Ugh. So tired. Have some links.
I hope everyone on this site will take a deep breath at the arrest of Florida Man, broke, bad at being a criminal, and apparently living in a Trump-bestickered van down by the river for the attempted bombings of several Democrats and decidedly pro-Democrat news outlets and personas. Angry, earnest and idiot won again. As much as it would confirm our own worldview to suspect dirty tricks and false-flag operations, every time those start circulating it degrades the credibility of actual conspiracies and cover ups. Like the Las Vegas shooting.
Speaking of Florida Men, the worst part about our electoral system is that I almost always have to choose between two of them* to decide whom I will be ruled by.
Oh, Hell. Let’s just make it Florida Man Friday. Here’s one who tried to beat a gator to death with a shovel. There’s a reason Swamp People use a gun, Florida Man.
Florida Man substitute teacher drops gun from pocket while teaching kids to do a backflip. One the one hand, that’s too bad, because those kids will be less safe, on the other hand, its definitely not safe gun handling to perform manuevers that cause it to drop from wherever you were storing it.
I guess I didn’t know until today this guy was Florida Man, but it totally makes sense.
*I usually write someone else in, vote for another Florida Man who is never going to win enough votes, or refuse to choose entirely
Fabulous females assuming a posture of sexual receptivity.
Little something for everyone here: booty, THICC, titties. Me being me I pick 24.
Didn’t need to go further than 2
31, 40
1, 17, 32, 35.
Little something for everyone here
*is unperson’d*–chubby-men-muscle-bear.jpg
Interesting. None are quite what I’d pick for myself, but I can make some of it work.
So, Brett, you voting Skeletor or not?
Not Brett, but I’m either skipping the Senate line or writing in something wacky. I haven’t decided yet.
Then again, I’ve already decided that I’m writing in ZARDOZ for Governor and Zed for Lieutenant Governor. Maybe I’ll write STEVE SMITH for Senate.
His fountain of firearms policy is something I can get behind.
I can get behind most of what’s in Q’s link. IYKWIMAITTYD.
STEVE SMITH, I remind you, is already aiming for the 2020 ballot on the Animal/STEVE SMITH Presidential ticket.
I’ll write in my dad for Senate just to piss him off, and completely skip governor. And vote for whoever is running against Charlie Crist.
Wait, you live in Crist’s district?
So you know my pain.
So you are saying he tried to touch your penis?
DWS is worse
Crist, what an asshole.
I’m so torn. I have a feeling that if the Dems take the House and Senate, there will be an impeachment, and that will just propel Trump to term two. But to avoid this I’d have to vote for DeSantis and Skeletor. I don’t think I can do that.
Also hate that they bundle the amendments here. There is one of them that on first read I’d support half of it, but not the other…
But the thing that is absolutely boggling my mind is how much money they are throwing into a race for the Florida Senate. Not even for national office. About half of the adds I see on TV are for the Dana Young/Janet Cruz race, and I get at least one mailer from each in the mailbox every day. Millions and millions spent for a position that pays $30k a year?
The Dems are not going to take the Senate.
The Dems may not take the House.
Florida amendments, to me. YMMV.
The bundling is infuriating, of course.
To get the non-bundled ones out of the way, Yes on 1, 2, 4 and 5 and 12, no on 3. Those are all easy to me. No on 13, even though I don’t like dog racing.
Amendment 6 (Marsy’s Law, raising judicial retirement age): No. I’d probably vote for the second half but no way on the first half.
Amendment 7 (Death benefits for first responders, supermajority vote for college fees, adding state college structure to Constitution): Silly. Probably no.
Amendment 9 (Banning offshore drilling … and vaping in workplaces?): No. I wouldn’t vote for either side of that.
Amendment 10 (Adds a couple of executive offices to the Constitution, Prohibits counties from banning certain elected offices (like Miami-Dade not electing a sheriff): No.
Amendment 11 (Repeals three parts of Florida law: Prohibiting aliens from owning property, the high speed rail boondoggle, and prohibiting the state from being able to go back and re-sentence people in jail for bullshit things after the bullshit law is repealed): The only bundled amendment I’m voting yes on. I’d probably vote yes to all 3 parts.
FFS you have 12?!
We have 3 and that’s 3 more than I care to read about.
In Hillsborough county, we actually have a couple more referendums to vote on – one for an extra cent in sales tax for transportation and a second that will add a half cent sales tax for school improvements. Both of these are a no from me, not just because it is a new tax, but also that they have so badly mismanaged the money they had before, why should we give them more. Some of the ads I’ve seen have actually been along the lines of “we promise we won’t mess it up this time!”
So ROADZ AND SKOOLZ???!!!!! Do you even government?
” As much as it would confirm our own worldview to suspect dirty tricks and false-flag operations, every time those start circulating it degrades the credibility of actual conspiracies and cover ups. Like the Las Vegas shooting.”
Exactly. There is no shortage of crazy in this world, and it is equitably distributed.
But muh narrative!
So why can’t this guy be a patsy carefully set up by Dem operatives?
“bestickered” is excellent
I can’t be first
And you’re not.
It’s OK.
Not even third
DOOOOD!! You didn’t even make the podium!
But he does get a participation medal.
Olathe HOA landscaping dispute heads to appeals court as legal costs near $1 million
Wow this HOA let power get to their head.
crazy: why would anyone put HOA assets at risk (further legal losses) by exceeding the powers granted in the documents?
My Board-mates (I’m treasurer and manage seven figures in liquid assets) are sulking because I shot down their idea to hire guards for Halloween. It exceeds our mandates, imports the potential for a bunch of liability, and addresses no threats or issue that is within our mandates. The part of sticking to our jobs they don’t like, I’m always the bad guy for putting them back in their place. They don’t argue, but I know they sulk; it’s not about the rules or the laws, it’s about who’s a cool guy . . . well: fuck that.
