You’re supposed to kick it through the uprights.
Aaron Rogers spends half the game running from a collapsed pocket and Tom Brady sees pressure once as he’s tossing the ball to wide open guys and ESPN thinks the game showed who the GOAT is. SMDH. Of course the Patriots won Your other NFL winers were: Chicago, Kansas City, Miami, Minnesoooooooooda, Hot-lanta, Carolina, the Pittsburgh Stillers, Houston (for the sixth time in a row after some people wrote the season off), San Diego Los Angeles (AFC), and New Orleans (over Los Angeles (NFC). The Cowboys pay the Titans tonight.
Across the pond, your EPL that matter results were: Man City won big. Chelsea won big and Liverpool drew Arsenhole, as all three remain undefeated but Man City went top with one fewer draw. Liverpool need to start closing games out like this if they ant to win the league this year.

Gonna have to be better than that in East Lansing this weekend.
And after catching fire for a few games, the Red Wings are back to sucking ass. Meanwhile, Tampa, Toronto and the Islanders are hot in the Wales Conference while the Predators, Flames and MINNESOOOOODA WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILD are riding high in the Campbell. Still early days though, so don’t start planning those banner ceremonies, Nashville or Tampa.
And on the CFB front, Alabama are proving to be worth the hype, Kentucky fell back to earth, Ohio State squeaked by a 2-7 shitty Nebraska team and Notre Dame have their destiny in their own hands. Also, the Pac 12 South is a dumpster fire of mediocrity.
If you were born on this day, you share that distinction with the following: Socialist Eugene V Debs, Senator Strom Thurmond, one of the most beautiful actresses of all time (and a freak!) Vivien Leigh, cowboy Roy Rogers, wife-beater Ike Turner, musician Art Garfunkel, former basketball player and idiot of an announcer Bill Walton, rockers Rob Fisher, Mike Score and David Moyse, Canadian person Bryan Adams, mannish actress Tilda Swinton, actress Tatum O’Neal, guitarist Jonny Greenwood, weepy asshat golfer Bubba Watson, and overrated football player (and sexual assault victim at the hands of Lena Dunham) Odell Beckham, Jr.

Creating chaos and family arguments for generations
Its also the day on which the following events occurred: the Cubans taught Columbus about corn, Copernicus watched a lunar eclipse, Guy Fawkes tried to blow up King James I and the British parliament, Susan B Anthony first voted, the board game “Monopoly” was released, HOFer Jean Beliveau scored 3 goals in 44 seconds on HOFer Terry Sawchuk, the “Nat King Cole Show” debuted, George Foreman became heavyweight champion at the age of 45, Davey Johnson resigned…and was named AL Manager of the year two hours later, Saddam Hussein was sentenced to death, and the Chinese government placed Ai Weiwei under house arrest.
That’s all of that. Now…the links!
Dems and Repubs both brace for surprises as Election Day is almost upon us. They’ll do the same in two years when the next “most important election ever” takes place. Rinse and repeat every two years until the nation finally gets its shit together and has a (hopefully violence-free) civil war to break shit up.
Looks like tensions with Iran are running high again. Sorry, Iranian leaders. Oil prices are still dropping and your threats are becoming more and more meaningless. Have a nice time until your people finally rise up and throw you in the Persian gulf.

I didn’t know assholes could be so stunning and brave.
SNL’s new motto: when they go low, we make fun of the ones on the other side who lost an eye in Afghanistan to an IED. Its a bold strategy, Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off for them.
Are San Franciscans dumb enough to abdicate more of their rights as property owners? Magic 8-ball says “Probably”. Actually, they’re not voting to give up their property rights. The people who don’t own property are voting to have the property rights taken away from the people who own it. Because that’s what half of Democracy is: finding the percentage of voters you need in order to steal from the percentage that opposes you…and then holding an election.
Chicago abandons plan to sell valuable painting in order to fund library upgrade. Decides he will shakedown residents instead.
And more anti-Semitic attacks take place in that bastion of righter-wing extremism known as Brooklyn. No word yet which Dem politicians these attackers worked for, since they haven’t been caught yet. You know, because that’s what the last attacker’s deal was…although its been horribly underreported in the media.
And as the Taliban start flexing their muscles again in Afghanistan, maybe it’s finally time that we leave that place to the Afghanis to settle.
The first song I chose. The second song I chose. The third song I chose. I know there are some serious fans out there, but I never got all that into them. I consider them to be an adequate group with a catalog filled with mediocrity and the occasional gem…which I could say about a lot of groups. Anyway, argue about it in the comments.
That’s all she wrote. Have a great day.
I’d say you were too nice to Radiohead.
Now hit my mutha f’n theme music!
I was a DJ at my college radio station in the 90s. Some of the more pretentious DJs there seemed to think Radiohead was akin to the Second Coming. I found they landed somewhere between banal and annoying.
I never “got” Radiohead. Of course I never understood the love for Nirvana.
Treated the eldest to Stop Making Sense this weekend, just so he could see what a postmodern pop/rock band that can play their instruments is like.
And yeah, I don’t get Radiohead.
I used to like Talking Heads, like ages ago. Then I stopped listening to them, not sure why. Listened to them again, thanks to Pandora random playlists, and I’m like “why did I listen to them?” I just can’t even, anymore.
+1 Big Suit
I treated my younger daughter to the concert video a few summers ago, it’s been on her spotify driving playlist ever since.
I don’t know what a Radiohead is.
It’s a thing that makes mediocre pretentious noises in an attempt to play prog rock without letting the listener realize they are listening to prog rock.
I went to that concert when they came to Tallahassee. It was great.
Burlap sack filled with feral cats being burned alive >>> Radiohead.
Diesel engine with no oil in death throes >>> Radiohead.
Joel Osteen sermon on continuous repeat for 24 straight hours >>> Radiohead.
Radiohead is by far my favorite band. Five albums in a row (The Bends, OK Computer (my desert island album), Kid A, Hail to the Thief, In Rainbows) all stellar. Then a quite a big miss with King of Limbs. But it was at least something interesting. Then Moon Shaped Pool comes out and breaks your heart.
I saw them live in London June 24 2008. It was the best three hours of my life. A loooooot of shit going on, all engineered live rather than having it already sampled.
Come at me bro, cuz I will throw down.
::adds EfE to the list::
Everyone’s entitled to an opinion.
Even an objectively wrong one like this.
Opinions are like assholes. Everybody’s got one and most of them stink.
Agree almost entirely. Radiohead is an all-timer.
There’s no accounting for taste.
We get it…you’re a creep.
I will admit that that is a very good song. And, not coincidental, it doesn’t sound like the other Radiohead songs I’ve heard.
Yep, that’s the only song I can stand too.
Funny, I love that song but don’t like anything else they do. I always get them mixed up oasis.
The poetic eloquence of Noel Gallagher sums it up in a way few of us could:
Agree on the live performances. They are overwhelming in a religious-experience way. (…A good one. Not a Joan of Arc one.)
But my favorite thing about them is that every single album of theirs is very different. They all have their own vibe to them. They put out the album’s concept and move on to the next. Although I will argue that Kid A and Amnesiac are really a double-album that were released I think within one calendar year of each other.
Atlas Shrugged publish dated: October 10, 1957
In Rainbows release date: October 10, 2007.
Make of this what you will.
107) A link to a 435-word article printed in the Washington Post last Friday: “Swastika Found on Desk in Maryland High School Classroom”
So, say you’re a teacher or administrator in an affluent suburb of Washington, DC, and you find a desk that a student drew a swastika on. Do you
A) Got some Windex and a paper towel and wipe it off, perhaps rolling your eyes and muttering about teen-agers
B) Or, call the police and the Washington Post to spread the word about the surge in anti-semitism in the United States since Trump was elected?
I think we all know the answer here. Did I mention that this article was directly below the weather section, with the headline in stretching across the page? And that it was one of the longest articles in the Metro section that day? (“Two separate sexual assaults being investigated” got 247 words.)
“Two years ago, bias incidents surged in Montgomery County, particularly following the 2016 presidential election.”
Ha ha, right. A surge in bias incidents, or the county used to (rightly) wave away extremely mild incidents of vandalism but now tallies them to run up the numbers in national hate crime databases?
Pics or it didn’t happen.
“The hate symbol”
“it would be wrong to assume students in middle school and high school uniformly know the history of the swastika”
Buddhists and Hindus hardest hit.
“especially given the quality of our history curriculum”
Why don’t they ever understand that people draw swastikas intentionally knowing it triggers the fuck out of these people?
I just think they look cool.
It does look good on a pillow sham
+1 Theater of Pain album cover
Shouldn’t the police dismiss that call? What’s the crime there?
The only crime that matters…
“most beautiful actresses of all time (and a freak!) Vivien Leigh”
Please explain?
I assume because she’d never again take a shower after filming Psycho.
I thought I read an interview with her a while back and she said that wasn’t quite true. I’ll see if I can find it.
Dammit. Wrong beautiful woman with a last name of Leigh.
Never mind me…carry on
Kennedy Leigh? ;^)
*searches “Kennedy Leigh” on work PC*
*quickly closes results page*
Then show her Les Diaboliques.
She had a certain sexual… reputation.
IIRC she was mentally unstable, and Laurence Olivier’s affair with Joan Plowright during the filming of “The Entertainer” pushed her over the edge.
That’s a great movie, BTW.
So did he plow her right?
Explain which part, the fact that she was drop-dead gorgeous or that she loved her some sexytime in kinky ways?
You’re supposed to kick it through the uprights.
“In the 3½ months I’ve been a supervisor, I’ve had two constituents that have lost their husband or wife, and then they get a letter from their landlord saying in 10 days or 30 days their rent is going up” because they weren’t the original tenant, Brown said. “That’s the thing I want to rectify. No decent person would disagree with that.”
Guess that makes me indecent. Again.
I don’t get it. Why wouldn’t a spouse be listed on the rental agreement in the first place? Seems like that would be the normal way to do things, not to mention the obvious way to avoid problems like this later.
Or was it that they were renting the apartment and got married after they were already a tenant? In that case, the landlord would have a point. What’s to stop this newly-widowed person from also marrying, thus keeping a chain going that could last indefinitely, keeping the apartment from going for the market rate forever? Sounds like it could also lead to a lot of fake-marriage scams to get cheap rent, which may very well be what happened in these cases.
Messed up stuff happens when you attempt price controls.
So if the dead guy didn’t pay the rent, would the landlord be going after the spouse? I assume not since “they aren’t on the lease”.
Is the spouse living there?
Jonny Greenwood is my favorite guitarist.
Pete Davidson officially has the Most Thoroughly Punchable Face in this history of mankind. He looks so alien. That fucking weirdo is fucking Ariana Grande? I. Literally. Cannot. Even.
Just had a shitty 7-class-in-a-row day with shitty kids day. I want to just decompress but I need to go out and practice with this dude. He’s a classically trained violinist and I’m bringing the funk in this two-person project. We played on Saturday and we fell into a groove immediately. It’s going to be very fun. He is an asshole. But a talented asshole.
That fucking weirdo is fucking Ariana Grande?
Not anymore.
Big dick energy
That article just gave me cancer. Expect to hear from my lawyer.
Being a big dick is not the same as having one.
But he did!
This is indeed a cruel universe. Idiots. Youth. Waste.
“I have no words to describe how much i love and am eternally grateful for these human beings who constantly help me turn lemons into lemonade and literally heal me and put me back together,” Grande wrote, tagging the names of friends who have helped her through hard times. ”
Literally is the new basically.
The worst idea ever is to get a tattoo of someone else’s name. EVERYONE disappoints you in one way or another.
Rufus: “Who is ‘Paul?’
Slut from Q’s pics: “Never mind!’
He apparently dated Larry David’s daughter for two years!!!!
I’d be with her just for the family dinners!
