As Hank Kingsley would say, “Hey now!” It’s Saturday morning, I’m up ridiculously early, and the weekend is full of work in preparation for a business trip next week to what might be my least favorite city in the US (Atlanta). I’ll be trying to explain the Butler-Volmer equation to a room full of people who have to open their flies to count to 11. This does not please me, so don’t piss me off.
Notable birthdays today include constipated Jew-hater Martin Luther; Nobel laureate Ernst Fischer, whose work will be part of my PowerPoint deck next week; Mikhail Kalashnikov, inventor of the eponymous weapon; Roy Scheider, star of one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen and scourge of giant rubber fish; and bassist and supergroup stalwart Greg Lake.
Fuck that, the news has to please me today.
The first story did. It’s no secret that I’m not a Trump fan, but I admit he pisses off people who I think need pissing off. In this case, hapless granny-chaser Emmanuel Macron.
“President Macron of France has just suggested that Europe build its own military in order to protect itself from the U.S., China and Russia. Very insulting, but perhaps Europe should first pay its fair share of NATO, which the U.S. subsidizes greatly,” Trump tweeted minutes after landing in France. He is set to spend the weekend in Paris to commemorate the centennial of the end of World War I.
Tuesday on Europe 1 radio, Macron called for a “real European army” within the European Union, according to AFP. “We have to protect ourselves with respect to China, Russia and even the United States of America,” Macron said.
Yeah, the US is a major threat, Manny. But of course, les flaques are busy with le clarification. “What President Macron REALLY meant was…”
A senior French official said Friday night that Trump took Macron’s words out “out of context.” According to the official, Macron will likely want to respond to Trump’s tweet directly himself, and likely Saturday.
The official, though, clarified the language Macron used, saying that the French leader did not mean he wanted a European army but better coordination and funding of Europe’s already-existing resources. The official said that Macron was conveying that Europe should organize better to protect itself. There is already a European defense project, and Macron would like to see more capability, the official said.
Translation: “We didn’t even need an army to surrender this time.”
My evil black libertarian heart is warmed when our system delegitimizes itself. This is actual Third World shit, and no-one is even bothering to pretend otherwise.
By late Friday, attorneys for Governor Scott said they didn’t get very far in their efforts to inspect the ballots, as required by the judge’s order. Scott’s attorneys say they did receive documents before 7 p.m. but they could not access them. “We don’t know how many pages of documents,” said attorney Jessica Kopas. “We don’t know the quality of the production. We don’t know much at all.”
Scott’s lawyers waited outside the Supervisor of Elections office into the evening Friday waiting to get in and do their inspection. Then they CBS4’s Carey Codd that they were asked to return for their inspection at 10 a.m. Saturday.
“Did they tell you why not tonight?” Codd asked.
“Just logistics. Just logistics,” replied attorney William McCormick.
“This process is about one thing — making sure every legal ballot is counted,” Nelson said in a video statement. “Clearly Rick Scott is trying to stop all the votes from being counted and he’s impeding the Democratic (sic) process.”
Insert Nelson Muntz “HAH hah!” here. Love the unintentional capitalization, which makes a lie into truth.
Sometimes, stuff is beyond parody.
With strict British laws making guns hard to obtain, knives have become the weapon of choice for members of London gangs, who youth workers say fight over territory and are prepared to kill over trivial slights. As stabbings become more frequent, more young people feel compelled to carry knives for their own protection, fueling a cycle of violence. There is little consensus on why knife violence began increasing in 2014, after declining for years, and continues to grow. Some opposition lawmakers have blamed government cuts to police numbers, while those in power argue that changes in drug trafficking, such as the greater involvement of teenagers in the sale of drugs, is the key factor. Youth workers say the closure of youth centers because of government budget cuts have left children to make their own rules on the streets. Numerous British charities are working to educate children about the dangers of carrying knives.
Moar funding needed!
The knives themselves have gotten bigger, said Detective Inspector Paul Considine, who led the investigation into Daniel Frederick’s murder. “The weapons we are coming across at the moment are zombie knives, specifically designed to cause major injury to human beings,” he said, describing a type of knife, banned in Britain, the size of a machete with serrated edges and jagged protrusions.
Assault knives!
The actual numbers aren’t actually scary. But saying, “There’s been a minor rise in reported knife crimes which may not be statistically significant” doesn’t generate panic, clicks, and demands for more government “investment” and control.
SP is remarkably flexible and tolerant. But there are certain things she will NOT abide, and having “smart” devices like Alexa or Echo in the house is one of them. And for good reasons.
Prosecutors said they believe the Echo device, which listens for Alexa voice commands, might have recorded audio of Sullivan’s death, as well as anything that happened before or after it. State police have the speaker, and the judge agreed to let them access the recordings and ordered Amazon to turn over any recordings on its servers.
Experts said the case reveals some of the implications of having such devices in people’s homes. “I think most people probably don’t even realize that Alexa is taking account of what’s going on in your house, in addition to responding to your demands and commands,” said Albert Scherr, a professor at the University of New Hampshire School of Law.
Law and order types will argue that this was a murder case, so of course this is valid evidence to gather. After all, it takes a court order to get Amazon or Apple to release information or recordings. Paranoid libertarian types note that FISA courts and other secret tribunals would be very inclined to favorably treat requests for court orders to investigate crimethink. I still think this technology was a brilliant ploy to get citizens to pay for wiretaps out of their own pockets, analogous to Chinese families being billed for the bullets used in executions.
Once more, mainstream media beclowns itself.
In September, the Texas daily was rocked by scandal after questions were raised about the reporting of Austin bureau chief Mike Ward. A lengthy investigation was unable to identity a number of sources Ward quoted on the record for his stories. He ultimately resigned from the paper after being confronted by Barnes. The Chronicle then began an extensive effort to investigate all of Ward’s reporting to identify if there were any other instances of phony sourcing during his career there. The paper brought in Pulitzer Prize winner David Wood to lead the effort. The results of his investigation led to the the paper’s decision to retract the stories.
“Of the 275 people quoted, 122, or 44 percent, could not be found. Those 122 people appeared in 72 stories,” said Wood. “It’s impossible to prove that these people do not exist, only that with extensive research and digging, the team could not find them. And in this age of online records, including property ownership and court filings, almost everyone can be found quickly.”