Did you ask them which neighbors they thought were going to turn into murderers and rapists on Halloween?
Have you read their governing documents?
are you asking if I’m thoroughly conversant in the rules I administer ?
No, the Association involved in the article which you commented on.
I was going to ask why the have a Purge instead of a Halloween.
If you don’t know the answer to that, then it’s probably you.
I love how our HOA speaks out both sides of their mouths.
What we have isn’t “security”, it’s “access control”. It’s right there in the governing documents. It would be very dumb to assume the liability for providing security services. Every email reminds us that it’s just “access control”.
Of course “access control” is contracted out to Wackenhut and Securitas, and they drive around in cars that say “SECURITY” and issue citations for HOA violations, so they’re incurring the liability anyway.
Dumb dumb dumb.
I’m the VP of our HOA. The President is a retired Seal and his wife is the secretary. We don’t suffer fools gladly and we’re unwilling to rag on residents for putting out their garbage cans a day or two early like some want us to do.
Prosecutorial discretion. You leave your fifth wheel in the driveway for over a week or don’t keep up on your yard work, we’re going to slap you down hard.
Or send you a letter asking you nicely to please fix the situation.
Wait until the orphans leave your trash cans out an extra day.
HOAs are such a fucking scam. They are a PERFECT example of how governments inevitably become corrupt, power-hungry and abusive.
A few weeks ago my wife told me she was thinking about running for a position on ours. I asked her why? She said they don’t get anything done. I said that’s a good thing.
My wife volunteered me for mine because I am an HOA attorney. Then I became president by default when several owners tried to stage a coup but failed.
And then….. sweet sweet revenge?
We lost two other board members that I haven’t bothered to replace and I routinely ignore complaints if people come to me before talking to the person they have a problem with. The neighborhood has never been so harmonious.
So, you are like a dictator now? Awesome! Did you kill the usurpers?
Well, except one night, before everyone was aware of my policy of ignoring idiots, a group of like 10-15 owners gathered in my driveway to hold a meeting (but never actually knocked on my door…). That hasn’t happened again…
We have an anonymous (not really) complainer who doesn’t like children. His place is right next to the field where all of the neighborhood kids play.
Every time we get a letter, we make them take it out of the file. “Your children were seen…”. Oh really? By whom? Under CA law, all HOA correspondence must be made available to members for inspection upon request. Good luck with your anonymous complaint, guy.
And like you said, if this guy would have asked me to keep it down, I would have taken the kids to the other field. But instead, I have an enemy now.
And like you said, if this guy would have asked me to keep it down, I would have taken the kids to the other field. But instead, I have an enemy now.
There it is. We have a winner for Playaest statement of the year, 2018.
It’s what gets me out of bed in the morning.
Seriously, though, I wasn’t the troublemaker on this one.
The Mrs. handled it, and it was pretty brutal. It was a combination of mean and condescending that I’ve never seen before.
I was gonna say, I suspect Mr. You’re-Not-The-Boss-of-Me actually enjoyed that.
The Mrs. handled it, and it was pretty brutal. It was a combination of mean and condescending that I’ve never seen before.
I suspect he enjoyed *this* even more.
Depends on who is on the Board and the makeup of the neighborhood in general.
Yes, I lived in a little neighborhood with an HOA. I was good friends with a couple who were always suckered into being on the board, so I was good.
The Plaintiff sounds like an idiot.
So does any one else have 30 min of stand ups spread across an hour that completely shoots your ability to work in the morning?
Yep..I have a 0715, 0730 and 0830 standups that demolish my mornings. Wednesdays get even better with an added 0930. Its infuriating.
Same thing here. Blah blah blah pointless BS.
Stand ups?
It’s a meeting where everyone is standing. I’m the only one who isn’t remote on my team so I’m on conference calls all day. Would take stand ups over that all day.
Short, stupid meetings. The equivalent of a “formation” in the military – just to make sure everyone is accounted for and awake.
It’s a short “where are you at/what do you need” meeting that inevitably turns into an hours-long bitch-fest.
Similar to going to see Louis CK do stand-up and being asked to watch him whack it.
Yep. My best one is the 0715. Its here is what is going on and what we need. Information flows quick and we are done in 5 minutes. The others…drag on and on
Yeah, there’s usually one idiot who doesn’t get the point that it’s supposed to be a quick status check, and goes into excruciating detail about whatever it is that they’re doing.
I think they do it so that they sound like they’re busier than they actually are.
Or I’m just doing it to punish everyone.
Because fuck you, I got to be here too.
Yep. 0930. So right in the middle of my morning productivity.
I start at 0700. Standup meeting is 1000 because too much detail guy described above works in Mountain time.
Flashback: Our backflipping idiot here in Denver (a G-Man, no less) did one better by actually shooting someone…
Jesus. That’s a new one to me.
There’s no law against back-flips in TN, but carrying while under the influence is big trouble, and there’s no de jure limit like there is for driving (BAC < 0.08).
Poor girl. Mistreated and brainwashed by her psycho mom.
And because it never gets old… behold the PROFESSIONAL!
“I don’t like guns,” Imogen said. “I don’t feel safe enough to go to that school anymore.”
I had a teacher (At the University of Utah) say she would cancel class if she heard anyone was carrying a weapon to class (A right the UTSC had said the U of U had to allow for students). I would have bet about half the class was carrying, but were professional enough to not get class canceled every day.
When I was in High School, we had a gym teacher who had a pretty obvious case of PTSD from his service in Vietnam.
He always carried a red gym bag to school. It had a rifle in it. He ended up taking the rest of the year off (this was like in January or February of my senior year) once the administration found out to apparently get counseling, and I think he was back the next year.
