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LOL. The Hat seems to be “cap hurt.” Good work.
R seems so real
Neal Peart really needed some quick cash.
Geez, he must have to have pawned 90+ of his kit.
Isn’t that Nyango Star?
If Neal Peart needed some quick cash he could sell of some of his ridiculous gazillion piece kit.
A gang rape!
When SF collates the Hat and Hair stories into a volume he should publish under pen name Donald Trump.
Not bad.
I’m the Rob Liefeld of political cartoons, I never get hands or feet right.
Do you also have insane hair, bizarre proportions and freakish numbers of pouches?
Pouches? Like a marsupial?
Haha. did some quick research. Found a site just bashing his drawing “skills”. I didn’t read the whole thing, but noticed this quote:
But, seriously, pouches.
Pouches like cargo shorts.
I do personally, but not usually my characters.
Nice, although I was hoping for footage of the rescue. The mustache slitting the throats of some Russkies and then the Kremlin being blown up like in Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol.
Huffpost: Sanders Broke Ethics Rules When She Tweeted Photo With Kanye: Watchdog Group Because if anyone in the picture is wearing anything Trump related it is a violation of the Hatch Act to put it on a government Twitter account, apparently.
Those blathering mammal sites must really hate being blown off by the guy in charge…
Also HuffPo
I doubt any non-partisan ethics agency will treat that as a violation of the Hatch Act.
But this is DC so anything goes.
Sanders taunting? Talking shit is now a penalty? How about the Ram knocking the ball out of his arms during it? Boooolshit.
Any idea what CBS Sports’ website is doing to force autoplay even though I’ve got it turned off? Chrome on an Android tablet.
https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/vontaze-burfict-throws-yet-another-elbow-this-time-at-antonio-browns-head/ is the specific page.
Decent piece, CPRM. My forays into animation were limited, but I know how long that takes.
Related, Trump is going to be on 60 Minutes tonight, interviewed by Leslie Stahl.
Is he going to call her a pussy?
I might actually watch if he did that.
I suspect it’s just going to be another hit job where they use editing to make him look as stupid as possible, and then they lick ass of anyone who would say “Clinton should have been elected, because she’s so pure.”
Editing Trump out of context to make him look stupid? Why I never! Wait, I do it all the time…
Homer Simpson knows how that goes, too.
Yeah, and how often have you presented them as news?
Yeah, and how often have you presented that as news?
You can say that again!
If she gets mad he’ll ask her if shes bleeding from her wherever.
Nobody remembers Bush 41 referring to Stahl as a pussy?
Didnt Newt Gingrich’s mom let slip during an interview he thought some congresswoman was a bitch ?
Nevermind….he thought that about Hillary.
Fair cop.
To be fair, everybody thinks that about Hillary.
With they style I do these in and the software I use, I actually spend more time on audio, creating new character assets and writing than the actual animation. Hell, if you provided the audio and character assets I could animate SNP pretty easily.
HM provides the character asses….
I used Photoshop & Premiere Pro, maybe that was the problem.
I use photoshop for the assets, CrazyTalk Animator (which has some preset animations and auto animates/syncs mouth movement but it limited in other things) and edit in Vegas.
And I would like to put another thanks and shoutout to the Glibs who donated money to me to buy the animation software. You are the real heroes! *sheds a tear of pride for our great community here*
This is the first animated version I’ve watched. I’ve always read the Hat in the voice of Donald Duck.
Mr. Magoo for me.
I watched parts of the interview. Openly hostile, passive aggressive, and Trump played into all of it.
Quick question for the knowledgeable posters here, many of whom seem to be familiar with CostCo:
We have a CostCo membership but only have used it a couple of times a year. Today my wife is thinking of going there to pick up a few things, but she’s thinking they may be pretty cleaned out right now, since it’s Sunday afternoon (about 2:15pm here in CA right now), and so might pass and wait for a weekday. Our local supermarkets tend to get all their stock for Saturday morning, so have fairly slim pickings by late on Sunday — is the same true for CostCo? Or are they better at replenishing stock and continuing to get merchandise delivered through the weekends?
I don’t know anything about CostCo, but most food distributors are closed on Sundays.
I have never seen slim pickings in any grocery store here but I don’t live in a communist area. I can’t speak to Costco since we don’t have one close but loved the few I have shopped at with family. Wish we had one close. Playa would be the go to Costco authority in CA.
I go to our local market early every sunday morning. That’s when the trucks arrive and the meat goes on sale. I cant speak to Costco, we dont have one. Every company is different.
I’ve never experienced any shortages at Costco. We often shop there right before closing time on Saturday or Sunday.
/An executive member for the last 7 or 8 years.
Same here. We usually go on Sunday afternoon and have never experienced an issue.
Also if you don’t see a certain cut of meat, you can ask the butcher and they might have some freshly cut. I like the prime sirloin cap steaks but have to ask about 30% of the time.
I don’t know much about CostCo, never been to one. But I know their overnight security is questionable at best.
“Cuomo blames Trump, Republicans for violence by far-right Proud Boys”
Of course, there is no mention of Antifa.
