SP and I are traveling again, this time en route in deepest Iowa on our way to perform a ritual of liver-bashing with our dear friends, the RAHeinlein family. And fittingly, we passed the Field of Dreams tourist trap along the way. Emphasis on “passed.”
But you’re here for news and snark, not to watch our vacation slides.
It’s a slightly auspicious day- it’s the anniversary of the Mormons getting kicked out of Missouri. Mojeaux had the last laugh on that one. Birthdays include one of my favorite contemporary artists, Roy Lichtenstein, total piece of shit statist Teddy Roosevelt, the hilariously gifted (but sadly politically stupid) John Cleese, the race car driver with the greatest name ever, and the sexual fantasy of my youth Carrie Snodgress.
On to the news.
Fittingly, the big sports news was in baseball, where the shithead Dodgers and horrible humans Red Sox inadvertently played a double header. No snark here, just ennui and a recollection of Henry Kissinger’s famous aphorism, “It’s a pity they both can’t lose.”
Speaking of which… Defense Secretary Mattis gravely intoned that the 273,428th execution by Saudi Arabia of one of its own fabulously wealthy and corrupt citizens will destabilize the Middle East.
“Failure of any one nation to adhere to international norms and the rule of law undermines regional stability at a time when it is needed most,” Mattis said. He did not mention de facto Saudi ruler Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman by name at any point.
Yes, we need to preserve that stability for which the Middle East is known. On the bright side, there’s no indication (yet) that Trump is going to follow in the footsteps of Bush/Obama and start a couple of new wars there.
The furor over nut-nut Cesar Sayoc’s pretend “bombs” is already starting to show signs of winding down, except… he apparent committed the greatest outrage of them all.
“The accused bomber plastered a picture of me on the side of his van, with a crosshairs target over my face. Actually, the target is over my neck, which I’ll take as a minor concession on his part,” [rich piece of shit pretending to defend the working class Michael] Moore said in a statement.
“The threat of right-wing violence against figures on the American left is not new. It is not an aberration. It is not a violation of norms. It IS the norm,” Moore added. “Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News Channel and right-wing radio have preyed upon those who’ve seen their American Dream go up in smoke, and they have helped to create a generation of angry and violent conspiracy theorists who will believe any lie that is perpetrated on those airwaves. These angry right wing men have been openly encouraged to act on those lies, even as late as this very morning when Trump was tweeting his doubts that the bombs were real.”
You tell ’em, Mikey!
If you had any lingering doubts about the purpose of the now-notorious “caravan,” doubt no more. Those poor folks are just trying to escape oppression, not make political points. Right?
Several thousand Central American migrants turned down a Mexican offer of benefits if they applied for refugee status and stayed in the country’s two southernmost states, vowing to set out before dawn Saturday to continue their long trek toward the U.S. border.
Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto announced what he called the “You are at home” plan, offering shelter, medical attention, schooling and jobs to Central Americans in Chiapas and Oaxaca states if they applied, calling it a first step toward permanent refugee status.
On Friday evening, Irineo Mujica, whose organization People without Borders is supporting the caravan, accused Mexican immigration agents of harassing migrants in an effort to stop the group’s advance. He urged them to travel closely together.
“They are terrorizing us,” he said.
As someone who is strongly pro-immigration, I confess to being horribly embarrassed and offended by these assholes.
Speaking of assholes, it’s interesting to see the conundrum when the Border Patrol is faced with the choice between more power and support for their organization and more power and support for their union. Guess who wins?
[Union president] Judd appeared in TV ads for McCaskill and Tester. In the McCaskill ad, Judd said: “Those ads against [Senator Claire] McCaskill [D-Misery] on immigration just aren’t true. She was one of only four Democrats to vote to end sanctuary cities.” Judd also praised McCaskill’s record on border security.
In its 361-word September endorsement of McCaskill against Republican challenger Josh Hawley, NBPC wrote: “Sen. McCaskill has risen above the partisanship of Washington to genuinely listen to the concerns of Border Patrol agents and to fight for the increase in resources and staff needed at the border.”
When NBPC announced its endorsement of [Senator Jon] Tester [D- On His Way Out], also in September, Judd said:“The Republicans don’t own border security [as an issue] … There are Democrats that do support border security. There’s a lot more that run away from it unfortunately, but Sen. Tester is not one who does that.”
Who loses? Yep, us. Wouldn’t it be nice if we had an administration that concluded that the 100 mile Bill-of-Rights-free-zone given to the Border Patrol gestapo was blatantly unconstitutional? I know, that’s crazy talk.
Back in our home state, showing a rare flash of a sense of humor, the soon-to-be-ex-Governor Bruce Rauner has stolen a line from an article I posted here a week or two ago.
llinois Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner has an ad out this week depicting a mock wedding between Democratic rival J.B. Pritzker and state House Speaker Michael Madigan. The 30-second TV ad, titled “Unholy Union,” features an officiator and stand-ins for Pritzker and Madigan at the altar.
In the ad, the two characters swear to “honor and obey” each other. The officiant concludes, “By the power vested in me, I now pronounce Illinois fucked.”
Good on ya. You’re still a piece of shit, though, just like your Team Blue opponent, so we’re of course voting for Kash Jackson, nee Benjamin Winderweedle.
The most amusing part is the faux outrage.
Meanwhile, the ad drew a backlash from gay rights groups. “We are deeply disappointed by Gov. Rauner’s new campaign ad that mocks marriage equality by tying two of his opponents together in a parody wedding,” Brian C. Johnson, CEO of Equality Illinois, said in a statement. “The governor should be ashamed of using the LGBTQ community for comedic value to make a political hit.”
Remember when civil rights groups were pro-free speech? That seems like a distant memory…
…a group of civil rights and advocacy groups are weighing in with advice on how big tech services can better identify and remove hateful activity.
In a new report, six organizations — including Center for American Progress, Color of Change and Southern Poverty Law Center — have drafted a series of policy recommendations, such as:
- Make it clear to users that engaging in hateful activities is grounds for termination.
- Use both technology and human employees to help remove hateful activities.
- Routinely test any technology that’s used to screen content for bias.
- Allow users — but not government — a way to flag hateful content, and create a trusted flagger program for vetted human-rights organizations.
- Provide the public with a regularly updated report summarizing hateful actions taken on its platforms and the company’s response.
“Vetted human-rights organizations,” of course meaning “Center for American Progress, Color of Change and Southern Poverty Law Center.” It’s always nice to see the transparency of fund-raising and power-grabbing trumping any sense of principles.
Old Guy Music. This song came up at work yesterday when it was playing on the stream of one of my senior chemists- when it first came out, I used the intro as an example of English dialects that are absolutely incomprehensible to American ears. Many years later, I had a Cockney friend translate it for me. Nonetheless, Mick Abrahams is a great blues guitarist, this is a great song, and goddam it, you ought to listen to it.
Fittingly, the big sports news was in baseball, where the shithead Dodgers and horrible humans Red Sox inadvertently played a double header. No snark here, just ennui and a recollection of Henry Kissinger’s famous aphorism, “It’s a pity they both can’t lose.” – I thought baseball was boring as a sport but maybe it gets exciting after the sixth hour
The first team to collapse loses, like in They Shoot Horses, Don’t They
Spoiler: Nope.
“Failure of any one nation to adhere to international norms and the rule of law undermines regional stability at a time when it is needed most,” Mattis said – well no natiom ever adhered to all that and we still here
“The threat of right-wing violence against figures on the American left is not new. It is not an aberration. It is not a violation of norms. It IS the norm,” Moore added. – I think he should lead a national committee investigating right wing violence. After all the Nazi scare is real
Just wait until the “Blue Wave” hits, I’ve no doubt we’ll have committee’s dedicated to stamping out right-wing extremist groups. Much like during the BHO years when the FBI and Army developed guidelines for eminent “domestic terrorism/militia attacks.”
I’ve got my tinfoil hat on firmly today.
I’m not sure you need tinfoil for that hat. I certainly remember a high degree of scrutiny for Tea Party groups during the Obama administration that definitely seemed to be politically motivated. Contrast that with the Occupy movement and Antifa groups who didn’t just avoid special scrutiny, but actually got active protection from government agencies.