This has nothing to do with anything except that this discussion tripped a long-forgotten memory.
“I don’t like guns,” Imogen said. “I don’t feel safe enough to go to that school anymore.”
Poor girl. Mistreated and brainwashed by her psycho mom.
Mama looked down and spit on the ground
Every time my name gets mentioned
The papa said, “Hurl, if I get that girl
I’m gonna stick her in the house of detention”
Well I’m on my way
I don’t know where I’m going
I’m on my way
I’m taking my time
But I don’t know where
Goodbye to Rosie, the queen of Corona
Seein’ me and Julio
Down by the schoolyard
Fucking thank you.
that guy seems like he’s a wee bit obsessive and given the right/wrong motivation, obsessive people can be quite dangerous.
Las Vegas shooting? What Las Vegas shooting?
*Memory hole
for the attempted bombings
Did he even intend to send functional bombs? I haven’t heard that any of them even could have gone off.
If I load a gun with blanks, point it at someone, and pull the trigger, I haven’t attempted to shoot them. I’ve broken other laws, but I haven’t committed attempted murder. Still too early* to say, IMO, that this guy even meant or tried to bomb anyone.
*Unless he has admitted as much and I haven’t seen it yet.
I have found one Christmas tradition that I don’t mind starting already. For as long as I’ve lived in my current house, there’s a neighbor across the street who drives around and picks up kids (and some adult) bikes in any condition all year round. He spends time and gets them back in working order. Then every fall and winter, he puts them all out in his lawn with a sign up saying they’re free to any home that needs a bike for their kids (and he keeps bringing out more bikes as the stock gets low). While people could probably call the cops and complain, I’m not aware that anyone has.
That’s awesome.
Anyone who would call the police and complain about that deserves to be thrown into a gator fight holding only a shovel.
Just did a quick count, right now looks like there’s about 2 dozen, ranging from the 3-5 year old size to pre-teen.
I knew someone who did that.
On Swamp People, they have to shoot the gators in one tiny spot on the back of their head, otherwise the bullet will bounce off their thick skull. Do not bring a shovel to a gun fight.
The problem is how you use the shovel.
When engaging reptiles, a shovel is to be used as a sharp instrument, not a blunt one.
My gramma could instantly turn a 4 ft snake into roughly 40 inch long pieces in an instant.
It would look like sushi rolls.
Uffda! How big are the snakes where your granny lives? Most snakes here don’t ever get more than 40″ long ever, so chopping them up into multiple 40″ pieces is impressive.
40 1″ pieces. On a farm in Southwest Minnesoda…
She did not chop up the greater than 8 foot long king snake/diamondback that I nearly stepped on one summer as a youngun.
I was as big around as my adult forearm. When she waved me off, I looked down at something that looked like a parade of reptile along the edge of the sidewalk. Because of the bush, I couldn’t see either end of it.
My rule of thumb for rattlers is that 3 feet and shorter get the shovel, 3 feet and longer get the gun. When in doubt about how long they are,
I stretch them and measure them,I get the gun.They obviously are not using enough gun.
Why don’t they just farm them like normal people?
There’s a woman in my office who listens to a Trump press briefing, rally, or public appearance every day at work for the sole purpose of getting angry about it and spouting off to sympathetic coworkers. It’s pretty great.
We had a lady in our accounting department who did that too.
They fired her a year ago, and it’s much quieter now.
If you’re that into grief porn, it’s time to rethink your life choices.
I cannot sit through a Trump rally speech. He just spouts disjointed verbal diahrea.
She sounds like a masochist. Probably fun in bed
Disagree with your last statement. Strongly.
She’ll spend the whole time telling you what you’re doing wrong.
Waiting for the work day to end so I can go home and play Red Dead Redemption 2.
I’m not sure if I’ve even played with the XBox in the last 4 months or so.
Dryspell? Euphemism?
I tried to word that in a way where none of you chucklefucks would say it’s a euphemism. I realized that was impossible.
“Does your controller even work anymore?” He said, euphemistically…
I play with mine twice a day whether I need it or not. Three times on Sundays!
Keeps everything in tip-top shape.
Is “Red Dead Redemption” also a euphemisim??
26 minutes until loaded!….does living room dance until he realizes he’s a grown man eating frozen pizza and playing video games all weekend…..haz a sad.
I blame the tea tree oil soap
I want to play that so bad… But i don’t want a Play Station so…
“Nobody was hurt, but the bombs were real, officials said.
“These are not hoax devices,” FBI Director Christopher Wray said.”
You could have fooled me.
A PVC pipe with fireworks powder and an electric timer is a hoax device. The only way that explodes is if you attached it to a grenade, pull the pin, and let go of the spoon.
Just an FYI in case you weren’t aware, Alameda Brewhouse is going to be closing soon. It just came across my newsfeed, and I seem to remember that being one you recommended.
Shit. I hadn’t heard that. And yeah, the were a good spot. I’ll have to swing by before they close.
The article I saw said November 3rd. No idea how it came across my feed, but here’s the article.
I would stop suspecting dirty tricks and false-flag operations if the people in charge stopped lying about details like this. Deal, Mr. FBI Director?
I saw a tweet which said they avoid using the word “hoax” because they don’t want people to get complacent in case someone does get a real one.
A hoax device is a device that is made to look like it has the ability to blow up without actually having the ability to blow up.
It seems like he intended they blow up, but he was a total moron. Which is probably … for the best? I dunno.
The only plausible number of people who could be involved in a conspiracy is one, and even then it’s 50/50 that the truth would get out.
Zero for 13? That’s pretty bad, even for a known idiot.
I don’t think there’s a conspiracy, I’m just questioning the use of the term “explosive device”.
My car has a gas tank. Does that count?
