One of my favourite Canadians, the Canadian Mike Rowe (Curtis Stone) introduced me to an interesting concept that solidified in my mind why equality of outcome is ridiculously impossible.
Curtis pulled this from a book that I haven’t read, but he cites it in the video if you’re interested. Frankly, the concept is a bit hippy-dippy for me, so you may see a bit of measured skepticism from me.
The premise of the video is that there are 8 forms of capital:
Financial capital – money
Material capital – non-liquid assets
Living capital – plants/animals/ability to cultivate plant and animals
Social capital – relationships with others
Cultural/Power capital – things your community values, tradition, powerful connections, reputation
Intellectual capital – book knowledge
Experiential capital – practical knowledge
Spiritual/Habitual capital – religious attainment, unflappability, disposition toward success
My broad definition of capital captures all of these. Capital is a thing of value that is able to be bestowed upon others in an exchange. You can group these categories into three main groups. Asset Capital – (Financial, Material, Living), Human Capital (Intellectual, Experiential), and Relational Capital – (Social, Cultural, Spiritual). I’ve sort of modified the spiritual capital category to include non-spiritual habits. I think it’s a bit of a stretch to call spirituality a form of capital, so I’m bolstering it. Similarly, I’ve bolstered cultural capital to include reputation and powerful connections such as exists when you’re a government representative, for example.
The reason why equality of outcome will never happen is simple. You can only confiscate and redistribute asset capital. It is impractical to the extreme to redistribute Human Capital and Relational Capital.
A prog may argue, however, that it doesn’t matter. The only “real” capital is Asset Capital. So, they go full commie… from each according to their ability to each according to their need, and we’re all now on exact equal footing asset-wise. How long before somebody with more human and relational capital trades something of value for some money? Now that person has $10 more than the rest of us and one less chicken. How long before the carpenter lends his services to me, takes my tree and returns me a finished table in exchange for $100? It’s not long before the communist utopia turns into a mess of inequality and oppression again.
It comes down to a basic truism. Knowledge, relationships, assets, habits, and power are all of value, and they’re all interrelated to one another. Just like a loom increases the value of a textile worker, non-asset capital increases the ability of a person to acquire asset capital. After all, rich people do rich people things and poor people do poor people things. When a poor person wins the lottery, they’re as likely as not to be broke within a few years.
I don’t know if I fully believe in this model. Calling things like traditions and religious attainment “capital” seems a bit wonky. However, this exposes a basic truth. Equality of opportunity will, by definition, result in inequality of outcome. We each have a unique mix of these 8 categories of “capital”, and even when presented with the same base set of laws and opportunities, we will apply our “capital” differently from one another. Equality of outcome is exposed as the soft bigotry that it is. It’s a forced leveling, a social engineering to subsidize those who have less human and relational capital and to punish those who have more of it.
It is impractical to the extreme to redistribute Human Capital and Relational Capital. – bullshit. I still want the government to redistribute 20 year old models from DiCaprio to me
It would be fun. Have a government official in a club. A guy picks up a girl. The official come I am sorry but this guy banged 3 chicks this month. You are redistributed to the guy in the corner.
Hmmmm, I may need to rethink things!
Yeah, to the guy that keeps licking his eyebrows…
more seriously, Equality of Outcome is not only impossible but undesirable. People want different things. If they all get the same most will be unhappy
Equality of outcome is evil, full stop.
But it is – at least they claim so based on their argumentation of what is and is not fair and why government should pick winners & losers – the raison de etre of the marxist movement now dominating our society…
Thus the free market where each individual may decide on the relative value of the next item or group of items against what that individual already possesses or can create or do a set amount of work in exchange for.
Equality of opportunity will, by definition, result in inequality of outcome. – this is complicated, define equality of opportunity
Which is why people that are primarily driven by their envy of what others have so hate it and prefer equality of outcome. It’s not accidental that these people are fine with having any sort of misery imposed on them as long as their neighbors are also fucked over just as hard.
I have made the argument before that communism is a form of capitalism, it’s just the preferred capital is obedience to the state/group.
Why? If we accept the definition of “capital” as a “valuable asset or resource”, then a mere perusal of any history book would prove that this is a common-sense observation. In inter-personal dealings, if someone is recognized as a saint, a “holy person”, a guru, a hafiz, etc., then they have a certain amount of spiritual capital within their faith community, which they can exploit to attain leadership positions within it or other benefits. Similarly, being in control of a “tradition” is valuable. For example, fashion is a type of tradition. Again, among a certain community, certain style and fashion leaders, like Alan Flusser, have an extreme amount of cultural capital. Not only can they dictate what men’s style and fashion are, but can charge prices for his services that only the elite can afford.
I agree with all of that, but how is that not human capitol as the term is normally used
I think he is just subdividing “human capital” into subsets. The one I struggle with is “living capital”, which seems to combine material capital (“plants/animals”) and bits of human capital (“ability to cultivate plants and animals”) into its own category for some reason.