I know this is going to shock you, but… the fakery all appeared to go in one political direction.
And surprisingly, there’s some really inspiring and heartwarming stuff in the comments to this story.
Old Guy Music time, and today, it’s Old Jewish Guy Music. There’s a long history of cantorial vocal pyrotechnics, and within the Orthodox community, skilled cantors are superstars. Here’s a young guy I stumbled across who’s starting to break out of the ghetto and achieve some success outside the usual niche. This song is a Passover favorite for drunken after-dinner singing, and is both Aramaic (actually, it’s a curious mix of Aramaic and Hebrew) and cumulative, but I can assure you that at our family gatherings, it never sounded like this. Brilliant singing, with elements of scat, choral, and opera intertwined. Amusingly, the capsule Google provides when I searched Lemmer’s name classified the music as “Christian-Gospel.” And several commenters were unhappy with Lemmer’s Ashkenazi pronunciations. Ah well. Listen with an open mind and I bet you’ll enjoy it despite the impenetrability of the lyrics.
Super sexy swinging Saturday.
37 and 73 are the victors.
Ah morning would.
You’re the Jayhawks fan, right? Thanks for bringing them to my attention. Been binging on them all day.
Current era, or Roy Williams era?
So, amongst the band’s hardcore fans, there is division over when they went too commercial (allegedly 3rd album). This may in fact correlate with Roy Williams employment.
I hate that fucking argument. If you want to hear a band make the same album over and over and over, there are plenty out there.
14, 50, 52 whoa boy.
umm… is 75 Bailey Jay?
London just needs more Harry Brown
I’m on topic so technically…..
So they can find freedom in an unfree world?
So we can watch Michael Kane go karawak on their stabby asses…..
/unfortunate phrasing
Is there, perhaps, a website where these women congregate?
According to to adds on Pornhub they are only 4 miles away!
Vancouver pig farm?
Feed em’ to the pigs, Errol!
Craigs list personals?
Do state troopers not exist in Florida? Just barge the fuck in idiots.
I think it’s funny, all the pre-election pleading. “Your Vote Matters!” No it doesn’t. Partisan bureaucrats will ensure it doesn’t, there will be a short legal kerfuffle that will go nowhere and then everything will continue as planned and nobody will be held accountable. Representative government my ass.
A local dem competing in the adjacent R+12 district (that Trump won by 20+ points) came within 1 or 2% of winning this year and is now demanding a recount…
What I love is that every news story, (at least the ones I have read) never point out the violations of election law but rather state how the judge “sided with Scott.” There would be less partisan dumbfuckery if news outlets actually let people know that what is happening is illegal and the court was not siding with one side. It is infuriating. Broward just said fuck off come back tomorrow and nothing will happen.
They just can’t #resist making a narrative.
Meh. It’s common for journos to say that about civil cases. It’s slightly more accurate to say that “the court found for the [plaintiff/defendant]” but that’s just not sexy enough for journalism. But I agree that that phrasing, particularly in this case, is unhelpful. But so are many of the reporting practices of most journalists.
That would take balls and intent.
Florida, dude.
They have california, now they are after texas and florida. If the pinko shitweasels get them we are fucked.
And even if they don’t get them the Supervisor of Elections will just put their thumb on the scale….we’re fucked either way.
It would be up to the judge to order enforcement of her/his order. Since the order was for the documents to be given to Scott, then Scott would petition the court to take notice that the order had been ignored. Then the judge would have the choice of issuing a new order (ie, rewarding bad behavior), or having the noncompliant official hauled in to her/his courtroom to answer contempt charges. The judge would also have the option of jailing the noncompliant official until the documents were produced.
So the governor can’t enforce a court order unless the court says so?
I don’t know how it is in Florida, but I think in a lot of places the sheriff is responsible for enforcing court orders.
So far there seems to be more Election interference from the Democrats than there ever was from Russia
You’ll never get them to admit that, though.
And as much as I hate the idea of letting the guilty go, perhaps we should have election truth and reconciliation commissions – if you testify you cannot be prosecuted provided you tell everything you know and do not lie. If you are later found to have lied or omitted your immunity disappears and you are prosecuted for everything you did.
Roy Scheider, star of one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen
All That Jazz certainly is a matter of taste.
Yeah, that was pretty awful as well.
The paper brought in Pulitzer Prize winner David Wood to lead the effort.
So Wood couldn’t find a Deep Throat?
I bet you’re pleased with yourself, aren’t you?
NY Post should hire me as a headline writer.
I’m not against this, it would be a very positive development, and also exactly what Trump wants. (because then we could GTFO)
Rufus T. Gooberslapper had this to say about Ward: “He never invented nothing that didn’t need to be said”.
Untrue but accurate.
London is going to have to call on some Colonial Assistance for their knife problem.
Sharpe getting 1.6%. That’s depressing.
Yeah, I also heard on a podcast that his social media got shut down for 48 hours leading up to Election Day.
“whoops, Our Bad!” /FB and Google
Larry did his level best to get around NYS – he visited all 62 counties and really put in the hard yards. His fatal conceit, I think, was believing that the social media bubble was representative of the wider public. I don’t recall seeing anyone canvassing the opinions of the retirement home set, nor attempting to persuade them with new ideas. When your campaign ignores the largest and most reliable voting bloc, you’re screwed.
And lets face it, you’ll get old people to abandon the duopoly about the time hell freezes over. The Greatest Generation are in some ways bigger statists than the fuckwit millennials.
My great-great-grandpappy was a Lincoln Republican and by golly every one of my ancestors was too, so I’m voting for …. what’s his name? I can’t remem …. doesn’t matter, TEAM.
Yep. Try telling someone from that generation that it’s not the role of government to be involved in education, social security, well, pretty much all the New Deal shit, and you’ll be met with either incredulous looks or downright befuddlement (even if they aren’t senile). I find it odd that their parents and grandparent lived in an objectively freer America but they (for the most part) think that the ideas of liberty are beyond the pale.
