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Why the shades emoji? what’s that one mean?
She’s going to get it in the eyes.
Dog girls always make me think of that full metal alchemist meme. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/nina-tucker?full=1
And what do horse girls make you think off?
Sarah Jessica Parker, duh!
Filed under “Animals, Marriage, Sexuality”, there’s only one possible author.
I believe in the institution of traditional animal marriage.
Intra-species Erotica!
My middle son was a Pickachu fanatic as a child. That video would have cost me a great deal in counseling fees.
Kind of amusing that Ronaldo doesn’t seem to own his own YT “brand”
Sorry to go OT so quickly, but I’ve been listening to an interview with Thomas Sowell and a question came to me that I’m wondering if anyone can give me some insight on. Sowell differentiates between “the vision of the anointed”, which he heavily associates with intellectuals, and “the tragic vision”, which he ascribes more to common sense. The thing I’m having a bit of a challenge with is the association of the vision of the anointed with intellectuals. It strikes me that many of the great intellectuals of history were incredibly rooted in the tragic vision. Sowell cites the Founding Fathers as an example of the the tragic vision. But, their insights were incredibly influenced by the thinking of Locke and Hobbes. The great economists were much more associateable with the tragic vision than the vision of the anointed. In international affairs, a lack of “the tragic view of history” is a common distinction cited by realists as an intellectual put-down of Wilsonians.
I can’t imagine Sowell would be unaware of these things. Am I missing something?
I’m only familiar from Pinker’s 2nd-hand account of Sowell’s concept.
OT? On this post?
We really need to get back on track to discussions of animals, marriage and sexuality.
No idea what-so-ever about the animals aspect of this post but in my 30-some-odd-years of married experience “marriage” and “sexuality” don’t share a lot of the same space.
Come one man, you get it on birthdays & anniversaries at least, right?
I’m sipping whiskey, watching Josh Gates make an ass out of himself in yet another country while viewing a video of a dog humping a stuffed Pickachu, and you bust out Thomas Sowell, the Founding Fathers, Locke and Hobbes?
Mind. Blown.
My limited reading of Sowell indicates that when he writes about intellectuals, he’s usually referring to the post-Enlightenment thinkers.
Why there is 1.3 billion of them.
As long as we’re shitposting,
They’re in good hands.
Can’t we talk about soda some more.?
No. That thread brought back enough emotionally damaging repressed memories.
Ever had a Shasta Diet Cola?
Great Value Soda brah
“I wanna pop, pop, pop, I wanna Shasta…”
Shasta was what we had when we went camping as a kid.
Here’s my favorite soda as a kid. It would be considered offensive today.
I don’t know if there are any other Negativland fans here (imagines Venn diagram of Glibs, Negativland fans, and cold drink aficionados and giggles) but here is the awesome 1997 Over The Edge episode .Advertising Secrets (Dispepsi)
I don’t have 3 hours to listen to that, but… same guys who released the infamous Casey Kasem bit?
:ears perk up:
What is this???
/expects it be a recording of Kasem farting, or, something along those lines.
Oh much better than that. An extended off-air rant where he basically blows a gasket. One of the funniest fucking things I’ve ever heard.
See below, I’m soused and replied in the wrong place. IIRC, Negativland released this album with a photo of the U-2 airplane on the cover and Island Records sued the pants off of them. All copies of album were ordered recalled and destroyed. Negativland wrote a book about the case and were sued by Island Records again.
I probably heard it on Stern – IIRC he played it a few times.
PS. and not the version you linked below – just one long take of Kasem losing it.
Pretty much. Don Joyce had a weekly show on KPFA in Berkeley; 3 hours (sometimes 5) of Receptacle Programming (sonic collage with audience participation via call-in).
“He was a little dog named Snuggles.“
“Snuggles? Are you fucking kidding me. God damn it!”
Almost as good as the Wicked Sceptre party tape.
“Fuckin’ ponderous, man.”
I still say that in my head all the time.
They have used Orson Welles samples as well.
Heh reminds me of Shatner’s finest moment.
That’s fantastic.
Awesome, the Shat is still King
This may be it…
13 year olds approve
Can anyone remind me why I ever click on HM links? By this point, I really ought to know better.
HM keeps you guessing. In the last thread his links were innocent. Then you get stuff requiring eye bleach.
The triumph of hope over experience.
You can say that again…
And again…..
You are up early. I usually dont see anyone around until around six.
A Lamborghini helps you to pick up pussy:
Driver surrendered, of course…