I’m annoyed with the Election Day stuff now. No fault of SP or our commenters on the post below. I’m just officially sick of the whole thing. Everyone involved in politics and news can go jump right up their own ass. The only upside of this whole day is at least half of these yahoos will be losers after it.
Macron calls for “European Army”. Just surrender to the Germans and collaborate again, Frenchy.
Robot kills patient during surgery. Oh wait, untrained NHS doctor kills patient during robo-surgery.
Wow, Austalian fisherman saves toddler who snuck out of parents’ tent, went down to the beach, and got swept away. 18 month olds are faaaaar to stealthy for their own safety, plus they exhaust you.
SF emailed this one from his walled hideaway. Slate interviews a whole bunch of mental patients for election day. At least they seem to be mostly functional.
I think we’ll just play the theme song today.
“SF emailed this one from his walled hideaway. Slate interviews a whole bunch of mental patients for election day. At least they seem to be mostly functional.”
This is satire, right? A bit of gallows humor from journos as the campaign season is fraying their nerves? Silly letting off steam between all the oh-so-serious stuff?
These people are fucking idiots who need a hobby, or need to get laid more, or perhaps both.
ZARDOZ has a solution.
The third-most popular comment right now
Second-most popular?
That has to be parody.
They were alive when the results came in. They should counter that.
It’s kind of pathetic. Politics is everything to those people.
Wow, Messrs. Keating and Leonard sound like your stereotypical hipster soyboys. It’s a shame they didn’t join the Great Migration to Canada that all those fuckers were talking about.
Hey, remember when they were all going to leave for Canada, but instead they stuck around and bitched and moaned endlessly about how Trump is literally Hitler?
That’re doing us all a solid, since we would have no way of knowing what they think of Trump unless they stay here and tell us incessantly.
Some people have Crossfit or veganism, others have TEAM politics.
Too. Emotionally. Involved. In politics.
/snort. Can any of the western European countries field a single fully functioning armored division?
All they have to do is triple their defense spending and they might be able to hold off the Russians for a month. I wish them luck.
You misspelled “hour.”
Their only real defense is that the Poles really, really hate the Russian Army.
I don’t care how big their appetite for destruction is, no way they can Polish off the Russian Army. (at least in one sitting)
Holding off the russians?
Maintaining internal security.
I read that as Maintaining internet security and thought that GDPR regulations must really be kicking in.
The kicked Uncle Joe’s ass in 1921 before they were occupied by Uncle Joe twice. Don’t forget Solidarity lead the eastern soft revolt in the 1980’s. Poland would fight Russia to the last man, woman and child to keep from being subsumed by Russia, I wouldn’t sell them short especially with the current state of Russia’s military.
Um, yeah
Not defending the Euros at all but have you actually looked at the state of the Russian military lately? I’m not sure THEY could field a single functioning armored division and even if they could it is unlikely they have enough logistical capacity to mount an offensive more than 100 km from the border.
The UK?
Hey Frenchie, just so you know, even if you team up with the Krauts, Wops, and Spaniards building an army is still gonna require you to actually spend money.
The British and German tanks are actually pretty good. Not sure if they can keep them running or have anybody to man them but the equipment is good. I think the French tanks are pretty good as well but not as sure I am about the British and German tanks.
New Zealand fisherman pulls 18-month-old baby from sea alive in ‘freakish miracle’
A bicycle courier snagged me at a busy intersection after I followed the dog out of the backyard and down the street.
I got about three blocks in a pedal car before someone called my mom.
Tried to follow the old man to work…
My parents are still looking for me
You sure?
I did the exact same thing when I was 2.
Me too, but I got almost a mile away. A nice lady found me playing on Main Street. My cousin was driving home from work and saw me playing in her front yard. He got out of the car and told her my parents were looking for me, but she didn’t believe him at first.
I remember sitting in his car and looking at the car door and vaguely wondering why everyone was so upset.
I got picked up by the cops and brought home. Thug life!
When I was three I decided to go visit my dad at work so I marched out the door and headed on down the street, just figuring I’d find him eventually. In Buffalo, NY.
Doctor’s robot discharged; patient was hit and later died.
I just voted. I feel dirty.
You’re not supposed to masturbate in the polling booth.
Wait. Isn’t that what voting actually is?
Wait, what? Then why does it have a curtain?
Yeah, but it really gunks up the counting machine.
Curtains? Luxury. We have small standing desks.
No…poling.. in the polling booth. Got it!
Shit, now I wish I registered after I moved
I have never had an actual booth, rather just an enclosed table, like this. Masturbating in that would be awkward, to say the least.
Last time I voted, about 10 years ago, it was enclosed like a phone booth. It had always been that way in NY. Now we have the little tables like in the photo.
Was it a voting booth or a glory hole?
There is no glory to be found there.
Sadly not even that kind.
Haven’t seen anyone this year wearing the parody of the “I Voted” sticker that instead says “I Farted”. Thank goodness.
Only because I forgot to order them.
You can use the glory hole every day but Friday. That’s your day in the glory hole.
I was in at 7 am to vote, 19th ballot handed out in my ward. Went damn near straight red and wrote in either people I trusted or dead people (“Bastiat’s decaying corpse”, for instance) for the unopposed races (all D because Madison is a corrosive influence on everything around it).
I feel dirty for pulling the lever for Walker and Vukmir and will be disinfecting myself with Talisker once I get home, but the Democrats’ behavior these past 2 years requires an obvious rebuke.
I was going to vote for Walker, but last night I had seen one too many ads of him talking about all the goodies he wants to hand out. Fuck him.
Hence why I will be drinking tonight.
I thought you’d be doing that just because it will be night time and you’re in Wisconsin.
Well, okay. It’s a fair cop. I’ll be drinking because I live in Wisconsin. I’ll be drinking only whisky and lots of it because I voted for Walker.
Johnnie Walker?
That would have been better, but no.
I got to leave work early to vote. I decided on Jameson on the rocks once I got to the “polls”
Same here. I usually write someone in for all the unopposed D candidates in Madison, but
this time just left them blank. I can’t stand either the R or the D guy running for attorney general,
so the Constitution party got a vote. It was weird, there were more Constitution party candidates
on the ballot than Libertarian party ones.
Apologies if this story was previously discussed (I’ve been gearing up for college hoops season!), but what the hell people?
Mike S – Received your beers! Am currently working on the *checks can* Broken Rudder Irish Red.
SP – As you know, can’t vote here, but I sure can laugh at all of the War Party supporters and the shrieking about how bad the other Teams Puppets are.
The young Mayor of Ithaca and his unfortunate social signalling.
BIF: I have finished 4 of the 6. So far, the Kellerbier is winning.
I am amused by the color difference between the beers I received and the beers I bought.
Of the cans, styles, or physical colour of the beers?
Physical colors. You sent me primary yellow beers. I sent Lackadaiscal…primarily not yellow.
“Broken voting machines, ‘mosh pit’ polling places, faulty software and ballots locked inside a foreclosed strip mall: Huge turnout is hit by problems across the country
States are struggling to handle an overwhelming voter turnout on Tuesday, as machines break down, waits are hours long and people are reporting an overall sense of confusion.
Americans across the country showed up to their polling places in droves, and it seems several counties were not prepared for the surge.
In Atlanta, people were seen leaving stations because wait times were stretching more than three hours, as long lines also marred the first hours of voting in New York, as one man described the scene as a ‘mosh pit’.
Several counties in South Carolina, Texas and Georgia have reported technical issues with machines, resorting to paper ballots until the issue was resolved.
In Detroit, citizens arrived to a high school to find no machines available, and in Florida a gun scare caused a polling place to be put on lock down for 40 minutes.
And in a town outside Phoenix, Arizona, early risers showed up to their polling station only to find the location had been foreclosed overnight on Tuesday.
