-fascism like wearing black ski mask while running through the streets beating people up, smashing windows and setting things on fire.
Bike locks to the backs of the skulls for great justice.
I was going to say nothing says “anti-facsism” like a full-scale reenactment of Mussolini’s Black Shirts.
But they are globalist syndicalists. Mussolini’s guys were nationalist syndicalists! Totes different!
Fascists are right-wing and marxists are not!
(I call massive bullshit, cause both are left-wing shit ideologies).
anti-fascist demonstrators
Actually they are fascists that call themselves anti-fascist.
D.C., having solved all of its many, many problems, sets its tireless eyes on “informal playgroups”.
Needs more ministries.
I wonder how many of the parents there are hardcore progressives who’d think nothing of siccing the feds on red-state rubes, but hey, man, friendly fire! We’re the smart ones, we know how to parent!
Like that avowed feminist a couple years back whose son was put through the Title IX wringer. Wait a second, that’s not how it’s supposed to work!
It’s DC, so about 98% of them.
Yeah, I’d imagine this is being met with thoughtful nods of assent from most of the DC population who would be involved with a “cooperative play school”.
“All your children are belonging to us.”
“College graduate, 22, sues Victoria Secret claiming her bra ‘leaked and exploded’ leaving her with burns and blisters three years after she bought it
Amanda Katsman, 22, said in a lawsuit filed on Tuesday in New York that her Fabulous by Victoria Secret Demi Bra ‘leaked and exploded’ in June this year.
She bought the bra in December 2015 on the company’s website.
It is unclear why the bra was taken out of production or if any other cases of accidents such as the one described in the lawsuit have been reported.”
Need to see before and after pics to assess damage.
Wait, Victoria’s Secret is using Moss’s bra?
The bra was filled with acid?
I’m really confused here, also would.
“college graduate” is a notable thing in the UK?
She’s not just quality T&A, shitlord.
What part of a bra contains liquid?
Ha-ha! B.P. has never made it to 2nd base! All of us cool guys who have been to 2nd base know the answer to that!
*Hangs head in shame. Goes back to lustily perusing JC Penny catalog*
I smell a rat.
Jill Filipovic needs a safe space, and a hug. Trump’s America is a scary place, jam packed with Nazis.
It’s a terrifying sight: A pack of young white men, their arms extended in an apparent Sieg Heil salute, most of them smiling and seemingly laughing.
It’s a type of image we’ve seen before, maybe in a WWII documentary, maybe at a Holocaust museum, maybe as part of an educational curriculum about the horrors of Nazi Germany.
This photo, though, isn’t from a museum or a textbook. It’s of high school students in Wisconsin, and it was taken last year for the prom. It has gone viral and, of course, with good reason:
When we’ve seen historic WWII photos of this sort, they have served to remind us not just of the mass genocide of Jews, people with disabilities, Roma people, LGBT people and other minorities, but of the dark fact that an entire nation got behind that genocide. And that a sophisticated government waged an effective propaganda campaign that relied on a long-existing chauvinism of white Germanic Christian superiority. And that while of course not every single German was on board, a great many were culpable.
The rise of Adolf Hitler, and the Holocaust that followed, was not the story of a malleable but ultimately innocent populace exploited by a powerful and malevolent few. It was instead a story we always see with autocrats, dictators and genocidaires: one of a powerful few backed by a malevolent many.
Some who are sympathetic to the Wisconsin students — white non-Jews, one imagines — will be tempted to write this off as teenage antics for which the young men should not pay a significant price.
Lynching’s too good for them.
She just wants you to retreat to the safe space of her designation.
To be sure.
Amazing: trivialize something and people begin to act trivially toward it.
Jill Filipovic is a crazy person.
Looks like it is done ironically, or they are waving. Anyway, Don Lemon is on the case!
Still, the school needs to take this seriously. That doesn’t mean just a slap on the wrist. The school should have a policy on racist bullying (and if it doesn’t, it needs to implement one immediately), and the students should face meaningful consequences — suspension at the very least, and certainly alerting any colleges to which these students have been accepted.
Right-wing terrorism, including white supremacist and anti-Semitic terrorism, is the biggest domestic terror threat Americans now face.
This should also be a moment of reckoning for the community that raised up these young men. They didn’t have to learn the Sieg Heil salute at home to have grown up in a culture that tacitly or even explicitly overlooks or endorses bigotry.