Agriculture is just manufacturing; baby critters are just kegs of fasteners. How much technology and which inputs one uses to build which products doesn’t really change that. A farm is a factory.
The idea of finished goods is pretty random as well: your bolt was a finished good when you sold it to me, and it’s a component when I use it as a fastener in the assembly of my finished good, which is a component when the guy I sell it to bolts it into his world.
I am terrible at cultivating plants, and not much better at raising animals.
I am excellent in raising children and caring for a family.
I notice that often people who can cultivate plants and animals are absolutely terrible at raising kids. It’s a completely different skill set, and I’d much rather be good with kids.
In coming communist utopia, you will be farmer, comrade.
Your children will be much better off in orphanage.
Any commie government would probably INSIST I raise plants and crops and then shoot me when the crops failed. Either that or I’d get promoted and they’d shoot the successful farmers and gardeners.
“Capital” has a specific definition in economics, I agree. This framework seems to be more interdisciplinary than just economics, but mixing in ideas from anthropology and sociology as well.
From the article:
It’s the fungibility that I question.
I can bestow on you all of the information you need to achieve religious attainment, but did I actually give you the attainment? It feels wrong to answer yes. Similarly with culture, I can give you the knowledge required to be harmonious with a culture, but I can’t exchange units of cultural harmony with you.
You can give me all the parts to build a tractor, but that doesn’t mean I’ll assemble it correctly. Capital can be transferred, but it is up to the recipient to make use of what is given.
For instance, if you become the leader of a yoga tradition, you get to bang hotties at whim. True Fact. I worked for the mother of a guy who got in a bunch of trouble in the last six or eight years for “taking advantage” of his status to lay pipe on hot yoga chicks.
Calling things like traditions and religious attainment “capital” seems a bit wonky.
Wonky but useful. This was hit upon last board in the comparison between Sweden and Venezuela: culture matters. I was always thunderstruck by Texans, even the least competent, and their certainty in their own arc to success: soil sucks, surrounded by Comanche, no water, blistering heat….yay, this is going to be great! “Can’t” never did shit, I’ve often been told, and I think this is very true.
Now suppose you were a nice guy like me who is surrounded by unskilled labor saddled with generations of regressive notions, how could you help? I’ve helped turbocharge my share of college graduates, but I have no idea how to help the rest think in terms of their autonomy, entrepreneurial spirit, learning, effort….deploying those in ways that earn today and build reputation for tomorrow. I see a majority that wants to stand around until the shift bell rings, collect a miserable little check, and go home after having done as little as possible, and I have no idea how to reach them or help them, but I still want to.
Horses and water, bro.
I would be fine with these sorts of people if they were not also pissed that those that don’t do what they have chosen to do, when they end up with more than the people that chose to do nothing more than the minimum, should be punished for their success, HM. It’s one thing to decide to do the minimal amount of effort to go through life, but it is another completely to want to fuck over the ones that choose not to do that and actually reap the rewards of doing more. The negative aura now ascribed to a system that rewards accomplishment just baffles me. How did so many fall so far?
Whether it’s “tall poppy syndrome“, the “Law of Jante”, or “crabs in a bucket”, the fact that this phenomenon is present in so many cultures leads me to believe there is just something hard-wired in most human brains that causes so many people to be envious, spiteful, little pricks.
Texans, even the least competent, and their certainty in their own arc to success
Self-fulfilling prophecy FTW!
I think it was more a case of looking around and saying, well, it ain’t Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, or New Mexico … especially Oklahoma … so, let’s make a go of it!
I thought highland New Mexico was nice. Never been but I been told
It is some of the prettiest country anywhere.
IfWhen I win the lottery, a big spread in the Sangre de Cristo mountains is on my shopping list.Its a great place to live, hard place to make a livin’
It’s beautiful. Actually so is most of New Mexico to me.
The eastern/southern part of the state is kind of grim.
Probably why the aliens landed there.
One things that I believe informs Texan culture from way back is that the Texans fought, and won, two wars for their state. The first with the Mexicans, and the second with the Indians. The Indian wars in Texas were more extensive and brutal than just about anywhere else. There’s a reason why there are only three tiny Indian reservations in Texas, and two of those were created in the last 50 years.
Kinda random, but read a book on this a couple years ago (I now forget the title). But the comanches were brutal warriors who murdered anyone who stepped on their land and some tribes remained in the panhandle after Texas was a state.
So the U.S. government decided to get rid of the problem by paying Americans to move to the panhandle. Sure it was a dangerous place, but the government realized that eventually white settlers would overrun them and take care of the problem. Which is what happened (after many deaths… we’re talking human fodder here).
