Now that’s what I’d call a “thinking man’s quarterback”.
Last night was vintage Eli. Vintage! Which means he had a QBR in the 80s and threw for under 200 yards. Meh, only 7 more games to go for Giants fans out there who can’t wait to see him gone. Meanwhile on the ice, Carolina took down Chicago, the Rangers topped Vancouver, Columbus stung Dallas, the Mighty Ducks beat the Predators.
Lastly, the Angels Shohei Ohtani inexplicably won the AL Rookie Of The Year award going away afetr only playing in 80 games and having an ERA of 3.33 (ten starts), and not even having enough plate appearances to qualify for season rankings. I hate the Yankees, but Andujar got robbed. Debate it in the comments, but I know I’m right.

God bless you, you brave woman.
Edward III was born on this day. As were: founding father and governor of two different states John Dickinson, actor/brother Edwin Booth, author Robert Louis Stevenson, jurist Louis Brandeis, African-american baseball pioneer Buck O’Miel, actor Joe Mantegna, rocker Toy Caldwell, hockey legend Gilbert Perreault, drummer Bill Gibson, drummer Andy Ranken, Mexican president Andres Obrador, TNG actress Whoopi Goldberg, QB Vinny Testaverde, television person and hypocrite Jimmy Kimmel, and indescribably brave person Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
Its also the day on which the following took place: Ben Franklin wrote “Nothing…certain but death and taxes”, Conrad’s “Heart Of Darkness” was published in a single volume, the Holland Tunnel opened, Disney’s “Fantasia” opened, “L’il Abner” made its final appearance, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in DC opened, Ray Mancini knocked Duk Koo Kim into the afterlife, Doc Gooden won the Cy Young award (at age 20!), “Goldeneye” hit the silver screen, and GWB signed an executive order allowing for military tribunals in the “War On Terror”.
OK, on to…the links!
South Florida does recounts as only South Florida can. And by that, I mean they do them in a way that can be questioned until the end of time. Jesus, where are the state police to ensure access to observers?

Make it stop!!!
The death toll from the California wildfires rose to 42, and the goddamn things are still almost completely out of control on all fronts. Oh yeah, and a dew one popped up yesterday. Stay safe, California Glibs.
The Arizona election is over with Democrat Kyrsten Sinema winning. Its only fitting that they’d elect a Democrat with the recent success of Jeff Flake and John McCain paving the way.
And more bad news for California…. But don’t worry. They’ll still manage top blame obstructionist Republicans when their fiscal house of cards collapses.
This one might be worth grabbing some popcorn for. I don’t see what the problem is: he can buy the homes from the people at market value and build whatever he wants on the prop…oh that’s right. Its Chicago, where nothing gets done without a ton of crafty and private property rights are a joke. Well, have fun, South Side residents. This is the shit you vote for in lockstep.

I know it wasn’t your birthday, but rock on, brother.
A comic book legend has died. RIP, Mr Lee.
Hey, what the fuck is this bullshit?!?! Technically its legal since its in the public, but its still immoral and there should be a way to outlaw it in my opinion.
This song would have made more sense two days ago, but I don’t plan when people are born. This song works any day of the year. As does this little ditty. Man, I love that band. I never got to see them either.
Well, go have a great day, friends.
The Arizona election is over with Democrat Kyrsten Sinema winning. Its only fitting that they’d elect a Democrat with the recent success of Jeff Flake and John McCain paving the way.
I wonder if she still thinks her constituents are idiots and her state is the meth lab of democracy
Really thinks it? Certainly. Willing to say it? Well, she was willing to say it when she was running, and she “won”, so why not?
Exactly. I suspect these people will be a lot more brazen about calling out the deplorables when they find out they can get away with it.
I sure think that now.
Well, she said those horrible, insulting things about Arizonans, and they knew it, and they voted for her anyway.
Our shitole state just reelected Bob Menendez. It’s a shit-sandwich all the way around.
Yeah, my wife and I voted for the first time in about 10 years, so we could vote against Menendez and the other Dems. But it didn’t matter, because New Jersey. I mean, that idiot Murphy got elected governor, for fuck sake, after he came right out and said he wanted to raise taxes in increase regulations.
I’m wondering if it’s worth the bother any more. My district is so gerrymandered now, no candidate I vote for will ever win.
Sinema won the election like I am a flying reindeer. The D’s are gonna keep doing this until someone goes to prison.
So, forever then?
Someone pointed out (was it you, Suthen?) that this is could be a dress rehearsal for 2020 to see just how much fraud they can get away with. It certainly seems plausible.
For Suthen (not Sugarfree) – Working Stiff Rebellion
Twas I.
Thanks, I couldn’t remember.
That really confused me. How did that not ruin a campaign? Meanwhile, Dean went “Myeahhhh!!” On a stage and it was over.
Yeah, I don’t get it either.
People in the urban areas want their free shit, I guess.
Not that I’m a huge fan of Dean.
I just think calling your own state a piece of shit should have a real consequence
How awful is McSally that people voted for someone who despises them instead of her?
Shane MacGowan is one dirty, nasty dude.
He got new teeth a couple years back.
But a very talented one.
Great choice, Sloopy, even if it is depressing af.
And responsible for one of the best Christmas songs ever: Fairytale of New York – not linked because it’s too damned early for Christmas music.
Thank you. From somebody living in Japan where X-mas starts soon after Halloween I appreciate delaying it as far as possible.
Spancill Hill. One of my favorite songs because of some family history.
Sinead isn’t always horrible, at least with Shane.
My name is very similar, I’m happy I don’t have his teeth.
Or his drinking ability.
Maybe with practice?
Unsubstantiated….They can’t help themselves. What is turning in illegal ballots with legal ones? Where I’m from that is fraud.
See, you’re using the word “illegal” to mean…well, to mean anything, actually. To this mind set, it doesn’t. It certainly doesn’t mean “contrary to the law”. See also “illegal aliens”.
+1 Undocumented Votes.
1 time amnesty for undocumented ballots.
1 time until the next time, of course.
Camel’s nose under the tent and all that.
Depends on what the definition of “is” is.
It’s the new “credible”
I have noticed that the phrase “without evidence” or “unsubstantiated claims” has been attached to pretty much every story about this.
TOS linked a story about Florida where Bill Nelson’s claims were just Bill Nelson’s claims, progressive “elections expert” from local university is simply stating facts, but Trump is making allegations without evidence.
What evidence do they think you are going to get? I’d say we have plenty of evidence to support an assertion that “something is wrong” in Broward and Palm Beach counties. The most heavily democrat counties in the state just so happen to be the only two counties that can’t get their totals in on time and for some reason seem to be having a lot of problems accommodating republican poll watchers, and nobody is allowed to have suspicions? Meanwhile, Miami-Dade is just adjacent, bigger and more diverse, but had no troubles.
But the studies say there’s no fraud! Especially if you narrowly define the term, strangely enough.
Titty Tuesday gets your heart pounding to start the day.
41 and 42 seem like they’d hit it off.
I’d like to discuss Kierkegaard with 47 and 54
6’s Patriotism turns me on, also 6 and 84 please and thank you very much.
4, 12, 56 and 74 meet my usual sorts: a big booty, a pretty face, no lipo’d belly, preferably with some extra melanin and big breasts too.
Damn, California getting wrecked. Hope y’all that live in the North side are safe and outta there.
I’ve been breathing thick smoke for the whole weekend. Good friends live just north of the start of the Woolsey cyn. fire, they had to be ready to evac this whole time. Fire season sucks, but it ain’t nothing new. This place has burned here and there ever since I can remember (which is back when we had to worry about the coming return of the Ice Age.)
That really sucks, but yeah just please stay safe.
I grew up in Woodland Hills— just east of the mandatory evac zone. Even then (1970’s and 80s) it was known that the hills were green from March thru July, brown in August and September, and burning in October and early November.
Why would you build where you know there’s going to be a fire every year? Oh, yeah. The insurance and disaster relief pays for it all.
Yeah, same reason you build in flood zone. Big daddy government-subsidized insurance and disaster relief.
Fire season sucks, but it ain’t nothing new. This place has burned here and there ever since I can remember
Wrong, this is new and unprecedented.
Hope your friends get out of there if they need to as well as anyone else that might be in the way of the next fire.
The fires aren’t anything new, but the magnitude of them is, thanks to idiotic land management policy.
I tried googling land management 30 years ago compared to today…it was hard finding anything but articles debunking clear cutting and other forestry techniques.
The exact same area burned all the way to the ocean in 1970-71. We always forget what happened in past and pearl clutch as if it’s all new. Every winter is colder, every summer is hotter, every rain is epic. It’s like clockwork.
30-40 years ago, a lot of the places burning hadn’t been built in.
Maybe this is why FLA is having such recount problems?
The Michelle Obama adulation tour has begun. ABC has instructed all its employees to genuflect at every possibility.
