No! You didnt reference a link! It doesn’t count! This isn’t Nam, Spud! There are rules!
I referenced ALL of them. Extra special rule follower. Hentai flouncy tits would be appropriate.
Don’t you even WORK?
Oh wait, you don’t. California Spongin’.
I didn’t work most of the time I was at work. I’m actually saving the taxpayers money because now that I officially don’t work I’m making substantially less money than when I was not working when I was at work.
It’s like paying me to not grow alfalfa.
If memory serves, you mostly grew ass-callouses during your working days. So you’re still growing the same stuff.
I’m not growing anything. My callouses are well established.
Eh, they just steal all the guns and pawn them.
Bloody Pikies
Links? Oh wait it is friday.
Maybe in your backward stretch of the world.
I purchased some Nikki Coffey Wiskey. I’m hoping it is as good as Yamasaki. It looks to be more of a refined moonshine grain whiskey instead of a scotch. We shall see.
That stuff is really wonderful. You’ll love it.
Never tried the Coffey whiskey. Sounds great for sunrise during camping.
Sunrise? There is no coffee in the whiskey. Coffey is a type of still.
Suppose I could play my ignorance off as an intentional joke. *Shrugs* At least I learned something.
Don’t feel bad. I thought the same thing when I saw the bottle in the store and did a quick google hopeful that two of my loves had been merged, but alas it was not to be.
I’ve traveled pretty far to find it. Straff could confirm.
Certainly way better than coffee.
Don’t make me choose between coffee and whiskey. I love them both so damn much.
Brandy is the correct spirit to add kick to coffee.
I’m sure I will.
I’m going to say Yamasaki 12 is better than 15 y/o. I guess I like em young.
Good luck finding either with a reasonable price. They have been drunk into rarity. Market in action. Problem is you can’t rush 12 years of aging.
I will kill for a taste of the sherry cask Yamasaki. I’ve had the 12/15 and liked them both.
If you’re willing to travel, you could call this place and see if they have it.
Impressive, but no Yamasaki on the list. Sie note: I hate when you go to a bar and they have a drink list a mile long they’re so proud of and then the first five things you order, they’re out of.
Happens to me at Soapland all the time.
You could try the dessert room at Berns. They have a very long list of whiskey to choose from. You’ll pay the price for it though.
That place is legit. The one time I was there, they had Pappy available. But there was no chance in hell I’m dropping $100 for a pour of any whisk(e)y.
no chance in hell I’m dropping $100 for a pour of any whisk(e)y.-
I might, if it was really rare and expensive and the only chance I’d get to try it.
Britain intends to leave the bloc’s single market and customs union, meaning the border between its province of Northern Ireland and EU member Ireland will become an external EU frontier after Brexit.
When I was in Ireland in September, a couple older Irish folks told me they thought the Brits were shooting themselves in the foot economically, but they understood why Britain wanted to leave and get out from under the EU.
Just the news of Brexit caused an economic boom.
The only foot-shooting would be via ongoing ties to the EU.
The Irish I talked to were skeptical the Brits would be able to make up for the trade they currently do with the rest of the EU.
The EU can’t afford to not trade with the UK, and there’s a whole lot of the rest of the world out there.
They currently have all the foot shooting covered in 2 words, ‘Teresa’ and ‘May’.
I think being well clear of the Euro before it collapses will more then make up for any economic hardship leaving the EU will cause.
Will I be a bad person if I save the pics of Juncker, Merkel, and May hanging from lamp posts?
I think you’d be a bad person if you didn’t save those pictures.
Merkel’s going to be gone but it looks May will manage to hang around forever. I feel bad for the Brits.
I think in the long run Brexit helps the UK economy, but in the final analysis I would be pro Brexit if it were actually going to cause a depression. I am always pro secession. Decentralization is in and of itself good. People (including a lot here) are anti nationalist because they see nationalism as collectivist or as hate fueled. The reality is that nationalism arose in opposition to the imperial mindset. It was a movement of people who wanted to determine their own paths with those who shared a background and world view.
The EU could have probably been a very good thing if it would have stuck to it’s original purpose of being an economic union. But when you have unelected bureaucrats in Brussels making far reaching laws over all the formerly sovereign nations, along with the in general leftist leaning intent of those laws, that just outweighs the good.
You can get 100% of the advantages by eliminating tariffs and other import restrictions without actually uniting. Uniting your currency is meaningless if you go to hard money. The smaller the State the less need there is to trample on one groups desires to feed another’s.
Unfortunately, the original goal or purpose of the EU was never simply an economic union. That was only a means to an end.
“Papers please”
I’ll leave this here on every Zardoz thread.
Huh, saw a video ‘tooted’ (yes that’s what they call it) on liberdon, but can’t figure out how to link to it.
Let’s try this
You have to actually include a link.
All I could find was an imbed code, and it didn’t even show up here as gobbly gook.
Take out all the stuff but the actual URL hyperlink.
Nice try.
Maybe this?
Last attempt. If this doesn’t work, I give up.
The prior link worked.
“We are a cute and loving international community”
Hey, they’re just like us!
Tundra was right on the previous thread; tits are the one thing that brings us together. Everybody loves them.
You either have them or you love them (even gay men).
Meh, I miss manly Monday.
#3 looks happy and healthy.
One in a series of occasional updates on Scottish semi-pro soccer. I give you the Fort William Football Club, members of the Scottish Highland Football League:
Games played: 16
Won: 0
Drawn: 1
Lost: 15
Goals For: 10
Goals against: 115 (that’s an average of 7/game)
Goal difference: -105
Points: -8 (they’ve actually managed to field ineligible players on 3 occasions).
On the plus side, their home field has a nice setting:
I noticed that Serie A’s Chievo is at -1 points and thought “what have they done this time”. Poor bastards.
wait there is scoring in soccer?
Accounting fraud:
At least they’re losing in nice scenery.
And they’re actually having a better season than Selkirk FC, formally of the Lowland Football League:
So, lower than the lowlands.
Down in the (different) lowlands:
Yeah, that’s gonna hurt.
As for Ft. William, Division Two will just have to wait for them…
Right now there is no relegation from the Highland League.
