GRRRRR!!!! I have stormed in and pushed aside beloved Morning Linkster, sloopy, to bring you these #$%&ing Links. I have been experiencing a bit of what beloved Afternoon Linkster, Brett, puts up with in his job. I admire him for not chainsaw murdering everyone in reach. I am about ready to break out the pike, armor and helmet and go take out a whole UAT group. In an effort to NOT go berserk just yet, I am going to give you links instead.
Sportings – I have a rooting interest in Chicago teams (NOT the Cubs, however). Needless to say, they all lost last night. Sloopy is probably more than a wee bit distraught, after the Astros were knocked out (insufferable Bostonian hate shall be tolerated in these links). Other than that, I guess the AZ Cardinals remained a punching bag for NFL teams. The rest…feh, who cares?!
Birthdays and History – People were born and events occurred on this day.
OK, maybe I will just give you some links, then go poison everyone’s coffee…whichever.
- Somebody tell the Hat that he needs to reel in the Hair a bit. Who would have ever thought it would have been in that order?!
- RUSSIANZ!!!!!!!! No, really. KNOCK IT OFF YOU VODKA SOAKED, BEET CHOMPING SAVAGES! Once you see what the targets were, you will be convinced. Oh, and Winter War 2, Internet Boogaloo is on!
- OK, I can let a little anger go now…because I am laughing at this moron. I can only imagine what conditions in a Thai prison must be like…
- ISLAMOPHOBES…. hey, wait a minute?!
*stomps out of room in a huff*
indeed, that’s the mating call of the lonely libertarian swallow
Can the libertarian swallow carry a coconut?
Well, it’s a matter of weight ratios…
Are we talking the drupe or just the seed?
African or European?
Wait libertarians swallow?
But only on the first date.
First: congrats. I suppose this comment is on-topic, as it’s similar to your headline above. Second: is that “@#$%!!!!!!!” the noise of a squat, or some other bodily noise, or shouting?
Wait, Lord H has an answer for me. It all makes sense now.
Shouting….in Swiss dialect (Zurich one, to be exact).
My thoughts upon learning the red sox are going to the WS.
Also my thoughts As I see the AFC is dissappointing again and appear to be laying out the red carpet for the Patriots to go to the SB again
It sure doesn’t make the Indians look any better. If the Astros had at least won, we could say we lost to the best.
They have to get through the Ravens. They won’t.
I don’t see it. Flacco is gonna turn back into Flake-o.
You sure about that?
The last time Flacco was playing for his job he led the team to the Super Bowl and played out of his mind. Immediately after that he signs a huge contract and proceeds to suck. Now they drafted his replacement and after the end of this season they can cut him without taking a huge cap hit and as bad as he has been no way he gets another big money contract anywhere else so he is once again playing for his job.
Eh, we’ll see. They still are going to have to make it past the Steelers.
Seriously though, that Chiefs game came down to a coin flip, and that’s a good indicator that a rematch in the same season can go either way.
The next time the Chiefs see the Patsies will be at Arrowhead. The outcome will be different.
Sorry, buddy. Hope it gets better.
*&##*&#$!!!!!!! *(*&#*#*!@!^%(!! @(@*#, ()@(@&&#)*&!!
You forgot these: ) ) );
Close your darn parentheses, people.
#$#%#% off.
that doesn’t solve the problem, but it does draw interesting fractal patterns on the osciliscope.
Hey, it could be worse.
I see the Rangers are punching above their weight again.
Detroit is making a strong push for the Jack Hughes sweepstakes.
I don’t follow enough hockey and I know the season is still toung but how are the Canes doing so well
They looked pretty fast against the Wild (of course, everyone but the Hawks does…). But you’re right, it’s really early and the really good teams don’t give a fuck until around December. Don’t look for Vegas to stay at the bottom and I suspect some of the leaders will come back to earth.
The Wild are still gonna suck.
At least the Rangers have a solid excuse for sucking this year. I wonder how many years they’ll be able to drag out this “rebuild” thing.
Until fans stop coming. Wild sell out every fucking game with the same formula: pimp the “State of Hockey” nonsense unrelentingly, be barely good enough to make the playoffs, get bounced in the first round. Rinse and repeat.
Once the fans stop showing up and buying all the swag, the team will get serious about the product again.
Fucking season is too long, too. Should be 60 games, max. Then the early games mean more.
82 is way too taxing and long. I agree.
Crosby and MacKinnon surprise Kenyan hockey team:
It just got a little dusty in here, for some reason.
Can’t agree more with the last statement. Full season ticket holders here, and by the end of last season (and a run to the conference championship) the wife and I were completely burned out. Haven’t been to any of the games this season so far due to the knee op, but honestly I think this is for the best. I may actually make it through the entire season without getting worn out if I don’t start making games until January or February!
60 is about right. The “short” season a few years back was ideal.
Yay Boston.
Why are we tolerating this again?
Boston Strong! ::chortle::
Because you have no choice!
*drops gloves*
Fuck, now I have to root for the Dodgers. FUCK!
Add it to the long list of reason to hate Boston.
Donna Shalala, who has been in Miami since she left the Clinton administration and should really know better, sets up a campaign event with Castro-supporting Congress nut Barbara Lee. Hilarity ensues.
Tisk, Tisk
I think we’re using symbols for that kind of language today, young man.
Shut your whore mouth!
The only good thing to come out of Boston was the Dropkick Murphys.
Gang Green, DYS, Mission of Burma, Galaxie 500, SS Decontrol, Bosstones, Lemonheads, Slapshot, Modern Lovers, Real Kids, Negative FX, Last Stand, and more…
The Cars, ‘Til Tuesday/Aimee Mann
Guru of gang starr is from Boston, iirc
Good list. I would add The Gravel Pit.
Godsmack and a ton of local bands that never broke big but make great music.
Jerry’s Kids.
Hell, pretty much the entirety of the Taang! Records catalog.
The only thing great to come out of Boston was Aerosmith (Permanent Vacation and older)
Shit forgot about the Cars:
The only things great to come out of Boston were the Cars and Aerosmith (Permanent Vacation and older)
Not exactly my thing, but – Boston (the band).
Yeah, Boston and Rush are in the same camp for me. I fully acknowledge that they are talented bands, but I just don’t care to listen to either one of them…I don’t have a reason other than, I just don’t like them.
DOOD! First Steely Dan and now Rush?
I know. I’m a horrible person…
…with excellent taste in music.
Damn Mojeaux, you really are a unicorn, aren’t you? Female libertarian who likes Rush?
Last Rush concert I went to was about half and half female/male, most middle-aged, fat, graying, and dragging their teenagers along.
So…no? I guess? I didn’t know women aren’t seen as liking Rush.
In fact, it was quite the family affair.
The band Boston has only one song, which they play over and over thru two albums.
Re Boston having one song: totally agree.
*Ahem* J Geils Band
Dead thread, but I had to set the record right; yes the J Geils Band, as well. Didn’t realize they were from Boston.
No love for the JGeils Band?
Damn your nimble fingers.
No. No love for the J. Geils Band.
I have no love for for the red Sox, but Benny Basball is a hog, so go sox.
Qbert is posting
Hey, you fall of some M.C. Escher looking grid, into infinity, and you too would curse!
HM told me it’s called a “grawlix”.
Sounds obscene.
I’m real happy for JBJ. My favorite player on a team of players I actually like. A real quiet humble guy who worked hard to become the best fielding center-fielder in baseball. He’s a streaky hitter who got hot at the right time.
Backpacker from Liverpool faces TEN YEARS in a Thai prison after spray-painting ‘Scouse Lee’ on an 800-year-old fortress (and even manages to spell it incorrectly)
If you are going to deface an ancient structure you should at least do it properly.
And nothing is more proper than bad spelling when you’re a barbarian defacing the works of an an ancient culture.
Omg. Scroll down to see the shirt he is wearing when the Thai’s make him stand next to the wall.
That is one classy dude, there. SMDH
Nice look with the board shorts. Really representing Britain well.
It seems on-brand to me.
Well he sez he was drunnk. I no I don’t speel proppelry when I’m drunk.
I cant spel when sober ether
I bet that idiot can’t either.
Lessons not learned from watching a Taliban training film
Romanus Eunt Domus?
Three Monty Python references in this thread already. Granted this one was quite appropriate, but we’re at the limit now.
Limits? Go back to your silly place.
I’ll cut your balls off.
Thwow him to the fwoor, woughly!
That clip makes fun of the old British “Public” Schools where students got a real classical education and learned Latin. I wonder if the Brits even get the joke any longer.
This was really the only comment that needed to be made on this thread.
Also, he had a female Canadian (!) accomplice who was also arrested. That must be embarrassing for certain Canadians – not our friend Rufus, obvs.
Was she being charged for not also writing it in French?
Good one.
Right? It’s about having pride in your work.
I wonder if he’s a real Scousser, or a Wool (sp?), apparently someone from nearby who fraudulently claims to be from the city. Also can’t help but wonder what horrors lie in Thai prisons.
Not enough if you ask me. What a low POS.
American tourists get a bad rap. There’s lots of boorish behavior from all kinds of nationalities. Take the Canadians. Please.
I wouldn’t be surprised to see any government do this kind of thing, but is it possible we might see some actual evidence of it? What the fuck is a troll factory anyway? Am I supposed to believe that these people actually occupy the same building to come up with this stupid crap? We sure do have some idiotic arch-enemies these days.
Russians apparently have the lead in the 13 year old shitposter war. WE MUST NOT ALLOW A DWEEB GAP, MR. PRESIDENT!
I mean really, the Russians(or USSR) have gone from embedding spies in the military and intelligence branches of gov’t to this? I can’t figure out whether to laugh at them or us.
They didn’t give up their spies. They throw a few kopeks at shitposters and get cheap distractions of their opponants. It’s probably less than the coffee budget.
You really think they need to pay people to be assholes on the internet?
It’s not paying them to be assholes it’s paying them to go after certain targets.
FSB head of internet troll division: “We must make the blonde Swede pay for her prying into the business of the Motherland. Send in the troll brigade!”
Kind of like that?
A troll factory is where they shurn out those stupid plastic dolls.
Are you chure?
petty ture.
Well, based on the reactions they seem to get, it’s not a bad tactic. Low cost, low Manning, for a much larger effect. It’s like the goals of a terrorist attack, where you pick targets that will have the greatest psychological effect rather than a normal military centers of gravity such as factories or supply lines.