Upon hearing this news ManBearPig cracks open a bottle of Boones Farm and mutters to himself “Tipper and I did it better”
Jesus, why won’t these fuckers just GO AWAY!?!?!???
Right? AFAIK, Bush the Younger and Laura pretty much went into obscurity after his term ended. At least they had the grace to step out of the limelight.
They all have except Obama. Even a Carter is super low-key in advocating for H4H. Although he’s starting to become more vocal about Trump.
Obama did a lot of shitty thing during his term, but his actions afterward may be setting an even worse precedent, if that is possible.
Carter has not hesitated to be vocal in his antisemitic sentiments. “Oh, I don’t hate Jews, I just want Israel to go away.”
Money, Sloopy. Money.
Why would anyone want to be President? It seems like they all end up flat broke by the end of their term.
In-vitro huh?
Who is the birth mother?
Or Mr. Obama couldn’t seal the deal.
Please tell me you posted that as a joke.
Joke or not, it is a dick move.
I can’t believe you had the balls to say that.
I’ll be chuckling about this all day.
Not a pun. Just respect for a winner of a comment, Your Holiness.
I can’t conceive why you think that’s funny
Sounds like he went off half cocked.
the 2016 film “Southside With You,”
I recall seeing the trailer and thinking that this idol worship is cringey AF.
via in-vitro fertilization
So my assumption that they do not have sex is confirmed.
They have so much class they’re breaking with traditional decorum of shutting the fuck up.
It won’t happen but man would I love South Park to spoof them.
The Priest and a Boy one was pretty racy so why not take on arrogant sociopaths like the Obamas?
Catholics won’t burn you at the stake for mocking them?
I’m not so sure about Obama followers these days.
Tard Tuesday: The Voting Shenanigans in Democratic Strongholds That Have No Effective Oversight is Evidence of Republican Voter Suppression
It really is a testament to the professionalism of the Broward County elections supervisor that she isn’t exposing all that GOP voter fraud publicly before she has done a thorough investigation to get all the facts. Today you would expect that an official would be running toward the TV cameras to denounce their opponents. But she is quietly, calmly and professionally getting the facts behind closed doors so that the publicity hounds can’t make a mockery out of this election.
Is that Sean Penn after spending a year living with the people in Venezuela?
A lifetime of “free” NHS dental care.
But “lifetime” under NHS health care may be more limited.
well, yeah…
[golf clap] for both of ye
Tard Tuesday: Time is Running Out Edition
From the Chomsky subreddit
>>The planet has what, maybe two years before it’s game over
I wish he was right, tbh. I’m so fucking tired of this shit already and I’m only in my early 30s. By the time my number is called I’m going to be so fucking psyched to be getting off this ride.
It’s only been about 30 years that they’ve been on the global warming kick. Before that it was over population, peak oil and the coming Ice Age. Some one’s always gonna snivel about something. I once read a collection of quotes about over population, running out of natural resources and despoiling the planet. Out of context it sounded like contemporary politicians and activists. It turned out it was Napoleon, Ceasar and the Nazis.
By “this shit” I meant more the general environment where deranged retards like this not only represent the mainstream of political and social orthodoxy, but also get to b in charge of an increasingly total state, and I’m the nutcase for thinking it’s bullshit; rather than the global warming/cooling/climate change death cult in particular.
well that didn’t work, did it?
Right there with you, honestly.
The whooshing noise you hear over your head….
What a clueless retard.
So grab a fucking gun and get started, asshole, or shut the fuck up. You first, then me.
It has to start somewhere,
So first I’m going to push the recycling bin out to the curb, and then I’m going to Starbucks because they use like reused cardboard cups, and then I’m going to write some bitchy posts for Reddit on my Macbook, and I’m going to stroke my stubble and think real hard about how other people are going to cut back on their lifestyles.
Someone doesn’t understand the royal ‘we’.
Same thought. Oy vey.
Someone hand this idiot a copy of The End of Doom (and maybe some Haldol.)
Two years? I’m gonna start fucking everyone’s wives.
The only logical choice to prepare for doomsday.
Everyone knows we have Five Years.
Diversity! Facebook exec and founder of Oculus Palmer Luckey, fired for supporting Trump and Gary Johnson.
Why You Should Visit Florida’s Wild Center for Skunk Ape Research
Apparently the apelike beast, which smells like a skunk — hence its name — prefers to hang out in the trees.
…when you’re out driving in the Everglades, keep your eyes trained on the treetops rather than at ground level…
Sounds like somebody wants to feed the alligators. I’ll keep my eyes on the ground, thank you very much.
Crime wave in (near) my hometown. It is nice they left Mike’s name out of the story (I’m assuming it was him driving his girlfriend around)
The dreaded assault dildo. Hopefully Nancy and her Democratic majority make common sense laws to stop this sort of thing.
Somebody has been playing too much Saint’s Row 3.
That’s the kind of you want to bring home to meet your parents.
“A witness said she appeared scary and “high or something.””
Hey, she was headed for White Earth. At least it wasn’t a sugar beet
An assault dildo?
Does that mean it was black?
And it had the thing that goes up.
Well, yeah.
Now that’s what I’d call a “thinking man’s quarterback”.
So you’re saying that he’s the best quarterback since Joe Montana?
Ugh, replace “quarterback” with “tackler”. Then the joke and reference works. *gets coffee*
The youngest altar boy is a complete Eli bobo. He will tell you at length that Eli has TWO Super Bowl rings and both times he beat Brady head to head.
I think it is 15% real adoration and 85% yanking my chain.
He has facts on his side.
I mean, you have to ignore everything else Eli has done, but he does have the rings.
And don’t think that Eli doesn’t let his older brother know about it too.
Eli can have all the rings and pacifiers he wants. He’s still, and will forever be, the whiny little bitch who threw a pouty pretend fit that he wouldn’t play football when drafted by the Chargers. Fuck the entire manning clan into the Mississippi.
Best thing that could have ever happened to the Chargers. Too bad they fucked up and traded Brees and kept Rivers,
Eli can thank two very talented receivers for catching game changing under thrown passes. Without them, no rings.
I wouldn’t necessarily call them very talented. More like very lucky. One of them was out of the league like 2 years later because he wasn’t good enough to make a roster.
No Eli can thank 2 of the best defensive lines in Football history for those 2 rings
JTFC what is up with dude’s mouth
How does that happen
How does someone live like that
Booze and “free” dental care.
Meth is a helluva drug!
That dude is Shane MacGowan the former lead singer of the Pogues. He was kicked out of the band for drinking too much. Let me re-iterate this. Shane MacGowan got kicked out of an Irish Punk band for drinking too much.
There’s a live album with him on it from another of his bands (the Popes), where when they’re doing the introductions, one of the band members thanks whoever got (the drunk) Shane into his pants before the show.
where are the state police to ensure access to observers?
Assisting in the corruption? I mean, seriously, they are already violating a court order. People need to go to jail and the arrests need to be made yesterday.
Sex Island founders reveal a thousand women will turn up to romp this year… including some who aren’t hookers and ‘just want to party’
I hope I get the golden ticket.
The strawberries taste like strawberries, and the snozzberries taste like
snozzberriessweaty balls.Bring Your Own Antibiotics?
Speaking of McCain…. Former Minnesoda Congressman Jason Lewis said bad things about him on Veteran’s Day and people are getting the vapors.
Yeah, I don’t see how all those people still sucking on zombie McCain’s dead cock can dispute the fact that McCain totally fucked everyone over on the ACA.
Strange New Respect is opening for Literally Hitler at the Launchpad.
The death toll from the California wildfires rose to 42
I heard people were getting roasted in their cars as the flames took them over. That’s a bad way to go.
Yeah, that’s a grab the .38 from the glove compartment and end it in a hurry situation. Fucking horrible.
Yeah, that’s a grab the .38 from the glove compartment and end it in a hurry situation.
Well, it would be in a state that allowed you to transport guns in your vehicle anyway.
Yeah, a lot of people, including me, use the pejorative GDIAF around here frequently. It is just hyperbole. I really wouldn’t with that on anyone. Well, almost anyone.
Seeing the pictures of the cooked cars trapped on the road made me shudder.
The lesson is, don’t name your town ‘Paradise.’ That’s just asking for an ironic Dantean hellfire.
In earnest, though, it makes me very sad. :/
Sometimes people in fires die of suffocation before the heat gets to them. I hope that was the case here. Probably best to roll the windows down.
Neil Young Blames ‘So-Called President’ Donald Trump After Losing His Home in the California Wildfires
He added that it’s been a really rough night and he hates the fucking Eagles.
Hey Neil. Imagine me telling you to go fuck your idiot self.
Aint nobody need you around anyhow, fuckwit.
Lov’in it.
I only hope most people caught the reference.
Turn it up and tell the truth
I saw a few people on Twitter going off on it being Trump’s fault because he cut the Forrest budget.
Yeah. It only took 2 years to get shitty Forrest management. Sure Jan.
Why would Trump cut the Forrest budget? I thought he was down with the Klan?
