Anarchism: A total lack of governance. No one holds any sway nor power over anyone else. True anarchism can not exist in this world.
On the chart this is bounded by Anarcho Communism to the left and Anarcho Capitalism to the right.
Liberalism: This a where a small state begins to govern the people. It can come in many forms, but it is a state of limited control being held through law. Classical liberalism in other words.
This is where I put small ‘l’ libertariansim as well as many other forms of government. I put Constitutional Property Rights Minarchism slowly skewing a bit more into statism because certain powers of government under the system could become a little larger than some libertarians may like, but is still limited in scope and size and is used for the protection of rights, not enforcement of ideals.
*Statism: The state governs more and enforces morality and populist ideals. Towards the leftward boundary of statism, the state also interferes in the economy to a greater extent. It is the transition of state power from protecting citizens to controlling them.
This seems to be where the swath American government has slowly waded through since the founding.
Fascism: The state controls the economy through excessive regulation, and enforces strict cultural norms through force of law. Property rights are still present, but become meaningless with state intrusion and control.
Socialism: The state owns the means of production. Human behavior is heavily controlled through force of law to fit the designs of those in power. There is no free market, but citizens are given the pretense of having rights when they do not conflict with the preferred outcomes.
Communism: All within the state. There is no private property. All human action is governed and controlled to best suit the preferred outcomes. Rights are abolished in favor of proclaimed equality. Complete governance. There is no avenue of human behavior that is not within the purview of the state.
Anarcho Communism: This is the end state that Marx believed would follow Communism. Because in his view once the glorious and equal world was created, the state would whither away like the petals of a dying flower. In reality it would only fall into lawlessness and savagery, but hey ANTIFA has to dream of something!
*A note on why I used Statism this way, when this definition is a bit outside of the average one and why certain ‘isms’ are not used. I did not want to use capitalism, because that is more a definition of a monetary system, not about governance and this spectrum is based on governance (ie how much power is held by the government over the people) and respect of rights. I couldn’t think of any other currently used ‘isms’ that fit this transition from liberalism to fascism, so re-purposing the broad statism seemed a workable answer. As for other ‘isms’ like republicanism and monarchism, those are about how the government is formed, but not about what the government does. Indeed you can have a good king or a tyrannical republic.
This is how I see the political spectrum. It comes from the late 90’s and early 00’s when ‘socially liberal and fiscally conservative’ was the way libertarianism was described. Back when the left pretended to be for social freedom and the right pretended to be about fiscal freedom I would tell people “I’m so far right that I’m left.” Meaning I was for such small government I would often align with hippies about issues such a drug legalization. Also, this helps keep the ‘left/right’ idea of thinking everyone is used to and explains how yes, to Socialists Fascism is indeed ‘right wing’ and to us, it is indeed of the left.
I mis-read that and thought it was a political “speculum”.
Hold the pedal to the floor and just HIT THAT ISH !
I used to “date” a labor & delivery nurse who was extra freaky….ask me how I know
On the first date, she pulled out her scrapbook of cauls?
“listen mister, I dont think YOU want an episiostomy scar…”
The libertarian party worked hard to get where they are on that chart. Just for reference what is the cocktail party spectrum.
LP: One-third naïve dupes, one third crass opportunists, one third true believers.
True believers in what, though?
Certainly not as a political party
Oh, Yufus you were supposed to say ass sex to finish the trifecta of beliefs.
Some people
Yeah. I luv you Yusef, but you really shit the bed on this one. Tulpa-style
Look motherfuckers, Yusef has a lot on his plate right now.
Do I have to drop the gloves?
Hey Yusef, here’s your white knight. Better give him a big kiss.
Also, good luck on the house hunting…Tulpa.
White? Scottish and Italian, dude.
*drops gloves*
We will forgive Yufus due to him being distracted by grand kids and beer.
I expect you to get a house like this!
Yusef wears his Sunday best!
Wow. That’s a blast from the past.
It’s his castle and his keep!
Well, I’m very sorry my haggis eating, Dago friend.
The donkeys are gonna be mad you called them fascists, because everyone knows that fascism is the opposite of what they what they stand for.
Fuck ’em. They don’t like it, maybe they should stop putting out party platforms almost indistinguishable from Hitler’s.
The donkeys? By CPRM’s definition the US Gov put in place by both parties at present is fascist and I don’t disagree.
Fascism as an economic system is understood by me to mean that the means of production are privately owned but that the output of those means are directed by the state. A fascist steel mill makes what the state tells it to, and then sells it.
What we have right now is not very fascist, but has hints of it. The healthcare market sector, I would argue, is basically fully fascist. The same with much of the energy and power distribution markets. The other market sectors of economy vary in degrees from almost completely free market to totally socialized.
We’re surrounded by fascists.
The state controls the economy through excessive regulation.
While they don’t control the entire economy, it is highly influenced and distorted by excessive regulation and the fed with interest rate tweeks controling more than they should and we have bail outs for the big players. When Trump started cutting regs, the economy picked up a bit. Add bail outs and then the fed keeping interest rates at damn near zero for most of Obama’s term it kept the economy from doing what it probably should have done which is crash for a bit and reset. Maybe I am wrong and don’t know what the fuck I am talking about but I think we would have been better off if the banks would have failed and the market/economy rebuilt itself naturally.
Reminds me of something Tom Woods said on one of his podcasts about the Great Recession: Don’t just think about what the government actually forces you to do by law – you also have to consider what businesses are likely to do given what we know about incentives.
When I was typing the above, I wasnt thinking about the fed. You’re correct. That is government exerting control of the economy. Our money system is wholly owned and controlled by the feds. I guess that is socialist fascism where the state both owns and controls the output of an industry.
I was VERY disappointed to see that my crooked Congresscritter, Greg Meeks, was running unopposed.
The dark cloud of dog racing will be removed from Florida. Huzzah! Now all those greyhounds can be euthanized, but at least they won’t have to run. You know, the thing they were bred for.
I hate dog racing.
And horse racing.
So anything with a round track then? How about roller derby?
Love it. Tits, dude.
Ill just leave this here .
God no.
But I did “date” one and her name was Calamity Payne
I married a derby girl.
Im guessing you have the scars and/or restraining order to prove it?
There are a few.
So basically you’re the UCS of the racing world (no offense, UCS)
I did bet $5 on horse races when I was in Kentucky.
I lost.
And anything with ice skates.
And speed skating?
Citation .
How about this?
You read it here: Tundra hates dogs.
Just the bad ones.
It’s just like 2016 all over again!
Hope so the tears are so good
I’m on day three of my “Book in a Week” attempt. Progress has been good.
Sunday – 8272 words
Monday – 10248 words
Today (so far) – 10407 words.
I’m still writing, so today’s number will end up higher by the time I go to bed. We’ll se if I really can write a book in a week.
I’m impressed
and glad to help with review or editing if you wish
Damn, i can’t hit 1000 words, but I write songs
Since it passed midnight here, I can’t rack up any more tuesday words.