If the goal is to undermine general Western values, it’s working remarkably well thanks to useful idiots.
Why in the hell did it autocorrect to Manning? I don’t think I’ve ever used that name in a text.
Why did you have autocorrect on in the first place?
Because it’s a convenient tool to have as long as you pay attention?
No, just no. I end up screaming at my phone, “Don’t tell me what you think I meant to say!”
I’d rather keep my mistakes and take a half hour to compose a test.
Paying people to create/augment idiotic leftist online outrage mobs probably would give pretty good bang for the buck, as far as cultural disruption goes.
Nah, we have NPCs for that
I think the troll factories are financed by the gnomes of Zurich.
At some point, the balance of people active on the Internet shifted to morons. The irony is that outfits like Facebook and Twitter are indeed (partly) to blame, but not for the reasons they claim. They catered to the base impulses of emotions over intellect. Now they’re stuck with a large user base full of people who can’t think their way out of a box. They’ve summoned the mob but have no idea what to do now that it’s here.
(I say this with as much self-awareness as I can muster, having been a moron of that sort at times in the past)
Agree with this. Social media was never intended for learning or intellectual debate. Wasn’t FB originally just another way to find girls on the internet?
I find it hard to imagine serious grown adults sitting in a room plotting a scheme to troll what are basically platforms with users getting their emote on and actually trolling among themselves already. I’d like to see some examples of just how they are doing it, not some secret government report saying that it’s being done. It shouldn’t be that hard to produce. The few examples I’ve seen are ridiculously simple minded and I have a hard time believing they are the product of a super secret troll factory being managed by actual spies.
It’s going to be difficult to get an honest report on it because too many people need it to be one way or another for the sake of narrative. The last government report on this was laughably useless (at least, the unclassified portions of it), amounting to “Russia Today is a Russian propaganda outlet”.
Have a good day Swiss. Just remember it’s Friday. And look on the bright side; some of those people could have horrible grilling accidents this weekend. Or maybe a tragic leaf blower accident. Think positive!
Oooh…. leaf blower accidents, you say?
“…and somehow the wind from the blower picked up the oak splinter and drove it through the air with great force, penetrating the victim’s chest like a crossbow bolt. Damndest thing.”
It would be funnier if it was a rock and it nut punched the guy?
I am hating today because I have to take a bunch of whiny people for their qualification dives tomorrow & Sunday in the early AM hours. Not only will it be brutally cold (at least the water will be 63 degrees) in the early AM, but I can’t drink this weekend (including tonight) at all. Having to set the example as the instructor sucks ballz.
I remember my certification dives. Much hilarity. I remember being on my knees on the bottom off to the side waiting my turn. Ten feet in front of me was the rest of the class hanging onto a rope. It was one big ball of arms, legs and hoses moving back and forth in the swell.
*thinks about other landscaping equipment that could be involved in accidents, especially equipment for making mulch from trees*
How Far you going to go with that line of thinking?
More like Soused Lee.
I have it on good authority that this never happens outside of the US
On Wednesday, Kerch Polytechnic College in the eastern region of Crimea became the site of a horrific mass shooting and explosive attack.
Although the timeline remains unclear, two separate events took place. An explosive device filled with small metal objects was detonated in the cafeteria of the polytechnic college, and an 18-year-old student roamed the school shooting people with either a shotgun or a rifle.
As of publication, the death toll stands at 20, while at least 50 others were injured. According to Russian news agency TASS, ten of the injured are in “intensive care.”
That assault weapon of destruction and death crossed the line form a neighboring US state where they don’t have “sensible gun laws”!
/progtard off
Apparently, it is not hard to get guns in Crimea. I don’t know if that was true before the Russians took over, and I’d be surprised if it was in Russia proper vs. the “disputed” areas.
Shouting….in Swiss dialect (Zurich one, to be exact).
What about the sound of a gnome distractedly rattling cold coins as he waits for the mercenaries to arrive?
No, no! The Swiss hire out as mercenaries!
Admittedly, the value of the pike square and the halberdier has gone down over the centuries.
Wait for it, wait for it.
That’s just depressing, man. And the guy’s older than me? Sure as hell don’t act it.
These types never tend to grow up past the age of 12, because if they did, they would have to give up on the socialist fantasies.
He’d have a harder time of it in Austin, since if you went by yard signs alone, you’d think Beto would get 98% of the votes.
Yard signs do not equate to votes. I know people who never advertise their voting intentions but go to the polls every time they’re open. I also know people who virtue signal all over their yard and never vote. It’s a very unreliable metric is what I mean.
Well, sure. Plus here, my default assumption is that every house not sporting a Beto sign is gonna vote for Cruz. And that maybe the guy in a Beto house is telling his spouse he’s of course gonna vote that way, and then do otherwise in the voting booth. I live in one of the most red state parts of Austin — I’m pretty sure all those Beto signs aren’t a reliable indicator of anything other than that he got a lot of cash from people in denial, and gotta blow it on SOMETHING.
Yep. Tooooooootally not deranged and unhinged.
Absolute perfect control of all faculties.
How does that guy not get punched in the face?
Is it just me or does he not bear an uncanny resemblance to Charles Manson? And I mean looks, voice, mannerism, sanity, etc…
In regards to the Manchester Thai prison story, his defense was he was blackout drunk, yet he went out with a can of spray paint.
Likely story sir.
To be fair, I’m not having any problem believing that a British tourist got drunk before wandering the streets looking to start shit.
That is true. I watched a Brit in Dublin smack the ass of the Gypsy pedicab driver while yelling ya mule. I thought he was going to get a broken bottle in the belly.
Has anyone seen Brett? I heard he was going to lay out on his new pool inflatable.
@Grrizzly: I think I got it. But it sounds odd in English.
“Велика Россия, а отступать некуда. Позади Москва!”
“Great Russia but will never turn back. Moscow is behind us!”
What do you think?
The first sentence can be translated as “Russia is great [large] but there’s nowhere to retreat.”
The second sentence is correct.
Thanks bud, I appreciate it.
What the fuck is a troll factory anyway?
Like a call center, only uglier.
Don’t remind me of my call center days.
Fuck man, that’s dark.
/supports Call Centers
You haven’t seen ugly until you’ve seen a call center for bad debt collection.
Been there, supported that.
I worked next door to one for years.
There were regular fights in the parking lot during smoke breaks.
The one I supported had to call the cops a couple of times after people threatened to go on a shooting spree in the office. Once the debtor started telling the agent the address, they considered it a serious threat (as would I). The turnover rate was comparable to fast food, with much higher pay. It’s soul crushing work.
I thought “flea-bag hotel in the ghetto” was soul-crushing but yeah that sounds even worse.
Dark humor came from those who lasted more then a year. They had heard every sob story, and every excuse as to why they were 6 months behind on their payments. Rumors were they had a betting pool going with totals for crying, dead spouse, dead child, etc.
What was the average tally of “I don’t owe you anything”?
Yeah, working in hotels really did a number on my ability to not see every stranger as a complete asshole – I don’t recommend that work to anybody.
UCS: Not a lot, usually the people would say it was the wrong number or make up another excuse. Very few people tried a blatant lie like that, they stuck to other blatant lies. And again, it was a rumor they had a betting pool going, I never saw the score sheet.
UCS: Not a lot, usually the people would say it was the wrong number or make up another excuse. Very few people tried a blatant lie like that, they stuck to other blatant lies. And again, it was a rumor they had a betting pool going, I never saw the score sheet.
It’s not always a lie. It’s pretty common for paid off debts to get accidentally included in packages sold to collection agencies.
How many Glibs have worked as Debt collectors?
Not me – thank goodness. My current job is demeaning enough to my self-worth.
I own a business that issues house credit to customers, so by default I guess I have.
My wife has sent bills to debt collectors though. There are a number of people who get divorced who don’t want to settle up once everything is over with.
Needless to say Lady Humungus learned her lesson and only does work when there is money in the till.
I worked for a finance/leasing company after college, so had to do some by default. It wasn’t that bad, as we dealt with higher-end clientele, corporate mostly. We bought a couple of vehicle portfolios from a bank in CA and ended up having to a ton there. I had an amazing repo dude – he once tracked a 911 down in Texas and delivered it to me in Minneapolis in December.
It was interesting, actually. I heard the most amazing excuses and learned a lot about negotiating.
Those places are ugly by default.
I have been getting my phone number spammed with calls from people offering everything from free vacations to home security systems for a long time. I normally ignore numbers I dont recognize, but here in the last few months, somehow the spammers have figured out how to make the calls show up as a local number in my phone. It’s frustrating, to say the least.
A few months ago, I got a call from a very very irate man. He wanted to know why the fuck I kept calling his teenage daughters phone several times a day.
It took a bit of talking to convince the guy that I dont know and never called his daughter and that spammers co-opt local numbers to push their bullshit.
I’m glad I was able to talk sense with the guy, because I think he was out for blood and I absolutely understand why he would be.
Fucking spammers are going to get someone killed someday.
They’ve been spoofing numbers for years (source, I’ve been on the recieving end of these confused calls because I’d been the number spoofed).
Basically it’s made it so that unless I’m explicitly expecting a call from an unknown number, I only answer calls from my contacts and let the rest go to voicemail.
Why the fuck aren’t the phone companies doing anything to stop this? I get those all the time too. Never answer them.
Like what?
I figure they must have the ability to prevent spoofing numbers? I don’t know.
Serious answer: because the phone system was set up at a time when setting up a phone system was skilled labor, and had a small pool of people. So, it trusts what’s sent in (same as e-mail systems). Most of the spoofing is coming from robo-dialing, which already has rules about it (which scammers surprisingly enough don’t follow), at least here in America. The worst spamming calls are coming from overseas, where there’s little to do without rebuilding the entire phone system. If you do answer, avoid saying yes or your name (as some of the scams are fraudulent charge scams, which use a recording of you saying those to “prove” you agreed to the charge).
Is there any way that they can conflate “FUCK YOU QUIT CALLING ME” into affirmative consent to a purchase?
This is an important point. NEVER SAY THE WORD YES.
But what if it is a hot girl asking if I want to have sex with her?
It’s easy to spoof a phone number with VOIP, just as it is easy to spoof an email address. I use Nettalk for my home phone and it gives a heads up if the call is likely to be a scam.
