Hi everyone. I’m mailing it in today as I go from one meeting to another. Forgive me if you posted these somewhere.
Boston sports team complaining about cheating? The irony, the irony.
Its always nice to see the next town over from me in the news. Florida Woman, wins the day.
Amazing how fast the cops solved this mystery of the Missing Doughnut Van.
Good-bye Big Bird. You are a creepy, creepy puppet.
Hey, the Red Sox only knew about the guy because the Indians warned them. It’s been all over the Cleveland news today.
Now, as is tradition, some theme music.
Oh, retiring. I thought the evul Rethuglicans had finally killed Big Bird.
Big Bird had to leave Sesame Street because global warming has made the climate uninhabitable.
I thought it was due to him being yellow which was triggering since people don’t like being called cowards?
Another position Asians can’t get.
What are you talking about? You remember the documentary where Big Bird goes back to his homeland?
Yeah, it’s ostritch of the truth to say the Big Bird puppet has been killed off, they’ll just get someone else into the costume.
Technically, he stopped being the puppeteer years ago, They just need someone to parrot his voice.
I’m surprised he lasted as long as he did, since he only took the job on a lark.
But they called him a loon since the kids always had to crane their heads to watch him perform.
But they kept him on since he always swallows
Plus, he has great tits.
Nonetheless, the show could either take a tern for the worse or, hopefully, for the better.
They’ve got a replacement lined up…
Okay, I’mma try this again:
The Supreme Court will hear a case that could decide whether Facebook, Twitter can censor users.
Of course they can, they just then become publishers and hold some liability for the content on their site.
I predict the SC will not issue a broad ruling that directly affects the social media companies.
Having said that, they all need to decide if they are sophisticated bulletin boards. If the former then they deserve all sorts of legal protections. If the latter then they get First Amendment protections. No more and no less.
Hi everyone. I’m mailing it in today
submitted without comment
I really enjoyed last night’s game. Not just because the Red Soc beat the cheating Astros.
Joe Buck called an incredible game. I don’t remember one bad call from him behind the plate. The first game the ump was all over the place.
You mean, Joe West I take it? Which is astonishing.
And a Sawx fan complaining about cheating? HAH! Guess you’ve forgotten about that IPad thing, huh?
Joe West would be a good umpire if he didn’t try antagonizing people for squawking once in a while. One of the best umpires in my league gets jeers from the dugouts every once in a while and he never chirps back. I asked him about that once and he said “That’s baseball!”
But Jowl West thinks his shit doesn’t stink.
It doesn’t compared to the first couple of guys who really stunk.
I ain’t been watching de beisbol this year, but Joe Buck is turrable.
Can all Baseball fans agree that Manny Machado is a total douche choade.
He’s on the same team as Yasiel Puig and Justin Turner, so he’ll have to take a number.
Puig yes, Turner I don’t have any ill will for. Puig turns me into my fucking grandpa.
They had the biggest asshole in the NL and traded for the biggest asshole in the AL.
Columbine-style shooting took place in Crimea
Nineteen people were killed and 54 were injured in a gun and bomb rampage at a school in Crimea today.
The link.
But this is the only country where these things happen!
There’s a Crimea in the US?
Тлетворное влияние американской культуры в действии.
He’s going to interfere in our elections!
It’s so obvious! His avatar is a bear!
Hey! It’s an American bear. From Alaska. Though some might call it Russian America.
Whats Russian for Reconquista?
I don’t think such a term exists. But here’s a relevant song that used to be very popular in the ’90s.
The refrain can be roughly translated as follows:
Interestingly, the verb “to reconquer” comes from a different root: отвоевать.
Yeah. That’s horrible.
Shotgun – lots of bloody wounds.
God damn Trump and his genocides!
*checks map*
Wow, that dude had a hell of a roundtrip to Indiana.
“Crimean politicians blamed nationalists”
Of course they did.
How come no one mentioned legal weed in Canada? Is this the libertarian moment? I can’t have plastic bags, straws or guns and I have a carbon tax and the gov wants a zero-emissions economy but weed, immigrants and ass-sex!
In the news you can use category:
Can visiting Americans bring pot back from Canada?
Short answer: Sure, if you don’t get caught.
“Trump says he’ll probably back marijuana protections bill
Experts say Trump’s backing of legal marijuana could go a long way toward advancing the cannabis business and attracting investors.”
Sessions haz sadz.
That’s mostly why he’s doing it.
Descheduling it might kill Jeffy. Go for it, Donald.
Trailer Park Boys did this in Season 7 already.
It’s Canada. No one cares.
Maybe they figure that if you’re high, you won’t care as much about all the other liberty you’re giving up.
How does that work into the libertarian calculus?
The one that uses “Brave New World” as a model for libertopia.
So Reason, Cato and Niskanen?
The first two aren’t great, but they’re no where near Niskanen level progs.
You integrate over Mexican’s ass curve.
That’s in my link downthread.
+1 Soma
Party at Rufus’ place!!1!
I would have to burn the place down afterward. Or is it afterwards?
It’s before.
Why not during?
Apparently, there are no wrong answers.
So no more Taco Tuesdays north of the border?
The government does NOT want a zero emissions economy.
The government wants to monetize all your emissions.
So Taco Tuesdays are gonna be expensive.
RE: Florida Woman.
So she ate broken glass? Is there a second part of the story in which she died in the ER after doctors tried to stop the internal bleeding?
Did you look at her picture? That’s probably not the worst thing she ate today.
I have no idea who this chick is, but she sure sounds like a peach.