My tuesday total was 10,839. Damn gas company kept interrupting me.
The circle spectrum I’ve traditionally seen makes sense to me. Fascism and Communism are right next to each other at the top of the spectrum, Anarchy lives on the six.
Fascism is a far right construct that has the government not owning everything, but it does tell everyone what to do. Communism owns everything, and tells everyone what to do.
Also works because the same stupid ideas come up again and again.
The circle always seemed too tidy for me. A tree makes more sense, with many diseased and gnarled branches. Some strong, some weak, some growing out alone, some entwining around a few close others… I’m not sure what the trunk is or what the canopy and the root structure represent, but metaphors have never been my cup of tea.
The trunk is tribalism.
KY06 Red per PBS
maybe a bellweather for competitive states
Pizza and Grandkids in a Motel room= insanity
Senate +6
House -4
That’s pretty close to my projections. Maybe not quite that many pick ups in the Senate. Governorships are a toss up but Team Red will lose some ground.
Sup Tres!
Grandkids an Beer in the house!
It is reassuring to know that CPRM is an organic troll farmer, but the question remains; is he fair trade and free range?
Just cracking the second Pacifico and enjoying watching the results come in and the Dems chances slipping. Really hoping for a repeat of the tears ? tonite.
Free range trolls? Now that is just asking for trouble.
The need the room to gambol.
It used to be a free range operation, but with the ubiquity of wi-fi the trolls just shitpost all over if you let them roam.
538 had predicted 7 in 8 chance for Democrat Joe Donnelly. Repub Braun has been declared victor. 538 isn’t too happy about how this forecasts the rest of the Senate toss-ups.
Looks like Dems are going to reap the whirlwind for turning the Kavanaugh vote into a circus.
Hope that is the case. They are, by far, the worse of the two teams right now. I want them to continue to lose so that maybe, just maybe, after healthy spankings they can regain some form of sanity.
The time I decide that one team is worse is one team are fucking commies. That does it every time.
“they can regain some form of sanity”
That will require a purge of the radical leftists from the party. I dont see that happening.
It’s possible. They went from the party of the KKK to 98 percent lock on the black vote.
“I’ll have these niggers voting democratic for the next two hundred years”
I don’t think it is likely near term, but they need some more beatdowns to possibly start to get the message.
Republicans are looking solid right now. Thing is, polls aren’t even closed yet in Cali. That’s where Dems hope is hanging our to take the House. Blue wave is officially over.
Yep. Wtf is going on in Texas right now though? I wonder if Houston and Dallas votes came in first.
That’s the same thing I was wondering.
yes; cities come in early; FtWorth is the only Republican city in Texas
There are republican seats in California for them to take?
Rohrabacher. Who use to be a radical libertarian college organizer back in the day. He was affiliated with agorism. Now he’s just a Republican stooge. But the Dems hate him because he’s soft on Russia (has been since he was elected).
I expect Putin to save his reelection
Outside of LA, the Bay Area and Sacramento there are still a fair amount of conservatives in the state. They are just vastly outnumbered. If you go up north here you start seeing all kinds of flags and stickers for the State of Jefferson.
California is 60/40 D to R.
Polls still open here. Going OT (I have missed a lot of comments recently and may have not seen this if it was posted before):
Delta tries to out do United and shits the bed (literally)
Blackburn done mopped the floor up with Bredesen in TN. That wasn’t even close.
I heard lots of women here abandoned him over his Kavanaugh position.
And stayed home? I guess we will see , but early voting was at a record level this time around so I am not so sure. I think outside of Memphis and Nashville, Tennessee is a republican state and even dem lights like Alexander can keep getting elected if they put and R by their name. Please someone primary that demented ass in 2020!
high voting, but the notion is: imagine what it could have been
sure, the cities are blue….pretty much the same as any other state
CNN: doesn’t look like a blue wave. Womp womp.
If that was a foreign Italian channel, “wop, wop” would have been more appropriate. Just for future reference
Browsing different election coverage streams and came across DailyWire. Beck (WHO?!) was on and just said that TX should have a wall on it’s western border. CA migration to TX may kill TX.
Likewise for DC’s infiltration into VA. On that note, I’d be ok having DC annex NoVA (or let NoVA create a new State for all I care) and have WV and VA reunited as VA as it was originally meant to be.
Shouldn’t they make a little Honduras right there in the middle? At least everyone would speak the same language.
So, from 538
Chance Dems take Senate: <5 in 100
Chance Dems take House 5 out of 9
Oops, dems might want to start shitting their pants early
I will save my joy for tomorrow but that does make me suppress a chuckle.
This is going to be so fun. The first thing we will hear is the gnashing of teeth while they run around in circles screaming about the R’s stealing the election with suppression and fraud.
And if the Ds do win the house, we’ll hear that for the next 2 years. OK, we’re going to hear it for the next 2 years no matter what.
ABC is already blaming the lack of a Blue Wave on male voters being swayed by Trump.
Not said outright, but the gist was that the models didn’t predict males voting against their best interest. Females did their part.
Earlier today they were blaming it on rain. You see, D voters can’t go out into the rain. Rs can, because privilege, obviously.
there will be re-counts and trunk loads of lost ballots suddenly appearing where the D’s lose narrowly.
My best practical outcome: Blue takes the House, Red takes the Senate, total dysfunction.
Yeah… I wasn’t planning on watching it. Then I decided to check the Ohio predictions and get disappointed in my state, then I saw the “up to the date predictions”, and remembered the great Trump thread from TOS. So I’m going to stick around as late as I can.
I still remember staying up until 2 or 3 am for the Trumpening.
It was worth it.
Yeah. I was expecting an early night, then the states started coming in, and I was sitting in the computer room, laughing and drinking while refreshing to keep up on the comments.
5am. It was totally worth is. I took the next day off work.
Yeah, that was quite a night. I can’t wait to repeat it in two years.
I got to watch it in San Francisco at a bar – the salty prog tears were delightful. The beer then gin into the wee hours hangover the next day, not so much.
“The Trumpening” LOL
Well the well mannered citizens from Portland are taking this well.
That is nuts.
That’s way down on the House from 88% for the past several weeks.
NY11 and VA02 should have gone Red.
It’s a lovely scrap.
Like the avatar for anarcho-capitalism. Enjoyable read too. But, you’ll never top that article where you declared that, despite accusations, you were not in fact “racist toward animals”.
Well done
Nice to see all politics charted onto a unicorn sphincter.
If you poke it and then smell your finger you see rainbows and then become a democratic socialist.
Cruz is losing, has been all night.
CNN has him ahead with lots of R counties to report
Don’t worry about Ted. The issue will be the margin.
There will be much spin tomorrow on the left over why they didn’t clean up.
I’ll be at work all night tonight. When will all this election stuff be done with and the votes all counted. Are we gonna know late tonight or is this a deal that wont be done til the morning. I have thus fat not watched any coverage of it because I like it better to just find out what happened when it’s all said and done.
