“You are extremely effective, but you piss everybody else off.” This has been a sentence in every job review I’ve ever had, including my annual review of my position on the Glibertarians’ staff. As part of the Employee Improvement Plan, I was directed to take a Dale Carnegie course in “How to Win Friends and Influence People.” And it was a delightful course, taught by a wonderful and insightful guy, and all of my fellow students were very nice. And so now, I’m nice. I will always find the positive thing to say about anything and anyone.
And everything in the news is nice as well. For example, Florida is being nice and letting people with felony convictions vote once their sentence is complete.
Sheila Holcomb had waited over a decade for her five minutes in the state capitol, even though her conviction had been for a crime so small – a minor theft – she was not sentenced to prison. She had applied for clemency in 2008 and waited for years before the board offered her a slot. “I’d almost given up on it,” she said in an interview the day before the hearing, as she sipped a cocktail from a flask in a bid to calm her nerves. “And it could all change in a matter of months.”
Throughout the hearing last month [Governor Rick Scott- R, Hell On Earth and Disneyworld] and his cabinet often asked those appearing before the board if they had married or had children, if they drank alcohol or if they attended church.
I think we know about the alcohol part in this case.
The people of Louisiana showed their niceness by requiring that criminal convictions be a result of a unanimous jury verdict.
“This would literally change what mass incarceration looks like in Louisiana,” said Henderson, who spent three decades at Louisiana State Penitentiary until he was granted parole in 2004, in an interview last week. “This is probably the most important ballot measure ever in my lifetime.”
While it could affect the rate of many types of convictions, Henderson and others are hope the amendment impacts life sentences without parole in particular.
Yes, that would be nice. And now, the only place in the US that doesn’t require a unanimous verdict to throw people into cages is the redneck redoubt of Oregon. Once day they’ll be as nice as Louisianans, I’m sure of it.
Speaking of nice people, let’s talk about the delightful Emmanuel Macron. When he’s not sexually pleasing senior citizens, this unselfish fellow is honoring his predecessors.
“I consider it entirely legitimate that we pay homage to the marshals who led our army to victory,” Macron said in the eastern town of Charleville-Mezieres that once lay on the frontline between French and German troops. “Marshal Pétain was a great soldier.”
…with the country poised to fall to German forces in the second world war, Pétain was appointed prime minister of France. His administration, based in the unoccupied part of the country known as Vichy France, collaborated with the Nazis and their deportation and extermination of the Jews.
See? This is particularly nice of Macron to overlook minor personal peccadillos in order to honor a fine example of European statesmanship.
And here’s something else that’s really nice: our brave sailors, defending our shores from our not-so-nice enemies have found a really nice way to relax and enjoy themselves that doesn’t involve lashes, rum, or sodomy.
Fourteen sailors from the nuclear reactor department of the aircraft carrier Ronald Reagan face disciplinary action in connection to LSD abuse, Navy officials confirmed this week. Two sailors are already heading to court-martial for using, possessing and distributing the hallucinogenic drug, while three are waiting to see whether they will be charged as well, according to 7th Fleet spokesman Lt. Joe Keiley. Another 10 sailors with the Japan-based ship were administratively disciplined on LSD-related charges, Keiley said. A 15th sailor was also disciplined, but that person was not assigned to the carrier’s reactor department.
Think of the fun they had, staring at the reactors and visualizing the neutron flux. Gentlemen, I thank you for your service!
You know who else we should thank nicely for all the service they unselfishly provide us? TSA, that’s who. With Thanksgiving coming up, they’ll be even more selfless and thoughtful than usual.
So to make the mayhem flow a little easier, the TSA’s advice is arrive early and be prepared. And that means knowing what to pack. Turkey and stuffing are allowed in carry-on bags. So are pies and cakes, because they’re considered solids. But no gravy or mashed potatoes because they’re considered a liquid.
“So a popular Thanksgiving dish is yams. If it’s wet and already made liquid it has to go in checked baggage. If it’s not made yet, dry yams that can go in carry-on baggage,” said the TSA’s Shatimah Brathwaite.
Thanks, Shatimah, you seem very helpful and nice.
Here’s a story about a group of nice people who hold events designed to make everyone feel just as nice as they do.
Cuddling, I am beginning to find out, is not just spooning or hugging. The term contains literally hundreds of actions. Cuddling can be non-touch. Eye gazing and chatting are forms of cuddling. Everything from a gossamer graze of an elbow to a “puppy pile” counts. Alkan wrote an entire book on it, a picture book for adults titled “The Book of Cuddles.” There are certified cuddlists and the higher-ranking trained cuddlists. The training for both requires an online course billed at $149. The sessions range in time and rate; Alkan charges $100 per hour.
Romantic partners through Cuddle Parties have been an unintended consequence for Alice Liu, a engineer in San Francisco, who estimates she’s been to at least a dozen of Alkan’s Cuddle Parties. She’s met four of her romantic partners at Cuddle Parties, including at the first one she went to. She said she didn’t realize it, but her partner later told her she was “moaning pretty hard” during their cuddle.
Alice seems very nice.
He didn’t even make it to the end of the day!
Jeff Sessions out as attorney general
President Donald Trump on Wednesday fired Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
“At your request I am submitting my resignation,” Sessions wrote in a letter to White House chief of staff John Kelly.
Matthew Whitaker will take over as acting attorney general, the President said.Whitaker is expected to take charge of the the Russia investigation and special counsel Robert Mueller from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.
“We are pleased to announce that Matthew G. Whitaker, Chief of Staff to Attorney General Jeff Sessions at the Department of Justice, will become our new Acting Attorney General of the United States. He will serve our Country well …We thank Attorney General Jeff Sessions for his service, and wish him well! A permanent replacement will be nominated at a later date,” Trump tweeted.
For Old Guy Music today, I have a nice song from a nice band. The Nice, playing something nicely appropriate.
Wow, these links are so… nice!
If you can call working and not playing here “living”!
Yay! A Riven sighting.
Isn’t that nice? Riven is so helpful and nice.
Welcome back, hon. Missed you.
Thanks! This working business is for the birds. I thought after I got licensed, I’d have all of this time–since I wasn’t studying anymore.
… Wrong!
You got a cuddling license?
TED! (shakes fist)
Work is a four letter word.
Take heart, in no time you’ll build your reputation and you’ll charge $100+ for those cuddle sessions. In what state are you licensed to cuddle?
Right now I can only cuddle in the last best place–Montana. But my cuddling is tremendous. The best cuddling. People come from all over for my cuddles. I’m going to have to build a wall soon.
I have to maintain strict confidentiality for my clients, Ted, or I’d be all over that.
The regulations rule out testimonials, too, so you’ll just have to take my word for it.
The other day, I stumbled across Ben franklin’s 13 rules.
i am an abject failure at most of them.
I assume one of the rules dealt with threading properly?
The other 12 all deal with apostrophe’s
Jeff Sessions out? Hallelujah.
Watch Trump replace him permanently with Giuliani, because he probably really wants to have an Attorney General more evil than Janet Reno.