If he’s using the same defective design each time, then 0 for x is about right.
Well……he may have intended they blow up, but man, you’d have to be extremely stupid to think it’s going to explode without any sort of detonation mechanism whatsoever. Perhaps he IS that stupid, but who knows.
Hoax implies that the creator didn’t intend for them to work. You guys are picking this shit apart to get things to fit the story in your head.
No. We don’t know what was in the guy’s head. It is entirely possible he intended it to be bomb, but those devices are not bombs. They couldn’t explode any more than tube of toothpaste could. The FBI knows that. The various other police agencies know that. The reporters /should/ know that. But it fits the narrative they want to push that Orange Man Bad and the false equivalence of the actual, real, ongoing political violence from the left that has been flat out advocated by folks like Maxine Waters and Hillary Clinton as compared to this single incidence of right wing attempted (maybe) violence from a lone nutcase. This guy isn’t a terrorist. He isn’t a bomber. Because those things aren’t even devices. they are assemblages of parts and that is a fact, and facts matter.
He may or may not have intended for them to explode. But they didn’t explode.
Doesn’t matter; it’s still terrorism.
I find it all interesting, but haven’t formed an opinion one way or the other. But man, the van, the bot like twitter feed, the shitty bombs…It just feels goofy.
“As much as it would confirm our own worldview to suspect dirty tricks and false-flag operations, every time those start circulating it degrades the credibility of actual conspiracies and cover ups. Like the Las Vegas shooting.”
I think the Vegas shooting is an honest-to-goodness coverup. I hope that someday we find out the truth.
Not for a long long time if ever.
They aren’t even trying to keep the massive holes out of the official story any longer, just trusting that nobody will report it.
If you don’t believe “words are violence” then why would you be so concerned with rhetoric?
You cannot be a supporter of free speech and then turn around and suggest that rhetoric is a problem. That bolsters the argument that “speech is violence”. I can’t believe how stupid someone must be to fall for this, especially after the same people rightly noted that Bernie Sanders was not responsible for a Bernie bro shooting up a bunch of Republicans.
The actions of the left the last two years are more responsible for Florida bomber man than Trump’s rhetoric. If we are going say rhetoric caused violence.
But if that argument undermines the principle of free speech. You can criticize speech, but connecting it with violence is a dangerously slippery slope.
I agree just saying if we apply the lefts standards to speech then they are just as liable.
Yeah, true.
Considering that the NYT just literally printed presidential assasination porn this week:
But, this is one of those areas where I definitely would not want to hold the Left to its own rules, because everyone will get screwed
Agreed. I do get frustrated that this incident (which is no good, even if it was “Just a joke”, you don’t joke about that stuff) that resulted in no injuries, is proof that the Right is violent, but that other incident where people were in the hospital for weeks is “nothing”.
New York Times condemns Trump for ‘toxic environment’ right after publishing a fantasy of assassinating him
Amazing times we live in.
Yep, it’s going to get more interesting too.
“These are not hoax devices,” FBI Director Christopher Wray said.”
Thank goodness.
Wouldn’t a true hoax device be an empty pipe with some wires going to it? Why even bother filling it with something because an observer can’t tell until he gets inside the thing.
Using PVC pipe, I assume you want to put something in it for heft. And if you are really trying to scare people, a little gunpowder or fireworks material might set off electronic or canine sniffers.
That actually sounds plausible.
“3000 block of Rice Street in Little Canada”
My brother retired to Florida a little over a year ago. He was in town a few weeks ago and I was surprised to learn that you can’t hunt alligators in Florida. WTF? That’s a lot of tasty gator not being exploited.
You can hunt gators in Florida, but it is really expensive to get the tags. I think it is over $1k for out of staters, and they only have a limited number of tags available each year.
There are alligator farms that supply all the meat we need. Most people don’t enjoy alligator meat.
You vote for Skink, don’t you?
Ooh. I will write that in for governonr.
I sure hope the Red Sox can close it out this weekend. I’m too old for another week of that kind of sleep deprivation.
Fuck the Red Sox. Also, fuck the Dodgers while we’re at it.
You sound like a real fucker.
“”He’s been in the strip clubs since he was 22, that was his life,” the cousin said. “He was a male dancer and he wanted to be a wrestler. He was taking steroids. He was all buffed up….He was built like a rock.””
Gay AF
Who what now?
Calm down, that was 30 years ago.
I just don’t know who we’re talking about. Jeez guys.
For some reason Chateau Heartiste has all the details. That in itself is weird and suspicious.
Welp, there’s a sentence I never expected to read.
But does it turn you on?
I’m… not sure.
Just like Hitler.
Uhhhh, stay crazy, Heartiste. Nothing like using random shitposting from /pol/ as your definitions for things…
But yeah, I just needed to know we were talking about the van guy.
“Update: Cesar Sayoc self-identifies as Seminole Indian. How will the media spin this malfunction in their anti-Trump message machine? “White Indian”?”
No, anything but that.
Lots of Seminoles born in Brookyln, NY
Jailhouse marriage in your future?
The MAGA-Hoaxer.
I like “notabomber.”
The news is going to be a flaming clown car wreck. I’ll be drinking beer and watching baseball.
Ireland is going to vote on a referendum to end blasphemy laws soon.
Meanwhile, the EU says blasphemy laws are good:
The fallacy of “progress”. “Hate speech” laws are just as much about blasphemy as the old laws.
“the Vienna Regional Criminal Court found that these statements implied that Muhammad had pedophilic tendencies, and in February 2011 convicted Mrs. S. for disparaging religious doctrines. ”
The Koran implies that Muhammad has pedophilic tendencies. How old was Aisha when they consummated, was it nine or eleven?
Ah, married at 6, consummated at 9.
That episode was a lot stronger than an “implication”.