“She explained that she believes men like the one she encountered near Capitol Hill are fragile and feel threatened[…]’They feel vulnerable because women are becoming more powerful, so they want to put us in our place to let us know we’re weak and we’re feeble and we’re emotional,’ she said. ‘Why do we need to be controlled? Why are we so dangerous'”
Gee, I dunno. Perhaps it’s because you’re advocating for police-state style tactics and want to upend centuries of due process rights in lieu of MUH FEELZ.
“How dare you write #MeTooFraud on a placard?”
Your tolerant left in action, folks.
You’re just a straight white man who wants to protect his privilege/ Doherty
Did you mean to post that here?
What do you mean you don’t get it?
Blowjobs, dude.
It’s called a casting couch
Because there was only one person in this event.
Isn’t she English? Why is she meddling in our politics?
Delightful, the way she points out the reasons she didn’t assault him: (1) He is bigger and stronger and (2) it would be a tactical mistake. Not because its wrong to assault people you disagree with (sorry, but the “which is obviously very bad” is completely negated by the next couple of sentences).
She’s the aggressively plain girl that is being put in every damn movie, it seems.
I don’t get it.
My insult or her popularity?
her popularity.
Casting couch
She’s just attractive enough that men can’t really call her ugly, but not so attractive that women find her a threat.
She plays Queen Elizabeth in The Crown. Has anyone seen pix of younger Queen Elizabeth? Talk about average.
I gotta say, he is not the one who comes off sounding weak and fragile in this story
Senior FinCen employee arrested and charged with illegal leaks of SARs in connection with Manafort investigation.
Could do 10 years.
Her defense, hilariously, is that she is a whistleblower and she gave the documents to a reporter for safekeeping. They also caught her with a thumb drive full of SARs (as an aside, a competent IT security departments will disable your system from allowing thumb drives if you deal with sensitive/confidential info) and what sure sounds like a burner phone with the reporter’s number and 300 text messages on it.
Assuming that they are allowed to, yes. There are always exceptions for “important” people, however.
There are always exceptions for “important” people, however.
In no universe would she qualify. She may be “senior-level”, but trust me,*cough* I know who gets those exemptions, and she wouldn’t get one.
Kindly turn your head when you cough.
So what happened to Brian Doherty? He seemed to be a rather doctrinaire libertarian but how can he gloss over the very anti-individualist and anti-free market tendencies of the SjWs in favor of the “Weed, Mexicans and Ass-Sex will deliver us the Libertarian Moment!” spiel?
“Be nicer to the socialists” is a new thing for…reasons.
“Not every socialist is Stalin!”
Yeah, neither was Chavez. Or Castro. Shit, Stalin wasn’t Stalin when he was a moderate technocrat who wanted to prioritize development of USSR’s economy over permanent, world-wide revolution!
I still can’t get over the Koch-funded site agitating for people who think Koch Bros are Trump-loving mega-Hitlers.
The Kochs are deluded into thinking that if they attack Trump and rightwing culture warriors then the Progs will not hate them?
I think they are afraid of an actual progressive takeover and are trying to pre-emptively curry favor with the left – oblivious to how well appeasement has worked in the past. Shorter answer: TDS
Fucking anarchists always fucking everything up.
And still no John Titor.
Did he take a left turn at Timmins, Ontario?
He’s in your neck of the woods, elevatin’ his social status.
Too cool for us.
Well, the GlibFit post was rendered obsolete pretty quickly, and now we know why: Brett hates puppets.
I’m young enough to have watched the show but old enough to remember when Snufflupagus (sp?) was Big Bird’s ‘imaginary’ friend.
I watched it on PBS, long before it moved to HBO. And also remember when Snuffy was imaginary.
Wait? When did he become real?
According to Wikipedia, around 1985, which appears to be about the same time that Elmo became a main character. Coincidence? I THINK NOT!
Big Bird is a crackhead and Snuffy’s is his dealer/occasional lover.
I thought Snuffy was a hallucination from the crack.
Their couplings were to the refrains of an Atlanta Rhythm Section song.
Don’t forget pimp, Snuffy is also BB’s pimp.
Meanwhile, Cleveland of all places is getting travel guides written up about it. Maybe we’re more civilized here in fly over country then San Francisco.
“Maybe we’re more civilized here in fly over country then San Francisco”
I think New Delhi is more civilized than SF at this point.
There’s probably a similar level of human feces in the street as well.
Hey! We don’t shit in the streets here, we have Starbucks for that.
I meant Frisco and New Delhi.
I figured, but now that I’m in a civilized city (hold the beer coozy with pinky out), I felt I had to defend it.
I have heard You Rock, so there’s that,
Don’t act so surprised. Cleveland has always been the place to visit.
I already know what that’s going to be.
Honey-skinned beauties waiting to make you say “ai Mami!”
14 and 26… now that’s how you do THICC. 21 wins the titty award.
14, BRB………………….
Lots of talent there. 25 wins, obviously.
18 also bringing some thiccness.
25 has moxie. But I’ll take 28 and 37. BRB.
“Realtor, 32, who blocked her black neighbor from entering his luxury condo and called 911 DENIES she is racist and claims she was only concerned for her safety
A white woman who was filmed blocking a black man from entering the St. Louis loft building where they live has denied that she is racist and says she was concerned for her safety.
Hilary Brooke Thornton, 32, was fired from her job as a realtor after footage of her confronting D’Arreion Toles at their luxury condo building in Missouri City went viral.”
I’m going to take a wild guess that if they were both the same color, it never would have went viral, and she wouldn’t have been fired.
I thought we were supposed to #believewomen? I had a noose all ready to go.
Or, if it was a white dude trying to get in, and she was a P.O.C.
When I was in college, I lived with 3 sorority girls one year in the upstairs of townhouse (no no, nothing like that, my sister and her friends). The street we lived on bordered a predominately black ghetto with sky high crime, murders, legit sexual assaults, the whole nine yards. Gentrification and all that.
