Happy National Candy Binge Day. If you need a purgative, you should really check out SF’s final Subaru Horror Theatre story. I think the level of earnest ultra-violence really took this one to a new level. For more really excellent work, Elspeth Flashman’s first article about why not to talk to cops is here. Excellent and informative. Okay, everyone have a great day.
Oh, links to OTHER sites? I should do those too.
Conor Friesdorf, so independent he is voting straight-party Democrat, because (this is my favorite part) its critical that the Mueller investigation find out the truth about Trump’s collaboration with the Russians. You might remember Conor as The Atlantic’s token non-Democrat after Andrew Sullivan got lost in Sarah Palin’s vagina.
Well this is pretty damn cool. A quantum-magnetic compass that knows where it is based on documented anomalies. Get it on a chip and no more GPS satellites needed.
Maxine Waters as Speaker of the House? It may be possible that the libertarian mission of putting the most ridiculous people in office to destroy government credibility is working. (TW: Autoplay)
Finns raid “secret Russian military base”? I guess some people still remember who their enemies are.
Here’s some Finnish metal polka.
Great….are you telling me to expect Trudeau explaining quantum-compassing. In french ?
Go ahead…..just let IT RIP !
You know, I was enthused by a practical application of quantum tech that wasn’t just smoke being blown up my ass about Q-Bits but you had to go and drag the Twink into it.
Sup Tres!
From the Friederswhatever page, Mudholes!
By the Slabs,
Maxine Waters as Speaker of the House?
Truly, we live in the best of times.
pleasepleasepleaseplease let this become reality.
Scalise or McCarthey would send much better signals to the nation, of course. Is there anyone outside the black caucus that’s voting for Waters?
Actual rape culture.
Now that is rape-rape, not just rape.
Still safer than a US college campus.
Someone got into my e-mail account at around 3:16 pm today and started sending spam.
I reset the password and have found no signs they tried to change any passwords for accounts where that email was used, but I have no idea how much of my mail they may have downloaded. This pisses me off, and I’m trying to figure out what additional steps are needed (as well as figuring out how they got in).
It was the Russians!!!!!!!!!!!!
Someone notify Mueller.
Why doesn’t anyone pronounce his name correctly?
Herr Müller
das ist nicht schwer
pw1234pw is not the best choice.
In this reset I doubled the previous length. I’m just trying to determine the best additional precautions.
There was some shenanigans recently with my e-mail. Comcast detected it and locked my account until I went through an authentication procedure with them. I have no idea how “they” got in there.
I caught the shenanigans. It looks like a half hour from the time they got the first spam bounce to when I reset my password. They stopped getting bounced five minutes after the first and changed the password fove minutes after that.
I doubled the previous length. I’m just trying to determine the best additional precautions.
Call a doctor if it persists.
Does your email provider support two-factor authentication? It should almost be mandatory at this point.
It doesn’t look like it. I have a support ticket open with them on the issue.
What about 12345?
That’s the kind of combination an idiot puts on his luggage.
Remind me to change the combination on my luggage.
I thought you didnt watch movies.
I don’t.
I used to.
Okay, there is an ‘access history’ for the account. Looks like an automated brute force attack had been running for an age and a half, eventually stumbled onto the combination then began sending spam. I don’t think there was a human involved. I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing, given the automation tools out there.
What email service?
A no-name provider I’ve had since high school. They’re owned by ‘silversky’ now.
Okay, SilverSky got bought out by BAE…
I forget how many companies have owned the provider since I started with the address.
Sounds Russian. You getting pink on us, comrade?
A much-loved definition of “liberal” is “someone not quite pink enough to punch.”
I don’t think Conor Friesdorf has ever claimed to be anything but a democrat. He just has consistent views on free speech and the 4th amendment.
He was pimped as a libertarian by TOS for quite a while there
In the article he claims he prefers to vote for the “individual” not the party. He always just voted for individuals who are democrat I guess.
Nice to see we care about corruption now that Trump might inadvertently be making some coin while he is President.