Is Guiliani a step down or just a lateral move?
Down. To be lateral from Reno takes Hitler, Stalin, or Mao.
Think outside the box. New AG = Trumpfriend with both law enforcement AND unscripted television experience… FedGov’s new Top Cop Shaquille O’Neal.
If we’re going down that road, how about Kanye?
He’s already stumping!
You’re so far off. Clearly it will be Steven Seagal, once the Russia rig the AG election.
I vote Ron Bell.
I vote Catherine Bell
Potato makes a very persuasive argument.
“he probably really wants to have an Attorney General more evil than Janet Reno.”
Yeah I don’t see how that’s even possible.
Although I suspect MJ was not the reason Sessions got the boot, his departure yields the bonus of makin it easier for Trump to reschedule MJ and let the states regulate it as they see fit. They say he’s been talking about it. That would also pre-empt the new Dem majority house voting to legalize. And, perhaps best of all, it’s another poke in the eye for the Obama legacy.
I agree with this. I think the main reason is that he didn’t want someone who recused himself from basically the whole gamut of bullshit the Dem House is going to accuse him of.
He’s already threatened the Ds with counter investigations if that’s the game they want to play. He’s clearly gearing up for war – the next AG is going to be a fighter, probably Christie or some other similar sort, I’d bet on it.
So, yes, it is possible to find someone worse than Janet Reno was (reference to downthread AG convo).
He’s clearly gearing up for war – the next AG is going to be a fighter, probably Christie or some other similar sort, I’d bet on it.
It’s been utterly obvious that Sessions was not “a wartime consigliere” since he got in office. MJ prohibition is a loser. It distracts time and effort from anything else that would be on your agenda, even if you were a drug warrior.
I’d bet on it-
We don’t need 2 Gillespie socks.
The Jacket is the Borg.
If he tries rescheduling the D’s will fight him tooth and nail.
That would be hilarious.
Yes, it’s a sticky trap for them.
They might be dumb enough to do just that. That’s a battle that fighting would directly undermine them with the pop culture, low-information voters they need to win in 2020. It instantly casts them as “not as cool as Donald Trump”.
Their argument will be that it isn’t fair that people of color went to prison for decades because of MJ and that now a bunch of old rich white men will get rich when it is legal, they’ll demand billions of dollars in reparations for those imprisoned.
Here’s a question I’ve had for a while – how is descheduling not a legislative thing? If it’s an EO it can be rolled back like anything else as we’ve already seen. Is it just down to the administrative regulatory environment BS and “owned” by DOJ?
I believe that the law in question is one of those “the secretary shall determine” types, which cedes all control to the bureaucracy. This, all that needs to be done (and I’m sure it’s more complicated than this) is for the AG to order the DEA to reschedule it, and it’s done.
Anyone who knows more feel free to correct me.
I think I’ve mentioned this before. When we would have our Vulcan live-fire exercises down at Ft. Hunter-Ligget, we would often drop acid and try to write our names in the sky with 20mm tracer fire. Good times.
Light infantry so just tried to start range fires with the tracers.
Anyone who started a range fire was given a perfect score as we all, gratefully, packed it in for the day.
You had me at “Vulcan live-fire exercises.”
I miss that machine like you wouldn’t believe. If I ever hit the numbers, I will have one; by hook or by crook, I will have one.
Those semi-autonomous CIWS are fucking scary to watch. Like ED-209 scary.
While I still tend to feel that self-driving cars are a pipe-dream (and a libertarian’s nightmare), I feel that autonomous watercraft have a great future. Something between RIB and PT boat sized, with CIWS, Stinger, and some sort of over the horizon anti-ship missile directed by aircraft.
Transport, just here to eat the candy out of your MREs.
“Jeff Sessions out as attorney general”
Good news and with Janice Rogers Brown reportedly on the short list, potentially very good-to-great news.
Janice Rogers Brown would be an incredible hire from a libertarian POV. Which is why it probably won’t happen. But I can dream.
JRB would be awesome.
I wish she was sitting on the SC, but never going to happen in the current calculus.
Oh pleasepleasepleaseplease – She is too old for the Supreme Court, but this would be a nice consolation prize.
And so now, I’m nice.
If only it were that simple.
“Alkan wrote an entire book on it, a picture book for adults titled “The Book of Cuddles.” There are certified cuddlists and the higher-ranking trained cuddlists. The training for both requires an online course billed at $149. The sessions range in time and rate; Alkan charges $100 per hour.”
Jesus Titty-fucking Christ. Millennials ruin everything.
What in the wide wide world of sports is this Mickey Mouse bullshit?
I have no words.
Do they have an orgasmatron at these events?
Imagine, if you will, the last sentence rewritten aHe said he didn’t realize it, but his partner later told him he was “grunting and sweating pretty hard” during their cuddle.”
Warty Hugeman’s Book of Cuddles
Sadly, no. Lemmy died.
Do people realize that you can just pay for actual sex?
Jeff, your session is over.
But his cuddle sessions are just beginning.
[golf clap]
If it took the GOP losing the house to get rid of Sessions, it was worth it. And as a bonus, we got rid of Eddie Munster.
You forgot your sunglasses.
First rule of Dale Carnegie, Do not complain, criticize or condemn.
Kind of flies in the face of Glibertarians mission statement don’t it?
Fuck off Tulpa.
More appropriately.
Tulpa you shitweasel asstard! You make everything here suck! Damn you to hell. Fuck off is s simple instruction; it neither voices a complaint, criticizes the Tulpae, nor condemns Tulpitude.
Five bucks says those guys were all Electronics Technicians
There are certified cuddlists and the higher-ranking trained cuddlists. The training for both requires an online course billed at $149. The sessions range in time and rate; Alkan charges $100 per hour.
Look for the P T Barnum School of Cuddlology diploma.
With a minor in frottage.
Wicked and wondrous women can warm your Wednesday.
Blondes… my weakness…
12 looks just dirty enough for my taste.
Are they certified to cuddle?
Given the number of gorgeous women Q presents us with on a daily basis, how the hell did Hef ever narrow it down to just one Playmate every month?
15, 19, 35.
“Participants take part in a cuddle party by forming a human centipede”
“Ass-to-mouth! Ass-to-mouth!”
Now THAT is some pro-level trolling.
Also nice, MI legalized it, that funky skunky smelly green shit.
You’re going to need it – “Proposal 3 in Michigan has officially passed with 67 percent of the vote. That will result in big changes to voting in the Wolverine State, which will now have automatic voter registration, same-day voter registration, straight-ticket voting, and the ability to vote absentee without an excuse.”
So, the poster from Toledo can come on up and cast a few votes while picking up xer MJ.
Why I would never break any law and cross state lines with the devil lettuce
The problem occurs when Toledo guy is driving home and gets stopped by a cop doing a live episode of Cops.
I just sat through an infuriating hour+ long conference call with some security professionals. Apparently we are bastards because we don’t make our customers’ lives very difficult so that even if someone installed a keylogger on our computers, their credit call data would not be compromised. The solution is that we should by encrypted keypads that don’t work with our credit card processor – because hardware devices don’t have security vulnerability.