One of my sister’s friends called the police one day because she saw an older black dude in his 60s dressed like a homeless rummaging in the basement storage area. Turned it out the dad of a new downstairs tenant and he was dressed like a hobo because he was wearing moving clothes.
Downstairs neighbors were furious. Really pissed at her, and leveled all sorts of racism accusations which weren’t fair to her as she wasn’t racist in the slightest. I couldn’t blame her though. Crime was a constant concern and there wasn’t anyone over 30 living in the town house. I would have talked to the guy before the calling the cops, just as I’ve always done with a suspected trespasser, but I wouldn’t expect a 19 year old girl all alone in the house to do so.
I’d rather be wrong and called a racist than get raped/murdered.
Wow, so unwoke.
So… threesomes, but no foursomes. Got it.
She could still hold the camera.
I agree, that’d be terrible.
Get a professional to do the camera work, you can let your sister hold the boom mike.
It’ll turn out so much better.
Uh, phrasing?
Hey, she could still participate, more than enough things she can do with the other girls that would not count as incest with you
My son’s apartment-mate is a stripper. I don’t know whether I should worry or give him a high five.
More like the left or right?
“I lived with 3 sorority girls one year in the upstairs of townhouse (no no, nothing like that, my sister and her friends).”
I don’t see the issue. Isn’t this a normal arrangement on Pornhub?
It sounds like he was “tailgating” to get in the building. At work we regularly receive emails warning of people doing this, and telling us to check IDs if someone is trying it. I don’t think she necessarily did anything wrong. All he had to do was swipe his key to prove that he lived there.
The building I’m currently working out of has a policy of not holding the door open for anyone coming into the building (unless you see them hit their badge against the scanner) specifically to prevent tailgating.
We’ve addressed that problem by having around 50% of our badge scanners inoperable at any given time.
All of the scanners here are hidden. Generally on the back sides of pillars or walls that you walk past. So you have to reach behind you to scan in, or turn away from the door. Knowing where the scanners are alone shows you’re probably supposed to be able to get in. One day I walked out a different door to meet with someone, and couldn’t find the scanner to let me back in. I shamefully had to ask the security desk where it was.
Same. One time some woman – an obvious visitor (she had her luggage with her) – tried to tailgate behind me into the side entrance. I didn’t hold the door open for her like I was not supposed to, and she pitched a fit.
From then on IDGAF who comes in, I’m not putting up with that shit.
She felt unsafe, but she physically blocked him and then followed him to his door?
Usually, when I feel unsafe I exit the situation with a hand near a weapon.
I was ready to be more sympathetic until I saw that. She’s lying. She didn’t feel unsafe at all.
Dad, sounds like you had some real dickheads as neighbors. Anyone should understand that a young woman alone in a townhouse who sees someone she doesn’t recognize in the building she lives in might well call the police. I would think its understandable. I get that black folk might be a little sensitive about it, but fer fuck’s sake.
Dad, sounds like you had some real dickheads as neighbors
Yep, I went out drinking with one of them and was told I’d been ‘jewed’ when the bartender poured my beer half full. Apparently, their sense of righteous indignation for perceived slights only applied to certain classes. Not that I should have been surprised.
Yeah, never knowing if Judge Dredd is going to answer the call has something to do with that.
I don’t think I’ll ever forgive the Redskins for bringing Alex Smith and his retarded legion of fanboys into the fold.
But did you know he never throws picks? And really, isn’t that the most important thing? Not throwing picks is just as good as throwing TDs, right?
Serious question are they just reflexively sucking his cock because they just want to move on from the Cousins saga or is there something more sinister a foot? I have half a mind to believe that the Redskins pr people themselves have sock accounts with how stupid some of the takes the last couple weeks have been. The beat reporters have all bought into the “Alex Smith wins games” company line I assume for access purposes they don’t want to totally trash the guy. The level of retconning Kirk Cousins time here when it was just last year he was starting has been astonishing. I don’t even think we watch the same sport as some of these retards.
Alex Smith is by all accounts simply a wonderful dude, and he is fantastic in the film room, the whiteboard, the practice field. He looked great in training camp, he’s always been a pros pro in all respects. He’s just not actually very good at playing QB unless everything is lined up perfectly and schemed around his many many weaknesses. But don’t overlook the Good Dude aspect when it comes to the beat reporters, and the whole QB WINZ thing.
Jay Cutler was a thoroughly mediocre starting QB. When you look at his numbers and his tape, he’s firmly on that Flacco/Eli tier. But he never got hot in January or had a team around him that could give him that little extra boost. Plus hes an enormous dick. So Cutler gets forced out, but the Giants take a RB at 2 overall because Eli is such a great dude and we want him to ride off with a chip.
It’s a people based business, and people can be blinded by personal attachment.
Yeah…that part of the story doesn’t pass muster. If she thought he was a rapey murder zombie trying to get into the building, why did she stand there and block his path instead of take note of his description and discretely call the police?
Her side of the story.
Christ, what a basic bitch. I could smell the pumpkin spice from here.
Is this future of Reason?
I think Tonio hit the nail on the head. “Mainstream” “libertarian” outlets like Reason, Cato, etc. are just trying to be eaten last by the tiger. There’s also some pathetic, doomed strategy of trying to get “soft socialists” that are turned off by prog violence to join up. Nothing works quite as well as tossing your principles the instant you decide they became inconvenient for your electoral strategy.
NB: You need an avatar pic. The default is a white male, which is obviously racist and sexist. You need to change it to something intersectional as penance.
Considering how that includes the likes of Trump and Peterson and Reason hates them too…
The premises of the first issue declared as its goal to become ‘’trumpet of the liberal democratic bourgeoisie’’.
