Not much to say by way of introduction other than noting that this past week may have featured some of the finest articles (and of course, comments) we’ve ever run on this website. You people are great.
There’s a few auspicious birthdays today. Of course, there’s Jeremy Brett (who was the definitive Sherlock Holmes, and anyone who did it after him is a talentless asshole), noted tank driver Michael Dukakis, brilliant musician and Pentangle principal Bert Jansch, the delightfully unhinged Mazie Hirono (D-Pakalolo), the used-to-be-funny Dennis Miller, and arguably the greatest pitcher of the modern era, Bob Feller.
On to the news.
Obviously, I’m not a fan of the Green Party, but on the other hand, anything to shake up the Team Red-Team Blue axis is cool by me. And they’re doing it in Arizona.
The wild card: Angela Green, a Green Party candidate who could win votes that might have gone to Democrat Krysten Sinema, clearing a path to victory for Republican Martha McSally.
Of course, Green has suddenly turned yellow.
But on Thursday, Green suddenly announced she would drop out of the race and endorsed Sinema.
“After watching the debates and seeing everything, Sinema’s stance on a lot of things are very close to mine,” Green said in an interview with Channel 12 news in Phoenix.
Unfortunately, Team L (in its usual incompetent way) does no better.
In Georgia, a Libertarian candidate could force one of the nation’s most closely watched governor’s races into a December runoff.
And in Montana, Sen. Jon Tester has repeatedly won campaigns with less than 50 percent of the vote with a Libertarian candidate on the ballot. This week, an anonymous mailer circulated attacking Tester’s Republican challenger, Matt Rosendale, and urging a vote for Libertarian Rick Breckenridge.
In response, on Wednesday, Breckenridge said he was endorsing Rosendale. “Matt has the character to combat this, not Jon Tester,” Breckenridge said in an interview.
And people wonder why so many libertarians won’t become Libertarians. Fuck you, Rick, if I wanted to elect Republicans, I’d be a Republican. Christ, what an asshole.
Indiana gives me a little hope.
In Indiana, similar mailers have circulated attacking Republican Mike Braun and promoting the candidacy of Libertarian Lucy Brenton, who openly says she wants to play the role of spoiler. She garnered 5 percent of the vote in a 2016 race and has been onstage in debates that also include Democratic Sen. Joe Donnelly and Braun. It’s unclear which of the two major party candidates is threatened more by her pro-gay rights, pro-marijuana legalization, anti-tax platform.
“Do I intend to spoil the election for them? Absolutely. And here’s why: something doesn’t spoil unless it’s rotten,” Brenton said Tuesday after a debate in Indianapolis. “And the two-party system that has had a stranglehold on our country is absolutely rotten.”
Mike Braun is a reprehensible piece of ultra-authoritarian shit. Donnelly is a hack. I love Lucy.
This won’t be abused. No sirree. Because we all have 4th Amendment rights protecting us, and courts loyal to the constitution to enforce that. HAHAHAHA, I didn’t think I could say that with a straight face.
The Transportation Security Administration has given the go-ahead to test technology that is designed to screen multiple airport passengers at the same time from a distance of up to 25 feet away.
Thruvision boasts that its technology can screen up to 2,000 people an hour and detect a concealed device at a distance of up to 25 feet… This summer, the [Los Angeles] Metropolitan Transportation Authority announced that it planned to use Thruvision’s scanners to help prevent terrorist attacks in the system’s 93 subway and light-rail stations.
See, Citizen, it’s for your own protection! That silly constitution isn’t a death warrant! And besides, all civil liberties are subject to reasonable regulation, right? That’s just common sense.
This is the kind of thing that gives me hope for the future of America.
Two female students who attended Adair County High School in Columbia, Ky., went to class Wednesday dressed as Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, the two teenagers who opened fire at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colo., on April 20, 1999, killing 12 students and a teacher. The shooters also wounded 26 others before they turned the guns on themselves.
The two female students wore the similar outfits Harris and Klebold wore on the day of the mass shooting, WHAS-TV reported. The students were not named.
Adair County Schools Superintendent Pamela Stephens said in a statement that the two students were suspended pending an investigation. “We take the situation very seriously and our personnel are continuing to investigate the facts and circumstances surrounding this matter,” Stephens said in a statement. “The students are currently suspended.”
Amy Tarter, a parent of a student who attends the school, told WHAS-TV that more should have been done. “It’s ridiculous. I think any child that does that should be expelled and any parents who [support] their child [doing that] should have charges brought against them,” Tarter said.
I’ll bet Amy is an absolute animal in the sack. But the good news is that there are two more female libertarians being created. If we were wealthy, I’d donate a big chunk of lucre to their college funds. And I’d be willing to bear all their children.
Make no mistake, there ARE downsides to weed legalization.
A 24-year-old woman is in jail after being accused of breaking into one of Aurora’s newest fire stations, flooding it, ransacking the building and even decapitating a bird.