How do you defend yourself if you’re being attacked by a man carrying raspberries?
With a 16 ton weight of course.
Well, if someone comes after you with a bunch of loganberries, don’t come crying to me.
Having watched multiple Steven Seagal movies, I am fully prepared for a knife attack.
My gosh his last one was so funny! His big stunt was barely making it over a three-foot fence.
That thing looks ridiculous. But at least he kept it clean.
Mad Photoshop Skills!
He one of them dangerous OCD type.
Sad trombone.
Who thought this would be the most famous man in the world for a day?
He has a couple of Native American-ish stickers. Is there a big, public DNA test reveal in his future?
Suspicions rising. Looks like he decorated that last week.
Nah, local news down here had videos random people had recorded of the van weeks ago…
*I usually write someone else in, vote for another Florida Man who is never going to win enough votes, or refuse to choose entirely
My wife is writing me in for Governor. Might as well vote for me Brett. I can’t do any worse than skeletor or the socialist.
Is there a middle initial there? Florida W. Man? Do all of the Florida Mans have to fight for the position if everyone writes you in without some kind of qualifier…last 4 of your SSN or something?
I think the tiebreaker is who has the largest meth stash.
I mean, I hear meth is making a comeback, but I expect something more exotic from Florida Man, What’s the current narrative equivalent for PCP? I assume we’ve moved past bathsaltz and plant food.
Personally I’m mixing ketamine with wildnil, to counteract the respiratory depression.
Personally I’m mixing ketamine with wildnil, to counteract the respiratory depression.
So a friend of mine goes off to college in SD and goes a little overboard with the ability to cross into TJ and buy veterinary pharmaceuticals, bake them in pyrex and then do whatever it is one does with home-pun ketamine.
She has her homemade ketamine experience ON VIDEO and shows it at the first party we go to down there. “This is where I felt so amazing I jumped and flew through the ceiling!” she narrates. We watch the video and she nods almost imperceptibly and then sits down.
Womp womp
Florida A Man, because I’m alpha as fuck.
Screw that, I’m a Skink man.
*puts live catfish in mailbox*
Eh. When the wind blows right, I get the red tide smell. I won’t even notice for a month.
Live? What did the Catfish do you you?
From the files of HR Dumbfuckery…
I just got a text from a friend. Her HR dept. threw a social event today to celebrate diversity. The only snacks served were Oreo cookies. The symbolism of the cookies’ colors were explained during the speechifying. Fortunately, there were no blacks present.
Thats truly cringeworthy. Is here boss Michael Scott?
What symbolism was that, the Brooklyn Bridge with a white girl and two black guys?
the Brooklyn Bridge
DIVERSITY, dude. Definitely an Eiffel Tower to make it more cosmopolitan.
I’ve only ever heard it as Eiffel Tower. Huh
What about “the wobbly H”?
The wobbly H shows insecurity in your manhood, because touching another guy while boning a chick can be unsettling.
The eiffel tower involves locking hands with the other guy, and looking him in the eyes.
You’r either real secure, or you’re bi.
You’r either real secure, or you’re bi.
Why not both?
Hard chocolate with creamy inside.
So, HR explained how to get all the white stuff out and throw the black cookies away?
White on the inside; black on the outside. This is a well-known insult.
No bananas?
I’d have been tempted to go wearing a kimono, black face, and a sombrero.
“No, it’s not insensitive. According to ancestry.dom, I’m 1/1024th African-Japanese who grew up in Mexico.”
“Are you questioning my lived experienced as a Latino African-Japanese otherkin? are you? ARE YOU?”
You just gave me an idea for my Halloween costume.
A soon to be former NBC news personality approves.
Already former, at least her show has been cancelled.
Diversity programs have a habit of making things racist
That is their purpose.
There’s the banner they should’ve had… “Look to the Cookie”!
“And that’s the way the cookie crumbles!”
/Bruce Almighty
Chef’s Chocolate Salty Balls would have been a perfect snack, too.
Our daughter #3, in high school, dated a kid whose ancestry was mixed black, white and Chinese. His friends called him Panda. He wore the nickname with pride, thought it was funny as hell – “what’s black, white, and Chinese?” he would ask.
I pointed out once that he shared 2/3 of his ethnic background with Tommy Chong, which should make him proud. Predictably he didn’t know who Tommy Chong is.
My (native born) Japanese teacher frequently uses rice/lice to illustrate the the r sound (or lack of it) in Japanese.
To bring this over from yesterday’s thread (author escapes me)
“rincoln contirentars!”
Interesting – I’ve had three different instructors and not one ever did any drills over the RA RI RU RE RO row.
No real drills, just mentions it as words come up.
I can *almost* get it sometimes. But it’s forced with effort and doesn’t slide off the tongue reflexively.
Recall what happened with the cookie.
Yeah, I was hoping there’d be a Seinfeldesque banner. That’d’ve been evening news worthy.
Were they at least those rainbow Oreos, or just the generic B&W ones?
Generic. Things are simple here in the Nashville hinterland.
Attention Oreo consumers: Birthday cake is not a real flavor.
You probably think “Blue” isn’t a real flavor, either.
ICYMI, and because I’m fucking proud of myself – here’s my first 5 shots with a Ruger SR 9E last night. Come to find out it’s discontinued, but there’s a gun show in a few weeks and I’ll try to find one there.
Couple on gunbroker.
That was going to be my suggestion too. Easy way to buy.
Verrah niice.
I think they still make the regular SR9 which is the exact same gun with a little bit better finish and slightly nicer sights, although it’s more expensive but still cheap.
What distance?
I’m wondering when it would be appropriate to try a new caliber? I want to be 100% comfortable with the 9 first, so probably not for a while, depending on how much range time I get.