Beta now up by 3 in TX with 66% reporting, according to Fox. Tied with 58% reporting according to CNN.
66% reporting? Really?
Yup. The Dems will start building Beto idols tomorrow if he wins.
Why are the results I’m looking at like 5%?
I don’t know, but I’m seeing 73% and now Cruz is up about 1%.
People really hate Cruz.
538 has the GOP at 46% to retain the House, though.
I get that he has the smarmy nerd thing going, but he is definitely more “Texas Values” than Beta.
Yeah, Blue Wave ain’t happening. I almost think it will be a curse on the dems if they win the house by a couple of seats. Plenty of time to make clowns of themselves, but nearly zero chance to do anything legislatively.
Cruz was on the radio today talking about how much Americans care about keeping America strong in the face of its foreign adversaries. As if America sticking its dick in Iran is what Trump/GOP voters really want this election. If Cruz loses, it’s all on him.
Rauner lost the Illinois Governor’s race.
Not surprised. Illinois is curroptocracy, like New Jersey. Gotta keep those public-employee unions fat and happy.
Bend over Illinois, you haven’t seen the worst of it yet
Wah, my vote for Kash Jackson was wasted!!!!
I noted with amusement that on my ballot, it said “aka Benjamin Winderweedle.”
I just listened to Pritzker’s victory speech which was surprisingly quite good. His campaign should send a big gift basket to whatever NPR intern wrote it for him.
Okay, spoil it for me: did a bunch of politicians get elected?
No the country came together and voted to hang all politicians and enact a new policy of leaving people the fuck alone.
*pinches Breet*
Oh sorry I’ve been drinking. Yes the country voted to let a bunch of corrupt shitheads have an even larger amount of control over you and to take more from you without your permission.
Wow. Breet has been huffing gold spray paint and whacking off to “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington”.
Silly Spud. You can’t jerk off after huffing paint.
Challenge accepted! We’ll see how it goes…
But you can think you are.
Yes, but on the bright side a bunch of other politicians lost.
Submitted w/o comment. Ill just leave this here .
And so far, it’s looking like Michigan might legalize Marijuana.
And unfortunately, North Dakota will not be. Only 20-ish% in, but it’s down 66-33.
That ole devil weed.
And Ohio soundly rejected making use/possession of illegal drugs only a misdemeanor.
Yay! So much for faux prison reform…way to keep the unions strong!
Oh well, at least one thing looks to be breaking the way I voted, the new school district levy looks to be failing.
If Im not completely stupid, which I generally am, I think the Ohio prison guard’s union is aligned with AFL-CIO
The guards are in the AFSCME; the other staff (nurses, therapists, teachers, maintenance, etc.) are in the SEIU.
Nevemind….I think they’re SEIU
that’s 3.6M likely (d) votes…..quite a block
Yusef calls it!
House Dems-1
Senate +1
According to AOSHQ, Fox has called the house for the dems?
Someone said someone else called it, and I care why?
Seems early.
too early
538 has been bumping around 60/40 for about an hour
It just started a sharp swing towards the D’s. While I was watching, it moved from 4/9 to 2/5, and it’s now at 1/3.
Some of the predicted solid D pickups came to fruition.
that’s after Red picked up one toss up and one leans Blue
third shot of Jack coming up
the real toss-up will come later….turbo-drama
it’s fascinating
Calling the entire race with polls still open out west seems a bit shady. Is that something they normally do?
It would be funny if they have to take it down in embarrassment.
They learned their lesson and stopped doing it after 2000. Then they started again, not long after.
It’s easier than calling the individual races: if you have 20 seats leaning 60/40, your CL on 12 seats is starting upward.
Doesn’t mean a thing; same models said Blue House 88% for the past month.
I still recommend Tennessee whiskey: it’s the American booze to drink on such occasions!
I went with Indiana Rye. And cheap Missouri beer.
I congratulate you on both points, sir.
Fox calling the Dems to win the House for some reason. Meanwhile several NJ House elections too close to call.
RCP average says no.
I am not ok with Scamberger beating Brat. But that may happen.
I’m not sure swapping out a small town private college econ professor for a CIA stooge advances the cause of liberty, but hey ~4000 of you got to get your protest vote on. Because the one thing we didn’t have enough of in Congress was people who think spying on Americans and murder droning with reckless abandon is Just Sensible Public Policy.
It sucks ass we don’t have preference voting, really it does. But we do not. Deal with the world as it is.
I thought that district was safe R for decades? Or was that only the case with Cantor in office?
Its the usual story. More and more Democrats moving out of Richmond city proper into Henrico, and thus hopping from VA4 to VA7. Basically how VA became prog in the first place, but on the micro scale.
OK, thanks. I lived in PE County but only for 2 years, not enough to get a feel for things.
I know this isn’t the whole state, and won’t stay past the 1.88% counted but I like some of these numbers…
Wat?? I thought I saw Cuomo with 80% of the vote on Fox.
This is 1.88% of Albany County.
The new numbers are classic “You stupid New Yorkers!”
Republicans look like they are picking up a couple of seats in NJ.
according to RCP averages, it’s 2+ dems in the house and =1 in the Senate, so far
Regardless of how many yummy tears there might be tonight, Gavin Newsom is still going to be my governor.
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Fuck JB Pritkzer is gonna be my Governor but he’s miles better than Newsome.
That fucking greaseball. As much as I hate Jerry, he was at least some kind of check on the baser instincts of the proggies. Gav is gonna give them every single thing they want. And they want our money, guns and freedom.
Why are Californians such giant assholes? Is it all those cancerous products?
Bummer for you, but then again, you voted for a Democrat,
/AZ bound Fool
So, so bad. I’m curious what the final numbers are for Feinstein. to see what the DeLeon hard left strength really is.
De Leon is a true Socialist, a Fools vote, I’ll take the Warmonger
I do only because she’s far older.
Ya, well, it looks like Jared Polis is going to be mine. I hate that statist fuck.
Yeah, it was inevitable. I told my wife we’d stay in CA for another 8 years or so. But, we’ll see.
It takes me more 5 minutes to pull millions of lines of data. Why is it in this day and age electronic votes aren’t instantly counted?
*no more than 5 minutes
Because you’re looking for accurate results, not results that favor your preferred answer.
Probably all the absentee and early votes being counted.
Instead of locking four election judges in a faraday cage, and feeding them in the machine all day, they wait till poles are closed.
I get the waiting until the polls close and the paper and absentee votes. But why can’t the electronic votes be posted immediately after the polls close?
Holy crap. The Republican might win in my district. Maybe not gerrymandered enough.
I voted against Taxin Tonko.
He’s still in the lead. 🙁
Holy Stupid union rules batman.
Gas company needs to change some pipe material going through the basement foundation. So they have to dig up the sidewalk. Before digging, they need the ‘location guys’ to show up and mark out sewer, etc. So for the past six hours, a half dozen people have had their vehicles idling on the side of the road doing jack shit while they wait for this other team to be located and mustered. Instead of demobilizing these guys until they find the team for the prerequisites.