And, for some reason, when I started picking part the inanity of this with the security guys – showing how ridiculousness it all was, nobody on my side backed me up. Although my boss texted me to tell me he liked my questions.
Cyber Security expert is where all the 5S wannabes ran to when they saw the writing on the wall.
But are they agile?
Oh I’m sure they’ve got it listed in their email signature
PCI I assume
Percutaneous coronary intervention indeed!
That’s a four letter word round these here parts
It sometimes amazes me that companies even accept credit cards as payment, given the hoop jumping.
Fuck, we had to deal with that shit at my old job. If I had less respect for myself, and a desire for more cash, I would go into the PCI compliance consultancy business.
The solution is that we should by encrypted keypads that don’t work with our credit card processor – because hardware devices don’t have security vulnerability.
You should send them that recent story of the Chinese server hack.
That is frightening.
And may not be fully accurate.
How are we supposed to know when to not be nice?
Dalton will tell you.
Those guys on the Ronald Reagan didn’t say no to drugs.
Neither did Nancy.
In ’89 a drunk Sailor in San Diego told me how LSD was his drug of choice because the pee-test didn’t pick it up.
Nice link
Shame! Shame! Shame!
If you can’t dance too
But no gravy or mashed potatoes because they’re considered a liquid.
That’s just evil.
Yet another reason not to use amylase enzyme to make your mashed potatoes (there’s a special on Netflix called Chef Vs. Science where the science guy tried this). The homebrewers out there should know the first reason not to do that to your potatoes.
First step on the road to vodka.
Nothing wrong with that.
The challenges as a whole were interesting (if a bit embarrassing for the science guy), IIRC:
1) Tomato soup – Science guy used a centrifuge to separate out the water from the rest of the tomato
2) Mashed Potatoes – The aforementioned amylase attempt to make creamy potatoes
3) Steak – Sous Vide vs. piles of butter
4) Dessert – Don’t remember too much about this one.
Be nice to Skwisgaar
Offdensen was my favorite character.
Biggest bad-ass on the show.
My dad’s f*screech*g awesome!
I like to think Sessions resignation went something like this.
Adams still holds the record for most fucked over by his own cabinet.
He should have listened to Jefferson.
“Cuddling can be non-touch. Eye gazing and chatting are forms of cuddling.”
Nope. Stop with the absurd redefinitions.
Was going to say the same thing. That is some prime Newspeak right there.
Is rolling over and going to sleep also cuddling?
Come on, I think these were the same assholes that were on Penn and Teller’s Bullshit.
When I put it in her butt, that’s a type of cuddling.
A pimp’s love is different than that of a square.
And stop with the SFGate links. That site gives my computer cancer, even with adblock.
That needs to be read in a soothing NPR host voice to make sense.
“Mmmm, salty.”
Eye gazing and chatting are forms of
cuddlingsexual harassment on campus.Droppin’ acid and goin’ critical
OK. Go ahead and take that attitude to Saudi Arabia and see how it works for you.
What the fuck is the prog love affair with Islam? Obviously their revealed preferences are *way* out of line with their stated preferences since Islam is in direct opposition of every single one of their stated preferences.
Icky conservatives hate it, so it must be great. That’s as far as they think about it.
They are also an enemy of western civilization.
It’s because progs are more about being opposed to Western civilization than anything else these days. Dershowitz must be getting drunk and screaming at the walls every night these dyas.
Did I say these days?
I never got it either. When it comes to Islam all of the things they say about Evangelical Christians (i.e. homophobic, misogynistic) are actually true.
Authoritarianism has a certain appeal to authoritarians.
For the wheedling, passive aggressive control freaks an overt, aggressive authoritarian is a hero.
When I think that proggies’ first principle is contrarianism, simply opposing reason or whatever the adults in the room are supporting, and that it’s all for attention, what they say makes sense.
That only makes sense to the extent that they’re still teenagers, or thereabout.
We haven’t watched any news today. My wife is noticeably happier.
So, Sessions is out? About goddamned time.
Sounds like you found a good way to spend the extra time. IYKWIM
I’ve had a hard time figuring out which Big Plans of Trump’s the Democrats are going to stop now that they have the house. As far as I can tell, his agenda is mainly:
– build The Wall, which is already not going anywhere
– fuck around with trade wars, which I don’t see the Dems effectively interfering with
– humiliate Jim Acosta
I guess they can have a bunch of masturbatory Investigations, is that really all they’ve got going?
I cruised over to DU for a few minutes to look for specifics. All I saw was a lot of moaning that they really underestimated just how racist most of the country still is. Seriously, that is what they were talking about.
As best I can tell, all they’re really getting out of this is some emotional respite from being completely bitch-slapped in 2016, and being able to start telling themselves that they’ve turned a corner things are going to start going their way again real soon. I didn’t see the tiniest whiff of a policy discussion, it was all emotional consolation.
– humiliate Jim Acosta
I think that’s more of a hobby than a plan.
Fair point.
And a self-winding hobby at that.
DU is a respite for the deranged party loyalists. There really is an undercurrent of mental illness over there.
Over there? Have you listened to the party leadership lately?
That was The Young Turks big take: Racism. It’s worse than they thought.
I’ve always despised thieves. It’s shitty and cowardly and of all this sins I’m guilty of, thievery fills precious few items on that list. However, today I added one more.
I pulled over and grabbed a campaign sign out of a vacant lot to use as a shooting target. It says “Vote Yes on the School Levy: For the Children”
My conscience seems to be fine.
It’s a vacant lot – I say you’re just cleaning up the community.
That’s a good idea. I’ll probably do the same if I see some in empty lots.
“And so now, I’m nice. I will always find the positive thing to say about anything and anyone.”
Shouldn’t that now be: CUDDLE, SLAVER!
I mean, if eye gazing, chatting and other activities now defined as “cuddling” why wouldn’t fucking off be cuddling too?
That’s really nice. You phrased it well and spelled all the words correctly!
Google and their APIs. I need access to one of them for a website and I’ve spent the last two hours trying to activate it. What a stupid waste of time.
The new OMWC.
What did he do wrong?
Virginity is a social construct.
Riiiiiight… This from a publication calling itself “Medical Daily”.
“Medicine is also a social construct.”
The concept of social constructs is, itself, a social construct.
“Everything is just in our heads”
Eventually reality weighs in on this debate.
Plato was right!
But STIs aren’t.
“Hey folks! Florida’s Amendment 13, banning dog racing, will shut down 11 of the US’s 17 dog racetracks. Those dogs will need homes! So if you’re considering getting a dog soon, please, consider a greyhound.”
Please, nobody tell my wife.
I’ll bet you my greyhound is faster than yours.
Let’s race!
It’s on!
*rowdy clap*
Is there anything in the amendment stating the dogs cannot be euthanized?
Yep, that’s what’s going to happen. Just like how each nation in Africa that has banned hunting has seen their populations of game animals plummet.
They will not be euthanized. They’re going to a nice farm upstate where they can play and frolic and be well cared for.