Wrong. A decade ago he was supposed to be a conservative – he was one of the creators of Culture11, which was supposed to be some kind of hipster conservative website. Later on, when he was hired by The Atlantic, he started calling himself a libertarian.
“U.S. Naval Academy decided that its graduates needed to return to the past and learn how to navigate using the stars. Nine years prior, it had dropped celestial navigation from its requirements because GPS was so accurate and simple to use.”
The US Field Artillery is basically the same story, Army decided manual gunner computation was worthless and stopped teaching it to their Fire Direction crews. Then they wonder why guns go down when the computers break…
+1 theodolite
If Maxine Waters is going for Speaker of the House that may make me change my mind in wanting Team Blue to take over the House (I just want it for the chaos that would ensue, Trump’s tweets, and that nothing would get through Congress for 2 years)
Having two of the dumbest Mother F’ers as President and Speaker would be… fantastic.
Make them play a game of Scrabble-to-Death on pay per view.
I’d pay top dollar for that level of entertainment.
She’s up for chair of the house financial services committee, not speaker of the house.
And remember…. she’s crooked as hell.
Her top priority will be taking bribes, not cracking down on banks.
Thot Thursday sez “Tittays!”
1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 14, 17, 25, 35, 41.
3, 25, 33.
Aye, 3 really does it for me. Mostly because it looks like you could have an actual adult conversation with her (you know, when you’re not going to pound-town). Perhaps I’m just projecting.
25 please
overheard a couple folks at work discussing Blexit and Candace Owens. apparently it’s “criminal” what they’re doing. of course i didn’t ask them for details. that would’ve accomplished nothing.
Could have been entertaining.
Had a Co-worker (and friend) go off today talking about how pizzagate was just projection and that Republicans were didling kids, and setting up concentration camps. TDS is real.
Just tell them about me, and that you know the whole truth
Ever since the The Winter War things have been tense between the two countries. Call me a pessimist but I don’t think that bad blood will ever be Finnish-ed.
I think you are Russian to conclusions
Crimea a river, there’s no need to be Stalin to try and delay the obvious conclusions.
Lett’s discuss that, leave no Estonia unturned
I think they’re just Stalin because they need time to figure it out.
Shit. Yours was better.
Plus you added a redundant “a” in Crimea river.
All you punsters should be tied to a Pole and whipped.
Tense? Not really. Finland was among the largest non-socialist European trade partners of the Soviet Union. Unlike the Baltic states, Finland preserved its independence and didn’t have to deal with a 40%+ Russian-speaking minority. Even today, Finnish consulates are known to be generous in issuing Schengen visas to Russian citizens.
But only after they Finnish their visa applications amirite?
“A truck driver in New Jersey had been fined $32,000 for driving an illegal signal jammer too close to Newark’s airport and interfering with its system. (All the driver wanted was to keep his boss from tracking him.)”
Someone got the plug-in model that is good for 30+ meters. The battery handheld is only 3 meters.
Of course, he accidentally exposed a major installation design flaw in the system. I have not read that Newark is doing anything to fix it.
I doubt there’s much Newark can do. GPS relies from signals from the satellites and it is a relatively weak signal. Anything that floods the GPS band will screw up any GPS unit in the vicinity.
That is why this micromeasurements of magnetic line position and orientation is quite encouraging
“its critical that the Mueller investigation find out the truth about Trump’s collaboration with the Russians”
My God. The beclowning never ends with these people.
As of today, Mueller has indicted exactly zero people related to Russian collusion and exactly zero evidence has been provided to support a conspiracy theory that was being selectively leaked by the intelligence community.
What is the real difference between Alex Jones and the NYT at this point?
The NYT still has a Twitter handle?
I expect nothing until after the mid-terms, which means nothing has been found.
If there were findings, you can guaran-fucking-tee that it would be in the news this week.
But it’s only been close to two years! How can you expect a thorough investigation in less than six years?
You can only be certain if it takes 8 years.
You mean the truth that there was none?
Why do you think the investigation is taking so long? If he just puts the truth out there the number of heads exploding would be astronomical.