Big Dick Energy? *Looks around confused aboutSomething’s fucky. the source of his Davidson’s power*
Who is Pete Davidson? Literally never heard of him but he gives off a “this decades K-Fed vibe”
>>Dems and Repubs both brace for surprises as Election Day is almost upon us.
I plan not to vote, just like I did in 2016. Amash will still be my rep, and Stabenow (Stab a Cow) will cruise to re-election because why not?
Of Michigan interest are the three proposals –
MJ legalization with a whole bunch of caveats
Remove Gerrymanding – lines will be drawn by a “randomly selected” group of 13 voters
A proposal to authorize automatic and Election Day voter registration, no-reason absentee voting, and straight ticket voting;
I’d vote only to vote against the last one and leave everything else blank.
I’m voting in favor of #1, and against 2, and 3. #2 is too broadly written. 3 is just dumb.
I’ll take legalization with caveats over “not legal”. Yes on 1, no on 3. But I predict 3 will pass because retards.
Oil prices are still dropping and your threats are becoming more and more meaningless.
A few weeks ago after the Saudis hacked up that dude in the embassy I actually heard a news reader on the radio say, “oil prices dropped today due to friction between the US and Saudi Arabia.” World markets be weird af and make no sense.
That one actually makes sense: the friction was caused by SA misbehavior, so it’s reasonable to expect them to bribe their way back into good graces (or at the very least, undermine sanctions) by releasing more oil.
Looks like Sloopy is going to get banned from Twitter.
I get suspended from time to time, but why would I get banned?
Oh, the photo on the main page. Man, fuck Twitter.
Yes, they have this new rule that you can’t discourage people from voting in an election. Which isn’t totally an editorial position, somehow.
Speaking of editorial positions. Did anyone watch 60 minutes last night? I think that the FEC should look into it because that was nothing but one giant unpaid commercial for team blue by the usual dnc operatives with bylines, and I thought that was not allowed so close to an election.
Did anyone watch 60 minutes last night?
Only the extremely elderly and dogs that sat on the remote while their owners were in bed.
I know there are some serious fans out there, but I never got all that into them.
I can say without any fear of contradiction that Radiohead is the single most overrated rock band in the history of humanity, and that includes The Beatles.
The fact that anyone voluntarily listens to them at all would already make them overrated. Their fanbois only serve to make them that much more insufferable. They are awful. I’ve heard better music at a high school battle of the bands.
I like a lot of bands with pretentious fanbases, so I can’t really lean too hard no that critique. I just think the “DUDE ROCK WITH BLEEP BLOOPS LMAO” shtick wasn’t really deserving of all the adulation even when it was arguably novel (even though they weren’t one of the first hundred bands to do it). They’re the Quentin Tarantino of rock music.
I love when people discuss bands and music I hate. It just makes me listen to underground metal harder.
Mammary Monday arrives to bring two big bright spots to an otherwise pointless beginning to a pointless work week in a pointless life.
3, 12, 15, 23, 44, 49, 50. 37 is pretty much exactly what I picture when someone says “drunken sluts”.
But I like sluts!
#metoo. Especially drunk ones that come in pairs.
The gift that keeps on giving?
Until the prolactin levels get to high.
British Q-Bait
#7 is just wrong
How bad could… Jesus, someone call Geneva, that is a crime against humanity.
The upside is the odds of putting it in her butt on the first date is markedly higher.
I’m sure CNN will be all over this story.
Second Kavanaugh Accuser Referred to DOJ After Admitting She Lied
I am not seeing where the second one admitted she lied, rather there was proof she lied and it was withheld.
There should be repercussions for the Senate D’s who orchestrated the smearing. In a just world they would be thrown out of the Senate.
I was reading a National Review article about one of those cases the other day. Shame the party that did said deed won’t ever get punished.
We’ll find out tomorrow.
Their response to being punished will be to double down on the criminal and destructive behavior. These are petulant children hell bent on making sure everyone knows the only compromise they are willing to make is that that they keep power at all costs. Hopefully however, enough people realize that the dnc crime syndicate is willing to destroy anyone and everyone else’s lives and future, including burning down the country, to make sure nobody else can be in charge but one of the democrats, and they decide that people like that should be kept away from the levers if power.
I am not optimistic. I think msm propaganda runs deep.
That we will. I’m not as optimistic as AlexinCT, but I also hope for the same. All this constant REEing, tantrum-throwing, and anger has gotta burn a lot of people by now.
The only way to prevent another shitshow like this by people willing to cheat, steal, and lie to keep or take power, especially when they are busy 24/7 telling us they will not allow anyone but one of their own to be in the top jobs, is to make the consequences for this brutal. We may not be able to fuck over Schumer, Feinstein, and the other dnc crime syndicate bosses, but the people they enticed to lie for their dirty trick, all should have the book thrown at them, and thrown at them hard.
I for one can’t wait till this election season ends. Then, the people I used to talk to a bunch with can move on to the latest trump tweet or ponder how rethuglicans like me are nazis. I’ll just be enjoying this beer and relax.
move on once again*
Yeah, after Election Day tomorrow you have that nice two-month window before Election 2020 gears up?
A brief respite, but in these days, that’s all I can really ask for.
CNN ran something that said that the 2020 Presidential campaign season begins on Wednesday.
Please don’t hurt me like this, JB.
If I remember correctly, on the same night, after Obama was re-elected, CNN started talking about Hillary becoming the next President.
Literally the same week after GWB was re-elected, NPR started referring to him as a “lame duck.”
CNN can take a long walk off a short pier. Campaign seasons should start only a couple months before the election.
But I can see why they take this path: CNN only gets good ratings during elections or disasters, so it’s only logical that they pine for both.
I am hoping for results that will bring me more prog tears. Of course, I also know that regardless of how this election plays out, the progs will double down on their “scorched earth” policies.
Democrats Aren’t Moving Left. They’re Returning to Their Roots
Many on both sides are worried about the party’s leftward swing. They say it’s a deviation from the mainstream. It’s not.
“today’s debate today strongly resembles a broader discussion that occurred in the United States and Europe in the 1940s, amid wartime mobilization and economic reconstruction”
That’s the perfect time for a reasoned discussion of policies that will underpin your economy for decades.
To me it sounds like they have chosen to go back to their fascist/marxist roots. You know, that system where government picks winners & losers, and the people getting wealthy and in power are the anointed members of that priesthood. The rest of us are just cattle.
Gee no shit. When you’ve had exactly one idea in a century and a half you tend to stick with it.
If I’m reading this correctly the writer is saying we we need to broaden our worldview to exclude classical liberal thought?
I read it as: labels like “socialist” and “communist” and “liberal” just mean “not mainstream”. Like when you say “conservative”, you really mean “fringe group nutjob”.
Labels are just a means of dismissing people.
So if I argue that the people should own the means of production, I’m not a communist or a socialist, not as long as it is an idea that has been tried for over six decades. I’m mainstream!
That so many people still feel marxism is a good idea, despite a century of misery that saw over 3 billion people under the yoke of evil marxism and 120 million deaths, should be frighting to those not indoctrinated by the marxist educational system and/or able to free themselves from the emotional drivel that passes for intellectual thought these days.
So, what I hear you saying is that evil Marxism is mainstream… so you can’t call people Marxists. Because they are simply mainstream.
See, you’ve figured out how the
pogromprogram works.+1 newspeak
They say it’s a deviation from the mainstream. It’s not.
It IS, actually. There was a time when Democrats were the small gov’t, low tax party (Republicans have been virtually unchanged as the party of mercantilism, imho). That ended when they were co-opted by socialists. They are just being more honest about their big-government, collectivist beliefs nowadays.
Ubisoft sanitizes ‘Rainbow Six: Siege’ to expand its audience
I started playing Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey this weekend. Upon reading the opening messages, I was pleased to know that it was developed by a multi-cultural gender fluid team.
Ubisoft has included that statement in every Assassin’s Creed game since the first one.
Yes and no. They’ve always had a statement (it made sense on the first one, since the Crusades are a touchy subject), but the contents of the statement have been steadily growing over time. It’s transitioned from a “don’t hate us, we’re multicultural” disclaimer to a “look how inclusive we are” badge of honor.
Yeah, that was pretty hilarious. It is cute that they think people actually care about that. I was probably 60 hours in before I knew that was there, and only because people were posting about it on the forums.
And just saw JB’s comment below, so I missed it up until the 60th hour of Odyssey.
Friends don’t let friends listen to radiohead.
Here, have some Radio Silence, instead.
“A conservative marching alongside White Nationalist Richard Spencer, because they both happen to agree on, say, economic issues, would rightly be pilloried.”
Except they wouldn’t.
I mean they wouldn’t both happen to agree on economic issues.
I mean, half and half. He’s a socialist, but only for white people I think. But yeah, someone on the left would be more likely to march with him on economic issues.
Not that they would admit that, because then they would have to own the fact fascism is socialism, and they have not spend upwards of 8 decades trying to change that fact so they could clean up marxism, to give it all up that quickly.
They haven’t even admitted yet that the Nazis were socialists. In fact, they’ve doubled down on insisting they were right wingers. And have they owned Margaret Sanger and the KKK yet? I think not.
Hard to whitewash marxism, when you have to compare it to another murderous and evil socialist incarnation like fascism, which is why fascism became “right wing” and they are so adamant in their determination to not allow people to see that it is just another incarnation of the evils of socialism.
Manic Monday: American Red Flags
America, I think, should be an important warning to other countries not to take for granted their institutions.
it’s fun watching the revolutionaries turn into reactionaries 15 minutes after the revolution’s over.
Replace the 1% with kulaks or Jews, these bullies never think or change their talking points.
By “1%” he means “republicans”.
The 1% cannot gerrymander their way to anything. That’s not how gerrymandering works. The same goes for voter suppression. You’d have to suppress 98% of the vote just to get to a dead heat.
The idiot who wrote that can safely be dismissed as an idiot. And a partisan idiot at that. (but then i repeat myself)
The income-inequality people never EVER want to redistribute or give up their own wealth and status.
They also never EVER want to examine the market conditions of their own creation that exacerbate wealth concentration, like regulatory barriers to new business formation and labor mobility, or loose monetary policy that erodes the value of middle class savers and retirees while advantaging the already wealthy.
Government should pick winners and losers. If it doesn’t then the wrong people, you know those with icky ideas and belief in a meritocracy, will consistently end up on top, and we can’t have any of that.
So, he’s the one who “pioneered” the incredibly stupid idea of the 1%. Yep, because people in the top 2% of incomes are so poor and powerless that they have more in common with those in the bottom 2% than they do with those evil (((1%ers)))!
It was a breakthrough in economic analysis.
I’m starting to think “Nobel-prize winning economist” is synonymous with “idiot”.
Starting to think? I knew it was a sham when they gave that crap to Krugabe.
They didn’t give it to him for his NYT columns.
At least.
I mean, I guess he’s not wrong, within the narrow domain of respect for ‘institutions’, assuming he doesn’t mean that things have actually gotten worse for the average person.
“the crisis caused by economic inequality”
What crisis is that? Why is it that people keep wanting to immigrate here, even if they have to enter illegally and risk detention and deportation? To hear lefties talk, you would think that Americans would be fleeing in mass, the apparently worst, most repressive regime on earth, instead of the other way around. They also never mention that the lowest income group in the country has consistently become more prosperous and we have the richest and fattest poor on the planet. Instead they focus exclusively on the rich and about how they keep getting richer. By equality, though, they are not concerned about the rich, they are troubled by the fact that there still exists a large middle class, who are the wealthiest and largest middle class on the planet. That is very troubling to leftists because they can never get their socialist utopia until everyone less than the wealthiest are made equally poor. Only then can utopia appear. And hey, if it means starving and sending millions off to camps, so be it, they know best.
The comment section on that rent control article appears to be flooded by shitlords.