We have a private company do that. Quest.
“National Grid” is technically “private”.
HAHAHA! sure you do….
Better safe than sorry, a bad dig can cause problems you Don’t want to deal with, if they mess up. your entire block can go down for how long?
/Quit bitching on this one….
It’s not the pre-requisite, it the “We can’t find these guys for six hours, so we left the work team running their vehicles on site the whole time twiddling their thumbs”
Guaranteed their contract says “vehicles running” == “working”.
Well it sounds like the backhoe finally started. Or is leaving.
As much as I hate Cali, these things are taken care of in a timely fashion there, why does this happen in the real world UCS?
Why in the fuck aren’t you watching?
Something is going to go wrong, and you need to know what it is.
^ this…
What makes you think I wasn’t?
I heard it start up and start moving. I posted and headed out.
Godspeed, friend.
Unciv had his watching gloves on and everything.
Last Thanksgiving, my dad was bringing a hay bale out to his cows and accidentally hit the meter loop for a 4 inch gas line that comes off one of the wells on his place. Whoops. He knocked out the gas for the entire area for several hours.
Walked into it, or….
I come from a powerful stock of men….
Had a guy from Dish call Diggers hotline before he would dig a new spot to put the dish in. I told him, if there is a wire buried there I don’t know about, no way anyone else knows about it.
This makes sense to me.
6…. yaaaaas….
More boner than war.
DiFi? Warboner……
17 – heterochromia FTW.
5 is Bob, great choice of names!
9 and 28 (I went to 36). I’d have pegged you for 27 & 30 along with 6.
Also fine choices.
Can firmly vote for the entire group. If #17 is a witch I am open to being under her spell.
The eyes weirded me out.
I voted for 17, 30, and 53. Where is my sticker? Jokes aside, those ladies rocked me to hell and back. Also thanks CPRM for the article!
Weak exit on 94 resulted in twists.
The most important take away from tonight is that the author of Mating Habits of Bigfoot and Why Women Want Him is now the Honorable Representative from Virginia (5th District) having beaten some actresses mom. AND BY BEATEN MEAN…
The Glibertarian moment?
Whelp, see y’all tomorrow in a world where impeachment papers are going to be continuously shot down over and over and over again. We’ll reconvene in 2 years to welcome the Trumpening 2.0: Prog Tantrum Boogaloo
PC! see ya!
Yeah, I’m going to tap out as well. No glorious tears and hot takes on the end of America means no real entertainment. It looks like the only drama so far comes from Florida, which may have another recount.
House -9 missed that one
Senate +2, so far
Looks to me about 25 or so house seats will be flipping blue.
538 has had it 30 for weeks
I’m just looking at this exact moment at who is winning. I’d still bet on 538 over me.
I wouldn’t.
I’m literally just reading off the vote totals.
Oh yeah.
I get it.
No great fan of Cruz, but I’m happy to do without Betomania sucking up the headlines for the next week.
Now he can roll that unspent campaign cash into his 2020 presidential run.
Already announced he has no interest in the presidency much to the media’s sadnesss.
Also he did not a centrist. He ran as a leftist. That will not win him the presidency.
Why not? He’s relatively young, relatively attractive… decidedly of the left, but so was a certain recent president.
Because Obama could make it seem like he was moderate to people of average intelligence and Beto continuously fails to do that.
Make no mistake. A better candidate could’ve beaten Cruz today.
That smug prick really needs to lose.
I have no problem with Cruz as some do here, but god I want him to win just to stick a middle finger into all the rich progs who sent money to Beto. The money spent on that race is asinine. Cruz broke records in fund raising and was slammed by the irish mexican’s fund raising and spending. GET MONEY OUT OF POLITICS!!!!11!!1! Ya, whatever. There is not enough money in the world when the “good side” wants to buy a senate seat.
Me neither. Cruz at least outwardly despises socialism. An important first step for me.
Now that we know Beto is done….
Does anyone have any data about how much of his money and support came from out of state?
No reason.
Is it back to Robert now?
Bobby if he’s going for the presidency.
Bob Frank.
My baloney has a first name…
Whedo is done, fucking poser,,,,,
/White boy nickname
I liked Kevin’s appellation… “Pinche Gringo.”
Not sure about dollars. But, 538 has this interesting graphic:
Bob Menendez about to have a victory speech. What the fuck is wrong with people that they would vote for that turd?
Uh, Nu Jursy?
I am firmly of the belief that our elected representatives really do represent at least a plurality of voters, so when horrible politicians are elected/reelected, it’s because a plurality of voters are horrible people.
It just tells me that the Dem coalition of losers is still a powerful one. A crook like Menendez is just like any other Dem who promises to give them what they want – the fact that he almost got in trouble for his crimes matters not in the least to such people.
But Vote! who cares if you know what you are voting for!
The kiddie diddler needs a noose, or a woodchipper……
TX32 Garland went Blue, another defection.
Enjoy the Gridlock, R keeps the Senate, House might go Dem, we shall see.
I’m cool with gridlock.
As I said in an earlier post, if this somehow ended up being a decisive win for the R’s, they’d shout “mandate!” and go and do a bunch of stupid shit.
they would if they could, but not Tonight I guess, too soon to tell
It will be articles of impeachment being drawn up by the house and then voted down by the Senate every month for 2 years. Whoo hoo. Gridlock, except for budgets. They will get the budgets passed. They always get the budgets passed.
Continuing Resolutions, no Budgets, get with it Lach!
Not budgets, CRs, that’s what the cool kids do.
Like minds FTW!
Gotta Stick Together.
Another way to stick together:
Don’t forget the occasional library and park closures!
It already was gridlock. Paul Ryan wasn’t going to do shit. That fucker could have pushed through national reciprocity.
Paul Ryan was never anymore conservative than the guy who wants to spend $20 on useless frivolities instead of spending $21.
R +2 senate
D+11 house
still good enough
RCP averages
The GOP sure have done a very sad job on the House side. They can’t even flip one seat in a red state and have already lost like 12 incumbents?
‘Member there are 435 of them and 10 in the Senate, Gridlock FTW
100 I need new keyboard,
Yep, gridlock is the best lock. I’m sadly okay with just at least nothing getting accomplished/changed.
Can’t we just live without the pols needing to pass laws?
“I passed the (insert Law here), vote for meeeeee!
I agree with ya there. Hearing me friends fellate some of the Dem candidates in Washington for their long history and work pissed me off.
*Washington State
Watching the news, they had some terrible candidates. The Dem who won and flipped a seat in NJ had a giant pile of outside money.
The Blue Bukkake was always a myth.
I’m just glad you didn’t provide a link.
Rs need one more seat to hold the Senate. I would love for it to be McCaskill losing that gives it to them, but doubt it, damnit.
RCP has Sinema winning, maybe AZ ain’t such a good place to move…..
Like I said before. If that idiot wins, she’ll be right about one thing; Arizonana’s are crazy.
I want to live here, but She really makes me reconsider…..
