Normally, I’d start with a little snarky bit related to my title and theme. But I’m getting more and more pissed off at one of our local Team Blue candidates, who has deluged us with mailer after mailer about what an evil human his opponent is. Last weekend, I showed a couple examples where he implied that his opponent was a child molester (or at least a sympathizer). This week’s mailers were all subtly aimed at Brett Kavanaugh, despite an Illinois state representative having zero to do with that process. Yesterday’s arrival, though, completely took me over the edge, enough so that I’m now voting for a Team Red guy for perhaps the first time in my life. Fuck you, Sam Yingling, you managed to turn me from indifferent to actively hating you and your campaign. I have no idea if the Team Red guy has any merit, but at least he’s not spamming me every day with this shit. You are everything that is wrong with politics.
While I’m ranting, I note that it’s also a remarkably shitty day for notable birthdays. When Harry Brecheen (“The Armkiller”) and C. Everett Koop (“Look at my cool uniform, I’m an admiral!”) head the list of luminaries born on this day, one cannot help but think that October 14 is a day that could be removed from the calendar without anyone missing it much.
Bah. Let’s look at the news, it has to be better. Maybe. Well, Jamal Kashoggi is still missing, the Turks are still claiming to have documentary evidence of his murder, and of course the usual media flacks are trying to make this all about Trump.
In the past 24 hours, reports have emerged that a government hit squad, said to have been dispatched directly by bin Salman, first in line to the Saudi throne, seized, interrogated, tortured, then killed and, using a bone saw, dismembered the body of a journalist. Jamal Khashoggi, a Washington Post columnist, was one of the regime’s leading critics.
A central question now is just how far Trump may be prepared to go in defense of the kind of rabid values the Saudis now seem to have embraced. But even more important for American interests, at home and abroad, are the potential consequences.
Remember the press indignation when Trump’s predecessors cozied up to the Saudis? Yeah, me neither.
The Grand Forks Air Force Base recorded a whopping 17.4 inches overnight Wednesday into Thursday with snow drifts piling up to 33 inches high, according to the National Weather Service’s Grand Forks office.
“It’s kind of unbelievable that this happened in October,” Andrew Moore, an NWS-Grand Forks meteorologist, told the Grand Forks Herald.
Yeah, this is just weather and is entirely unrelated to AGW, but hey, if every hot day is blamed on it, every cold day ought to be as well.
If there’s any plus side to the Redward shift in the judicial system, it’s that it looks increasingly likely that the pernicious practice of overt racial discrimination in college admissions may have to go underground (it certainly won’t stop).
The lawsuit, backed by the Trump administration, could eventually reach the Supreme Court, giving the newly cemented five-member conservative majority a chance to bar the use of affirmative action to help minority applicants get into college.
Of course, “minority” in this context doesn’t include yellow people or Jews. Yes, Harvard is a private institution and ought to be free to want to avoid looking too Chinese and to bake in the concept that blacks are inferior and should not be held to the same intellectual standards. My ideal outcome (which will never happen) is that Harvard would be free to continue to practice racial/gender/whatever discrimination, but would lose all public subsidies and tax breaks. But on the bright side, if this suit goes as expected, that sort of racism will be much harder for public institutions to practice.
This is shocking: teenagers are STILL sending each other naked pix.
The superintendent of Ridgewood public schools says local police are investigating “possible sexting incidents” involving school-age students within the district. According to a release sent to parents of children in grades 6-12, the explicit images were not shared on school property but school officials are working with Ridgewood police to find out who was involved.
“I want all parents to be advised that the possession and/or transmission of sexually revealing or explicit images, or any material of that nature, constitutes the very serious crime of possession and transmission of child pornography,” Superintendent Daniel Fishbein said in the letter.
The selfless public servants of the Ridgewood schools and police are, of course, examining the evidence very closely and at length.
Vandals strike historic statues, but this time, it’s not Confederates, it’s Revolutionaries. And they didn’t tear the statue down, they glued goggly-eyes on it! Oh, the horrors!
“Who did this?! Someone placed googly eyes on our historic #NathanaelGreene statue in #JohnsonSquare,” the official City of Savannah Government account wrote on its Facebook page in a post Thursday.
“It may look funny but harming our historic monuments and public property is no laughing matter…”
Well, yeah, it is, actually.
Old Man Music is inevitable, so you may as well lay back and enjoy it. And all I can say is that this is a brilliant song, written and sung by a brilliant performer.
The googly-eye thing is hilarious.
Occasional Cortex is nothing to laugh at.
A personal favorite from my alma mater.
At a distance
Closer look
You can always tell when people molest bronze statues. #hertoo
My an-cap love of property rights is warring with my inner miscreant and I kinda, sorta like this sort of culture jamming.
I normally don’t respond to OT links within the first hour of The Links but that’s just fucking awesome.
I can’t even tell when these links were posted. How am I supposed to know if it’s in that time frame?
The links are an open thread. Post whenever you like.
As far as the an-cap issue… without bothering to check I’m assuming that the statue is publicly owned. If that’s the case, fuck ’em. It shouldn’t exist anyway.
I’m under the impression that it is one of those things the Russians built to aggrandize themselves and stuck the Bulgarians with the bill. I can certainly see some resentment amongst the locals.
There is a massive, bombastic memorial to Red Army soldiers in Vienna. The Soviets used German prisoners and Austrian construction workers to build it, and sited the memorial so that the Allied occupation government would have to look at the memorial.
The memorial in Bratislava is worse. They tore down a nearby church steeple so it wouldn’t overshadow the monument.
I avoided that place while I was in Bratislava.
In my dream world, the US FedGov tells the House of Saud to get fucked and in a generation or so a tripartite alliance of Greater Persia, Kurdistan, and Eretz Yisrael becomes a peaceful global marketplace. Sigh… Can we expand into space yet?
I love your dream world very much.
Agile Cyborg, is that you?
I miss Agile Cyborg.
“This is just another whammy on top of everything else that we’ve been dealing with. We had such a great crop coming too,” Brad McKay, a farmer in Valley City, told”
Not to worry. If you have a farm of even slightly more than modest size, the corporate welfare masquerading as a federal farm bill will more than recoup you any immediate financial strain. I can only empathize about the weather in the context of the likely possibility of me being forced to pay higher prices for my produce. You, not so much.
*tips the coffee cup at OMWC*
Good morning.
Ugh… using tax funds to subsidize the conversion of corn into sugar makes me just as cross as using tax funds to subsidize the conversion of corn into motor fuel.
And a fine top o’ the morning to you and everyone else.
Just home from work, wifey and kids are still sleeping, on my 2nd Bourbon, bacon is in the oven, and I’m about to start assembling some pancake batter.
Graveyard shift, eh? You’re a stronger man than I. A large part of my job choices through my life have been predicated on me not having to try to sleep through the day. If the sun is up, I’m up. Be it a weekend or not. If I were forced into trying to sleep during daylight I’d be a shuffling zombie within a week.
I don’t like it but differential pay helps and it fits nicely with my availability; wifey is a teacher so I’m a stay at home dad during the day.
So, you don’t really sleep. Gotcha. 😉
Pretty much. I mentioned in an earlier thread, I took a sick day, some Benedryl, and a Bourbon and slept for 14 hours. I haven’t gotten more than 5 hours in a row in a couple years now so it was positively blissful.
Give the kids some of that bourbon and benadryl to make them sleep through the day.
Good morning.
I got up, finished off my vodka with a splash of something from last night and made low carb waffles & sasauges.
Later today we’re going to shoot sporting clays. It’s gonna be a great day.
Normally my brother and I would have burned through a thousand rounds of 20ga and that many clays. Unfortunately this year his family business has kept me home.
I’m jealous.
Remember the press indignation when Trump’s predecessors cozied up to the Saudis?
Yep, I recall plenty of bellyaching about the Bush family’s business ties to the Saudi royals and a seemingly never-ending stream of Obama’s Apology Tour missives.
Now that I think about it, I haven’t seen any retractions for all of that ‘Arab Spring’ cock sucking.
