Buenos Dias! Okay how does Sloopy normally do this….
The Texans won!
So the news today…Legions of third world barbarians are gathering in large number around the US/Mexico border—but enough about LA Dodger fans. Game 3 of the World Series starts tonight at 1700 hours (Arizona Time).
Speaking of caravans, they’re going to walk right into a Category 4 hurricane. Nice timing.
A ICE detention facility in Phoenix reaches max capacity. So ICE does the sensible thing and lets them out. Thanks ICE!
Good news for Brett! It seems Columbia has a record harvest for coca, the primary plant used to make cocaine.
Here in America, we’re used to being lectured by musicians on the proper way to think. That may not fly well in Brazil.
However, many Brazilians resent outsiders interfering in their politics. Humberto Miranda is 54 and plans to vote for Bolsonaro. He acknowledges Waters is a political activist who campaigns on many fronts, but thinks that in Brazil, the musician should be wary of broadcasting his opinions.
I swear everything is marching hammers to this guy.
Last but not least…man who won’t go away yells at us on CNN. John, let me break it to you gently: nobody gives a rats ass what you think.
Sad news for this band, their guitar player found dead. I am rather fond of his work. Here’s a tune to help you kick Friday’s ass!
Looks… hasty.
Does it ever occur to you, it might be on purpose?
That’s what she said.
So Gaia says “Go Home”?
What, Gaia’s on their side! Look, she’s providing them with cleansing rains to wash away the dust from their journey!
Trump has weaponized global warming!
Have any of you been following the coverage on the mainstream news sources? I gave up well before they reached Mexico, since it was so obvious that they were on board as a part of the propaganda plan.
Specifically, have they started wondering who is behind this “migration”? I mean, you’d think that would be the first thought that would pop in your head, even if there wasn’t an election coming up. “Hmmmmm…. thousands of poor Guatemalans suddenly got the idea to walk to the US, all just randomly at the same time… Hey, that raises a few questions…”
But they didn’t seem interested in that at all. It was kinda my only question. And why do a bunch of poor central Americans even know about the US mid-term elections, let alone decide to undertake a life-altering quest in coordination in order to affect those elections?
Surely this isn’t just a couple of immigration advocates. Something like this required a lot of planning, coordination, promotion…. They had to have had a large number of boots on the ground. Surely one of those reporters could look behind them and see those white people in clean clothes who have had a shower and ask them who they are and what their objectives are.
I have not.
I don’t find it fruitful to spend my time listening to people who alternate between stupid and verifiably lying.
I just love how they list the migrants as “children, women, and men” in their coverage. I have a distinct feeling that actual breakdown of the members of the mass would be in the complete opposite order…
My understanding is that this has more to do with the Chavez lackey that got ousted in Honduras in 2009. His party has been pushing this caravan in order to embarrass the current Honduran administration and the US, which is why they are carrying the Honduran flag. The US supported his ouster.
That’s my suspicion also and would make the most sense. Zelaya was ousted because he illegally tried to change the Honduran constitution, (which is what Chavez did after he was elected.) The Supreme Court of Honduras stepped in and ordered the military to forcibly remove him. Their Congress backed up the Supreme Court and appointed an interim president, I forget his name.
Anyway, Juan Hernandez was elected in 2013, and again in 2017. Zelaya still doesn’t want to go away.
I feel bad for those fleeing violence, but notice they aren’t going to Nicaragua or El Salvador. I also suspect some of the gang violence is backed up by FARC like thuggery.
The only article I’ve seen about “who is behind it” refers to Pueblos sin Fronteras, but goes no further to find out who is behind them.
Latin Americans very seldom plan anything.
105) Okay, these mail bombs—am I the only one getting a Why So Serious-vibe out of this?
I actually hadn’t delved into it too much until last night. I’d sort of just seen the headlines or heard blubs on the news and so was taking the bombs at face value.
But last night I actually read a newspaper article. Unfortunately my hometown newspaper is the Washington Post, so the pertinent information was in, like, paragraph 53. But there it was—“PVC pipes stuffed with what appeared to be fireworks powder and glass. Electrical wires leading out of the pipe attached to an electric timer taped to the side.”
These are not functional bombs! Not that the bombmaker is incompetent—no, they’re not meant to go off at all. In fact, from what I can tell, their sole purpose is to look like bombs, and nothing else.
Besides that, the “humorous” git-er-done message on the ISIS flags, the comically exaggerated “bomb-inside” packaging. These are like something Wiley Coyote ordered them from ACME.
This isn’t a serious bombing, like everyone’s treating it, nor is it a hoax (Not a dream! Not a hoax!). This is a joke! Okay, a sick one, but pretty funny if you think about it. I mean, the return address is Debbie Wasserman Schultz! Now that I’m seeing it through the proper lens, that last detail is actually hilarious.
Now maybe there’s a teachable moment here, something about “gullible media swallows any bait you care to dangle,” but I prefer to think of this as pure anarchic humor. To me, this whole thing can be summed up as: “I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody’s part!”
Wait, what, where did you come from? I thought you’d left.
We’ll look who decided to turn up. Where have you been mister?
Also yes, this definitely reeks of next-level trolling.
Switched to a new position at work. Actually requires me to, you know, do some work. Which is good! I still read y’all, when I have time after lunch, but by then the morning links are stale.
Well, now, don’t you just look silly accepting the post.
I know this pain. By the time I’m caught up everyone is asleep.
Except CPRM. I’m not sure he sleeps.
He’s a joint account at a russian bot factory.
Isn’t everyone these days?
Farm, it’s an organic troll farm.
Afternoon links go up as I’m getting ready for bed and morning links get posted as I’m leaving work. It’s why I mostly lurk like a lurking lurker who lurks.
You know who else lurks?
My brother?
It’s true. The morning is only half over and I’m only on comment 3. Sad!
Switched to a new position at work. Actually requires me to, you know, do some work.
Ssshh… don’t let Rufus know you work.
The morning links are never stale, dammit!
They’re jam-packed with preservatives!
They’re pickled.
You’re back!
It’s been too long I shouldn’t have left you
without a dope sermon to step to
As a long-time lurker, I have missed your posts. Glad to see you’re doing okay and it was just work stuff.
Why, do you think this is a guerilla marketing campaign from stamps.com? Because why go to the post office and wait in line waiting on the paragons of government efficiency? At stamps.com you can get actual U.S. postage delivered to you door.
When you use the promo code BLOWTHEMALLANDLETGODSORTTHEMOUT you get 10% off your next purchase…
Blow the mall? That’s not even a euphemism.
I’m seeing an entire genre of porn where some barely legal girl gets a sugar daddy to buy her a bunch of clothes she models…
Already exists.
And yet, at least as of Thursday evening, the media were still referring to them as bombs in their headlines, without sarcasm quotes.
Nice to see you JATNAS.
*jumps in giddy excitement*
>>It seems Columbia has a record harvest for coca
Maybe they just like to have a cuppa of coca and some biscuits?
I think they actually do. Isn’t mate tea made from coca leaves?
Nope. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yerba_mate
But they do drink coca leaf tea in Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Ecuador, and Chile. And it is all legal, so you can just buy it in the grocery store, professionally packaged just like coffee.
Sad news for this band, their guitar player found dead.
And in related news… It seems Columbia has a record harvest for coca, the primary plant used to make cocaine.
We’re all artists now.
Artists, poets, celebrities, journalists are aways on the wrong side.
Us and them tour, huh.
I guess we’re ‘them’, eh?
Funny how much violence the left uses to the pout of actual physical harm and Waters sides with the losers.
John Waters >>> Roger Waters
Who’s worse? Roger or Maxine?
Old Man With Candy gets it.
BWI guys just sticking together.
All that’s missing are Poe excerpts.
To borrow a line, Roger Waters can die of gonorrhea and rot in hell.
“he’s a prominent supporter of the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel, and has spoken out against environmental destruction, antisemitism and fascism”
So against antisemitism and Israel?
He’s that good.
Nice pic. “Vamos muchachos” is a definite would
The short, fat dumpy chicas with no ass must be in the second row and we can’t see them.
But it’s the only way we can get rid of Kasich. Can’t you have some sympathy to those of us in Ohio?
No. You chose to remain in Ohio.
But we have a world class orchestra! And fantastic museums. And… beer?.
I kinda like owing no state taxes year after year. Thanks, John.
Try giving him brain cancer.
That didn’t even slow McCain down.
Now all I can think of is the line from Bubba Ho-Tep.
Jack: “It was LBJ come to finish the job.”
Elvis: “LBJ is dead, Jack.”
Jack: “Shit, that wouldn’t stop him.”
Roger Waters is getting political in Brazil? Who cares! Everyone knows Bono is the only old rock star whose opinion matters.
How many Courics does Waters weigh? If I recall correctly, Bono weighs 80.
But wait, I thought Princess Tay Tay was gonna turn Tennessee blue? Also Katy Perry haz a sad
“I wanted to find out how the common man thought. So I asked Bono.” —WaPo
At least Bono loves capitalism.
White people ruined *shakes magic SJW 8 ball* The Outdoors
Marketing to the demographic that makes up most of their customer base? THOSE MONSTERS!
Basketball shoe ads certaintly aren’t aimed at colored urban youth, ammirite?
Youth of color! Youth of color, you racist scum!
But you have a point – the lack of D. Hollingsworth Cavendish IV types wearing Burberry scarves in Under Armor ads is appalling.
D. Hollingsworth Cavendish IV
as an aficionado of made-up rich white guy names, mmmm, *delectable, hand-to-mouth gesture*, Magnifique.
I’ll say something else too – this shit ain’t going away in the corporate world any time soon. I’m in an MBA program right now, and it’s infesting the courses I’m taking.
There are two college kids working part time with me. It’s darkly amusing to hear them talk about biting their tongue during “white males suck” harangues for fear of retaliation.
That’s actually been the driving force in the leftward lurch in America, much more so than government. It’s sort of an embarrassment of capitalism that the best capitalists are foaming-at-the-mouth opponents of free markets and civil liberties. So you can’t keep a job or your reputation if you express any idea even mildly outside of a particular orthodoxy simply because of the ideological conformity of the people who make the rules, and there’s not even really any principled argument you can make against it because they’re just exercising legitimate market power.
much more so than government.
I wouldn’t be so sure about that. Part of the problem is that, over the last thirty years, government has moved to systematically insulate managers from their shareholders. Today, if a manager who screws up and loses money, what are the shareholders going to do? But, as a result, managers are ever-more dependent on the public goodwill that drives that political protection. It’s a recipe for politically correct mediocrity.
I did my MBA is the 90’s. That was the most hard core outspoken group of economic conservatives I ever met. Professors and students.
I got my graduate business degree 25 years ago. I found it interesting that I met more former Marine infantrymen – like myself – there than anywhere else since I had taken the uniform off.
My class had 2 of us Marines, a Naval Officer and a few Army Vets.
Our Organizational Development textbook had some kind of social credit scorecard for companies that included losing points for producing weapons and military work. The Prof was hiding behind the desk by the time our class was done venting on that one.
I never got the knee-jerk antimilitarism in academia.
The one on-campus ‘protest’ during my time in college was against a joint project with the Navy. (I put it in quotes because it was a meagre pittance of people that I was able to obstruct for a while by standing in front of their marching banner and they were too confused to figure out how to get around one guy in an otherwise empty sidewalk)
The project was to develop better methods to recycle decommissioned warships instead of just scuttling them, pollutants and all, in the ocean.
“I never got the knee-jerk antimilitarism in academia.”
I did. It was mostly driven by a hidden sense of shame when academics with delusions of their own worth compared themselves against service members. These sorts of goons were not supposed to be both though and smart, and were stepping on their toes. As always, when your dumb ideological world view is challenged by reality, these people’s reaction is knee-jerk anger.
My class has me, an active duty Army officer, and a Navy vet.
So they can’t shift their advertising practice just because it gets better results by appealing to a larger market, they’ve got to virtue signal and self-flagellate on behalf of all whites at the same time.
Kiss my white ass.
I’m going to not do that and simply buy less outdoors equipment.
How do I buy less than zero?
Steal some from other people and then return it to the store?
