DEAR ABBY: I’m a millennial, and it seems these days people stay at jobs for only a few years before moving on. That has been my experience in the past, but now I’m in a position that’s fulfilling and where I am creatively satisfied.
All my friends are always looking for their next gig, but for once, I don’t feel that way. They keep sending me job postings they think I would be interested in, which would be right up my alley if I was looking, but I’m not.
How should I respond? Does it say I’m lacking motivation or goals if I don’t have the desire to leave the company where I am currently working? In this day and age, is it OK to stay longer at a company, or does that actually hurt your resume? Does it show a lack of drive? — SEEKING GUIDANCE
DEAR ABBY: I’ve had it up to here with my crabby next-door neighbor. She grows vegetables in her garden — squash and pumpkins at this time of year. Our properties are separated by a wire fence.
A few days before Halloween last year, a friend brought her two grandsons, who are 4 and 6, for a visit. They were excited to find a pumpkin in my yard that weighed about 10 pounds and managed to get it into my house because they wanted to make a jack-o’-lantern. No sooner did I reach for the phone to tell my neighbor what they had done than she came banging at my door accusing the boys of theft! To make peace, I handed the pumpkin to her with my apologies.
This morning I noticed two pumpkins have tendrils that have crept through the fence and are now growing on my property. More than one person has told me, “They’re on your property, so they belong to you.” Another has said that if my tree grows over her property, she has the right to trim the branches. Ergo: I get to keep the pumpkins. I think a fair solution is to keep one pumpkin and give her the other. But “Crabby Cathy” might have other ideas. Before this gets ugly again, what do you say? — PUMPKIN PILFERER IN PETALUMA, CALIF.
How should I respond?
Delete the emails?
I like the old saying ‘Barbed wire fences make good neighbors.’
Concertina wire, sentry guns, and land mines.
Well, I only have barbed wire. I’m not one of your fancy book written villains.
You at least have a yard.
A very large one, where I could walk around naked most of the time and no one would ever know. Not that I do.
Isn’t that great? I like peeing off my front steps, just because I can.
Childish? Yes. Don’t care.
Nothing like feeling the breeze on your balls.
Ultimate Freedom! pissing off the Porch!
My neighbors and I get along famously, I’ve found never speaking to or making eye contact with them works well.
Yes. My neighbor and I were best friends in school. I see him once a month and we say ‘Hi’. Best Friend Ever.
I wave at the nice lady across the street. That’s about it. I had one but job make an anonymous complaint, but when I knocked on her door, that problem got resolved.
Nut job.
Go on…
Someone complained anonymously about my dog barking to the HOA, so I went door to door until I discovered who made the complaint and had a little chat about how if you have a problem with me, you should talk to me face to face before ratting to the HOA.
^^ why the person complained to the HOA instead of Florida Man
Did you bring your dog with you?
I should have, but no. He’s a bit of a loose cannon.
“What?!? You don’t like my dog???”
We have occasional parties. I supply homebrew, the guy caddycorner brings homemade moonshine, the guy two doors down brings gin and whiskey, and everybody else brings food.
There are never any issues because we live far enough apart that we can do our own things without tripping over one another.
OK. So, I grew up with kittycorner. Is this a regional thing where people in my region say it the right way and other people, like Trashy, say it the wrong way?
That is also the terminology we had.
(Kitty. not caddy. though neighter makes sense)
It’s definitely kittycorner.
Ooh! It does, anecdotally, appear to be a regional thing.
Well, we all know midwestern english is the best, that’s why they all speak it on the newz.
You betcha!
Nope, Kitty corner in Cali too, 🙂
I’ve heard both, though caddycorner I hear most often and it’s the one I use.
That’s funny, I originally wrote kittycorner but changed it to caddycorner to avoid being called a weirdo
So you changed it to the weird one to avoid being called weird?
I spent too long in Texas… that’s my excuse
If it makes you feel better, I’ve heard both. Although half of my family is from Wershington (spelled Washington) PA.
I was never sure WTF it was (definitely heard both) so I always avoided using it.
kittycorner and caddywumpus – sheesh
^ this guy gets it
both are acceptable in the midwest, as MikeS pointed out.
We trade pet sitting and occasionally, food.
I live in suburbia, and have met one next door neighbor, and one neighbor across the street. That leaves a good half dozen neighbors that I haven’t met. In a fun twist of fate, the girlfriend and I were downtown Cleveland grabbing brunch at a brewery, and overheard someone talking about living in the same neighborhood as us. As we started talking to them, we learned they lived down the street from us, as in 8 houses down. We saw them one other time after that…
I get annoyed there are a half dozen people that even live on the same road as me.
I’ve had it up to here with my crabby next-door neighbor.
She’s probably had it up to here with you too, hon.
Speaking of not so good neighbors; my suggestion is to pack the stupid bitches off to some white supremacist compound, either in the U.P. or somewheres out west.
You gotta break a couple pumpkins for the pie.
Pumpkin=Orange Pie=Sarah Sanders, so what you’re say is the Ruzzians have proof Trump is behind the ‘bombs’?!
Id glady eat any pie Sarah presented me with, IYKWIMAITTYD
Which will be warm and moist, but hopefully not flaky?
That is a Y where I would take the other fork in the road. IYKWIMAITTYD
It means that Sarah Sanders is Trump’s secret love child.
I like roasted pumpkin seeds. My wife likes pumpkin ales. Fight us.
At the same time?
It’s tag team style like gawd intended.
As long as you don’t like pumpkin flavored coffee drinks we’re good.
What about coffee-flavored pumpkin drinks?
/tries not to retch.
Coffee should taste like coffee.
I’ve found too many different coffee flavors.
You should have a large selection of origins and roast. You should only have one flavor.
If there was no variation in flavor, origin and roast would not matter.
Its still coffee flavor, the roast and origin just highlights different aspects.
A lot of roasts render it undrinkable. So I don’t regard them as “variations on one flavor”.
UCS, although I agree improper roasting can ruin coffee easily, I’m on Florida Man’s side here. Even a good wine-like Sumatran is still coffee.
Real cinnamon, maybe hazelnut, are the only acceptable flavorings.
Booze is the only thing Ill put in my coffee.
Correct answer.
Wait a second, what about putting coffee in my beer? You try to take my coffee stouts and porters away from me, we may have to throw down.
Coffee beers can be good, but even though I know they use coffee, I just consider them coffee flavored beers and not coffee.
I Love you M!
Currently drinking one of my favorite Coffee Stouts. The Masthead Single Origin Ethiopian Yirgacheffe. It’s an amazing beer where you can (if you’re a coffee geek) pick up the notes from the coffee itself.
Ohh. Ethiopia is my favorite coffee region.