I remember a whole “scandal” about Bush holding hands with the guy.
For once the links were early….
Koop wrote the official U.S. policy on the disease, and in 1988 he took unprecedented action in mailing AIDS information to every U.S. household.
Boy was his tongue tired.
Fund fact. When moisten to seal envelopes were used, mass mailers wetted them with sponges rather than their saliva.
I’m talking about something else. Have you seen his smoking hot wife? There’s a reason he didn’t have a mustache.
No you weren’t. And don’t change the subject.
Nothing like a shitty law that makes a bunch of kids ‘child pornographers!’
Don’t get me started on all of the ‘sex offender registry’ bullshit.
Hey, don’t go victim blaming even if they are self-victimising!
FCC tells court it has no “legal authority” to impose net neutrality rules
Chairman Ajit Pai’s FCC argued that broadband is not a “telecommunications service” as defined in federal law, and therefore it must be classified as an information service instead. As an information service, broadband cannot be subject to common carrier regulations such as net neutrality rules, Pai’s FCC said. The FCC is only allowed to impose common carrier regulations on telecommunications services.
Ooh, I love obnoxious quibbles which leave the normies going “What?”
Totally unrelated, but what is this controversial piece you have lined up for this week?
Was there a coming attractions post that billed it as controversial? I’ll have to go check what was said.
(Shhh, I’m trying to build interest. Don’t you Avenatti?)
I wanted to see if it was SP’s description or yours.
Anyway, the title of the article is “So You Want To Write a Book”. I figured I’d opine on something I’d actually done instead of wading into theory.
He favors pineapple pizza and the land value tax, I think.
Cue all the REEEing from the pro-NN crowd. Side note, but one of my friends was upset because he had to ration his last week of his 900gb per monthly data plan. His complaint was that he wanted more data for at/less than his current plan which “NN would assist him with”.
Tell him there are poor black children who only have 10 GB’s of data a month and that his use of 900 GB means he’s sexual deviant.
I’d have to check to see if I managed to pass that using my desktop. What’s he do, watch high def videos every minute of every day?
Hell if I know, I do know he does torrent quite often.
Wait, is this his household data plan? Why does he have a data cap?
I believe it’s cause he uses Comcast and iirc they have about 1TB data cap (using more is fine but you gotta pay extra iirc).
I went looking for how much I use, but Spectrum ditched the whole usage meter entirely. Technically the terms of their takeover of TWC prevents them from implementing caps until about 2023, so it was more of an “I was curious” check rather than seeing if I might end up overrunning one.
Of course: with negligible effort, the FCC could convince me it has no right to exist whatsoever.
It would take effort to convince you of that?
For what it’s worth, here are the relevant definitions from the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (apologies for potential wall of text, I tried to exclude irrelevant definitions as much as possible):
I think the FCC is on shaky ground here. A plain read would put most broadband ISPs in the category of telecommunications services, with only a limited overlap into information services. However, the issue of common carrier regulation may hinge on what “aggregators of telecommunications services” are, and I saw no section 226 in the FCC’s copy of the law, nor any definition of the term.
Section 226 may be a reference to 47 U.S.C. § 226 which is exclusively about telephones.
Also, it’s worth noting that the FCC imposing net neutrality on ISPs was on even shakier ground. Anticompetitive practices by monopolistic companies are illegal restraints on trade, and such issues are settled by the Federal Trade Commission (which has penalized ISPs many in the past). The claim that the FCC could remove autonomy over network policy entirely from ISPs in the name of preventing such anticompetitive behaviors is not help up by any statutory authority. Only in the post-Chevron era of “regulatory authorities can do just about anything they want” is it even remotely legal.
“If we didn’t do anything this thing could get out of hand,” Johnson continued. “We want people to understand we don’t want to see this kind of thing happening. They need to know they can’t go around doing whatever they want to our statues.”
I remember seeing yard signs for this guy that representing my district when I was a kid. Just his last name against a sea of blue. Perfect name for a politician.
21-term? Nobody needs to be in congress for Forty Years!
He makes me rethink my position against late term abortions.
I’m against strict term limits but think incumbents should have to win by an increasing percentage with each re-election, maybe 2% for reps and 5% for senators, so this guy would have had to get 90% of the vote to have won his last time around.
That also set it up so that someone who managed only 12% of the vote can take the seat, no matter how awful and disliked by the electorate as a whole. So I’d only support such a scheme if a failure to meet threshold of victory meant the seat were simply vacant for the term. (ie, it changes hands if the challenger wins, goes empty between 50% and threshold, stays with the incumbant beyond threshold)
From Iobot’s link-
Russia not amused at Red Army statue re-invented as Superman and friends
Sounds like a job for Copyright Law Man.
I don’t feel so bad, now. I only got about 5″ of snow yesterday.
I didn’t get any. 🙁
We had a little frost on the lawn yesterday morning. No snow yet, much to the unhappiness of the Wonder Dog.
Meh, it’s all melted now. In fact, a lot of it was melting as it landed. While 17 inches of snow in October is a good headline, the real bad part is the cold snap we’ve been under for weeks. 9 degrees a couple mornings ago. SMDH. There’s 50’s and 60’s ahead in the forecast, hopefully for long enough to dry out roads and fields so the farmers can get all their crops off.
I’m assuming that the (Russian) statue is publicly owned. If that’s the case, fuck ’em. It shouldn’t exist anyway.
I get this and don’t disagree, but, going back to the SAV googly eyes, I must say that I don’t think there are many cities anywhere that are as pleasant as Savannah. After escaping TX, I married into the SAV, and, as a Southerner, I think it’s about as grand a place as I’ve found in the US.
Particularly, the squares are just stupifyingly wonderful. Oglethorpe laid SAV out on a grid, the centerpiece square of each being a public space. All but two of the original 24 center spaces survive and are called the “squares” today. There aren’t wells or other public or military accommodations in them anymore: they’re basically shady, public gardens and crosswalks in the easiest and loveliest town to walk about in America. The city is endowed with massive live oaks, and the typical square has a dozen of them, one major monument or water fountain or some such, and three or four minor plaques, gates, what-have-ye. The names of the squares have changed over time but have one thing in common: almost none of them are the same as the person celebrated therein. Honorees include mostly founding fathers, revolutionary heroes, and the odd tasteful oldtimey throw-in (eg: Wesley).
These square are public ways, generally crisscrossed with brick walks; they are also gardens; and they’re public assets, not privately owned. They have been commons for almost three centuries: Chief Tomochichi gave the land to Oglethorpe as the story goes, and they have never been private property since. So we can have our philosophy and eat it too: Tomochichi had the right to do whatever he wanted to with it, Oglethorpe succeeded him in that right, and their gift survives. Some of the edifices or statuary might have been paid for publicly (a separate sin or six), but most were gifts from veterans, civic, and other private groups.
The city keeps them up, of course, one of the few expenses I can think of that actually delivers on any multiplier effect: over 10 million tourists drop well over $2 billion there annually, and there is no arguing that the squares are at least 10% of the city’s draw.
Come for the squares, stay for the food, and be sure to hit 18 while you’re in town. And quietly thank your stars that in this one way the libertarian moment didn’t deliver us 24 Waffle Houses where these national treasures survive.
Why do you have to go after Waffle House like that?
Wow: I rather doubted anyone would read all that.
Waffle House has its place. In my fantasy, some distant relative claims to be a disenfranchised sheik, appeals to Texaco for help, who then paratroops in a hoard to secure all the infrastructure in Arabia. Fellow travelers soon arrive and throw up barbecue joints on every street corner with a Whataburger or two thrown in for our semi-practicing (((friends))).
I’ve gotten some good food at Waffle House. But boy, did I get some strange looks in those places.
Buddy of mine likes to go there, I need to check it out one of these days
Aren’t you breaking some law by explaining all that without being a licensed tour guide?
Probably: GA is one of those states (like TN, TX) that poses as free frontier hero types, but then piles a bunch of common sense snow tire rules or whatever. I mean, how do you even know I’m telling it straight if I haven’t a degree in the subject and much less passed the state boards!!111!!?