Wow there must be a lot of dog farms. That’s where my parents took my childhood dog after my dad ran him over on accident.
Don’t you mean “on accident”?
“Bart, your hamster didn’t move to a farm upstate. He died, and dad buried him in the backyard. Although, not necessarily in that order.”
No, no, no. This is all a misunderstanding. You heard “euthanasia”. What was really meant is that these dogs will soon be feeding kids in Korea.
So it was a Green Initiative as well: recycling FTW!
So they will be feeding the youth…in Asia.
Almost as bad as when Illinois banned butchering horses.
“Butchering” seems a bit hyperbolic. He wasn’t that bad.
Greyhounds are some of the laziest layabouts on the planet. They just want to snooze all day and be unbelievably soft and have limbs sticking out all over the place. They’re just sweethearts.
They are fantastic dogs. My sister has two of them. They seem to have more than their share of health issues, though.
There was an unofficial dog park in South Minneapolis next to the Mississippi river. We knew the dog’s names but rarely names of the people who accompanied the dogs. There were a couple of rescued Greyhounds that would show up named Bonnie and Clyde. They were good dogs, Brett. Once they got wound up they would race up and down the beach while all the other dogs tried to keep up. I have never seen something have that much fun going that fast.
“Alice seems very nice.”
Yes. Yes she does.
I needed some pics before I could decide that.
San Francisco is going to tax businesses because of the homeless? Why not just tax the homeless themselves, more likely to solve the problem?
“San Francisco’s Proposition C, which will tax the city’s biggest businesses to raise funds to combat homelessness, passed Tuesday.”
Combat homelessness. Uh huh. There’s no way this leads to more homeless in San Francisco.
A side note: I’ve noticed how all of the news outlets now say “X number people experience homelessness in [Y jurisdiction]” rather than “X number of people are homeless in [Y jurisdiction]”.
That’s one way they confuse voters by conflating the drug addicts and crazy people on the streets with people who are temporarily “homeless” out of bad luck. All that new money they’re going to spend on shelters isn’t going to do a thing for the crazies or the addicts but they don’t want you to notice that.
There’s no way this leads to more homeless in San Francisco.
When big business moves out, there will be space for the homeless!
Combat homelessness
So… city sanctioned bum fights?
Proposition C will increase gross receipts taxes for companies with more than $50 million in annual revenue by an average of 0.5 percent, generating up to $300 million a year in new funds for shelters and mental health services.
Yeah. Because businesses never consider the tax climate in any of their decision-making. You’d think the situation with Amazon would be a wake-up call. Instead, they’re doubling down on stupid. Oh well, to be fair, my reserve of sympathy for guys like Dorsey is admittedly limited.
Wow, the mayor opposed it?
Poor Dorsey. If only it were a tax on profit, not revenue….
On the one hand, fuck it, they begged for it. On the other, now they’ll start relocating and pollute another place.
But the TV commercials said there will be strict accountability, so I’m sure the money will be spent wisely, unlike the billions that have already been spent on the problem.
Wow. The voters are even crazier than their mayor. Enjoy the thousands of new homeless you’re about to attract, idiots.
“California voters approved a measure Tuesday requiring all eggs sold in the state come from cage-free hens by 2022.
Proposition 12 led with 59 percent of the vote with nearly 4 million ballots counted.
Supporters say the measure is a step toward more humane farming practices, while opponents say it doesn’t go far enough.”
Fuck poor people who eat breakfast, amirite?
California continues to descend into a parody of itself.
Don’t be silly. Everyone can afford $6.99 for a dozen eggs. They’re homeless sure, but what is $6.99 when they’re helping save the planet?
California minimum wage will probably be like $25 by then. People can afford it!
Not when they no longer have a job.
You just keep raising wages and taxing earners to redistribute to non-workers until you end up with a handful of people with all the money and a giant underclass. I think there is a name for that.
Well, that’s how it always ends up working out, anyway.
So rather than 1.50 for a dozen you have to shell out 3+….not to mention the sweet sweet deal for those on WIC that continue to get the best foods for free while those who work and pay for their own shot are stuck pinching pennies.
“Eggs packed in USDA grademarked consumer packages labeled as free range must be produced by hens that are able to roam vertically and horizontally in indoor houses, and have access to fresh food and water, and continuous access to the outdoors during their laying cycle. The outdoor area may be fenced and/or covered with netting-like material. Housing systems vary from farm-to-farm, and can include multi-tier aviaries. They must allow hens to exhibit natural behaviors and include enrichments such as scratch areas, perches and nests. Hens must have access to litter, protection from predators and be able to move in a barn in a manner that promotes bird welfare.”
Sounds like an expensive setup.
We had such a setup on the farm where I grew up. It was called a chicken coop.
My neighbor has one of those.
That was one of the few Props that my son had an opinion about. Being young and foolish he was voting yes. I tried to explain to him that it will make food more expensive. Since we are relatively well off, it won’t hurt us much, but people who struggle to put food on the table will be hurt. “Well they can eat something else.” Sure, but you’ve taken economics. What will happen to the price of those substitutes? I doubt I changed his mind, but I at least could hear the wheels turning in his head. One step at a time.
“Well they can eat something else.”
“they can eat something else”
Let them eat cake?
Large scale cage free chickens are an exercise in animal abuse. It’s totally about feels and appearances rather than facts. Yeah, battery chicken life sucks and doesn’t look pretty. Boo fucking hoo. They aren’t humans. You know what else sucks? Chicken on chicken violence(*), which is what happens with so-callled cage free chickens. Worse than battery chickens. I cringe when I see cage free proudly displayed on the side of a jar or mayonnaise or on a menu. Fuckers have no idea where their eggs come from and tradeoffs from different production methods.
(*Or just not existing because you’re a food animal whose existence is predicating on providing a product.)
Chicken on chicken violence is all natural violence.
Hello SIV.
You lie. Once freed from their cages the hens will have their own cuddle party.
Also, those cage free setups are harder to keep sanitary, particularly with an outdoor element. But whatevers.
And chicken on chicken violence isn’t just a love peck.
It’s also amusing that “free-range” chickens for meat, can be called that because the chicken houses have doors for the chickens to go outside and I guess peck bugs. But the main food source is inside the house, so the chickens never go outside.
Or people claiming chickens with outdoor access are fed a strictly vegetarian diet because that’s what is put out. Yeah, they’ll eat bugs or worms or whatever too.
California voters approved a measure Tuesday requiring all eggs sold in the state come from cage-free hens by 2022.
Seems like a commerce clause violation to me. California is certainly free to regulate all the eggs produced in California, but once they start regulating eggs imported into California they are interfering on Congressional prerogative. To my mind, such a move is not dissimilar from an interstate tariff.
Lawyers, please let me know if/how I’m wrong.
CARB approved products laugh at this notion.
You can buy after-market, not-approved-by-CARB parts all day in California. You just can’t (legally) use them on a street vehicle.