Florida Man: If you participate in the next BIF, and I draw your name, I’ll make sure to send you all of the awesome coffee stouts and porters we have up here in Cleveland. Ask l0b0t about them… if he’s still able to type.
Wait, so your gonna send him porters and stout, but if you get my name I get grass clipping wrapped cat shit? No fair!
That Willoughby PBCB is awesome. I’d send one of those in every BIF if I were you.
Related, I’m currently drinking a PB Milk Stout from a local. Delicious.
I try to send different beers in every BIF package I send out. My biggest problem is that there’s too many good breweries around me. I still haven’t sent anything out from (breweries that package only) Brew Kettle, Market Garden/Nano Brew, Railroad Brewing, and Goldhorn Brewing. If it makes you feel better, Willoughby Brewing (the ones who did the PBCP), have finally gotten a production facility, and hope to have it online in the next couple of months. Perhaps then, they’ll have the Nut Smasher available more frequently (an imperial peanut butter porter).
That Crowler of Chocolate-Hazelnut Imperial Stout knocked me down. It was also, quite literally, the most delicious beer I’ve ever had and immediately reminded me of that beloved Longshot. I would consider moving to Ohio just for that beer. Thanks again.
l0b0t: Glad you enjoyed it. That was the only beer I shipped you that I hadn’t tasted myself. I was trusting in the brewery with that one. I’m really looking forward to them getting their production facility online. Have you tried any of the others yet? I’m very curious about your opinion on the coffee stout and porter.
Come on, you can make MikeS jealous…
Coffee should taste like coffee with Bailey’s in it. Because you put Bailey’s in it.
This guy knows what’ s up.
This is good too:
Hmm… it’s available in NH. I will look for it. Thanks!
Try this link instead.
Ha! NH state liquor stores. I hate to admit it, but they aren’t total clusters. If the state is gonna get some revenue (and it’s gonna), I’d rather see that than a sales or income tax.
I’ll only drink flavored coffee if I’m putting booze in it.
I stopped at a new local micro-brewery for the first time. They had a coffee porter that honest to god had TOO much coffee in it.
However, the Russian Imperial Stout is delicious and I have a half full growler (must save other half for tomorrow) to prove it.
Exhibit #2804357287482475878067 of how Florida Man and Florida Woman are freaks.
I like pumpkin pie. Any other attempt to use the things is a stretch.
Pumpkin cheesecake is awesome. So is pumpkin soup.
I’m planning on doing a Pumpkin Cheesecake (with a gingersnap crust) for dessert for Thanksgiving this year. The girlfriend tried to complain, but she doesn’t like Pumpkin Pie, nor does she like Cheesecake. So I figure I’m making one dessert that most normal people will like, instead of two different ones she wouldn’t like.
That sounds like it could be quite good.
Pumpkin soup is my favorite, coconut milk and lots of chiles.
Both can be good. Pumpking, a local offering, is quite good.
Sadly didn’t find it in cans, so i couldn’t send it in for the bif.
It’s pretty wildly available, there were even a couple places around me that had the cold pressed coffee Pumpking on tap over the past couple of weeks. Too bad pumpkin beers are an abomination to me.
I like pumpkin pie and there are some good pumpkin beers.
TBBC, which made the sour I sent you, made a very nice pumpkin beer this year.
Oops. I received from you, I sent to Not Adahn.
You’ve already consumed everything I sent you? 😉
Yes sir. I really liked the barleywine. It’s a lot like sour beer and a large serving.
Alright, I’ll note that you received your package. I try to keep track of such things.
But that description of barleywines hurts me in the region my soul should be…
Barleywine shouldn’t be like a sour. Urgh. Sounds like they fucked up. Shame, other beers from them I liked.
Huh. Well I liked it, but I like sour beers. I’ve never had barleywine before so didn’t know what to expect
Nep, Not Adahn said he got my BiF.
Florida Man: The first difference is if you’re talking about an American Barleywine or a British Barleywine. An American Barleywine (fresh) will taste very much like a heavier, more alcoholic DIPA (Sierra Nevada Bigfoot or Avery Hog Heaven would be good examples). A British Barleywine will be much lighter on the pine and citrus hops, but will have a lot more malt complexity. You should get lots of caramel and toffee notes, with some earthy hop bitterness to balance that out. No barleywine should be below 8% ABV, and almost all of them will age well.
It’s the 2017 barely wine.
I got my BIF today from Lackadaisical. Looks really good.
Thanks, Lacky!
And with R C Dean commenting, we’re over 55% with BIF deliveries that I’m aware of. Keep up the shipping and drinking you wonderful people! If there’s any problems, please address them to me, you’ve got the e-mail address.
Hey, I thought you were in jail for sending fake bombs…
I made bail because I ain’t got no damn money so not a flight risk.
Pumpkin flavored beer is the pineapple on a pizza of the beer world.
No, it isn’t.
Yes it is.
*rolls up sleeves*
So…. pro or con?
Thin crust or deep dish?
I have no idea. Pizza comes out of the microwave from some guy named Red Baron.
Pineapple works for you.
Don’t worry. Red Baron dough is tipo 00 blue made with mineral water from the Catskills.
Red Barron is owned by the Minnisoda Schwan’s company…drops coffee mug Playa handed me made in Jimbo Minnisoda, sees in slow motion Playa is wearing a Frozen Tundra T-Shirt and he is wearing a hat that reads ‘Hiyek Splosives’.
The first link doesn’t work for me.
If you can google it and track down the right link, I’ll fix it.
Staff is on hiatus for the World Series. I’m only 3 beers deep, and therefore the most responsible.
Thank you. I think I fixed it. Make that 4 beers deep.
Isn’t the World Series out your way somewhere?
Don’t you like baseball?
*rolls up sleeves*
*ok, I heard that somewhere*
My wife and kids are at the school halloween thing.
I got to have what I want for dinner and drink. Watching the game outside by the fire pit. I might have a second dinner at this pace.
It sure would be cool to see guns cascading out the smiling mouth of the current Dear Abby.
She’s actually the daughter of the real Dear Abby, but sure doesn’t look like someone I’d ask for advice. She looks like she’d become angry so easily in that photo.
Her mother looked like that person at work, when you needed help but couldn’t seem to ask anyone else, that you know you can trust and will be a good sounding board for you. She also had a much more interesting column than her daughter, who has lost tons of newspapers from her syndication in favor of other advice columnists.
Probably because she never heeds Zardoz’s advice.
Why do the FBI need Multicam?
Because they’re not civilians like you?
You have awakened the rage of the Úlfhéðnar within me.
Let the hate flow through you.
Is greater than your love for foreign words?
Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto.
In one voice all of Florida turns to it’s buddy and says “Hold my beer!”
Heroic Mulatto confirmed as Thor fanboi.
Thor is kinda Thicc
[contemplating the heat of ten thousand suns]
Military surplus? Tiny balls?