Tybee Island, ten miles out on the end of the Savannah River, is an interesting little haven (and tourist trap). It’s typical shore trash-living, but I like the transportation scene: drive, Uber, walk, peddle, or golfcart your way wherever and whenever (haven’t seen mules yet, but oats don’t grow well there). The streets are just a delightful mess of everyone doing whatever TF they want to and just biding the time and space it takes to accommodate each other.
My mom lives just north of Savannah, so I’ve been dragged through those squares and cemeteries and gawked at the oaks a few times, I’ll have to check out Tybee next time I get down there.
Tybee Island, that’s where my family used to go on summer vacation when I was a kid in the ‘70s. Good times…
What sorts of trinkets do people peddle as they move about Tybee?
Once upon a time, I was one of those tourists. Savannah is a nice town.
You can also drink in public in certain parts of Savannah.
I for one am going to accept that everyone is going to die of heat exhaustion in 10 years due to global
warmingclimate changewarming.Nice song.
My Euro-buddy and I were listening to tunes yesterday afternoon and this one came up. He was almost in tears. I thought, “Yeah, that’s the one for tomorrow.”
Belgian old fart music
More old fart Belgian music
It is an awesome song.
Glad you gave me a reason to click on it. Very nice. I scrolled past it because I thought it was Springstein.
I will 100% guarantee you that I will never ever ever post a Springsteen song. You may not like my choices, but they’re safe.
Money in politics; it’s bad when the wrong TEAM does it.
In politics, money frequently equals priorities, and as the midterms round the turn toward Election Day, we learn a lot by where both parties are focusing their TV ad campaigns.
Or in the case of Republicans and their allies, not focusing their ads.
A CNN analysis of data from the first eight days of October shows 16 contests considered competitive in CNN’s Key Race Ratings where Republicans did not run a single television ad, either because they were no longer actively contesting the race or because they were confident in their chances.
Maybe the Republicans have decided to stand back and watch the Democrats self-immolate, like OMWC’s guy.
Something something never interrupt the enemy something
Sadly, I think our Team Blue guy will end up winning. The power of incumbency and the stranglehold of Blue on Illinois are powerful headwinds. I hope I’m wrong.
I find it amusing (OK, appalling) that Cuomo is emptying his war-chest full of money extracted from the taxpayers via public union dues running ads almost word-for-word identical to the picture above. It’s all lies, of course, but more amusingly, the man has approximately zero chance of losing. At this point he’s just rubbing our noses in it.
Amongst my species we have a similar saying. It roughly translates:
“never bother a Hyperion space squid while he has a craving for calamari”
We’ve got a gun initiative that the NRA put up $150k to oppose. That made the front page.
The article was silent on the millions that Bloomberg pumped into supporting it, and another article mentioned additional millions he put into a carbon tax initiative.
Funny, that.
And by mentioned, I mean one sentence at the bottom.
You’re not accounting for the exchange rate which is about 1 red dollar for 10 blue dollars. That’s what makes money for the GOP so powerful.
Not sure if you’re aware of the Marvel comic book writer that got fired for his tweets. Doesn’t seem to be due to them being uncivil, but rather proof that he’s a shitty writer.
Being a shitty writer has never gotten anyone fired from SJWMarvel. A profanity-laden tirade after being warned about vulgarities in his social media usage, however…
Going into proggie space always makes me feel dirty. There is so much gibberish.
Two things I see there : dismantling democracy = democrats lost an election, and punching up = it’s ok when we do it.
If Trump wins against Harvard, the reaction will be hysterical from the left like Citizens United.
Is Joe Kennedy III the most worthless Kennedy yet?
Yet being the key marker.
I fucking love
sciencedoomsday cults.Rory Kennedy, the niece of late President John F. Kennedy, has a message for the current Commander-In-Chief.
The 49-year-old documentary filmmaker has recently launched a new film on NASA in time for its 60th anniversary, titled “Above and Beyond: NASA’s Journey to Tomorrow,” which explores the history of the government agency, as well as what the future can hold for planet Earth.
Kennedy told Fox News that after examining the ways NASA is determined to protect our planet now more than ever, she hopes President Trump will focus on the planetary crisis that is climate change — rather than dismissing it.
“I would pay attention to the information that they’re giving us,” she said. “I would heed those warnings. I would unite as a country and treat everybody as the extraordinary people who we are, us Americans, altogether. I would say to all Americans, that we are going to tackle this issue and we’re going to work with NASA. We’re going to pay attention to what they’re telling us. We’re going to change our policies to address some of these urgent needs.
Believe our propaganda, you scientifically illiterate hicks. Turn the clock back, or DIE.
I thought NASA’s prime mission was Muslim outreach.
Of all the stupid things Chocolate Jesus did that one is near the top of the list.
Looking back at those 8 years, I can now appreciate him.
He moved a tremendous amount of guns and ammo into private hands.
He was instrumental in demolishing the Democrat’s control of the nation.
He gave us Trump.
And he wasn’t McCain…so there’s that.
Sounds like the plot for Day After Tomorrow II.
*looks above*
She’s in a dead heat with Joe.
I read that in Jeff Goldbloom’s voice.
Kennedy isn’t fazed by those who believe climate change isn’t real.
“I think it’s a very small number of people,” she explained. “There’s 97 percent of scientists that agree with this. It’s very hard to get 97 percent of anybody to agree on anything. I have studied now the actual source material and understand exactly how they come up with this.
“These are NASA scientists. They are not Democrats or Republicans. They don’t have a political agenda, political leaning. They are looking at the data. What they are telling me is that this is absolute. Listen, there are people who don’t think we landed a person on the moon, so you’re going to have people who question everything.”
They’re SCIENTISTS, for crying out loud. They’re smarter than you. Believe them. I do.
They do have a strong monetary and professional development interest in making sure their data interpretations and results conform to what the AGW academics want to see though. If you come up with the wrong results your career is finished if you’re in that field.
They’re SCIENTISTS, for crying out loud.
/looks at diploma
/shakes head sadly
OMWC’s science diploma: Science.
Climate change science diploma: I fucking love science.
Big difference pal.
You don’t fucking love science hard enough, comrade.
There is just one little problem – if your hypothesis is unfalsifiable you aren’t practicing science. It is the most basic principle of science.
Welcome to the Popper – Feyerabend debate!
According to the Associated Press, “Koop was the only surgeon general to become a household name.”
What about Jocylen Elders?
I’ll be in my bunk, at her recommendation.
“For all the latest medical poop,
Call Surgeon General C. Everett Koop!”
/The Be-Sharps
It looks like Reason and the Mises guys are getting all snuggly:
An hour of Tom Woods being interviewed by Welch for anyone interested.
So Mises is going to turn woketarian?
Alt-right provocateurs
Just prior to the fight, the Proud Boys hosted an event at the Republican club to “discuss historical context and offer perspective on the environment that surrounded Otoya Yamaguchi,” an extremist right-wing Japanese activist who murdered a politician with whom he disagreed using a sword, then killed himself, “in 1960’s Japan.” Tickets were sold for $10 to $20.
After the event, photojournalist Sandi Bachom told Newsweek that dozens of Proud Boys members were escorted by police out of the building. Videos showed police trying to separate Proud Boys members from protesters who had gathered near the Republican club. Bachom, who captured the video of the fighting that appears in the YouTube video above, said it appeared the physical altercation began after what appeared to be two or three Antifa members or counter-protesters who knocked a red “Make America Great Again” hat off the head of a Proud Boys member.
In response, Bachom said the Proud Boys began “beating the shit out of them.”
The New York Metropolitan Republican Club did not respond to Newsweek’s request for comment Saturday about hosting the controversial group, which has traditionally operated mostly on the fringes of American life, or about the vandalism.
The club’s building was vandalized prior to the Proud Boys meeting. There was also a note left that said the vandals were putting the GOP “on notice, in defiance to the policy of mass misery they championed.”