Anyhoo, I’m probably going to sell or trade Judge Judy, so I think the gun show will be the best venue to kill two birds.
Different calibers of handgun aren’t night and day different. I’ve shot a .40 right after a 9mm, and while it’s noticeable, it’s not significantly different. Your accuracy will probably drop while you figure out the new gun and caliber, but I wouldn’t be too concerned about finding something that’s unwieldy as long as you stay in the common calibers.
Here’s what I don’t get about the Florida Man Bomber…
Dude either was or believed he was an Indian, So how did Fauxahontis not get one of his ‘bombs”?
Maybe it was one of the ones caught in the USPS processing and they haven’t said who it was addressed to? Or maybe he thought she did a great job of destroying herself?
Big Chief Warren no read fan mail. Always on warpath. Send to great fire at Saugus.
Imagine how enraged she is that she didn’t get one.
You can’t mail a package with smoke signals.
I just got a text from a friend. Her HR dept. threw a social event today to celebrate diversity. The only snacks served were Oreo cookies. The symbolism of the cookies’ colors were explained during the speechifying. Fortunately, there were no blacks present.
“Justice Thomas wanted to be here this evening, but had a prior commitment.”
From the alligator beater story:
The alligator got away, deputies said.
Healey, 65, faces a charge of illegally killing, possessing or capturing an alligator.
Huh? If it got away, how did he kill, possess or capture it?
The prosecutors are probably stretching “possess” and/or “capture” to cover the part where he lured it out of the lake.
I just saw this exchange on C-Span’s facebook page…
Please tell me that’s real.
Oh, it’s real.
Is it spectacular?
/Teri Hatcher
“Is this some kind of bust?”
Frank Drebin: “Its very impressive, yes.”
Nice beaver…
“I just had it stuffed”
Just because you’re paranoid, that doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you.
Trump, the lead provocateur in America’s descent into political discord and violence, has hypocritically pleaded for civility while continuing his threats against the press. On Wednesday, he told supporters at a rally in Wisconsin — as they screamed that Hillary Clinton should be locked up — that the media “also has a responsibility to set a civil tone and to stop the endless hostility and constant negative and oftentimes false attacks and stories.”
Donald Trump’s response to what could be viewed as the attempted assassination of at least 10 prominent Democrats again shows that he is manifestly and obviously unfit to be president of the United States. Trump is incapable of embracing his constitutional role as president of all Americans, and not just the representative of those who support him without question, give him money or finance his business operations.
Donald Trump presents a unique problem. He has repeatedly and publicly chosen to ally himself with a foreign adversary, Russian President Vladimir Putin, against the safety and security of the United States and the American people. He has encouraged violence and usurped America’s democratic norms and institutions, as well as the rule of law. He has evident contempt for the U.S. Constitution and offers aid and comfort to white supremacists, neo-Nazis, and others who reject America’s multiracial democracy and are willing to use violence to overthrow it. In total, this makes Donald Trump a domestic enemy, and makes the entire Republican Party complicit. Its leaders have chosen power over patriotism.
If leading Republicans in Congress were in fact willing to act as responsible stewards of democracy, they would ally with the Democrats to impeach and then convict President Trump. That remains nearly inconceivable, no matter what happens in the November elections.
Right-wing political violence is not on the horizon, nor is it a thunderstorm in the distance. It is here and now, in Donald Trump’s America. In many ways these attempted mail bombings and other acts of terrorism are entirely predictable: They are important tenets of fascism and authoritarianism. For decades, the American far right has planted the seeds of violence. Now there is an attentive and eager gardener in the White House. Donald Trump should be removed from the presidency, sooner rather than later. But there is little prospect of that happening.
Those fucking evil violent Rethuglitards, always inciting hatred and violence. Why can’t they be rational, like the progressive majority?
Why won’t he play by the rules? He’s supposed to be the bitch in the scene.
The left, including sitting congressmen and senators, have been steadily ramping up the rhetoric and, yes, the violence for two years. Fuck ‘em.
REALLY out to get you.
I’m sorry, but Ohio must lay claim to Mr. Brian Hugh Warner. Son of Canton, natch.
Miriam-Webster can tell you what words were new in your birth year…
1975: brown dwarf
You can’t say that in 2018.
I got “hyperarousal”.
Dang…..whatever .
Huh. According to that, Gen X is a 1989 word. WTF was the name of my generation before that?
I don’t know. Apparently I am a Xennial now.
I don’t remember any media obsession to come up with a new nickname every ten years.
Hah! I was thinking that.
Thirteeners apparently:
I’ve also heard 1960 – 1976 as the Baby Bust generation because the birth rate was so low. Children of the Silent Generation.
Most define the Baby Boom as 1946-1964. Using your definition’s years, looks like some in the middle would be both boom and bust.
Never heard of that.
I don’t either but I do remember a joke from the boomer teachers at our HS was calling us the cursed generation which must be where that came from.
AIDS, Barista, gaydar, poutine.
1982, eh? I’m ’83.
Zip Code.
and Afterburn 1963
1968: “jazz rock” and “love beads”
Needs correlation.
And M16.
Jazz Rock was a big thing in 1968 because of the ascension of the bands Chicago and Blood, Sweat and Tears. Both featured brass sections.
I meant, correlate jazz rock and love beads…
Correlation does not equal causation 😉
Boom! I LOLd.
Love beads are one of the traditional accessories of hippies.
The correlation is “hippies”.
Dirty hippies.
Among mine: microaggression, safe space, transracial
Codswallop, phat, silver back.
1963 again! Cyanoacrylate
angel dust, bubblegum, DUI.
The trifecta!
Angeldust Bubblegum DUI sounds like a really weird anime.
Or the next Stereolab album.
