Sorry to post and run on a Friday, but I have to prep for and attend a come to Jesus meeting with a client. Hope your afternoon is better.
Today is the 80th anniversary of Kristallnacht. Here is a moving Twitter feed with actual pictures of Nazis attacking a synagogue, presumed to be from Kristallnacht.
Sorry for your loss, but you already have gun control. No additional gun control will save anyone else’s child from being murdered.
A good breakdown of what the issues are in the FL Senate race.
Self-Hating woman details how “multiple men were willing to take a bullet [for women]” during the Thousand Oaks shooting. Well done lads, even if you were there to linedance
Its kind of “come to Jesus” song, right?
I got….nuthin
‘cept THIS ! Not HIT IT!
Poor poly.
Died of cancer. What an un-punk way to go out.
“No shit.”
/Joey, Johnny and Tommy Ramone
Joey Shithead (D.O.A.) is a municipal politician in Burnaby.
I used to crank this after arguing with my parents, heh –
Speaking of Nazis… Worse than Hitler.
Too local.
To be fair, to some people pissing on a Beto shirt is as bad as pissing on the Koran.
I may or may not be one of those people…
“Assault”??? WTF…did he throw it at the girl? It says he handed it to her.
Or, are they considering the shirt to be a person?
Fuck these college kids…
/works for college pd
Sounds like toxic masculinity.
The same thing happened in Aurora. I sure would rather have had those young men return fire.
The same was described in the Vegas shooting, men laying across women to shield their bodies.
But remind us how we’re nothing but would-be rapists. Go on. Oh, right: patriarchy hurts men, too. Including the men who interpose themselves between women and danger, I suppose.
“Women have always been the primary victims of war. Women lose their husbands, their fathers, their sons in combat.” – Hillary Clinton
In the aforementioned Aurora shooting, there was some talk in the local media about that. Like it was some kind of big news story, that men would put themselves in harm’s way to protect their women. Why the hell is that a news story? Shouldn’t we take it as a given that men would protect women in any such situation?
I live about five miles from the theater where the Aurora shooting took place.
About a year after that event, I was talking about it with my East Coast proggie friend Paul. I mentioned that the event had me rethinking my stance on private property rights, and how I now ignored the “no firearms” signs and carried into the theaters. Paul asked me, were such an event to happen, how I thought that would help. “Then,” he said, “you’ll have two people shooting! Won’t that make things worse?”
I told him, “In that incident, you had a guy walking around, unopposed, shooting helpless people. How the living fuck can it get any worse than that? Were I there, I may have had a shot, and I would have taken it.”
He didn’t have an answer.
The patriarchy didn’t think the women could protect themselves.
Every girl is a feminist until bullets start flying.
That’s when they use their flying scissor kick move to take out the attacker, sending his unconscious form to the ground and landing in a low stance with one leg out to the side, right?
LOL – I’m watching “House of Flying Daggers”
Giving bullets is so much more effective than taking them.
Those twitter pics are amazing. Evil can be so fucking ordinary-looking.
Seriously. Those look like any other set of men from that era, yet they knowingly went along with pure evil.
A pretty good argument for the 2A, huh?
I was listening to a Jordan Peterson lecture the other day and he was talking about this. He told the audience that although they all think they couldn’t have possibly been Nazis, the reality is that many would have gone along with it. Seeing those pics reinforces that.
A pretty good argument for the 2A, huh?
Not really at those odds. You might take one or two bastards down with you, and then it turns from “few people beaten to death, synagogue burned” to “entire families wiped out”.
Yeah? I still like Solzhenitsyn:
Besides, “entire families wiped out” happened anyway.
To paraphrase Zapata: Better to die on your feet than to die on your knees
And while Solzhenitsyn and his buddies are supposedly burning later in the camps, they still aren’t doing that to the guards. They are daily being taken out to pointless busywork by handfuls of guards and are dying but not attacking them. Because they know, one is certain death, and one…well, there’s a time on your sentence. People get pardoned as arbitrarily as they get arrested. I mean, how many tormentors did he kill in the end?
And yes, families got wiped out anyway. But at the time – do you want to shoot the brownshirts? They’re not coming in with weapons drawn. They’re yelling, and punching, but, they seem to just want to ransack the place. Can you shoot one before the rest kill you? And what happens to your family right now? It’s just stuff. It’s easier to just let it pass and get the hell out as soon as you can. And what of the others? If you shoot a brownshirt, is there going to be martial law tomorrow? Jews are now branded as violent revolutionaries, trying to overthrow the government by force, so now Army and police will get involved, and you can kiss whatever sympathy your neighbors had for you and yours.
2A is a fine thing. It won’t keep less than 0.5% of the population alive from the government if the government wants them dead.
“The Government” doesn’t exist. It can’t want anything.
A person can order another person to kill yet more people. How far down the chain of command that propagates can vary. The people who actually do the killing are motivated and incentivized just like any other people. If it is more risky/costly for him to carry out his order, the less likely he will be to do so.
Great post.
Well, Solzhenitsyn wasn’t talking about property damage and vandalism. He was talking about arrests and mass arrests.
The calculus is different when you are in a gulag in Siberia. You are disarmed (except perhaps for some tools) in an armed camp with nowhere to go. At best, you will kill one guard before you are killed, and Nothing Else Will Happen.
That said, I’m sure you are largely right that its one thing to say “coulda woulda shoulda”, and another to actually do it. Taking up arms against the state is basically saying you are willing to die and you know you likely will. I know my risk tolerance would be very different if I were single.
THIS. Welcome to your ever life.
I don’t buy the “the government’s too strong, so don’t bother” argument against private gun ownership. Besides which, the Nazis thought it was enough of a threat to use the Weimar-era gun registration logs to confiscate firearms owned by Jews.
It’s a shit argument against it, I agree.
“If only Jews were armed, they’d kill enough Nazis to stop them” is likewise shit argument in favor, because it’s wrong. Armed Jews don’t change shit. It made it slightly easier, yes. Mostly because you don’t need government at that point – if he knows his Jewish neighbor is a) rich (because Jew) and b) disarmed (because laws), your basic criminal can do intimidation on government’s behalf without the embarrassment of Crystal Night.
I have a guy in my family tree who actually said “fuck Nazis” and went off into the forest to fight them. No fucking way one in ten people (including me) is capable of doing what he did when the real shit goes down.
Not just the Jews, Pan, but everyone.
“If only Jews were armed, they’d kill enough Nazis to stop them” That’s not exactly what I’m arguing. Besides, there is no way to know. I do know that if everyone is armed, it’s sure a fuck ton more difficult to enslave them.
Oh by a third party, sure.
I mean, if we are on Germany, Freikorps stopped an attempt at a Communist uprising by shooting a bunch of Communists, whether they were in on an uprising or not. If they didn’t privately own guns, it could have gone different.
But now we come to the key part – if everyone who wants to have a gun is armed, and some brownshirt are getting rowdy because a Jew murdered a German diplomat in Paris, and Jews start killing them…who do you think other neighbors shoot at? I mean, lots of former Freikorps guys liked Hitler, even if they weren’t fully on anti-Jew or Down With Big Business train.
Ok, but on the other hand, there were Polish partisan groups that stood ranks with Jewish fighters during the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising as well. The uprising lasted a little under a month too, which is pretty amazing considering the circumstances.
It’s an interesting exercise. Would non-Japanese stand by and allow their neighbors to be rounded up a la FDR (may he burn in hell)? I kind of doubt it. We have enough history (and guns) to realize where that shit leads.
Hell, the feds backed down from a bunch of armed normals at the Bundy ranch.
Nah, I’m gonna stick with arming everyone.
I think the value of an armed populace is less that you will resist the gestapo when they show up to your house and more that if the gestapo starts mass arrests you and your neighbors have the means at hand to sneak out at night and snipe gestapo agents and other government officials.
You aren’t winning the direct fight to defend your home and family. Once you are wanted by the secret police you are dead or hiding in the woods. But collectively (I know bad word) if enough private citizens have guns there is this sleeping dog the State has to keep asleep. Will it protect unpopular minorities? No. Will it rise up if they slowly erode liberties? No. But if they push too hard, or decide to target someone who is insufficiently marginalized the people have the means to fight at hand. The Cliven Bundy situation is an example.
Exactly. If shit ever does get to the point of open tyranny, then the answer is not heroic open stands, it’s the assassination of minor bureaucrats and “only following orders” types.
“Who guards the guards” has a second meaning. You can’t get to Hitler and his cronies, because they have plenty of SS men around them. But SS men have to sleep, and eat, and buy gas and drop off their spiffy black uniforms at the dry cleaners.
But SS men have to sleep, and eat, and buy gas and drop off their spiffy black uniforms at the dry cleaners.
Which, if you think about it, is precisely what “antifa” is doing by going after Tucker Carlson’s wife, because Tucker Carlson is such a dangerous and violent Nazi.
and here we get to the real ugliness of armed resistance to oppression. It isn’t always, or even generally, good guys defending liberty from tyrants; often it is wannabe tyrants attacking those they see as blocking them from their ‘proper’ place. Civil wars seldom produce liberty.