How much does it cost to have your people contact my people about skinsuiting some of these people?
I was watching Rogan interview two of the academics who got their SJW gibberish published. It was a a good watch but nothing we already didn’t suspect or know. My aunt said to me in the 1980s that was going on when she was a professor. Nonetheless, they did a service by exposing it in case people are not aware or just don’t want to accept it.
They’re very intelligent but listening to them I get the feeling they’re not quite there yet. I don’t think they appreciate just how corrosive the progressive left is. They said on a couple of occasions they consider themselves ‘left’ which I found odd given all what they were saying. It’s almost as if they haven’t fully concluded, for example, what we have around here. Specifically, that you shouldn’t vote left. Something tells me they just can’t let that part go.
Rogan interviews all these people that make clear if you still think ‘left’ you’re part of the problem and there he was saying ‘I’m for left stuff like universal health care, education…’
He hasn’t realized the SJW madness is CONNECTED to the ideals of progressivism to which he still clings to.
They said on a couple of occasions they consider themselves ‘left’ which I found odd given all what they were saying.
It’s terribly difficult to fully reject the religion of one’s upbringing lest you become ostracized from the family and community within which you’ve been nurtured.
It’s almost as if they think the progressive left can heal itself. I counter that all that crap is a feature built-in their DNA; not a bug.
The only option is to leave; or at least not identify as ‘left’. I know the extreme on the other side is no better but the bottom line is the levers of power are controlled by the left – ie media, entertainment, academia and even politics.
Busted: Joe Donnelly Was Caught Buying Ads Promoting Libertarian Candidate to Pull Votes from GOP
Is that Joe “I hire minorities and you may find this hard to believe but they’re actually OK” Donnelly?
You can look forward to about 15 articles at Reason within the next 48 hours explaining that Libertarian Party candidates have never spoiled an election ever. Then you can expect 15 articles from the same authors next week explaining how the Libertarian Party candidate is sticking it to the two-party duopoly by playing spoiler.
I plan to read none of them.
and you can do ctrl+f “Hoteling’s Law” for 0 results or ctrl+f “Duverger’s Law” for 0 results.
To be fair…I have been reading the same “resurgent Taliban” line since….2005. They really need to resurge harder if the best they can do is hill banditry.
Hill Banditry is the new album from Radiohead.
Alright Radiohead haters. I have to go to practice but I wanted to leave this here. This is the last track off of their most recent album, 2016’s A Moon Shaped Pool. Song is called True Love Waits.
They’ve been toying with the song since at least 1995. They apparently went through every rendition they could but just never found something that fit for it. Thom Yorke was with a woman for 23 years and they had kids. They apparently “amicably” broke up in 2015. She died of cancer later that year.
This song is absolutely haunting.
When he is singing “Just don’t leave”…..yeah that gets to me.
Oh, also. Protip. Favorite band and I still can’t understand him when he sings. The lyrics are often well-written but he definitely is using his (crazy) voice as an instrument rather than words that should actually be listened to it.
I don’t doubt the song has emotional depth, but unfortunately Thom Yorke’s voice is torturous to me. Geddy Lee similarly prevents me from getting into Rush, even if I was into prog.
I thought one of the draw factors for Rush was that they’re not progs. /intentionally dense
You didn’t see the lyrics for the last couple albums, obviously.
I get the Geddy Lee thing. *Shudder*
Also: Unpopular opinion. I fucking hate Peart’s drumming style. He’s obviously crazy-talented. But his style actively puts me off.
I also get that the imitators of Yorke’s falsetto are VERY annoying (THANK YOU VERY MUCH SHITTY CHRIS MARTIN), but his depth and range is absolutely incredible. The voice thing used to bother me, but when I just accepted how oddly unique and powerful it was I got over it.
Takes all types.
Band practice time! Enjoy the day, all!
I’ve liked some Radiohead, but ugh. Thom’s warbling leaves much to be desired.
That song is an all time favorite. Truly haunting.
Watching mandatory workplace safety video. I am 5 days overdue.
I am pretty sure it is exact same video as last year.
“Don’t drink unknown blood you find lying around at work” seems to be the theme.
Trans-vamps hardest hit
Well, there goes my plans for the week.
I’m about a month behind on mine.
“Don’t let Palestinians work with explosives” is my basic rule of thumb.
Have you seen the Forklift driver Klaus safety video. I’m sure this is old hat by now, but just in case.
It is 10 min long with the usual crappy production then it turns much darker.
Oh, that’s good stuff. I used to show it to my employees for the lulz
Is plan B legal in your state?
Speaking of drunken sluts…
The Bloomberg channel on the roku has these strings of clips about various things. I was letting the “lifestyle” ones run for a while. The one about the Ferrari 250 GTO (48 million at auction- I never heard the final sale price) caught my eye originally. Anyway, along comes a thing about “secret” hotel rooms for celebrity bigwigs and and anybody else with more dollars than sense. Because why wouldn’t you want to spend ten or fifteen grand a night for a hotel suite? But then, the punchline: you don’t necessarily have to be a celebrity or five star client; there’s this trendy little place on NYC (right on Times Square, I think) where you can order a crash pad off the drink menu in the rooftop bar for like $99.-. Crash pad, indeed. “Hey, wanna run down to the tenth floor and fuck for a while? Sweet!”
Just when I’m about to abandon hope for this once great land, somebody comes along and fans the dimly glowing embers of optimism.
that’s pretty cool. you can get crabs and bedbugs at the same time!
Today is everything I love about November: overcast, bare trees, flaming orange and yellow leaves covering the ground under a coat of cold rain, and rotting vegetation bowing in preparation for blankets of pure white snow.
Carry on.
Oops. Wrong spot.
Thats what he said.
WaPo Says The Entire GOP Is Considering Using Racism To Win
In an attempt to tar the entire corpus of GOP candidates running for office in 2018, The Washington Post published an article on Sunday that claimed all GOP candidates were considering whether to use racist rhetoric in order to win on November 6.
Matt Viser, writing for the Post, cited various examples to buttress his claim that an entire party was tilting toward using racism to engender support from voters.
Viser began his odyssey with his oversized paintbrush by stating, “The fierce battle for control of Congress and the nation’s governorships has turned toward blatant and overtly racial attacks rarely seen since the civil rights era of the 1960s.”
Then the rather short laundry list, considering there are over 400 GOP candidates running for election on Tuesday. A robocall, which Viser did not ascribe to any particular candidate, that features an Oprah Winfrey sound-alike calling Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams “a poor man’s Aunt Jemima.” Sonny Perdue, the Secretary of Agriculture, saying of the Florida gubernatorial race, where Democratic candidate Andrew Gillum, who would be the state’s first black governor, is running, “This election is so cotton-pickin’ important.”
Viser cited Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), who has made highly questionable choices with his rhetoric, but Viser even admitted King has been roundly condemned from most conservatives.
Except it is Democrats that use race to divide and conquer.
In an attempt to tar the entire corpus of GOP candidates running for office in 2018, The Washington Post published an article on Sunday that claimed all GOP candidates were considering whether to use racist rhetoric in order to win on November 6.
Doesn’t work anymore.
The attempt to tar, I meant
But I thought the rethuglicans were already running purely on racism? It’s only all I’ve heard the last few years so this shouldn’t be any surprise. /s
I keep saying – the DNC has become a party that hunts white men (and any women who support them) for sport. The completely expected result is that the opposition would become the party of Whites campaigning on the preservation of Western civilization.
It was a lame joke, but it had the aura of, yes, I am a bad person for saying this. Probably not a joke I’d make, but hey, guy looks like he’s hopped up on one or two things.
This. I’ve read (and wrote) much worse here. Yes, Glibs is much different than nationally televised SNL, but still, I just can’t work up any outrage for this. And I wish more people were the same way.
As ever, it’s the double standard that gets irritating. It’s the John Stewart defense. “I’m just a comic! It’s just a joke!” until it’s their own ox being gored, and then it’s time to fire up the outrage machine and ruin some lives and careers.
See the complete ignoring of Hillary’s “They all look the same” quip last week.
Yes, I completely agree, that is very frustrating. However, we should be demanding fair treatment, not apologies.
Yeah. I have to admit that I do occasionally enjoy indulging in a bit of schadenfreude when they sometimes get hoist on their own petard, but ultimately it just ends up reinforcing their central premise.
“See the complete ignoring of Hillary’s “They all look the same” quip last week.”
That was the most human Hillary has ever appeared.
Well she just had a software upgrade that included an improved AI and fixed that unable to walk under her own power bug. They never should’ve loaded her with iOS to begin with, if you ask me.
That is where I am at, because the future would be too bleak for me without the ability to make somewhat inappropriate jokes and then go on in life with relatively little consequences.
It is tempting to throw their standards back at them, but I am afraid of that not teaching the lesson I want it to and instead normalizing those standards.
I was just wondering what character that person was playing in the photo and then you said it was Weekend Update which made me realize that he… chooses to look like that?!
“Hero who stopped incel yoga gunman by beating him with a vacuum cleaner”
We’re living in a simulation.
Kanye — get back on the plantation!
Pentagon preps cyberattack in case Russia interferes with elections
“Victoria’s Secret only hires super-skinny models — and that’s a problem”
No, it isn’t.
So fill the market void.
Its a big hole to fill.
Had a shipping issue with UPS…getting it fixed tonight and throwing in some bonus stuff to make up for the BIF delay.
Sorry I can’t get you drunk on election day.
No worries, as a New York resident I have become inured to bad election results.
Al Bundy agrees.
Most timely clip ever.
The writers of that show really knew what was coming and mocked it while they still could. A lot of it is more relevant now that it was 25 years ago.
John hardest hit.
Was looking for this and was not disappointed…
I notice that they ran the article with a giant photo of said models in skimpy underwear.
Hmmmm…. perhaps they are being a bit disingenuous?
GAB is back up and running.
You must like free speech.
“Free speech” is a dogwhistle for alt-right nazis.
So no free speech for any of us?
Daniel Clifton
RCP generic ballot avg has GOP losing just 22 seats. @NateSilver538 rates WSJ poll as A- poll. So we plugged today’s WSJ number into the WSJ’s historical generic ballot record and it shows just a 16 seat GOP loss. If the Red Wall holds, the data was staring every one in the face
The nice things about living in Illinois is that it doesn’t matter who you vote for, because the state is only going to get worse. It’s liberating to realize that you’re screwed either way.
But you have to choose. You must choose..
Giant Douche, or Turd Sandwich….
Choose the form of the destructor!
I want to punch people who wear the “I voted” sticker. You might as well wear a sticker saying “I’m A Sucker”
but there’s no data. half those toss-ups have one poll from pre-Kav.
I’ve got a comment in spam limbo, I think.
::marked as spam::
It’s because you touch yourself at night…and during the day.
Are you accusing me, an epic gamer, of violating No Nut November?
Will you also be participating in Destroy Dick December?
I’m saving up for Fibonacci February
I’m expecting a tip for freeing your post.
Well I don’t presently have any children, but you get first dibs.
Stacey Abrams – No assault riles for you, unless you are a Black Panther campaigning for her.
the anti-gun candidate’s going to lose Georgia, right? RIGHT??!!
As they marched, the Black Panthers carried assault rifles and continually shouted slogans such as “black power”
“black power” = totes cool
“white power” = ZOMG RACIST!
“black power” = totes cool
white powerIt’s okay to be white” = ZOMG RACIST!FIFY
Hey, Bo! Long time no see.
David Frum inflicts a long mopey reminiscence about his debate with Steve Bannon on readers of the Atlantic.
