This isn’t an artist’s depiction. It’s real. This man is the devil.
I can’t seem to get this damn thing to save the draft of this before I start writing it. I don’t know what’s causing it, but its driving me nuts. Anyway, Duke crushed KY, Liverpool shit the bed, A bunch of other games were played with varying results. That’s all I got.
Marie Curie was born on this day. So was asshole Leon Trotsky, writer Albert Camus, evangelist Billy Graham, singer Johny Rivers, singer Joni Mitchell, knuckleballer Joe Niekro, philandering military leader David Petraeus, guitarist Tommy Thayer, Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell, and person from the music business Lorde.
No events, as I’m behind while writing this. So here come…the links!
Well, actually, a series of links about the election, since that’s all anybody is going to talk about anyway.

Best political meme ever
Their definition of “down to the wire” isn’t the same as mine. But regardless, Zodiac is headed back to Washington and Beto is headed to the woods. But before he did so, he managed to really connect with young people by being hip and edgy. What a dreamboat. I just hope he was courteous enough to catch an Uber home rather than drive that late at night. El Paso doesn’t need another…”incident” like the last one.
Floridians do the right thing even if it will likely change the voting landscape there in a way that ushers in Moree Team Blue dipshittery.

Something something hands like Andre the Giant. Something something Adams apple as big as his balls.
Sorry, dude. Try again in four years. The GOP holds the governorships in Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts. Which I find simply shocking. I guess guns do matter to Vermonters after all.
There are some seats still up for grabs, but the Dems have taken the House. Which means my prediction was wrong.
Meanwhile, the GOP has padded their majority in the Senate. I got this one right along with everybody else.
That’s it. It was a shitty group of birthdays. Thank God this guy saved the day.
Now go live the day like politics doesn’t matter. Because it doesn’t (not really, anyway).
I read on the internet there was suppose to be some sort of election in the US. How did that go? I liked that Beto fellar did he win?
Now to read the links
awwww Betot did lose. Oh well he can focus on the 20202 presidency now.
He’ll have to mudwrestle fellow loser Andrew Gillum for it.
That’s a long time from now. He’s gonna have a hard time running against the Eloi leadership.
He will fit right in since he is a Moorloc.
Beto is an uber-Eloi. The weak, spindly arms. The docile expression. The fact that he can’t Ollie when pushed on a skateboard. He’s a beta-max.
Now Zodiac. That motherfucker is a Moorloc no doubt.
Sounds like you are saying Zodiac would make Beto his prison bitch?
Ted Cruz will cut a bitch.
“He’s a beta-max”
Regarding the word “beta”: I keep hearing commercials for a product called Super Beta Prostate. And every time I do, I think Super Beta? Why in the fuck did they not name it Super Alpha Prostate? I mean, we’re talking about male sex organs here. Who the fuck wants a beta prostate? Me? I would want a motherfucking alpha prostate. It boggles the mind.
Had that same thought when I aw that commercial. Why in hell would I want to downgrade “The Kraken”?
He won the popular vote in New York and California, so there’s that.
There are some seats still up for grabs, but the Dems have taken the House. Which means my prediction was wrong.
Well as long as you don’t plan a career change into polling… Eh who am I kidding being wrong is no impediment to that.
Anyhoo it was very unlikely for Reps to hold the House.
So looks like I was about right on where the House will end up but way off on the Senate. Underestimated a few races.
The thing on Twitter right now is “THE DEMOCRATS WON THE SENATE POPULAR VOTE”. Can someone lend me some money to buy a few million pocket constitutions?
Also, Scott Walker lost. Good. Fuck him.
“THE DEMOCRATS WON THE SENATE POPULAR VOTE” – this makes little sense given that not all senate seats were vote on.
The Democrats appear to be pushing for straight democracy for all government positions now. They were talking about the event that they won the popular house vote, and lost the house before the results were coming in. As if each election wasn’t a different contest. Hey, maybe that’ll be the way to determine the college football national championship, just add up all the points you’ve scored, who ever scores the most is the champion!
Makes even less sense because there’s no such thing as “senate popular vote.”
It’s not strictly inaccurate, but it very strongly implies that the person using the phrase thinks there is some type of additional electoral college type vote to seat senators. It also indicates severe butt-hurt over having lost the presidential election fair and square by the rules of the game.
And election they thought they had rigged for the dem candidate one must add, which is why I think they are so butt-hurt about having lost it.
The real problem with that statement is that it implies that there is some other type of vote which would determine who gets the office, like an electoral college.
Exactly right. What the hell does that mean?
I can never tell if they are lying to us, to themselves, or both.
Both. It is coming from and insatiable lust for power by any means necessary.
I liken it to my son when he was young. When playing games he’d want to change the rules throughout the game in ways that would have benefited himself based on whatever had just happened.
I’ve been in poker games where the loser(s) want to extend the agreed upon time to “to give them a chance to win some of their money back”.
Hey, it ain’t your money, it’s the winner’s money at that point.
And there is a reason that the Senate was originally appointed by State legislatures. 1) House of the States, 2) to provide a check on the passions of the masses. Leftist figure they can gin up people emotions to get what they want via direct democracy.
When you slice-n-dice the “Popular vote” BS from the 2016 election you will find that basically Hillary had enough votes in NYC to give her the popular vote. And for the progs NYC is similar to what Mecca is for muslims so they feel doubly wronged that not only did “moar Americans” vote for HRC but a preponderance of enlightened people did so.
this makes little sense given that not all senate seats were vote on.
This and the nature that States are separate entities.
Which is what is most problematic to them.
Don and Trshmnstr were closest. I may be close depending on how the last few races shake out.
Senate popular vote is self-evidently irrelevant, but think of how they got there. Because of the top-two scam in California, there were only 2 Dems on the ballot for Senate so everyone in Cali cast their votes for a Dem for Senate. Then you have Gillibrand in New York winning by millions of votes. That’s your popular vote deficit right there. Obviously, we should just be ruled by California and New York.
With a giant asterisk that in populous CA, Democrats won 100% of that vote because no Republican on the ticket.
They also won the unicorn vote, and other things that don’t exist.
Meanwhile, the GOP has padded their majority in the Senate. I got this one right along with everybody else.
The Senate is undemocratic and needs reform.
The Senate is
untoo democratic and needs reform.Repeal the 17th.
So much this.
I would also like states to choose their senators, but many states were already trending toward popular vote for senate appointments before the amendment, so repeal might not be the panacea we need. But it would’t hurt.
This is great, the legislature will be gridlocked. Sweet sweet gridlock would be better if spending increases weren’t on auto pilot. GOP can keep slamming through judicial nominees, stoking schadenfreudey outrage all the while. The dems will waste time with impeachment crap that the Senate is free to ignore.
Another silver lining: the deepest of blue House districts elected some vocal far left nutcases that will make things super interesting, and any dems elected in “blue dog” areas need to watch their backs and not get caught up in too much of the crazy.
In other news, Guy that steals blazers and suit jackets off corpses praises ascent of former CIA member to the House.
The dems will waste time with impeachment crap that the Senate is free to ignore.
Oh child…
The impeachment crap will be the least of the nuisance procedures for the next 2 years. The biggest thing is going to be killing off the house investigations into the shit the Democrats pulled in 2016 and shift into full-time investigation mode on Russiagate and about 50 other new areas. The white house and senate will be so jammed up responding to discovery requests for the next 2 years that the house and federal courts will be essentially running the federal government.
There’s no constituency that is appalled by spying on domestic political enemies in this country.
Yeah — normally I’m all for Federal gridlock, but there needs to be some serious cleaning house in the bureaucracy and the various investigations stood a chance of at least waking people up to that.
Of course, if IRS commissioners taking the 5th on using the IRS as a weapon, NSA directors lying to the committees that are supposed to oversee them and the crapfest that was the FISA warrant for the whole Russiagate crap wasn’t enough to make Congress defund the lot until they get new folks in, probably nothing is. Can’t upset the folks at the cocktail parties and all, after all…
Yep, that is the biggest shame of the whole thing. I bet Obama sleeps better now. Shitstain.
The white house and senate will be so jammed up responding to discovery requests for the next 2 years that the
house and federal courtsRussians will be essentially running the federal government.Pat gets it. The American people will now never get to see how corrupt and downright criminal the Obama administration’s weaponized fed-gov has become, and the democrats save all that capability to break the law to rig elections in their favor for the next election. I suspect they will fuck this all up so bad that they basically set up Trump for a 2020 walk-off win, but in the interim the American people will get one giant shafting. I predict that the first thing that the house will take up us the evil tax cuts that only gave crumbs to the working class. They will work hard to make sure that gets rolled back, and if they can’t get that, their focus will be on making sure they reenact the ability for the super rich in heavily taxed blue states to deduct 100% of their state tax liability from their fed taxes (this is now capped at something close to $10K), because that’s what is best for the
super rich one percenter democrat party donors, which seem to all be progtardscommon man.The House had years to expose the Deep State shenanigans and do something about, and failed miserably. I don’t think the Dems ending the toothless House hearings is really that big a deal.
I actually disagree and think it is a big deal that the American people will not be allowed to find out how bad things have gotten and will continue to get now that these criminals have managed to prevent that information from coming out. We people that are for individual freedom and less onerous government, dismiss this at our own peril.
I would say you’re both right.
Mitch should take Nancy aside and tell her if the House gets stupid with investigations then the US Senate will open investigations into the 2016 election as well and Obama and his minions no longer can claim immunity. If the Turtle can be convincing this should hold Nancy’s feet to the fire.
“Mitch should take Nancy aside and tell her if the House gets stupid with investigations then the US Senate will open investigations”
I think Trump has already said as much.
Good analysis, Pomp.
Why haven’t Montana and Arizona called their Senate races yet?
Waiting to “find” some ballots in the trunk of a car or two?
I suspect there will be a lot of these “special ballots”, and they always help one party. In Georgia, I hear the issue with the governor race is that there is a law stating there needs to be a clear winner, and the libertarian candidate in that state got 1% which forces a runoff.
Kemp is up by about 1.7% and 98% has been counted. So IOW, Abrams would need to get nearly 100% out of that 2% remaining to win.
Or, Kemp is up by about 60,000 votes. I can’t imagine a run off unless it gets a lot closer.
Floridians do the right thing even if it will likely change the voting landscape there in a way that ushers in Moree Team Blue dipshittery.
Their racism did show in the gubernatorial election though…
Skeletor for Emperor
Skeletor was Governor, but is now a senator. Some dude with a hot wife is governor now.
Is that why Trump was such a big supporter so early?
It’s the reason I voted for him.
I know it will likely increase D victories in Florida, but I’m really glad Amendment 4 passed.
Also glad Amendment 11 passed,. Currently when the state lowers penalties for a crime (especially BS drug crime), they’re not allowed to apply that retroactively to people already in prison for that crime. Marijuana legalized and you’re in prison for marijuana? Fuck you, you get nothing. Amendment 11 finally ended that.
Same, I’m glad both of those Amendments got passed. It was a good long time coming.
They aren’t in jail for selling marijuana. They are in jail for trading in contraband, i.e. not doing as they were told.
I was surprised raising the homestead exemption failed. Sad about the oil drilling ban.
I’m glad about the homestead exemption. Fuck you, cut the millage!
Florida is getting scary close to full prog. I Would seriously hesitate to make retirement plans there at this point.
I’m not sure about that.
One of the amendments that passed requires a 2/3rds legislative majority to raise taxes. And we still have a constitutional ban on a state income tax.
Given that Charlie Crist basically restored every felon’s voting rights who petitioned him, and Jeb before him and Scott after him also were pretty easy about it, there can’t be that many felons who meet the terms of the amendment that want to vote who can’t.
What’s mind boggling to me is that it’s 1.4M people who are counted as felons. The whole state’s population is 21M, with 18M above voting age. So 8% of the adult population of Florida is felons? Yikes, I’m going to have to start locking my patio doors!
I hope they do this. Nothing will make Trump more sympathetic than these asshats going all out after him with the help of the dnc operatives with bylines…
Francis O’Rourke. Forget this Beto BS.
“pinche gringo”
Welp, a bet is a bet. Good job, Just Say’n. I did find it funny when I saw a tweet about the passage of the 4th Amendment for Florida. Liberal commentators were utterly perplexed that people can both want criminal justice reforms and still vote for Republicans.
Because it’s a month, remind us of who you were yesterday.
I was Raphael before I put on The Jacket™ .
You don’t put on The Jacket™, The Jacket™ puts on you.
Please let me have my moment.
You may want to consider signing your posts “Raphael” kind of like the “Hobbit” guy signs his posts, in order to keep your identity since you’ll be wearing the jacket for a while. I don’t know about others, but I find it difficult to keep track of who’s who when people change their names or avatar.
Did you get the tattoo yet?
I was fortunately not drunk when I made the bet.
::looks at tramp stamp in the mirror::
Wish I could say the same.
Oooh, yikes my man. Hopefully, you can find a nice tattoo removal artist.
Does it read:
Mexicans, Pot and….
*arrow pointing down*
It wasn’t from the election. It was from the 2003 Ohio State-TTUN game.
So… just the arrow pointing down then?
well now – no big surprises here. Looks like the Dems underperformed, so not much of a wave. Nothing like 2010, more in line with history. I’m sure the Dems will trumpet this as a repudiation of Trump though – duh.