I wonder if the systems that have been adopted to cut down on spam and fraudulent emails (DKIM, SPF, DMARC) could be adapted to the phone service. I only know bits and pieces about phone numbering and routing, but the underlying concepts are not all that different. The biggest difference is that there’s nothing like DNS in the phone system.
Was the daughter hot?
No idea who she was. I dont even have her number. ?
Robodailers call my office more than 6 times a day (or more, my record was 17.) And my job is such that I have to pick up.
I support the death penalty in their case. And a slow death penalty. Like peeling.
Piker. One call center had an emergency line that was getting over 100 robocalls a day (there were lots of phone numbers that fed into it). We eventually had to put in a forced option selection, and a message for those with rotary phones to call a different number (and this was in the 2000’s, supporting rural customers can be tough).
In other “We must do something!” news:
Lloyd Doggett
Verified account
NEW: Today, more than 40 lawmakers joined me in urging President Trump to enforce strong sanctions on those responsible for the murder & dismemberment of American resident, @washingtonpost journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
Lloyd Doggett
Verified account
18 hours ago
With President Trump shamefully equivocating in the face of mounting evidence of Saudi slaughter, Congress must act.
Do we have any proof of dismemberment? While I wouldn’t put it past them, I still don’t see where the story has been confirmed.
The evidence is very piecemeal.
You’re such a cut up
Any way you slice it, this story is as of yet, incomplete.
I saw what you did there.
I missed it, can someone break it down for me?
I think it’s best if we all just cleave this story alone.
Please, and no mincing words.
Just bits and pieces.
I suspect this will go over like a wet fart when someone brings up Benghazi.
I bet we find out at some point this was an Iranian/Turkish op to hurt the new new Saudi nut fighting Wahabiism. That’s the usual ME shit and a good reason we should just stay the fuck away.
Here here. They wanna keep going at it or glass each other, that’s all them. We wasted enough blood and treasure already.
Could just as easily be a Saudi plot to make the Saudi Prince trying to fight Wahhabism look bad too
So much odd about this story. Khashoggi was a legal resident of the US, not a citizen, and was a supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood, opposed to the Crown Prince’s reforms easing up on religious restrictions – particularly with restrictions on women. This incident and the reaction to it is working to weaken the Crown Prince, which threatens further reform in the kingdom. So far as I know there has been no definitive evidence produced. So I keep thinking, cui bono? Certainly not the crown prince, but it does look to benefit his enemies.
Notwithstanding the fact that how a sovereign nation deals with it’s citizens is none of our business, and the self-righteousness is also a bit much considering Obama murder-droned American citizens without due process, with little protest other than from Rand Paul.
It’s a special kind of stupidity to assassinate a foreigner in your own embassy. The whole thing smells fishier than the state of Denmark.
And agreed, the self-righteousness at this stage is HILARIOUS.
I thought he was still a Saudi Citizen. Which was why he had to go to the embassy in the first place.
He was? Well shiz, even more stupid.
Exactly – it looks as though the Saudi government may have executed a Saudi citizen.
He needed some kind of papers to give evidence of his divorce.
Saudi Arabia, UN Human Rights Council member, allegedly responsible for an atrocity? Why, this is the first I’ve heard of anything that would blemish their otherwise spotless record. We should entirely reverse course on all our policies based on this incident!
Someone cleaning up loose ends?
“In response to the murder of the beloved Muslim brotherhood journalist Mr. Khashoggi, I hereby order the closure of all military bases in the middle east and the immediate withdrawal of all American troops.”
/President Lachowsky
I’m writing you on the ballot for 2020. You got my vote already.
Yes, my above sarcasm was only intended to mock those who are acting shocked, *shocked* that the Saudis would do such a thing. Rand Paul suggesting we use it as an excuse to do something he wants anyway, stop arming the Saudi proxies in Yemen, that’s just good political maneuvering.
If Paul could use this incident to get the U.S. to pull back in any way from its involvement in the ME, then good on him and I support it.
The only good thing to come out of Boston was the Dropkick Murphys.
I’ll drink to that.
So will they…
Very apropos
Really, you didn’t go with this?
And the Dropkicks do drink on stage and after the show, unlike Flogging Molly (lead singer brings out a Jameson’s bottle full of iced tea). Drink or don’t drink, don’t fucking fake it.
That’s really quite pathetic. I mean seriously…pathetic.
From the stories I’ve heard, the lead singer was a serious alcoholic (as in hospital stay bad), for a long time. Around the time Drunken Lullabies came out (their last great album), he got married, and the new wife forced him to dry out. Instead of rolling with the new persona, he decided he had to try to keep up the story of the old one. This seems like a terrible idea to me.
Lakers lost predictably… Although it seems the NBA made fault even easier to call which is ruining the fucking game. I blame millennials
I just blame the NBA.
It seems like every team sport is playing that game – let me guess, some sort of safety initiative?
The well-known problem of flopping in soccer isn’t getting solved when breathing on your opponent is now a foul.
Have they started calling offensive fouls again? I don’t care enough to watch a game to find out.
With President Trump shamefully equivocating in the face of mounting evidence of Saudi slaughter, Congress must act.
Which will it be? A sternly worded telegram, or a declaration of war?
So this one murder by the Saudis is what really bothers people? Guess those other murders were, what exactly?
Yemen what?
A headless homo says what?
Blow me?
While singin’ “I ain’t got nobody”
I would say it’s because it was one of the clique. But mexico butchers journalists by the score and gets ignored. So I donno.
IIRC, those murders are generally done by criminal organizations. Also, no way to use them to score cheap political points against the current administration.
Given the entanglement between the cartels and the various organs of the Mexican government, I don’t regard them as separate.
Also, no way to use them to score cheap political points against the current administration.
Well, they could try. It would show some consistency, at least. But I think even the most hardcore neocon would balk at doing to Mexico what was done to Iraq and Afghanistan.
They care about this guy because he worked for them (and Iranian interests) and was a muslim brotherhood guy?
It has more to do with Turkey than anything else.
We’ve got some really shitty “allies” in the ME.
We have no actual allies in the ME. We are the ally in varying degrees of varying ME countries but the relationships are decidedly one-way.
I mean we are in a straight up defensive alliance with Turkey, so I think calling them allies is accurate.
In other news, Corey Booker has decided that he does not want to be president, after all.
Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ), a possible 2020 candidate for president, said that he “can’t stand how they’re out-Americaning us in Canada” during a speech at Allen University in South Carolina on Thursday.
“Every country we are competing with is driving down the cost of college. Germany – it cost between zero and four percent of median income to go to college,” Booker said. “Canada – I can’t stand how they’re out-Americaning us in Canada. Trudeau – give me a break.”
Booker goes on to say that other countries are “out-Americaning” the United States because they want to build a great economy for everybody.
They are better because because they are out-central-planning and out-welfaring us? Someone does not know what America is about.
Here I was looking forward to potential President Spartacus.
He should just borrow Obama’s “Fundamentally transform” and “Hope & Change” lines, cause turning us into centrally planned welfare shitholes was the change they all believe in.
That is quite a bit of Hope on their end and Change on all of ours. *groans and sighs*
I think he wants to be the Democratic primary winner — free college for everybody! *
* Don’t ask inconvenient questions about who would pay for this new entitlement, or what happens when you drive the cost of anything down to zero with subsidies.
** Or about the quality of the courses on offer…
If you want to get into college in Germany, you better know how to spell and do basic math by the time you graduate. And unless it’s changed, they don’t do grievance studies.
And isn’t it more that they (the schools) choose where you’re going, not the other way around?
Yep. You’ll do what you’re told to do, and they determine what you’re going to do with a series of aptitude tests.
That sounds both wonderful and horrible.
But yeah, as usual, the idiot American pols have no idea of how the systems they praise actually operate.
To be clear, it’s more a function of limiting your options than it is direct instruction. You’re given a choice, but if you don’t pass a certain bar, engineering is not on the list. Sometimes, you’re just given choices among various vo-tech fields.
I’ve been to a German Gymnasium – I know the drill. I suspected you were employing a bit of hyperbole….
If you want to make college more affordable stop subsidizing it. Really, that’ll work
Well, to be fair, I’m out-Americaning Booker. Heck, most Americans from what I read.
/unrolls copy of The Constitution and reads over.
Unrolls? Rufus, man, we introduced pocket constitutions for good reason. They’re much easier to carry.
Nothing is more American than high taxes, wealth redistribution, censorship, and gun control.
James Madison would ashamed to see what we have become.
Well, we did name a baked-goods company after his wife, so there’s that.
I’m getting rather tired of people who support the laws that make shit expensive complaining about how shit is expensive.
“I can only imagine what conditions in a Thai prison must be like…”
I bet the food is awesome compared to British food though: spicy currys, exotic peppers, fish heads. Yum.
What makes you think they feed you?
You probably have to pack your own lunch.
They give you all the guard semen you can swallow.
First Ticket for Stoned Driving Issued One Hour After Legalization
New revenue stream!!!!
You work for government?
Your inquiry has been forwarded to our freedom of information act review board. Without supplemental paperwork and justification, it will likely be rejected in six to eight weeks.
MASD had its inaugural meeting to discuss graft policy the same day.
Got to love that last line.
“So, we didn’t extract all the revenue we could from them, but we’ll get better at it.”
It’s almost like “legalization” is nothing of the sort.
The Swiss hire out as mercenaries!
Gnomes don’t do their own dirty work. They subcontract to trolls.
Then why are they always out in my garden with their cute little shovels?
So this one murder by the Saudis is what really bothers people? Guess those other murders were, what exactly?
That one guy was a JOURNALIST! We’re in uncharted territory.
Why not call for something realistic like ending our support of the Saudi effort in Yemen? That’s a step we could take that would chastise the Saudis and have positive consequences for the world.
That would put too many paychecks in harm’s way.
I guess I’m a heartless, insensitive monster, but if you stick your head in the lion’s mouth and it gets bitten off, I just don’t see how that’s my problem.
It’s all Israel’s fault.
How dare those pesky Jews defend themselves!
At the end of every Scooby-Doo episode in Palestine a Jew is always the villain regardless of costume.
Sounds about right since their Mousketeers club had Mickey Mouse – renamed as Fafour to make him a legit Jihadist – telling the little kids they should be strapping bombs to their bodies and going after the evil Jews and their Jew gold.