But the longer Bannon spoke, the more clear it became how empty the populist program is. It could observe and exploit the failures of the past 15 years. Trump in 2016 promised that he would provide better health insurance to all Americans at lower cost both to individuals and to the government. That promise has been dishonored. When asked to explain why, Bannon could only point to Paul Ryan and say, “His fault.” Ditto for Trump’s failure to keep his promise to cut taxes for middle-income people by raising them on the financial industry. Ditto for the broken promises to build infrastructure and save lives from opioid addiction. Ditto for the fact that illegal immigration and trade deficits are rising under Trump, despite his emphatic promises to lower both.
The populists identified real concerns—but their answers amount to a fraud and a scam. The failures of a basically good system do not justify overthrowing it and replacing it with something evil.
Spoiler alert: the audience was apparently not much swayed by Frum’s pompous moaning.
tl;dr- Whycome them hicks no agree with me?
Never forget that between Bannon and Frum- Frum is no doubt the more horrible of the two, if we are accounting for whose ideology has been responsible for more deaths.
That time that Frum smeared anyone who questioned the Iraq War of being “muh…racists!”. It really was a foreshadowing of the strategy to come
When has Frum had an opinion on anything that wasn’t based on feels? That debate strikes me as an out-of favor populist arguing with another populist.
That was my immediate reaction… who the heck is Frum to decry populism. The guy is a populist gasbag of the first order.
What if Google unionized?
Great. That is all I need.
Working with a cloud team who controls all the permissions to get basic tasks done AND their union rep. What could possibly go wrong?
I’ve heard this union talk ever since I started working in IT in the mid ’90s. Always from the slugs who didn’t get raises/promotions (either through lack of talent or unwillingness to put in long hours).
You know who would LOVE an IT union? Management at most companies. A union would help them stop being held hostage by talented employees. With union scale, they could prevent having to pay lots of $$ in raises each year or risk losing them to other companies who are willing to poach them.
In general I think Developers and other IT workers are too individualistic and too egotistic to ever want to be in a Union. However in the echo chamber that is Silicone valley and maybe Seattle as well that may be starting to change.
I could easily see Google, Apple, and Facebook developers voting to unionize, not because they think they need it for themselves but because there is some invisible group of marginalized minorities who needs the Unions protection from management.
The often unspoken truth of unionized workplaces. They make life easier for lazy managers. Don’t have to figure out who to layoff, don’t have to defend why you’re laying off Bob but not Jill, same with PTO selection. Want XYZ benefit, sorry union will need to negotiate those, can’t just give them to you. Don’t like ABC workplace change?, your union agreed to it, talk to them. Don’t like CDE workplace policy, talk to your unionist.
Funny enough, that was literally the government’s position in Janus – you can’t take away the forced unionization because then we’ll have to make all these tough decisions on an individual basis.
LOL. Go for it assholes.
You’ll never turn out like the Big 3 in Detroit, just can’t happen to you.
I wonder how many people that were looking at going with Google Cloud are not thinking Azure or Amazon are better deals…
If only. If only there was a way to write an article without being a smug condescending douchebag.
So, North Ogden (Utah) Mayor Brent Taylor was killed in Afghanistan. It made the news.
This morning the Today Show had a long story about it. As the story wore on, I noticed something. They didn’t mention his party affiliation. Huh? In the middle of a heated election, and they just did two segments about elections (and how all the polls show that the democrats are totally dominating, because McCaskill is ahead in one new poll that totally has the best “likely voter” model for this unprecedented election)… but no mention of party. I even heard the story twice because the wife was in the other room and came in and rewound it.
So I looked online. I read 3 articles before I found a party affiliation. And that was in the New York Times.
No, the reporter didn’t do the standard “Mayor Brent Taylor (R)” at the top of the article. You had to go all the way down to the end of the rather long article to glean it from a quote:
So, even in a puff-piece about the dead war-hero politician, they had to do a Soave and sneak it in with an “even though he was a Republican” diss.
The overt and ceaseless bias from the media machine is astounding.
CNN avoided any mention of party…. even as they quoted the (republican) lieutenant governor, no mention of party affiliation. NBC News, no mention, The NY Post reprinted a fox news/ AP article that included -R for the Utah Senators quoted in the article, but not for the mayor. That’s as close as you get to party affiliation in any of the articles I could find.
Strange. Somehow I doubt they would have been so scrupulous to scrub any mention of the Democrat mayor of East St. Louis’ party affiliation if he had been the victim of such an attack.
Somehow I doubt they would have been so scrupulous to scrub any mention of the Democrat mayor of East St. Louis’ party affiliation if he had been the victim of such an attack.
“Hero Democratic Mayor of East St. Louis (D) tragically killed in Trump’s Afghanistan quagmire”
I assume every politician from Utah is a Republican until I’m told differently.
Salt Lake City mayor has traditionally been Team Blue.
More Frum:
Illiberals and anti-liberals, on the other hand, appreciate the dark energy of human irrationality—not merely as a fact of our nature to be negotiated, but as a potent political resource. People do not think; they feel. They do not believe what is true; they regard as true that which they wish to believe. A lie that affirms us will gain more credence than a truth that challenges us. That’s the foundational insight on which Trump built his business career. It’s the insight on which Trump’s supporters built first their campaign for president and now their presidency itself.
It’s the foundation that I had hoped to expose in Toronto. By a cunning plot twist, I did expose it—but in a way that may have strengthened that foundation rather than attacked it.
Thank goodness only rats like Bannon manipulate the feebleminded by capitalizing on their prejudices and preconceptions. Those noble Democrats would never stoop to such tactics.
You can’t parody these people…
Just a straight news guy, everybody
It amazes me that the WaPo, NYT, CNN, ABC, NBC, and CBS continue to show that they are Democratic operatives, in the same mold that Fox News are Republican operatives, and yet some still want to pretend as if Fox News is the only media outlet with a bias.
They’re all equally terrible.
Every objective survey of bias I’ve seen has shown Fox to be the closest to center – things like % of negative articles about X politician or Y issue… Fox always comes closer to 50/50, with other outlets often swinging closer to 80/20. Except in the Trump era. Now it is 95% negative, which has to be some kind of record. Even Hitler got better press.
So they may in fact be equally terrible, but I don’t believe they are anywhere close to equally biased. Which is kind of amazing, given the Fox News editorial content.
I mean, in addition to their token liberal cannon fodder on the opinion programs, Fox News has Shepard Smith running their hard news division, and he’s screamingly left wing. There’s no equivalent at any of the mainstream outlets.
Good point.
I usually stick with Fox Business.
i’m loving this NPC meme..
new personal fav is the B&J flavor “REEEEE”
“I remember, growing up, when the GOP was a party of ideas. I didn’t always agree with those ideas, but at least they had some. Now they’re mainly a party of emotion: fear & hatred of “the other.”
The projection is deep with this one. Then after she gets corrected, she immediately resorts to ‘I’m a cancer survivor’. Typical lefty.
“Conservatives believe that Dinesh D’Souza is their leading intellectual, the best they have to offer. And you know, they’re probably right.”
This guy is just stupid.
It’s hilarious that he believes he is an intellectual.
I mean, look at President Obama. Also a nobel prize winner, and he’s done as much for the cause of peace as Krugman has for economics! And nobody says he’s dumb!
Well I wouldn’t call him dumb. The relevant work for which he was given the Nobel Prize was not the work of an idiot (although having only read the analyses and synopses of it, I don’t really get what sort of novelty elevated it to Nobel Prize levels). But he’s no intellectual. In the realm of politics and philosophy where he has decided to hold himself out as an authority – a realm utterly divorced from his academic specialty – his viewpoints are shallow and his argumentation sophomoric.
I studied Krugman in detail 30 years ago and found no fault in his economic work, although he certainly starts inside a school of thought. Until 20 years ago, I found most of observations of politics were rooted in defensible macroeconomic observation.
Since, his baseless partisanship has been one of the most stunning and unpredictable inconsistencies (from the previously academically honest work) I’ve witnessed. My search for principled and consistent (right or wrong!) people to admire remains largely unrewarded.
::raises hand::
Algore has a Nobel Prize. Ponder that.
“It’s hilarious that he believes he is an intellectual.”
It’s easy to do from your little bubble in your NYT office safe space.
“Former Enron Adviser, Paul Krugman”
He’s not stupid but he thinks his followers are (and he’s right).
This would be like me saying all Democrats believe Krugman knows what he is talking about and takes him seriously as a “leading intellectual” on economics, which would be silly.
(though it would be stronger if he dropped the “on economics” part).
“Conservatives believe that Dinesh D’Souza is their leading intellectual”
I don’t know anyone on the right who believes that. At least I’ve never heard that. But D’Souza is a lot smarter than Krugabe, for sure.
Wayne Allyn Root has been wrong about everything related to politics probably since forever so if he’s predicting a GOP upset, I’d say Democrats are going to win big
I don’t care what any of y’all say. Barr/Root was a more embarrassing LP nomination than Johnson/Weld.
Now if Weld manages to weasel his way to the top of the ticket in 2020 that might be enough to go ahead of 2008.
Ok, I can’t argue with that.
Barr/Root was the most embarrassing ticket. But, Weld was by far the most embarrassing candidate to have ever been featured at the top of the ticket.
What’s interesting is both Barr/Root and Johnson/Weld both ran as mushy moderates and were offering the electorate a status quo ticket at a time when the electorate was looking for an alternative to the status quo
The LP has been the conservative party in our presidential elections since 2008.
Barr is anything but a mushy moderate.
The guy was almost B-1 Bob Dornan when he was on the Hill as a Republican. He was about as anti-libertarian as a Republican gets.
Weld was just… well, Weld. Kinda center Democrat sorta that never really cut ties with team D. Which ain’t great for party building.
I mean, I suppose you could argue that at least Barr burned all his team (R) bridges.
When they ran on the LP ticket they ran as mushy moderates. I’m not saying they were mushy moderates in their previous life in politics.
The Barr campaign was critiquing the Iraq War rather than calling for a radical end to the conflict. While the Johnson 2016 ticket hemmed and hawed over every topic before taking the media approved position and then backing away from that position. And let’s not even discuss the Johnson 2012 campaign in which their stated foreign policy positions even won him praise from the Weekly Standard.
“But, Weld was by far the most embarrassing candidate to have ever been featured at the top of the ticket.”
I can’t agree. That award goes to GayJay. No one else is dumb enough to go on Samantha Bee and make her look smart and witty. Only a GayJay could do that. He made me tear up my LP membership card.
OK, this story may be too local for the rest of you, but at least Tundra will be interested.
It is our local congressman bitching about how Trump is dragging him down in his race.
What is funny about that statement is that Paulsen has run away from Trump from the very beginning. He made a big stink about not being able to support him when the pussy tape came out. So it isn’t like all us suburban rubes are out to get him because we want to punish Trump.
Maybe it was because he was waaaaaaay too eager to work for “common sense” gun control. Or the fact that he’s always been an empty suit who doesn’t do or say anything that might cause him to lose his seat.
I want to punish the Dems for their craziness, but I don’t think I can vote for this idiot again. If he wins, he will not learn anything from this close call.
I was talking to a neighbor about it. Paulsen is, and has always been, an establishment piece of shit. If he gets smoked tomorrow, I’m not sure much will change except the dumbfuck GOP might actually run a conservative.
Every single time I see the word ‘bipartisan’ it makes my blood boil. Because it sure as shit doesn’t mean ‘negotiate the best possible deal for the people who hired me’.
Fuck him.
Oh and fuck John Tevlin, too.
What? You don’t think he is so noble and selfless to go work for a candidate in a district he can’t vote in? I’m sure you would be help up as a paragon of virtue as well if you went and worked for whoever is running agains Ilhan Omar. No one would call you out for meddling in a race to represent a district you didn’t live in.
Because it sure as shit doesn’t mean ‘negotiate the best possible deal for the people who hired me’.
“Bipartisan” is the polite term for “lowest common denominator” in politics.