I got myself all worked up yesterday watching some state troopers sick a dog on, and then beat the shit out of, a sovereign citizen who was not complying but also posing no threat on A&E. That hit double close to home because I work with some LEO’s who talk about Sovereign citizens like they are the boogieman. In many ways I think there is a segment of the political class and plenty of cops and military who would love to see Posse Commetatus suspended or eliminated.
I have never heard a single person I’ve worked with express any interest in removing posse comitatus. Quite the opposite, actually.
I’m in a similar line of work to you. It’s not the talk coming from the enlisted corps that worries me, its the O-7’s who want to run exercises that have a “domestic terrorism” angle that do
Forgot about that…yeah. Nevermind.
Are you kidding, that would be more work the military would have to do…
Speaking of military work…
Back in my youth I considered joining up when I realized my career choice wasn’t going to be the right fit for me. Shortly after that I met up with some guys who used to be in the Golden Knights parachute team.
We were jumping in Monroe Georgia and they told of their training days. C-130 pilots needed to get a certain number of take-off and landings under their belt. So they would fly for the team…
They would land after their jump, gather up their chute and run to the plane. They”d pack on the flight to altitude in the huge, empty cargo bay and then jump again…. over and over and over…..
Holy crap. It made that assignment sound really, really attractive. Getting paid to make a lifetime of jumps less than a week…
So if you can get that kind of military work….
And don’t even get me started about the stories about pilots getting their nightime HALO certification….
I don’t like to get into my work specifics on here but I was thinking of writing an article along these lines. I’ve never been on a parachute team but I’ve gotten to do some of what you are describing.
On one level I’m racked with guilt knowing that my sweet gig comes from the plundering of the taxpayers. On the other hand I’ve gotten paid for over a decade to do stuff people pay lots of money to try once.
Glad I’m not the only one who feels that way. Just out of curiosity, what are your thoughts on the pension? Lot of states feeling the squeeze from pension plans, so I get some conflicting feelings from that as well.
I have a buddy who is pretty high up in the Miami-Dade police dept. He makes a pretty decent check and tells me that none of the guys he works with have the slightest clue about what is coming with pension reform. He’s really conservative and pretty sharp, so he gets it. But the union is going to keep fighting it.
They’ve already changed a lot of stuff for new recruits. The pensions were just way, way too generous. With people living into their 80’s routinely, they are paying people not to work just about as long as they were paying them to work, maybe longer in some cases.
This is one area that I actually have no qualms on when it comes to my work for the federal government – I work in an area where one of the biggest pushes from my management is to find wasted money (I work for the Inspector General). In my career, I have identified hundreds of millions of dollars in funds that were being misused. In one case I got an agency’s budget cut by $100 million. I’m not naive enough to think that money went back to the taxpayers, but at least they weren’t spending money they didn’t need anymore – some other agency got the privilege to do that.
My job is not glamorous, and to answer that Navy commercial, no, nobody would be interested in watching a movie of my career. But at least I can feel like I’m making a tiny bit of a difference in reigning the government in…
Same guilt. I’m complicit in an entitlement program that’s bankrupting the country but I’m more than halfway there so I’ll probably finish out my 20. Who knows when the ball will drop? I’m funding my IRA like I would if there were no pension at all.
Oops….that was a reply for Mustang
Not sure, but if you are talking about military retirement I don’t see that as “bankrupting the country”.
From the numbers I’ve seen only about 9% of Americans join the military. And of those only about 17% end up retiring. So about 2% of the population. And a hefty chunk of that 2% are reservists who don’t really pull down a lot of retirement pay when you do the math.
I think it’s the principle that is conflicting, not necessarily the numbers.
Cyto- Same thing with military pensions. They just reformed it to be much more like a 401K. Still pretty sweet if you fund it, I think they are counting on a lot of young, stupid recruits to not do that so they don’t have to match their contributions. Based on my experience is a smart calculation.
I was right at the cusp of choosing between the BRS or the High-3. I could pick either one and get the same outcome over the course of my lifetime. Ended up going with the BRS because I was already using the TSP.
If the taxpayers said “no more” I wouldn’t argue. I typically argue in support of any cost-cutting measures that come up.
I think they’re going to be leaning on the newbies in basic to get their paperwork filled out right – and/or their first PSG just because otherwise there’ll be a lot of bitching in a couple of years.
the BRS is a good policy on the whole if you can get it. Takes away a lot of the pain for folks who get out, miss it, get back in, do another tour here or there – but never quite make it to 20. They’re also offering more payouts for certain year markers, etc – which winds up being a lot cheaper too.
I’ve still got my TSP building (just took out a loan since I can pay it back before I hit 20) – but now that I’m at 14+ years, I gotta make 20 (ineligible to roll over to BRS at this point).
What drives me nuts is the massive bonuses they’re offering pilots, etc – specific jobs are just nuts right now.
I’m also still kicking myself for turning down $100k for a 3 year commitment – especially after my CO vouched for my competence (overriding my initial lack of self-confidence).
Don’t even get me started on the retention rates those bonuses are trying to fix…
So will I need to re-register myself for Attack Watch, or does my old membership still count?
As someone who is strongly pro-immigration, I confess to being horribly embarrassed and offended by these assholes. – wait I though that was as long as the immigrants were under 10 years old
I wanted the Sox of Color to win, just so the baseball season will get over sooner.
Finally another human it was getting weird
I was up late drinking and watching the baseball game that never ended.
(went to bed after the 11th)
I just assume all baseball games never end because I don’t think I’ve ever made it all the way through one. Even attending MLB games I’ve always left in the top of the 9th to beat the traffic.
I haven’t been watching. However, I just found a angry, drunken text from my brother last night; apparently they are now showing commercials in between at-bats?
There was one side-by-side ad for Coke in between one batter’s swings. Full count too. Guess the ad did its job since I remember both it and the status of the batter.
I’m here too, just lurking like usual.
Sexy Saturday brings sleek and sporty seductresses.
Many excellent choices, especially for those who like fit girls. There are also a few terrifying ones too.
I’m sticking with 1.
to early Q come back in 50 comments
I’ll have what Pie is drinking, as long as it’s not human blood.
Ardbeg 10 at this moment. keeping it simple. Also had a small glass of wine with lunch earlier
How does that compare to the Laphroaig 10?
Even smokier.
ehm depends what you like? it is a peaty Islay malt, but less iodine and the sea, more smoke. I slightly prefer the Ardbeg myself. Also higher avb which is good
*Adds to shopping list*
Ardbeg is natural colored and non chill filtered, Laphroaig may have some coloring added if you care about those things
also how can you say one when 12 has the sexy uneven tan thing going
I was dead at 1. Shorts like hers make me swoon.
Hmmm…#10 looks like a pair of post-ops
Vitamin S.
Vitamin S sure, but I think the Adam’s Apples are a there as well.
Good morning to all you Tulpas.
Fuck Off Tupla!
/Vigorous friendly wave
Morning to you. It is sadly already Saturday night in glorious Nippon.
/Read’s “Nippon”,…..tries to decide if it’s racist….
The Japanese commercial air carrier “All Nippon Airways” days hi.
Actually, if anything would be racist “Japan” should be it.
The word “Japan” is basically the English version of the Portuguese approximation for the Cantonese pronunciation of the characters used to write “Nippon”.
In addition, most Japanese cannot properly pronounce either of the vowels in the word “Japan”.
Saturday night? Time to start drinking!
Yep, cracked out a few beers already, good sir. Cheers, man.
Getting ready to hit up the homebrew shop (and the brewery across the street) to start laying in supplies for Thanksgiving. Planning on brewing an APA today, and a Mild tomorrow.
Post Japanese QTs or GTFO
Well, I got one for you right here. The website itself is pretty damn NSFW but the link should take you to just one of the more safe pics of her.
My favorite Japanese QT
*drool* Gibs milk trucks please
What happened to your lovely cat?person avatar? Now you are just a mere NPC. For shame, dear Slammer.
