This evening I’ve got several related questions for you.

I know there are some among us who do not drink carbonated beverages, but for the rest of us, they can be a refreshing drink. Some here might even be what one could call psychologically addicted to them, perhaps even physically addicted to various components of them.

  1. Where you grew up, what did folks call carbonated soft drinks as a general type of beverage? Soda? Pop? Soda pop? Coke? Soft drinks? Something else?
  2. Were you allowed to drink it?
  3. Do you prefer diet or regular?
  4. What’s your favorite cola?
  5. What’s your overall favorite?


I’ll start.

  1. We grew up calling it pop. (Upstate NY) When I went off to college, I learned to call it soda, and I still do.
  2. We were only allowed to have it for special occasions when we were small, but by the time we were teenagers, my Mom was buying 2 liter bottles of (mostly) house brand sodas, and we could have it anytime we wanted. However, she would say, “Remember, that’s all we have until payday. You might want to make it last.”
  3. I find regular sodas to be way too sweet, so stick to diet.
  4. My favorite cola was Diet Cherry Coke. However, they discontinued it so they could switch in their new “millennial” flavors. Which all suck. (Millennials are ruining everything! And they need to get off my lawn while doing so!) So, now I drink Coca-Cola Cherry Zero. And I absolutely will not drink Pepsi. It’s disgusting. Fight me!
  5. Favorite soda of all time: my grandfather’s homemade root beer.


Your turn!