The book then drew a link to the “dust bowl” that happened later with so many unprepared and inexperienced farmers being paid to settle there. They had no idea how the land worked and the long-term effects that their farming methods would have.
did anyone read A planet for Texans?
Try Roswell, Texas
… Hobbit
I read The Probability Broach n that site when it was free. First when I was not a libertarian and though this is so silly then when I was a libertarians and though this is overly optimistic
See my definition below (“a thing of value that can be used to create other things of value.”). I think it explains precisely what you’re talking about. Some cultures or traditions are, honestly, more productive than others. I’d go so far as to suggest that some cultural traditions make it, at least psychologically, easier to defer gratification or work harder or whatever it takes to succeed.
a thing of value that can be used to create other things of value
A couple of quibbles, now that I think about it:
(1) I would add “or acquire”; otherwise financial capital is left out in the cold.
(2) Much of the capital listed above is intangible (and that includes financial capital) – the “thing” word may not capture intangibles.
I’d suggest that intangible things are still things. Good catch on the “or acquire”, though.
Cultures seem to have different definitions of success. And these definitions are ongoing.
My plan was to move a thousand miles away. Hasn’t done much for them, but that poison has left my system.
The first part of your comment sounds a lot like Israel circa 1948.
+1 Zum Gali Gali
I havn’t had time to look through it, but it looks good. Not sure if i dig the whole classification of Capital into 8 types, but the basic idea is valuable. Capital is heterogeneous and can’t be eaisly transformed or (in some cases) transfered.
OT: a great line from an article at the site that was abandoned to come here:
“which makes a good case that politics is an artificial game preserve for the kinds of anti-social predators whom it is a function of normal social life to curb and discourage”
3 types of capital: money brains and big dick
Well, two out of three.
Wish I wasn’t broke.
So Richard grew up? Are you going to let him leave?
You beat me to it bro.
I’d like a ruling from SP.
It’s big for an eight year old?
My broad definition of capital captures all of these. Capital is a thing of value that is able to be bestowed upon others in an exchange.
I agree with your overall categorization of capital. But, I think your second statement understates just what capital is. Traditionally, capital is a thing of value that can be used to create other things of value. I think all of your categories still apply. And the traditional definition actually makes your overall argument a more powerful one.
Otherwise, I couldn’t agree more. Great write-up.
I was struggling with the “exchange” part of his definition, but I think you nailed it.
When the dub is better than the sub.
Man, I almost want to click that link, but it violates my “Don’t click HM links they are NSFL,” rule.
Dew it.
Oh hell, I could have watched that on my work computer.
You have to do what you have to do to avoid being typecast.
I mean, I’m still scrubbing my youtube history. Don’t get me wrong.
“Watashi wa Vader desu. Dozu yirodhiku.”
Spiritual and cultural seem joined at the hip to me.
8 is a nice round number though.
That’s what OMWC said?
I think this is a misreading of what cultural capital is. The additions seem to me to be more classically “social capital”. Cultural capital would be more like Nye’s “soft power” as manifest in things like “Cool Japan” or “Korean Fever“
Careful brah, your going to give the IRS some ideas that they can tax you more based on your experiences and friendships.
On a certain, level, though, they should, at least if you believe in progressive egalitarianism. Social capital can be incredibly valuable. And, if you’re going to tax that guy who forwent gong to all the cool parties because he needed to study and is now making a higher salary because of it, why shouldn’t you also tax the really popular kids who went to all the parties and can now trade on their circle of friends obtain opportunities? Honestly, I think it would be hilarious to see at least one Democratic Socialist presented with a tax bill for all the connections she built giving out free drinks in her bartending days.
Tax on Thingy?
Poo Poos?
Dusting off an old one:
Equal opportunity does not guarantee equal outcome.
Equal rights do not guarantee equal opportunity.
The only way to come close is to make everyone into drones with the queen deciding which drone lives and which one dies…
“When a poor person wins the lottery, they’re as likely as not to be broke within a few years.”
*hides Megamillions ticket*
Lately I have had several conversations with people about ‘what if you won the lottery’ and I am stunned by the things people had to say. Yep. Poor people do poor people things. Rich people do rich people things. I cant believe how many people I have had to explain to – one doesnt get rich by spending money. The number one poor people thing I see is having poor impulse control.
If I won, hell, I dont even know what I would do with it. Our house is paid for, our cars are paid for, we have a pretty hefty savings. Buy more guns? Ammo? I already have more than I can shoot and I dont have anyone around to shoot with anyway.
Plant more trees? I guess I could do that.
we covered this before 🙂
I would spend it on wine scotch and ludicrously expensive call girls
I have no interest in hookers and blow. I never had any use for dope and hookers are…a problem. I dont gamble, I dont run around on my wife. I am a pretty boring guy. Considering the train wreck that most people’s lives seem to be I think boredom is highly underrated.