Listed below is how each state is faring with voting issues.”
I have never understood these long wait times. How large are these precincts?
“and in Florida a gun scare caused a polling place to be put on lock down for 40 minutes”
Oh, is that what caused it? They had no choice, eh?
Wait, what??!?
How does waiting for voting take three hours? Before vote by mail, I remember precinct voting locations in every church and school. Tons of volunteer old biddies and never a line.
This is how it worked for me. Precinct was the Methodist church down the street. Appx 10 people voting in a place with 20 or so booths. Whole thing from couch to couch was 15 minutes.
It was the longest I’ve ever waited to vote today, about five minutes in line at a nearby church meeting hall, in the past at times I was the only one there besides the poll workers. Today they had run out of privacy stands to fill out your ballot (our ballots in NorCal are paper with computer ovals to darken like the SAT) so I had to sit on a bench outside to fill mine out. But the whole thing, including voting for 20 judges and a dozen statewide propositions, still took less than fifteen minutes from entering the parking lot to leaving the parking lot.
Not once has it taken more than 10 minutes from the time I walked in to the time I left. Whether it was a suburb, unincorporated suburban county, or now in a small town.
This year actually seems to have been the fastest as now the State requires an ID.
So instead of looking through a book with everyone’s names in it they just scan, it pops up on the computer, ask you to state the address/dob and that’s it. 20 seconds instead of two minutes where they find the name, tear it out, have you sign it, pass the paper to the R and D election judge to ‘verify’ the signature matches.
Big city pols have got to be intentionally mucking stuff up to constantly have so many issues.
Be more like Canada and decouple federal, state and local election dates. Yes, it means you get hassled three times as much over a cycle. But at least each would be done faster.
Apparently, there were still six shitlords left in UK after all.
Video of U.K. partygoers burning Grenfell Tower effigy prompts 6 arrests
On one hand, it’s horrible. On the other, I am a horrible creature, because I laughed (and then I felt bad about it, so I don’t even have the courage of my horribleness).
It’s horrible they were arrested if that’s what you mean.
Isn’t that the place that burned because it was insulated with government mandated “eco-friendly” materials that effectively turned it into a giant tinderbox?
It’s a whole shitshow of government shedding direct responsibility by offloading but not really who is responsible for public housing and how various governmental mandates are interpreted and implemented. So yes, after like four layers of indirection, basically, but good luck getting the inquiry to be that succinct.
It was more of a giant charcoal starting chimney.
that reminds me of October 2001, when I was in Vegas throwing paper airplanes at NY-NY casino. Apparently it was too soon…
How fortunate for us MURRIGlibs that Erection Day falls on Titty Tuesday!
5 demonstrating how it’s possible for her to not even know who she’s having sex with due an occluded view. 23 giving just the tiniest peek of areola. 48 looking absurdly disproportionate in a good way. 40 making the most out of a shirt 3 sizes too small. And 85… *gasp*… I’ll be in my bunk.
9 can take me to the stars anyday, 22, 54, 59, wish we could get a zoom out on 87, 88
About fifteen of them were insanely hot, but 52 is the most insanely hot for me.
45. Smoking hot, & the outfit is super sexy but just casual enough for a day/night out without causing too much of a stir.
18 month olds are faaaaar to stealthy for their own safety, plus they exhaust you.
If you hear silence, it means they’re getting into trouble.
Thankfully our 18 month old still says “no no no no” while doing something she knows she isn’t supposed to do.
Mine was non-verbal at 18 months.
Fortunately (or maybe unfortunately) that isn’t the case at 34 months.
My younger one just kind of.. hissed until he was 2. Then we took him to a speech therapy one time, she talked with him for 40 minutes, and he.. I dunno, figured out a couple of vocalizations and was off and running. Now he sounds like every other 3 year old. Kids are weird.
Yes, that’s the bad kind of quiet. Always an unsettling thing when you have toddlers in the house.
RE: Killer Robots.
I find it so precious that surgeons in Britain go by “Mr.”
“EXCLUSIVE: ‘You want to call me daddy?’ Father of Gigi and Bella Hadid had three-year affair with Polish model, 25, who reveals the engaged 70-year-old told her he ‘wanted to eat pierogies off her body'”
Who can blame him: pierogies are awesome.
The right serving tray makes them a lot better, though.
Stay classy, Daily Mail.
Also, damn, the difference between candid shots and posed Instagram shots is….probably the reason she’s still an “aspiring model” at age 25.
“Sometimes he would ask me to send him some naughty pictures. And of course I did. I see nudity as a part of art. ”
I was just thinking that I don’t support the arts enough.
I’m sure there are plenty of girls like that within 100 miles of you.
Pornhub always says there are hot singles that want my dick just a few miles from where I am. Those ads wouldn’t lie, would they?
Those are all dudes and cops.
psst: no trick needed for slutty moms . . . any moms, really
1% for art then?
Would. Would the daughters too.
Tries to be inclusive, gets accused of “marginalization.”
Girl Scouts sues Boy Scouts over trademark as Boys welcome girls
Left-wing identify politics has metastasized to trademark infringement suits.
Not even the people deep in the trenches can figure out who they’re supposed to root for.
Intersectionality is just a giant traffic accident.
Consider that stolen.
Identity and equity are nice and all, but money is money.
Womp, womp.
40 years of being called misogynists for not “letting girls in and become Eagle Scouts”, 1 year and counting of “you misogynists are trying to destroy the Girl Scouts.”
GSA is a control-hungry cult; it’s a vicious volleyball coach’s dream writ large.
BSA is whatever it needs to be to sell tickets; my son barely made Eagle before it went crazy. As for me, I don’t mind sharing my Eagle (with Silver Palm!) with any girl or any guy who did what I did, but I frankly have not personally met any such a person who was born after Watergate. Wimachtendienk!
I commented earlier about the asshole Team Blue guy running for assembly here who has been stuffing our mailbox full of stunningly stupid shit every goddamn day. Fuck him for making me vote for a Team Red guy. Anyway, I get back home from voting and there’s a fucking DOOR HANGER from that asshole.
I’m generally against capital punishment, but if a mob were to Ceausescu the guy, I would happily much on popcorn and applaud.
Was any of it that infuriating “It’s public record whether you voted and we’re watching you” bullshit? Because that would set me the fuck off.
Interestingly, the poll workers where I am, as I was filling out my ballot, were approached by the next voter asking about that, and they called it fake news.
I actually had to wait about 10 seconds: all four desks to fill out ballots were occupied.
The walk from the parking lot took more time than getting a ballot
Thank Yahweh, no. Just the usual “Politician Ken Idstein’s (his opponent) extreme agenda robs students and punishes taxpayers! Ken Idstein will be a rubber stamp for Donald trump’s attacks on women’s health!”
Maybe if we parked a woodchipper in front of his campaign office, he’d get the idea.
Sounds like a desperate cry for help if you ask me.
Does Team Blue guy love the environment? Then why is he sending you huge, heavy stock glossy mail ads. How many trees have to die to save the trees?
I recognize about half the anime characters in the front page here. Is that bad?
Your waifu is shit.
Speaking of shit, where did Bill Gates get this jar from, and exactly whose shit is it? https://twitter.com/AFP/status/1059816423294287872
If that were Bernie Sanders, we wouldn’t even need to ask.
Can you then explain the photo to me? Why does Penn hate what looks like a bunch of moe waifus (and is moe even a thing anyomore)?
Is moe still a thing? Like 70% of anime girls nowadays probably count as moe.
It’s a “Your waifu is trash” meme I’m sure, though I have no fucking clue why Penn Jillette is in there.
See, I was thinking of the bartender from The Simpsons.
See, if everything is moe, is there such a thing as moe anymore, or is it just “anime”?