Covert forestry.
To hide from the pacman ghosts?
Leeloo Miltipass?!
They want to project an image of authority.
No, really. If you look through the mulitcam website they have a specific black pattern that they claim does precisely that. It’s dumb as all hell.
It ignites some sort of irrational rage deep within me when I see it.
They are quite literally trying to be stormtroopers.
Yeah, I know about the Multicam Black verbiage…in explaining why someone would make a black camo, which is terrible for hiding, “something something “authoritative””.
That’s why it was a rhetorical question.
You mean you don’t want to play “operator” when there are no consequences for your actions and without the danger of actually being in a COIN operation?
This must be one o’ them rhetorical questions you mentioned.
Wait…Stormtroopers wore white.
Well, they do have a multicam alpine pattern…
OHHH, so you were talking about camouflage. Ok, that makes more sense than the FBI having a multicam setup which is usually used to shoot documentaries or sitcoms.
Or VR porn.
What CPRM said.
Or, Spud, for that matter.
This Keewaydin Apple Cherry Cider is good. I haven’t opened any of the BIF beers yet, but the ones I received look very good.
If I liked cider, I could clear out a lot of room in the fridge. The girlfriend keeps buying six packs, and drinks maybe 2 a week…
Pumpkin spice ammo…when you’re a redneck basic bitch.
Hell, there’s several oil change places near my work that have the Pumpkin Spice Oil change text on their board now.
Spelling fairy has a sad.
Millennial should tell friends to bugger off. I don’t know when sticking with a job for more than a few years became a negative but it bugs me.
When your employer is the State.
Or a defense contractor. OK, basically the same thing.
Or the Office of the Secretary of Defense, which published a memo that used “duplicitous” instead of “duplicative”. I mean, I thought it was funny as hell, and put a whole new meaning into bad acquisition decisions, until my pedant nature took over.
It’s not a negative. I, as a millennial, have never encountered that sentiment.
Well, I as a cusp between Millennial and Gen X have encountered it, and said it, when someone thinks they should be able to live off working at McDonalds and be able to afford having 5 kids as a single parent.
Good to know.
Yeah, I thought it was only acceptable. Now it’s necessary?
So HM, I ran across this yesterday and I need a ruling. So, thicc or 2 thicc (sort of NSFW)?
A little 2 thicc for me until after two or more boilermakers.
Boilermakers are still a thing? I thought they died out in the eighties and were replace with saki bombs.
Some of us have always kept the faith.
Yes they are
/reminisces about undergrad drinking at Purdue
Imagining sloopy leaping to his feet shaking his fist and screaming too soon!
You need to hang out with Korean Army officers. That’s part of the bonding experience.
Everyone, just note that HM has confirmed that this is a possibility for him.
All you haters–you can sleep a little more easily now.
*lights John signal*
Actually that might be a bit much even for him.
Aw c’mon, she’s alright. Normally I like them Audrey Hepburn size but I find her intriguing for some reason.
Just saw that there is a second girl. She’s aight. Cute alternative-girl somewhat nerdy face. Tight but sturdy. Wood.
Dear Lord, I hope somebody has confiscated your keys.
I’m not sure how you could resist not wanting to play with them.
You just reminded me of where I recognized her from. She’s a corset fetish model, and those are implants.
I love corset garter stockings look.
Just for you. (SFW: Just music.)
She’s a bit small for my tastes. But still wood.
Pumpkin spice anything is shit.
Roasted pumpkin seeds are manna from heaven. Well, a good snack at least.
Gifts from Q on the last thread. I want her to sit on my face. That’s love, right? I’m pretty sure that’s love.
Plastic love, actually.
OMG, when you typed out “Plastic Love” that was exactly the video I was going to post to you.
That’s scary!
It must be our yuanfen, which Google tells me is this in Japanese.
“unmei” = fate
I’ll return the favor with some Miki Matsubara.
No idea she was only 44 when she died of cancer.
Well, not everyone can be an immortal, ageless vampire (in a good way) like Yumi Matsutoya.
Or Utada Hikaru’s mother. Lord what a childhood she must have had…
Damn. I didn’t know that. My wife’s favorite singer no less.
I’m assuming the mother? Not Utada Hikaru.
Nope. She likes Utada Hikaru. It’s her “number 18” song at karaoke.
Utada Hikaru is really interesting. I actually like her too!
Her story is really interesting. She had brief and failed US pop career and essentially tried again in Japan and became mega successful.
I was basically unfamiliar with her other than vaguely knowing her music. At some point on YouTube an English interview with her popped up and I went WTF! What’s up with her flawless English and hit Wikipedia.
There are other things that need to happen first, but yeah.
Is it love?
Yes! I kept looking back at her. Something about her…eyes…smile. Nice.
Definitely the eyes. They are haunting but in a good way.
Also; I saw her first! She’s mine!
We shall settle this like gentlemen.
Pistols at dawn.A friendly game of Risk.Oh man, that was good. Very good.
She looks like a younger Jodie Foster, but with boobs.
Oi, Mexican Sharpshooter (or any other Spanish speaker), I’ve opened a beer in your honor tonight: El Lupulo Libre from the Brew Kettle.
A mi me gusta de lúpulos.
So what you are saying is let’s kill some pumpkins.
I need a bayonet on my shotgun! Lol
Absolutely. A trenchgun with a bayonet. Sometimes you don’t have time to reload.
I have a bayonet lug on mine. May or May not have contemplated buying a bayonet for it.
Mossberg 590? How’s the balance, too front heavy?
Yep, it’s not too bad balance-wise. It has the 18.5 barrel on it and the extended mag.
Jesus. It’d cost me a hundred bucks to get a buzz.
And that’s why flasks and pre-gaming are an American pastime.
Holy shit. That $378 for a case of Bud Light.
The calorie and diet lecture on a beer menu makes me want to punch someone.
And their calorie numbers are so helpful, too.
And I thought Oktoberfest bier prices were high.
+1 corporate suite
That’s in the box seats.
Price goes down with elevation.
The televised product is vastly superior in every way. It’s almost like they’re selling something other than watching a ball game.
There is something to be said about being surrounded by other fans, cheering and becoming part of the crowd. Same reason I’ll still go to the punk shows, and be one of the old men going down into the mosh pit.
Yeah, those incidentals are some of the things they’re selling.
That makes this joke look positively quaint, now.
“@nathanTbernard’s obsession with @benshapiro borders on deranged. It’s also worth noting that the “MAGAbomber” has been insane & violent for decades. I somewhat doubt that it was Shapiro talking about tariffs or Iran policy that drove this guy overboard.”
“Don’t compare Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. It belittles Hitler.
One was a psychopath who believed his raving rants. The other is a con man.