…the firefighters found an alarm going off, the doors open and the lights on and a fire hose spewing large amounts of water inside the 13,000 square foot building. In the laundry room, firefighter gear had been strewn around throughout the area. It appeared someone had activated a fire extinguisher and sprayed the area. A TV remote was broken and the station’s riding lawnmower had been ridden out of the station. They also found someone had smashed the windshields of firefighters’ vehicles parked at the station. Damage to the vehicles is estimated at $10,000.
And a bird that had been at the fire station was found decapitated in the parking lot.
According to an arrest affidavit in the case, officers tried to talk to Griego but “all she would do was make incoherent statements.. Griego also stated she does bath salts and marijuana.”
Griego sounds like fun.
The Supreme Court is apparently not immune to enabling publicity stunts and grifting.
The Supreme Court rejected the Trump administration’s request to halt a lawsuit from young Americans seeking to force the government to address climate change. In 2015, 21 young people, with the assistance of climate activist and scientist James Hansen, filed a lawsuit in which they argued that the federal government is violating their rights to a clean environment by not combating climate change.
In a just world (“loser pays, and if loser can’t pay, loser’s lawyer pays”), mendacious money-grubbing publicity hounds like Hansen would be nailed with attorney and court costs. Unfortunately, this is not a just world.
Fuck this shit, my blood pressure is already too high. Let’s relax with Old Guy Music. Indirectly, you can thank Sloopy for this one- he misspelled Ric Grech’s name in a post earlier this week and that got me reminiscing. Grech is, of course, best known for Blind Faith. But the first time I heard him, it was with a band that was insanely influential on more famous groups like King Crimson, Jethro Tull, Genesis, and The Jimi Hendrix Experience. Family never achieved success in the US and has faded into total obscurity. But my little group of teenage friends (with whom I played in several bands) were all fanatics, and we were all horribly disappointed that their US tour presence was nearly nonexistent and certainly didn’t include Baltimore. Well, at least we were able to wear out their records. These guys deserve to be known better and honored for their work. This particular song has a distinct Captain Beefheart vibe, so I’ll bet the influence extended there as well.
3 refreshes and still no one showed up. These school posts really need to include possible hot mom posts.
I’m usually still asleep at this time of day, but I’m doing a lift on my truck and wanted to get an early start in case (read when) I run into problems.
Hey, there’s Sinema up top. Her politics are terrible and she’s a horrible ball busting bitch but I’ve seen worse.
Greetings from 30,000 ft (that’s ~10 km, for those of us who are in the metric system). Was moved briskly thru crowded security in Baltimore so TSA didn’t have a chance to grope me. That’s too bad.
The Future Mrs. Pi, her spawn, and I are on our way The Smokeys to take in the fall foliage and maybe see an elk. I’m just going along because drinking is permitted. Meh – who am I kidding. Like I care if am “permitted.” I like beer.
We’re in our descent now. And by descent, mean…
Anyone guilty of gallows humor will be taken to the gallows.
That bird beheading bitch…would not.
I’m just gonna guess that you may not be her flavor, IYKWIM
Are you suggesting i hang a clock around my neck and get a gold grill?
If she’ll cut off the head of a tame bird, any pecker’s head is at risk, amirite?
Even if it’s crooked? (SFW link)
I got $10 that says Griego is just identifying as female.
I’ll bet Amy is an absolute animal in the sack. But the good news is that there are two more female libertarians being created. If we were wealthy, I’d donate a big chunk of lucre to their college funds. And I’d be willing to bear all their children.
Aren’t they too old for you?
What exactly does she think the parents could be charged with?
Also, the costumes must have been quite scary cause these girls got the whole school district staff to wet themselves in fear.
Did you watch the video clip of the kids fleeing the school?
Why would I click on the links? 😛
April Fool’s day must be real fun there. Puritan BS.
Is that clip actually from the Columbine shooting?
Cars/footage looks old and the rest of the ‘article’ doesn’t say anything about an evacuation.
Huh. That would make a bit more sense then.
If it is such a sensitive situation that a Halloween costume is a major problem I’m not sure that I get how showing video footage from the original incident, throwing pictures/names of the killers on the screen etc. doesn’t cross the same lines.
I demand that Fox News be suspended and anyone supporting their actions be charged.
Charges all the way down.
Stop that you two, you’re going to make Ms. Tarter squeal with excitement somewhere
Imagine being this upset over Halloween costumes, jeebus. Mrs. Tarter as well as the superintendent and others need to take a chill pill. I would hate for this prudes to see the Halloween parties at Shibuya.
these prudes*
Dress up as Pol Pot and you’d only get in trouble for cultural appropriation.
Maybe sit the kids down and explain to them why that’s not appropriate? Nah, let the pants shitting begin.
“What exactly does she think the parents could be charged with?”
Who knows? The lady is probably some bored housewife who drinks in the afternoon. Tarter’s sauced.
Yolk it up all you want, but her brain is fish fried.
Isn’t the whole point of Halloween to get scared??
“Think” is not the operative word here.
I thought it was okay to dress up like monsters for Halloween.
They should have done it in blackface. That would *really* get the pants-wetting started.
Well, they’re obviously bad people, and bad people should be put in jail. If the cops can’t figure something out from there, then more legislation is needed.
Is Steve Bannon really far-right?