That wouldn’t work for Reason, since they seem to be increasingly on the side opposed to bourgeois values.
They are certainly BoBos…
From the side-bar of the Big Bird story
Retired “Call of Duty” pro gamer Douglas Martin, who goes by the moniker “Censor,” has revealed in an emotional YouTube video the real reason he broke up with Yanet Garcia, dubbed the “world’s hottest weathergirl.”
Martin claims their relationship started to break down over money after Garcia demanded a percentage of his earnings due to the fans she brought to his YouTube channel. The final straw came when he proposed making a video of himself buying a car for her.
Why is that emotional? He dumped a gold-digger. Good for him.
I can’t think of any reason I’d be broken up
does Google Image Search
…honestly, I’m not sure. When she doesn’t look like she’s 13, she’s emitting the praying mantis vibe.
“World’s Hottest Weathergirl” is Fake News, 100%.
One of our weatherchicks, very milfy, who I think Q would have appreciated, disappeared from the “news” team recently. They’ve got a dude doing weather now.
I changed the local news channel I watch.
More of a whitebread milf. Keep going, I’ll let you know if you stumble across her.
Sadly, even though I watched a couple of times a week for years, I am blanking on her name – for some reason my memory has substituted “Gretchen Carlson” for it.
Here’s my weatherchick.
She just looks like another skinny, fake-titty Instagram model to me. Honestly, give her a run-up and she’s a 7, maybe? Plus, she’s kickin’ off a serious thot vibe.
Garcia demanded a percentage of his earnings due to the fans she brought to his YouTube channel
Hell with that. He got out just in time.
As they say, no matter how hot she is, somewhere there’s a man who’s sick of her shit.
“and she looks like a woman with a lot of somebodys, somewhere”
A professional video-game player is getting gold dug by a television personality? My career path turns out to have been so naive and dated.
Wait, he’s retired from video gaming. Too many concussions? I wonder what the pension plan is like.
Ozzy Man’s opinion on her
Hungary ends funding for gender studies programs, calling them ‘an ideology’
The rare occasion I say we follow the lead of a European country.
Hungary, along with a few other Eastern countries, is about the only one left in Europe that isn’t completely cucked (sorry for the term, but I can’t think of anything better).
How much of the “illiberal democracy” stuff is legit?
Also I think being left to the mercies of the Nazis and Communists colors their attitude toward the “liberal world order”.
The Slavs don’t seem to take too kindly to that nonsense for some reason, plus Italy.
I’m totally loving Hungary.
When the dust settles, we’re gonna look back and view Hungary and other countries like it as nations who saved Europe from itself.
Of course, France will disagree.
Even the rise of totally legit antisemitism over there?
Okay. I’m not totally digging them.
Isn’t that on the rise in a few European countries?
Yes, but in Hungary’s case, we can’t blame the Muslims.
It’s as if you don’t believe Europe learns from its own history.
Loving Hungary is totally fine. What’s cringeworthy is when an AA employee at the JFK airport told my Hungarian partner how much she loved Viktor Orban. A decade earlier we actually drove to NYC so that he could vote in the Hungarian elections mostly against Orban’s party (Fidesz). That was the last election that Fidesz lost.
Is there a libertarian-esque party in Hungary or is the concept totally alien?
I don’t know, but being Europe, I assume that anything even centrist is alien to them.
I haven’t been following the Hungarian politics very closely. Back then he voted for the Alliance of Free Democrats, which was probably the most “liberal” (in European terms) party in the race.
You can’t make this shit up.
As opposed to the actual Hispanic guy he’s running against.
L O fucking L.
that can’t be real.
There was a similar kerfuffle over a white guy and the Congressional Black Caucus. Its interesting the way they say the purpose of these racial caucuses is to serve the people they represent, but when a white guy is representing those exact same people, he’s not allowed in. Its not a caucus for people who represent blacks or hispanics, its a caucus for people who are black or hispanic.
It was Stephan Cohen who tried to join. He won in a 60% black district and thought he would help his constituents by being part of the CBC.
He backed down after they made it clear the CBC clubhouse didn’t have any water fountains that he could use.
Yet private clubs can’t discriminate on the basis of protected characteristics such as race or national origin. Totes ok for Congresscritters to do so with a government supported club.
Guessing Sensei might get a kick outta this piece. Very interesting.
I dig Omega watches, though it’s too bad they’re part of the Swatch borg.
Funny and informative, Thanks.
Thanks. The Omega lore about the “moon watches” is huge in watch nerd circles.
Omega went through multiple movements with the Speedmaster. Last I remember they are all NASA certified for space use, but the one you buy today has completely different movement than the one on the moon. OTH, the current guts have likely done EVA on shuttle and space station missions.
Most folk don’t know they are manual wind – you’ve got to wind it up every day.
Okay, so I successfully cracked my cheap Timex Indiglo and changed the battery. Now I can’t get the back back on. Is there a trick to this?
Use a bigger hammer.
Snap on back? (The jokes just write themselves…)
You just need to put one side of the back into the case and press the other side. But sometimes that can be tricky,
My Timex had screws so I can’t help unfortunately.
I’m offline and off to Japanese class. I’ll be back on the train and checking Glibs at 8:45 Eastern.
Try the BlendTec4000 ?
I know I keep linking this crap, but I find it amusing.
A direct descendant of Pocahontas, the famed 17th-century Powhatan princess, is calling on Sen. Elizabeth Warren to apologize for wrongly claiming to be Native American — just for political gain.
Debbie White Dove Porreco, appearing on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” on Tuesday, derided the Massachusetts Democrat after Warren released results of a DNA test that showed she had between 1.5% and .09% Native American blood.