I am a Jew — a New York Writer Liberal Jew, the scariest Jew of all — and from a very young age, I was taught about an unimaginable horror called the Holocaust and about an evil man named Adolf Hitler. The elderly man who sat beside me every Saturday morning in synagogue was a Holocaust survivor, and his elderly wife was a Holocaust survivor, as well. And so the first reason the comparison of Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler bothers me is not because it belittles the deaths of millions of innocents, but because, frankly, it belittles Adolf Hitler.
Hitler believed Jews were the cause of every problem. He believed extermination was the solution. He believed that the “Spear of Destiny,” the spear the Romans used to poke Jesus on the cross, would give him magical powers. He had an elaborately developed, hideous, deplorable theory of how things worked, and he believed in it deeply.
Trump doesn’t.
Hitler was a psychopath. Trump is just a con man.
Hitler had some opinions, he had some plans. They were monstrous and evil, and reason enough for even an avowed atheist to consider the existence of Satan. But I don’t recall Hitler flip-flopping. I don’t see him saying one morning, “I’m going to invade Poland,” and then “softening” his stance that afternoon after meeting with Sean Hannity. He didn’t decide to kill the Jews, then change his mind when his new campaign manager arrived. “I said the kill the Jew — singular, one Jew, not all the Jews. Just the bad ones.” Hitler was a megalomaniacal psychopath who should burn in Hell for eternity… who actually believed in something.
There’s a difference. Trump is a two-bit con man. He’s playing the fools.”
Old article, but WTF?
“Hitler believed in something evil and stuck to it in principle” (and killed millions directly and got the world involved in a conflict that resulted in the deaths of tens of millions…) “but Trump is a swindler so Trump is worse”.
This person is not sane.
This guy.
Brad Pitt is a Jew? I thought he was greek.
I would’ve been disappointed were it any other link.
I mean, say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it’s an ethos.
“I am a Jew”
I guarantee you that your family disagrees.
a New York Writer Liberal Jew, the scariest Jew of all
Yeah, I bet these guys shake in their boots when they hear about you.
And we go now live to our very own SloopyinCA for this breaking report. Sloopy, what do you have to report?
Well….finally done with the drive. That was a nice vacation IVO Lake Placid. I guess not getting anything really done is kinda the point of a vacation. I don’t feel too put out that I didn’t work on my writing projects…but it was pretty damn relaxing.
Broke out my first 1L (32oz?) growler from Great Adirondack – Cobbled Brown Ale. Great stuff – definitely traveled well (thankfully). I’ll try and finish the entire one tonight in order to stay on Nephilium’s schedule ;p I’ll go with their Rhuberry one tomorrow.
Need to call Lake Placid Brewing tomorrow to confirm their growling bottling timeline to see what drinking schedule I have to set for them (as opposed to the stainless steel growlers (with rubber seals)) I had filled in front of me.
Did you stay up to date on the MAGA Bomber while you were on vaycay? if not, you’ve got a lot of catching up to do.
I updated my phone to Verizon (from ATT) that week so I could ensure I had cell service for emergencies, reserve stuff, etc. Aside from whatever happened today I’m pretty current on stuff. I did post here a few times using the new DuckDuckGo app on my phone.
Irritatingly, the glass protector for the Samsung Galaxy 9 makes it extremely difficult to get proper touch sensitivity in a bunch of spots around the edges – most infuriatingly the upper right corner where it’s actually pretty darn important.
It’s not really a schedule, it’s just a suggestion as to when they’ll start degrading quickly. And a 32 oz bottle (~1 Liter) would technically be a Howler (I really hate that word), instead of a Growler.
I don’t know why we can’t just call them half-growlers. If we have to have a cute name for them, I prefer growlette to howler.
Now they have the Crowlers. I could have bought a couple of those, but the Growlers were a better deal – but maybe that has to do with length of storage – even compared against larger amount and reusable container.
Realize that empty growlers cost between $5-$10 (and fuck anywhere charging $10 for an empty half gallon jug that I can get for $1.50 at a home brew shop), and the breweries will definitely charge you for that. Around me, a growler fill runs between $10-$20 for most beers, while crowlers run $7-$12 (for the places that offer them). Of course, I have a bookshelf full of empty growlers, and two [empty] in the trunk of my car at all times.
I really need to start doing this. I have more growlers than I need, just because I didn’t have one with me when I needed it.
One brewery I stopped at, I went through a flight. Decided I liked their beers, and told them I would be back. I walked out to my car to bring in the growlers, and the brewer asked why I didn’t bring them in when I first walked in. I responded, I never want to offend a brewer by bringing in an empty growler, and walking out with it still being empty.
No, I appreciate the tips. I’d rather drink a little more up front while it’s good than forget about them and be disappointed later. In retrospect, I probably bought a little too much for the time frame, etc – if I had thought about it more, I could have bought a couple of them and drunk them earlier in the week too. I’ll ask the folks locally – there are at least a 1/2 dozen craft brewers locally in Cville and they ALL have their own bottling/canning – might be a co-op, but I’ll ask.
As far as the “Howler”, once I empty it – working fast now ;p – I should just need a good hot rinse and let it drain properly right? Or should I plan on soaping it out. Rinsed it out 2x with hot water so far, draining now.
Rinse with hot water until the glass is hot to the touch, then let it dry. Never put a cap tightly onto a growler or howler, you want to make sure there’s air flow. If you’re a homebrewer, you’ll probably have some sanitizer sitting around, which is the best thing to store in empties. Without the sanitizer, just loosely put a cap on (if you have one) and rinse with hot water before taking it out before taking it back to a brewery to be filled. I generally avoid standard soap, because it’s a pain in the ass to rinse out fully, if I really think a growler needs cleaning, I’ll use Oxyclean Free or PBW (Powdered Brewery Wash) to clean them.
And MikeS, the reason they got the name Howler (which I assumed was a typo the first time I saw it), is it’s a (H)alf Gr(owler). Of course, I’ve also seen a place trying to pass off 16 oz. bottles as “growlers”.
I get where it came from, I just don’t see the need for calling them anything other than “half-growler”. Or “quart” or “750”. I guess I’d just prefer all of them to be called “X oz bottle” and stop with the cutsie names.
Calling a 16oz a growler kinda backs up what I’m saying. While a growler seems to be pretty standardized, everything else is pretty wide open. (and no, I”m not asking for regulation! haha)
Growlers fall into two sizes, 64 oz and 2 Liter. If you run the numbers, they’re within a couple of ounces of each other. So most breweries won’t care about that. But the craft beer scene has a bunch of youths joining it (which is a good thing overall), and they want to slap nicknames onto things.
And if you think there’s no regulations, realize that a brewery can lose their license if they fill a growler without the standard government warning on them.