He is a nationalist, so by most people’s definitions, yes.
RE: old guy music.
Sounds like something I’d enjoy if I was drunk… little bit early for that.
What is this “too early” of which you speak?
I’m 100% cold stone sober and it’s making me feel wonderful.
Is that a Family of sheep fuckers?
Ewe bet they are!
Baaaaad joke.
They’re just pulling the wool over your eyes. Watch out or they’ll fleece ya.
From the Arizona article:
Political maneuverings also helped shape Arizona’s ballot. In 2012, Republican Jeff Flake won a U.S. Senate election there by 3.5 percentage points while a Libertarian candidate garnered 4 percentage points. The Republican state legislature complained Libertarians were siphoning GOP votes and increased the number of signatures the party needed to qualify a candidate for the ballot. There was no similar requirement for the Green Party.
How in holy hell is this legal? (I’ll assume it’s like in New York with automatic ballot access if you get enough votes in the gubernatorial race.)
I am having a hard time substantiating that. The new method sucks, but the old one also seems stupid, so…
More info here:
In New York, a party gets automatic ballot access for the next for years if they get 50K votes for governor, something the Libertarians seem unable to do. There’s also cross-endorsing, which would explain why there’s a Conservative Party and a “Working Families” [sic] Party which replaced the old Liberal Party that got too damn uppity.
It happened in NH several years ago. The legislature, in the 90s, raised the minimum requirements for automatic access. The LP lost access until 2016.
I love Lucy.
DON’T YOU TALK SHIT ABOUT … oh, nevermind.
Re: Old Guy Music, that dude sounds a bit like a goat. And by “a bit,” I mean, that is the goatiest goat sound ever. Actual goats are like, “bitch, get your own schtick.”
the definitive Sherlock Holmes
Basil Rathbone or GTFO.
Not. Even. Close.
Here’s what gets me about Brett: I had been a total Holmes freak since I was a little kid and my dad had given me a collection of the stories to read. When I first saw the Brett Holmes, I was repelled. “No, that’s totally wrong!” It didn’t match at all how I imagined Holmes, Brett’s Holmes was neurotic, gayish, overly twitchy, almost Aspy. But… after seeing a few more and thinking about it, I realized, no, that WAS Holmes, he was right and I was wrong. Brilliant acting, brilliant understanding of the true character.
William Gillette.
Not. Even. Close.
Thruvision boasts that its technology can screen up to 2,000 people an hour and detect a concealed device at a distance of up to 25 feet…
It works in the movies.
Why are my body parts falling off at random intervals and I can see strange new colors after exposure.
“It’s ridiculous. I think any child that does that should be expelled and any parents who [support] their child [doing that] should have charges brought against them,” Tarter said.
This is why we need
hatethought crime laws on the books.Also- did the girls brandish toy shotguns? Cardboard cutouts? Pointed sticks?
Must not of, else it would have been mentioned.
I think they used pop-tarts chewed into the shape of a gun
I’m off to do an old man activity: library book sale ::tips fedora::
I thought old men went to libraries to jerk off to porn.
Maybe she has a thing for library book sales.
Anyone else getting logged out after every refresh or two?
Never mind… I think I figured it out.
In its unsigned order, the high court stated the administration had not reached the necessary bar to stop the suit, according to CNN. The decision allows the case, Juliana v. United States, to move forward.
WTF? This should be a case study in litigious malpractice.
Brett’s Holmes was neurotic, gayish, overly twitchy, almost Aspy.
And Rathbone was a disdainful megalomaniac.
“Social media posts appeared to show the two girls re-enacting moments from the shooting, with side-by-side images of them next to actual photos of it.”
So where are my pics?
Faces blurred out. No link to the instagram. This is why people hate the media.
“Death threats” but no examples.
I’m sure all these internet death threats we always hear about amount to people saying “kys” or some such, even “you should drop dead”—not proximate actual threats.
“Pictured: Gunman, 40, who opened fire on a Tallahassee yoga class, killing a 21-year-old woman and a female doctor, 61, and wounding five others before committing suicide
City spokeswoman Jamie Van Pelt, said the shooting at Hot Yoga Tallahassee around 5.30pm appeared to be a part of a domestic dispute.”
Christ, what an asshole. Waiting for them to say MAGAshooter or some crap given how quickly politicized these shitty situations get. RIP to the casualties and hope the injured have a quick recovery.
Good on that one guy for rushing the gunman, even if he got a pistol-whipping for his trouble. It seems to have given the shooter his exit cue. Burn in hell, asshole.
“PICTURED: 49ers CHEERLEADER who caused a stir by taking a knee during the anthem while supporting Colin Kaepernick’s former team
A San Francisco 49ers cheerleader who kneeled during the national anthem Thursday has been identified”
What is this “cheerleader” shit, are they not The Gold Rush Girls anymore?
“Popular YouTube host accuses Wall Street Journal of canceling over $26,000 in donation funds
Killstream is known for both its controversial guests and similarly toxic chat. Users have been known to take advantage of YouTube’s Super Chat system to buy and pin toxic messages in the live chat, further defaming the stream’s reputation.