What about the Koreans on the rooftops of their stores during the LA riots?
The time to fight fire is when it is just a few embers. Once you have a blaze going, it is a lot harder to put out.
Just consider how many of them support Profa.
We certainly see a lot of people willing to be the Red Guards.
Most of those being arrested knew they were innocent. “It is just a mistake that will be sorted out.”
“Besides, I supported the regime change. I’m not the one they will stand up against the wall.”
It wasn’t a Wall, it was Cattlecars……
Actually the most Jews died by being shot by ditches, walls, and alongside roads. The most western Jews died in the camps.
^the fun guy at parties
Sorry. The 80th anniversary of the Kristalnacht combined with a family history of people being marched away to be never seen again.
Didn’t have to scroll through the replies for long to find some clown who thinks “we’re living in those times again now”.
Sorry to post and run on a Friday
I doubt you’re really sorry. :p
Sorry to post and run on a Friday, but I have to prep for and attend a come to Jesus meeting with a client.
Time to lay it on the line, Brett!
Some hobbit with a big ass.
And a yuuge debt to the Daily Mail.
And about 20 lbs of ass-silicone.
I believe your little fatty had a cameo in one of Q’s presentations this morning.
Can I haz both? Preferable at the same time.
5 definitely has some lower back problems coming.
Today is the 80th anniversary of Kristallnacht.
BBC has a lovely article in which they stretch around the point like they’re Reed Richards.
Kristallnacht anniversary: France warns of steep rise in anti-Semitism
It’s weird that perpetrators are identified in two examples, but not in all four. French white racists need to step up so that such lists will be less embarrassing to the BBC.
Looks like someone has a crush on Marine Le Pen.
Hey, say what you will about the family’s tenets, I would the niece.
I don’t think that’s a problem. I mean, Indiana Jones hated Nazis. He established it right in the start of the film. He still fucked the hot blond one. Hopefully repeatedly.
That’s a good point.
Indy was trying to dilute the master race’s pure blood line, one hot blonde at a time.
A hero, really.
But sloppy seconds in that case, remember.
There is no shame in being Sean Connery’s sloppy seconds. Even today.
I’m guessing she only likes black guys.
Maybe, she actually split with the party and left politics, so she might be sick of/over the FN shit.
Broward County is a total shitshow at this point. In what may be the fastest federal court decision ever, a judge ruled that they violated the law and have to allow inspection of ballots and records to-fucking-day, dammit.
Oddly, I haven’t heard of anyone going to the mattresses in AZ, even though Phoenix has a record of highly, highly questionable voting “practices” (up to and including people just dropping off boxes of completed “mail-in” ballots). I mean, both sides have lawyered up, but we don’t have crowds protesting outside the election offices, etc.
Because they’re busy doing real work. Attacking Carlson’s family and protesting the firing of Sessions.
I don’t get that one. My prog friend from Boston absolutely lost it when he was appointed saying he was a crazy person and a racist. But now they protest him being removed? Because Trump? They don’t make sense. Not even by their standards of what ‘sense’ means.
I never understood why absentee ballots were such a problem. You get to count those early, or at least most of them. (Anyone know how late those are accepted by mail).
Yes, it would be a problem that the election officials know ahead of time that there are 1,234 absentee votes for Jones and only 567 for Smith, but an even bigger problem to have a sealed drawer of 1,801 uncounted absentee ballots and be able to sell those to the highest bidder on election day.
Obvs, the best solution is no absentee ballots, but I’m squeamish about disenfranchising active duty servicemembers stationed overseas, etc.
Team Blue likes to rant about better voting access – I’d love a proposal that facilitated voting by overseas servicemembers and set-up polling places/voter registration drives on military bases.
The military does a lot better job now than when I first joined about facilitating a service member’s right and ability to vote.
Still have to use absentee ballots, but the military does a lot better job at helping you do that.
That would be messy, legally. You’d have to have Radar O’Reilly types sworn in as election officials by multiple US states, or have each state pass a uniform amendment allowing designated US military personnel to act as local voting registrars, etc. Maybe just have them notarized on base (etc)?
If it weren’t for the fact that receipts could be used to coerce people, I would totally promote an electronic system wherein everyone is generated a random ID when they vote that they can compare to government records later to ensure that their vote was counted accurately and lodge a complaint if not. Then ballots (including absentee) could be secure in transit from the casting to the counting.
Printed, unique untraceable receipt. You can burn or shred your receipt if you want to, but anyone with the receipt can scan it and audit it.
Maybe we should have less of them stationed overseas.
This too.
I never understood why absentee ballots were such a problem.
Mail-in ballots are vastly less secure than election day ballots. Election day ballots are only exposed to tampering for a few days, and are, or should be, always in a highly controlled environment. Mail-in ballots are “in the wild” and essentially unsecured for days or weeks at a time, up until they are received by the election officials (and even then, are in play longer, which is inherently less secure, for the same reason that early voting ballots are less secure than election day ballots).
We have completely wrecked election integrity in this country in the name of “convenience”. About the only election less valid than the ones our government runs is the voting for MLB all-stars.
But surely the USPS… [loses it, can’t finish joke]
“Trump, Republicans claim Arizona election fraud amid tight McSally-Sinema race for Senate”
I don’t understand how it was a tight race. Arizona is a red state, and Sinema ran a terrible campaign.
Two words:
A majority of Arizonans live in those two cities. Tucson is an off-the-rack university town, infested with proggies and liberals. Phoenix is a big city, and votes like a big city. The strategic reserve of conservative old people are mostly in the Phoenix suburbs.
But, AZ is still schizo. The state legislature and governor are pretty much a Repub lock, but the Congresscritters and Senators are all over the map.
McCain and Flake. AZ has been fucked up for a long time.
I’ll leave this one here for come to Jesus:
Ear Worm Warning: It’ll get stuck in your head
Classic come to Jesus:
I was expecting this:
Or this.
Come to Jesus
I am disappointed in all of you.
Finally. Thank you.
“Size 28 lingerie model who was urged to KILL HERSELF by cruel trolls insists ‘most men want a plus-sized babe'”
No, they don’t.
TW: don’t click on the link
I didn’t listen. I should have. I will not be in my bunk.
They left off the qualifier of ‘Fetish’ Model.
Too big for John, even.
God dammit, stop being retarded.
Yes, most men don’t like the skeletal “we pick them because they make the clothes hang right” model-types. You could say they will even go to “plus-sized”. YOU ARE AT LEAST A MULTIPLIER-SIZED WOMAN! Exponents in fact might be involved!
Also, I clicked. Fucking hell, now I suspect “Size 28” might be a lie.
No that’s size 2^8, they just messed up the formatting.
Size 28 stone.
My thought exactly. I was expecting… well, not that.
PS. Twitter is fucking cancer, people.
I’d rephrase this as “we pick them because we’re gay and prefer androgyny in our females.”
Nonsense. Gay men don’t give a shit what they look like. It’s all about the clothes.
/somebody who occasionally admires the fashion drawings hanging in his daughter’s bedroom from her great uncle
That was my understanding. If they picked women by what they want in them, they’d have some brains and a sense of humor.
Don’t make me get out my tinfoil hat and explain fashion gays to you.
I think this video basically sums it up.
^This. My range goes from Lady Gaga to Christina Hendricks. She is not plus-sized. She’s morbidly obese.
Yes. Most men like women with “curves in all of the right places, and none of the wrong ones”, which can be “plus-size” but is not at all the same as fat. Thicc =/= land-whale.
More like hippopotamus?
When she sits around the house, she really sits around the house.
When she sneezes, her chins applaud.
She needs a bra – for her back.
More chins than the Shanghai phone directory
-I’m going to Hell, aren’t I?
Sounds like she would be the perfect match for Cap’n Ahab. You know, the guy who wanted to harpoon a white…. well… you know where that goes.
That ain’t lingerie, it’s rigging.
Good for her for finding a niche. “Plus-sized” …. lol.
Orly? Because there’s an entire article and instagram feed that disagrees–she is absolutely defining herself and building an entire life around being the size she is.
She identifies as someone who doesn’t identify as fat.
Ah, of course.
Can I identify as someone who already did her barbell rows and overhead press this evening because that’d be.. super.
“Size 28 lingerie model who was urged to KILL HERSELF by cruel trolls insists ‘most men want a plus-sized babe’”
Well, I like plus size women a lot and freely admit it. However, that is not plus size or thicc, or curvy, or anything like that, that is FAT, period. Ewww.
From the Florida Senate race article
If true, this is some “Communists in first post-war elections” shit. Honestly, at this point I say give it to Democrats. Clearly they’re the ones who actually want to win.
Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections prohibited his campaign’s reps from monitoring the creation of replacement ballots. Election officials are filling out new ballots,
What the everloving fuck is a “replacement ballot” and why on earth should election officials be filling them out? How do they know what the ballot they are “replacing” voted for?
Apparently, if a ballot is physically damaged and will not scan, an election official can faithfully reproduce the ballot so it can scan. This should be fewer than 100 in any polling place.
OK, that makes sense, but only if the damaged ballot is confirmed, and the replacement ballot is certified accurate, by at least two of the contestants.