Buy extra indoors equipment?
Exactly. If they had just said, “We want to increase sales by appealing to a wider audience” I’d see nothing wrong.
Are Eskimos white? (Sorry, Inuits)
Canadian outdoor apparel giant? I thought all Canadians were trappers anyways, what do they need an outdoor apparel supplier for?
You think Trudy and his ilk capable of trapping anything wild?
You bring up a good point. My sample size is two: Trudy and a muppet that posts here claiming to work sometimes.
So who exactly are they selling outdoor equipment too? Strange place, Canada.
Interesting. I spent some time in Africa, and it seemed like everyone outdoors was black.
Does this company export to these other regions?
You can’t export black people anymore.
Tell that to Lybia.
It’s spelled Labia.
And do we tell the left, right or both?
First one, then the other, then repeat.
Were they willing to shell out 260 for a puffy jacket though? https://www.mec.ca/en/product/5036-716/Down-Sweater
That is Canadian money, so what is that in real money? Loose change behind the couch and a some bubble gum? I’m not up on the conversion rate.
198.97 USD at today’s rate.
Not remotely related, but a funny story to share. Early in my career I was out in Colorado on a military base doing a review of general and flag officer housing – making sure they weren’t spending money they weren’t supposed to on the generals’ houses. During most of our inspections, the general/admiral was there to take us through the house. At each stop we always asked who lived in the house, their rank, and what their position was in the command. We came to one house which was occupied by a Canadian one star general. When he introduced himself, I blurted out questioning why we were reviewing his house, since after the conversion rate he was only a colonel. The entire entourage fell stoney silent. Only after the general burst out laughing did smiles creep on their face.
Supervisor made sure to speak with me about keeping my jokes to myself in the future…
Honestly, that would have been worth losing your job over. That’s a once in a lifetime punchline.
Eh, I’m a federal employee. Worst that would have happened was they’d send me to training…
I had to take a sexual harassment class when I worked at GE twice, because the first time I walked in and asked the pretty lady teaching it whom I needed to harass to prove I knew how to do it so I could get back to doing real work.
Hehe, while not that brazen, I had a fun experience in a sexual harassment training once. The agency lawyer tapped to teach it had, well, huge tracts of land. And she was wearing a sweater intended for a elementary school aged boy. I actually heard another guy sitting behind me muttering the mantra “Only look at her face. Only look at her face…” through the entire class.
Given that it’s a Canadian company, I have my doubts whether the outdoor apparel they are selling would be of any use in Africa. Maybe it could come in handy if someone turned the AC too high at work, but otherwise it’s just coat-rack decoration.
It checks out though…
Stuff White People Like – #87 Outdoor Performance Clothes
When white people aren’t working, they generally like to wear Outdoor Performance Clothes. The top suppliers of these garments and accessories include North Face, REI, Mountain Equipment Co-Op, Columbia Sportswear, and Patagonia.
When you see white people wearing these, it is important that you do not discuss business matters. Instead you should say things like “where did you get that fleece?” and “what’s that thing holding your keys to your shorts?” White people will be more than happy to talk to you about their sustainably produced possessions.
sustainably produced possessions
my Columbia battle dress is nylon; thermals are poly pro
Pretty funny site.
Nailed it.
I forget the black comedian who said this: “If I want to live someplace without electricity, running water and no indoor plumbing, I’ve already got that at home.”
In the time since I screwed this up on the previous one, this thread appeared, so I get a do over!! Yes!
Blasphemy laws are A-OK in Europe
Quoting myself
Though I would also accept tearing them limb from limb and strewing the reamains across the courthouse steps as a warning to other judges.
They always were. It’s only the religion you’re not allowed to blaspheme that’s shifted lately.
Excellent point.
Defaming the Prophet Muhammed
And who gets to set the limits on that?
There are none, just having an infidel speak the name is defamation, punishable by having your head removed.
I’m just surprised they didn’t append “PBUH” after Muhammed.
What kind of fine would you be looking at if you erected a billboard reading “FUCK THE ECHR AND THEIR PEDOPHILE MESSIAH”?
What do you call a 45 year old man who has sex with a 9 year old girl?
1.2 billion people call him “prophet”.
Insert “goes to Eleven” joke here.
Manowar. The name sounds familiar, but I can’t think of any of their songs. Are they the ones that signed their record contract with their own blood?
Just think “leather loincloths” and you’ll be in the right ballpark
If Vikings had played heavy metal.
I know I’m just too old school but I prefer Led Zeppilin’s “Immigrant Song”
The still would have lost 4 Super Bowls?
they’re going to walk right into a Category 4 hurricane.
Wasn’t this days ago? ///
FakeOldNews‘Hitler was a socialist’: Tory MEP branded an ‘idiot’ for claim in EU parliament
We are doomed to repeat history.
And Fascism is a form of socialism where the state does not own the means of production (like communism) but directs the means of production in a collectivist system.
The marxist narrative needs the fascists not to be socialists, because otherwise people would realize socialism is bad no matter what.
“It was the German Social Democrats who stood against Hitler’s group”
Can we please just get to the street-fighting phase, already
There you go.
Now cry about it, Stones haters!
I’m crying about the link.
Cool link, bro.
Maybe he should have just read from Hitler’s economic platform and let Corbyn rave about awesome it sounds.
I would not say directly Hitler was a socialist precisely but a similar statist doctrine with the similar origins…
Hitler and his inner circle disagree. I cant find it now but I used to have a link to a Hitler speech where he explained “Why we are socialists”. There were similar speeches by Goebbels, Himmler etc.
But the people peddling the narrative and invested in making sure the uninformed believe the Nazis were not socialists too are working hard to change historical facts
– Adolf Hitler May 1, 1927
No true socialist….
I get it he’s a fascist. Still closely related to Socialist. The only thing is that it’s politically acceptable to be a Socialist and not a fascist, so the left wing wants to distance themselves.
Oh. There it is. I should have read down.
Bullmann told the MEP that while Hitler’s Nazi party were known as the ‘National Socialist’ party, its ideology was routed in fascism.
Yes, and their economics were socialist. What made it fascism is the strict social regimentation and racial supremacy. It is a collectivist ideology. Collectivism id patently leftwing on the left/right spectrum in the only way the spectrum can make sense, i.e. the extreme right is a lack of government (anarchy) and the extreme left is total government with total control.
It basically boils down to nationalism versus internationalism. Mussolini was expelled from the Italian Socialist Party for advocating military action during WWI. His fallout with the socialist had nothing to do with economic policies.
Good news everyone! Florida Man is probably responsible for those letter bombs. Which lends more credence to the earnest idiot theory, IMO.
I still don’t quite understand what a mail facility has to do with “bombs” delivered by courier sans postmarks
An employee went postal?
Its my understanding that the one that got delivered to DWS was actually posted, screened, and returned to the return address (which was her office) by the Post Office.
Aha. Fair enough.
In a surprising apology, Mountain Equipment Co-op, the Canadian outdoor apparel giant, admitted to helping advance the “vastly incorrect notion” that the outdoors is for white people only, criticizing decades worth of its own advertisements and catalogues for depending almost exclusively on white models to sell wares.
The white people killed off all the indians.
We just did a better job of it. The various Indian tribes had been hard at work on that same task for a long time. But because they were all at the same technological level, they weren’t able to rack up the numbers that the white eyes were.
Don’t let anyone tell you that if the Ojibwe had the means, they wouldn’t have wiped out every single Sioux they found. Then we never would have seen master thespian Kevin Costner’s tour de force Dances with Wolves.
Given enough time, and if there had been no white settlers to fight, the Comanche would have wiped out many more tribes than they actually did, which was more than a few anyway. People who are familiar with them know of them as primarily a tribe in Oklahoma and Texas, and yet their origins were in modern-day Wyoming. Now why would that be? It sure as hell wasn’t because they lived in peaceful co-existence with their neighbors.
The Comanche’s were the wipipo of the Indians. They had almost no culture of their own. Their only real strength was that they organized their society around stealing and warring with their neighbors. (They were such bad asses that they drove the Apaches out of the plains and into desert country in the SW).
The only quibble is that the meteoric rise of the Comanches was tied to them mastering the horse. I’m not sure they would have “blossomed” if the horse had never been introduced to NA.
So they would’ve been the American Mongols? Or Huns?
A buddy of mine is Arapahoe, a tribe that was preyed upon by the Comanches. He says that when he was a kid and someone had the shits, his grandma would say, “What’s the matter? You got the Comanches after you?”
I’m in an MBA program right now, and it’s infesting the courses I’m taking.
“In a world run by Human Resources Dept Assistant Diversity and Inclusion Officers…”
Half of my marketing class was stressing the importance of marketing your company’s “commitment to social justice”. I’m a coward who wants As, so I really didn’t push back on it much, but christ did that ever make me want to ram my head into the wall.
“Market data shows that to be a money-losing prospect. You’ll go bankrupt alienating your customers. ‘Get woke, Go broke’ is more than a slogan, it’s almost a natural law.”
As real world case studies see Dick’s Sporting Goods, the NFL, and Disney’s Star Wars movies.
How about stressing the importance of advertising for maximum results?
” I’m a coward who wants Ass”
They teach “go woke, get broke” as an effective business strategy? Jeez…
er…”get woke, go broke”…
To be fair, is anyone employing that strategy actually going broke? Oracle? Salesforce? Amazon? Alphabet? Microsoft? P&G? Chase? Coca-Cola? The fact is you aren’t going to get startup capital or incubation unless you embrace that ideology. If you’re going to be involved in the upper management of a business at the level where a MBA would be useful it’s a reasonable requirement, unfortunately.
Yes. there is a burn rate for existing goodwill, but those with less structure to burn down show the negative effects sooner and more blatantly.
I honestly can’t think of an example of a company that’s lost significant market share or market cap on that basis. I mean I’m sure there probably are, but the corporate world is very firmly aligned that way. So from that perspective I can understand why it would be integrated into a MBA program. Like I said, you’re not going to rise to a position that requires a MBA or raise capital to hang out your own shingle otherwise. It shouldn’t be that way, but it is.
Well, the premiere example is Marvel Comics, who’s managed to literally shrink the entire market for comic books with their antics of driving away customers.
You could go “But Disney as a whole is doing fine” which would be the extra structural bulk I mentioned, where the less woke parts of the operation cover the losses.
Wizards of the Coast, likewise is sliding down the same path and starting to shed customers because of the same type of behaviours. Hazbro really should slap them around and fire a few dolts, but won’t until it’s easier to just shutter the whole division.
It is not that the toxic effects don’t exist, but that the cysts and boils develop on healthier hosts that sustain the infection. The small companies you’ve never heard of flop and disappear because they don’t have that backstop of the old, unwoke business to feed upon.
To be fair, is anyone employing that strategy actually going broke?
I think the dividing line between what you and UCS are saying is that the “get woke, go broke” line really only applies to woke products, not woke advertising. While I might roll my eyes at some Coke ads, I still drink Coke because I like it – the product itself isn’t “woke”. Whereas I will avoid story-centric products (films, video games, etc.) with woke advertising, because the product itself will be woke and that’s not my thing.
Dick’s Sporting goods in a corralary. They decided to divest of their firearms business and promptly tanked the rest of their business as a second order consequence. Their remaining products were the same as they’d always been, but the customers had other options that hadn’t just shat on them.
Both good points. I don’t know though. I’m characteristically pessimistic about it.
I think it’s worse than that: they took a political position and discontinued carrying the AR15. If their business is down, it’s over outrage regarding one sub-set of a business they got woke about.
Dick’s went a little further than just ditching the AR15. They hired gun control lobbyists…
I don’t know what the right answer is, but the wrong answer is to use the Benedictine Code of Conduct as your guide for your company.
What makes it extra good, is that this shitlord built something that everyone uses and they can’t easily stop using it. All they can do is howl.
That is high level trolling. I love it.
Apparently it’s not trolling, which makes it even funnier.
The SJW idiots have met their match,
We need a term for someone who trolls others merely by being sincere in their beliefs.
“Please eat shit and die.”
Link to the actual CoC for sqlLite
It is a little heavy on the doG talk, but for anyone to take offense at it is insane.