Burn the town. Kill the first born males. Salt the earth. That’ll show those yokels what inclusivity means.
I would contribute to a fund to send Filipovic on a fact-finding mission to Islamabad.
I’m sure Jill Filipovic thinks of herself as a measured, thoughtful, even-handed intellectual, trafficking in astute insights and raising important points. At least the people near my office who shit in the alley and scream absurd things to themselves are just looking for a little beer money.
Not only did the nazi’s ruin the Chapman mustache, they had to go and ruin the Roman salute.
the students should face meaningful consequences
What is “freedom of speech”?
Right-wing terrorism, including white supremacist and anti-Semitic terrorism, is the biggest domestic terror threat Americans now face.
Big-government, collectivist ideologies, such as the specific form of fascism that is nazism, are LEFT-wing. (if the spectrum is to make any sense.)
Bull. Shit.
To the extent that there are even active, legitimately-threatening domestic terror groups active today, they’re as likely to be left-wing as right-wing.
“Retired Dallas Cowboys linebacker reveals he is gay and will marry his partner as he becomes the first former or current NFL player to be part of a same-sex marriage”
OK, good for him.
That’s not sufficient. BAKE THAT CAKE.
The part that disturbs me is that his husband doesn’t look old enough to have seen him play. The old-young dynamic creeps me out.
The part that disturbs me is that the non-NFL half of the couple looks like a puppet put together by aliens working off a description of humans, but no pictures.
Truth. Those eyes scream “sociopath” – I’ve seen it before.
Right? Bet nobody has the guts to point out that he’s robbing the cradle here.
I love when they can never find a picture of a loving couple together.
Be afraid
America’s military edge is diminished, and in some cases erased – just as rival countries are getting savvier, stronger and more aggressive, according to a new analysis by a panel of former security officials and military experts. The stark conclusion: America could lose the next war it fights.
“America’s ability to defend its allies, its partners and its own vital interests is increasingly in doubt,” the report’s authors wrote. “It might struggle to win, or perhaps lose, a war against China or Russia.”
The panel is called the National Defense Strategy Commission, and is made up of 12 former national security officials and experts. It was tasked one year ago with evaluating the nation’s defenses, and reviewing the National Defense Strategy, a comprehensive planning document by the Defense Department that lays out military objectives.
“We have basically been underfunding the Defense Department for quite a period of time,” Edelman said. “I think there’s been a disposition to believe that we spend so much money on defense [that] we should be able to deal with all comers. But what I think people have lost sight of is that the international environment has just become so much more complicated.”
The commission called for an increase in the defense budget of between 3-5 percent above inflation, or else “DOD should alter the expectations of the strategy and America’s global strategic objectives.”
I never saw that coming.
We’ll lose the next war but we’ll make it up in volume.
And women will be equally represented in combat units.
“It might struggle to win, or perhaps lose, a war against China or Russia.”
What would be the goal of such a war? Are we expecting an invasion, Red Dawn style?
If I looked out the window and saw Chinese paratroopers, I would have a literal war-boner while loading the rifles.
Wolverines motherfuckers!
China? Perhaps. Not that they would ever be crazy enough to initiate one.
Russia?! GTFO.
We’ve known we can’t win against the Chinese on Chinese soil since about 1950. We’ve known we can’t win against the Russians on Russian soil since about 1945. I don’t see how this is a change in the status quo. Neither country can field a navy or air force strong enough to oppose us outside of their own soil, and the DoD already puts half its budget into the the money hole. Maybe they should stop doing that and then they wouldn’t need a 3-5% increase in the GS-15, O-9, and contractor C-suite pension fund budget.
On a totally unrelated note, how many enemies have we had lately that we haven’t armed in the past?
I think you underestimate the Chinese my friend: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0061387/
“We’ve known we can’t win against the Chinese on Chinese soil since about 1950. We’ve known we can’t win against the Russians on Russian soil since about 1945. I don’t see how this is a change in the status quo. Neither country can field a navy or air force strong enough to oppose us outside of their own soil,”
China is working real hard to field a viable navy (and naval denial force). For now it is primarily focused on access denial to the South China sea they claim belongs to them. As they ramp up their blue ocean projection capabilities, especially with all the tech they stole from us, they are going to be a dangerous contender, if not near peer. Our military, and especially the navy, has spent more time on gender and social justice training that on manning ships (go look up the number of naval vessels put in dock because of collisions or grounding), than on war fighting. I suspect that if they end up in a furball with China, they are going to be surprised.