I’m not sure where this quote came from, but I’ve always loved it. Goes something like “There are two parties in Washington, the stupid party and the evil party. Occasionally they get together to do something that’s both stupid and evil and call it “bipartisanship””
At least USC won.
I can’t decide if I want helton fired. A bunch of people seem to want that, but I don’t know. The defense is ok to good, injuries ruined that more than strategy.
I was happy he fired the ol coach and starter taking over play calls.
The whole of the PAC 12 is a dumpster fire.
Except for, inexplicably, Washington State.
Meanwhile, ‘Cuse is ranked 13 and I don’t know what to do with myself. We could easily be 9-0 though.
In a court filing, Edward Snowden says a report critical to an NSA lawsuit is authentic
the case, which had stalled largely because the government refused to confirm that a leaked document was authentic or accurate.[…]
Anyone know the details on this? I would have thought the government was free not to present a case or reply on point, but the court would rule anyway on the matter before it with the evidence as was presented. The “stalled” part I don’t get.
Maryland cops kill man as they were trying to confiscate his guns under “red flag” law
Speaking of red flags, check out this language:
Unlike cops, the rest of us don’t get the passive voice when a gun is fired. So it’s pretty likely that he didn’t fire the gun. They tried to grab it, he resisted a bit, his gun goes off somehow in the struggle (without him shooting it), and then the cops shoot him.
Also, he answered the door armed with a handgun? Well, he deserved to get shot right then and there. The cops should be given medals for “struggling” with him first – Dunphy, probably
Interesting use of language in that article. Police fired shots…. he was declared dead at the scene.
Not “police killed him”
Or “Police shot and killed him”
Nor “Police shot him dead”
.Police.. fired shots…. and later for reasons that may or may not be related, he was declared dead at the scene.
You know… just firing shots. That’s all. Nothing to see here. No other intent. Just a couple of shots being fired.
How about “Police attempted to execute the Red Flag order and engaged the subject who was armed with a pistol. While he was resisting the officer’s attempts to disarm him, his weapon discharged. In response the police fired at the subject, killing him on the spot. ”
Is that neutral enough, while still telling an accurate story?
“Police went to a man’s home to deprive him of fundamental rights protected by the Constitution. The man resisted and was killed by police, who made it home safely, so its all good.”
Preface that with “Acting on the orders of a judge, ” and we’ve just about covered it. Because why should the guy who signed off on the whole thing get a pass?
“kinetic law-enforcement compliance action occurred”
This Red Flag law is very effective. The guy is dead.
Why was this guy red flagged?
It’s not in the linked article. They do say they will update the story, though.
Well I think my vote for AA County Sheriff just changed.
Although, this was the police department and not the sheriff’s office. One wonders why a court order wasn’t served by the sheriff.
Fuck. Hogan signed this piece of shit bill. Jesus Christ. What good are Republicans if they’re just going to be Democrats? I know this is a blue state but damn.
Hogan is not a real Republican. He’s one of the wishy washy dem lites that Murlanders love so much. If you pay attention to anything he says, he’s constantly talking about bi-partisan shit. Bi-partisan? The dems have a super majority in Annapolis. Bi-partisan effectively means letting the dems fuck me over with my consent. No right wing candidate could win here in a state wide election. Baltimore and Annapolis and all the surrounding areas are deep blue. The west and south are red. The problem is that there are no people in the south or west red areas.
Much of the space between Baltimore and Annapolis is purple or red. AA County is a toss up overall, although all the people moving into Hanover, Crofton, and this side of Jessup will probably swing it to blue overall in the next decade.
However, yes, Hogan did need to be a liberal Republican to win Maryland. But this was an entirely predictable outcome, although I don’t think anyone could have predicted that it would happen the day before the election. Sign bill to take people’s guns away and people are going to have their guns taken away, with somebody dying over it being better than even. I thought he was a pragmatist, but I think you’re right that he’s drunk on “bipartisanship”.
Billy has a picnic basket full of sammiches. Why won’t he give them to the other children at the class picnic? Because Billy is a selfish asshole.
For decades, technology entrepreneurs have established their headquarters in the San Francisco Bay Area, created products that changed the way we live, and reaped millions doing so. But at the same time, the cities around these companies have become harder and harder to live in. Housing prices and homelessness are rising, roads are clogged, transit is over capacity. Tech companies aren’t necessarily causing these problems, but they do have a lot more money than anyone else in today’s economy. So cities are asking those who benefit the most in this economy to pay more money to help solve urban and suburban problems.
The initiative that has drawn much of their opposition is Proposition C in San Francisco. If passed, it would levy a tax of 0.175 to 0.65 percent, depending on the type of business, on gross receipts of companies making more than $50 million, to be used for homelessness services. It would raise around $300 million, doubling the city’s homelessness budget.
The hundreds of millions of dollars raised could house 4,000 households, keep 7,000 people in their homes, and eliminate the waitlist at homeless shelters, Jennifer Friedenbach, the executive director of the Coalition on Homelessness, which put forth the initiative, told me. She argues that large companies just got a 14 percent reduction in their corporate tax rate, and that the federal government is divesting funding in housing for poor people, so big companies “have a responsibility as corporate citizens to pay.” Though some companies have given to charity in the city, others have not, she told me. “Charity is one time. Systemic change is forever,” she said.
And, of course, we need to double our “homeless budget”. Just think how many homeless people we can have, if we really buckle down!
I just love that “…so cities are asking…” formulation. Let’s try it this way: So
citiesenvious grifters areaskingattempting to extort. Money is like magic fairy dust; if we just sprinkle enough of it on the non profit community, all our problems will disappear. As for the business community? It coughs up the magic fairy dust, or it gets the stake.Sure, it could. Anything could happen. But since this is San Francisco, and the NIMBYs won’t allow any housing to be built anyways, and counting graft… my estimate is that it “helps” 100 people. Maybe less.
I’m assuming you could eliminate the waitlist at the shelters for a lot less.
Assuming it’s the government’s role to get involved at all, I’d rather they serve the function of most basic safety net instead of subsidizing housing costs directly.
Yeah, purchasing a permanently dependent underclass doesn’t come cheap.
those who benefit the most in this economy
Because the only entities the benefits from the existence of said companies is the companies themselves.
The city council should look at how the SF city council handled all the problems of a local economic boon back in 1849. After all, you always read about the gold rush in a positive way, so they must have done shit right back then.
How much did they pay for homeless shelters back then? How much did they tax the prospectors? What were the licensing requirements for businesses and builders?
Systemic change is forever
You can say that again.
“Billy has a picnic basket full of sammiches. Why won’t he give them to the other children at the class picnic? Because Billy is a selfish asshole.”
Only a benevolent left wing government can right this great wrong. Here’s how this works.
Selfish deplorable 1 percenter Nazi Billy has 5 sammiches. Billy forces some poor brown woman, who has no sammiches, to make and them, and then eats them all in front of here while she cries.
Sweet and innocent, but very poor, Lupe, has only 2 sammiches.
This is where the magical wonders of socialism comes in.
‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help. Billy, give me 4 of those sammiches, you seflish Nazi!’.
Next, government helper is off to see Lupe. ‘Lupe, give me one of those sammiches, because administrative justice costs.’
Lupe: ‘But, I only have one sammich now, I had 2 before. My children will starve, why are you doing this!?
Government helper: ‘You see, Lupe, now selfish Billy also has only one sammich. You both have one sammich. Social Justice! Equality!’
/The End
Two-bit contractors are some of the worst credit risks known to man. There are some people who just go through life knowing that they’re going to try to fuck over anyone they deal with as a matter of course and then on with no shame.
/rant off
““Feminism can go too far. I’m a feminist, but I think that this third wave of feminism is a bore. I think it paralyses men.” Pamela Anderson criticises the #MeToo movement, warning women to use “common sense” @PamFoundation #60Mins”
When you’ve lost Pamela Anderson…
For the Cali contingent:
Scott Adams subscribes to the “moist robot” hypothesis, which says that all rational decision making is just post-hoc justification of decisions that we haven’t consciously made.
Scott Alexander spends a thousand words justifying his voting preferences which could be perfectly modeled by the algorithm vote against the republican
I heard, in Houston you can rent a moist robot.
And a loathsome asshole
I am pretty sure that he is right that most people arrive at most decisions by instinct, using an entirely subconscious decision making circuitry. They then apply post-hoc reasoning to arrive at a rationalization for their actions.
I have made a long study of this process by living with a test subject who displays this behavior on a regular basis. She is a font of informative examples on the topic.
You live with a moist robot?
She really doesn’t like that word.
decision making is just post-hoc justification
Confirmation bias is 80% of what I wade through every day in the familial, professional, and even technical world. The best people I know don’t recognize the guy in the mirror as the self-justifying tyrant he is. The best educated people are so deeply self-deluded that they can’t even apply their depth of technique to the very facts right in front of them.
There is no helping people; there is only protecting oneself from getting too nicked up in the melee.
I’ve noticed this… not necessarily education but intelligence.
Smart people get really used to being right. So they just start assuming that they are right, and back-fill the justification. And the smarter you are, the better you are at that process.
Meanwhile, dumb people are used to being wrong. So when I’m in a discussion with dumb people – not mind-numbingly stupid, just average/below-average – they will pretty quickly suss out that they might be wrong, and actually start listening. But really smart people? They spend the whole time you are talking trying to figure out why you are wrong, and jump ahead to their “you are wrong” speech instead of listening and understanding.
So it leaves you with a thin sliver of people who can be reasoned with in an argument…. smart, but humble and average and malleable. Too dumb and they can’t understand the counter argument.
There’s a certain argumentative type who likes to take both sides of issues in arguments/discussions. They enjoy the intellectual exercise of taking the opposing argument and seeing what they can learn. Some people call them a “pain in the ass”. Around here, we call them libertarians.
Smart people get really used to being right.
I wish that were the bulk of it. When my son gets frustrated with his betters in industry, academics, or politics, I remind him to weigh the distribution of paths to power, which, I submit, are as follows
40% charismatic, tall, good-looking, with nice teeth and inoffensive accent
30% pure luck of happening to have been associated with three projects in a row that are viewed as having turned out well
10% hard-working; triumphed even in corrosive situations
10% technocrats with rare, extensive, relevant experience
10% honest, open, flexible, responsive peace-brokers and organizers
That leaves a tiny minority of ascendants who have a history or disposition to receive and act upon new information positions well.
Yeah, its the elephant and rider or the type1/type2 cognition model.
Scott Adams subscribes to the “moist robot” hypothesis, which says that all rational decision making is just post-hoc justification of decisions that we haven’t consciously made.
This is impossible. I have a STEM degree. More than one, in fact. I am a dispassionate and rational logic machine, you fucking piece of shit.
Calm your impulsive ape brain for a second and realize that if he’s right, this is an accurate photograph of Warty.
Pffft. My traps are way better than that.
It’s been a while since I’ve seen so many sociopathic would-be technocrats gathered in one circle-jerk, so blind to the glaring flaws in their own attempts at rationality. I detest the “rationalist community.” The Dunning-Kruger effect has never been better exemplified.
Sorry, too emotional?
You know who would LOVE an IT union? Management at most companies. A union would help them stop being held hostage by talented employees. With union scale, they could prevent having to pay lots of $$ in raises each year or risk losing them to other companies who are willing to poach them.
I have never met ANYBODY (male or female) who is truly good at their job who wants to be in a union.
Same here. In fact, in a 21 year career now in IT, I’ve never even heard anyone I’ve worked with even bring it up.
BREAKING: Matthew Yglesias is an asshole.
Man, they just can’t ever own up to the fact that he’s one of them.
Richard Spencer could literally stand in for the head of the RNC in their construction, but it’s beyond the pale to suggest that Farrakhan is representative of left wing politics.
Sadbeard is sad. News at 11.
But since this is San Francisco, and the NIMBYs won’t allow any housing to be built anyways, and counting graft… my estimate is that it “helps” 100 people. Maybe less.