God, we need 80s/early 90s revival in a worst possible way. Black Lagoon can only count for so much.
Can I interest you in moe girls covering the Black Lagoon theme? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sFxdx-5V_k
Yes, yes you can.
Fuck, I forgot how good that show was. Gonna have to rewatch this weekend.
Also, dub #1, made in Canada!
In the spirit of JATNAS and election day, I think the “Most Important Election Ever” jokes are starting to ring less true now than 20 years ago. A single election is now having real consequences that affect my everyday life. My mandatory, monthly health insurance premium is 6 times my monthly mortgage payment. That’s a pretty big deal for my finances. It caused a major problem my family when my wife was in between jobs and I couldn’t yet get insurance through work. True, Republicans didn’t repeal, but I don’t think they would have initiated this shit either. I think Repubs would have repealed if it wasn’t for that shitstain McCain.
2nd A restrictions hit very close to home. A single election in VA, won by a fucking coin toss, prevented the Dems from shoving their blue-sky wishlist of gun control down my throat. It’s crazy that my 2nd A rights were determined by a coin toss. Even crazier that a single voter could have actually deeply impacted the entire state.
I’m not championing voting like some jackass displaying a sticker. I’m just saying the consequences of elections aren’t as meaningless as they used to be. I’d really like to see the Liberation party infiltrate the Republican party. It’s been wildly successful play for the socialists with the Democrats. I think libertarian influence on the Republicans would be the greatest chance for true reform.

Damn it. Edit fairy, can you please close bracket around 6 times?
Those edit fairy hips are way too large compared to the head. IOW, the fairy herself needs editing.
“My mandatory, monthly health insurance premium is 6 times my monthly mortgage payment”
How…is this a bronze plan on one of the exchanges? Is your mortgage for a box?
Not that I don’t believe you, it’s just crazy.
$3300/month for family health insurance. It’s a good plan and my employer covers a good chunk. My employer paid portion comes out of my available salary though.
$650/month mortgage for typical 3 bdr/ 2 bth house (2500 sq ft) on 30 acres.
When I looked at the Exchange for plan 2 years ago, the cheapest plan I could get was around $2200/month. So still about 3.5 times my mortgage with no legal option for a catastrophic plan.. Probably 4 times now after increases.
That is a cheap mortgage – mine is almost twice that for a 2,100 sq. ft. 4 br 2 bth, and I live in rural Montana. But those health insurance premiums are whack.
Yes, that’s for a 20 year term too. I don’t see how health insurance could be valued more than a house unless the market has been wildly distorted by the government.
Omg. I really have to move.
Replying to:
650/month mortgage for typical 3 bdr/ 2 bth house (2500 sq ft) on 30 acres.
Seriously, if you don’t mind, whereabouts is that
Southwest Virginia. You’ll find similar prices in rural areas starting from about Danville west into Eastern Tennessee.
Jobs are difficult to come by though. Strong demand and well paying jobs for anything healthcare, especially in skilled nursing facilities.
Holy fuck! I’m at 2750/mo for two bedrooms with a nice den and workshop on a small city sized lot. Renting and trying to wait for r/e prices to slide a bit before becoming a land slave.
My neighbors are celebrities, though, so there’s that
I slightly exaggerated. Exactly 5 times after doing the math.
Holy fucking shit. That is still insane.
Ok. And how much does it cost to actually USE it? What are co pays and deductibles? Those aren’t cheap either.
That’s a great point. For my daughter, we decided to use a cash only ultrasound technician ($150) versus using our insurance at the hospital for the 20 weeks ultrasound. The hospital wanted to charge $700 against our deductible. It wouldn’t even offset the deductible for the delivery since she was going to be born in a different calendar year.
Is this connected to Oretardcare?
Because if it is, Suderman seems like he’s starting to love Obamacare.
“Even though you can’t see it, my dear, we are both giving you a standing ovation.”
Thanks Edit Fairy. You’ve got my vote.
JATNAS would have put a number on it.
Hah, you’re right.
My favorite edit Fairy! Thank You may I have another?
I’d vote early and vote often.
My grandparents do. Of course, they switched to a straight-line Dem ticket after passing.
I was limiting myself to edit fairy and her plea for votes.
I figured but hadn’t heard a Dem ballot joke yet.
According to current projections, Jeb! is expected to win every contested House and Senate seat.
Holy shit! He did it!
Too bad he lost Greenland.
They’re all kulaks over there anyways
So is he getting a blowjob out of the frame?
Mate, you should have had the coppahs check ya Surfboard Baby Seat!
The Rip Tide
I was thinking this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYnATPozpcU
20% of Democrats and 15% of Republicans agreed that the country would be better off if large numbers of the other party died.
Maybe those 20 and 15% could kill each other?
I endorse the motion for murder
Who could argue with that. Drive I-35 lately?
I can’t drive I-35
Every time you make that joke, Sammy Hagar earns a dollar.
I’ve said it before if these knuckleheads start a shooting civil war I will be really pissed.
Well, since the dead typically vote Team Blue, I can understand that. I guess the 15% are the NeverTrumpers?
Maybe those 20 and 15% could kill each other?
BATTLE ROYALE. (advantage Team Red because guns)
Holy shit, just found out that my wife voted for Larry Sharpe. My raised in Ithaca Progressive School Teacher Union wife.
Threats to send your own children to the coal mines WORK.
Proggie Union wife? Damn. I don’t know how so many of y’all do that and manage to stay happy. Respect.
Thankfully my wife is a fellow ancap so we don’t constantly piss each other off.
It’s hard, man. I literally cannot discuss politics with her or her family unless it is in those areas where Progressivism and Liberty meet – ending wars, ending prison industrial complex, legalizing drugs, shit like that. Guns, free speech, economics? Not a chance.
That said, my wife is one of those lefties who mostly hates the Democrats and is further down the horseshoe … so that is helpful.
No way! There are even fewer ancap women than there are libertarian women.
So I can only conclude that you married yourself.
I am a lucky man. She’s also pretty aspy so I don’t often have to deal with emotions or irrational thinking (ick). Engineering Spectrum Disorder for the win!
Hey Negroni Please, did you see this?
I have a strict no politics, no religion policy at my house.
You are missing out on a lot of good hate sex.
I’m avoiding an expensive divorce.
My fiancee and I avoid talking politics for more than 30 seconds at a burst.
I mean, hate sex is good, but not having anything to hate her about at all is waaaaaay better.
Are you kidding? At least Gordie gets to give it back to the state now and then.
I imagine school teachers more than anyone would like to see those turds sent to the coal mines.
Good for Mrs Gordilocks!
Will she be telling any of her co-workers tomorrow.
My public librarian wife hates teachers with a passion. After she found out (during the Chicago teacher’s strike) how much they made and their pension benefits (which waaaaaaay higher than hers) she was like, “Fuck them. I have to work 12 months out of the year for less pay and contribute a hell of a lot more to my pension then they do. What are they complaining about?”
I love how I keep hearing on American radio ‘go out and vote’ as if they mean ‘just do your duty’ when in fact they’re probably saying ‘go out and vote….DEMOCRAT BECAUSE ORANGE MAN BAD’.
Jesus Christ.
Ugh to that slug.
Time to ban assault gastropods.
“If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.” – Clemens
Apparently this dolt didn’t pay attention in HS biology class.
So…. some fun with excel… based on the 75 “most competitive” House races according to the NYT, the Dems need to win 28 of them (five of them are already held by Dems).
Magic number is about 14.25…. thats how many percentage points on average they need to swing each of those congressional districts to pick up the seats they need. Seems like a tall order in a lot of those district, most of which have been gerrymandered to hell by GOP controlled state legislatures.