Wasnt it the pricks from Antifa that actually got arrested ?
And started the violence.
Only cuz cops are white supremacists too, can’t you keep up?
You wouldn’t know that from reading the article.
“Cet animal est très méchant,
Quand on l’attaque il se défend.”
Worth keeping in mind that Antifa flies a lot of red hammer and sickle flags. Of course the fucksticks are covering for them.
Never give up your guns. Never.
The voice work is particularly excellent, knowing what your “normal” voice is.
For those who don’t know CPRM personally, the normal voice resembles Mickey Mouse.
It’s true.
Turdeau jr. Is giving us pot but wants to take our guns.
“…a series of deadly gun incidents this year, including a mass shooting …”
But Obama assured us that this doesnt happen in other countries.
Remember: No one ever wanted you to be defenseless for your own good. That has never happened in the history of the world.
Demand both.
I like everything about that except this :
How in the cowboyfuck did everyone become convinced we live in a democracy? Democracies are unmitigated shitshows and our founders abhorred the idea. Voting for representatives =/= democracy and never has.
Bad things might happen somewhere, sometime. Reduce freedom and ban things to make life safe!
I don’t know who the Miles Lunn is, but based on his comment I would probably not get along with him.
The urge to willingly disarm yourself is so counter-intuitive, so contrary to the most basic understanding of self-interest, that I can only assume people who advocate for it suspect they’d somehow retain control of the state. That’s naive and foolhardy, but it at least explains why they’d take such an idiotic position.
They are lying sacks of shit. “Here, I did it! See! Now, your turn!”
My response: “Fuck you. You cant have my guns.”
I’ve met “progressives” who own guns themselves. The mindset seems to be that gun ownership should be allowed only after the government determines that you are smart and responsible enough, and of course, they themselves would be judged as competent. All those other stupid rednecks, on the other hand…
TW: Jacobin
Over the last six years, we’ve seen corporations like Target, Walmart, and Costco make economic concessions in an effort to forestall demands for something more valuable and radical — real worker power. Now, Amazon has fallen in line with its corporate siblings.
The pundits’ praise for Bezos is utterly misplaced. Praise should go to the workers, who endure brutal conditions, who have just achieved a modest yet remarkable concession from Amazon, and who, step by step, are struggling and learning to build worker power inside the behemoth. We must support them, because their success in this years-long battle will lift us all.
So, let’s be clear: $15 is not nearly enough. It’s time to raise a new banner, a much bolder one that demands an end to brutal working conditions and obscene profiteering, and a societal commitment to rights, security, and power for all workers.
True worker justice will elude us until the Jeff Bezoses of the world are brought low.
Fuck, lets just pay everyone, everywhere, a billion dollars a year irrespective of the job they do, we’ll all be rich and utopia will be achieved!
And when 100% of Amazon shareholder value and profit is divided equally among each employee, regardless of role or contribution, who will then also set prices and create a more humane warehouse environment, with 45 minute breaks on pillowtop beds for every 15 minutes worked. After that, the company has nowhere to go but up!
How quaint.
Praise should go to the workers, who endure brutal conditions
Bullshit. We’re a nation of pussies that wouldn’t know ‘brutal working conditions” if they jumped up and boofed in our faces.
“Get back to work, you lazy corpse!” -Elbonian Overseer
I had to google Elbonian, that Dilbert thing is pretty funny. like Garfield but only business oriented.
I remember for years I thought Dilbert was stupid…then I got an office job.
I have a feeling “brutal” in this case means having to occasionally work 8+ hour shifts.
I laugh, but I fear you may be right.
And the warehouse temperatures occasionally get into the upper 80s and the soda machine doesn’t have any gluten free vegan soy drinks.
-1 celiac disorder
Finished listening to “The Whiskey Rebellion” by David Hoagland today on the drive home. Very interesting history that gets glossed over to the extent that it gets covered at all. Alexander Hamilton (and to a less extent Washington) was an authoritarian asshole, who, in the end, to the extent you can say anything good about him, at least did not indulge his worst instincts.
“Florida Man Accused Of Traveling 1,000 Miles To Cut Off Penis Of Romantic Rival
Foster is accused of driving to Atlanta so that he could fly to Chicago, where he rented a car and drove to Des Plaines to confront a 26-year-old man who was dating his ex. Prosecutors claim Foster attacked that man on the street, hitting him in the head with a tire iron before cutting off his penis and throwing it over a fence, the Chicago Tribune reports. He’s also accused of carving initials into the victim’s leg. The bloodied victim was left behind a parked car. He survived the attack after a citizen found him and was able to get him transported to a hospital. He has suffered permanent brain damage stemming from the incident, the Tribune reports.”
“Liberdon is a Mastodon instance for libertarians, ancaps, anarchists, voluntaryists, agorists, etc to sound off without fear of reprisal from jack or zuck. It was created in the wake of the Great Twitter Cullings of 2018, when a number of prominent libertarian accounts were suspended or banned.”
Good stuff, CPRM.