Not sure why anyone would vote for the evil party but something something never underestimate the stupidity…
Michigan, as expected, as a whole slate of Democrats to raise taxes and spend, spend, spend. And in another 4 or 8 years, the voters will put a Republican governor in to “clean things up” – the usual.
We also voted to enable massive voter fraud in all future elections, so that next Republican governor is never coming!
Thank goodness I’ll be able to dull the pain with legal weed.
I’m sure the cops in Toledo are already gearing up additional K-9 units as we speak.
So Vermont re-elected the guy who stabbed them in the back on gun laws?
was the other person better? Or are you a fan of vote for someone worse to teach a lesson – which is a valid point of view
I’m a fan of punishing people who fuck me over.
Not a Vermonter, so no idea which candidate told prettier lies.
The other “person” was the scary tranny in the picture up top. (Not kidding)
Greetings from Virginia’s Seventh Congressional District where it appears that smug CIA careerist Abigail Spanberger has defeated the mostly liberty-friendly Dave Brat (MJ his glaring weakness). There was also a libertarian in the race and I really wish he’d have sat out because Brat, although not perfect, was a solid ally (again, MJ exempted).
There was also a Libertarian in the race for US Senate, and he got enough votes to preserve automatic ballot access for the next election. I suspect that many of his votes were from people who knew that Kaine was going to win and couldn’t bring themselves to vote for Stewart.
God I despise that fucking bitch
Ditto. Scamberger is a total con-artist.
It’s the smug that just oozes off her. She talks a good game about her constituents, but she’s really just there to gratify her own ego by trying to enact foreign policy that she couldn’t as a CIA careerist, and to run interference for her fellow careerists who are called before congress.
I know she was a page for Chuck Robb, so her family must be politically connected. Her work history after leaving government (sort of) suggests she doesn’t know how to do anything other than work the system.
Van Valkenburg is the fucking worst of em all.
Correction: In Virginia a party needs 10% of the vote in a statewide office to preserve ballot access. Nice duopoly we have here.
Yeah this one is an actual of example of the supposed libertarian being the worse of the three options. Dude is a government employee at a university, so I’m automatically pretty skeptical of his libertarian bonafides. He’s also very much in the Weld mold of libertarian, everything on his website is all “moderate” “common sense” solutions. Not much about, you know, actual liberty. I think he’s one of the Left funded spoilers and looks like he played his part.
Dave Brat, while not perfect by any means, is a small town college econ professor who works for a private Christian school, and who got rid of Eric Cantor which is all to the good. Spanberger was a federal cop, opening peoples mail and sniffling through it. Then she went to work for the CIA. She’s exactly the kind of person who should be kept far far away from the levers of power, and now she has a hold of one. Way to go all you “pox on both their houses” people. We so needed another Congresscritter that thinks that the Constitution is an antiquated restriction on Sensible Government Policy. Way to fucking go.
Kind of a microcosm of my whole thing with voting right now. I get the GOP sucks, really I do. But what do libertarians get from the Democrats right now? Like, someone who is still clinging to this “they are equally bad!!!!” talking point please explain this to me.
The Dems aren’t peaceful on foreign policy, they’re explicitly anti free speech and due process, they’re not gonna get rid of the surveillance state, and of course they have not stopped being socialists gun grabbing morons. That was my thing back in 2008. I was trying to look on the bright side, and I said “well we’re gonna get tax hikes and some socialist healthcare scheme, but at least we will get out of Irag and Afghanistan and we’ll probably see legal pot. Those are good things.” But that just didn’t happen. We got the same amount of war both abroad and on TEH DRUGZ.
When Republicans are in power, my taxes go down, and they appoint judges who think that the written Consitution and law are what counts, not TEH FEELZ. Yeah, the spending doesn’t, and yes that’s fucking dumb. But it’s not like the Dems raise taxes and cut spending. They raise taxes and raise spending.
*slow clap*
You’re making me feel bad I voted for the shithead L in MT helping Jonny Testor go back to his swamp.
Breaking news: fascist dictator accidentally lets everyone vote
Hei! You got that off twitter didncha
The thing on Twitter right now is “THE DEMOCRATS WON THE SENATE POPULAR VOTE”.
Umm, wut? Does that mean Tester would have won if Democratic votes cast in California had been assigned to him?
Just wait until the reports of Russian meddling comes into play again.
Well there were two Dems on the ballot in CA. That might just skew those numbers.
There were 5+ million votes for Democratic Senators in California — because 2 Democrats ran and 0 Republicans.
Soooo, if you exclude the CA votes because no Republican on the ticket, who “won” the rest of the country in popular vote totals?
The Democrats. However, if you divide the Senate seats won/lost last night by the vote totals for those senate seats, the seats won / lost by democrats are almost exactly in line with the victory totals. That’s also not including the two ‘independents’ that won.
The democrats earned 56.8% of the vote and won 20 of 35 available seats (57%). Two independents won, and there is still a runoff in Mississippi.
Currently, the Republicans earned 41.5% of the overall vote, and won 11 of 35 available seats (31%). The republicans are likely to win Mississippi and gain a 12th seat, bringing their percentage of seats won up to 34%, while winning 41.5% of the overall vote count.
was the other person better?
I assume the tranny was far worse, on everything, but the gun laws in Vermont took a giant hit at the hands of the sitting governor.
Good morning Sloop!
Well, Minne did as Minne does. Dems everywhere but state senate still controlled by repubs. Useless fuckwit Erik Paulsen got his ass handed to him by a trust fund frat boy. Which is actually good if it means getting someone competent in there in 2020. Interestingly, the small local races broke much differently. My state rep and senator are both repups, my mayor and preferred city council dude were reelected, and two of my three school board choices won. So all in all not terrible.
But of course Ellison and the crooked Somali chick won, because Minnesota.
Here’s a live version from earlier this year.
Not too bad for a 76 year old man!
Ellison was the big disappointment for me. The disappointing thing is that if the GOP had known he was going to be the candidate, I think they would have had someone better than Warlowe lined up. Oh well. Now maybe the local paper will have to cover him.
It will be interesting to see if Omar is able to avoid having to answer questions about her past now that she is a congresswoman.
Also sad to see Jeff Johnson lose the governor’s race, but now I can probably get a beer with him.
I’m also not sure that Tundra and I will be rid of the frat-trust boy that beat Paulsen. If he simply does nothing he will probably win several more races.
It will be interesting to see if Omar is able to avoid having to answer questions about her past now
Is she the one who possibly married her brother and hates Israel?
Yup. The only time the local paper asked her about the controversy her only reply was “I will not dignify evil racist Trump questions like that with a response.” Which turned out to be totally fine for the local paper.
I once had to help find a better candidate for a mayorship. Getting ‘someone better lined up’ is a lot harder than most realize. There just isnt anyone better who is interested in taking the shit-bath that is politics.
I have no idea how you could ever talk a normal person into getting involved in any of this shit. I grew up with Jeff Johnson who just lost the race and seeing how much of his life is spent fund raising or meeting groups to get your name out there is insane. He’s a genuinely decent person, but if you watched the ads on TV you would think he gets a stiffy at the thought of forcing some poor person to die in the streets (killed by the lack of health insurance).
If it was me, I’d want to go Old Hickory on their asses and challenge them to a duel or beat them with a cane.
What Suthen says: our political system is designed to only attract the worst of the worst. Decent people, the ones we would actually want doing the job, will do their best to avoid it.
She’ll now have to face the DC press corps, not all of whom are Dem lapdogs.
What we need is a prosecutor who is willing to look into this. She seems shameless enough that any number of negative stories will simply ignored. She might have to say how disappointed she is by the muslim bashing, but that will be the end of it.
Nevada’s officially a blue state now. Finally got enough Californians migrated over. It would be awesome if that was the worst part about living here.
Arizona is going that way too – they need to build a wall on their western border.
The worst part of living there is that it’s like 197 degrees and most of the state is a radioactive slag-pit stuffed with the corpses of ex-Mafiosi.
That’s a lot of degrees.
No, you’re confused. Those are some of the best things about NV.
China can apparently now identify citizens based on the way they walk
as creppy as that sounds, i wonder if it can still identify you if you put on a puffy coat and stick a pebble in your shoe so you walk funny.
After it has seen you walk that way for a while, the AI will figure it out… That’s the scary thing about this totalitarian monitoring shit.
move the pebble to the other shoe for a bit, or only use it when you plan to do something shady. the point is that it can recognise you even when your face is obscured, which normally it isn’t anyway (presumably).
if you’re going to the trouble of wearing a mask and you’re concerned you’ll be identified anyway due to gait recognition, I’m curious how easily fooled it is.
These AIs can be incredibly sophisticated. I am sure there is no way to account for false positives, but the way totalitarian states would handle that issue is to just punish everyone just in case. Nothing good comes from this capability IMO.
I find this hard to believe. Walk’s aren’t that distinct, and facial recognition software still produces lots of false positives even though faces are much more distinct. I’d bet that this is more likely to be police state propaganda than an accurate description of the state of the art technology.
I don’t think China worries overmuch about “false positives”. Neither will the US when this technology inevitably is used here.
Your walk is absolutely as distinctive as your fingerprint.
On the other hand, the amazing AI results getting published all the time are generally examples of massively overfitting. Reality is a nonlinear non Gaussian bitch.
“Your walk is absolutely as distinctive as your fingerprint.”
Really!? I find this very hard to believe.
Denham might hold on to CA-10 — I expect a car trunk of votes to be found in Modesto soon.
Prop 6 failed — so once again this state decides to reward the incompetent idiots who blew all the money that was supposed to go to roads and then passed higher taxes when “HURR MUH ROADS!!”. Sigh.
And Newsom for Governor. Bleck… Yeah, it was more likely than not – but here comes an attempt at (unaffordable) health care for *all* (explicitly including illegal immigrants… combined with open borders… yeah, that makes fiscal sense you primped up jerk….).
Yep. CA is going to get much, much worse. I was hoping to move out of here once my wife retires (in 9 years!). But, it may need to be sooner than that.
So what you are saying is that the bitch bought the race.
Candidate Raised Spent Cash on Hand Last Report
Abigail Spanberger (D) $5,894,232 $5,303,695 $590,537 10/17/2018
Dave Brat (R) • Incumbent $2,707,910 $1,897,920 $978,004 10/17/2018
Helen Alli (3) $13,166 $7,481 $793 06/30/2018
Joe Walton (L) $6,573 $5,850 $723 10/17/2018
Something something money in politics. She did have a lot of commercials that would sound nice to uninformed people. There was a lot of talk reaching across the isle and not being a shill for Pelosi. I’ll hold her to that but I won’t be surprised when that proves to be bullshit.
My bad for the shit formatting.
Even though they did very well in Minnesoda, a few GOP people won, so some local poli-sci professors have a long screed on the dangers of money in politics.
Looks like the Kochie Monster is back! And isn’t it nice that the DFL only has “independent expenditure groups”? No dirty money from wealthy backers for them.
That’s why the dem party is a successful crime syndicate: great messaging.
Oh noes, the Kochtopus!
Did Gulag Barbie win? I can’t wait to see her on Meet the Press.
Look for the silver lining, they told me.
Yeah Pol Thot won. Like the others said before me, I hope they give her mic and all the time on the floor.
She basically ran unopposed- Team Red is just a nominal deal in that district. The Team Blue primary determines all.
Same with Ilhan Omar – Somali Barbie – once she won the primary it was all but certain she was going to win the race. Even is she had come out on Monday and admitted that she did marry her brother to commit financial aid fraud, she would have won. After all, what else could you do in her district? Vote for a Republican?
Hey, that’s my representative in congress you are talking about. *sigh*
Fun fact – I have basically never voted in a competitive house race.
Also, while I have never lived in west virgina, some of my best friends were from there. I’ll have to ask them if we are supposed to do anything special when we elect someone with a history of (allegedly) incestuous relationships.
The Gauls really did embalm the severed heads of enemies, research shows
I cannot fathom how a majority of voters in NJ thought returning Bob Menendez to the Senate was a good idea – so I’ve decided to become one of them.
Also – how did everyone in MA vote for Charlie Baker AND Liz Warren?
One must become the NPC to understand the NPC.
I see you are doing similar research into hipster sorta libertarians,
I am not doing something as insightful and intellectual as your work. I only merely lost a bet.
Don’t be fooled by the ‘R’, Charlie Baker is just Deval Patrick in whiteface.
Oh, and lifts, since Baker is legit 9″ taller
“Now you can be taller than she is!“™
Claire McCaskill is out.
Marijuana is in.
I can live with it.
Girl Scouts sue Boy Scouts over trademark as boys welcome girls
Maybe if the Girl Scouts did stuff such as actual scouting and all that, they wouldn’t be so threatened by all this.
That’s one huge reason I never let my kid do GS. The other is because they’re woke SJWs.
I didn’t know too much about that second point. My sister did use to be in the GS, but she didn’t last long.
I think BSA and GSA were once awesome organizations. As usual, parents and politics have pretty much ruined both.
My son is in a Mormon-church-sponsored troop and loves it. I will be very sad when the church pulls out of BSA for good. We can’t afford it without the church.
I was one of those cases too. My troop was sponsored by the Catholic Church I’d go to so that pretty much made it possible. I’ll also be sad because I did have good experiences and role models as a young lad.