If you want to make college more affordable stop subsidizing it. Really, that’ll work
The really crazy part is, that would also make a college degree worth something, again. So… nevermind.
When Black Men Defended Brett Kavanaugh in Baltimore
Democrats better get a handle on these guys before they walk off the plantation?
Sounds like they’ve already walked. Time to round up some dogs and a posse and get them back.
-1 Fugitive Voter Act
So last night I wore my “Still Like Beer” Kavanaugh shirt. Got three random comments on it, one from a person who said he had the same shirt but in green, and would be wearing it on St. Patrick’s day. The other two from people who appreciated the shirt, and laughed (although one signaled that he wasn’t a Kavanaugh supporter, but still liked beer).
When my Dad usually asks me what I want for Christmas, I just say I got no idea. This year, I finally got an idea. I love the designs on those shirts and I’d wear it for shits and giggles.
Hell, I have one shirt I bought on St. Patrick’s Day that I don’t dare wear out of the house. It’s a green shirt with white lettering on it that says, “Drunk Lives Matter” in the BLM style. The back has a whole rant about drinking for St. Patrick’s on it. I bought it from a black guy, so that makes it racism free, right?
Ho man, that’s great. I think it checks out okay on the racism free scale, but mine is kinda busted so it may be wrong.
“Still Like Beer” Kavanaugh shirt
I still need to order one. Gonna get it in green so I can wear it on Patty’s Day. The gf said she’d leave me if I got one (un-seriously, I think…). I am going to test that assertion.
Do they have it in orange for St Patty’s Day?
Do you go to the pub and sing Croppies Lie Down?
One of the few things that will get you bitched at here on St. Patrick’s, although the Italians all wear red on that day.
Look, I have to do something to differentiate myself from those Catholics. I’m Irish Protestant, dammit!
I’ll probably wear blue. I don’t actually own an orange shirt.
Damn it man, people can see what you’re posting. I generally wear black and white anyways (Guinness Harlequin rugby jersey or Dropkicks hockey sweater). I did have some young drunk kid try giving me shit one year, asking me where my green was and that he was going to pinch me. I gave his friend a dead eyed stare, and said, “I suggest you stop your friend before he tries.” The friend apologized, and took the young drunk away.
Oh, that’s a low blow.
I generally wear orange on SPD. No one has ever got it. Literally, never.
You’re obviously not in Boston
Emmett Till was victim of believe all women.
a diversity and inclusion consultant.
This should not even be a thing.
You might not have even gotten to trial.
Relevant: To Kill a #MeTooBird
“snapped back J.C. Faulk, a diversity and inclusion consultant. “I don’t care if somebody gets on their knee or stands on their head, the system that oppresses us has no right to tell us how to fight for our freedom.””
Learn irony.
“I’m going to call him a hero because they call White guys heroes for lesser things,”
There are whites who do less than kneeling who become heroes?
I’d love to hear some examples from J.C..
Given that we call folk who get cancer heroes I’m willing to pass that one.
True. Also, many whites are heroes today if they survived an ass pinching.
26-year-old poet Duke Porter
A week ago, Trump asked Black voters to “honor him” with their vote, considering his administration has presided over record-low unemployment numbers for African-Americans. “When he said, ‘Are you better off today than you were before?’ I think you have to say yes,” argued Senate candidate Campbell, a Republican. “When he said, ‘What do you have to lose?’ I think that’s an important point too.” That caused Jealous, a Democrat, to respond incredulously: “What you have to lose is your vote, what you have to lose is your health care, what you have to lose is funding for public education,” he said, before turning his back to Campbell.
“before turning his back” ?
because the rebuttal is slam dunk simple. it’s only two words really: charter schools
What you have to lose is your vote, what you have to lose is your health care, what you have to lose is funding for public education,
Because Trump has proposed legislation to take those things away from black people? How is that even a response?
I will never understand the obsession here with rebranded public schools. How about privatization?
Started reading Tom Woods’ PC guide to US history; an anecdote reminded me of brave freedom of speech activist Rhywun. Apparently some commenter was given a large fine under the Alien and Sedition Acts for vocalizing the wish that “the ceremonial cannon fire would hit John Adams in the ass”.
Rhywun should change his handle to Luther Baldwin.
It would be easier to pronounce…
Huh ree un. Don’t see how that’s hard. It isn’t like you went with gwdihŵ or something.
It’s Welsh, you need to add more phlegm.
All the more reason to abandon it in favor of a real language.
It’s sort of “hree-oo-ween” but the ee’s are different than ours.
That mispronunciation is a reason I’ve been considering a change.
Maybe a parenthetic Rhywyn for awhile? Unless you want a nice clean break!
By the way, i saw the Church on Monday night at the Turf Club in St. Paul. Tiny place and an amazing show. This tour is the 30th anniversary of Starfish, so they started the show with the entire album. They get better every time I see them. They will be in NY next week for a couple shows. Might be worth your time!
Bah. Forgot the last bit. The ‘e’-ish songs is pronounced differently between North and South Wales, so go with whichever one you prefer. I tend to go with Northern pronunciation, or at least that’s what I say to cover my terrible accent.
They did? Do go on.
That episode was something else and I hope that cunt judge gets worms in her cunt.
/apologies to the ladies here but that judge is such a cunt.
…the ladies here…
Lol. Good one.
Judge Nap gives a talk about the alien and seditions act where he talks about a senator lyons who Adams put in jail for calling him his rotundness. Apparently he ran for Senate from his jail cell and won. He stayed in prison until Jefferson came to power.
I haven’t been to work since last Thursday. This is kinda nice guys. I’m starting to come around to the idea. #ifeelthebern
Someone burn down the foundry?
It’s hard to burn something down that’s perpetually on fire.
Challenge Accepted!
Leave a drain valve open down at the Ole’ O2 Concentration Building?
Or sometimes, oxygen.
No, they lost the 90’s dance club mix CD.
I know, isn’t it great? I’ve been sitting around the house since the end of September, and I may be sitting around for the next month or so depending on how quickly I recover from my op. Dogs seem to be enjoying having me around the house all the time. Wife, not so much…
#metoo I scored 2 consecutive days off (I’ve been working 6 day weeks for almost a year) so I celebrated by firing wifey and the kids out of the house, blasting Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History – King Of Kings, and Getting Steaming Mad At Dirt™ with a rental Rug Doctor. Our carpets look really, really good.
I understand your situation. From 2005-2012 I worked six days a week about 46 weeks out of the year. Two of those years I was going to school on top of that. A two day weekend was like a vacation.
You do overnights, right? I’m in at 9pm and out at 6:30 so wifey can go to work and I can get the kids off to school. These hours seemed much better when I was single and tending bar on Bourbon St.
Ruination and despair
Saudi Arabia’s apparent killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi — and the Trump administration’s haphazard response — is an unmistakable sign that U.S. foreign policy has swung too far away from its roots in promoting American values abroad. Readjusting President Trump’s “America First” ideology to include the promotion of democratic values is needed to prevent gross human-rights violations such as this, and to win the greater struggle against the expansion of authoritarian influence worldwide.
To understand how U.S. policy failed in the Khashoggi case, we must grasp the larger context. MBS is following Putin’s foreign policy script: concentrating power, bullying neighbors, killing critics abroad and pushing the limits of aggression to test whether the world will push back.
“What we are seeing is a sort of Putinization of world order,” said Vance Serchuk, adjunct senior fellow at the Center for a New American Security. “Techniques the Russians pioneered and that went either unchallenged or appeared to be successful, others are now imitating.”
Oh, please, tell me more about the world inside your head. I find it fascinating.
That’s some serious mythology about American foreign policy, but I guess it will sell with the rubes.
Ask the Vietnamese, the Iraqis, the Afghans, and plenty of others what they think of American value promoting foreign policy. If anything, Trump is more reluctant to get us into new conflicts than his predecessors and the Putin tie in? Give me a break.
saudi arabia promoted terror for the last i dunno 50 years. one journalist gets killed and suddenly it is an issue.
Bingo. NOW the Saudis are the devil? All the people they’ve killed over the years didn’t do it, but this one guy does because he wrote for the Washington Post?
and the Trump administration’s haphazard response
Waiting for more evidence before casting a judgement instead of jumping to a conclusion that could jeopardize relations with a country that we are generally friendly with is haphazard?
“What we are seeing is a sort of Putinization of world order,”
What we are seeing is the unhinged, delusional rantings of an insane person.
If our sanctions if SA meant we don’t support their wars, I’d be fine with that. Let’s not get worked up about this.
“an unmistakable sign that U.S. foreign policy has swung too far away from its roots in promoting American values abroad.”
The bombings will continue until freedom improves.
Look, eventually every citizen of the world will be free to gambol through the crater-pocked wasteland. We just need a few more bombs. Why do you hate freedom, Lach?
::waves tiny American flag::
This part is about as where my agreement lies. I’d like a shift back to Washington’s Foreign Policy, but what do I know?
is about as much as*
I don’t think that’s what they have in mind.
I know they don’t. But a guy can dream, eh?
Roots, like no entangling foreign alliances?
Totally the same
President Donald Trump praised Montana Republican Rep. Greg Gianforte for assaulting a reporter during his campaign last May, saying “any guy who can do a body slam … he’s my guy” and made a gesture mimicking a body slam.
At a Montana rally Thursday night, Trump admitted, “I shouldn’t say this,” but continued and said, “there’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”
The comment comes at the same time as the administration responds to the disappearance and apparent murder of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul.
Guardian US editor John Mulholland condemned Trump’s joke in a statement.
“The President of the United States tonight applauded the assault on an American journalist who works for the Guardian. To celebrate an attack on a journalist who was simply doing his job is an attack on the First Amendment by someone who has taken an oath to defend it,” Mulholland said. “In the aftermath of the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, it runs the risk of inviting other assaults on journalists both here and across the world where they often face far greater threats. We hope decent people will denounce these comments and that the President will see fit to apologize for them.”
Uh huh. Obnoxious limey shithead yapping and nipping at his heels for weeks finally tipped Gianforte over. I admire the guy’s restraint.
But don’t let that bother you. Gianforte would have had that reporter’s head lopped off if he could have.
Hitler: Feminist?
The Nazis in skirts: how was performing military tasks the Germans on the Eastern front
After realizing the collapse of the theory of the blitzkrieg against the Soviet Union, Hitler had to reconsider their Patriarchal attitude towards woman’s place in society.
