This week is a little annoying.  You try to read the stars, but the stars mainly care about BIG IMPORTANT PEOPLE, and that’s… not the Glibertariat.

For example, there is a giant blinking “ruler’s spouse gets caught in extra-marital sodomy,” but since none of you are ruling so much as Andorra, I can’t really tie it into my target audience.

So let’s see what we can find:

Earth-Venus(retrograde)-Mercury-Luna.  We’ve got home, double-change, and bad love life.  One of the change signs (Mercury) also appears in the alignment:

Jupiter-Mercury-Sol.  Jupiter can be read as government/rulership/legitimacy/order/status quo or as a more general happiness/good spirits sign.  The Sun is life/growth/general goodness and of course, we have Mercury, the messenger of the gods bringing news/tidings, and it is also the most powerful change sign in the heavens.

If you smoosh these all together and force it into a political context, you get “The growth of government (government program) leads to your home life going to crap.”  But how?  You could look at the sign you haven’t given a place in your interpretation yet (the moon).  The moon is associated with change, femininity, the tides, water, and emotion.  So this gives us the possibility that you read something and go on an anti-government tirade, pissing off your S.O. who makes you sleep on the couch.  Or maybe that a new regulation shuts down your charter fishing company, resulting in a decrease of income.  However, this last bit is contraindicated by the fact that the moon in a waxing crescent, indicating growth, not loss of income.  But the moon is in Sagittarius (the archer) which could indicate that your squeeze dumps you for the newly hired game warden hottie that they met.

But none of these interpretations are right, because forcing your reading into any particular context is a guarantee of getting it wrong.  The Universe hates a wiseacre.

So what it the correct interpretation?  Fuck if I know.  I’ve been up all night this week getting my house in order for the arrival of family members totaling one glib, four adults, three children and a particularly large Great Pyrenees/St. Bernard cross that refuses to accept her place at the bottom of the social hierarchy.

Moving on.

Libra loses some of their good luck this week, but keeps their general well-being enhancement from their sign being the FOTM.  Their loss is everyone else’s gain, and Mercury moves out of Libra ind int a sign where it feels more comfortable.

That sign being Scorpio.  Unfortunately, this is just bringing it into conjunction with Venus(retrograde) and Jupiter.  Q is really lucky his birthday was last week, because this is not a good week for the nookie.  However, you will NOT be contracting a venereal disease this week, so silver lining.

Saturn in Capricorn and Mars in Aquarius continue to bore everyone.

As mentioned above, the waxing moon is moving into Sagittarius.  Good omens for hunting.  Just don’t expect wonders in the sleeping bag afterwards.