Fun family story. Evidently my great-great grandfather, who was mild mannered by most accounts, threw his radio out a window in the middle of one of FDR’s “Fireside Chats” in the 1930’s. At least someone knew at the time how badly he was fucking up this countries future.
We cant have people going around deciding for themselves. They might decide differently that I would.
You’re partly right there. My dad who is basically a libertarian, though definitely conservative learning (besides the goofiness/titty pics he’d fit in well here) still voted for Molinaro.
“libertarians aren’t serious people, and want open borders” -Dad
Thanks GayJay!
““libertarians aren’t serious people, and want open borders” -Dad”
Uh, thanks?
I still maintain his position on the ballot itself was quite bad (Everyone but him was in one column, and his name appeared next to one other person’s name).
Not on my ballot. Every candidate had his own line.
This is what mine looked like:
That’s… interesting.
Mine looked like this.
Thats…. a lot different. Every county must have their own method. Kind of crazy.
Now I get it. I was wondering where everybody was. And then this pops up an hour later than the links were popping up a week ago. You guys are all on daylight savings and an hour later than before.
The time shift works out better for me. Kid in bed already. The am links line up with my morning commute. Tend to miss out on all the other articles, however.
Re Old Guy Music……….again, not my thing but very interesting, and where’s the wimenz at in that video?
If it’s Orthodox Jewish, aren’t they segregated?
No, they allow Falashas.
I meant men and women are segregated. Haven’t there been some weird kerfuffles in Israel over public transport with different sections for men only and women only?
In a sense- officially, there’s no segregation on the buses, but when they go through ultra Orthodox areas, the locals get pissed off.
There’s a reason that most Israelis greatly dislike the ultra Orthodox minority. Well, many reasons, but this is a typical one.
They run their own buses here in Brooklyn and yes, this kerfuffle has come up in the news.
I’m surprised King Django hasn’t made an appearance (that I’ve noticed at least).
Why bother explaining to Airstrip One that the knife thing is not the problem, it is a symptom, because the people making the rules already know that.
Foreseeable consequences are not unintended.
When the rise is from 0.06% to 0.07%, I think trying to discern a pattern or a reason is futile. It’s still basically nonexistent.
knife or no knife their crime is through the roof in select areas. The England I remember flew into a tizzy if there was a murder anywhere in the country.
Import savages and disarm the population and what they have today is what you get.
I guess if you’re convinced by a narrative, things like data can be handwaved away.
considering the source, the data on this subject isn’t exactly beyond suspicion.
As much as I hate to say, Stalin wasn’t wrong with that bit about the death of one versus the deaths of millions. Fucking stupid goddam human beings cling to a narrative rather than understand reality.
There is little consensus on why knife violence began increasing in 2014, after declining for years, and continues to grow.
It’s them bleedin Sikhs!
I love how they think “MOR LAWZ” will fix it. I guess they are going to have to ban scrap metal, grinding wheels and metal files too. And also go Okinawa on everyone and have a single knife chained to a butcher block in the town square for food prep.
I’m pretty sure they feel like the law was doing its job just fine until now. It was keeping away all those bad, icky weapons the way things were before. But now something has changed so they have to get another law to fix it.
That was a thing there?ō
Probably apocryphal but it’s a good analogy
Macron is probably full of it, but hey, if the French Government can start making baby steps towards increasing their own defense, and cajoling the rest of Europe into it as well, than that is one less reason for *us* to have our wealth expropriated to pay for NATO and Empire Maintenance stupidity. Yeah ‘surrender monkeys’ and all that, but back in the day, they had quite their own colonial network to maintain and put together a fine military to do so. They’re not as useless as we like to believe.
This is what jumped out at me: “better coordination and funding”
I bet I know where he wants that funding to come from.
“funding” is a funny euphemism for ‘taxing others’ isn’t it?
He means handouts from the US. He is in a panic that decades of free shit is going to come to an end. They wont be able to have 6 weeks paid vacation per year, pensions and everyone not working for the govt on welfare anymore. The peasants will get grumpy.
Fuck them. If they want to build their own military to defend against the US they can knock themselves out. Suits me fine. Pay your own freight motherfuckers.
The French are trouble makers without an army. Imagine when they have one!
I’ve worked with some French military guys in the past. I was really struck at what competent, tough soldiers they were. I would be really interested to see how they are perceived and treated within French society.
We tease the French but I’m not surprised by that at all.
Tuesday on Europe 1 radio, Macron called for a “real European army” within the European Union, according to AFP. “We have to protect ourselves with respect to China, Russia and even the United States of America,” Macron said.
Go for it. Just make sure you let the trannies join.
To be fair, surrendering is much more glorious affair when you have a resplendent army formation behind you.
As much as I want to hate Trump, when he does things like this with France I have to like him.
How about some progressive Jazz to start the day…
The drummer is all of 19 when this was filmed. This popped up in my play list from when I clicked on her drumming to anime songs when she was in middle school something like eight years ago. I assumed that she was going to be another internet one hit wonder, but looks like she is trying to make a serious go of it!
As a young adult she is cute as button and amazingly well spoken. Bomus points for Osomatsu-san reference!
They’re excellent, and another example of purely American art forms being infectious. This is why places like Canada and the EU have to pass “local content” laws.
Yes, I was really pleasantly surprised! One thing Japan does right is that it has no fear of integrating foreign elements and making them Japanese.
Local content laws are ridiculous.
Local content laws to enforce local content is horror.
Yes, my sympathies. Although it did allow you to give us Bob and Doug McKenzie.
It also gave me half the music I listened to in college.
My daughter just yelled from the next room, “Osomatsu san!”
Holy crap, here’s some more of her from this year. Amazing.
Here she is at something like 15.
I was more curious if she was going to be essentially a curiosity or she was going to be able to play for a living. I’m happy that it looks like she’s going to be able to make a go of it.
That saxophone melody sounds like a cheesy 80s sitcom theme.
It does have that vibe!
When the rise is from 0.06% to 0.07%
Knife attacks on the Tube have doubled!
From 3 to 6
Tin-foil hat time?
They are just trying to change how their state is perceived. Rather than the state that produces Floridaman, they want to be known as the state that produces psychos, crooks and shitheads.
Finally, a list a scumbags where Wasserman-Schultz only comes in 6th.