This prompted show host Ethan Ralph to fight back by holding a charity stream to benefit St. Jude’s, a research hospital for children with catastrophic diseases. However, YouTube’s new policy on harmful Super Chats has caused a major rift between Ralph and the platform, as well as the Wall Street Journal – which he is now accusing of taking money away from sick children.
Ralph claims that an upcoming article from the Wall Street Journal pressured YouTube into taking action against his stream, causing the company to cancel over $26,000 in donations, which St. Jude’s is now reportedly refunding.
An email taken from a journalist at the WSJ claims that the Ralph Retort livestream is featured in an upcoming piece, which will detail how the alt-right is using YouTube’s Super Chat function to spread to ‘problematic’ ideology.
Ralph has stated that his controversial show centers on the concept of free speech, and many fans of the stream hold that the show is not toxic in and of itself – including Drama Alert host KEEMSTAR, who uploaded a series of Twitter videos explaining the debacle.
Ethan Ralph has since claimed that all of his affiliate channels have been deleted from YouTube, and has come out with a campaign against the WSJ, named #WSJKillsKids.”
“I have just received word that @StJude IS GIVING MONEY THAT WAS DONATED TO THEIR CHARITY BACK to @TheRalphRetort ‘s stream viewers”
“The fact that WSJ are pressuring charities to refund money due to politics is disgusting. The money was to go towards sick kids with cancer, but WSJ are trying to take it away, just so they can get a win. There is a silver lining, there is no way WSJ can recover from this.”
It’s not like WaPo or NYT did this. WSJ isn’t that woke.
“It appears that Youtube is being pressured by the WSJ (which ran a hit piece a year ago naming me alongside infowars no less) to clamp down on “edgy” streamers. Just as an aside Steemit/Dtube now has streaming also.”
And it seems WSJ attacked PewDiePie in the past as well.
You don’t remember that concerted smear effort? Sure had a lotta impact, though, didn’t it?
“Yo, the kids aren’t skinhead nazis they just have cancer.”
Are they really saying that taking money from those people is beyond the pale? Does it need to be run through the government to be purified?
That is messed up and the kids are going to get hurt the most by this nonsense.
“They are referring to Friday as past tense. Friday is not even over you morons. They had this article ready since before the channels got nuked. Read it carefully”
“Here is a link to a PDF of the Full WSJ story if you want to spread it so they don’t get the clicks #WSJKillsKids”
WSJ is generally conservative editorially, but when it comes to “new media” they’ve been obscenely proggy. Take a look at their treatment of pewdiepie last year for another example. Some of their pieces have been potentially behind YouTube policy changes too. Would not be surprised if some of the same writers were involved.
Conservative of the old news media paradigm.
Bummer. Still can’t buy a Hat and Hair mug.
This is what we get for letting SugarFree mind the store and set the links.
You have SP’s contact info- send her your address and we’ll get you one, on the house.
SugarFree said Cafe Press thinks it’s someone else’s copy right. I’m just complaining to make sure you all know it’s still a problem. I’m happy to buy one to help support the site.
Seems like we could assemble a legal team to solve this problem.
Money fixes anything if you pile it high enough.
If it passes next week, San Francisco’s Proposition C would raise the gross receipts tax by an average of 0.5 percent for businesses that earn more than $50 million a year. As a result, nearly $300 million would go toward homelessness initiatives.
I fucking love how these people think money is just like some sort of magic pixie dust; just sprinkle it liberally over a problem, and the problem goes POOF. Nothing whatsoever in the article about where the money will go, or to whom. Not even the slightest hint of what the “solution” might consist of. Maybe they plan to buy a giant cruise ship and park it in the Bay and let all the bums come live on it for free. That would work.
$300M buys a lot of smug.
LOL. “One anecdote – we have a trend!” /Salon-logic
Despite all the talk from the Left about “obscene profits” and “corporate greed”, they have an extremely lucrative money machine that most people – even a lot of their opponents – don’t notice.
Government worker unions, “green” energy companies, ACORN-like groups, and Planned Parenthood are just ways to launder taxpayer money into Democrat campaign coffers. That’s why they’re always screaming for more funding.
Most libertarians see this, but nobody listens to us anyway. I wish the Republicans would turn the tables on the Democrats by hammering them on this point, but of course, they’re the Stupid Party™…
It’s the Republicans’ fault for making them need all that money to compete!
/they say with a straight face
Homelessness is caused by companies making too much money, therefore we should take money from those companies and give it to the government to spend on “initiatives”.
Look, do you want a permanent underclass or not?!
‘Never attribute to malice that which can be attributed to stupidity’—or however it goes.
Liberal guilt is responsible for so much unsung evil.
The journalists and politicians are evil, full stop. They know what they’re doing. The useful idiots like this woman are mostly stupid, but there’s a good mix of evil among them too.
Is Steve Bannon really far-right?
Of course he is. Both Slate and Salon say so. Even those stalwart thoughtful conservatives at NPR say so.
Of course, they presume themselves to be ‘centre’.
Would they accept ‘far left’ to describe their work?
Ha. Lebron is about to get another coach fired.
Relevant ?
