A busy week for scorpios.

This week’s alignments:  Sol-Mercury-Saturn.  Something bad is ending, or at least we will find out about it this week.  Anything bad in particular?  Hard to say.  There are indicatiors that it refers to a venereal disease or genital dysfunction (Venus retrogade in Scorpio) though this could also indicate some gossipy person catches a sudden case of STFU.  The stronger indicator (Saturn) indicates the trouble ceasing has something to do with… sea-goats.  Does that mean anything to you?  If sea-cows are manatees, does that make sea goats narwhals?  Walruses?

This week, Derpetologist and Mustang are going to get laid.  Or possibly divorced.  There’s a crapton of ambivalence in the skies this week.  We’ve got Sol-Terra-Venus(retrograde) with Mars in opposition.  Which means home/love with both benevolent and malign influences and martial aspects either resisting or the root cause of them.  Very two faced.

Speaking of two-faced, Gemini gets a visit from the moon, which is the classic sign of betrayal.  If the moon were waxing, you could see it as an expansion of your circle of friends, but the moon is waning, so back-stabbery it is.

This week,scorpio is having a party and everyone is invited. They’ve got the sun (that’s good!) Venus(retrograde) (that’s bad!) Jupiter (that’s good!) and Mercury (that’s… disruptive but indeterminate)