Non profit directors need ocean views, too. Also “homelessness consultants” and the rest of the circle jerk.
“Nearly 1,000 human teeth found in walls of Georgia building
VALDOSTA, Ga. — Workers renovating a building in Georgia made an unusual discovery last week.
Nearly 1,000 human teeth were found behind the walls of the Valdosta, Georgia, building.
The find isn’t completely out of the blue: the building housed dentists’ offices for more than 100 years. Even so, it is not clear how or why the teeth ended up in the walls.
The city is embracing the unusual find, offering $100 to anyone who can guess exactly how many teeth were found.”
Which is exactly why the world’s most prolific serial killer would choose that building to house his trophy collection….
Ted Cruz in Georgia ?
My wife, who has never voted or wanted to vote for a Republican in her life, is only voting for Republicans this year (the only Republican she’s not voting for is the attorney general candidate, because his “prosecution is a religious calling” thing creeps her out). She barely pulled the lever for Johnson over Clinton in 2016, and she’s so appalled by the behavior of the Democrats that she’s more certain about voting for Vukmir than I am.
No doubt I’ve been an influence on her to some extent, but not that much – she’s fiercely independent about her views. I honestly suspect the Democrats are not going to see the wave they’re hoping for.
No doubt I’ve been an influence on her to some extent, but not that much – she’s fiercely independent about her views.
That’s nonsense. Women – the ones who aren’t beaten into submission by their ultra-religious Christian husbands who took them as child brides – unconsciously take on the political opinions of the men in their lives and inadvertently commit gender treason. Happy shitlording.
My fiercely independent and generally libertarian wife went straight D on her ballot, except for Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.
You might be right in the end, but the plural of anecdote is not data.
“except for Wasserman-Schultz”
Well, at least she hasn’t gone full-crazy yet. How anyone could pull the lever for her after 2016 is beyond me.
But then I lived in Cynthia McKinney’s district for a long time. So there are a lot of things that are beyond me.
And for those out of the loop… having DWS on your ballot means that you have to choose between an (R) for governor and a (D) who is explicitly running on “I believe healthcare is a right”. His healthcare proposal has been scored as requiring an increase in the state sales tax to 28%. Or instituting a state income tax for the first time.
if you lean Libertarian you can’t pull the lever for Gillum…
So that’s some powerful top-down momentum.
The only thing tolerable about Florida is the lack of income tax.
It’s further proof in the stupidity of people. A bunch of people move from up North, largely to escape the results of policies they voted for. Only to end up voting for the same shit again and getting the same results. But this time, they’ll be at the head of the gravy train rather than the read end!
Never thought of that, but I suspect it’s largely true.
My favorite notion of Florida: it’s the only state in the Union where the further north you go, the further South you get.
I left the governor and senate lines blank. Couldn’t bring myself to vote for DeSantis or Skeletor.
I’m leaning the same way. DeSantis actually seems a decent fellow, based on his bio.
But for some reason I had a generally bad impression of him from his prior job. Not sure why though.
Our senate campaign… wow. Talk about having no choice….. two big-party mainstreamers who know how to play the game and get the benefits. Really, team affiliation is the biggest difference.
I stared at my ballot for a long moment, realized though there was no third party option for Senate, there was a write-in. So I voted for “Anyone Else”.
Otherwise I mostly voted Republican, but I can’t in good conscience vote for Skeletor.
She voted for Gillum? I haven not paid much attention, but he seems the polar opposite of libertarian.
He is. Not to mention he is under FBI investigation for corruption. No offense to JB’s Mrs, but I don’t see how any rational person who is not a party line rube would vote for the guy.
Gillum is hard left with all the woke policies they love. He’s basically promised to tax Floridans literally to death. Free healthcare (there’s goes half your income), and to severely raise taxes on businesses. Not quite libertarian.
There are worse things in life than wives that like the straight D.
I have tried very hard to avoid pulling the lever for Team R (or D). But when there is no (L) on the ticket, I will either go R or abstain.
This year…. I’m happy to pick the lesser of two evils. Because the (D) has gone that far over the line.
My wife… had been edging toward team (L) over the years. Voted Johnson the last time out. She’s buying the anti-Trump propaganda hook, line and sinker.
We have been a couple since 2003 and she has never watched political TV. She’s been on CNN and MSNBC on an almost daily basis for the last several months, particularly since Kavanaugh. She bought the “women never lie” think absolutely and completely….. therefore the inescapable conclusion was that all republicans are OK with rape. So she’s all-in. And she’s not alone.
And no, she has no idea that two of the accusers stand charged with crimes for making false statements. Because she watches CNN, and they don’t deem that to be a story. Well, them and NBC-Today, who also doesn’t deem that a story.
I have tried very hard to avoid pulling the lever for Team R (or D). But when there is no (L) on the ticket, I will either go R or abstain.
That’s me. Usually I abstain, but I’m voting for Dave Brat even though I can’t stand him.
Not Corey Stewart though because fuck that guy.
“But when there is no (L) on the ticket, I will either go R or abstain.”
TOS hardest hit. Muh cocktail parties!
Opposite problem in blue wasteland. L candidate in at least one race where no R candidates even bothered to file.
Single women are the voters that Democrats need. If you account for marital status, married women (especially those with children) tend to favor Republicans in elections. Single women overwhelmingly support Democrats.
“If you account for marital status, married women (especially those with children) tend to favor Republicans in elections.”
Because women with a husband and children probably don’t hate men, which the democrats obviously do? I mean unless you are a person born male, but now you’re a gender non-binary Muslim. Then you might be OK.
I rarely vote for Republicans unless I particularly like them, but this year I did.
I just cannot stand the Democrats right now. They nauseate me.
Some would say a pickle nauseates them, bigot
Once you go pickle you never go back.
y my pp hard?
I’ll see you and raise you.
Oh man. One point, Tundra
Dam Son
You want ’60s hotness? I give you Jaqueline Bisset from Bullitt, 1968.
I still haven’t seen that movie.
I don’t think I have ever been as satisfied with anything as this guy
And in the last days before the election, there is sudden movement showing a lack of confidence that the Pubs will lose the House.
Make me feel tingly all over.
According to Nate Silver’s 538, only a systematic polling error will keep Democrats from winning the House.
Which is what I want to happen because it would be hilarious.
If there are “systematic polling errors”, then Nate Silver needs to be out of a job.
If no journalists were fired when it was revealed that they were coordinating stories with the Clinton campaign (based upon the e-mails that were released to the public) then there is no way that nerd bro Nate Silver is going to lose his job.
In media you always fail up, if you have the right politics
cc: Dan Rather
If a predictor can’t really predict, then why does he have followers? What value in following him is there?
Questioning Nate Silver is exactly what I would imagine Hitler would do. Way to go
Can you even? I can’t even.
I wish I could even. I haven’t been able to even in a while
What value in following him is there?
You grossly underestimate the value of bias confirmation.
Whoever pens “Paul Krugman” for the NYT could answer that.
I thought it had been proven already that “Paul Krugman” is a failed Turing Test.
An editorial NPC, if you will.
You are assuming that he is there to predict and not to nudge
Hm…So, he has it at 85%. Half of the chance he finally gave Trump to win on the eve of the election.
So, that 15% difference in certainty would equate to actual systematic failure of the polls, compared to last time when he defended them?
only a systematic polling error will keep Democrats from winning the House.
Is he saying that if the Reps hold the House, its because of voter fraud?
Because if what he means is “only fundamental flaws in the voter surveys could explain the disconnect between surveys showing Dems taking the House and an actual result of Reps keeping the House”, that’s a funny way to say it.
Having read other things he’s written about it, he means what you suggest in your last sentence. But you’re right, it’s a weird way to put it.
The polls use “likely voter” models.
That’s how they missed Trump. They wanted Hillary, so they “likely voter” modified things until it was an easy Hillary win.
Chuck Todd was on Today talking about how all the momentum is with the Democrats, because suburban moderates are swinging hard away from Trump. And he was referencing the Marist polling, which NBC uses. You see, they have more sophisticated “likely voter” models that allow them to pick up more new voters. So they’ll be way more accurate.. That’s why they all lean more toward team D than the other polls, you see. Because their fudge factor for “Likely voter” is way more accurate and stuff. And there are going to be way more Democrat voters this time. Totally promise. It’s real. You can look that up. Go ahead. Google it. It is a fact…
Speaking of polls. I noticed after some analysis on my own part after the 2016 election, the polls must have over sampled democrats by about 8 points, judging by comparing the results to the polls. No way that could be happening now?
The union folks here at work were almost completely silent in the 2016 election. I said that indicated blue collar labor was ditching Hillary and going for Trump.
They have been remarkable quiet this election as well. My guess is the tax cuts made a difference in their paychecks. And there is no reason to believe the older, whiter blue collar workers are going to give a shit about transgender rights or brown people trying to cross the border to get on welfare.
So I am hoping this means there is a systemic error in the polls and that Dems are going to get fucked again here in Iowa. One can only hope this carries across the rest of the rust belt as well.
Well now… a new IT Director has been hired for the company I work for. And he has a Masters in Business Management and a bach in Social Science. And worked for the same company for longer than I have. This will be… interesting.
Our former IT director, who had many faults, could at least dig into code and do db admin.
He’s got an MBA, dude. Just wait until he starts managing the shit out of that department. *double finger guns*
“What would you say you do here?”
As an MBA, I’d say that’s more stereotype than reality. One of the quickest lessons I learned is how much less I know about the topic than most of the people I’m supposed to manage. Ultimately, if I’m doing my job right, I’m translating the dictates of senior management to a deliverable the people I have working for me can maybe produce. And then taking that deliverable to senior management and selling them that that’s what they wanted in the first place.
He does have a punchable face though.
His first plan will be to replace all the skilled people with gender non-binary woke people who have never worked in IT. It’s going to be great. Maybe hire someone to come in and review your code to see if there’s any racism or white supremacy in there.
// hitler.heil();
I just add comments like this in my code:
/*who’s the goddamn gook who worked on this shit code before me?*/
So, for whatever reason, I went to CNN today. And I can’t help but notice a theme in the articles they’re highlighting. Mainly, tomorrow is a referendum on Trump. Every. Single. Fucking. Article. Just about, at least.
They already know the Dems aint taking the Senate. Taking the house (no where near as certain as they want to believe) wouldn’t be any different than 2010. The story in 2010 on CNN sure as shit wasn’t that it was all a referendum on Obama.
Every single TV ad I saw was “stop Trump!” from beginning to end.
Trump pissed all over their parade and then he made fun of them and said mean things. He must be stopped!
In their minds, the election is all about Trump. And in their minds, their woke comrades in their bubble, are representative of the country as a whole. Even them deplorables have woken up and now hate Trump and are going out in mass only to vote against Trump. They’ve never talked to one of them yet, but they’re sure. I’m not seeing this, but who am I? Surely I am not the most trusted source in news.
I wonder how much the Trump hate is actually driven by TV rating and eyeballs on webpages?
ie – if you gin up the hate, more viewers.
Of course if the hate went both ways – Dems and Repubs – my idea would have some merit. Given the amount of Obama ball washing that went on…
I’m going to go out on a limb and make a political prediction.
If Democrats take the House it will be because decent people rejected the latent racism of Republicans and prevailed over all those gerrymandered districts (which somehow didn’t exist when Republicans took the House in 2010, because Democrats aren’t evil and didn’t gerrymander districts or something)
If Democrats don’t take the House or if their majority is razor thin it’s because the Russians sabotaged the election again, of course.
Amazing. Quite the limb there.
I am as “brave” as someone calling Trump “literally Hitler” at Netroots
also stunning
It will also be because the system is broken and we need to scrap the Constitution.
That’s if Democrats lose the House.
No more Mr. Nice Guy!