Maybe they are mad because they are expected to do stuff like that themselves? Not let the govt handle it?
I hope that guy’s got a rock-solid contract at wherever he’s working to pay the bills now, because that’s the kind of stuff that gets you unpersoned.
Kasich gets riled up: This isn’t America
Why? Because the current president has an identical position on immigration and illegal immigration as the last 3 presidents?
Because he’s actually trying to do something about it!
He is actually trying to enforce the nation’s laws. The monster!
Meh. Katy Tur on MSNBC got way more riled up than Kasich. Her dick is much larger and swings much longer than John boy.
My life in sex: ‘My greatest desire is to be a lady’s maid’
Higher intelligence is a real bitch
It takes all types.
“While a couple of girlfriends tolerated it, they showed no enthusiasm.”
This dude’s dream in life is to clean ladies’ apartments and he’s had trouble finding women who are enthusiastic about that? Sounds like he hasn’t been looking very hard.
Or he just has no follow through on the cleaning portion. A half cleaned item annoys me more then a dirty one.
Warning: Mildly NSFW
I’m just spitballing here, but I’ll bet that it’s the crossdressing that’s turning off the ladies, rather than the cleaning fetish.
Makes sense, there are very few female dommes and the ones who do exist are usually pretty specific in what they want so the male subs have a really hard time finding anyone willing to fill that role for them
Generally, sissies aren’t desirable as long-term companions. I imagine they are also high maintenance.
That’s a letter from Penthouse, isnt it?
Speaking of weird sex…..worst 4-some ever! (SFW)
These are not functional bombs! Not that the bombmaker is incompetent—no, they’re not meant to go off at all. In fact, from what I can tell, their sole purpose is to look like bombs, and nothing else.
Besides that, the “humorous” git-er-done message on the ISIS flags, the comically exaggerated “bomb-inside” packaging. These are like something Wiley Coyote ordered them from ACME.
Whoever sent them just wasn’t clever enough to build a functional jack-in-the-box, which is what they should have done.
And another one: http://www.comicbookdb.com/graphics/comic_graphics/1/611/86940_20140210031839_large.jpg
CNN is the best parody of CNN.
CNN host John King claimed on Thursday that “no one” was blaming President Donald Trump for the pipe bombs that were sent to several Democratic figures this week as his panel then proceeded to blame the president for the pipe bombs.
“No one’s blaming the president,” King said. “Is anyone blaming the president? But the president now wants to make it about him.”
As King was making his remarks, CNN’s chyron stated: “CNN: Trump has no plans to claim any personal responsibility for inciting serial bomber.”
“Of course he played no role in this,” Politico reporter Rachael Bade said, before speculating: “But you have to look at the greater context to this atmosphere he has created in Washington in attacking the media, and you have to wonder if that contributed to what happened yesterday.”
They (leftists, media, and leftist media) still don’t get it.
“i’m not saying it was Trump.. but it was Trump.”
Well, this is a surprise. No wait, Sinead O’Connor has always been crazy.
“Shuhada Davitt, pronounced ‘Shin aid oh connor’.”
Esprit de escalier regretful alternate take: Maybe O’Connor converted to Islam because she missed the religious violence of her youth.
What a fucking annoying loser
Why cum pipple mad me tare up pope on tv?
Now it makes sense.
The good news is that they are going to kill her when she changes her mind and becomes a Druid in a few weeks.
That is the traditional penalty for apostasy.
She’s gonna sing ‘Nothing compares to U’ at her conversion ceremony.
Get it? Nothing compares to Islam!
Daddy issues.
AI-generated painting sells for $432,000 at auction
It’s not that good a painting. If the image were better centered vertically, and the image were sharper, it might be worth something.
At least it beats anything by most Modern ‘artists’.
ARTificial, eh?
The “Art Collective” stole it from this guy, who posted it online a year ago. Free even!
Moral of the story: consider the license under which you release your code carefully.
Zombie Hitler never catches a break, Part 2:
Son accused of killing mom says he was possessed by ‘demons and Hitler,’ authorities say
Am I a bad person for chuckling at that?
You are a bad person, but chuckling at that isn’t why.
Just demons are never enough, are there?
A pound of paste, he says, sells for more than one ton of corn.
“That’s why everyone grows coca,” Tapia says
The Reverend agrees
Speaking of “socially aware” marketing-
Has anybody else noticed the proliferation of “rainbow families” in teevee ads? Based on what I see during football games (the only time I subject myself to network broadcasts), two thirds of the families in America are interracial. I feel left out. Where’s my smoking hot cinnamon girl?
/no tv
When a teacher asked the class if anyone had any questions, you were one of those people who actually vocally answered “no”, weren’t you?
Worse, I was the one who interrogated them about boundary conditions and potential exceptions to the generalities presented.
I was told by more than one teacher I wasn’t allowed to ask or answer questions in class.
It contributed to my apathy towards school that led to me being a C student in high school.
Or he asked 5,000 questions while everyone else sat there rolling their eyes.
Should have refreshed.
I am always that person. If you don’t forcefully say “no” there will be the inevitable pause, followed by someone asking some random, non-related question that prolongs the meeting by 30 minutes.
*nods sagely*
Old news. A bunch of big consumer brands announced a few years back that they were working on doing more “inclusive” advertising.
LOL I remember not too long ago when Nike was being taken to task for not having enough white people in their advertising; I still remember the quote (but I can’t for the life of me remember who uttered it) – “Nike thinks that the basketball courts on West 4th St. are the epicenter of its brand universe and that’s ludicrous!“.
I noticed that with my brief exposure to cable tv during vacation.
Yes. I forget who was commenting on that, but they were mentioning that they almost never see the most common actual interracial family of black dad and white mom.
I mentioned that. It’s always white guy-black girl, which is much less common
There is a whole subgenre of romance dedicated to this combination.
As I understood it, there was a subgenre of romance for every equivalent subgenre of porn, so there’s a romance for everything, as a corallary to rule 34.
I should have said “wildly successul subgenre.”
There are ones who are not very successful at all. For instance, lesbian romance is not. M/F/F is not. Black male, white female is not.
Yes, there is every combo, but not every combo is wildly successful. Therefore, those works are few.
Do you know who the audience is (by in large). It’s the sort of revealed preference factoid I like to accumulate.
Black women.
*makes thoughtful noise to cover up lack of actual cognition going on*
Black women are the consumers of black-female-white-male romance. There’s a lot of it.
Oh, I know what you said. I just didn’t have a proper response, so I tried to hard to be cleverly self-depricating.
Interesting – some sort of taboo thing? Because it’s pretty rare that I see white male / black female. There is one couple at our community pool who meet that criteria – they have like six kids! – and the woman is so black that their kids still look, well, black.
Not taboo—I don’t THINK.. I have a couple of theories:
1) Smart, eligible black women who can’t find a decent, ambitious, well educated black man and have resorted to white men for the decent, ambitious, and well educated part.
2) MAYBE social currency. “I am worthy of a white man,” although I could be wrong. My (black) bestie won’t take “nothin’ but black dick.”
3) Grew up in a white environment and doesn’t want anything to do with urban culture, or simply can’t fit in.
Women without a country, so to speak.
Oh, and
4) Simple preference.
I’m an equal opportunity luster. If he’s hot, he’s hot.
But I have known women who won’t date any race but X. My white college bestie was into Asian dudes.
I use to work with an AutoCAD drafter whose boyfriend was lily white, had really short hair, and arms covered in tats. She was a gorgeous black woman. (Think Halley Berry with long hair). The skinhead – black girl thing threw a lot of people for a loop.
Oh, yeah. What’s her phone number?
Gave a guy her phone number once, thinking I was being helpful.
I wasn’t.
When I visited Vancouver a few years ago, the white-guy/Chinese-girl couples were legion (full disclosure: I was among them at the time). We didn’t see much of the opposite.
yup, the signaling is strong
of course I don’t care who people love, but having 10% of the world take up 40% of advertising feels like taking a lecture on subject in which I’m already expert
I keep trying to explain this to muh Mum the Commie over tranny bathrooms: thrusting a 0.03% issue into my face half the time is annoying…and makes you look like an idiot
Where do you get this 10% number. that strikes me as high.
Maybe in the segregated North. South of the Mason-Dixon line, I’d say that’s not a bad number. Hell, 25% of my son’s soccer team fits that description.
Trying to fix:
Thar’s yer problem.
More seriously, that’s why I wanted a source for that claim.
Just a small anecdote: When I was down in SC at the Isle of Palms, I saw a lot of black ‘n’ white teens hanging out together, some obviously couples. I don’t see that kind of mixing here in Michigan.
– as often –
I know, small slice of the population, etc
The South is actually less physically segregated than the North. In the South, whites and blacks must interact with one another on a daily basis. In the North, not so much.
10% is my catch-all factor that sums up all orientations and interests that aren’t cis-hetero, NTTAWWT
The fraction just highlights the bizarre misrepresentation; maybe it’s not 500%, just 200%? It’s a notion, not a census.
Darnit. I like factoids.
You like incorrect data stated as fact?
No, the other definition, very small facts.
For a group of people who hate it when the left changes the definition of words, it always surprises me that so many accept the second definition.
It has a ring of veracity. And the shift in definition of factoid is more along the lines of natural evolution of language. You were the first person to mention the old definition in a long time.
I get it, it just annoys me. And it’s not like it’s an old word. It was coined in 1973. That’s a pretty quick change.
Whatever the intent of the person who coined it, that isn’t the meaning that attached in common use.
Yes, yes, yes. The fact that it got a second meaning because people didn’t understand it’s true meaning seems like rewarding bad behavior. It’s inconceivable.
irregardless, English ain’t a prescriptive language.
That’s a pretty quick change.
Because it was a poorly constructed word to convey its intended meaning. “-oid” has the connotation of diminution, not falsity, so it is only natural for “factoid” to become “small fact” instead of “false fact”. You can blame astronomy (planetoid, asteroid, meteoroid).
Yeouch, UCS.
Mojeaux – I was being illustrative by deliberately using the words thou must not use!
I blame Norman Mailer.
Is he the guy sending the bomb simulades to Democrats?
The number will depend on your definitions. According to the US census, 3% of the population is “two or more races” (using census definitions of race), so that would be a safe floor for your number of interracial couples. If one considers “Hispanic” a race, that number will go up, and even as it is the number is likely higher than reported as there is a non-zero number of people who are mixed-race but identify as one or the other.
So verified mixed is about as common as gays, and a hundred times as common as trans.
You don’t want a Thai ladyboy thrust in your face?
Well some people do pay extra for that
Sure – it would be shocking to see a white hetro couple in an ad, unless they were making a fool of the white guy.
That and the proliferation of military members in ads.
I know all those ads directed towards military members need to stop.
Especially those USAA ads. It’s always military guys.
USAA provides sevices exclusively for military members…hence their marketing to military and their families.
😉 I know.
There’s nothing quite like being patronizingly lectured to by the most morally bankrupt institution in America outside Washington DC.
This morning on NPR they were celebrating the canonization of Matthew Shepard.
They have stopped pretending to be interested in the truth. From memory: “Prosecutors claimed that Shepard was targeted solely becasue he was gay. Later that has become disputed. But it does not matter. Hate crimes happen.”
The issue isn’t the issue, the revolution is the issue. Doesn’t matter that he got killed over drugs, it raised awareness of some other potential murder victims who were killed for other reasons and made us all conscious of the fact that getting murdered for your sexual orientation is much worse than getting murdered for other reasons.
“Prosecutors claimed that Shepard was targeted solely becasue he was gay. Later that has become disputed. But it does not matter. Hate crimes happen.”
If you use it as an example if hate crime, then yes it matters. So much for the IFLS crowd. We should start a website called IFLL (I f****** love logic) to rip these things apart.
A painting created by artificial intelligence sold for $432,000 at the Christie’s Prints and Multiples art auction in New York.
Take that, “R Mutt”.
Where did I put that shocked face of mine:
Chicago cop, accused of sex crimes against teenage boys, never been disciplined
If does get kicked out of the department he can always consider a second career in the local Catholic diocese.