“It did prove that she wasn’t the Cherokee Indian that she was claiming to be for so long,” Porreco said. “I think she’s guilty of claiming she’s an American Indian but has no proof — and then [is] using it for applications for college and for political reasons.”
“She needs to … apologize to everybody for what she has done,” Porreco said, adding that Native Americans “feel betrayed, they feel disappointed.”
The last two paragraphs lost me completely.
I was hoping for comments. “Fuck off, slaver”.
To hell with Big Bird. Who’s gonna stick their hand up trshmnstr’s ass from now on?
The famed puppeteer who’s been playing Big Bird and Oscar the Grouch on “Sesame Street” since its debut in 1969 will leave the show this week.
Evidently you missed the earlier link about ‘pegging’.
But Im gonna guess…..Mrs. Trashmonster
Don’t knock it till you try it.
Moment of honesty here, I actually have no idea what pegging is. I missed the original talk about it and have been nodding and smiling awkwardly whenever you guys bring it up.
I actually have no idea what pegging is
*grabs popcorn, pulls chair up to computer*
You are going to be so excited when Mike learns what it is and shrugs his shoulders and says “Oh, you mean Minot style, why didn’t you just say so?”
DOH! s/excited/disappointed/g
Woh Just beat me to it by a few seconds
Great minds think alike.
So do ours.
Do not google it.
Unless you’re into that kind of thing.
If you really want to know, realize it was coined by the same guy who popularized santorum having a second meaning.
OK. Apparently this bit of education will have to wait until I get home tonight. I’ll be sure to have an open beer and a finger or two of whisky at hand.
Make sure your wife is with you. Might give her ideas.
Just remember – Glibs Do NOT Have your best interests at heart.
Coincidentally she can substitute a finger or two if she doesn’t have the tools available…
Might need to stop by the store on the way first…
^This. No bottles, ever. Be careful about other “found objects.”
Start with one finger, Mike. Relax, use lot’s of lube and go slow.
/half serious, half not
I eagerly await the after-action report of you googling that.
Safer for work?
Urban Dictionary is firewalled. Or child-locked or whatever you want to call it.
Euphemistically, it’s the simulation of a gay act using a woman in the penetrative role.
From LJW’s comment above, I kinda figured. Well, good. Now that I know, I have time to go to the brewery tonight and fill a growler.
I can see how many would think it’s an intrinsically gay act. It certainly is an act associated with teh gays, and for good and necessary reason. There are a lot of guys who claim to be perfectly straight who enjoy the act. It stimulates the f*** out of your prostate, and in a really good way if you’re into that.
Cultural reference, it’s how Deadpool and Vanessa celebrate International Women’s Day.
I gave you a link to a cribbage tutorial just last night.
And I’ve been pegging the shit outta that thing! Thanks again, by the way. I have the basics down, just need to practice. Downloaded a cribbage app for my phone for in the shitter, too.
You have a dedicated shitter phone?
Phones don’t belong in the bathroom. But would you really want the same phone with you outside the bathroom?
You don’t? Savage.
Somehow I’ve managed to master the art of not wiping my ass with my phone, the book I’m reading, or any other object I might carry into the shitter with me. So I really don’t freak out about having things with me when I TCB.
Phones don’t belong in the bathroom.
Uffda. What nonsense are you spouting now UCS? I wouldn’t give up my ToiletPaper app on my smart phone for anything! No way I could go back to using actual toilet paper like some rube luddite.
Hype; let me rephrase: Also downloaded a cribbage app for my phone, for killing time when I’m in the shitter.
UCS; just get a pair of bathroom phone driving gloves and you’ll be fine.
Jimbo; That’s what the shells are for, you idiot!
So have you ever played Battleship? You know the pegs that you stick in the board to show where you have and have not shot? It’s kind of like that.
Now imagine you are playing Battleship with your wife/girlfriend only there are a few differences…
She is the only one who gets to shoot
She gets to shoot as often and for as long as she wants
The pegs are actually a strap on dildo
The holes in the board are your anus
There may or may not be a “battleship” (or possibly destroyer or even PT boat depending on how genetically blessed you were in the genetic lottery) that she may or may not sink at some point in the process.
That is Pegging for you
Now THIS is how you explain something prurient in a certified-family-friendly way.
They also make strapless dildos.
*clicks on all the links*
Oh, you mean Maple Grove style, why didn’t you just say so?
Big Bird was a big fag.
Which is why you and him were always palling around on TV? You know. Birds of a feather…
I have stories….
I am shocked, SHOCKED, that he’s doing this 3 weeks before the midterms.
Just a straight-shooting G-man, that Mueller. The idea that this report might influence the election would never enter his mind, and if it did, his steely sense of duty would compel him to disregard it.
“Laser beam.”
I doubt that this will sway any voters. I’m fairly certain everyone has their minds made up. Barring any huge scandals, I think most voters know what they’re going to do.
Seems not:
expected to issue findings on core aspects of his Russia probe soon after the November midterm elections
I should probably RTFA occasionally.
There was a reporter on the Federalist podcast, recently, that said it looked like the investigation was wrapping up. It seems he has been shedding staff and passing off investigations to other departments to conclude. The article also said that it’s possible nothing in the report is made public. I can’t even imagine the wailing and calls to burn it all down when nothing comes out of it.
Soon After means there is pretty conclusive evidence that there never was any collusion between the Trump Campaign and Russia at any level
The actual article says he won’t until after the election and that he shouldn’t do anything to influence the election. That may not be true but isn’t what you are alleging.
I see Mr. Simple has posted the same.
He’s still attention whoring the whole thing with these headlines though and putting the investigation back in the news.
Chances that the findings are leaked before the midterms?