He hates the 1980-1983 Cincinnati Bengals.
Now imagine that greenhouse gas emissions have decreased under Donald Trump, and that there has been no proof that the miniscule amount of man-made CO2 has actually caused any warming, nor has anyone demonstrated that the warming since the Little Ice Age is anything other than a natural cycle. But sure, people who actually question the narrative (in accordance with scientific standards of hypothesis, prediction, testing and observation) are the ones who “defy science”. As though science is some definitive and unchallengeable set of beliefs according to received wisdom, rather than a process.
Fucking moron.
Memory hole the mid seventies drought and all of those wild fires and maybe he could have a point?
Don’t mention that most of CA is a desert that ya know, doesn’t get much rain, which is kind of what makes deserts deserts and he has a point also.
People actually water some shit there, which increases the amount of burnable vegetation when the time comes.
Oof. There’s a town in North Ontario….go to it Neil.
“defies science”
Maybe he should have moved next door to David Geffen, his house is OK.
Good morning, Sloop!
Shane’s a handsome devil, isn’t he? Any of you have him in your dead pool? Yikes!
We should probably have one from these guys, too.
Dead at 45. A damn shame.
He looks half dead.
I thought Shane was already dead.
Its only fitting that they’d elect a Democrat
I still don’t understand why they voted for someone that hates them.
People who would vote for McCain and Flake are capable of anything.
Because they already hate themselves.
Their state should not exist. It is a monument to man’s arrogance.
How many votes are from California ex-pats who completely agree with her?
Probably not as many in actuality as that meme conveys.
Not to mention snowbirds voting in two states.
Your move NRA.
Guy deleted his twatter account already. HIPAA violation, maybe?
I’m sure the mother will be comforted knowing that her son’s surgeon was taking selfies for Twitter clout instead of, you know, performing surgery on her son.
Yeah. I’d be frankly more concerned about an ER surgeon who thinks scoring points on Twitter is important enough to take time away from surgery.
Hot damn, that was spicy.
Not that it matters. Laws are for Trump voters.
Not a HPIAA violation. No personally identifying information in the tweet.
We can debate the propriety of it (not really a good idea), but it’s not against the law.
justified homicide in self-defense? accident/negligence? suicide?
i’m guessing it was faked. if someone was shot in the aorta, would they have enough time to get to a hospital with enough blood pressure to spurt?
Truth. Even a .22 to the aorta would be flatlined inside a minute. Unless he was shot in the hospital parking lot on the ground floor – on a slow night – I’m filing this under shit-that-never-happened.
What Porn Stars Think About During Sex
“It’s very easy for a lot of mundane thoughts to pop into my head: ‘What type of pizza will I get after this? Do I have beer at home?'”
Did I stock up on enough amoxicillin this month?
So basically the scene from Love Actually?
I think about pizza every 7 seconds.
Indeed. Pizza is a food group.
How much pineapple is involved?
Pizza. Yeah.
Living in Japan this is a sore spot for me.
Hell, I got over pineapple on pizza decades ago. But looking through a menu and finding something resembling pizza, only to find it’s not smothered in cheese but mayonnaise… and trying not to gag… skipping dinner and just having a few beers instead…
Mayonnaise pizza?! Did we bomb these people too much or not enough?
Mayo pizza? You have my attention….
Island nations, dude, island nations.
Voter ID now.
In person. Ink on your hand.
I don’t know how to allow absentee or mail in without risk of stuffing.
As compensation, open early voting more?
State of WA is all mail in, with prepaid postage. We learned since the Rossi/Gregoire scandal and now just elect Democrats, unless a Democrat-Socialist, Socialist, or Thank Stalin an actual Communist is on the ballot.
God bless you and keep you Shane. The last time I saw them was in New Orleans back in ’99 or 2000 and Shane was so drunk, he fell off the stage and broke his leg during a very enthusiastic rendition of Rake At The Gates Of Hell Tonight.
We’ve got a local cover band that’s coming up on 20 years of playing. They play several shows during the year, and play the entire day of St. Patrick’s Day (moving between different venues). Fun Facts about the Boys From County Hell:
1) When Spider Stacey of the Pogues toured the US, he selected the Boys From County Hell to be his band in the Midwest
2) At a New Year’s Eve show several years back, I managed to (unknowingly) hit on the lead singer’s girlfriend.
The EPA Can’t Wait to Reopen the Mine That Poisoned North Idaho
The Bunker Hill Mine deposited 75 million tons of toxic sludge in Lake Coeur d’Alene, and the lead and zinc are still flowing.
They seem to hate that mine and think the EPA is just groovy.
They know the EPA broke a mine in Colorado just a year or two ago right?
Yes, but if we nationalize mining then the toxic sludge dumped into the waterways will be blessed government sludge rather than yucky capitalist sludge.
That piece is a total hit job.
I’m moving to CDA to live in October
next year
Some little know Coeur D’Alene trivia: Dennis Franz lives there and all of the drivers that commute to Spokane are mongoloids.
Yeah, I drove to Spokane twice when I visited. It seemed everything bottle-necked once the highway sort of went left and went over a bridge/viaduct
I-90 is pretty much always a bottlenecked clusterfuck anyway, but it gets particularly bad around State Line during rush hour. And everyone from Spokane blames the Idaho drivers.
It’s not just Spokane. When I lived in Gallatin County, Montana we hated the Idaho drivers as well.
I saw a few people on Twitter going off on it being Trump’s fault because he cut the Forrest budget.
Donald Trump did not invent fire. It was given to him personally by Satan, as a gift.
My coworkers are wondering why I laughed at my phone.
Very good. Very much like.
Tidler’s excited about the Obama Center being a 15-minute walk from her house and just across the street from her high school.
But she fears the center will push her family out of Woodlawn.
“My stepdad doesn’t talk to me about finances, but I know what’s going on. Property taxes are going to go up once the [Center] comes in, and we might have to move out,” she said.
Tidler joined dozens of protesters Monday in Woodlawn to demand the City Council introduce an ordinance that would prevent the displacement of the neighborhood’s black families who would face mounting rents and property taxes as the Obama Foundation prepares to break ground on the presidential center in Jackson Park next year.
Delicious irony.
I don’t believe it though. Maybe there will be a bump in property taxes for a year or so, but are any affluent people really going to move into that neighborhood?
My guess is that the presidential center will be a huge white elephant stuck in the middle of a shitty neighborhood. I’m guessing the Obamas aren’t going to be living anywhere near that place either.
Just like those shitty portraits they had done. They drop turds wherever they go.
Exactly. It takes much more than a vanity monument to turn a neighborhood around.
Maybe there will be a bump in property taxes for a year or so, but are any affluent people really going to move into that neighborhood?
I wouldn’t underestimate liberal devotion to the man. He’s going to continue to be hot stuff up until the next silver-tongued blank slate comes along and they have a new savior.
Although I’d imagine it will play out less that there are affluent people moving there, but more that property is purchased to set up shops to service the faithful pilgrims and do-nothing non-profit offices that are consecrated by their proximity to holy ground.
A real journalist doesn’t talk to children about property taxes.
“an ordinance that would prevent the displacement of the neighborhood’s black families ”
Fuck these racists.
Trump’s Body Language Reveals How He Feels About Journalists, Especially Women Of Color
AKA a bullshit artist
So he coalesces the vapors of human experience into a viable and meaningful comprehension?
“My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives.”
So, like a sewer cistern.
emotional intelligence
This . . . is a strange term.
Don’t look at the business self help section of the bookstore!
You obviously haven’t been plugged into the pop psychology and business management publishing scene for the last few years.
What is Emotional Intelligence (EQ)?
It’s a hot topic in the business book industry. It can roughly be translated into “Don’t be an asshole.”
+1 wine tasting expert
*flips off both birdies to Dr. Brown*
I wonder if he got what I meant by that?
Barack Obama doesn’t care about black people.
OK. Update on the Baraboo Nazi story.
So believable? Does he really expect anyone to believe he asked the kids to do a high five? Everyone knows that all them wipipo in Wisconsin are Nazis.
The fact that a high five is indistinguishable from a Nazi salute is just further proof of how deeply white supremacy is embedded in our very social fabric.
High five = racist white supremacist Nazi dog whistle.
Invented by two black baseball players (one of whom was gay) Nothing says Nazi like that.
Exactly what law would have been broken even if it had been a Nazi salute? There’s still a first amendment, right? The fuck are they wasting taxpayer money on a non-crime for? Assholes.
“To anyone that was hurt I sincerely apologize.”
Never apologize, dumbass.
Wisconsin boys’ Nazi salute photo was innocent
And if it was genuine?
Then they are a bunch of Nazis? And I would be totally appalled by the fact that sweet little Wisconsin has a Nazi infection.
But what is more likely? That there are so many Nazis in Wisconsin that they feel fine taking a picture on the front steps of the local courthouse and posting it on the Internet, or that it was some dumb kids/dumb photographer who took a picture that can be interpreted incorrectly?