The truth never stood in his way before. Why start now?
If they already know the truth, why don’t they go ahead and share that information with Mueller?
Does he WANT me to go vote Democrat?
Right. That sounds awesome
“partisan bloodbath”
I hope he means literally.
This is a
Hunger GamesBattle Royale I can get behind.https://www.aier.org/article/why-moderation-isnt-always-good-idea#.W9s9eDmaR3g.facebook
In case you haven’t heard the Niskanen Center admitted what has been obvious for years now- “they’re not libertarian anymore”.
The American Institute for Economic Research calls “retard” on their “moderate” ploy.
I know they actually admitted it now, but they were never libertarian at all. ENB and Robbie are more libertarian than anybody from there was.
A long time ago, Jerry Taylor was legit. Like, back in the ’90s.
ideas are useless unless they are directly applied to policy making
I’ve got my theories and say what I will, but I pay my taxes, and I’m not going to shoot anyone who isn’t attacking me.
By moderation, do they mean that one necessarily incorporates bad ideas from the other side just to be neighborly?
Is it Niskanen that gets funding from Qatar/Aljazeera? i can’t keep straight which “think tanks” are propaganda fronts for which dirtbag foreign orgs.
Well this is pretty damn cool.
It is! I’ll be interested to watch them shrink it a practical size.
I got the chance to see John Harrison’s Marine Chronometers at the Royal Observatory. Being able to see it transition from table-sized to pocket-sized in a relatively short time was amazing. The fact that the first version was huge and included wooden parts made it even better.
Machines are groovy.
“Board of Longitude” is a gov’t agency I’d support.
Maxine Waters as Speaker of the House?
*Chuckles out loud*
Oh wait, you were serious on that possibility. Well, mission of putting the most ridiculous people in office to destroy government credibility it is.
What’s up with Colorado’s shitty knife laws? I just found out my EDC knife is illegal here because it’s over 3.5″ and I keep it in my pocket. WTF CO? I thought this was a crazy frontier mountain man state.
Oh well. Time to buy another knife!
I had no idea about that law. I don’t carry a knife, though I’ve been thinking of getting a switchblade.
Yeah automatic knives and balisongs are legal now so that’s good at least. But a 3.5″ blade restriction on “concealed” knives is just stupid. You can have larger knives but the have to be open carried and that’s also stupid.
Gotta love a bunch of laws that says I can carry concealed firearms but I can’t be trusted with a big pocketknife
Just start clipping it to your belt. Problem solved!
I have a couple of Italian stiletto switchblades. Nice toys but not for carrying. The springs sometimes don’t have enough juice if you hold the handle too tight which increases resistance.
I have a Benchmade Stimulus for EDC. I love that thing, after glueing the stupid slider lock.
Accepted practice until recently here was it’s not concealed if the pocket clip is on the outside. However some dumbass robe agreed with a popo’s assertion that it could be a clipped cell phone or anything else, so it’s still concealed and violation of the law. Judge should have ripped him a new one for that instead of going along with that farce.
Nobody needs more than 3 inches
Wait, not what I meant….
Kershaw Blur.
I’ve had a Burst for many years. Thing is tough as hell.
I got one of their Zero Tolerance line of pocket knives for my birthday. It’s a sweet knife with an action like butter.
Ive got a Kershaw Vapor in my pocket that’s been my EDC nearly 20 years.
How do they measure the length? Actual cutting surface?
You know the answer to this already. Whichever measurement method will yield an arrest or a ticket is the one that will be used.
From the tip of your blade to the tip of your elbow.
TN has kooky laws like that; my carry permit does not per jure apply to other weapons. So I can wear ten Glocks, into a bar even, and that might be legal (I can’t be under the influence), but strap on a hatchet during a state park park camp-out hike for kindling and you might find yourself needing the friendly discretion of a LEO.
At least you have guidance. In Ohio, its basically cop discretion. You can’t carry a concealed “weapon”. If they say it’s a weapon because of length or how it looks than it is. But they don’t describe what too long or tactical is.