Fuck off
“As someone who is strongly pro-immigration, I confess to being horribly embarrassed and offended by these assholes.”
So of course I get that the organizers wouldn’t want this; it runs counter to their political agenda. However, a significant portion of that “caravan” are actually just regular people looking for a better life right? I can’t imagine that many of them would be eager to continue when they can stay in Mexico. Sure, it’s not the US, but it’s a helluva lot better than where they’re coming from, they already speak the language and it’s much more culturally similar.
And to those that do continue: fuck ’em. This is the same as the Syrians bypassing Turkey to go straight to Europe. You are no longer “refugees” since you had an opportunity for safe haven in a designated country. You are all officially economic migrants; which is fine, but you need to get in line and wait like everyone else on Earth who wants to come here.
“However, a significant portion of that “caravan” are actually just regular people looking for a better life right? ”
It seems they are being paid to keep moving.
They are likely being “protected” from hearing about any such offers. And coached up on how much better it will be in the US. And be sure to vote Democrat. And Trump is Hitler.
You need to keep going so you can reach the promised land of bigotry, racism, homophobia and rising Nazism! It’s the worst place on Earth! You need to go!
Speaking of….
Do we know if the pictures of those guys burning the US flag with swastikas painted on it were really from this caravan?
Because that seems doubly odd… and pretty much exactly underlines your sarcastic point.
I had only one thing planned for today – get bbq from Big Bob’s Bbq before they close for winter. They’re closed today due to bad weather. ?
well had you just reduced your carbon footprint this would not have happened, so you deserve it for sins against Gaia
Dutch oven cookout for me today……trying to decide if I’m going to go with the easy recipe and make salami bread or challenge myself (and maybe fail spectacularly) with a pulled pork pot pie.
This is one kinky euphemism.
You folks never fail to make me hungry with your delicious ideas.
I’m going to spend a significant chunk of the day manufacturing a large batch of spaghetti sauce, that will end up in quart containers in the freezer.
I have white beans soaking now for some ham and bean soup.
Sleeping in has screwed up my plans for the day, but at some point I will get to the gym.
Damn rain… I need to mow before the leaves get out of control. Oh well, I guess that means I’ll be doing my amended taxes instead
Here’s a special bonus for those that prefer skinnys.
Pie I’m looking at you.
plenty of fit girls there not excessively skinny at all
#4, #15
Much better list, Q!
The Count and I both have impeccable taste in women. #4 and #15 for me as, well. However, there are many, many also would’s here.
Wait, I forgot about the Count’s fixation on Demi Rose or whoever.
A double dose today. You are a giver Q.
The wife spent the better part of the night holding her breath while watching CNN’s coverage of the bombings. There’s a bit of an excuse.. the pizza joint he made deliveries for is just a few miles away and right around the corner from the park where my kids play some of their softball and baseball games. She thinks she’s seen him around…. chicks..
Anyway, among the bloviation about how it was totally different when democrat activists attacked republicans and it wasn’t Bernie’s fault because he never named any specific people and how although you can’t directly blame Trump for this, he’s really at fault, she picked up this nugget:
The FBI says these were absolutely not hoax devices and totally could have worked and killed people.
Somehow, I’m not buying it. CNN had his old attorney on (who was very un-lawyerly in his use of language describing his old client – one would expect a lawyer to be careful of slander). He made the point that his impression was that this guy was not very bright at all. But even “not very bright” should be able to come up with at least one working bomb out of more than a dozen attempts.
I think my son’s 6th grade friends could probably manage a working device without adult help. (although there’s a better than even chance that they’d manage to maim themselves…. boys are still boys). We certainly were capable by the time we were 13…. my friends and I used random bits of stuff to make small explosives for blowing up mud dams down by the creek at that age. It was pretty stupid and definitely dangerous, but certainly not beyond our capabilities…. and we didn’t have the internet to help us out.
It just doesn’t seem possible that somebody intending to make bombs could be that inept. I mean, didn’t he even bother driving out to the everglades to test his design? Isn’t that half the fun of being a crazy terrorist dude…. getting to go out into the middle of nowhere and blow stuff up?
Forget is man, it’s CNN.
They lie. About everything.
I had put them behind me, but the wife has an advanced case of TDS. So NBC news, MSNBC and CNN have entered her rotation hard, to go with reality shows about weddings, unplanned pregnancies and mail-order brides, along with the two big soap operas.
“I love science shows like Nova… and college basketball!” Yeah… never believe what a chick tells you when you are dating. She hasn’t watched an episode of Nova in the last 13 years. But I have managed to absorb the names of every one of the Kardashians, simply by being in the same house.
Nova is still about science?
I thought it was about housing federal bureaucrats.
Fair point.
I slogged through the one about “super sonic airliners” last week.
It was just a retread of an old episode about Concord vs Boeing vs Tupelov.
But they tacked on a 90 second coda bout modern attempts at resurrecting the SST.
Yeah, it mostly sucked. But it only had a 30 second bit about the environment and it did have some nice interviews with former soviet era engineers. (they acknowledged using espionage to copy stuff from Concord… but without any nod to there being anything wrong with that…. “it is just work. We would encounter a problem and we would pass it to the KGB. They would do their work. That is all”
Damn, I thought my wife’s tastes in TV were low.
Cyto – for the most part I agree, but my wife seems to be the exception:
1. According to my wife, the best vacation I ever took her on was going to the CERN open days weekend.
2. She actually insisted that we get the NBC Sports Gold package so we can watch rugby matches, especially Six Nations.
3. Her ideal Saturday is to watch rugby in the morning, football all afternoon, and hockey at night. All the while she’s baking fresh bread and cooking tasty German food.
I’m pretty sure they are just playing a semantics game. The hearsay is the pipes had blackpowder and/or fireworks powder in them. Technically explosive even though they lacked a functional ignition source. The fact that you can get the equivalent mailed to you (if you’re dumb enough to pay the outrageous shipping rate) in the form of a canister of pyrodex, will go unmentioned.
Yeah, if the post office containing the device burned down it might have ignighted and made a loud pop and scared an old cat into a heart attack.
Yeah… but in PVC tubing? Even with an ignition source/device it wouldn’t develop enough pressure to do much more than fart.
Here’s what I’m expected to believe:
“Hey Cesar, awful lot of packages you’ve got there. Mailing them all to big name Democrats, I see. Oh, you work for Debbie Wasserman Schultz? Never would have guessed!”
“Man, I just picked up ten packages all to high-level Democrats from a totally bogus return address. I think I should report this. Nah. Fuck it.”
“This guy has sent a different package every day for a week using the wrong return address and all to high level Democrats and CNN. Nothing weird about that. Nossirree.”
I’m probably missing a scenario where one guy
(or random drop box) mailing a bunch of packages to big names using the wrong return address is not deemed suspicious.
Yeah, I wasn’t willing to take that deep of a dive. It is the post office after all.
But CNN is starting to dig into a conspiracy theory of their own. Anderson Cooper was talking with their local reporter and they were wondering about what his old attorney had told them. The guy is really dumb, apparently. (Apparently he was super into native american stuff – his van used to be plastered with pro-indian rights stuff instead of trump stuff – even though he doesn’t have any native American ancestry).
So, anyway, Cooper and reporter wondered how he was able to build and mail a dozen explosive devices without any help. They agreed that it strained credulity to think he could have acted alone. And they lamented the fact that he had obtained an attorney and was no longer cooperating with the FBI.
My conspiracy theory generating machine went in the opposite direction. They were trying to insinuate that some big Trump operation was behind the whole thing. But having read Balko et. al. for years, the low-IQ perpetrator is pretty familiar. And we even had an example in south Florida of the FBI convincing some low-IQ guy to become an islamic terrorist so they could make an arrest. So my thought was “I wonder if he isn’t the fall guy, set up by some moveon.org, lean-forward types who trolled him online to get him to mail the bombs?”
Or the FBI. They’re pretty good at setting people up for this sort of thing.
That is true. Usually they arrest the person before they actually do anything though. At least in the cases we know about.
Except when they don’t. See all the holes in the OKC bombing narrative…..