Last two years over in Germany we took vacations in Scotland – first year was with the wife and her sister, second year was with my parents. There was a path leading up into the mists in Glencoe that I stood on for about 10 minutes, seriously considering tossing my parents the keys to the car and disappearing into the Highlands. Love that place…
A reverse Brigadoon?
The long in coming Timeloose HI-Fi series will be starting up again in a few weeks. I’ve got the weather for basement work coming up, so I’ll be refinishing the mahogany lid to the hi fi.
I gotta cut loose,
Let’s do the timeloose again ?
Jump to the left?
Sunday shoes?
I have to say, this is the most Massachusetts thing I have ever read:
Unpossible, there are no racists in Mass, they’re all woke. Racism is only in the south. Surely, you meant Georgia.
So is that why they call it Southie?
I don’t know. It just reminded me of a guy I know who is from Massholio and was telling me how racist people in the south are. He went to Georgia and apparently all he saw there was KKK guys and people with white power and Nazi signs. It was terrifying, apparently. But he’s never seen a racist in Boston, ever.
Remember the car bombing campaign that occurred when the city of Boston began bussing?
Pepperidge Farms remembers.
“According to MassLive, on the night of Feb. 26, 2016, Vigneault left his unmarked police car running outside a pizza restaurant while he went inside to get food. When he came back out, a group of teens had taken his car on a joy ride before they were eventually stopped and apprehended.
Police dogs then allegedly bit the boys and officers allegedly kicked them in the face while they were handcuffed, according to WaPo. Bigda then went on to interrogate the teens without their parents present and without reading them their Miranda rights, according to the indictment.”
That’s some fine police work.
They embarrassed an entitled narcissist. With a badge. Vlad the Impaler would leave a golden cup unguarded in the village square just to prove that no one would be dumb enough to steal from him. Same fucking thing.
Jeeebus. They act that way in the interrogation when they know they are on camera. Can’t imagine what they do when they know they aren’t.
When they aren’t, instead of their cameras malfunctioning, their guns malfunction and shoot people.
At least they made the one asshole retire. That will learn him.
The poor dear.
switching teams?
Well, it’s only 69 cents.
A veritable bargain.
You get what you give?
Same as downtown.
Ha ha!!
They really like thier cock soup down by the Black River.
No, it’s black river cock.
You’ve seen a river cock before, right?
I’ve seen a bab cock, and a shuttle cock, and a horse cock.
But you done never see no elephant cock fly?
I have.
Good God. You’re Top Gear‘s James May!
And some dessert.
Cat’s tongue cookies?
Just like Momma used to make.
Not to be confused with White River Cock Soup.
Smaller packages?
Yeah and it costs $8.95!
There’s a restaurant in Coventry (a little old hippy area in Cleveland) that used to offer Homos [hummus] as an appetizer. It appears they finally corrected it, but it used to be a running joke for those of us who went there.
Cock soup.
Creme of Sum Yung GAI?
Ah man! are they all out of Mild Cock Soup Mix? I’m not a big fan of the spicy.
Not a spicy cock guy, eh?
It’s mild tasteless cock or nothing, that’s just how I roll.
You sound like one of my ex-wives.
*lights Swiss signal*
14 foot puns in a row from Ben Shapiro is why antisemitism exists.
I wouldn’t touch those 14 foot puns with a 10 foot pole.
You sure nailed that pun.
You guys better start toeing the line before Swiss steps up and puts his foot down.
We all know the drill.
Oh, shit, Gilmore’d.
Instead of a narrowed gaze, this time he would stare archly.
This “white-woman-nickname is a racist” trope is getting out of hand.
Actually, Mr. Singal, I’d say the petty tyrant who gets off on playing Fearless Fosdick, Meter Maid is a dick.
She may be a dick, but that doesn’t make her a racist.
Which is the moral of the story, to tell the truth.
Will the real Heroic Mulatto please stand up?
…please stand up
Right? She should have just keyed the car instead.
They aren’t attacking her because she’s a petty tyrant losing her shit about some minor infraction, though. Most of these people agree with her on these things. They’re attacking her for being racist when she apparently had no clue as to what race the people involved were.
The lesson? You can be a petty informer in the name of enforcing of the rulez and regulations all you want, but confirm the race of those you are fucking with first.
which is of course the very definition of racism
There may be no bigger cunt that a meter maid cunt. I was at a restaurant in Annapolis a few years back, sitting outside on a nice day with wifey and all the sudden there’s all this commotion with people yelling at each other. Apparently, there was this mad meter maid who got pissed off at the restaurant owners next door and went on a hysterical vendetta against them. She would come around at least twice a week and put tickets on all the customers and the owners and employees vehicles, regardless of whether they were legally parked or not. So there’s angry customers, the owners, and meter maid cunt out there all yelling at each other. I guess she was in the right though, since she was generating revenue for the city government.
“There may be no bigger cunt that a meter maid cunt.”
Australia gets it right:
Not all, thankfully. I forgot to put money in the meter in Boise. I ran out of the store and around corner only to see a meter maid with her tablet out. I apologized profusely and not only did she not write a ticket, she also nicely reminded me that I should push the start button first for the complimentary minutes before adding coins.
Situational “kid gloves”. Know your battle and fer fuck’s sake know who the enemy is.
Most of these people agree with her on these things. They’re attacking her for being racist when she apparently had no clue as to what race the people involved were.
It depends on who’s violating the law. I posted a link over the summer about a city councillor who posted a photo of a van double-parked outside a convenience store and how that’s not safe. The only problem was the van was an ambulance, so everybody shrieked that our hero first responders are above criticism.
Infuriating, isn’t it?
“Hey, fellow Progressivist, I heard that woman is a racist.”
“Which one?”
“That one there“
That one over there! Put her up against the Wall!
I don’t typically make a point to carry discussions or arguments over between comment pages, but I have a hard time taking an argument that the Kavanaugh accuser who has admitted to having lied did no harm to anyone in good faith.
Specifically, I’m responding to The Hyperbole.
You want to argue the proper punishment, criminal or civil or whatever, that’s one thing. But this woman used the national media to falsely accuse a man of gang rape. She lied to Congress about it.
This wasn’t the gang rape woman.
It’s my understanding that this is the one who took credit for writing a letter to Harris accusing Kavanaugh AND a friend of raping her in the backseat of a car.