Well, there was that one time.
Palm up (high five), palm down (Nazi salute)?
Part II of Shrugged last night.
Second team actors were a big disappointment. *gazes morosely at Dagny 2.0*
It’s no Richard III, that’s for sure, and there are some truly jarring anachronisms, but-
It’s a cartoon, with cartoon villains and cartoon heroes. Based on what I have been told (since I got about twenty pages in and said “fuck this, I’m going back to Pynchon”) about the book, it seems pretty faithful. That stupid magic motor probably irks as much as anything.
To be honest, based on what people like Bernie and Gulag Barbie and that Pelosi gal have been saying, it doesn’t sound as far-fetched as it might. I got some laughs out of it.
Rand always gets shit for writing wooden, archetypal villains, but somehow reality seems to keep hewing closer and closer to her fiction. It’s almost like living through the Bolshevik revolution might have given her an insight into pure evil.
Kamala Harris, Great Uniter of Truth
This is an inflection moment, I believe, in the history of our country. This is a moment where there are powerful voices trying to sow hate and division among us. And if we’re going to deal with where we are at this inflection moment, we must speak all these truths, and one of the most significant and important truths right now is also that the vast majority of us have so much more in common than what separates us and let’s speak and own that truth, in particular, in the face of those who are trying to have us point fingers at each other and divide us. Let’s speak these truths.
And then the final point that I’ll make is this: in this inflection moment in the history of our country, this is a moment, yes, that these truths must be spoken; we need to bring folks together; and, well, let’s also recognize, this moment will pass, at some moment this moment will pass; it will pass, and years from now, people are going to look in our eyes, each one of us, and they will ask us, “Where were you at that inflection moment?” And what we’re all going to be able to say, is we were here together, and we were fighting for the best of who we are.”
She’s right but not how she means.
I honestly wonder if she is an idiot.
“inflection point”
a change of curvature from convex to concave at a particular point on a curve
How is this a useful metaphor for our country at this point in history?
The ‘L’ was a typo.
Pointing out typos is a whypippo thang. Axe Harris.
That’s how I read it.
She took calculus, and that should impress us because…
“Took” calculus, or “Passed” calculus?
Potatoe, pot-ah-to – ahh,.. no.
Those who did pass calculus are not mealy-mouthed about it.
She probably meant introspection. Or maybe something to do with rising intonation. Anyway, ///believewomen.
Or “moment of reflection”
I often hear talk, on the left, of the “arc of history”, so in that sense “inflection point” would be a fit metaphor.
Yeah, we know which side bases its political power on scare-mongering group identity politics.
we need to bring folks together
Somebody is trying to appropriate Barry’s lingo.
Was that off the cuff or was it a prepared speech? Because that is some Grade A lousy writing and I say that as a lousy writer myself.
are we coming out of convex or dipping into one? does she have any idea what she’s talking about?
That piece is a total hit job.
Say it ain’t so, Shoeless.
I’m moving to CDA to live in October next year
Keep an eye out for submarines.
The girl that Iggy Pop wrote “China Girl” about was Vietnamese.
Iggy and Bowie, you mean.
The Bowie Truther is here.
Just give the man his due. Iggy would.
Just being funny. But Iggy did write the lyrics. They both worked out the riff while drunk, Pop on a toy drum kit, Bowie on a toy keyboard.
And Bowie recorded it for Let’s Dance mostly so Pop could have the money from the songwriting royalties.
Yeah, I know. I think it’s a cool story.
The girl in question.
Both songs suck.
This coming from the country that inflicted Justin Beiber on the world.
But we made up for it with Ian and Sylvia!
Infliction point?
Pay no attention to that man with the hand up his ass!
Nile Rodgers claims he came up with it.
He wrote the opening, Orientalized guitar riff.
Gilbert Perreault! Him and Marcel Dionne. Criminally under rated. Like Malkin today.
Oops. That wasn’t meant to be a reply. Sorry.
And why are you comparing a Frenchie hockey player to a conservative Filippina columnist?
He was awesome. I had one of his cards when I was a kid.
Indochina girl
Sad Spider-Man.
I think he over sells it.
It was a chortle when you linked it yesterday, today it just makes you look like the sad one.
Let’s speak these truths.
I hate that vapid expression. Particularly since what she really means is about as far from the truth as it gets.
I hate that shit too. There are no personal subjective “truths”. There is truth, and not truth.
“Let’s speak these truths” can only be valid when your back is to a wall facing a line of soldiers preparing to fire.
Sitting safe at home, typing on your keyboard… not so much.
You mean anti-Muslim scumbag Ayaan Hirsi Ali – SPLC
How is this a useful metaphor for our country at this point in history?
[insert “Dangerous Curves” sign jpeg]
In financial news, support is dropping out from the market and the big tech stocks are getting hammered. The worst is yet to come.
the big tech stocks are getting hammered.
You mean that SAP deal didn’t spark a wave of optimistic buying?
I saw that. What a joke. $8B for a survey software company?
Survey Monkey yet lives!
Drinkworks Home Bar is a literal Keurig for cocktails
Call me a schmoe but part of the joy of a cocktail is in the preparation.
I’m not a big fan of coffee, but the few times I’m had something out of Keurig, it tasted awful. Burnt pecans, cremains, diesel exhaust, lime scale, hints of mildew.
Don’t forget the undertones of shame.
Yes, the shame. Sour and bitter.
We bought one for the office, used it a couple of dozen times, and then everyone went back to going to Starbucks. I think the only use it gets is to heat water for tea.
We bought one for the office, used it a couple of dozen times, and then everyone went back to going to Starbucks.
I am not a coffee drinker, but from what I have gleaned from coffee snobs, the type of people who drink Starbucks are not entitled to complain about shitty coffee.
Many of them complain about Starbucks, but it is still better to go out in the cold and the rain and spend 10x per dose than to drink out of the Keurig, apparently.
Any excuse not to even work.
Speaking of shitty coffee…
That’s what I get for reading from the bottom up. I see it’s been covered already.
$100 for a pound of coffee?
Not to mention that getting the pods will fall under state laws for alcohol distribution. And how is this different then just buying the premixed canned cocktails that are on the shelf now?
No particular reason, but this is one of my favorite Pogues songs:
Beautiful. Hard to narrow it down but I really love Body Of An American.
Damn it, Sloopy; now I’m down a rabbit hole. The Leaving Of Liverpool
Another Congress is BROKEN! How can we fix it? article:
This is exactly as far as I got. First sentence, second paragraph:
On Tuesday, Congress reconvenes after a month of campaigning.
After a month of campaigning, he says. How can I possibly take anything this jackass says seriously?
Wouldn’t a month of campaigning be wonderful? Just a month? sigh…
Too wonky;DR but I saw some stuff about “we ceded all our power to unaccountable ‘committees'” which sounds about right to me.
Democrats are broken inside. Cruz allowed to vote in Florida.
Eh, the sheriff is legally obligated to let him do so until he’s convicted. I can’t really fault Israel on that one, there’s plenty of other things to blame him for.
Agreed. He hasn’t been convicted yet. It’s distasteful in this case, but we can’t and shouldn’t take away the right to vote from someone who hasn’t been convicted.
But the real question is: did he voted for a Republican or is it not newsworthy?
He registered as a Republican, yet people in comments below it are going off on how far Democrats will go.
And ignoring the fact that he has the presumption of innocence unless convicted. If you bend that principle to deny him the right to vote, who next will the enemies of freedom target?
The real issue is someone being locked up in a government facility despite only unproven allegations. Yeah, he’s very likely a murdering scumbag and a danger to others, but incarceration in a jail without a jury to act as a check on government power is a damned slippery slope. what happened, they run out of ankle bracelets?
A WTF from the Florida recount article, ” a pickup truck was plastered with pro-Trump and pro-law enforcement flags like a MAGA porcupine.”
porcupine is raciss.
Celine Dion unveils gender-neutral line of clothing: Celinunu.
If you speak Quebec slang you’d know what ‘nunu’ means. Not sure why she chose the name.
For people who virtue signal with their choice of kids clothing.
As far as I’m concerned, t-shirts and jeans have been around for a long time and have always been gender-neutral.
As far as I’m concerned, t-shirts and jeans have been around for a long time and have always been gender-neutral.
If the men and women in your area have been wearing jeans and t-shirts with identical cuts/fits for both sexes, you’ve been missing out.
I thought it was the little vacuum cleaner in Teletubbies.
Crazy-eyes Cortez Haz a Sad
Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is not happy that Amazon, the world’s most valuable company, has decided to invest billions of dollars and bring approximately 25,000 jobs to New York City.
The 28-year-old bartender turned politician responded to the news that Amazon is bringing a second headquarters to NYC by claiming, without evidence, that her community is “outraged.”
“Amazon is a billion-dollar company,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. “The idea that it will receive hundreds of millions of dollars in tax breaks at a time when our subway is crumbling and our communities need MORE investment, not less, is extremely concerning to residents here.”