You know, in school, teachers of all stripes told us that if you didn’t fill out your scantron correctly, don’t come crying to them afterwards about it.
For some reason, the standard for children taking tests is too high for adults voting.
If you can’t fill in a goddamn oval, stay home.
Tundra wishing to disenfranchise Michael J. Fox. That’s fucked up, man.
Oh God, he’s Canadian…..
Exactly. Stay home Michael.
Tundra’s anti-Canadian racism is something we had to bear over the years. I bet he thinks Captain Pike is better than Kirk just because Shatner is Canadian.
Are you high?!?
I love Canada. I just fucking linked Triumph right up there! Rufus is my homeboy! I’m the only American who likes Crosby!
Who’s Captain Pike?
C’mon Tundra. “Some of my best friends are Canucks!” Really? That is what your racist ass is going with?
This is as much about the election baboons fucking up the ballot by treating it like USPS treats fragile boxes.
If election officials were able to say, “It won’t scan, so too bad for you” a whole lot of ballots would mysteriously become unscannable.
I was going to ask the same question.
I heard the procedure being described on the radio today. I kept thinking, “ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING???”
At this point, no-one is even pretending.
I knew something was wrong, immediately, on election night when the votes were just rolling in and several elections, in FL, AZ, and GA, just suddenly stopped counting votes with 75%-95% votes in. And this continued into the next day, and the next. And I’m imagining some dems behind the scenes ‘Hey, did you find anymore boxes full of votes anywhere? Get busy and find them, we can’t hole them off much longer!’. Seriously, this shit is very suspicious.
Sorry for your loss, but you already have gun control. No additional gun control will save anyone else’s child from being murdered.
Bad news, Shirley; Harry Potter is a work of fiction.
If they would ban assault weapons, handgun shootings would disappear.
After the Bataclan shooting in Paris, I can’t comprehend how anyone actually thinks banning assault weapons actual bans assault weapons.
What’s funny is that the left actual thought assault weapons were banned for awhile because ARs were sold without flash suppressor and bayonet lugs.
“This kind of thing doesn’t happen in other countries.”
– Barack Obama speaking about an American mass shooting during a visit to France at some point after the Bataclan shooting
This week I was in company required active shooter training. I was pissed repeatedly by the bullshit spewed by the FBI agent giving the training. To wit: “mass shootings are an American phenomena” followed by a CCTV of the Paris street attack; “no idea of the weapon used” when the footage clearly shows an AKMS; “nobody knows how the Vegas shooter got the weapons to his room”; “while I can’t say you shouldn’t concealed carry you need to realize that when law enforcement arrives they will assume you are a shooter and could suffer injuries”. I was furious by the end of that hot mess.
“when law enforcement arrives they will assume you are a shooter and could suffer injuries”
Since I’m a better shot than 99% of law enforcement, I don’t think I’d be the one licking my wounds if they wanted to start a shoot out with me.
Since being struck by lightning is still more probable than being in a mass shooting incident I am waiting for the required training from a NOAA scientist.
Oy. Try being an individual trained and proficient in the use of, and with access to ‘military grade’ weapons and being told that “Run, hide, fight.” is the preferred protocol. Of course, my protocol is, two to the chest, one to the head (repeat as needed), but for some reason they think that training individuals that are inclined to, in response, apply violence in equal or greater measure to cower and piss themselves, was a good idea.
I actually ended up providing said training to a mix of staff officers, the POGeist of POG enlisted guys, and a bunch of doe eyed GS civilians. Their eyes went a tad wider when I talked about when ‘fight’ stage comes around, ‘speed, surprise, and violence of action’ is the only thing that matters, full stop.
Apparently, Tijuana had like 1200 murders last year. That’s 4x as much as Baltimore’s all time record. You have to really stay busy to achieve that. So how legal are guns in Mexico?
Its kind of “come to Jesus” song, right?
Does it start out with, “I don’t care if it rains or freezes”?
As long as it doesn’t end with “I’ll get down on my knees for Jesus”.
Plastic Jesus , sitting on the Dashboard of my car.
In a similar vein:
“Thousand Oaks Gunman’s High School Coach Speaks About Sexual Assault
NEWBURY PARK (CBSLA) — The Thousand Oaks shooter’s high school track coach says that he assaulted her.
“I turned on the news and I was watching it and when they said his name my jaw just dropped,” said Dominique Colell.
“He attacked me. He attacked his high school track coach,” said Colell. “Who does that?”
For the former Newbury Park High School track coach this day has been full of emotions — from sadness to guilt. Because she never filed charges against Long after she says he assaulted her his senior year.
Colell says it happened during practice when someone found a phone and she was trying to figure out who it belonged to.
“Ian came up and started screaming at me that was his phone,” said Colell. “He just started grabbing me. He groped my stomach. He groped my butt. I pushed him off me and said after that — ‘you’re off the team.’ ”
But Colell says she was encouraged by other coaches and the school to accept an apology to not ruin his future in the Marine Corps.”
TW: autoplay
I’m sure the story is more complicated than that.
So he went Acosta on her?
So, a conspiracy by agents of the state to cover up a no-shit assault by a student, such conspiracy with the explicit aim of allowing him to receive combat and weapons training. Outstanding.
I’m more interested in what people who served with him think because I’m willing to bet that there’s a number of Marines/vets who weren’t terribly surprised.
Yeah, kind of interesting none of them have come forward to talk about him.
“Size 28 lingerie model who was urged to KILL HERSELF by cruel trolls insists ‘most men want a plus-sized babe’”
Men want either: women who look like prepubescent Ethiopian refugees, or women who look like Baron Harkpnnen’s big sister.
There is no middle ground. Nothing in between.
Inflatable cock.
I’m telling ya, baby, that’s not mine.
Guide to penis fillers procedure by Jame Roberto
I don’t even know what this is! This sort of thing ain’t my bag, baby.
Guide to penis filler procedures part 2 That’s my bag baby by JaimeRoberto.
Would the girlfriend though, and I wouldn’t need any fillers.
You might take one or two bastards down with you, and then it turns from “few people beaten to death, synagogue burned” to “entire families wiped out”.
“When the cat is at the rathole, ten thousand mice dare not come out.”
-Sun Tzu
I’ve seen this in action several times. One of my neighbors was carrying his kayak down to a local pier in the early morning hours. He had to go through a not-so-great part of town. A bunch of teenagers threatened him and tried to rob him. He dropped the kayak, grabbed the paddle, and said, “Who wants to get hit first?” They left. Turns out, nobody did. Crowd psychology is different, yes, but in the end it’s the individuals in the crowd who act. That’s how one guy with a gun can hold a bunch of people at bay.
I think Kimmel is crazier than Alex Jones.
Acosta video was doctored!
It only looks different and doesn’t have audio because it’s a gif. They did not “speed it up” or “cut the audio out”.
Now I know how Kimmel stays on TV. He has a legion of retard fans. Jesus the comments.
And he’s a pundit now?
Ever meet someone IRL who brags about regularly watching all the late-night talk shows and CNN? It’s a trip. They’re so proud of themselves.
I love it when you tell someone like that, that you don’t watch that shit, and they respond with, “Well, I like to stay informed!”
I think if a person votes, they do have a moral obligation to at least try to keep up with current events and understand the issue, but I think someone who has zero contact with the outside world would be better informed than someone who gorges on CNN and John Oliver every night.
As long as it doesn’t end with “I’ll get down on my knees for Jesus”.
“Bless you, my son.”
Whoa, don’t let the son go down on me.
Wait, I thought “getting down on my knees” was a form of protest, not submission?
Jesus is coming.
Are you going to spit or swallow?
Reckoning With the First Native American Governor Being a Conservative
He is, in a nutshell, a textbook conservative Republican in a red state. And yet, to me, and thousands of other tribal members interested in injecting long-muted Native voices into the machine of American politics, he is simultaneously a beacon of opportunity, a history-maker whose name will go down in the annals of history as the first Native governor. Those two realities are difficult to reconcile, but they exist all the same, whether I like the man’s politics or not.
Or, you know, just an American doing a job.
These people are exhausting.
You are just mad because they aren’t touting the fact that Minnesoda has a female native american as Lt. Gov. You are jonesing for your virtue signalling cred aren’t you?
Lol. Is that true?
The newly-elected Republican governor of Oklahoma’s campaign did not garner much national attention. There was no hubbub over his candidacy, or what it meant for the Sooner State, or for Native Americans across the nation.
Gee. I wonder why that might be?
Because as Elizabeth Warren proved, everyone from Oklahoma is descended from one of two very busy Cherokee princesses?
No one tell that author that the first Native American Vice President of the US was also a Republican.
Weird how that keeps happening *looks at supreme court justices*
Republicans really are the stupid party, they can’t even be racist right.
“He is, in a nutshell, a textbook conservative Republican in a red state.”
Not a real Indian.
I believe the proper term is “apple indian”.
Over at the Atlantic, they’re worried about Mueller.
Now that Trump has fired Sessions, those oversight responsibilities fall to his replacement, Whitaker, who has previously expressed skepticism about the scope of Mueller’s probe.