Donald Trump is causing global warming.
Global warming causes hurricanes.
The army of invaders is about to walk into a hurricane.
Awwww shit, I cant even finish it….y’all see where this is going. What are the odds that the hurricane gets blamed on DT before it even hits? The odds that anyone who dies in the hurricane means DT has blood on his hands?
Not mentioned: Greenhouse gas emissions in the US have actually decreased since Trump took office.
That’s awful! Whycome Trump is suffocating the trees!
This is a point I try to make with AGW hysteria people. Vegetation does better in a higher carbon content atmosphere. That’s why, on Earth day, I do my part and let my car idle all day. I have to compensate of the green weenies and their Prius’s.
A three in thirty chance Trump had blood on his hands when he grabs ’em by the p****y.
has Willa already blown herself out? NHC has nothing on their Pacific map:
It landed 2 days ago and moved inland as a tropical storm.
Bill de Blasio is concerned
“People are not being cowed by this. But we have no doubt that this is an act of terror,” de Blasio told CNN, adding “there is no credible and specific threat at this point to any location in New York City” but “clearly there’s a pattern here that we’re taking very, very seriously.”
“Obviously, what’s happened here is directed for political purposes… we should not assume it’s only a one-day thing,” he continued, stressing that “people should assume it’s going to take at least days, if not longer” for the suspect or suspects to be tracked down “and that we’re not out of the woods here until the perpetrators are found.”
De Blasio said counterterrorism forces were positioned “very visibly in front of key media companies” and at the offices of “prominent political figures” in NYC.
“We’re going to get past this. Ultimately, this is a very good and decent country full of people who try and do the right thing. These moments bring us down, but what I think is crucial for people to recognize, that this is a moment in time,” he said. “The way we answer this hatred is by being in solidarity with each other, looking out for each other, being vigilant, recognizing that the information that you hear, something you might not be sure is important or not, but in the hands of law enforcement, may prove to be a crucial clue.”
1) Useless gesture is useless. 2) Have fun singing kumbaya while useful people do useful things.
9/11 got Guiliani a presidential campaign, but those don’t come along every day so you have to take what you can get.
Roger Waters is weaponizing his music.
For what? His own stupid hubris?
Wouldn’t surprise me if he believes his music can ‘bring people together’.
Except those people. And you know who you are.
What a fool.
For what? His own stupid hubris?
I mean, if I was going to guess at the reasons behind anything Roger Waters did, this would be my starting point.
Seriously. Don’t give me that goody good bullshit.
All in all, Roger is a dick with no balls
There is not dark side to Roger’s ideology. As a matter of fact, it’s all dark.
We grew tired of his mewling about thirty years ago. Oh mah Daddy done got kilt in the war, now I’ll cry and cry and cry… Jesus Christ, Waters. Shut up and play your bass guitar! One of my favourite bands ruined yet again by a douche.
De Blasio said counterterrorism forces were positioned “very visibly in front of key media companies” and at the offices of “prominent political figures” in NYC.
Ooh, dat sweet, sweet ovahtime.
I tried watching the NYPD press conference with De Blasio. Authoritays telling us how great they are and how little sleep they were getting. Barf worthy.
Barf worthy.
I listen to ‘hate-radio’ on my commute. The morning and evening guys are ok, but they are big time police/military fellators. I have to turn it off when they go on the “these guys are heroes” rants.
465 yards rushing. 0 yards passing ( 1 attempt). No run over 16 yards. 7 TDs, 2 punts.
Win on the road over division leader.
Hokies embarrassed on their home field in a nationally televised game? It’s a beautiful thing.
Meh, against a team that lost to Old Dominion. I hate the scheme. It works spectacularly a few times a year, fairly well a decent amount of the time, but if a team has our number there’s no adjustment to fix it.
I love the scheme. Against teams with multiple 5 star dlineman it struggles. But so does every other offense.
And last night wasnt our normal scheme. We ran maybe 2 option plays.
Sounds more like a Darryl Royal wet dream. 3 backs, 8 blockers, 5 yards in a cloud of dust.
“The way we answer this hatred is by being in solidarity with each other, looking out for each other, being vigilant, recognizing that the information that you hear, something you might not be sure is important or not, but in the hands of law enforcement, may prove to be a crucial clue.”
See Something, Say Something.
Suspect everyone.
Mommy watches the Bad Man on T.V. when she thinks I’m napping.
But don’t dare suspect or say anything about people belonging to certain groups, because that would be bigoted.
“There’s this highly suspicious man asking people to spy on their neighbors… Well, he’s an old white dude… Oh, I know the name… DeBlasio. Hello? Please stop laughing, I’m serious.”
Black professor who accused Dunkin’ of racial profiling speaks out: It was a ‘dangerous’ and ‘bad’ situation
One hour for the price of a cup of coffee isn’t unreasonable.
You’re willing to work for $0.25/hour?
Actually know the place with the quarter coffee does free refills… you’re willing to work for $0.05/hour?
Why no, I didn’t read the article, why do you ask?
McDonald’s only gives you 30 min with the WiFi. And it’s posted on the WiFi agreement. Someone should take these assholes to task for screaming racism.
They’ll be taken to task alright, and by they I mean the owner will be given shit and have the franchise pulled.
Yeah, the only potential problem here is not having the rules posted. Although if they have the generic “No Loitering” sign up, that covers it and this guy is an ass.
Racial justice director at the YWCA. I’d hate to see the requirements for that position.
Well, you can’t be young, christian, or a ciswoman.
Thinking outside the box.
He’s doubling up on the useless, bullshit occuptations!
He should know it’s more fun there than the Dunkin Donuts.
Yes, it is a great injustice that buying a two dollar coffee doesn’t bestow upon you the right to occupy a business for as long as you want.
Seems like a fair price. 800 fill down isn’t cheap.
“So Nelson, who is also a racial justice director at the YWCA”
I see the problem here.
Yeah, and Santa Fe (aka San Francisco of the desert) is a well-known hotbed of racism. (Massive eye-roll).
Kasich’s a douch.
Legalize Cocaine!
Bill Whittle fired up and ornery. Missed the last comet to suburbia, I’d venture. https://youtu.be/PO7ksBPabrc
Still crazy after all these years.
Allah bless her, maybe it’ll do her some good. She needs structure and if there’s one thing Islam has it’s structure.
I thought it was brutal seventh century barbarian punishments.
That’s the foundation.
She feels that she needs to atone for some ungodly reason. That poor woman has been damaged beyond repair but if this helps her in the short run I won’t judge overmuch.
Yeah,I just pity her at this point as well.
Snark aside I agree with you and wish her well.
But is she a Cleveland Browns fan?
Does OFFICE MANAGER MOHAMMED have any opinions on this matter?
I’d type something out but I’m not very funny that way.
So Nelson, who is also a racial justice director at the YWCA, pulled out his cellphone to record the confrontation.
Never saw that coming.
the police tell him, “It’s a place of business. They make their rules.” “I bought a coffee, though!” Nelson says. The officer responds, “I completely understand where you’re coming from, but it’s a place of business. It’s a private property. If they don’t want you in there, they can kick you out, man.”
And the “college professor” found this to be somehow outrageous and baffling?
Come see the violence inherent in the system!!!
Fuck this guy, hard.
:Insert Ron Paul gif:
Another ‘Everyone is an asshole’ story.
What are the odds that if he just said, “Hey I’m waiting for my car to be serviced next door, can I hang out?” the manager might have let him instead of going right to “You’re trying to kick me out because you’re racist!”?
yup: I’d honor their terms and just keep buying coffee; how is that so hard?
Aren’t they all, Suthen?
You would think that the heroin and meth would have suppressed her appetite.
I am disappoint a) not Florida woman and b) no pics for crazy/hot matrix evil
Eval, damn autocorrect
Just found out that a dear friend of mine from my twenties is going to jail for embezzlement. Super-prog but a great gal. I lived and worked with she and her Husband while they were building their family. I’m dumbfounded.
was it at least an impressive amount?
Details are not forthcoming but the sentence (6 mos.) and probation (18 mos.) plus having to pay back a four figure portion makes it seem that the judge came down on her harder because she has always worked for victims’ rights groups and the like. I know this woman, well I knew this woman and this is a bolt from the blue to me. They took me in when my roommates scarpered on the house we were renting. I was there for the birth of their first child. We were a unit for three years, holidays, sports, mutual friends and blended friends marrying one another. Twitterpated.
Yeah, my FiL went down for that about a year after my wife and I were married. I can’t for the life of me understand why people think its okay to take money from their company and put it in their pocket, but they do.
I have a former business partner who did that…
Soooo not on the Xmas card list anymore? That sucks when people betray your trust. It doesn’t chip away at your faith in humanity, it takes a chainsaw to it.
My Grandfather on partnerships: “Every partnership ends in a court battle or a gun fight.”
That sucks, Brett. The thing that gets me is that so far as I know she has led an exemplary life until now. I looked up to her and wanted to be the kind of person that she and her husband would be proud to call a friend. Fer fuck’s sake, when I was going through a rough patch I “mannied” for them.
You are grieving the death of a person who once did exist, or you thought existed. Totally get where you’re coming from.
Words of wisdom, Mojeaux. We haven’t been in touch except for when I used to facebook. Who knows what transpired in the last tweny-odd years? I know there was a divorce and that she went full SJW but aside from that it’s just warm fuzzies. I think they used to keep me around as an experiment, for whatever that’s worth. We all took the same courses and Skinner was King back then.
Ok, those of you with common names, is it really that hard to remember your e-mail address and that of your SO? Last night, as I’m getting ready to go to bed, I get an e-mail for a boarding pass for a flight between Yangon and Hanoi… with one of my relatives names in it (same last name, same first initial). Based on the HowManyOfMe.com site, my last name is rare enough that it says there’s fewer then 122 people with it, and I’m the only one with my exact name. This is not the first time his wife(?) has done this. I’ve gotten random e-mails for trips to Switzerland, receipts for gifts, etc.
You just have a bad email address. I never get crap like that.
Since when does my name have anything to do with my e-mail address outside of work?
UnCiv uses /dev/urandom to generate a 65 digit string for his email handle. And he doesn’t copy and paste.
*doesn’t see what’s weird about that*
Seriously people… Abine Blur.
One of the nice things about having an uncommon surname.
My last name is uncommon. That’s the issue. My relatives wife doesn’t seem to grasp the concept that different domains exist for e-mail.
UCS: My name has to do with my e-mail I use for job hunting and other professional things. First Initial + Last Name looks better on a resume then Nephilium.
I see.
Most of my resume mailings are for promotional opportunities, so my work e-mail is okay (since it’s with the same employer) I can’t remember when I sent out one for an external post.
I had no idea such a site exists! 926 people in the US with my last name….huh, I’m surprised it’s that many. I’ve never met one I’m not related to. And there’s one other me out there!
I had no idea such a site exists! 926 people in the US with my last name
I haven’t checked the site, but if it is just telling you how many people share your last name then that site is merely a UI slapped on the names spreadsheet that has been available from the census website for years (at least a decade).
Not a single person in the world has my name makes it easy signing up for email.
I used to work with a guy named John Smith. He _always_ got stopped by the TSA and had to do some extra paperwork to fly; because – surprise! – some other John Smith is on the no-fly list.
I still have a coworker named Steve Smith. No, he’s not a rapesquatch. But the nominal confusion causes problems.
I worked with a guy named John Smith right about the time that “Pocahontas” came out. For about six months he was “The Brave and Handsome John Smith”. His dad is John Smith and his Grandad.
When I was in high school, we had a kid transfer in sophomore or junior year with the name John Smith. It became a running joke that he was Russian Spy with all American name. Plays football, dates girls, has dog, drinks wodk… beer!
Is American as Apple Cake?
Da… mean YES! Like Basesball!
I have this problem as well. Always get the big “X” on the entry card when returning to the US from overseas and get shifted over to the blue-glove-drop-your-pants-and-bend-over line to get through immigration. When they see me traveling on the brown “official” passport, they wonder why I’m in their line. Had one of them tell me that there was someone with the same first and last name, different middle name and birthday, that was on a watch list. My name isn’t that uncommon, so I can only guess there are a bunch of us that have this problem. One immigration officer told me that the next time I had a long layover in the entry airport to request a manager to get a dispensation put into the system for me.