My dog bit me on the leg today
My cat clawed my eye
Mom’s been thrown out of the social circle
My dad has to hide
All because I voted for Trump! Damn that Trump!
If Democrats don’t take the House or if their majority is razor thin it’s because the Russians sabotaged the election again, of course.
“Uh, hello?!?”
“SNL’s new motto: when they go low, we make fun of the ones on the other side who lost an eye in Afghanistan to an IED. Its a bold strategy, Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off for them.”
Yeah, the guy lost an eye in Afghanistan and looks like the bad guy from GI Joe now, but Pete Davidson looks like the ghost of Pete Davidson in this clip. Whose hair gets that grey in their twenties? Is Pete Davidson dying?
It would have been epic if the guy responded to Davidson by saying “Haha- your dad died in 9/11”. Just go for the jugular. If it’s funny to mock a guy for losing an eye in war then it’s funny to mock your dad’s death.
Or we could be decent and not mock people for tragedies that they’ve experienced, but then you don’t get applause from #Resist or #MAGA
Eh, Davidson took the high road. These days, I am constantly reminding myself of one of my guidelines for work:
Always keep to the high ground; its the best place to direct plunging fire onto your enemies.
I would’ve come back with “Can’t wait until you O.D.”
looks like the bad guy from GI Joe now
Not enough people who lose an eye opt for the single black lens look from Airwolf. That’d be my choice. Plus a sweet white suit, of course.
Nah, go full metal head like Destro.
If you made a man out of yogurt, you would end up with Pete Davidson.
he has a Masters in Business Management and a bach in Social Science.
With any luck, he’s one of those “Organizational Behavior was the best class I ever took!” guys.
A real get-things-done kind of guy.
Pls. tell me he wears suspenders that match his ties.
And refers to them as ‘braces’.
“What Ever Happened to the Russiagate Scandal?”
What Ever Happened to the Russiagate Scandal?
“The investigation kept uncovering indications that the whole thing was an attempted frame-up by law enforcement and intelligence agencies, so it was quietly shelved. The people involved have been sternly admonished to do better at covering their tracks next time.”
Actually it got even worse when it started producing undeniable evidence that the Obama admin, after weaponzing fed gov, sicked the US intelligence apparatus of the political opponent of the dem candidate. When this charade could not longer be kept afloat without risking someone demanding Obama and Clinton be held accountable, the story died a quick death. Once the control the house and can prevent anyone from looking into the real criminal activities, I expect them to resurrect this thing a la “Weekend at Bernies”.
“Polls consistently show that the more educated you are, the more likely you’ll vote Democrat. If I was a Republican politician, I’d really pause to consider that”
Did this guy ever attend college? I have an advanced collegiate degree and some of the dumbest most orthodox thinkers that I’ve ever met in my life were on a college campus. I’d rather be ruled by a cabal of plumbers than your average college graduate. At least the plumbers have a useful skill that they can impart.
Polls consistently show that the more
educated you areleftist indoctrination you have, the more likely you’ll vote Democrat.Bingo. Then when they get out they stop paying attention at all and simply default to their brainwashing which is reinforced by the MSM and pop culture.
Please support my effort to impose a plumbocracy on the US. In plumbers we trust
I’m in; at least plumbers have rules that they accept, announce, and comply with consistently.
I’m not even kidding. Tradesmen would be far better oligarchs than our current crop of oligarchs.
President Yusef…… sounds good
Fuck President. I want you guys to rule with an iron grip (or vice grip, whichever). You have may vote
Hong Kong actually has half of its legislative seats allocated to “functional constituencies” that are mostly professional in nature, e.g. there’s a constituency whose representative is chosen by farmers and fishermen, one chosen by doctors and dentists, etc.
“A simple job for simple people.”
If I was a Republican
If I were posing as an intellectual, I’d use the subjunctive where indicated!
Does this guy actually have any studies or analyses backing that assertion? Most of the research I’ve seen says it moves to the right until you get to doctorate or post-grad, after which it veers hard left (in keeping with the fact that such people are much more likely to be government employees). Not saying it isn’t true. But, it’s a pretty cavalier assertion that I only see limited support of.
“Does this guy actually have any studies or analyses backing that assertion?”
Why would he need that? His confirmation bias tells him this is the case. Just like he knows nobody that would vote for Trump or something.
In grad school, we had a line that went “you have to be very smart to believe something that stupid.” People who have never been in academia (or a few adjacent careers like law or research science) will never understand it, and those who have been there have about a 100% hit rate on understanding it.
Educated =/= Intelligent
“That’s not what this piece of parchment says”
I used to say the same thing, but it may not be true. https://psyarxiv.com/kymhp/
Using a study to prove that the authors of said study are super smart. Well played
I know plenty of people who never went to college (most of them because they couldn’t afford to forgo four years of earnings in order to get a degree) and I would sooner listen to their thoughts on an issue than I would a typical college graduate. Which is not to say that I regard the opinion of the parchment elite in low regard. For instance, the caliber of independent thought in a graduate class versus an undergraduate class is leaps and bounds better. But, generally, I’ve found that the parchment-less are willing to recognize their limitations and more open the divergent opinions. Humility and self-reflection seems to be in short supply among the parchment elite, which I have found makes them infinitely dumber.
1) Studies don’t prove things. I think you know that, but I’d never suggest a soft-science paper “proves” anything besides trivial and falsifiable assertions. I think you know this too,
2) Ritchie is hardly the kind of author that tells just-so stories that stoke his own ego. And he’s certainly said the kind of things that will get him disinvited to fancy cocktail parties.
And intelligence is not wisdom.
They are not educated, they’re credentialed.
First of all, depending on the college and the degree program, it’s comically easy to get a degree, so using that as a metric is meaningless. “Educated” and “intelligent” have never been the same thing, but now “degreed” and “educated” aren’t even necessarily the same thing. Secondly, how does four years of American Lit make you more qualified to make decisions about governance and law? For that matter, how does four years of Political Science make you more qualified?
See, this is typical Progressive thought. It’s all about the technocracy. They believe that governance is a science, and that it’s something that is taught by experts to people who then become experts themselves. To the Progressive mind, governance is no different than a mathematical equation. There’s a right answer, and experts know it.
The problem with processes is that they tend towards being hollowed out. You can start with a process that’s rigorous and focused on achieving an outcome, by understanding what it takes to get there and adapting based upon experience. If you do it right, then people will see (and exaggerate) the correlations between that process and other factors. They will forget (or never know) that the process was tailored to achieving those outcomes, or other things which correlate strongly with them. They will make the process itself the outcome. Since the process is so important and exclusion from it correlates with poor outcomes, it will be adjusted and tweaked to broaden its scope. Eventually, the process will only superficially resemble what it once was. But, there will continue to be instances where the process is applied at least somewhat rigorously and with an eye to the real outcomes because there will be some people working through it who are more capable and thoughtful than others (up to and including being as good as, or better than, the ones who created the process in the first place, although they may be less free to develop new processes on their own).
This happens all the time with many different things. New methodologies in business and technology come immediately to mind. Government has many examples too, up to and including the whole apparatus. College degrees, at least in the U.S., have fallen into this trap as well, but high school diplomas got there first.
wish this election mattered more
Perhaps representation in politics is only a fiction, a myth forming part of the folklore of our society. Or perhaps representation must be redefined to fit our politics; perhaps we must simply accept the fact that what we have been calling representative government is in reality just party competition for office.
According to Shikha, its the most important election of our lifetime. What a hack.
At least the plumbers have a useful skill that they can impart.
Shit runs downhill.
In regards to Prop 10, it is a California ballot measure that would allow cities to expand rent control. If it passes then SF, in its infinite wisdom, will likely get NYC style rent control where even if a tenant leaves the unit would remain essentially the same price. It is utter lunacy, but totally expected as the proggies are doubling down on stupid. Rent control, for all its terribleness, is not even the worst of the SF rent ordinances. I’ve participated in hundreds of evictions (including some that involved battering down barricaded doors) and the fact that tenants usually get somewhere between 8 and 14 months of non payment of rent before I’m at their door with the sheriffs behind me is worse. And the fact that tenants are under no obligation to leave the unit at the end of a lease also sucks hard. You can’t write a contract, for example, for a specified time period. Well, you can write it, it’s just not enforceable.
In my experience, rent control is a massive transfer of wealth from the young to the old. Old people vote. Enjoy!
Looking at balletpedia and… just noticed one of my senators (Gillibrand) is up for re-election. I would not have known this otherwise. That woman has been a non-entity for six years already?!
Re: the SNL thing.
Is there a reason why the “comedian” is wearing a blaze orange shirt? Does he mean to look like a jail inmate and/or an ISIS hostage, or is something else going on?
He’s the ghost of a comedian who is only known for being engaged to that pop star whose name sounds like a Starbucks drink
You always know a joke is really funny when the audience applauds
Oh, I see what you did there
*shakes fist*
there was some forgettable message on its back, so I forgot what it was
one of my senators (Gillibrand) is up for re-election. I would not have known this otherwise. That woman has been a non-entity for six years already?!
Wow. I did not know that, either. I would have thought that seat would be fiercely contested. Have NY Republicans all just unconditionally surrendered?
I get that most (normal) people wouldn’t want to be seen brutalizing a hapless imbecile like Senator Sorority Girl, but we’re talking politics.
The New York GOP is effectively non-existent. They should be more competitive, particularly with the support they could garner upstate. But, New York is so effectively Democratic that it deters the GOP from even putting up much of a challenge.
Even the incumbent (R) in my House district doesn’t seem to be campaigning, for all that I can tell. The (D)s are just so flush with cash they are flooding the airwaves, even creatures like Cuomo who don’t have to. I would have expected Gillibrand to do the same, but nope. No ads. No mentions in the media. It’s bizarre.
Maybe she doesn’t know she is up for reelection.
“1. Block crosswalk w/car. Record video of bicyclist who cared enough to report illegal parking to city.
2. Lie and blame racism in viral video.
3. Dox victim.
4. Profit—literally.
My new feature on the most recent tale of race grifting out of #Portland:”
Huh, looks like Quillette is down.
It up for me IYKWIM
I would say the bicyclist has a damn fine defamation case here, depending on exactly who said what about her being a racist. Of course, this is Portland, so she probably believes by now that she is actually is a racist because she called in a black person’s parking violation, even though she had no clue it was a black person’s car. I suspect that, being Portland, the odds of it being a black person’s car was extremely low, but them’s the breaks.
+1 progressive stack
In May, for instance, a black woman named Lillian Green launched a web campaign against Portland’s Back to Eden Bakery after the vegan shop declined to serve her after closing hours. In the video, she was admirably forthright about her motives for telling this world about the experience: Using the hashtag #LivingWhileBlack, Ms. Green—a doctoral student at Lewis and Clark College—explained that she wants to “blast their ass” on Facebook.
And blasted it was. The owners fired the two women working that evening and offered Ms. Green a job training the remaining employees in “racial inclusivity.”
when you apologize, you lose.
And how long until Portland is rendered, effectively, a shithole? I mean, at a certain point, any self-respecting businessperson is going to say “screw it; you can’t make an honest living here.”.
“JERUSALEM (Reuters) – Israel’s foreign ministry has issued a statement denouncing U.S. billionaire George Soros, a move that appeared designed to align Israel more closely with Hungary ahead of a visit to Budapest next week by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.”
So you are saying Israel’s foreign ministry is anti-Semitic?
(((They))) are the trickiest of all anti-Semites
IANAL, but isn’t this very illegal?
You know what they say about a fool and his money?
Yeah, it’s illegal. Whether or not anyone bothers to press charges is another story.
TL;DR… Big time political sharp bettor is flying to Vegas to put big money on GOP keeping House and picking up seats in the Senate.