Agent orange, antienvironmental, chimichanga, control freak, dirt bike, double-wide, erectile dysfunction, hot pants, nunchuck, punk rock, superbad, X-rated.
It’s like they knew I was comin’!
You left out Dorky.
woke, women’s studies, eco-conscious, veggie burger, glitter rock,
Also, a bunch of words with “man” replaced by “person” or “people”. I.e. “anchorperson”
More fun words were:
air hockey, garage band, beer pong, floppy disk, retro, slam dunk
“Anchorperson – A person thrown overboard with a heavy weight to hold the boat in place.”
Ooh, a fellow 1972 person!
*holds up glass of milk*
Cheers, 72er!
1973: deep throat
“As much as it would confirm our own worldview to suspect dirty tricks and false-flag operations, every time those start circulating it degrades the credibility of actual conspiracies and cover ups. Like the Las Vegas shooting.”
I feel like a chastised child 🙁 It’s just that conspiracy theories are so much fun. I root for the villains in horror movies, too.
Of course, if it’s a hoax pulled by a rabid leftist to affect the midterms, it’s not like he’d have left his Clinton-Kaine bumper stickers on the van.
I want to see the new Queen movie.
Guaranteed to blow your mind
That’s Gay…….
RIP Freddie
Ride your bicycle. Or take a fat-bottomed girl.
I read one dreadful review, NY Post I think.
I don’t ever pay attention to reviews. It will be fun enough for me I’m sure.
Feh – I’m not dropping that much money without reading one or two reviews.
I’ll go to the matinee. Or wait for the dollar theater.
Which Queen? Victoria? Isabela? Maud?
aka Dana Owens.
Totally would.
“violent right wing terrorists sure seem to love @benshapiro. probably a coincidence.”
“Cesar Sayoc has @benshapiro content on his Twitter feed. Several months ago, prosecutors discovered the Quebec City mosque shooter studied Shapiro’s work obsessively before killing six people. This is a dangerous trend. The facts suggest Ben is inciting terrorists. #MAGABomber”
“Gun expert”
I don’t think it makes me paranoid to say that if these people get any sort of real power again they will absolutely put in place laws and/or regulations to censor anyone to the right of Stalin because of “incitement”. Couple that with gun control and it’s game over. Sorry if that makes me paranoid. Fuck these people.
“The facts suggest Karl Marx is inciting mass murderers”
All I have to say
Not “Fuck off, slaver”?
Fuck off slaver is implied in everything that I say.
Hey political assholes,
If you air commercials showing dead animals during the World Series where my kids can see them…. I’m against whatever it is you’re for. By default. Fuck you.
Who the hell did that?
One of the ballot propositions in CA.
They showed a very graphic photo of a dead chicken during pre-game.
For those of you wondering: there are fine distinctions among breast euphemisms. And, these, my friends are TITS.
These are more like melons.
The third one is a good object lesson on the importance of lighting in photography.
I have now found my most hated commercials. The idiotic anti-vaping “Truth” commercials. Why the fuck would I care that a Juul pod has as much nicotine as 20 cigarettes, do people think a pod is done in a single usage? And the safer is not equal to safe… No shit. But vaping is safer then cigarettes, I guess I shouldn’t wear my seat belt since it’s only safer then not wearing it. I thought they had already hit rock bottom with their commercials, but they kept digging.
I’ve always hated in the “Truth” commercials their recurrent theme of the ‘evil tobacco companies”.
You know, if you’re trying to get people to quit smoking, it won’t happen by demonizing the manufacturer. Perhaps instead give people good reasons not to smoke?
But it no doubt comes from the kind of people who think all corporations are evil, and people have no agency, they are completely in thrall to advertisers and merchants.
The real fun comes that these commercials are paid for by the tobacco companies based on a settlement.
They are probably against vaping too.
I figured they would have invested in the companies early. I’m a bit surprised that more of the tobacco companies haven’t been pushing towards legal marijuana yet. Is there really that big of a difference between processing tobacco and marijuana (honestly don’t know, alcohol production is the only one I have knowledge of).
I’m a bit surprised that more of the tobacco companies haven’t been pushing towards legal marijuana yet.
You know who is actually investing big money into the marijuana industries? The alcoholic beverage industry. Constellation Brands, one of the biggest alcohol companies, is apparently investing millions into marijuana.
Constellation is also looking to sell off some of their wine business (to the asking price of $3 billion). The alcohol industry may have an advantage here, just because they’re used to dealing with government inspections and regulations.
I’m not versed on the production and processing of either, but I think the fact that MJ is a flowering plant would make a fairly significant difference.
Yes, they are quite different. Tobacco you smoke the leaves, MJ you smoke the flower. Very different process to get the finished end product.
can you feed them through the same rolling machine for packaging?
I’m told that hand rollers work for both, so I’m sure the industrial machinery would work with both as well. The differences would just be from harvest up to the rolling stage.
The consumer versions are the same rollers, so I’d say that would scale up for industry.
With any agricultural product, you’re going to have to customize the harvest and early processing.
Oh yeah, nothing insurmountable by any means. However, I think it may be much more labor intensive as you need to separate the flower from the leaves. I’m not sure you could do this other than by hand.
I understand it’s different parts of the plant that are used, but I can’t imagine the drying and curing process being that much different. Again, it may just be ignorance on my part.
They’re going after vaping now? I knew that crowd was the MADD of smoking but that’s just stupid.
Of course they are. After all, vapers are more likely then non-vapers to take up cigarette smoking (I think they have the causality flipped there). And who knows, maybe some 18 (or 21 in some areas) may use a drug and enjoy it.
It almost makes me want to take up smoking again (but not enough to pay the extra $1,200 a year for health insurance).
Don’t even get me started with the way HR departments and so-called “health insurers” treat vaping exactly like smoking.