I’m trying to figure out whether almandras rellenas can be made at home (or rather, whether they should be made at home). Anybody know of these candies? On the off chance, I’ll ask if anybody has a recipe. I had forgotten about them for years, but I’m going to get or make some for Christmas this year.
What I love is that every news story, (at least the ones I have read) never point out the violations of election law but rather state how the judge “sided with Scott.” There would be less partisan dumbfuckery if news outlets actually let people know that what is happening is illegal and the court was not siding with one side. It is infuriating.
This is an excellent point, and cannot be overstated.
It is not the job of the courts to “vote” on policy (like that asshole idiot who just ruled on the oil pipeline), it is their job to uphold the law.
As stabbings become more frequent, more young people feel compelled to carry knives for their own protection, fueling a cycle of violence.
This stood out to me. Britain views people defending themselves from thugs to be indistinguishable from their attackers.
Not that we didn’t already know that. Public school here in the US also works the same way.
You can say that again.
/Only ever got detention from fighting, only fought because I wasn’t about to back down from a bully. Punished the same as the aggressor.
Trusting their stats is foolish. Who knows? They are as dishonest with their data as the warmistas. You cant believe anything they say.
My anecdotal evidence is that the country I saw in the mid-’90s is not the same country I saw in the early ’70’s. First visit: they thought America was a land of crime and barbarism. Second visit: I couldn’t find anyone that had not been burglarized, mugged or beaten, often in broad daylight while they were home. Granted it was Sunderland/Newcastle….
Speaking of rule by fiat, I saw a story about Sessions issuing some new Justice Dept policy guidelines on his way out the door. Will some administrative judge try to inscribe them in stone when the new guy says, “Yeah, we’re not going to be doing that.”?
More Broward tin-foil
The Sheriff’s Office is having a shred-a-thon at 10am Saturday. There go the ballots!
There go the Republican ballots!
Another genius.
That gave me a chuckle.
This idiot thinks elections for senator seats and governorships can be gerrymandered?
Well, given that he’s in Australia, it’s likely he’s just parroting some American twitter feed.
Since he appears to not be an American, I’ll give him a one-time pass.
Doesn’t mean he doesn’t vote.
“my least favorite city in the US (Atlanta)”
Agreed. An Atlanta story… I took my young children down from Nashville to Fort Benning, Georgia, to pick up a friend from Airborne school. He was graduating at the ripe old age of 40 a la Colonel Kurtz. Insane. He was on crutches: shattered a leg on the last night jump but still graduated. We took him to Atlanta for the night, from where he was flying back home to Cali. Looking for a place to eat, we ended up at this plaza type place atop an underground (literally) mall. We got dinner then some ice cream and were just hanging out in the open air. A black dude approached us and told us we should leave, that it’s dangerous for “people like you” to be there. Waking up from our reminiscing and entertaining the kids with war stories, we realized that 3 whites and a Hispanic were quite the minorities. Despite, we finished the evening on our own time, and I vowed to never spend another penny in that town again.
I was in Columbus GA and almost got into a fight trying to get into a bar. Black bouncer acts all surely and hostile and then accuses me of “snatching [my own] ID out of his hand” and proceeds to bow up like he is ready to fight. No offense to Suthen or anyone else but the Deep South is not a place I enjoy being.
*surly*. …….Hate my Mac’s autocorrect with the fire of 1000 suns
You are visiting the wrong parts of the wrong places.
Oh, I’m sure, and there are plenty of nice people I’ve run into as well in my admittedly limited travels in that part of the country. It is funny how one or two bad encounters can sour you on a place.
The parish I live in (Grant) has a few bad apples (trailer park meth head types) but the vast majority are the best kind of people you could want to meet. Incredibly polite and hospitable. We all wave as we pass on the road whether we know them or not. Get a flat? Random strangers stop to help. Crime is nearly non-existent outside a couple of very small areas. Talk to a stranger more than five minutes and you will get invited to a fish fry or a bbq.
Half an hour south things change dramatically.
In many ways that reminds me of Montana. Friendly, open, respectful. Just don’t stop when you drive through an Indian Reservation. Fuck the media that profits from stoking the flames of racial animus.
*adds Suthen to his enemies list*
I lived in Luling, LA and worked in Houma for a few years. Best places, best memories, awesome culture.
Bouncers are dicks everywhere.
But usually they wait until after you are in the bar. But yeah, they seem to take on a scum bag cop persona pretty quick. Kinda reminds you of the Stanford Experiment.
You should see the move The Phenix City Story, especially the prologue of the journalist interviewing the real people involved in the story.
Maybe you shouldn’t have called him Shirley.
Two things….
Nobody goes to Underground Atlanta. It is a government boondoggle that gets additional rounds of “renovation” funding every few years. It is supposed to be a magnet to downtown, but it is only an occasional tourist trap. If you must go, only go in the 12 months following a renovation. People go down out of curiosity for a few months before it dies again.
Second, Atlanta is “the city too busy to hate”, and is not terribly racist…. except some of the downtown black neighborhoods where civil rights professionals make their living stoking the fires.
Funny story….. my then wife and I were driving through College Park back in the 90’s. A couple of Farrakhan types were trying to sell their Nation of Islam paper on the corner while we were stopped at a light. So our bespectacled and bowtied protagonist noticed the pretty black lady in the passenger seat, but didn’t see the white dude in the driver’s seat… Let the hilarity begin. He starts his pitch with “My Sister…” at which point she cut him off with “the hand” and a chicken head “Oh no you didn’t bring that stuff around me!” (the only time I can recall her ever doing the chicken-head maneuver)… at which point, in confusion he approaches and says “My Sister, I woul….” and she interrupted and said “You’d better get that racist shit up out of my face, right now!”….. that’s when he noticed her husband sitting next to her. The backpedaling was epic. He even tried to tell me I was welcome in the Nation.
But we never had “trouble” in a decade of hanging out in Atlanta and surrounding areas. We lived in a house with a view of the sculpture on Stone Mountain.