And in that role, as Dreeben explained in court, Whitaker has significant power: While Mueller’s team is “independent on a day-to-day basis,” if the acting attorney general found anything to be “inappropriate” or “unwarranted,” he could intervene. Indeed, the special-counsel guidelines allow the acting attorney general to overrule any “investigative or procedural step” proposed by Mueller if the move is deemed “inappropriate or unwarranted under established department practices.”
If I were Whitaker, I would call Mueller and say, “Bring me what you have, right fucking now. And you’d better have something specifically related to the original subject and scope of the investigation, or there’s going to be a problem.” Then I’d call the GAO and ask them to send a team of forensic accountants to Mueller’s office to confiscate and audit his books. But what do I know?
Welp, the Dems seem determined to hold the House for two years and lose the Presidential election:
Democrats Plan to Pursue Most Aggressive Gun-Control Legislation in Decades
I wish I had more faith in Trump’s gun rights bona fides, but I feel reasonably comfortable relying on his red-hot shooting war with the Dem House and his political cunning about his base to block anything that actually makes it to his desk. If you wanted to guarantee his re-election, I can’t think of anything better than a whole lot of crazy-ass gun control bills being worked up and voted on in the House.
This time it will work!
FFS. Let the panic buying commence.
You have to admit, it’s a hell of a stimulus program.
I think it’s hilarious.
I remember reading somewhere that there were more guns sold in the 12 months after Sandy Hook than would have been sold in the next five years if the rate had held steady.
If Democrats don’t own stock in gun companies, they should consider it!
i could see Trump and the Senate giving them UBCs but not an AWB.
Which would have prevented none of the “mass shootings”.
So, I don’t think that will even gain any traction.
I could see Trump vetoing every single bill that a majority of House Repubs didn’t vote for. Because he’s petty that way.
Actually, he should just announce that’s what he is going to do. The leverage it would give House Repubs would be . . . significant.
I feel shame for suggesting that the House Repubs should have more leverage.
I’d be dancing in the streets if he did that. Let people see what party politics gives them, good and hard.
“I will veto every bill that isn’t presented in a classy manner, with gilded edges, a big seal that says ‘President Numbah One’ and is not delivered by a comely wench of no more than four and twenty!”
Why are you quoting Andrew Jackson?
Oh no, if Trump ever finds out about “he has made his decision. Now let him enforce it.” that’s GG for America!
Also, evil dick he may have been, Andrew Jackson remains the biggest badass President who ever lived. Only man that had to be held back from his assassin instead of vice versa.
Wanna join my Martha and the Vandellas cover group? You can be Martha.
“New York millennial can’t afford to move to D.C. before her job in Congress starts
Millennial congresswomen, they’re just like us. No, really, this one is.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the democratic socialist and youngest woman ever elected to Congress, can’t afford to rent an apartment in Washington, D.C. before her job starts in January.
“I have three months without a salary before I’m a member of Congress. So, how do I get an apartment?” Ocasio-Cortez, 29, told the New York Times. “We’re kind of just dealing with the logistics of it day by day, but I’ve really been just kind of squirreling away and then hoping that gets me to January.””
Umm…I bet she can find a bank that will give her a loan based on her future salary.
Please, please, please, let her go to a payday loan place to get the cash.
Oh God, the irony would be delicious.
Maybe she could wear cheaper outfits.
She going to get a bunch of GoFundMe money and buy a house in Georgetown.
May not be able to, if the “gift” is measured in its entirety, rather than looking at the individual pledge amounts. I don’t know how it would actually be treated, but Congress doesn’t allow members to accept gifts of more than $50.
You’re a funny guy.
How about a GoFundMe for Congress Democrat Caucus house, owned by the party, where they can temporarily house people coming in who can’t/won’t spend a night in the hotel?
I’m reading Aubrey-Maturin books right now, and that’s what clubs at the time were providing as a service to the members. Could also do meetings, schmooze people, have parties…
Grab its mother fucking leg.
” I was slighted by a Man in cards once”
Maybe she could get a loan from Christine Blaisey Ford.
I find it very hard to believe there is not a single Democrat in DC who doesn’t have a spare room.
They literally can’t share the spare room unless theres a federal program mandating it.
OK, imagine this – she becomes roomies with newly-Chadded Lindsey Graham. He’s a gentleman of old school so her honor is safe, but they have to learn to live together until she finds her own place.
We need to get the Veep guy on this.
That’s just the lead-in. By episode 3, after repeatedly hearing Lindsey cry himself to sleep in the bathroom, she sneaks in and they have a heart to heart. And suddenly the longing stares at the twink at the coffee shop and his lack of sexual interest all makes sense! She convinces him to accept himself as who he is, and the confidence allows him to finally embrace his true calling as he embraces true democratic socialism.
It all ends with a tearful remark that he couldn’t have done it without Alexandria.
I don’t need Veep guy for schmaltz like that!
At the very least, have Lindsey be hopelessly unaware guy, like Tobias in Arrested Development
“I’ve decided to become an analyst after John died. The first analyst/legislator or analator as I call it. What?”
+1 analrapist
Shouldn’t she just pick out a nice one and walk in? Each according to their need, and all that.
I want to eat your Avatar!
If it looks like that you might want to contact a specialist.
Somebody should tell her paying for an apartment is the same as paying for medicare for all. You just pay for it, duh.
I’m sure that along with her free everything, you get free rent in DC.
Is there something that prevents her from renting outside the city and commuting in, like half of the population of Maryland and Virginia, seemingly?
She’s not that smart?
Too far from the parties?
What, like a peasant?
Guess that state !
Because you don’t?
I am not sure how to respond to that. Is she trying to wake the others up? Or is she waking up herself?
That’s what it looks like when you don’t want to be the first to stop clapping, but still want to plead for sanity.
She doesn’t look crazy at all.
Poor lady looks stressed and could use some relief… as my civic duty to maintain peace in America, would, but only if I gave her a fake name/number/address.
“PayPal is cancelling the accounts of the Proud Boys, Gavin McInnes, Atlanta Antifa, Antifa Sacramento, and the Anti-Fascist Network today, according to a source familiar w the matter.”
Surprised they threw a few token prog agitators in there.
It’s a progress of sorts. Not in a direction I’d like (how about leave all of them alone until they actually break laws using your service?) but better than uneven, arbitrary application we have elsewhere.
Did you read the reaction posts?
I did after you asked.
First, you are a monster and should suffer damnation.
Second, I’m an idiot and should suffer damnation, for doing it while not under duress.
Third, this guy gets it:
Say what you will, but I can’t find an argument against it.
If true, that’s pretty big. I wonder if they’ll have to reverse the attitude if it gets out (and is true).
“Women are now the little children of campus, consid unable to make decisions for selves. Decisions, unwitnessed/unnotarized, are worthless. Campus consultant: “If you go in somebody’s dorm room and she touches you, and places your penis in her mouth, she has not conveyed consent””
The old puritans were more fun to ignore than these weirdos.
Sounds like Jessica in Accounting will be safe this year.
The savings will just be funneled into even larger bonus checks this year said no one at any firm whatsoever.
I’ll bet fellow Glibs have some really good company Xmas party stories. I’ll tell one: wife of an executive at large meat packer in Madison, WI, came in few days later and fired a shotgun into the ceiling of her hubby’s office. Seems he didn’t leave his door closed when he was kanoodling with his secretary at the office party.
But it wasn’t the ceiling who diddled the secretary!
Several years ago a coworker (early 20s) danced with our very attractive assistant manager (early 40s) and nearly got into a fist-fight with her fiancee.
The Aziz Ansari rule.
What’s the Paglia quote? Something like “nowadays adults are children, children are infants, and fetuses are garbage”.
Thats sad.
My feriner wifey keeps asking why all the women (and most the men) here act like they’re children. *shrugs*
How ’bout some Friday afternoon blues:
And Jimmy Walker introducing him. Very nice, Raven!
Dyn-o-Mite !
Tom Traubert’s Blues…
I’ve always enjoyed this.
Here’s some more:
“VIDEO: Thousands of supporters of Islamist parties take to the streets of Karachi to protest Asia Bibi’s acquittal and call for her beheading. Bibi, a Pakistani Christian woman who spent eight years on death row for blasphemy was freed from jail”
Yogurt is a more civilized culture.
I’ll never forget joining the military and meeting rednecks who came from places so remote that they had never even had yogurt.
When you’re going to fight those people, those are the guys you want on your side.
I think I saw that Pakistan is prohibiting her from leaving the country. No reason to do that unless they plan to kill her anyway.
Or they’re waiting for a mob to do the killing for them.
Trump should offer her asylum.
Vallabhbhai Patel was instrumental in convincing India to let Pakistan break off and form its own country.
Seventy years later,they built this in his honor.
Stay classy, Pakistanis
Flathead Valley Montana crime update !
I swear that every small town newspaper has someone with a sense of humor doing the police log.
Campus consultant: “If you go in somebody’s dorm room and she touches you, and places your penis in her mouth, she has not conveyed consent”
That depends. Who’s holding the gun?
Lol. Awesome.
Is swallowing evidence of consent?
who would support violence and harassment done to those one agrees with?
Yep, the house of cards fell like dominoes after that one.