I will stick with planting trees. Trees and I get along well.
we covered this before was a reference to you buyng me a trip to the states when you win the lottery…
the hooker stuff is all me 🙂
Oh yeah. I will still do that. With pleasure.
My plan had always been to focus on avoiding that trap and getting things squared away so I could not impoverish myself by profligacy. Then I would see what my options were.
If I won, hell, I dont even know what I would do with it.
I have a hard time imagining what I would do with hundreds of millions of dollars. I’d probably give some to Bro Dean and Pater Dean, and some to Mrs. Dean’s family (a few million each would probably be worth it just to keep them from bugging me). I’d probably buy a nice spread in northern New Mexico. I can’t even think of any big cities I’d want to own property in, because I can’t imagine wanting to spend more than a few days at a time in a big city. We’re not beach people, so a fancy beach house doesn’t ring my bell.
I’d be left with a huge pile of cash that I would probably divide between pretty passive investments and a big charitable trust of some kind. I think I’d probably suck at being uber-rich.
How about a trust and make your family employees that get a regular paycheck. Giving lump sums to family members is how you end up not speaking to your family. Just give ’em a regular paycheck for the next 3 or 4 generations.
I think my family would be fine. Mrs. Dean’s family – that might not be a bad idea.
Giving lump sums to family members is how you end up not speaking to your family.
Bug, or feature?
I hadn’t thought of that. Hmmmm.
I would take pains to avoid people finding out I won. “I don’t own the house, I took a job as a caretaker. Officially my job title is ‘Butler’.”
The Dave Ramsey idea for what to do when you get a large windfall. Put it in a 60 day CD or some such thing.
Pump the brakes and evaluate your options before doing something stupid (buying tigers and such). But like you said, “Poor people do poor people things. Rich people do rich people things.”
The nice thing about the lottery is you have time – at least 6 months, I think, before you have to cash the ticket – to get everything squared away with financial planners, wealth managers, lawyers, etc. One of my goals would be to keep my name from being associated in any way with a big lottery win.
No shit. Kidnapping is a real thing and it happens more often than most people realize.
I saw a story not long ago where a woman in Australia won a lottery and within a week her five year old son was found rolled up in a rug.
Yup. I don’t even buy tickets. Winning would be some seriously bad karma.
You’d be better off in a major metro until you sorted out your finances and living arrangements.
As loathsome as it can be, it’s not like New York isn’t crawling with millionaires.
That and nobody recognizing that you are spending a lot more money all of a sudden.
Don’t do that.
Buy nothing people would notice.
*buys UCS dinner*
The plan as liad out in my brain would be to not move and continue to go through the motions of my current lifestyle, albeit with an increasing number of personal days when needed to meet with X, Y, or Z of the lawyer, accountant, realtor set. It would be long enough getting everything in order that no one would remember the drawing and not associate my relocating with it. It would all depend on how long it takes to get the finances squared away, followed by prparing the ground for getting out of this state.
Most places won’t let you remain anonymous – because they want to sell more lottery tickets and splashing your grinning face all over the media is one way to do that. So what if it ruins (or ends) your life.
You can, however, in most places, set up a trust than owns the ticket, and its name is public.
You have to get that set up before you go forward – have the trust’s lawyer sign the ticket.
We have what is called a living trust in Louisiana. I am the trust’s lawyer. Believe me when I say that has saved the lives of many lawyers.
I would want to remain anonymous because I wouldn’t want them to publish my age! What’s up with that? My cholesterol numbers and my medical information is sacrosanct but everyone in the world gets to know how long I’ve been alive?
I think I would rather have the annuity than the lump payment. It would give me time to arrange my life without having to deal with an absurd amount of cash on hand. And yes, most of my money would go to investments, trusts, and some charities while I maintained a comfortable but low-key lifestyle.
There’s a few toys I’d need (a new utility tractor for starters) but I think I’d largely follow the Suthenboy School of Being Rich. First thing I’d do is buy the 1/4 section of land that my farm sits on and start planting trees.
I’d also be that guy leaving $1000 tips at restaurants for no reason.
I’ve always like the G Best algorithm: 90% on booze, birds and fast cars. then you can just squander the other 10%.
Current MegaMillions jackpot is $1.6 billion with a B. You would have north of $500 million in the bank. Spending $450 million on booze, birds, and fast cars means you will be either (a) dead or (b) ripped off, in short order. And that’s just cash.
If invest very conservatively, your income would likely be $20 – 25 million per year, or nearly $70,000 per day, and that’s not touching the principal. Its an absurd amount of money.
It is also +EV.
It isn’t often that playing the lottery isn’t a stupid thing to do.
The expected value of the ticket is greater then the face value. So, in theory, you’re making money with each ticket you buy. In reality, that’s only going to be true if you win one of the prizes.
That is why you buy every single combo!
Of course, that is impossible. And requires a silly amount of cash.