Also the Islamo’s that tried to shoot up the anti Islamo gathering in Texas.
There was a car with 2 FBI heros directly behind their car when they drove up to the front of the building. IIRC
I would bet that the FBI has a dog-whistle code word for when they are going to let some nut-job they’ve been stringing along go forward with his plans because they can see (or merely believe) that nut-job’s capacity for actual damage is less than the political outcome the bureau’s management is striving for.
I don’t believe that there is anything that the left won’t do to get more power. Additionally it seems that 99.99% of all “hate crimes” are false flags, 100% on campuses. That said I think I find it easier to believe that this dude is just some ‘roided out retard than a pawn in some elaborate conspiracy. However, the timing is certainly suspect and it took some amount of research beyond the capacity of a moron to find out where to send all of these packages. I naturally tend to be skeptical of conspiracies because they are so hard to contain even with a complicit media and deep state.
I think it’s usually somewhere in between. I just have a really hard time believing that this one guy was able to send however many packages filled with an explosive substance through the postal system to high ranking politicians with a bogus return address and it didn’t ring any alarm bells.
Incompetence? Think of how many parcels there are a day. Think of all the contraband missed by the TSA whenever they are tested and that is with metal detectors, x-ray machines, and pat downs! They did catch the guy pretty quickly which I predicted they would. Unexploded “bombs” contain too much evidence and multiply that by the number sent.
Incompetence? From the postal service? Now who’s peddling wacky ideas?
I think if it is below a certain weight, packages with pre-paid postage (eg. stamps) can be dropped in a mailbox.
Also weren’t some of them supposedly “delivered by courier”? I’ve heard a couple different explanations for the lack of postmarks.
Those explanations make no sense to me.
Why would he have put stamps on them just to have them delivered by courier anyway?
And how does that square with “We found him because all the packages emanated from this one postal depot in Miami-Dade”?
Well, at least one of them (the CNN one) most definitely didn’t. Someone is getting fired for taking a picture of that thing before the narrative had been set. Not that we can expect the MSM to actually try and answer an important inconsistency in the official story. They’re the ones writing the official story. Their task is to make the news, not report it. And in the official story, all the packages were delivered by mail from an evil Trump-loving genius and all Trump-supporters are capable of doing this so we can’t support Trump or his party in the midterms or the country will descend into factional violence and death. Only voting Democrat can save us now.
The only pictures I’ve seen of his van…the window stickers are even off. They’re perfect. Like…crazy guy photoshopped all these political memes and pictures, had them printed onto one sheet at Staples, and then put them squarely in the windows? The rest of the sides of the van are totally clean? We’ve all seen crazy people vans…the stickers are all the damn place.
Apparently he lived there. So they were also curtains.
And also apparently, he had a history of decorating his van with stuff. His lawyer said it used to be all sorts of native-American rights advocacy stuff back in the early aughts.
Stop bringing facts into my conspiracy-fueled rants!
But yes, I was also taken at the number of images lifted from internet memes and turned into stickers. “That sticker…. You didn’t buy that…”
And “Youth Soccer Recruits for Trump” WTF?? Does that mean something? The only think I can think of is a reference to Saddam Hussein in Iraq with his soccer club stuff. Or maybe some communist reference? Seems really bizarre….
It mostly proves my point that soccer has zero redeeming value.
The window stickers look more like a one piece vehicle wrap than individual stickers
Tin foil or not it all seems a little too convenient for me.
Let no one forget that ex CIA head and communist leaning Bernnan is an avid anti Trumper.
Whether or not you like the guy or not, one should always remember that he is the first President this country has had since it’s early years that isn’t totally owned by one faction or the other.
That lets me give him the benefit of the doubt in economic and foreign affairs.
That’s what I mean, each window looks like one giant photoshopped window sticker instead of the usual hodgepodge of incoherence at weird angles. The guy had to put all of those pictures and memes together on the computer and then have them printed as one giant sticker. It’s entirely possible, just doesn’t seem likely. Either that or he meticulously lined up each sticker so they’re exactly in line with each other and that definitely doesn’t seem likely.
+1 civility again
That’s a really sweet tune. Kinda had a little bit of a bluegrass vibe to it which I really liked.
I love Abrahams. If you want to hear his other side, look for his live version of Cat’s Squirrel. Real electric thrashing.
Not sure where the RAHeinleins live in Iowa, but there’s gonna be some good Old Man blues music tonight in Ames if they live close. Joe and Vicki Price are blues legends in Iowa and well known around me in western WI. Just seen them last week open for a friend’s band and recorded the show. Based on some of your music postings I think you would enjoy them. It’s their own unique version of roots blues. From last Thursday:
Not sure if he party’s as hard as he used to, but back in the day Joe could get hard to understand towards the end of the night when he started talking in Iowa drunk.
Your recommendations are always gold for us.
Cool thanks! I’ll check it out.
Sigh… The crazies are everywhere, but I hate the freaking hacks that think the violence is uniquely right wing, and have ignored 2 years of violence from antifa.
And ignored the assaults on Rand Paul and the Scalise shooting. Projection is one helluva drug and I’m sick of it.
The fact that the pendants and Facebook retards can say “That was different!” (somebody posed some twats twatter claiming the Scalese shooting was a spontaneous act of violence with zero political motivation yesterday) show how utterly stupid (less likely) and/or mendacious (most likely) progressives have become. They have one principle; POWER.
Look at what it’s doing. Many on here (probably myself included) are voting straight R this election.
Fuck you “liberals” for making me support the GOP.
*slinks away*
Same here, Bob. In one of the group chats I’m in, (me being a shitlord) the rest of chat being progs are constantly harping and asking when are the Republicans and trump going to take responsibility for this whole “bombing” incident. I’ve tried arguing with them before, but at this point, I just watch them for my own entertainment and have an idea what the groupthinking is at the moment. I just did as you mentioned and pretty much voted straight R down the ticket. Didn’t like doing it, but I’m not one to give any validation to the #resistance.
It sucks. I’ve said before and still maintain that voting the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil. The problem is one evil is evil on the order of Elmer Fudd and the other on the order of O’Brien from 1984.
This is exactly why the NPC meme is so devastating to them; it hits way too close to home. They probably realize, way deep down subconsciously even, that their opinions and thoughts are not their own. That they’re being handed to them through the hive mind. It’s quite a sight to watch them all synchronously turn on a dime the instant the Narrative requires it. It must be simultaneously comforting and frightening to outsource your independent thought to the hive.
If you’ve never read The True Believer you should. A lot of humanity wants to outsource thought because then they don’t have to feel responsible, just doing as they were told. I know, strange thing to contemplate in this venue, but that should tell you something about why we are the minority that we are.
I have already seen more pictures of crazy bomb guy than I have of crazy shoot the congress guy.
BTW…. can anyone who watches CNN name crazy shoot the congress guy? How about telling me about his work, or his family….
I already know that crazy bomb guy lived in his van in front of his workout place, worked as a DJ at a strip club, delivered Pizzas with a lesbian boss that he told was an abomination, has/had a problem with steroids, had an intervention from family, police, his lawyer, the DA and a judge to divert him to a narcotics court so he could get treatment for his steroid problem, he used to be into Native American identity stuff, wasn’t into politics at all until recently, had the mentality of a 14 year old boy……
They really are doing the deep dive on this guy. But what happened to crazy shoot the congress guy? Do you think the average independent even knows he was a Bernie bro?
They memory-holed him in short order the second they realized he was bad for the narrative and unlikely to rile up the gun-grabbers. Hell, those same grabbers could barely hide their jubilation over his attack.
Yeah, that was certainly the narrative….. GOP second amendment guys getting shot at because they oppose gun control that could have saved them from getting shot at.
The fact that the pendants and Facebook retards can say “That was different!”
You should see Tony at (t)Reason. He is as mendacious and intellectually dishonest as ever. I don’t know why I keep going back there. I guess I’m just curious. But I should probably stop.
Fuck you “liberals” for making me support the GOP.
Additional ‘fuck you’ to them for making me like, at least for the meantime, Lindsay Graham.