Sounds like how you’d break a non-story in a way to make an impact anyway. “Just so you know, before you vote, we’re totally going to have something to say after the vote. It could be INCREDIBLE! Or nothing.”
First I’ve heard about digit ratio influencing sexual preference.
I’ve heard that men with higher 4D:2D ratios (along with higher anogenital ratios) have larger penises, but didn’t know they were linked to orientation.
First you’ve heard of it? Really? That theory is old.
I’ve read all kinds of crap about digit ratio, but yeah, this was the first I heard about it being related to teh gheyz.
Way off topic: over the last five years one outlet after another in my home has gone dead. No circuit breakers are tripped. Anyone know what is happening to the outlets and why?
Crap wiring? Underpants gnomes?
Loose connections? Squirrels chewing your wires?
Shit hardware? Like cheap plug hardware that is corroding?
I think that is very concerning. Electrical shorts can lead to fires, and you could have a house full of electrical shorts. OTOH, ordinarily, I would expect a short to throw the breaker, but I am not an electrician.
If it’s a loose connection, it might not trigger the sort of surge that would trigger a breaker.
Hard short usually should. If it’s leakage or certain types of arcing (without a GFCI or AFCI), an ordinary breaker may not catch it.
I’d get an electrician to figure out what’s happening and fix that. Outlets failing is kind of vague as to a cause. Loosened/detached conductors, rodent chew, faulty hardware, improperly grounded system, incoming power quality, etc.
Do you have aluminum wiring?
Good answer. Somehow aluminum wiring will vibrate enough to drop the connection or make it intermittent.
I forgot to add, is it an older home, last 30 years or so are all done with copper.
IIRC, it’s only where the aluminum directly interfaces with copper. Supposedly if you’re 100% aluminum you’re fine.
Yes it’s the contact/interface problem, when aluminum oxidizes it creates an insulator, which may eventually create an open circuit. But before that happens it can cause a thermal hotspot.
In a residential setting, where wire nuts are common and outlets and switches are typically attached with springs or screws, even aluminum-only wiring can be dangerous. Aluminum expands and contracts more than copper does, due to its higher coefficient of thermal expansion (it also has higher resistivity than copper, but that only matters if the wires aren’t properly sized for the current, which is typically 2 gauges larger than copper). Over time, that can shake wire nuts loose, weaken springs faster, and even wriggle out of screws. Also, older switches and outlets have steel rather than brass terminals which can corrode aluminum.
I may be overstating the expansion case, a little reading shows that the bigger issue is not so much getting out of the connectors as losing the proper amount of surface contact with them, resulting in overheating.
A brief primer on aluminum house wiring.
No. House is roughly 20 years old. All outlets are GFCI.
I see everyone else is a coward, so I’ll just man up and tell you the truth: poltergeist.
There’s a dead chicken in his electrical system?
Chafed’s family enjoys the evening together.
Thank goodness someone will tell me the truth.
Have you pulled of an outlet cover and looked at the outlet and the connections?
“an individualistic mindset leads to the mistrust of large institutions as a whole, but also to the mistrust of one’s neighbors and peers.”
Sounds prudent to me.
My neighbors who throw trash on my lawn? My Peers who actively work against my best interests? Why should I trust these people?
Meant to add – from https://scsh.net/docu/html/man.html
Always makes me laugh. He’s still at NU and, I’m told, enjoyably wacky.
That was fantastic.
I also enjoyed some of the asides in the rest of the manual:
Ahem. That’s NEU.
NU is the one and only Northwestern University.
I don’t see how an individualistic mindset leads to mistrust of your neighbors and peers, at all. An individualistic society and a high-trust society are not mutually exclusive in the slightest.
So, individuals lack ambition. Also, individualism and tribalism are the growing concerns. Is there something between individualism and tribalism that Brooks prefers? I’m guessing it’s subservience to the one true tribe, the collective.
Not sure if anyone posted this yet – but definitely some good points on Saudi Arabia – https://www.nationalreview.com/2018/10/saudi-arabia-jamal-khashoggi-affair-us-government-in-dark/ – it’s seriously bizarre/hilarious how the media outlets are pushing this sooooo hard – (and not necessarily mentioning “press freedom/safety”) – while ignoring all the other groups and numbers of people killed/etc by the Saudi gov’t over the last few years (fewer this year, but still a number of “problematic” cases).
The whole Iran Echochamber going to the mat for this guy – whose last op-ed for WaPo was some kind of apologia for the Muslim Brotherhood going by the title — is making me highly suspicious. I know KSA is also terrible, but this feels too much like we’re being set up for something Qatar/Turkey/Iran want with all the weird hysteria about it. Also, I read that Kashoggi was given a green card by the Obama Admin before he’d even set foot in the US so the dude was probably also some kind of spy/asset, but for us or for someone else? Who knows? it’s all fucking dirty, nobody’s “independent” over there as far as I can tell, and they’re all awful.
We are programmed to look for good guys and bad guys when we read stories. Sometimes the answer is they are all bad guys. People who chop critics into pieces alive = evil. Muslim Brotherhood = also evil.
Yeah, Iran would love it if we had a falling out with the Saudis.
I gotta say, I have no idea where all the very detailed accounts of his torture, dismemberment, murder, being smuggled out in boxes, etc. are coming from. Which makes me very suspicious that we are being fed a bill of goods by somebody.
Is Iran still dealing with a general strike? Or did that end?
Dunno. I seem to recall reading recently that they are still having some pretty significant protests and even a spot of anti-mullah terrorism.
The 6 pm news shows just started – it’s all they are talking about. Hard to take their hyperventilating too seriously. The CIA was shipping people around to different places that practice torture. It was no big deal when an FBI agent decided to plug a witness in the chest 7 times during questioning, why a big deal when the Saudis do it?
I hope Soros is getting his money’s worth.