I was skeptical about the blue wave coming into today, and I’m even more skeptical now. That would be a massive political shift in some very partisan districts.
senate +6
House -4
Wait and see
you mean -4 like the Republicans only lose four seats? Or -4 like the Dems take a four seat majority?
House loss of four Senate gain of six
I was skeptical, until I started looking at the individual districts. And I think you might actually be right.
No one talks about the individual districts… just the stupid “Generic Congressional Ballot” and “voter enthusiasm” bullshit. Picking up an average of 14 points in a bunch of GOP-gerrymandered districts seems inconceivable to me.
I’ll be generous and go ahead and give the Dems an average of a 12 point pickup in those 75 “competitive” districts, and leave room for 5 surprise results from supposed “non-competitive” districts (4 of which will favor Dems). And according to my spreadsheet, that will give them a net pickup of 21 seats. GOP keeps control. As for the senate, I’m going with a 5 seat pickup.
“Generic Congressional Ballot”
Where do you think “house popular vote” came from? Their internal polls must be less than good, but they will, of course, have huge numbers in CA and NY. So the damage control narrative was instituted before the election.
BTW, I saw “voter disenfranchisement” at work today. A lady behind me tried to show an expired drivers license that she claimed she didn’t know was expired. They disenfranchised her by calling the SecState’s office, and verifying her address on the voter rolls was the same as her expired address, then giving her a ballot.
Was there a riot? Maybe a burning dumpster and an overturned police cruiser?
/Trump’s America!
The Klan members burned out the dumpster fire lighting their torches before Brett got there.
Those monsters!
I’ve been denied entry to bars in NYC for expired non drivers ID. When it happened I walked 10 feet to the next one so no biggie, but I think it’s a weird law.
So, I was on the road last week, and my hotel of course had the USA Today ready for me. One of the lead stories was a debunking of the idea that George Soros is funding various migrant caravans on the move in Central America.
Okay, cool debunking, bro. A little googling hits me with a wave of these debunkings. What I’m not seeing in my google efforts is any exploration of who is, in fact, funding the caravans. Very little curiosity on that front. Thousands of people don’t just walk thousands of miles fueled by the PBJs in their hobo bindles.
PS ~ Google ad services was, however, kind enough to let me know that Neiman Marcus is selling a “bindle knot suede hobo bag” for a mere $1,190:
They also don’t just all spontaneously decide to hike to Texas or Arizona at the same time. Someone organized it – who, and why?
“bindle knot suede hobo bag”
My favorite sexual position.
I always have trouble with the second hole.
Well, just read it, I didn’t see any debunking, just pointing out posts that don’t have any evidence.
One of my clients fired a VP for tweeting about Open Society funding the caravan.
I saw this today regarding funding – not exactly a reputable source, but they cite a number of verifiable facts.
yup: he really stepped in the soup
I’m not seeing any debunking either. Just a lot of smearing antisemitism accusations for anyone who suggests Soros is funding the caravans (or the groups behind it). NYT, Wapo, all just “it’s a lie” asserted statements with, surprise surprise surprise, nothing to back those statements up with.
According to this dude, referencing the Senate report on the accusations against Kavanaugh, the NYT not only reprinted dubious accusations against Kavanaugh without any rudimentary vetting of the charges, but they also tried to coax witnesses
Hopefully Republicans hold the Senate if for no other purpose than to continue this investigation
I would not have guessed this
That sexual dimorphism is lower among democrats? I thought everyone knew this.
Random chuckles from Twitchy:
Reuters Top News
Win or lose, Beto O’Rourke set to emerge victorious. Follow #Midterms2018 coverage here: https://reut.rs/2JArLf1
3:40 PM – Nov 6, 2018
Media Matters guy wants to double down on hectoring celebrities:
Angelo Carusone
After midterms, I propose 3 prong approach:
1) Getting remaining advertisers to fully reject Fox News
2) Getting people to organize against their cable companies, which force them to pay for Fox News even if they don’t ever watch it
3) Celebs apply pressure (helps w/1 & 2)
Mr. ENB is very annoyed that you people draw attention to this Farrakhan fellow!
Asawin Suebsaeng
I know a lot of you are concerned about climate change and the ravenous hordes of cormac mccarthy novel characters the inevitable global panic & bloodbath it’ll soon create and wondering what elected officials are doing about it, but did u hear about this Farrakhan fellow
1:09 PM – Nov 6, 2018
I like Twitchy but sometimes the comments are a tad too ‘conservatervy’.
I absolutely agree, which is why I tend to cannibalize their content rather than link them directly. There are a lot of terrible reaction tweets in there from statist asshole types, particularly copsuckers, but they’re good at digging up a lot of the most idiotic leftist nonsense.
particularly copsuckers
Military and police fellating is really my biggest problem with self-described conservatives.
As we approach 8EST, here’s the last chance we have to talk in terms of predictions instead of results.
538 had the House Blue 88% for weeks with about a 30seat advantage.
It’s now showing ……….. 92% ……………………………………40.
In the next hour we will know if the polls that Silver trusts were correct
or whether the Glib-knows-best notion that it will be a close race for the House is correct.
I respect models and intuition both; the model is doubling down at the last second; we shall see.
Of course, folks, I respect you all no matter how or if you vote; I love the American experiment. Greetings from TN09 where we watch and savor a few fingers of Jack.
From the “trending articles” front, five recycling myths:
Myth #2: “Formal recycling programs take jobs away from poor trash sorters, so it’s better to just let waste lie where it falls; those in need will pick it up for reuse.”
Yeah, that one goes under “shit no one has ever said.”
Recycling programs results in bums on bikes cruising the alleys and taking aluminum cans out of the recycle bins
I bag em and leave them on top, that way they don’t throw shit all over the ground digging em out
Sounds like you’re pretty hard on your bums.
My only smoking law would be a $.025/cigarette deposit. That way those fucking smokers will stop being such a litterbug and every city will be totally scrubbed of butts within a 48 hour period by bums.
So basically the Aldi theory.
Not sure what that is.
The only beef I have with smokers is that they are inveterate litterbugs. Fuck, I don’t throw my empty beer cans out the car window! Why can’t they act just as responsibly and throw their butts away responsibly?
Aldi makes you put a quarter in to get a cart, when you put your cart back you get a quarter.
Also, beer cans are worth money.
Ha! I stopped at one today. As I was walking by an old guy was just finishing loading his groceries in his car, so I told him I’d take care of his cart for him. I start to roll the cart and he grabs it and pulls it away from me. Being nice, I told him once again I’d be happy to roll it back into the store for him.
And then he demanded a quarter. So I said fuck it and walked away.
It all makes a lot more sense now…
I stiil smoke, but I field strip my butts and into my back pocket they go, Litter is a Fail
Because there’s nowhere safe to put a lit butt any more since most places have removed ashtrays on the misguided theory that it will cause people to smoke somewhere else.
I think the smokers will be the only ones to make it through the next apocalypse. We have been systematically making them tougher and tougher. Making them go outdoors. Then moving them further and further away from any shelter.
When the rest of us succumb to cold and misery, they’ll just laugh and stub their cigarette out on our corpses.
Damn, that almost makes me want to take it up again.
No need. The French have figured out how to train crows to patrol parks and deposit the butts in a bin in exchange for a treat. I expect full crow deployment in a year.
The Boston globe once put a bunch of rfids in different kinds of trash in different cities around Boston and discovered that everything just ended up in a couple landfills.
My wife thought I was a cynical asshole about recycling until she saw the trash guys dump the trash and recycling into the same truck.
Hell, the folks who clean the offices at my work place do it when they make their rounds during normal business hours. Trash can and recycling can contents go into the same barrel.
I can’t say what happens to it after it gets picked up, but our recycling is picked up by two different trucks.