Stealing is not mastering. It takes practice to make technology work effectively in wartime. But yes, you are likely right that the U.S. Navy and Air Force aren’t getting the experience and reality-check that they probably need. However, I think the second half of my post captures part of what is wrong. Much of the money is going into a metaphorical hole that buys us neither capability nor competence.
Have you seen those SCS chinese bases? A couple of 2K bombs and they disappear.
It’s all gamesmanship. The Chinese wont go to war against the country that buys all of their shit anymore than we will with a country that enmeshed in our economy. The China war nonsense is a non-starter.
The Russia war nonsense is nonsense. Don’t invade, box them in and wait. They have a snowball’s chance of beating us.
They only have one aircraft carrier FFS. They have to have a towboat follow it around because it breaks down so often and on top of that they just crashed the damned thing and damaged it badly. Their navy is a joke.
Their navy is a joke.
All of that but especially this. They can’t get here and they can’t match us at sea.
Their objective has right now is not to “get here” or “get us here”, but to deny us access to battle space that they would need to dominate to basically dictate to other Asian nations. And their navy is not a joke. The number of relatively high tech surface combatants that they have put to sea in the last decade and the numbers they are now putting to sea in short order, is astounding (2 frigates and a destroyer each month, and a cruiser every 2-3 months, all modern copies of US tech, as well as a ton of air support and even the ambition to have a carrier force in 5 or so years). And even when this hardware is inferior to ours, we simply lack the number of assets in general, let alone in the Pacific these days to effectively counter them already. It is only going to get worse in the next 5 years.
China has strategically focused its growth in area denial capabilities. Their blue water capabilities have considerably grown, in leaps and bounds, and while they are not a top notch naval force, neither is our navy anymore after decades of PC bullshit. China has also heavily invested in their navy’s amphibious lift and marine capability, have made leaps in their ability to project power in their region, and while they pose no direct threat to the US, are definitely a serious concern in Asian waters (look at the direction of Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, and even Vietnam or Philippines and you will see every one of them trying to counter China). And I am not even getting into their long range ASBM capabilities specifically created to deny out carrier battle groups the ability to get close enough to provide any value without some seriously undue risks, their new stealth bomber (a copy of our B-2 which even if 50% as good will change the balance of power in the Pacific), the fact that they have successfully stolen US sub tech that will allow them to put out dangerously silent subs in the next few years, and not last by any means, the fact they are investing in asymmetrical ways to deny us access to both space (GPS) and combined fleet ops.
That all having been said, they lack high quality (but our navy is woefully unprepared to fight as well because it has been converted into a parade ground force that is stretched thin and unable to meet all its obligations) assets. However since their end game is not to directly attack to US, but to deny the US and other allied Asian state’s navies access to certain areas, all so that they can quickly score military victories and leave us in a position where we will just have to accept a status quo, including whatever military moves they have made, they don’t need to be a peer competitor. Being a near peer competitor suffices. They can do a quick war, take Taiwan and any other assets they want, leave us incapable of responding without having to go to full war with them, and then, at their leisure control shipping in that part of the world and make everyone pay Dane geld (a long-held ambition).
We dismiss China, and Chinese ambitions and believe that we can prevent them from military adventurism, or worse, assume we can beat them if they do anything, at our own peril. The political appointees of the Obama years and the emphasis on stupid shit (PC culture driven stupidity) that was considered important has left us with a force that will under perform if they have to fight. You can say it is my opinion, but I am not alone in seeing this.
True for now, but the PLAN is changing this as hard and fast as they can. And the USN is in serious atrophy. Yeah, it’ll take awhile for them to get good, but one side’s trying, and one side’s not.
2:39 note was in response to Rebel Scum – threading makes it unclear.
the international environment has just become so much more complicated
Oh, OK.
We could probably unilaterally uncomplicate it a little. But that’s nationalistic, nativist, etc.
“America’s ability to defend its allies, its partners and its own vital interests is increasingly in doubt,” the report’s authors wrote. “It might struggle to win, or perhaps lose, a war against China or Russia.”
We outspend the next 10 (?) countries combined and we have the most formidable military the world has ever known to show for it, including having WAY more tonnage in the ocean, including 12 (14?) carriers that give us unmatched force projection. I think China an Russia only have 2 carriers between them. I think we are good and spend too much on the military. Which we wouldn’t have to do if we were only concerned about defending our own shores. And we could dominate China or Russia either way.