Balisongsare definitely not allowed though. I did hear of a case in a different state with no length guidance where the courts overturned a conviction. On 2.5 inch bladesaying basically that was BS.
How did you find this out (never heard of it) and why would it change your behavior? Who will know you have it?
You never know with cops and I generally try to avoid having any interactions with them, but I would prefer not to have my safety and freedom at their discretion more than necessary. Just a few months ago (when I still lived in FL) I went to walk my dog in the park and got hassled by cops out of the blue because some nutjob groped a woman there a week previously. They disarmed me and ran my info and asked me a ton of questions because cops are assholes. Having an illegal knife on me would definitely have made that shitty situation worse.
If all I need to do to stay safe from that hassle is carry a knife that’s .25″ shorter then why not?
They disarmed me and ran my info and asked me a ton of questions because cops are assholes
I think that is one of those, “Am I being detained”? moments followed by what Elpseth said last article. Fuck. That.
This is definitely a job for ZARDOZ.
I was disappointed in the reveal.
Yup. I zipped my pants back up.
Wait, did Kristen right that?
The non-monogamous boyfriend should have either decided to stay monogamous or dumped the first g/f from the jump. She clearly wasn’t comfortable with the arrangements and would have sooner or later found some reason to end thing. That the fool and his new g/f are compounding it with stalking the original g/f tells me that there’s a whole mess of crazy there.
Also…further down, the ‘My husband now says he’s a woman, and I’m a straight woman, what do I do?’ and the fact that her advice isn’t “Tell him to move his ass out of the house.” wasn’t the first bit of advice is crazy.
So…. You’re saying it’s not going to end in a 3-way (the good kind)?
Not with the old girlfriend. My guess is that’s what the boyfriend and the new girlfriend were angling toward. Plenty of women who are down for that. Got to pick your targets though, and apparently they picked wrong.
I get all my advice from 31-year-old trans-men who still dress like teenage scene kids.
He was just trying to work up a threesome.
You shouldn’t hold that against him.
What kind of world do we live in where a man can’t build a private fortress in the Finnish wilderness without the authorities taking over.?
critical that the Mueller investigation find out the truth about Trump’s collaboration with the Russians.
He’s been given every available asset and has come up with nothing. Less than nothing, actually.
The only purpose of the Mueller investigation is a continuation of the coup d’état to overthrow the democratically elected US government (that is Pres. Trump).
On Halloween, the AP ran a story with this headline: “President Trump’s first 3 children received birthright citizenship.”
In the original story, the first paragraph said this: “CLAIM: Ivana Trump wasn’t a citizen until 1988. She gave birth to Don Jr. in 1977, Ivanka in 1981 and Eric in 1984. Therefore they received birthright citizenship, which Trump wants to end.”
Except the father was a citizen at the time. . .
Don’t try to weasel out on a technicality!
And yet they always get pissed when he calls them fake news.
They really must enjoy stepping on those rakes.
Like this?
Except the father was a citizen at the time.
Forget it, they are on a roll.
This afternoon, while I was supposed to be getting shit done, I found the record of the Senate debate on the first part of the 14th amendment. (starts in the middle of the second column and goes on for about 8 pages of fine type) They spent most of it arguing over what jurisdiction means, and whether the wording includes Indians or not, and the debate, although long, was mostly dominated by a few people, so it’s hard to get a sense of how they would have felt about about the current situation. They also had very different ideas about what “citizenship” includes, as far as rights to participate in government. I think that, in the end, they mostly voted for it because it largely mirrors the 1866 civil rights act, which they had just passed a few months previously.
I think, after reading this, that a lot of the current debate is rehashing a bunch of arguments over textual interpretation that were never really resolved, not to mention that the meanings of some key terms has changed, at least as commonly used.
BTW, since none of you actually read the links, the Maxine Waters story is about her possibly chairing the House Financial Services Committee, not becoming speaker.
Yo, maybe a spoiler alert there Chip.
guilty AF
I actually think her tendencies towards bribery will make her an excellent chair for a committee that shouldn’t even exist.