I just wish they would get rid of the stupid can/bottle deposit in our state. $0.60 per twelve pack is hardly worth the effort unless you are an alcoholic, especially when the redemption center in town is open 9-5 weekdays, and only 4 hours one Saturday morning a month.
I wish I knew what the scam is. Some politically connected someone is getting rich of this shit. Follow the money.
It does serve a purpose. It gives bums and such a way to make for money food/drugs/booze while doing something useful.
I remember being poor enough to scrounge cans for smoke money*. But everything was a LOT cheaper then. Around here, it’s teams of shrunken old Asian ladies doing it – I suspect to supplement whatever income their males bring in.
*This was back when it was pretty standard for everyone to return their cans to the supermarket – nobody was pulling them out of the garbage.
The scam is simple.
Jobs/Small business
The redemption centers are private companies. They collect cans/bottles and then submit to the state agency that holds the fee.
Every time a bill comes up to get rid of it, the redemption centers go to the capitol with “redemption centers are small business why do you want to kill small businesses”
They also trot out the litter argument “if we get rid of the bottle deposit the side of our roads will look like the side of Missouri roads” Never mind that there’s no deposit on fast food bags/cups and we don’t see them strewn around the roads much.
The funny thing is that when recycling does take place, it just ends up in China’s landfills.
The WSJ ran a good article about it a few months ago. Apparently, China buys much of our recycled waste and then sorts it over there. If I remember right, they end up discarding something around 80-90%.
Now China is realizing that recycling our waste is not an economical source of raw materials. They jacked up prices and demanded a higher percent of recycled waste be truly salvageable. These demands aren’t possible for the US exporters to meet without massive price hikes on municipalities.
I’d bet the progressive takeaway from this is that Americans should be made significantly poorer in order to marginally drive up recycling rates.
Nah, their take is that we’re going to arrest anyone we catch picking around in the garbage.
Crush Kill Destroy, well, enough about the election!
Oh, one more from Twitchy: Rich leftist Hollywood types (although I’ve never heard of the two who were actually in the car, apparently they’re actresses) are extremely tolerant people and true friends of the average workingman.
The next person who tells me that our democracy is riding on this election…..
This hive mentality is getting to me…..
People get very upset when I tell them that I think Democracy is one of the shittiest ideas in history.
Not that it isn’t, it’s just that good options are limited
I always say the 2 wolves and a sheep thing, or the 51% telling the 49% what to do thing
People don’t really know how to respond to that.
But why would wolves care in the first place? What’s sheep going to do without a vote?
That quip is utterly retarded. Guess how “two sheep and a wolf voting what to have for dinner” end?
Some folks are not wolf literate. One wolf, 2 sheep = same result. It’s not the voting, its the counting.
Yea, not a moral good in and of itself, which is why the US is not a democracy, as I have to keep reminding people.
Are we being pedantic about Democracy here or just any sort of government where any shithead can vote on something like Republicanism and Parlimentary Monarchy?
Look, we all know that leftists don’t give a shit about democracy unless they win, so it doesn’t matter if we’re being pedantic.
Hey, did you know…our democracy is riding on this election?
Good, kill it off, Democracy is for Tyrants and losers
“The next person who tells me that our democracy is riding on this election…..”
…is the same person who refused to accept the results of the last election.
They never connect the 2. There’s a phrase for that
It took you this long to get annoyed? I told my best friend to fuck off this morning because he was hounding me about voting, using the typical “arguments”.
This is the most important day of the year.
Duke vs Kentucky tonight! Our first look at man child Zion Williamson, along with RJ Barrett that Cam kid.
Fuck Duke.
FUCK DUKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Point on the doll where Christian Laettner touched you.
Hating Duke is as natural as breathing to any decent human being.
Don’s non-SEC Chick Rankings (very very final edition)
1 Buffalo (not kidding!)
3 Texas
4 Loyola
5 Duke
6 NM St
7 Smith (oddly, she was a Duke basketball fan)
Duke….am I to assume this ranking wasn’t on the basis of looks?
Duke was a hot, troubled brunette Texas native . . . just not anywhere as smart as the others.
Yes, I figured that out as I was typing below.
Wait a minute. I went to Buffalo in the late 80s and early 90s, and unless your rankings are most drunk/ most likely to put out…….oh, carry on
Buffalo was amazing, but ultimately I had no business sipping from such a recent vintage. She was a super smart native Texan lured away by an odd curriculum and grant . . . and a mediocre cook.
Fuck Dook
How’s this for a non-election nut punch?
Jesus Christ. What a sad story.
That’s depressing as shit.
“According to Kowalczyk, the girl said she was holding the baby when she dropped the infant, who hit his head on a footstool. When the baby cried, she panicked and stomped on the child’s head, the sheriff said. A local doctor who examined the baby determined that the injuries were not accidental, he added.
Although the girl’s biological parents were with her in court, authorities said she had been removed from their home in September and placed in foster care with the same family that also runs the day care center where the infant’s death occurred. The reason the girl was placed in the foster home was not disclosed.”
Aw fuck. Why did I read this?
You’ve become the anti-Q. Rather than bringing the joy of boobage to us, you’ve brought the dread of reality.
You of all people should know better than to expect joy from someone calling himself “Pope”.
Oooh! Sick papist burn! Quick..douse him in holy water!
“Papist” is a weird English slur that I will hold no truck with.
I much prefer “Schismatic”.
I’m a fan of ‘catechist’
Uffda. Q delivers the goods every day. Most of the time, he links multiple times to goodness.
I don’t drop shit like this every day. Not even every week. (bad puns don’t count here)
The reason I shared this one is because it was so fucking bad through and through. There isn’t any way even a microscopic shred of silver lining can be found by the forensic team.
I think there must be something in the water at Chippewa Falls. The guy who ran his car into the girlscout troop while huffing was from there too.
Sconny (shakes head disapprovingly)
A bad batch of Leinie?
Has there ever been a good batch?
Back when they were independent (and when returnable bottles were a thing) they would release a batch of Leine Bock for about 2-3 weeks every spring. I remember it being quite the deal as a young man.
The biggest monster from Chippewa Falls had to flee to Japan to escape justice. Just ask Straffin.
That is horrible. Based on what little has been reported there is going to be more to this story.
Some adolescents are just evil (if the girl did intentionally curb stomp the infant). Not too long ago, I heard about a special needs child (maybe 6 y.o.) that had been repeatedly raped by a 10 year old boy everyday for weeks (possibly months). Parents decided to not press charges.
You want some more of the great news from Wisconsin?
Do you have any links to reputable news sources rather than a tabloid rag like the NY Times? 😉
A local tv station (the NYTimes has a story too, but you said reputable)
This was/is a huge story.
I know… I was just taking the piss out.
Uffda. I didn’t even realize he linked to the NYT.
I guess I’ve worked my brain dumb enough to go vote now.
Oh geez, as much as I hope beyond hope that she comes back okay, I think the best think we can realistically hope for is a quick and painless death.
Oh yes. Unless she was in league with the killer(s), she’s not going to be seen alive again.
Carol Ann Fugate was 14 when she accompanied Charles Starkweather. It’s possible something like that happened.
OR she could be murdered. Little in between.
Could be another Joseph Duncan story too.
He was a kiddie diddler who was going to have his parole revoked who killed an entire family in Montana except for the girl he kidnapped from there.
*I know about this because the parole violation was in my home town and it happened not too long after my father retired as a parole officer there. So I actually know a bunch of people who had front row seats to that shit show.
Ugh. I have a connection to the victims of that piece of shit, though I was living in Colorado at the time it happened. Shit show it certainly was, but at least one person made it out alive.
I was told at the funeral of one of the victims all the people there were typical north Idaho or Montana types except for one very large black man in a suit and tie. ‘Guess who the FBI agent is’ was the joke.