DOJ: bump fire stocks are now machine-guns and regulated under NFA
There’s only one problem. As stated above:
“…such devices allow a shooter of a semiautomatic firearm to initiate a continuous firing cycle with a single pull of the trigger.”
That’s demonstrably false. As anyone who’s used one can tell you, a bump fire stock slides back and forth, allowing the shooter to pull the trigger faster. But the rifle still fires only one round per trigger pull. It may simulate rapid fire approximating what a fully automatic weapon does, but it’s still semi-automatic.
That, of course, was the basis for the ATF’s original approval eight years ago. But the law and the facts apparently aren’t in play when there are larger, political considerations.
there’s a great vid at the end of this story showing how to use a rubber band to emulate near-auto fire from poormansmachinegun.com.
related legal development: my pants belt loop is also a bump fire stock and regulated under NFA so i guess i better take them off!
That would be silly. A reasonable person would realize that all we need to do is ban belt loops. After all, you don’t need a belt to shoot a deer.
President Trump is worse than President Bush with regards to guns.
I expect a gun control compromise with the newly elected Democratic House. Only the Senate (and the Supreme Court) can save us now
i could see a compromise on UBCs b/c the negative unintended consequences (stings, no-knock warrants, etc) would be concentrated in politically unprotected neighborhoods in Dem strongholds, i.e. black neighborhoods, and Congress is raciss.
but could there be a Federal law on emergency restraining orders?
a compromise on a new AWB? i’m skeptical.
He has to know that would torpedo his chances for reelection.
There are a lot of things that I would assume Trump would know, but alas I don’t think he knows much. But, that’s just my opinion
a gun control compromise might sway some pants-wetting moderates. and he did give his base Gorsuch and Kav and right the ship on *cough* SBRs *cough* ahem.. pistol braces.
I think he learned his lessons after that disastrous meeting with Feinstein. If not, he’s a lame duck.
But thanks to Chevron deference, FYTW.
Here’s a game from Arnold Kling, who, in a better world, would be far more influential than he is in this world:
Greg lukianoff is 44, and he works for FIRE, which is not academic.
Michael Rizzo aka Wintercow20 of the Unbroken Window is apparently 44 years old and is an econ prof at U Rochester. No one reads his blog.
I can’t think of anyone else.
I’d personally put Charles C. W. Cooke on the list. 30-something. Not academic.
Alas, I am over 45.
how old is Count Dankula?
speaking of, i finally watched his nazi pug video that cost him 800 British Pounds or Scottish Guineas. that was really funny.
Scottish Guineas
The mixed ancestry thread is up that way.
It looks to me as though when Haidt and Pinker leave the scene, no one will replace them. And I think that the threat in economics is not all that remote. I am on record as predicting that in twenty years economics will look like sociology.
well that’s not discouraging in the least.
I would say Cody Wilson, but he appears to be tainted
Ben Shapiro, Dave Rubin?
Not academics however
How often have such voices been under 45 in the past?
From the comments,
Most “policy implications” are pseudoscientific bullshit. Most studies find weak correlations. That doesn’t “implicate” anything. Even the studies that find strong correlations and have been replicated (and that’s very, very few studies), don’t inherently “implicate” much in terms of policy. Even if we found a series of independently conducted studies consistently showing that the rate of legal gun ownership is directly and strongly correlated with a reduction in crime rates, without just cherry-picking those we like, that still doesn’t inherently direct gun policy. Indeed, we couldn’t even say with those studies in hand that banning all guns would be a bad idea, since that wasn’t one of the studied scenarios! There are too many variables at play, and it is impossible to control for all of them. Studies like these can only really be useful in addressing claims that contradict them. Policies are choices and in democracies those choices are dictated by voters not studies.
This also lays bare the fallacy of technocracy. There is a reason that effective market studies do very narrow and tightly controlled tests, but that doesn’t make them “right” either. Finding that option A has better results than option B, today and among the test group used, doesn’t say that there isn’t an option C that is better than both, nor that option B won’t have better results among a different market segment or at a different time. Not to mention the human element, which can frustrate any policy, nor the fact that most policy prescriptions are “package deals” that fall apart–and can actually be worse than the status quo ante–if the whole package isn’t implemented.