Some one tried it with a state lotto about 20 years ago…Virginia maybe. They managed to buy like 60%. They hit the jackpot and combines with other prizes made a nice profit, but they were sweating it out.
How do you even process the transactions to buy that many combinations?
I remember reading about a hedge fund (Australian I believe) that used that as its investment strategy. Whenever a lottery jackpot got high enough, buy all the tickets they could in the time between drawings. It didn’t go well for them if my memory serves.
When Iowa started its own lottery way back in the 80s (prior to joining the Powerball pool), there was a week when the payout was going to be higher than the cost of buying every combination.
One of TV stations interviewed the guy that ran the lottery said that if you walked into the main office with a certified check they would issue a notarized letter saying you had purchase every combination.
He further stated that pretty much every big payout had been split between multiple winners. So buying all the tickets wouldn’t guarantee that you made money off the deal.
1 Escalade a day
I can live with that.
Its funny, I was joking with Mrs. Dean that if she wins, she can drive brand new car every day for the rest of her life.
“We don’t pump gas, we just get a new car.”
Remember if it floats, flies, or fornicates. Rent it.
I’d make a few losing decisions like gutting the current house and getting it up to code after moving into a place that isnt a starter home. I’d pay off every penny I owe within the hour. I’d quit my job and find a way to make a living doing something that isn’t mind numbingly boring. Most of all, I’d get as much of it as possible out of my hands faster than you can say “burning a hole in his pocket”.
After sticking $3 or 4M in a retirement account, buying a slightly nicer house on a bigger plot of land, and buying some underwear without holes in them, what do I need that much money for?
My plan would be, other than paying taxes and making some donations, to never touch the principle. It slows down my spending rate, but even if it takes a few months to pay off the house entirely, who cares.
If I won, hell, I dont even know what I would do with it.
My guess is that, if I won the big one, I’d still probably have a full time job – managing my money. I figure $10MM is what I’d need to never need to touch principal (3% interest means a very comfortable $300K salary). After that, I’d mostly be making loans or plowing it into businesses. I figure cash flow wouldn’t be a major issue and I could hire managers to build them so I could collect capital gains.
I guess I’m boring, too.
Where would you get 3%?
The 10-year Treasury is yielding 3.138%.
I don’t want the government to have the money – either by taxation or borrowing. They’ll just spend it on stupid shit and drive up debt for everyone else.
Okay, even better the 7-10-year IG Corporate is yielding 4.5%.
Very low yield bonds
Dammit, messed up the link
Hell, I’d probably set up a non-profit with a large chunk of change that does nothing but offer grants for technical training for anyone who wants it. No loans, but ask for monthly donations that would approximate a 20-30 year loan with a less then 5% interest rate. The person gets training, no debt, it helps someone, and if they do donate, it’s a tax write-off.
I would go down this route too. My needs are not crazy. After making sure I invested enough to never run out of income, I would help out others I felt deserved it and would do good with what I gave them. And I would invite Pie over so we could do the Whiskey and bitchez. I don’t do drugs. Pie will be on his own for that shizz.
Eh, I think it would be pretty easy to stay rich with that kind of money because I’m not an idiot. I’d buy a piece of land, probably in the mountains somewhere, build a nice (but not extravagant) house on it, buy a couple of the classic cars I’ve always wanted (1970 Plymouth GTX definitely, maybe an early ’70s Chevy C-10 and a ’50s Studebaker Starliner), and that’s about it. Take a few nice vacations to see parts of the world I’ve always wanted to visit. Aside from that, invest the rest and give liberally to quality charities.
Supposed to be a new thread.
kind of boring checkoffs.
[] grab ass
[] beat ass
[] deport your ass
^would’ve been cooler
I notice he isn’t interested in cutting spending.
Unfortunately, with kids you’ve got to move somewhere where you can keep them secure. That generally means a major metro or vicinity thereof. Charlottesville area might work because there are other stupid rich people around and they won’t bat an eye if your kids show up to school escorted by a bodyguard. That would be my main concern.
It definitely has its downsides, but none that I can think of that are deal breakers for me.
With that kind of money, I’m going the private tutor route. Like homeschooling, only by people smarter than me.
And one for Dad, too. I would spend a not insignificant amount of my time just learning. About a wide range of things, too. Some utilitarian, some for fun.
Paul McCartney refused to give his kids great wads of money and insisted that they work for their living.
His daughter Stella did quite well. I’m sure the name recognition helped. And there’s that human relationships capital.
what would happen if you won and donated 100% to charity?
You’d be fucked, because the charitable deduction is capped at 50% of your income, so you’d still owe taxes on half the winnings, and would have no cash to pay them with.
so you’re saying i should apply for a job with H&R Block
No, buy H&R Block.
Quite a few “rich” people become broke after awhile too. Businesses go broke, divorce, illnesses, or any combination of the above.