My Boy Scout troop was the one where over half the kids had the choice of joining Boy Scouts or going to Juvie. We never had problems getting fire started, knives available, etc.
We had some of that too. The fucking school system would pay the annual dues for “at-risk” kids. So you always had a few kids that stunk to high heaven and that one creepy kid you were sure was going to stab someone given half a chance.
Aw yeah, the classic Firem’n Chits and Totin’ Chips infractions.
My Boyscout troop was mostly run by well intended fathers but was far too sedentary for my tastes. I finally quit when I decided one week of summer camp wasn’t work a whole year of make-work projects and boring patrol meetings. And I’d discovered sports and girls.
I was on a BSA summer camp staff for a few years.
The all-Mormon troops had the highest proportion of assholes of any.
When they pull out, won’t they be forming their own alternative organization? I know other denominational groups have already done that, so unless the Mormon alternative is substantially inferior to BSA I think you’ll still be in luck.
I was kicked out of the Cub Scouts for saying the Lord’s name in vain. The den mother called my mom at work and made her come pick me up because “There is no place in scouting for little blaspheming atheists!” The previous week, I had been awarded a badge for making stuffed peppers. Sigh… I’ll just pine for The Galactic Girl Guides.
I did GS.
Lots of Brownies I gather.
*narrows gaze*
What did you do to them?
This was a while back, but one of my friends was appalled when she went to GS leader training and there was an hour long tutorial on how to light a match. With a bucket of water in case things got out of hand.
This is so grating, sad and pathetic.
Progressives destroy everything in the name of false progress.
Look, it’s not their fault when their good intentions result in the exact opposite condition. It’s your fault for not obeying their every command and making their dreams come true, you wrecking kulak.
Turns out my district was gerrymandered plenty for the Dems. They just let us yokels in the west count votes first. Then the newly attached urban area males sure to report a comfortable margin for the Dem.
I almost welcomed you as another Tulpa sock until I realized you just cjanged your avatar.
Bad news for us Nevada folk…looks like we are importing all the politics from California…I moved away from Cali for that very reason….
How long before you get an income tax – for the childrenz?
Hopefully the casinos keep that at bay. Of course we now have automatic voter registration….shit is stupid
The state ballot initiatives were more depressing than the offices to me. We overwhelmingly voted to enshrine the ridiculous Marsy’s Law “victims’ bill of rights” into the state constitution, as if it wouldn’t have been bad enough just adding them to the Nevada Revised Statutes. Overwhelmingly voted to maintain the state energy monopoly. Overwhelmingly voted to exempt feminine hygiene products from sales, use or excise taxes. Overwhelmingly voted for motor voter registration. And overwhelmingly voted to mandate 50% of the state energy monopoly’s power is generated from renewable sources by 2030. Gonna be fucking awesome watching my energy bill up go up 20% a year until I can afford to move out of this shit hole.
Ha! I worked for Nevada Power for a couple years in the 90’s before I moved back east and the company was bought. Even back then there were all kind of solar proposals that never had a chance to be price competitive with our coal generation or even our gas “peakers”. Vegas got totally bypassed with the Hoover Dam – all that power goes straight down to Southern California.
Good luck cooling your house when electric rates double.
Yep I’m with you Pat. I love it here but I have a feeling in 4-6 years we might as well get annexed by Cali
Overwhelmingly voted to exempt feminine hygiene products from sales, use or excise taxes.
Sounds like a violation of anti-discrimination laws, to me.
Time to bury your guns in the desert.
+1 Dune Buggy Accidents.
You know what they say, when it’s time to bury them it’s time to dig them up.
Well my fellow West Virginians, as poor, fat stupid as ever, re-elected Joe “Due Process is Killing Us” Manchin again because he brings home those sweet, sweet Fed-bucks. I’ll be happy to put this place in my rear-view.
Hublot’s $25,000 watch can only be purchased with Bitcoin
Pretty cool. Too bad Hublot’s watches look like shit.
Trivia question: who was referred to as ‘the best bang since the big one’?
Zaphod Beeblebrox, I think.
And we have a winner!
Follow up question: who described him as such?
The triple breasted whore, whose name I have forgotten.
she was from…Eroticon 7?
It’s been too long, maybe I should dig them out and reread?
Meh. Last time I brought them out for a reread, I realized that Douglas Adams had some brilliant comedy ideas, but terrible writing ability. Talking about one character, going on an aside for two or three paragraphs (introducing other characters), then referring back to the first character with just a pronoun.
Eroticon 6 I think.
Eroticon 6, I thought.
Eccentrica Gallumbitz?
Yes. The triple-breasted whore from Eroticon 6.
Well done.
And yes, the book is very disappointing today. Sometimes memories are best left alone.
I must confess, I quite enjoy binge watching the old BBC television adaptation every few years. That, Blake’s 7, and Red Dwarf are still fun to see.
He’s just zis guy, you know?
With problems beyond the dreams of analysts.
Spin it, Baby
Trumpism finally met some limits, and the country is better for it. Not healed, not repaired — but better.
Democrats didn’t quite get the “blue wave” they hoped for. They lost at least two seats in the Senate, which will remain solidly under Republican control. But they achieved their primary target: They regained control of the House of Representatives, ending the GOP’s four-year hold on both houses of Congress. Now they can block whatever remains of Trump’s legislative agenda. More important, they can open serious investigations into the president’s conduct. That will make the next two years a very different experience than the White House has enjoyed with a compliant Republican Congress.
But the voters’ larger message was also important: Even without the wave, this was a rebuke of a heedless, headstrong president. In exit polls, 55% of voters said they disapprove of the way Trump is doing his job. Two-thirds said the president was a factor in their vote.
Repudiation, it is. Trump might as well just take up residence at Mar a Lago full time and play golf.
Speaking of that, since it wasn’t a blue wave, was this just a blue drop or splash?
A puddle.
Not to worry, there will still be plenty of blue tears over the next two years.
I wonder how many R’s lost their seats because they shit the bed on Obamacare and did not fund the wall? Are they all in districts that Trump carried?
Stupid is as stupid does.
You’d figure these guys would do what their constituents voted them in for. But alas, such mysteries we face in life.
I can’t find the story now but someone on BBC wrote something along the lines of “so, no blue wave, but a steadily rising tide.”
BBC is really astonishing in terms of how they just accept establishment versions of things. Although, come to think of it, I guess that’s been their mandate from when they were founded.
BBC is really astonishing in terms of how they just accept establishment versions of things.
They’re a government-funded news outlet. It’s practically in their charter to “just accept establishment versions of things”.
“at least 2” is a funny way to say 6.
Not healed, not repaired — but better.
It won’t be “healed” until Democrats are in total control.
Well, they are the ones on the right side of history.
It won’t be healed until we’re all equally ill and broken.
Looks like my congressional district stayed Republican, with the incumbent quitting to fail in a Senate race. Hopefully the new guy isn’t as much of a douche.
the Dems have taken the House.
A slim majority. The shrieking and histrionics will continue apace. But here’s to two years of gridlock! *raises glass*
Two more years of gridlock. Let’s stop pretending Paul Ryan was anything other than Trump’s opposition in Congress.
Fair enough. But they did at least get tax cuts, however compromised the bill was.
The West coast went full Blue.
*shocked face*
And whales are wet.
So, I guess that voter suppression thing worked, right?
Millions voted, so… not really.
My first foray into making money through freelance editing/proofreading has begun.
In trying to learn how their in-house system works, I started with super-short book blurbs. Like 100-150 words or so.
I have officially made two euros. I…HAVE MADE FIRE!
I read that as two errors.
I was so sure that was going to be a Quest for Fire clip. Well, congrats anyway.
‘It is time for bi-partisanship where we can find it, and to stand our ground when we can’t’
-Nancy Pelosi (heard this morning)
There you have it folks. She finally admitted bi-partisanship is when the dems get their way.
Yeh, she’s gonna be a bitch.
Like when Obama basically said the same thing.
I can’t believe that nut case is going to be Speaker.
I’ll laugh my ass off if she somehow doesn’t get the Speaker position. Can we get She Guerva as the Speaker?
I would love for that moron to get it. Of course she wont. The gaggle of fuckwits aren’t fuckwitted enough not to see what a moron she is.
Give them time…
She finally admitted bi-partisanship is when the dems get their way
This is why I’m not sure a divided legislature is such a great thing. We know for sure it will prevent positive things like further tax reform and repeal of Obamacare with a favorable senate.
Bipartisan compromise legislation will pass. Compromise legislation worries me much more than whatever Team Red would pass on their own.
Pure gridlock would be ideal. Unlikely we’ll get that and nothing else though.
The ray of hope here is that it is highly unlikely the Dems will actually adopt a conciliatory tone. If they do launch an array of investigations and keep up their strident rhetoric to feed their base, it will make it less likely for the Reps to consider caving in a bipartisan way. We’ll have to wait and see, but I don’t think bridge burning is conducive to bipartisanship.
I now live on wet land instead of dry land. Vote was 29k to 7k.
I am pretty sure the combined baptist+bootlegger population of my county is about 30k.
Congratulations. It still amazes me that there are “dry” counties though.
I enjoyed the irony back when I was brewing professionally while living in a dry county.
Louisville actually has 4 dry PRECINCTS.
The actual logic was that if they got rid of corner liquor stores, the slums would be less slummy.
I remember reading a story years ago about a local city that was voting on whether to allow liquor sales. The anti-liquor vote was headed by some battle axe who was the second coming of Carrie Nation. The vote was something like 100-1. The important part was only 1 vote for continuing the ban on liquor sales. The reason? Because everyone felt sorry for the hen pecked husband of the battle axe. I’m sure he thought there would be no way he’d ever get caught.
Hah hah hah… poor guy.
So I guess all the shenanigans we’ve seen since 2016 from the Democrats from Hillary and Obama interfering, to Anttifa to Kavanaugh etc., kinda worked or at least didn’t matter?
I think we saw the D’s cards. They couldn’t possibly beat that drum any harder, with a media and entertainment industry doing everything in their power to support them and the best they could do was win a few house seats. As stupid as the American public is they aren’t quite ready to don their red stars yet.
Until, of course, we get another economic downturn, or another drawn-out war. The latter seems unlikely, but the former is an inevitability.
Half of the country approved and agreed all along.
Avatar changing/Handle hoping: I’m ag’in it. Too difficult to keep all you Tulpa’s straight.
Oh, I just saw that everyone else was doing it.
I promise you mammals I shall never change my avatar or handle.
This is only temporary. I promise The Jacket™ will dispose of me soon enough and I will go back to my prior form.
Hand-hoping is the Nick Gillespie of Glib-moves 😉
Seconded. And if you must, at least maintain some common thread if you do it, like Hayeksplosives/Roadsplosives does.
since it wasn’t a blue wave, was this just a blue drop or splash?
Blue dribble.
Like in a sanitary napkin commercial.
Hey Straffin, did you see the feel-good story about your old stomping grounds of Chippewa Falls I posted in the afternoon links yesterday?
*It was not a feel good story. In fact it was down right depressing.
The Hit and run story?
No, the 10 year old who murdered a baby. But yeah, the same area did have a bunch of girl scouts wiped out by a driver who was huffing at the time. That however was a feel good story compared to the story I was talking about.
Yeah. I did see that. Same age as my kid. And people ask my why I don’t move back. Jeebus.
I love it.
down the leg of Mother Liberty?
It’s like pre-cum when you have gonorrhea and it hurts when you pee.
Especially since 3 big media/dem hypes crashed and burned…
According to Wiki, 51 million to 40 million popular vote in favour or Democrats.
There are 51 million dumbasses.
I’m getting really tired of the Dem’s new talking point about the “popular vote”. Don’t they see the danger in letting the majority rule in every dispute?
My prediction is that the first target for this new “majority rules” activism is going to be the 2A.
Danger? No, it’s exactly what they want. Because they believe that if they redefine things enough, and court the poor and ignorant with handouts, that they will get what they want. And it will work for a while. See, Venezuela.
They have rigged the system in their favor, so why would they worry?
I had a discussion with a dyed-in-the-wool prog who was shocked, SHOCKED! that I used the phrase “Tyranny of the majority.”
“But that’s Democracy, that’s the will of the people!”
And if the people decide to crucify all the trannies? What then?
After all us wrongthinkers are purged or reeducated it won’t be a concern.
Hey, at least they’ll maybe get the trains running on time too.
She should go back and read Mill and why it’s called ‘tyranny of the majority’.
I’m getting really impatient with opinionated illiterates.
Do they no longer teach children about Athens? Democracy is terrifying.
Socrates died so democracy could live.
Well, let’s not limit ourselves here.
There are at least 51 million dumbasses.
5+ million in California Senate where no R ran.
I don’t think that it’s no R ran, but rather Californians gamed it with the top two from the primary to exclude Rs from the general election.
Charlie Baker makes Mitt Romney look like Joseph McCarthy. That ‘R’ is purely for decoration.
Where’s Swiss?
Out consoling Joel Quenneville?
He’s here up above
Did you see they named a 33 year old coach? Quenneville must have been an old meanie.
The problems are all management.
Trading Panarin was retarded.
I guess three cups in eight years isn’t enough for job security.
Looks like darkish days are back in Chicago.
All I know is Claude Julien is one the most under rated coaches in the NHL.
As I said yesterday, how the fuck can a coaching change fix aging players and bad contracts?