To me, a curvy woman is Marilyn Monroe.
Petite She was, but the curves……
I prefer Gina, but yeah, dangerous curves!
Mama mia!
I hate the way they accentuated the Tummies back then, the Belt fucks up the look
Belts only continue to fuck up the look nowadays, too, imo.
Agreed, Hi Riven!
Yusef & Riven nailed it. But damn, that was a hot woman.
Diana Rigg
Game, set, match.
Monica Bellucci
Glibs in asia? Keep looking down, and please stay safe .
I always worried about that when I pissed in a jungle back in the day. Fear of a python seeing Mr BoDangle as a threat to their territory IYTWIM. I never got bit though and always checked toilets and always looked between my legs when dropping a deuce. I heard stories of bush camp plumbing being infested with snakes when there was plumbing.
+1 Alabama King Snake
Glibs in the Southwest be careful in outhouses as well. A Blackwidow bite on a bit while sitting is no fun.
I always thought it was a “rural legend” till one memorable weekend party in college when a male friend got bit on his testes a couple of hours after a female friend got a dry bite from a rattlesnake on her Teva clad foot.
I once sat on a toilet in Latin America and heard something that gave me pause. I stood up and watched as something was moving between the logs in the bowl. Sure enough a huge frog, the size of a Nerf football jumped out and sat for a minute on the seat before hopping around my room. I got a broomstick and started chasing him around and he started bubbling white ooze from his back. Finally got the Latin American Shit Frog out my room. He left a trail of ooze and shit. I will never quite feel comfortable again on a toilet.
That is an awesome story. I hope you took pictures of the shit frog. I worked with a lot of guys who did safaris in S Africa so was warned of snakes in the shitter if it was plumbed to a septic tank/pool. We usually had a long drop that was not deep enough though when I worked on that continent. We all kept a t-shirt to change into before taking a dump because whatever you wore in there would smell like shit for an hour. Changing shirts was just the polite thing to do,
I fucking hate outhouses. Sometimes I have to take a shit when I’m jogging, and I’d seriously rather go off the path and shit on the ground than use an outhouse.
A number of years ago I was doing my business on the terlet when I heard a strange noise below me. I checked, nothing unusual, kept hearing the strange noise, checked again, finished the job and paper work, went about my normal chores. Sometime later I went into the adjoining bathroom, saw something trying to crawl out of the commode. Got a broom handle and pushed it underwater until the bubbles stopped, found a fox squirrel had somehow fallen down the vent. Then I got the shakes, thinking if it had come up on my side a little earlier I’d probably had a heart attack.
Há! Yeah, this wasn’t even in an outhouse, it was a beat up pension in a rural town.
Really?? Is no one going to say the obvious?
So I looked up to see how Election Canada handles the ballot because, come on, Florida.
To be fair, counting is a lot easier and faster up here, because federal elections are held separately from municipal/provincial ones, so all you have is one ballot with a list of candidates, of which you select one. But it seems a lot stricter.
To me, a curvy woman is Marilyn Monroe.
If you mean “young Marilyn Monroe” I heartily concur. She got pretty pudgy.
When she was in Bus Stop she looked pretty good
Just watched that last week with the wife and we both very much enjoyed it. Neither of us had seen that one before.
I used to have that picture as a poster on my dorm room wall way back in college in 1979.
Florida Man has competition from Florida Women.
Their disliking for each began two weeks ago when they disagreed about parenting.
That these two had an argument over parenting means a whole lot of men are ignoring the first rule of sticking it in crazy.
I like her buck/doe heart tattoo
She has a purty mouth.
Leah Stanley, Size 28 model from up the thread?
She’s what I’d call a ‘waif’
She’s not quite up to my standards. I need a woman’s curves’ curves to have curves, at the very least. She need be not just curvy, but corrugated.
That’s a waif you park at your wharf.
Chics ahoy!
Yes, Chips Ahoy may have something to do with this story.
Chunks Ahoy! even.
Why not Chunky Chips Ahoy! they make em….
Aw, did they rename them? I remember buying Chunks Ahoy! ages ago…
Where is Playa when you need him?
I can’t tell what’s going on, but it looks like Pennsylvania is after Gab
“I struggle to see a legit basis for this,” said Ken White, a First Amendment attorney and the proprietor of the popular Popehat blog. Seeking information about Gab’s DNS provider “doesn’t make any sense at all,” legal scholar Eric Goldman told us.
I’m not sure what’s up with Trump and Pelosi playing nice but that’s worrisome. I prefer gridlock.
I’m not sure what’s up with Trump and Pelosi playing nice
No fuck like hate fuck.
When I was young I dated this girl for a very short time. She would get super pissed about stuff like yelling pissed and then right after she was was ready to go. Too much drama for me.
So later on he can say, “hey, I tried”.
This is some Trailer Park Boys shit
Judge calls Toronto cop who ate cannabis chocolate on duty a ‘complete idiot’
What a bunch of pussies.
Yeah. Everybody knows you plant evidence, not destroy it.
Too busy to post lately…but another alcohol question….seeing some nice-looking eggnog mixes in the stores lately. I’m too much of a lazy bastard to try making something super custom – but I think I’d like to use soju this year – any recipe recommendations or just choose one and mix it in regardless of liquor? Or has someone tried that combo before with negative results?
Step 1. Pour bourbon in a glass
Step 2. Put eggnog in refrigerator
Step 3. Drink bourbon
I haven’t the faintest idea why I bookmarked this, but here you go!
I think just about any brown liquor except tequila will work (and hey, I’ve never tried it, so I’m not 100 percent on that).
I’ve been having a glass of eggnog mixed with Cognac as sort of a dessert drink. Very tasty.
Look in the recipes of this website. I submitted a recipe for aged nog that is out of this world. I forget which mythical libertarian woman vouched for it.
Well I was hoping for something specific to soju – I was under the impression that any clear liquor would work. Still haven’t experimented much with whiskey, etc since getting into beer a few years ago. In college/army/navy I was mostly into vodka type mixed drinks – got into soju when I was in Korea and still find it’s worth keeping a couple bottles around since it does mesh pretty well with most stuff. Just want to avoid any issues mixing it with dairy like I’ve read for some stuff (ie. gorilla snot, etc).
Cognac, dark rum and bourbon are traditional. Also common is to pick two and do a 1/2 of each. I experimented one year and I believe cognac & rum was my favorite.
Hmmm, could probably get some Captain Morgan at the ABC store pretty cheap the same time I pick up some soju.
You never go wrong with more booze.
Yeah, I agree rum and bourbon are good choices. Don’t waste the good stuff though.
Another quick note – next movie review should be out by tomorrow night or Sunday at the latest – one of my all-time favorites (and weirdest). In the meantime – Muse has just put out their newest album today (waiting to get the CD myself), but the entire album is up on youtube – and it looks like they’ve turned it into essentially a concept piece – best of all, some solid vids for just about every single track (starting with the singles they put out almost a year ago). Nice work. A bit more retro electronic, but a good mix between tracks.
Oh…and I’m kicking myself that I didn’t find this video in time for Halloween (even this year would have been great…but I’ve apparently missed it for 4 years).
Don’t kick yourself I couldn’t find that video either.
WTF? This video.
I have that video on a shelf somewhere around here.
Chili simmering on the stove, cornbread will go into the oven in a bit, frozen mug of lager with a Don Julio Reposado kicker sitting next to me. Good start to this Friday evening. I should be nice and toasty by the time Fresno State at Boise kicks off at 8:15.
Not to be that guy, but you shouldn’t freeze your mugs. You get more flavor from a room temp glass.
This is one reason everyone hates hipsters.
Because they make food/drink taste better?
That’s why I drink Keystone from frozen mugs.
That’s why bars freeze mugs. It hides the flavor of inferior beer.
– cheap beer drinker
*request not to get westernsloper in BiF*
*sends FM a Black Label
Writing up your beers now!
Awesome. I hope you enjoyed them.
This, just keep those Ale glasses Real Clean
This is true. It took me an hour to put the chili together, so I wanted the first beer to have slushy foam.
You do you, brother. No wrong way to enjoy life.
It also depends on the beer. Light lagers and such are generally served cold. A good rich stout on the other hand, needs to warm up to really bring the flavor.
/currently sipping this one
Stouts and such go into a 12oz wine glass filled 1/3-1/2 full.
14 oz Belgian tulip
Why is Gizmodo posting doctored video of a serious situation?
Holy shit, that is legit scary.
Don’t know what happened there. I’m 200 miles away from that fire and SF looks like it’s been having a solar eclipse all day. Super spooky. You can hardly see the shitpiles on the streets. The air is really, really thick with smoke. Just got inside and it feels like I smoked a pack of cigs today. Time for multiple cocktails ?.
I thought you were saying “yes” in Spanish.
Si, es muy espantoso.
Luckily my buddy up there is still safe and it isn’t moving in his direction.
Is “espantoso” Spanish for pantsless?
It’s actually Spanish for “ligma”.
Well, I made the mistake of reading the comments. Bunch of militant atheists “well aycktually”ing because the lady dared to utter “thank God” at the end of the video.
Ugh. I hate evangelical atheist.