It’s your neighbors who voted for her that should make you reconsider. Some seriously stupid people right next door.
McSally is up by more than 1%. Only 58% reporting, way to early to call.
this place is Red as fuck, if Sinama wins, well, I may be out of moving here, politics is a big reason for me leaving Cali, and Sinema will be a deal killer for me…
It’s looking bad for anyone on the right. You have TX almost losing to to a total gun grabbing commie. Gillum, a total commie could still win FL gov. All of the races the Rs won were razor thin, even in red states, except for TN.
I hope Gillum doesn’t win and if he does win, then I hope the state legislature will shut him down. I would like to potentially move back to my home state next year.
I think it’s over. 99% of the vote and DeSantis is up. FL dodged one huge fucking bullet there. But there will probably be a recount going on for the next year because it’s so close. Must have been racism.
It was West Palm Beach’s fault as usual. #FloridaRecount
They just called it for DeSantis. FL was less than 1% of a vote from being taxed into oblivion.
Jeebus. In any case, thank you for the updates, Hyperion.
People here still think highly of the first populist president. There won’t be a D senator or governor in TN for a long time. Especially if the D’s keep driving hard left.
My congress repulicritter is at 64-36 right now, that’s one dull razor.
Cruz is now up by 3% and I bet it winds up more, but Pete Sessions is way down in my home of Dallas and that’s a bad sign. That’s used to be red.
Trump is not really that popular among urban Republicans, though, and therein lies your problem.
Pete was dead an hour ago
TX32 joins
VA02 amongst the ranks of districts Red really needed
She has expressed open contempt for her would-be constituents. Wtf is wrong with people?
+2 Senate
=12 House
so far
So they need like 16 more or something?
And those 16 are probably all in California.
about 50/50 in Cali last I saw, there is a bit of hope…..
19 for control
Oh total it’s 23. So they need 11 more.
I thought they only needed 21 total pickups? All but one of the Cali races are R incumbent. But they way it’s going tonight, they’ll lose all of them. So I think that is +5 more for dems.
Maybe it’s 21 for gridlock.
After Tonight I’m going back to Dioramas, this is bullshit
I swear, old people become kids again; building dioramas, eating cookies, wanting ice cream after every meal. Makes one think maybe ‘adulthood’ is all false consciousness.
#! I ain’t old, You know that,
#2 Dioramas are old peoples way of showing you how to spend your retirement time.
#3 Fuck off Slaver!
If there is a sky gawd for real, please let McCaskill lose.
+1 throw the lying hag out in the street.
Ding dong the wicked witch is dead! They just called it. I can sleep well now.
Arkansas voted close to 80% in favor for a ballot measure to require photo ID to vote. I had no idea my state was so racist.
That’s your white privilege showing.
He has no ID, Oppression!
Racist? No.
Useful idiots for the all-seeing surveillance state? Yes.
I was told that providing ID to vote is racist.
Seriously though, in the current statist system we live in, how else can it be ensured that fraud isn’t rampant in elections.
I’m all for getting rid of state run elections and state disseminated IDs, but it’s a long way to anarchtopia.
I’m not even talking about anarchtopia. I’m talking about the fomenting of a moral panic to pave the way for a de facto national ID, thus putting the final nail in the coffin of Federalism.
I think we have had national ID for a long time. Social security numbers are a national ID.
As far as I know all 50 states have government issued ID as if right now that are required to be shown to do things such as drive a vehicle, fly in an airliner or purchase alcohol and tobacco.
I dont see state by state voter ID laws as infringing on federalism at all. The laws may be stupid, or have limited utility, but I’m not seeing state laws about showing already in use government IDs as being a problem.
Wait, isn’t REAL ID already that Mr. Highyeller?
Ocasio-Cortez won. If anything we at least have a metric shit ton of first rate comedy to look forward to in the coming years.
Give that lady the floor, no time limits!
Look forward to the “dumboff” between her and Maxine ‘give no quarter’ Waters.
The question I and SF need an answer to, does she have a Pussy Hat? Pussy Supreme bithez!
She was unopposed, so she “won” back when she won the primary.
Same with my new rep. She’s almost as bad as Ocasio-Cortez, so it should be fun.
Fun fact, Pressley never finished college. I wonder if there are any other congress critters w/o a degree at this point.
Are you fucking kidding me? She ran unopposed???* The left was making it out like she was David with an arm tied behind his back going toe to toe with Goliath when in reality they were cheering on the retarded kid rounding the bases after the last strike was called?????
*(I didn’t care to read anything more about her campaign other than her own hare brained bimboisms, so please excuse my ignorance.)
Yes, it was quite a good bit of
bukkakekabuki theater on their part.I’m mistaken – there was a token opposition (I forget how NY does things):
92% of the vote, with 83% reporting. That’s ~ 92k votes.
Maybe I thought she was running unopposed because NY14 is D+29. That’s pretty much a lock.
My district is D+34 . Joy.
Dems flipped my NY11 R+3. I hope you’re proud of yourselves, morons.
Gentlemen, pull your pants down and proceed to masturbate with glee:
Tears are a good lubricant. Also why a lapdance is always better when a stripper is crying
Those aren’t tears. They’re pustules.
Looks like NC legislature will stay R, so gridlock there.
Voter ID amendment and 7% income tax amendments passed. The 1,442,537 people who voted against the tax amendment really makes me reconsider the NAP.
When they say X% reporting, it would be interesting to see the breakdowns, but most places don’t show that. According to local news Walker (R) is 49% Evers (D) is 50%, (L) and (I) are each at 1%…does drunk math…sounds right.
Now Wis gov is 49% (R) 49% (D) 1% (L) 1% (I) with two other candidates garnering votes. Math, how does that shit work?
Just looked at the totals and the Governor’s race is within 400 votes. I want Walker to win for tax purposes, and fuck the teacher’s union lackey. Walker kinda sucks, but he’s way better than the last three Governors.
I didn’t vote for Walker (or Evers) this time. I voted for Walker through all the recounts, I’m done with that shit. Let it burn. He’s been announcing giveaway after giveaway the last six months to win re-election. Fuck it, I’m done. He was always just an accountant who cooked the books less, but now he’s trying to buy votes through giveaways, fuck him.
Reposted from the last thread (and might repost it in the morning).
The advisory board has been a joke from the start (Brad Delong, Frum, McMuffin, etc.). Let’s see how many (looking at you Cowen and Postrel) resign.
I’m glad that they’re being honest about something everyone has already realized to be true
Mmmm…. Sausage Mcmuffin…
Don’t you even brefast burrito brah?!
For Lunch, tasty
/Subway, believe it or not…
the LP is a joke and always will be, Bottom line, Libertarianism is a way of doing things, but as a political party? not going to happen, too much pain, for too little short term results. that is all.
Choice selections from the original post:
And the cherry on the sundae:
“Gimme that statist cock to suck! I love it!”
the Wife is tired of me Laughing all night long, gimme something serious please!