I’d hire Joel in a heartbeat.
I wish the Blackhawks had fired him last year so the Rangers could have hired him instead of Quinn.
According to Wiki, 51 million to 40 million popular vote in favour or Democrats.
You don’t say.
That’s it, pack it in boys. The American people have spoken. We just need to elect a single sovereign every four years, nobody needs regional representation or those pesky checks and balances.
Marxism is a top down form of government. Letting the serfs make local decisions gets in the way of the 5 year plans the top men want.
Don’t blame me, I didn’t vote.
If you don’t vote, then you didn’t vote.
Celebrities are very angry with you.
Another vote suppressor identified. Delete his social media accounts!
Are you ready for Pelosi?
President Trump just got an early Christmas present.
Fox News and NBC called the House at 9:30 pm. EDT, declaring that Democrats have taken control of the chamber. So yes, Trump’s Republican Party has lost control of the U.S. House of Representatives, as predicted, but Democrats could well install Rep. Nancy Pelosi as the new Speaker — and that’s a gift that just keeps on giving.
The 78-year-old Democrat from California, who was House Speaker from 2007 until the GOP took control of the chamber in 2011, is poised to resume that powerful position — and she wants it.
“I feel very confident in the support that I have in the House Democratic Caucus, and my focus is on winning this election because so much is at stake,” Pelosi told reporters in July. Just this month, she told The Washington Post: “Nobody is indispensable. But I do think that I am best qualified to take us into the future, protect the Affordable Care Act, to do our infrastructure bill and the rest. Stepping down this path, I know the ropes.”
And Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) said a few days ago: “I expect Nancy Pelosi will be Speaker, and I believe that she will be Speaker until she decides to leave.”
The Wicked Witch of the
WestLeft is back.Or she joins RBG in the big dark?
I’m surprised Tester lost (if, indeed, he did- who knows what surprise revelations may yet come).
After the nonstop smear campaign against Rosendale and Gianforte, it will be interesting to see how the progressive shit flinging howler monkeys respond. I’m going to assume democracy is broken, and no good will come of this.
I’m sure there is wailing in the streets of Missoula this morning. Fuck, I love Montana more than any place on earth but Missoula is one of the most contemptible assemblages of pretentious hipster proggy douchebags I’ve ever experienced.
Last I read, Missoula and Flathead Counties were still counting up the ballots. Missoula is solid blue and Flathead is trending purple. I still think Tester will eke out a victory over Rosendale.
Can’t be sure until all 109% of the Missoula County votes have been tallied.
Gather your bonnets and repent.
Amy Coney Barett.
The RBG deathwatch has begun.
I will relish the moment she is nominated.
Who lost a Gillespie bet?
Mentioned it upthread, but it’s a-me, Raphael. Cherish this victory, Just Say’n. I will ensure this doesn’t happen again.
Oh, I will cherish it.
Isnt Meuller supposed to release his report on the nefarious Russia collusion now that the midterms are over?
I cant wait.
He will probably post it in a cabinet in the basement.
My take is that he has nothing on Trump, it will get quietly released in the house after the leadership switch in January and buried by the Democrats.
Then the new AG will thank him for his service and wish him good luck in his future endeavors. And a full-blown investigation into all the deep state stuff will get cranked up.
Oh, I bet you they will use it as an excuse to demand a no-holds barred investigation of anyone associated with Trump. The agenda here is to fuck over as many people as possible to send a clear message that anyone that opposes what the democrats want will be punished.
In the basement in an unused lavatory behind a door adorned with a poster reading “Beware of leopard.”
My take:
Thanks to Kavanaugh, the Senate Republican gave people a reason to vote for them, so they picked up a few seats.
Thanks to Ryan, the House Republicans never did, so they lost control of the House.
I wouldn’t blame Paul Ryan for that.
My fondest memory of Ryan will always be watching his dead stare as Trump delivered his first address to a joint session of Congress. Poor Paul looked like a man who stared into an abyss and then the abyss stared back at him and then he turned around an endorsed that abyss.
South Parks treatment of him was possibly the best moment of that season.
“Speaker Ryan, is that semen on your black eye?”
I would blame Ryan and every other Republican in the House. House Republicans deserved to lose for not mustering the collective balls to out that RINO cuck douchbag.
I think what pissed most people off was how they botched the Obamacare repeal…
“botched” makes it sound accidental.
+1 continuing resolution. Or is that 4.1 trillion?
where’s that Morgan Freeman “He’s right you know” picture when you need it.
SJWednesday: There Ain’t No End to Doing Prog
They really are all Captain Redlegs.
A mere hundred years ago these people would not have been able to survive.
These first world problems do show how fragile our societies are now that we have removed the need for people to actually not be stupid if they wanted to survive.
This. The curse of success.
“Non-human animals”, or as I refer to them – “lunch”.
What do they intend to do about non-human animals that eat other non-human animals?
Jesus-tap dancing-Christ. It’s like none of them heard or learned a thing from James Lindsay, Helen Pluckrose, and Peter Boghossian revealing their “field of study” for the nonsense and sham it is.
In thi day and age they’d never allow a baseball player named Niekro. Perhaps instead “Phil and Joe Persons Of Kolor”.
+1 nail file.
Niekro, please.
What can you really expect from a neanderthal knuckle
draggerpitcher like Niekro?/Niekro at Bureaucrat Office #2: Names Not Deemed Appropriate.
Niekro: Hi. Baseball legend. Phil and that’s my brother Joe over there.
/Joe eagerly waves in the waiting area.
Niekro: I received this notice.
Bureaucrat (looks at it with pencil to lips): Niekro, eh? Ah yes. We don’t like the sound of that. From now on, your name is Nigger. No wait. I messed up. Let’s go with Nieko. Yeh. Nieko. I like that. It sounds like a name in a bad ass movie. Here comes Nieko and his gun to kill you all But Nieko I did-do natting! Oh no…I….
/Gets up making gun and punching sounds.
Niekro: “Er. I don’t mean to interrupt. But do I have a say? That name goes back centuries and it means a lot….
Bureaucrat (interrupts): “No.”
/pretends to slam down imaginary wicket window like Les Nessman.
For all the aggressive discourse around ending the exploitation of non-human animals and their bodies, human bodies are too often exploited by the animal rights community in ways that reinforce systems of oppression, revictimize survivors with triggering imagery, perpetuate the dangerous and ableist idea that plant-based diets are a magical panacea, and risk the lives of activists during actions
It will take a whole bucket of ranch dressing to get that word salad down.
There ain’t enough ranch dressing (or any other sort of dressing for those that don’t like ranch) that will make that tossed word salad palatable.
Turns out they and I have at least one thing in common: neither one of us has any idea what the fuck that screed is saying.
It’s saying the same thing every progressive screed says: Our group is superior to your group, and my little clique in our group is superior to the rest of our group.
Pay attention to meeeeeee! I’m important and special and noteworthy! Sure, I may be a part time batista living in my mom’s basement, but I’m special because I’m a [insert proggy identity group here].
SJWednesday: Why Don’t I Get Victimhood/Shitlord Status Too? Korean Dude Edition
Is this the “I want my cake and eat it too” of identity politics?
It always comes down to cake with these people…
Koreans are the Irish of the East. They drink too much, they fight too much, they are stubborn as mules, they believe they are the Chosen. They also believe that the only reason that they aren’t ruling the world is because they have been actively kept down by The Man (British, Chinese, Japanese).
They never seem to consider the fact that the drinking, fighting and stubbornness have anything to do with their troubles.
And they are a lot of fun to hang around because of all that craziness.
I always thought of them as the Texans of Asia – beef eating, hard drinking, hard fighting (thus, fun) – but the Irish is probably a better analogy.
You’ve gotta factor in the Christian part of it to understand. Korea is the only place in Chinese-based Asia (China, Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Thailand to some extent) where Christianity got a toehold.
Definitely the Irish of Asia.
American and ROK Marines always get along great because they try to out-crazy each other.
Team Spirit ’88
Our squadron did joint formation run with some ROK Marines in early spring (still snow on the ground). We showed up in sweats. The were shorts/sweat shirts. So we doffed the sweat pants. They doffed the sweat shirts. Long story short, we all ended up running in short and shoes for 3 miles.
Afterwards we all drank soju and OB beer together and had a great time.
So we doffed the sweat pants. They doffed the sweat shirts.
*lights the Jesse signal*
ROK Marines are major badasses.
Now I’m trying to figure out what Korean-Irish fusion food would be…
Gamja jorim
Shepherd’s pie with kimchi instead of mashed potatoes
Corned beef and kimchi.
(that might work)
(and, yes, I know corned beef and cabbage is an American-Irish thing)
Riced potatoes?
You’ll probably have to continue imagining it, but should your curiosity about Korean-Polish ever be piqued Chicago has you covered:
That looks awesome.
They never seem to consider the fact that the drinking, fighting and stubbornness have anything to do with their troubles.
Them’s drinkin’ words! … I mean, them’s fightin’ words!
Step outside and we’ll settle this by fightin’… er, drinking… no, fightin’ … what were we talking about again?
I had a Korean friend tell me this too. “Don’t confuse us with Japanese. We like to drink and laugh and party.” Their language has a lot of Western influence apparently.
How about stop marinating yourself in poisonous identity politics and just being a “person”?
SJWednesday: Robosexuals Need Diversity Too
I can hardly wait for the day the government runs robo-brothels.
“Hey, there must be a mistake, my robot looked like a gal, but when I took her panties off it had a dick”
“Shut up shitlord! That robot is as much a female sex robot as one that has an artificial vagina! You get in there and have sex with it NOW”
And pay more taxes for this treatment!
How did this not make it into the final draft of Snow Crash?
Because we weren’t as infested with lunatics back then.
“The only thing that would motivate their bias [against the robots] would be that they would have transferred their already existing racial bias to, let’s say, African-Americans, onto the robots,” Bartneck told Medium. “That’s the only plausible explanation.”
Isn’t it nice when explanations are so pat and reaffirming.
It takes a large amount of education to be that stupid.
(I didn’t even click though, but I’m certain Bartneck has at least graduate degree).
“There is only one explanation – mine.”
Sure thing, Sunshine.
So it’s really white?
Rachel Robolezal.
*golf clap*
No one knows how the robot really feels. It might think of itself as white or Korean or Hispanic.
Sex Robot
Virginia is such a lost cause. As soon as I’m done with my MBA program, I’m getting the fuck out of here. It’s going to be New Jersey South in no more than ten years, maybe 5.
Yeah, I’m a lifelong Va resident with roots going back to colonial days and for the first time in my life I’m seriously considering moving. But where? SC? MT?
Come to Montana!!!
My wife is pushing hard for Montana. If you know any companies looking for MBA’s with a risk management and insurance focus out there, I’d love to have an excuse to move.
Billings, Bozeman, and Missoula are your likely cities (maybe Kalispell, too). You may want to start there.
Sad, but true about VA. I’ve lived here all my life.
I hear a lot of good things about Bozeman. I hate the cold, though. I would probably move to AZ if I could.
I would probably move to AZ if I could
You may want to rethink that – as discussed yesterday, the Cali infection is very strong there now and is only going to get worse.
Bozeman is a little slice of California. Pass.
Billings is OK, but sort of generic.
Missoula is prog central.
Kalispell is super nice.
Butte is a depressed and faded town. We love it and would move back in a second.
Great Falls is row upon row of strip malls and drunk airmen.
We sooooo badly want to get back to MT. So far, zero work for me that I’ve been able to dig up.
I’ll have a look as I get closer to graduation.
Any of those cities right up against mountains? My knowledge of MT geography is… sketchy at best.
I always liked Livingston. The problem with it is trying to find employment unless you know how to fix RR locomotives.
Watch “Rancho Deluxe” to get an idea of the area, and laugh your ass off.
Montana would never fly with my wife – way too cold. SC would work. If I can find a good enough job in LA (Lower Alabama), I’d move back there. I liked Baldwin County a lot when I lived there.
It’s easy for me to talk big now though. Be a lot harder to actually leave because I’ve really enjoyed being close to my family again since I’ve moved back. That part of it would suck.
I’ve really enjoyed being close to my family again since I’ve moved back. That part of it would suck.
That’s the major reason I’m confined to just complaining about things here in Mass. Reasonable driving distance to both my family & my wife’s family, decades-old friendships… it’d be hard to give up. It’ll have to get more painful first, I guess.
Once VA starts down the gun confiscation path – which it absolutely will, the only question is how long it will take – that will be sufficient motivation for me.
Will still be painful to leave.
There’s always Ohio, there’s like half a dozen of us spread throughout the state.
Plus 200 state troopers waiting to tag anyone going 3 mph over on the freeway.
Only if you’ve got out of state plates (like most states). I routinely go +15 on most of the freeways (with the exception of Linndale. fuck Linndale).
Shit Sandwich A beat Shit Sandwich B for the Governorship!
We got out of the TX32 for different reasons, but we saw the blue infestation coming as well. Too many California and Illinois license plates to not affect voting.
We ended up moving to VA10, which is going though the same thing, but with New York and Maryland license plates.
By the way, Collin Allred is a fucking manipulative hack. I encountered him when he was a senior staffer on the Wendy Davis governor campaign in 2014, and my experience with him was so damned awful that I recognized his name when he ran for whatever local position he won in 2016 and knew he was gonna be running for this house seat either in 2018 or 2020. He’s either going to run for TX governor at some point (he knows how to run such a campaign) or he’s going to try to get the next Senate seat.