Pray for them. (no seriously, it is the perfect troll because for those of us who are nonbelievers but in no wise militant the response will be a shrug and a thanks)
I learned this today. When you turn a video into a GIF, it automatically removes frames, making it look like the video was doctored.
I had to share this. The “single” off of the first album I ever got, , subtitled in Spanish. I still dig the Ramones, 40 years later.
Completely unrelated but of interest:
Burning question: Will 2019 be the club’s drought-breaking premiership year?
HOLD on to your horses, ladies and gentlemen, because Melbourne is a deadset premiership contender in 2019. After making a preliminary final, Simon Goodwin’s side broke through their finals hoodoo and the next stop is flag time. It has been 54 long years since the Demons were premiers. And with Steven May and Jake Lever (ACL) set to bolster the club’s backline things are looking rather rosy.”
Footy talk.
Not surprising: but Let’s see if The Demons can deliver. Myhope’s on the boys. GOO DEEEEES!
And goddamn, I wish ESPN showed Aussie cracka for “free” like they used to. Watcha gonna do.
Malibu is burning too,
If only the GOP had held the house, Streisand would have moved to Canada and she would be safe now,
I need to revisit my occasional habit of reading up on the namesakes our ships. Somehow I never came across James E. Williams entry before. Wow. This kinda thing always blows my mind.
Speaking of vets. I’m not one to pass up free food. This list looks pretty good. Already planning on hitting up my buddy’s place in Fredericksburg since he’ll have free sandwiches…and I really want to try his duck wings (apparently larger than normal ones – and drummettes only this time – Gourmeltz – tweeted about it before).
Damn. That was some river fight.
His whole Vietnam career (at the link) is insanely impressive for an E-6 (aka SSG) – wiki sounds like he was promoted to BMC in an honorary position post retirement.
Something really funny that happened yesterday during the final FO76 beta. I didn’t know about it, although I was online at that time, but who knows what sever these kids were on. Anyway, some younger players, teens from the looks of them, found an actual nuke right before the servers went down for the final beta session and were able to put in the launch codes. Nuked an entire town. Now some are not very happy about the idea that people can actually find and launch full scale nukes during the game. That could make for a really bad gameplay day for some. Party poopers.
I really hate griefers. Like really, REALLY hate them
And you haven’t had one nuke your entire town yet.
How much snow did you get?
a little under two inches on my trash can when I got home. Still falling.
Totally silly, but I can’t stop laughing. I’m demented I spose.
that was cool,
Not sure what server I was on when that happened, but I didn’t see anything. About that time I was being chased by giant fire throwing crabs. That was the funnest part of the game for me to that point, despite being on fire, and they shut down the beta. Bummer.
I’m on UCS’s side on this a Fallout MMO is an abomination that I pray flops. Dear Bethesda, you got very rich selling me games where I can become a godlike figure running around killing and looting, and experiencing your nifty sideplots as I please. Why have you abandoned this in favor of the world of MMO griefing?
With reused assets, too. I don’t really blame them, I just wish they’d marketed it as Fortnight (or PUBG or whatever) in the Fallout universe. And I hope they’re working on FO5.
In fact FOPUBG seems like a much better idea for the sort of game they’re trying to sell. What’s the point of a persistent RPG world if it’s all sandbox, no crucial plot choices, and constantly getting harassed by other players? Should have dispensed with all the RPG vestiges and just made it a big open-world timed death match.
If it really is a side effort wonderful, but I am always skeptical about that claim. I tend to think it’s more “Well let’s see if this flies and if it does, screw writing thousands of pages of side stories and questlines, we’ll just release expensive, but low content expacs for our cool MMO”
I love FO4. I know I shouldn’t, it’s like loving milk chocolate, all cheap, empty calories, but I still enjoy it. The progression cycle hits my pleasure buttons just right. Nothing like clomping back to base in my power armor and depositing another several hundred pounds of junk into the work bench. Or opening up on a super mutant with a gatling laser. And it’s been long enough since my first play through that I’ve mostly forgotten the particulars and vignettes of the commonwealth. So it’s grabbed me good and hard for the last couple weeks. But I doubt I’ll play 76 with nearly as much gusto, if at all. And there’s a good deal of shit I wish they’d cut from FO4 in favor of the stuff that worked. Half the settlements, for example, could and should have been cut. Many are just stupidly close together. The settlement system could have been beefed up a great deal, for that matter. Ditto the companions: fewer, deeper interactions. I have Danse telling me his life story after like a day and a half of traveling together, with an option for my straight, widower character to flirt with him. WTF? And some of the plot points needed to be rethought (Dogmeat tracking Kellogg is just stupid). And the legendary system is stupid RNG. Thanks for the Wounding Tire Iron. I’ll vendor that for another Fusion Core. Which aren’t rare in the slightest.
Everyone knows that extremely traumatic events are just what the mind needs to think objectively.
How many people does it take to fill out 80,000 extra ballots in four days?
I understand that many people are dipshits and may have not filled out the ballot exactly right, but how would you not know how many were cast? What a shitshow.
Oh it is fucking incredible but does show the dishonesty of those who say they are trying to stop the vote counting and all that. If you are partisan enough to cover for what is going on in Broward county you have zero credibility and are dishonest. Shit, every county in the country can tell you how many votes were cast a few hours after the election except Broward. Bull shit. She doesn’t know how many ballots they have in boxes and if she gives a wrong number it will look fraudulent which it is.
The only thing that should change a ballot count is overseas ballots coming in, the deadline of which is tomorrow from what I read.
Frigging amatuers. LBJ apparently won his very first election when the last 93 voters of the day signed the register in green ink, in the same handwriting, and in alphabetical order. It was a Democrat primary and apparently the “powers that be” decided the incumbent’s time was up.
What I learned today was the criminal running Broward elections threw out the ballots prior to requests to review the ballots the last Debbie Wschultz’s primary. That woman is no amateur.
To be fair, Claude Pepper was winning fraudulent elections in Florida before either of those women were born.
And thanks to segregation the Democratic primary was essentially the election back then. Though I believe the Texan Republicans did actually run candidates who did very poorly (except against Ma Ferguson) unlike the Deep South.
I am amused at how the fact that FDR, JFK, LBJ, Carter and the Clintons all benefited from segregation since it destroyed the state Republican parties in the South but who cares…
No PM thread? WTI on ANTIFA
We can bring it back to life. “Don’t you die on me!” *Bangs on chest*
Ya’all should be faded by now anyhow, so why not ?
Meh, This is more my style when I’m not listening to rock.
the word “swallow” reminded me of this gem
I made spaghetti carbonara (CARBS with BACON) and discovered that Netflix has Gilmore Girls. My weekend is made!
Damn that sounds good. The carbonara, not the Gilmore Girls.
Bacon? uffda! get some pancetta. And please tell me you don’t use cream.
You need to change your name to the Carbonazi.
I did add cream. It was delicious!
Carbonara is better with cream. Ignore some people make a big deal out of every little thing.
You could serve butter, cream, parmigiano/ramano/asiago cheese and bacon in an old shoe and it would be delicious.
That’s just alfredo sauce with bacon, not carbonara.
Carbonara done properly cannot be improved by adding cream.
+1 Year in the Life.
I know right?! I need some cocoa and Bailey’s Irish Cream.
Bailey’s already has chocolate added. Why add cocoa?
Never too much chocolate
It is possible, especially if it’s milk chocolate (but I trust you have better taste then that). Although, as a counterpoint to Bailey’s, if you’re looking for a sweet, slightly alcoholic thing to add to hot beverages, you could go with Bourbon Cream. I’ll stick with hot toddies/Irish coffee if I want a hot beverage, and whisk(e)y or beer if I don’t.
They Scoop Gilmores, Don’t They?™
Popover assault – I will never visit your site ever again. kthxbai
OMG! They deliver! Squee!!!!
The design, which went viral and drew flak in Japan, includes a photo of Koreans celebrating liberation and a photo of an atomic bomb exploding in Japan.
Outrage articles that don’t show what the outrage is about outrage me.
That’s ok, the bomber that dropped the bomb probably drew flak in Japan as well.
That made my hair fallout.
Any response I had went up in a mushroom cloud.
Rad man
How long before this collection of puns reaches critical mass?
It has already started a chain reaction.
*golf clap*
*pedant alert*
I believe the Nagasaki bomber did get some flak the Hiroshima bomber did not.
That is so Gay
Enola, right?
I made a fatal mistake;_or,_Her_fatal_mistake
So we had an extra wedding invitation hanging around after sending them all off, so we added Donald and Melania and sent it off to 1600 Penn. They didn’t show, but some staffer sent us a nice note of congratulations that was robo signed. Was hoping for a check from The Donald, or maybe a 50% off coupon to a Trump Hotel, but nothing.
Fail. You should have made it out Donald and MAGA Supreme.
Not the Hat and the Hair?
MAGA Supreme is the Hat, and Donald doesn’t appear in public without the Hair, so no need for an extra invite.
I’m surprised they didn’t send you a visit from a nice FBI agent. Well done.
Though six Browns linebackers showed up, looking confused.
And then were called out for a false start.