Worst story of the week. On Tuesday.
Nice work?
Calls for mandatory foot registration in 3…2…1
450K for each slab. Not bad.
Just in case nobody has linked THIS yet in honor of the day…..
I was saving it for 2020.
Coop may be dead by then, tho’
I saw today that the MAGA bommer was in court today, odd coincidence that. Trotting him out on election day. *picks piece of tinfoil off hat pops it in mouth and chews*
The Blackhawks fired Coach Quenneville today. They were definitely trying to bury the news.
From the photo on Google news, the replacement coach is Jim Morrison?
Holy fuck. He’s 33.
Watching the Rangers here getting clobbered again and shaking my head.
at least the guy on the right is keeping his eyes up.
Perfect song for today, Brett.
I just got back from pointlessly
signalingmasturbating voting and it does set the tone nicely.Whoopsie.
“It doesn’t matter if you know nothing at all about the issues, the important thing is that you get out there and vote. In fact, it’s probably for the best that you know nothing about what and who you are voting for.”
Betting odds on the Dems taking the House have moved to -480, or pretty much Nate Silver’s number. FWIW.
Ted Cruz was -666 to win in what’s probably the final number. Y’know.
C-SPAN3: Free Speech and National Security
Free Speech versus National Security
Has anyone noticed Dave Chappell has all his stuff up on YT now? over 200 skits and shit, here’s the extended Charlie Murphy interview,
He’s had the quietest comeback ever.
RIP Charlie.
/has a sad
WUT! When?
/That sucks
So I voted. Interesting, the Dems are there with a sample ballot so their fuckhead morons know who to vote for. The Republican voters know who to vote for by the little R next to their name.
Wait, that’s legal?
I suppose they can do what they want beyond the “no electioneering” signs like 100 feet away or whatever.
Maybe its a cheat sheet for the most lefty, progressive candidates for races with more than one D?
That’s what someone was giving out when i voted
We had a Republican sample ballot available. I politely declined, but I wish I had grabbed one to see what their thoughts were on the ballot initiatives.
So you could just grab one and vote for whatever is the opposite from what they have suggested? Interesting.
I chuckled.
Me: Alexa, are you a commie?
Alexa: What books would you like to talk about?
Me: I didn’t say anything about books, you stupid cunt, are you a commie?
Alexa: Do you want to know about the books I enjoy?
/The wonders of AI on display here.
Nice little interview with Alexa
That was funny.
“Do you want me to add a dick to your shopping cart?”
Funny but sad.
Has anyone else heard about Trump and Putin have sent rain to stop poor people from voting?
Why did the Jews sell their weather control technology?
For profit of course, they’re Jews!
Boy was it raining today. Like, flooding and shit.
Appropriate hippie music
Good song, nevertheless.
Uffda, CCR is the one group I used to really like that now I can’t stand to listen to. There are plenty that I like less than I used to (SRV, Van Morrison, Beatles) and a few I like more (Stones, Kinks) but CCR is the only one I went from digging to hating.
Democrats really think very little of the people they expect to cast votes for them. “Our lazy, idiot voters can’t make it to the polls because weather and that’s disenfranchising or something! ///votersuppression”.
Just got back from voting. I think Sharpe will under perform, as his placement oin the ballot was exceptionally poor. I saw as many people at the polls as you’d expect for a presidential election year. I think that’s a bad sign for republicans.
Not to be contrarian but… how stupid do you have to be to not find someone you intend to vote for?
You have a high opinion of your fellow man.
Im notworried about the folks who know about him and will be looking for his name so much as those who didn’t realize he was running but still might be interested in a third party candidate.
Dems showing up in deep blue places won’t make a blue wave federally. Could be bad for state legislatures and conservative or freedom referendums.
I think the Rs will baarely keep their majority and the income tax limit amendment will lose bc of high D turnout. We just can’t afford a D gov and former AG and D legislature. Last time that happened sales tax was raised and a shit ton of laws were passed that made it easier for cops to violate rights related to searches and drugs and alcohol
Oops i deleted that my presection was about NC
Prediction fuck wheres my beer
Next to your punctuation 🙂
Heh the night is young my typing can still get worse 🙂
What’s a typing Can?
As shocking as this is, new York has a republican state Senate, so it will Matter some even here.
Not for long. They’re predicting the senate will go D. For those outside NY, this means the state will be full-on blue for the first time in decades.
D supermajority in both houses here so they can pass tax increases with impunity. Their media quislings are already pushing stories about how corporate taxes are too low, and should be raised to push even more businesses out of a high tax state (except for the largest crony ones that are funneling money to SJW orgs and pushing the D agenda, they’ll be protected).
Rick James uncut Chapelle interview, fucking awesome, “the NAAAVY”
Just surrender to the Germans
Lucky for France, Germany is having issues.
It’s ok the United States is covering for them.
Just voted. How did multiple libertarians get in the ballot for the spot (Senator)? What a mess.
Skinsuits, Drake.
Really? So no government worker noticed a fuck up? Shocking.
They all got enough signatures I think, and the state doesn’t care.
Decision 2018.
Battle for the Future of Humanity.
America at the Crossroads.
Regardless of the outcome, the hairspray and capped teeth coverage by the msm is something else.
Accidentally opened Facebook. Regret that decision. You’d think women weren’t allowed to vote or run for office until today.
Did you know that women have a special duty to vote (Democrat) today because women fought and died for their right to vote (Democrat) ?
That (sorta) was on the front page of the Great Falls Tribune: the headline was “You voted? Thank a suffragist.”
I didn’t know we were all women now.
Just because.
The headline was “You voted? Thank a suffragist.” he headline was “You voted? Thank a suffragist.”
With today’s technology, we can!
Democrats don’t have to run a platform. They just have to say muh feels and Trump! That’s happening in our area and it’s working against the Republican incumbent. We are about to get a few years of Ocasio-Cortez level stupidity in our district.
“Did you know that women have a special duty to vote (Democrat) today because women fought and died for their right to vote (Democrat) ?”
I mean, otherwise they wouldn’t be real women. Why would they want to not be real women?
“You’d think women weren’t allowed to vote or run for office until today.”
Even more amazing, they can finally do that after Trump got elected and put them back in chains.
I’m DVRing Fox and PBS and watching the charts on 538
There is a remake of Princess Bride. They made just a “few” changes.
So, can we get an election night open thread like at 7:00 PM EST when the polls start to close?
No, now go vote Democrat and save democracy Shitlord!
What’s the “Uncle Tom” version of gay guy who votes against Democrats? That’s what you are, Tonio. For shame.
Uncle Milo?
That was good, I barely missed it.
Whatever they called Milo, can’t remember now. All we know is that Tonio must be banished and silenced.
*slowly backs off, closes door behind me*
I believe the term of art is “Gender Traitor.”
I like you Tonio, you have born the brunt of many a joke, yet you still come here, Good Man!
Second. Tonio was my connection to moving here from TOS.
Hmm, having trouble typing coherently. I’m sure the double shot of TD has nothing to do with it.
What’s there to talk about? Whether Natey hits his mark of 88% or it’s more like 89% or 87.8% he should have predicted for the blue wave?
Polls just closed in VA. Fox declared Kaine without a single vote counted. Damn it VA.
But the Libertarian candidate for US Senate is probably going to hoover up enough protest votes to preserve automatic ballot access in 2020.
I think so too. Wife and I both voted L for that reason. If it had been a close race instead, I probably would have held my nose and voted for Stewart
I noticed that: very impressed by their promptness.
If all the illegals thronging route 66 between Manassas and Fairfax already voted, I think it’s safe to say it’s over. I’m not sure were they are getting those caravan people from Honduras and Guatemala. It has to be a lie, they’re already all in Virginia.