We also hung out in places as redneck as Kennesaw – where every head of household was required to own a weapon and home to Bob Barr…. the arch conservative version, not the later libertarian conversion model. We never had even one person look at us cross-eyed. Not even at the Highlands Festival (where my wife was often the only minority of any sort) or at the Gillie’s clone bar with the mechanical bull, or at the pentacostal church with the rattlesnakes in cages in the back of the sanctuary (yes, that really happened).
People are normally more polite in the South in general.
I know my reaction to what happened to me is unreasonable, but I’ve held to my vow. Maybe someday I’ll get over it, but it’s been over a decade.
Atlanta sucks. No way around that.
“A Man In Full” did not increase my regard for that godforsaken horror of a city.
I had a similar experience in that underground thing. Don’t be there after the sun goes down. And don’t walk over to the MLK memorial when white.
So many of you are wondering…. why is Dr. Brenda C. Snipes still in charge of elections in Broward county?
Well, my rants here and at TOS prior to the election offer a clue.
Ever publication by the county regarding the election feature her name, and often her likeness. It is almost always the largest font on the document or sign.
At the early polling places and on election day, every sign said “Vote Here” under a big “Dr. Brenda C. Snipes, Supervisor of Elections”. Her name was bigger than the information on the sign.
Her name was over the door. Her name and photo on the sample ballot. Her name was on top of every page of the ballot initiative handout. Always the largest thing on the page.
So even though she presided over the 2000 debacle and every election since (where Broward county is among the very last counties in the nation to report results almost every time), she was re-elected in 2016 by a huge margin.
Hmmmm …. so other candidates cannot do “electioneering” within 1000 feet of a polling place, but this candidate gets her name and photo all over the place inside the polls.
You can’t buy that kind of name recognition at any price.
“I know this is going to shock you, but… the fakery all appeared to go in one political direction.”
If it’s anything like the Austin Chronicle, the first half or so of the paper is entirely hard-leftist political agitprop.
Then they get into the entertainment section I actually read to find out what fun stuff is going on.
The naval academy half marathon measured 1.2 miles short today. My wife is pissed ! She was shooting for a personal record, but not by 15 minutes!
*Annapolis classic half marathon
Annapolis Classic 40% Marathon.
How can they do that? That sucks.
Somebody missed setting up a turnaround. Overall, not an impressive operation here given the size of the race. Half-assed comes to mind
The worst I’ve experienced was an extra tenth mile on a 5K – but the city made them change the course *the night before*, so I almost forgave them.
One hears real horror stories, though…
They didn’t just run the same route as last year?
Didn’t someone (IIRC – Don Escaped Texas?) here post about running from the restaurant when a woman tells you she is training for a half-marathon?
Yes. He was referring to suburban chicks somewhere in Texas. First date, I believe.
Yes, from Dallas. I may have married one of them (she didn’t mention it on the first date)
I dated a marathoner.
As you can see, I got better.
Ranting racist woman hater
During a rant on Friday about CNN reporter Jim Acosta, President Donald Trump turned to another reporter, April Ryan.
“You talk about somebody that’s a loser,” Trump said of Ryan, a White House correspondent for American Urban Radio Networks who is African American. “She doesn’t know what the hell she’s doing.”
During the gaggle in front of the White House, Trump continued to criticize reporters and went after another reporter of color.
“What a stupid question that is. What a stupid question,” he told CNN reporter Abby Phillip after she asked if Trump wants Whitaker to “rein in Mueller.”
“But I watch you a lot, you ask a lot of stupid questions,” the president continued to Phillip before turning away and refusing to answer the question.
Worse than Hitler.
My wife saw that on the teevee this morning. When it was over she turned to me and said “I love that guy”.
I read that yesterday… and I noted that it was important to the writer that the reporter was “a woman of color”.
They just can’t avoid playing the race card. Even when a press conference devolves into a mudslinging event that even 3rd party PACs would avoid, it is still Trump being racist and misogynist because he called them out for it.
Really pathetic. I gave the writers at TOS a rant on that topic attached to a Soave piece mewling about how evil it is for Trump and his press secretary to call out Acosta.
“Trump said of Ryan, a White House correspondent for American Urban Radio Networks who is African American.”
Why the fuck is that relevant? Do you want a list of white people Trump has called names? Fuck you Political and your race bating.
“The sky today is… blue. The sun is… hold on… orange…..”
If you want more Trumpkins, this is how you get them. The man calls a reporter stupid and says nothing of the persons skin pigment but that’s the angle you take anyway. Most likely he does not care about a persons skin color and disparages everyone equally. People keep calling Trump racist, but I have yet to be pointed to an example.
Trump implies racism. You just have to read between the lines. Just like Trump implied that someone should murder a bunch of Jews, or he implies that people who immigrate legally should be thrown in a camp and tortured and gassed.
I have never seen so many psychos want to kill one woman.
Savages are gonna savage.
Don’t worry, I’m sure the world’s SJW’s will rally to support her because they love women minorities so much and oppose patriarchy.
Import them!
My first thought when I see these shithole rallies is, don’t any of you have jobs? I’m sure Rufus has the same thought.
In Pakistan? That probably is their job.
I have decided that the world’s biggest problem is not the religion, it’s the religious.
Exactly. That culture was that way since long before Islam.
My orphans put this dirt bags to shame!
/looks over at orphan sadly staring.
“What are you looking at?!’
/kicks dirt in orphan’s eyes.
True Democracy, The Peoples Court has Spoken!
Which makes a small part of my brain want to ask them…. so, if this is truly your belief, what should I as a Christian do? What should my nation, dominated by Christians do? What do you think the end game is? Fifty Thousand of you march in the streets demanding that a Christian be put to death for being Christian….. Why should we suffer you to live?
The logic they use to answer that question would be interesting to hear.
I’m rather certain that the real jihadists would be able to answer that. And they would answer “you shouldn’t. But you are too stupid to understand that, and we will use that against you.”
They’ve been pretty clear about this. No one really respects pushovers.
Seoul says both Koreas complete disarming 22 guard posts
A South Korean Defense Ministry official says the North and South Korean militaries have completed withdrawing troops and firearms from 22 front-line guard posts as they continue to implement a wide-ranging agreement reached in September to reduce tensions.
Before we start talking Trump lets not forget who got that started.
Rodman? MacArthur?