Not so much anymore. Example of catalytic converters:
That’s merely for “replacement parts” that are advertised as such. If you want to buy a non-CARB part, labeled “for off highway use only” you can absolutely do so. I buy all kinds of bits for my race car that replace or eliminate emissions devices. They all come with warnings about installing them on a street vehicle.
Ah, good to see there still is a loophole.
Yes, BUT! (There’s always a but.) If you alter your emissions system on a street car with any of these parts you will fail an emissions test, and that means no registration renewal. The solution is to a), put the stock parts back on prior to your emissions test or, b) pay any one of the thousands of shady emissions testing stations an extra $100 to look the other way.
CA essentially writes the rules for the trucking industry because most trucks, and all fleet trucks will eventually end up in CA so they have to comply with their idiocy.
Nope. They aren’t stopping eggs from out of state, just making standards for products sold within their state, which also apply to eggs produced in-state.
It is no different than any other laws requiring a service or product meet certain standards.
We sure love our smug masturbation here. So what if we get cum in the eyes of the actually-worse-off whom we feign to give a shit about? At least we feel good about ourselves.
Sex robots are icky, man. Unless you’re a woman and we’re talking about vibrators, since that’s a beautiful expression of female sexuality.
NB: The feminist twit going on about how selfish it is for a man to bang a sex doll and he’s only considering his own pleasure; I wonder if she owns a vibrator?
The real problem she has is that the dolls are scabs in the feminist war on men.
“NB: The feminist twit going on about how selfish it is for a man to bang a sex doll and he’s only considering his own pleasure; I wonder if she owns a vibrator?”
Simple fix, stop being ugly, cunt.
“he’s only considering his own pleasure”
Male privilege, dude. I think they used to call is penis envy before everyone got woke.
I seem to remember some CNN twit a few days ago who wrote an Op-ed that imagined “what if all sex was done solely for the females pleasure” or some nonsense. I feel bad for these people, in their minds somebody has to ‘win’ at sex. Does anyone have the heart to tell them they’ve obviously been doing it wrong?
“I seem to remember some CNN twit a few days ago who wrote an Op-ed that imagined “what if all sex was done solely for the females pleasure”
We already have that, it’s called a vibrator. Maybe the feminists should just embrace sexbots.
Old joke:
A couple gets undressed to bump uglies for the first time. The woman sees how small the guy is and points at his cock and laughs, “Who do you think you are going to please with that tiny pecker?”
Dude, shell out the extra $$ to get the non-scabby doll. Probably also pay for the undercoating too to prevent STD’s.
So to make the mayhem flow a little easier, the TSA’s advice is arrive early and be prepared. And that means knowing what to pack. Turkey and stuffing are allowed in carry-on bags. So are pies and cakes, because they’re considered solids. But no gravy or mashed potatoes because they’re considered a liquid.
“So a popular Thanksgiving dish is yams. If it’s wet and already made liquid it has to go in checked baggage. If it’s not made yet, dry yams that can go in carry-on baggage,” said the TSA’s Shatimah Brathwaite.
What about diarrhea? If I shit a whole bunch of loose stool into a Ziploc and hand it to them for inspection, will it be ruled a solid or a liquid?
Anyone who brings a turkey and stuffing on board, and doesn’t bring enough for every passenger and crew member, is truly a monster.
It wouldn’t occur to me to fly home with leftovers.
If it’s any good, there won’t be any leftovers.
“You are extremely effective, but you piss everybody else off.”
I haven’t even met you in person but I’m already starting to like you.
I’ve met him in person. You’ll change your mind.
Knowing your shit and being a jerk is fine, being a dumbass but a real sweetheart is tolerable, being a dumbass and a jerk puts you on my fuck you list.
I have had a boss tell a client that I was an “acquired taste”. I had just gotten finished chewing out one the client managers in front of two developer teams. The manager tattled and my boss had to defend me.
The funny part is that the developers all loved me so much after my tirade that it was one of the easiest projects I ever managed. They would have done anything for me after that.
FYI…being passive-aggressive is not the same thing as being nice.
well bless your heart.
“Are you ready for the fight?” he asked. “The fight for healthcare for everyone! For well-paid teachers and a quality education for our kids! For equal pay for equal work! The fight for a criminal justice system that is truly just! For environmental policies that are based on science! For a responsible state budget! For gun safety laws that protect our families! For jobs, for a living wage, for strong labor unions! For a state that welcomes immigrants! And for the truth!”
Indiana, are you ready for a population increase?
So IL had their very own Ben Jealous and he won. LOL, poor IL.
Do you want free shit? Do you want policies that fly in the face of human nature?
Something tells me he won’t have to do much fighting to get those things.
Yeah, but then the tricky part comes where you have to pay for it. /the end
This is Illinois. When have they ever worried about paying for things?
They will with this. When you tell people they are going to give up another 30% of their income, then it becomes a problem. Ask Cali. Although I am sure their dreamy new gov will get it done, NOT.
“The fight for healthcare for everyone!”
These people are hilarious. Even Cali wouldn’t do this after the cost was revealed. And they were low balling the cost. People are fucking dumb, news at 11.
Healthcare is magically immune to economics and government bullshit.
I have it on good authority if the government just banned billing people for healthcare it would cease to cost ANYTHING. If only evil Rethuglicans didn’t want people to die.
And all the good doctors and other healthcare workers and administrators are going to start working for 3rd world wages. They care so much.
Just like teachers. They care so much they work for free and never ask for anything in return.
I don’t understand why they don’t realize that for everyone to get free education, they have to start working for free. It’s just that no one has told them that yet, I’m sure they’ll be fine with it once they know, it’s for the children.
Nu-uh. If we’d just make the evil 1% give up some more of that money in their money bins we could pay everyone a living wage!
/Progging is fun….I imagine saying this with the voice of an indignant 8 year old.
Yeah, I guess that would sort of work for a while. Until they run out of other people’s money. I hear that has actually happened before.
That wuz just cuz they didn’t try REEL SOSHULIZM
And buildings will just build and maintain themselves.
Everything will be free and everyone gets a free pony. A rainbow colored cuddle pony.
Pritzker is a silver spoon who came upon a huge inheritance when his parents kicked off of this mortal coil and has never had to work a day in his life. To him, other people’s money is just a number on a spreadsheet that his accountants can only be bothered to deal with. Real salt of the earth guy, this Pritzker fella.
“For a state that welcomes immigrants!”
In other words: “Folks are leaving our state in droves! Let’s trick people from other countries into thinking it’s a good idea to live here!”
Good luck with that revenue stream when you replace all your skilled workers with landscapers making below minimum wage, under the table.
It’s hilarious to hear young Chicago progs dismiss what’s going on economically in this Illinois. They are convinced that all of downstate is what’s driving the state toward bankruptcy and that the city is all that is keeping the state alive.
My ex lives down state so they might be right. Bitch could suck the life out of anything including a state.
That guy looks like a shop steward. He’s not fooling me that he gives a shit about any of the talking points unrelated to labor.
He’s alright, Jack.
“You whited sepulcher!“
Have some platitudes, bitches.