The grammar in that passage turned me into a Nazi.
To be fair….There is no way that that author is a native English speaker.
I just assumed that was something run through Google Translate.
My guess, too.
Unpopular Opinion:
For all the evil, I guarantee that fucking a Nazi would have been a lot of fun. Think about all the (good!) intersectional aspects:
Fervor. Gotta have that fervor.
Doctrine: Women are encouraged, rewarded and expected to pump out as many kids as possible. They gave medals out to women for prodigious birth rates.
Tom Arnold was exaggerating.
Who would have though that hitting ‘tab’ would post my unfinished post. Anyway.
Hotness: German girls are hot.
Freikörperkultur: No prudishness here.
Physicality: Gymnastics were taught to everyone.
Personal weakness: I found German girls’ style in 2008 when I studied there to be mystically and overwhelmingly attractive.
Fun fact: I’ve only had sex with one Korean girl (In before “BOYS ARE ANOTHER MATTER! HeeHEE!) and it was in Germany.
“I’ve only had sex with one Korean girl”
Not a fan of the sideways vagina?
+1 Ilsa, the She-Wolf of the SS
Evan porn
Safe For Work
“After realizing the collapse of the theory of the blitzkrieg against the Soviet Union”
I wouldn’t say Blitzkrieg was a failure as a theory. It was important to move fast to prevent the Soviets from mobilizing. I think the issue on the Eastern front was the failure to put more focus on getting to Baku.
There were many failures in Barbarossa, but the military tactics were not them. The stupidity of German racial policies which alienated Stalin-hating populations within conquered Soviet territory, that was a failure. The delaying of the start of the operation from May to mid-June was a failure. The overly optimistic goals were a failure. The decision to attack on all fronts rather that focus on the south, where the Ukraine had grain and the Caucasus had desperately needed oil, was a failure. Etc, etc,
Speaking of hawt Nazi girls
Nicole from The Man in the High Castle is pretty hot.
*Spoiler alert*
And with Laura Mennell.. yum!
aw yeah
From that CNN thing:
In a new line for the campaign, he said “Democrats create mobs. Republicans create jobs.”
I like it.
Short and catchy. That’s actually a weapon-grade slogan.
Rock solid sloganeering.
*orders MAGA hat*
Religious freedom in the Kavanaugh era
Oh my God, they might restore freedom of association!
The horror, the horror…
Kavanaugh was never asked his opinion of Smith.
You were too busy leveling baseless rape accusations against him.
overrides the social good of preventing discrimination.
Discrimination is unavoidable and to try to prevent it violates freedom of association and, in this case, private property and self-ownership.
In all seriousness I think the point of the Bill of Rights is to answer that question firmly and permanently in favor of the employer’s exercise of his or her (or their) First Amendment rights. Social good cannot be used as a justification to make an end-run around fundamental rights protected by the Constitution. You’d be on stronger ground positing the question as to whether the employee’s 1A rights are infringed, in my opinion, although I’d argue that bending rules to accommodate religious practices in a work setting doesn’t follow from the 1A’s prohibition against the government curtailing speech, free association, or establishing a state religion. Even from a practical standpoint most states require that employees are given breaks during the course of a work day, and there’s no reason those breaks couldn’t be used for prayer.
Personally, I would have no problem with an employee taking time out of the day for prayer or whatever religious practices (or anything else, really) they wanted to perform provided that it didn’t disrupt the work environment or interfere with their ability to accomplish the duties they were hired to perform. But again, we run into the difference between my choosing to accommodate something versus the state forcing me to accommodate something.
I would argue that the government mandating accomodation is beyond its remit under the 1st.
We’ve had Muslims in my plant who’ve asked to stop working and pray at the prescribed times. We told them no, they could pray on our scheduled breaks. They complied.
Huh. Maybe the system should have been designed for Congress to be making the bargains and for the court to be putting the veto on the bargains that don’t pass congressional muster. That’d be crazy.
Donna Shalala, who has been in Miami since she left the Clinton administration and should really know better, sets up a campaign event with Castro-supporting Congress nut Barbara Lee. Hilarity ensues.
It is astonishing to me that anyone who has ever spent more than an hour in Miami, let alone a number of years, doesn’t know better than to feature a Fidel admirer at a campaign event.
I have a sense of deja vu about this.
You are not alone, young Padawan.
Just because I said it yesterday doesn’t make it any less valid today, crankypants.
I laughed my ass off at that. How out-of-touch do you have to be to think that that would be a winning strat? Did she not remember the parades and parties people threw by Versailles?
Cuban version of an Irish Wake?
It was a massive city-wide party. I’ve never seen anything like it.
I gathered as much from context, I was offering an explaination of how one might misconstrue it.
I was at the U when she was the president. She sucked then and she sucks now.
I honestly assumed she was dead.
Pelosi talking nice about the Constitution as if she does not wipe her ass with it on the daily….
I’ll see your woke 8 year old and raise you a woke 4 year old. Bonus points for heat being brought by…..Kirstie Alley??
OMG, I did a legit spit-take when I read that. That’s the funniest thing I’m going to see for a month!
I know, nobody wants to go to Manchester.
Can we change Manwiches to Tranwiches?
And manual transmissions to trans trannys
Kirstie ain’t got time for your shit.
“you fucking morons”
legit LOL
I like the handle/pic combo
So what was the backstory on why the historical figure’s sedition charge was applicable? I think I missed it.
“Luther Baldwin”
Dammit, I missed something again. Does this have anything to do with pegging?
Sure, let’s go with that.
Uh, guys, a “Sloppy Joe” and a “Sloppy Jane” are two completely different things. I promise you don’t want them mixed up and you certainly do not want one of them coming out of a can.
The fact that it’s a warning from SugarFree means I’m _definitely_ not googling “sloppy jane”
Good advice.
Kleenex’s respons should have meen to keep the name the same and offer an even bigger “Feminist Tear Mop” size.
To all and especially admins—-I’m going to submit a new travel piece. How many pictures is too much? I think that right now I’m at 22 and I don’t know how to whittle it down.
A 2-parter could be an option but I’m scratching my head thinking of how I could possibly divide them and still tell a coherent account.
Perhaps you can experiment with the gallery functionality within WordPress. I saw it in the post editing widow, but didn’t have a reason to test it.
More pictures the better!!
::flips through pron magazine::
wait… magazine? Made out of paper? They still make those?
I thought they were supposed to be metal or plastic. Are the paper ones disposable or something?
Hey now. I’m old enough to remember the days when porn was on paper or magnetic tape.
Punch cards were a big step forward in porn tech
When my grandfather passed I found a decent 16mm projector and a bunch of (really tame by modern standards) dirty movies in one of his closets.
If it is mostly pics, we can try to make the gallery function work, or the text can be presented primarily as captions to the images.
It’s at 2000 words….
I’ll play around with it—I might be able to do the city/market/monument section as something separate than the scenery?
But the scenery is likely by far what people will want to see.
Dividing it up won’t be that bad, you just put the images in between paragraphs, rather than wrapping text around them. Shoot me an email if you are having problems setting it up.
It is a grave irony of life that the reproductive act and the act of elimination are so similar. Perhaps by design and not so ironic after all.
Big, small, fake, real, we’ve got em all in here!
Hell of a spread today
What’s going on there in 23?
That aside, so many bad lip jobs in that batch.
9, 10, 32, 86, 100. I request to die by SNOO-SNOO at their hands.
Sweet Jesus, 25 is amazing!
Dear Hillary, STFU
And yet, there was Mrs. Clinton, in an Oct. 9 interview with CNN, sharing her take on the need for Democrats to — as Michelle Obama might have put it — go low with today’s Republicans. As Mrs. Clinton sees it, “You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about.”
She is hardly alone in this assessment. It’s safe to say that a vast majority of Democrats feel that President Trump and his congressional accomplices need to be reined in — and preferably hogtied — to halt their flagrant assault on democratic norms and institutions.
But there are also plenty of Americans, including many of the independents and swing voters the Democrats are working so hard to woo in this cycle, who feel queasy about the depths to which public discourse has sunk and are not eager for an arms race of unpleasantness. Having Mrs. Clinton proclaim political civility dead until her team wins again is unlikely to prove an inspirational message for these voters.
It is, however, extremely likely to electrify the Republican base, in whose collective lizard brain Mrs. Clinton still looms large — the ultimate boogeyman to be invoked whenever a Republican politician is having trouble exciting his constituents, or when a Supreme Court hopeful needs to shore up his endangered nomination. For a G.O.P. desperate to get its voters to the polls on Nov. 6, what could be more welcome than “Crooked Hillary” jumping in to inflame partisan passions?
Those dopey old lizard-brained white people wouldn’t know a highly qualified candidate if she bit them on the leg. Hillary is still wonderful, she just needs to lay low until the blue wave can sweep her into the Oval Office. And ixnay on Ewinsky-Lay.
“It is, however, extremely likely to electrify the Republican base, in whose collective lizard brain Mrs. Clinton still looms large”
Feature not bug
The Democrats still don’t understand that they started all of this by calling anyone who disagreed with them on policy positions a racist.
Now they’re not just racist, they’re misogynist, homophobic, transphobic, white-privileged shitlords.
This isn’t going to go the way they think it will.
according to the Left, everyone is inflicted with some base level of implicit racial bias which privileges Caucasians and Asians.. oh and Indians too.. and let’s not forget white Hispanics.
I remember the first time I heard about implicit racial bias in one of my undergraduate psychology courses in Senior year. I thought it was just a cruel and stupid joke, but these guys are for real about it.
“Implicit racial bias” is crimethink, pure and simple.
It’s not even that. It’s psuedoscientific claptrap to make people automatically guilty of crimethink.
What both of you all said. That was probably one of the final straws that broke my back and convinced me to stop and not go any further into psychology (I wanted to be a clinical psychologist going into college). I don’t know how they couldn’t see that these theories and claptrap are psychologically damaging.
The Democrats have embraced social justice as fundamental to their platform, and that shit doesn’t work unless you believe in thoughtcrime and class/ethnic guilt. They’ve become the party of superficial judgement and bigotry. If you want to hate those stupid, gun-toting rednecks or those greedy, bougie shitlords with their big, expensive SUVs and big McMansions, or those ignorant Bible-thumping hicks, that’s where you go. Well, that shit percolates up through the management, and now you’ve got the people in charge of strategy looking at the American electorate as divided between people like themselves and big fat stupid racist idiots, and they just don’t understand why, given the choice, anyone would choose to be a big fat stupid idiot when they can be a Progressive ally of the LGBTQ and POC communities who is aware of and appropriately guilty about their privilege.