/or I go gambling
How long before this non-libertarian moderate centrism looks just like the left? I give ’em two years. It’s painful to jump out of the closet too quickly.
Not as exciting as the last election.
So far the predictions have been fairly close.
During the last election, I was having dinner out with my old friend, who is a rare Mass Republican. We felt it prudent to hide our schadenboners while the results were rolling in. You could feel the feeling of shock hanging over the bar area. It was fantastic.
According to Fox, Hawley beats McCaskill. Funny thing, CNN has it 55% to 42% with 75% reporting and they have not called it.
My fav thing that happened tonight.
It’s been a long time in coming
In his victory speech Pritzker couldn’t help but throw another jab at Trump with a comment about how he’s fighting against “red hat slogans and Twitter tirades.” Yeah, I’m really expecting Illinois’ massive budget and infrastructure problems to be shored up in no time at all.
Demonizing the other makes money appear, if MMORPGs have taught me anything it’s this.
I took a position against Big Tech this morning. Reason being: people actually believed that Apple, Google, Facebook, and Twitter would influence the election and get people to vote D. All of the constant harassment to vote…. did nothing, and it might have even been counterproductive. Who knows where the witch hunt will take us?
Let’s see how the market responds later this week.
I wish the entire “vote vote vote” crap would get slung onto the dust heap. If you can’t bother to register on time and vote on time without constant prodding, maybe you shouldn’t be voting. Or stealing oxygen.
I say they make it more difficult. Put the polling station on the south side and open only between 5pm-5am the next day, for example.
Oh that reminds me. There are 5 states with MJ legalization of some form*.
*UT has to be weird about it.
We passed legal medical marijuana here 2 years ago. There is still not a single shop open. The state has found a reason to turn down every single license application.
I generally like a bit more transparency, which we’re not going to get until federal legalization.
I like to dumpster dive and make sense of the financials, and that won’t ever happen as long as these companies are under threat of a federal raid.
Fucking identity politics. None of the information provided in this article mentions her platform. Her platform was nothing more than vague statements with no real solutions.
Trump would be my idol if he tweeted something about bloody Kansas bleeding out of it’s wherever, not because that’s something a president should do, but because it would be hilarious.
Fancy donut. Very nice.
OK05 joins
VA02 amongst the ranks of districts Red really needed.
In many ways, it’s just now getting interesting: close districts take longer to call, so we’re just getting down to the nut cutting.
VA07 joins
VA02 amongst the ranks of districts Red really needed.
Our nuts are getting cut, all right.
‘Democrats have won control of the House of Representatives, according to calls by multiple media outlets — which means their days of standing by just helplessly watching President Donald Trump are gone.’
Ah, yes. Vox is already fapping to the prospect of future witch trials that will further alienate any middle of the road, quasi independent voters for the as of tomorrow already under full swing campaign for the 2020 election.
‘The party’s House majority will allow them to launch subpoena-powered investigations into the president’s finances, Russian interference, administration ethics scandals, and so much more — and to halt the conservative legislative agenda in its tracks. They could even demand Trump’s long-concealed tax returns.
This very well may lead to all-out warfare between the House and the president. It’s possible that a crisis will unfold anytime they have to work together on a bill, that congressional investigators will unearth scandal after scandal, and even that an impeachment effort might be in the future.’
Yes…double down, triple down, take a probable narrow mid term victory in the House as a national referendum and lose another presidential election inlandslide. Christ, they never learn…
He won’t do it, but I think the best thing Trump could do vis a vis the House Dems, is to completely ignore them. Let them rage impotently and don’t give them the satisfation of a meaningful response.
I like the idea of him supporting pot legalization and watch them all come out as the puritans they are. It would be glorious. So much good material for Hat and Hair cartoons.
That would be a brilliant political ploy. A stoic, above it all approach to criticism would immediately be adopted by his most ardent supporters and might quickly take the wind out of the sails for his most hyperbolic critics. But, as you said, he probably won’t do it. He enjoys the the wailing and gnashing of teeth he induces amongst his enemies to refrain from that behavior.
Personally, I’d like to see more instances where he throws the Left’s words back in their face, like how he Tweeted a video the other day of Obama decrying “people flooding across the border completely unmonitored” and vowed to beef up border security.
The Left doesn’t know how to respond to such an attack because deep down, they have no room to criticize Trump’s positions after the kind of shit they’ve supported in the past.
‘The Left doesn’t know how to respond to such an attack because deep down, they have no room to criticize Trump’s positions after the kind of shit they’ve supported in the past.’
Of course they do. They’ve mastered the art of convincing nearly half the voting public that it’s not what you said in the past, but what you espouse at the moment. Especially during ‘The Most Important Election of Our Time!’, which seems to be every fucking election ever.
Never underestimate the power of post modern moral relativism. Many people nowadays view concrete principles as an antiquated religion. Words and actions in the past matter not, it’s the NOW that’s important.
That sounds like both sides. +1 Obamacare repeal.
A very fair point. I’d add fiscal responsibility to that as a mark against the Republicans. Every time I hear that I hear that tired line I instinctively roll my eyes. The Republicans spend like drunken sailors every time they’ve held the purse strings during my adult life and I see no indication that they’ll modify that behavior anytime soon.
Why stop there? Why not demand that they be able to waterboard Trump until he reveals Rus Putin’s plot?
Waterboarding is torture, they told us so for the last 16 years, so it’ll be a car battery to the nuts.
“to halt the conservative legislative agenda in its tracks.”
The Republicans were doing a fine job of that already.
*wry smile*
Yep. Starting to come down as expected. A bright spot is that the governors races aren’t as bad for Team Red as expected.
If this is the best Team Blue can do against an opposing President in the first midterm, 2020 could very well be good times.
They spent SO MUCH MONEY. And so did some major corporations on their behalf. The night is young, but this almost has the same incompetence as 2016.
That’s one thing you won’t hear about in the msm. The amount of money that the Dems spend compared to results is just staggering.
Not to mention the staggering advantage they have on nearly all forms of media.
‘2020 could very well be good times.’
How about: marginally less shitty than it could have been. Mostly due to the alternative administration’s economic policy.
Hey, give me one night.
Somewhat surprisingly, to me, Mass rejected the state-imposed limits on nurse/patient ratios. That’s a plus.
The other two ballots passed – a stupid citizen-commission to agitate for an amendment to overturn Citizens United, and a measure to keep the trans public accommodation law on the books.
It got _really_ frosty today, since I made the mistake of being honest with my wife about voting against the trans public accommodation law. She can’t understand (or won’t) that you can be opposed to discrimination and yet not want a law to forbid it. Apparently she’s cool with the State forcing you to do all sorts of shit :-/
I think I’ll be going back to my policy of not discussing politics.
Looks like everyone can find something to be happy/sad about. Glad I’m working and can’t follow the shitshow.
And you already have something to be happy/sad about then!
It actually is kind of interesting how massively Republicans killed it in the Senate (which IMO they didn’t *truly* control much in the first two years of Trump’s presidency) and how they couldn’t do anything at all about so many of the House races.