Back off man, I’m a scientist.
We experimented with a new (to us) dough recipe this past weekend. Fantastic.
h/t the RAHeinlein spousal unit
We ate it.
We had to relearn a few technique parts- the dough spreading you and I use with our slack dough results in a crust that has a great texture but is too thick. The second pizza we made was much better, using the two fisted off-the-surface pull and spread.
Is the recipe a secret?
Sounds like a future article in the making. Give up the goods, man!
They’re not mine to give. Maybe you could wheedle RA into getting her husband to do an article/demo…
I picked up my (new to me) Shorty Forty on the way home tonight.
Awwww… can we keep it? Can we keep it?
What a cutie!
G30 is my solution in that space (and EDC)
I’ve been wanting one for a while. I had a set price in mind and kept losing gunbroker auctions. This time I finally won, and the seller was less than 5 miles away from me.
Don’t know if this has been posted yet.
A libertarian think tank just gave up on libertarianism
Spoiler Alert: it’s Niskanen
At least Taylor is finally being honest. Now he’s just a utilitarian asshole like the rest of them.
And Taylor outs himself as a “David Brooksian” conservative, as if we didn’t have enough of those.
I think of all the lies they tell, the lie that a laissez faire society has no community, virtue, pluralism, or material well being is the one that is most hilarious.
A laissez faire society has more community, more virtue, more pluralism, and more material well being than their preferred polity, and it’s not even close.
This. As the Constitution says. It’s to secure the blessings of liberty. Those blessings are result of liberty and cannot be separated from them.
Why, after all, is liberty objectively more important than other considerations that millions of people in this country hold dear, such as the pursuit of social justice, equity, community, virtue (“statecraft as soulcraft,” as George Will once put it), pluralism, material well-being, or any number of concerns that animate people in politics?
In other words, he was always a statist. Big fucking surprise.
Here’s the best part:
Niskanen president Jerry Taylor wrote in an Oct. 29 essay that he is dropping the libertarian banner the center has shared with the likes of the more conservative Cato Institute.
Clayton Bigsby!
I made grog.
Heroic Mulatto Livestream
WOOD the girls in the front with preference for the girl on the left.
You are a man of refined taste.
Seconded, and frankly I find that slightly distracted, slightly worried look of “I have no idea what I’m supposed to be doing, so I hope this right” that the girl on the left has adorable.
That entire comment section is truth. If some historian were to write a chronicle of my family, it would read in its entirety as:
“some” alcohol?
Sadly, one family cannot drink “all” the alcohol.
It’s just a question of numbers.
And attitude. Can’t forget attitude.
Third World Barbarian music? and they can’t spell……..
Third World Barbarian music?
You ask and I provide.
That’s what Tupac is doing in Serbia?
To be fair, he was still
alivein the US when this was made.I wanted something cringy but not full on “Serbia stronk” genocidal.
The Wife even liked that one
I don’t know if understanding the lyrics helps or harms the experience.
I got enough to laugh, good find Pan
Caramel Nixon is a disingenuous pos.
Is he faking an accent?
He’s nothing if not a chameleon.
I did a test run on 2 turkey recipes last night. Plenty of leftover turkey.
So I picked up 2 loaves of ciabatta and a pound of Black Forest bacon to make turkey clubs tonight.
Now I need to figure out what to do with the leftover bacon fat.
Kenji Lopez has a sous vide turkey porchetta recipe I might try once the TDay turkey breats go on sale.
Interesting. I’d like to try that with dark meat, but the temperature is going to be different.
Seriously though, use it to cook some beans-and-greens and add a little more bacon. Add V8 juice and some hot pepper sauce of your choice for kick.
He has the porchetta using the breast: https://www.seriouseats.com/2013/11/the-food-lab-turkey-porchetta-thanksgiving-recipe.html
paired with red wine braised legs. https://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/2013/11/red-wine-braised-turkey-legs.html
Aromatherapy candles, duh.
That’s a slightly better suggestion than what I know is coming:
It was a tossup
Now I need to figure out what to do with the leftover bacon fat.
D00d, you slather it on the ciabatta for the extra flavour.
I’m wondering if that will be too greasy with the mayo. Only one way to find out.
Big batch of sautéed mushrooms and onions.
Also a worthy option.
I have shallots. Not sure about the mushrooms. I think we went through all of them on bibimbap day.
when should one use shallots instead of onion or garlic ?
When wants the awesome flavour of both of those marvelous vegetables in a single veg, which happens to be more sublime and understated.
Shallots RULE!
i use shallots for roasted veggies all the time. Great flavor.
Third the shallots. Used them last night in place of onions for hamburger steak.
I prefer the convenient packaging of shallots over onions, being single.
Shallots? must try….
Whenever possible. A fine dice versus sliced does actually make a difference in intensity of flavor.
I learned this weekend, flipping through The Food Lab, that I’ve been slicing onions the wrong way.
Cooking is cool because no one knows everything.
Except maybe Playa.
AP says that exit polls are looking like a blue wave wipeout of GOP. But when I read the issues they are basing that on, I don’t get that at all.
Even is it’s not a blue wave wipeout and they only win by a few, it will be advertised as a blue wave wipeout.
538 is steady
but it’s too early for surprises: surprises tend to be narrow, so they can only be called late
Let’s watch KY06: still a toss-up
Guam voted a Democrat governor in.
Did it tip over?
No but the ballast system is close to the breaking point.
KY 6 is always a tossup. Its really the only district in play in KY anymore, since the queen of pork lost the 3rd.
McGrath is winning Fayette county, but the other two counties reporting so far are solid red.
That is how 6 goes, Lexington always goes to the D, the other 18 counties in the district go R.
Elizabethtown is going heavy R in the 2nd district. I point this out only to mention how much that movie sucked.
Good soundtrack, though. And whatsherface is cute.
Yes. And yet, I still couldn’t finish the movie.
I thought exit polls were notoriously invalid indicators to any particular race.
Indiana’s looking like it’s going Red, and it wasn’t supposed to be an easy lock for the Rs. Interesting.
I don’t know who you’ve been reading. There are no surprises anywhere yet, so there are none in IN.
Here’s some very easy to follow graphics: https://fivethirtyeight.com/live-blog/2018-election-results-coverage/?ex_cid=extra_banner
I may be the last to ship this BIF, buck Lackadaiscal should have his beer before the weekend. I hope he enjoys the bonus materials I threw in due to being so late.
Oh, Chicago. Never change.
Voting for judges is just pointless. The only time one should vote for a judge is when the prosecutor and the defense attorney are trying to agree who will judge a case in a libertopia.
I don’t get it either. Plus who the fuck is going to spend time researching 15 or 20 schmucks to choose from?
If I recognize a judges name, I vote against him/her. Otherwise I leave it alone.
On my ballot, all of them were listed under both D and R (and misc. others) so I said WTF and tossed a vote at the one who was listed only under R. I should probably just ignore it going forward.
Judges are “non-partisan” races here, so its just a list of random names.
Just voted. It always surprises me how easy it is. Get home from work, short walk to the place, giant signs and people to herd everyone where they need to be, idiot proof ballots, no forms of paperwork needed they look you up and check your signature.
Basically, everyone who complains that it’s “too hard” is a fucking idiot and should be banned from voting.
There are 2 precincts at the school I vote at. I watched someone stare at the map showing which precinct you are in for 5 minutes. Its not that hard.
I drive past the school where I’m supposed to vote EVERY DAY, people are Stupid, or in the case of millenials, Post Office challenged
Yeah I have no idea how fucked up voting must be in some places to have hour long lines and all kinds of troubles that get publicized. I just assume that some places in the US have to be the worst and they are the ones that get noticed. Our stuff here in semi rural PA is really run quite well.