If those Proud Boy types would just shut up and go away, antifa wouldn’t have to silence them. Totally their own fault.
Has video of the incident and the typical back and forth. Someone asks how are they a white nationalist group? I’m not going to enact your labor for you shitlord, someone responds. Then pictures of young men of color in their ranks. But, wait, a new card is played…the Daily Beat has documented this known “phenomenon.” So that disproves nothing.
typical gibberish from the left – more people of color becoming white supremacists.
Keep it up.
They represent the new face of the far right that some scholars term “multiracial white supremacy.”
They have a self-perpetuating bullshit machine.
Considering antifa believes western society was created to make sure white, heterosexual males are at the rulers of society anybody who thinks western society is great is automacitally a white supremacist.
But the note left by the vandals also ridiculed Democrats, calling them the GOP’s “spineless partners-in-crime.”
That totally exonerates antifa. Round up the usual suspects.
“one cannot help but think that October 14 is a day that could be removed from the calendar without anyone missing it much.”
I don’t know, folks got pretty upset the last time days were removed.
Some Antifa protester tried to knock a Proud Boy’s hat off. Got his ass beat in NYC. Lots of sanctimony from NY political creatures.
13h13 hours ago
Replying to @NYCPA
It was reported that several ANTIFA members were crying. I hope they’re ok.”
“Regina ?? ?? ?️? ??
15h15 hours ago
If you support white supremacy then white supremacists will use you, until they don’t need you anymore and your non-white *ss is suddenly disposable.”
Like how Democrats use blacks? Projection perhaps?
The mislabeling of Proud Boys is scary shit.
They may not be my cup of tea but ‘white supremacists’ they absolutely are not.
The stories are all written with such certainty on the subject. They must be white supremacists.
You have a bunch of NYC pols up in arms, though. Cuomo himself called for an investigation. The AG. And others.
You’d never know that it was three antifa arrested. You know, because they started the shit, as almost always.
But don’t let anyone tell you that the Dems support antifa.
If you read the CBS local NYC article, you would be convinced that it was the Proud Boys arrested, and that it was them who did the vandalism and they also who were just roaming the streets looking for some poor colored folk to beat up on. I mean you would believe that if you didn’t know the media are pathetic lying shitheads. Antifa are not even mentioned in the article.
The poster of that twit is our next Attorney General, machine-approved™. God help us.
My virtue. My precious virtue.
A descendant of Robert E. Lee said Saturday that he was “disheartened” to hear President Trump laud the Confederate commander as “a great general” during a campaign rally Friday in Lebanon, Ohio.
“Last night I was disheartened to hear Donald Trump, our president, make comments about Robert E. Lee as a great general, as an honorable man. These were far from the true,” Robert Lee IV said in a video he posted on Twitter on Saturday.
Robert Lee IV, who is reportedly the great-great-great-great-nephew of the Confederate commander, said Trump’s remarks show “he supports an idol of white supremacy and of hatred.”
“Robert E. Lee fought for the continued enslavement of black bodies. It was for state’s rights, yes, but it was for state’s rights to own slaves,” he said in the video.
“I found myself saddened by the state of our nation but I’m encouraged. I’m encouraged because we are going to work to end this,” he added. “We are going to vote. We are going to show Donald Trump that white supremacy has no place in any parlors of our government.”
As we speak, hundreds of thousands of black people are being herded into box cars, en route to the cotton fields.
Will no one help them?
Lee was a good man who was instrumental in reconciling the two sides after the war was over. No historical figure meets the supposed standards of today, Ghandi included.
Lee said that slavery was the greatest evil of the time because it morally debased both the slave and the slaveholder. He was an abolitionist.
“In soviet union we do not worry about the future. We know what the future is, it’s the past that is always changing.”
Make no mistake, Lee never felt blacks were on an equal par with whites; in his view, they were lazy – retarding progress while the white man advanced it – and should not be allowed to vote. Leer was also complicit in his Army capturing free blacks in Pennsylvania in 1863 and taking them back to the South to be resold into slavery.
Oh, so Lee was a Wilsonian Progressive.
Free as in born free, or free as in emancipated by Lincoln’s proclamation? The latter would have been slaves taken from the Southern states.
As in born free as residents of Pennsylvania which had abolished newly born blacks several decades eariler.
Anybody else read that in Alison Brie’s voice?
I’m fairly certain that Trump didn’t even say that he was an honorable man. Only that he was a great general. Not that a litany of historians haven’t written the same.
I can’t really speak for the stupidity of the left trotting out some distant descendant of Lee’s to prove how wrong Trump was.
The context was a speech where he was praising Grant. Trump was talking about how all of Lincoln’s other generals had been beaten by Lee – who was a great general – but then Grant came along and beat him.
So you can’t even say a nice thing about a person who you defeated.
Even a person who everyone agrees was one of the greatest generals of all time. Fuck you would probably get less slack if you said Rommel was a great general.
For just $30 a month, less than the cost of a cup of coffee every day, you can sponsor a boxcar, and keep the cotton mills running.
REL4 sounds like he wears his ancestral guilt on his sleeve.
I kind of feel sorry for him and his self-hatred.
Good grief. I see they are still bandying that cooked up ‘97% of scientists agree’ horseshit. Lemme guess, most of those ‘scientists’ are social scientists with degrees in tranny midget studies, black lesbian empowerment, feminist glaciology etc.
Science is not done by consensus.
Worse than that. the 97% study was a metastudy that took any study that didn’t mention a cause and put it in the ‘agree’ pile. in fact, the only way to end up as being listed as ‘disagree’ was to be 100% opposed to ever pillar of doctrine.
So disagreeing with the notion of anthropogenic change doesn’t count as a disagree? I guess I agree too if that’s the case.
They had to in order to get the number as high as they wanted it to be.
So yes, you have heard of global warming? We’ll put you down on the consensus side.
The parts of Arizona that get snow routinely get it in October, I cant imagine anybody surprised it happens in North Dakota, let alone a “meteorologist.”
That large of a snow, that early in the season is pretty unheard of. It hasn’t happened in my lifetime, as I recall.
While the subsidies and crop insurance are crap and need to be modified or done away with, these are moslty all real people trying to make a living at something that their family has done for generations. They have no income coming in at a time when it should be, because they are sitting around waiting for the fields to dry. And when they do get their government handout, it will be a minimum to recoup losses. There isn’t any extra for the what-could-have-been.
I’m curious what constitutes the boogieman corporate farming? While there are certainly some large farms around me, they are all owned by one guy, or maybe a partnership between brothers. They are all family farms, even if some are bigger than what some people think a farm should be. Maybe it’s different in different parts of the country? Is there truely a bunch of corporate farming operations out there with owners who have never set foot on the farm?
That wasn’t all pointed at you TH…you just kinda triggered me.
I agree with you Mike that this weather has been really bad for the farmers. Last time I was home a couple weeks ago, there was a lot of moaning already about getting the crops in. The problem with where I grew up is that it seems like such marginal farm land compared to the big farms just west of us out on the Dakota prairies. The area doesn’t have much to offer big corporate farming conglomerates.
They are the classic capital rich, cash poor situation. I have no idea how a young guy could get into farming today without inheriting some land and farm equipment.
Personally, I know a lot of farmers and respect the hell out of them. They really do work hard and are some of the most independent people I know. The amount of things that they fix on their own is impressive. On the other hand, their “poor me” routine gets old at times.
One of the things to remember is that a LOT of people don’t know anyone who farms or even talks to a real farmer for any length of time (buying something at a Farmer’s Market doesn’t count). Even I’m sort of guilty. I don’t follow the price of corn/wheat/beats/beans anymore. When I was younger I kept an eye on them just to know how the coffee shop talk would be going.
For what it’s worth, I own a farm. It’s a Gentleman’s farm granted, but it’s classified as a farm in the government’s eyes. Maybe I just suck at it, but I’ve yet to be able to figure out how to get my hands on this sweet Ag Bill lucre. So I don’t know how easy it is actually is without being politically connected or running an actual operation.