I’m not sure what the agreed upon definition of a gang rape is. So, maybe we can call this an accusation of MMF rape. I don’t know. It’s kind of besides the point.
That’s just double penetration. Since when did I have to become the porn expert around here?
You sub in when HM sleeps. This is known.
I’m with you here. Destroying someone’s reputation is right behind murder and way ahead of simple assault in terms of harm.
Well, she wasn’t going any harm against people. Those were Rethuglicans, not real people, so totes OK.
Perhaps I’m mistaken, was this woman one of the ones trotted out? I only remember “the groped one’ “the dick in-the-face one”, and “the gang-raped one”. The “car rape one” went right under my radar so I assumed she was just one of the reported thousands of nut job accusers that came in after “the groped one. I pushed the point because I’m not comfortable claiming that some obvious BS accusation is actual harm. Next claiming a special spot in hell or suggesting the proper way to feed people into a woodchipper will be considered an actual threat.
I’m with you on the “claim so ridiculous no one would believe it” angle. If CBF was proved to be knowingly lying, she should get a big smack down.
I see a difference between a comment on a webpage and an accusation sent into a committee vetting someone for a job.
Any idiot can do either. I gotta believe that committee got hundreds of BS claims, maybe you guys are right and we should bring the hammer down on all of them no matter the ridiculousness of the charge. it’s the letter of the law after all. I see it in the same vein as why we don’t arrest everyone who gets caught going 4 miles an hour over the speed limit. choosing one’s battles in a sense.
any idiot can shoot someone in the face. what the fuck does it matter that any idiot can do something? Reporting a false allegation to the authorities is to making a smartass comment on the internet as raping someone is to jacking off.
According to the summary from the Senate, the ‘car rape one’ actually came before the other ones were made public, and then this woman claimed to be ‘the car raped one’ when she wasn’t and had never met the man. So it appears she lied about being the woman who claimed to have been raped before Christine Ford’s accusation was even released.
And like I pointed out- I think she was a stooge for the ‘opposition’ and once they were done, they cut her loose. Now that the heat may be on, she’s being wrapped in a blanket of ‘mentally unstable’. I mean….she had ‘lawyers’ backing her story up.
So mens rea certainly seems apparent.
I’m not comfortable with a society that accepts that some obvious BS accusation under the ludicrous logic of “believe all woman.” This obvious BS accusation was leveled via a letter to a US Senator who was only too willing to publicize it. This is a woman who took credit for the letter then proceeded to lie to Congress about a man to ruin his reputation. And the lie in question, a willful and intentional lie by a left wing activist, was about one of the most serious of crimes you can be accused of.
To be more blunt, you can call it obvious all you want. It apparently wasn’t so obvious to the senator who publicized it, to the media that dutifully reported on it (don’t you frequently condescend to those who see left wing bias in the media?), or the senators who investigated it. And there are large swathes of the country that refuse to believe that any woman making an accusation, no matter how absurd or without evidence, is lying.
I don’t see any comparison, even a slippery slope one, where some repercussions for this woman, would at any stage lead to satirical statements or expressions of opinion about what ought to happen to a person would be suddenly be considered actual threats. You just tried to stretch this into some sort of argument on free speech. Not even the biggest free speech advocate I’m aware of would make the leap you are.
I’m starting to think The Hyperbole is just trolling us. There is a meta contrarian thing going on. Contrarian to the website of contrarians. Or I could just be drunk.
Wait, are we talking about the Blasey Ford Whatever woman? I thought this was about some rando accuser I and most everyone else had never heard of. I think we may be talking past each other at this point.
According to the referral, the woman, Judy Munro-Leighton, contacted the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding a letter presented by Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) from “Jane Doe” of Oceanside, California, who claimed that Kavanaugh had raped her “several times.” As Breitbart News reported last month:
According to committee transcripts released Sunday, the accuser, who signed the mysterious letter as “Jane Doe,” alleges Kavanaugh and a friend raped her “several times” after giving her a lift home from a party — making no attempt to claim a time or place for the lurid story.
The accuser claims Kavanaugh groped her, slapped her, and force her to perform sexual acts. “They forced me to go into the backseat and took 2 turns raping me several times each. They dropped me off 3 two blocks from my home,” the accuser wrote, claiming the pair told her, “No one will believe if you tell. Be a good girl.”
The letter, marked with the word “urgent,” did not include a return address, nor did it offer clues regarding the accuser’s background. “A group of white men, powerful senators who won’t believe me, will come after me” if I reveal the incident, the accuser wrote, prompting observers to speculate the sender could be a minority.
Munro-Leighton contacted the committee via e-mail, claiming that she was “Jane Doe” and that Kavanaugh had raped her. However, she later admitted that she was not “Jane Doe” and had never met Kavanaugh.
Dear Zardoz, my girlfriend won’t stfu. What should I do?
Cleanse her?
^^^ This.
It’s like you don’t even internet porn.
^^^ This.
Murder is bad.
Slurp the fudge up?
Rhymes with “flens”.
I think we need pics to decide on the next course of action.
Crazy woman rants incoherently while pissing herself. CNN prints transcript as Op-Ed.
If my wife went on a sex strike over politics, I would start the divorce process the same day.
It’s as if she has never heard of Pornhub.
Can’t have a strike when a dude can scab himself at will.
That’s beside the point. If you are so petty as to try and punish me for the sake of some scumbag politician then I don’t want to be around you.
Lysistrata wasn’t satire, it was only 2400 years before it was reality.
Hoomans haven’t changed much for tens of thousands of years. We only think that we’re special because it’s all we know. I wish there were some way of transcending this attitude but we seem to be stuck in the mire of lust, envy, rage and every other failing. It is what it is.
It’s definitely time to welcome our new sexbot overlords.
Beep Boop Sammich!
This public intellectual would probably have no idea what you’re talking about.
‘public intellectual’
classic oxymoron sample
The fact that I can make that joke 12 beers in and I’m sure most ‘intellectuals’ wouldn’t get it, that’s a pretty sad state of affairs.
Public intellectual is the new black.
Good lord, could you imagine being married to a harridan like that?
My guess is that she hasn’t had sex in a very long time and not because she doesn’t want it, but for the very obvious reason on full display there.