What is it with clients sending me emails where every word is in bold and all-caps but the contents of the emails are neutral/procedural/decidedly not angry? STOP YELLING AT ME THRU UR COMPUTER SCREEN, DAMMIT.
I get a lot from people that work in Autodesk software doing markups and forget or can’t be bothered to switch off caps lock when blindly firing off emails to me. My first thought invariably is, “do you sent email to our clients like this too?”
Happens to me working in SQL. But not in email only in IM. I actually check my emails before sending
Question for legal eagles: If I bludgeon someone typing “THE DEMOCRATS WON THE SENATE POPULAR VOTE1” on Twitter and I bludgeon them to death with their own iPhone, is that justifiable homicide?
Dude, why are you on Twitter?
Twitter is cancer.
I’m not sayin’ you should’ve kill ’em.
But I understand.
-1 Nicole Brown
Their own phone? I think that’s an assisted selfie.
I think that’s a misdemeanor. Just pay $50 at the local courthouse and you’re golden.
How can you bludgeon someone on Twitter? I think you are making things up.
I’m so angry I can’t type english gud.
I love how these people would abolish the republic cheer in a Caesar as long as he/she/Xe was from their TEAM.
There is truly nothing new under the sun.
The democrats won the senate popular vote in California for some reason.
You helped
He didn’t think a critical mass would be stupid enough for “senate popular vote” to become an actually trending meme.
Tell them the Republicans won the entire legislature by acreage. And then tell them to fuck off.
What does that even mean? Senate elections are local elections. So, they want people in another state voting for their congressional representatives? Then who wins? Is there going to just be one person in the Senate now on from California? I don’t even understand this.
All you have to understand is that the people tweeting that are morons who have no idea what they’re talking about.
Not just willfully ignorant, but viciously and zealously ignorant. It’s not mere incidental ignorance to believe that Senate races are national, or are gerrymandered (as the bombastically stupid cow Joy Behar claimed this morning). It’s an aggressive and insistent form of ignorance, ignorance which can only be deliberate, ignorance which requires maintenance to sustain, a sort of iconoclasm but for basic facts of reality, smashing the offensive bits off incontrovertible truth in their religious zeal to tear down heresy and erect their wicked vision.
Sure, you see a similar refusal to grasp a fairly simple reality every time the left goes on one of their collective screeds about assault weapons or just firearms in general. They (it has to be intentionally) get even the basic facts wrong and no amount of correction will get through.
Unlicensed pest removal.
Our very own Masters in Journalism from Columbia University
Where they don’t teach math.
Man dies after injecting silicone in genitals, mom blames sex ‘cult’ master
Clearly this man never watched South Park.
I have a hard time caring. You chose to do something dumb and caught it in the butt.
RIP Pup Tank.
“Hafertepen deactivated several of his accounts after Chapman’s death. It is not known who injected silicone into Chapman’s scrotum.
Chapman’s death in mid-October was caused by a viral inflammation of the lungs called pneumonitis, which progressed to acute respiratory distress syndrome, the King County Medical Examiner’s Office said. The syndrome eventually resulted in hemorrhaging in the lungs.”
This may be bullshit but it’s funny.
Two years of this, please.
He’s a treasure.
He lamented the thriving economy?
What a cunt.
I did disclaimer with “might be bullshit”, but…yeah. 2% was good enough for Obama, why Trump gotta be strutting?
He’s strategizing. It sounds like he’s doing a pretty clever job of it (i.e. you can’t rip on the economy overall, as people will compare it to experience and see through it)—you know, aside from getting caught/overheard. Fail. And Mollie Hemingway is doing her job cleverly by pretending to be aghast and surprised.
Politicians are two-faced. Water is wet.
I wish he would just own it and reply to a request for comments with “Look, you caught me fair and square, so you get a freebie, but if you want more ‘Politics 101’ I have to charge you for it, and have you sign an NDA. It’s basic stuff so far, but I can’t just be giving it away.”
Cuddling can be non-touch. Eye gazing…..
I can’t wait for my next narrowed gaze. Swiss is just cuddling.
So, Montana had relatively good election results:
I-185 failed 53.4/46.6, which would have permanently expanded Medicaid and and would have “paid for it” with increased tobacco taxes (including a new tax on vaping).
I-186 failed 56.8/43.2, which would have pretty much banned hard rock mining by requiring mining companies to prove by clear and convincing evidence that new mines would not require perpetual treatment of water polluted by acid mine drainage or other contaminants (“perpetual treatment” and “other contaminants” were left to the state environmental agency to define).
Greg “Body Slam” Gianforte (R) beat Kathleen “Single-Payer-and-Bernie-Gal” Williams (D) for the U.S. House 51.7/45.5 (Libertarian Elinor Swanson got 2.8% of the votes).
The bad:
John Tester (D) beat Matt Rosendale (R) for U.S. Senate 49.6/47.5 (Libertarian Rick Breckenridge took 2.9% of the votes). Tester puts on a persona of a Blue Dog Democrat, but he votes in lockstep with coastal Democrats (e.g., he voted against Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, voted against tax reform, etc.).
LR-128 passed 62.2/37.8 to reauthorize the 6-mill levy, a property tax that funds higher education institutions in the state.
LR-129 passed 62.8/37.2 to ban people from collecting ballots filled out by others unless they are relatives, members of the same household as the voter, election officials, postal workers, or the like. I don’t think this will do anything to combat voter fraud; it just adds another layer of annoyance.
They were going to expand medicaid on tobacco taxes? A cost of a pack of smokes would be $1500.
Yeah, it was really that dumb. It would have been one of those dual-purpose taxes to both discourage consumption and fund some government program.
Man, I’m so glad that one didn’t pass–and not just because I’m sick to goddamn death of how people bleat at smokers already.
And not just smokers, I guess. If I have to hear one more “smokeless isn’t harmless” ad, I may just take up chewing long-cut for fun.
Grizzly long-cut wintergreen.
There’s a tip from your Uncle Tres.
Bleck….Copenhagen snuff or GTFO.
Here’s a tip from Yusef, keep that shit out of your mouth Riven,
/Sup Tres!
. . . keep that shit out of your mouth Riven . . .
I’m BEAM, and I approve of this message.
Your point is?
The Lib in my local state district got 18% of the vote. In the next district over the Lib got 20%.
“Course in both cases there was only them and the Republican running. Still, kinda like my very own Libertarian Moment.
I’m full as a tick from snacking on all these beer/buttermilk leek rings we just fried up. I don’t even have room for a chicken wing. Woe is me.
I’ve really gotten into leeks lately. If I fry them just right, the kids think there’s garlic.
Careful how you bag them, you’re liable to get a leek.
Pretty improvised so YMMV but tinker with it and enjoy. Dry dip is seasoned flour (we do S&P, smoked paprika, garlic powder). Wet dip is eggs, splash of buttermilk, splash of beer (our local brewery’s Hawaiian Pizza IPA). Dry dip, wet dip, dry dip again, then into the deep fryer (we use peanut oil) @ 375° until golden brown.
How about a wafer thin mint?
Ladies, gentlemen and people who identify as attack-helicopters , our future leaders.