Ottawa Red Blacks chugs down beer after a play during a CFL game:
Ugh. That’s an ugly link. Sorry, eh.
Cause of the metric system, right ?
What does this have to do with Compact Florescent Lights?
You see, J. Frank, there is this mythical land called “Canada,” full of snow and flannel and gravy fries. And in this land, the frisky lumberjacks gather to play a made-up game, that resembles a real game, called “Canadian Football.” Think of it like Harry Potter and Quidditch.
What if women went on a sex strike before the midterms?
Two comments:
1) I don’t wanna fuck you, anyway…so your strike doesn’t matter
2) What a stunning admission that with all her feminism her only worth is as a pussy
What about for the dudes who already voted? Can’t have a sex strike against me or other fellows who voted a week or two ago already.
Also the points you made. Is her entire cause, her entire political being and ideals worth just that little?
The reminds me of one of Carlin’s lines (as best i can remember): “have you ever noticed these pro-life women are people you wouldn’t fuck anyway?”
“Have you ever noticed all the women that are against abortion are women you wouldn’t want to fuck in the first place?”
Is how I remember the line, while cringing because my (very much Catholic) parents were in the room.
..there ya go!
It isn’t true though. There are plenty of hot pro-life women.
I always thought the prolifers are generally hotter.
Her author’s bio is amazing.
Crazy eyes as a bonus.
But men had better not cheat on her, and give her all the emotional support she needs.
If you throw in refusing to cook, clean, or earn any income, then you would have my everyday life.
I am being too harsh. Mrs. Spartacus has health issues so she can’t do much. But it’s frustrating sometimes.
I’ll admit, I didn’t think it would be CNN. Maybe EF, or something. One day I will get used to their (relatively) newfound openness of their biases.
“women’s sexual pleasure has never been more political”
Only for you and your mentally incapacitated, deranged compatriots dear.
“interweaving of economic and political power with sexual entitlement”
And what is feminism if not an ideology of entitlement?
In fact, it’s precisely “We are owed economic and political power by virtue of our sex.” Even though they already have it. (This is the part she and feminists generally would deny, of course, which is the problem.) How is that any better?
That’s exactly what it is. Modern feminism has two purposes:
– Push for as many benefits and entitlements for women as possible.
– Invent slogans and narratives to portray this as equality; just bringing them up to par with men.
If someone introduced a bill to give every single female in America $100, feminists would wholeheartedly support it. Then they would roll out some bullshit narrative of why the country will turn into The Handmaid’s Tale if this bill doesn’t pass.
“A 24-year-old woman is in jail after being accused of breaking into one of Aurora’s newest fire stations, flooding it, ransacking the building and even decapitating a bird.”
Shit, this is only a few miles from my house.
Another Peterson beat down. It only too 20 minutes or so for him to do so….
6 hours ago (edited)
At around 1:08:25 he basically tells her she’s an NPC that could be swapped out for any person with her ideology.
Thanks for posting this again, I started this at work, but left before I could finish it. I’m surprised GQ posted this on their youtube, considering.
He is absolutely brutal in this one. I think he’s getting sick of his work being interpreted as “alt-right” or racist and he’s no longer trying to be polite at all. And you know what happens when a Canadian gets angry don’t you?
Gloves are dropped. Chaos ensues.
It’s really good. The poor GQ chick thinks she is prepared but this is a classic case of bringing a banana to a gunfight.
It’s enjoyed by the “alt-right” to the extent that that term simply means “young conservatives”—which it largely does. But what convenient sophistry to conflate everything alt-right with the factions pushing the ‘Jewish Question’ and race realism above all else, simply to have JP have to answer for those things (repeatedly, relentlessly, because they’re not actually interested in a synthesis/reconciliation, but just a hammer to beat him with)—even though those factions fucking hate JP.
I recognize the sophistry is often reciprocal, but I don’t hear alt-right views expressed daily by average people. Progressivism is mainstream, and I care less when mainstream views are treated with less nuance in mainstream rhetoric .. Lest we bend to the Bolsheviks while getting bogged down in the minute differences between the various socialists.
Then again, I live in Progtopia California, and if alt-right = ‘young conservatives,’ it’s mainstream, just not at all where I’m coming from.
So forget it, I suck dick.
in our understanding of who women are, sexually and otherwise.
I might be wrong, but I think TEAM #METOO might be where the real failure to understand women (and their needs and wants) lies.
In the too local news update, cop that was c̵l̵e̵a̵r̵l̵y̵ ̵f̵’̵d̵ ̵u̵p̵ ̵a̵n̵d̵ ̵d̵r̵i̵v̵i̵n̵g̵ ̵a̵ ̵c̵r̵u̵i̵s̵e̵r̵ ̵w̵h̵i̵l̵e̵ ̵a̵r̵m̵e̵d̵ allegedly under the influence at work has stepped down in light of felony charges.
Sadly, neither the cruiser he plowed into a semi trailer, nor the trailer itself made it home safely that night.
Which she found in a bag of Halloween candy.
To wit: in 2018, the number of female CEOs of US Fortune 500 companies dropped 25%, to 24 women total among hundreds of men leading industry, tech, manufacturing, and other sectors.