The mentally deficient are so afraid to to admit their evil to others and even to themselves that they must project evil on others and then try to destroy them in the name of righteousness. That is how their brain copes. That is how they hide their evil from themselves. That is how they can project righteousness without any clue of their cognitive dissonance.
I’ll admit, as a former psychology enthusiast, the last few years have been interesting insights in their psyche.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen those two words used together. Hmmm…interesting. Tell me about your childhood.
They’re not ignoring anything. They’re the kid who gets caught doing something naughty, whose only defense is to incriminate others for the same offense.
Admit nothing. Deny everything. Make counter-accusations.
Blue wave?
“Voters between the ages of 41 and 60 are casting more early votes in Colorado”
So, here’s the question for the media and Democrat politicians. They have been calling Trump a white supremacist, Nazi, traitor and saying that he’s destroying our democracy. Why are they not to stepping back and taking responsibility for their words? It’s not that I think they should, it’s just that if they were consistent they would care.
They do whatever is politically expedient in their quest to gain power. They lie. They dissemble. They suppress. Expecting them to have morals and/or shame is like expecting a dog to meow and use a litter box. The Dems know that the MSM will run interference for them no matter how unhinged they get and the MSM is not a “press corp” anymore than reporters for Pravda were in Soviet Russia. Hell, we probably wouldn’t know about 90% of the antifa violence in this country without people recording it on their smartphones.
Best to ignore them and bask in their historically low (and plummeting) levels of public trust.
The Dems know that the MSM will run interference for them no matter how unhinged they ge
Case in point.
You heard them! Trump is responsible! QED M-f-er!
They actually covered this on CNN last night. Their take is that it is just partisan spin to try to say that any of this rhetoric is coming from the left. All of the political violence is driven by these right-wing extremists and people like Sean Hannity.
Someone did bring up the Capitol Hill shootings, and they were quickly dismissed. You see, Bernie never mentioned anyone by name, so it is totally not the same thing as Trump calling out Hillary or CNN. Besides, they had tweets that this guy sent 6 months ago that said one of their reporters was next! He literally said “you are next!” In a tweet! Right after Trump said that reporter was Fake News! In a Tweet! It was just a few days later, so it is obvious that Trump was pulling the strings for this guy! Scary! Just scary to think that he could have come home to find this guy waiting for him any day!
That is actually the gist of the discussion they had. No mention at all of Maxine Waters direct calls to violence, Eric Holder’s calls to “kick them”, Hillary’s calls to avoid civility when out of power…. all within the last couple of weeks. No, Trump saying CNN is fake news is violent rhetoric. And Democrats don’t engage in that sort of thing.
Hillary’s calls to avoid civility when out of power
Curious thing about that is she does not consider that, to a lot of people (me included), Team Blue stands mostly in direct opposition to their beliefs. I doubt she considered the consequences of that line of though. But, of course, she doesn’t have to as she would never be in the line of fire.
Trump is as responsible for these “bombs” as The Beatles were for the Tate-LaBianca murders.
I don’t blame the left for the Scalise shooting any more than I blame the right for this crazy dude mailing the world’s safest “bombs” to various right-wing boogeypersons. Crazy people do crazy things. I 100% do blame the left for steadily ratcheting up the rhetoric until “I don’t apologize for punching Nazis” is the level of discourse you get from allegedly-sane people. So I frankly don’t give a shit that there was a free sample of black powder sent to CNN.
But to answer the question, they’re not taking responsibility because the intellectual leadership of the left, and I use the phrase with the richest of ironies, is utterly bereft of any sense of morality or integrity. They want to control society and they don’t particularly care how they get that control. That sounds paranoid and creepy, but that’s just the point of politics, really. They want the steering wheel, and they don’t care how they get it so long as they get it.
world’s safest “bombs”
I laughed a bit too much at that.
Well as best I can tell, Democrats are completely independent thinkers who do not take orders or directions from the leaders of the Democratic party. So if a leading Democratic leader says someone needs to die and a few days later a Democratic supporter tries to kill that person that is completely unrelated. And the Democratic supporter was completely acting in self defense. Also, all those Democrats who suddenly start saying the same thing, that is totally a coincidence, and not coordinated at all.
The Republican party however is a very structured organization and the rank and file are morons who are incapable of thinking for themselves and only do what their masters tell them to do. That is why if a Republican running for dog catcher in Bumfuck, Iowa says that children are best raised by two parents, that blatant bigotry was approved by the Republican High Command and represents the view of all Republicans. That is also why Trump, McConnell, Paul, and all other Republicans are responsible for the “bomb” sent by that Republican operative.
Muh free shit!
“freed men and women from the slavery of your puritanical ideology”
LOL. Like people weren’t sleeping around before? The only difference is that you had the Pill.
I must work to pay for your free shit, or else I’m enslaving you? I think you got that backwards.
Fuckers can’t die off soon enough for me.
I am relieved to know entitlement is a thing that can be found in multiple generations.
It’s a washout today. I’m off to breakfast with my friends. It’ll be a bit sad and strange today. One of us died last Sat right after breakfast. He was always the first one there and never missed a week.
He was quite the shitlord, told you what he thought, was kind, helpful, and unapologeticly opinionated. He and I talked about food sci fi, politics, music, and motorcycles. He was one of the good ones.
Sorry to hear that about your friend. Hope you and the rest of the gang still have a nice and pleasant breakfast together though.
Yikes. Sorry, bummer.
Sorry about that
Sorry 🙁
Sorry to hear this.
Thanks y’all.
My condolences.
Sorry man, that sucks.
they have helped to create a generation of angry and violent conspiracy theorists who will believe any lie that is perpetrated on those airwaves.
Whatever, dude. Take your meds.
[Senator Jon] Tester [D- On His Way Out]
I’ve got my fingers crossed.
Hate crimes are bullshit in any case. However, if they’re on the books, they should be applied equally. The headline alone from this article breaks my brain.
How can you have that much cognitive dissonance and remain conscious?
Putting the lie to what modern feminism seeks to achieve.
Their collectivist ideology impedes them from seeing that some women are treated poorly and so are some men, and that each individual had unique lived experiences.
Individuals? Are you some crazy Rand-lover?
Jap-tckle his ass!
Jap-tickle his ass? Kinky.
“To the privileged, equality feels like oppression”
My brain… it hurts so bad…
So, here’s the question for the media and Democrat politicians. They have been calling Trump a white supremacist, Nazi, traitor and saying that he’s destroying our democracy. Why are they not to stepping back and taking responsibility for their words?
That stuff is all the God’s Honest Truth, you silly person. Trump is in fact a Nazi, bent on the destruction of democracy and civil society.
Letter to the Local Rag: Pressing Issues Edition
You can’t fool me, you just want to find who the town lushes are so you can send those damnable Temperance women to hector me.
Moore lol.
The left are such lying sacks of shits.
It’s amazing how they’re willing to purposefully lie about history.
Yeh right. The right is worse than the left.
Don’t worry, the right is rapidly adopting the tactics of the left. Which is the last step before actual full blown political violence.
Yep, that’s been our plan all along. We want some action
Scaly bastards, I knew it was you.
*stocks up on lizard repellent*
lizard repellent
Ice packs?
Always keep some handy
Cuz everything on 4 legs can be repelled with natural oils. FOOLS!
Why in hell would anyone want to repel lizards and geckos? Their invasion plans can easily be thwarted. When they start to invade just make sure you have some crickets on hand from the local bait store. Releasing those would be as effective as pointing and yelling ‘squirrel!’ during a dog invasion.
*seriously, those little critters eat zillions of mosquitoes. I cultivate the scaly critters at my house. It makes a noticeable difference in the mosquitoes.
Plus, everyone knows it’s the Greys that are really in charge. They just let the Lizards LARP at world domination while they quietly move the pieces on the chessboard.
” ‘Lost’ white supremacist MAGAbomber thought USA ‘was going down the toilet’ and ‘became obsessed with Trump while searching for an identity’, as he faces 48 years in prison for mailing 14 pipe bombs to high-profile liberals”
So a non-white white supremacist mailed bombs that weren’t intended to explode?