Knowing this, scientific inquiry should not be stifled because of “implications”. The implications are what you make them. Suppressing research because you think people will interpret the results the wrong way can, has, and will backfire spectacularly.
It’s all a bunch of jibber-jabber. Gun control is about making the citizenry unable to defend themselves. That is all. Nothing more. You cant stomp your boot on a human face forever if that human has the ability to defend themselves.
Non-derp “news” : https://twitchy.com/dougp-3137/2018/11/15/this-is-how-its-done-billy-idol-becomes-us-citizen/
YES! sod off, England.
“A case study in actual fake news The Daily Beast doctored a photo of me from when I held a rally against hate and bigotry Now look what they cropped out”
“Wow! #FakeNews Daily Beast Doctors Photo to Make it Look Like Conservative Leader Jack Posobiec Is Throwing Up Nazi Salute”
“stuck in a hotel room in Atlanta-the-Damned”
Used to live and work there. Lots to do in that city.
Turner Field, the Coca-Cola bottling plant, the… uh… the Airport.
You should take a drive on Peachtree
Turner Field is no more. It’s GSU’s football stadium now.
When I lived there the only things there was to do was night clubs and strip clubs.
I was a poor college student, I couldn’t afford either of those.
I was a geek, had no interest whatsoever in either
“The State of Hate
Researchers at the Southern Poverty Law Center have set themselves up as the ultimate judges of hate in America. But are they judging fairly?
“He came in here to kill as many of us as possible because he found us listed as a hate group on the Southern Poverty Law Center website,” continues Boykin, FRC’s executive vice president, who is dressed today in a leather vest over a shirt and tie. “We and others like us who are on this ‘hate map’ believe that this is very reckless behavior. … The only thing that we have in common is that we are all conservative organizations. … You know, it would be okay if they just criticized us. … If they wrote op-eds about us and all that. But listing us as a hate group is just a step too far because they put us in the same category as the Ku Klux Klan. And who are they to have a hate-group list anyhow?”
Eight hundred miles south, the modernist, glass-and-concrete headquarters of the Southern Poverty Law Center etches the skyline of Montgomery, Ala., just up a hill from Dexter Avenue King Memorial Baptist Church, where the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. used to preach. On display in the SPLC’s lobby is a melted clock. It marks the time at 3:47 a.m., July 28, 1983, when Klansmen torched a previous SPLC headquarters. Over the years, according to the organization, more than two dozen extremists have been jailed for plots to kill its employees or damage its offices.
Richard Cohen, president of the SPLC, decries Corkins’s assault on the FRC when I ask him about it in his office, with its view of King’s church. But he says the SPLC’s hate list — which doesn’t include the FRC’s address or any call for violence — shouldn’t be held responsible. “Labeling people hate groups is an effort to hold them accountable for their rhetoric and the ideas they are pushing,” says Cohen, who is dressed in a polo shirt, khakis and running shoes.
“Obviously the hate label is a blunt one,” Cohen concedes when I ask whether advocates like the FRC, or proponents of less immigration like the Federation for American Immigration Reform, or conservative legal stalwarts like the Alliance Defending Freedom, really have so much in common with neo-Nazis and the Klan that they belong in the same bucket of shame. “It’s one of the things that gives it power, and it’s one of the things that can make it controversial. Someone might say, ‘Oh, it’s without nuance.’ … But we’ve always thought that hate in the mainstream is much more dangerous than hate outside of it. The fact that a group like the FRC or a group like FAIR can have congressional allies and can testify before congressional committees, the fact that a group like ADF can get in front of the Supreme Court — to me that makes them more dangerous, not less so. … It’s the hate in the business suit that is a greater danger to our country than the hate in a Klan robe.””
Abortion is a sacred rite and opposition to abortion is hateful bigotry.
People for the American Way already lists the Knights of Columbus under their “Right Wing Watch”. Why is the SPLC lagging in their smear?
read that over the weekend. surprisingly thorough and detailed. and the writer presses SPLC for specific statements to justify its “hate” label.
A fair point, I’d say. I’d go further to say that I’m not sure when or how the SPLC acquired some sort of moral authority, but they’re right next to PETA on my own personal list of “Groups of Evil Sociopaths and Useful Idiots”.
