Buenos Dias!  Okay how does Sloopy normally do this….

The Texans won!

So the news today…Legions of third world barbarians are gathering in large number around the US/Mexico border—but enough about LA Dodger fans.  Game 3 of the World Series starts tonight at 1700 hours (Arizona Time).  

Speaking of caravans, they’re going to walk right into a Category 4 hurricane.  Nice timing.

A ICE detention facility in Phoenix reaches max capacity.  So ICE does the sensible thing and lets them out.  Thanks ICE!

Good news for Brett!  It seems Columbia has a record harvest for coca, the primary plant used to make cocaine.

Here in America, we’re used to being lectured by musicians on the proper way to think.  That may not fly well in Brazil.

However, many Brazilians resent outsiders interfering in their politics. Humberto Miranda is 54 and plans to vote for Bolsonaro. He acknowledges Waters is a political activist who campaigns on many fronts, but thinks that in Brazil, the musician should be wary of broadcasting his opinions.

I swear everything is marching hammers to this guy.

Last but not least…man who won’t go away yells at us on CNN.  John, let me break it to you gently:  nobody gives a rats ass what you think.

Sad news for this band, their guitar player found dead.  I am rather fond of his work.  Here’s a tune to help you kick Friday’s ass!