I’m also thinking “MAGAbomber” is going to be the “binders full of women” for the midterms.
Pocahontas Warren is 99.9999% white, but called Native American
“Bomber” is 99.9999% Native American, but called White
It seems like his native american stuff was just a personal flight of fancy. His family seems to be saying there is no native american in their lineage. I think I heard Italian and Filipino, but I was in the other room so I might be wrong on that.
Also, why are people from the Philippines called Filipinos. That makes no sense. Go with PH for both, or F for both. But don’t change that stuff up.
Actually, it’s Pinoy (male) and Pinay (female) if you want to be strict about it.
And I suppose Pinxy for the genderrific?
So this guy looks to be bugfuck crazy, but how did he think he wouldn’t get caught? Did he want to be caught?
I’m not sure he thought it out that far.
I’m thinking he had help.
Help – which included getting caught.
mailing = passing on from the FBI
Letters to the Local Rag: Gee I Wonder How We Could Do That Edition
Dollars to donuts the asshole thinks if we make them more illegal that will do it. Death penalty for doobies!
Even with the airbrushing and Photoshop they can’t get rid of the stretch marks on her hips.
Would still engage in vaginal intercourse.
I wish she didn’t look like the top half of her was grafted onto a woman with larger hips.
Really? I’m okay with that.
Congrats on the Texans, btw.
She looks like a centaur, but de gustibus etc.
Thanks, man. I usually take a bad beat on NFL games, especially Thursday or Monday games for some reason, but I did pretty good on that one.
Child. Bearing. Hips.
What is she giving birth to, a hippo?
If I were working for Matt Rosendale, I’d be running an ad with that Hillary “You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about,” every twenty minutes.
Democrats. They want to destroy everything you care about. Don’t give them the chance.
Good riddance?
Perhaps it’s because we all had to watch the spectacle in which a man with an utterly unblemished record had to go on Primetime network TV and proclaim that he remained a virgin throughout college in order to save his career.
Can you imagine how bad this shit is gonna get when the Facebook/Smartphone generation grows up into these positions of power? “Well, this text message from 47 years ago when you were 18 says you couldn’t wait to get home and suck your boyfriend’s dick. How do you explain THAT?”
Every time shit like this goes down, I thank G-d that I didn’t grow up with social media and that I’m not important enough for anyone to give a fuck about.
“I’m not important enough for anyone to give a fuck about.”
This is the key to a peaceful and happy life.
While I know I’m not important enough, I’m just dreading the day that I’m tagged by association – my fraternity from my college years has already produced one guy on Trump’s slightly-longer-than-the-short-list for Supreme Court justices, a couple of judges on state supreme courts, several district attorneys, a person who served on Bush’s White House staff, and a fairly famous actor. My fraternity was pretty big, and I never really associated with any of them in school, but I’m sure that if any go higher (especially the one on the Supreme Court list – and I’m sure he’ll be nominated at some point in his career), I’ll have media trying to contact me about their college years…
*whispers* Remember to keep the rape-trains on the DL!
LOL, yeah. I went to a Southern Baptist university that didn’t even allow dancing on campus until 1988 (I started there in 1990). My fraternity had an official policy of being completely dry, and they actually followed that practice. Needless to say the parties were incredibly boring…
I went to few frat parties of a rather different nature. And yet, I don’t recall anything even approaching objectionable. I guess the rape-trains were upstairs, out of sight.
I remember that Right Wing Terror Report. It was complete bullshit.
Damn. Savage.
He’s not wrong. And the SPLC is a propaganda organization that basically exists today to give bigots a chance to collect a paycheck by writing hate-filled screeds against their political enemies. Fuck ’em.
The main purpose of SPLC is to make the fabulously corrupt Morris Dees richer.
I’m not gonna hate someone for coming up with a good scam, but it’d be nice if it wasn’t so goddamned evil. If you just want to fleece people at least leave them feeling good about themselves. Come up with Pet Rocks 2.0 or something.
Which is why I wondered how you could possibly state they were a one-time civil rights organization. Or was that incarnation pre-Dees?
Narrative. Wrecked.
We do it because we’re obviously so much smarter than our readership
I really hate this stuff at my kid’s school
This is the third such day with a special dress up for kindness.
You know what would be kind? Stop bothering parents with this bullshit and educate the kids in math and reading.
Ok, don’t tell my wife, but I’m with you on this one.
First, let’s just talk about the “dress like this” days. Keeping track of that is tough enough… but you also end up having to spend money on something that is only going to get worn that one time. We’ve had polka dot days, stripes days, team gear days, career dress up days… I can’t even remember them all.
But that’s just annoying.
Let’s get to the “object lesson” stuff. They get so much tolerance, anti-bullying, kindness, etc. …
Our elementary school has monthly awards ceremonies for one kid from each class who exemplifies the qualities of X, – our Super Citizen award. The virtues are Kindness, Tolerance, Caring…. you get the idea. The kids make speeches about why they exemplify those attributes. And all the parents have to slog down to see their kid get the award. The numbers work out that about half the kids end up getting one during the year. Lots of the teachers use it to prod the brat to focus on kindness, etc.
When we were evaluating schools, we looked at one with an International Baccalaureate program. It looks like a pretty good school… but their focus was on Tolerance. They really touted their work in promoting Tolerance during our tour. Uh, The school is located in a predominantly gay neighborhood with a largely black student body and immigrants from Haiti, Brazil and Cuba have large enclaves nearby. My kid has friends from at least 8 different countries, including two former soviet block countries. But you think you need to teach him to be aware of other cultures…… yeah… you are an idiot.
So we went with the school that only has monthly tolerance awards. Whatever. Apparently it is part of the fabric these days.
Meanwhile, my son has to run the gauntlet between classes every day at middle school. Apparently they’ve made it a blood sport getting to class… the bigger kids just shove the smaller ones for fun on the way by. One of the former Soviet republic friends’ mom is a substitute who teaches there sometimes. She tells me that she is afraid during class change because she’s short enough to blend in and get mistaken for a student.
But let’s teach that tolerance….. don’t worry about policing the halls….
Ok, parental rant off…. /
Kids’ nature doesn’t change just because some Left-wing educrat wrote some propaganda and forces it down everyone’s throat. Kids are little nasty savages and navigating the snake pit of youth teaches an individual important skills like standing up for oneself, coping with defeat/disappointment, negotiating interpersonal conflict. You’ll never get it out of the schools and even if you did, kids would just fight at the park after school instead.
Just like I’ve found that the kids in Bible School were more bratty and cliquish than kids from non-religious homes, I’d guess that kids who are raised being told they’re tolerant are more intolerant.
And the kids are required to dress up for this?
RIght? And to take that further, do they get looked down upon if they don’t? Because if so, that doesn’t sound very tolerant.
I found JB’s van:
He does live in that neck of the woods…
“For years now, I have called on the American people to solve the Florida Question once and for all by sealing the state border and digging a canal by which to separate the peninsula and its tacky, high-maintanence population from the rest of the republic. Lawmakers must act now.”
” I used the intro as an example of English dialects that are absolutely incomprehensible to American ears.”
I thought this was hyperbole before listening to it. Funny, when singing, he’s comprehensible.
As teens, we spent hours try to decode it. “another way of life finicky Ampegs?”
(that turns out to be “in Holloway (prison) for life for nicking (stealing) handbags.”
I broke down and read that NYT “short story” about assassinating the President. Holy shit, it’s dumb. It’s like something a fifth grader wrote. This is one of America’s best authors?
The Secret Service agent at the president’s shoulder heard the click, spun into a crouch. He registered the scene instantly, drawing his own weapon with razor-edge reflexes.
The Russian tasted failure. He closed his eyes and waited to pay the cost.
That’s some fine quality writing, honey.
Sounds like run of the mill pulp fiction crap.
I used to love bookstores. I loved the vast choices of pulp fiction. I loved all of it…the cover illustrations, the escape from reality it offered, etc. I loved the smell of new paper and ink. Then I grew up. I went into a books a million one day, perused the shelves and it suddenly hit me…it’s all crap. I couldn’t find one book that was worth the paper it is printed on. That was a sad day for me.
