We’ve spent a few weeks talking about food, but that’s only half of the equation. The other half is activity.
Mrs. trshmnstr wants to make sure that priorities are in order when it comes to working out. While the type and the amount and the intensity all matters when you’re trying to hit a goal, the important thing when starting out is to get your body moving on a daily basis. Mrs. trshmnstr recommends 10k steps a day as a goal. If you do nothing else, this will incrementally improve your fitness level.
This is especially important when you’re largely sedentary during the day. I, as an example, spend most of my workday sitting on my ass. Sometimes I use the standing desk to get on my feet, but the most I move in a day is to the pisser and back. Getting a base level of movement into my life improves energy, which improves mood.
It doesn’t take all that much to get to 10,000 steps. I find that I get 3-4k steps as a sedentary person. Add in an evening walk, a couple laps around the office during lunchtime, a trip up and down the stairs instead of the elevator, or a few extra steps from parking at the far end of the parking lot, and you’re getting pretty close to 10k steps.
The great thing about 10k steps as a goal is that most smartphones track steps these days, you don’t need anything except comfortable shoes, and it doesn’t take very long. It’s the perfect first goal for somebody who doesn’t have the time to get into the gym for an hour. You can be on a phone call, you can talk with a coworker, you can spend time with a spouse, you can do quite a few things while walking.
Anyway, enough trying to sell this concept. Seriously, don’t be a lump.
Workout of the week
Complete the following circuit four times, resting 1 minute after jumping rope in each round.
1. Mountain Climbers
Reps: 45
2. Pushups
Reps: 20-30
3. Front Plank
Duration: 1 min.
4. Jump Rope
Duration: 1 min.
(see this and more workouts here: https://www.mensjournal.com/health-fitness/10-hiit-workouts-to-get-you-shredded-for-summer/2-jump-rope-interval-workout/)
Recipe of the week
Shrimp-and-Vegetable summer rolls
Weight: 152.1#, HR: unmeasured, but probably mid 40s to low 50s
Today: no exercise due to rain and today’s flight to Phoenix
Saturday was White Mesa Fat Ass 50k: 32.16mi, 6:46:54, 130bpm
Sunday was Duke City Marathon: 26.20mi, 5:00:03, 114bpm
My 130bpm HR was deliberate. Of the 32 miles, only two averaged less than 127 and only one greater than 133. Sunday I was the five hour pace group leader.
Neither gained nor lost weight. Although I burned more calories than normal this weekend, I also ate more before, during and after my runs and did “some” celebratory drinking as well.
This weekend is Javelina Jundred. I haven’t tapered per-se, but this morning I skipped my Wednesday run to avoid wear and tear on my pack and to have dry gear in my suitcase.
You are amazing.
Absurd, but amazing. Nice job!
And here I am agreeing with Tundra about something. Huh. 😉
I’ll bet that we also agree that those summer rolls look delicious.
Shellfish allergy. So, not so much.
*points at deadhead, makes “him crazy” sign*
I see this in my head

Way too groomed.
I’m pretty tired…
I asked, on a previous episode, if anybody jumps rope anymore, and never saw if anybody responded.
It’s a lot harder than it looks.
I tried it about three times and decided it was too damn hard.
I periodically get mine out and quickly realize why I hid it in the back of the closet in the first place.
Awesome exercise, though.
About 10 years ago my wife heard (who knows what secret radio beam this was) that jumping rope was a good way to make kids grow tall so she made all our kids jump rope every day all summer.
I started the program with them to put some humility in the punk kids (I can actually jump rope pretty well*) and by the end of the summer we could all do 300 reps pretty quickly. My kids are still all under 5’10” though.
*Eye/hand coordination is no problem. The hardest thing is finding a rope skinny enough to fit between my shoes and the ground.
Yes. But in intervals only. I can’t handle more than 60 seconds at a time. I do like watching my wife do it though…
I learned when I was about 32, trying to keep up with others in a fitness class. I looked like an idiot at first, but I kept doing it and it pretty much just clicked one week. It’s a “like riding a bike” thing, and I’m a pretty damn good jump roper now, both in speed and endurance.
I do Tabata jumprope sometimes if I can’t go jogging for some reason (weather, time, etc.)
It will kick your ass REAL quick. Jumprope is great.
That’s a beautiful street, and my preferred method for getting vigorous exercise.
I must’ve forgotten to put in pics. Thanks to whichever admin covered up that fuck up! I owe you one!
Next time you’re in town, you can buy me a drink!
I didn’t exercise on vacation and now I’m paying the piper in sore muscles this week.
I skipped exercise during Beer Week, and tried to jump back in where I was. I learned that was a bad idea. I wasn’t expecting that much of a drop off in a week off, I didn’t notice it as much with cycling.