That’s why intellectual and spiritual capital matter. Money can buy you lots of choices and options. Which of those choices you make determines your prosperity and your happiness.
You can listen to great jazz or crappy country pop. You can eat sushi, pasta primavera, California fusion or Taco Bell. Your choice, your values, your happiness, your life.
I, for one, await the Canadian Deep-Sea Monitoring Crisis with glee
tw: Voxsplaining
The biggest political problem in America, explained in one chart
Americans don’t just disagree on the issues. They disagree on what the issues are.
that subhead should be changed to:
When everything’s a priority, nothing is.
You mean people are cluing in to the fact that the MSM is feeding them stories they aren’t interested in? I am shocked.
That looks familiar…
Maybe because people holding down a job, paying a mortgage and car payment, keeping their kids in school and out of jail dont want middle aged men in dresses going in the bathroom with their 12 year old daughter. I am just spitballin’ here.
Well, this is a shitty problem.
Holy crap, that’s a disaster. I wonder if the company can survive that.
I’m sure there will be more than a few pissed-off shareholders after this.
One could say that they shit the bed on this one.
Pretty soon Swissy is gonna come by, thone a narrowed gaze at us.
Well, imagine being at a Widespread Panic concert. Not frightful enough? Imagine toilets blowing around the parking lot.
WaPo just can’t hide out giddy it is over the possibility of 7,000 fresh-faced new Democrat voters!’s-high-time-to-calm-the-rising-media-frenzy/ar-BBOK3Ke?ocid=spartanntp
hide how*
I’m not surprised that WaPo is blase about the equivalent of a division of military-aged males crossing the border thousands of miles away in deplorables country. There are none so provincial as “cosmopolitan” urbanites.
They’re spinning it as more 3D chess from Trump to pull attention away from that fucking guy in Turkey of theirs. Incredible.
I think it’s clear nobody cares about the muslum brotherhood guy with a byline in a US paper.
It is curious the people the left chooses to champion.
I can’t tell if you are being sarcastic, but in my experience they tend to be some of the most horrible people ever.
Trump should welcome them into the country… long as they’re confined to Chevy Chase MD and Alexandria.
Send them all to Hawaii. Every single one.
Demand the proggies that want open borders house them.
I’ll chip in for some bus fare to get a couple hundred over to Nick Gillespie’s house.
Send some to the dorms at Harvard & Yale.
I dont think that’s gonna work out like they think it will.
They’re crazy if they think this will help them unless it’s badly mismanaged, like Waco level badly
mismanaged, when they get here.
There is a non zero percent chance of that happening.
There is still a lot of distance to be covered to get here, and Mexico might just prevent that.
If the Mexican Presidente was shrewd, he’d milk it for a few more days, round ’em up and send ’em home. Then he gets to ask Donnie Two Scoops for a favor.
But he isn’t and he won’t.
I am beginning to wonder which one is the stupid party. Is this their plan for a blue wave? Good grief.
Didn’t someone post a link yesterday of these ‘migrants’ burning an American flag? WTF? Why come here if you hate us, and believe me, they do hate us.
They come with the intent to transform it into their home country, just (they assume) with none of the corruption and poverty. They are not refugees or migrants, they are colonists.
These people look to me like they are coming here for the free shit man.
Burned it after they painted a swastika on it. Why do they want to come here if they think we’re the damn Fourth Reich?
If somebody painted a swastika on a US flag, and the flag then came into your possession, isn’t burning it the proper thing to do?
Give it to the Boy Scouts and let them retire it in any of the proper means (including burning).
Not while posing for pictures with CNN.
Flag Code at §176(k): The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning.
Our Cub Scout pack retires a handful every year
Any American Legion post will (should) also take care of it for you.
Slightly off-topic, I was always perturbed by the “Rick Monday saves the flag” thing at a Cubs-Dodgers game in the 70’s.
I was watching that game live as it happened. At first I thought it was cool that Monday took the flag from the two goofballs. But an inning or two later I wondered, “Well now that it’s ruined, isn’t it supposed to be burned?” Nowadays that would take up at least 48 hours on sports radio.
Wearing a mask and displaying it to a camera while it burns wouldn’t seem to qualify, even if you weren’t the person who defaced it in the first place.
Flag code is best law. There is no enforcement mechanism, its purely a standard that can be conspicuously observed to symbolically send one message or conspicuously violated to send another message.
i’m sorry but ICE is neither trained nor equipped to make the decision whether a Latina is sexy enough to overcome the crazy it took to migrate from Honduras. they are not qualified enough to make that decision and i fear they’re going to let in a shitton of 6s and 7s and low-8s that are batshit crazy. and where will that get us as a country??
A year or so ago a friend showed me a video on his phone of his Guatamalan girlfriend smashing his dishes and chasing him around the house with a kitchen knife while screaming something unintelligible.
loving a partner to death is a point of pride with them gals.