I had the same realization with self-help books. As a kid, I thought it was a genre that the really smart adults read. Then one day, I realized that it was all trash.
It was like the day I realized my parents were just flawed people instead of the paragons of wisdom I thought they were when I was a kid.
Reality sucks but there it is. It’s all we’ve got.
ie: meta self help
They need them some sugar… SugarFree.
Wait a tick, I thought the Bay Area was the closest you could get in the US to the UN-envisioned Utopia?
It’s only Phase I. Phase II is where the homeless are justifying in occupying homes, using whatever violence is necessary.
Not to mention the cruelty of throwing billions of dollars at them every year.
I really hate this stuff at my kid’s school
Friday, 11/2 Wear western gear to say “Yee Haw” to kindness
I don’t think I could resist the temptation to reply, “Well, ,if you’re planning an academic day off, I’ll just not bother to send him to school that day, and take him to the zoo, instead.”
“If you were the assailant why would you drive around in a van that says “Look at me, I hate all the people that just received suspicious packages?””
“My co-producer @DavidCypkin took these pics December 2017 at The Shoppes at the Waterways in Aventura, Florida. The van was regularly parked overnight outside a kosher market over a 1+ year period. He believes it may be connected to the bomb suspect and has contacted @FBI.”
Fake news? If he had been driving around for nearly a year, wouldn’t there be a ton of pictures on the net? Fading? Vandalism?
“Another odd thing: Assuming this is his actual Twitter page, he’s only following 32 people. Wouldn’t you expect one of them to be Trump? Not so. But he’s following Obama and Lena Dunham??”
Front to back I dont know how this thing could stink worse.
I’m amused that people are trying to apply logic to bugfuck crazy.
I can see following Obama and Dunham; keep an eye on your enemies. But not following Trump? His supposed hero? That makes no sense whatsoever.
Every one of Trumps tweets gets 12 hours of nonstop coverage on CNN – why bother to follow him?
Lots in that thread.
“Cesar Sayoc had radicalized before Trump
When dealing with the crazy or the bloodthirsty, it is important to be consistent. It would have been wrong to blame Democratic presidential candidate and Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., for the evil man who walked onto a baseball field and started shooting at Republican lawmakers last summer. It would be similarly misguided to blame President Trump for the serial bomber whom we now believe was Cesar Sayoc.
What’s more, Sayoc was violent and made bomb threats long before the current president even got involved in politics. He has been arrested for theft and stolen property, according to the Associated Press, and he was arrested in 2002 on charges of threatening to “throw, place, project or discharge any destructive device.””
“serial bomber” … He didn’t bomb anything, nor did he intend to.
The fucking nerve of this guy.
“Listen throughout human history, certainly throughout American history, politicians have exaggerated. They make promises that they may try to fulfill, but then it turns out to be harder than they expected,” Obama told the crowd assembled in Milwaukee. “They pump up the things that they did that are good.”
“They downplay the things that they did that aren’t so good. They try to put a positive spin on things,” Obama continued. “But what we have not seen before, in our recent public life, at least, is politicians just blatantly, repeatedly, baldly, shamelessly lying.”
Yeah, never seen that before. Oh wait, yeah I have, always and everywhere – especially from you. (Obama, not Rebel Scum)
LOL – how meta
It must’ve been caused by a YouTube video, right?
Well he never actually said that.
“You can keep your doctor”
What an amazingly smug prick.
The absolute worst thing about him is what a smarmy fucking prick he is. I’m kind of amazed he didn’t get the shit kicked out of him numerous times when he was in high school
(note to Secret Service agents: I am not going to attempt that. Ever. Just surprised it didn’t happen.)
These people won’t stop putting ads in my browser. It’s like offering coke to a crackhead.
Out there
I too was struck by how remote national politics felt during my road trip. But, while I wouldn’t be shocked if the percentage of politically obsessed people is higher in New York or Cambridge, Massachusetts, than in Sioux Falls or Tulsa, the seeming remoteness of national issues was attributable at least as much to what I was doing as to where I was.
My trip also involved lots of conversations with people about their communities or areas of expertise. Such conversations tend not to focus on national politics — unless of course the community is Washington or the area of expertise national politics (and it is understandably those kinds of people whose views get the most attention in the national media).
Now that I’m back in New York and my media diet is back to more or less normal, the sense of calm, remove and, yes, optimism that pervaded my long days of driving has begun to dissipate. Maybe this just means I’m returning to the real world after an escapist journey. But I also wonder if it’s an indication that my normal media diet — even though it’s mostly free of such known toxins as Facebook and cable TV news, and heavy on old books — is driving me a little nuts.
A couple of years ago, I wrote a column puzzling over the rise in political polarization in the U.S. despite the absence of “a single great ideological divide” like slavery in the 19th century, and asked readers what they thought was driving it. The majority of the responses fingered the media in some form or another. That seems about right. How people get their news has changed dramatically over the past few decades — starting with the rise of conservative talk radio starting in the late 1980s and continuing through the founding of Facebook, YouTube, Reddit, Twitter and other new platforms. The results have included more attention to previously obscure topics, which is great, and more openness to ideas outside the prevailing mainstream, which isn’t necessarily bad, but also includes a lot more tendentiousness and untruth. The reaction of the mainstream media to the loss of its information monopoly has often exacerbated the divisions and distrust. And President Donald Trump, who seems intuitively to understand this new media landscape better than anyone, has chosen to use it mainly to foment further division and anger.
If one exits this roiling media landscape to spend a few weeks interacting with the actual (and often spectacular) American landscape, and talking to people about things not directly related to Donald Trump, this country can actually feel like a pretty calm, friendly, well-functioning place. Maybe it is! But until its citizens find better ways to talk to each other about national issues, it will also probably keep feeling like a country on the brink of something awful.
Not quite “Rednecks in the Mist”, but our intrepid Bloomberg reporter discovers a surprising (to him) lack of shit-flinging-howler-monkey-level obsession with politics out there in the barren wastes. Sane people have better things to do than obsess about politics, however hard that may be for some people to comprehend.
And yet he still has to type this sentence:
Hence, he didn’t really learn a damn thing. People like him saying things like this about Trump are a large reason for the division and anger.
It’s like he’s 90% of the way towards understanding that it’s the MSM “fomenting division and anger” but can’t. quite. get. there.
How many times did we hear how the socialist idiot, Chocolate Jesus, is the smartest guy who ever lived?
The guy’s a moron. He’s never gonna get it.
I’m amused that people are trying to apply logic to bugfuck crazy.
But enough about Twitter…
Somewhat reminds me of Woody Allen’s bit about how the world ended in Sleeper, “some nut named Shanker got hold of the bomb”.
Hence, he didn’t really learn a damn thing.
Sioux Falls is a boom town. You can’t explain that.
I need to rename one of my Catahoulas Squeaky Wheel. She is nagging the shit out of me for breakfast. Seventy pounds of sad eyes, pawing and trying to crawl in my lap.
Shit. As soon as I respond to her nagging all of the rest of them get excited and run over to nag also. Bullshit. I dont see anyones ribs showing around here. In fact, they need a doggy treadmill.
I am such a sucker. If I just put out dry food they wont touch it. It has to have gravy on it. What a country we live in. Dog obesity and laziness is a national problem.
Ugh. I will be back.
I made the mistake of buying pig ears for my dog. They are apparently potato chips for dogs. She knows where they are kept and stands and stares at the cupboard and whines. So annoying and hard to ignore.
My wife hates pig ears because they smell bad so I am forbidden to buy them.
Pet treats and toys are like fish baits. They are marketed to fishermen, not fish.
They do stink, probably why the dog loves them.
Mine is on the south end of 20. Those spindly forelegs have a lot of power in pulling the covers off and then me when she wants to go out in the morning (and eat her breakfast after). Then she’ll lick my face, because I too am a sucker.
“Hello. My name is R C, and I have been a sucker for my dogs for 40 years.”