For the record, I’ll gladly accept gov handouts with no moral qualms up to the point that what I’ve paid out in taxes is recovered. With interest.
I empathize with the people, but is it really any different than some guy who’s great grand-daddy started a tool and die business and now the family can barely scrape by because large manufacturing firms are able to make the parts cheaper? Then the economy hits a speed bump and people stop buying cars or appliances or whatever the tool and die guy was making parts for? Should we shovel taxpayer dollars at people because of the romantic imagery of John Mellencamp and not shovel money at the subjects of Bruce Springsteen songs?
I’ll just restate my very first sentence:
While the subsidies and crop insurance are crap and need to be modified or done away with…
I think we shovel lots of money at farmers because in our not so distant past, everyone was a farmer. If you want to believe Vox, 70% of the nation farmed in 1840. Now it is 2%.
When 70% of your population is engaged in one type of economic activity, you are going to get a bunch of pandering by the govt. And even when the population changes, the Dept of Ag isn’t going to say “Hey, we should be much smaller” Nope. They are going to still get a shit ton of money to dole out and are going to be swamped with lobbyists.
Can you say AARP? Once started privileges can never be eliminated. A 4 T Fed budget buys a of of votes…
If you’re curious about who’s receiving what from the government in your area, just type in a zip code. You might be surprised.
There is a farm listed in my ZIP Code (note: there are no farms in my ZIP Code) which a map search tells me is actually hundreds of miles away.
My mother and I went through that site last summer when you linked it earlier. There were a few names in there that surprised us. One of them was related to one of my mother’s golf buddies who constantly complains about how poor her family is.
It was very interesting. I wish it had that data tied to the actual land that was being subsidized. It appears to be tied instead to the residence of the people getting the subsidies.
In my area, no, I’m not really curious and I doubt I’d be surprised. Just about every farmer has, I assume. Especially since they are apparently including crop insurance in the numbers.
That really has nothing to do with my question about the scary “Corporate Farming” boogieman that gets brought out so often. What exactly makes a farm a “Corporate Farm”? Is it when they make too much money? Farm too much land? Employ too many people?
“Insurance” to smooth out the rough times is fine – or it would be if it were private – but my beef is with subsidies that raise prices on the rest of us schmucks. That’s just evil.
Okay. I’ll cede to you that ‘corporate’ farming is a bit of a misnomer. It still doesn’t change how I feel about the practice. And yeah, I’ve spent many an hour doing farm work on my grandfather’s cattle farm. I understand that it is a sunup to sundown job, 365 days a year. I’m not questioning the amount of work and dedication it takes to run a successful operation, I just get a bit exasperated(as has already been mentioned above) at the longwinded diatribes I hear from some farmers about their seemingly neverending troubles.
Farmers are the real heroes.
There. I said it. What are you going to do about it?
Well…you’re wielding an axe at the moment…so…nothing. Nothing at all.
You aren’t the first person I’ve heard use “corporate farm.” I really am curious what the definition is supposed to be (I know you don’t have the answer…I doubt there is an answer)
I completely agree that the “poor me” routine gets old. And the subsidy bullshit does need a major overhaul. Sugar is one big one. I live in sugar beet country and it’s amazing to see the results of them first hand. Very well off farmers and the people who work at the sugar plants get wages 25-50% higher than any other place around. Last I heard, sugar beet land was selling for around $5000/acre.
Which goes back to what Jimbo said above; it makes it damn near impossible for anyone to get into farming without a major helping hand…which means there’s more people leaving farming than going into it…which means less people owning the same amount of land…which leads to mega-farms…which lead to CORPORATE FARMS!!!11!!!
It’s almost like subsidies are a bad thing.
RE corporate farming: Around here it is the same, lots of people still live on farms but in each area there are only like 4 families that have large operations that rent everyone else’s land. These are the guys with the big machinery and equipment. But there are also a few operations moving in from outside the area that I’m not sure of the ownership, could be owned by Saudis for all I know, or could be a family owned thing from somewhere else. These places come in and build acres of heifer barns and buy feed from the locals.
RE subsidies: it is very common for entire fields to go unharvested because taking the loss and getting recouped is more profitable than flooding the market. So their ‘reason’ is price stability. When learning about the Great Depression I was sickened reading about feds going to farms and dumping milk and destroying crops to ‘help the farmers’. But it’s still done today, just with lucre instead of force.
From Brochettward’s link:
David Neiwert, author of Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump, says, “The ranks of people of color who show up to these right-wing events are totally dominated by males.” He says the alt-right targets white males between the ages of 15 and 30 with a message of male resentment, which ends up attracting black, Latino, and Asian men as well.
Neiwert says many young men of color in the far-right grew up on conservative traditions common in minority communities. Their journey to the far-right has been enabled by the ease of recruitment in the internet age and the endorsement of extremism by Trump.
Entry points to the far-right include male-dominated video-game culture, the anti-feminist gamergate, troll havens on 4chan and 8chan, and the conspiracism that flourishes on websites like Infowars. Libertarianism is another gateway.
“A lot of these young guys,” Neiwert says, “especially from the software world, who are being sucked into white nationalism, start out being worked up about Ayn Rand in high school.”
SnakesAyn Rand. Why did it have to besnakesAyn Rand?——–
And there’s also this:
Daniel Martinez HoSang, associate professor at Yale University, co-author of the forthcoming Producers, Parasites, Patriots: Race and the New Right-Wing Politics of Precarity, says “Multiculturalism has become a norm in society” and has spread from corporations and consumer culture to conservatism and the far-right.
What in the fuck is that even supposed to mean? My space-alien-to-pidgin-academic translator is on the fritz.
Plenty of the Ayn Rand high school people go on to be Bernie voting socialists too. It’s openness to antiestablishmentarianism more than anything else.
Don’t try to figure it out. It’s just gibberish.
Gibberish to convince young naive kids living in a leftist university bubble that anyone who still believes in free speech, the 2nd amendment, and capitalism are dangerous far right racist sexist extremists who we can only be saved from by socialism, which is totally going to work this time.
Libertarianism is the marijuana of political ideologies.
A little puff and next thing you know, you’re beating up antifa mobs who were only trying to help you.
The left paints anyone not them as racist. Period.
It’s a meaningless accusation at this point.
If you’re not with them you’re a right wing extremist. They learned nothing from Hillary’s deplorable debacle, not a goddamn thing. Good, let them continue to hang themselves with their own rope.
Fascist, rapist, racist, misogynist etc.
There’s a trend here.
Hillary is about to go on a speaking tour…or she might be on it already. I cant wait to hear her declare over and over how despicable Americans are while she foams at the mouth. She is going to cost the D’s some serious votes.
It would probably be to the dems extreme detriment if they take the house. If they do, the whole country gets to watch while they introduce countless efforts to impeach Trump and Kavanaugh, and push through free healthcare, free college, open borders, and every prog dream cause. Of course, they won’t be able to get any of that through with the GOP still having the Whitehouse and the Senate. But their hysterics and absurd far left agenda will be on public display 24/7. They’ll have screeching harpies on the Capital lawn every single fucking day for the next 2 years.
My prediction is that this will result in landslide GOP victories across the board in 2020. They are much better off if the GOP retains control of the house, that way they can continue to blame anything bad that happens on the GOP and they won’t get a chance to display the madness that their far left owners demand.
Wait until the Dem establishment puts their finger on the scale for Hillary again (oh yes, she’s going to run). That should seal the deal for the Trumpster.
“Wait until the Dem establishment puts their finger on the scale for Hillary again (oh yes, she’s going to run).”
I’ve been saying that since election day 2016 was over. Not many people believe me. But she will be the nominee and most democrats know that if they push it too far in trying to beat her, they will wind up in an unfortunate accident. It really is her turn this time.
I think that is why she isn’t stumping for any candidates this time around.
When the Blue Wave fails to happen, she will come out of retirement to “save” the party. She and her backers will say “Look, you guys completely blew it. It is time for the socialist kiddies to go back to their table and let the Adults run the party again”.