Her being in charge of anything still sounds like a good way to destroy that agency.
Leaving aside the entire retardation of collective bargaining with grad students, I like how their logo is a red star. Not even trying to hide their mission.
“This Machine Kills Incomes”
Look at those poor SOBs. It’s like a dark Satanic mill there.
Another Atlantic Writer on the Twitter
Yes, everyone would so much prefer every business just stuck to banking hours. Tough shit if you’re hungry at 6am, no grocery stores or restaurants open before 9am.
Staff writer @TheAtlantic. I write about memes, internet culture, social media, influencers, teens.
Very deep stuff.
I am so glad to be picking up a trade rather than garbage credentials.
Toothies in the back alley?
I don’t like getting up early either but sometimes you just have to get out of that fucking bed and do what you gotta do.
It only came up in my feed because I follow this crazy woman for the luls She will probably be a congressperson soon.
I like how she doesn’t even try not to look crazy in her profile photo.
Rispek. “Be the real you.”
…except that she claims to be a cis-woman.
“good for Capitalism” means good for the consumer, you dolthead.
Because before we had a modern capitalist economy everyone got to sleep in.
Howard Dean (Who?), garbage human
On Thursday morning, Howard Dean, former Democratic governor of Vermont and former DNC chairman, attacked President Donald Trump for “demonizing Jews” in the wake of the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting. He argued that the shooting energizes Democrats ahead of the 2018 midterm elections.
“The Democrats are trying to run against a president who’s got a very powerful message of hate, basically, which can be effective at times like this when the nation has been turned upside down by this president,” Dean told MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski.
“I’m pretty optimistic, actually, because these kinds of elections are usually determined at the last three days, which pollsters can’t pick up,” he added. “I do think there’s a tendency towards voting Democratic, and I do think Democrats are a lot more energized, particularly — I hate to say this — after the shootings in Pittsburgh, where Trump really showed his true colors and then went right back to demonizing Jews shortly after the shooting.”
Do you think they even realize when they are spewing verifiable bullshit?
Clearly they don’t read the links before posting.
They don’t care, it’s organized
Seriously, verifiable bullshit is Trump’s stock in trade.
Be careful what you say about Soros, the USA Today might dox you:
I’m not sure if this qualifies as doxing, maybe more pseudodoxing really, but still not good.
Apparently she doxxed herself with an Amazon link in her handle. Good thing no one on here could fall prey to such a thing. It’s such an uncivil thing to do.
gazeinvestigation*True, but I think it’s hella stupid for reporters to quote ‘regular people’ social media posts as newsworthy.
That’s what got me, she’s just an average Joe. They could have just said what was in the tweet and not identified who said it. This is an attempt to get this person hassled or fired.
Remember that time CNN doxed the guy for that meme…
I thought they threatened him with a dox and then blackmailed him into an apology.
A very Soviet style apology.
For anyone following the Jacob Wohl train wreck this week, it got even better today:
I am in slack jawed awe at how shameless of a grifter this kid and everyone around him is. Bonus not mentioned in the article: the Burkman character did the whole presser with his fly wide open.
“Before the show began, Claude Taylor—a left-leaning activist—popped up in a green Hawaiian shirt and announced that he’d brought a giant inflatable rat dressed as President Donald Trump. The rat was in the bed of a pickup truck in the parking lot.”
Left-leaning, eh?
Also know as an ‘Independent’.
These people are like cartoons come to life. I am fascinated by how they somehow always manage to find each other.
He’s a textbook example of sociopathy.
I’m amazed that anyone showed up for his press conference and continue to give his a platform.
Well, some of it was undoubtedly for the entertainment value.
It’s amazing. The fact that he’s probably going to federal prison now didn’t slow him down in the slightest.
I think, at this point, the only way out is to try to barrel your way thru and maybe actually find someone who was harassed by Mueller.
Steven Hatfill?
Oh, you mean sexual harassment.
Defend yourself from Antifa, get smeared as racist. Of course he’s racist: the media and ‘hate-watch’ groups told me that Proud Boys is a hate group.