“She’s the hero feminism deserves, but not the one it needs…”
“…cover myself in my life-giving fluids…”
Everyone has a fetish. I guess she is special and unique, just like everyone else.
Nice tits, honey.
Saints preserve us!
But as inequality of income and wealth steadily rise in countries like the U.S., and as populism and political discontent roil nations across the globe, some are beginning to question the consensus that emerged at the end of the Cold War. Polls show an increasing number of young Americans responding favorably to the word “socialism”
Openly socialist candidates are starting to win a few elections in the U.S., and calls to end capitalism are starting to appear in the mainstream news media with increasing frequency.
The CEA’s new report should be seen in this light. It’s an indication that both socialism’s proponents and its opponents have begun to take the idea seriously again. With the world troubled not just by inequality but also by productivity stagnation and the threat of climate change, it’s time to ask whether there are big systemic improvements that could be made.
So while the CEA report is helpful in some respects — reopening the debate about socialism, and warning against collective agriculture and communist revolutions — it doesn’t do a great job of rebutting the centerpiece of the modern-day American socialist agenda. Convincing Americans to abandon the idea of government health insurance, and of increased social spending in general, will be an uphill battle for the Trump administration.
It’s like a goddam tsunami of non sequiturs.
However, closet socialists have been winning elections for close to 100 years
FFS. I’ve been reading this same story for decades. “Young people want to kill you and steal your shit.” Yeah, what else is new?
lol – same reaction, different words.
FFS, if we are all in grinding poverty, that is equality. I assume these stupid fucks don’t really want that, what they want is the wealth-status that their lack of talent and luck has not yielded them. Piss off.
Ambitious and incompetent. A dangerous type of person.
Increased opportunity to create wealth will result in wealth creators becoming increasingly wealthy and non-creators also wealthier but less so. That’s not fair so let’s wreck the system.
“serial bomber” … He didn’t bomb anything, nor did he intend to.
The guy gives “junk mail” a new meaning.
…and the media is referring to the intended recipients of the bombs as “victims” FFS.
I thought “junk mail” was a euphemism for sexting.
That’s a Weiner!
Great set of links this morning, perfect for much raging and head-shaking on a miserable rainy day.
“Another odd thing: Assuming this is his actual Twitter page, he’s only following 32 people. Wouldn’t you expect one of them to be Trump? Not so. But he’s following Obama and Lena Dunham??”
Lena Dunham? FFS
At least Hinckley had the good taste to be trying to impress Jodie Foster.
I usually make fun of people that adore actresses or actors, but….yeah I think Foster is pretty hot. Always was. I know she is a rug muncher but I dont care. I could have spent a lifetime making her splay her toes.
I am dying to make a snark that I shouldn’t make.
The pumpkin cake is out of the oven. My house smells wonderful.
That sounds good. Dammit, now I want cake and a big glass of milk.
*Dont say it
Sounds yummy.
Mmmmmmm, caaaaake…
Active shooter at a Synagogue in Squirrel Hill Pittsburgh. Multiple fatalities.
Reposted from last night, because Chapman…
Column: World Series games don’t have to drag on so long
Posted the afternoon before the longest game in WS history, whining about the length of earlier games. How could he have scored such an impressive coincidence? He keeps living up to his dumbass reputation.
In this column, a person who doesn’t really like baseball complains about watching baseball
Pittsburgh police confirms ‘active shooter’ at synagogue; multiple victims reported
That’s no good. And we all know how this is going to go narrative-wise.
The politicization is already occurring.
Someday we’ll have the shooter screaming anti gun screeds, and the politicization will be real time.
Shooter in custody but I am not seeing who it is.
Yep, Farrakhan and his leftist supporters will be blamed. /sarc
Eurotard at ecstasy party is an immensely talented vocalist. I am not sure where I stand on this.
In the graceful state room where Lincoln, FDR and Kennedy lay in repose, where state dinners have been hosted and the world’s greatest artists have performed, someone shouted “Soros!” – a reference to the billionaire philanthropist George Soros, a target of rightwing conspiracy theories and the first recipient of a pipe bomb this week. Someone else shouted: “Lock him up!”
Trump did nothing to intervene. Portraits of George Washington and Teddy Roosevelt looked on.
But few in the audience seemed to care. Trump spent about 10 minutes signing hats.
Jimmy James, 29, from Philadelphia, said policies were more important than words.
“I don’t believe he’s a white supremacist,” he said, “but let me say something very controversial: if he’s a white supremacist, he’s doing a very good job for black people as far as unemployment being down, as far as being open-minded enough to open up the White House to black people.”
Guardian covers a visit of (gasp) young black conservatives to the White House. Gnashing of teeth, wailing ensue.
Those pathetic ignorant nignogs don’t even know a white supremacist when they see one.
Someone needs to explain to teh blacks who teh racists are!!!!11!!
The guy that sued his HMO to force them to accept black property owners decades ago, the guy that was in the public eye for decades and never considered a racist until the day he ran for president is the personification of white supremacist.
Sounds legit.
Money ruins politics. Sometimes.
After Senator Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota announced that she would not vote to confirm Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, sympathetic voters went to work to show their support for the embattled red-state Democrat, writing letters of thanks and posting their appreciation on social media.
Others found a more practical way to demonstrate their gratitude: cold, hard cash. In 17 days, Ms. Heitkamp raised an astonishing $12.5 million, according to campaign finance filings; the bulk of that was after she announced her vote.
“This stands in its own class,” said Michael Beckel, a campaign finance expert at Issue One, a nonpartisan group that seeks to reduce the influence of money in politics.
That’s so much money for a place like North Dakota, she’ll have a hard time spending it all. But she’ll try. And progressives across the land will cheer her on.
a nonpartisan group that seeks to reduce the influence of money in politics
So they’re for drastically reducing the size, scope and power of governments at all levels in this country?
Oh, you.
Proposal 1 on my ballot is some nonsense about “campaign finance”. Deblasio, naturally, is always going on about such things and how important it is to throw tax dollars at these losers and “get big money out of politics” – while maintaining his own massive war chest.
The funny part is that it is all for nothing. She has screwed up so much recently that there’s no way* she’s getting re-elected. Even with her almost-literally non-stop TV commercials.
*barring October surprises that help instead of hurt her
Panic attack
Militia groups and far-right activists are raising money and announcing plans to head to the Mexican border to help stop the caravan of Central Americans, echoing President Donald Trump’s attacks on the migrants making their way toward the U.S.
Exactly how many militia members will turn out is unclear, and as of Friday, the caravan of about 4,000 people was still some 1,000 miles (1,609 kilometres) and weeks away from reaching this country.
But the prospect of armed civilians at the border – and the escalating political rhetoric over immigration – have fuelled fears of vigilantism at a time when tensions are already running high because of the mail bomb attacks against some of Trump’s critics.
The U.S. Border Patrol this week warned local landowners in Texas that it expects “possible armed civilians” to come onto their property because of the caravan.
Three activists told The Associated Press that they were going to the border or organizing others, and groups on Facebook have posted dire warnings about the caravan. One said it was “imperative that we have boots on the ground.” Another wrote: “WAR! SECURE THE BORDER NOW!”
Panic early, panic often.
“Exactly how many militia members will turn out is unclear”
No shit?
“But the prospect of armed civilians at the border – and the escalating political rhetoric over immigration – have fuelled fears of vigilantism at a time when tensions are already running high because of the mail bomb attacks against some of Trump’s critics.”
People who live in small bubbles are agitating like hell for a glorious revolution against the people that grow all of their food, supply all of their electricity, water and provide security. Fight for illegal alien invasion and tranny bathrooms against people who will fight for their children.
Keep poking the bear you stupid motherfuckers. See what happens.
Marianna Trevino Wright, a South Texas resident who is director of the non-profit National Butterfly Center, said she is more fearful of the militias than the caravan.
“We go about our business here every day in a peaceful manner,” Wright said. “The idea that we could be invaded not by illegal immigrants but by militia groups … is regrettable, and it will end badly.”
Meanwhile, over at the Teddy Bear Museum, the staff were preparing a safe room with special sombrero-wearing teddy bears in “free hugs” serapes.