I find the prosecution of people for politically motivated lawbreaking very encouraging. I’d like to think this is the beginning of a trend.
Another violent leftist. Also totally would.
I bet all she’d want to do it peg you.
Ah shit, never mind. Read zero words of the story and just assumed from your comment that she was the violent one and thought I’d use my new knowledge and…whatever.
All this pegging talk reminds me of this.
Meant to add: Were there no real men in the room? Somebody busts into my meeting, grabs a woman who is screaming to be let go, and says shit like “Adam, there’s only one way you can make this stop,” I’m not standing there watching it happen. As far as I’m concerned, I am into the legal self-defense zone, and I don’t think I am just going to stand there with my thumb in my ass while this goes on for several minutes. A man trying to pin down another person can’t defend himself, and there are many ways to hurt him.
Not only that, this dirtbag was already arrested once for assaulting a Republican’s female press secretary. But apparently it takes more than that to get you fired by Soros.
Not only that, this dirtbag was already arrested once for assaulting a Republican’s female press secretary. But apparently it takes more than that to get you fired by Soros.
Fired? Seems more like a preferred qualification.
“Were there no real men in the room”
Political meeting.
Remember when Rahm Emanuel was Obama’s Chief of Staff? There was an anecdote about him physically intimidating some Congressmen in the locker room of the congressional gym. Apparently he put hands on the guy and and yelled at him or some shit and the guy did nothing.
Rahm Emmanuel is a 5 foot 7, and slim. It;s not exactly like Lyndon Johnson looming over you at 6 foot 4.
So if I went to congress, I’d still be looking down on these people?
I really expected a GOP staffer to have better handwriting.
If only she had waited 36 years to report it…
In his speech, Brooks spoke about the growing trends of individualism and tribalism in the modern United States. He provided four main crises of individualism: loneliness, mistrust of institutions and other people
Yeah. Other people are what made me a radical individualist. I try to keep away from them as much as possible.
And we all appreciate your efforts.
Work on your hygiene.
We were talking about the death of “compromise” earlier today (aka agreeing to give Dems most of what they want).
Local lefty columnist laments partisan fighting and mocks West Virginia for being too partisan. The gist of the story is that the WV legislature (run by the GOP) impeached the entire WV Supreme Court (run by Dems) over the amount of money spent by the justices on their offices. Seems like it has turned into quite the shit show.
Anyhow, my favorite part is that I tried to add a comment to the story about how glad I was I didn’t live in a rube state like WV because the next thing you know the governor will line item veto the budget for the legislature in an attempt to make them come back to the negotiating table to rework deals he had already agreed to (which is exactly what our progressive governor did). My comment is still “awaiting moderation”. But since there are a lot of approved comments after mine, I’m pretty sure my humor was lost on the moderators there.
I find this remark interesting: why is it that the “great engines of modernity” have powered its greatest enemies? Urbanites and universities aren’t exactly big defenders of classical liberalism. Nor has foreign travel lead to a libertarian moment. Commerce has enriched many anti-capitalist artists and businessmen. The Eurocrats and free traders are big statists as well. Wealth has made the welfare state, the surveillance state, the warfare state and the therapeutic state possible along with more taxes, regulations and debt then ever.
Parents Are Divided on Whether It’s OK to Let White Kids Dress as Black Panther for Halloween
Brigitte Vittrup, an early childhood professor at Texas Woman’s University, told the Times:
“As parents, or even as the people creating costumes, we need to be very aware of what that says.
There’s not a whole lot of black superheroes, so this is a really important thing, especially for black kids growing up.”
She added:
“White people have the privilege of not constantly being reminded of their race in the United States, where white is the majority, whereas as a black person you don’t.”
That’s true. Now tell a young black boy that he can’t be Batman for Halloween.
I’m reminded daily that being white makes me a piece of shit.
Well, normally people pay a dominatrix 200 bucks an hour for such a service. So think of it as a deal!
But that young black boy could be Batwing, right?
Boy, that’s an awful lot of stupid stuffed into one sentence.
If I had to go by the demographics of the people I’m usually surrounded by, Indians are the Majority.
Well gosh, who is it that keeps reminding everyone of their race? It couldn’t be the mendacious assholes calling themselves “anti-racist”, could it? No, it can’t be!!
Aren’t these also the same people who are always crowing about the coming tipping point when Whitey won’t be the majority anymore?
I’m sure all these sorts of stories go away after that glorious day.
Isn’t there a slight problem of Hispanics ‘turning white’?
+1 Zimmerman
It happened to the Irish! It could happen to you!
Red Letter Media is on the case.
You know, I think kids generally don’t give a shit about race unless they have some racist and/or SJW parents who indoctrinate them very early on.
I grew up in a neighborhood with wypipo, blacks, Pakistanis, Japanese, and everything else. And we all ran around pretending to be all kinds of superheroes, and nobody gave a crap if the superhero was the same race as them.
“Progressives” need to let their kids have a childhood. Goddamn. Stop indoctrinating them with racial grievance bullshit and dragging them to anti-gun protests.
If I can identify with Hello Kitty…
Overview of Swedish gun laws.
I’m awaiting a century of libertarians complaining about pot laws. I mean libertarians are still complaining about the compromise that ended prohibition 85 years later.
And Ontario repealed prohibition over 90 years ago and it is almost impossible to sell booze outside of a government store.
Same in Idaho. And all the sin taxes.
So weed is becoming legal in Canada but smoking tobacco, drunk driving, drunk sex, plastic bottles, plastic bags, plastic straws, opiates, etc. are increasingly under the gun (so are guns mind you). Is this proof of increasing social tolerance and self-ownership or that people aren’t worried about pot specifically and are fine with banning things they think are actually bad for you?