The bloodletting in the Democratic party will be epic if the Blue Wave doesn’t happen.
I think the dems are facing a real problem. I don’t see how it could not be true. There is a percentage of their party that are, for lack of better words, insane. Far left ideologues. And the media are telling us that it is the right who are the real extremists. The thing is, while the far left in the dem party may only be 15% of the total, they exercise a very over sized influence. Thanks to the far left media and far left entertainment industry. We are even starting to see the so called ‘moderate’ or ‘centrist’ dems completely adopt this far left Marxist platform.
So one of two things have to give here. We either see a majority of the country accept socialism, or dems are totally fucked as a political party. They’ve went all in, there is no turning back. Even if Hillary or Biden is the candidate, they will be forced to 100% adopt a far left agenda of free everything and open borders. There is no way back from that.
Look, if you aren’t pointing at the other side and calling them racists pretty soon someone is going to notice that the “White Nationalist” enemy you are protesting against has way more minority members than your “Multicultural” side.
So it appears that the new white nationalist sin is to use tricknology in recruiting all those blacks and hispanics into joining up?
They have low intelligence and are easily manipulated.
Note: I don’t believe this but apparently their leftist allies do.
At our startup, we hired a sales guy who was black. He was also the most conservative GOP supporter in the office.
The day that the office proggie started a conversation with him about education was great. The sales guy said we should slash the entire budget and be done with them because they did no good. The proggie just stared at him because he couldn’t square the circle of a black guy not also being a big spending progressive. You could tell that there were a couple times the idiot wanted to say “How can you say that, you are black!”
As a non-wypipo, I like to get into it with “progressives” about race politics. I like to watch the looks on their faces as they try so hard to suppress the “you’re a racist” impulse since they can’t really use it on me. They don’t really have anything else to say other than that.
Is there truely a bunch of corporate farming operations out there with owners who have never set foot on the farm?
Cargill! ADM!
*just jerking your chain.
Down here most large farms are family owned. Many families that dont run farms lease their land out to individuals that do.
Same up here.
Everyone in Chicago
Speaking of hypocrites…..
Lefties in Minnesoda are aghast that the GOP candidate for AG might replace Democratic lawyers with GOP ones!
Um, yeah. I’m sure Martin will be shouting from the rooftops for Brother Keith to hire smart GOP lawyers if he wins.
Why do the party hacks say such stupid shit? Do they really think that people are buying it?
I think a lot of them believe their own bullshit so yeah, they think everyone else will buy it as well.
Choirs, preaching, etc.
Are these the same adult infants now crying about abolishing the electoral system, Congress, and the SCOTUS because they lost? Oh yeah, ignore them.
Given the chance they will burn the country down if that’s what it takes to get power. The reason they cant is….a strong second amendment. Thus their fiery hatred for private gun ownership.
They get beaten up by the Proud Boys bare handed. They really want to take it to the next level. They want one of these useful idiot antifa members to get shot. And when it happens, they will of course call for gun control and abolishing free speech. Same old shit, different scenario.
And of course, if you hire the best and brightest, they’re going to be progressives.
Part of the back story for that “gotcha!” story is that the GOP candidate has promised that he “wouldn’t be political” as AG. Obviously he was contrasting his approach to AG to that of Brother Keith. So now that he’s on tape saying he would replace a bunch of Democrat lawyers if he won, it just proves he will be “political” and is a big liar who’s pants are on fire.
That is what makes the fake outrage from the chair of the DFL even worse. Not only is he hyperventilating about a common practice that any winner of an office engages in, but he is comparing apples to oranges when claiming that Wardlaw lied about being non-political.
Chuck Todd wonders why nobody warned that Khashoggi guy he might be on the House of Saud’s shit list.
I’m pretty sure he knew, already.
Interesting bits on
Frack! on Khasshogi
mouse in process of dying, might need to put it out of my misery.
Probably my favorite description of the going ons at the other site:
TOS is a dumpster fire and the dumpster is full of old tires and discarded industrial solvent rags. Best to steer clear.
It has finally cooled off here and I was looking forward to opening the windows. But, no, it was 63 in the house this morning. Windows closed, heat on.
I could deal with 63. Low fifties here, brrrr.
That’s in the house. 50s outside.
Ah. I have no idea what the temp is in my house.
My meat thermometer says 66, FWIW.
Euphemism indeed.
My meat thermometer says 98.6 degrees.
I figured someone would hit that softball.
I’ll also note that ever since I had the flu last winter I am always cold. Like cranking the heat to 74 despite wearing a hoodie over a long sleeve t-shirt over a short sleeve t-shirt and heavy sweats with two pairs of socks. It was great for my AC bill, but I was running a space heater in my office all summer.
And all this time I didn’t know you were my wife.
(she’s on the couch now wearing sheepskin house booties and wearing a couch throw like a poncho- it’s 75F in here)
I’m the opposite. I want to crack the window to get some fresh air but it’s too early for heat (radiators here) so it’s basically the coldest part of the year right now. When the heat gets cranking I’ll have the windows cracked for sure.
Just started snowing here in Sunny Minnesoda. I may have to hitch up the dogs to the sled to go
lootcheck Tundra’s place.It got a little warmer here this morning. Yesterday morning we had the heat on for a little while.
The swarm of hummingbirds we had two weeks ago (it got up to more than 100 birds, more than I could count) is gone. We are down to two birds. They should be gone any day now.
Been snowing all week here. I’m a little worried cause it went from 0 to frozen in no time flat and I haven’t had my sprinklers blown out yet.
Low to mid 60s here again today. Looks like it’s going to hold in that pattern for the rest of the month. Don’t see any threat of frost, yet… but it’s that time of year to start paying attention, we have house plants outside that could be damaged if frosted on.
Our high should be low 60s.
I hate wintering the wife’s houseplants. A couple of hours after they come in they warm up and all kinds of critters start coming out of them. There I am chasing tree frogs around the house and then trying to figure out where to put them out so they dont freeze.
Oh, last winter wife got up in the night for water and I heard a scream. I ran into the living room to see why and there was a garter snake. She had stepped on it barefoot in the dark. Both she and the snake were in a panic.
I stepped on a garter snake barefoot once. I will never forget that feeling. Shudders.
I thought that is where gumbo came from?
Possums are too big for houseplants.
I hated that too. Especially because Mom would put a bunch of the plants in the bathroom and there was no room for all the things that would normally go on a bathroom vanity.
50s here. Was around freezing overnight. Last night I finally disconnected my hose and brought it into my garage. At some point today I’ll mow the lawn for what I hope is the last time this year.
We’ve been stuck in some sort of El Nino and Canada say “fuck you” weather pattern. The highs have been 20+ degrees below average for weeks. I.e. it’s 33 right now when it should be closer to 50 at this time of day. It’s getting old.
Spice Latinas will have you begging for a trip south of her border.
So much Q-approv-edness going on here… *swoon*
How ya feelin player?
Livin’ the dream!
Stock up on bacon.
Now Stephanopolous and his nodders are blathering about the gender gap. Women hate Trump. They hate Rethuglitards. Brace yourselves for that Blue Wave!
Donna Brazile says Trump is a drag on the Republican party. He’s nothing but a millstone around their necks.
Stupid people are stupid.
“Donna Brazile says Trump is a drag on the Republican party. He’s nothing but a millstone around their necks.”
Well, if the rethugs ever want to be as woke as their dem rivals, he is. And I’m sure that’s what she meant if somewhere in that thick head there’s a little spark of sentience.
Lying liars tell lies.
Everything the D’s say these days is the opposite of reality. The R party is growing because of Trump.
“Women hate Trump. They hate Rethuglitards.”
In their little bubble, this is maybe true. All I keep hearing is ‘women are angry! Ya’ll deplorables are going to get it now!’.
Thing is, I know plenty of women. None of them really seem angry to me. I mean my wife gets mad when I don’t take the garbage out. Is that what they’re talking about? Fine then, I’ll be sure to take out the garbage every day now, whether it needs it or not. Then GOP keep Congress and Trump gets reelected. I bet they didn’t think of that, did they!?