I’d be incredibly impressed by a linebacker getting flagged for a false start.
It’s the Browns. They could do it.
Worse than Hitler.
Damn. That male privilege is some harsh stuff.
Ugh… I’m getting pleasantly woozy on wine. I don’t have the stomach for that right now.
TL;DR, state takes a kid in a terrible situation and manages to place him in an even worse situation.
Oh, I read far enough to get some of the depressing details.
This whole phenomenon of online sellers desperately begging for reviews annoys me. Tonight I gave in:
5.0 out of 5 starsIt is wire in a frame with a crisscross patter
November 9, 2018
Material: Stainless SteelVerified Purchase
This amazing product does not slice it does not dice! It magically separates solids from liquids. For example one can boil pasta in a pot and then by simply dumping the resultant mixture through this fine product obtain pasta that is NOT immersed in boiling water! Think of the agonizing mouth scalds this can avoid! And the massive gain in flavor from no longer having one’s marinara diluted by 6 quarts of water!
But that is not all! It not only allows you to retain solids while discarding liquids, it even allows (with the addition of a bowl which is sold separately) you to discard the unwanted solids and retain the liquid! No longer will you have to spit out chicken bones when you make stock!
When the seller contacted me (3 times) requesting a detailed product review I was honored. This miraculous new technology really needs detailed reviews to explain it’s novel features to the many, many people who are unfamiliar with seivetech!
Works great as a hat too!
I think in those cases the review is more about getting your shit in a timely manner and as described.
Nope, I left that review on day 1 after the first request. They then started emailing me begging for a product review hence the above.
Oh. Well… snark away, then!
Anything less than 5 stars counts as negative, per a few Ebay sellers I spoke with
I am sure it does. I know I frequently choose between identical appearing products based on average stars. I even get asking for a review. It is the multiple emails in a short time frame that annoy me, and seem kind of risky since if I had some minor issue with the purchase I probably won’t make a point to trash it in a review, but if they nag me and there is something I wasn’t happy about I’m sure going to post it.
OK, even if these people have somehow never heard of a $10 collander that you can find in any supermarket housewares aisle, why don’t they just tilt the pot slightly and pour the water out? Were they just eating pasta that is swimming in hot water as if there’s no way around it?
The joke may have slid through your fingers.
Hahaha goddamn, I guess it did.
That’s what I get for my habit of skimming over the posts really quickly instead of reading each line carefully.
And Akira out pedants Winston from above. Maybe they are Thai and think noodles are supposed to be served in soup?
I would snap a 80-year-old woman’s neck for a good bowl of boat noodles right about now.
Uh is he arguing that gay men do not, as a general group, find Idris Elba attractive?
I think He’s good looking, and I’m a Cis Het Shitlord!
I honestly have no fucking idea what this article is saying. I will say that while, sure, he’s reasonably attractive, I don’t get the universal swooning over him. If we were gonna racism this shit up, I could append a laundry list of black men I find more attractive.
But TL;DR my main takeaway is that OMG heterosexual females outnumber gay males would you believe it!
Taye Diggs is my wife’s black dreamboat
Grew up in Ra-cha-cha – how did I miss him?
Yeah he kind of throws the curve.
Hell, Taye Diggs is my black guy dreamboat. Your wife has good taste.
JFC, there are days when I really hate those people. They are harshing my Gilmore Girls excitement.
I would pay someone to hack this next year and make the sexiest man winner be a male to female transexual. Watching these people try to figure out if the wokeness of the them winning was more positive than the evil of miss-gendering them was negative. Bonus points if it’s Blair White.
…”The Rock” is a man of color? Huh.
Samoan, so it depends if he supports things the left likes, like the way some asians or hispanics are white and some asians or hispanics are not depending on political stance.
He doesn’t seem to be political at all, then again I don’t pay much attention to him or the composition of his family tree.
I don’t know much about his politics, but people went gaga that he might run for president, but the only time I knew of him being involved in politics is when Vince McMahon had him speak at a GOP convention. But leftist seem to be convinced he’s one of them, so I don’t know.
He was a registered Republican. But then after Trump, some people floated the idea of him running and the left grabbed hold of it. He floated the idea.
I’d like to think McMahon is behind it all. And that the end game is a match at Wrestlemania 36.
Not one comment on the apology tweet a day later?
If there’s one thing you don’t do on the left, it’s criticize Obama.
Right after that, criticize Michelle.
And then? Idris Elba.
I didn’t see it. And then I saw it was a Twitter link and ignored it.
I’ll be honest that I don’t want Idris Elba to be Bond. Too old and I’m not awaiting the inevitable “only a racist would not like this movie” and “OMG this Franchise Movie is the Most Important And Woke Thing Ever” stuff from the press.
It’s either him or a woman at this point.
Funny that turning Bond into a woman was on the first ideas for a Bond Movie. Apparently when Casino Royale was first attempted to be filmed in the 1950s one of the ideas was to turn it into a Susan Hayward since the Producer Gregory Ratoff (who often played producers on film like All about Eve) thought Bond was a stupid character. The other producer created The Wild Wild West by the way.
The first Casino Royale is, far and away, my favorite Bond film – Herb Alpert and Burt Bacharach on the soundtrack, David Niven and Woody Allen as Bond, Peter Sellers ’nuff said.
So not woke, so problematic.
I think Idris Elba should be forced to transition, because it’s what the world needs.
Elba would be great. The movie would be shit, because “woke”.
If it’s something simple and relatively staid like Casino Royale or the better parts of Skyfall, for sure.
But it’ll be overcomplicated, dumb, and entirely forgettable, and much like Ghostbusters 2016, the fact that the producers insisted on making something overcomplicated, dumb, and forgettable will be blamed on the
misogynistracist audience too backward to appreciate the brilliance of cinema.
Thousands of unsigned absentee ballots. Call Democrats if you want to help!
They are indeed beyond parody.
That’s real? Team blue is admitting their base is filled with dipshits.
I looked it up first to make sure. Yes, it’s real. Since deleted (I can only imagine why), but very real.
And here’s Sheldon Derpman on the other side:
And how does this compare to the censorious Big Tech?
TOS is basically Mother Jones these days.
This is Has Reason published this article?
Ooops, teach me to comment without clicking…
But I think the point still holds true. Reason sounds like the 1970s counterculture more than it sounds like libertarianism these days.
Reason was always a 1970s counterculture thing though wasn’t it?
Previously it opposed the socialist side of things while agreeing with the drug legalization and isolationist side.
The true question is which libertarian-ish Jew hates himself more, Sheldon Richman or Ron Unz?
Depending on how development costs are allocated, and contracts structured, you could make an argument for the US owning the intellectual property of these defense giants.
Actually, that would be a significantly better way to control arms sales than the current system.
If I want to age a bottled beer for a long time, is it fine to have it in a cupboard in an air-conditioned home or should it stay in the refrigerator? Also, do any of y’all have a favorite port or sherry in the under $50 range?
What are you trying to age?
If you’re talking about something that is age-worthy (belgian quads, big stouts, sour ales, and a few other things), then long term storage at cellar temperatures (55 degrees) is best. If you don’t have a wine cellar or a wine cooler, then basement temperatures are best. If you don’t have a basement, I would go with the fridge.
How long are you planning to age the beer?
It is the amazing 8-Maids-a-Milking Imperial milk stout. It’s a 2015 and I would like to put it away for several more years at least.
Yes, that looks age-worthy. You can dark, cool, and stable (avoid temperature fluctuations).
I store my belgian quad and sour ales in my wine cellar with the wine. A dark corner of a basement is second best. Lastly, I would recommend the fridge over room temperature if you are going to hold onto it for years more.
Thank you very much.
You are welcome.
With luck, someone that is sober and knowledgeable will come along and confirm my response or point out that I am an idiot.
It looks like a great beer. I have several of their sours tucked away in the cellar.
You’re an idiot.
It was delightful surprise from my local beer merchant. He found it in the back and held it for me as I drank, what we thought was, his whole stock of it over the Summer. It’s quite delicious and I don’t know if I’ll ever see another one.
But are you both sober and knowledgeable?
What IS sobriety, when you really think about it? Or, for that matter, knowledge?
Not quite sober, but knowledgeable. The important things when it comes to aging are temperature stability (generally around 50-60 F), and darkness. I use the cellar under the stairs for my more standard cellaring beers, and have a wine fridge that I keep at ~55 F for the ones I really need to age for a long time (such as the beers for my nephew’s 21st birthdays).
Source: Cellar of over 100 beers, and you had one of my aged beers in the last BIF. You tell me if it was stored appropriately. 🙂
~six minutes while he finishes up in the bathroom
harvey’s bristol cream
I od’d on that at a county fair once after chugging most of the bottle on top of sugar waffles sold by the local Kiwanis
Suffice to say, I was 15 or 16 years old
Sounds like you need some help from Wilfred Brimley.
Not at that age. However, I havent had Harvey’s Bristol Cream since.
I’ve been ageing some Bud Light in the fridge for about 4 years, it should bring in a hefty profit when I sell it.
I hate to break it to you, but at this point it’s just filtered piss with the sliver of alcohol floating at the top and the minerals forming a residue at the bottom in between what is sort of kind of water.