Mind you, this happens to me when I’m flying on official government orders with an official government employee passport. So being a minion of the Man doesn’t prevent negative encounters with the Man…
Is that other John Smith the Reichsmarshall?
I get it pretty frequently. My last name isn’t very common, but I use my last name alone @ gmail for one address, and because it begins with “wh” I get a lot of people with a first initial “w” and last names that are the same as mine but skip straight to the “h”.
Huh. There are 3,902 people in the U.S. with my name. 443,002 have the same first name, and 2,890,512 with the same last name. Despite how common my name is, I’ve never had that problem Neph. So, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
There are 5,169,994 people in the US with my first name.
3,754 with my last.
And 59 with the same first and last. Of which I know some are direct relatives of mine.
Give me enough time and you just doxxed yourself
*looks at link in handle*
*whistles nonchalantly*
I’m going to figure it out someday.
*starts building massive spreadsheet*
Hint: His nom de plume is not UCS
Time for some serious news:
Justin Bieber eats burrito sideways
The “Sorry” singer has been been consumed in burrito-eating scandal after photos appeared on Reddit of the star chowing down on the tortilla delicacy right down the middle. Like he’s eating corn on the cob. Or playing the harmonica.
This obsession with people having to eat food the ‘right’ way is weird.
I agree, other than people who eat pizza with a fork and knife. That’s just silly.
Knife is never needed.
However, if there were sufficient toppings that they sloughed off, it is acceptable to deal with the toppings on the plate using a fork.
I’m cool with it, but if he likes pineapple on his pizza, lock him up!
Jesus, they’ll try to turn everything into a controversy won’t they?
It’s a socially acceptable form of voyeurism and shaming. Gets all the nobodies revved up.
Gets all the
nobodiesbusybodies revved up.FTFY.
Looks like he has one of those giant fat burritos that are way to girthy to get the end in his mouth.
way to girthy to get the end in his mouth.
Maybe he has discovered a burrito eating hack. I will…probably forget to try the next time eating a burrito.
But does he eat a candy bar with a fork and knife?
Of course! That’s how these society types eat candy bars – they don’t want to get chocolate on their fingers.
So long as he doesn’t eat a hot dog sideways, we’ll give him a pass. Nah, let’s burn him.
I’m sure he does that when he’s in public so no one can photoshop him eating *something* the other way. He’s been a paparazzi target for, what, ten years, he knows there are cameras everywhere.
The US economy grew at a 3.5% pace in the third quarter, faster than expected
Democrats are not going to like this.
I was assured by our lord and savior Barack Obama that greater than 2% growth was a thing of the past.
Let’s not forget who got this started.
He’s gallivanting around the country now making sure everyone knows that the good economy is his doing. My blood pressure rises every time I hear that man speak.
Obama got that response from me. But I think I was reacting to the smug condescention. I haven’t listened to the current president enough to know if there are any pysiological side effects.
Obama got that response from me.
That’s who I’m talking about. And yes, it is his smug condescension that does it. That and his stating of absolute falsehoods that people lap up as truth.
I never got angry listening to the big zilch. Not that I went out of my way to soak up his wisdom, but when I did, it was so pat and boring I had to wonder exactly who finds it enlightening.
Listening to Trump irritates me, though. It’s galling that the vestigial ethos of liberty and conservatism has that asinine, barely articulate horse’s ass for an avatar.
Listening to Trump irritates me,
I just enjoy the entertainment and irony that he is president. And he doesn’t sound like he is talking down to people so he doesn’t really bother me. He’s like a white-trash billionaire.
Years ago on TOS, I pined for the Rodney Dangerfield of presidents… and here we are.
They’re probably going to like the stock market performance over the next week though.
New ‘Trojan horse’ antibiotic promising
This will probably be even more badly needed than it is now in about 45 years when it gets out of trials and becomes a useful treatment.
So they put the antibiotics right on the condom?
The drug, made by Shionogi Inc, acts like the Trojan horse in Greek legend to trick bacteria into allowing it to enter.
The STEVE SMITH of antibiotics?
All That Remains singer has a great shirt
Pulchritudinous pecs and perky posteriors on these pretty popsies.
6, 8, 16, 31, 33, 49, 50, 69.
25, 49, 57
Democrats are not going to like this.
Don’t you get it? There’s only so much pie, and if we eat it all, future generations will starve!
More food controversey: Deep dish is not the pizza of choice for most Chicagoans
“We don’t just eat deep dish here. We eat thin, square-cut pie here.”
A big chunk of Chicago pizza is this style of pizza. And that’s the only reason I’m kind of going on and on and blathering about tavern-style is Chicago-style. Because that’s what I found. When I call a place up anonymously and say, “Hey, what are you guys known for? What’s your specialty?” They would invariably say thin, and, if you dig a little deeper, “What do you mean by thin?” “Well, tavern-cut, thin and crispy, sauce and cheese pushed all the way to the edge.” That’s thin to them.
It’s like I say in the book, deep dish is to Chicago as Times Square is to New York. So, what if I go to New York and only eat in Times Square? “Oh, all you have is Bubba Gump Shrimp here! What a ridiculous city.” It’s the same thing!
Square cut could be worse than deep dish.
Square cut is an atrocity worse than mislabelling casserole.
Whatever that is. Maybe sometime I’ll square cut up some cold hot dish and we can eat it and have a discussion about your strange ways while watching a movie at the same time.
I thought we were having lunch at the hardware store.
It is much easier to be heard at the movie theater because everyone else is so quiet.
Pizza iz always a round-a! /Italian Hand gestures
Square is authentic. We buy and make it square.
It’s authentic as authentic can be.
Add Rufus to the list of deplorables.
No focaccia for you.
In case it makes a difference, here they mean a round pizza cut into squares.
It could be worse
One day I’ll host a “Pizza, not pizza, kinda pizza” symposium on pizza at my place.
round pizza cut into squares
Domino’s does that crap with their thin crust pizza.
I am ok with square cut. Fits in the toaster oven better. (I eat Totino’s frozen pizzas and I am not ashamed.)
But Totino’s are now square. (I too eat Totino’s regularly)
I’m with you Rufus. Square is a common way to see pizza cut up here in Minnesoda. Nothing is wrong with it. Nothing is wrong with triangles either.
I swear you guys are worse than my sister who insists that sandwiches have to be made with consecutive slices of bread and that the filling goes in between the common faces. She absolutely freaks out if she sees you making a bunch of sandwiches in an assembly line fashion and not paying proper attention to “bread integrity” (her term).
I actually do exactly that, but just because it seems logical to me. I don’t actually care if sandwiches are made this way.
my sister who insists that sandwiches have to be made with consecutive slices of bread and that the filling goes in between the common faces.
Is there any other legitimate way to make a sandwich?
Make your own sandwich any way you want. Bitch at me because I didn’t care enough about crazy stuff while making 40 sandwiches for a family outing? Go fuck yourself. Especially since she never offers to make the sandwiches herself*.
*She’s actually a pretty decent person for a kid sister
The square cut is actually more structurally stable, since it lacks the acute angle on the pointy end of triangle cut pizza.
Without the grip? Where are you supposed to pick them up from?
A properly cooked crust obviates the need for that sort of structural stability.
So you’re the one who’s been overcooking the thin crusts!
I fully believe in the structural integrity of bread, which is why I get annoyed when restaurants serve hamburgers on brioche rolls. The roll isn’t strong enough to hold up when it becomes saturated with burger juice, and you get a smooshy mess that just falls apart. This is often enough to send me into a homicidal rage. I feel the same way about hard-shell tacos.
Chill, man.
You’re too worked up.
I do not handle disappointment well.
So you’re a Libertarian, why?
I had a dream last night of eating at a pizza buffet. I woke up craving pizza. This morning I made a extra-pepperoni pepperoni pizza for breakfast.
Now I have heartburn.
Sicilian is square and square cut. That’s acceptable. Other styles cut in squares is an abomination.
Sicilian exceeds crust thickness parameters and is thus not pizza, so it doesn’t matter how it’s cut.
It is, it’s a Midwestern thing, that’s what they have in Indiana.
I’m beginning to suspect Rochester New York is actually a midwestern city in the wrong place. They’re ‘pop’ saying, square-cut-round-pizza-eating dumbasses there.
“that’s what they have in Indiana”
Question: can I pick up my illegal full-semi-auto child-murder death machine with the thing that goes up at the pizzeria, or do I need to go somewhere else?
Get a pizza and they’re throw in a 50% off coupon for automatic magazine clips.
There’s handgun vending machines on every corner.
Sure, they give away fully semi-automatic death machines just for visiting. I know because we sometimes have to visit my wife’s relatives in Indiana.
Maybe those losers up north!
I simply don’t get square-cut pizza. How can you have several slices of pizza that have no crust/handle?!
Turoni’s Pizza was a favorite of most Evansvillians, but I actually only ate there a few times. Was pretty good for a middling Hoosier town. The lamented and departed Mazio’s was where we would get pizza after baseball games. They could make a damn good personal pan.
Bloomington had Rockit’s by the ($2) slice right next to the Video Saloon. NYC style really is the best outside of Italy.
Deep dish is the only thing I miss after leaving the Chicago area.
I never liked the crispy thin crust stuff. That kind of pizza is reserved for employee luncheons, parties, and other gatherings where you are ordering 10+ pizzas.
Cutting it into squares, even though it was baked round made it that much worse.
If your thin crust is crispy, you done fucked up.
It’s supposed to be foldable.
Item#502 that Festus no longer enjoys. Coffee was a weird one but I’ll miss fishing most of all… Everything that I liked has become NPC.
Square cut thin-crust with pineapple and green chile. The square cut accentuates the cracker crust like the chile does the pineapple.
Who are these terrible cooks who are burning the crust to being ‘crackers’? Thin crust is supposed to be foldable, regardless of cut. If you can’t fold it, you did it wrong.
What, you don’t slather saltines with ketchup and powder parmesan and call it pizza?
Fun fact – A large proportion of what is in a can of “Parmesean” is actually wood fiber. Check the label. It’s listed there as cellulose.
And no, I wouldn’t do that.
That’s why I buy 4C. It’s just cheese. Of course, you have to give it few whacks every time you pull it out of the refrigerator but it’s worth it.
What a gyp. Stupid fancy Eurofags. I’m going back to using natural American cheese.
Most shredded cheeses will have that to prevent the cheese sticking back together in a big lump.
Shred a block of cheese, that’s the way to do it.
Ok, the morning links are getting a bit long in the tooth, so I feel fairly safe posting this now without a horde of Glibs bearing pitchforks and torches marching up my street to cleanse the heretic:
1. I eat pizza with a fork and knife.
2. Not only that, I eat around the edge and then in towards the center. The only pizza we eat is the pizza we make for ourselves, so they are individually sized (my wife and I don’t like the same toppings), and I much prefer the center part with all the wonderful toppings than the crust. So I go counterclockwise around the outside of my pizza first, then eat the interior. Don’t have a rationale for the counterclockwise, it’s just how it naturally happens.
3. Pizza just isn’t tasty to me unless it has some gorgonzola cheese on it.
4. Sometimes, I actually like ham and pineapple on my pizza (this is the exception to the gorgonzola rule, but now that I think about it I may have to give it a try…)
(Just read this out loud to my wife. Her response: “@#$%ing animal…” So, I may not escape the pitchfork and torch after all.
There, I said it.
*assembles mob*
I’m Here To Help confirmed as Trump.
Hey now, no need to go that far! I enjoy my steaks at the proper medium rare, and know the sublime joy of eating a properly aged steak, cooked just right, with nothing but the hint of salt and pepper on it. Hell, I didn’t even put steak sauce on the boot leather they referred to as “steaks” at the DFAC in Iraq…
You’re worse than a monster.
*ignites flamer, drowns room in flames*
Nothing left to cut.