He’s married to a black woman? OK, but slaveowners raped their slaves, don’tcha know? Checkmate.
You can be a white supremacist without being white. You can be anti-black even if you’re married to a black woman. Furthermore, “can be” means “is.” This is an academic argument. You’re probably just too stupid to understand.
Ugh, Twitter is a horrible, horrible thing.
Yes it is. Basically called the man’s black wife a slave because she chose to marry a white man they didn’t like.
False consciousness, self-hating, Uncle Tom… SHUT UP RACIST
Submitted w/o comment .
Actually, my comment is “I must have that” .
That thing definitely doesn’t work. Somebody is about to get scammed.
We havent really had that much snow in my part of Ohio in recent years, anyhow. AGW, ya know.
These are better.
The progenitor ?
I remember a cousin of mine having a Sno-Runner in the early 80s. That was back when we still got snow.
You can still buy them. There was a modified dirt bike on CL last year. They look fun as hell.
Over in Central Ohio they do a lot of motorcycle ice racing. I dont know how many times Ive been tempted to get studded tires for my Suzuki.
To go with your Canadian tuxedo?
I know Friedersdorf is a bum, but I thought he was at least independent enough to see right through this Russia nonsense.
Is there a single intellectually honest person in mainstream journalism anymore? It amazes me.
The Russia nonsense is my litmus test for journalists and pundits. Those who believe it and have pushed it are pretty clearly disingenuous partisan hacks.
I wonder what they’re going to pivot to when Mueller says there wasn’t any verifiable collusion.
They’ll say “Trump buried the evidence.” It’s Alex Jones land with them now.
Russian collusion is making the frogs gay!
I pity them. They live and work in an environment where they’re either too afraid to dissent—lest they lose their job, their friends, their reputation, everything; and open themselves up to the possibility of the most obloquious slander. Of course they’re going to toe the line.
*either too afraid to dissent or inherently incapable of doing so precisely because of their environment and lack of real dialectic and pursuit of truth, i.e. water to a fish.
Cat Kremlin – Paper Mache
Teach your cat about the struggle of the proletariat and the oppression of the bourgeoisie with this handy 4ft piece of custom architecture!
Also teach your cat about history with that awesome papier-mâché replica of Saint Basil’s Cathedral.
they’re advertising free buckets, too…..cant expect a CL’r to know everything
Well, shit. That took me to the Best of Craigslist. 1999 Corolla.
My crowning achievement as a “published” author was getting a fake personals ad voted Best-Of.
My brother had a car ad that went “best of.”
I wrote an ad for a bunny we inherited that got me lots of email thanking me for making their day, but it didn’t get any best-of votes.
Did you get rid of the bunny?
Assuming that was your intent.
Yes, to a very lovely family.
Here’s my sole literary achievement .
Much like Samuel Taylor Coleridge and his adoration of laudanum, at that time of my life I was under the influence of many things that definitely bolstered my creativity.
Gonna need to see a picture of Ms. Padilla before I make a call on this.
Wasn’t this in the links earlier in the week, or was that a different mayor accused of soliciting sex?
ATTN Trans Folks:
Please create a “Go-Bag”
Life Essential Items for a quick exit jic shit hits the fan.
Read the whole thread, it gets wild about 5 tweets in.
I am not saying the world will end.
I’m not saying they will come to our homes with guns.
But I am saying that even if there’s only a 1% chance it will happen, it’s better to have a kit and not need it that need the kit and not have it.
Know where your documents are.
That thread is ‘kookoo for cocoa puffs’.
This is possibly the wildest thing I’ve seen on Twitter and you all know YA Twitter is a madhouse
I mean i guess it’s not bad advice in general…
Oh gosh… I like the Dutchman saying “My American friends i will help you”. These people are delusional.
If they really felt that way, why are they not already leaving?
It’s like pre-war Germany: the time for Jews to leave was before Kristallnacht happened, not after.
This is really fucking sad.