“When we talk about bringing jobs to the community, we need to dig deep,” she wrote. “Has the company promised to hire in the existing community? What’s the quality of jobs [and] how many are promised? Are these jobs low-wage or high wage? Are there benefits? Can people collectively bargain?”
Not taking is giving.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t the state leadership, who happen to have a (D) after their names, give out those tax breaks? She is directing her ire at them, right?
HQ2 is going to be in NYC? WTF is Bezos thinking??
NYC and NoVa. He’s thinking that as Amazon expands further into fintech and government services he had better have his lobbyists in the right lobbies.
“government services” sounds like a good way to fuckup Amazon.
… AWS already has fatter government contracts than Raytheon. The DoD and CIA in particular.
$600M over 10 years is fatter than Raytheon’s contracts? color me skeptical.
That’s just one contract of many (although probably the largest single contract overall). AWS does business with multiple federal departments, state governments, and some foreign governments as well. They’ve even got a nice marketing page for the intelligence community. Amazon’s a major player in government services already and it’s a lucrative market.
I’ll put money on Amazon getting into the algorithmic trading services business or at least providing the infrastructure.
In short: “I want mine.”
Not your district, hon.
Doesn’t matter. She’s going to run for President in 2020
Sweet Cheebus, the Democrat party really is in a shambles, isn’t it?
Maybe she’ll wait until 2024. (Don’t tell anyone that she still won’t be old enough. I want to enjoy the shitshow.)
She won’t be old enough for 2020. She’ll be just barely old enough for 2024, by less than a month.
That was the joke, SF. I wouldn’t put it past the Dems to go apeshit over candidacy rules made up by old white men.
Ah, sorry. Never mind then.
Heh. Without evidence.
Maybe, some day, she’ll be proud to be an American
Perhaps most striking in these divisive times, though, is Obama’s ongoing optimism about the state of the nation. She is still hopeful in the future of America. “We have to feel that optimism. For the kids. We’re setting the table for them, and we can’t hand them crap. We have to hand them hope,” Obama says in the interview. “Progress isn’t made through fear. We’re experiencing that right now. Fear is the coward’s way of leadership. But kids are born into this world with a sense of hope and optimism. No matter where they’re from. Or how tough their stories are. They think they can be anything because we tell them that. So we have a responsibility to be optimistic. And to operate in the world in that way.”
“Fear is the coward’s way of leadership,” says the guy who’s party’s shtick for the past several decades has been “vote for us or those fat cats will take your money and health insurance and put black people in chains!”
Progress isn’t made through fear.
It’s made through endless bureaucratization. Obvs.
Kat Timpf Chased Out of Brooklyn Bar
Fox News personality and National Review contributor Kat Timpf was forced to leave a bar in Brooklyn over the weekend after a woman she had never met became enraged upon learning she worked in conservative media.
After arriving at the bar, Timpf became separated from her friends and found herself in conversation with a man she didn’t know, who inquired about her occupation. Timpf explained that she worked at Fox News and the conversation proceeded unremarkably. A while later, Timpf was confronted by a woman, who, after hearing she worked at Fox News, became enraged and began shouting at her in a threatening manner.
“This girl started going nuts on me, screaming at me to get out of the bar. I found her very threatening,” Timpf said of the woman, whom she had never met before. She said she tried to move to another section of the large bar but the young woman followed her while continuing to scream.
Timpf is always welcome at my place.
I guess we are going to need to bring back segregation along political lines. I look forward to all the babes I’ll meet in libertarian bars.
There are no female libertarians.
SP, Riven, MLW ‘splosives, KK and a few I’m forgetting beg to differ.
I assume you meant there are no single libertarian women.
If you fall for such obvious catfishing, it’s no skin off of my back. (not really serious)
LH confirms that Elspeth is a sock puppet? But why does he post all the smart stuff with the sock puppet?
Ooh… it burns.
Whatever Tulpa
uh, about that, Bob….. I’ve got some bad news
Kinda gets what she deserves for clinging to the Brooklyn hep cat aesthetic into her 30s tbh.
I think his firing from The Atlantic broke Kevin. And by broke, I mean remved any lingering belief that the left is peopled by honest brokers.
Is it racist that every time I read ‘Brenda Snipes’ my brain autocorrects it to ‘Wesley Snipes’?
Always bet on…
R. Budd Dwyer had the good graces to off himself spectacularly for his corruption. Would that Democrat shitheels had the courage to swallow a bullet. But that would require an ounce of shame, and they haven’t got a teaspoon between the lot of them.
Boxes of ballots magically showing up in the trunks of rental cars in the Fort Lauderdale airport — cars last rented by Democratic operatives?
I do love Kevin when he gets on a roll.
Man, some people really don’t like Amazon.
It now looks like Amazon will probably split the baby, with one new “headquarters” in a neighborhood of Queens, New York, and the other in Crystal City, a Virginia suburb of Washington, D.C.
This is bad for everyone except Amazon.
At the same time, these sorts of state and city corporate-care packages also often include tax breaks and other giveaways. Those are pernicious, since they undercut a city or state’s ability to invest in the public good, even while fattening the coffers of the company it’s trying to woo.
Adding insult to injury is the fact that Amazon itself has massive resources to deploy if it wants to. The company’s CEO, Jeff Bezos, recently mused that he has so much staggering wealth he can’t think of what to do with it other than go into space. If the company is looking for top-notch infrastructure, public transit, education, and technological know-how, it could provide those things itself.
If Bezos said he was going to build a city from scratch, with a hospital, employee housing and a company store to provide for the needs of Amazon’s workers, they’d say it was a slave colony.
+1 Company Store
If Bezos said he was going to build a city from scratch, with a hospital, employee housing and a company store to provide for the needs of Amazon’s workers, they’d say it was a slave colony.
They’d probably be right too, honestly. Paternalism dressed up as altruism. It’s not exactly like the company town is a new thing.
I’m not in favor of these tax giveaways either. But note that the localities and states that are offering them are Democratic strongholds. I’m sure the GOP fatcats will get blamed anyway.
Sadly they’ll never learn the real lesson from this. If your municipality needs to resort to absurd tax schemes to lure any kind of investment, then you should probably revisit the hopelessly broken policies that are causing this condition in the first place.
I assume the company store would just be a prime membership?
Pullman, Chicago
“‘I thought it was spinach dip’: Monica Lewinsky opens up about THAT stain and reveals Bill Clinton soiled dress in Oval Office bathroom
‘I went to dinner that night. None of these people said to me, “Hey, you’ve got to go to the bathroom, you’ve got stuff all over your dress,”‘ says Lewinsky.”
+1 Dollop of hair gel
‘I went to dinner that night. None of these people said to me, “Hey, you’ve got to go to the bathroom, you’ve got stuff all over your dress,”‘ says Lewinsky.”
Anybody familiar with his work probably didn’t think anything of it.
Update on the Illinois police shooting the security guard:
1. He was wearing a uniform emblazoned with the word “SECURITY”, and people were screaming to the police that he was a security guard.
2. He had a carry permit for the gun, which means the initial police report was
wronga lie.https://www.npr.org/2018/11/13/667252788/police-fatally-shoot-black-security-guard-who-detained-suspected-shooter
And nothing else happened….
Has Dana Loesch given a mealy-mouthed statement yet?
“To be sure, we must wait for the police to adjudicate themselves innocent, but until then it’s safe to say this was a good shoot based on the victim’s being black and not a cop.”
I got into a huge argument with NRA supporters on facebook once about Philandro Castille, and the failure of the NRA to call out cops who panic shoot gun owners because they have a gun.
I was ultimately unsuccessful; they just didn’t get that the culture of cops shooting lawbreakers who happened to have a gun – no matter how non-violently the law was being broken – was exactly what the gun-grabbers were depending on to kill gun culture. So long as it was a druggie getting ventilated, they were completely cool with it.
They deserve to lose their guns.
He had a carry permit, but did he have a concealed carry permit? Check Mate. The brave officer deserves a double pension. /This message brought to you by the FOP
No doubt we’ll see his arrest record publicized by noon. “He was arrested for possession, which is ILLEGAL. If he’s willing to commit ILLEGAL POSSESSION, who knows what else he was capable of doing?”
Not that it would (or should) make a difference, but that level of absolute incompetence would have blown away a plainclothes or off duty police officer without hesitation. Yet nothing will happen, other than a paid vacation, for Officer Shoot First.
I don’t think I’d be able to live with myself if I killed an innocent person.
That’s why you’ll never be a Cook County cop.
WTF does ‘innocent’ mean? Nobody is innocent. Good shoot.
“Innocent of what?” – Little Bill Daggett
This exact thing happens with mind-numbing frequency.
I still want to know why police from another town responded. The whole thing sounds fishy, especially since I am familiar with the area and don’t trust any government employees nor bar owners around there.
“Amazon is a billion-dollar company. The idea that it will receive hundreds of millions of dollars in tax breaks at a time when our subway is crumbling and our communities need MORE investment, not less, is extremely concerning to residents here.”