Air Force is paying $1200 each for their fancy cups (except if you look at the pic, it looks like old ’80s tech). The plastic handles break a lot and can’t be replaced so a whole new cup needs to be ordered. AF gets super excited about the fact that they can 3D print a new handle for 50 cents. Rest of world still hasn’t moved on from them paying $1200 in the first place.
Possibly going 18 hours without heated coffee? How could miserly bastards even suggest that our Heroes in the Sky suffer so much?
KC? That’s a fuel tanker. You can’t have heating elements around fuel! They get cold drinks and rations only!
* snort * reminds me: The deployment of today’s leading mobile refrigerant, R-1234yf, was delayed for years (by the VDA) because it’s flammable, as if a car doesn’t already have 200 pounds of flammables on board (in infinitely riskier packaging).
Here’s a suggestion you should be able to appreciate (well, if they had these on PI when you were there, anyway) – give ’em previously frozen Jimmy Dean boxed lunchs that still have a thin coating of ice on them.
I keep telling you that I’m not a WM. I went to MCRDSD and was a real Marine.
Right, right, but did you have Jimmy Dean box lunches at the range?
No, I think we had MRE’s at the range. But it was so long ago that the only thing I remember about the range was that I was able to grab quick cat naps while practicing the prone position. Pretty sweet.
WTF are they talking about? I bet the writer has never filled a thermos in their life and relies on buying a cup of coffee everyday. A vacuum thermos will absolutely keep coffee hot for 18 hours. I have one that will keep my coffee warm to the next day.
And fuck the AF. They need a hard kick to the ass. Enough of this BS. Starting acting like a service for once. No Hot A? Boo fucking hoo. Eat a cold MRE. Or those awful box meals you serve to your prisoners riding in the back of transports.
Also, why do the cups need to have the heating elements? It would be a much simpler thing to build an object like a cooler that secures to the floor of the cabin into which you can insert the cup/thermos into it and it heats the thermos from the outside
Chair Force.
Since when does Air Force equipment have to meet FAA standards?
General military aircraft are not certified to civilian standards. Transport vehicles that operate in civilian controlled airspace have to meet some of the civilian standards for communication and navigation equipment.
That being said, there are still tons of airworthiness regulations to be satisfied for military certifications.
I used to work with a guy named John Smith. He _always_ got stopped by the TSA and had to do some extra paperwork to fly; because – surprise! – some other John Smith is on the no-fly list.
It must have been amusing to watch him at a hotel check-in desk.
“Yes. Seriously.J-o-h-n. S-m-i-t-h. Write it down.”
Herr Oberstgrüppenführer?
That’s Reichsmarschall Smith!
I find it humorous that the actor playing that character is the same guy who played Hamilton in the HBO John Adams series.
John Smith is on the no-fly list.
If only it was on the “no-sail” list.
I’ve tried, over my life, to be a level-headed, rational kind of person not prone to indulging in conspiracies. However, this saga of “suspicious packages” has revealed perhaps the limitations of that and it makes me sad. It also reveals exactly what happens when the press completely nukes its credibility and when ostensibly impartial organizations like the FBI and ATF are revealed, without any doubt, as being utterly corrupt. I am now almost 100% convinced that this is not just a false flag, but is actually, in part, being perpetrated by the DNC/Media/Deep State. First, it’s clear at this point that these devices were never designed to actually hurt anyone, only sow discord and fear. Second, the choice of targets; it’s practically a who’s-who of what a DemOp would perceive as “DRUMPF’S ENUHMEEZ”. Third, the timing; the much anticipated Blue Wave was obviously failing to materialize so, in desperation, our favorite bad actors decided they needed to gin up enthusiasm from their base “by any means necessary” (their words, not mine). Finally, how can they not have caught this clown? You have 10+ completely intact devices from which to gather evidence. The fact that they didn’t catch this loser(s) within 24 hours tells me they don’t really want to; at least not until after Nov 6 (unless it really is one of their own, then after the election it will go down the memory hole completely).
This may seem far fetched, Alex Jones territory. However, consider how absurd it would have seemed 5 years ago to think that a sitting president would present forged evidence to a corrupt FISA court to get a warrant to spy on an opposing presidential candidate with full cooperation from partisan actors in the top tiers of the FBI/IC all while the press runs interference and obfuscates reality. Compared to that, filling a few pieces of PVC with black powder and mailing them to partisan critics is a piece of cake; especially if you know you’re not going to get caught.
I miss the old days when left wing nutters just stuck to blowing themselves up.
Hamas still sticks to that tradition. One of their senior bombmakers went boom earlier this year.
They seem reasonably competent with incendiaries. They’ve been doing a good job of burning fields and forests around the Gaza Strip using kites and balloons for delivery.
Have they at least killed as a many people as Japan did with their balloon incendiaries?
It was two, wasn’t it?
As far as I know, nobody has been killed, but they’ve burned roughly 2000 acres of forest and 1500 acres of agricultural fields.
Right there with you, Q.
I blame Hat. He probly made Pie do all the leg-work.
That would probably start a fire.
If they hadn’t been screaming, “By any means necesary!” for the past two years, I’d be calling you a kook right now.
Yep – watching the news, my bullshit detector is pegged these days. Do people actually believe any of this crap?
Sadly, yes.
Even people in my office who are not Trump fans to say the least think the bomb thing is suspicious, but they’re leaning towards prank or scam.
IDK, it also has the earmarks of 4chan trolling, as I and others have mentioned. The git-er-done in an ISIS-like font is just cheeky enough to make me lean that way.
Disagree. No clever enough, and who benefits?
And the “git er done” thing is like what an ‘antifa’-type would think of a Trumpkin and how they would portray one.
The only way I can see this as being 4chan trolling is if they’re trying to do some kind of elaborate rope-a-dope on the DemOp/Media/Complex. Maybe sending out absurdly non-functional bombs to the usual suspects and baiting them into losing their shit over nothing. If that’s the strategy, I’d say it’s working, if not a strategic error on their part.
The timing though. If it is them I am not even sure what the big reveal would be in order for this to blow up (heh) on the Dems come election time.
Yea, “next-level trolling”. But why do it now when it could jeopardize your side’s chances in the election? It’s plainly obvious how the msm and Team Blue (I repeat myself..) would spin it.
I feel like it was 4chan there would be some big reveal that makes the D’s and MSM (but I repeat myself) look really stupid. While they are doing a good job of that on their own it still fits their narrative too handily.
But why do it now when it could jeopardize your side’s chances in the election?
Because the 4chan trolls don’t actually have a side. They predominantly troll the left simply because the left happens to be in a position of authority (culturally) at the present time. From that perspective, the timing makes perfect sense, as it is timed to provoke the greatest reaction.
Agreed. This whole thing is rotten as hell.
^#metoo. Even if they pin it on some toothless Floridaman living out in a trailer in the swamp with a MAGA sign in his yard I’ll have a hard time being convinced he’s not a patsy.
Paging Matt Bracken, paging Mr. Bracken…
The only quibble I would have is that I believe the Deep State has plenty of people who can actually build a functioning bomb, and would have no qualms about killing a few people if it helped their agenda. If the Deep State #Resistance was actively involved in sending the packages, rather than just botching the investigation, I would expect a few explosions and dead people.
Not if it was a false flag. I doubt they intended anything more that sowing discord and getting Dems into the voting booth.
But wouldn’t a few dead people sow more discord and get their base even more fired up? Plus, give the FBI etc. an excuse to drop the hammer on SPLC-certified hate groups?
No. The “idea” of crazy alt-righters is enough to drive the voters to the polls. Don’t you even moran?
AF gets super excited about the fact that they can 3D print a new handle for 50 cents.
*Pentagon orders ten thousand 3D printers for $15m each*
You think you are being snarky, but the joke is on you.
All the bolded stuff is why it will cost much more than $15M
“Speaking of caravans, they’re going to walk right into a Category 4 hurricane.”
*Nelson laugh*
Not quite, the leftovers of Willa are already here on the East coast.
Aircraft such as the KC-10 regularly fly lengthy missions of 10 hours or more while deployed, he said, and can sometimes take as long as 17 or 18 hours. This means the air crew need some way to heat up food and beverages in-flight, and a Thermos filled up with coffee before takeoff might not stay warm long enough, he said.
I used to know a guy who was a navigator on a SAC B-52. I’m pretty sure he said that thing had a full kitchen on it (stocked with good food). I’m surprised the tankers don’t.
Gee that’s tough, most WWII vets I ask say having luke warm coffee was the hardest part. Or you know, they could but a yeti mug for $50 with some of that O-pay and flight pay they get. The AF…..almost like being in the military.
The worst part about that is that it means ever few months some moron E5 or O2 will decide that they need to do something to remind you that you are technically in the military and make up some idiotic arbitrary thing to mess with everyone in the units life for a few days/weeks before things settle back to being : Air Force – It’s not an adventure, it’s really just a job!
On this day in history – Hungarians rose up against their Soviet overlords and were crushed. A guidance counselor I had back in grade school escaped from Hungary during the ensuing chaos.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán lays out why Hungary refuses to cede their sovereignty to global organizations ever again.
Interesting speech…
I had a gym/Grade six teacher in elementary school that was Hungarian. Whenever he’d get pissed off he’d scrawl on the the chalkboard – “THINK!” He bloodied and bullied me something fierce but looking back, I had it coming to me.
I’m reminded of my 7th-grade math teacher who had a “Solidarność” sign on his classroom wall.
We had a hippy-dippy 5th grade teacher that believed in “open learning”. He was awesome but he only lasted half a year. His replacement used to read excerpts from “The Gulag Archipelago”. I can just see the School Board meeting – Yep, that’ll fixem! To be fair, “open learning” resulted in the children learning not much of anything except for an appreciation of ethnic food and Mr. Brenner’s fine-assed wife.
Viktor Orban’s a Proud Boy!
Suspicious package?
Nothing suspicious about that package; you know exactly what it is right before you black out.
Protip: If you’re ever offered a free trial subscription to Fast Company or Inc Magazine, don’t do it.
So foreign interference in elections and involvement in politics? Yeah, that’s going to go over well.
Lying leftists from other countries lying over the difference between legal and illegal immigration. Of being Silicon Valley, there’s probably more opposition to legal immigration (and the bullshit H1B usage) than illegal immigration (cheap semi skilled and manual labor!).
“This past spring, Breisacher resigned from Google, in part over the company’s involvement in Project Maven, a Pentagon program to use artificial intelligence on the battlefield.”
So, having an effective military is now illegitimate.
Well for starters how about the 85% of Software Engineers and Systems/Application developers who are not located anywhere near the West Coast and really don’t give a damn about your political stances.
Where my mother grew up.
We stopped at the Hotel Eklund on our way to Taos a few years back. Interesting place. I don’t buy into ghost stories, but my wife loves “haunted hotels”. We also stopped at the St. James hotel in Cimmaron
Harlem or Compton were beaten out by a small town in NM as the spookiest town in the US? I smell something fishy.
“It can’t be an ethnic enclave. That’d be racist.”
Yeah, I was disappointed that they meant “bullshit scary” not real scary.
Harlem and Compton aren’t in New Mexico.
It’s nice to see that ABQ news channels are keeping up with the trend of larding their websites with so much crap as to make them nonfunctional.
“Good news for Brett! It seems Columbia has a record harvest for coca, the primary plant used to make cocaine.”
Can’t make meth out of coca.
Substitute goods, Q. The people who don’t specialize will gravitate towards the cheaper coke, and the price of meth will fall.
Amazon is getting crushed today, down 9%.
Maybe they're going somewhere; might even catch up to KR ROA ~ 10% some day? I'll pass.
If it’s another tech bubble that pops first, I’ll be surprised. With so many instruments out, there it’s virtually impossible to predict where the air is going to start leaking first. It really is confusing. I just saw the other day that McD’s sales were up 6% over last year. More people eating up or down?
If it’s another tech bubble that pops first, I’ll be surprised.
I wouldn’t be surprised. Not that I think it will be like the tech bubble burst of the late 90s/early 00s, when many companies were wiped out, but I do think that many of these monster tech companies are way over-valued so would not be surprised to see a serious correction. Amazon has a market cap of $900B on a net annual income of $3B, while Walmart has a market cap of $300B on a net annual income of $10B.