Oh yeah, I know about all that nonsense. Has to have the pregnant women warning and all that. I just don’t want the man telling me how many ounces have to be in a growler.
And tell those damn bottle naming kids to get off my fucking lawn!
BTW I took up a bunch of singles, etc that I worked through this past week and this one was absolutely stunning: https://www.brotherscraftbrewing.com/our-beer/endeavors/#blonde-betty
I may swing by Total Wine next weekend to see if they still stock it (they had a display when I picked up a bottle)…or just drive over to Harrisonburg – it’s about the same distance either way.
That sounds a lot like R. Shea’s Harvest Ale, which is made of all local ingredients. I approve of that, but wish I had read closer before ordering a pint of it, as the description would have scared me away:
I am not a cider fan, and they’ve continued this through this year. Thankfully they have a lot of really good beers.
All this silence is disturbing.
My friend sent this to me.
She said nothing pisses her off like finishing a sentence with 知らんけど. I said we do the same damn thing – long explanation followed with “…but I’m not really sure”.
Must be a personal thing because I’ve never heard that before. Just a way to soften a declarative statement. The one that bugs me is いいから. Women say that when you ask them why they did something incredibly stupid.
Interesting. May be regional as well. This is my friend in Kansai.
Given Osaka people are (stereotype?) more direct than Kanto people, you’re probably right.
The stereotype seems to match my limited experience.
(The leopard print in the ad was a nice touch!)
I just saw this suggested video I’ma shut off ma brain now and just enjoy.
That gets wackier and wackier as it continues…
Point cards are infuriating. I’m supposed to carry around a dozen of them to get my 3 points every time I buy a bottle of tea or ball pen? The ones for places that sell big ticket items like washers and TVs are understandable. Bic Camera for example. The convenience store ones are simply making lines last just that much longer.
The only reward card I have is total wine.
Hey, I thought you were in custody.
I lubed up with jail grade butter and slipped the bars.
Maybe not a band name, but, it would make one helluva song title.
IT’s about point cards? And here I jacked off to it. Foreign people are confusing.
“When I say crazy things, people I know don’t argue with me, that means they know what I’m talking about” I don’t actually know who this guy is, I’ve just seen his name mentioned here, but that’s how that came across.
It may well be that Trump is not good for American conservatism in the long run.
The problem is that most of the people saying this aren’t better.
I see it kind of like this. Britain and the U.S. are both ruled by nominal conservatives. May and the NeverTrumpers are cut from the same cloth. Trump is more like Boris Johnson or Nigel Farage (although not as eloquent). Both factions have the potential to destroy the conservative movement for a generation. The former by watering it down, the latter by distilling it too much.
Trump is a ‘90s (Bill) Clintonian Democrat, he’s not distilling anything.
On governance, yes. He doesn’t govern like an arch-conservative. But, then again, neither did Reagan.
It is his style that represents distilled conservative id. For everyone who loves it, there’s someone who merely tolerates it (like me), and there’s someone who’s turned off by it.
Merely tolerate is perhaps not entirely accurate. There are times when I think he strikes the right tone, when he is calling out hypocrisy or evil. And there are times when I think he goes too far. He’s much more visceral than any other President has (openly) been in our lifetimes. That has its pros (more honest/sincere) and its cons (enshrines it as the new normal).
For it to be the new normal, you’d have to find candidates that are capable of being actual humans and not NPCs created by focus groups. My guess is that Trump’s style dies with Trump and unfunny/vicious anger becomes even more the go to for candidates.
True. It’s quite possible for people to ape Trump’s style (“I learned it from you!”) in terms of bombast and casual lying but without the sincerity and overarching honesty.
Good way to put it. My hope is that the world moves closer to American conservatism of the classical liberal bent and not America moving closer to the Cameron style conservatism.
Who’s the American Rees-Mogg?
About 70-years too late…
Trump’s tenure could right the ship of American conservatism. It certainly seems to be inspiring some other conservatives in the Senate to develop a backbone. However, where the Republican Party and the conservative movement will be left when his one or two terms are up, is a matter that hasn’t yet been decided.
Maybe Rand can take over, surprisingly they seem to get on pretty well.
I don’t want it to inspire ‘conservatives’ but freedom lovers, which much to my surprise it has.
Indeed. Should American conservatism founder, I will take no glee in it, but I will not inherently consider it a bad thing. If there emerges a liberty-loving faction of some real size, then perhaps some good came of it.
The only fear with conservatism floundering is that it probably gives the government back to the progressives for 2 generations, just like in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
True. But that would owe as much to the death of liberalism as to conservatism.
Did you step in something? Yep, sure did. I hope you can clean that off the bottom of your shoe.
Conservatives are ducking a difficult debate about their complicity with Donald Trump.
IMHO He seems to be, policy and action-wise, nearly exactly what conservatives claim to want (less regulation, lower taxes, excessive military spending, 2A support, ostensible originalist scotus nominees, border control, etc. [The man *hugs* the fucking flag. He is a flag-hugging conservative.]) So idk what this guy is talking about.
Max Boot believes in remaking the world in the western, liberal democratic mold – no matter how many people have to die to accomplish that. Trump not only dared to call that stupid, but he won too. Max will never forgive Trump – ever.
Hello from the World Series! Yes it’s expensive but is pretty fun in person. The ling breaks between innings for ads are a drag though.
My aunt is in the front row, and she doesn’t even like baseball. Sad.
I’ll swap with her!
I don’t think you understand what you just offered.
I score games longhand (as I am doing now) on custom Excel team cards that I update over the years.
Kids are often intrigued: the question I get from the row behind most is “why is that K backwards?”
I’m guessing the question you actually get asked most is, ‘Nerd, move your head and your laptop or I’ll beat the shit out of your fag ass.’
Many men may have fancied that they had what it would take, but, funny, almost none have made any such offers at the park or otherwise. As the gray has overtaken my beard, a few more might indeed be qualified, so maybe I need to start thinking about that.
Excel’s for home, the convenience of publishing them. I score them in ink in the same flair and flow as I have sketched out equipment for decades. That also fascinates children: impeccable penmanship and long-hand organization.
Playa gets to record the ‘swap’ and has all distribution rights.
Her SEAT., you sicko.
But too late now.
You left before the game ended? Bottom of the 11th now!
One True Athena confirmed as Playa’s aunt. I’m journalisming!
Rico Sauve Sez: Trump is indirectly responsible for those bombs. “It’s tempting to place some of the blame here on unhinged right-wing rhetoric.” Also his anti-press rhetoric is irresponsible. I mean the MSM are in fact enemies of the people but cocktail parties.
Yep, never mind the guy’s history. This is all about Trump.
Lest you think I’m being unfair to Robby…
Insinuated that Trump is indirectly responsible.
To be sure, you’ve got to respect CNN.