Marginally entertaining: de Leon appears to be giving Feinstein a close race. I figure the OC will lean more centrist and he is close with only OC reporting.
OC voted for him for the same reason that I did. Feinstein rang the gang rape circus.
Also, no more senior committee positions.
Yeah I voted against Feinstein. My second vote for a D, first was voting against Harris last time.
I also did it because I’m tired of the San Francisco assholes.
+2 Muh Roadz
Pelosi sounds drunk as fuck.
It would be more newsworthy if she DIDN’T sound like she hadn’t knocked back a pint of scotch and three Klonopin for an evening meal.
*had, hadn’t, you get the gist.
All while high. Fun times.
Bye Michigan!, nice place, once….
Gambling ( as opposed to Gamboling) is a waste of time and money, I spent 5$ on penny slots and ended up with 4 cents,
Last time was Quarter slots, fuck that, down 200$ I’ll stick with poker, I’ll kick your ass,
/cheap old man
My grandma was a fan of of penny slots as well, you’re ‘aging gracefully’ as they say.
GRRRRR, I’m not old yet……
/Seeking retirement house
Damn, there’s still penny slots in service? Haven’t seen one in decades.
Penny slots are the worst, especially the electronic ones with 30 pay lines where you bet 10 credits per line… so they’re actually $3 per spin, but they light up and make noise when you “win” $1.50
Yeah, unless you’re blessed by the gods of fortune gambling is a fool’s errand.
That’s why over the seventeen years of my legal adult gambling life I’ve only spent about about twenty dollars annually on average on lotto tickets and under fifty dollars in my entire life at a casino. I have enough bad habits as is. I don’t need a gambling habit to add to the reoccurring dumpster fire that is my financial status.
I spend about 20 bucks per year on lottery tickets and only then when the jackpots are ridiculously high.
Other than that I dont gamble at all. That means no gaming ands if anyone wants to borrow money from me I need rock-solid collateral.
WTF is wrong with Arizona? How is that senate race even close? Is it all just Cali transplants bringing their stupid politics? (not you, Yusef)
John McCain infected them with his brain
slugcancer.Of course it is. They’re like a plague of mindless locusts. After they’ve ruined one state, they move on to the next. How is it that they never figure out that if they take their politics with them, they’re going to fuck up the next place just like they did the one before?
I’m concerned simply because of the fact that when the economy is doing this well, the GOP still loses the house? How the fuck are people that damn stupid?
People like me are going to fuck up there ideas, I still have my guns…..
See below on my rant. I’m shocked at the retardation level those people have brought with them.
I assume they’re taking their sweet time counting votes. Otherwise… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Ditto with Iowa Gov and House races.
…Gov. Doug Ducey was reelected by 18 points.
BTW, we also have more than our share of Chicago transplants here.
Just scanning the CA state races and there’s an “Elizabeth Warren” running for state assembly. That gives a boost to name-recognition, even if it’s misplaced.
Morongo or Agua Caliente?
damn it, I had to look it up just to see if it would be really funny, but no. Oceanside.
That sounds like Pala or Pechanga.
Senate +3
House- 18
I missed the house one by a mile, it’s tied right now,
There’s still some interesting races I’m watching. Dems get the house, but I want to see by how much and how much they lose the Senate by. The gov races are interesting also. One of the dem heroes, Abrams, is losing quite badly in GA right now.
538 had the Dems picking up 30, which is pretty close
so their having Reps retaining the Senate 52-48 might also be right.
Their predictions have not significantly changed in several weeks on either point.
Pubs already have 52 Senate seats. They may be able to pick up 2 more. Still is unclear on House seat split.
Christ. What a shit show. Slush funding of NGOs by local governments’ bonding authority under the color of “affordable housing” is passing. Banning grocery taxes, requiring a supermajority for fee and tax calculation legislation (to bring in line w/ existing requirements for taxes, which is how the legislature has been doing an end run around that requirement), repealing the state sanctuary law, and banning tax dollars for abortion are all failing. Welcome to navy blue, I guess.
I’m don’t really want to see if WA loves it some more gun control.
Jesus… even NY doesn’t tax groceries.
It is almost hard to believe how much of a shit show Oregon is turning into. I’ve got to be out of here in 3 years at the most, if not less.
Between the public sector unions and Californian imports, it’s completely fucked at this point. They are never going to willing degrow government and taxes. Bread and circuses for the masses.
It looks a lot like arkansas passed a minimum wage raise to 11 dollars by 2021. That’s a really bad idea.
Free money! Why not raise it to… 1 MILLION DOLLARS!!
*raises pinky to lip*
Expect to see the price of chicken go up.
Question, is the Copper content that much of an issue when it comes to making Steel?
Well, if you have too much of it, you’re not making steel.
Serious issue, not good for Cannon barrels
Yes. Absolutely. As UCS says, too much of it and it’s no longer steel. The main problem is that it’s hard to extract from once it’s in it.
We take samples of the liquid steel before its cast to see how close it is to the chemistry required by the spec sheet for what ever particular grade we are making. If some alloys are too high, they can be burned out by adding carbon or lime, or burning oxygen, or through dilution.
It’s my understanding that once copper is in your steel, there isn’t an economic way to get it out. We have tight control on our scrap buying process to ensure that we dont inadvertently introduce copper.
I would have thought sulfur would do the trick, but then how to get the copper sulfate out?
I can see why there is no economically feasible way to remove it. I can think of a couple of possibilities doing it but it would be far cheaper to toss a contaminated batch and start over.
Your state has some Shitty laws anyway, this will just make it worse,
38th through 48th for shittiness
It probably does. I dont even know what they all are and I spend my time ignoring the ones I do know about.
You are Young, live your life and Fuck the STATE, I admire you Lach, never give in, never give up
Well gosh, if higher minimum wage is such a wonderful idea with no downsides whatsoever, why doesn’t it take effect overnight?
I hate how dishonest they are about this shit. They KNOW that an overnight minimum wage hike would result in an embarrassing drop in employment numbers, so they spread it out over several years to hide those losses among all the other factors.
Arkansas does not need this, they are already fucked
It is dishonest as fuck. 11 dollars an hour here is going to seriously fuck with the enormous chicken industry he have. There are chicken processing plants in small towns all over the state that pay around 9.50 an hour and employ a ton of people. My hometown’s whole economy is based around one of these plants that employs 500 of the town’s 3800 people.
Welcome to California, the new Wasteland, you are next
I do not understand people.
How can you? people are a chamelionic group of idiots…..
Try putting on your people gloves? *calls police and tells them uncivil is wearing people gloves*
But, yeah, me neither.
the house is Dem, the Senate remains Rep, so gridlock and Impeachment, (that will fail miserably)
Yep the fact that is what they are saying before all polls close shows they have no interest in governing…just politicking
Fuck, my town voted to reward incompetence in by the local school. New wasted money here we come!
We need to bring back the good old ASS kicking, ole Hickory would tell you how it’s done…..