Yeah, my work just sent out an e-mail that next year the penalty won’t be for smoking or tobacco use, but rather nicotine use. So at some point I’m going to have to go in for a nicotine swab test. How the fuck has nicotine become the demon? I remember when patches and nicotine gum came out and how it was praised for a way to help smokers quite (although I do have one acquaintance who quite smoking, but has stayed hooked on nicotine gum).
Because vaping looks like smoking. That’s all it is.
I quit smoking over 15 years ago. I was bummed cuz I like it so much. Just started vaping recently. Love it.
They’ve been going after it for a while.
One of the more humorous auto-corrects I had at TOS was when I went to talk about an anti-vaping radio ad the county department of health was running. Auto-correct changed it to “anti-camping”, and people actually thought that the health department would come up with some justification to run anti-camping ads!
At the end of the day, they’re going to tax the shit out it “for the children” and cause more people to die from smoking.
The ticker at the bottom of the local news said the FDA is calling teen vaping an “epidemic” and is going to go after the companies.
The perverts who get their rocks off bossing other people around, such as those at the FDA, are far more addicted than anybody else.
The principal sent a voicemail message to parents stating Jones was immediately escorted away and the school was placed on a brief lockdown. The principal also said Jones would not be returning to the school, and that student safety was their priority.
Lockdown? That is an overreaction.
“The gentleman has been terminated from Pinellas County Schools,”
Passive voice, not just for the cops!
I long ago stopped caring about use of the ‘passive voice’ when word processor grammar checkers kept bitching about it in circumstances when it flowed better in the context of the story.
That grammatical form is useful from time to time. No matter how much Grammar Nazis bitch about it.
Are You Being Served? is a title that really can’t be changed into active voice.
But the way the passive voice gets used when a cop shoots his gun is nauseating.
And of course we all hate the euphemism “officer-involved shooting”, right?
“‘The Simpsons’ producer confirms Apu is being written out of show following controversy”
“The long-running show has come under fire for it’s depiction of Kwik-E-Mart owner Apu Nahasapeemapetilon, with viewers complaining that the character promotes racist stereotypes of people of Indian and Asian descent.
Apu first appeared in The Simpsons episode ‘The Telltale Head’ in 1990, voiced by white actor Hank Azaria.
The Simpsons producer Adi Shankar spoke to IndieWire about his attempts to crowdsource a script that tackled the ‘Apu Problem’, which has now been rejected as the character is to be dropped from the show.”
So are they killing him off?
I hope the do it in the most “fuck you, assholes” way possible. Get South Park guys as consultants up in there and burn it down.
Murdered by a pack of moral busybodies trying to “save” him?
He gets lectured about stereotypes from some woke ham planet then shuts down the Kwik e Mart after he’s protested by a bunch of middle class white kids. Then kills himself.
Also shitty tattoos
No, just unpersonsed and thrown into the memory hole, along with Lucy.
They should have a riot take place with Apu on the rooftop gunning down looters until he’s finally overrun by superior numbers. They did a scene like that in one of the early seasons.
The only thing worse than this is that The Simpsons is still running.
Azaria cant stereotype indians any more, but at least he always has the gays .
They should really just kill the fucking show.
Especially if it’s just a bunch of boring white people now.
Spineless motherfuckers, when will people learn? They got accolades for telling people to lighten up and now they’ve pissed off the old fans, you know, the people who actually watch what’s become a shitty show.
I’m pretty sure Apu was never a surly asshole that stank of curry.
The funny thing is that he was typically portrayed in a very positive way. He has a PhD. When he was single, women were fighting over him. He was pals with Paul and Linda McCartney. He is a devout Hindu. But omigod, he owns a 7-11, unlike any other guy from India in the USA, I guess, and so he must go!
“MSNBC contributor calls Trump a “terrorist sympathizer.”
MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace nods in agreement repeatedly.”
If they played this bomb thing right, they could actually gain significantly from it.
Based on this I can see they’re far too stupid and crazy to do that.
Unpossible. I’ve been repeatedly told that these were spontaneous and organic movements from the people.
And what a shock that it’s tied back to US individuals & NGOs.
No. Those would be US citizens (and their parents if they entered illegally are not immigrants). DREAMers are illegal aliens themselves.
if only
I think I met an actual incel today. I stopped to pick up beer and was carded (they card everyone) and the checker was angry that I am apparently older than he thought. He said, “wow, I guess women really can do anything with make-up.” I am amused because the only make-up I wear is eye liner and mascara. But, wow, he was actually angry.
What did he look like?
Somewhat gray and low-rez.
Skinny, late twenties, acne.
Yep. Probably incel.
You should have told them that maybe he should consider becoming a woman then.
So you didn’t offer him your essence?
Merriam Webster has a webpage where you can look up the words that were introduced the year you were born:
I note that for my birth year, the words “undercapitalized” and “superstud” were introduced. Purely a coincidence, I am sure.
Acephalgic migraine
Wow, you’re awful.
Woo hoo, crystal meth!
I never would have found this if you hadn’t mentioned it!
Yeah, I just saw that. I was between meetings and dropped this in at the bottom.
Agent Orange
Comrade Trump
Coon cheese.
Not sure I trust this site:
happy camper
informed consent
magic mushroom
reverse Polish notation
smiley face
That sounds like a hell of a weekend.
Albuteral is one from my birth year. And I now use it to control my asthma. Coincidence?
Outercourse and glasnost. Perestroika. Junk e-mail (wait, really?). Bunch of nano words. Portobello. Sous vide.
Re: arrest of Florida Man
According to NPR just now, the guy is mostly Italian and has been claiming to be Seminole for at least most of his adult life. Sounds like Elizabeth Warren has some apologizing to do for normalizing minority impersonation.