I mean CNN, WaPo and NYT openly oppose libertarianism (except for Anti-Republican concern trolling) and free speech. What for a libertarian not to love?
He’s not being unfair. It was peak Robby. Several commenters pointed out that it looked as if he was just trolling the comments section. It was pretty ridiculous.
So… not responsible.
Why, oh why, are you here Winston?
The Reason comment section is a shitshow?
So you come here for abuse? I don’t get it.
And neither does he, apparently.
The chicks?
Winston has never taken shots at other commenters here as far as I can tell. He certainly has his own position on stuff, but why is that bad? We rib him and he never takes the bait. Cool by me.
Oh, I forgot about the HM stuff. Calling out people who aren’t active on a thread is shitty.
Sorry about that. That guy often isn’t around when I am very often. I do find his views on elites very interesting and his pro-trade and immigration views at a time when a pro-immigrant and trade libertarian (as opposed to a cosmotarian that is) doesn’t have very many friends is an interesting subject.
I don’t have anything against Winston, in fact I’ve supported him in the past. It and I don’t think I’ve ever done a Winston’s Mom joke not in jest, but I’m just curious why he comes back. I usually don’t say anything bad about him, but I notice we collectively just kind of ignore him because he info dumps instead of making a coherent point, so I was just wondering why he prefers this place over the other. No malice.
Dude, he’s right there.
*Drunkenly stumbles and whispers way too loud* Where?
Winston sometimes seems to be posting things in a semi belligerent tone trying to get an argument started, which is somewhat annoying, BUT I have noticed that when engaged he responds thoughtfully and with a much less defiant tone. Maybe he is just trying to get a discussion going, I have a friend who is that way.
I’m guessing his mom kicked him out of the basement. At least for the evening.
I would be more open to this explanation if it went both ways. The problem with a “pox on both their houses” is that, it seems, the pox usually falls on just one.
I forget who said it, but an insightful person mentioned that Republicans play the adult and Democrats play the petulant child. The GOP is held to a high standard, the donkeys to a lower one.
The double standard is appalling. With #resist and Antifa and not my president and all the other bullshit, to say that Trump is the single biggest reason for the coarsening of our culture?? Obvious double standard.
Fuck ’em all.
Indeed. Although, one has to be careful to replace a double standard with a consistent standard rather than another double standard.
‘Member when ‘Reason’ was libertarian? Pepperidge Farm ‘members
Speaking to ‘Open-Carry’, I have done it on occasion and I have noticed that it is pretty prevalent in VA. I usually always see at least one person doing so on my bi-weekly grocery trips to Wally-World.
I’ve only open carried in town once or twice. I occasionally see somebody else doing it. If I’m out hiking, I always OC.
naughty government, that is
In other words, she makes sweeping promises about how great it’s going to be and in the end, you get nothing but the bill and she’s put on 50lbs.
I can say for sure that I’ve never wanted to peek up the government’s skirt.
Sure, just like govt that is what you are promised and then you end up blindfolded and tied up in Warty’s dungeon.
naughty government
She can govern all over me.
Since it’s nearly the end of October, I’ll just leave this here .
I am disappoint, I was expecting this.
Thank David Koresh it wasn’t Holiday In Cambodia. The Marky Ramone channel on Sirius has to play that at least half a dozen times a day.
How would Holiday in Cambodia fit for the end of October? I’ll admit, I like the song, but Halloween is the more appropriate one now.
I guess it would be kinda…..scary?
/grasping @ straws
I love how he mocks the straights in this one. Freak for a night and then plan again for next year.
David French gets all worked up – along with everyone else.
“Pipe-Bomb Suspect Arrested — Be Very Careful With the ‘Crazy’ Label
It’s a word that can allow us to wrongly minimize the significance of the *attack*.”
Attack? I missed the part where people were hurt and things were broken or people risked their lives to defend themselves.
More damage was done at the last Antifa riot than by this MAGAbomber lunatic.
Not excusing his insanity, just putting it into perspective.
*Antifa* *riot*…See, what we have her is a failure to communicate.*
It should be treated the same as mailing white powder.
How did the media treat that, BTW?
Nope. I’ve been told that this is far worse because one of these things could have exploded, where as the white powder couldn’t hurt anyone.
Wouldn’t that perspective “excuse” it though? I started out thinking that all you “the bombs are nothing” guys were nuts, but the more I think about it the more I agree. If the guy did nothing wrong, didn’t hurt anyone, didn’t break anything, no one was at risk, what’s not to excuse? it’s all excusable. Show me where he infringed upon someone else’s rights or let the man go.
Finally we agree.
I don’t agree with you much of the time but I have to admit you picked a perfect name.
Shit-stirrer may have been a little more appropriate.
I may have stirred some shit in the past, but in this, I am completely serious. No harm no foul. You wanna open up NAP to judgment calls go ahead. I, however, am not going down that rabbit hole.
The NAP is like the red words in the Bible, something good to aspire to but inachievable in the real world. That guy needs to go away to either a prison if he comprehends his actions or an asylum if he doesn’t (if it was actually him of course).
What he did was terrorism. But no different than mailing white powder.
Now I see a bunch of Drug dealers protesting the government ‘White Powder, White Powder!’
So nothing then.
Wouldn’t that perspective “excuse” it though?
Nah. Attempting to commit atrocities is still worthy of a long, long time in prison. The point is that this apocalyptic whining from the MSM is completely out of sync with the reality of the situation. Nobody died. Nobody was hurt. It was a dangerous situation that was literally defused professionally and without harm.
I guess I’m mostly pissed at the idea that anybody but this loon is responsible for this bullshit. Nobody goaded him into this. Nobody bears responsibility. I could sympathize with a blame-seeking search if these bombs were successful and people were maimed or dead. It’s hard to begrudge the grieving their irrational blame-seeking, but there are no dead or maimed in this case. The wailing is coming from people who are victims of nothing more than a scare. The irrationality is self-serving, to say the least.
Are we actually sure this was a dangerous situation.?
I mean, the dude is nuts. But how sane do you have to be to make a pipe bomb that actually works? We were making working bombs out of baby blocks, black powder, some string, duct tape and a bit of rocket fuse when we were 13. It isn’t rocket science. We never had one fail to detonate. Now, we weren’t using remote triggers or timers…. but you’d think that if given 10 shots at it, any random 13 year old boy from farm country could pull off a successful explosion at some point.
I’m very suspicious that there was zero chance of any of these actually exploding and harming anyone.
So Wray didn’t use the word “explosive”, did he? He sure worked real hard to use words to imply explosive, but he didn’t simply say “explosive”. At least unlike the great Moonininite scare, these were supposed to look like bombs.
Yeah, no kidding.
I hot-take as much as anyone – mostly to just blow off steam – but this time it’s really “we don’t know anything”.