It’s been discussed at length here, bit their ideology bears more resemblance to a religion or a cult than a political philosophy. Aside from the execrable stance on human nature, this religion has no mechanism by which those tainted with Original Sin (white cis-hetero people) can ever attain redemption. You are eternally condemned for simply being born. It’s basically like Hell on Earth; which is ironic since that’s how things usually end up when they’re in charge.
It’s a complete system with priests, orders, and castes. Not to mention predestination and election.
They’ve moved on from those that disagree just being bigots; those that disagree are now subhuman vermin in need of extermination.
Keep in mind that the article has a focus on civility, right before the NYT pivots to calling a substantial portion of the country lizard brains.
So, the libertarians should stop being civil?
To others or each other?
Either? Both? I mean, is there a political party that doesn’t want to destroy what we stand for?
I keep hearing from IRL lefty colleagues and all that about this same thing. I still ask in my brain, “Since when did y’all ever take the high road in your quest for eternal and almighty power?”
The lack of self-awareness is something to behold.
Every election we need to be told there is a large undecided swath of voters that only care about how polite the candidates are.
to halt their flagrant assault on democratic norms and institutions.
Who is it that can’t accept the results of the election and committing political violence?
and is*
I might be mistaken, but I recall that little quip being a conservative talking point from long ago.
So just to be clear – No holds barred, until Team Blue is in charge. Then, the day after that election happens, immediate calls for civility in discourse so that the group out of power can’t go no holds barrred.
Got it.
Not a fan of her bikini pic there, but the one with her in the lawn chair and hot pants was pretty oof.
No matter how annoying she is, I’d still put it in her butt.
Given the size of that posterior: it probably wouldn’t reach anything important.
You must learn to enjoy the journey.
Spread the cheeks with the Jaws of Life.
Fess up. You’ve got a t-shirt with that printed on it, don’t ya?
Posted before, but I do have this shirt.
I will wear it out amongst the normies every once in a while just to catalog their reactions.
It’s like this LGBT shirt:
That’s fantastic.
Some of the comments… OMG
I wore this (this shirt is SFW, but other shirts on this site are not) one day at a festival and had several people ask for pictures of it. The lesbian I was hanging out with didn’t twig to what the shirt said until the end of the day.
I have no idea who this is:
Another talent-less void they’re trying to make famous.
She seems nice. My congrats to her surgeon.
Holy shit she’s had a lot of work done. When I see people like that I feel really bad for them. It doesn’t look like she was burnt horribly or in some kind of an accident. That was all elective. What void in her life is she trying to fill? Is her self-esteem still going to be that low when she’s 60 and the work is showing?
Her friend Kim is now worth $350MM, with no discernible talent. The void she’s trying to fill is the one in her bank account.
I’d put it her butt too.
The Vegas shooting was 1 year ago – and everything about it is still fishy as hell.
I don’t tend towards the tinfoil-hat side of things but, yes, it seems way too quiet. They’re memory-holing that as fast as they can (along with the name ” James T. Hodgkinson”).
The media’s complete lack of curiosity is rather odd.
The media has shown more curiosity about whether or not Kavanaugh tried to force himself on a girl in high school than the details involved in a horrific mass shooting that was recorded by multiple cameras.
Someone should start a rumor that he once called the cops on his black paperboy.
It’s only odd if you consider the media to be an impartial investigative journalistic body. It makes perfect sense if you assume that the facts of this case would reflect poorly on the Left. Then they have every reason to bury it since they are essentially the propaganda arm of the NPC-DNC.
Yeah, I’m just wondering what it is about the case that makes the left look bad.
“FBI sting gone bad” would be something that the proles needn’t know about.
That would be my guess.
While watching REO Speedwagon on the Mandalay Beach Wednesday night, I looked up and was like, yup, we are sitting ducks.
Apparently they are still doing 100 shows per year. I guess if you are having fun, its a good thing to still being doing in your 60s and 70s.
I was at a wedding reception at the Mandalay Bay six days after the shooting and one floor below. The strip was hopping as usual, but the Mandalay Bay and surroundings were a ghosttown. It was strange. I spent the evening looking at fields of fire out the window.
TW: MoJo
i’m not going to bother to link to the article b/c it’s typical MoJo.
but here’s the first sentence:
You hear it almost every time: This is the most important election of our lives.
and here’s the last sentence:
This validation of Trump in some ways would be more consequential than the election of Trump—and set up the 2020 contest as the next most important election of our lifetime.
Getting coffee this morning, I bought lottery tickets which is something I never do. If I win a $billion, I’ll know a complete economic and civilization collapse is imminent and spend it all on guns and ammo, seeds, and a hideout in the boonies.
Why stop there? Buy your own island and turn it into a heavily fortified citadel.
This place was for sale a while back.
It was $750M, however you could easily make that back by turning it into a shelter for drug trafficking.
Already tried. Uncle Sam will still get you in the end.
But then you’re on a pile of concrete and steel in the middle of the North Sea. Turn it into a drug trafficking hub and the UK/France/whomever will quickly be”forced” to mount a “humanitarian” mission that involves a bunch of heavily armed, scary dudes appearing in the middle of the night.
There are nicer islands available, albeit with the double-edged sword of sovereignty.
Oh, yes. Yes, yes, yes. Hell, I’d be happy with just the boathouse
My plan for any significant windfall was thusly: 1: Cheer 2: Don’t tell a damn soul who knows me personally. 3: Get an accountant to see about minimizing the tax hit. 4: Organize a set-aside for an ongoing revenue stream to cover the bills that I can’t disrupt by being stupid. 5: See what’s left over before making plans for buying anything.
My list is the same except move #2-5 down one and insert this after #1:
2. Get drunk AF on shooters of the most expensive Scotch I can find.
If at all possible (varies by state), my step 1 would be ‘contact lawyer, setup LLC to transfer ticket to and claim winnings’.
Well, really step zero is “don’t tell anyone, yet”.
I love that one of the pictures on the Mass Lottery site is a lawyer and accountant of the trust that ‘won’ the prize.
If the accountant says get a lawyer and set up a trust, that would become part of the process. I know so little about keeping government mitts off of large sums that I need the expert advice.
You can just hire someone like Mellon Wealth Management (my brother worked for them for a spell, long ago). The other large financial firms have similar “private banking” arms.
They can pretty much handle it all, if you want them to, down to paying your bills for you.
With someone smaller, the risk-reward of absconding with your money is much greater. You’d still be a pretty big fish to Mellon, but not so much there’d be any reason to rip you off.
Good to know… I would definitely diversify my portfolio and also have a few million in gold, guns, and ammo. And my army of armed rollerskating apes.
Or gold guns and ammo.*
*Yes, gold would be a less than ideal substance for a firearm.
I suppose they wouldn’t be too thrown by a call from the blue saying “I’m holding a winning lottery ticket, and I want to make sure I don’t go broke again.”
Yep, they’re totally ready to handle that sort of thing. “Congratulations. Now, when can you come in and get started?”
At first I was thinking “it’s none of your damn business.” But as I think of it more, setting up a trust is a perfect way to protect an insider who “won” by some illegal means.
Of course my #1 answer is that governments shouldn’t be in the gambling business, but what do I know?
Fucking state here won’t allow that and requires person to be named and shamed. Local lottery winner did it we’ll i thought. First went to the lawyer, then accountant, then waited a while to claim it once everything was set.
I’d hold on to it a bit until some other prize or news obscured interest. Wear a shirt and hat with anti lottery messaging, and cooperate with their publicity and journalists as little as legally possible. Scowling face for the photos and Coolidge level answers.
1. Faint dead away.
2. Wake up, have a drink.
3. Hire an accountant to handle the money.
4. Hire an accountant to monitor the first accountant.
5. Invest enough money to live well off of interest and dividends.
6. Set aside money for trust funds for kids–enough to get by without working, but not like lap of luxury type shit.
7. Buy an enormous amount of land.
8. Have compound built on said amount of land.
9. Establish Kingdom of Bill.
That’s a to-do list one must admire.
Might be having another daughter, in which case #10 might be “Establish King Lear style succession policy, but have a surprise twist where I just split the kingdom evenly and then get murdered by my enraged daughters.”
I considered “Acquire pack of rescue dogs to roam the grounds and provide security” but then I thought about having to deal with an entire pack of dogs that would all want to sleep in the bed, get into the trash, crap in the house because they can’t be bothered to go outside, etc., and decided that’s not how I want to spend my reign.
1. Built 20ft concrete and razor wire wall around my property, complete with turrets and video monitoring.
2. Enjoy the privacy.
3. I dunno
Motion tracking turrets are coming down in price. They sell them as ‘motion tracking cameras’ but none of them come out and say “Do Not Mount a Squad Automatic Weapon on Camera” so I just assume they know their customers are going to mount SAWs on them.
Given time and money, I have no doubt that I could I could build automatic tracking, rail mounted trebuchets with little problems.
Ummmm at level of money I’m willing to sell you some Reptilian Overlord gear
Any planet killing gear?
I bought a few tickets too – ::crosses fingers::
That’s so much money I would have a hard time spending it; but lord knows I would put a good effort into it.
Trust me, nobody ever has a hard time spending more money. No matter how much money you have, you can always have and spend more. Instead of wanting a nice $40 million G6 model, you now will want a full blow 787 Air Farce One.
Set up a trust
Hide the wife and kids
Expand the business
Build a fortress in the US and Costa Rica
I forgot
Change all my phone numbers
Hire a chauffeur to shuttle the kids around so the wife doesn’t have to
Hire a mercenary to watch the chauffeur
Hire mercenaries to watch the accountant
Hire more mercenaries to watch the other mercenaries
Go broke MC Hammer style
Outside of financial management, the only two people I’d think of hiring would be a chef to make sure I stop eating too much and a personal trainer to yell at me until I exercise properly. These would only be part-time positions.
And a food taster
No, I plan to set it up so that nobody gets a windfall if I keel over.
Leave it all to your tiger (everyone should do the Scarface move and buy one).
Meh, the rich people laugh at you for not just getting plastic surgery. It’s totes nouveau riche shit to actually work to lose weight brah!