CSM – Cup Size Matters.
The thing is, the pics I have seen show the current migration is made up almost entirely of young males.
I haven’t seen anything tracking their progress, but I can’t believe they are actually walking the entire way and foraging for their food. Aside from motorized transportation of some kind, the logistics for feeding, etc. over 7,000 people are massive. This isn’t spontaneous, and anyone who is organizing and funding it is breaking US law.
Exactly. MSM is painting this like these 7,000 people are just like boat people in the 80’s. They ain’t.
The conditions have to be extremely unsanitary. Maybe they’ll all die of dysentery.
+1 Oregon Trail
Meager rations will do that to you.
Especially if they’re drinking Mexican water.
How do you think they get food in the countries they came from?
6s, 7s, and 8s?
I don’t think I’ve seen one that breaks 4 on the news shots.
we need me with discerning tastes like you on that border.
in all honesty, i haven’t seen much coverage of the caravan b/c i don’t watch news or fly out of airports much.
Blue Trickle?
Seems strange to count and report early voting totals.
“Early Voting” seems strange and strikes me as an invitation for extended vote fraud.
So much this. Voting by mail, extended voting blah blah just creates opportunities for fraud. The old system (one day of polling, absentee ballots had to be picked up in person, paper ballots) was much more secure than what we have now. If Trump makes me Vizier of Elections, this will be our system:
(1) Mandatory cross-checking of registered voter databases across states and against death registries. Every year.
(2) Photo ID to vote.
(3) Paper ballots.
(4) No extended voting or mail-in ballots (except absentee).
(5) Absentee ballots picked up in person.
And, as a sop to the “Muh Voter Suppressionz” crowd, election day is a federal holiday.
There’s a whole ‘nother level of boring bureaucratic reform to be done on managing polling places and vote counting, as well.
6) no votes counted until the polls close.
a whole ‘nother level of boring bureaucratic reform
Add in a vote confirmation system that sends a confirmation to the voter summarizing who and what they voted for.
“And, as a sop to the “Muh Voter Suppressionz” crowd, election day is a federal holiday.”
I think this would do more to suppress low information voters than anything else. As it stands you legally have the ability to leave work to head to the polls, giving the day off and i would see most people skip the whole thing and go on vacation.
Fine by me. If it’s that low of a priority they shouldn’t be voting anyway.
^so much this^
Oh i wasn’t saying it was wrong.
Feature not a bug.
The credit card companies are able to track much more data much more securely than is currently done with elections. I’d add to your list: contract out to Visa (or MasterCard) to create the electronic databases needed to track eligible voters.
By whom? When I lived abroad, I wasn’t going to book a 19-hour plus flight just to pick up a ballot.
If I am still forced to pay taxes when living abroad, my right to suffrage shouldn’t be unnecessarily burdened with excessively difficult hurdles to its exercise.
Eh, it makes it easier for legitimate people too. Absentee ballots are where I’m more concerned about fraud.
I won’t be in town on election day. Makes more sense to vote early than to vote absentee.
Anyway, the early voting totals are completely bogus. It’s just the blue MSM trying to literally scare up more blue voters.
Makes more sense to vote early than to vote absentee.
Except for the additional opportunity for fraud, that is. Every day the polls are open is a day of maximum security risk. Every mail-in ballot is a security risk. Minimize both, and election security is enhanced.
I live in Cook County. I used to date someone who was an election volunteer. I only vote on the off-chance that my vote somehow gets counted properly. Sorta like buying a lottery ticket.
Cuz it’s fun?
Blue tinkle.
“methocarbamol may cause urine to turn black, blue, or green”
Methylene Blue or indigo carmine if you want guaranteed results.
This is Fun, Soapbox Racing from Red Bull, Love the Unicorn Farts!
Angry government rant. Just ordered a copy of our daughter’s birth certificate. $15 plus a $12 processing fee. Just tell me it’s $27 for fucks sake!
But you see, those go into different accounts, so they have to be recorded separately, even if they’re ultimately used by the same agency on the same waste.
You might not be surprised to hear this, but a huge chunk of our paperwork is New York billing itself for services rendered by different components of the same agency to others…
30 bucks for a single copy.
Government efficiency.
And I was irritated by the clerk’s office charging me a dollar per page for public record.
I made the mistake of turning on the tv news.
Shep Smith is giving a ‘poor poor migrants escaping oppression’ speech on Fox. Fuck that. I am sick and tired of hearing this horseshit. They are escaping hell? A hell they created and now want to bring here. Fuck them.
Heh. And he just read a tweet someone sent him.
In a nutshell they said “You are full of shit Shep.”
Send a batch of them to Shep’s house.
My question to the Sheps in this country is what makes these 5000 people more important than the many millions still there?