“Anyone who thinks metro systems in cities like New York or DC suck because they don’t have enough funding is a fool. The MTA’s annual operating budget is $15 billion. That’s higher than the GDP of 70 countries.”
The correct criticism is that while Amazon is getting government designated benefits, the rest of us suckers in business are still getting hosed.
But since the Democrats don’t give a shit about small business owners, they would never mention that.
$19 billion and climbing.
But, like education, we’re always a couple hundred million dollars from perfection.
Take a wild guess where it costs $29000 a year to educate a child?
Private college?
Nationalizing industries means lower overhead, because reasons. And if you believe that, I’ve got an Obamacare-compliant insurance package to sell you.
I wonder how much waste and fraud is being hidden by so-called “in-state” tuition rates. Does anyone really believe a year at a SUNY college costs less than, say, Cornell?
The local state school makes money on out of state rates and absolutely soaks international students to support the house of cards. Any guesses which category illegal aliens fall under?
Well, maybe not the intended education but the child will be educated.
I hate the Yankees, but Andujar got robbed. Debate it in the comments, but I know I’m right.
Sorry, Sloop, but it’s not even close. Otani had 3.9 WAR (from batting and pitching combined), Andujar 2.5. Andujar lost a lot due to bad defense. Say what you will about defensive WAR, but defense matters and it needs to be included, even though defensive metrics are nowhere nearly as developed as offensive ones.
Actually, Joey Wendel of the Rays was even better at 4.3 (he barely still had rookie status, even though he played in 2016 and 2017).
I think games played should also be factored into that.
*staunch opponent of pitchers getting ROY or especially league MVP awards
If you can put up 10.0 WAR in 35 games, you deserve the MVP.
Yes, WAR is not an average-type stat, it is basically a counting stat. Ohtani did play in 114 games, Andujar 149.
Doc Gooden and Darryl Strawberry were two of my favorite players when I was younger.
*sadly shakes head*
Cocaine is a hell of a drug.
They were pretty fucking entertaining until it quickly caught up with them.
Lack of sunspots to bring record cold, warns NASA scientist:
What do we want?
Ice age!
When do we want it?
What the hell? Trump is putting out the sun now?
I guess we will fight in the shade.
Jerry Brown already blamed him and “climate deniers” for the wildfires.
I wish someone would ask these “Trump’s Fault” idiots how that can be the case when greenhouse gas emissions in the US have decreased under the Trump administration.
But increased solar activity has no bearing on warming. Science!
As far as “tax incentives” and “giveaways” (however you define them) go, I’m agin em. When I was just out of college (late ’70s, early ’80s), Colorado Springs’ leading lights were on a campaign to make the place a tech hub, and were throwing incentive deals at companies like Hewlett Packard and Kaman. Even back then, I had enough sense to see that the people I knew with established small businesses deserved to get the same deal. Why should body shops and book stores and florists and every other business in town “subsidize” those guys?
Make your city a good place to do business, for anybody, and they just might come pitch their tents. Make it easy to come, to buy, to build, to hire.
Exactly this. It’s crony capitalism.
Won’t someone please think of the Community Benefits Agreement functionaries?!
“Director of a major NGO in Europe tells our undercover team how she teaches migrants to lie & pretend to be persecuted Christians to border police. Last year they worked w/ 15,000 migrants. The UN has responded to our investigation calling it ‘alarming’
Advocates Abroad have now deleted their Facebook page with nearly 140k followers. We are still awaiting comment from various partners like Cambridge University, Oxford and UK members of parliament.”
“Fully transparent, they now have deactivated their twitter.”
*shocked face*
“European NGO Caught on Camera Teaching Migrants to Lie and ‘Pretend to be Christians’ and act Like a ‘Refugee in Trauma’
Documentary film-makers Lauren Southern and Caolan Robertson have released shocking new recordings in which the director of a major NGO in Europe told their undercover team how she teaches migrants to lie and pretend to be persecuted Christians to border police.
Ariel Ricker, Executive Director of Advocates Abroad, was caught in the recordings admitting that the asylum process is simply theatre.
“This is all like a big theatre production, everyone has a part to play and a refugee has to act the part of the refugee in trauma for the interviewers, but it is extremely difficult to do this because unless they are taught how to be this character, this actor, then they go about it usually the opposite way,” Ricker says.
Ricker’s NGO, Advocates Abroad, provides legal aid to refugees and migrants seeking asylum in Europe. They have 380 staff members that are primarily involved in preparing refugees and migrants for their asylum interviews. In 2017, they worked with over 15,000 refugees. Southern’s team points out that they also recently campaigned with 12 British MPs to raise $100,000 in donations.”
I listened to a breakfast speaker, a Republican strategist, this morning. In his view, the midterms were a Republican disaster. When the dust settles, only two Senate seats will be picked up when the early RNC line showed a pickup of five or six. When the dust settles, 35 House seats will be lost, when the early RNC line actually showed the GOP would narrowly hold the House. With the economy in good shape, the disaster should not have happened.
Why? it isn’t so much Trump’s policies but his rhetorical style, his insults, and his “unpresidential behavior” coupled with an unrelenting media attack which will get worse now that they smell blood in the water. The strategist doesn’t think Trump can win re-eclection (there will be a recession before 2020 that will hurt – “It’s the economy stupid only comes into play when things aren’t going good.” plus the
new RNC line – based on 2018 voting patterns – is that GOP will do well to hold the 2020 Senate losses to only five seats and that Dem gains in statehouses will cost at least 10 more seats due to gerrymandering after the next census. A question he took about SCOTUS was answered “We think Ginsburg will hang on even if she is comatose for two years. Any conservative justice thinking of retiring – Thomas comes to mind – should do it in the next year so Trump and the GOP senate can name a replacement and control at least one branch of the government for the next decade.” Further, he said that a new Tea Party movement is required to offset the enthusiasm and momentum the Dems have built up as the result of 2018 wins and close calls (Beto, Georgia, etc.)
Sounds a bit overly pessimistic, although if your internal polling is that far off then you obviously have a problem somewhere.
The republicans better get their asses in gear to better prevent voter fraud in 2020, or they’re gonna be toast.
They better fight back against gerrymandering too.
Long time to worry about that. Redistricting won’t happen until after the 2020 census, and at earliest you’re looking at the 2024 elections for the new districts to take hold, 2026 in some places.
On the plus side, when Democrats gerrymander after 2020 at least we won’t be hearing about that inane topic anymore.
You assume they actually want to win (and govern).
The best thing about this election cycle is the departure of Paul Ryan and Jeff Flake.
Govern? Probably not many.
Win? I think most of them want their cushy government jobs.
Even when the dust settles after the Dem operatives are done with their ballot-stuffing, the results will still bel in line with every other recent mid-term election.
he’s discounting the batshit crazy from the House to not turn off voters in two years.
and he expects Mississippi to elect a Dem Senator in the runoff in two weeks?
Clarence should retire though. that would be a good long-term strategy.
I, too, think it is pessimistic. But I thought the batshit crazy since 2020 would prevent Team Blue from picking up the house. If people were half way rational they would not have. I suppose the msm propaganda is strong.
I saw somewhere that suburban woman voted for Democrats by a 20% margin. I wonder if the Kavanuagh effect was opposite of what I thought it would do. ie, lots of moderate women did #believeher
If that’s really the case we’re in deep trouble.
How many of these women would disown a son over a similarly evidenced accusation? Or would it depend on what his politics are?
“Well, the campus star chamber found him guilty, and that’s good enough for me.”
Just remember, the Nazis managed to convince the majority of Germans to go along with the Holocaust. Despite the complete lack of any evidence, the Nazis were able to convince the Germans that the Jews had greedily and recklessly caused the disasters that befell Germany after unification. They convinced the Germans that beating up Jews, shooting them in the back of the head, confiscating their property, deporting them en masse, etc were all acts of self defense.
Society is always in danger of being fucked; humans are a panicky primate with a handful of members who are capable of doing calculus. The fact that we have a modern industrial society is a miracle of good luck given our propensity toward stupid and self-destructive acts.
And history is repeating itself as we speak: just last week, the Trumpenfuhrer offended Jim Acosta.
I miss Secret Nazi President.
Thanks for that ray of sunshine tarran. Why did we get rid of drinking in the office?
I recently had an associate from college tell me that she should not have to do “one of those humiliating rape kits” (what some would refer to as providing evidence…) if she makes a rape accusation. We are, indeed, doomed.
It’s funny that you still held out hope
There’s a voter born every minute.
Jesus that’s a depressing thought
Politics is fashion with rich whites. It was inevitable that the most fashion conscious people would defect and vote Democrat in order to be viewed as “cultured”. There really isn’t anything more to their vote than that. Most people don’t think about politics all that much. And the Democrats have done a fantastic job with their media allies of making anyone who doesn’t vote for them out to look like stupid, racist, rubes.