What do I care about their opinions?
Rodney Dangerfield’s character in that “Back to School” movie proudly salutes you!
i would pull a Brewster’s Millions and buy up all the rare stamps and then use them at Christmas time on stupid generic Christmas cards.
+1 inverted jenny
The lottery is just another tax. The stupid tax.
Sorry drake.
It’s not a tax on stupid, it’s a sale of hope, albeit an iota.
1. Why I almost never play.
2. The odds of winning PowerBall is 1 in 292 million. With a payout over a $Billion (before taxes), that’s actually not bad odds.
Is that the one that’s getting up there this time?
Looks like it’s MegaMillions. Don’t ask me what the difference is.
The few times I’ve played those things I usually get not a single matched number.
I believe the odds on MM are slightly lower than PB.
No, gugle seyz they changed their formula and it went from 259M to 302M.
The last time the jackpot got over a billion, I remember there being an article talking about the tickets being worth more then face value (because of the odds of winning the grand prize, and all the other prizes). Which means the perfectly rational investors best play was to liquidate everything and buy lottery tickets. This is why the perfectly rational investor is a myth (although I seem to remember someone trying to crowdsource funds because they followed this strategy and lost).
Expected value doesn’t take risk profile into account very well. A 50% chance at making $4 from a $2 investment isn’t the same as a 1/292M chance at making $584M from a $2 investment. Both are roughly $0 expected value.
Expected value breaks down around all-or-nothing propositions and existential risk. When the expected value doesn’t look like any of the modes of outcome, and when you don’t have big numbers play with, EV isn’t a good tool for decision making.
Don’t pretend it’s rational, and don’t deride the people who like the little injection of optimism. People who blow all their money on tickets, sure deride them. But we all know we’ve wasted far more money on frivolities of equally negligable value.
I drink vodka for medicinal purposes.
Snake bites and depression, ammirite?
I don’t know anything about any snakes.
The rational investor must be able to liquidate $302M and buy every combination to be rational.
Would it even be possible to conduct that transaction in the time between drawings?
Double that number.. They’re $2 each ticket
When I win I am taking it to Vegas, and doubling down on black to increase my winnings…
Would a casino even take that bet?
No, there’s a cap on how much you can bet.
Meant to be a new thread. Oops.
Hmm, I don’t play the lottery, but I’d make a good lottery winner.
1) Move to WI. Buy land. Build woodworking shop and metalworking shop.
2) Set up small private school for my kids and about a dozen other kids. Hire two teachers, and split the work load between the three of us. Develop a Neo-Natural Philosophy curriculum that is modeled on old-school liberal arts sensibilities but uses modern math/science/engineering/economics focused subject matter (I refused to say STEM). Aim to produce 18 year old graduates that can enter the work force as entry level technical or analytical workers.
3) Attend Marquette or WI school of law. Graduate with worst grade possible with a diploma. Take advantage of WI’s Diploma Privilege.
4) Become test case for all sorts of stupid regulations.
Journalists are so lazy. I still can’t find an article reporting evidence that this was a real ad. They all cite this tweet:
This is supposedly who paid for the ad: https://www.blackamericansmaga.org/
Of course it’s a racist ad produced by those racist black Trump supporters
“Vernon Robinson, the PAC’s co-founder and treasurer, said the ad has been running in Little Rock. He said the ad is part of a $50,000 buy that includes a similar spot running on stations in Missouri, where Republican Josh Hawley is trying to unseat Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill. The group had not coordinated the ad with Hill or spoken to his campaign about it, Robinson said.”
I’m in arkansas and I haven’t heard it. That being said, the message isn’t wrong.
He’s an icky male shitlord so he had to go obvi.
I think I hate all parties involved.
Twice in two months, President Trump has gone to Montana and praised that state’s congressman for assaulting a reporter.
The president celebrating physical violence against a journalist would be notable enough in a vacuum. But it comes during a week in which there is international outrage against the probable killing of another journalist, Jamal Khashoggi.
Trump said in a “60 Minutes” interview that aired last Sunday that there would be “something really terrible and disgusting about” the slaying of a reporter. But otherwise, he has been going out of his way to give Saudi Arabia’s leaders the benefit of the doubt about Khashoggi’s disappearance — even parroting Saudi Arabia’s defense before it was publicly aired. The scenario is raising questions not only about Trump’s deference for strongmen and potential business ties with Saudi Arabia but his antipathy and even antagonism toward journalists.
Meanwhile, Trump’s allies in the House and conservative media are trying to smear Khashoggi as having ties to terrorists in an apparent effort to insulate the president from criticism that he’s not standing up more firmly to the Saudis.
Trump seems aware of the impact his divisive words against journalists carry — and he uses them anyway. He frequently calls the press “the enemy of the people.” His White House press secretary refused to condemn Trump supporters’ profanity directed at CNN’s Jim Acosta at a recent rally.
Trump is the worst of the worst. He’s worse than Torquemada. Worse than Hitler.
Democracy dies in delusion.
for assaulting a reporter
Is that what really happened? I don’t recall.
conservative media are trying to smear Khashoggi as having ties to terrorists
I have not seen/heard this anywhere.
He frequently calls the press “the enemy of the people.”
Perhaps the press should stop lying and propagandizing.
I have seen some conservatives point out that Khashoggi was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, defended it in the press a few times, and supported Hamas. This is actually just true though.
The more interesting fact is that he traveled with Osama Bin Laden in the past to write stories on him. Apparently he urged Osama not to be as extermist, but nevertheless it’s interesting.
The politician plead guilty to it and had to perform community service
I think its been said the journalist is a muslim brotherhood which is not necessarily a terrorist
I’m having a tough time keeping up with the spin on this Khashoggi thing. So, after decades of presidents/administrations kissing filthy, corrupt Saudi ass, the press finally takes notice of potential filthiness. The president says, “whoa, let’s wait and sift through what happened. If it turns out they did something rotten, there will be consequences.” Is this one of those “norms” that the president is breaking? I thought he was supposed to be the impulsive, unhinged one.
Coddling SA has been a “norm” for a lonnnnng time.
Doz Canadians are so polite, eh?
RCMP reminds Nova Scotians to lock their doors after pair enter wrong home, clean it
A complete breakdown of civilization
Apparently today is International Gin & Tonic Day. Too bad I’m out of tonic.
So, instead of malaria-fighting quinine to cover the taste of the gin, you’re stuck with the flavor of twigs?
It’s also Evaluate Your Life Day. Coincidence?
That looks like the dude who killed John Wick’s dog.
*runs diagnostic*
I’m alive. That is good.
/end evaluation.
And Tanqueray brought back the Malacca expression again. Just picked up a bottle last night.
Twitter gem of the day:
David Burge
18h18 hours ago
Retweeted Washingtonian
It’s like Golden Corral, but for assholes David Burge added,
The new Whole Foods in Navy Yard features a build-your-own avocado toast station and a pour-your-own wine bar.
https://www.washingtonian.com/2018/10/18/whole-foods-opens-in-navy-yard-with-self-serve-wine-avocado-toast/ …
209 replies 1,724 retweets 7,003 likes
Reply 209 Retweet 1.7K Like 7.0K Direct message
*slow clap*
I still don’t get this avocado toast thing – it’s just slices of avocado on toast?
It’s not as if these people went to culinary school. It’s all they know how to cook.
It’s so much more.
That looks like “breakfast” after a really, really bad night out.
If you don’t get it, it’s not for you.
What the hell is wrong with these people?
You mean?
Avocados are good. Especially on a sandwich with sriracha. You dont have to be a spy boy to appreciate one suthen. It’s okay.
I can only take avocado in some sort of mashed form, and atop a taco or something similar. Chunk form is… off-putting.
What’s with the chunky hate? You were forced to bang some chick with some serious cottage cheese cellulite or something?
I don’t like thoughtless little pigs. They have insulted me for the last time.
Hell, even squirrels wont eat them. They eat the pit and throw the fruit on the ground.
Not food for humans.
I have an avocado tree in my yard. Sometimes I’ll just cut one into slices and eat the whole thing. They’re delicious!
Are we talking about the same piece of inedible green?
This perfectly sums up the insanity, stupidity and tragedy of identity politics/affirmative action.
“It is not difficult to imagine that the members of the hiring committee might have thought Warren would help with their public relations problem—or at least buy them some time[…]The Boston Globe reports that Warren’s claim to Native American heritage never came up in faculty deliberations. But, of course, it didn’t have to. At that point, her purported ethnicity was a matter of record[…]Once Warren joined the faculty, Harvard touted her minority status in order to burnish its diversity credentials, listing Warren as a minority in internal documents and compliance reports and telling the Harvard Crimson that the law school had a Native American female on the faculty.”
Thus turning the whole process into a comedy of masturbatory virtue signaling. These policies have nothing to do with assisting “underprivileged” people; if they did, they’d be recruiting impoverished white people in Appalachia with the same fervor that they pursue racial minorities. It’s all about parading around “PoC” as token stand-ins for how woke the institution is.
Identity politics is a cancer that has to be excised whole.
Identity politics is socially acceptable bigotry, nothing more nothing less. This Era will go down in history as a time of retaliatory bigotry.
College kids 100 years from now will wonder how we could be so damned backwards as to believe that racism would solve racism and sexism would solve sexism.
It’s marxism 101… divide and conquer.
at some point, i have to assume, alumni will be turned off enough by this insanity and stop donating.
“In fact, preference beneficiaries are often so ill-prepared for the universities to which they are admitted that they flee economics and the more demanding sciences for those humanities classes where grievance offers an alluring succor and even an academic major. If administrators hoped to advance minority students or to encourage minorities in STEM subjects, this would seem counterproductive. But the point of these efforts, Mac Donald argues, is for administrators to “flatter their own egos, so that they can gaze upon their ‘diverse’ realm and bask in their noblesse oblige.”
Under the diversity mantle, college administrators have mangled every aspect of universities from hiring processes to disciplinary proceedings to curricula in the humanities and even in the sciences. (An introductory chemistry course at Berkeley has as its stated primary goal “to disrupt ‘the racialized and gendered construct of scientific brilliance,’ which defines ‘good science’ as getting all the right answers. The course maintains instead that ‘all students are scientifically brilliant.’”) From this mayhem, the diversity administrators are conveniently poised to gain the most: Nearly every diversity failure is “remedied” by hiring more diversity enforcers, further feathering these sinecures. The sheer number of these officers is staggering: UC Davis alone has 28 diversity departments, covering every conceivable racial, sexual, and gender identity.”