The National Association of Black Journalists on Friday said Trump’s comments towards Ryan, Philip and Alcindor were “appalling, irresponsible and should be denounced.”
“The most powerful man in the free world is verbally abusing journalists,” NABJ President Sarah Glover said. “The past two years have been filled with assaults on the media and Donald Trump’s comments this week have reached an all-time low with attacks on three black female journalists.”
And the truly horrific part is that those attacks come from out of nowhere. Straight out of a cloudless blue sky.
What possible reason would Trump have to take an adversarial stance against the people who merely wish to inform and enlighten the people of America?
I believe that if Christie does end up AG replacing Sessions, that all references to them must be made as Fat Man and Little Boy.
That is all.
Christie would be a disaster.
Seconded. Dudes an asshole of the first order and at best, would be no worse than Sessions. Trump is a dummy if he thinks Christie won’t stab him in the back at the first chance he gets if he thinks it will revive his political career.
Not for me. I know Christie’s brother in law. The only person ever who is sympathetic to Chris (for marrying his sister).
Yes, a disaster.
Until Trump fires him. Then it would be a constitutional crisis to remove him.
#ProtectChristie is going to be one massive trend.
I don’t think you’re giving this situation the gravity it deserves.
The US will stop refueling Saudi led coalition jets in Yemen, but progressives and more
The measure, which was introduced by Rep. Ro Khanna (D.-Calif) in the House and by Senators Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), and Mike Lee (R.-Utah) in the Senate
Mike Lee is a progressive?
I wish I could go to Malibu to watch it burn.
Remy is still the best thing to ever come out of TOS.
Heaton gives him a run for his money.
Tucc would like a word.
Case in point, teaching his son how to get out of handcuffs:
News you can use™.
Baylen Linnekin, too.
lol his emotional support rodent
Especially the kids, right?
That’s fucking Sick, there’s a lot of beauty there, not to mention Humans and Dogs,
/Sick Fucker
Classy Obama.
Is just another vapid narcissistic shithead.
I can’t stand that guy. I notice the media is also pushing Michelle promoting her book ‘Becoming Michelle’.
Now right there is a story to be parodied and mocked.
Becoming Michelle. Lol. Part two Becoming Obama.
I also happen to think this is an obvious play to undermine a sitting President.
..from Michael?
This just popped up in my Spotify random shuffle
I figured libertarians might like the message.
Nice title. Love the music shaking the camera, however.
So NPC. I hated the term. Today I have to say it is absolutely too perfect and too relevant to a large number of people and I now fully endorse it.
Basically I had a conversation with a couple people who I know are rather intelligent. They are lefties, but that’s never been a big deal and I like them so I normally just bite my tongue because it isn’t worth it. They went with the “Dems won 55% of the Senate popular vote, but lost seats,” talking point. It is such a mind-blowingly dumb point that I couldn’t resist going on a rant and in no uncertain terms stating:
1. The concept of a Senate popular vote for a regional representation is dumb (and no you can’t gerrymander the Senate).
2. There were more “blue” seats up for grabs than red, so of course the Dems would get more votes. That doesn’t signify anything.
3. and this is the big one for me. Okay let’s have a Senate popular vote. The Republicans got about 45% of the votes but only 33% of the seats up for grabs. By their own fucking logic, the Republicans are the ones who got screwed and should have gotten more seats.
I swear I could see the programing in their heads trying to find the pathway they were meant to take to respond to this. It amazes me, but people really don’t even think for a second about these talking points. This one is just so indefensible, yet it is being accepted uncritically. I don’t know how many people from team Blue accept it, but enough that it keeps popping up. It’s truly amazing.
Alright, rant over, I was just pissed off.
NPC meme is awesome rhetoric. Ciz it is true and they know it.
When Harper won his second election as a Majority (his first was a Minority government) the theme and talking point suddenly became out of nowhere “2/3 of Canadians didn’t vote for Harper!” The play here was to argue his government wasn’t legitimate and therefore he must govern ‘in consult’ with the 2/3rds who voted for the Liberals and NDP. It’s so stupefyingly stupid it blows my mind how anyone with a straight face could proclaim this publicly. And yes, there were PUNDITS who went with it.
It had NOTHING to do with ‘Democracy’ and everything to do with it being Harper.
Of course, in reverse, that is when their government wins with just 1/3 of the vote (which is historically normal and by fricken design – pop vote is irrelevant) it’s a legit mandate and fuck everyone else. And the current Liberals are governing exactly like that.
Critical thinking is dead. The ignorance is shocking.
It’s amazing how vulnerable they are to being made into useful idiots.
Look at Kimmel the way he ‘reworked’ the Acosta angle and then go read the comments.
It’s stunning beyond belief.
The NPC meme is PERFECT.
Of course, they’re gonna try and steal it. ‘Intellectually appropriate it’ if you will.
The NPC meme had to be demonized specifically because it was perfection.
Leftists hold the positions they do precisely because they’ve been programmed to hold them and not because they arrived at them through any independent thought. I realized this back in 2008 when a girl I was dating basically quoted an Obama talking point to me on taxes, claiming we needed to raise the rates on individuals making over $200k and couples making over $250k.
I told her that made no sense. Shouldn’t the couple get $400k before hitting the top rate?
She had no response. Nowadays I can see the argument from the other side, but a decade ago the thought of a stay at home couple not earning anything didn’t occur to either of us so it came across as purely punitive to married couples where both partners worked.
I see the same thing…leftist or left leaners parroting talking points word for word that they cant actually explain. It is pathetic.
There’s a bit of that throughout the spectrum. Back when I was forced to listen to Limbaugh at work every day, I could identify a ‘dittohead’ after one sentence at the bar or a party if talk turned political. And I know the “Ditto head” thing came from callers using it as a shortcut for “longtime listener, love your show, love you blah blah…” But the disparaging “parrot what Rush says” meaning was pretty accurate as well.
“There’s a bit of that throughout the spectrum.”
Absolutely, which is why I hated NPC at first. Call it whataboutism or whatever, but it’s almost universal that anything negative about one side is true of the others. What struck me though was that the conservative NPCs I knew, how do I put this nicely, aahh they made a box of rocks look like Sir Isaac Newton. Now people I respect for their intelligence in other matters parrot talking points that rot your mind if you think about them.