That’s why you stick with the blue-collar girls.
Red-collar only you democrat
My eyes arent shifty enough to be a Democrat. Plus I have testicals and a brain.
Fair enough. You didn’t specify which end of your corpus. Rookie mistake.
So Pelosi will fuck you if you vote team D? Red wave acomin’
She will definitely assist in fucking you if you vote to put team blue back into power.
Wednesday Martin has teh crazy eyes.
I thought it was funny that CNN had this as a related article.
“These schools want to wipe away gender stereotypes from an early age”
brah…it’s ‘No-Nut November’
pay attention
“Mo-vember” so that we are all aware of the ticking time-bomb that is our nether regions. I grow a respectable ‘stache and an imperiale just to fuck with the do-gooders. What the fuck is “awareness” supposed to accomplish? I’m aware that I’ll die some day from cancer? Fuck off you buncha Cassandras.
Movember is a sham.
Me likey!
Nikka is some good shit. Very smooth scotch flavor without the smoke. Vanilla like finish with a slight burn.
So peat, iodine and seawater?
No smoke he said, so just iodine and seawater.
Now that’s all I can taste.
You’re welcome. Now I’m off to use my powers for good.
“A hint of surly and nascent hangover” Nope, brown liquor is not my friend.
Correct. Rum is your lover.
I love rum.
My parents were rum drinkers so obviously I over-imbibed on their stash and was violently ill. ” Don’t touch the stove , Festus!”
I had to steer clear of tequila for several years for that reason. Still can’t even look at a bottle of Southern Comfort without tretching.
I hate rum.
Vodka and gin for the win.
stuff it down with the brown.
It’s a Rye night. Currently sipping High West Yippee Ki-Yay. A straight rye blend finished in vermouth and Syrah barrels.
Some music to go with it.
Nice. I’m not a brand rep, but try some Teelings Irish whiskey if you find it. Aged in Cabernet Sauvignon barrels.
Teelings is good, and a decent tour as well. I’m still looking for full size bottles of their stuff here in Cleveland, but they’re supposed to be distributed here.
We have the single grain in PA. I drank the single cask single grain 20 yr old bought on the tour this summer in Dublin. It’s very complex and Delicious
I’ll see if the state booze authorities allowed that one into state.
Speaking of rye, I haven’t drank much liquor in a while. But I was just in the liquor store couple of hours ago, and notice they have 3 new varieties of Whistle Pig rye I have never had before. Holidays coming up, got to try those.
I like the Farmstock, but their prices are bonkers.
The Old World Cask Finish is great. I paid about $90 a bottle, which is cheap, but it was worth is.
I had a Tramadol at 3 pm finished with two Coors Banquet Beers over the past four hours and I must say I am feeling no pain.
You were on your period? Oh wait… that’s Midol.
You are lucky. After my knee surgery they had me on two Tramadol every 8 hours and two Norco every 6 hours. All it did for me was back up my digestive tract…
They have me on 1 Tramadol every 6 hours, a second one if I need it. Also have a bottle of Oxy for “break through” pain but havn’t got into that. I was a bit plugged the day after surgery butt working good now. The beer helps and I am back to the normal morning routine
Oxy makes me projectile vomit. It’s like drinking a quart of Southern Comfort x10.
I think I’m similarly intolerant to painkillers… I had some Valium after getting my wisdom teeth out, and being a shithead that I was at age 17, I took several of them in an attempt to get a buzz. Vomiting all night.
Um…Valium is a sedative, not a painkiller.
When I broke my ribs, they gave me Percoset. Which I learned was Oxy and Tylenol. I drank way too much on that shit then. I think I did a number on my liver but never puked. This Tramodol is way better. One beer feels like four. I am on soda water now.
I basically don’t take any pain meds as they just don’t do anything to me – I could be popping Pez for all the relief it gave. So I had a knee replacement without any effective pain medication. I don’t recommend it.
Really sad that I have the same reaction, or lack thereof, to alcohol. I drank a fifth of vodka in about 3 hours when I was on my R&R trip from Afghanistan. I didn’t even get tipsy.
Anyone know what carisoprodol is? Asking for a friend.
From the WIKi “Carisoprodol, marketed under the brand name Soma among others” Brave New World indeed.
Sounds muscle relaxer like. Or maybe a mix of that and something like a benzo.
It’s good stuff but don’t mix it with alcohol unless you want to go to not wake up (ever).
Home brewed Imperial Stout night. Hoping to kill the keg before Thanksgiving.
Jelly big time,,
Nummy, it’s the season for that kind of brew, for sure.
I brewed this one about a year and a half ago, and it clocks in at about 10.5% ABV. It’s held up quite well, but it’s not something I want to be serving guests on Thanksgiving. While I like my family, I don’t want any of them passing out in my house.
Speaking of liquor, my wife brought back a bottle of liquor named ‘Ginja de Obidos’ from Portugal last weekend. When she talks about it, it sounds like ‘gene gene’. It’s dark colored, about the color of sloe gin. I took a drink, but really I can’t think of how to describe it, I found it pleasant.
Anyone know what that is?
Rat poison? You have a prenup?
She was drinking it also, before me, so I guess I’m safe.
Sour cherry liqueur from Obidos?
Hmm, never had it before. Sitting on the shelf here, might have a another shot.
“a portuguese liqueur made by infusing ginja berries, (sour cherry) (Prunus cerasus austera, the Morello cherry) in alcohol (aguardente is used) and adding sugar together with other ingredients”
Ginja é bom
Sloe Gin is the Devil.
I remember drinking sloe gin fizz one night when I was like 15. Too sweet.
Like Port? That stuff is just too freaking sweet for me.
Port, Sherry, Madeira, and Marsala are for cooking.
I’m not sure I’ve had Port. I don’t really care all that much for wine.
JB doesn’t drink…wine. Pie sock CONFIRMED!
I thought he could only be a Pie sock if he drinks blood?
I don’t like wine either. My daughter-in-law gifted me a bottle of high end port when she lived in Portugal once. It was too sweet, but it was strong, gave me one hell of a buzz.
Some new Japanese I learned this month.
Which essentially “do you even Google broh?”
Well, you know. I could have done that. I guess I should have asked the question ‘Does anyone know it/tried it?’ That’s what I actually meant.