I actually know someone who had a psychotic break after the election because she thought Trump was going to send the police after her (she’s a citizen). The unhinged rhetoric actually has real-world consequences for individuals and the people who love them. If everyone around you is screeching, panicking, fear-mongering, you’re just might believe you’re in trouble.
Right? I knew someone who was hiding in her bed listening for helicopters the night of the election ?
Hahaha. It’s funny but also sad that folks where losing their shit on Election Night. I remember a couple of days later an acquaintance who works for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee in DC and he wrote this long screed about how me writing in a candidate was immoral and that anything bad that Trump does is on my head.
The first temptation was to take a screenshot and put it on the internets but that’s shitty and low down. I did the adult thing and just disregarded his message and deleted him from my FB list.
Like I don’t generally care about Midterm elections especially in Illinois but I’m voting all R just out of pure spite and so I can watch the potential mental break down in case the Blue Wave is nothing more than a Blue fart.
I have no idea how that’s going to shake out. I hear the media is playing up a big R turnout to scare more Ds to vote, but wouldn’t the threat of a blue wave make more Rs turnout? I for one have no idea what is going to happen.
I have this weird feeling that a lot of Illinoisans will be casting spite votes this year expecting them to not make any difference whatsoever and might wake up the next morning with their first words being, “wait…WHAT???”
It’s totally improbable, but I can’t seem to shake it.
The Administration made the mildest change imaginable to how Title IX is administered, and these people thing that death squads are the next step? They’ve sniffed their own farts so hard, they’ve gone completely insane.
So walk to Mexico to seek asylum? You mean the Mexico that won’t provide asylum to the migrant caravan? You think Mexico is going to provide you with what exactly?
I’m sure the average Mexican is very accepting of transsexuals – I mean, it’s not a super-Catholic country or anything.
I’ll go ahead and pencil you in for Vallarta Pride 2019 (May 20-27), then?
I thought they (Mexico) offered asylum and the
invading armycaravan politely declined because Soros. I can’t keep the narratives straight.Ya, I heard the Mexican Gov offered one group asylum. They declined because they don’t want to be in Mexico and aren’t really looking for asylum.
Actually, quite a few folks have accepted “asylum” or just started immigration paperwork legally where they are in Mexico – I think a few more have also returned home.
Meh, I’m in favor of emergency preparedness whether it’s earthquake, civil unrest, zombie apocalypse, or whatever. A go bag is not a bad thing in general.
[reports Dr. Fronkensteen to FBI]
God that’s hilarious.
I kind of want Trump to pull a Reagan-esque “The bombing will commence…” at some point. The epic hilarity of him quipping in earshot of a journalist about “Are the camps ready? Okay, give Order 66 while I’m in the middle of the State of the Union address.” would be some Top Kek.
“Men can fork out $10,000 (£7,000) to take a sex robot’s virginity and when the deed is done, the cyborgs will be in circulation at the brothel.”
Correct me if I’m wrong, but can’t you just buy a sex doll for that much?
How do you know that sex-doll didn’t get around?
The fake blood?
What do you call a sex-doll with a runny nose?
Full. Time to empty her.
Gross dude, ew
Damn you, I gaffawed at my work station.
When I first heard that joke, instead of “sex doll” it was “cheerleader”.
Actually, a specific university’s cheerleader, which I won’t name here.
The classics never die.
That’s why you pick a large homely sexbot.
One that knows how to cook.
I meant to link this .
But if I buy a sex doll, I don’t get the smug satisfaction of knowing I banged it before hundreds of other dudes.
If you want to bang hundreds of dudes I don’t see why you’re waiting to bang a sexbot first, live the dream dude.
*wipes tear away*
I just wanted to hear that from my father, once!
*thunderous applause*
Also, those sex robots do nothing for me. Maybe in another 20-30 years. I mean, they got that parkour robot now, so who knows.
Well…have not had much time for reading/posting here this week – but I will be catching 4 flicks at the Virginia Film Festival this weekend. Slimmer pickins’ than last year sadly but still a few that look genuinely interesting. Will try to have reviews for 3 of the 4 up no later than Sunday night. https://youtu.be/ueUBl3tPTM4