“The Last Hurrah” had a wonderful character named Ditto, which presaged the whole thing.
Most people are morons. When I listen to talk radio in the car, I only listen to those stations that hate me politically. That way the callers reinforce my prejudices that people who hate me are morons. I would never listen to a libertarian talk show.
I would never listen to a libertarian talk show.
I don’t think you have to worry about that.
I believe there used to be one out of Atlanta.
The Neal Boortz Show was a nationally syndicated talk show, which ended in January 2013. It aired live from 8:30am to noon, weekdays.[8] Boortz routinely criticized politicians, Muslim extremism,[32] public schools (which he called ‘government schools’), liberals, opponents of the Iraq war, teachers, smokers, the obese, Chevrolet Camaro drivers, cats, and welfare recipients.
I can get behind this guy’s anti-Camaro-driving-fatties-with-cats perspective
Sounds like a bit of a dick. So which one of you is Neal Boortz…?
Limbaugh I enjoy (whenever I listen) but I can see his listeners clumsily parroting his opinions. So I agree it happens but again, it’s far worse on the left in my opinion.
Armstrong and Getty do a radio show (and have a podcast available wherever those are sold) that’s is libertarianish and hilarious. I highly recommend it.
I think the Left has this natural collectivist aspect that causes a lot of their people to think that way.
I know there are libertarians out there who are just parroting what Ron Paul or Tom Woods said last week, but libertarianism – and conservatism to a lesser extent – have individuality as one of their core principles, so there is a bit less of that NPC mindset.
I think it comes down to scale. Libertarians are relatively few and relatively impotent (not like that; I would never suggest such a thing), so the ones you can finger (not like that) have already thought through what they believe, stand for, stand in opposition to.
Of course, maybe the fact that libertarianism hasn’t scaled up is almost an essential part of it, which gets more to what you’re saying. You get a bunch of cranks, curmudgeons, hard-headed individualists. It hasn’t scaled because it can’t scale. (Until you water it down, and you get Reason and Niskanen.)
Er, well, so, the watering-down happens to anything that scales, when it scales. So nvm
It is a talking point that is so mindblowingly mendacious and stupid that it should not have to be explained. Yet, here we are.
I’m thinking about making pins with the NPC meme and handing them out to people who mindlessly parrot stuff like that.
“Here, I think you deserve this.”
“Here’s your sign.”
One of the classics.
I’ve been trying out on FB a rip-off of Foxworthy — if [some social justice warrior concern], you might be privileged.
Huh. Somebody sane got hold of a typewriter at WaPo.
Today, Kavanaugh sits on the Supreme Court hearing cases. Meanwhile, Democratic Sens. Heidi Heitkamp (N.D.), Joe Donnelly (Ind.) and Claire McCaskill (Mo.) are packing up their Senate offices — thrown out by voters furious over their party’s brutal campaign of character assassination against Kavanaugh. Sen. Joe Manchin (W.Va.) was the only Democrat who voted for Kavanaugh, and he survived — but just barely. Two weeks before Election Day, Manchin was leading by double digits, but on Tuesday night he won by just over three points. Had he voted against Kavanaugh’s confirmation, he would likely have been toast as well.
The Democrats’ smear campaign also cost them the chance to pick up GOP seats. In Tennessee, Rep. Marsha Blackburn was trailing former Democratic governor Phil Bredesen by five points in a CNN poll before the Kavanaugh hearings. She ended up winning by just under 11 points, as the Democrats’ mistreatment of Kavanaugh united Tennessee Republicans behind her. The Kavanaugh smear no doubt also played a role in energizing GOP voters in Arizona, where Republican Rep. Martha McSally appears to have squeezed out a narrow victory, and in Texas, where Sen. Ted Cruz defeated Rep. Beto O’Rourke by just 2.6 points in one of the reddest states in the union.
None of that might have been possible had it not been for the Democrats’ horrific treatment of Kavanaugh.
And yet, I’m certain there are a lot of Democrats wandering around Washington asking, “How? How could this have happened? How could our Blue Tsunami have fizzled out like that?”
Nah, that would too self-aware. They’ll just see it as more evidence that the rubes in flyover country are too stupid to know what’s best for themselves, and they just need to prog harder in 2020.
And these Dems lost despite all the vote fraud conducted in their favor, specifically in Texas.
Florida is almost certainly not isolated in its fraudulent practices and there’s already video evidence suggesting a lot of foreign invaders voting in the Lone Star State.
race bating.
Most excellent.
I wish I could go to Malibu to watch it burn.
Made me think of this
And bring wieners and sausages to roast. And hot dog buns.
Dude are trolling? You disgust me……..
Good for you
FUCK OFF, Seriously, you enjoy peoples misery? what if YOUR family is next?
and this
Needs moar Melissa Auf der Maur.
No love for Brody Dalle ?
Saving my love for Liz
She is something of a lil freak.
I was thinking of this.
Listen with an open mind and I bet you’ll enjoy it despite the impenetrability of the lyrics.
You win that bet. That was really cool.
Roy Scheider hasn’t been in anything I’ve seen lately, but he had a great, little known flick from 1977 called “Sorceror” that was a remake of a very good French film from the 50’s “Wages of Fear”. Sorceror didn’t get much attention because it was released the same month as a certain space opera. Good eerie soundtrack by Popul Vuh.
My iTunes tells me the soundtrack is by Tangerine Dream? Good stuff.
Yes, you are right. They kind of remind me of each other.
Heard of those other guys but never listened.
I vaguely remember my roommate watching the movie if only because TD…
They also did a bunch of 70’s weird soundtracks. You probably know this one since you’re a German speaker. One of my favorite films.
Enh… heard of it, that’s all. My film-geek roommate at the time certainly had it.
I love it, but don’t know if I would recommend it, unless you’re 70’s weird film geeky ? or a Kinski/Herzog fan.
If you like film music, soundtracks, library music, or if you’re a 70’s Italian Nazi Vampire film buff, check out Morriconr Island on WFMU on Tuesday’s at 7pm. Interviews with film score composers, musicians, directors, etc. Always entertaining, and you get exposed to some really great music and films.