How do libertarians combat that? Sure, if Dems go crazy and raise taxes on the middle class or involve America in another stupid war, then maybe that 10-15% who haven’t irrevocably chosen up Teams can be persuade to step back a bit from the totalitarian cliff.
There is no hope. Just accept that
We need to flank the statists.
Simply put, the United states government is doomed. It’s going to die within our lifetime. It cannot stop consuming resources beyond the economy’s ability to provide.
So, at some point they are going to try jacking up the taxes, scaling back on the free shit, devalue the currency, in a futile and desperate bid to keep the charade going. And as their attempts fail, you are going to see a whole bunch of businesses collapse; businesses that are dependent on government action to create demand for their products won’t survive the loss of that coercion.
So, the obstacles, state control of the economy, state control of education, state control of medical care, etc. provide opportunities.
We can start businesses that are designed to undermine the state and be in a position to take over providing critical institutional needs after the state starts to collapse.
We get rich & civilization is saved.
At least that’s where my head is.
I saw somewhere that suburban woman voted for Democrats by a 20% margin.
For context (using CNN exit polls): women (as a whole) voted 59D/40R in 2018 and 54D/41R in 2016, so that represents a 6 point swing towards the Ds, which is not an uncommon result for a midterm. Men, BTW, had a 7 point swing towards the Ds this election.
note – haven’t looked up a cite for this, just part of long comment stream I was reading on another site.
That guy’s analysis seems a bit bipolar: he pre-election projection was way too optimistic, and his post-election analysis strikes me as too pessimistic for his side. The R’s slightly over-performed where the polls had them leading into the elections, but in the end the general result was about where everybody thought it’d be – no one should have been surprised if they were paying attention. Also, the 2020 Senate election, while the Rs will have the most seats up for election, it will also be an extremely friendly map – all the R incumbent senators, except two, are from states wherein Rs managed to win some/all statewide elections in 2018. A clear-eyed prediction would have the Ds picking up 1 senate seat in 2020, barring some catastrophe (economic collapse, war, scandal?). Claiming a 5 seat loss in the Senate as a best case scenario is ridiculous.
thanks for the 2020 Senate election breakdown. i was curious how hostile that would be.
Get healthier with this one weird trick (get off your ass).
If you’re sitting down while reading this, stand up. Guidelines released Monday by the federal government show that most Americans are not getting the exercise they need, costing the health care system over $100 billion each year.
The new standards are similar to those released 10 years ago, but the government is scrapping a recommendation that physical activity occur in 10-minute blocks, instead telling Americans to “move more and sit less” whenever possible.
Any amount of exercise has some health benefits, officials say, and some benefits are even immediate, like better quality of sleep or reduced anxiety.
“The new guidelines demonstrate that, based on the best science, everyone can dramatically improve their health just by moving — anytime, anywhere, and by any means that gets you active,” said Dr. Brett P. Giroir, assistant secretary for health at the Department of Health and Human Services.
“When we move more, we have better cardiovascular health, we are stronger and less susceptible to disease, and we feel better,” Giroir said. “Physical activity can help manage chronic conditions that many Americans already have.”
Based on new evidence, the updated guidelines say exercise can reduce symptoms of anxiety, slow the progression of hypertension and Type 2 diabetes, and help prevent eight types of cancer in adults.
Exercise can also improve cognition in those with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder or dementia, the guidelines say, and even reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
I fucking love science. Where would we be without it?
Hey, I never saw a fattie with Parkinson’s, just sayin.
“The new guidelines demonstrate that, based on the best science, everyone can dramatically improve their health just by moving — anytime, anywhere, and by any means that gets you active”
Restless leg syndrome sufferers rejoice.
Watch where we pull out this one weirdly huge number (out of our ass).
Who’s the guy with the fucked up face and microphone? Why is he pictured?
Lead singer of the Pogues, featured music link.
“Florida Man Breaks Into Restaurant, Strips Naked, Eats Noodles He Brought From Home and Plays Bongos”
“Police only found out about the naked bongo man because they were reviewing footage of ANOTHER, separate burglary where someone broke in an consumed a bunch of beer and chicken wings, and it just happened to be on the same tape.”
Has anyone looked in on Matthew McConaughey lately?
Alright alright alright.
MS GOP candidate for Senate shows ability to learn. has refused to apologize..
“If everyone in world became vegetarian, annual deaths would fall by 7.3 million”
Oh look, another number somebody pulled out of their ass.
6/5 people who eat meat will die this year.
The rest will be raped by Chads.
Chads related to Steve Smith?
After the first couple billion or so were taken out back and shot (maybe) and buried.
So my wife just gave me a record player for an early birthday present and I dug my old records out of storage. It’s a Bluetooth/phono one but I want to get a receiver and wired speakers. I was debating between getting a 70’s refurbished solid state receiver and one of the modern tube amps. Anyone here have an opinion? I know LH is a hi-fi fan.
This is an example of the new tube amp:
With a compromised turntable like that, it might be OK, but it depends on how much you think you’ll be using it. 5 hours a month? It’s probably OK. 5 hours a week? You’ll probably wish you got something like this: http://www.outlawaudio.com/products/rr2160.html
Thanks. Yeah, if I bought it I would have skipped the Bluetooth thing entirely. So, you would go with modern solid state versus something refurbed from the 70’s? I really like those old analog dials. I was looking at the Marantz, Panasonic and Kenwoods from that era. It’s for a small family room, likely paired with some bookshelf speakers like the Klipsch R15s.
I have Klipsch R15s. They are a little weak in the bass, You will eventually want a subwoofer with them and it’s easier to hook the sub up with a modern receiver/integrated amp that has an output for it (like the one you linked to). If I listened to the radio more then I’d consider a 70’s rig with either a pre-amp out or a second set of speaker terminals.
The 70’s era stuff is great but I find myself wanting things like Bluetooth, USB, etc.
I assume the turntable the wife bought has a phono pre-amp in it. If not (or if you want to bypass it) then I would tilt toward the 70’s stuff unless you know the phono stage in a modern rig is good (or you get your own outboard phono pre-amp). I linked the Outlaw receiver because the reviews I read said very nice things about its phono stage (for moving magnet anyway).
How about a new solid state receiver?
I really dig those old analog dials. For about 250-350 you can get a refurbed Marantz from that era. Is the sound going to be a huge improvement on the new solid states? Again, it’s for a small family room and I won’t (usually) be pumping it loud.
I guess you have to decide how much you want to have an analog tuning dial. New solid state is better than old solid state.
Whatever floats your boat. I like the look of vintage solid-state gear but most of it sounds bleh, and, unless the refurb job is very thorough, I was always dealing with switch and dirty volume controls.
Cheap tube amps are well… cheap. I’ve owned two pieces of Chinese made gear and the uh “engineering” had quite a number of shortcomings.
If you want a decent inexpensive setup, something like:
Used Adcom 555 preamp, used Adcom 535 or 545 amplifier, and $500 Wharfedale Denton speakers would be a nice entry-level system, and that was something I was running until very recently. I could sell you the Adcom preamp and amp if need be since they are currently sitting unused.
If the Wharfedale speakers are too much $$$, then the Pioneer SP-FS52 floorstanders are some of the best bang-for-the-buck speakers around.
When you decide that a news channel is literally Hitler and therefore anyone on that news channel can be harassed for working for literally Hitler you realize how profoundly stupid so many people really are. And rather than focusing how asinine it is to smear Fox while pretending as if its competitors are any different we are reduced to saying “but, she’s not a baddie”.
how profoundly stupid so many people really are
It goes beyond that. They’re stupid, yes, but they’ve also been convinced that they are victims or speak for victims, and as such, they have a moral standing over their adversaries that allows them to increasingly engage in violent acts. This is compounded by a philosophical education that openly denigrates debating the enemy because the mere introduction of those evil ideas into polite society should be treated with overwhelming condemnation and, if necessary, violence.
You don’t see anyone of significance on the left condemning these acts because if they dared to do so, they would be excommunicated for not adhering to the party religion.
We’re headed for more political violence.
The most amazing political realignment of the 21st Century has been how college educated wealthy whites have become “victims” while poor rural whites have become “exploiters”. It’s so contrary to reality that of course the Left would embrace such a warped dichotomy.
The American system of higher education carries most of the blame. It, along with their cohorts in the NEA, have realigned the structure and purpose of education in the United States. Conformity is prized above individuality, emotion and signaling are worth more than rational debate. Postmodernism provides the philosophical underpinnings for all of it.
And we fund their church with out tax dollars.
And our soon-to-be collective trillions in student debt.
The university system is fundamentally broken and when it collapses, the repercussions will be massive.
That’s the most infuriating part about all of this shit. They fill our children’s heads with piles of shit and not only are we forced to send our children to their temples but we also have to give them tithes.
I’m Protestant as fuck but sometimes I’m tempted to struggle just a little send my future children to a Catholic school. Public schools aren’t even places to learn anymore. They are places to train the next generation to conform and obey.