Isn’t that like using an empty handgun to hold-up a liquor store ?
No hold up.
So a tacit admission? He needs a better lawyer.
No, no, no. This was a fragile person radicalized by the phrase “Fake News”.
Prabably by the Hat and The Hair by the time time the story is done.
Two days ago a female relative posted on FB that a Party of Hate (team red) member is responsible for the bombings. I respond with “Who knows? My guess is it could be a Democrat.” She’s doing victory laps now. “I told you!”. Infuriating. She’s all sure of herself because she jumped to conclusions and was supposedly correct.
Remind her that there’s a strong chance that dude wasn’t sure what team he was on.
Metoo. She’s a cunt that posts pictures of dudes accused of sex crimes. She does that before they’ve even gone to trial. “Castrate him”. Being accused is enough.
Or that this could still all be memory-holed by next week.
Why would it matter what team he thought he was on. He didn’t do anything wrong.
A little scared to ask, but, go on…
I think he’s being hyperbolic.
Assumption is the mother of all fuckups! I learned that from a Steven Segal movie, so it is gospel.
I blame Office Space for introducing the ‘Jump to Conclusions’ mat, because it never existed before.
Like this .
There is a former college acquaintance on mine that is in complete “blame and disparage people to the right of Karl Marx” mode about this. This person also recently *discovered* that John McCain was, indeed, a “war-hero” and “maverick-pol”. He seems to lack the ability to think critically, have perspective, and avoid hypocrisy in his conclusions. I told him as much, eloquently as I could. It’ll be fun to see how this plays out tomorrow when I sober up.
What is it with the left and McCain? I guess they admire his kill total.
Enemy’s enemy BS. I’ve also noticed that the more polite you are when disagreeing with them, the more foaming mouth loonatics they become.
Which is why I stick to the “I think your opinion is retarded and here’s why…” standard of engagement.
There are maybe 2 of the dozens of lefties that I’ll even try discussing politics with. It’s mass hysteria over there and I don’t care if this place is an echo chamber. Price we pay not to be around psychos.
The Japanese are eaten up with leftism? That’s disappointing.
If it’s the first time, I’ll try discussing politics with anyone who brings it up (after mentioning I don’t like talking about politics in public). Few people like continuing after I mention something they don’t like.
Not Japanese people. They never talk politics. 90% of my FB are Japanese (about 150 people) and not a one of them posts anything remotely political. It’s great.
For those who like classic horror films, Vudu has been running sales for the past couple of weekends. Lots of old (and new) horror films for $5, I’m currently watching the 1978 Invaders of the Body Snatchers, and have the 2017 IT on deck.
Do they Have Tourist Trap?
Have you ever seen the Kinski/Herzog version of Nosferatu?
(Huge Kinski fan)
I’m guessing I already showed you Klaus Kinski Needs to Die.
Sorry, it is Please Kill Mr. Kinski That bearded guy narrating, that’s David Schmoller who directed Tourist Trap, Puppet Master, and the movie he is talking about here.
I have an action figure of Six Shooter. I love that guy.
Well, David Schmoeller was a prof of mine, so worship at my feet worm!
No shit? Very cool.
*searches internet* Wow. I had no idea the franchise was alive and well. 10 movies in the series now. The last one I saw was Toulon’s Revenge. I have some catching up to do.
Kinski was a nut and an incredible actor:
I love the lip twitch.
Indeed. He was incredible. This is one of my favorites from Fitzcarraldo.
Those weird boings and boops kinda ruin the mood. What do I know, I saw the film at the drive-in when I was but wee.
Yes. It is awesome.
Nostalgia from one of my favorite movies from my childhood, even though adult me can find all of the inaccurate things and that kinda ruins it. . .
Reb’ you can be my wingman any time.
Goose died.
But Iceman lived, as did Mavericks black rio.
The RIO was Clarence Gilyard Jr. One of the two surviving
terroriststhieves in DIe Hard.The more worthless shit you know….
Clarence Gilyard Jr. IS Atticus Finch in a production of “To Kill A Mockingbird”. Saturday night at Veterans Park, Skokie Indiana. Admission by donation.
“Launch the rescue helicopter immediately”
…. because we don’t normally do that when a plane crashes
And it was 100+ miles from the scene and could only go about 100-120 mph. I’m no expert, but I think those things are launched at the outset and hover relatively close to the relevant area. (or they should)
Aircraft carriers always have a helo in the air when doing air ops. And normally a DDG (previously FFG) playing air guard with another ready helo.
Nice! We have a tie here. (Not a Red Sox fan, but a fan of anyone playing the Dodgers).
What is your American facination with basebal, pigdog? I say this as a completly American man myself, da?
Beisbol es de best sport.
There really isn’t much to argue about.
Like Apple Cake! American!
/John Smith, trying to start a meme.
Machado doesn’t like to hustle.
But he likes to do the hokey pokey where you stomp on a guys foot.
He did a sweet pose for that single.
This feller is the spitting image! https://youtu.be/GaoLU6zKaws
If I ever have a daughter, I hope she is as cool as this.
I think it has more to do that most of us libertarians believe that people can make decisions for themselves that they will consider the best decision. Even if I don’t agree with the decisions they make. Poverty will always be with us, and will always be defined as those who have the least among us, even if they have shite that a king would kill to have access to even 50 years ago.
Or as I like to put it:
I don’t want to tell you how to live. I doubt that I’m smart enough to figure out what is best for you, and I’m pretty sure I’m not in the best position to know what is best for you.
And I don’t want you to tell me how to live. I know you aren’t smart enough to do it, and I am certain that you are in no position to know what is best for me.
but because he honestly believes people are capable making those sorts of decisions themselves
Shorter: “I want to enslave people and here’s why…”
although most of us would argue that democratically open and accountable state bodies are quite often better at fulfilling such roles without being in anyway illiberal as they correspond to the people’s political desires
See, here’s the problem. I don’t know too many people who really want the bolded part. They say they want it, but what they really want is a government that does what they, personally, think is best. That’s not open or accountable to anyone but them. We’re all guilty of this, to some extent (see: the many fights about thick vs thin libertarianism, about nightwatchman state vs. anarcho-capitalism, etc.). But a government that does what the majority wants is a government that does what the minority does not want. A government that does what the majority wants today can be against the majority tomorrow because the majority opinion may have less inertia than the government does. Governments vary from weakly accountable to completely unaccountable. There is a reason for that, and it’s not because we haven’t done democracy right or pure enough yet. It is because governments are composed of human beings. The same human beings that are apparently unfit to rule themselves without the structure of government. They do not become better people simply because they serve in government. Having a lot of responsibility on paper does not, as a matter of course, make all people more responsible in practice.