I wonder if keeping the cam on the girls chests was deliberate.
Probably body mounted camera knowing what they would do
He was trolling
I used to think people who were so certain of the truth of their ideological positions must be happy. I was wrong.
I assume the sign rippers were expelled?
(Heh, I crack myself up.)
Damn, if that is representative of even 30% of the upcoming generation, we are so fucked.
I think it’s a very small but very vocal minority and people who aren’t lunatics are just scared shitless of them.
They also seem to always be around in greater numbers than Campus Republicans (or whatever group they are screaming at and assaulting). Sure youtube is looking at the world through a straw but still…..I get anxious thinking about when these monsters hold the reins of government.
Yeah, they make me nervous too.
It’s not hard to picture them dancing around triumphantly with the scalps of the kulaks and wreckers.
Or maybe more accurately throwing stones and feces as the enemies of the state are lead to the gallows.
Well of course. Insane people like that are best to avoid. They just cause trouble and will spend all of their time and energy trying to right their perceived wrongs. Unfortunately physical force is completely verboten these days, which is about the only way someone like that will learn.
Yeah. I’m all about the NAP but there is something be said for understanding that there is only so much that will be tolerated.
We had a short discussion on here about the barbarity of dueling a while back. I’m not going to go to the mat in favor but it does seem that people (in polite society) were more civil knowing that they may have to back up their insults with their lives.
Duelling only applies to people of the gentry class.
Why would they accept your challenge any more than a good southern gentleman would if a black guy didn’t like the colourful array of terms said gentleman just used about him?
physical force is completely verboten these days, which is about the only way someone like that will learn.
Something something, Berkeley bike lock guy.
Force is not completely forbidden, it’s just a matter of “who? whom?”
The worst part is, this kind of people always gravitate towards power. It doesn’t have to be a lot of power, but I’m betting half of this lot at least will at some point be able to fuck over normal people and make their lives miserable on a personal whim, with limited to no recourse.
Indistinguishable from the leftist throughout history, from Germany to Cuba to China. They are just getting started here
Ed Guntler really nailed it comparing #metoo and #believeher to the Emmett Till tragedy. It is just a pretense for lynching anyone stepping out of line
Only now the actual fascists have taken to calling their opposition fascists. Their progjection is complete.
I’m stealing that.
About time. I am currently also trying to get Proggiefail Scamberger to catch on. (Abigail Spanberger, the fraudulent lying liar that lies that narrowly unseated Brat in the VA 7th.)
That fucking spook bitch
“They are just allegations”
They’re not just allegations there was a NY Times article published yesterday”
Christ, what fucking idiots. I am so glad I am old enough to just sneer at college age asshats.
I listen to NPR and read the NYT.
What the Fuck was that Tulpa?
I’d explain, but it mite b 2deep4u. Kneel before your educated superiors.
What obnoxious pieces of shit. They should really be happy that cameras are ubiquitous these days.
I would booby trap my the signs with thin a membrane bag of urine at the center.
I’d make the sign using fly-paper.
Phenolphthalein. They’ll bring their own urine.
That hair color is a .. choice.
“Just fuck my shit up, baby. Give me a look that screams, ‘Hey everyone, I’m crazy!'”
You know who else didn’t click on any of the links?
“The reason we don’t have a democracy is simple: Racist, sexist voters who disproportionately live in overpowered areas block democracy because they prefer minority rule over the urban, diverse, Democratic-voting majority. They are, in other words, assholes who oppose fairness.”
Is there anything that isn’t racist?
Good. Lets secede from one another and be done with it.
If we can’t keep upstate-NYers and State of Jeffersonians in thrall to our will, what’s the point? Why are you oppressing my ability to control you? :'(
Vanilla Ice?
I’m still not buying that she’s not an act. Nobody is that fucking stupid on purpose.
It is hard to believe someone that dumb could stay employed anywhere. Even at Salon.
“The reason we don’t have a democracy is simple:
Racist, sexist voters who disproportionately live in overpowered areas block democracy because they prefer minority rule over the urban, diverse, Democratic-voting majority. They are, in other words, assholes who oppose fairness.”– the united States is a republic, which is a form of government that protects the rights of the minority from the passions/tyranny of the majority.
Also, they always assume that they are the righteous, morally superior majority and no harm would ever come to them via absolute democracy. How does that old saying go? Oh, “Liberals get the bullet too.”
Maybe she should try reviving the 10th Amendment.
And permit marginally more self-determination to those racist, sexist rednecks? How dare you suggest such a thing!
You joke, but I bet that’s the argument. The 10th Amendment invokes states’ rights, which is just code for segregation.
It’s the argument all right. Not verbatim, of course: self-determination is a supposedly sacred idea among liberals, it’s just rarely applied universally (or even attempted to be). If they ever get close, they pivot quickly to another argument; and the cognitive dissonance does not and would not bother them.
Replies are good
“You are extremely effective, but you piss everybody else off.”
I call bullshit on the first half of that statement.
He chooses to identify as extremely effective. Quit denying his lived experiences.
Yeah, and I identify as a tall Asian lesbian woman.
Go on…
I am not some piece of meat who’s hot, Asian lesbian sexual experiences you can beat off to.
I am not some piece of meat who’s hot, Asian lesbian sexual experiences you can beat off to.
Then what good are you? (Ohhhh, I’mma burnin’ in Hell for that statement . . . )
I have a, perhaps, shameful confession: I really like this Coldplay song. Even writing that makes me feel dirty, but that’s a jam. Great bassline.
It’s OK – I like all kinds of embarrassing stuff too.
I ? this Coldplay song – https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pUtg1GOA2gc
We all have our guilty pleasures. Kudos to you for admitting one!
This came on on my way home tonight: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YVkUvmDQ3HY
I turned it up and smiled.
/guilty pleasure
[Stealing thunder from our fat, drunk, cheese eating bretheren]
I mean, I’m not necessarily against this in theory, but it’s funny as fuck. Wisconsin legislature: “Oh shit. You mean all that unrestricted power we gave to the executive might now be in the hands of the other party? Better take it away ASAP before it gets used against us!”
Forgot the link. Christ.
She should have smacked him in the balls.
Wait, what did Acosta do?
Went full Chad on some bint that wanted to harsh his buzz. Like a real Alpha would!
*standing applause*
He was himself.
pushed her arm away when she tried to take the mic
whatsherface cried assault over less at a Trump rally.
It is kind of funny how she looks to Trump.
Trump should keep her employed, but also hire a big ass motherfucker to be the microphone guy next time and redo the whole scene.
Trump should keep a t-shirt cannon loaded with a MAGA shirt behind the lecture. Then when Acosta stands up to ask a a question, he should blast him in the nuts.
2000 bucks?
That’s a bit steep
Nah then he would be called a bully
Let ol’ Jim keep showing his colors
Trump is still the guy with the laser pointer getting them to run in circles
What I would have loved to see after Acosta pushed her arm away and refused to give up he mic was Trump looking him in the eye and saying, “so much for respecting women, eh Jim?”.