And this is in some way meaningful because….?
Because TRUMP, you misogynistic shitlord deploranazi!
Because at the same time their rhetoric abhors great wealth and power, they ultimately worship nothing more than great wealth and power. Regular women (and men) and their well-beings are irrelevant, even contemptible, to these sorts.
The technology, described as “passive terahertz” screening, is one of several advances that the TSA and airlines hope will help U.S. airports handle the growing demand for air travel that is already creating bottlenecks and frustration at airports across the country.
Let me guess, none of those advances involve ending the TSA?
I know, I know, that’s like guessing the Sun will rise in the East.
Old guy music is pretty good today.
Only if by “ending the TSA”, you mean “massively expanding it and increasing its reach everywhere”.
I’m glad *someone* appreciates it. Those guys were amazing.
According to an arrest affidavit in the case, officers tried to talk to Griego but “all she would do was make incoherent statements.. Griego also stated she does bath salts and marijuana.”
I wonder what that marijuana was laced with.
She’s otherwise perfectly normal I’m sure.
I’m still struggling with “was completely incoherent” yet “described pharmaceutical cocktail”.
Uggos demand that these ladies in the 1% of sexual capital have their hotness redistributed.
87 is a repeat I’ve already chosen, so I’ll go with 56. Titty award goes to 39.
18 and 45, yowzers my man. Dig the tanlines on most of the lot, really makes No-Nut Novemeber hard. Thanks Q for your work as usual.
Is No-Nut November somehow related to the beard thing? And I’ve already lost so might as well throw in the towel for the rest of the month.
I’m with Q here…apparently my wife and I didn’t get the memo. Fuck that noise. Oh and I’ll share 18
I believe it is a separate affair. No-Nut November doesn’t help any cause, but once in a blue moon, a challenge can make you appreciate things.
Also, I like these rules:
I love how the article’s photo is a guy in the depths of despair.
Since when is this “a thing”? Never heard of it before yesterday.
And how homophobic is BET? They specify that the only loophole is having sex with wives and girlfriends! What are teh gheyz supposed to do?!
I’m guessing the point of this silliness is WAGs don’t like their men doin’ it for themselves. I’m thinking if your man is off in the corner on his own, you have bigger problems in your relationship that aren’t going to be solved during “No Nut November”.
No Nut November? Fuck, I can’t even do No Nut Tuesday.
1 and done.
“Sneak Peek: BORDERLESS going live soon!”
Would with extreme prejudice.
Her pants don’t fit in too well in that group of camo-wearing dudes, but still wew lad.
I think her pants fit just fine.
Fuck all the transplants that are going to hand the election to this clown.
Wasn’t he a darling over at TOS? Or am I misremembering?
Yeah, he was one of their first “LIBURTARYUN MOWMNT” candidates who is actually an uber-prog. He’s got the Bernie platform down to a T: “free” healthcare, “free” college, “free” housing, raise taxes, the whole 9 yards. The only things he’s not completely horrible on are drug policy (not that it really matters here with MJ legal already) and guns (he actually supports restoring gun rights to non-violent felons, something I never thought I’d hear a Dem say).
Feh – there’s still a lot more work needed in that area, unless I missed the cocaine vending machines.
I think I recall him being hailed as one of the libertarian-leaning Democrats.
Now he’s palling around with SEIU. Oopsie!
I assume that also means employees can go to jail for showing up late?
It is infuriating that asshole will probably become governor. And ya, fuck transplants who bring their shitty politics. You want free shit, stay in CA.
The goose is cooked, the ship has sailed
That is my fear. I often think of where I want to move to one of these days. CO already has border line state income tax for my taste now.
Soy Guy Music
No fair linking furin language music.
Music is a universal language. *gets called a faggot*
Those alt right terrorists are at it again.
The US supreme court issued a statement on Friday to say that its newest judge, Justice Brett Kavanaugh, will not take the traditional walk down the courthouse steps after his ceremonial installation – because of security concerns.
Kavanaugh’s investiture ceremony is scheduled for Thursday morning in the courtroom of the majestic building in Washington.
It is customary for a new justice admitted to the highest court in the land then to walk down the 44 marble steps in front of the building, accompanied by the chief justice. The moment provides a chance for news organizations to photograph the justice, since the courtroom event is closed to cameras.
Those evil right wing agitators will do anything to disrupt the rule of law.
I’m sure he and Clarence Thomas have been having some nice talks the last couple weeks.
Talk about choosing the form of your destructor. Thomas is now the most conservative member on the court and I wouldn’t be surprised if Kavanaugh outdoes him now. If you wanted to turn a Justice into a radical partisan, you couldn’t really do it any better than by treating him as they did.
For real, they really screwed the pooch on this one again.
I was watching the whole thing, reading how they were expecting Trump to back down… and I was thinking “Have you idiots been paying attention?”
Yeah, there was a lot more in play but they were depending on Trump to withdraw which would have doomed Kavanaugh’s chances and that just wasn’t going to happen.