It wouldnt surprise me one bit if he was doing some behind the scenes hanky panky to get elected because he has no shame and not a single honest bone in his body.
I’ve considered leaving, but where to go? NC isn’t looking so good either. I thought maybe SC, but they ban open carry.
Unfortunately, I need to be in driving distance of VA for my job and family. Perhaps that will change, but I’ve been thinking about eastern Tennessee.
My takeaway from last night. The California migrants in Texas are slowly chipping away at the state. Soon they will be California 2.0 and we could see a long run of Democrat power if they grab those electoral votes.
California is a cancer spreading across the Southwest.
New Mexico needs no help, we’re California minus the tax base and prime real estate.
I’m telling you, the long-term trend is a leftward shift of the Overton window. Hell, Republicans this cycle were basically running as Democrats-lite on major issues like health insurance and (here in the West) federal-ownership of land, with ads that breathlessly stating “Nuh uh, I won’t take away coverage for preexisting conditions” and “I won’t sell off our public lands!”, respectively.
Yup. I mean, christ, the Donks are now running candidates who are openly, proudly, Marxists.
Maybe I’m crazy but I’m starting to think some kind of partition is the best that we can hope for in the long run.
Yes, the R governor candidate was a left wing RINO and lost to the incompetent witch with a D behind her name.
It won’t be a long run of electoral victories, team red would never win another presidency. And it is the same in CO. Jared Polis had no prob winning Gov and the county I grew up in was once solid red and very libertarian as it was mostly ranchers and mtn folk who wanted to be left the fuck alone. Now it is a solid blue disaster full of transplants right in the middle of the state far from the front range. It’s a shame.
“we could see a long run of Democrat power if they grab those electoral votes”
Florida is now a Blue state, since the voter right restoration isn’t gonna be many Republicans. Or more precisely, it’s been Blue all along, but the voter suppression prevented that from manifesting.
I would be surprised if Trump got reelected with FL off the table.
The California migrants in Texas are slowly chipping away at the state.
It’s both Californian and Mexican migrants. Both places lean socialist, so it’s no surprise that getting a lot from both will turn the place socialist. Assimilation does work, but it is a slow process, so if the migration rates are too high and outstrip the assimilation rates it is no surprise that the new place will begin to resemble the old places.
But some of them, I assume, are good people.
I’m as much a fan of gridlock as the rest of you, but I am not looking forward to the inevitable impeachment proceedings and endless investigations. I was tired of these people months ago. But every vote that goes their way is seen as a “mandate”, so it’s going to get worse.
Wait til the Senate and/or Trump decide to go along with the House’ insanity in other areas, to “get ‘er done” and fuck us over bipartisanly.
ALL semiautomatic rifles in WA are to be classified as “assault weapons” and a bunch of other BS. I feel safer already.
Hmm… riddle me this; what kind of weapon cannot be used to assault? (trick question. there are none)
My “Assault Penis” is a dangerous weapon! I have a sticker from STEVE SMITH saying so…
That whole thing is such a farce. The “I believe in the second amendment, but…” crowd really grinds my gears. If its purpose to ensure a populace armed against tyranny, then modern technology arms can be in the hands of the citizenry and the government is not allowed to interfere with that, period.
Re: The vegan gibberish above.
I have tried to explain this to nonbelievers before, in vain. What is money? Money is not wealth. It is a measure of wealth, like inches are a measure of material. You cant build a house out of inches. You have to have actual lumber, but the lumber is measured in inches just as wealth is measured in dollars. Those dollars represent cost of acquiring resources, fashioning them, time spent laboring, and energy investment. Every dollar in your bank account represents time in your life and your expertise. The dollars themselves are not wealth.
The price of something is largely representative of the cost of acquiring it, the largest part being the energy (gasoline, oil, coal, electricity, methane). If you want to know what the least environmentally damaging simply look at the price of that thing.
Is it cheaper to live on beans, rice, and chicken? Or is it cheaper to live on tofu, artisinal bread, cheese, fresh fruit and vegetables?
I know, I know. They are both virtue signaling and passive-aggressively manipulating other people’s behavior. It is a waste of breath but I had to say it.
Nobody is a as dangerous as a religious fanatic hell bent on converting the non-believer.
Well, the BBC is working on a plan to modify costs. Tax red meat! https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-46122227
Donald J. Trump
In all fairness, Nancy Pelosi deserves to be chosen Speaker of the House by the Democrats. If they give her a hard time, perhaps we will add some Republican votes. She has earned this great honor!
You know, I found myself contemplating these matters at 3am this morning. And I had to smile when I realized this is finally the end of Eddie Munster as Speaker. And Nance will be far more entertaining talking about crumbs… was it crumbs… yes, Donald Bush we’re taking back our crumbs… I mean, wait, Billy Trump, take back these crumbs, those are mine crumbs!
They will just flounder around helplessly for another two years. Hopefully they will shoot themselves in the dick a hundred times doing it. It should be entertaining.
I’m looking forward to him saying he’s going to work with DiFi on gun control every couple of months and then watching her make a fool of herself, again. Or once again telling Schumer he’s going to give him all the illegal voters he wants and then sticking a kick me sign on his back to walk around with. Trump seems to actually thrive on this sort of thing, so it’s going to be interesting at least.
him saying he’s going to work with DiFi on gun control every couple of months
The last time he did this I finally pulled the trigger on buying an AR. ///blackriflesmatter
Since this type of thing seems to be a pattern, I suppose I won’t worry about it. And yes, it should prove entertaining.
Every single candidate and proposal I voted for/against lost. That should be worth a booby prize or something, at least.
Things are looking up so far for me in Montana. 🙂
My friend won our town’s Mayor election. That was the only blemish on my perfect losing streak for votes.
Try having to vote in MD and then realizing that the Republican who won the gov race again, once again turns out to be a Democrat.
I think the main reason Hogan won twice in a row is because old people are confusing him with Willie Don Schaefer.
LOL. Murlanders love them some wishy washy dem lite as GOV. He’s the token red guy.
Overall still a good thing. Ben Jealous as Governor? Yikes.
Ben Jealous would have been great. That would expedite my plans to GTFO of here.
(S)he gonna send some of that sweet gubmint moolah your way?
We shall see!
At least you get to be Supreme Overlord of the town’s trash collection division, right?
What would be really nice is if he found a Judge willing to grant us both the rarely seen NJ CCW.
Almost everything I voted for passed. Kind of spooky.
See Q to collect your prize.
Every single candidate and proposal I voted for/against lost.
I’m in the same boat. To my reasoning, though, we’re the folks with the most right to complain. I always hear, “If you don’t vote, you have no right to complain.”. I say, screw that! The only folks who have no right to complain are the people who voted for whoever won. They’re the ones who bear responsibility for putting the bastard in office.
My state rep & sate senator won re-election. That was it. The rest that I voted for lost.
Welcome to the party, pal.
“Sorry, dude. Try again in four years.”
Does this mean he can go back to being a dude for now? I mean, that was one FUGLY woman.
Vote https://imgur.com/gallery/mQlpm7g
I posted that on FB (mistake, I know) and got some moral scolding. God, voting is a religion for some people. Humorless twats.
Vote https://imgur.com/gallery/3usQmZq
Rage Against the Machine used to feel that way.
Vote https://imgur.com/gallery/qjPC47R
Man, when Spooner gets it right, he gets it right.
Vote https://imgur.com/gallery/8awlmvN
Vote https://imgur.com/gallery/UDL6iTa
I wish I had meme posting privileges…
Another idea I started pondering since yesterday afternoon is ‘Vote out the incumbent’ Is that a real thing? I have heard at least 3 people I work with say this over the past week. Really? I thought that only libertarians say shit like that. Is this why the pendulum keeps swinging every election? I can’t get onboard with that any longer. When it’s shit sammich vs commie, I’m still taking shit sammich. The commie will tax you out of shit sammich and then you only have once choice.
You are starting to sound like you hate commies.
Almost as much as I do.
The Democrats are already saying their House win is a mandate for moving further left. Exactly the same thing they would have said if they didn’t take the House. So what I take from that is, they’re moving further left, as expected.
I haven’t looked into the reasoning used to justify it yet, but there is there is this-
Up until a week or so before the election, there was a ballot initiative in arkansas that was for term limits for state senators. It was removed from the ballot before the election for some legal reason or another. I dont know why, but my gut tells me that state lawyers and state judges ruled that the state representatives and state senators cant be kicked out of office by state rules on state elections.
When it’s shit sammich vs commie, I’m still taking shit sammich. The commie will tax you out of shit sammich and then you only have once choice.
Agreed. This is why I think so much of the libertarian establishment’s notion of trying to cozy up to commies makes no sense. If they get power, libertarians are going to be lined up against the same wall as conservatives. Or sent to the same camps. Even the last time they kinda, sorta, got a little power they were happy to throw the libertarians who helped them under the guise of “liberaltarianism” under the bus.
My father, (semi-accurately) claims to have maintained the same politics since the 70’s, which put him on the hard left then and on the hard-right now. He’s has a photo of himself in the 70 with long hair, a tie-died shirt, and a sign that says “Vote them all out.” He’s got a photo of himself at the firs tea party and he is holding a recreation of the same sign (shorter hair and polo shirt this time.) Says he fit in just fine both times.
My son’s friends’ dad is the text-book definition of burned out hippy – last week he was telling us about the virtues of thick wool socks + birkens instead of boots when its snowing outside. He’s been on the “Vote them out” train for decades too.
I can sort of understand the ‘vote them all out’ mentality, because I was like that. But it wasn’t a blind rage thing for me. Remember the bipartisan horrors of the 90s and early 2000s when it looked like bipartisanism was going to burn up what’s left of the Constitution and turn us into a complete police state? The hard divide we see now is that best thing that could have happened to us. Fuck biparisanism with a flaming cattle prod.
…thick wool socks + birkens…
Erroneous. Bad plan. The smell of wet hippie can cripple a grown man.
God gave us Gore-Tex for a reason, dammit!
Judge: Qualcomm must license modem tech to rivals like Intel
Delusional rambling, or nonsensical blather?
TW: Robert Reich
Trump wasn’t on the ballot but he made the election into a referendum on himself. So Americans turned against House Republicans who should have acted as a check on him but did nothing—in many cases magnifying his vileness.
The nation has repudiated Trump, but do not believe for a moment that our national nightmare is over. He still occupies the White House and in all likelihood will be there for two more years.
America will eventually overcome and reverse Trumpism. The harder challenge will be to reverse the reasons Trump and his Republican lapdogs gained power in the first place.
Some blame racism and nativism. But these toxins have poisoned America since the founding of the Republic. What’s new has been the interaction between them and the long economic slide of tens of millions of working Americans, most of them white and lacking college degrees.
They used to be the bedrock of the Democratic Party, many of them members of trade unions whose strength in numbers gave them an increasing share of the gains from economic growth.
Their long economic slide has generated the kind of frustrations that demagogues throughout history have twisted into rage at “them.”
Meanwhile, most economic gains have gone to the top 1 percent, whose wealth is now greater than the combined wealth of the bottom 90 percent—giving them enough political muscle to demand and get tax cuts, Wall Street bailouts, corporate subsidies, and regulatory rollbacks. These in turn have created even more wealth at the top.
I don’t understand why anybody would immigrate to a shithole like America. I’m just waiting for my visa to Somalia, so I can free myself of the scourge of Trumpism.
Senate gains for Republicans mean… what, Rob? Americans are happy with Trump in the upper house but pissed off with him in the lower? That blue wave ended up being pretty wishy-washy. Are Americans only kinda over Trump?
Projection. Just another person going on a wild rant who apparently believes they can project reality. I see articles like ‘Trump rebuked, the best thing for America!’. Who the fuck is the ‘America’ you speak of? Why, it’s you of course.
“in all likelihood will be there for two more years.”??!!
I’d say guaranteed barring heart attack of resignation. It takes quite a while to get impeachment through the system. Even if they went that route, I doubt they could push him out before 11/20.
“Meanwhile, most economic gains have gone to the top 1 percent”
The top 1% apparently means anyone who has an income from employment. Stop working, we can take care of you! You could be an artist!
To me, it sounds like some deranged person trying to project their own insanity onto the world around them. There’s been an epidemic of that since TRUMP!
What’s new has been the interaction between them and the long economic slide of tens of millions of working Americans, most of them white and lacking college degrees.
So, uneducated white people are the problem.
This uneducated white man gives a hearty FUCK YOU, to Mr. Educated Reich.
House Republicans who should have acted as a check on him but did nothing
They did an awful lot of nothing, which served as a check on Trump (for better or worse).
The nation has repudiated Trump
all likelihood will be there for two more years.
Probably 6.
My prediction was bring. I thiught that the house would hold Republican.
Trump still gets his judges. The democracts won’t be able to help themselves and will go full bore crazy.
Mariijuana won in 3 of 4 states. Utah went medical. Never would have guessed that.
Trump still gets his judges
That’s the one bright spot in all of this – the SC won’t be overrun with progs, at least until I’m an old, old man, at which point I won’t care.
You will care.
Right now, I care that the supreme court will not be run by progressive mobsters anytime before my grandkids make it into their 40s ad 50s. Then it’s their job to protect the court for another 30 or 40 years.