Tribal loyalties. Pot was on the “goodthinkful” tribe’s collection of issues. They’re not principled.
Libertarian obsession for pot is pretty tribal too as it is based on 1960s-1970s culture wars.
Good-bye Big Bird. You are a creepy, creepy puppet.
*mutters about not being respected while retreating to casa de trashy*
Dude, you still haven’t moved out of the trash can.
Of course no one is going to respect you.
I’m back. Both tags filled. No real trophies, just some good eating bucks. Look for a hunt report in the Glibertarians pages soon.
I’m jealous but the truth is I can barely bring myself to kill anything anymore
Dunno what happened just one day I couldn’t do it
Getting squeamish in my old age I guess
I can still shoot hogs
As a matter of fact wife noticed today I have 1000 rounds of 30-30 and 700 rounds of 375 Win and asked why I need that
“I dunno anymore”
I still keep a Marlin .30-30 in the rack. I’ve had it for almost forty years. It’s my “bail out of the truck and shoot fast” rifle.
Not real unusual to find the loose connection on the circuit breaker end
Not unusual to mis post either. Grumble grumble, but hey I’m old.
I second your choice, I’ll have that in my deer stand in a couple weeks. I rotate rifles every year just to re-famliarize myself with a bolt or an auto loader.
Because, you can never have too much ammo.
Every cat its own rat, as my Grandpa used to say.
Suthen, I hear ya. My appetite for deer hunting diminished for a couple of reasons, I think:
(1) When I lived in southern WI, they had a CWD outbreak due to herd overcrowding. The DNR there basically gave unlimited tags and a longer gun season for does to try to knock the population back. I think I shot six does that year (donated all the meat), but I got kind of sick of it.
(2) Around the same time, a blue tongue outbreak hit my Texas hunting grounds, and killed off 80% or more of the herd. I hunted for 3 years without seeing a shooter, and kind of lost my motivation to keep at it.
That said, I saw a couple of nice mule deer bucks last fall, and felt some of the old excitement again. I can actually hunt not far from my house; I didn’t get tags this year because I missed the deadline, but I am looking forward to scouting a couple of likely spots within a 20 minute walk from my house. So, who knows? Next year I may go deer hunting again.
I was getting slightly bored with deer hunting until JR. Showed up. Now I’m back in the hunt so I can teach him how it’s done. I already have my food plot growing and my stand built on the back of my place. Another week til muzzle loader opens up here and the weather just turned cold.
The backstrapping section is above at #23.
I posted this earlier, but it still gives me a sensible chuckle.
RIP Rick Stein, and your choose-your-own-adventure obituary .
See that mueller releasing findings after election not before
This tells me they have jack shit
His office has proven time and time again that it knows how to leak. So this could be Mueller trying to hold onto the high ground by announcing a post-election release, while “everyone knows” it will be leaked before the election, when it might hurt the Repubs. Mueller’s office is stacked with hardcore partisan Dems, don’t forget.
It’s getting too close to Election Day. If they drop some last minute bomb after trying the same stunt with the Kavanaugh debacle, I don’t see it turning out well for the Dems. That would be a great way to get Repub turnout in the high 80s.
I don’t care
Get the fuck out
The sentence right before your quote stands out: “That’s what Americans learned in the 1930s, as what had remained of the old European order collapsed and the United States refused to step in either to prop it up or to replace it.”
Yeah, it would have been just awesome if the U.S. had propped up all those ailing colonial empires in the 1930s.
Off your meds again, Winston?
All this pegging-talk reminded me of the….Anal Intruder .
“I’m not anti Semite. I’m anti termite”.
For all his warts, Farrakhan sure can turn a phrase.
And he sings Calypso, too!
Jewnight come and me wanna stay home.
whycome I hear Al Sharpton singing back-up ?
GOP ladies need to start carrying. Attacking them should come with a price.
Pretty cool. The guy the article is about has been a good friend of mine since childhood. Hes a hell of a guy. Its not often a friend of mine makes the news for a good reason.
Someone should link this at, oh, the NYT twitter feed and watch the hilarity ensue.
That is totally awesome. Inspiring.
Made my day. Great story, Lach.
Mmm. Pancakes and beer.
If it’s a full bar, I want vodka.
Lemme guess, HM is doing the late links, and all this pegging chat is preparation…….
OT: the letter I just emailed to Nate Silver at 538:
Hi Nate,
I’ve been following your U.S. House predictions chart for a couple of weeks, and
I’m seeing what appears to be a violation of the first rule of teaching math
(used to teach math at a private school): after running a complex calculation,
look at your results and ask yourself if they conform to common sense.
Here’s what I’m seeing: you keep predicting around 35-39 seats picked up by
Democrats, for an solid majority in the House, but if you look at the map and
actually count the number of seats that would flip if the polls were right, it
keeps on coming up around 21-23 seats picked up by the Democrats, every time.
I would strongly suggest running a map showing a “no tossups” graphic for the
“lite chart”, and a straightup count showing results if the election was held at
that instant. For example, 10-17-18 at 7:18 pm, the count is +23 D pickups, 218D
– 217R.
Frankly, based on this metric, I’d say control of the U.S. House will be decided
days after the election, as the last one to three districts that came down to
the wire are resolved via absentee ballots and recounts. It’s likely to be a
coinflip, not a 16.1% chance of Rs holding on as the “classic” chart predicts.
Shorter: the experts seem to be lacking in common sense — confident and likely
wrong is no way to go through life.
If nothing else, it should encourage him to show his assumptions for the 35 – 39 seat pickup by the Dems. Is he assuming tossups will go Dem? Is he assuming/projecting a trend toward the Dems?
I find it interesting that taking current polls at face value, its a dead heat.