“Exclusive: Twitter deletes over 10,000 accounts that sought to discourage U.S. voting
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Twitter Inc (TWTR.N) deleted more than 10,000 automated accounts posting messages that discouraged people from voting in Tuesday’s U.S. election and wrongly appeared to be from Democrats, after the party flagged the misleading tweets to the social media company.
“We took action on relevant accounts and activity on Twitter,” a Twitter spokesman said in an email. The removals took place in late September and early October.
Twitter removed more than 10,000 accounts, according to three sources familiar with the Democrats’ effort. The number is modest, considering that Twitter has previously deleted millions of accounts it determined were responsible for spreading misinformation in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
Yet the removals represent an early win for a fledgling effort by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, or DCCC, a party group that supports Democrats running for the U.S. House of Representatives.”
So what was that about the Russians?
LOL clever
Yet I bet it resonated with some dickless soyboy
I’m calling Poe’s Law on that one.
Here’s a question….can I get a monocle plugin for the duckduckgo browser app on android or are there any other suggestions? Until a couple weeks ago I didnt even know it was a full fledged browser but it seems to be working decently – although it doesn’t quite scale pages/text quite the same for this site as firefox (links text by the pics always winds up slightly distorted).
This author may as well be ejaculating identity politics all over your face.
Top quality word salad. I can barely tell it’s English.
I love how it’s an “op-ed”. You’d think a Teen Vogue “op-ed” would veer towards sanity, not farther away from it.
Have you ever met a teenage girl?
Heh OK but their readership hasn’t been teenage girls for a while now.
It’s only around 5%
Some females never grow out of it.
Hence, Cosmo.
Hard pass.
I read that and couldn’t find a coherent point.
Scientists, or “scientists”?
More than 1,600 scientists have signed a letter condemning the Trump administration’s reported plan to narrow the definition of gender to the genitalia people are born with.
Members of the scientific community, including more than 700 biologists, 100 geneticists and nine Nobel laureates, came together to sign the letter after a New York Times report revealed that the Trump administration sought to change the legal definition of “gender” to reflect biological sex, effectively excluding transgender and nonbinary people.
A memo obtained by The Times suggested that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services aimed to settle any “disputes” about a person’s sex using genetic testing, which scientists said would be both unscientific and unethical.
“There are no genetic tests that can unambiguously determine gender, or even sex,” the letter states. “Furthermore, even if such tests existed, it would be unconscionable to use the pretext of science to enact policies that overrule the lived experience of people’s own gender identities.”
Scientists warned that the Trump administration’s proposed policy could “erase the identities of millions of Americans who identify as transgender or have intersex bodies, or “biologically atypical patterns of male and female traits.”
“Millions of people “erased” with the stroke of a pen. I love the 21st century. Where do I get me one of them pens?
So I guess we can cross the life sciences off the list of courses of study that are still worth a damn.
Next up: physical sciences, engineering and math.
I believe this is true, and I think it will come about through forced “inclusiveness”. There are already complaints that there are “not enough women and minorities” in STEM fields (which is odd because the majority of IT people I know are Indian or East Asian).
Asians only count as minorities under special circumstances and being good at STEM isn’t one of them.
Indians are the East Asians of South Asia.
Thats exactly right. My engineering department had loads of foreigners, more foreigners than native blacks and hispanics and women combined (though these often overlapped, strangely)… which is what they don’t like, not a lack of diversity, the wrong kind of diversity.
Once again, the proposal is to define sex based on your sex at birth, and says nothing about gender.
And- from that crazy CNN chick-
Women don’t owe men a thing. If anything, the statistics show, we are owed. It’s time to make sex and sexual pleasure female-centric.
And her Tinder profile says, “Likes to be wooed and pursued on bended knee.”.
So it’s only 8:30 am here in the One True Timezone™, and it just started snowing in spite of the forecast saying it was supposed to be sunny and 50s. Might as well start drinking.
Thats just God punishing you for being in the wrong timezone.
I have to do some work on a bug, so after I get a shower, I’m going to drink.
Beer for bug work.
Niggas really be out here claiming they eukaryotic but they walkin around w/ no damn nucleus, no membrane bound organelles, and no mf flagella thinking they can still flex. Lmao prokaryotic ass nigga.
+1 Golgi apparatus
Just saw an ad in front of a Youtube video, the LIghtbringer endorsing Rich Cordray. I think it’s hilarious that Ohio Dems think an Obama endorsement is a plus for Cordray.
Top quality word salad. I can barely tell it’s English.
It’s a hard life, picking that cotton in the hot sun while the massa whips you.
Kinda wondering…I’ve gotten a handful of mailings and text messages from the dems in VA already (including Kamala…(?)) – but not a single thing from the Rs. Gonna assume it’s because I’m still listed as independent and they think they actually have a chance to convert me… will be funny either way I’m going straight R this time, but Lib for Sen since the R choice this year is a dumbass and has no chance anyway.
Stupid, but it was fun.
10/10 would join for a Cleansing.
“BREAKING NEWS: Democrat-supporting women strip off for photo shoot called ‘Grab Them By The Ballot’ in an attempt to persuade people to vote against Republicans. They’re hoping the images will encourage people to vote on November 6.”