And if we’re lucky, we’ll see the GOP moderate their stance on things like legal weed and prison reform, even more. And the beauty of that is that before you know it, the dems will go full bore drug warrior. Trump needs to just legalize weed at the federal level. That will really make the dems go apeshit.
“Mariijuana won in 3 of 4 states. Utah went medical. Never would have guessed that.”
I might be very very off base here, but the Mormons I have known are a lot more of a “my rules are for me and mine to follow, and I sure wish you would follow them too, but if you dont heres a Jello mold” then some of the other more Bible thumpy of the Christian types I know who are more “my rules are GODS LAW and if I can’t drag you to church on Sunday I can damn well make sure you can’t buy booze on The Lords Day.”
But that could just be a product of small sample size.
What are the other 2 besides Michigan.
IMPE, Mormons have absolutely no social experience with recreational drug use. I’m friendly with some very… integrated mormons, I guess you would call them. I mean that they have many friends outside of their faith, work in corporate America, etc. They are conservative-between-the-sheets-libertarianish-in-the-streets type, like you say.
We got to talking once about mj legalization, and they sounded like they walked out of Reffer Madness. They basically admitted they didn’t know the difference between any drug, and assumed they all had about the same effect as heroine. When I explained that legalization leads to lower potency and that mj is probably the safest recreational drug, they had never heard this before and were open minded to hearing more about about mj reform. This may be a microcosm of what happened in Utah.
Whatever happened, just be soothe yourself by visualizing a scumbag politician packing up their shit into a cardboard box and leaving that juicy, juicy power in the hands of someone not them.
… then walking that box over to K Street to start collecting fat, fat paychecks until the next election cycle puts them back in power :-/
Don’t harsh my fantasy, man.
Get a load of Debbie Downer over here
Last I read, Missoula and Flathead Counties were still counting up the ballots.
“How many votes does Tester have?”
“How many does he need?”
Surprise- I fucked up my “close” tag, above.
“I don’t understand why anybody would immigrate to a shithole like America. I’m just waiting for my visa to Somalia, so I can free myself of the scourge of Trumpism.” was me, not Reich, if anybody couldn’t tell.
I had a thought while commuting. Well, I had several thoughts, but most of them were murderous in nature and post hoc justifications for how slaughtering slow and incompetent drivers doesn’t /really/ violate the NAP.
Anyway, the thought was that Reconstruction led to the Klan, Jim Crow laws, and worsened race relations, much as Lincoln thought it would do to its punitive nature. The modern SJW/Woke is the beginnings of a new Reconstruction; an attempt to marginalize and dis-empower the wrong-thinkers who are losing the culture war in the various institutions (media, academia, large corporations). But nothing lasts forever, and that dominance will eventually fade. What will the new Jim Crow look like? Is the shit-posting 4chan meme lord a nascent neo-Klan? Will the reaction the other way be less severe as the Wokeconstruction is milder than the real reconstruction at this stage? I don’t know. But the parallels struck me as somewhat interesting.
We have the technological capabilities and centralized social institutions now so that resistance is futile.
slaughtering slow and incompetent drivers doesn’t /really/ violate the NAP
“I’m not letting you in, pig! Gonna show up to work, have everybody be like, “Why is there blood all over you?” ‘CUZ I HAD TO SLIT THE GUY’S THROAT WHO CAUSES ALL THE TRAFFIC!”
Sure if you look at Deconstruction as the attempted destruction of a culture – Jim Crow and all that was the push-back. The Left is certainly trying to destroy what’s left of our culture. There may be backlash, even open warfare, or a parting of the ways.
Prediction scoring:
Senate: Repubs pick up 4 seats.
Currently, a three-seat pickup is confirmed (Missouri, Indiana, Florida, North Dakota flipped to Team Red, Nevada flipped to Team Blue). If McSally’s lead in AZ holds up, Team Red will hold that seat, and if Rosendale’s lead in MT holds up, that’s the fourth pick-up for Team Red. Both those leads look pretty solid, so I’m pretty happy with this one.
House: This is just a toss-up in my mind, but I’m going with Dems pick up 26 seats and take control. Triggering an unholy shitshow of partisan conflict in DC through the next election, giving Trump exactly the environment he thrives in. The upside is that with a Dem House, Mueller can finally write up a report, give it to the House for use in the impeachment hearings, and go the fuck away already.
There’s still too many races not final here, but so far Team Blue has a 23 seat pick-up and control. Looks like most of the undecided races are leaning Team Red, with four leaning Team Blue, so if that holds the final count should be a Team Blue pick-up of 27.
*polishes monocle, adjust tophat to a jaunty angle*
I note as an aside that the much reviled Silver managed to get results that matched his high-probability prediction, so apparently this isn’t as hard as it looks.
As an insight into how incoherent voting is, the ballot prop for “green” electricity went down 70% to 30%, and the ballot prop banning taxes on services passed by about the same margin. That means that somewhere in the neighborhood of 20% of AZ voters voted against progressive wet dreams on the issues, yet voted for progressive wet dream Sinema.
The issue I have with a lot of the soft Dem voters is they think that a thriving economy is just a natural feature of the nation and not a result of a specific taxation and regulatory regime, and that you can vote for a batch of poxy socialists and still have, at worst, 3% annual growth, because FEELZ and intentions are all that matter. They forget so fucking fast too. We are two years removed from “where’s your magic wand?” and now these fucking people think that “Oh yeah there are some crazy leftists, but this one says shes super moderate and shes not gonna raise taxes and increase regulations, and she has an honest face!!!”
I looked at that guy running in Florida and saw complete destruction. Florida is a place where people CHOSE to live. If it becomes a high-tax statist crap-hole, the really rich and the working poor will still be there. The retiring middle-class will just go somewhere else.
2 years removed from “Growth under 2% is the new normal, 3% is gone and never coming back”
I fucking despise the rich yuppie socialist types, the Stuff White People Like crowd who crowd the Whole Foods parking lot with their Porsche Cayenne hybrids and wear nothing but shit from the North Face and Lululemon while they slurp down Starbucks shit. That’s who is infesting my local environs now. The locusts who have fled the northeast and just start voting for the same shit down here.
Hey, can I at least keep North Face? The stuff really wears well.
I find your request worthy. I will sanction it. Bring my signet ring and hot wax!
Yeah, I was going to say North Face is VF Brands. It’s Arcteryx or Patagonia if they’re down market.
The worst are, and I’m gonna get super sexist here, are the comfortable white Democrat mommies who either don’t work or work a fun money job in the public or creative or nonprofit sector while their Republican voting husband actually earns the real money that supports their lifestyle.
Talking like someone who went to a good expensive and got a degree in Spanish or something, married a business major. Now they live in a big house in a nice suburb, hes making 130k at a bank, she makes about 35k working at some nonprofit. She considers herself a successful career woman because she pays the car note on her Lexus, the grocery bills, and all her personal expenses out of the money she earns, while her husband pays the mortgage, the retirement, all the bills, etc etc. She doesn’t understand why her husband votes for Orange Man Bad, because OMG all the people at her work just tell her all the horrible things Orange Man Bad is doing. She makes no connection between Orange Man Bad and the extra 20k their retirement plan made over the last 2 years.
^^^ although I think there’s a lot of those men above who don’t make the connection between they’re making bank and politics either.
This is pretty much who I mean. I forget if you’re Richmond area or not, but go to Short Pump Town Center or West Broad Village and walk around, and that kind of woman is everywhere. And not a few of their husbands are progs too, or at least acquiesce to going along with the little woman because they don’t have the stomach to disagree with their harpy wives.
Yeah I went with generic place names but you know exactly the type.
“Oh my god Tina, I am so happy Abigail won. Todd voted against her, he had some early meeting this morning so I couldn’t rub it in his face because I kinda slept in a bit. Hey we’re thinking about doing Christmas in Aspen this year, Todd thinks hes got a nice bonus coming, apparently they had a really good year.”
they think that a thriving economy is just a natural feature of the nation
So, so much this.
“That means that somewhere in the neighborhood of 20% of AZ voters voted against progressive wet dreams on the issues, yet voted for progressive wet dream Sinema.”
Most voting is tribal – just monkeys playing allegiance games. People who vote for representatives based on policy are, statistically speaking, weird. Every president elected is over 45 years old. When was the last time we had a bald person win an election? Eisenhower, who came to prominence for killing people real gud. Its all monkey games.
I was off by what seems 7,8 house seats, but nailed the senate. Touting your own horn, how gauche.
Hey, I was gonna post a follow-up no matter what. Its not my fault I’m awesome.
What’s the final tally, D+27? I think I was off by 5 or so. I thought the stupids would hold a razor-thin majority, but it went the other way instead.
That could go to +6
It could, but I’m going off of current “official” leads, all of which look reasonably solid to me.
2 years of house investigations that go nowhere.
2 years of judges getting confirmed.
2 years of no new laws
2 years of budgets that further bankrupt the country being approved.
2 years of more of the same.
Years of screaming to eliminate any checks on mob rule. Grab that rope tight because this bronco is just getting worked up.
And probably two more years of slaughter in Yemen.
You’re being optimistic. The bombing will continue until the two warmonger party system is abolished.
2 years of more of the same.
But with more acrimony, screeching, anger, bitterness, and hatred.
The coming war between the House and the President will be epic. I don’t think anyone really has any idea how that will play out.
And the thing is, if Team Blue wasn’t so rabidly anti-Trump, they might realize he is (a) a dealmaker with (b) the basic political instincts of Bill Clinton. They could absolutely do deals with him. But because they have turned this into a personal death match, I doubt he’s going to “reach across the aisle”.
I’m just hoping the Senate Team Redders learned their lesson – confirm Trump’s judges, mock the Team Blue dumbasses, and win elections. The House Team Redders may or may not have learned anything, but who cares, really? They are out of power, and did virtually nothing with it when they held it. They decided to pursue lame duck Paul Ryan’s priorities, and got booted for it. No tears here.
Note that McConnell joined with Trump to get tax cuts and confirm judges. Eddie Munster OTOH went full on never Trumper. How’d that turn out? I would say it means that Trump won. You would think someone would learn something. You’d also think that GOP congress critters would have learned the lesson that the way you deal with Democrats is the way Trump deals with them. But it seems team red just cannot let go of being the dems punching bag.
You’d also think that GOP congress critters would have learned the lesson that the way you deal with Democrats is the way Trump deals with them.
They would have to have principled beliefs and disagreement with Dems for that.
They could absolutely do deals with him.
That would require compromise. Team Blue has been very clear that “bipartisan” is when they get everything they want.
They could absolutely do deals with him.
I don’t think so. Trump’s one consistent ideology is nationalist protection: tariffs, border security, strong national defense, etc. The Dems have turned entirely against this, so would be unwilling to offer him what he wants in order to get what they want. If they let him build the wall and sang his praises they could play him like a fiddle, but they seem determined to do neither of those things.
I can’t even find state legislature results online. How is this possible?
Dems ran the table.
I heard Matt Sopor won in 54? I live in 61 but can throw a rock to 54. I be gerrymandered.
Sopor won.
Go to Bing and search “Colorado Results”. There’s a drop down for all the races including state legislature.
Aah, thanks. Never binged before.
Never binged before.
Suuure you haven’t.
*crosses CO off the list*
What happened with the ballot measures?
Everything lost Thank G-d.
re-districting committee won I think.
disregard I see you said that below.
Did your kid end up going to School of Mines?
I know what the School of Mines actually is, but I have to chuckle every time it gets mentioned here because it creates a mental image of a mine with child slave labor, like in Temple of Doom.
Yep. He loves it. Kicking his ass a little bit, though.
Awesome. Ya, it is a tough school from what I understand.
It’s state legislature so nobody cares.
All that really matters is forcing your values on everyone else in America.
Ladies in sexual poses by order of the government.
20 is Making America Great Again.
1 has a nice view. I’d go swimming with 14 and 31.
My district just handed over the Pub seat to a 29 yo old Socialist. I listened to a few minutes of her speech last night. We might as well have elected a high-school cheerleader.
Oh, so you have your own Iowa Karla Marx? Lucky you.
At least our Karla Marx isn’t as outright stupid as New York’s Karla Marx.
But our Karla Marx replaced a chamber-of-commerce Republican. So contributed to the House swinging over to the blue side.
I can only hope she gets booted out when Trump rolls over the state in 2020.
Unusual results in CO. Not unusual in that the Jackasses won every competitive race; that’s the way things are unfortunately trending around here. Unusual in that all these tax increases on the ballot initiatives didn’t just lose, they lost badly. These are policies that are almost universally supported by the very people that just won the election. It goes to show how disconnected and emotional people’s voting patterns are; vote directly for the policy itself and they’ll go one way, vote for a policy-by-proxy through a political personality and they’ll do something completely different.
Aside from the tax increases losing, I am happy about the fact that the independent redistricting amendments won. Given that the Capitol now has unopposed Dem control, it will prevent them from gerrymandering the living shit out of the state again.
Sounds very similar to what we had in AZ on the ballot initiatives. I simply do not understand how somebody can vote for a Democrat who supports higher taxes and green energy policy, and votes to block . . . higher taxes and a green energy policy.
Mrs. Dean was telling me that some of her gym buddies (all chicks) were going to vote for Sinema basically because they were tired of McSally’s face. I bet every one of them voted against higher taxes and the green energy policy, though. People are weird and irrational.