Just like all the stories that told us that Trump was going to get curb stomped by Hilary. You have to get the big lie out there or the results will be far worse. If the MSM had actually covered that race somewhat fairly, I think Trump would have walked away with it. Instead there were millions and millions of people who sat there quietly and then went and voted for Trump in the privacy of the polling booth.
Well, I’m 100% that the left believe they can create a narrative and that narrative will automagically turn to reality. It didn’t work in 2016 and it might not result in a blue wave.
You’d probably believe you could create a narrative if most of the media dutifully echoed your sentiments all the time, too. It’s probably pretty easy to fall into the trap of believing your own bullshit. At some point, they probably forget that they even created the narrative and think its actually a real thing being carried by its own natural momentum.
Razorfirst recently said something I found interesting. It’s not that they think there’s going to be a blue wave as much as they need there to be one. I think at first, that was the case. Now, they’ve just totally talked themselves into believing it.
See also: Every article about Kavanaugh that surreptitiously declares the accusations to be “credible” without backing it up in any way
Another NR article, but on point to this.
It’s those clowns who convinced my wife to vote for Trump in the first place. I think they ultimately hurt the Democrats by making them overconfident.
Donna Brazile says Kanye needs help.
That dumb nigger don’t know which side of his bread the butter is on.
Well Donna has a nice place in the big house. All she has to do is keep the rest of them black folks on the Democrat plantation. Now Kanye is looking to fuck that shit up. Got to be stopped.
The left’s vicious attacks on Kanye are almost shocking. I mean I know how hateful they are, but good gawd, they’ve went off the deep end. How popular is this guy now? I mean I assume, his moment has passed, but for anyone who actually likes the guy or his music, the extreme hatefulness of their rhetoric has to be offensive. They really are a mindless mob. They seem to have no reservations of viciously attacking anyone who dares step out of their herd. They spare no thought at all about who they might offend.
Seems to be SOP now. Look how viciously they went after Kavanaugh. They have cranked it up to 11 and I suppose they are just going to leave it there.
No, I think they are looking for 12.
I think chasing people out of restaurants was a 12, they’re looking for 13.
Trump drove them off the rails. They had a great game plan and they were playing very well. Trump stepped on the field and got in their heads. Now they’re playing angry which has made them reckless and self destructive. Anyone who’s played sports knows what happens when an opponent gets in your head and you start playing angry.
You are correct. That is exactly what we are seeing, coupled with the party being taken over by its most radical elements.
It’s an ugly mix.
It all started back in 2008 when Obama won the election and then proclaimed a bunch of BS about ocean’s receding and the promised progressive era finally arriving. It was going to be a 1000 year reign of progtopia ushered in by the One, the wonder child. And they bought into it 100%.
Now they cannot accept reality. Must be Russians, or something. Must really suck to have to live like that.
Donna Brazile – wouldn’t.
The intersection of American Lefty racism and Soviet psychiatry. Lovely.
Hillary on Sunday Morning today said she had absolutely no role in attacking Bill’s accusers. Interviewer had nothing. But interviewer did ask if she didn’t think President Bill acted inappropriately in having an affair with a White House intern. She didn’t answer that question, just spouted something about why aren’t we investigating the current occupant of the WH about things he did. We all know Hillary is a liar and have no respect for her; it is clear, too, that we should not have an ounce of respect for any media outlet that let’s her get away unchallenged. Fuck it, ask her challenging questions and keep at it until she storms off stage and refuses to ever sit for another interview again. America would win.
She was calling Monica Lewinsky crazy.
Sounds like hate speech to me. LOCK HER UP!
One of the more galling characteristics of the Clintons is the gall with which they lie. People routinely try to claim that nothing sticks to them because they’re just too smart to be caught. No. They have just always had a lot of enablers and patsies willing to go along with anything.
Any interviewer with even a hint of integrity who has done the slightest bit of research would have called bullshit.
Why aren’t they investigating Trump’s liaisons? Because despite living a career as a realty mogul and a celebrity personality, he’s somehow lived a cleaner life than your husband. The career politician. Fuck off.
Any interviewer with even a hint of integrity who has done the slightest bit of research would have called bullshit.
After stopping her to play a clip of Clinton doing just that.
I suspect that if Hill and Obama et al never gave another interview and if the Media® acted ‘responsibly’ a lot of people would be miserable. How are you going to get your outrage on if you have nothing to hate-watch?
I suspect we’d have a healthier democracy if much of the media wasn’t in the tank for one side. And I fail to see how any rational human being can deny the bias unless they agree with it/benefit from it.
Yeah, this is just weather and is entirely unrelated to AGW, but hey, if every hot day is blamed on it, every cold day ought to be as well.
I remember some Global Warming True Believers claiming that increased snowfall is the result of weather systems getting more chaotic thanks to Global Warming.
They have the perfect narrative. It’s climate change, and it’s 100% certain it’s changing and it has been for the entire history of the planet. So they have a narrative that is 100% fool proof in every way. Now all they have to do it blame humans. All of that and they still cannot sell it.
Ahem. “Climate Instability.”
Climate ‘weirding’. You guys are so not woke.
Long ago I dated a very religious girl. She saw the hand of god in everything. Not only was it there but personally giving her signs as proof of his existence. We were on a hike once and she saw, I think, dead branches that had landed in some funny way on the ground and swore it was a sign. That kind of thing happened on a regular basis. No matter how many rational explanations I gave for the most mundane things she refused to accept them. It was God. Talking to her. *facepalm*
That is what we are dealing with here.
Proof positive that people can convince themselves of anything that they want to believe. See: progs believe that socialism will work this time.
If you want to find something bad enough you will find it whether it is there or not.
So, how was she in bed?
Oh, lordy!
Harvard denies discriminating against Asian Americans, saying their rates of admission have grown significantly since 2010.
Translation: We’ve stopped beating our wives.
Forget the Asians? When are they going to enact common sense Jew quotas at Harvard?
Asians are the wipipo of colored folk.
Speaking of Kanye- some idiot Atlantic writer (I’m too lazy to link) wrote a long, incoherent diatribe about what a treacherous lunatic Kanye is for not hating Trump. He also threw in some rambling crackpot nonsense about how it’s bad when black people don’t think they are being oppressed by whitey. Stupid Uncle Toms.
“some idiot Atlantic writer (I’m too lazy to link) wrote a long, incoherent diatribe”
Par for the course at the Atlantic.
She was calling Monica Lewinsky crazy.
“My kettle is as white as the driven snow, unlike your nasty old black-as-tar pot.”
Flake says Congress will take action on Khashoggi. Does that mean a Declaration of War will be forthcoming?
“Flake says”
I think that’s enough to know we can totally disregard it.
“Flake News”
How much oil do we really get from SA these days? Or the middle east as a whole for that matter?
We import most from Canada
I am not seeing it here, but I heard a congress person on the radio the other day state we are now a net exporter. We don’t need Saudi oil but there are other things going on there. They buy our guns and that is a huge market and if we are not nice to them the Chinks will be and the Chinks grab up any oil they can get there hands on. See Africa. I say fuck em.
We’ve never imported a significant amount of oil from any ME country. We make sure that oil keeps flowing to our allies in Europe and the Far East (Japan, S. Korea). That was the big lie against the Iraq War (we were there for the oil).
We get little from them, but they are important for keeping the price lower.
Oh Portland you rascal!
What kind of person shows up at those things? I would stay as far away as I could.
Um… who started the violence again? I’ve heard conflicting answers but that paper seems convinced of their answer.
What is that browser add on that we all use for Glibs? I had to reinstall OS and lost it. Can’t remember what it’s called.
Monocle. There’s a sticky on the front page, in the sidebar.
Get Tophat, too. That has a “preview” function. The link to Tophat is down in the thread a bit.
I wish Trashy would incorporate Tophat into Monocle…
Oh, and you’ll need Greasemonkey first.
Done. Thanks again.
Done. Thanks, again. I don’t care if everyone says you’re always an ass, Mike, you’re totes OK!