It sounds interesting. I’m generally not a liqueur guy. Beer or wine usually with the occasional scotch or whiskey.
I love rye and bourbon. Just don’t drink it too often. Mostly beer for me. My wife finds all of these interesting liquors, which are mostly in the 15-20% alcohol range. If it’s not at least 80% and drinkable neat or on rocks, I’m not too interested.
80 proof, duh!
I was going to ask if you took infrequent trips to the Appalachians.
I rarely drink cordials. It took me years to finish a bottle of Solerno.
Me either, but wife loves that sort of thing, there’s all sorts of it around here.
It’s nice to have on hand to offer guest, I suppose.
Yeah. There’s a lot of wine around here also. Which I also do not like. But it seems popular.
I’ve never heard that. Google is usually グーグル. Weird.
You need to listen to more vocaloid music.
I should know that you would be right on this!
Is currently on my playlist as I type this. I’m sure straff will hate it as usual…
Nicholas Sparks makes Japanese movies?
No idea, but given some of the stuff I’ve watched it’s entirely possible!
Until Netflix started doing lots of Japanese drama it was difficult to find non-anime stuff with normal conversations for practice.
So if a random Japanese drama was bootlegged somewhere I watched it.
and when you learn from the anime stuff you end up asking preteens to suck your tentacles and it gets all embarrassing.
What’s embarrassing about that? Isn’t that what you meant to ask?
Actually shojou anime was and still is one of my “go to” sources for normal conversation that doesn’t involve people shouting orders while inside giant robots.
I generally like Studio Trigger, but after Darling in the Franx I decided I’m totally “robotted” out and didn’t even bother to watch SSSS.Gridman.
Although it seems to be popular with the cognoscenti…
Thank god for Good Morning Call and Mischievous Kiss then!
I’m usually in the mood for something darker.
I thought kitsune was the fox?
How about this gem!
Saw the lead singer on some recent variety / talk show putting young singers to shame – his voice carries!
Correct, and she’s torturing a spider-demoness to death for her own sexual gratification while a group of decadent feudal lords watch and jack off.
If my uncle ever restores his Datsun 240z, this is all I shall allow him to play in it.
Hai, hai, hai. That explains why I didn’t know it. Otaku slang.
I had a huge crush on the witch when i was five.
I didn’t know that either! The カス was new for me too.
I have a suggestion for both of you.
Music to go with my drinking to night.
I don’t get it.
Jesus H Christ?
Barack H Obama on a popsickle cell stick?
That’s because you’re not as savvy as Jim Acosta. You should probably just go kill yourself now.
I do.
I’m not being dense on purpose. I really don’t get it. What’s the problem?
You went on Twitter is the problem
If I recall there was big to do during BHO’s second election where someone highlighted his middle name and everyone claimed it was a dog whistle.
I think that was going on even in 2008. I think McCain fired someone because they referred to Obama’s middle name in a speech.
/too lazy to look up.
I remember that. Unless there’s some context I’m missing, I don’t see anything wrong with what Trump said.
It’s not like a recent President was known solely by his middle initial or something.
George H Bush?
It’s so sad that McCain was never POTUS. OK, I’m over it, partay!
You are not sufficiently woke. If Trump says hello that means I hate brown people. If Pelosi says we should kill all niggers that means social justice. Principals not principles.
I’m guessing you are not the only one. The H part is racist? Even though, you know, that is actually his middle initial.
Let me translate: “Cheeto Mousilini pointed out that Chocolate Nixon’s middle name is Houssain, such a racist dog whistle!”
But… that IS his middle name.
But only a racist would know that! You racist! DOGWHISTLE!
And THIS never happened! you rightwing goon!
Using his actual name is clearly a racist insult, not even subtle…
Dear Diary,
Today The Donald called my favorite president ever by the name he chooses to go by. When will this torment end. W H E N ?!
From the twitter thread.
Speaking of not getting it, that Twitter idiot fails to realize that Trump, emotional midget that he is, feeds on her impotent rage. He enjoys the two minutes of hate thrown his way by his percieved enemies.
He Emperor Palpatine’s the shit out of those people and they’re more than happy to play along, oblivious or not.
feeds on her impotent rage
It’s Jim Acosta. Oh wait I am assuming gender again aren’t I?
Just assume I’ve been drinking and hitting the bowl and take my typos for what they’re worth: par for the course. 😉
The Bowl +10000
I’ve got some Green Crack residing in my chameleon glass this evening. Looking forward to next week when my favorite strain Clementine rolls back into town. It tastes like smoking a stick of Juicy Fruit.
Oh, fun fact: that piece was featured on a links picture about a year ago. It was sitting on a child’s paper plate picturing a pink troll saying “Have a Poppy Day!”*
Yes, I smoked a bowl in the Man Cave while my niece’s fifth birthday party was going on upstairs. I’m a horrible person.
*Thanks, Riven and or Swissy!
There’s a dude where I work that wants me to explode. He thinks that Acosta “holds their feet to the fire” and that Anderson Cooper is alright, he likes him. He probably thinks that because I refused to talk politically that I have the same leanings. I keep my mouth shut but fuck me I’d love to tear that cunt a new one. Of course then I’d end up with the hoi-polloi spitting and dumping coffee cups in the garbage and pissing on the toilet seats. The higher-ups would complain about the mess to my bosses. A no-win situation.
Wise choice, Festus. It’s good enough to know he’s suffering in the hell of his own making.
*sigh* It’s not even that. It’s the idea that what I do for a living somehow makes me more amenable to his lefty ideals. He fancies himself a singer but he’s just a bellower, much like Springsteen and damn near the laziest man that I’ve ever met. “I’d walk away but pension, Ya know?” That shit drives me nut-bars…
One of my fav things Trump does is to toy with Democrats and get them all excited. Like when he told DiFi he was going to work with her on gun control. Never seen her so excited, like a little kid. I thought her depends were going to start leaking on stage. Then she turns around and he sticks a kick me sign on her back. It’s like watching Lucy pull the football away at the last minute, over and over again.
Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy a bit of schadenfreude as much as the next guy(and I still think the Christe being sent off to fetch some McDonalds story, if true, is still his finest example of that behavior. Beautifully done, actually) but eventually you have to shake your head in wonder at the vitriol aimed at a progressive’s shadow monster du juor. Especially when that du juor has been on the plate for over two years. How anyone can keep that up for that long is a marvel. I mean Jesus, I get exhausted just reading those responses, much less experience the emotional rollercoaster some people go through on a nearly daily basis that inspires them to comment on such things.
Trump is magic. All you have to do is mention his name to send progs into hysteria.
Bacon is magic, too.
They’re addicted. At least junkies only shit on the sidewalk.
Now you tell me! I’ve been junkiing all wrong then.
Hmmm, junkies don’t wait till marriage.
Oh, so now all junkies are ‘whores’, way to push your white cishet privilege!
Oh Lord I hope the “Blue Wave” turns into naught but a trickle of of this old man’s piss.
My guess is that he’s riffing on “George W Bush”
I used to own a shirt from the Donald J. Trump collection.
Ganders and gooses.
Jehoshaphat, actually.
Everyone knows that the W is a dog whistle meaning “white” .
I think it stands for “warlord”, which admittedly is a pretty badass middle name and fitting
Why not ART is my middle name
My middle initial is W as well. I think I’ll start telling people that it stands for Warlord:)
Sounds better than Jebediah Walter Bartholomew. But don’t worry, JB, we won’t tell anyone that’s your real name.
Oh fuck that. Warlock!
The funniest part of the thread is Twitter thinks a GIF of Elmo shrugging is “Sensitive Material.”
Well, was it this one?
I wish.
The best gif. The most gif.
I believe in GIF, the GIF Almighty, creator of heaven and earth. I believe in GIF, his only GIF, our GIF, who was bounced by the Holy GIF, born of the GIF, suffered under the GIF, was touched, touched, and came too early; he descended to the GIF to raise the living and the dead.
Gif be upon you Child.
Glib Fu went Oops, until Tomorrow!
White, Black, Honkie, Nigger, Cracker, Coon, did I miss anything?
I haven’t heard Jigaboo or Spear Chucker in ages.
Moon Cricket. Back when I was a kid, the old guys were quite proficient in their racist terminology.
I worked with a guy from Florida years ago who had a lengthy list. The two I remember (and have never heard elsewhere) are Boolarcka and South Alabama Bluegum. Interestingly he was a naturalized Cuban and racially quite mixed.
I can think of a few others but I think I’ll keep those to myself.
“Branch Manager” was an all-time fave….
Oliver Harmon “Spearchucker” Jones
Yeah, that always killed me.
Zipper Head. I watched Gran Torino a few weeks ago. Good movie.
I love that movie. My favorite part:
Yeah, that was definitely the best scene. Gotta love Clint.
Reading that is actually better than hearing it.
Another Clint.
Kraut, Gook, Chingaling, Wetback, Mick.
This is what we can accomplish when we truly come together.
3 jokes in 4 simple letters.
So much gay.
Right now.
+1 ‘And I’ll give the head’ gay parody of Voltron.
Over me
Luther, Tundra, & Lachowsky – if you need a guy to play that bass line, let me know.
BP on bass!
Special bonus: footage from one of the worst movies ever made!!
Fucking Aerosmith… Their first few albums were great and then they decided to pretend to work clean. I am dissapoint.
But they made a terrible video game!
Forehead finds palm of hand. Tears, stifled.
I have a Lebanese friend who’s particularly fond of Dune Coon for some reason.
Ah… Sand N—-r is an oldie but goodie.
My son has a good friend who is part Flipino (I believe although not sure.)
He refers to himself as an “Ocean Mexican.”
Darkie is a good one.
Just about to make myself a cup of coffee. I like it so black that it’s bumming menthols off me.
Hah! That’s the most racist utterance that I’ve read lately. Good’un!
Adventure Learning Center by day. Child Fight Club by night.
What’s the first rule about Fight Club?
“There’s no crying in Fight Club!” Oh wait, wrong movie.
Ah, whatever, it works here, too.
Those kids don’t even get that Tyler is the villain. Stupid kids.
That’s right lady, you cry those crocodile tears all the way to a multi-million dollar settlement for what was essentially a glorified pillow fight.
Heh. I had an older sister and brother and also spent a goodly chunk of my childhood in a small town so all the elementary classes K-6 got sent out to recess at roughly the same time. Add in an enthusiasm for corporal punishment at home, and I can honestly say that I took a far worse pounding on a semi-daily basis for years. That being said, don’t be an idiot and allow the kids who have been placed in your trust to beat the shit out of each other. We live in the information age. How da fuk did ya think this would play out?
Aw hell. I have 4 brothers. I was raised in a fight club, so to speak.
Yep. Brother that bullied me unmercifully for fourteen years and then I finally bested him. These weren’t dog-wrassling bouts. I actually had to beat him, blood and all. He’s never forgiven me. We don’t talk no more.
Yikes. I have 3 older brothers and the worst I got was tickle-torture. Which was horrible now that I think about it.
So “tickle-torture” makes a young boy Gay? Good to know!
I never bullied my younger brother, but my older brother and I fought daily for years. “I’m gonna kick your ass when you’re 80 and I’m only 76!” I truly plan on keeping that promise.
I have older brother, older brother, older sister, me, and twin younger brothers.
Everyday there was a reason to fight, and I lost most of the fights. The older siblings had a height/weight advantage and the twins had a 2 on 1 advantage.
I had to go to school to win fights.
Getting hit in the face isn’t that big of a deal. Listening to kids today a their micro aggressions and I want to punch them just so they get the fuck over themselves.
Hell, in my youth my little brother literally bit a chunk of my skin off, like there was hole that I put some toilet paper over. We laugh about that now.
Anyone bitching about microaggressions has never experienced violence and has no idea what they are talking about.
That’s a bit over the line. You fight and you learn where the boundary lies. Kids who grow up bubble wrapped never learn the limits. When they get into an actual fight, they’ll take it as a life and death struggle.
I actually participated in and helped run a bare-knuckle boxing ring during elementary school. When my step-dad heard about what I was doing….he gave me tips on fighting stance.
My younger sister still has a scar on her nose where I accidentally scratched her in a fight when we were younger. I still remember the time she pulled a knife on my for not getting off the phone.