Maybe they wanted to STICK IT TO TRUMP. I can’t remember the last time local elections were about local policies rather than being national popularity contests.
I didn’t get the impression that they were anti-Trump, necessarily. Just that they were tired of McSally for some reason, an I guess wanted a vapid fresh face. Who knows? It sounded like not much thought went into it.
“It sounded like not much thought went into it”
And here we have the description of a supermajority of voters.
Speaking of your Mrs, what size jars did she use for that dark chocolate sous vide desert you posted yesterday? I made it but only got two jars, so I am obviously using too big of jars. I havn’t ate it yet, saving for tonight.
Eight ounce, but really four ounce jars would be better (which is what her recipe called for). We just didn’t have any that small.
These Weck jars a great for sous vide, albeit a tad spendy.
I use them for egg bites, which are great since they’ll keep for weeks in the fridge.
I’m ordering those today.
Thanks, man. Great recipe! We are always looking for quick breakfasts.
You pretty much can’t go wrong with what you put in those egg cups.
They’re mostly for the wife & she’s off cheese (she used to have a serious cheese habit), so now I’m doing sauteed mushrooms & shallots plus steamed broccoli, with a couple hunks of (cooked) bacon shoved in there.
I’ll just make a 8 on Sunday (using a dozen eggs) & they’re good all week, at least (they’ve never lasted longer than that).
Ya, I was looking at 4 oz yesterday and thought those are way too small because I am a pig. I bought wide mouth pint and they are too big fer sure. One jar must have about 10,000 calories…lol
That stuff is rich. 4 oz is a pretty solid dose of chocolaty awesomeness.
May I please enact your labor for a link to the recipe? We love chocolate here in Cloud City.
This is the one I posted yesterday. Mrs. Dean’s is out of a cookbook and isn’t available online, but this one is close.
I am off to get 4oz’ers now so I can hand them out to family.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. Our machine is gonna get a workout today. I’m making hard-boiled eggs, then canning 4lbs. of Maraschino cherries, and now it appears I will be making chocolate goodness.
I don’t bother with sous vide for hardboiled eggs.
Just steam them.
Fast and damn near perfect every time.
Neat, I have to try that.
Even funnier to me is how retardedly stupid the CO-GOP is. I did some ad-hoc data analytics and prediction for them for free about a month ago and sounded the alarm to them. I pretty much knew Polis was gonna win and told them to focus on the State Senate, specifically district 24. They had to keep that seat to have a chance at keeping the Senate and the numbers weren’t good. I hold them they needed to throw resources at that district because that was the only chance to hold back total Dem control. Their response was “Wow, that’s an interesting take. But that district’s totes NBD, we got it.”
Incumbent R lost by 10 points.
And they offered you a job?
Hell no. I told them that Polis was a shoo-in, Brauchler was competitive and made my recommendations on which districts to focus on; they promptly ignored all of it. Fuck them.
I have a buddy who did a lot of work for the Minnesoda GOP and got stiffed by them. He was not amused when they came sniffing around a few years later wanting to know if he could work on another project for them.
They’re in the important business of losing elections. The Minnesota GOP has neither the time nor the inclination to explain itself to him. They use words like honor, code, loyalty. They use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. Your friend uses them as a punchline. Your friend should simply thank them for allowing him to serve them and be on his way.
Time to sell some stuff and buy guns. You know if the assholes have both houses and the gov they are coming for your guns. I bet it won’t take them three months to ban something.
Watch out in CO, Q. My wife’s proggie friends in Puget Sound area are talking about following their proggie kid’s move to Ft. Collins.
“Shit your bed and then move so you can shit another bed” seems to be the proggie mantra.
Mom’s error led to toddler ‘chugging beer’ at school event, say police
Check out Helen Lovejoy here. Leave the kid alone, lady, life’s tough. Some of us need a beer at ten in the morning.
I remember one time when my son was maybe 7. We were having a party and there was much alcohol there. We were outside and on one table we had setup, was all the booze. I was standing some distance away and then I noticed that my son kept walking by that table and kept looking around. And I’m thinking, he’s going to sneak a drink of one of those bottles, isn’t he? So I tried to make myself as invisible as possible and kept watching. A few minutes later he takes another walk past the table and stops to look around to see if anyone might be able to see him. He then picks up a litre of vodka and just starts chugging it. He gets a terrible look on his face, sets the bottle down, and starts bawling. LOL, I burst out laughing. Then he sees me laughing and pointing my finger at him, which makes him cry even harder. So then here comes the wiminz to see what all this fuss is about. Live and learn baby, live and learn.
I took a sip of beer when I was some single-digit age and wondered WTF people would drink it. I did the same a few years late with a glass of wine I was served on Thanksgiving. Years and years later in high school, I still couldn’t do a shot of schnapps.
Same here. When I was maybe 10, me and one of my cousins snuck a beer from his dad’s garage fridge. We took a drink and like you I was thinking ‘what the fuck! No way anyone can drink this horrid shit!’. I never started drinking alcohol until I was in my late 20s and even then, very seldom. Now I have to restrain myself from drinking too much beer, how can anyone not loves this stuff!
When I was ten years old, my cousin and I went around guzzling leftover champagne in people’s glasses when they went to dance at my uncle’s wedding reception. I got sick as a dog.
hahaha….I KNEW that was coming!
“I was sitting near the back of the room around 10 a.m. when I heard the crack of a can opening,” Wheeler, 23, tells Yahoo Lifestyle. “I glanced over, and I was in shock.”
OH MUH GAWDS! A little kid opened a can of beer! That’s like giving children nuclear warheads to play with! OH MUH GAWDS!
I’m still not clear on what error the Mom made, unless they are referring to the Mom calling in the cops.
Plus, it was Bud Light, so not really beer.
The orphans get a Bud Light at dinner, but it comes out of their food stipend.
Not sure whey I don’t see anyone talking about this. But can’t Trump still get things passed, like the middle class tax cuts he’s talking about, before the new Congress takes office?
Probably because Congress doesn’t work enough or fast enough. They’ll be on recess soon. Not sure how far along they are.
He should tell them that their loser asses aren’t going anywhere until we get more tax cuts. You’d be able to smell the dem’s shitty britches from Mars.
Or how about cutting some actual spending? I’m still pissed about that.
Apparently, you aren’t getting that from either team. Team blue suddenly started caring about deficits when Trump was elected. But if they ever get complete power again, not only will they no longer care and claim they never did, they’ll spend like there’s not tomorrow. They’ve already promised to do that with free… well, everything.
I mean, it’s kind of hilarious that anyone believes ANY politician is concerned about the deficit, but it’s particularly hysterical when the politician is a Donk.
Theoretically, but I seriously doubt the lame duck Team Red Never-Trumpers in the House are going to do anything but pout and do job interviews on K Street.
In theory, yes, but I think the revealed preferences of much of the House R’s says no.
And sop it begins
Democrats will likely use their new House majority to demand President Donald Trump’s tax returns as they subject the administration to a tough new regime of oversight.
MSNBC’s Ari Melber first reported Tuesday night plans by Representative Richard Neal, ranking member of the House Ways and Means Committee, to use his powers as committee chairman to review the returns.
Neal, a Massachusetts Democrat, who was expected to lead the committee after Democrats took hold of the House in Tuesday’s midterms, told CNN in October that he first planned to ask Trump for the tax returns, and if the president refused, Neal said he would use an obscure 1924 IRS code law to formally request them.
Something something pecked to death by ducks
I’m surprised the IRS hasn’t already “leaked” his tax returns.
The NYT are on it. They have a secret ‘unnamed’ but highly reliable source.
By what authority can the House demand tax returns? It’d be nice if they specified the IRS “code law” (is that correct?) to “request” them.
What’s the over-under on the complete returns getting leaked if they are released? 6 hours? 4?
They can’t. They may as well forget that and go on the impeachment trail to nowhere.
demand President Donald Trump’s tax returns
Last time part of one of his returns got out we found out that he paid a lot of taxes, and that his effective rate was higher than that of Grandpa Gulag and Caramel Nixon.
I’m so hoping they try this so the IRS commissioner for Trump can show up and say that unfortunately all his tax records were on a drive that failed and there are no backups. Sorry. So embarrassing this happened.
“Unfortunately, we have an ongoing problem with drive failures and backup failures. The bidding process for fixing the problems is still underway.”
I have a feeling that the Dems are going to badly overplay their hand in the House. Their unhinged base expects them to be Spartacus against Trump and they’re going to launch all kinds of worthless investigations and, if they’re really crazy, start impeachment proceedings. If they’re that stupid, they’d pretty much guarantee Trump’s reelection and probably lose the House again in the process.
There is a 100% chance they will overplay their hand. Here’s what I see happening. They start impeachment and the Nance smacks them down. So then they get up a vote to remove Nance from the throne and replace her with She Guevara. Then we get She Guevara and the unhinged mob in the spotlight for the next 2 years. Result = red landslide and re-election of Trump in 2020.
Nah. They’ll try and get Trump’s tax returns and look for some goodies there. It’s all about preparing for the next election.
They surely cannot believe that anyone except for them and their team blue sycophants care about tax returns.
Depends on what they find. The process is the punishment.
They’ll try, but I think Chocolate Nixon’s administration set the precedent for presidential administrations to complete ignore demands made by the House of Representatives.
Except the MSM will care now…
How many divisions does CNN have? That’s the difference between Trump and every other GOP politician – he doesn’t give a flying fuck is CNN is gnashing their teeth about him.
His advantage is definitely that he’s bypassed the MSM and made them less relevant.
Funny thing is, Bolsonaro in Brazil is doing his version of Trump with the media there. He’s already calling them fake news and talking down to them.
I don’t see how they don’t have impeachment hearings, and I think the odds are pretty high that they vote to impeach on a pure party line vote. The leftists and crazies seem to be in full control right now; for Pelosi and the traditional corruptocrats to hold onto their current leadership positions, they will need to join the mob.
Because they’re all talk and it won’t play in their favor.
They’ll have to remove Pelosi as speaker to get it done. She won’t go along with it. She’s a senile old dingbat, but she’s not that dumb. However, there are a lot of new woke Democrats they can replace her with, who actually are that dumb.
That’s the thing, though. I think if Pelosi has to choose between being Speaker and not impeaching Trump, she’ll go with being Speaker. Otherwise, she might actually have to give up a position of power because of her . . . principles?
^^^This. She’s of the old-school Clinton-style power grabbers. She holds no principles other than doing whatever necessary to keep power. She’s also well aware that this is her last rodeo (what is she 150 years old?) so she’ll go down swinging.
I actually hope they contest her for that job and then it gets brutal and dirty as a fuck. Blue on blue massacre would be awesome.
I agree with your prediction. I wish things would have gone differently this election, but we all made it through 8 years of Obama. We’ll get through this too.
The bright side is that President Trump should be entertaining as shit throughout.
Trump is loving this already. Eddie Munster got his comeuppance and now he gets to troll and taunt the dems even more.
I think there are lots of GOP pols who are secretly very happy with this election. They now have an excuse on why they can’t get anything done.
What is the over/under on the GOP brining up a bill to repeal the ACA now that they are back in the minority?
Yep – He never went after Paul Ryan very hard. Now he can blast away at the House.
Reposting from yesterday (ht J. Frank Parnell), because this deserves to be mocked far and wide:
Where’s my shocked face? I know it’s around here somewhere…
That was the least surprising announcement since George Michael came out as a gay man.
Either they are crazy, or I am.
Did you miss it when the Red Hats marched in and conducted their coup of, well everything? Don’t tell me you’ve just been posting on this website while the rest of us have been hiding under our beds in fear of the Red Hat hordes?
Seriously? Man, I loved The Sports Machine.
Well played, sir!
It was pretty obvious this was happening when I read those Will Wilkinson articles on Niskanen about how ideology is stupid and how Denmark is Utopia so we should be like Denmark.
Well, I guess it is more honest.
And why is that disgruntled Republicans almost never turn out to be hardcore fiscal conservatives but statist fucks?
Telling the lawmakers exactly what they want to hear so brave.
Niskanen’s been completely useless for a while. Better for them to stop poisoning the libertarian well anyway.
That implies it was useful at some point…
Bit like adulterating electoral anthrax with a dash of arsenic, though.
Yeah, back when they were advocating that the government impose Mussolini style oversight of ‘stakeholders’ on publicly traded corporations, they were totes libertarian.
If nothing else, though, we prove our superiority to the prog today by not collapsing into a quivering puddle of flesh and tears because some elections didn’t go our way.
I see it this way, dems get House, but it doesn’t much mean anything except that they get a glorious position to make fools of themselves for 2 years. 2 years of gridlock And Eddie Munster is done as Speaker. I don’t see much downside.
People I don’t like or agree with got elected. Ummmm…that pretty much happens all the time.
People I don’t like or agree with got elected.
This crowd gets to experience that every single election.
Eh, it’s not like I really like Republicans. I just hate them less than Democrats.
That’s not a hard sell when the latter wants to hold you accountable for every shooting and every racist slight (actual or perceived). Yeah, I’ll take the milquetoast Chamber of Commerce grifter over the one who wants to repeal the 2nd and massively abridge the 1st.
True enough, although there are a handful of Republicans I do like. There are almost no Dems that I have anything but revulsion for.