It won’t be the tech that bursts this time around per se rather it will very specifically be the tech companies that are heavily dependent on ad revenue. Amazon will be fine as will Oracle and Microsoft. Facebook and Google are the ones in trouble and the reason for it is almost all of their value is dependent on their ability to sell their customers data to markerters. The problem for these companies is the value proposition of that marketing is under the best of circumstances weak. The vaunted algorithims for targeting advertising are essentially garbage and even when they work there isn’t really much evidence that the ads they push have any impact on sales. Now to make matters worse all of the big advertising dependent companies are taking actions across a wide range of issues that are driving away/alienating significant portions of their user bases devaluing the ads even further. At some point it is inevitable that advertisers are going to stop being willing to pay top rates for views and clicks on those services.
When news broke in December 2016 that then president–elect Donald Trump would meet with some of the tech world’s most prominent CEOs—Apple’s Tim Cook, Alphabet’s Larry Page, Microsoft’s Satya Nadella, and Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, among them—many tech workers were furious. In an industry that draws talent and ideas from around the world, Trump’s anti-immigrant campaign promises were abhorrent, and just meeting with him seemed like a tacit endorsement of these views.
Most of those same people, I suspect, would be thrown into a frothing rage if one were to suggest a private business owner would be within his rights to refuse to do business with someone based on some aspect of their personal behavior or beliefs.
There’s that “anti-immigrant” conflation again. Being in favor of strict enforcement of immigration laws is not the same thing as being against legal immigration. Being in favor of immigration is not the same thing as being in favor of illegal immigration.
No there is more to it here. Trump was also anti H1B which a lot of the tech companies and apparently some of the tech workers on the west coast strongly approve of. Problem for them is everywhere else tech workers HATE the H1B program as they correctly see it as a cynical way for companies to get cheap slave labor and remove the local workforce’s salary barganing position.
And many weren’t. What’s their point? Oh… to stir up shit?
Having worked in tech, I can firmly attest that they are just as myopic (if not more so) as any workers in any other industry and much more self-important.
Oh sure, I’m just pointing out their little “gotcha” is meaningless blather intended to score points and nothing more.
When Trump won, I was working at a place that had developers from Spain, Germany, Nigeria, Mexico, India, Philippines, China (all overseen by us despicable white males). They were all super upset by the Trump win. All of them were worried that their dreams of a green card were over.
I explained to them, that this was a good thing. Trump’s policies would actually help them. He’d give their applications precedence over applications from unskilled workers. After that all of them sort of warmed up to Trump. The ones who still hated Trump were the ones that planned on moving back to Europe after a few years working in the US.
You’d think that some of the geniuses in Silicon Valley could figure the same thing out themselves. Trump’s policies actually benefit them more than others.
There was no detectable reaction at all in my IT department also full of foreign nationals. Granted, I avoid politics at work like the plague but if they were distraught over it even I would have figured it out.
Since someone posted it here yesterday.
“Guys, the viral video of the black Trump supporter and the white dude is from an internet prankster ”
Meaning that the black guy hung out at Starbucks and waited for someone to confront him, or the whole thing was staged?
Whole thing was staged, apparently.
I win!! I watched that last night and my blood was boiling and then I thought…….hmmm….I am betting that was staged, don’t know why, just doesn’t feel right.
/if only my intuition was as solid with women
Not the only thing that isn’t as solid with women as you’d like? nudge, nudge, wink, wink.
That actually makes more sense.
Lame prank, but whatever
My blood pressure rises every time I hear that man speak.
Honest to Xmas, the last time I intentionally sat still and listened to a President speak was probably Richard Nixon’s resignation announcement.
What a hack.
That’s a very nice way of saying “asshole”.
That guy blows.
“Explosive devices”…..there hasn’t been a single actual explosive device yet.
Listened to an interview with a former Marine bomb tech on hate radio this morning.
He said their categorization of “potentially functional” along with their seemingly cavalier handling of the devices, suggests that they are literally PVC filled with black powder. No detonator. No blasting caps. No trigger. “Potentially functional” simply means it contains a substance that might blow up under some set of circumstances.
That sounds exactly the case – there’s no way to make these things explode unless you light them on fire.
Plus, who the hell makes a pipe bomb out of PVC???
“Metal is, like, hard to cut, and I needed to, like, fit them in the envelopes, or, like, the post office wouldn’t take them, so I, like, used plastic, and, like, plastic is evil anyway, so, it’s, like, what the Trump drones would use.”
This. Even if they worked, with just a plastic body, it would be a middling concussion grenade. Unless you were holding it in your hands, the most it could do is give you a headache.
Even the photo he uses for his articles exudes a smug self-righteousness that I can’t stand. The man is a twat.
He’s channeling the guy from the “burn” meme except he’s not the cool one pulling his face down and running cross-screen. Smug, he is.
What a hack.
Blow me, Charles Blow.
“A ICE detention facility in Phoenix reaches max capacity. So ICE does the sensible thing and lets them out. Thanks ICE!”
If this is all they do, what’s the point of abolishing them?
“This looked like a hostage video. All that was missing was Megyn holding up the day’s newspaper as proof of life.”
Yeah, that’s pretty much a press conference at the Hanoi Hilton.
YouTube Bans ‘Dangerous’ Ad For Video Critiquing Transgenderism
Anything that strays from the orthodoxy is dangerous. People might begin to question their premises. Nothing more dangerous than that.
Particularly if it calls out google…
Google is a sad shell of what they once were.
That first sentence is terrible. Makes it read as if the group was the one behind the banning.
That scientist: Would.
She seems too smart for me. I fear clever women, or women in positions of authority. It makes my male brain, shriveled and clotted by testosterone, so angry I can’t even sustain the rage boner.
Debra Soh
Debra Soh hawny. Amirite?
Love you long time
You got girlfriend Vietnam?
Soh’s not even a conservative nor does she really have a conservative viewpoint on the matter.
Huh, and just two days ago We The Internet’s video was about Facebook removing speech for being hate speech. And I don’t know about the ad, but the gender videos themselves started 8 months ago.
youtube banned the ad for the video but the video itself is available. now they’re just schizo.
That first reply is Schadenfreude porn.
I just came in my pants a little. I feel unclean and yet paradoxically, happy! Make of that what you will,
She actually posted that? JHTFC
My God we dodged a bullet ← exhibit no. 2,345
She’s definitely not short in the hubris department.
The Bad Seed.
I’m sure it was a staffer that posted it, but yeah.
There’s gold in them there replies!
That can’t be real! All the replies are magnificent.
I love her little self-description:
Hair icon? Fan of walks in the woods?
That can’t be real!
Blue check says it is.
I am not sure what I am looking at there.
That’s her twitter page? She just posted that herself? She still thinks she is going to be president? Or did someone else post that old post from 2016?
If she just posted that herself she is completely insane. The replies are incredible.
It’s a tweet by Herself (more likely a staffer) from 2016.
Might be a retweet. She’s so sideways with her meds nobody will ever know for sure.
She’s most definitely running. The article predicting it are getting to be more each day. I called it on the day after last election. It’s still her turn, the rest of us peasants just don’t know it.
Made the mistake of clicking on a live CBS news video about the new bombs found, and all they’re doing is screeching how horrible it is that Trump put ‘bomb’ in quotes in a tweet.
CBS “news”
I know right? Until ‘the bomb’ tells us what it identifies as its bigoted to assume its preferred noun.
There have been no bombs. Not a single one has exploded.
USA Today calls them “bomb-like devices” in their story today, so progress!
And it seems like not a single one had a trigger mechanism. So at best, thus far, there have been many things made to appear as bombs that could serve as a threat, but no actual bombs. “News”, indeed.
Now it’s DWS’s news conference about getting a bomb, and it’s just a campaign stop, seems like the right tone if she really fears for anything.
America’s new threat – Sex Ba-Bombs.
I figured the new threat was these Suspect Devices. (My apologies if this has already been linked, and my disappointment if it hasn’t.)
Dr. Nick: Don’t worry, it’s inflammable!
After a tough workout, my knees sometimes feel inflammable.
Holy moses!
I uttered “Good Lord…”
She’s a sex bomb, my baby
Gonna need to take shelter in a Brick House.
I’m not much of a gamer but it looks like it’s going to rain all weekend……anyone playing Red Dead 2 yet……worth $60?
I’m holding out for Cyberpunk 2077.
I donno. It’s not worth the $330 I’d have to spend to find out.
This, last generation or two of consoles they had some justification as some of them used more proprietary designs. Now that everything is x86-64 and somewhat streamlined mainstream gpus, the ports shouldn’t be all that difficult.
I downloaded it. Yet to play it.
I liked the first one, (damn that was the better part of 10 years ago- I’m getting old) and it looks like they really packed in the detail on this one. My only concern is that after playing everything by Naughty Dog, open world games get boring before I finish playing through the story mode.
My only concern with RDR2 is whether they’ve actually gone overboard on the “realism”. I don’t want to play a horse maintenance simulator. I’m watching the reviews to see how much of that stuff you can ignore without being penalized.
it could be interesting if it doesn’t interfere with gameplay too much. It’s always kind of annoyed me that horses are the equivlent of dirt bikes in games (never need to eat, stay in one spot, etc). That being said it could be annoying. The big thing about people are saying about this is the detail they put into the NPC’s……I guess you’ve got lots of options for interacting and it can change the outcome of the storyline.
If I can call it rather than having to hunt the darn thing down, I’d be okay with the horse wandering when you leave it unrestrained.
But a lot of the time, the character doesn’t eat either. It’s just one of those things removed for the sake of gameplay.
The island area in Witcher 3 kinda killed the immersion. Dismount Roach, sail across the sea to some flyspeck island, whistle, Roach appears from out of Geralt’s pocket.
Horses were transported via ship for
centuriesMellenia.And a perfect example of something that (I understand) was NOT removed from RDR2, which concerns me.
I wouldn’t know. Until there’s a PC release date, I’ve not been paying much attention to the specifics.
I’ll almost certainly play it at some point. I’m sure I will marvel at how chocked full of detail the world is. Jim Sterling’s review specifically called out the rain effects, I’m a sucker for those. I have no doubt it’s a technical achievement, and since I’ve been gaming since Pong, I’ve never lost my appreciation for the technical side and marveling at how far games have come. I’ll enjoy it just for that aspect alone.
The real fun is inventory management.
Survival FO4 is like a solid 30% sorting through the many, many receptacles I build to ensure I’ll never miss out on picking up even more crap to sort through.
There’s a reason I chose not to subject myself to that.
Oh and there’s strikes 10 and 11 for 76 – Ammunition has weight and other survivial mode “features” are enabled without choice to turn them off.
“When playing Civilization just isn’t enough micromanagement”
With very rare exception, I only buy games after they’ve been out for 6 or 12 months. Next up in my queue is either Last of Us or Uncharted 4. I’ll pick up God of War if it gets a 50% price cut over the holidays.
Either Last of Us or Uncharted 4 will not disappoint. IMO “Last of Us” is the best video game ever made.
I beg to differ.
That’s just like, your opinion man!
On which point do you differ?
his assertion that it is the best game ever.
Please note I prefaced it with IMO
Which is why I was being more polite in telling you you’re wrong.
Do you have a nomination of your own?
Nope. Mainly because you run into the question of “Which is better” between Grand strategy, 4X, RPG, Shooter, etc, etc. The candidates simply are not comparable. So anyone saying “best video game ever” except in sarcasm, is flat wrong.
For example, over the past week I’ve been playing Fallout Shelter, Soulcalibur 6, Battlefleet Gothic, Pathfinder: Kingmaker, and eyeing whether I should resume Assassin’s Creed Odessey. How do you measure those titles against each other?
I bow to the all-knowing gaming one, I’ll go flagellate myself now for stating my preference.
No, you idiot, it’s not gaming knowledge but Pedantry. Get your failings right!
Here nerds. Argue about this instead:
Why Red Dead Redemption is the greatest Western ever made
Sorry, should have closed that with
Gillum’s Campaign manager?
Probably doesn’t bode well for the false flag theory in that case, but better for the retarded, meth-head, inbred flag theory.
Eh, not sure you can derive anything from where it is.