Oh he was almost in tears. It’s pure feels, no logic, no rational thought.
He wasn’t just jonesing for nicotine?
I dont get it. It’s magical thinking. Is there something magical about the geography here? One place is like another. The difference is the people and culture. We have been here something like 500 years and in that time have created the greatest country in the history of the world. We have created more wealth than all of mankind in all of history. We created that.
The first time I went to latin america I got off of the airplane and my host was driving me to a hotel and I said “Where the hell is everyone? I thought this was a city with over a million people?” and he answered “Oh hell, it’s only ten O’clock in the morning. They dont come out until after noon.”
I also met a native that hated the US with a passion because “You have all of the cars. You wont let us have any.”
That’s right Sunshine, we have all of the cars. Because we make them. Legions of people get their fucking asses out of their warm bed, leave their wife at 5AM and bust their asses all day to make those cars.
You want a car? Make your own goddamned car. You want to be rich? Then work for it. You want a peaceful country? Stop raising your sons to be criminals.
I think I might be pissed off.
Produce something other than corruption and crippling poverty, and you’ll find buyers willing to trade with you.
The difference is the people and culture.
I’d suggest “and laws”. The truth is culture responds to policies. Why doesn’t anyone come out till noon? Well, in part because when they get up at 5 to try to go to work to scrape together enough to have their own cars, some asshole in their government shows up and invents a “tax” that they have to fork over that little extra they scraped together. But, if they go along with the program, they’ll be “taken care of”. It strikes me that they really do live in a world where they think in terms of being allowed to have stuff by the local padrone. My guess is that, if they ever had a government that honestly respected property rights, rule of law and individual liberty, their culture would change to “kind of like ours”.
In Latin America anyone who tries to raise their head up gets it whacked off. You cant have shit there. You cant accomplish anything. If you try you are greedy and uppity and you will find out right quick why no one has anything there.
Envy is a big problem with humans.
I suspect you haven’t spent a lot of time in Latin America, which is kind of a big place. Had you visited some Appalachian town, you’d see the same thing.
The reason cars are expensive in many Latin American countries is tariffs.
The reason cars are relatively cheap here is that we don’t have tariffs. Subarus, Kias, Nissans, etc.
Oh, the light truck tariff that LBJ instituted is still in effect.
And fear not, Trump is hard at work fucking it up for the rest of us in exchange for that sweet, sweet, UAW cock in his ass.
No, but there is something magical about the people here.
Maybe not magical. A preponderance of rebellious, individualistic, ADHD, entrepreneurial people self-selecting into an “American culture,” for lack of a better term. As Don points out above, people like Texans who look at decidedly non-magical landscape and go, “AWESOME! We can do something with this!” and “‘Can’t’ never did shit.”
/rose-colored glasses
Yes, it’s a nation of immigrants.
Who assimilated.
After a generation or two, yes. My German grandparents never did learn to speak intelligible English.
has anyone suggested building a border fence? I’ve heard those can help prevent people from crossing lines on a map.
Escape from Eliat is one of my favorite films.
You jest, but there’s actually a customs checkpoint on the highway leaving Eilat.
Nothing wrong with having a customs checkpoint at a port of entry.
I think it actually has more to do with the VAT exemption there since the checkpoint is leaving town and not at the port. That and a lot more goods flow through the ports at Haifa or Ashdod and neither of those have similar checkpoints.
Understood. Using POE in its general sense to refer to an area deemed lawful for entry into a country’s borders, by sea, land, or air.
Krugnuts has himself some strange new respect for neocons.
What the fuck is he talking about?
Max Boot? Would someone hang that bastard already? What principles is he talking about?
Moral emptiness is not taking people’s money, being religious or conservative? I dont think the words he is using mean what he thinks they mean.
He’s truly a babbling idiot.
When in the trenches of the War on Handjobs, cops still find a way to kill people during no-knock raids.
Sorry, but the photo is funny. The Asian woman in the background is giving the white hipster chick the xié è zhī yǎn.
You’re the Shat?
Social capital: ‘You can’t win friends with salad’.
Not even a lime Jello salad with cottage cheese and pineapple?
New Hampshire has a Democrat Senator almost surely elected via voter fraud. Now a Judge is trying to get a Democrat Governor the same way.
Jeffrey Tucker looks at the deplatforming and is unworried:
I think he’s correct; this sort of discrimination has always cost the discriminator. Just as a racist man who refuses to hire black carpenters has to pay a premium for refusing to hire perfectly good carpenters, Facebook and Twitter are losing out on advertising dollars, both from the potential advertisers they’ve booted off their sites, and the potential eyeballs who wander away to more interesting venues and make the sites less attractive to the advertisers they’ve kept.
Eventually, Facebook will curate itself to a tiny community that is free from trolls where everyone lives in fear of the cattbutt… Hey!