“My younger sister still has a scar on her nose where I accidentally scratched her in a fight when we were younger. I still remember the time she pulled a knife on my for not getting off the phone.”
My oldest sister still probably has a scar on her calf from when I shot her with a pellet gun. I didn’t mean to do it, I was just trying to freak her out by shooting a crate of coke bottles right by her feet. Oops. I got in trouble for that one.
Me and my sister get along now, and have for several years. The real fun comes with the conversations I’ve had with her daughter (in her early 20’s) and her sons (both 10 or younger).
“Me and my sister get along now”
Same here. But it wasn’t so great back then. They still like to laugh about all the shit they would pull on me because I was younger.
My brother is 3 years older than me and used to beat the crap out of me when I was little.
… But now I pump iron like a madman and weigh ~70 pounds more than him.
My brother was a small monkey-like creature. He hated the fact that I grew taller and tried his best to suborn my clumsy attempts at woo. “When another piece of pizza doesn’t seem like any fun it’s a Chunky Situation!” This while I’m trying my best as a 16 year-old walking hard-on. I was the handsome one, I suppose.
I knocked my older brother down once and gave him a black eye because he was being a drunken asshole. He told my dad I attacked him for no reason, lying asshole. I told him to leave my house because he was so drunk. Then he was standing outside my house throwing gravels into my kitchen window. I warned him several times and finally just got tired of it. He never really fucked with me after that.
Eccccccchhh, family.
Wow. My brother and I fought all the time when young. We’re friends now. Matter of fact, my sister in law called me up a couple hours ago to make sure I’d come down for his birthday thing. Sorry, Festus.
We get along fine now. Promise is a promise, however.
Sorry indeed. My brothers are my best friends, probably because of all the childhood fighting.
Over the years that we have been adults, we have all sincerely apologized and made amends for all the fucked up shot we used to do to each other.
No apologies. Seething Hatred.
My sisters are the most manipulative, scheming cunts you’ll ever find. I’m just elated to have an ocean between us. If he’s out of your life, let it go if you can.
I had only one relative (a cousin) to whom I felt close to that way, and the shovel got buried by time, so to speak.
I still wanted to punch him last time I saw him, but as an adult, thought I should let it go. At the same time, I can’t dismiss someone else’s anger, because I don’t know how it evolved
My brother and I would torment each other, but also stick up for each other to the death if there were external aggressors involved.
I remember when I was about 5 (which would make him 8) some older boys wrecked my snow fort and threw snowballs at me, and my brother got our dad’s USMC Ka-Bar knife out of the garage and ran them off our property.
I remember back when I was a kid, ‘boys are gonna be boys’ was a real thing. And that meant you were going to fight, a lot. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but it’s the world I lived in. And you would get taunted to fight and if you didn’t, well, there was no didn’t or you would be harassed to within an inch of your life every day forever. So you would fight, didn’t need to be a reason other than survival, and if you got your ass kicked, it was still better than being taunted. They might actually leave you alone for a week if you were lucky.
As far as family goes, I had an older brother, 10 years older, and a younger brother, 10 years younger, so there was no fighting there that ever went on. But my cousins, who the three of them were less than 2 years apart and who shared a single bedroom, holy fuck. I remember once I was staying overnight with them and there was an early morning brawl. Over socks. I just remember hearing ‘Those are my socks, no they aren’t, they’re mine!’ *bam, bam, smack, crash, bam bam boom!*. Room being torn apart. In a couple of minutes here comes my aunt up the stairs ‘You boys stop it! I’m calling your father!’. Uh oh, that means I’m getting out of here instead of watching their dad come home and beat their asses with his belt.
A cheerleader being an attention whore? Who’d have thunk it.
Stop playing the fucking anthem at professional sporting events.
The kneeling football player controversy is so fucking tiring. I just really dont care. It’s one of the stupidest manifestations of the culture war. I wish it would go away.
Yeah, but kneeling cheerleaders sounds kind of fun.
They’re not doing both knees.
I’m sure the fact that he sucked had absolutely nothing at all to do with it.
Not only sucked, but wanted #1 QB money after about two years of sucking and then the kneeling shit.
Go away Gonzo, nobody likes you.
Free markets, capitalism, and entrepreneurship gave us portable computers we carry in our pockets that cost less than 1000 dollars that have access to the entire wealth of human knowledge, and ducking morons think that the same mechanisms can’t provide roads and health care.
/my facebooks friends are retarded.
But then someone would have to seize the land at gun point…oh.
Yup. Word to the wise – Facebook is basically what your friends wish you to think of them.
Off-topic announcement: Saturday evening November 3rd there will be a H&R/Reasonoids/Glibertarians meetup in San Francisco. If you’d like to attend, email me at my handle at for more info.
Buy small coke and linger in the corner?
Good to see you here Papaya. Just looked and saw your email.
Same here!
Who knew that Tulpa lives in SanFran?
Shitting all over threads and streets!
In the morning, I’m headed to little rock to see my brother and his family. Hopefully I dont meet any of the fuckers mentioned in the above article.
I can’t finish that. There really are psychopaths in this world.
Oh yeah. About two or three times per year I get stopped at roadblocks. Its only gonna get worse now that pot is legal here. “Don’t talk to them” won’t work here because they are basically judge, jury and executioner. Goddamn I wish we had the first five amendments here instead of squishy bullshit. If I refused to talk to a cop I would probably get tasered and certainly spend time in the pokey.
Listen you soyboy globalist cuck, how can we own the libs if you whine about LEOs just doing their goddamn job? You’re the reason a bunch of Hispanics are coming up to have sex with your daughters while giving your sons super-polio.
Super-Polio grants Super-Powers. I am sanguine.
You got me wrong, swarthy one.
So…you want Mexicans breeding your daughters?
He wants super-polio.
Maybe he wants to make his son with super-polio watch his sister get gang raped by Mexicans?
Jesus that is disheartening. Balko knocked that one out of the park.