Every time the state is given a mandate, it is a transfer of power from people to the government. That power may be judiciously stewarded now, but there is no guarantee it will be judiciously stewarded later. This is the same problem that monarchy and oligarchy has. A good king can beget an evil king, or a foolish king, or just a mediocre king. So too it is with politicians, bureaucrats, judges, juries, trustees, organizers, etc. A government held accountable only at periodic elections is a government that will, in time, barely be held accountable at all. You have a finite number of people or things to vote on, but a practically infinite number of issues and positions about which to decide your vote. You will have to prioritize, and over time that means a lot of things will be too low on too many peoples’ priority lists to get addressed, even if for some other people they are very high on the list. And that is assuming that people can ever come to agreement. There may be some issues over which the population may be perpetually split 40-40 (with the rest left vacillating between the two positions, apathetic about them, etc.). One position may dominate politics for a time but that will be more because of coalitions or coincidence than because it holds the majority of people’s agreement.
The more power you give to the state, the less it represents what the actual body of people want. This happens even when people claim to want to give it more power. It’s a paradox of sorts, but it’s not hard to understand.
Elections != Liberalism
Right. Which is why the smallest gov’t is best. You know this.
Also: Go Sahx!
A funny FYI: there were at least three Gary Johnson signs within a mile of my house last election, at least until he had his Aleppo moment.
These fucking commercials.
“Dad, what is erectile dysfunction?”
“You exist, so you don’t need to worry about it.”
+1 very awkward moment during the Clinton impeachment when I had to ask my very conservative parents what a blowjob was.
“Son, we’ll show you”
Your internet is down but your wiener is up.
It might be hard to talk about…
Damn, I apologize to y’all for my next article. What a shitshow it’ll be.
Now I’m interested.
Let’s just say it’s a mashup of SF horror fiction and navel gazing about conspiracy theories.
Nutbar from Florida just proves the adage that the Left can’t meme. It’s like they took “The Importance Of Being Earnest”, wrapped it in philo dough and left it on the counter for a week. Smells really bad.
Dude went to the Dollar Barn to get his bomb supplies. Big mistake.
Does the Pope fart?
I love it here but sometimes, Hmmmmm…….
For no raisin: Francisco Tarrega Caprichio Arabe.
A great piece, I listen often,
One of my favorite classical guitar pieces.
Also, Ana Vudovic. Because Ana Vudovic. (look at the video, you’ll get it.)
Great. Madsen,
I was just thinking about how I hadn’t seen a ball hit into the parking lot lately.
Deadmau5, 16th hour,
Going to Hooters after work tonight. ¥5000 all you can and drink for 2 hours. http://www.hooters.co.jp/shop/shinjuku/
Okay, that was Google translate, I used up all my Japanese knowledge earlier.
Only word you really need anyways.
Anyway…anyways is redundant and I am drunk
*cue straff posting in the mourning links about doing a Fled Frinstone again*
Nice. Into 13.
I can’t really say go Red Sox.
this is just shameful
I am sorry for you and I don’t really want the massholes to prevail. But I did love Núñez as a Giant. Wished they had gotten him back,
Ha ha ha GO SAHX!
But Jesus, Floro has some movement on his pitches.Wow, why didn’t they put him in earlier.
Oh, okay. Double to right, that’s why. His breaking balls were moving across the plate, don’t know what happened.
Caesar Sayoc. Kaiser Soze. Round up the usual suspects?
Tell us more about the Japanese Hooters scene.
Pics would help.
He did previously. And they looked better than I remember the last Hooters I visited here.
Of course, it was at the mall next to Ft Carson in the middle of the afternoon, so ymmv.
Who is Anthony Rapp in this situation?
I’m gonna speculate because I want to.
Florida man was paid by Repub friendly FBI to send “bombs” to take the medias’ eye off of the caravan so the Trump Admin can put in place Nazi like controls on the border. Moving an addition 800 troops barely registered on their radar and that was the acknowledged amount moved.
Okay i cant do this anymore. Guy was obviously a butter and regardless of party or tribe…shut like this does no one any good
Is anyone still watching this game? This is entertaining as long as you have something else.
I’ve nodded off twice.
Too fucking perfect:
Column: World Series games don’t have to drag on so long
by….. Steve Chapman, October 26, 2016 2:30 pm
He really wants baseball off of his lawn.
What I’ve seen on TV confirms the worst stereotypes of Los Angeles sports fans.
This is the longest seven innings that most Dodgers fans have seen.
Sick burn
The “cheap” seats are still full. The starfucker seats are clearing out.
Candace Bergin and Larry King will start to literally melt into pools of makeup and bodily fluids. Dear god, can you imagine the smells coming from the front row behind home plate? SugarFree should do a celebrity roll call.
HAH! Wait a tick, don’t you also live around there?
Yep. Long Beach reppin’!
My dream when I was wee bairn was to move to LA and do something. Now my dream is to hate fuck you.
My dream when I was in high school was to go to Ohio State, earn a journalism degree, and then move to New York to write concert/record reviews and interview bands for the Village Voice.
I went to Ohio State for a year, fucking hated college. Fucking loved drugs and alcohol. Played drums in a decent punk band.
Then, I impulsively moved to LA to play in a decent punk band. The band fell apart, and the other guys all moved to other places. 25 years later, I’m still here.
And I’m putting this punk band together. Saturday is going to be a good day.
so says we all
They are. I can appreciate the true Dodgers fans. I love to root against them though. I grew up going to Candlestick and remember how crazy the rivalry used to be. It’s still fun.
The Hated Ones
Let the hate flow through you!!!
(Double play, Dodgers)
Do you say “hella”?
He wears a short sleeved t-shirt *over* a long sleeved t-shirt.
Hella, yo. I gotta hit the garage for beeera now, dammit..
Cheer the fuck up! Life is good!https://youtu.be/u2OmGV7-TPM?list=RDu2OmGV7-TPM
I picture the ending of The War of the Roses where Kathleen Turner and Michael Douglas are just lying there, unable to move.
Eyes melt, heads explode, everybody dies…
Roberts, you crazy bastard. Sending a pitcher in to pinch hit. Nobody saw that coming!
My wife is crashed out on the sofa. I’m wailing away on my electric guitar through headphones. And now I’m listening to the Doyers game. Sipping whiskey. I will listen to the end of this game. And wail on guitar.
This is for you egould.
That’s rad. Will pour a drink tomorrow afternoon and watch the whole thing. Thanks for posting.
Heh. Until this year the Wifey thought that “Blitzkrieg Bop” was “Let’s Drink Pop”. Forty years…
“Let’s Drink Pop”
That’s wholesome.
I have no idea what those bananas are for, but… Human resources is probably going to hear about it tomorrow
It needed to end. Damn
I hear some gunfire. So at least some fans are still awake.
I don’t even hear the gunfire anymore. Go figure.
The Massholes will Strike Back