There are a number of politicians I like on an issue here and there and then a few Rs I’m mostly happy with.
An example of the former would be Ron Wyden on some 4th amendment stuff. Zoe Lofgren’s been OK on some internet stuff.
Water’s getting closer boiling here. I can’t believe the grocery tax ban and sanctuary law repeal bother failed. I expected the repeal to get torpedoed after the fact by some complicit friendly judge. To not even pass in the first place is shocking. The silent majority really does support the monthly shit show in Little Beirut.
Oh yeah, and now with the large majorities in both houses of the legislature and retaining the governorship, expect higher taxes and gun grabbing. Don’t even need to coopt the rinos for common sense gun grabbing.
A victory for the Deep State. Yay.
Texas and Georgia are shifting (back) to Democrats which means Dems presidents forever.
The guys who couldn’t Repeal Obamacare are being replaced by those who implemented it in the first place!
Open borders ( both internal and external) and urban growth are giving us more Democrats. The Democrats aren’t becoming more libertarian.
Stick a fork in it…
Eh. Doubtful.
This was a pretty mild reprimand by Democrats at best.
Seen enough elections to know the ebb and flow. After every election everyone else overreacts. When Clinton was re-elected it was the end of the world for Republicans. When Bush was re-elected, same for Democrats. When Obama was … well… you get the point.
I live in suburban Texas. The place that’s flipping blue supposedly. Except not really. It’s Republican. They just hate Trump here. Never been popular even 2 years ago. They think the wall is stupid and that tariffs are stupid (right on both counts). Nobody speaks fondly of him in public. There are no red hats. Trump won by lowering his margins in these places but expanding them elsewhere. But that’s where your margins are lost. In these population centers. And truthfully, Texas has never really been that fond of Trump brand conservatism. That’s not where he made his strides.
Record turnout for Democrat mobilization in Texas. 5X the usual early voting numbers for Democrats. I don’t think Texas is truly going blue any time soon. I just think this is not a state excited by the current Republican brand.
Except the rachet never goes down…
If you mean that things always move in the direction of more government, less freedom. Sadly, yes. I’m not optimistic about that. Whichever party wins that will be the case.
As far as the perpetual squabble between team blue and team red? Nah. I don’t think Team Blue is dominating this contest at all, or that any strides they made here will be permanent. Why? Because I’ve been around. It’s going to just flip back and forth between now and the implosion.
I think you’re more right than wrong. This was a fairly typical result for a midterm – the incumbent president’s party loses some seats. It was exacerbated a bit by Trump’s particulars and the wave of GOP swamp creatures retiring because they can’t even with Trump.
What makes Texas different from Colorado or Florida?
Cowboy hats
Interesting question. I would say that some of the things that make it different are:
(1) A long border with Mexico.
(2) Both a major oil industry and major ports.
(3) A significant agricultural economy.
(4) A relatively large rural/exurban population, still.
(5) A fading state mythos of rugged individualism.
Anyone else remember when the 1000 year reign of Demcorats was being ushered in when Obama got elected the first time. Never again would Republican ever have control of either house or the presidency. Well, the 1000 year reign lasted 2 years. And then the next thing you know, the GOP had the grand trifecta and SCOTUS was going red. The dems won 26 seats in the House. In 2010 I think it was 60 seats the GOP won. And all of the sudden, here we are again, the GOP are finished, for good this time. I don’t think so.
To add to that, Brazil had a socialist president for 12 years and no one that I know of could even conceive that they would ever have a president who is not socialist. But they just went hard right on this presidential election. And I’m talking so far right that we can’t even imagine it here. First of all, you’d have to start with a She Guevara as president and then vote in someone to the right of Trump.
Yeah. One of the things I was referencing.
And I remember the same thing in reverse for G..W. Bush … in fact … this has been happening for all of our history.
In fact, this election probably in the context of history was a pretty good sign for Team Red being able to hold the presidency.
But mark my words, Democrats will one day get everything again. And then after that Republicans will. And then after that Democrats will. You get the point.
On the other hand when are the Chicago and California Republicans going to make a comeback?
You’re not allowed to make any points that contradict me.
I think you just called 2024 and ’28.
Hand She Guevara a massive and weaponized federal bureaucracy, and a Dem Congress, and I wonder how much of the political spectrum would ever see a ballot again.
Would you say that a 1,000 year Reich that lasts two years is more or less impressive than the destruction of Germany as a nation in the span of 14 years?
Even when there’s been a real one-party dominance, there is eventually a re-emergence of a coherent opposition e.g. Jackson in 1824, Republicans in 1854-ish.
If I was a Republican in the next Congress, I think I would immediately introduce a bill to impeach Trump. For the bill of particulars, I would simply recite “high crimes and misdemeanors”, and then troll the Dems endlessly for not advancing it and voting on it. “C’mon, what do you really need hearings for? [endless list of Dems already on the record that Trump should be impeached] You’ve already decided. Quit wasting our time!”
The GOP is too busy drafting their bill to repeal Obamacare to do this.
High crimes and misdemeanors to be filled in later.
I have a kind of interesting thought experiment. Take a speech by She Guevara. Replace references to wealth or income with references to access to sexual intercourse. And replace “the rich” with “Chads”. You’ll pretty quickly see that democratic socialism is the incel of political economies.
I mean, after Sokal Squared managed to get a chapter from Mein Kampf published in a peer reviewed journal with “Jews” replaced by various intersectional and gender terms…
Broward County voters, for some absurd reason, voted for a penny addition to the sales tax (Now 7 cents/$1, which brings us in line with Dade and Palm Beach). This echoes the reason I voted against it, and the county’s response doesn’t exactly fill me with confidence.
Oooh, an oversight board. That will solve everything!
Also; Debbie Wasserman Schultz somehow increased her victory margin from 2016. She got 56.7% in 2016 and 58.4% this year.
She has got to be one of the least likable pols. I don’t get why someone would vote for her. She is shrill, no charisma and very hard on the eyes. Jeez.
Bureaucracy to the rescue!
For are the rightful criticism the ignorant masses get here are the bureaucrats much better? I don’t think so.
Those projects will be reviewed and ranked by the Broward Metropolitan Organization, a countywide transportation planning group.
Transparency that doesn’t include transparency of the personal finances of the planning group is pretty worthless. A “countywide transportation planning group” prioritizing the spending of vast sums of money sounds like a bribe magnet to me.
Bro’s hot takes.
Seems like the Republican victories in the Senate are being downplayed. Not a surprise.
The blue wave was in fact an average if not below average mid term election showing for a minority party. No repudiation there. Someone needs to get into the way back machine and pull the media’s headlines to do a compare and contrast. Actual historic victory = angry white people.
All 4 Democratic Senators who voted against Kavanaugh in competitive states lost. Manchin won. That’s good.
We get 2 years of Trumpian twitter rants against Pelosi, crazy Maxine, and Adam Schiff. Good times ahead.
When Old Man With Candy says he did Girl Scouts, I’m reminded of that wolf dude furry video posted a few weeks back where he and his buddies talked about raping puppies to death and splitting their corpses in two.
How hasn’t Trump tweeted that he has a pen and phone by now? What is he paying people for?
The blue wave was in fact an average if not below average mid term election showing for a minority party.
I think it turned out to be pretty typical, at least in the House, for a midterm during a strong economy.
The Senate was kind of an oddity, with so many Team Blue seats exposed at the same time. Still, I’m a little puzzled by the historically very unusual split decision in a mid-term.
Totally OT (I’m really sick of politics) – Hey Uncivil, or anyone else interested, I was troubled by tremulous dreams… a vision of a lost Chapter emerging from the Eye of Terror. Seriously, I was looking at some Ork stuff inspired by Wacky Races and dreamed of a warped and twisted Astartes Chapter who worship the true Emperor of Mankind, a serpent fellow who was created by a Chaos deity named Destroyer (aided by his royal concubine, and a Major from the
BluddBlood God’s forces). Terminators in Crimson Guard livery, troops in blue and red, Leman Russ modded into H.I.S.S., Landspeeders modded into F.A.N.G.s.. What do ya think?One thing driving the politicization of everything is having elections on the same day. Until the 1870s or so quite a few states did not have elections in November. Maine didn’t have November elections until 1960 for example. One the other hand these were considered a bellwhether for presidential elections at the time.
It is weird because in Canada having provincial elections and federal elections at the same time is considered an awful idea to be avoided. Same with local elections.
I mean partisan politics never developed at the local level in Canada. Some cities like Vancouver and in Quebec do have municipal parties but they are not connected with federal and provincial parties.
Toronto municipal politics has been a battle between PCs and Liberals vs. the NDP for about 50 years at least. John Tory and Doug Ford are both PCs and are bitter rivals.
I suppose the real argument is whether or not Canada doesn’t like having everything on the same day because they gave always thought of federal and provincial politics as seperate and the US drive to gave all elections in November of even numbered years is because of their belief that federal and state and local as the same.
Hey guys! Northern Ohio journalists are now talking about seceding from the rest of Ohio. I have the feeling the rest of the state would let Cleveland and (at least) Cuyahoga county go without a fight at all.
I like how they try to couch their desire for total leftist domination as a plea for “competitiveness”.
“But we in Cleveland feel stuck. We’re a Democratic metropolis governed by Republicans who see the state very differently than we do.”
Huh, imagine that. wonder is this person can imagine how people feel who live in rural NY or Cali?
I’m fine with this. I think we should make breaking up states easier, people then get representation that more closely resembles the desires of their immediate environment.
House/Senate Popular Vote
Says everything about what leftists think of State/District borders and local control.
I think we should allow city-states to separate themselves from the States so they can ‘better’ govern themselves without fucking over everyone else in the State they are leaving.
I echo l0b0t in saying I’m sick of politics. All posts and links by me today (starting after this one) will be of the silly/absurd variety.
I think that the reason for the obsession with politics is twofold: there is a segment of the population for which it’s a religion, so voting and singing a candidate’s praises and volunteering is a demonstration of faith. There is another segment who approach it like a sporting event. All the polling and debates and punditry is the regular season and Election Day is the championship. I can see it in the post-mortem articles and even in some people’s eyes in person; it’s a let down like the day after the Super Bowl. That also explains why they immediately begin looking toward the next election.
Enough of that, politics-free day begins:
So, who are you voting for in 2020?
Mike Hawk.
And here is my running mate.
Mike Hawk. I’m intrigued. Do you have any pictures?
“My opponent and I agree on little – I find his policies misguided at best – but he, I and, dare I say it, all Americans fully support tittays!”
threading fail…
Do women who get breast reductions really fully support titties? Or do they simply pretend to when it’s convenient and easy like during breast cancer awareness month? Maybe we need a law. Or a government outreach program.
I had a college housemate who underwent a botched reduction in high school (she was dangerously overdeveloped for her frame size). In college, she got it fixed by some very competent surgeons. She was then a most enthusiastic supporter of titties and proudly showed them off at any and every opportunity.
Did you show her your penis reconstruction?
NO! She was friends with my live-in girlfriend (now wife).
I think the problem with voters here is that they can’t really conceive of any type of hardship greater than breaking a nail or having just stepped in a pile of dog shit on the front lawn.
The thing that most voters here are concerned with are first world problems. Someone might call me the wrong pronoun, or even, God forbid, block me on Facebook.
I mean, really, this is what we’ve come to. You can just vote in anyone you like for any reason, they have good hair, they identify as the same gender I do, everyone is my circle is voting for them. And it doesn’t matter. Everything goes on the same, you still get the newest iThingy, you still get to hang with your friends and talk about how much the other team sucks. There are no real consequences.
I think it’s time that we elect Zardoz and let the cleansing begin. Zardoz 2020!
My internet went out for like an hour yesterday.
Nobody has ever suffered as greatly as I just have.
Yeah, that’s horrific. We need a president and Congress who will guarantee our intertoobz. It’s a right!
That has always been the downside of freedom and prosperity isn’t it? America was born from a tax revolt but people are fine with an income tax.
I suppose you could argue that a free society needs an unfree society to compare itself too like Communism or feudalism.
We’ve got plenty of those, and the “can’t really conceive of any type of hardship greater than breaking a nail” crowd supports socialists.
Stock up on cheap ammo while you can. I think we’re at the bottom of prices right now. With the blue trickle, I’ll bet the prices will start climbing again.
Do women who get breast reductions really fully support titties?
Maybe they’re tired of supporting them.
there is a segment of the population for which [politics is] a religion, so voting and singing a candidate’s praises and volunteering is a demonstration of faith.
I agree with this. There is also a corollary which I have been thinking about, lately. The same religious fervor which leads the True Believers to elevate their Chosen One (*cough* Obama *cough*) to godlike status leads them also to elevate the Other to suprahuman villainy. Trump is not just some wacky megalomaniac who bumbled his way down an improbable path to the White House, he is Lucifer Himself, brought forth from Hell to plague and torment them. He is Hitler reborn. Genghis Khan was a cuddly bunny compared to Trump. Because they judge themselves by their enemies. In order to take maximal pride in their Goodness, they must see themselves as battling the ultimate evil, for the salvation of otherkinkind.
I’ve been enjoying Dan Carlin’s take on the Anabaptists in Munster and all I can think is “’twas ever thus.”
They go on and on about all of the evils of Trump. But when it comes down particulars and how it affects people they seems to fall short. Even when they have a particular such as immigration they conflate things like border security with racism.