“UC Davis alone has 28 diversity departments, covering every conceivable racial, sexual, and gender identity.”
The writer is underestimating their imaginative capacity.
Right? This could easily go into the hundreds.
I observed the law school hiring scene right around the time she got hired by Harvard. It was absolutely a quota-driven aff-ac shitshow. I was told to my face to not even bother applying for a vacancy I was well qualified for, because they were going to hire a woman, preferably a minority.
Its believable that her “minority” status wasn’t even discussed because it went without saying that a marginally qualified minority woman was going to get the job. Warren was in the legal academy when she applied, she knew the massive advantage a minority woman would have. The reasons she gives for claiming it are obvious lies – “I wanted to meet people”, something like that, when in fact she never responded to invitations from Native American organizations.
Quota-filling is the only explanation possible for the fact that once she got the job and Harvard made its announcements, she suddenly stopped being a minority.
I does annoy me, though, that the article goes out of its way to say what a wonderful professor she is, as if the fact that she got the job through some bizarre combination of fraud and collusion really don’t reflect badly on her, or something.
I does annoy me, though, that the article goes out of its way to say what a wonderful professor she is, as if the fact that she got the job through some bizarre combination of fraud and collusion really don’t reflect badly on her, or something.
I have her bankruptcy law textbook laying around here somewhere. When the proggy bankruptcy judge teaching the course starts off with “this textbook is waaaaay more progressive than me, but it’s the least worst bankruptcy book out there”, you know you’re getting a treat.
Here’s a headline I never thought I’d read.
You were hoping it would be Barbra Bush?
“In which Congressman @JoaquinCastrotx casually asserts that Jared Kushner may have ORDERED THE MURDER of a @washingtonpost journalist and provides the citation equivalent of “people are saying.””
Joaquin is the brother of the former mayor of San Antonio Julian Castro who is likely running in 2020.
This is some kind of satire, right?
Pretty much.
This might actually be an apple:
“Twitter has suspended accounts that appeared to be setting out to smear missing journalist Jamal Khashoggi”
This guy really has instant saint status, doesn’t he? The power of a WaPo byline is amazing.
It’s also Twitter in general:
“Twitter has locked the LifeSiteNews’ account over an article from over 4 years ago. Twitter: Severely punish conservative news outlet for posting article 4 years ago on STDs in the LGBT community. Also Twitter: Does nothing when Louis Farrakhan calls Jews “termites.” Got it.”
To be safe, Twitter should probably just ban everyone who uses Twitter.
from what i gather, he was an anti-Kurd Islamist. going to have to say: not our fight
It’s way past time to drop the buddy-buddy relationship with SA. For the life of me, since fracking has essentially made the US energy independent, I don’t understand the continued need to be so cozy with them. We already have an ally in the region with Israel; a place that doesn’t routinely fund terrorism and Shariah-compliant madrassas through back channels. Fuck SA.
billions in arms sales.
Because our European NATO allies still rely on middle east oil.
The lottery is just another tax. The stupid tax.
Exactly. The dumber you are, the more you pay.
There is no cannibalism in the Royal Navy:
“Texas Dems under investigation after sending voting applications with citizenship box pre-checked to non-citizens”
What’s the recourse for this? The Party gets fined? The chairman goes to jail?
“We had to do something to counter Republican cheating*”
*Which I’m sure happens. I’m tired of the good vs. evil bullshit from the two parties.
I can’t help but think that if the government was significantly smaller and less intrusive, then every election wouldn’t be THE MOST IMPORTANT EVAH! and people wouldn’t freak out so much.
Silly me daydreaming again.
Who would then pay for my Obama phone?
You have a PhD, don’t you. Surely you know the line about the viciousness of academic fights.
I’m listening to that Montana Speech Trump gave where he talked about his hair, so I can grab some audio. He did have one great line.
I have to admit, the guy has charisma when he isn’t being totally nuts.
That’s a bumper sticker right there.
So is Rhywun permanently Luther Baldwin now?
So is Rhy an Alien or is he Seditious?
A seditious alien, I guess.
Dunno. I just wanted to see if it worked.
He’s still Tulpa. Just like all of us.
It’s སྤྲུལ་པ་ all the way down.
#insert metajoke about handle name being best known for wishing to launch a projectile up the backside of another man.
“The Left never wants to compromise unless they’re losing. When they’re winning, they remind us that “elections have consequences.”[…]What exactly is a “moderate” today? Compared to four or five decades ago, today’s “center” has moved so far to the left that a moderate is likely more liberal than yesterday’s Democrat. We can’t afford to compromise the principles of free markets and limited government with people who neither appreciate nor understand the reasons or purposes for them. We must defeat their tactics as well their ideology, not compromise with them.”
Couldn’t have said it any better myself.
When they win, they remind everyone that elections have consequences. when they lose elections, they demand bipartisanship, which means they get their way. There is some quote about flipping a coin and winning and/or losing that applies.
Check out the balls on this mongoose:
Rikki Tikki Tavi lives on.
Lol. That’s awsome.
This is the first time in recent memory that we don’t have a mid day article.
Contributors need to get their shit together.
They fucking think it is a Friday or something?
Hey, I have several pending articles already submitted.
They just haven’t been approved or scheduled.
I have one pending an admin could throw up quick to satiate the masses if need be.
Looks like there’s one by Animal that was scheduled for 11. Hm, maybe it’s in the wrong timezone and will drop in a few minutes?
It’s there now.
No shit. What do we pay them for?
I feel safer, already.
Untraceable 3D-printed guns may soon be traceable.
In a paper published earlier this week, a team of researchers said they had discovered a way to trace 3D-printed objects back to the 3D printers that made them. The team’s identification system, dubbed “PrinTracker,” uses patterns that are etched onto the surface of a 3D-printed object to identify the printer that made it.
“Two human beings can write the same thing, but they’ll have different handwriting,” Wenyao Xu, a computer science professor at the University at Buffalo, New York, and the lead author of the paper, said during a phone interview. “It’s the same concept for [tracking] 3D printers.”
Xu and his team came up with the idea after hearing about Cody Wilson, the man at the center of a legal battle over 3D-printed guns. Wilson had offered downloadable plans for 3D-printed guns, prompting a lawsuit by 19 states, in part because the guns might prove untraceable.
Xu hopes 3D printers will be fingerprinted before they’re sold so that law enforcement can track the objects they print, if that’s necessary.
“I think [the] 3D printer is a revolutionary invention,” Xu said. “So security and forensics will be very important.”
How easily are the terrorists’ plans to flood the world with single shot toy gunz thwarted.
It’s like these idiots don’t know that it’s perfectly legal to make your own untraceable steel guns, you’re just not allowed to sell them.
I’d not be surprised if they thought it was illegal to make your own gun, period.
And remember to be polite
A former Montana Republican Party chairman suggested this week that supporters of President Trump should bring their guns to an upcoming rally with the president in case of violent protests.
Will Deschamps Sr. wrote in a Facebook post Tuesday that some Republicans at the event scheduled for Thursday in Missoula will have guns and “know how to use them.”
“For all the prospective attendees to the Trump event. Come early. Also all you protesters, show up as well. This is a concealed and open carry state and we know how to use em,” Deschamps wrote earlier this week.
A representative of the Secret Service was unavailable for comment.
This is a great campaign idea…
Throwing trillions of dollars at the poor has totally not been tried before.
Most expensive war ever was the war on poverty, and for some reason the people pissing the money away say we need more money cause we have more poor people that need free shit…
Since Kamala ain’t actually running this cycle, it sounds like a real good idea.
Oh wait, that sounds almost exactly like the EITC, just more. Give income taxes to people who don’t really pay any income taxes.
Something about robbing Peter to pay Paul; you can count on Paul’s support.
It reads to me as being scared shitless of losing their core “loser” vote.
I think I may have over-spiced my meat.
I put habaneros & more cheese on top of a bacon cheeseburger and topped it with ghost pepper salsa.
Wait until it is time for it to come out the other end…
Yeah, that’ll hurt twice.
Shouldn’t be an issue.
It did a good job clearing out my sinuses.
“I think I may have over-spiced my meat”
Always wear a condom.
i almost missed hockey Tuesday night b/c i had half a pound of jalapeno hummus for lunch on Monday. i was afraid i wouldn’t get off the ice and get my pants down in time before having a lava blowout.
So purging voters that have been inactive for years is suppression? Learn something everyday.
Why not? According to California, asking about citizenship on census forms (which is supposedly about enumerating citizens) is discriminatory. Yet all sorts of intrusive questions unrelated to enumeration are perfectly ok.
That’s because those are the right questions to help the right people, but people that want to know if you are a citizen usually are the ones that frown upon lawbreakers that are here (especially when they are sucking at the government’s teat)…
I haven’t lived in or voted in Florida for almost 15 years, and I still get absentee ballots in the mail. It’s ridiculous.
working link (for now, I guess)
There’s a stolen base in this story. There were over 107,000 names purged from the voter rolls. Whether those names correspond to people who are alive and eligible to vote is another question. Also, from what I’ve read, people can’t be turned away from the polls in Federal elections. They must be given provisional ballots instead, told that their ballots are provisional, and informed how they can ensure their ballots get counted if they are in fact eligible voters.
The reason the provisional ballot aspect is important is because it should be trivial for a reporter to find someone who was turned away from the polls. Yet those stories never materialize. While it would be more difficult to find people given provisional ballots, that’s still not that difficult.
I volunteered at a polling place in the 2014 election, got maybe 3 people with provisional ballots. All because they didn’t update their address after moving across county lines. One phone call to the county, and your vote gets converted when your address is updated.
In some cases, the number of provisional ballots could exceed the margin of victory. However, as you say, it’s not that hard to get your vote counted, and it’s also not that hard to get a real ballot in the first place (keep you records up to date with the elections office), barring mistakes or malfeasance on the part of the state/county.
In high school I was told that if you don’t vote for x number of consecutive elections they consider you to be dead or to have moved so they remove your name. But this is back when we voted on clay tablets and so it’s probably out of date.
Of course now you can register to vote by mail, so the ballot comes to an address in perpetuity and anyone can mail it in, keeping the name active.
Yeah, I get voting materials every year even though I haven’t voted in ten years or at my current address.