The app I have calculates the de-load amount when you skip to help prevent soreness, but still get sore. It’s amazing how quickly the body adapts.
If you don’t mind me asking, what’s the app?
Stronglifts 5×5
but that’s only half of the equation. The other half is activity.
I would put it 75% food and 25% activity.
Food determines how much you weight.
Activity determines how well your body works.
Who is that woman, and where is she going?
She’s a lost American tourist in Europe. She’s going to beg a ride, but has no money, so she’s going to have to work a deal, because nobody rides for free…
Go on…
Speaking of dieting…
*Pours our a can of French’s Crispy Fried onions foe his homie.*
RIP, but that hotdish is fucking gross.
Are you determined to urinate off every woman living in North America?
First you antagonize SP, now you seem to be itching for a fight with my wife. Green bean hotdish is the one American food that she unreservedly likes. Don’t try to hog it at Thanksgiving if you know what is good for you.
Oh, wait. It says the inventor of the green bean casserole died. I’m sure the guy who created green bean hot dish is still alive and well.
So that’s the witch who invented that horrible hotdish.
What is wrong with you people? Properly done green bean casserole is delicious!
I walked 4 treadmill miles this morning in an hour. Then a few reps of upper body free weight. I am trying to lose 4 measly pounds, hardly eat, it seems. It’s really tough . The problem some people face is neglecting the weight until one is 20-30 lbs over what one wants. The time to get concerned is at the 5 lb mark. In spite of what Marie Osmond says that stubborn belly fat is not going to disappear by eating alone, unless emaciation is the goal.
Uffda 4×20, you are already too fit. Are you worried your deer stand is going to topple over from those 4 lb?
Yeah, he’s starting to piss me off. The guy looks like he could drop the gloves with Warty right now.
Nice work, Fourscore!
Boom, 500 points down on the Dow and the Nasdaq is almost down 4% today.
And it’s going to be a rout today.
The shorts are counting their sheckles.
I’ve started back on hard core veganhood. Although I have already planned some days off: this Saturday because we’ll be with RAHeinlein and family (woohoo!); Thanksgiving; Christmas; New Year’s Eve; and a significant day in family history in January.
This time around it seems easier, perhaps because I know I have those days coming up when I will eat anything I like. We shall see. It’s only been 3 days! 😉
Serious question: why vegan and not just vegetarian?
It is starting to emerge–in actual studies done properly by actual researchers–that it is helpful for a medical condition I have. When I did it this spring for 60 days, the metrics by which the condition is measured improved, but only slightly. It just wasn’t enough of an improvement to deal with the hassle of various life stuff to accommodate vegan-ness. So, I’m trying again, hoping that being much more strict (like not taking a day off every week) will make more of a change. I’m giving it 90 days, with just those 5 days off.
It’s really hard on OMWC when I do this because I’m really just sticking to eating vegetables and beans, and trying to minimize all the stuff that is usually combined with them in recipes: added salt; fats; sugars; refined grains. Since we dine together every night, it means that if he cooks, he needs to accommodate my stuff somehow. Or we both need to cook anyway. Etc. It’s a total PITA for him.
I am also hoping for an immune system boost since I’m hoping to get back into working in healthcare, as mentioned previously. If I’m going to be around loads of unwell humans, I need to be as resistant as possible to everything.
Gotcha. Good luck to you. It sounds like the difference between paleo and strict keto. I find it much easier with the former, but feel overall better with the stricter diet.
I knew it. OMWC is Elvis. It all fits. The musicians he’s hung out with…
OMWC is Elvis.
If so, his disguise is like something out of Mission Impossible.
Damnit. You weren’t supposed to dox him.
Hmm. Elvis did meet Priscilla when she was 14 . . . .
Shoot. Now the secret is well and truly out.
My main goal right now is to get my pectorals bigger. For some reason, every muscle seems to be getting bigger except those, and I’m starting to look a little ridiculous – my “muscle gut” sticks out farther than my pecs. I finally got my bench press up to 275. I usually do 3 sets of 5 on bench, but I can only manage a set of 4 followed to two sets of 3 if I’m lucky. I’ll just stick with it until I can do 3×5, and keep chowing down on steaks, eggs, lentils, and milk.
I’m also up to 255 pounds, which I’m quite pleased with; I always wanted to be a “bulky” dude.
Anyone up for a sobriety challenge? I know, this site is about weed, mexicans (or mexican food), etc. But a neighbor did a “sober October” and I think I should give that a try.
As far as other goals go: I need to increase my miles of running per week to 18, and add back the lifting.
On the plus side I have a reliable scale now so I know my weight- which has remained in my zone….