Nice, will do. I enjoy the Italian soundtrack stuff from the 70’s. They play a lot of it on Secret Agent Radio.
Just updated my epic Spotify playlist Jangle Noise with some very fine, extremely jangly skinny-tie power pop from The Nerves, The Records, Sneakers, and Plimsouls.
Warm butter and honey for your toasty ears!
It’s like Christmas! Thanks EDG!
Nice, will check it out.
Regards Malibu, now it’s OK to bash the rich and wish destruction on them? what’s wrong with this picture, the fires are burning places that have money= good
/show some class
I’d guess it has more to do with the moralizing celebrities and ‘champagne socialists’ who live there. It’s irrational and collectivistic, but schadenfreude is powerful.
Agree Yusef, it is collectivistic.
It’s not all rich celebs, and from FOS, it sounds a bit Jelly, and sad……
Malibu is not my nation. I give tree fiddy fucks.
On the CNN Macron story, this paragraph at the end is the real gem of it all:
This is complete sleight of hand. Her dee durr…Trump wants France to reimburse us! No, asshole. He wants them to actually spend more on their defense. Which is exactly what he fucking said in his Tweet.
Why do I have a feeling there’s a fact check on Snopes somewhere where Trump is called a liar somehow for calling these cunts out for not paying the 2% required of them by treaty?
Also love the word “suggested.” No, it isn’t suggested you cunt. It’s required of NATO members. It’s an obligation.
“Actually, all alliance members commit to spending 2% of their GDP on defense. While few have reached that threshold…”
Stop. Stop right there. “Actually”. As if you are correcting something he said that was wrong. Then you immediately confirm that what was said was true. “But, but but, they commit to doing it, they just don’t”. What the fuck does that even mean. You can commit to not being disingenuous cunts, but guess what CNN, if you don’t follow through on that commitment than it means absolutely nothing.
Wrong, it means you’re a bad person and people should be careful regarding your propensity for mendaciousness.
lol, it’s so ridiculous
“Artist Covertly Hangs #MeToo-Inspired Wall Labels at the Met Museum
Michelle Hartney posted the guerilla wall labels next to the artwork of Paul Gaugin and Pablo Picasso, calling out their abusive or misogynistic histories.”
So brave.
I’m sure the far-right troglodytes who run NYC art museums will be put in their place!
Gaugin is Q’s spirit animal.
That’s it? Shouldn’t she tear them down, à la Confederate war monuments and memorials?
“Risk nothing, especially if it means you’ll be portrayed as risking everything.”
“This is a real pro abortion ad and someone actually thought it was a good idea wtf”
Wow. And I didn’t think the psychopaths could sink any lower.
lol, breathtaking
Good. Masks off.
That is downright creepy.
God damn. I’m not against abortion and I think that’s the creepiest ad I’ve ever seen. All I could think was, “…and if her mom had an abortion, she wouldn’t be here cute-ing up this commercial.”
A little early for this song but cool version from Greg Lake. I saw ELP early 80’s. Great show.
Great, great song. Thanks, JB.
Yeah, that’s my go-to Christmas jam:)
Regards Malibu, now it’s OK to bash the rich and wish destruction on them?
Why are we still in NATO? Everything to lose, nothing to gain.
Why are we still in NATO?
Oh, wait…
If an alliance is ever needed, we can enter into one at that time. Why obligate ourselves knowing how fickle and duplicitous the other members are.
“This is actual 3rd world shit”
That’s the first thing that came to my mind also. But it’s the republicans that are always trying to disenfranchise voters.
“describing a type of knife, banned in Britain”
I don’t understand. If they’re banned then how….oh never mind.
“the fakery all appeared to go in one political direction.”
There’s no such thing as fake news! Except for Fox! / sanctimonious assholes.
If the capitol building in Sacramento were to burn to the ground…
We’re get a bunch of shitty martyrs and paeans to some of the worst people in the country.
Sacramento isn’t even that bad as a city overall. Let’s not turn it into a god-memorial.
Talking points have been issued.
It turns out the 2018 midterm elections were pretty much a rout. Counting all the votes makes all the difference in the world.
In the House, as of this writing, the Democratic gains are up to 30 with about five more races still to be called — in which Democrats are leading. A gain of 35 seats would be the largest House pickup for Democrats since the first post-Watergate midterm election in 1974.
It drives Trump’s critics to distraction to watch him dominate every news cycle and repeat lies that have long since been debunked. They should be upset ; the president’s lies, racism, meanness and ignorance debase the presidency. However, Trump’s not helping himself or his party. To the contrary, Democrats just had an extremely successful election and are winning most major policy debates. They should send him a nice fruit basket or something for the holidays.
Jennifer Rubin, conservative thought leader, yearns for sensible bipartisanship which will bring the Democratic agenda into full force. Meanwhile, she declares victory for TEAM BLUE.
Again, no one respects a pushover. No one respects Jennifer Rubin, least of all her ‘respectable’ WaPo peers of the left.
Jen’s got an…interesting…interpretation of the midterms.
This is a problem?
Sacramento isn’t even that bad as a city overall.
I had a friend from college who moved to Sacramento and went into practice at some hospital after med school. He really liked it there (late 80s, early 90s).
It’s like Dayton Ohio, but in California.
no one respects a pushover. No one respects Jennifer Rubin, least of all her ‘respectable’ WaPo peers of the left.
Nobody wants to see jennifer Rubin’s panties drop.
Maquereau does have the happy knack of proposing things for the EU that “Remain” absolutely promised the British electorate couldn’t happen. A fiscal union to save the Euro, an EU army – he might be getting short shrift from the square heads for now, but you can bet he’ll keep banging the drum.
Starting to suspect eurofanatics like the Granny Fucker want an army to stop anyone leaving their grand project.
Hmph… what would the French know about grand projects.
The funny thing is that France is one of the few NATO countries that usually hits 2%, or at least comes close. And, “gurr durr the Frogs are surrendering again” jokes to the contrary, they break more heads in foreign shit holes than anyone but, well, *us*. They really ought to be bitching at the German/Italian/Spanish/Dutch deadbeats & freeloaders…