They’re smear merchants who deal in slander and libel for profit and are among the worst scum of the earth.
the fact that a group like ADF can get in front of the Supreme Court — to me that makes them more dangerous
So, here he’s pretty much openly admitting he’s smearing people he disagrees with in hopes of destroying their right to petition the government for redress of grievances. The fact that the government gives these bastards any legitimacy is something that desperately needs to change.
We know they’re enemies of the First Amendment. The trick is getting them to openly admit it.
That free healthcare sure can get expensive.
NHS says he has to sell his house and pay them because “he’s survived too long”.
Yay for single payer..
The only way to keep costs down and that freeloading system working is to kill people when their medical costs become too high because they live too long.
Don’t call them death panels. They’re hospice recommendation boards. And don’t call it cost rationing, it’s care maximizing.
It’s all about words with people that want to implement shitty policy, ins’t it? They’re undocumented aliens, not illegals. It’s social justice, not marxist envy politics. Patriarcy, not a meritocracy. Blah, blah, blah!
Orwell really did nail it.
The left read “Brave New World” and “1984” and figured they were instruction manuals..
I don’t agree. Most of them haven’t read, or understood, those novels, and even if they did (I’d throw Fahrenheit 451 in there, too), they can’t contextualize them to recognize the similarities.
But rationing care is a right-wing myth!
Here we go again with this bullshit:
Anyone use this stuff?
Boy, this “lengthy process” sure does seem far less lengthy for banning a drug than it is for approval of a drug.
dressed today in a leather vest over a shirt and tie.
dressed in a polo shirt, khakis and running shoes.
Is this “writer” on loan from GQ? Who gives a shit what they’re wearing? I guess there’s a certain gotcha factor because the guy from the “hate group” isn’t wearing a sheet and hood.
I think it’s to draw a distinction between the conservative look and the rumpled liberal professor look.
Bingo, though I’d replace “rumpled professor” with my own personal pet neologism “Upper Classual”
Hey, that’s good. It’s the “I’m too busy thinking important thoughts to worry about not looking like a bum” look. I’ve observed it many times in academia particularly. It’s different than just not giving a shit or not knowing any better, it actually requires some time and effort to pull of that kind of ivory tower sprezzatura.
Same as the mandatory pony tail worn by anyone who wants to be a linux sysadmin.
Dude!! What is the deal with that?!
In my day, *nix coifoloy began and ended with straggly neckbeards. Things have changed. SAD!
Yes, its a particular flavor of sprezzatura. I’ve been out of academia for close to a year, but I would expect to see it there. I see it in doctor / lawyer / Ivy techy crowd out in industry.
My new Beretta was shipped Tuesday from Texas. This morning I checked the tracking. It’s currently in Seattle, WA. My FFL is in PA. I feel like the USPS is not taking the most direct route.
Before you know it, that gun will shoot someone in Chicago as it passes through.
Everyone knows guns have their own agency. Probably shooting some people in Seattle right now.
My new token 10-round magazine is enroute from somewhere. Then I’ll be able to take the pistol back to the range.
Did you order from Bud’s or GAG? They’ve probably done more to keep a ceiling on LGS prices than anything else. Gunbuyer in FL is another national etailer adding to deflationary pressure.
Gunbroker auction.
Which Beretta? A friend has the full-sized Storm 9mm. I like the rotating barrel, very smooth to shoot.
Storm compact in 9mm.
Nice – enjoy
Shit, I am getting old. Seed foraging expedition this morning. The acorns/pecans/hickory/walnuts are falling like mad. They started in the last two days and I am having a blast collecting them but dammit, my knees are killing me. I feel like someone hit me on each kneecap with a ball peen hammer. I have about 20 lbs of pecan, five lbs of red oak and 20 lbs of white oak. Some of them are starting to sprout already so I need to get them in the ground quickly. I need a new dibble that I can use without bending over.
I am looking at 150 passes about 2000 feet long. That’s damned near 60 miles. That is a lot of walking. Take three steps, make a divot, drop a seed, cover with my boot. Get to the end and move over ten feet, go back taking three steps, make a divot, drop a seed, cover with my boot…
The total distance will be greatly mitigated by walking around patches of natural sprouts, so it is not quite as bad as it sounds.
I know what you are thinking but if my knees can hold up I will be having the time of my life. It has been a few years since I planted so I am really looking foreword to it. I hope I can get it done before march arrives.
Go on…
I can last a lot longer if I dont have to bend over for good penetration. I can spread more seed out of my sack faster.
Lee Valley bulb planter
Lee Valley but gatherer