‘Member the kids from your High School that were cunts? The kids that weren’t good enough to make varsity? Ole Festus ‘members…
Cucks cuck because they want to achieve the holy trinity by breeding the 3 dominate races of white, black, Asian. Because white guy gives a wife to a black guy, take an Asian wife, Asian guy take a black wife. Those are the 3 main races. Mathematically it’s impossible unless playing with infinite sums and shit. So the only logical step is to commit incest and each member must be in the genetic ratio of 2a:b:c. (a=race1, b=race2, c=race 3) Incest MAY destroy the dominant genetics. Keep repeating. we’re trying to turn 2a into a (still with me?) Eventually through a good breeding program. a 1/3 black, white, Asian can be produced.Example; So get a 2:1:1 ( get a 50% white,25% asian%,25$ black) breed it with a (x, y, white) family member until 2:1:1 becomes 1:1:1.
Gilgamesh of the Sumerians is said to be 2/3 god. Which means if god/mortal can breed to 2/3. There is a possibility for 1/3. That’s why early civilizations do incest like pharoahs wow. If Gilgamesh returns we will have a 1/3Black/1/3White/1/3Asian to complete the Gilgamesh prophecy in which he swallows the holy child to gain god status. Only Then can he grant us immortality and fight the false gods of the Torah. Yes, they’re cucking for Gilgamesh. Cucks are the sun warriors of the first gods. Holy Trinity baby. Jew god evil.
Meh, when I achieve all of that, all I get is a guy who’s a good athlete, good at math, and likes beer and pickup trucks. Gods, lol.
I’m half Asian and there’s a super hot, super thicc half black chick at my work… Can I be on this project?
It sounds like a project worth taking up on your own. Research needs done.
So, if I’m a pasty white guy, I need to pick up a black or Asian woman? Do Jewish girls count as white in this situation? What about Hispanics or Puerto Ricans?
I think we need a 4th misc. category of race here. We can just lump the rest into the aboriginal category to keep it relatively simple.
So, how am I supposed to pick up all of these women and keep them happy?
Introduce them to the Book of Mormon.
But what if they don’t like musicals?
Every bitch loves musicals.
Jewish girls are white if I judge by the ones in my hood.
Myself, I find that the women from the Iberian peninsula, who are also white like most Europeans, totally unbeknownst by progs apparently, who’ve mixed with Amerindian women in central/south American to be a special sort of woman, like the hottest. But that’s just me. Yet, all research must be done, and it can never be finished. The science is NOT settled.
Wait a second, next you’ll be saying the Irish, Italians, and Eastern Europeans are white. And that’s crazy talk.
/about 40% two of those things
“Wait a second, next you’ll be saying the Irish, Italians, and Eastern Europeans are white.”
Only all of them I know. I work with an Italian guy and he’s whiter than I am. And my ancestors are from Wales and UK.
Call a guy a Nigger and look what you get, You Glibs, I swear……
Who? Who called de man a Nigger?
Speaking of immigrants, I think I’ve encountered the absolute dumbest argument on the subject yet.
Everything about this is horrifying. From the way they talk about people leaving shitholes as if they’re property of the state to describing their decision to work somewhere else for higher pay as the collective poor “subsidizing” Western healthcare. Specifically, the shitty government run healthcare that this cocksucker loves so much. Is it too much to say that I wish the polio had taken him?
Let some of the far left get a hold of this, and you’ll see them start arguing that really, America should be paying Honduras for their illegal immigrants.
Gosh, if only there were some way that this could be done… If there were just some system that would allow supply to meet the demand…
I’m drawing a blank here. We better get a team of Government Experts™ to come up with a solution.
“situation in which the poor subsidise the healthcare of the rich”
Someone’s been drinking the rubbing alcohol again.
I’ve been a Citizen through no fault of my own and yet I’ve been told that my hernia is a cosmetic procedure. That’s it. That’s all. That’s everything. I won’t see another Doctor until he puts my lights out.
Makes sense when you put it through the white privilege filter.
“America should be paying Honduras for their illegal immigrants.”
Done, Bullets, really, fuck the NAP, already violated, carry on,
But we’ve already got all the hotel housekeeping and landscaping we need. What are we going to do with them?
South bound Cattle Cars, let the Mexicans figure it out,
You’ll find them all on Route 66 between Fairfax and Manassas. Jokes on us, caravan has already arrived. All 1000 of them.
You told the kid “Don’t twist the cat’s tail” and then they go ahead and do it. Feh, I don’t know what to say after that.
Twist a cat’s tail? Who could do that?
Trigger warning, extra cute kitty.
I don’t lurve people much but goddamn I like cats and they like me.
Fuck the six Nazgul that are allowing this farce to proceed.
No, the sympathetic bureaucrats in the Obama administration were laying the foundation so they could “lose” the lawsuit and be “forced” to implement their desired policy that they wouldn’t otherwise be able to do. Just as they’ve done for the past 20-40 years for environmental policy. It’s their textbook method at this point. Another bullet dodged from a HRClinton presidency.
These people have no problem at all in using naive and ignorant adults (see caravan for example), so it really comes as no surprise that they have no problem at all using even more naive and ignorant children to achieve their goals. They’d have 5 year olds voting if they could get away with it.
Court order repealing Obamacare returning us to the dark days of 2010? Catastrophic! It just can’t be done.
Court order that stops the government from “permitting” the use of fossil fuels returning us to the days of the horse and buggy? Common sense.
Here you go, this guy explains it quite well for those with functional brain cells.
Greenie Millennial Assholes
You’re reading that wrong, Brochettaward. It’s “Court order that goes against the proggy ratchet – catastrophe! Court order that furthers proggy agenda – common sense.” The substance of the orders doesn’t matter beyond that.
But…but…but… did you see how sad the United Colors of Benetton looked in that image? You are a monster, Sir!
Speaking of Benetton, half of the founding brothers/sister kicked the bucket in the past three months.
I don’t want Ginsburg to die, I’d rather she be disrobed like the Skeksi that she is.
Lawnmower Man is on TCM. FMH.
‘Twas one of the sillier King stories.
Now, this is a story all about how My life got flipped-turned upside down And I’d like to take a minute Just sit right there…
My wife is being all pro-#metoo, and one of her friends mentioned that only 3% of rape reports are false. Well, naturally I couldn’t let fake news on facebook, so I made my first post in about a month. Just a couple paragraphs where I find a study which likely underestimates the rate:
The lady in question then quotes me a story from CNN, which…. references the exact website I am criticizing!
I didn’t say it was fake news, but damn it was hard not to.