Anymore? Conformity and pigeon-holing was their sole purpose in the 70s and 80s where I went to school.
It has honestly never occurred to me to approach Rachel Maddow, Don Lemon, or anyone else I disagree with who happens to be on television and confront them on anything whatsoever, never mind berate and harass them until they leave the establishment. And I think Don Lemon in particular is a vile human being. It’s just that the very idea of assaulting someone–even verbally–as they go about their personal business goes against everything I’ve been taught since birth.
Me too. Maybe of they were at an event, say politicon or something and I could say my piece.
I think my statement would fall short of anything we’re seeing at the restaurants and homes though. And I wouldn’t follow anyone or chase them out.
Well I think the context is key. If you show up at a political event to discuss politics, it’s not unreasonable to expect political debate. But even then, the kind of poo-flinging lunatic gibbering these people are doing is so goddamned rude it blows my mind. I could never just walk up to someone who hasn’t personally insulted me–and gravely, at that–and just start shouting at them. I am deeply, deeply distrustful of people who can.
Gang membership requires a demonstration of faith.
So is this the left’s version of blooding in?
It’s such a shameful spectacle. It’d be like insisting my pet canary is a therapist-prescribed comfort animal. I just do not have the narcissism in me to pull a stunt like that. I couldn’t imagine mobbing anyone, not even the most repulsive commie fuckwit, because being part of a mob would be humiliating in its cowardice. I can’t imagine telling a teenage girl she’s a whore because I have political differences with her father. How full of shit does a human being have to be to think that’s acceptable? I’ll say this for the Carlsons, I’d have been sitting in a jail cell with two handfuls of busted knuckle.
That goes for MAGA retards hurling abuse at reporters covering political rallies, too. You think this is brave? You think it’s smart, or helpful? You think it’s moral? A lot of Evangelists in those crowds. What happened to “Turn the other cheek,” fellas?
The “right’ is rapidly adopting the tactics of the left. There is no scenario where that ends well.
To quote that Will Smith character Hancock when he was talking to the kid about bullies…
Hancock: “Just never turn this cheek. [Pats kids bum] Don’t let them punk you.”
Knowing that the lefty columnist Carl Rowan was going to be our commencement speaker, I prepared. Sure enough, he attacked capitalism, Republicans, individualism, etc. in his commencement address. After I was handed my degree, I stepped out of line and up to Rowan. I shook his hand and handed him a copy of Rand’s “Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal” and suggested he read it.
He smiled, I smiled and I got back into line. He took it with him when he left the stage. No rancor, no hubbub.
Carl Rowan…wasn’t he the gun control proponent who shot someone sneaking into his pool at night?
21h21 hours ago
Look, there are a lot of assholes out there. But Kat has two choices…stay at Fox News and continue to deal with them. Or recognize that life is too short and move on. She isn’t going to change anyone else…she only has control over her own life and her own choice.
15h15 hours ago
There are other choices. Some of which may cause the mobs to rethink their strategy.
The only choice I see is to label these mobs for what they are- fascists. I’m always amazed how people who would glibly label anyone a fascist for not accepting open borders are hesitant to label organized intimidation bands as anything but.
It’s hilarious how anti fascists started at 1200 and by 1201 they were the biggest fascists in the us.
I wonder if they meant anti like “before”
that’s good
Thanks! I was surprised I just came up with it after typing my 1201 thing.
best i can tell, fascism is authoritarian autocracy overseeing a state-directed economy that’s preparing for war. WWII Japan’s Bushido govt strikes me as a perfect example.
how the term applies to our system of governance.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
these mobs are grown children having their public tantrums en mass. eventually, they’re going to attack someone in VA or another gun-friendly (for now) state and several will die.
And the shooter will be blamed for killing peaceful protesters.
The game is rigged. People should realize that at this point. It doesn’t matter how you respond or how you genuflect to the fascists, they will still find a way to portray themselves as the victim.
These well to do white kids have no God and they have no community. Politics is their faith and their meaning for being. These are empty people who are motivated by a religious zealotry.
National castle doctrine and ccw?
“She shouldn’t have worn that short skirt.”
If she doesn’t want to get raped, she can change into proper clothes
I saw somewhere that suburban woman voted for Democrats by a 20% margin.
Honest to [insert demon of choice], every time I see one of these assertions about voting blocs, my fallback presumption is that it’s based on a completely bogus sample, or else it’s an outright lie. I no more believe “all/most college educated white suburban women will vote Democrat” than I do “all/most black men are criminals”.
The stat may be true for this past election. Suburban women flipped several House seats in the Philly suburbs. Interestingly, however, Pew polls see college educated whites as being essentially 50/50 on which major party they support.
This is compounded by a philosophical education that openly denigrates debating the enemy because the mere introduction of those evil ideas into polite society should be treated with overwhelming condemnation and, if necessary, violence.
Yes. Instead of, “This is stupid and wrong because [insert point by point refutation]” we get OMFG STFU!
Because these ideas, whatever they might be, exert such an overwhelming gravitational pull on those who hear them they cannot be uttered without instantly turning honest hardworking godfearing peasants into newts.
I saw in today’s paper that actress Mira Sorvino believes that date rape was approved for her generation because of films such as “Sixteen Candles” and “Animal House.” Interesting, I did not see that she thinks gun violence is perpetrated by today’s movies. I guess the “gravitational pull” only applies to ideas that you hate and/or don’t make your living from.
It’s just that the very idea of assaulting someone–even verbally–as they go about their personal business goes against everything I’ve been taught since birth.
Tone it down, there, shitlord.
I suppose having been raised with something approaching good manners is kind of a shitlord privilege type of thing. Not being a rampaging asshole with no impulse control is a clear sign of my membership of the oppressor class, or something.
Summer of 1989, took the afternoon off to go see The Pogues, Violent Femmes and Mojo Nixon at Pier 84 with three of my co-workers. It was an excellent show.
When we got back to the parking lot, someone had boxed our car in. The four of us were young and at least some of us had been drinking, so of course we decided to move the offending car; the owner was nowhere in sight and we were impatient. As we were finishing up, a guy started running at us shouting threats. We hopped in our car and drive away, but perhaps the other guy had been drinking too, ’cause he got in his car and chased us. Eventually we lost him w/o further incident.
Weird, dad has a story about a bunch of drunk assholes moving his car.
I keed, I keed. Though he does have a story about winging a folding traffic barricade at a getaway car after a bunch of cars were burgled outside O’Niell’s maybe fifteen years ago.
Oddly enough, the last time I was at O’Niell’s with dad (not the time I ran into you), another patron had her SUV broken into.
Man, come to think of it, he’s damned lucky he didn’t smash their windshield. Personal liability aside, the two thugs might have stopped long enough to beat the shit out of him. Dad has a crazy indifference to personal danger, and he’d no doubt put back a couple rum drinks that night.
I don’t want to OT Evan’s post. Maybe somebody will see this.
Butter won’t melt in our mouths
CNN also asserted that other news organizations could have been targeted by the Trump administration this way, and could be in the future.
“While the suit is specific to CNN and Acosta, this could have happened to anyone,” the network said. “If left unchallenged, the actions of the White House would create a dangerous chilling effect for any journalist who covers our elected officials.”
Sanders pointed out that lots of other CNN reporters and producers have press passes. But to many journalists and press defenders, that’s not the issue. Echoing the views of many journalists, the correspondents’ association said the president “should not be in the business of arbitrarily picking the men and women who cover him.”
“Totally arbitrary, unjustified and unprecedented! We were baffled and blindsided.”
Congress shall make no law hurting cnn or Acosta.
Seriously. I saw a tweet claiming that the ACLU issued a statement that “It shouldn’t take a lawsuit from CNN to remind the president of the first amendment.”
I couldn’t remember the clause in the 1A that guaranteed that Jim Acosta gets microphone time in press briefings.
I guess “put up with the shit or go work somewhere else” only applies to Fox News?
These people are just a parody of the worst shit progtard nutfucks get being…
It’s about flinging shit until people get tired and just let them have their way.
I saw in today’s paper that actress Mira Sorvino believes that date rape was approved for her generation because of films such as “Sixteen Candles” and “Animal House.” Interesting, I did not see that she thinks gun violence is perpetrated by today’s movies.
I’m not sure she’d want to take that road, having co-starred in a shoot-em-up like The Replacement Killers.
*I liked that movie, and her role in it, BTW
I don’t remember any date rape in Animal House. The closest thing was the debate between the angel and devil on Tom Hulse’s shoulder, but in the end I don’t think he had sex with her.
He didn’t. Indeed the scene underscored that the prevailing sentiment, even back then, was how wrong it was. As for John Hughes, he was a monster for a variety of reasons, so I don’t much care about his “moral compass.”
Actually it was Mighty Aphrodite what done it.
in the end I don’t think he had sex with her.
He packed her up in the shopping cart and took her home.
Rang the doorbell and ran away.
That came later, when she told him she was 13.