My friend worked for a school system and described some of the petty, crooked shit that goes on.
One district will get a fancy new school building, and the neighboring districts will get jealous (yes, like 5-year old children whose big brother got a new toy) and demand new buildings. If they are unable to get the new building, they’ll simply neglect maintenance of the current building so that it becomes dilapidated, then they HAVE to build a new school. It’s fucked.
And of course, the general public doesn’t help much. I overheard some soccer mom in a coffee shop saying, “I mean, there are children going to school in the same building that their parents went to school in. There is something fundamentally wrong with that!” What the fuck, because buildings become unusable after a period of 20 years??
I was glad to have an opportunity to vote against a tax levy for my school district.
My town was part of a larger school district that treated us as trash for years, voted to break away, then when locals took over started to intentionally mismanage the building so they could push through a new building. The voters denied that. So they tried again. The voters denied that. Third time is the charm when the school is the biggest employer in the district and hires people that agree with their plans.
It costs 10,000 dollars a year in taxes for each student in a public school. For a classroom with 30 kids, that’s 300k a year.
That money has to spent somewhere.
No, that can’t be right.. I have it on good authority that Republicans have slashed funding down to nothing and every single school in America is operating on a shoestring.
I hope that soccer mom burnt her fingers and mouth on that coffee, that it gave her soccer-shits at her kids’ next practice, and that her offspring grows up illiterate.
Harsh, could’ve just stopped at soccer, the rest was harsh and uncalled for.
Nah, she brought it on herself.
Especially the “soccer-shits” part.
they’ll simply neglect maintenance of the current building so that it becomes dilapidated
Yeah, my school district pulled that shit last election. Part of the sob story sell was failing HVAC. Well dipshits, you should have been maintaining what you have and planning for replacement over the last X years. Those things don’t last forever. Now I’m stuck paying higher property taxes because voters fell for it.
Part of the sob story here is the school doesn’t have AC. It’s only hot enough for AC like 10 days during the schoolyear here.
Only major disappointment for me is that CIA prog cunt won, so now my
-US representative
-state delegate
Are all proggy sacks of shit now. This state is going down the toilet because of the locusts from the Northeast.
“Are all proggy sacks of shit now.”
Is that a question? They’re fucking commies for chriky sake. I remember just a few years ago when I would agree with anyone if they said both parties suck equally hard. I’m sorry, but not any more. If one party goes full on commie, I no longer want to have that conversation.
Bullshit of the Month award goes to Gravis Marketing for their call on OR05
Why listen to 538? Nate is an ass, but you go ahead and follow him…….
They got my district wrong.
What am I missing? Called D and went D. District hasn’t elected an R in twenty years. No surprise at the result.
Nate Silver is gonna sleep well tonight.
Spot on.
oh, tough call, he’s an ass, anyone could make money off of his BS,
Go ahead, feed the beast
what does that even mean ?
he was spot fucking on
It means that I don’t follow him, and i don’t follow predictions,
The World is coming to an end, Follow my predictions…………….
That’s what I hear, Politics are over rated
Hey I was rooting against him, but the fact he is nailed it. He gets to do his victory dance tonight.
He nailed nothing IMO, ooga booga predictions is all I ever heard
The difference is that he was one of many with the same predictions. 538 is no longer unique.
Senate +4
House -25
Still good
I really don’t care what you do in your personal life.
I typed Rachel Stevens into youtube and got this. We may be shifting back to the bad timeline.
Wow. I’m sorry CPRM. Here, have this instead.
And here is this.
a Kilt Lifter from the bar, I guess Gambling aint too bad
What do you think? I’m drinking one right now.
Nice, but pretty normal for a “craft” Beer
buttbeerbuddies (gotta get these homophobic jokes out before the morn when the new puritans take over the world)speeking of which: Bar Room Buddies – Merle Haggard & Clint Eastwood
OTOH I tasted it, Nasty bland, and a horrible back taste
/If it wasn’t at a resort, would not drink
No more House hunting, Tomorrow is an actual vacation day,
I’m going swimming…….
Vance Jones is trying to recreate the magic of Whitelash. And failing.
I predict the Democrats are going to make goddman fools of themselves in the house. I don’t have any other predictions.
He’s used to failing.
What a pathetic panel. They even have Rick Santorum on there.
93% reporting, Walker (R) 49%. Evers (D) 49% (L) 1% (I)%. Yeah, Wisconsin doesn’t seem to do good at math.
I forsee another recount. Fuck this shit, lets just put a badger in the office and whoever subdues it wins.
That sounds awesome. Evers and Walker both seem too weaselly to actually subdue a badger. Anderson has the advantage of mass – we might actually get a Libertarian in office in that case.
(forgot to mention the other two candidates that have votes, hence the math joke) #fail
Walker is hanging on by the skin of his teeth, but he’s pulled ahead now by a few thousand votes.
If it’s close at the end, Walker will almost certainly win. Waukesha county a couple heavy red counties surrounding Milwaukee always seem to be the last ones reporting. Walker also happens to be from that area. It has caused controversy in the past.
He’s still ahead, but only by about 900 votes now, lol.
Well I was wrong. This time around it was 50,000 uncounted absentee ballots in Milwaukee county which heavily favored Evers.
I don’t think there’s enough uncounted ballots elsewhere in the state to put Walker back over the top, but I do suspect there’s enough to put him within 1%.
So… another recount. Yay.
From Wikipedia, so take with a grain of salt, but:
“The party of the incumbent president tends to lose ground during midterm elections: over the past 21 midterm elections, the President’s party has lost an average 30 seats in the House, and an average four seats in the Senate; moreover, in only two of those has the President’s party gained seats in both houses.”
Virginia will be sending a fresh crop of gun-grabbing progs to the House to twiddle their thumbs for the next two years.
On the bright side people are talking about how the constitution is evil and that the senate is undemocratic and should be abolished just like the electoral college. Christ, what assholes.
I’m just curious, I’m sort of new at this politics stuff, only about 10-11 years. But has anyone seen any election where contested races are this fucking close? I mean seriously, all of the victories and losses are razor thin.
I voted for Scott Walker like 27 times already before I didn’t vote for him today. So yeah.
I am expecting boxes full of ‘lost’ ballots to be ‘discovered’ tomorrow and recounts demanded.
About what I expected, better on the governors races, I’m out. I have to shoot pheasants tomorrow.
I must be tired, I read that as shooting peasants tomorrow.
No, I think that’s how you would normally read.
They are rather revolting.
“I must be tired, I read that as shooting peasants tomorrow.”
Common sense democrat control?
Pol Thot won.
Yes, you have to love it. Please give this lovely lady the microphone and no time limit.
The democrat won my house district baby
Yay for my phone being special. ..
…. won my district by 50 points.
Prediction: Trump will be the first President impeached multiple times by the House. None will pass the Senate.
O also, the democrats who took over the town board last election just raised taxes 7%. Father mother.
Really PA? We helped elect Trump, but managed to re-elect Casey?
I don’t get it.