And I am usually the voter that holds up the line because it takes forever to write in “NONE OF THE ABOVE” on these voting machines.
Db, my polling station in semi urban Pa was easy as Pi. Check name, check signature, get a paper proving this was done, take it to the voting kiosk, have clerk activate the machine, vote on the kiosk. Leave and ghost the people outside the polling place.
Yeah, you’re not going to see any stories about “workin’ fine here, no problems” which is probably 99.99 percent of all precincts.
I was gonna vote until I found out that I had to show an ID here. I’m too stupid to get an ID so my vote was repressed.
If you were Black you could make a mint, get a Lawyer and Claim one drop privilege,
You don’t have a driver’s license?
Lach’s an anarchist, except for Electricity
Seriously, if I were a nefarious person it would be so easy to cheat the system. The only check on my identity was a 20 something glancing at my signature in the system vs the one I gave at the location. It would be so easy to vote under someone else’s name. But the same people who say ID laws are too much are those who are scared of the integrity of the system from online trolls. I could never be a Dem, the double think would drive me insane.
I’m not 100% white, but I managed to get a photo ID despite the apparent white supremacist ideology of the DMV, and I was able to cast my vote anyway.
Wait, they let people like you on this site. I’ve been lied to.
I got a new Doctor Who dvd today. It’s the complete episode of Shada. *geeks out* The die hard fans will understand.
It’s a Tom Baker story that never got finished due to a strike. It was written by Douglas Adams and the missing bits filled in with animation, but voices done by the original actors.
I’ll wait till the weekend to watch the whole thing.
That’s exciting; enjoy. Did you see Baker’s portrayal of Puddleglum the Marshwiggle in the TV adaptation of The Silver Chair? He is most delightful.
Damn it! Dog is back to farting. I thought she was almost back to normal.
Please. You don’t know dog farts until you ride in a suburban for 2 hours with a couple of labs that your hunting buddies have been feeding people food to for and entire weekend.
Labs, dude.
I don’t care what you feed the damn things, they shit a high percentage of their body weight each time, they fart uncontrollably and destroy your house unintentionally.
I still think they are great.
Even though I wanted to burn the house down Sunday, I wouldn’t trade Babs for anything. Dogs are worth it.
My last female purebred Shih-Tzu (“Gadget”), who was some kinda Dog Genius BTW, used to do SBDs (Silent-But-Deadly) at night in the bedroom. Mrs. Me would damn near faint, and I kept checking the walls for peeling paint.
She was a small dog, but mighty. :-/
Stop with the Cheese! Bella is a monster Farter after a bean and cheese Burrito….
Strictly chicken and rice. No cheese, no treats, nada.
She doesn’t normally cart, but since Sunday, … well…
I seriously considered burning the house down rather than cleaning up the mess.
The smell makes me gag.
Fart not cart
If the current trend continues, FL is going full on commie. Looks like FL man and FL woman will start showing up reading Karl Marx soon.
Neither of them can read, so . . .
When Democrats Were RED & Republicans Were BLUE
Pepperidge Farm remembers.
I didn’t vote.
I have an excuse.
I voted because there were some libertarians and I want to vote for ballot access.
I voted since I can’t afford any more social justice peeps on the school board.
/tired of the shakedown
I’m trying to decide what outcome I want. Republicans keeping everything would be absolutely hilarious. Given how fucked we are anyways since both parties suck, might as well party as the Titanic goes down, and the Proggy tears would be delicious. On the other hand, the Dems taking the house and everything becoming even more dysfunctional might actually help a bit in the long run, for people who have any hope left.
Oh well….
*proceeds to drink heavily*
I am leaning towards best outcome is Dems taking the House marginally while Pubs make gains in the Senate. That way we get preferable judicial appointments that Dems can do nothing about. We also get the endless entertainment from House Dem histrionics and antics that lead to them being destroyed in 2020.
I’m perfectly fine with that. And it’s also the best outcome for the GOP. Put the Dems in the spotlight and let them go nuts, but not be able to actually do anything.
Also, if that is the results, Trump needs to try pushing the next tax cut through during the lame duck session. That will drive them over the edge.
All of that seems pretty likely.
Looking at the results right now, it is just unreal how close all these races are that have 70% or more reporting. Almost all of them are less than 1% difference. Except that Cruz is getting bitch stomped by Beto the commie. That’s only 10% reporting though.
Fox are giving D a 80% chance of taking the House and 50% chance of taking the Senate.
Ky looks exactly like every other election. I can’t see any difference from the before times.
Guthrie and Massie are drawing over 60%. Rogers is well over 80%. Barr has almost caught McGrath as every county that is not Fayette goes his way. 1st and 3rd districts dont have any results yet.
In FL, Gillum and DeSantis are less than a point apart. What even in the fuck is wrong with them? Gillum is promising to basically double their taxes and also on businesses. A state that people move to because of no income taxes and overall low taxes. I feel bad for them, but I guess you get what you asked for.
Florida is filling up with tax refugees from the northeast. You know, people who shit on their own state and then escape the stink only to vote for the same shit in the state they move to.
Fuck those idiots.
TX has been getting a lot of that as well, if I am not mistaken.
Yep, it’s what they do. One day they’ll be nowhere for them to escape to, or the rest of us either.
The trend is more fascism. With government, it’s always a one-way ratchet. Remember that the federal government keeps expanding into ever more areas, entitlement programs are as popular as ever, and more young people than ever want even more government control of private property.
This is why I don’t really get too invested in these elections. Sure, it’s nice to occasionally get some people in office who don’t orgasmically yank on the ratchet until they climax, but the founders were wise in their realization that the only way you get the ratchet to go the other direction is by shooting at tyrants.
I do not believe Beta can win in TX. Something is wrong with TX if that is the result. That is not to say that a Democrat cannot win Senate there. But I cannot see this character doing so. Someone like a Jim Webb, however, I could see doing so.
Fox now have FL colored blue across the board. Cruz is getting stomped, but there’s only 28% in.
I am following on FNC and it shows FL to be red in senate and governor, but marginally. Still showing Beta ahead in TX.
Beta, lol, I like that.
Virginia 7th is tight. I am in the 4th but I like Dave Brat alright so I am following that one with intrigue. I do hope he defeats Scamberger.
WOW, 538 just updated. Pubs now favored to keep the house. The fuck just happened to make that happen. Regardless I’m not buying 50% chance of a Dem Senate. That would be bad since as bad as Pub judges can be, Dem judges are universally worse. Not seeing it happening though and 538 has it at less than 5%.
Fox is giving Ds 80% chance of taking the house. 50% chance of taking Senate.
But seriously, the most mind blowing thing of all to me is that Gillum could be elected gov of FL? WTF, LOL? They’ve lost their fucking minds.
538 isn’t the most user friendly and I’m lazy, but a “leans D” somewhere just went red and it destroyed the Dems chance in the Senate. Senate will be Republican controlled, I guarantee it.
Ah it was Mike Braun in Indiana. Good people in Indiana.
That’s… worrisome.
It’s awfully damn close, period. Blue wave has been cancelled, but there’s still a chance dems can win both houses, narrowly. If Cruz loses, then I’ll believe it can happen. That is terrifying in my opinion.
If Cruz loses I’ll livestream myself eating my own foot. It ain’t gonna happen.
If everybody-knows-he’s-a-criminal Menendez can win in NJ, Cruz can lose in TX.
538 has R Senate at greater than 95%.
Fox are still saying 57% for R to take Senate and 79% for D to take House.
So, a much more traditional midterm, where the opposing party takes the House. But, the Dems lost at least a few Senate seats. Definitely no “blue wave.” I’m thankful for that. OTOH, Pelosi. Maybe she’ll walk into a closet at the Capitol and forget where she is for the next few years.