Trump should use his WWE ties to hire Brock Lesnar for the job.
“PASSED: Florida voters APPROVE Amendment 9: Ban on offshore oil drilling and indoor vaping.”
Apparently, Florida passed a previous amendment to combine random shit.
How can you even do those things at the same time?
About half our amendments were random shit mashed together.
One of the amendments changed the voting requirements for fee and tuition raises in higher ed … and gave survivor’s benefits to the families of first responders who die in the line of duty.
And this one.
Insanity. Automatic “No” from me on that bullshit.
Ah, link unpopular shit to popular shit to get the unpopular shit passed.
That’s fucked up. It’s such a basic manipulative strategy; it’s how they pass bloated omnibus bills. It’s how bipartisanship ‘works’ at its most primitive level. “Are you telling me you oppose supporting the families of our finest of heroes? Monster!”
Here’s an idea for the “rationalist community” to pursue as a goal: Work to make it a rule that this sort of juxtaposition is invalid. Make Law Rational Again.
If only they were more than nominally rationalist…
it’s FEELZ all the way down, change your Handle SoyBoy, it doesn’t suit you at all…..
If it doesn’t suit a limp-wristed vegetarian who just barely knows how to change a tire, it doesn’t suit anyone 🙂
There’s a requirement that an initiative can only have a single subject here. It can be used the opposite way, to invalidate an initiative based on a very narrow reading of what a single subject is.
I had a feeling.
Language (esp. legalese) is so malleable in interpretation (even if the interpretations are patently absurd), there’s no way out of the mess.
If a good samaritan dies trying to rescue somebody from a car crash, will that person’s survivors get benefits?
When did Florida become prog-stupider than NY?
Guess where those Florida progs come from
If we’re sending them our worst specimens, I can get behind that.
Meh, save some of the country for normal people. Even if we got rid of all the progs, New York would still be an authoritarian shit hole.
Please don’t send them all to my lovely home state. I want to look forward to enjoying time with my family, no state income tax, and the guns I want to buy.
Ban indoor vaping? Why, because it resembles smoking?
Do as you are told
That’s the proof they don’t care about Real effects, just control
/Cigs and Vape guy
What a shame that offshore drilling is a Federal issue.
Also featured:
“Third party voters are evil and just as bad a those racist, misogynist republicans and keep stealing the election from demonshits”
I may have paraphrased that one.
*remembers the vitriol directed toward Jill Stein voters in the 2016 election*
Hey, at least there’s some consistency to their nastiness. (#lovetrumpshate)
I am a republican in that I believe in a republican form of government. (Small r, big R, what?)
I didn’t capitalize demonshits either, but I guess I’m lazy.
I didn’t capitalize
I was just wondering if your quoted acquaintance did.
He did.
And just one more from him, as punishment for your making me check Facebook again:
Close to telling him a few options for remedying the situation…
I’m sure they’re sick of his repulsive nature, too.
“repulsive nature”
It’s a predatory defense mechanism, dude. Stop being predatory and we’ll stop having to repel you.
…This is the guy with a kid with cancer? :/
*defense against predators
English is hard
Close to telling him a few options for remedying the situation…
Making an assumption, but I doubt if he’d go for supporting smaller, decentralized government.
I’m a democrat so long as the majority votes the way I want.
I’m a monarchist so long as I’m the monarch.
I’m a republican so long as icky people don’t get anything more than nominal representation.
See how open-minded I am?
Against my better judgment I went on Facebook for the first time in a while tonight. I shouldn’t have bothered.
Yup. The sadder part is both the people quoted above are otherwise nice people. And to be clear I’m not upset at all about their politics, just that for the one the post is so incongruous it was driving me a bit crazy whereas the other one is just a reprehensible view regarding third party voters, as well as republicans.
The last time before this that I was on facebook I got into an argument regarding the rate of false rape accusations. The only thing I learned from that is that I shouldn’t go on facebook.
It’s always disappointing, isn’t it?
That’s really fucking sad.
I tried to explain that Nevada Prop 3 and Prop 6 were meant to be an all or none to a coworker today. Prop 3 here was to break up the monopoly of the power company and allow competition. Prop 6 was to mandate 50% amount of that sweet free energy…er…renewable energy by 2030.
What did Nevada do? Vote to maintain the monopoly AND mandate the renewable energy requirement.
We now have a power company that can charge whatever they want and place the blame squarely on the voters. I hate everyone.
How misleading and/or outright mendacious was the wording on those things, I wonder.
On the ballot…straight forward in my opinion. Yes on 3 the State Legislature would have been charged to open up the market.
On 6, keep it at 25% or increase it to 50%
Now the propaganda that flowed…that’s different.
So you’d have to be a complete idiot to vote for that even based on the words they used. Sigh.
Er… against. See, I’m a complete idiot, too.
I got ya. Apparently the propaganda was the casinos wanted an open market to screw everyone over. The proponents spent 63 million to defeat it…got a get that money out of politics I hear.
The casinos already negotiate sweet deals on their electric rates. They use power at a level that makes in-sourcing a serious option. All have backup generators and several use their own gas turbines as their primary source. The local power company can’t walk in there and dictate rates.
*worked for Nevada Power
How misleading do they have be these days? I don’t talk to many people who are capable of following an argument to a logical conclusion. Every issue is decided ad hoc for immediate feelz. Everyone my age and younger will openly admit they know that Social Security cannot possibly pay out what we are ‘owed’. And yet none of them will support a phase out. “I paid in I am owed!” but you just fucking admitted you know the only way they can pay us all (folks retiring 15 years or more from now) is to devalue the currency. “But I am OWED!” … K have fun.
How misleading do they have be these days? I don’t talk to many people who are capable of following an argument to a logical conclusion.
This. That said I have seen too much legalese in such amendments before. In VA this year they were pretty straight forward, but they were still the type of thing that people vote for because they “sound nice”, but most people don’t consider the actual ramifications. They passed unanimously.
I AM OWED, I was forced into a Contract I can’t get out of, and the Gov has taken from me for almost 40 years, gimme my money back Slavers!
I also know, I’m not getting anything from the Scam, so I must provide for myself
The power company can’t charge whatever they want – they are still fully regulated and have to make a rate case to a commission to change their fees.
But, they have little incentive to control costs since they will have no competition. It makes little sense for them to remain vertically integrated as running a power station is completely different work than maintaining distribution lines. And the step in between – transmission – is federally regulated.
But you are right – keeping generation non-competitive while mandating “renewable” energy is absurd.
I have debated with people that corporations are evil while they text on their IPhones or Androids…sip their lattes from Starbucks and jump in their Prius. FUCK EM ALL
You gotta love Nevada. A dead Republican pimp wins a Congressional seat.
A pimps election ain’t like a squares election…..
While the rest of the state turns to Cali.
Ohio Electioneering: Election Off. Recommends Vote for Sherrod Brown “I’m a Democrat, I’ll admit it”
The Republicans really ought to be kissing O’Keefe’s beanbag today.
“Ewwwwwww, gross!”
/teenage girl