Fuck you!
Bernie is huffing and puffing about teh Plutokkkracy, now.
“They’re killing the poors!”
Breakfast beer.
That is some top shelf old guy music there.
In twelve years the planet will be an barren uninhabitable cinder!!!!!1!!!!!
That already happened in 2000. And 2005. and 2012. And 2016. I think it even happened way back in ’85.
’85 is when When we froze to death, remember?
“Deontay Wilder apologises after ‘breaking mascot’s jaw’ with with huge punch on American TV show
Media outlets claimed Wilder didn’t realise there was a person inside the costume but he insists that wasn’t the case.
Speaking out on Instagram, the American said: ‘Yea, Anything headlining I didn’t know a “Human Being” was in there is just straight “Click Baiting”. ‘Like come on now, I guess the Mascot rolled out there. show so [sic] respect! I sincerely apologize to the brave man that was injured (if this is true).
‘I have the up most high respect for him, his participation, willingness and courage. ‘If this is true Nacion ESPN I personally would like to invite him to my Dec.1 fight. Word Is Bond -CHAMP #BombZquad #PeoplesChamp.’ ”
This is depressing.
But it ultimately led to her one sole happy day on this Earth. Socialism = happiness.
“World’s oldest woman, 129, who says her long life is a punishment from God remembers the one happy day in her life ”
And the lesson here, children, is that this is what can happen when you don’t drink beer.
Oh-oh, so this is it then? Damn
You’re losing it, Tulpa.
Some of my Romanian relatives on my mother’s side of the family were deported to Siberia. Many died.
129? I call BS.
The good thing for people that old is that there is probably no way to disprove it. There’s a guy in Brazil who claims to be 140, so her claim to be the oldest is also at doubt.
My grandfather did not have a birth certificate and did not know what year he was born. He told me once it was 1905. On another occasion he told me his brother was ten when he died of yellow fever and my grandfather was 18 at the time. Later I found the brother’s grave. The younger brother died in 1905 according the the gravestone. If that is all accurate then my grandfather was born in ’87, but who knows? He died in 1985 so I figure he was 98.
It wasn’t that long ago all the world’s oldest people I read about died around 115. 129 isn’t credible.
The current verifiable oldest is around 116. And, unsurprisingly, Wikipedia’s list is subject to edit wars.
Bernie is reciting his catechism about the many ways America sucks.
Christ, what a shithole.
“‘So I shot a whole family of baboons’: Idaho wildlife official is slammed for Africa hunting trip in which he proudly posed for pictures with at least 14 dead animals”
But… did any of the baboons have a name?
No animal species with financial value has ever gone extinct. I cant remember who said that.
If baboons can do stuff orphans can do…
Apparently they can run a railroad. So there’s that.
I bought a new fire extinguisher last weekend, so last night I made orange chicken (deep fried). Next weekend I may make apple cider doughnuts.
Today, I’m baking bread (didn’t do it last weekend) and will also make Hot Lips cookies from here:
I always make them for Halloween. They bite back.
Today I’m making regular fried chicken.
How do you make it orange?
Trump sauce.
Put a MAGA hat on it.
“How do you make it orange?”
Leave it in the fridge until 2025?
Asian style orange chicken. I cut chicken thighs into bite sized pieces and did a thin batter. I made a sauce from orange juice, rice vinegar, soy sauce, Brown sugar, garlic, ginger, and red pepper flakes. I thickened it with a little corn starch. When the chicken was done, I served it with broccoli and bell pepper and tossed it all with the sauce. It came out a nice orangey, sweet and sour. Maybe a little too much red pepper.
Thanks, that sounds good.
That’s freakin’ delicious. Ours is almost identical. You can also make pineapple sauce the same way. Or lemon lime. Or plain sweet and sour sauce
I guess it’s all sweet and sour sauce that you flavor with various fruits.
Yep. Once you know the principles, you can make anything.
Today, I’m baking bread
Thanks for the reminder. I was going to do that today.
Regarding the Saudi journalist, he was a Saudi citizen and the hit didn’t take place on American soil. What about this warrants America’s involvement?
From the volume of the demands for action, I had initially assumed the journalist was an American citizen who had been gunned down in Times Square during rush hour and Trump was directing a cover up to protect the Russians.
Also, when was there ever a controversy over the Sauds being nice guys? I think it’s pretty clear if you look at their entire history, that they are not nice guys. And I have to assume that our relationship with them is purely strategic and not because they are nice guys? Our media is pure shit.
It’s grandstanding because he was technically a reporter. Forget that he was a Saudi insider until recently who went along with plenty of abuses of human rights. Or that he was a supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood. Or that he was an actual supporter of Bin Laden pre-9/11.
I mean, hacking a guy to pieces in your embassy isn’t defensible. But the media cares because they can make it about themselves and cast Trump as the evil archnemesis of free press everywhere.
The Sauds whip people and stone them to death, for blasphemy, and whatever reasons. At the risk of being redundant, why are they all of the sudden not nice guys?
One issue I have with this story is the fact that most of the information we are getting is from Turkey. I don’t trust Erdogan. If he saw a chance to screw Saudi Arabia, I think he would. And that would include “disappearing” somebody. He has done that to his own citizens, I don’t think he hesitate to do that to someone from another country.
So I shot a whole family of baboons
But did he shoot an elephant in his pajamas?
What about this warrants America’s involvement?
He worked for the Washington Post, man.
Democracy dies in Darkness!
I gave ur mom 17.4 inches overnight hahaha lolololol
One inch 17 times?
That was much better, Tulpa.
Communication breakdown
A Baytown police officer mistakenly drew his gun on two students pretending to be armed intruders during an emergency drill.
It happened Wednesday at Clark Elementary in Baytown. The principal sent home a letter to parents Friday notifying them of the mix-up with potentially serious consequences.
According to Goose Creek Consolidated ISD, the drill included a hostage situation scenario. Two high school theater students were participating in the drill, carrying fake wooden guns around campus.
Apparently, the DARE officer was not aware of the drill. He heard “lockdown” over the intercom and responded. According to Beth Dombrowa, the director of communications, he immediately figured out what was happening.
The district says it fully informs the community ahead of emergency drills. Parents remember their notification. How the officer did not know is unclear. Dombrowa says if there’s something that the district can do better, they will.
“I was happy that the person made the decision to act to protect my children and to protect the teachers who teach my children,” added Jarea Keiser, mother to a first-grader and kindergartner.
Give the man a medal. He didn’t shoot anybody.
Didn’t shoot anyone AND went to confront the shooters instead of hiding.
That’s a firing offense.
For sure, no more free donuts for that dude. Procedures were not followed, officers may not have made it home safely.
I would immediately pull my kids out of any school that pulled this “active shooter drill” shit, especially on little kids. That is how you raise kids to be snowflakes that are terrified of the world around them.
Awesome thread.
The rap battle episode of South Park comes to mind as well.
So, why does the link to this article have white supremacist symbols? I didn’t think we were that sort of site?
“UN Human Rights Council Condemnations 2006-2016:
?? Israel – 68
?? Algeria – 0
?? China – 0
?? Iraq – 0
?? Pakistan – 0
?? Qatar – 0
?? Russia – 0
?? Somalia – 0
?? Turkey – 0
?? Venezuela – 0
?? Zimbabwe – 0
Why do we continue to fund the insanely corrupt & ineffective UN?”
Obviously it’s because the Jews secretly control everything.
The same UN who were going to make Robert Mugabe some sort of civil rights leader? We’re enabling this bullshit, I have no idea why.
Because they would hate us if we didn’t. C’mon man, what would the world think of us?
*Someone earnestly asked me that before 2016 regarding the possibility of Trump winning. What would the world think of us? I gave the answer above. They didn’t get it so I said straight up “I dont give one tiny fuck what the world thinks of us.”
Nice. We blew the competition out of the water on that one! Where do I go to collect the prize?
I forgot to mention that today was the anniversary of the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to Yasir Arafat.
Skinsuit the UN, then demand respect.