Ah, so nothing has changed!
Another article by the Idris Elba guy:
As someone who doesn’t care about superhero movies I’m not really impressed. We need Ethan Hawke to tell us the Truth? No one criticizes Superhero movies? Causing Twitter fights is some sort of accomplishment? Name-dropping some auteur isn’t exactly sophisticated criticism either.
I criticize them by not watching them.
Boyhood was the biggest piece of crap I’ve never seen.
That’s exactly what I think of when I hear about that movie.
lol@ the Packers jab.
Not to mention sexist.
It takes burn it all down bravura to say that comic book movies are not pretentious art house films? We really have redefined courage to a new low.
Fun fact: Bergman apparently liked Die Hard
That’s because it was fucking awesome.
A lot of “arthouse auteurs” really do think that way. I mean Ford and Hitchcock weren’t considered highbrow when the Cahiers du cinema types slobbered all over them. Kubrick made a Stephen King movie after all.
I’d love to have a weekly fact checking article on glibs. Do it from a postmodernist point of view. Everything would get rated “possibly true”.
Even your name is false Tulpa!
I have a 15 cm girth.
Hi Goatse!
Go ahead and do it then.
I guess STEVE SMITH is just busy helping his author friend get ready to go to congress.
How does he square that with his Free Cascadia involvement?
The really annoying thing about the whole gender swapped remake is how it is nothing new so why do they act like this is some big deal. His Girl Friday and My Favorite Wife were made almost 80 years ago. Brewster’s Millions with a woman is almost 100 years old. Jerry Lewis in a one-year period made two gender swapped remakes. So were the French on to something? Is the Day the Clown Cried now a masterpiece thanks to Trump?
In these dark days of Trump, an an era without Obama, this country needs to find a way to heal. We need something. Something powerful. We need a Dangerous Minds remake.
I had completely forgotten that MIchelle Pfeiffer (would) knew karate in that movie. Because she was a former Marine.
We’d obviously have to scrap the line about their being no victims in this classroom.
If only.
Just heard today Michelle Obama had miscarriages and the daughters were born from invitro, yep life without Obama.
I’m in if this time they actually use “Pastime Paradise”.
*Palest, whitest person on the planet*
Not black enough.
In the morning Links people brought up how Kubrick got self indulgent before he died. Except he was always pretty pretentious. Anyone see his first film, that he came to regret, Fear and Desire? Really pretentious low-budget indie. I mean just listen to the opening narration or that internal monologue at 21:20 about the glaciers melting.
I gotta say yuh. Yuh because MN and NH templates are pretty similar, YUH because we’ll elect totally similar douchenozzles if given the chance.
You know – calling you out Heroic Mulatto – NH voters will elect MN/VT/ME dickheads if given the chance
You know – calling you out Pope Jimbo – MN voters will elect MN/VT/ME dickheads if given the chance.
Time to be a dick, time to not give faggy leftists a chance.
This goes out to everyone in New England, and everyone in the upper eat Midwest: say yuh! or fuck yuh!
Actually, the time for this post was yesterday. But fuck yuh.
When did this turn into a Facebook copy status site?
The same time you lost your sense of humor, CPRM. The election was yesterday.
Is there such a fallacy as a double negative? Because I think I done found it! Research papers here I come!
NY says “Hi.”
Just for that, you get another editorial about the election.
Note, that’s not talking about votes cast, but county population counts.
Ohio politics are like the reverse of New York politics. It makes my head spin.
It’s just that our urban areas have been bleeding population for decades, it’s just entertaining to me that since the election there’s been daily articles coming up in my newsfeed about how Ohio needs to break up into an urban and rural area. The fact these are Cleveland papers that flatly ignore Columbus and Cincinnati just make it more insane to me. The city center (and first ring suburbs) may go Democrat, but get outside that, and it’s Republican country. There’s a place I drive by daily (off of 77) that has a barn with a giant anti-union painting on the side. For years, there was the barn off of 71 (between Ashland and Columbus) that had a Confederate flag painted on its roof (seriously man, you can’t find a more northern state then Ohio).
Same from my years in Buffalo except they knew they were in fact well outnumbered by the rednecks that populate New York outside of the cities and that said rednecks wanted nothing more than to detach themselves from the downstate region.
Honestly, there doesn’t seem to be a major difference in many places. It’s absurd how completely lopsided the election results are in most big cities, particularly in the NE and in California. It’s not even a joke to say that North Korea’s leaders blush to give themselves so much of the popular vote in their shame elections. Even they concede that 5% of the population may not have voted with the majority. But not Philadelphia.
Here you go.
Thank god for Pearl Harbor and the a-bomb. Japan would be worse than Afghanistan otherwise.
I know. It’s perfect as it is.
Oh my God.
When I make asian women do that in my basement it’s ‘sex trafficking’ but when they turn it into a TV show it’s a-ok, I hate double standards!
*spits out whiskey*
Hey. Hey. Hey! That’s MY thing!
But do you have elderly white neighbors who will say you were a ‘a nice quiet young man’? Because I do.
The number of people I’ve met who would say I seemed nice, but was a bit of loner, are legion. LEGION. I’ve prepared for this my entire life. You don’t get to take it from me.
Ok, I’ll be the nice quiet young fellow here and let you say that. So that you can now say I was such a nice quiet young fellow.
I don’t know what’s happening there, but I don’t think it matters.
OK, straffin, I Wanna be Sedated.
You’re not alone.
That kid is going to have some messed up sexual proclivities when he grows up, so I guess a normal Japanese citizen.
Or a straight male who went to Catholic school.
I’m a straight male Catholic who went to public school, so your set is deemed null.
So, no desire for white blouses and short plaid skirts? I can’t be the only one…
I said I went to public school, not that I was gay.
I mean, is there a straight man anywhere who wouldn’t go for the schoolgirl look?
I mean, if my wife’s internet history includes lesbian schoolgirl porn, I feel like that’s pretty indicative of the universal nature of the appeal.
10-3 Fresno over Boise. I’m not feeling great about the second half but it could be worse.
Okay, if these had the Chief Wahoo logo on them, I may have had to purchase them.
I’ve never thought, “Gee, wish I had moccasins right now.”
So you’ve never driven through Wisconsin then, have you? I swear that almost every exit had a sign for a cheese, wine, and moccasin store.
Um, he’s from Wisconsin. And yeah, they sell Moccasin here, to stupid tourists.
Those and those wooden coins with “round tuit” engraved on them.
My favorite are the ‘traditional’ plastic beaded key chain rings, you know like the tribes used to hold all of their car keys before the white man was around.
My apologies, I didn’t know where straffinrun was from. I just know where he is. If it makes you feel better, I bought no moccasins in my one trip through Wisconsin. There were several cases of New Glarus in my trunk, but no moccasins.
I only have a vague memory of when Wisconsin was kicking my ass.
Nothing will make me feel better, but that’s my problem not yours. New Glarus is down by Madison, therefore I ignore it’s existence.
I’m sorry to hear that, if there’s anything I can do to help, please feel free to reach out to me at my handle at Google’s e-mail.
And if you’ve got any other recommendations for Wisconsin breweries, I’ll gladly hit them up the next time I’m in the area.
Oh, no, you don’t want my beer advice. And as we say round dees part up nort, dat hole emotion thing was just joshin, doncha know.
My favorite, and pretty much exclusive, beer is Red Dog from Miller’s Plank Road Brewery, so yeah, like I said, you won’t be receptive to my message.
CPRM: Don’t worry, I’ll just think less of you if you suggest bad breweries. My two trips to Wisconsin involved a drive up from Chicago (to the Jelly Belly factory for the girlfriend), and a trip through Green Bay (after stopping in St. Ignace for a night, and then moving on to Minneapolis for a couple of days (and yes, the girlfriend said we had to visit the mall).
Mellow out or you will pay
Shame about the uncool niece…
Saw them in ’02 in London. They’d just gotten rid of Jello, so it was a bar fight – buncha assholes throwing shit. Kinda enjoyed them without the constant screeching, just playing their songs. Def worth my $12 or so to hang out & listen to tunes once the doucherockets got tired of throwing shit.
Since we’re calling out HM, I’ve got a few things to say.
I don’t care if he’s gay or not, but I hate people who film vertically with a phone. Modern video is 16×9, if you turn your damn $2000 phone on it’s side it shoots 16×9. Fucksake. (I know my pet peeves are odd, but they personal and thus emotional, DON’T QUESTION MY EMOTIONS SHITLORD!)
People who film vertically are literally Hitler. It is objectively bad, and I hope they feel bad.
Still seems gay to me. Just an observation.
Methinks he doth suck cock too much. NTTAWWT.
Yep. He a fag.
I have no idea who that is, but his skin is fantastic.
Now I’m gay. NTTAWWT.
So Matt Stone and Trey Parker are climate change believers now according to their most recent episode.
Welllll, they have been asking the overlords to cancel the show. It’s either meta or they’ve been subsumed by the Smug.
Yea. I’m scratching my head about it. Maybe next week will shed some light
Not to get into Q territory, but VS models.
Oops. that’s why I don’t go to Q territory.