Alex, I’ll take “things that backfire” for 500.
Ouch. That oughtta piss off a few people.
How long until that guy loses his job at NY Mag?
They’re claiming it was a suicide pact. ??♂️
I fucking hate daylight savings time. Fucking stupid white people. And time zones are stupid too. They should just have 1 fucking time. Yeah sure, if you live in Illinois (shivers at the thought) noon might be some like 8.23 a.m. but that would make it more unique.
Rednecks in the Mist– Michelle Goldberg discovers left wing gun nutz.
In the late 1960s and early 1970s, parts of the radical left fetishized firearms.
Since then, however, gun culture has become virtually synonymous with American conservatism. The National Rifle Association is now perhaps the most powerful Republican lobby in the country, and its rhetoric increasingly echoes that of the apocalyptic far right. Over the last 20 or 30 years, Winkler told me, “not only has the N.R.A. become more and more associated with the right, but there’s an increasingly militaristic, rebellious tone to the N.R.A. and the gun rights movement.” It’s become, he said, “all about arming up to fight the tyranny that’s coming.”
Meanwhile, most of the left has embraced gun control, something that’s unlikely to change anytime soon. But it was probably inevitable that, as our politics have become more polarized and violent, a nascent left-wing gun culture would emerge.
“Everybody’s afraid. Everybody’s scared. They don’t know what to do,” said Daryle Lamont Jenkins, founder of the One People’s Project, an antifa organization. “They’re looking at this crowd that brags about how they have all the guns and they’re going to start a second civil war and all this nonsense.” Jenkins carried a gun when he went to face off against white-nationalist protesters in Charlottesville, Va., last year. He understands why most on the left still support gun restrictions, but said, “The bigger concern for me is not being protected when a threat comes your way.”
As a squishy liberal, I generally find the idea of adding more guns to our febrile politics frightening and dangerous. But sometimes a small desperate part of me thinks that if our country is going to be awash in firearms, maybe it behooves the left to learn how to use them. If nothing else, an armed left might once again create a bipartisan impetus for gun control.
Yup. Because nobody but the government should have guns. That way, Top Men can direct and control democracy. If we round up all the right wing gun nutz, the true democracy lovers will have nothing to fear. And Truth and Justice will reign.
Is there no end to Trump’s evil.
I’m doing my part. I placed lots of bids at the upcoming Amoskeag Auction. We’ll see if I win anything.
This entire paragraph is just amazing. Of course, we’re used to “antifa organizations” lying about who’s starting the violence, who’s the real threat; so it should be more mundane than anything, but the brazen table-turning and disingenuousness is still completely galling to me. Especially since he’s quoted unquestioningly by some profoundly (banally) evil and stupid ‘squishy liberal’ who’s more than willing to break a few eggs, terrorize a few people, to get her omelet (gun confiscation). How could she possibly square his last quoted line with her goal, and with her aversion to self-defense (by gun, but that really just means in total) more generally?
How journalists and ‘thinkers’ can have no problem with deep, logically invalidating (to their very premises!) contradictions… I’ll never understand. How can your ends be justified by certain means when you’ve undermined the validity of your ends? Why stand by that shit?
There has to be a way to wrestle the two party stranglehold away from R and D. There needs to be a runoff in any race with more than two parties on the ballot so people can actually vote without being a spoiler. I admit I often vote against a candidate which always have a D by their name. I know it will never happen, but it pisses me off. When I win the lottery I will run a case to the supreme court about it. When I start drinking later I will come up with a solid argument and standing.
The only L’s I voted for this election where for Colorado University Regents.
NYT commenters come through:
Samuel Russell
Newark, NJNov. 2
Times Pick
The only actual solution to this mess is to repeal the Second Amendment and treat guns as the danger they truly are. Treat them like crack cocaine or child pornography – you get caught with one, for any reason, and you’re doing 30 years, end of story. Then we might live in true peace and harmony.
Just like child porn, only wurser. Where’s my right to feel safe?
Quick, someone email some child porn to Samuel Russell of Newark, NJ.
(Just kidding, Preet!)
I’m thinking he already has some.
true peace and harmony.
More like tyranny. Repeal 2A? Someone has not thought through this to it’s logical end, considering this country has more privately held firearms then there are people.
But remember guys, Nobody Wants To Take Your Guns Away™.
Last night, I watched Fat Man and Little Boy; movie about building The Bomb in WWII. I saw it when it came out, and thought it was good. It’s on Amazon Prime, now. Excellent. 2 hours well spent.
Hey Q…. Is there anyway you could repost that recent post of redheads from a couple days ago? Thanks in advance.
Why has nobody ever thought of this before?
As Bozeman looks to attract new talent and to retain MSU grads, finding housing for those new to the work force can be a challenge. Affordable housing is a hot topic in Bozeman. One solution can be house hacking.
House hacking is a term often used by millennials and younger investors to describe renting out rooms in a home they own. Essentially, one would purchase a 3-bedroom home, rent out 2 of the rooms, and live in the 3rd.
Wow. Amazing.
I….you know……never mind.
It’s literally not worth wasting extra brain cycles on.
I Fucking Love Adulting