I find it interesting because – in the past – gambling odds and prediction markets followed Nate Silver’s models pretty closely. They moved together so closely that I often speculated that Nate used prediction markets as part of his model, but it is more likely that people were betting based on his model. However, this time around, prediction markets and oddsmakers have separated from Silver, and most have the GOP at least twice as likely to keep the House as Silver’s model does. Why is this? I don’t know, but I expect it’s because sharp bettors like the guy above are heavy GOP.
It’s all very fascinating. We’ll find out tomorrow I suppose.
We’ll find out tomorrow I suppose.
That reminds me: I need to restock the liquor cabinet. Rookie mistake on my barrel-aged tequila – the first batch is ready to go into the bottle, but I don’t have enough to refill the barrel. Also, need more gin, white rum, and Jack Daniels.
Security camera footage of R C Dean
I’m spending tomorrow evening playing RDR2. I’ll check on the election results Wednesday morning. Maybe. I probably won’t be able to avoid them.
Meh. Some people like to gamble. The higher the stakes, the more enjoyment they get out of it. I don’t read any more into betting than polls.
Sharps don’t “enjoy” gambling for gambling’s sake like most of us plebes. It’s business to them. They take emotion out of it. If oddsmakers say the odds of X are 48%, but the Sharp’s analysis of X says it’s actually 52%, then he’s going to bet on X all day every day, and he will stand by it even if X doesn’t happen.
Not always true. The number of professional poker players who take their winnings to the craps table isn’t small.
Poker may be a business to them, but they still like to gamble too. And sometimes they mix them. Those guys have trouble staying solvent. Even though they are +EV players, they play at too high of stakes to get the rush and a bad run gets them broke. Then they rebuild (because they are +EV players).
Professional poker players are not sharps. That’s a whole different thing.
SkinHeads Against Racial Prejudice?
I often speculated that Nate used prediction markets as part of his model His models and data are listed right on his site.
most have the GOP at least twice as likely to keep the House as Silver’s model does I doubt that’s what you meant (26% > 13%).
PredictIt’s price is $0.36 for Repubs keeping the House, $0.67 for the Dems taking the House. I would say that the markets are giving the Repubs nearly three times the likelihood of winning as the Dems (unless I am misunderstanding how the market works).
That is saying the Dems have a 67% chance of winning house and the GOP a 36%.
It doesnt add up due to the vig, I assume.
Most betting sites and prediction markets give the GOP anywhere between 33%-40% chance of keeping the House. Silver is currently at 12.5%.
So, actually, I should have said most betting sites and prediction markets have the GOP almost three times as likely of holding the House.
It’s not like Silver was not spectacularly wrong in the 2016 election and not at all impossible he will be again.
May not be around this afternoon, so here is my prediction for tomorrow:
Senate: Repubs pick up 4 seats.
House: This is just a toss-up in my mind, but I’m going with Dems pick up 26 seats and take control. Triggering an unholy shitshow of partisan conflict in DC through the next election, giving Trump exactly the environment he thrives in. The upside is that with a Dem House, Mueller can finally write up a report, give it to the House for use in the impeachment hearings, and go the fuck away already.
Everyone understands that an embarrassing impeachment shitshow during his re-election campaign is going to get Trump re-elected, right? Since we live in the best of all possible worlds and stuff.
This is near my guess too – the Ds are very, very motivated. Not sure about the Rs – hard to read the tea leaves on this one.
But I’ll give 25% odd that the Repubs squeak out a “win” – and by win, I mean we all lose in some way or another. Same with any politician / party.
AND BY WIN, MEAN . . . .
Its depressing when I step back from the current culture war shitshow now being fought on partisan political terms (itself a deeply unhealthy thing), and recall how utterly useless the Repubs are on actual policy.
Remember when Ocare repeal was just waiting on the GOP picking up the House, Senate, and Presidency? Pepperidge Farms remembers.
You mentioned a knife sharpening system a while back. What was that again?
If you are looking at a serious knife sharpening machine because you share my genetic inability to get a decent edge on a knife using whetstones, I can recommend this. Pricey, but it will put a proper edge of any angle on just about anything; I’ve used it on machetes, axes, knives, and cooking knives.
Forgot the caveat: I don’t think it will work on a flat-ground edge, as it puts a convex edge on everything.
Thanks. Knife sharpening came up in one of the threads over the weekend, and someone (I forget who) pointed to another nice machine in the same price range.
Now I have two to look at, so I can do an official trade study. 😉
What I like about it is that it is basically a home version of a belt grinder, which is what the pros use when making knives. It can take an absolutely wrecked edge (such as, for example, a machete that suffered many rock strikes) and restore it. If anything, you need to be careful with it – it takes a light touch to keep it from rounding off the points on knives. I haven’t used it on a tanto style edge yet, but I think keeping that corner on the edge will take some careful work.
As I mentioned, the downside is flat-ground blades (sushi knives come to mind) – if you want to keep the flat-ground edge, you need to use a whetstone.
For most people, there’s nothing wrong with a convex grind. If you can’t/don’t sharpen by hand, those are probably the best way to go.
It may have been me, pimping the Chef’s Choice Trizor.
It’s also Wirecutter’s choice, FWIW.
Obviously, it’s geared towards knives and not more general sharpening, like the Ken Onion.
Yes, and I have that one bookmarked at home.
You and RC Dean need to shoot it out at dawn so that I know which one to buy. 😉
And thanks for the information.
Just eyeballing it, I suspect mine is more idiot proof, so perfect for me. R C Dean’s choice looks to have a wider range of applications – e.g., it can sharpen machetes and the like, for those of you residing in zombie-infested hell-holes.
Honestly, if you are just keeping kitchen knives sharp, the Trizor may be the better choice as it is simpler and easier.
If you have other shit that needs sharpening, though . . . .
The one you posted does scissors too.
My wife is a quilter. If I can keep her scissors sharp, there could be a pay off from that.
Grandmother’s ‘gentleman friend’ was a butcher. His sharpening skills were amazing. Alas, I never had him teach me. I have one of the Chefs Choice 3 stage sharpeners for my kitchen knives. It’s easy and keeps my knives sharp. I might take a gander at yours for tools and stuff.
I’m betting if you get one, your current sharpener will gather dust. Did I mention how much I like this thing?
This whole thread man.
My son in getting his first chef’s knife for Xmas this year, and its going to be made from a reclaimed leaf spring hammered into shape by a Vietnamese guy. And he’s not going to be permitted to use it until its sharp enough to shave the hair off my arm.
Shaving sharp may be too sharp for a kitchen knife, at least a prep knife like that. My rule of thumb is that meat slicing knives should be razor sharp, but prep knives that will be used mainly on vegetables should be just a little short of that.
My rule of thumb is that I should be able to cut a ripe tomato without puckering the skin. Its been working out so far.
Eh…Democrats taking the House and Republicans gaining seats in the Senate sounds like the best of both worlds. Democrats dissecting the Mueller report and putting on tin foil hats will really expose how farcical that whole nonsense was from the beginning. And Republicans are only good for two things: cutting taxes and putting judges on the courts. And they already cut taxes.
Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett here we come
The Dems taking the House will allow them to prove, once again, that they only problem they have with massive deficits is that they aren’t high enough.
Oh, no one is going to care about deficits once they’re in the House again. That talking point will disappear faster than the “muh…gerrymandering” talking point
To be fair, the Democrats are never averse to raising taxes, and they sometimes pretend that they want to lower the deficits once they raise taxes (while they prep a plan to spend any new revenue, and then some).
I don’t think the gerrymandering one is going away (at least, not behind the scenes). Depending on how the courts rule, it could be a great benefit for them. Right now, Republican gerrymandering gets more scrutiny than Democratic gerrymandering.
Didn’t the SC join two jerrymander cases, one in which the D’s took and advantage and one in which the R’s took an advantage?
I recall them refusing to overturn the PA court’s unlawful redesign of the map there, twice.
If I recall, there was a point when gerrymandering was essentially required by the courts to ensure minority representation in congress (districts were drawn to ensure majority minority populations). A side effect of this was lumping large populations of whites into other districts making they safely Republican. Win-win for Pubs and the Democratic Black Caucus.
Oh man, hottest Supreme Court justice ever
It will be interesting to see the poo-flinging when RGB finally leaves the bench and Trump nominates her replacement.
My guess is that Clarence Thomas steps down in order to solidify a young conservative block of five.
Now all we need is for the Hapsburgs to regain power in Austria and then a coordinated invasion of Rome by the Vatican.
that would be the lesson learned from the RBG debacle.
An additional note – my poor lefty mom is going on vacation this Tuesday but wants to be able to follow the election results. As far as I can tell she thinks Trump is going to be impeached, etc if the Dems take the house.
I told her: “Why do you care about this? Enjoy your vacation visiting your great-grand child.”
I spent last weekend deer hunting with father and boys. Didn’t watch any news and didn’t talk any politics. Fuck that was great.
“Anthony Ekundayo Lennon: White theatre director who described himself as ‘African born again’ given job meant for people of colour
Actor who won paid traineeship as ‘theatre practitioner of colour’ said he ‘went through struggles of a black man’ despite being born to white Irish parents”
He told his truth.
That phrase is like nails on a chalk board to me.
Well we are throwing a party this Friday evening. If anyone is in the West Michigan area, drop me an email.
Free Beer, Wine, and (finger food) eats. I’ll also be making my “world famous” G&Ts for anyone who wants one. Guaranteed not to make you go blind – scout’s honor!
I never know how much or what kind of drinks to buy. So many people bring their own to share so I never ran out, even the last time I only bought 20-something beers.
I have a friend who throws a “Beers of the World” party every fall. He assigns everyone a country and you show up with a six pack of beer from that country.
When we were in our 20’s, he would buy a keg of beer to supplement the beer we brought. Since our late 30’s/early 40’s he ends up with enough extra beer that he is drinking free until January.
I guess that is what happens when a bunch of degenerates get old and get enough stuff to worry about losing via a DWI.
In my old neighborhood we would have a yearly block party. In the early days (20-somethings with no kids), it was a keg, followed by garage fridge raids when the keg ran out, dangerous fireworks and yards that looked like ground zero the next day.
Fast forward 10 years – no keg, no fireworks and we were all yawning by midnight. I hear it’s called ‘maturing’.
Sucks, though.
Just put a case of beer on a raft and send it across lake michigan, I’ll sit on the shore and pretend I’m there.
Of the many objections to this, one that comes to mind is how, exactly, they propose to check on people’s internet search history, much less three years of it?
“your speech is icky so you can’t buy a gun” didn’t have enough 1A and 2A implications so they decided to toss in the 4A to really complicate matters.
i can’t wait to read the NYCLU’s hot take.
ISPs and telecoms will be required to log all data traffic indexed by household (at a minimum) or user (most desirable). This will be forwarded to an data repository underneath the Rocky Mountains under the control of the NSA. Any attempt to avoid data tracking will be a felony.
With the willing cooperation of Google. They already caved to the Communists in China, they’re certainly not going to show a backbone against this.
You will be required to turn over the passwords to all your social media accounts on the background check form?
It’s just common sense. No one wants to take your guns. But if you’re engaging in hate speech, which is whatever we say it is, sorry no guns for you.
I’ve been saying ever since they implemented background checks, that it’s the beginning of the end of gun ownership in the USA. You either stick to ‘shall not be infringed’ or you eventually lose the war. This is how the left eventually wins this, along with those on the right saying ‘Oh, well, it’s just those people, they’re icky’. And eventually the list includes everyone. They can’t do it via law, no matter, they’ll do it through regulatory shit.
give law enforcement authorities the power to check up to three years of an individual’s social media accounts and internet search history before they are allowed to buy a gun
Sounds legit.
I spent last weekend deer hunting with father and boys. Didn’t watch any news and didn’t talk any politics. Fuck that was great.
Never talk politics with armed men who have been drinking.
You’re no fun!