Stop pissing on my unfounded speculation. Everybody else is doing it.
I’m going with it was the Russians!
You and Chuck Todd
Could still be a patsy.
I read “pasty” and got hungry.
Not what I meant, but now I have a different type of hunger.
Doh! Should have refreshed!
Consolation prize.
Oh my. A beautiful pasty-white redhead.
I’ll be in my bunk.
Q would never ever type ‘pasty’. That word cannot be uttered around him without Q breaking down into uncontrollable sobbing.
A new law was passed a decade or so ago so topless places ’round here had to make the girls wear pasties. I haven’t been to a strip bar since.
Well, come to think of it, he hasn’t been posting here much lately….
Florida Man has no single address, citizen. Florida Man is from ‘everywhere’in Florida.
I bet it’s Richard Jewell. No one would’ve suspected it.
The mail was coming from inside the house!
*golf clap*
Trump super-fan
Twitter guy checks out.
“Vocal indie…..#TheResistance #BlueWave2018 #Resist”
Something seems contradictory about those.
a nose in uteri is how i got my wife.
danke. i’ll be here all ze veek.
You’re supposed to use your tongue.
Doesn’t matter. They’ll gin the spin for another two weeks and we’ll probably never know. Hey anyone, hear anything juicy about Vegas, lately?
I thought what happened in Vegas stayed in Vegas.
Am I going to need a lawyer?
Are reproduction oil paintings classy or trashy?
Only classy if they’re on velvet.
+1 Whale and a dolphin gettin’ it on
+1 black velvet matadors.
Vegas-Era Elvis or GTFO
I would have also accepted “dogs playing poker”.
This is in casa de trashy. I don’t know if it’s a reproduction, and it’s not technically an oil painting, but it should give you a baseline.
Depends on what they’re of.
Nothing well-known. Baroque, realist, or impressionist. I’m not much of a decorator, but sometimes I see something striking and think, “I wouldn’t mind having a print of that hanging in my home.”
printcopyI once bought liquidation art out of the back of a van. $10 for a Pissarro print. I put a lovely mat arrangement and frame around it and it looks like a million bucks. I get lots of compliments. Sadly, it’s very faded now, which I didn’t realize until I saw the real one at the museum here.
But with a good frame and lovely mats, you can make almost anything look wonderful.
Is that where you take the placenta and mix it with oil paint to make SugarFree style pieces?
For realz now, get a gorgeous mat-and-frame job and it’ll be classy.
Inexpensive oil paintings.
Are the subjects like, reproducing or is everything left to imagination?
Well, it wasn’t real socialism those other times. We’ll get it right this time around.
What is the definition of madness again?
The MSM, including Fox, is out there gushing with praise for law enforcement and their spectacular work in nabbing this guy so quickly. No seconding guessing or questioning if they got the wrong dude. Just hang the mother fucker! Yee haw!
I’m sure the lefty conspiracy theories are soon to follow, tortured narrative to tie him directly the DRUMPF!! somehow. Or if he is a patsy he’ll be unpersoned by next news cycle.
TBH, it certainly could be a middle aged MAGA white male. Given all the bullshit in the news, it’s guaranteed that the conspiracies will fly. It’s a total shitshow and demonstrates the damage the press has done to it’s own cause and to the country at large.
I’m sure it could and I agree with you about the press. That’s whats really captured my attention through this whole thing, the utterly predictable narrative and spin. Sometimes the free market isn’t fast enough, I want to see their ivory towers topple yesterday.
So ithe mad bomber is Florida Man in a van with a bunch of bumper stickers and what looks like insane political screeds taped up to the windows. Way to live up to stereotypes. I’ll bet he is a husky, fifty something, white dude with several days of stubble too.
Exactly how it sounds. That’s what’s being reported. Probably looks a lot like that guy that shot up the baseball field.
I’m listening to Armstrong and Getty in the AM describe it. Those guys are hysterical.
Man in his 50s from Aventura, Florida. Just north of Miami, on the water. Can be a very rich area and can be a shit area, depending on where you are.
Lives in Florida, from NY according to Fox.
Van spotted.
Has North Floridaman weighed in yet?
Something something about guys in their 50s who aren’t getting laid any more… their fancy turns to … creepiness
Oh yeah… if the guy were incel that would be icing on the cake.
Wait, is being a husky white fifty somethingdude with a couple days of stubble a bad thing? I need to know cause I only got a year to change that
I’m about 50% sure that I’ve seen that van before. Not enough resolution to be sure, because I’ve seen multiple crazy person vans with political shit all over it.
Once you’ve seen one of those vans, you’ve seen em all.
You obviously haven’t seen mine yet.
I think the PNW, Rockies, and west TX have the good stuff. The rest of us crazies are second rate.
The kind of van you don’t want to get in an accident with since you know the driver is a grade A kook.
A lot of LaRouchies in your area?
Oh man the Larouchies. A couple years back I was walking out of a supermarket and these two guys were at a table with a bunch of political stuff. I normally avoid that, and figured they were lefties, but when I walked past they shouted out some insane sentence about a land bridge from Asia to Alaska and Breton Woods. Unfortunately, that stopped me for a second and they started spouting off some weird shit. I said something mild like, “this sounds a little far fetched”, and the one dude went nuts and started swearing at me. I told him to fuck off back and went on my merry way.
Six months later I go to a job down the Street from my house and it’s insane Larouche dude. I can see the glimmer of recognition in his eye, and he is trying to nail down where he knows me from. It took me a few minutes too, until I saw the big box of weird pamphlets in his garage. I explained he must have seen me in the hood and finished the job as quickly and with as least interaction as possible.
Did you have enough time at the stoplight behind him to read half of that?
Around here, for years, we had Stephen King Killed John Lennon Van Guy. He would call in to radio shows and segueway into his preferred topic after a couple sentences and get cut off. Haven’t seen him in years now.
You’re supposed to read it like a novel in the parking lot.
The stickers on the van do appear to indicate he’s a righty (I can make out a GOP elephant on one), so there’s that.
What conservative and/or Republican puts that many stickers on their car?
The kooky/weirdo conspiracy theory kind?
The truth is out there.
Or someone trying to make themselves look like a right wing kook!
Just what a Russian bot would say!
Or an FBI plant!
Or Tulpa!
Hold on… Tulpa + Russian Botz + FBI = ????
Tulpa cubed?
I’ve seen a few loons that have festooned their vehicles with dozens of them – don’t tread on me, molon labe, Hillary for Prison, etc. There are crazy people on both sides.
Don’t forget the “blue lives matter” sticker next to the Molon Labe one, that always cracks me up.
Or the obnoxious “thin blue line” Stars and Stripes
As someone else on here has said, that blue stripe ought to be a brown skid mark.
That was me, years ago on TOS. My joke lives!
Actually that would make a pretty sweet tshirt (hint, hint founders). Break the brown line up just enough so you can tell its a skid if you look closely. Most passers-by assume you are saying “park rangers lives matter”…..or something
Granted. I was speaking to the quantity.
I’ve seen a few around here. The ratio of psycho “Coexist” types to psycho “MAGA” types is about 20:1 though.
no refunds
Team Red wanted the truckdrivers; they gotta keep the truckdrivers.
Heh, he wasn’t trying to fly under the radar was he?
But it does feel a tad on the nose.
That’s what I’m saying. Lest we forget that the “bombs” appear to have been made so as to not be functional.
This screams setup.
There goes that whole “I have no reason to trust the press/law enforcement” alarm again.
I hate what I’ve become.
A boob-man?
My obsession with boobs started long before puberty.
I distinctly remember, as if it were yesterday, seeing Dolly Parton on TV when I was probably about 10. I was FASCINATED and never stopped since.
I was bottle-fed so maybe there is something to that.
Oh well.
Technically everyone’s obsession with boobs started before puberty.
yeah, guess we’ll be owning this kook for the next 11 days.
So, assuming the man is in fact a Trumpist lunatic, will the left reveal it’s learned its lesson, or will they double-up the voter alienation?
Need you even ask?
“Thank God we’re the victim! Take that Trumpistas!” *Does little endzone dance*
The leftist
wetdreamnarrative of rightwingviolenceintimidation may now be true in this specific instance.This is nothing compared to the upcoming CNN footage of poor Honduran women and children floating face down in hurricane flood waters, next to Trumps image.
“Trump has caused this because he’s mean to us!!”
“So you should all vote against a bunch of people who . . . aren’t Trump!”
And the master touch, leaving aside a van covered in Trump stickers, is that the guy is a middle aged white Hispanic. We’ve already learned that there is nothing worse than a white Hispanic. Just another Uncle Juan. So, Hispancs, you want to be a bad white Hispanic Trumpet, or do you want to be a good brown Hipanic who votes lockstep for democrats?
Uncle Juan
Uncle Tomás?
Well, the Aspies over at 4Chan will probably dig up everything there is to know about this guy so I’d stay tuned for what they come up with.
He’s actually Native American, is he not?
The only non-political sticker on his van (that I saw) was for a Seminole fight club or something. So I was assuming the same
“The packages, manilla envelopes containing crude but functional pipe bombs, were sent from a postal facility in Opa-locka, Florida to the homes and offices of these figures.”
Once again: if these were sent through the mail, why did the “bomb” sent to CNN not have a fucking postmark!?!
I’m sure we can count on our crack journalists to ask just such an important question and get to the bottom of it though.
Not one device has been proven to be functional. Not even a ‘pop’, let a lone a ‘ka-boom’.
That’s what jumped out at me, too. That’s a bald face lie…at least from all the info I’ve seen.
However, last I read, they hadn’t finished analyzing them all.
But what happened to the earth chattering Kaboom?
Law enforcement sources told NY1 that the man arrested is 56-year-old Cesar Sayoc Jr., of Aventura, Florida. Sayoc, according to records, is a registered Republican who was arrested in 2002 for making a bomb threat.
I should have known that it was a Trumpkin white-supremacist.
Yeah, and he’s driving around in a van covered in Trump and ‘CNN sucks’ stickers. Imagine that. I’m sure it’s 100% legit, nothing fishy going on here.
Quote me – “He looks like a caricature.”
The FBI sure knows how to pick ’em.
Y’all are trying to use rational thought to understand the motivations of a guy who appears to be a nutcase.
“Speaking of caravans, they’re going to walk right into a Category 4 hurricane. Nice timing.”
Well, we already knew that Trump is causing the hurricanes and that he’s the cause of the caravan. But now he’s directing those poor women and children right into the path of one of the hurricanes he created! Clearly he’s gone too far this time! Oh well, at least CNN has a new narrative now that it appears they’ve ran out of fake bombs.
“Here in America, we’re used to being lectured by musicians on the proper way to think. That may not fly well in Brazil.”
When we were in DC for my wife to vote in the election, the line was like a half mile long, no exaggeration. We stood in line for over 2 hours. So I learned that you can tell Bolsonaro voters because they wear Brazil football apparel. The other guy’s voters wear red. Nearly everyone there were wearing football stuff and I did not see a single person wearing the PT party’s red. My wife said she’s sure almost everyone there was voting for Bolsonaro. Just saying. And no, washed up American musicians are not changing anything.
Now that there’s runoff, we have to go back on the 28th for her to vote again.
Good grief.
UnCivil is right. The bomber looks like a caricature. Exactly the cartoon Trump supporter the left was praying for.
Lets see how many times the DemOp media can shoot themselves in the dick before the election. Clinton is almost certainly going to get in front of a camera and let the insanity flow through her. She seems to be becoming increasingly unhinged. She will call for rounding up the deplorables, the arrest of Trump or something along those lines.
Her useful idiots on MSNBC are already doing it, calling for all Trump supporters to be arrested.
Really? That was fast. Really said that or just implied?
Commenters saying it. But it will only be a matter of time before the talking heads are saying it. They’re desperate. If their blue wave doesn’t happen, they’re going to look like damn fools for a couple of days before they explain it all away, again.
But it will only be a matter of time before the talking heads are saying it.
And that won’t motivate Repubs to vote at all, nosiree.
“Welp, looks like the Dems want to arrest us all once they take power. Guess I’ll just sit home this election.”